The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1916, Page 1, Image 1

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r Tonigbt . and . td 4
To'CLOCK . morrow, Bhowtrt & r
e IPS . - j v. A .' t
EMtK ; storms; not Q- '
JtiX V warm: westerly
yl V V winds. Hum. 44. '
VOL. XV. NO. 57.
aM A mi A fh M -
itiiniiTin m nun !L
1 1 1 1 1 Ll N I u rLHIlu ffiaasma " J
;T0 FREE B SHJ Bdgei - ---J
John McCarthy, Kerry Farm- f
er, lesiines in uasemem
Treason Trial How He
Came Across Filibusters.
Gernan Memorandum Found I
, on Casement, Telling of
; . Travels in Germany.
Jondon, May 18. (U. P.) John Mc- ,
Car thy, a Kerry farmer, upset the .
plans which Berlin had carefully been
laying for months with the object of
having- 81r Roger Casement's rebellion
weep Ireland. This fact was brought
out today In Casement's preliminary :
hearing on a treason charge. McCar-.
thy and not the secret service, caused
I the knight s capture.
McCarthy was called to the witness
I stand, and spoke with such a rich
brogue that the court and spectators
had difficulty in understanding him.
His story rivalled fiction. On the
morning of Good Friday, he teJUfled,
I he was walking on the coast near
Tralee, when he noticed a small boat
floating toward the shore. A dagger
he found In the boat was Identified by
the witness.
"Kear where I found the boat." Mc
Carthy testified, "were footprints of
three men In the sand.- Nearby was a
hole dug In the beach. In which was
buried a tin box bound with a cord."
Casement followed the witness
words carefully.
McCarthy also found three revolver.
1 v
(Concluded on Page Four, Column Two)
Besieged in Hotel Two Days;
Saw Woman Lead Rebels
and Bombardment,
New Tork. May 16. (I. N. S.) A
graphic atory of the Irish revolt was
told today by Dr. Cecil O. McAdam of
Melbourne, Australia, who has arrived
here on the American liner Philadel
phia. Dr. McAdam was besieged In the
Hotel Shelbourne on Stephens Green.
Dublin, for six days with 80 other
guests. He had Just arrived in Ire-
land to recover from Illness caused by
the Oalllpoll campaign, where he
rved with the British Red Cross.
"I was out walking in Phoenix park
when the revolution began," he said.
"Almost Immediately after the first
hot was fired all the tramcar drivers
left their cars and joined the rebels. I
managed to get back to the hotel with
great difficulty. Bullets were flying
fast. From that time the hotel was
under fire constantly.
Trama Vied, as Barricades.
"On the first day the rebels brought
up tramcars and made barricades with
them. They also tore up the streets
to make trenches.
"From my window In the hotel I
distinctly saw the Countess Markle
Wlcs, attired in men's clothes of semi-
military cut, leading her men to the
attack. She had two big service re
volvers strapped to her belt and
eerned to be u-ing them well.
we also saw very plainly the burn
ing of SackviUe street. It was one
of the most wonderful sights I have
ever . seen. The whole street was a
ea of flames.
Bad Many Harrow Escapes.
"The shelling of Liberty hall, head
quarters of th.. Sinn Kelners, was also
visible from the hotel. We saw the
gunboat drew up the river Llffey until
" wa abreast. of the customs house.
It then opened a deliberate and careful
fire on the building, it was not long
before It was completely demolished.
."On the fifth day of our sleee I was
able to get out and render some medi
cal assistance. During the next two
nays x naa more narrow escapes from
death than the entire time I was on
the jOalllpoli peninsula."
Team, Etc. for $135
Tailors Take Notice
The man who doesn't use Want
. Aids has to spend more time, and
-work harder to make a sale. Jour-
nal wants" round up the market
and brings It to your doer. See
panes 16 and 18.
i Borses. Yehlcles, Eto. 18
TEAM weighing 2400 lbs., har
j neas and wagon. $135.
-t Automobiles ' Wanted 78
tf N IKCUMB ERED 65x100 lot.
5 lvalue 400. Mt. Scott. Want
.Ford runabout; give or take dif
ference. " ' I : Swap Column OS
;Wlt.L trade painting, tinting or
.' fraperhanftlna with tailor for
suit. .
VThe dally circulation of The
Journal In Portland and Its trad
ing radius exceeds the morning
paper by several thousands and is
.practically SO per cent greater
than its nearest afternoon con-temporary.
FIRST PICTURES OF 'THE SINN FEIN REVOLT IN DUBLIN -West side of SackviUe street (top) showing ruins of
postof f ice, I the first building seized by the rebels, who were driven out by bombardment from British battleships. Below
is a machine gun section firing on rebels from behind i barricade, and hungry women carrying supplies from a military food;
depot to starving families at home. There was no food left in th- shops in the last few days of the uprising. .
I fj Pf4i' ' ".Vrf-.:'::' V -v. . inmiiT" " '1""''
Notable French General Who
Once Clashed With Kitch
ener Is Dead,
Paris. May 16. (U. P.) General
Marchand has been killed at the front,
dispatches declared today.
Jean Baptists Marchand, 63 years of
age. was one of the most notable
French generals. His clash with Lord
Kitchener in 1898 threatened war be
tween Great Britain and France. The
episode was known as the "Fashoda
incident." At the close of it General
Marchand surrendered Fashoda, Af
rica, to British troops under Kitche
ner. A German hand grenade attack
northwest, of Thiaumont farm, north
east of Verdun, resulted In complete
failure, the official communique said
today. Elsewhere around Verdun and
on the Woevre plain there was nothing
more than artillery fighting during the
night. The Germans shelled Arocourt
wood and hill 304.
Okuma Expresses
Sympathy Jo Flyer
Japanese Premier Beadg Telegram to
Art Smith, Who Waa Slightly Xn
fared at Osaka by Hob Sunday.
Toklo, May 1. I. N. S.) Count
Okuma, the Japanese premier, today
telegraphed, to Art Smith, the Amerl
can aviator who was slightly Injured
at Osaka Sunday by a mob. expressing
air sympatny ana regret. ; .
Seems to Have Changed
Front on Wet and Dry Is
sue, Say Resolutions,
Strong resolutions of condemnation
directed against the Evening Telegram
for its sudden desertion of 'the cause
of temperence and its support of the
candidacy of C. N. McArthur were
adopted by the Baptist Ministers' con
ference held at the White Temple yes
terday afternoon.
The resolutions set out that the
paper once stood for righteousness and
tt-mperance, but that It now seems to
have become ,the agency either of
political machine or of special inter
ests and for that reason the confer
ence records its disappointment and
unqualified oapproval of its present
attitude and policy. The resolutions
after speaking of the former support
given by the Telegram to the prohi
bition cause says:
"Resolved, that because of the ap
parent change of attitude assumed dur-
(Cooeluoed en Pace Fire. Column Poor.)
To Amend Burnett Bill.
Washington, May 16. (I. N. S.)
The senate immigration committee de
cided upon an amendment today to the
Burnett immigration bill to conform
to the Japanese protest. ' The amend
ment describes by latitudes and longi
tudes the area from which immigra
tion will be restricted, but excludes
Japanese. - - The Japanese government
has given Its approval to the draft of
the amendment." - -
Such Is Stand Taken by Cir
cuit Judge Galloway in the
Woodburn Case,
Salem, Or., May 16. Declaring that
the parties to the contract or fran
chise between a city and a public
utility are the only ones who can
change it, Circuit Judge Galloway to
day set aside an order of the public
service commission raising rates of
the Western Telephone company In
Woodburn. The decision ie baaed on
the home rule amendment of the stat
laws. The city of Woodburn brought the
suit to set aside the order, naming the
public service commission and the
Western Telephone company as de
fendants. The decision affects a question of
far-reaching importance, as it was con
tended, if the Woodburn franchise could
be set aside by. the commission, without
the city s consent, other franchises
would not be lmmane. ,
The old franchise provided that the
maximum telephone rates should be
not over 81.60 for business service, and
correspondingly low rates for reeidence
service. Increases were ordered by
the commission on all rates, and the
reasons given were that the consolida
tion of rural lines with the city system
gave the people better service, and that
the company was not getting adequate
returns on its investment.
The commission will take the case to
the-supreme court. . . -.
Kiel Fleet Said to Have Sailed
and Land Forces Make an
London, May IS. (U. P.) Copenha
gen reports said today that the Ger
mans were preparing to launch a sea
and land campaign against Riga. The
Kiel fleet is declared to have sailed
upon Riga. Th: Von Hlndenburg and
other latest model superdreadnaughts
are part of this fleet.
Field Marshal Von Hindenburg"s
land forces are manifesting the great
est activity In the direction of Riga.
Submarines Scatter Fleet.
Copenhagen, May 16. (I. N. s.1
(Via'London) A dispatch from Goth
enburg. Sweden, says that large Ger
man fleet, which was outside of Goth
enburg on Saturday with the object
of capturing a British steamship about
to leave for England, was forced to
retire Sunday by the appearance of
British submarines. The British steam
er then put to sea.
The German warships, however, the
dispatch adds, captured four Swedish
steamships and took them to German
Eat Ripe Olive.
San Francisco, May If. U. P.)
Ripe olives were ieaiureo on manr
menus la California in honor of the an
nual olive festival. There were many
special exercises at several place.
notably, OroviUe, .northern beadquart
erg ot the live growers.
Chief of Staff Tells Cabinet
a Satisfactory Agreement
Has Practically Been Ar
rived at With Mexico.
Cooperation With the United
States in Pursuing Ban
dits Is Agreed Upon.
Washington, May 16. (U. P.) As n
result of General Hugh Scott's report,
cabinet members today believe that a
satisfactory agreement ,fias practical
ly been reached between Mexico and
the United States. The Mexican crisis
has probably simmered Into the same
class as the German situation. Time,
alone. It Is believed. Is needed com
pletely to clear up the border Issues.
Scott Is convinced that General Obre-
gon Is completely satisfied as to the
American army's status as a punitive
The cabinet today-discussed General
Hugh Scott's report on his conferences
in El Paso with Alvaro Obregon. The
papers submitted to the president and
his advisers included a transcript of
the conversatlona They Indicated a
desire on the part of Carranza and
Obregon to cooperate with the Ameri
can forces. There is said to be no
cause for alarm or for a change In the
Mexican policy.
Scott reported the situation better
than it had been for weeks. He said
that Obregon was suspicious when he
arrived, fearing that the Americans
intended to remain in Mexico. The
Mexican war minister left El Paso
convinced that the expedition's only
object was to suppress banditry.
Obregon agreed to send 10,000 of the
teat Carranza troops to patrol the Big
Bend and Parral districts and agreed
that CarranaUtas in Sonora west of
Pulpita Pass should not attempt to
get In the rear of General Pershing's
army. He also agreed to erder da
faeW. troop -to pursue . the ' BoquUlat 1
ana Kiienn tspnngei raiqer ana attempt
1C0achidaa Wgt Touf." CoIuko Tw
Each Charges Other With Re
porting Inaccurately to
Boost His Own Game.
Washington, May 16. (U. P.) Pre
senting the congressional conference
report on the army bills to the senate
today, Senator Chamberlain of Oregon
said that the peace strength of the
army would be 11.000 officers and
200,000 men under the terms of the
military measures.
Tne army s war strength is fixed at
11,500 officers and 225.000 men As
for the National Guard, its maximum
strength is to be 17,000 officers and
440,000 men. Chamberlain asserted.
In the house. Representative' Hay
denied the accuracy of these figures.
He charged that Chamberlain had
boosted the statistics to show that
"big army men" won in the conference
Replying to this. Chamberlain as
serted that Hay was depressing the
figures to indicate a victory for the
little army men."
The bill is a compromise and in
part experimental." declared Chamber
lain. "It may not work out. Funda
mentally it is right, and it should be
welcomed by all reasonable advocates
of preparedness.
He announced that the volunteer
army provisions had been stricken out
and civilian training camps substitut
ed. The provisions for officers of i
national reserve and a training corps
were retained.
The National Guard, he pointed out,
would have a great chance to prove the
claim that it has been held back here
tofore by outside forces.
Block System Would
Have Saved Wreck
Washington, May 16. (I. N. S.)
The Interstate Commerce commission
today held '.at the "time Interval
caused the Northern Pacific wreck a
South Cheney, Wash., on February 2
"The railroad," said the commission
in Its decision, "should substitute the
block signal system or some other bet
ter method than the time Interval sys
Five persons, among them B. L.
Berkey, traveling salesman of Port
land, were killed and three were In
lured when the Northern Pacific North
Coast Limited ran into the rear of
Northern Paclflc-Burllngton train a
South Cheney, 17 miles west of Spo
Rally Tonight at Sellwood.
The Prohibition forces will nave
free discussion tonight at the Sellwood
T. M. C. A. An opportunity, will
given all candidates for the legisla
ture to give one good reason for being
elected.,' . ; , -
Methodists to
Heal Wound of
the Rebellion
Han for Consolidation of Meth
odist Church South With Nrth
Church Adopted by Conference.
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.. May 1.
(I. N. S.) The general conference of
the Methodist Episcopal church today
adopted the report of the special com
mittee on federation, submitting a
plan for the consolidation of the
Methodist Episcopal and Methodist
Episcopal church south on a mutual
The commission, in reporting, stated
that it expected to be in position to
report at the general conference in
1920 details of the plan for unifica
tion. Following Chairman Gouchers' pre
sentation of th reDort. a dozen dele
gates Jumped to their feet and tHed to
attract the attention of the presiding
bishop. Cries of "Vote, vote," drowned
their words. The chair thereupon or
dered a vote. After a unanimous vote
had been cast In favor of adoption of
the report. Bishop Cranston, leading
cdvocate.of the plan for unification.
made a brief address, in which he de
clared that It was tne greatest mo
ment of his life.
The senior southern bishop, : '. R.
Hendrix, followed and In a few words
declared that the church south was
Just as eager for consolidation as the
The conference also decided to .elect
seven new bishops and three mission
ary bishops this year, defeating the
effort to reduce the Kplscopal staff.
Germans Explain
Attack on Neutral
Ton Bernstorff Bends Vote to tan
sing, Saying Dutch Steamship Ban
doeng railed to Halt When Told.
Washington, May 16. (I. N. S.)
Secretary of State Lansing "today
made public a communication he re
ceived from German Ambassador
von Bernstorff, explaining the shell-
ng of the steamship Bandoeng by a
submarine in January. It was stated
that the steamer failed to observe the
commander's signal to halt, but in
stead turned and bore down upon the
submarine. The commander, fearing
that the liner was an English boat,
and intended attacking him, then be
gan firing.
The Bandoeng then stopped ana
sent Atf.of flee -stith tba ahlp'a papers
lo the submarine.
Ambassador von Bernnorff stated
the Incident snowed neutral nation
should take pains to instruct com
menders of vessels to always heed
orders of submarine commanders to
stop and submit to visitation and
search, as provided in the rules of
international law.
Rural Credits Bill Is
Approved by House
y ,
Measure Similar to One Passed by Sen
ate and Differences Between Bills
Will Be Adjusted by Conference.
Washington, May 16. By a vote of
95 to 10 thea Glass rural credits bill
assed the house last night. The bl'l
provides for a farm loan board and
2 banks to comprise a federal systen
ot credits. The senate has already
passed a similar measure and a con
erence will probably te neid to mane
the two bills coincide. The bill would
provide for lending of money to farm
ers through local associations at not
over 6 per cent interest and for per
iods of five to 36 years, the' mort
gages to be used to provide for the
sale of farm loan bonds.
Mail Seizure Note
Is to Go Next Week
Washington, May 16. (U. P.) Next
week the state departments protest
against American mall seizure by the
British will be dispatched to London,
aerotdlnc to preparations today. The
data shows that the British selied
1,000,000 pieces of American mail.
Austrian Take 2500 Italians.
Vienna. May 16. (I. N. S.) Official
announcement was made nerc loaay
that more than 2500 Italians had been
taken prisoner by the Austrlans in
various engagement along tne Italian
Austrian frontier.
Remarkable Things
Made From Woods
Of Oregon Growth
Wttat plating Is to metals,
veneering Is to woods. The
precious metal is spread upon
the base, and the rare wood, m
becomes surface to the common.
Veneer strips are separated
from the block by jiawlng,
planing or turning. In general, .
sawing gives the best veneers,
the reasons for which are ob-
vtous But there is no waste
in cut veneers. Moreover the
usual objections to the latter m
do not apply in the case of
Oregon fir. which ls-of max!-
mum quality, though formed
with the lathe.
On the editorial page of The
Journal today, under the title
"Nothing the Matter With
Portland," there may be read
the record of a Portland com-
pany tnat is mariong uregon fir
tit everywhere iamous among
makers and users of things 4g
veneered, and which also makes
tjt cold slaw out of sundry
denizens of Oregon forests. All 4
4t are familiar with such prod-
ucte; few know what the
jg processes are. ,
Oregon Delegation Working
Actively and in Harmony
for Submarine Base at the
Mouth of the Riveiv
4- w
Navy Yard Would Undoubted-?
Iy Follow Establishment
of Diver Base.
i .-,
Washington. May 16. (WASHING-
What can be done to secure a submav
rlne base for the mouth of the Colum
bia river will be determined within a ,
short time by the attitude of the house
committee on naval affairs. The navy
department believes two new bases for
submarines should be provided on 'the'.
Pacific coast, and with this recommen '
datlon tefore it the house committees;'
on naval affairs and appropriations'
wiel make the decision.
As heretofore stated in these die-
patches, there Is no prospect of suc
cess in the agitation for a new navy.
iyard, on the Columbia river or else-.Y
wnere, at the present session of con-;
gress. The navy department ! not
prepared to recommend new bases as a
governmental need at this time. The
best that can be expected is that pre-'
llmlnary Investigation will be carried
out and data respecting the advantage
of the Columbia made available and fa
miliar, awaiting the date when new
naval bases will be given consideration
by congress. . ; ; -
Chance for Submarine Base, VV
Telegrams have come from Portland
stating that confidential information
had been received there to the. effect
that a first-class naval base can be se- .
cured from the present , congress . by )
concerted effort of the delegation.
This report is misleading, for 'the
situation here ia clear enoucb to one
who cares to analyse It. Members of
the Oregon delegation, seconded by F.
C Harley, head of the naval base com
mutee have already given thler beet
(Concluded on pegs two, Columa four.)
Warrants Prepared Charging
Violation of Fire Code, In
Order to Secure Action,, : -
Wholesale arrests will be made to
day of business firms and Individual
on charges sworn to by Fire Marshal '
Btevens and Fire Captain Groce. The
charges will be violations of the fire -.
code. - v
The arrests will be a part f the -city's
campaign to reduce the percent
age of fire losses to the minimum.' rt
The charges upon which the war- '
rants will be baaed are failure to re.
move moss from roofs, maintenance of -combustible
receptacles for ashes,' .
storing gasoline in violation of the fire '
code, and keeping rubbish in the base
ments. ,
Eight complaints were made out
this morning. These persons are
charged with depositing ashes la
v. ooden barrels, tubs and boxes, or .
upon wooden floors. Instead of in
metal containers, and those to be ar
rested are: -v
Mrs. J. A. Bassett, 192 Thirteenth
street; Mrs. J. Lougherty, 160 Thlr '
teenth street; A. K. Kastlund, 410
Morrison street; A. S. Knutson, 112
West Park street; IL H. Lehman. .
Medical building; W. C. Reed, 161
Broadway; V. W. Chausse, S06 Davis
street; O. M. Hlrsch, 764 Savier street
A warrant charging W. L. Fliedner.-
me,naaer of the Fliedner estate, with -
violating tne rire marshal's ordinance
by refusing to clean moss from the :
roof of a house at 80 Tenth street was
Issued in the municipal court today as
the result or a fire occurring there
shortly after S o'clock this morning. :. .
The fire was the result fit a cigarette,
thrown from a' room in the Fliedner
building. The lighted stub landed in "
the moss and etarted the blase, fire''
men from engine 21 determined on in
vestigation. ; "
Gallinger Blocks
Rublee Appointment!
Progressive Hamad by WUsom frr;:.
Trade Commission, Admittedly HOeV
rffiolent Member, Is Defeated. ;''
Washington. May 16. (I. if. ;
The senate, by a vote of 36 to 42, re-'
lecte.d th resident's soDolntment of
George F. Rublee of New Hampshire f.
to be a member of the federal . trade
commission. Rublee was a Progress
slve and was "personally obnoxious" to ,
Senator Gallinger of New Hampshire,:?
the Republican leader of the senate.!;
Rublee has been serving as a member ,
of the federal commission since It waa J,
organized, and waa pronounced by
Chairman Hurley Its "most efficient
member." Many Democrats refused t
vote for Rublee because of their re- '
spect for the time-honored doctrine of
"senatorial courtesy" invoked by .Sen
ator Gallinger. . 1 .; : ' Sj ..-
' i