The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 15, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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? .-' ;imth dat or iie.))
, ...... Conoag . Events.
Kotary club DBcboa Mar is, at boob.
- Ad club lonchaoB at noon. Slav IT,
- nn.xl V'iiit u..' mthl biiubk. innapni KHuiain, am
sJClos, Csambec of Couimerc, Mar 17. 8:30, r...h inuu
t Socks, wotar boat Undlog, foot Stark:
boa (.bouse for rise tonra; shipping. Bodan
: bridges, Broadway, Eallroad and Hawthorn.
Paaoramle new -or fity rrom wiuimeiw,
Klns'e and Portland Heights, Council Crest,
lit. Tabor.
Vlawa of down-town districts. Journal bond
ing. Yob building. Northwestern National
Bank building. Meier Frank's.
Wortar of Hotioe Skldrocrs fomtala. first
aad Aakroy. by OUa H. Waraar, praaeatod by
Stephen Bkldmore. inotuDSon loon tain.
B ' m.
loaatr eeatraf eomaiittca of Problbitloa
art oaeaUoa Mar 17. 10 a. 0-. at x. at.
Frogreaait - Baalaaaa Ilea's club loncneoa
liar 18. at noon. Oreaoo hotel.
tutllr board luncheon. Chamber oi cov
arcre. at boob. Mir 19.
LanMn'a "Uolatr Dlanar," May 21. at Ore
gon) hotel. :
atrlUab aoelat. will ealeoraui tapir as 7
Way 24, b. a.
: "Go to School Day" Ma M.
"Elks' riag IMj. Jon 14. . ,
Tbird fesUteaL. a S. encampment. July
Grind Chanter. Order of Baatarm star, at
Usool Temple. Job e.
Easier Star annual oommunlcatloo. imperial
feoui. June , 7. s. ...
Dedication uf LMomMa sllTsr aisnwar.
Hoe reanrai uu 1. a aaa .
Pacific rUbarlea Society annual contention.
Portland, iuum V la. IT.
fortr-fourtb aaaual reunion of tba Oregon
rmuesr assorts Muu at Masonic Tampla, Jan
Si. .
. Reunion of former resident of Doajrlaa
county will ba held at I'enlnaala t'ark June
alonlclDai Park band aoocarta beiln Hooday.
Uatiery A lea tea for training camp at Uoa.
Urvi. Col . July 4.
Grand Teiupia. Pytblaa Hlatera of Uragoa.
eta be re July Za-ZB.
Conranlluna of Kntgbla ti Pytblaa and PyU-
laa eilaiera will ba beld la
'ottlaad Auguat
TtDt-thlrd anDoal ontlng of alasamaa
rtre Slatari. Aucuat t-20.
Isttratat eunTaatkm of real eatata neo. to
ba belU m Portland. July 17. Is. IS.
Today's Forecast.
I'ortland and elolnlty Tonlirbt and Tueaday
farr; northwesterly wind.
Oreaon Tonlabt fair. I isrlit fr.wt cast i;r-
tlon: Tiiesdar fair, warmer iwrtlon:
ortliWetrlT winds.
Waahlligtun 'lonigbt and Tuexlay fair;
BjorthwentrrW wind.
Idaho TonlKht fair, fruftt mrtilli iKirllon:
Trcada) fair, warmer south portion.
Weather Condition.
'A dlaturbance of Mnalderablo energy l re.i-
tral over Mlnmnota and nrprlpltatluu baa in--euned
In Alberta and tuot of the atatea from
tba: Itoi'ky Mountains to the Atlantic iont. ex
cepting the went Gulf atatea. The pressure
J, moderately high oyer the nortweatern and
txtreme nortbeaatern etateg and western Can
adk. The weather Is warmer In Oregon, In
terior Washington. Idaho, Alberta, southern
California and northern Illinois; In general
oolet ' weather obtains elHewbere. Terupcrh
turea are1 below normal In most sections west
mi the Mllalijil river.
Ibo rondltlons are farorable for rontlnmd
fib-, weather In tlila district tonight ami
TlDesday. frosts will form In early mornlMg
In eastern Oregon and southern Idaho, fol
lowed by higher temperatures In those btc
tlons Tuesday afternoon. Light northwesterly
rinds wlU obtain.
Assistant Forecaster.
Fourth aad Salmon; Soldiers' nmraarat.
lownedale sqoare. rourth and Taylor.
Chinatown, oo north Foortb and
Modern blgb aad grade acboole: acbool gar
dens; roaa b edges.
Portland Buaa Faatlral. Jan 19.
"Seeing Portland." automobiles.
"Seeing Portland." trolley cara.
Trip lb rough lumber sallla.
Typical bonia section Portland Heights.
Nob Hill, Irrlngton. '
Mount Hood Trip North side: Drive out
along the Columbia River highway (tee above )
to Hood River, and then up through Ho-jd
River valley to Mount Hood lodge. 3800 eleva
tion, or 00 to Cloud Cap Inn, tfo00 elevation;
condltlona ideal for mountain; vlewa gloriooa;
roads good. Or. rake train- to Hood River;
tbeoce by automobile dally to Cloud Cap Inn.
or by Hood River Valley railroad to Parkdale
and atage from there.
South stda Aatomoblle atage dally from
Portland to Government Camp. Rhododendron
Tavern, Tawney's, Welches. Arrah Wanna.
Or take aubnrban electric trains to Boring sta
tion and atage.
Suburban Trips. Via P. B. U A P. Co.:
Ball Run park. 80 miles; Eataeada park. S4
miles, fishing and mountain tralie; Canemab
riark, 10 miles, overlooking Willamette; Co
umbla beach, end Vancouver line, bathlnr;
"Tba Oaka" park. 00 Willamette; V an roo
fer and Vancouver barracks, northwest mili
tary headquarters; 1 1 bolt Springs, on Wil
lamette Valiey southern: Willamette fa 11a aad
Oregon City, IS miles eoutn.
Via Southern Pacific: Tualatin and Iam
bi) valleys, loop.
Via LTrg.m Electric: wiuametta vaiiey. wa
le tn and Kngene.
Via O-W. R. N. Bonneville, flab hatch
eries, nlt-nlc grounds. Hood River. Cascade
Locks, paralleling Columbia River highway.
Via North Bank road Astoria. Oearbart,
Seaside, beach bstblng.
Via river steamers Up Willamette to Ore
fon City and Salem, up Columbia to The
allc; down Columbia to Astoria and mouth
of Columbia river terminus Astor expedition.
8almon canneries, salmon fishing, lettlea, forts
Crater Lake, via Southern Pacific, Medford
and auto stage, or via Oregon Trunk or 0-W
R. A N.. Bend, and auto atage.
Cares of Josephine, via Southern Pacific and
Ocean resorts: Seaalde, Gearnart, Newport,
T'Damook. Marbfield.
Deschutes canyon and Central Oregon, via
0-W. R. A N. or ., P. A S.
Wallowa valley. Lake Joseph and Eagle Cap,
via O-W. R. at N.
Pendleton Round-TJp. Hot- 6prlnga. Eastern
Oregon, via O-W. R. St N.
Mlacellaueous: Fishing. buntlug. outing
Keaorta Ocean: ' Gearhart. Seaside. Long
Beach. Newport. Cannon Beacb. Bay Ocen,
Tillamook. Mountain: Cloud Cap Inn. iov
ernment Camp. Mount Hood Lodge. Rhododen
dron Tavern, Welches. Tawney'a, Arra Wanna,
The Kyrte, jewett Farm. SprlDgs: Wilbolt,
SblpUerd's. Hot Lake.
Washington. Vancouver Ind military post;
Mt. Adams. Mt. St. Helens, lea caves; Long
Beach resorts.
For further Information, rates and routes
see Dorsey B. Smith. Travel Bureau. 11U
U'ird, corner Washington, or Journal Travel
Bureau. Broadway ana Yamhill.
Blllloga, Mont..
Boise, Idaho. . . .
Boston, Mesa...
Chicago. Ill
Denver, Colo. . . .
Ieo Moines, la..
Iodge, Kan
Duluth. Minn...
Iluroa, S. O. . ..
Jacksonville. Fl.
Kanaaa City. Mo
lAwletoo, Idaho.
Marsh field. Or..
Memphis, Tertn. .
ajflaMmlM. Mmit.
Msorhesd, Minn.
New Orleans, L.
New York, N.Y.
X. Bead. Wn....
N. Platte, Neb. .
N Yakima. Wn.
Oklahoma, Ok la.
PltUburg. Pa..
Pocetjello, Idaho.
rortiana, ur
Rapid City. 8. I
Roaeburg, Or, .
au. Louis. Mo.,
c Paul, Minn
(Bait Lake, Utah., Htt
m a
lejao Diego. Cal
Han rranrlsco. . .
,Heattle, Wash...
iHbefidan, Wyo. .
Hpokane, Waah. .
fTrcoma, Wash..
hampa, Fla
flstoosh I.. Wn. ,
fTrlailgle 1 B.C.
IWalln Walln. W
IWashlngton. P.C
"ur, a
i r sc si
' O V
t;5 t M
Z. . ei -r
i c 2u 2
58 -ao 12" 0"
na o
V4 an o
72 48 14
72 2 20 .62
44 02
72 44 14 O
60 38 12 .02
42 36 32 .118
44 34 20 I .04
, 78 70 10 I .52
68 44 16 . 42
38 . . . .1
62 44 0
90 08 70
46 3H 20 1.22
88 74 O
60 48 03
52 48 0
44 3H 18 .06
70 OH 0
82 44 04
78 64 12 .18
62 20 0
I 72 40 o
36 32 24 1.20
74 40 0
84 60 10 .36
48 44 20 1.26
52 34 it
68 56 0
66 48 10 0
68 48 0
38 36 22
64 42
68 46 O
82 70 10 .SO
52 46 0
50 40 0
68 44 O
66 54 O
Wind velocities of lesa than 10 miles an hour
ind. amounts of precipitation of leas than .01
if an inch are not published hereon.
rhe Journal's Scenic Travel Guide
of Portland and Oregon.
Highway America's
' Coiamsla Rive
No a rail
eaveediag 0 per cwut, Hardaurlace rcadway
irtaila ana mountain through the
heart of the Cascade range. See the Gorge
tb Columbia, ttueppartf'a Dell. Crown Point.
latotirelle. Bridal Veil. Mist, Wabkeena. alnit
jaooiab, Horsetail and other waterfalls. Bon
bevllla flih hatcheries, Oneonta Gorge. Ben
Woo park aud Wlnemab Pluuscles. Kaat from
PortlaaMl via Baw Line, sandy or Heetioo
Me roads. Individuals do well to make sr-
angaments through a responsible agency.
inp.uD tjoiumuia river by boat, or one war
by boat and return by auto.
Council Crsst. Orerlooklna city. 1 100 feet
tgb, view unequaled of Columbia and Wll-
mette rivers, Tualatin and Wlllamett val-
leva; Cascade and Coast ranges; snow peak
rolony of Caacadea (north to east on clear
tjai, lucludiug Alt. Rainier. 14.408 feet: Mt.
Bt.-Helena. MW7 feet: lit. Adams. 12.307 feet:
kit. Hood. 11.225 feet; ML Jefferson. 10.522
lark, Washington, bead of Waahlncton
tract. Flowers, abruba aud treea; children'
lay grounds; 100, noteworthy pieces of aculp-
urs, "ComlUK of tliv While Mau. ' by Her-
ian Atkins Mclelll. "sacalawea." Indian
vman who guided Lewis and Clark, by AUce
Ooper.. Teu minutes' walk. Peninsula, sunken
) gardens, containing more than 700 varle
ea; playgrounda and model community bouse.
IblDa and Amsworth avenuea. Lsurelburst,
a at Oak and Thirty-ninth. Mt. Tabor, bead
f Hawthorne avenue. Macleay, Cornell road;
atur left untouched; primeval forest, wild
Forestry Buildlag Lewis and Clark Exnosl.
jon grounds; contains 1. 000,000 feet of lum
jer, museum of forest products. Visitors we'
loat from 8 a. ai. to 5 p. m. "W" car on
ilorrlson street.
I Boaisvards. Columbia and Willamette, en
Urcllng peulnsula. excellent vlewa of harboc.
lilpplng and Industries; Terwilllger, south on
linn: Falrmount. esst of. and Ukyllne. west
f Council Crest. Columbia River highway, ae
fcr. 'I
wv u.u uu ui tui it a i
Useam, Fifth and Madison: county court-
louse. Fourth aad Salmon; Central library.
eats aad Yamnui; Art museum. Fifth, near
amhlll; customs bona, park and Broad wav;
ntrai postornee. nun ana Morrison; Y. M.
A tuxtb and Taywr: I. v. c A.. Broad-
ay and Taylor, i ,
Kxninita uregon resources, nsa ana game.
regoB, building. Fifth and Oak; historical.
a-egoa Blatorical society. 207 Second street:
iusenra, city ball: lumber industry. Forestry
Harbor Featurea West and eaat side public
sxaxxax qtjalitt. ZtOwxst
tSS WASMnarton Bt- VsaUr 6ta.
icb. Hot CalWB with our Xamoug Cot--
r . few lAa
molct) RoaiatB, 8teka. Chops, Chicken,
- , etc, xoe
ay cUtly oiala rrd ia tloatoo
,, : ajalok ttmo.
Tba Only Clrtl Saglar Oaadldat
ia Sao atavt to tao leaxiaiatixt.
XPaid Ay. by Geo, G. Malr.) : i
Funeral of Mrs. Winsiow. Sympa
thies are being extended to Mrs. Claud?
H. King, whose mother, Mrs. Abbie F.
WinHlow, passed away Saturday eve
ning, May 13, at 5 o'clock. Mrs.-Win-plow
had resided with Mrs. King for
the past seven months at the latter'a
home In IrviriKton and she is mourned
by a wide circle of friends. She
formerly lived at Ios Angeles with
another daughter, Mrs. Bertha W.
Vaughn. Mrs. Vaughn will arrive from
the south tomorrow morning. Mrs
Winsiow was a native of Illinois, aged
64. The funeral services will be at
Pinley's chapel Wednesday afternoon
at. 1 o'clock. AH friends are invited
to attend.
Iron Cross Brings Ziargg Sum.
Nearly .5000 has been raised for the
benefit of the Red Cross fund at the
German house, the money coming from
the sal of nails being driven into a
huge iron cross. Many nails driven
into the cross yesterday were pur
chased by people outside the city who
sent their contributions by mail. On
yesterday's program were talks by
Mrs. Theresa Abendroth, president of
the ladles' auxiliary, and Rev. A. A.
Krause of St. Paul's Evangelical
church. Mr. Krause's Sunday school
pupils drove many nails into the cross.
Xauncheon Program Axuxotuicad.
"Preparedness" is the subject to be
presented before the Rotary club
luncheon tomorrow noon. But It will
b? concerning the preparation of the
deaf to "fight the battle of life," con
tinues the announcement. Thomas P.
,v) I Clarke, superintendent of the Wash
ington school for the deaf, at Van
couver, will preside. There will be
demonstrations of teaching the deaf
to speak, how they sing "in signs,"
how they learn mathematics and other
branches of study.
For llf of Irish Victims. In aid
of the movement to provide funds for
the relief of the victims of the Irish
uprising, a public meeting will be held
in Hibernian hall, '340 Russell street,
Sunday night. May 21, at 8 o'clock, un
der the auspices of the Irish-American
Red Cross association. Addresses will
be made by prominent local speakers.
A musical program will also be ren
dered. Admission will be free. ' Con
tributions for the Red Cross fund will
be received and acknowledged by D.
W. Love, 473 Williams avenue.
Hew York Society to Meet, Samuel
Lancaster will lecture on the scenic
and commercial value of the Colum
bia highway tomorrow night at 8
o'clock, at the New York society's
rooms in the Commercial Club build
ing. A program will be given by
Mrs. Lou Gray, vocalist; Miss Myrtle
Hall, violinist, and Miss Mabel
Christefisen, pianist. Refreshments
will be served. All former New York
ers and friends will be welcomed. After
the program dancing and card playing
will be In order.
Kumavn Ttptcs Diacuaaed. Mrs.
Prank. W. Swanton, prominent menr-
ber of the Oregon Humane society, Je
livered an address before the Parent
Teacher association at Astoria laet
Friday. . Mrs, Swanton made a strong
plea for education along humane lines.
She spoke as Oregon chairman of the
National Humane Educational associa
tion. ,
East Sid Olnb to Mesrt. A meeting
will be held at the East Side Business
Men's club rooms Tuesday eve
ning. May 16, at 8 o'clock, at 381
East Morrison street, for the purpose
of devising ways and means for aid
ing and assisting In the enlargement
snd establishment of manufacturing
plants in the city of Portland and
K. B. aTmlth Buried. Funeral serv
ices were held this morning at the
Portland crematorium for Maurice B.
Smith., the well known theatrical man,
who died in this city on May 11. Act
ing for Denver lodge of Masons, of
which Mr. Smith was a member, Ken
ton lodge. No. 145, A. F. and A. M.,
conducted the ritualistic services. The
Edward Holman company had charge.
Xa-alact W. . Xdfat&sr as county
commissioner if taxpayers want to see
continued 'prosperity In Multnomah
county affairs. Ha can ba found every
day from morning to night at the court
house, working in the Interests of eco
nomic expenditures and conducting the
county's business along; both conserva
tive and progressive lines. (Adv.)
BvaOavtiTea Ax ongntv-James C Co
lumbus, who died in this city last Sat
urday, was an operator for the West
ern Union and stopped at the Astor
hotel. 90 V Fifth street- . The body ts
in charge of J. P. Flnlay fc Son, and
efforts are being, made to Inform rela
tives in the east. ' He was 4 1 years of
Sheriff Xarlbart will save yon 83000
on the two elections this year. He has
cut the cost to the county of crushed
rock in half. He has also saved you
time and money in the tax collecting
department. Pretty good record that.
Why not keep him in office another
term, so he can save us more? His
number on the ballot is 124. (Paid
Be-let W. Xb ZJrhtaer as county
commissioner if taxpayers want to se
continued prosperity in Multnomah
county affairs. He can be found every
day from morning to night at the court
nouse, working in the Interests of eco
nomic expenditures and conducting the
county's business along both conserva
tive and progressive lines. (Adv.)
Taneral of Mrs. WurfeL The fu
neral services of Mrs. Dora J. Wurfel
will, be held at Verboot station, on the
Oregon Electric line, tomorrow morn
ing. Mrs. Wurfel is survived by a
husband, J, J. Wurfel and a daughter.
She was 42 years of age. Walter C.
Kenworthy has charge of the funeral
nan Bellwood Floats. All interest
ed in the proposal to enter a float for
Sellwood in the Rose Festival parade
are asked to meet tomorrow night at
the Sellwood Y. M. C. A. building,
where the matter will be considered
under the auspices of the Seilwood
Roae and Floral society.
Columbia BJvar Highway Stag.
Two round trips Bridal Veil to Port
land, dally. Leave Briday Veil 7:30 a.
m., and 1:10 p. m. Leave St, Charles
hotel, Portland, 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.
Saturday and Sunday evening, leave
Bridal Veil 6:30 p. m. and Portland 11
P. m. (Adv.)
County Commissioner W. x. Urbtaer
should be re-elected. If honesty, econ
omy and industry in office should be
encouraged, then the record of W. L.
Lightner entitles hun to be re-elected
to the office of county commis
sioner. (Adv.)
O. A. M. Party Announced. A lunch
eon and card party is to be given by the
women of the George H. Snell circle,
O. A. R., at the home of Mrs. V. O.
Benzie, 1735 Division street, at noon
tomorrow. The home may be reached
by the Hawthorne avenue car.
County CommlsBloner W. L Lla-ntner
should be re-elected. If honesty, econ
omy and industry In office should be
emcouraged, then the record of W. l
Lightner entitles him to be re-elected
to the office of county commis
sioner. (Adv.)
Grand Chancellor WlU Speak.
Grand Chancellor W. L. Marks will ad
dress Cosmopolitan lodge Knights of
Pythias tonignt at its castle on Third
and Madison streets.
Vot for Harry X,. Zdlaman, business
man. Republican candidate for legisla
ture. No. 91 on the ballot. Lower
taxes. Economy in all departments.
Stop the leaks. (Paid adv.)
Steamer Jess Harris for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington
Street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
snanxi lorn suxiDurt's number on
the ballot is 124. Don't forget that
number 124. Vote for him. (Paid ad.)
incuan society meets this evening,
eighth floor, Oregon Bldg., 6th and
Oak. Box social, eale at 9 :30 p. m. Adv.
MoCargar, Bates St Xdvely. Fire, cas
ualty and automobile Insurance. Yeon
bldg. Telephone Main 168. (Adv.)
Be-elect XJjrhtnar county commis
sioner. (Paid Adv.)
English Toffee, It's So Good. The
Trail Candy Shop, 702 Wash. st.
Economy aad Quality in Printing.
F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165, A-1165. Ad.
Dr. E. C. Brown, Bye, Ear, Mohawk
building. ' Adv.)
B-lct Eiffbtner county commis
sioner. (Paid Adv.)
Mark's $2.95 Shoes. 243 Wash. Adv.
Or. 7. E. Moore, osteopath, returned.
Idnoltuns 388 Stark st. (Adv.)
Forest Service Hlk. Over 75
servyeSeS CrUiSei EdM
the Union depot at 7:55 a. m. in a spe
cial car provided by the O-W. R. &. N.
for Multnomah falls.
Stopped Steamers
Peeeartea Patrols' Off Cape May; Bald
to Seek Contraband on Porim
Steamers Outbound.
Cape May, N. J., May 15 (I. N. S.)
For four days a foreign bruiser has
been seen off Cape May, just beyond
the three mile limit, and she has been
stopping outbound foreign steamers.
The vessel has proved to be the French
cruiser Descartes. She is said to be
looking out for alleged contraband
cargoes being loaded at Philadelphia.
Looking through the glass, several
vessels are noticed in the Delaware
, bay whose intentions to go to sea have
&C Stamps Pay You a Substantial Dividend oh Money You Spend
Kodaks and Kodak Supplies, Hammocks. Tents, Etc, on 4th Floor-
Oregon Pioneer Who Died
FndaV WaS One Ot ' five Wrntly been deferred. Further be-
J venri the, f)aiartM ran he seen with
Bayley Girls,"
Newberg. Or., May 15. Mrs. Caro
line E. Watts. 89 years old, one of the
original "five Bayley girls," noted as
beauties in their day, who came to
Oregon with their father. Daniel Bay
ley, in 1845, died Friday at her home
In Lafayette, Yamhill county, funeral
service were held Sunday at La
fayette. Mrs. Watts was the widow of John
W. Watts, who was well known 'n his
;day, having been a Republican elector
at the time of the Tilden-Hayes con
troversy, an effort having been made
to keep him out on the charge that he
held a lucrative government position,
and was therefore not qualified to be
an elector. Watts' "lucrative position"
was the postmastership at Lafayette,
which paid him $8 a week.
Mrs. Watts up to the time of her
death remembered tales of the Revolu
tionary war, told her by her grand
father. Captain Timothy Bayley, who
died when she was 14 years old.
Old Captain Bayley was with Gen
eral George Washington at Valley
Forge, and at Yorktown at the surren
der of Cornwallis. In 1780 he was in
charge of a rowboat on the Hudson,
and took part in the expedition sent by
Washington to capture the tiaitor,
Mrs. Watts is the first 6f the five
sisters to die. All are widows.
yend the Descartes can be seen with
a glass a British cruiser whose name
is not ascertained.
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A-6231
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank all kind friends in
appreciation for their sincere sym-
Ftathy and many beautiful flowers dur
ng our recent bereavement, the loss
of our dear husband, father and broth
er. Julia A, Tomlinson and family.
R. L. Macleay, Republican candi
date for legislature, stands for busi
ness and industrial development of
state. Born in Portland. (Adv.)
Fay Less ffor Yoiiir Spmiig SmU
By Attending This Special Sale
Placed Under Bonds
To Keep the Peace
Still protesting that he was going to
have his money dr he -.rould be re- '
venged on officials of the Ladd and .
Ti'.ton bank. Martin Cox, arrested last
Monday at the entrance to the bank
after he hd vainly tried to purchase j
a revolverSn V :'.ncouver, was Saturday j
placed under $300 bonds to keep the 1
peace by Municipal Judge Lafigguth.
Cox was unable to furnish the bond and
is still in jail. Cox had some money
ur. deposit with the American Bank &
Trust bompany when it failed and for .
some time has been under the impres
sion that officials of the Ladd and
Tilton bank, where Bank Superintend
ent S. G. Sargent deposited what was .
left of the funds of the institution.
were keeping his money from him.
Rkhmllk,malted grain extractja powder.
Pure nutrition (Upbuilding tbewhole body.
Invigorate nursing mothers and the aged.
The Food-Drink for all Ages
More nutritious than tea, coffee etc.
Substitute cost YOU Same Price
Fashion Salons, Second Floor Sharp reductions in prices to close Out
broken lines of Women's and Misses' High-Grade Spring Suits. This
season's most favored models styles which have sold down to one
or two of a kind grouped into three big lots for easy choosing, .
Belted, tailored and novelty styles, trimmed with braids, buttons, etc. 4
Women's Suits Formerly to $25.00 Now at S17.43
Women's Suits Formerly to $33.50 Now at $1985
Women's Suits Formerly to $35.00 New at $24.85
Women's Waists
At $3,79
Second Floor Exceptionally pretty
Waists at the price. Fancy and
semi-tailored models of lace, chif
fon, georgette crepe, crepe de chine,
pussy willow taffeta and striped
wash silks. In dainty dJO PjQ
toft shades. Priced now vO I i7
Great 59c Sale Aprons
At the Bargain Circle, Main Floor
32 states have them. Vote for John
C. Shillock, X74, for Senator and help
put Oregon on the list. (Paid Adv. by
F. T. Collier, 845 East Sixty-second
(Paid Adv.. John M. Mann.)
Proposals, U. S. Dept of Agriculture
Forest Service, Portland, Oregon.
Sealed proposals for furnishing
axes, shovels, axe handles, wedges,
peavies and other tools for fire
fighting to the Forest Service,
Portland, Oregon, will be received
at the office of the District For
ester, Forest Service, Beck Build
ing, Portfer.d, Oregon, until 2
o'clock P. M., Thursday, June 15,
1916, and then publicly opened.
Proposal blanks with full instruc
tions and information furnished
upon application to the District
Forester, Forest Service, Beck
Building, Portland, Oregon.
WOMEN'S Coverall - Aprons
of splendid quality percale. Made
in full, generous sizes. Open on
side-front, with belt all round.
Choice assortment of patterns in
light or dark colors and CQ
all sizes. Priced special tlai
MIDDY APRONS for women
and misses. Styled with belt all
round and neatly piped with
contrasting colors. Excellent
quality materials. Light KQ
and dark colors. Special Ouis
S. & H. GREEN STAMPS given
WOMEN'S Coverall Aprons of
standard grade percales, in both
light and dark colors. Styled
with elastic waist line and open
on side-front. Made in good
full styles. Special for PQ
this sale at low price of OuL
did quality percales. Attractive
patterns, in light or dark colors.
Styled with half-belt and open
in back. Shown in all CQv
sizes. Priced special at t)7C
with all purchases i-Get yours I
Sale ot
Women's Knit
Extra special offerings Tues
day at Center Circle, Main Fir.
$1 Vests and Pants
Special 69c
Women's l fine Mercerized.
Lisle Vests and Pants, discon
tinued line in "Carter" .CQf
make. The garment at'Uii
$1.25 Mercer'd Lisle OQ
Vests and Pants priced 0C
$1.25 Globe or Prin- QQp
cess Union Suits now OIl
J5c Cotton or Lisle KQ
Union Suits special for tlV
50c Cotton Union QQ-
Suits, tight knee, now OaU
35c Vests, tegular orOC
outsize, special at only awOL
--65c Cotton or Lisle CAV
Union Suits for only tJJs
Demonstration ot 1 "Oregon -Made" Ironing Boards
NAIAD Stronyj - Durable
"Mad la Oregon"
ask rotra DT.AT.ra.
Portland. Oregoa.
Dress Shields
Notion Dept., First Moor Naiad
Goods are different very dif
ferent from the ordinary kind.
You know from past experience
it is hard to find a dress shield
that is really, odorless sanitary
and heat-proof. Naiad Shields
have solved the problem. Con
sult Miss Gray, factory expert,
about your new Dress Shields.
Housewives Can Require .All
Butter to Be Pure
If housewives would refuse butters not labeled "PASTEUR
IZED," they would soon eliminate from the market all butters
which are unsafe, because they lack this guaranty of purity.
Maid ffQover
Table) Durftser
ls pastuerized. All dangers in
cident to the health of cows and
to the handling; of milk are re
moved by cookinar all the cream
at a very high temperature and
rapidly cooling it to a very low
Experts declare that pastuer
ization Improves the flavor of
butter. Those who use Maid 9'
Clover Butter insist that it 1
in a superior class of its owta.
You may enjoy this pure butter
for the same money that you
pay for the unpasteurized, un
safe kind. Sixteen full ounce
of pure butter In each carton.
BUTTERMILK Fresh at our
plant every day. Pure because
ICE CREAM Also pastuerized-
Maid o' Clover Ice Cream
has a flavor and goodness you
have never known before.
Mutual Creamery Company
East Tenth and Burnside Street, Portland, Oregon
nn n
13? 5 t- BiSliasH'K' -
Model Grocery
Fourth Floor
Experienced telephone clerks
at your service, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.
May's Garden Seeds
12 Pkgs, 25c
Choice of flower or' vegetable
seeds at above price while they
Rarebit Macaroni, OP
Swastika brand, .3 pkgs. -lJC
Coffee Sale Choice of g"
any 1.10 can of Coffee atP-L
12j4c Dried Prunes, "1 (g
very large, fancy, pound lAl
- 25c Snider Tomato Catsup 2Qc
Snider's Tomato Soup,
three large cans at pntvaasOC
Third Floor Manufactured from
selected materials and first-class
workmanship. Styled like illustra
tion, complete with adjustable
s!eeve-board9 attachment. Folds into
compact form when not in (0
use. America's best board atPa
pet Sweepers, Brooms, Floor Brushes, Feather Dusters, Carpet Clean-
ers, rainis, orasnes, etc. everything you will need Is here I
$8 Nickel-Plated Serv- QQ
ing Trays piTced now tp007
S3 Nickel-Plated Sand- dQ QQ
wich Trays now only $aaOt
3.25 Nickel - Plated fj0 f5Q
Tea Ball Pot for only $607
2.50 Nickel - Plated d0 1A
at P4J.7
Cruet Sets special
Nickel -Plated
Sets for on
1.25 Nickel-Plated Cas- QO
ter Sets special for only UUC
2.00 Nickel - Plated (I" JfQ
Marmalade Jar at only pJLt)7
And many other articles on
sale at specially reduced prices.
'Annt Polly"
For Large Women
Main Floor "Aunt Polly" Outsize Shoes,
orrectly proportioned for women who
wear outsize hose. Made by a specialty
house. One style as illustrated. Lace or
button effects, with cloth or leather, tops,
medium heels welted soles. Pat
ent and vici kid stock. End your
footwear troubles with a pair of
"Aunt Polly" Shoes. In all flfr
sizes. Priced at. the pair PJ
Great Northern Railway
Effective May 14th
On sme schedule as heretofore.
Now leave Seattle daily 9:15 A. M. Connecting train
leave Portland 12 :30 midnight, via Seattle ; 9 :55 A. M.,
via North Bank road.
Trains 43 and 44, SOUTHEAST EXPRESS
Now leave Seattle daily 10:30 P. M. Connecting trains
leave Portland' 10:00 A. M., via Seattle; 7:10 P. M.t
via North Bank foad.
No Change in Coast Line Service
Three trains daily to Tacoma, Seattle, Everett, Belling
ham, Vancouver, B. C, and intermediate points.
10:00 A. M. 5:00 P. M. 12:30 Midnight
All trains from NORTH BANK Station, 10th & Hoyt Sts.
Tickets, Parlor and Sleeping Car Reservations at City
Ticket Office, 348 Washington Street, and at Depot.
CP.&T. A.
Marshall 3071
Portland Rose Festival, June 7, 8, S,
Northern Pacific Ry.
.... . aW
Get the Benefit
The Yellowstone Park Line
Eastbound Summer Excursions
Daily From June 1
Westbound Round Trip Summer Excursions now in effect
i Tell your Eastern friends. Or, let us give
them full information.
(Round Trip HomeseekerV Rates TO MONTANA
and return. Low, attractive. Let us explain thepn.J
TO CALIFORNIA, have your ticket read via the
"Great Northern Pacific S. S. Co."
from Portland on the fast palatial steamships, making train
time (but 26 hours at sea). Low fares, with berth-and meals
included on boats.
Tickets and full information:
255 Morrison St.
Phones Main 244 A-1244
A. D. Charlton, A. O. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon ,
' II