THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,, MONDAY. MAYA 15, 1915. 12 FURNISHED ROOMS rfOonttnujia) URN1SHED rooms tor young men In all parts Of the cLy. also in Y. M. C. . bldg., especially d'.".lrable during the immer; fire-proof, telephone In each oom shower baths, 11.75 to $4.7o per k.' including full association mem ershlp privileges, gymnasium. wlm In pooU hand-ball court, and many t hep club privileges. Full Informatlo t 1. I C. A. business office or tele bong. Main 735 A-C1. FURNISHED UOOMS tO " FRIT ATE FAMIIT. i. 50 - month, cheerful sunny front room, electric lights, hath, strictiy modern, beautifully furnished home. V. A. cars. 308 Hancock. JHEAP ' H. K. rooms, Taylor. .Mar. :?.;!. furnished, 469 ROOMS AM) BOARD 13 : Z, THE HEREFORD. - . - 786 737 HOYT ST. A quiet residential hotel American plan Suites Single room. Excellent -able. Main 33i, A-1722. ROOMS AND liOAKD 72 PRIVATE FAMILY. WALNUT PARK Modern, nulct home. pleasant surrounding, any rooms, good table hoard; reasonable. 1099 Uar- i'leld a"ve. Wood taw n 2U25. LOVELY froiit" "room. fine location, Rood meal if desired, reasonable. Marshall 476. WANTED 4 rliiiU i .ii to board, mother n "rare. 1176 E. li-lmont. Tal.or 124. WELL furnished front unite, running i water, hoard op t i o 1 1 a I 70 lJjrv I n ig . . ' r IIOL'SKKKKl'l.NCi ItOOMS 8 rxmiaHEP ai O.NE room wild kiit hnctie. complete I ly furnished. tnn heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Mornsou !M 112 up 2'.i rolMmhlasicir.&in I LARGE front-room- with kitchenette. New furniture, nenr. eieunic ukmi.i, bath phone, rooking ga free, $;i.u0 week. Mingle front, $8 per month. 266 14th. . .. '.Light Housekeeping Rooms Convenient, right In the business dis trict. SMI1 Alder street lUU'KIOE roninw St. -am heat, elertrli: Jlght. linens. Hun , J.'.Jj week, tia i o- lumbia- at. Jn suite and single bay windows, free ilgh,t. phone ami bath. Jj to $12 ptr month. Mercedes, 20th and Morrison. JjO WN'TOW N inoiii i n 11. K. suites, $)i month up. Including heat, light, etc. Roysl Annex. 3G')'y Morrison. M 452 1 P1 ( II week up. 4ul Kirsl si ,ifrri MniS.K,..,. t,th. hot mid uat'r KOVCRKiST, 175 K'th. suites and gle 11. K. rooms, use of piano. bartement housekeeping ro ehan. Main 804 7. sin HOUSEKEKPI.nT rooms, all i is-: modern. E95 itoney nve l.ast HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7S 'TTTmirXSBED AND UlTFURNXaHED. HUVATt rilLY. PARLOR, kitchen, 2 bedrooms fur nished, gas and porch, ranges, $13 tnonth, piano, lights, water, pnone in cluded. 731 Rodney near Fremont. Williams ave., Woodlawn, Alberta car, i ROOM suite, modern, electric light, 112.60 per ma Also 2 room suite. $10. Large front lawn, flowers and Hhrubbery; walking distance. 67 N. 20th st. FRONT suite, heat, hot water, phone, .walking distance to P. ., $3 week, single rooms $1.60. $2. 229 Eth st., eipp. courthouse. TWO larfce well furnished H. K. rooms, with running water, hath, phone, electric lights, at 308 College t., rent $14. Main 8510. Three modern housekeeping rooms, ipered, $14 at Glean, nwiy painteil and I all upstairs, bath phone; rent MS Clay tH. Marshall 25'.3. FINE front room, witli kitchenette, ' free cooking gas. Reasonable. 402 Park M. $12.60, WELL furnished front H. K. rooms, steivm heat, good location; walking distance. 4::i Market st. PLEASANT, (juiet housekeeping room reasonable, sleeping rooms, $5 per month. 305 12th st. TWO front housekeeping rooms, fur V nished, also single housekeeping room; rent reasonable. 186 14th st. 3 WELL furnished II. K. rooms, ground floor, su Ruble for 3 or 4 adults. Phone E. 46K. r ti ? ' working men, or small family, $1.50, : $9 week. 229 fHh st,. opp. courthouse. 4. $8, TWO fur. il. I t ' Iectrlelty. 61 K. looms, bath, phone. 1 E. Morrison. JfKONT room, housekeeping Without piano. 240 Park. with or FOR RENT HOUSES 12 UNTUB. NISHED. 9 Rooms, $15 '' rooms, ground 90x100, house new ly tinted, electricity and gas equipped, two bath roojairf, full cement basement, laundry tubs. For two families, if venter desires to rent four rooms up tir. Should rent for $25. Russell -and Shaver cars to end of line, three blocks north. 67 Perm st. KeyW at 45 Penn st C. H. Thompson. 603 Dekum. . Marshall 2248. ATTRACT IV It, new, modern home on ; Mt. Tabor, complete in every detail, extra large sunny rooms, magnificent view and select neighborhood. Garage. Nothing belter in Portland for rent. Refined and responsible tenant. Yearly lease desired. $3o. Phone Tabor 3984 6 ROOMED, clean house, 2 laro ' porches, hall, cloak room bath, at- tts, full basement, gas. electricity; Richmond carline. 1030 Caruthers st., near Zh st.. Including water for nouse use. $13.60. MODERN, 8 rooms with bath, owner ' there 1 to 5 Sunday, week days see M. 8. Thompson, 848 Mississippi ave. :0 Colonial ave. Take Russell-Shaver car going west. it ROOM modern house, 19lh and Mar- shall, for rent reasonable. Will ren ovate, to suit desirable party. I'hone Main 2474. .t wo lots, 3 room shack, $2 u0 per - montn, located on 82d t (macad amised), near Estacada car F.ed W Oerman Co., 732 Cham, of Com. JEJGHT rooms, clean, modern, suitable lor two families; abundance of fruit. cnicnen nouse. garaen ground luoxioo 1 block to carline. Woodlawn 209. -WILL leavse nine room residence. Nob Hill, walking distance, block from 'Wash. Z-374. Journal. ."A NEW fully modern 7 room bunga - " low, 200 feet from Union ave.. 3i ' Monroe, Phone K. 3007. 'iROOM cottage, $12. Oas and electric, r Walking distance. Inquire 344 TUla mooK. ; MODERN, cliean 5 room cottage, with email garden, at 809 Minnesota ave., Tfint $11. Marshall 2563. 12TH AND EAST ANKHNY. 6 room ' bouse, walking djstance, very de sirable East 4735, " Oarage for rent. JjQR RENT cheap, good 6 room bunga low, modern Improvements, 1 hloca from car station. Call Main 7021 .kj.6 -10 room house, modern. 389 i Lownsdale st. Inquire 390 16th or pnone Main 302. :TWO housest, 4 and 8 rooms, $8 and ' $18. Close to car. Good lots for gar . rlen or chickens, R, T. Price. M. 7677. SIX room house, clean and modern. ' ' Water paid. $16. 995 E. 15th N. Woodlawn 197. MODERN 8 room house, 611 E. Couch street. East 7441. MODERN cottage for rent. 666 Mill : st. Including water. " FOR RENTNew 6 room cottage. No I860 Glisan. Main 8428. CLEAN 6 room cottages, Pennoyer and - Hood sts.. South Portland, $6 and $7. bV ROOM cottage Main 6212, 491. Mill st. Call NEAT . 4 room cottage with garden. . 1018 Kast 13 North, near Alberta. 6 ROOM house, close in. 530 E. Ever- ett, wear "jtrh. t $14 i room cottage, furnished, piano. -1401 Oneonta. Woodlawn car. Adults. HOUSES FOR RENT 71 ruxHisarxs axtd tnrptrainsxiiD 8-ROOM modern house, all or part fur nished or unfurnished, sleeping porches, fruit, garden, lawn, roses, very reasonable to party taking good care; going east. 6804 Whitman ava. K K, Mt Scott car. Tabor 624. FURNITURE KOR SALE HOISKS FOIt ICKNT 32 ADS of furniture for sale at pub lished In the Household Goods class ification when house Is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES tin Jib 5 room partly furnished bunga low. t.v 5 room bungalow, fireplace, hard wood floors. Rose City Park. $31' 5 room bungalow, modern, well furnished, nice yard. Rose City Park. t t-$tn I rvingtun homes. elegantly furnished. Oregon Home Builders OLIVER K. .1EKKKRY. President. i:no Northwestern Rank bldg. WILE rent my country place "Cedar croft" on Kellogg creek, one half mile east of Milwaukle. b rooms, nice ly furnished, big fireplace, city gas and water. Hard surfaced roads. Ideal location. Will rent from June 1 to Beptember 1 or longer. Price 150 pe.r month. Apply to John W. Alexander, til.". Lumbermen bldg. Phone Broad wav 1SX2. JU.f.ii i room house completely fur nished, gas and electricity if de sired 3th st. H. E. and 60th ave. W. H. car. Phone Main 70t5. MODERN 7 room bungalow and 3 lots in fruit and garden. 1 block from Union ave. Place neatly furnlHhed, inr 1 tiding piano. 411 ''ook ave. i ROOMS. I'll r ti 1 new furniture, rlilii.-. fine fruit, ii'i'ludlng wat'-r. ,lied. first floor; piano, sewing garden, garagp; Wondlawn L'00. fine 6. KNISMEli room house with piano and nice yard with fruit. I'hone Woodlawn J9;i. 445 Jessup st. Wood lawn car. 62H HALL ST. 2 anrf 4 room tent cot tnges, shower view. bath, finest air and ) i it I si I El i f room cottage, also 3 room flat, electric, gas. water neat er ;?s Clinton. $14 Neat, clean, furnisher! 6 room cottage, including water 4 blocks Broad way bridge. 4iX Jiciss. K. 4 86ri. 5 RK.1S, completelv furnished. Large -a nl T.l or :, :3 IIS -POP R-KOOM hoiiF ; clean i. go 4024 ood lurnilure. piano. pTiTn is iTi T7 iToTuTe" $12. Main Pl.T'i. Woodlawn Montavilla car. AND b r'om Main fi!i7rt modern house. Owner. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFUP.NISHEI B R E T N 0 1 i APARTMENTS. 20th and Lovejoy ; 3 and 4 rooms, un furnished; hardwood floors; modern ( i r. eniencrs; reasonable. Fireproof garage m connection. MADISON PARK APTS. Part st., at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room furnished j apartments, close in. by week or month. THE DEZH.NDORF . 208 16TH ST. Marshall '231. Nice 5 room fur. and unfur. apts.: a 1 so :i and 4 room fur, apts. LLV.EKNE API'S.. 3d and Hall Mod ern brick bldg.. 2 rooms, furnished, private phone in each apt., $16 and up. Marshall 4K37. mm AMYMEMTS E. 7th and Taylor sts., 2 and 3 room apts.: light free, private bath. BALBOA APTS. Large modern 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur., brick bldg., best service, walk ing dis.; reasonable. 429 Harrison. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S., 3 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts.. walking distance; at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2606. NEWLY furnished 3 room apartment, $22 month including light; easy walking distance. BELKNAP APART MENTS. 187 17th. near Yamhill Til E VOODMANSE 1. urnrshed apartments, $2J. Phone Main 819 1. 2 and 3 room f rent from ti to 3. ii 6u PER week. 2 room apt., private bath. Harrison Court, 5thaadHir- rlfron: walking distance. UOSKNFELD (new), E. 14th and Stark. Brick, i and 4 rooms, furnished or unfur,; outside rooms; private phone JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS, 514 Jetferson. Three - room front apartment, furnished; two beds. $ 1 6. 3 AND o room steam-heated apartment tlats, sleeping purcii. WaJkln,; dis tame. Main 3502. WILL rent our elegant apartment for the summer. Rent Only $19. Free phone. Call 649Mi K Yamhill. F.1931 DILL apts., 790 East Ankeny. modern completely furn. apts.; large, light, sunny, clean, L. ngnis, stm. nt. hi. 1808. THE TLA SUA Lb., 30 N. 20th near Washington, close in; 3 and 4 rooms. potn pnones. ijet our summer rates. 11)11 A room apts., private bath, rent i.iu to $12.0 a month M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. PLN'l.NSULA AfiB., unit); concrete tiing. i ana & rooms; not and cold water, baths, pnone, steam heat. $12 up, TUDOR ARMS Apts., 18th and Coucn PLOne A-1644, Main 25o9; new brick blrlg.; 2. 3. 4 rooms, modern apts. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and BelmonL Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.50 per week up. r-ieeping rooms, t-ast 212. NOKOM1S apts. 665 Marshall st Mod' em, private bath and dressing r om; summer rates. WESTKAL. 410 5th st. 3 room apt.. private uaui anu pnune, moaern oncK. $5 week and up. Walking distance. ROSE FRIEND. 285 Broadway S.; mod ern unrurnisned apts.; large rooms, pest service, walking .:ist Marsh. 1410 CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy npt.. $15. $20. $27.60. & and 3 room Marshall 2917. Olnolnnn i Court. 401 10th. $10 modern J 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 IjO. 1 1 , I apartments. to 20 AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, 6 rm. apts. Mar 3360, M. 7516, A-2676 LUXOR APTS. 324 13th st. Main 8105 Furn. snd unfur. 2. 3. 4 room apts, T O room furnished apartment, front; view; cheap rent. Mar. 3327. MUTT AND JEFF It P A . tN djbJf- x cnxf Aim ' APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Continued . TOE iMWELL tlfth and Columbia ts. Five minutes' walk to Meier Be Franks store; good surroundings, strictly modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, all outside, with i rench doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. McKinley Apartments Modern 2 and 3 room apts. PrLv,a.t bath, private phone. Fireproof bids. Walking distance. 2 room, $12 por month and up. 3 room. $14 and up. A nice place for nice people. Give us a call. Under new management. East 7th and Morrison Phone East 310U. The Knickerbocker Apt, UNDETt NEW MANAGEMENT Attractive 3 room fur. and unfur. modern apt. All new furniture, refer ences. Main 1320. 10th and Harrison sr Wslkinc distance . AfARTclTMT M'3)Tt3 Portland hine of quality, comfort and er1ef LINCOLN APARTMENTS. CORNER 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2 room furnished apts., with private bath, phone, electric lights and steam heat, $18 to $23. Main 1377. A-4152. PENROSE APTS.. and Grand ave., t room furnished. Walking distance. N. W. cor. Belmont new modern, 2 and Service first-class. FOR RENT FLATS 13 CLEAN, convenient, modern, 4 room flat, reasonable rent; close to churches, schools, parks and library; best car service. ifK'SU, Mallory ave. NICE, light, clean 4 room Hat for rent, close to school and carliue. Al most new furniture for sale. 623 Com- merclal st. Woodlaw n 4 3 ji 7 . 6-ROOM upper flat with sleeping porch and yard, 268 Nartllla St., 2 blocks south of Multnomah club, for $22.50. MODERN upper 7 room 17th si., near Belmont, 4317. flat. 163i E. $19. Marshall 2 MODERN 5 room flats lines. 615 Milwaukle Rellw. 602. . yard. 2 car at. $12 each. FIVE unfurnished rooms, up-to-dat garden, sleeping porch; 16 minutes' walk postofflce. East 3737. WEST SIDb: 4. novated, lights. o rooms, fine view. Just re Sell. 1370. FIRST-CLASS unfurnished flat, and E. Alder. Phone E. 3113. 18th MODERN 5 nor 2515. rooms. &8U Belmont. Ta- FURNISHLD FLATS 50 MODERN, newly furnished 6 room up per corner flat, walking distance, close to school. 16th and E. Alder. Best location. Main 1728. ROOM flat for rent, shall 3068. $4 a week. Mar $16 Furnished flat, includes water and phone. 20th and Bandy blvd. STORES AND OFFICES It GOOD location for hardware, drygoods store, druggist, butcher or barber. Cor. E. 11th and Division st. Inquire 623 Division. BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street; reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. TWO large spaces, suitable for pool room, shooting gallery or store. Rent very reasonable. Call at 244 1st st. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. CAMP AND RANCH OUTFIT. $85 Team mares, 1000 lbs each; fine travelers and good gent workers, harness and light farm wagon. Call 267 East 8th. FOR SALE 1 large team In good con ditlon: also harness, 2 wagons, bug try and single harness. E. Llndell Feed Store. 856 Garfield ave. Wdln. 1114 Cor. Shaver. 1300 LB. HORSE, $45, good order work any place. $7 for his heavy sin gle harness and collar. South Portland car to Meade St., 2 blocks west, .o. 2o3 TEAM horses, 1150 to 1200 lbs. each, with a good harness and 2, In ranch wagon, $125. Mrs. Stewart, 661 Reynolds st. Phone Sellwood 452. FOR SALE 1 team, well matched mares. 6 vears old, weighing 3200 Ibsj; 1 team well matched horses weighing 2900 lbs. 226 Russell st. FOR SALE l team, mare and horse, 2400 lbs.; nearly new farm wagon and harness; also 1 top buggy; mus sell; trial allowed. 1967 E. Stark st WILL trade milk cows or young stock for a young work horse weighing about 1300 lbs. J. H. Alorrow, Route 4, Vancouver. Wash. TEAM weighing 2400 lbs., harness and wagon, $135. Woodstock car to 64th St.. 5516. 5 blocks north. FOR SALE, cheap, 2 farm wagons, good as new. size 2H and 8Vi; also 2 delivery wagons. 1967 E. StarK st. i'Oii SALE Horse wagon, cheap. 727 Phone Sellwood 85. and delivery Milwaukle st. COLUMBIA stables, 302 Fronu Good rigs and saddle horses for hire. Main 3030. DEAD horses and animals hauled away frcs. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Renerlnsr Co. GOOD horse lawn 2512. for sale. I'hone Wood- EXTRA good horse for sale. 816 Union ave. Woodlawn 2174. NICE 429 pony team, sound and true. Call 1 lawthorne ave. FOR SALE Team, wagon, harness Phone Sellwood 1839 or Main 8428. ONE mare and colt for sale at 264 Ba ker st. or 329 Hall st. 12 mares, horses, all sizes, sell cheap or trade. 267 E. &th. DEAD horses Tabor 4203. and cattle taken tree. Looks Like It Was Up to f'4 Si? THA,T PYYefe PCMTAaiQ IMMOCtStHT ArARlCrVN CHlLbtfetM, ASUN& O, r0( DtrvtrJ.t OUR COUNTRY 50 "rXT tkir. tatMr. cveeo M0Y DS S.rVcR.iP'CeD.' I --l. -..a TV, lYV "T-V I fN I 5 8EVEN fresh cows, 4 coming fresh, registered Jerseys and Guernseys, also full blooded Jersey bull for serv ice. Phone Sell wood 2839. FOR SALE Two good fresh cows; also 60 head of shoats and pigs. Mrs. Ci. W, Louden, Route 2. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 31-K-4. . TWO extra tood lresh cows, 1 Guern- sey and 1 Jersey, giving 4H gal. each; testing 5 and 5 per cenL (t5 each. U. s Stables. fclX fresh cows with calves. Jersey, Guernsey and Holstein, $50 to $7a. 733 K. Main st. East 3883. GOOD, gentle young family or dairy cows, Guernsey or Durham. 4 gal. rich milk. 33 E 22d st FIFTEEN yearling grade Jersey hell ers for sale. tdw. Terry, Carrol ton. Or. FOR SALE, 11 extra fine dairy cows and route. Will sell separate. S 973. Journal. iRESU cow, 4 to 6 gallons daily, rich milk. 1041 East 10th. Alberta. POULTRY AND PIGEONS S7 WHITE Leghorn baby chicks from proved heavy laying stock; May de livery. $8 per 100; we guarantee 6afe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery, Peta- uma. Cal. CHICKS, White Leghorns, O. A. C. strain, now ready, week old, fine ones. Master Hatchery, 415 Jessup. Woodlawn 4344. 20 BLACK Minorca hens and rooster, also 12 Salmon Faverells and 1 roost er at $1 each; also eggs for hatching. Phone Main 4668. BARRED ROCK eggs. Incubator lots, specialty. Baby chicks. 1447 Mal lory. Woodlawn IfiSfi. SECOND-HAND Old Trusty Incubator and brooder for sale cheap. Z-971, journal. BARKED Rock Wdln. 1397 eggs, incubator lota. THOROUGHBRED Light Brahma eggs for hatching. 15 for $1. Wriln 1032 DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 THOROUGHBRED English setter pups. 6 weeks old. 658 E. 73d SU N Rose City car. FOR SALE- -2 Persian kittens. Call 367 1st st. gray and black. A L'TOJl OBI LES-ACCESSOR IKS 44 IBM Large Stock to Select From See them today. All makes. Including 5 and 7 passengers, in A-l condition. Prices 1200 un. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, East First and East Morrison Sts. East 7272. B-1216. WE HAVE Just gotten In a new utock of light used cars at very low prices, nd will sell them at cost and on easy terms. Call for demonstration at Northwest Auto Co, COR. BROADWAY AND COUCH T 8 ton White, overhauled and In rblen- did condition tires in good shape; box body; will sacrifice; cost $3940. Price $2400. half cash; terms on balance. No real estate considered. The White Company Broadway at Oak Phon Broad. 692. PARAGES $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood sheds, etc. M i llmada Con structlon Co. Main 1167. 544 Hood st. Woodlawn 3616. Sundays and evenings. EVER-READY 1 ton truck; attachm't. $360; tru'k cemp. $775. Mfg in Prt. w THAYER-SHAVER-GULLEYV MACHINE CO. 193 East Water St. Phone East 437. SEE our stock of -ford delivery bodies, also auto wheels, our own make; guaran teed. Carl Peterson, 121 Grand ave. north. Cast 1433. Let Us Solve Your Srjrintr Trouble. Guaranteed wasminoton carriaoi springs. oor. Union and Bel mont. 1305. LAHERCQ Mfg. & repairs. 3000 guarant'd springs in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15tn st IF it's scrap rubber or metals and you want the highest price, phone J. Leve, 186 Columbia. Main 5198. USED motors, parts, tires, accessories. less than half price of original cost. Auto Wrecking Co.. 271 Front. Main 1939. GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO.. 31 Broadway North, near Burnside. SEVEN pass. Chalmers for sale cheap or will trade for smaller car. 4519 Woodstock avenue. FOR SALE Cheap. 1 Buick 1915 25 touring car, electric lights and start er $550AppHrSandyRoadG a r a g e. MONEY loaned on automobiles, used cars bought and sold. 5Q5 Alder. 1915 5 pass. Ford $300. 1916 Ford $350. SOOiBurnside. 1914 Overland $500. 1912 Studebaker, $175. Terms. 52t E. Stephens. HIGH class, late model roadster, sacri fice for cash; first class condition. Phone C-2542. 6 PASS. car. overhaued, A-l shape, bar- gain; $22-'. Call 191 4th st. 1913 FORD delivery; must be so.d to day, $200. r.00 Burnside. LIVESTOCK mm swaps J J IW33m- iiS'n-Eii Or I Pearl's and Ruby's Father to Defend the Country. f But t'A 1 rATMtJR. I THE riOfc-OE t Be To rATHeR - l . AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 BARGAINS IN USED CARS STUDEBAKER Six. series 17, Rita new. exceptional bargain at $1050. PACKARD. 7 passenger, excellent con dition 1915 bodv onlv $1000. , COLE 40. good mechanical condition. newly painted, electric light, snap, $500. OTTO Special 5 passenger, to anyone wanting a high grade ligntweigm car this is an exceptional oppor tunity. $450. TOE QLDSMOBIILE (OWiOT IF MOM BROADWAY AND COUCH. DOUBLE tread. puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash at 18th. Burnside at Broadway. (335 Burnside AUTOMOBILES WANTED .78 WILL pay highest cash price ror Fords. H. O. Peck Garage. lUbi tiaw- thorne Phone Tahor 2'.48. FORD or otner small touring car, must be barga.n for cash; no Junk. Y-50, Journal. UNINCUMBERED 65x100 lot, value $4lH, Mt. Scott, want Ford runaooui, give or take difference. G-797, Journal. WILL trade Moro property for good machine. 9s S. I van hoe, St. J otitis. WANTED Best cash will buy. Ford car that $200 445 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A Ford: will p,ay cash for bargain. Main 1092. AUTOS FOR HIRE FIVE passenger auto, perlenced driver. A. Tabor 76. caret ul and ex m. to 4 p. m. CAREFUL driver. reasonable 3293 Ford Woodlawn MO rORC YCLES BICYCLES .Vi FOR SALE Delivery side car. good wheel and tire, $10. Lady's bicycle, dandy condition, new tire, $10. R-786, Journal. BARGAIN Cradle spring Indian, ful ly equipped, $75. 433 E. Morrison. East 3424. . Bicycles & motorcycles bought & sold. R. H. Blocker, 276 Taylor, cor. 4th st. MOTORCYCLE equipped E. 47th st. cheap. 2820 FOR SALE, motorcycle. cheap, 1914 Jefferson Marshall 1198. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 EV1NKUDE rowboat and canoe mo tors, rowboats, canoes, motorboats. s - our beautiful motor boat and en-ein- for $143.00. Evlnrude Motor Co.. Moved to 211 Morrison st. FOR SALE V bottom launch, 22 ft., 5-ft. beam, IS horsepower Benson en gine. Less than half what it cost. woodlawn iotu. FOR SALE 2 cycle, 2 cylinder lay- & Bowen motor, cheap; 6 n. p. ".are- taker Oregon Yacht club. LAUNCH for sale, 10 people; Fay Bowen engine; also launch house 2S tt. Caretaker Oregon Yacht club. T. DANIELSON Boat Stiop, 1 1. Nebraska- Building, repairs, uest work, low price, PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 31 BEFORE purcnasiug see our Specials hi Used Piano Bargains. New pianos mod'atel7 priced I Uttlialijiiy U INUaUMlaU EWCU. AN STAK gTi PISCHEH. ShouninKer. Haddorf. An drew Kohler and other pianos and player pianos, terms to suit your con venience, mail me a card and I will call. A. J. Dorand. agent, located at wholesale house of Kohler & Chase, 9th and Hoyt sts., Portland, or. ir:. 1R5 195. $110 and $14a cash se cures old and new models. Chicker- lnr. Haines Bros.. Heinze. Hallet & Da vis and Knabe pianos closed out at once by Security Storage Co.. 109 4th. FINE Cable piano at a great sacrifice has been used 6 months; must be seen to be appreciated. Earlton Apts., cor. Russell and union ave. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, refin- lshed bv Drofessional men. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning Rp. &Mfg. co. 24b Hawtnorne. l. hmj BEAUTIFUL mahogany Weber piano. like new. Call evenings or phone Main 4407. 109 Villa St. Clara. $45 CASH buys small Jioudoir upright tomorrow at jsecuruy storage tjo. 109 4th st. S35 CASH secures $250 mahogany pianola player at Security Storage CO., 109 4th st. FREE use of piano or player piano 2 years. See display adv., or Schwan Piano C. Ill 4th st. SELL or trade, Conn saxophone best finish, good as new. Mar. 2269. TYPEWRITERS 77 WE save you from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for ou illustrated folder; retail department WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington sU TYPEWRITERS for rent. 8 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on purchase price. Remington Type writer Co.. 86 Broadway. NEW." rebuilt, 2d band rentals. cu rates, p. i. c. o.. zsi MtarK M. 1407 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 FOR ball Furniture of & room house, cheap for quick sale. 11 Mississippi ave., near Killingsworth ENTIRE furniture of private house hold. Bargain. Leav-lnsr city. East 3157. FOR SA LlMlSCELLAN EOUS 10 WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell, Agt.. 194 1st Main 1221. $12.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine, with attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. SELLfNG out ladies' second hand clothes very cheap. $40 suits, $3 and $.". 60 N. 10th st. FOR SALE Top Henry bldg. roller desk. 614 ANt) Dt (F PUCVATr IP I OtNl-N PUT LPSS (TCPAUC NiSTFeYD FOR SALE M1SCELLAJTEOUS 10 (OoaUaned) MACHINES of all makes old for lea. No agents employed. Machine 'rent ed ft per mo. A-3$2t. M.9431. Sewing Machine Emporium. 1 id sc. near Taylor. rented. Electric motor sold and FOR bALL Brand new caroom aii.l pocket billiard table i with complete outfit. $llo; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK BALK E-COL LENDER CO. 46-48 Fifth. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re ft al red. Walker Electric t'orks. 413 Burnside. cor. 10th. BroiJBvray or A-5674. MUSICAL INSTHLiltNTb,' "Type writers" anl " Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under thel respective classifications. Look them over. PRINTING SPECIALS. 1000 Bond letterheads $2.26. En velopes, billheads, statements, etc., $2. SAMPLES. Main 9386. Box 6S2. Port land, Or. 10 DROPHEAD Singer sewin ma chineei, complete with attaenments, in good order, $17.50 while thev last. East 2359. B-3307. E. ' R. Steen. 152 Grand ave., near Belmont. WANTED To fit your" eyes o that you get all that's coming to you out of life; prices very reasonable. v 'ar'les the Jeweler. noTOMOBILt, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. BEAUTIFUL hand - colored iantein slides, worth $1.00; 5c each. 128 1st t.. near Alder. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Mach. Co. 311 Front st. Main 5492. BEAUTIFUL, ancient lady's shawl, box 120. o0 will take it. ournal. J-OS4 ONE 9 inch Barnes lathe with 7H inch indeDendent chuck: one drill chU'Ck, dogs and tools; $7 5. 154 1st. PHONOGRAPHS, $5. records 5c Phonograph Record Exchange. 12S 1st. near Alder. Main 4495. 4 FOR new 1 h. p. Waterloo gas oline engine; cost $48. A, Grow. East 2 1st and Irving sts. COMPLETE Edison outfit for sale or trade. 128 1st, near Alder. SWAP COLUMN as 1915 DAYTON motorcycle, run very little and In perfect condition. A spayed female Irish setter. 2 yrs. old, can be registered ($25), and 1 double barreled Remington shotgun (io) Will trade 1 or all on a lieht auto or will sell. H. M. Austin, VVoodtmrn, or, PHOTOGRAPHER'S outfit; profes sional machine, fully equipped. Takes from 5x8 down to stamp size. Equipped for landscape or interior work, valued $125. Want motorcycle, good kodak and cash or what? X-519, Journal. EIGHT a. fertile land. 3 a. fruit, bal cultivated. i hour from Portland West Side; equity $2100; will consider automobile and cash. Hurry. Tabor 6716. L-926, Journal. HEAVY brass bed, continuous post, steel springs, worth S50. Want cash Victroia or what? Tabor 6716 or X 529, Journal. SWAP mahogany olano. beautiful tone want typewriter, talking macnlne o bargain for cash. 383 Russell St., Room l. WILL exchange business college course lor piano lessoas. 1-941 Journal. WILL trade painting, tinting or paper hanging with tailor for suit. K-541 Journal. AIREDALE terrier, male dog, 6 mo. old. for ahoteun or what have you Lall Last. 4DZb. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PHONE East 7816 when you want to sell your furniture. We come a once and pay you the casta. M, R. Seater. 286 Grand ave, south of Haw thorne. WANTED Second hand furniture, ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co.. 390 Last Mor rison nt. Phone East 2238. WANTED The people of Portland know I pay th highest cash prices fo household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M Peator.143 Russell HIGHEST cash prices for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, watches. KooaKs, jewelry oi ail ainas, j. uoiden, Ibf ist et. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price. N. W. Furn. Ex. E. 638, HIGHEST PRICES PAID For second hand furniture and house hold goods. blh N. 3d st. Broadway 119. WE buy phonographs and records, als piayer piano music, 1ZB 1st. JVlai 449d, near Alder. WANTED Floor case, comuutln scales, store and office furniture 128 1st, near Alder. Main 4496. FOR WILL PAY CASH F' SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A-2567. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. $1 YOUR watch repaired, no matter how badly broken. $1; all work guar- anteed. Howard Jewelry Co.. 93 6th. 2D HAND clothing buyer, J. Meyer, tailor, pays more for clothing, shoes. Call Marshall 1229. 229 Madison st. WE pay the highest prices for second ha:id furniture. Call Kast 7777. AlasKa Bag & Junk Co. pays best prices, all kinds Junk Main 4686. 23S Front. WANTED, small Job presH. also small assortment of type. D-559. Journal. WANTED, furniture. Main 1904. LOST AND FOLNI 21 LOST at Berkley station, box contain ing silverware, return to 5S1 Hood St.. Portland. Call Main 90S7, A-4422. Reward. PURSE found; loser give description and purse will be returned. M-946, Journal. T4TAu U'fTT- K,nir V "4C3i ' ' LOST AND FOUND. 21 Continued ) ' . FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light and Power company, and owners thereof mav claim same at the First and Alder street station. Marshall S100, A-6131: Mav 12 1 book car tickets, 1 coat, 2 knives, 1 key, 8 packages, 6 grips. 3 purses, 1 musical Instrument, 1 hand saw, l lunch box, 1 evele, 1 suit case. 1 pin, 1 sprsvmg outfit. STi l A new r pass Bunk automobile, from Sixth and Yamhill. Thursday nighty frame No. 207 ::m, motor No. 20a486, license No 24'4 A liberal reward lor anv Information leading to recovery or return of and no (luestions asked. So! Haiu-. i'.o 1 loj t St. Phone Main ?. ; LOS T Small shm i - n.m e.i iouu iiale do. White face h . I let, iinlv tall with white tll. Aiiwers to name Bud." Reward ;JJ7 7 ' t ' i si s E . or none- Smith, Fast '.v LOST l.adv's bla. k purs.- out ami!i son's plao p m . S'in. I'leas'j call about $lti. between .loin nd Ardenwuld siaii'ui at ti day. Mav 14. Reward. Main 17::9.. Apt. 9. LOST A white English hull terrier with black spots on nose, undipped ears; reward to finder, ,,'idrcss ola uild St.. Portland. Mr. II. M. lleddei- pen. OST Air pump and inner lube. K. stark between 28th and 26th nr 26th through cemetery. Return t;;io E. Ankeny. LOST Small Mack purse, containitu; glasses and small amount oi cash. n Hippodrome theatre. Phone Last 492; reward LOST Saturday afternoon, a tolll mattress off furniture wagon ; re ward. "all Tahor 2 8 3,". PERSONAL 11Y pay glasses'.' eyes with lenses in big prices for 1 can lit your first tnalitv n frol.1 iiiied Chas. W. Good Monisou. Mum frame as low as $1.50. man, optometrist. 209 2124. FEBVET at HANEliLT. leading wig and toupe makers: finest stock nu- man hair goods; hairdressing, manicur ing, face and Fru,ip treatment, como lnsrs to order 147 Broadway. Main 546 ELECTKO-ll I Mi" il'y i H1C institute. 27a North 22d st. tCor. of overioni. Scientific mussage. Electric Cabinet Baths Comfortable rooms. Mcr. 2 i i .. TAKARA Hair Tonic, un antiseptic scalo cleanser, tiair beautitler ana dandruff remover; prlcj 6oc bottle. or sale bv Portland Hotel pharmacy. DON'T use expensive corn remedies, when you get the sure thing He- moves It" 15c plasters at the Clemen- ton Drug c.-. 2'H .Morrison st. DR V. G. KETCH I AI--W omen s mala- dies and acute diseases or men. wasn. bldg.. 4th and Wash Urn. 441. Mar. 448 SWITCHES made from cunbinKS. Switches remade or U;irKenel. &. I. Pierce, 267 Holladay, Last 2 S4. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues. 2 p. m. ; ed , Mm. 8 p. m Reading dailv 292 Clnv st. M:ir. 8960 bTOHEI FREE, co'd stor age vaults. Rummelin Fur. Co . 41F.-7 Dekum bldu:. HAVE your nair permanently waved. Guaranteed to Inst. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Pekum. Marshall 1702 NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and mani curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. BALM of Figs, remeuv lor ' of women. 504 navl.-i st. Main 23.3 SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Park st . room 3. 10 to 7. Lawyer 4C9093 Consultation free. Alain f. 1 2 Helllnp NOTICES 20 PROPOSALS for Mine I'lanter Office Depot Quarteruiuater. Seattle, .Waah.i Sealed pro posals will It received at the office of the Qnarteroiaster General of tlie army. Washing ton, D. C, until p. m.. June u. U'lil. and then opened, for the conatructlon and complete eiiulpnieiit of a twin acrew ateel ateamer for artillery serrlce. Ktirther Information on ap plication to the Quartermaster Oeneral. WsNh lDKton. D. C. " PKOPOSAIS for Steamer Office of quarter master general. Washington, D. C: Pro posals will be received here until 2 p. m.. June 9. 1916, for constructing one steel steamer, 171 feet long. Furiber Information on appli cation. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATIKO ACCORDION, KMKsi AND HOX PLEATlNU; HEMSTITCHING, BKAIDINO; BUTTON. BOLES. BITTON3 COVEKKD. EA8TEHN NOVELTY MKfl. CPA' CTH. B'WAY ifOO k. STEPHEN HeisatltchliiK, accordion, aid and sunburst plea tin?; I it tons covered; foods mended. Scalloping. Plthvk blk. B'way I'rlffl. AQATE CUTTERS. MKO Jewelers. Diaiuonda ImmikIii and sold. Watch reiialr e. Miller's. .iUjWa'h MJMT4 AGRICTTLTU -AL IMPLEMENTS P. E. ESBE.N.SU AllE I tuple uienta. velilelea and general farm auiiilles. 214 Front Portland. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND A8SAYER GlLBERl-UALl. . Coueh bldic. lotf 4th at. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS II 11(11. MAN. Inc.. 10U ?d st. Blank book manafacturera; agenta for Jooea Im proved Liose Leaf Ledgers. Sea tn dw Eu reka Leaf. A-31H.1. Main 1S3. BUILDING CONTRACTORS Geo. E. Manias Uealdenrr Soeclailal, 4 OH Mn.leav ltl'le CABINET WORK CABINET WORK, furnlturs repairing. Uoraca D Jones Jr.. 02H 2Srt aTMnln HS38. CARPET CLEANING IWF BUBS ,r S west I!ti Co.. 1K8 K. 8th. K. SoHO. B-liiSo. JO E nitos. Wectrlc Cleaning; Works Car pets cleanwl ajid laid; refill In our i claltv. I :isl 44i. B-lltOl. "J" E. 19tb t N. I tNI.NSl l.AK pet weaving. Hug Work" IMS Halt.. i -IUk tut aud ar ave. Wdln. 2s3. CHIROPRACTORS DK McMAllON i:nrabla caaea. taking tli fti treatments, tli Worth $."0. AddltU' MW offlcea 2(iM-2n Macleav bldg.. 4th ft Wah. DK. MAIii.Alttrr HAYNLg, llcenaed chiro practic pbvul.-liin. nervouanes a. diaeaaea of wi men ami children. 617-MH Swetland bldg. fCoryrlrbt. i"V ty H. O. Flab.! tTrada-alark B. V. 1. fatant Offlca.l OUR. COUNTS 53 Dr. C. o. TijjarU IH tretluwnw. IU. uio-l Norlhweat hide. Main 72tWt . COAL AND WOOn. V1HI iiajr Sti tor eor.iivootl when foa can ( : irand limirti) blockw.Mxi Ht $3..Vi Vwd; double load MM 1Uj wood uiiieil with bm7. S-1.2S loadi 'l tor rtuut.le load, lli-ary dry alaU wood a liMid. Itroaiiuajr ixtt. A .'Mil A-l MUY Hit. Ki't'h lil, wood, wreckage; roal tloiial Fuel Co Cant 2M1 4 1 4J. . or aup. o ton mi. tHI N- Ol U grtiwtb lir wkju. 4 ro sj.i uvlKn'rU. -Milu42H. KT.EK A UliK, drj t.r. 4 rt."n ,o to j aA. Blorkw'd. WIS Wster l Main 4:.(fl A-4MT. CONTRACTOR AJ..J hUILDKBS OStvAK HbUfcU., kirk hide. juural loullai lot t&Ut- CHEP1T CLOTH l.AUIh.V ami alu clolliibu payt'a. N.Y. Ontflttrne Co.. KG 4ilv V-hluir'o. tUUCATlOHSl. ViANCIllvSlh-K Uauclus Acadi'iuy. &Vi bis at., bet. Stark and Oak. Kp'l ratea. 4 prlvait IfMKHia H, morniiig, aftrruooti, erfnlng; ait Ihlert da.iora guaraoteed: rlaa Tuura., Bat. r. nltifra, 7-H:,!Hi. ltniaifwar 210. HI. null Alia, lieatn a &iIi.h.i ueoaa dill ( laaa trtdav nr. luu ; t balnera W' liiFT"n a n. I Ktark. l.eaaooa iifte stain 8205, I A I l. 1 daucf aica - air neiUlrru at Ikluf Irr IIiuck Araileiay. dallr anj botir. Mais Rrso hileruiali. eiln.-voar Mnturdar ivea. LA 1,1. .Nl. lit, liiiAl nstiire, Knypt faii.-j ui itui l al. itu.lnti Mil In H272. MUSIC BCH 00 l.b AD TEACftik 1 In I'.l.lHulN v loiin Uer. ounill rael. iu f li'Uln. r llk A .100 MarKhall t2. I'Uur. 1. t. boiup, IVic. LAimi. -i u,iu ifcaauua I'holie IkIk a l wtf PoruLAa music l'i A.NU 1-tiKllltnr UUiKI .iiuh, w rn ten lyuii ,i full; d. nieiihiiHiniu llntj. Uf) ImihI Inn in i uii..i., hi lu lo 10 iia-ii'-e et iii'.ney back If w mt li'Hiuiri free, luipro- en- I 2 Kllera lild. EYE. tAH. NOi,t. HhoA 1. LtlNOS nl. : ii'-uu ,.i t- t ur, .V Waall ' i ; i i. FlKt INSUaA.VCt I'lllHC MAILS II UK l .ililv liretfcn tlir liiioimiH- I. I1.1M.K in ! ii ii V . ILUl'l HUOS AiiD klQ RUGS IFLIiflf Uade from eid loruln. UiumocIs. Aiiutuittr, biujriia cariivta. Itntf rui:. all airea. klall o7 Cera piomi'i utlenllui'. .otikiet. WLSltU.N I- 1.1 H II 10 CO. M Union Ave. .V l'lion.-n -.aat OTIIH. B 14TJ HATS CLEANED, BLEACHED Ladle , hl-ii1 I'uuuiuu cicuiH'd, L.aacliad i:ljd 28$ lie. biruHa, (eiin, i.oc. Kuutiiiaii', Waali., nr. 4lli. Ks and 4. iirt. I'lite M. 70iili. LAlill.8' and men a bleached, bloi-Lcl, ii-. Cleaning Hal u.iikK, 4S'i I'HiiiiiiiHa eltraufU. teliM ,..-. portiang ushliigt. u it. LEATHER AND SHOE EIMD1MGB 111L UULIAIA.N U.AlllLtl HI, Olden nrui in u.hiuacbi. Ailiula "Monareb" end "L. At M." vie ii-miier. ;t-u ICvgratt atj MAI iHhSol.8 OLD inaiiieba.-a uud leatnet iieda uiadii lula anuiiary leliliiig l..iiu,, ti-atut-ia r.-noratait. 1-ul'llliU M . Co.. ,,IJ(1 Vllllullia. K. f.Sl4. NON-INTOXiCAiINli btVEHAOES VShl.SllAUl) a li-.ut-u uud AUllier Nr. tar. Lifu ry Weluuald ii1ul.i, liu uud duruald ala. Unii i-. I'boui' A-l 17$ PK1NIERS AND ENOUAVER8 'ItiL 1VX I iltsj juu.i ai. MA.N h.l iSlliik M. blin.ilHuy A-40HM. RUBBLH STAMPS AND SEALS Ainu BU'iitiiB, A i n tie I iiiiiBa aigue. l-ACll llj HA.1 M.UI' HUUhS 831 Vt aabuiKli'ii al. Mum 71u. A-71l. BA1 ET Y RAZORS HONED &AI1 bi 1 ItkiAJl b iiOc per d'li.-ii liUI It'll' il klti'U. il aud I M iieur al"rrlao). SHEET METAL WORKS UEI'AIKI.M, lln iiiiu glutei r .ua. Judb Loa.l, ilio lal a I'liiiue .Miilu I4i4. STAMP DEALER 61 AMI'S uouul and aula allel 'i p. ui. au4 UcKajr blilK Main Ioo4, Mnrxnull a?U3. TRANSFERS AND bTORAGE Uiegon Iranster Co, Knllil.ll-hed 1H70. Transfer and I-"i m i 'llnrf Affnra. Stnrate - 1 ri-u '1 ruekiiga. uriire aim oioiafc. in oiinan at. ai lath and Gltmin. Main m. A-tHT1 ALWAYS 'I'llk" JUL LEsI UosEil'jLiI GOODS Sl'EllAi.lSiS Mumit. Packing. Hblpnliii; and M"Vlng. Ilorae or Aulo an S.eclal f relKt. t ruti a to all (Miinta. C. O. PICK TUA.SSIEIl MullAiiE CO. 2d and Pine. Broadway f.'.iH. A-1MM. (jLSON-lliiE TUANSl'Elt I i. t u rm i in a uin- ers, packers, storage; (I'cproof warebou. 1Mb and ll'.yf ala Jliiln ,'.47. A 2247. MANUFACTURERS JQBB QSWHOLESALERSl DRY O00D8 WHOLESALE Li U mC iU C CU. Third, corner Oal PAINT, OIL AND PLAS8 EA&Ml a-si.N N. K. co me a CO.. - IliKh ' -d a ml T ii i 'l Standard" pa I a I, I M. 1771. A-flr.31. PLUMBING SUPPLIES lLLMBING aiiHI'llea. Hbuheulc prlca. Stark- Davla to . Vl .id t Main 7W7 SANITARY WIPINO RA08 L. SHANK CO. H12 t- liONT MT PHONE MAIN 1 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS KEWAMCU WAI'LIt SYSTEMS D. Hncer. Affent 10 Wea' Park WOOD PIPE PORTLAND Wsli PIPE L'll offlca near 24th and York ats. -factory sdII Main- 848. XaTFOKMATXOW COTJPOH. If you want the name of a reliable business house dealing in any line of merchandise, or information regard ing resorts, hotels, railroads, ililtn- hip lines, etc., arldiesa Oregon Jour nal Information Bureau. Information deulred: Name Address. By "Bud" Fished "ooit ; .'A