t 1 x v ,T-) t if II EIGHT PAGES IX FASHION'S IlKALM XKKDLEWOKK SECTION FOUR THE WEEK IN SOCIETY MUSIC, CLUBS ! I . . t 'I PORTLANDr-OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 14, ' 1918. , - I - Aril JrfmC MKu. ALLXAN DER. A.MCDONE1L orST.na.uL. Nn for rtitllrat iiu in 1 h Suit-ljiy l"Vlpt.r pHKHn un;(it d In The Jouruu) of ; fli'f by Krlilay f tfriijn. Uy Nona Iijiwler. LANS are already bpini? dlscusserl for m-hool and collppa i-ommrnce-inpnts. and the home coming of the ymiiiK people who make up the Kiibdehutante set, to take up the aummer social season wlt'i tlieir haraeteristlf enersy where their notherfc' and sisters have left ofT. The vanin season always looks lo the fOUtiK folks home from cmiese 10 Ive a. new nuncli to all portal mans. between the hours of 4 to 5 and S to G, Thursday afternoon, and visit the nur sery, where the affair is being held. It is lorated at 434 Main street. Elab orate plane? have been made foi thr tea, and Miss Aufcusta Marshall, one of tlie most energetic members, will have charge of the decorations. This year the happy Idea of having former presidents receive the guests will be inaugurated. Those who will icceive .ire Miss Clara Teal, Miss Lena U.ckel, Mrs. Thomas I. lloneyrnen. Mrs. Rich ard Monges. Mrs. E. H. Cahalin. Miss Louise Birkel. Mrs. W. P. Sinnott. Mrs. William H. I'erhheimer, Mrs. Edward was given by Mr. Gazzem at 3:30 In the Tjroleon rwm at the Benson hotel. After that the following were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Burke on a drive over Columbia river high way and dinner at Mrs. Henderson's at Crown Point chalet: Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Gazzem, of Seattle; Idr. and Mrs. N. H. Iatimer and daughter Marguret (who christened the steamer), Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. A. Bush, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mody, Portland. Mr; and Mrs. John H. Haak, Edward Haak. Wilcox gave a dancing party at her home In King street for the visitor, asking about 40 maids and men of the younger set. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wilcox en tertained a group of young people at dinner prfor to the dance, asking the ! following guests: Miss Thome, Miss ! Barbara Bartlett. Miss Genevieve j Brooke, jliss Katherine Hart, Miss Wilcox. Varnel Beach, Frederick A. Forster, Roderick Macleay, Prescott . Cookingharn and Jervis Stephenson. I The list of those in attendance at i the dance Included: Misses Thome, j Kl'low Mills, Jean and Barbara Map Kenzie, Maisie Mac Master, Ruth Teat. I Barbara Bartlett, Evelyn Carey,. ' Rhoda Rumelln, Harriet Cumraing, 1 Esther Tucker, Mary Robertson, Mar garet Hewitt, Katherine Hart. Kathe- rine Holbrook, Helen Ladd, Genevieve Brooke. Margery Hoffman, Harriet Pomerov of San Francisco, Mesdames i Landon Mason Jr., and Haeel Blumauer Litt, and Messrs. Hamilton Corbett, Frederick Forster, Mortimer Hartwell, Harold Sooysmith, Earl Whitney, Jor dan Zan, Prescott Cookingharn, John C. Adams. J. E. W. Stephenson, Philip Fry, Ellis Gragg, Searls Bragg, Donald ' Sterling. Charles Holbrook, Norman j Rupp, John Latourette, Ferdinand i Smith, Ernest Swigert, Fred Swigert, I William Howe, Varnel Beach, Roderick ; Macleay. Harry Reed. Rogers Mac- ; Veagh. Merle Campbell, Jack Burns, j Graham Glass, Harold Wells. Maurice Dooly, Henry Good, Spencer Blddle, , Curtis Bailey. Aubrey Watzek, John ; Watzek, MacCormac Snow, Richard : Christie and Dr. Richard IMllehunt.; , Another dinner party given before the dance was that which Mrs. Hazel j Blumauer Litt gave at the hotel Benson. I Covers were placed for Miss Maisie Mac-Master, Miss Evelyn Carey, Mrs. Landon Mason, Jr., Curtis Bailey, ; Cyril Bragg, Philip Fry and John 1 Carver Adams. I i Miss Ruth Teal entertained for . Miss Anita Thoine of Tacoma with a luncheon at the Waverly Country club Thursday afternoon. The guests motored out for luncneon, after which golf was enjoyed by several of the , guests. Covers were laid for Miss Thome, Miss Claire Wilcox. Miss Maisie MacMaster, Mrs: Landon , Mason Jr., Miss Jean MacKenzie, Miso Rhoda Rumelln, Miss Katherine Hart, Miss Genevieve Brooke, Miss Helen Lad and Miss Teal. j On Thursday evening Miss Thome was entertained at the William Mac- Master residence, "Ardgour." with bridge. Mrs. Landon Mason Jr., and Miss Maisie MacMaster being host- , esses. Their, guests included the Misses Thorne, Claire Wilcox, Ruth Teal, Jean MacKenzie and Katherine Holbrook; and Messrs. J. E. W. Steph enson, Ferdinand Smith, Prescott Cookingharn, Harold Sooysmith, Wil liam Howe, Leland Smith, Philip Fry . and Norman Rupp. j Friday afternoon another delight fully appointed luncheon, -jwasr given ' for the visitor by Miss Helen Ladd when, besides Miss Thorne, the fol lowing guests circled the board: Mes- . dames Charles E. Miller, Hazel Blu mauer Litt, Kurt Koehler. Maurice Crumpacker. Dennison Clarke and the Misses Ruth Teal. Claire Wilcox, Rhoda Rumelln Elizabeth Jones, Bar bara MacKenzie. Margery Hoffman, Mary Stuart Smith and Evelyn Carey. Saturday afternoon Miss Genevieve Brooke brought the week of unusual gaieties, all planned for Miss Thorne, to a close with a delightful the dan Kant at the Country club. Miss Thorne will leave for her home In Tacoma to- ! day. Miss Anita Thorne of Tacoma, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thorne. who has frequently visited in Portland and has many friends here, Claire Wilcox. Wednesday evening Miss . . . . 1 1 " Xhey Dusuy seen oui me many -,,.....!.. i,v (;lltner Mrs p c Mears. Mrr. Wil- .harms and advantages or enie lam- ; n.im j Morrif,, n anrl Miss Harriet mm in I-oruami, mm emp.o-j - I. ...... au , , n I, osi.llntr a, th lhlPl.r,I...J TM,f,. .fu, n u. nmu o......... ' from 4 to f. will be Mrs. Aver Mrs taxation from the arduou. tasks ol j a)1 Mirsrh. Mrs WheelwVlttht Hnd tudy. Soon the prominent mativns of; ... ,..,,. u-rn, r. . a tr. Thm. OCiety Will proclaim wun one a. .., a. ., llonevman. Mrs Charle. Frnnclsi Oh. we aro all resting; but thr vhll- A(,Hras Mra- jOBepn Natilan Teai and 1 flren' are going on giving somcining , M, Maud Ainsworth will r.our. A t very minute. i croup of verv attractive voune Jehu- The contemplation of ihe happy wel- j tantes will assist. They will' he MsisB fomlogs that will . be forthcoming, the i Helen Iadd, Mlsa Man- Stuart smith. Saturday afternoon, June 3, Miss Jean Wold will present a charming affair, "A Day In a Garden," at the residence of Mrs. H. C. W'ortman. Miss Wold will give several solo dances arl assisting her and her pupils will be little Miss Mildred Keats, who will also give solo numbers. They will all be beautiful interpretative dances, given with orchestra accompaniment and in the charming setting of trees and shrubs. The event will doubtless rank among the most artistic events of the season. There will be "Morning," "The Dance of the Flowers." "The Dance of the Showers," a "Noonday (Continued on Following Page) kunstiine and cheer that they will King, Is all an admirable consldei 'attorn lot Mothers' day, which is being cele- rated today. loubtless many moth- ITm in the city are anxiously awaiting he home coming of their girls and loys. The society columns today hold a Inique portrayal of "mothering. ' The ialda and matrons of the Portland rrult and Flower mission, whose espe- II al concern Is the care and inalnte lance of the Day nursery, have posed JVIiss Antoinette Mears, Miss Ruth Teal. Miss Rhoda Rumelin, Miss Ruth Rosenfeld and Miss Iavelle Young. The final party for this season to be given by the Thursday Evening Dancing club has been arranged as a dinner dance at Chanticleer Inn, Thurs day evening. May 18. This will be a novel departure from the usual order of formal dances which this club, made ur of the younger set of smart society, han given this season. Those of the pecially for Mothers' day with their l lul members who have automobiles vorite kiddles at the nursery. In arranging i ransporiauon. dinner e. case there is a thrilling story of at ' o clock Enjoyable affairs were given last Oman; in another a real besr N; l t earner "Kitsap II." which Is IV r . ownctl b' the Kltsan County Trans it another there are so many little portation companv cf Seattle. Wash., lends that they canont all get Into f wnlrn Pnrl)nr.itlon w I. fi.T,m i. picture. Fjch picture tells a story pres(-ent. The ship was launched at many nappy nours. wni. n me worn- - supple s shipyard at 3 p. m. last Sat and children have whlled away to- urdav jav s tner at tne nursery. line or tno.new i embers of the missions went in the ! irseVy early the other morning, and j she utood In the doorway smiling the children, one little girl came up her and said: "Where Is' yonr little girl" I want t to stay and play with me ;oday." j And thus a fast friendship has i rung up, after the explanations were de that she had neither a little gtri FT a "Job" to go to, but had loads "f ! Ine to play herself, right then and I ere. ! iThursday afternoon, Mav 18, the i Irsery will be open to the public. The lower mission, women are giving their Inual tea, to which all the members Itend a cordial invitation to their lends. To all who are Interested in tn fascinating institution an espe- kl , invitation is extended to attend Following the launching a luncheon RT EMBROIDERY & BUTTON GO. CCORDIOH, BIDS BOX and fAKCY DBEBS CAiiau. smoroiaary, Bo&llopinf Htm ("Mac, PWt Edilnc. BnttonhoUm. BUT- jH9 t erdn, your own nuitorial, nj ttyle. Mortsa Bldf. These JUin 2044. r , & K. GHEES' TXADtSa BTAKT. ENDORSED BY MEN OF STYLE RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS The CE0ONB0RO BASfttTE It "not eor xet. It Is a waiHt belt for HEALTH and PERSONALITY, free from rubber or any lnunltnry material; mlnu ateel or hard ware danceroua to life; haa no lacing, hooka and eytn. etc.. to make It effem inate. It la the Original and Adjustable men's baaqne. indorsed by the Tailors of America at the Ht. Louis convention. SOLD AT K. S. ERVIN & CO.. Ltd. CUSTOM CLOTHING. Fxe'-ns'Te Aenta for Portland, Or. IMPORTED ACCESSORIES FOR ICES custom sHram ENOLIEH &AIH COATS SOB- MEH ASH WOMEN. KBCOHS FI-OOBi IIUIKQ BZ.OO SIXTH AJSTD ALBUM STEXTS m'mm Durability of CREX f mbW- TZm&ftii A WeO Known Feature ""PTAaUJf wear. Theyre artiatk. aanitary. eco- II YOU will od CRE1X ruga amazingly durable. Strong and firmly woven of aelected, long, pliant, joint lets wire grtM by our own patented ptoceuea, they effectually withstand great amount of wear. They're artistic tanitary. econ omical, easily cleaned by light shaking and brushing with damp broom. Being reversible their life is doubled, a valuable cooaderation for the thrifty housewife. To prated rou acainrt inrinihiwia the C-R-E-X ia wsvaa in the aide bisduif al everf eaoae rue. Look lor k wnan rau bar. Daalaia icfl of wifful Mibabtonoa with is tast todefraod will ba presscotod asdet VS. Cat. Cosnajht laws by which CREX is protected. See a CSEJC rug at yonr doalers In Portland and ask for the boantifu'. !2-pa-a CBFX estaloae in natural ooiors, or write to us direct it'a . 'rae. CKEZ CA.KPET CO., New T.rk OUR CREDIT-GIVING SERVICE is extended to you in a pleasant, satisfactory and dignified way. There are no annoying features nor embarrassing conditions connected with it You take no chances in opening an account here. kl $ 75.00 WORTH OF FURNITURE $ 7.50 Cash $1.50 Week $100.00 WORTH OF FURNITURE $10.00 Cash $2.00 Week $125.00 WORTH OF FURNITURE $12.50 Casht-$2.25 Week $150.00 WORTH OF FURNITURE $15.00 Cash $2.50 Week S200.00 WORTH OF FURNITURE $20.00 Cash $3.00 Week Closing Out Sectional Bookcases Less Than Cost $38.50 "-piece quartered oak Sectional Bookcase Stack, mission doors $50.75 7-plece quartered oak Chippen. dale Bookcase Stack $26.40 $31.45 $31.25 6piece Mahog any Bookcase best m $42.00 6-piece Mahog any Bookcase Stack, lattice door $35.00 B-piece Mahog any Sectional Book- flJOO CA case Stack, best make 4CiCi.Ov $43.50 6-piece quart ered oak Chippendale Bookcase Stack ookcaae Stack, (in QC ake iplU.OO $26.40 $22.60 $28.90 LINOLEUMS REDUCED PRICES $31.50 Flush Rim Dining Tables $19.95 Full quartered oak. Colonial pattern, as pic tured, at an exceptional reduction in price. Only a limited number to be sold. 800 FKXITTZ9 tlNOIiETJM In a variety of new de- ff sirable patterns on your floor DUC $1.00 EXTRA HEAVY PRINTED LINOLEUM Of ae best wearing quality, excellent patterns, on your floor I DC $1.50 EXTRA HEAVY UTLAID tWOIIUM The kind that wears for years good assortment of pat $1.17 x i Kemnant urapery lvjareriais Values Up to 40c a Yard C Yd. Scrims. Marquisettes. Swiss, Bungalow Nets, Cretonne In fact every kind of drapery mate rials that have accumulated during the last ! days, lengths from u to 10 yards of a kind. Values up to 40c at . See Yamhill Street Window Announcing the Powers $25.00 Victrola Club This Victrola E? Ok First For YoU Payment The Most Extraordinary Talking Machine Terms Ever Announced by Any rortiana ocore Come In and make your selection of a $25.00 Vic trola and pay only 60o down. Karh following pay ment you add 60 a week. Second payment- I Or, third payment 15c etc., until $1 a week Is reached, and then $1.00 each week covering a period of a number of months. Your largest and last pay ment will be $1.00. These rxt raonlinarv termn ore offered to domon Htrate Ihe superiority of lliis wonderful mimical instrument and acquaint you with the liberal 'liignlfled '"redlt" service of this store. Machine bought under this club plan will be exchanged for a hlglier price machine within a reasonable time and credit will i,e given lor same. $35.00 Guaranteed "Karpen" Tapestry Covered Rockers $g.95 Kxactly as il lustrated, with wing back and mahogany frame. High quality covering. Your Luggage Wants At Less 24-inch Kiher Suitcases, brass trimmed, nicely lined. $1.35 qual- QQ ity, for Ol7C 14-ln. Matting Bags, Chase leath- ?Q er bound, brass trimmed, special OUC 32-inch Reinforced Trunks, heavy protected corners and QC leather straps, special J 1 l.JJ A . a ! t a Automatic Adjustable CJs CA Dress Forms Ml'M You Pay $1.00 Cash 50c Week Equal to Any Form We Know of at $17.50 Whaa nat In at It can a (allaaaai, ra ueln tba form ta kali H aii. pat in kai tn trl in aai-at-tha-way alac Bed DavenportsA Big Sale Our desire to close out a number of sample patterns to make room for otlier styles now In transit Is the reason for specially pricing these. You save largely. $49.75 Fumed oak, Oiase leath er, solid-end Bed Davenport, reduced to $36.50 Oak, Chase leather Bed Davenport, with mattress at tached, reduced to $72 50 Genuine leather, Karpen Bed Davenport, Duo style .A Wonderful New Bed Davennort n ,hat w,n accommodate a full-size a YV onaeriUl new Dea isavenport mattrets. with pillows and bedding. One a child can operate. Construction so simple that everyone is surprised when fhey see It. A full line to show you. $38.95 $29.35 $59.85 $41.00 Full length Bed Daven port, fumed oak. Chase leather tufted back, reduced to $51.00 Tapestry - covered Bed Davenport, full length pattern $58.75 Bed Davenport full Co lonial frame. Chase leather. . . $33.90 $42.65 $47.65 1 ' ' fc, L- ' ''': if k 1 7rt 6 $29.50 Ivory Enamef Dressing Tables in Adam Design , , S 1 4.95 The illustration is an exact reproduction of the design. A Dressing Table of highest quality, with triplicate mirrors, finished in shaded ivory and 34 inches in width. One of the biggest values we have offered. line Ynttr C.reAtt . t POWERS' RENTAL BUREAU AT YOUR SERVICE A service without coat, to you. Make ue of It. Over 700 houses, apart ments and flats are recorded here. A number of them unusually desirable. If you are seeking a new place of abode 1 the listings will save you time aa4 trouble or going from office to office, to procure what is wanted.". $25.50 Hicksite Tarnish Proof Massive Brass Beds Like Cut $18.85 In spite of the advance in all brass mate rials, here is a splendid Hicksite lacquered Brass Bed that will not tarnish, offered at a ppeclal price. The posts are full two inches and the filler rods and trimmings of extra size. It is a Bed that will later cost you many dollars more. - Use Your. Credit t 1 1 I Indestructible Fiber Rockers Extra Special $4.45 Strong, substantial Fiber Rockers, as appropriate for porch use as for the In terior. Woven with basket seat and bfl'k nd full roll arms, It is the strongest' Rocker of its kind that we know of. This special price Is much less than reg ular. Only one to a customer the quantity is limited. Use Your Credit