The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 14, 1916, Page 28, Image 28

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    & - " k " f:"
---- W-,-ii", -M ---
y I Farm TrarJes
'We can get you a satisfactory ex
inge; look these over:
Money Making 52 Acres
lxcatel Juet 8 mllea from the city
nlte, nd on of the beat farms In
eion: 62 acres, 4S acres deured, best
'land, no gravel; aarn fiirxlOu, con
''t potato bouae, and lota of out
".ildinga; dwelling haa hot and cold
iter;, water piped to all buildings.
tK.SONAL 8 Jersey cow 3 Jersey
If era,. 3 calves, hoge. chickens. 3
j horses, 25 bushels of wheat,
nam' separator, iio Kord auto,
ed In milk route which pays
00 'par month alone; all household
;ods crop all in; price 115,000. Take
odero home' to $7000. You can clear
i)00 par year on this place.
U: 55 Acres for $6500
H mile from town on Northern Pa
tio. H acres, all good land, 7 room
astered house, barn, stanchions for
jCOWa, 7 modern chicken houses, bear-K-
orchard. PERSONAL 3 horses,
w, calf, heifer; 16 chickens, 2 bug-es,-
wagon, 8 sets harness, Imple
entsf price 16600, .take house $5000,
. lance assuma mortgage $1600.
1:325 Acre Stock &anch
r$$0 per acre takes It; located 100
ties south of Portland. B miles from
xi town. Linn county; there are 325
res, 66 cultivated, 2 million feet tini
,T. balance good pasture; well wa
'red, fair buildings; price $10,000,
ka clear city property or close In
mi for equity, balance assume;
hool loan of $2500 and second mort-
g fSOO. Thin Is a fine dairy etui
ack, ranch.
2Q Acres, Fresno, Cat.
'This" 10 acre tract, all cleared and
titrated, near Fresno, Cal. Price
:00a; take house or close in acreage.
Splendid 193 Acres
! -miles east on good auto road,
'3 acres, 0 acres cleared, balance
no -pasture and timber; new 8 room
uaa, fine red barn, outbuildings;
lea $18,000; take-clear city to $12,000.
lance assume, $6000, 6 mortgage.
41 j 8 Acres, Hillsboro
This Is a fine piece of land, all
tared, about mile station. 3 miles
,t Hillsboro; 18 acres, small house
id -barn: price S4500; take- clear
tSa - $2500, balance assume, long
rmr $2000 6 mortgage.
;400 Acre Stock Ranch
Located In best stock country in
ashlngton, 100 acres In meadow
nd, irrigated, balance fine pasture
d. Joining best outrange; price $15,
0; trade for small place well located.
;68 Acres, Forest Grove
Do you want a good farm rich land.
iod buildings, with a fine pish stream
Sht a your door? Read this 68
rea, 40 cultivated, fine fish stream
rough place, new 8 room house, new
irH, outbuildings, 6 acres bearing
unes. PERSONAL Team. 7 cows,
tielfera. 60 chickens, 7 hogs, all farm
iplaments. Good graveled road; 4
ilea Forest Grove. Price $9000. Take
'00.0 city.
'We .have any sire tract you want.
Hargrove .& Sons,
11 N. 6th at: Phone Broadway 4381.
'Good 7 room house, modern, corner
ixlOO, cement walks $2750. Easy
rroa or take clear lots worth $1000
room house, fireplace, close In.
180. Easy terms, flght trade for
iKMt'farm, with some equipment.
( room modern house, west side,
alklng distance. $750u. Trade for few
'.Tea In suburbs or farm.
Six beautiful lots In suburbs, $1800.
rade for amall farm.
i'COT. 201 Btock Exchange bldg., 170
' Third st.
.160 acres, -40 In cultivation, small
oueev barn, chicken house, team,
agon, furniture, chickens, turkeys,
ioOO. Clear. Trade for clear houne .'n
ortland, equal value. Party getting
ova can locate 320 acres government
d adjoining, 200 acres tillable. Snap.
cCoy, 201 Stock Exchange bldg. 170
bird at.
ORTLAND property wanted In ex
change for 100 acre farm near Eu
nna. Well located, good buildings, 75
eras In cultivation, hog tight fences,
rlca $100 per acre. Trade for Fori
md residence or Income property. Sum
Ugh Realty Co., 22 8th ve. K., Eu
ne, Or.
r ACRES of land, 1 M miles from
: Newberg, Or., all cleared, good "Oil
nd rolling. 6 room house, good barn
nd other buildings. Good fences, good
ater. 1V4 miles from school. Price
t place $4000, free from debt. Will
rade for property' in Lewlston, tJaho,
rlth some cash. Write 401 E. 50th st.
f., or -hone Tabor 6805. Mrs. G. C.
20 -ACRES of good land, small im
provements. 2,000,000 ft. of good saw
Imber. Price $35 per acre, will take
oruana property ior part or an.
868,000 valley ranch, close to Port
md. Want wheat ranch. Wijl assume
ome or pay some difference. 314 Lum
"(Exchange bldg., Portland, Or.
.119 crea In valley, clear of debt
rtn $3000. Trade for house and lot
ven worth 82&00.
It .; KELLY, 723 Ch. Com. I ldg
EN acres. 29 miles S. of Portland,
near: ureiton Electric, & room papered
ouse. large narn, pump house, gn .so
rt, engine, feed mill. All In culttva
orii 8 acres In orchard, fine condition
ome bearing. $3000. Mtg. $1300. Ex
hanjre for house and lot. or good va
unt lota preferred. McCoy. 201 Stock
.xcftange Diag., lvo so.
0 ACIiES. well improved. 2 houses,
barna. chicken houses, etc.. on ma
adam road. 2 miles from electric
Uton. 7" miles from Vancouver: will
xahange for 15 to 20 room, rooming
ouse Must be A-l furniture. Jordan.
"t Lumoermeng oiog.
Trades, Quick Results -
We trade everything anywhere, eoul
lea. farms, houses and lots, momlna
.rosea, stores. Write or see us for
eaulta. Vfrulgiey iteaity CO.. Z0J Wil
on hate.
1 ACRES at Sherwood, Or. 6 acres it,
cultivation, house and barn, 2 cows
' horse and buggy, and farming tools.
VIU exchange for house and lot In
ortland. Price $2600. Mrs G. C.
:chlson. Writ 401 E. 60th st. No,,
r pnona vapor osua
O ACRES under high state of cultl
y at Ion. stock and implements, crop
n. 18 miles from Portland, good road;
till exchange for 1 acre or more with
nodero house close to Portland on
re gun City or electric line.. See Jor-
0 ACRES for house in a good town.
i-crea cleared. 6 room hous. barn,
rchard ' and fruit. 1 H miles town,
nalft road. Price $2700. Mortgage $700
rake house for equity. W. v. Hyde,
KwerocK, wasn
near Itth and Qulmby. Good part oi
!ty. $7600; mtg. 83000. Exchange for
itnber,-,fann Und or suburban tract.
"Cor, 201 Stock Exchange bldg.. 170
.'.OD hous.
Vni fruit.
i. i block,-all kinds bear
$3600. Equity $2300. Sell
n lnatallmente or cheap for cash.
n gaoa ciear acreage. 306 pittock
' "" ' -
l ACRE valley farm. 100 acres cul
tlvated. bal. pasture. No rocks, good
oek. One hair trade. Spad at $50 per
re. iaaney, 1IS4 4th aC Maiof I29L
i (Continued)
3 CX)TTAOB:S, nearly new and
modern, all rented with a total
income of $37 per month. Price
$6000 clear.
10 room modern houee with
about 1 acre of land, all under
cultivation, rented for long time
at 825 per month. Price $S500
160 acre' dairy farm, r.ear
Woodland, Wash., with modern
buildings, equipment and house
of 7 rooms, line soil, on the Pa
cific highway and the north fork
of the KewlH river runs along
the place. The place Is fully
equipped and is rented for $550
per year, but includes no stock.
Price 815,00'J clear.
Also mortgages and notes to
the amount of 83500.
Will combine all of the above
on wheat or stock ranch Jn
Unlorf. Wallowa. I'n.atllla r
Walla Walla counties to not over
,block with trackage on the
west side, improved, with an in
come of 8250 per month. Price
$70,000, mortgage $18,000 at S'o,
3 years; will r onslder a good val
ley farm up to $60,000 or a good
paying apartment building to
100x150, close In, west side,
improved with several old cot
tages, flats and store buildings,
with an income of about 8175.
Price $56,000. Will consider an
eastern farm or other city In
come property. Some Incum
brance. Oregon Home Builders
1330 Northwestern P.r.nk bldg.
Oliver K. Jeffery, President,
Farms,, Stock and Equipment
230 acres near Broadacres. one of
finest places in the valley: 180 in cul
tivation, balance timber; 2 creeks, soma
fine bottom land and beaverdam; fine
10 room house, other buildings good
and everything first class; 4 horses.
10 Jersey cows, 20 Duroc hogs, full
equipment. Cash price, $100 per acre.
Will take smaller place as part pay
ment, balance on time.
100 acres within 4 mile of Mt An
gel; all In cultivation, good buildings
electric lighted, 12 acres hops. 6
horses, 22 head dairy slock, 30 hogs
all farm tools; price $22,500. Will tak
small farm or city propeity to $15,000
balance 6.
280 acres on Camas Prairie: fine
hay and dairy ranch: 90 acres In tim
othy, 70 in grain, good buildings. 7
horses, 6 cows, all machinery needed'
price 824. OOd. Will take small placo
near Portland to $20,000.
Lueddemann Company
013 I'hamber of Commerce.
ALFALFA ranch. hai own wnter
rights, paid for. hulMi
stock and machinery, land produces 7
to 9 tons alfalfa per acre yearly. Oth
er nronerlv rnniM.r. . . . . . on i , . .
or $40,000.' " ' l"
Have a fine income nr.Tier-t., n t-
land, price 832.500 iiwnr ,iii
shier good vacant property In cltv to I
$20,000: If really attractive mlsrht ta'
to $25,600. 1 gal a ' I
Another ?nnH Inrnma rm r- I .
; wa"t 1 valley farm to JrtO.- I
000. Must be stocked and equipped.
1600 acre Imnroved wheat rln.i, nnn
In grain good wejl, frir buildings
srar8"6' other
L. K. Moore
j7Boarjof Trade bldg.
20 acres, nartlv Imnroved
r-wner lives In Portland and
I ortland home; $2000.
JO acres readv for lrHiinn .
ow ner would consider Pnrnnj JZ' ! iiuusc or vacant lots; IZino
40 acres Improved and clear, want
Portland property, $6000.
70 acres, clear, close In. will con
sider timber, $3500.
72 acres, clear, highly Improved
slock and Implements; wants wheat
land, $14,400.
160 acres, half Improved, clear war.
f',y .op"rty- Drefer business build-
POPD & KENNEDY. Hermlston Or
v. acre8- ,4, room bungalow, other
place; in Klickitat Ohuntv Vvh
across the road fror.: a Rummer r,. i
sort. Mortgatce 81600- will oil
easy terms or exchange for unlncum- '
-.wproperiJ Kred w- German Co., !
732 Cham, of Com
FOR SALE or trade. 35 acres. 25 In ! 'blocks from postoffice. Cheip for
cultivation, on Oregon Electric line, j cash or terms If desired. Phone Mar
IVuu .m "'a.1 'on. 1 mile from town shall 3798.
v.ii. niRn scnool and cheese i
.nwiui. jouu. iiuu casn, or will
trade for stock of groceries or house
want cash value; easy pavments 6
per cent. L. Loydgren. Hubbard, Or
R F. D No. 1. Box 38.
20 ACRES. $1000.
4 miles from Winlock. Wash., 8 room
house, barn 20x80, smokehouse and
chicken house. 2 acres cleared. Incum
brance $600. Exchange for vacant lots
unincumbered here. Fred W. German
Co., 732 Cham, of Com.
SALE, EXCHANGE Canada wheat
land, 20-32-West 1. Cash. Umercrop
payments. Want 4-flat building or
small stock ranch. Wash , Oregon Cal
west of Cascades. B. Monroe. Bremer
tcn. Wash. Owner.
67 ACRES, V In cultivation, fai.- build
ings, stock, implements, grain- 5
miles Oregon City, 16 miles Portland
for good city property up to 86500
clear. Price $8500. R. 7. Box 12. Ore
gon City, Or.
WANTED Portland property or acre
Exchange J houses, nice lot ail
lencea. price lisoo. The price of this 1
property is right and the nric. of !
yourgniust be. See photo at office of I
r red W. German Co.. 732 ChAm I
E. Main st.. homevalued at $3000; i
V?V8 74 rooms, toilet and bath, lot 60x
'. wiin oearing rrun trees. Will
iiixtip i ur nuune in urn ana
modern house in hut ...
Richmond, worth 85500. for lisnn-
aVeOtrn0e00OwInee3r,: ona? !
WILL exchange for city residence or
blacksmith shop or garage property,
my 54 acres in Marion county, Oregon
in good location. Address J. F Ben
ton. R. No. 3. Gervais Or
IDAHO wheat farm, $5000. Would take
suburban home at 82000. Cash $1750
balance in 4 years. J. H. Honig, owner
Cambridge. Idaho. wwner,
3 A., clear. 30 mln. out. some im
provements. $1650, for 10 or more
A. further out. same value. 1107 Glenn
ave. N.
EXCHANGE Imnrnvul kn An i
fully equipped, good water. lots of
fruit: want 25 or 30 a. lmnrove.1 1
Owner. X-592. Journal.
EXCHANGE. 1 house an lot .il ..i "
em conveniences, near hMi .i '
carline. for grocery that can be moved t
wiiexjoiain ibzo.
CLEAR business block, modern anrt r
mania a rA Kihrm1. 1 . . .
Idaho. Water rlKht'for "land buim' CONFECTIONERY, cigars, light gro
rlowed AIM lot? In KM,. n. 7 ceries, fine location, near school,
ip0rTntheW.9Vrss3ouri.ratrade y lV WiU 8eU '
144 Sister- Oree-nr. 1 720 AlbeTta.
ments and bungalow Income . HtnlTJI lcVSMITH ihnn stock and tonls.
rr.oj. for productive farm. Owners only. , good location. J. H. Albertson. Sll
Tabor 1697. , verton. Oregon.
STRICTLY, modern. 1 rooms, steam
heated, garage, fruit trees, roses, cor.
ivt. im m;rriir. xv-PJ c, journal.
ACRES in Portland. $15,000; want
farm or logged-of f land as all or
part -"payment. L-918. Journal.
$500 EQUITY in modern 6-room bun
v galow berries, trult trees, rose
bushes, to$ clear lot Woodlawn 2893.
EXCHANGE $1200 equity in modern
6 room furnished house for automobile
(car to 68th at,, east 'side of street,
block rrom canine. Call Sunday or
WILL, sell or trade 86000 hotel, 32
rooms, completely furnished; city of
about 2000 inhabltanta, eastern Ore
gon. Only hotel in the town. Kree and
clear of Incumbrance. Krebs-Logus Co.,
110 10th mt
120 ACRES unimproved land, good
timber, Tillamook county: value
82500; no Incumbrance, for equity of
same value In bungalow. J-581. Jour
nal. COLUMBIA highway highly improved
91 acre ranch, buildings, horses, cat
tle, sheep, hogs, chickens, machinery
to trade, price i000. Reynolds, Rain
ier. Or.
$2100 EQUITY In dandy bungalow.
well located, want small place near
town or will take wheat land and put
in more property. J. B. Ruley Co., 928
Chamber of Commerce.
$75,000 FIVE story brick apartment
Chicago income, $7000. Trade for
Improved farm. Grand Hotel, Rainier,
Free and clear, worth around $2200,
for acreage near Beaverton. What
have you? Jacob Haas, Dekum bldg.
6 NICE cultivated acres, almost on
Rase Line, beyond Russelvllle
school. $3000; clear, for house. 209
Mohawk bldg.
10 ROOM house, double floors, two
sets of plumbing, trade 4 or 6 room,
modern cottage, bal. like rent. V688",
20 ACRfiS. Willamette valley land
with small house near fnterurban.
Would consider good Portland resi
dence pro prtyI-931. Journal.
75 ACRES, 60 cultivated, near schools
and churches, $6000; half trade.
Garage or machine shop preferred.
Sellwood 264.
100x100 LOT, houee and sanitary barn.
wagon and auto shed, hay loft, fruit,
3 blocks car. Value $1800. Now rented.
Trade for good land. M-941, Journal.
GOOD city property to exchange for
Improved farms. S. S. Prentiss, 505
Corbett bldg.
Rooming, Houses Business Oppoirtuiniiilies
A Diversified List of Business Opportunities Is Continually Offered in These Columns
Must Sell at Once
On account of health, all furnishel
throughout, all modern conveniences.
A good business, good location. Price
$5000. Will take 3 or 5 acres as part
payment not more than 15 miles fro:n
Portland. Call Col. 125.
A Rare Chance
11 H K. rooms, good furniture;
money maker; White Temple dist. ;
rent $25; price 8190: terms.
See HALL, 612-13 Panama bldg.
8 RMS. Modern fireproof brick bldg.
Rent $125. Beautifully rurntsnea in
best oak and mahogan
Hk fls and hair lnatt
better In town. $1500.
mahoranv. Draas oeas,
mattresses, coining
Terms, iatee
249 4th St.
rn inllvTi 1. V. 1 t rt ftna W w .1 -
tion. Exchange for house and lot.
good Income snap. Apartment house,
175 rooms, furnished, to lease for term
of years. Snap, 7 room flat, close in,
furnished. Mar. 609. 446 Burnside St.
2 and 3 Room Apartments
Nice, modern house, elegantly fur
nished. Rent only $40. Small amount
cash will handle. Will consider some
trade. Quigley, 202 Wilcox bldg.
16 ROOMS and sleeping porch, beau
tiful west side location; fine furni
ture, electric lights, new furnace.
Must be sold this week. Worth $700.
My price $400. Call 88 10th, near
24 ROOMS, close In, transent house.
Rent $20 mo. Two rooms bring in
rent. Big, sacrifice. Owner leaving
town. Price J2Z& ror an. can ss lutn.
near Stark.
Best Buy in the City
19 H. K. rooms, all full, rent $27.60,
close In; price $295.
See HALL, 612-13 Panama bltfg.
FOR SALE By the owner, 18 rooms.
nicely furnished for housekeeping:
small amount cash, terms. 408 Jeffer
son, near 11th.
We have a good lot and house to
! exchange for a good rooming house.
Xf.T.'lT'TC J ci r P ..I i .... TJ1.
McKENZIE & CO., 615 Gerlinger Bldg.
an H TC and transient rms. Cemrally
inrotH rhoon rent Vnrnacn heat.
electric and gas. Price $1000. No mtg
Will trade. Make offer. Call 249 4th.
-. : 1 rrz
L' 1 T I ...... .-. 1 .1 hnuaa fnr c ) ! O
FURNISHED rooming house. Front
st.. cheap rent. 712 Chamber Com
merce. ROOMING house, bargain. 16 rooms.
force sale, rent $30; close in. well
furnished H. K.. $185. Call 191 4th st.
19 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all run.
rent $25; only $376, part cash, bal
ance terms. 183 Holladay.
LARGE board and rooming house to
exchange for city Income property
or acreage. Call 623 Henry bldg.
85018 rooms, 601 Harrison. Inquire
390 16th or phone Main 902.
10 ROOM rooming house, furnlsnea,
for rent cheap. 492 Clay.
BY OWNER 14 housekeeping rooms,
close in. Marshall 2594.
14 ROOMS, all H. K., sell or trade.
West side. K-R38. Journal
11 ROOMS, outside rooms, corner
house. Marshall 4467
$100 WILL buy exclusive business
eniarnnteeri to nn v 80C& on all Sales.
i Bright woman can handle as well as a
man. 603 Panama blng.
MEAT market for si
sale. Fine location
nn4 husihess. A barKaln. W-767.
FOR SALE A superior cleaning plant
at low price. Address P. O. Box 941,
The Dallefe, Or
GROCER Invoice 82000; sales, 81500
per month; old established, west
side; no agents. G-786, Journal
OE -tore and repair shop for sale
4519 Woodstock ave.
GOOD opening for a ladies' and gents'
tailor; established business. Z-388,
BEFORE you buy see what 1 have for
your money in stores and hotels.
MASTERS, 607 Pittock Blk.
FOR BALE One saw mill and 20,000,
000 eet of timber. Address Dupay
Lu m be r Co.. Butte Falls. Ore.
FINE stamps,
a. m.-6 p. m.
North 16th st-
hlngea. albums, etc., 8
Columbia Stamp Co.. 84
Main 7580.
Rose City PrtntlDr Co
'Third st. cor. Taylor.
RESTAURANT in heart of city, gooa
business. 1 must go home. $425 If
taken at once
Owner. S-968. Journal.
PARTNER for well paying established
business, money ampiy secured
M1LLERSHIP. 431 Cham. Com.
. , . ...r.T . i . I - J ....
FOR SALB Milk business with well
equipped plant. Net profit! $400
per month- M-942, Journal.
FULLY equipped restaurant for sale
at a bargain or to rent at a re&son-
aWe price, 3d St. Sell. 08.
WANTED Stock of groceries and
fixtures for-II room rooming; aonse,
12th and Yamhill. Mar.' S827. ; v .
IS acres 8 miles from Portland, high
ly improved, good buildings, price 813.
500. Wants 60 to 80 acres to $16,000
Stock in lumber company and good
town property, all worth $13,000, clear,
to" give as part payment on farm to
Lueddemann Company
913 Chamber of Commerce.
28 ACRES, 1H miles good town with
high school and good roads; com-
roriaoie 6-room nouse. hot and cold
water, new bam. hold 14 head; 20
acres good bottom silt land; 100
young bearing fruit trees, plenty ber-
ries farm tools included $4500; take
Portland home to 83000. balance' time
P. McChesney, 603 Title & Trust bldg
HAVE several choice farms of about
80 acres; improved, stocked and
equipped; I am authorized to exchange
on low cash basis for good .Portland
1202 Northwestern Bank bldg.
SELL or trade for Ford or wnat have
you? Contract 32000 on half acre,
5 room house, bis chicken houwe, fruit
trees and berries and garden; 3650
paid bal. 310 month 7re. 4816 60th st.
S E. Sunday, or call Monday. Ask for
Taylor. Tabor 5732.
Wash.; all cultivated; good set build
ings, on rock road, 8 miles from Van
couver; fine black loam soil, no rock;
gqod place; price 36000; take house up
to $4500. balance time.
JACOB HAAS. Dekum Bldg.
160 ACRES in San Joaquin valley, Cal.
All checked for alfalfa. Irrigated.
Fenced and cross-fenced. 1000 shade
trees. 3& miles from R. R. trice $80
per acre. Trade for city or country
property. Yates. 249 4th Ft.
ABSOLUTELY modern, un-inoumDered
and well located $&000 Portland resi
dence to exchange for improved acre-
1202 Northwestern Bank bldg.
7 ROOM house, all modern, located In
St. Johns. Will exchange for small
acreage Or vacant lot?. Party . leaving
city. Price of place $3500, mortgage
of $1200. Write 401 E. 50th St. N. or
phone Tabor 5805. Mrs. G. C. Et'hlaon.
FOR SALE General store In growing
community. New building, K'O feet
from railway station; cost $1703. Stock
Inventories about $2500. Trade estab
lished. Good will valuable. New
lumber mills opening. A snap. Price
$4500, including building-, stoca fix
tures and 2 Mi acres land. Terms. Write
1107 E. 18th N., Portland. Or.
Home and Business Combined
If you want permanent home, life
time location, investigate this high
school lunch, confectionery, ice cream,
doing large business; 000 students,
living rooms, bath. Will not sell this
place after May 22. W-3fS. Journal.
A RELIABLE manufacturer want
general sales manager to establish
office and manage salesmen. Liberal
contract, $300 to $700 capital neces
sary. Money making possibilities un
limited. Will pay expenses to Chicago
if you are man we want. Secretary.
1012 Republic bldg, Chicago.
Good Paying Garage
Located In -ood country town. Lots
machinery. Good chance for macnlnlst.
Will sell H Interest for little cash and
balance trade. This is good proposl
tlon. See i luigley. 202 Wilcox . d g.
FIRST-CLASS confectionery in good
county seat town. Guarantee good
paying business. Take auto as part
pay. Have many other good stores in
the city and country towns, some real
bargains. --Come in and talk it over.
Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg
A Money Maker
Delicatessen, soda fountain; living
rooms; cheap rent; close to school;
See Hall. 612-13 Panama bldg.
SODA plant for sale, located in city
of 12.000. Well established business.
Fully equipped, latest machinery com
plete. Auto track. Exclusive bottlers'
right for "Hires" and Coca Cola. Own
er wishes to retire. Write Gray Mc-
Lean at rercy. r'ortianq. ur.
FOR SALE, or will trade for Portland
real estate: Feed mill and grain
business, in thriving city of 25,000 in
habitants, now doing a profitable bus
iness of from 820,000 to 825,000 per
month. Owners have other Interests.
N-740, Journal
FOR SALE or rent. 28-room hotel,
good location, price to sell $3200, M:
eash, or will rent, will give flrsL
month free, second month $20, one
year $25 per month. For Information
call Columbia 81. or see J. F. Gillman."
1 1 3 M N. Jersey St.. St. Johns.
RESTAURANTS, rooming houses.
hotels, pool halls, sawmills, gro
ceries, and other businessea for sale
and exchange. 25 years in this line,
to buy or sell, to get the best bar
gains, easiest terms, see McCov. 201
Stock Exchange bldg., 170 Third.
Best Snap Out
Grocery and delicatessen. corner,
close in, living rooms; leaving city;
part trade.
See Hall. 612-13 Panama bldg.
WANTED IDEAS Write for list of
Inventions wanted by manufacturers
and prices offered for Invention?. Our
4 books sent free. Patents advertised
free. Victor J. Evans & Co., 614 Ninth,
Washington, D. C.
1 WILL sell one hair Interest in man
ufacturing business for 860O; will
stand strictest investigation. Business
on good paying basis. If you don't
mean business do not answer. By own
er. U-751. Journal.
HAVE a fully equipped launch build
ing plant on the coast for salo at a
bargain. Good opening for a first class
boat builder. Terms on pert. Come In
and fret particulars. Neal Brown. 203
Panama blog.
WANTED, an. alert, intelligent man
or woman to finance an amusement
enterprise; a sure winner; swell nov
elty. $1000 required; good salary and
can double your money before the
summer Is over. J-586, Journal.
GOOD 17 room hotel, doing a good
business, for sale at & very reason
able price; terms. Owner has other In
terests. Address 4C9 State St., Salem,
GROCERIES and mdse store, country,
on R. R. P. O. In connection. Grow
ing business. Store house and stock
about $4000. Some terms. Tabor
3474 or Z-976. Journal.
GROCERY, confectionery, Ice cream.
soda fountain, soft drinks, bchool
supplies, across from good school. 3
living rooms. Rent $15. Phone East
CONF., ice cream parlor, 2 nicely fur
nished rooms, fine garden and 15
chickens go with this: rent for all.
$10 mo. Will sacrifice for $250.
MILLBRSHIP. 431 Cham. Com.
BEST 3 chair barber shop In Port
land, account death, for sale cheap.
Owner must leave. Cash or terms.
109 N. fith stn
WANTED Novelties for mail order
business; suitable for home, office
or mechanics. Send descriptive mat
ter. P. O. Box 609. Sta. C. Los Angeles.
INVENTORS We develop and perfect
inventions, make models and - do
manufactnring. Portland Model Works,
142 2d st.
DAIRY plant, well equipped. near
Portland. Swank, 601 Northwest
bldg. Main 4190.
MILLINERY store for sale in amall
town, splendid summer trade; 810!)
yill swing sale. Box Z. Seaside. Or.
I HAVE about L000.000 feet of fir
timber: who wants to put In a mill
and cut into lumber? 8-860. Journal.
FOR SALE Orwery store. Oa account
- of sickness. 449 Alberta St. '
MAN for wood saw; good proposition. Cham. Com,
160 ACRES. 21 His, AD STOCK $41.25
160 acres. 40 acres cultivated, 30
acres pasture, balance timber, 34 miles
from R. R. and Santlam river. About
100 acres of this land lies level enough
for good farming. The 21 head
of stock consists of three good
milk cows, four yearlings, two calves,
3 horses, 8 s hosts, brooa bow and 84
chickens; has farm tools and imple
ments; old 6 room house, barn and sev
eral outbuildings, orchard, water piped
from pure mountain stream into the
house. This stream runs' through the
place and is large enough to furnish
water power, as well as abundance of
walpr fnr th ranch at sll sen unna It
abounds In mountain trout. Price
$6600. Prefer to trade for 16 or 20
acres near Portland, but will consider
city property.
210 Rothchlld Bldg.. 4th and Wan h. St.
olM acres in Clackamas county, near
Barton station on the Estacada car
line, near Clackamas river. This is
an undeveloped farm, right In the
heart of a well settled community.
within easy distance of Portland, both
by auto and electric line. It has 5
acres in cultivation. 4 acres slashed;
Is all level and 9 acres of the best river
bottom land, balance of t,he soil is of
a sandy nature and very fertile; wa
tered by springs, has two small cheap
buildings. Price $4100, mortgage $2200.
What havewou to trade for the equity
210 Rothchlld Building, fth and Wash
790 ACRES in Cowlitx county, Wash
ington, some second growth; wood
will pay for land. Want city prop
erty. Wheat farm, eastern Oregon, 900
acres cultivated; rood buildings; close
to station. Wlant valley or city prop
207 Ry. Exchange.
FOR TRADE A. good $5000 equitv in
a good house, a business corner and
three other lots. Want property near
Portland. P. E. ALVORD, 218 Board of
Trade bldg.
$8000; COUNTRY store and residence
with 1 acre. 83000 stock, doing 81000
monthly. Postoffice and railroad ticket
office In store. Exchange for valley
farm equal value McCoy. 201 Stock
Exchange bldg., i70 Third.
Auto truck and route, earning 8300
to $500 monthly, $2000 $1000 cash.
Stocked and equipped dairr and
route, 32S0-. monthly income, lease 60
acres, stock and implements. Rent
$25. $2100 cash. ,
Several restaurants, cafeterias and
grocery stores. $125 to $4000. Pool
hall, $450. McCoy, 201 Stock Exch.
Bldg.. 170 Third.
$10,000 CLEAR business property.
Take unimproved land, sjitable
stock, part payment.
$8000 clear, 25 room hotel bldg., for
apt. site, acreage, etc.
Exchanges, houses, lots, farm6,
buildings, etc.
228 Henry bldg.
PARTNER wanted to help In automo
bile business. Can't depend on hired
help. Owner will guarantee $100 mo.
to energetic man now which can be
increased with Interested help and a
very small investment Is required. Call
room 329 Morgan bldg.
OFFICE business: Partner wanted to
help in office, also to take customers
out to see stores, etc., listed for sale.
Can make good profits aad a very
small investment required. Particulars
room 329 Morgan bldg.
DRUG store in good country town will
bo sold on account of owner's de
cease: Invoices about $4500. Will sell
for $3500. Doing good business. No
agents. Address D. J. F., 6230 44th
st. S. E., city.
GARAGE, storage for 30 cars, 18
stored now, at $5 mo., also filling
station, cost $250, $50 of otls, $75 tools,
and 5-pass. auto. This place Is clearing
$160 mo. Will sacrifice for $700.
MJLLERSHIP. 431 Cham. Com.
ONE billiard, 6 pool tables, together
with stock and fixtures, located in
good live town; worth $1300; will take
31000. For particulars write M. M
Duke, Camaa. Wash.
A LADY with first class education
and business experience with $200 or
$300 for partner In office In Portland.
J. S. Knauss, Abstract Room, Court
house. BUTTER, eggs, light groceries, etc.
Have opening for an energetic man
in a strictly cash store; pay you 3100
month and small Investment required.
Call room 329 Morgan bldg.
WANTED A steady man to help in a
light manufacturing business. Be
fore you invest one dollar owner will
show you large profits can be made.
Call room 323 Morgan bldg.
Fully equipped. Electrlo power.
Best opening In Willamette valley.
Plehty of work. A bargain. Write for
particulars. P. McDonald. St. Paul, Or.
CONFECTIONERY, tee cream, soda
fountain and light groceries, dolne
fine business, with 6 living rooms and
bath; rent for all 315 mo., price 3400.
MILLERS HIP, 431 Cham. Com.
HARNESS MAKER wanted for coun
try town in good farming district
Shop with harness and shoe repairing
Machinery for rent with privilege of
buying. Y-659, Journal.
POOLROOM, cigar stand and soft
drinks for sale cheap. Good loca
tion. See owner afternoons or night.
314 Burnside. corner 6th at. Phone
Broadway 1147.
FOR SALE: Meat market, good lively
vallev town of 3000. Dally sales, 840
Rent 316. Good reasons for selling.
DX-576, Journal.
WANTED Partners with $2000 in
wholesale produce business. Good
salary with one-half of profits to
right party. Z-969JournaI.
$150 BUYS half interest in an estab
lished wage paying business that Is
getting better right along. Hustler
can learn; good trade. 352 3d.
best new and second-hand furniture
and hardware stores in 'the Willamette
valley, 35000 stock. E-933. Journal.
FOR SALE 2 greenhouses doing good
retail business located near cem
etery. S. E. Portland. Good reasons
for selling. X-525, Journal.
SHOHSTORE owner has two; wants
to sell one. small or large stock;
food location. Repair machinery. , P
48, Journal.
GENERAL merchandise store in amall
town. 12 miles from Portland; only
store In vicinity. Call Marshall 1011.
No agents.
UP-TO-DATE out of town motion pic
ture theatre; must sell' at once. Will
take $650 cash. Worth $1000. S-969,
SECOND hand book store, doing fine
business, rent
$12 mo. Price 3:
431 Cham. Com.
GOOD INVESTMENT Elderly gentle
man, stranger, financially stranded:
would like aid to get back home to
Chicago. M-943, Journal.
DAIRY for sale, selling $750 milk per
month. Address 1816 E. 20th st.
DRUG STORE in suburbs, cheap
cash. Box G-952, Journal.
LADY would like partner in
ing house. Tabor 4468. Mrs
a room
Draper AUTO wood saw for sale by owner. 661
Tenino av. Phone Sw. 1163.
FOR SALE Shoe shining parlor, good
location. - Cull 30 Hawthorne.
GOOD paying agency
. business, $200.
Cham. Corn. --
CONFECTIONERY and lunch counter.
. Mo trade. No agent. $43 Russell.
Continued) .
Trades of Every Kind
Don't wait to sell; let's trade. We
can match you at 52 Couch bldg.
Square1 deal guaranteed.
40 acres, near Vancouver; 2 housea;
15 acres crop; price $3000; mtg. 81500,
3 yrs.; want Portland property.
BADLKY 621 Yeon bldg. Main 481.
FIVE acres, fur. house, fences, chick
en houses, high altitude, fine cli
mate, near iancaster, Cal. Value
$1200. Want house and lot in Port
land. Phone Woodlawn 4609.
Properties of all kinds and siiea for
interchange. See or write us.
607 Yeon bldg.
10 room house, fine lot, 72d and
Glisan; Incumbrance $1000. Trads
equity for $1000 lot.
BADLEY. 621 Yeon bid.
80 ACRES ill Powell Butte section. .0
acres can be cultivated, 35 under
cultivation, some alfalfa, water right.
Price $3500 clear. Want clear house
in Portland or a stock of Jewelry.
Ferguson, Gerltnger bldg.
17 acres bearing almonds, Good
nough Hills, fine shape, all clear; price
$5000; want Portland property.
BADLEY. 621 Yeon bldg. Main 481.
Nice 5, 6 and 7 mom bungalow !n
splendid locations for $50 down and
rent payments.
BADLEY, 621 Yeon bldg
1C acres at Oregon City, house, barn,
4 cows, 2 horses. Implements, to ex
change for a house in Portland.
McKENZIE & CO.i 515 Gerllnger FtMr.
160 acres, some in wheat. Jefferson
county, very reasonable, to exchange
for city property.
McKENZIE & CO., 515 Gerllnger Bldg.
160 acrs tine timber to exchange for
a house and lot in Portland.
McKTONZITS & CO.. 515 Oerllnger Bldg.
WANTED, small acreage near carline.
in exchange for bungalow in Rose
Cltv. Call Tabor 205.
80 ACRE farm, in cultivation, clear,
for clear bungalow, on paved street.
McCULLOCH, 510 Gerlinger bldg.
. (Continued )
A Merry-Go-Round
Here's a business proposition:
We have a merry-go-'round that
cost approximately 82500; the
season Is opportune for making
money "Aith it. It's in good shape
and Is set up for demonstrating
, purposes. Jt worth at least
81000. but well sell it for con
siderably less. See it at 363 E.
Oregon St. East 7222.
FOR SALE r- Moving picture outfit.
Including Powers Camlgraph No. 6
A. practically new, reostat, transform
er, etc., comDletp show: rent reason
able. Investigate at once. ('heap. if tak
en within 10 days. Doing good business
in nve town. Aaaress Box 127, Will
amlna. Or.
3400 worth of machines and tools for
3200. 2 M. M. beaters, gas or coke fur
nace, band power cutting mach., steel
slab, hand power choc, dipping mach.,
copper kettles, 100 starch trays and
starch, 150 candy trays and other hand
tools, call E. 411 Monday.
FOR SALE 8100 buys complete busi
ness and equipment. Including form-
.k or,ue8i sweeping compound on
me mantel.
73. Front St.
DRUG store on good west side Wash
lngton st. location, a business that
clears 3250 a month from a store in
voicing 34000; owner has other inter
est outside the city; some terms. Main
FOR SALE, the best equipped lapidary
and mfg. Jewelry shop on the coast;
bus. established 9 years; Will sell at
actual cost; central location: owner.
X-364. Journal.
ABSTRACT and mtge. comp., clearing
over $200 mo., with very bright fu
ture, established 4 years; price $8000,
terms; this will bear investigation
MILLERSHIP, 431 Cham. Com.'
GROCERY. confectionery. clearing
over $100 mo.; large school trade;
with 5 living-rooms and bath; $60 mo
milk trade; 650 will handle.
MILLERSHIP. 431 Cham. Com
4-ROOM boathouse, storage house for
30 canoes; dressing-rooms, lockers;
4 rowboats, 2 canoes and gas launch;
fully equipped; will sacrifice for $350;
terms. Mlllerahlp, 431 Cham Com.
GROCERY doing good business to ex
change for house and lot; will give
or take difference: price must be
right. N. I. Farnsworth. 267 Oak st
CIGAR stand, pool room and soft drink
for sale cheap, good location. See
owner afternoons or nights. 6th and
Burnside sts. Phone Broadway 1147
Grocery Stores, All Kinds
i. V it T UCUA U1U.
IF you are a barber and have a little
money I have a five chair proposi
tion in a good location you cannot af
ford to overlook. M-948, Journal
BEST dairy and fruit farm In Walla
Walla valley for sale on good terms;
sickness reason for selling. Box 056.
Milton, Or.
$7000, HALF interest, established,
legitimate, permanent; no competi
tion; no acenta. For particulars, P
751. Journal.
WANT lady or gentleman to take
active part and help finance a live
MILLERSHIP, 431 Cham. Com..
OWNED and operated six years now
for sale. PInterprlse Cleaners, .3d
and Northrup sts.
BIG snap, paying grocery and delica
tessen. Apartment district. Clean
stock. Fine fixtures. 410 Montgomery.
FOR SALE Good paying manufac
turing business, cheap. See Waiter
Hague, at 54 Union ave.
when you can trade, sell or buv from
MILLERSHIP. 431 Cham. Com.
RESTAURANT and ice cream. A-l lo
cation, good "business, fine place for
man and wife. 527 E. Division.
IX R SALE Retail dairy, 3 heaa
horses, wagons, equipments. Place
for rent. Owner. J-582. Journal.
MEAT market for sale cheap. For
quick sale, call Monday East 4 81.
HAVE a 160 ac. 5m proved wheat farm
clear to exchange for a stock of
merchandise, $4000.
Also a 120 ac In eastern Washing
ton, clear, for $2500 stock merchandise.
Canadian and Oregon Lands,
207 Ry. Exchange. Main 1499.
Client has cash and good properties
for good stock merchandise: $50,v)00 or
less. He Is a live wire; means busi
ness. Give me the dope on your stock.
K. A. Easlev. 212 Selling bldg.
Improved wheat lands, close to good
town, or timber to trade for merchan
dise, from $1000 to $10,000. Box 7,
Madras. Or.
WANTED To purchase interest in
either insurance, real estate, or rent
ing business. Give particulars. Z-666
400 ACRE stock and grain rancn. Price
$20,000; mortgage $4000. WiU trade
for a -good mdse. business. Box 6.
Rainier. Or.
WILL trade new - little house, fur
nished, for grocery or acreage at
cash rvalue. . Phone Marshall 2389.
LOTS and cash for grocery to $?..
til Laxrabee st r - s
320 ACRES. 200 lu cultivation, good
earn, lieuse and outbuildinga fair.
no rock or gravel: creek and spring,
- mues to station. The ocsl ouy or
pari iraae in the valley al o P
215 acres. 90 cultivated. 40 in tim
ber, runninir water. fine soil, new
bui.dlngs. 860 utr acre; two thirds
Apartment house in Portland, in
come 8100 per month; exchange for
stock ranch.
240 acres. 80 slashed. 20 cleared.
Daiance cedar: exchunne. $15 per acre.
lb ne r acre.
iuuu biock or gooos ror I'ornana sprav, team ana hii implements, ru
house. 'acres 7 and 8-year-old, 14 acre 4. year-
39000 stock of general merchandise old Spit.. Newtowns and Uraverixteln
for income property oi farm apples, 1 miles south of Hood Rive'.
KlN'NKY. room l.J6jm 4th t. I $20,000. V111 take 20 to 40 acres neur
FOR SL1,; OR TUAT)V ' i 1'ortland as part payment. 2000 boxes
Ideal home, mile of H,,0.I Kiver I "J aPl,;,, 'J?"1 vear- A- J Farmer- 4U?
unincumbered; 12 acres, 4 acre r.r- I s'(" k Exchange.
chard, bearing; balance meadow; fine WANTED -A 5 or 6 rooiu. Iiou.hc sc
creek running through It. j d 10 timlly worth about $3000, tor my
room modern house, private waier ys-
tern, bnrn ana other bldg.. wagon.'
farming implements, etc. Won; c on
sider trade for hay land or would giv
good terms, c. i;. Clazo, owner, Iluou
River. Or
FIVE room modem new buiiKalow
Irvtngton Park. 32250; vacant lots or
house, up to 81200. or small payment
20 acres all cultivated. 16 mll.-s
Portland; value $4000; house or lut.
16 acres, cutivated. at Ry. station,
$2000; 5 room buniiulow or small
Value 313011, balance mortgage.
IIATKW K H." lSBVi 4th .
CROOK CO. STOCK RANCH. I .V"" ... - ' - - J-..--.
r.-eerraUr That Empty Lot Pay
tie, plenty water, good bldgs.. imple- , ir
ments, SO head cattle, 10 hogs, lur- Of llSCll
keys, chickens, everything for $l2.omi:j
want a little cash, balance in vh1Iv ,u n wl11 ,lHt' ',MI flnnt'cn and build
property. E. A. Easlcy. 212 Sellvna 11 bungalow, flat or storn on that va
hldg. cant lot that will pay fur Itself. Good
320 acres, clcse to Pendleton, excel
lent property. cle;ir of debt, owner has
made money enough to retire from this
place. Is now willing to let you do
likewise; will accept half In good Port
land property. balance 6 years f,.
alue $40 per acre. E. A. Easley. 212
Selling bldg.
TO TRADE Stock ranch. IliO acres.
40 In cultivation, 4' more easily
cleared, balance in oak and fir timber;
8 room house, 2 bums, fenced and i rons
fenced; living water on ranch, water
Piped In house: mortgage $4000. runs
3 years yet. Price $75 per ai re. Ad
dress O. C, Forest Orove. nr.. ( u.
5 "Acres, Close In
Good 4 rom cottage, barn, etc , fin
soil, within 9 mile circle. $Ji.n. $7oo
mtg. Prefer vacant lotg for ,uit.
Will take house. It, F. Feemster, yn:t
Ahlngton bldg.
HELP: HELP' I want to a-Hsuine. a
mortgage. I have one acre and
with new 8 room modern house, just
outside city limits. Price oo00; clear.
I want good farm to $7000. (Hn.) Dorr,
E. Keasey & Co., 232 Chamber of Com
merce bldg.
hurrah: hurrah: boom:
Comrs like a flch, a place to mako
money, 1 acre near Division St.. 7 room
house, modern fine sanitarv barn.
Price $:;500. Will take lot and 3200
cash, Ival. 310 mo. (Bn.) Dorr K. Kea
ev t o , 232 ha ruber of Commerce.
22 acre improved farm at sacrifice,
near city limits: creek runs through
land; near hardsurfaced road and uc
carfare; take clear city property or
cash as part payment. 428 Lumber
Exchange bldg.
WE can matus your trade. We have
wheat land. Irrigated land, farms In,
the Willamette valley and Clarke
county, city property and merchandise.
It would pay you to write or see us
if you want trade. Atkinson & Nich
ols, 611 Main street, Vancouver. Wash.
TRADE" for auto or" piano player or
for something useful and some cash.
80 acres fine timber, 6 room log
house; make fine hunting lodge or
summer home. In Cascades. Phone
Mar. 4737. I
A FINK ti loom house and lOoxluo
cor. lot; good -view, close In, to ex
change for suburban home, from 1 to
5 acres, closa to school and electric
line. Main S466. 286 3d Bt. A. H.
20 ACRES near Beuvarton, all in cul
tivation, fenced, house, barn, 8
acres in orchard. Clear of incum
brance. $500t, lor houso and lot. Will
assume on good property. T-649, Jour
nal. WANT house on Hawthorne, Belmont,
T T t , C3 In.'.. ...I
tt f(,n- -i..,r v.lii tkon will
Have lot oicir. value oo. win ,
assume or make payments. ( Bn ) Dorr;
F. Keasey At Co., 233 Chamber of!
Commerce bldg.
WANT clear Portland lots In ex-j
change for 80 acres timber land on.
Kalama river. Land worth $1250; in-.
cumbrance $275. owner. R-763. Jour- j
; j v
Itmitfc, 10c fare, a room house Price
$2500; will take clear city iots for part
Call 605 Stock Exchange bldg. .Main
EQUITIES oi $2000. J.taoO Improved
Portland and $5000 In Seattle prop
erty, all or part for ranch in western
Oregon or Washington or Portland
ucreajre. F-991. Journal.
ONE improved acre and 7 room bunga
low, Gresham, Or.; also story, i
room flat building In Portland. What
have you for equity $2000, both places?
Reynolds, Kalnier, Or.
SNAP 165 acres A-l land In Siletz
country to take for anything or will
sell cheap. No reasonable offer re
jected. Owner, Tabor 1286 or V-6R6,
FOR SALE, rent or exchange for city . )n purposes; very flexible cdntracta;
. property. 6 room modern house ; no cominlsplona.
and acre In Oresham. Value Jsooo. I COLUMBIA LIKE A TRUST CO.
Box 204. Gresham, Or. j 202 Stevens bldg.
10 ACRES. 3 miles from Mofler. wilh 1 poKTLAND PKiTpHKTY OK V'ALLEf
running water, to trade for houne, FARM LOAN'S,
and lot at North Beach. Y-57R, Jour- Make low rates on koo'I security.
nal. H. L. ARCHER. 4(M Northwestern Bk.
FOFR room cottage. XOxlOO; 7 room R1'JS
semi-modern house. 100x100. in good MORTGAGE loans on city and fan;i
repair; exchange for rooming or aiiart- , properties, lowest rates; mortgagee
ment house. I -291. Journal. ! bought. E. J. I'owllshaw, 607 Com
CTv w.,f, ho,iw, m" Jnnii 'condition fol inert ial block. Main H20.
76x85; will take part trade, balmier
easy terms. Aioerui district.
East 3461. Main 54f,6.
FOR EXCHANGE Modern income
P6rtland property 'for Improved
farm. K. Richardson, 4619 44th st.
S. E. Sellwood 1601.
TWO 4 room modern houses and lots.
Cash price $3200. Clear. Will take
land to same value. Claude Cole, 300
Henry bldg.
MY $1150 equity in modern 4 room j ,
Dungaiow, neautiiui resincieti uik
trlct; take best cash offer or what
have you to trade? Mar. 129.
14 ACRES right at Shattuck Sta., will
tnke good lot first payment, long
time stance. Owner. Main SS0,
WANTED Unimproved acreage for
city lots, value $1000. Will pay no
difference c-74 2. Journal.
KE.M'oN district lots value $1000 for
acre or fraction, Oregon City line;
stive location, etc. T-54". Journal.
EOniTY In my modern buniralow with
garage, roses, shrubbery, for cleo.r
lots or land. No agents. H-177, Journal.
850 Westmoreland lot for lato Ford
touring car or will sell at sacrifice.
Owner. 1206 Commercial St.
GOING ranch, $20,000, to exchange for
Portland Improved or clear acreage.
E-S27. Journal.
$400 EQUITY In improved Idaho acre
age for Portland lot or acre. Sell
wood 1112.
$1000 GROCERY, fine location; want
city or country real estate. Owner,
401 East 50th.
229 ACRES -unimproved in Lincoln
county. Price $5000, want vacant
lots or house on peninsula. Wdln. 40.
6 ROOM cottage for unimproved land.
312 Panama bldg.
WHAT have you to trade for clear
lotsf U-744. Journal.
HXG-HLY improved 10 acrea, close in.
an convenience-,, v-osy journal.
EQUITY in 6 room cottaga Ue auto
- or , good team. 35, 1857, j
120 acres, the verv Mt nt and alt
level 80 acres in cultivation, balanca
imn puaiure, lure nam. nouse. wen.
and otit buildings. This in a line dalry
or general put pose I arm. 2 miles rroni
small town and within 2u mites of
Portland. Will exchange for good
clear property but no Inflated values
will be- considered.
512 Main st Vancouver. Wash.
100 ACRES, Mnd iiouate, barn, appla
house, tool house, spring water piped
In nmiMe anri tiurn. irnxn ini finuiii
equity in 25 acres, all under ouiliva-
Hon, In Marlon county, with new
lioiiKe, two barns, chicken houae and
other buildings. Fbur" cown. three
hellers, team, etc S. S. Prentiss, 60
Corhett hlltll.
with or without equipment and stoek;
exclusive list of flrst-cluBs properties;
any size, many of them personally in
spected hv UH
Ml Yeon bldg.
$l.Mi FIRST miK. v;. trade for lot;
no a gents. I'.-i'-t; Journal.
I Vl'JVTl'll LVTi l b' 'II
leiitiina wiiiim i or ine ngni pill' w.
I Sec us now.
Oregon Home Builders
! Oliver K. Jelfeiy. Pick.
1330 Northwestern linnk bldg.
Is Your Home on a Corner?
If ou want $300 u year gross in
come from your backyurd. nee us -wo
can arrange it. Oregon Home Builder. -i,
1330 Northwestern Hank bldg. Oliver
KjT' f fei . I'reslilent.
W I-. handle houses exclusively and
Jire sel'lng them. If you have a
real bargain come in and' see us
:!Q7-x Henry Bblg
WANTED 2 to 10 acres land with
ood size house, frutt. close to 5fl
rirline MulUiomah 'o. preferred.
:ivo inici! und particulars. Y-674.
WANTED, a good wheat or stock
farm in Wasco county; vl!l give
gixnl Portland property for part or all
and assume. Anderson, U03 Chamber
of Commerce.
W.WTEI i---5 or t room house with
plenty of ground; berries, fruit, trees
and shade fur about t 175". Part pay
in good acreage, part cash. K-SOO,
W ANTEI ---Improved farm. Willamette
valley, for stock of merchandise and
clear city property. Owners only. 401
Lewis hldvr.
' WANTEI Income fur 40 Hcre near
' Tualatin. $S,".0u. Also !l room rest
dencc, $7000. clear for clear, jne or
both M-!.S.", Journal
' W E have buyers fur nouses; II your
price Is right we can sell for you.
' 20a-2Q7 Hoard of Trade Hldn.
WANT 10(1x100 corner, on east Hide.
west of 12th and between Hawtriorne
and itiirnslde. Spot cash for snap. J.
It. Ruley Co . 92 'hamper of Commerce
Client wanti not less than V- acre.
' Price must be right. Kred W. Oermaii
Co., 7.1 'j Cham, of Com.
Pill V ATE put ty desires to purchase
f1rM mortgage or sellers equity in
real estate cont i act. Z-PS 2, Journal.
J COTtlitN CO . LEWIS 111 .DO.
RANCH or acreage, improved or un
improved, clase In. far out. 7.-31. J 1.
I HAVE cash for cheap unimproved
acrea k e. Kin ney. lir.Vj 4th, Room 17.
fi-f. ROOM bungalow. Rose City Park.
Give phone. 71-3S7iJourna2.
OUK installment pun is tne beet auU
Burest method of paying a loan,
3 2g ' J,h ror 36 ,UOntha. or
2i 24 for 60 months, or
tor 86 montha paya a $1009
loan and lntereat.
Other amounts In proportion.
We loan on Improved city property
Oru tiding P..
242 Stark Kt.. Portland. Oregon.
CITY LOANS. bh'n to lro.
FARM LOANS, fi'i to k.
per day insures the safety of valuable
Arrange that loan at headquarters
with folks ou can depend on. Any
iimuntit on improved iVnl estate. Ore
gon Home Builders. 1330 Northwest
ern Bankjddg. OIlver K Jeffery, pres
ARRANGE that loan at headquarters
with folks you can depend on. Any
amount on improved real estate. Ore
c n Home Builders, 1330 Northwestern
Bank bldg. Oliver K. Jeffery, presi
dent. -.
-In Imnrnverl real estate or for build- Joans ou city and suourbao
troperty; money
proirc8: W. O.
advanced as work
iieck. SIS ! nil ton
njflK Main 34U7.
MONKV especially to loan on good
Portland residence property, lowest
rates If security good. H. L. Archer,
Northwestern Bank bid g.
fi0 Yeon bldg.
iuu.uuu uls mortgage, city or arm
property. Ore insurance. McKen-ia
ft Co.. Oerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder.
OWNER will loan money on close in
first mortgage property; no ai,ent.
Tabor 4679.
Lipii p-iu lcr mortgages. .iote. con
tracts, mortgage loans; raonble
rates. F. H. Lewis, 4 Lewis bldft. 5
MObl !- LOAN in amount of lltfS;
to $6000 on city property. A. IL".'
Beil Xt'l Gerlinger bldg . .
$200 $260 $400 $700 -$3000
for immediate loans ai 7 and
$200. $500. $1000. Easy terms. Mort- y'
gages, contracts bought. Evans
Co., 20 Oerllnger bldg.
wuikivi 10 iuhu on uupiuveu city. lariu .
property. F. C King. -14 Spalding. ,
tivvu ' r to uuuu iii loan on city itr
farm property. Tabor 409.
S4VV ". ouu -vo, fl.wo. $lu.
Fred W, German Co., 73? Cham, com
t4u,uuu wtt Mi. r'AKr.iNU I O.M. . j
SO 4tn st Boara of Trade Bldg.
c us oiiiaii luatik. Iwaue.
Cells rw-Mur ton y o.. 25 Yeon hldg. "
$1600, '; $5oo. $700, 8: $1000.
no com. Ward. 407 Spalding. t
MOR'iUAGE loans. &H to 7. Oregoa..
Inv MortMe Co.. 170 3d at
uon juiut. LOAftft. aou 1 y. Louts
Salomon "o.. Han Oak nt . near tth, ;
iUNl 10 loan. to Vv.
Co.. 31 Hpaldlng bldg.
H. eiis
WANT to loan private, money, $400 to
$6000. this wek. Main 140. --
$1000 TO loan,- no 4-mmiMHKi. 1 Main
2384. ' '
(Contlmasd om Vtst