The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 13, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    . -
i -
Special Programs, Have Been
, Prepared by the Sunday
Schools and Young People,
; Watlonai aforemant WfU Be Bmpha
' alied Especially at Btftrdi Its
Moral Aapecta.
Tomorrow 1 Mothers' day am) Port
land churches have made customary
preparations to observe it properly.
Bpeclal programs have been prepared
by many of the Sunday sohoola and all
the minis-tern have prepared sermons
that will refer in tome way o the
home anil how It takes a mother to
tnake a real home.
The different young people' organ)
ssatlons of every denomination will take
op the subject in their evening de
votional service and Mpeclal muuic will
also be furnished by some tn the morn
ing church aervlce.
Nureeriow for young children have
been provided so that mothers may
enjoy the Herivce. The children of the
-Sellwood RiipttfU church have raised
enough money to purchaHc carr.atlon.s
for every mother who come to church
and the Klrot and Kenllworth lreb-
1 teftan churche have also unno-inced
, mat they will pill ji white carnation
on every mother an fflio i -uteris tlie
; door.
Ot her churches will undoubtedly fol
low tlilw UHiial cuMom althiiiKli they
have not iade It known, as yet. prob
ably Intending to give the niofiers a
Kvnry piernon a way from home should
write a loving letter lo hi mother
thanking luer for her many kind act.
Y,oung person whose mothers are alive
generally wear red carnation.
tn 1 lie evening the paxtorn will fol
low up M"th.rn' day with a --ulijeit
that also iflHtp.'i lo the home that
of national thrift. Th thrift move
ment is nine which ha Just reently
impressed the country as an itupurt
, ant one and tlie Portland pastors will
base their remarks along thl line on
thrift in developing hotter honit-s and
,- home life. The present clean up cam
paign wns utir of the ideas of this
The real rrason of this movement
1" to call the communltv's atlent!on in
the most effective way to thrift m tin
sensp that makes for the moral and
physical uplift of the community and
the increased happinesn and prosper
ity of every individual.
Dr. Zumbro of
India Will Speak
Ir. W. M. Zumbro. president of I he
American college or Madura. India.
Will speak In the Klrst t'ongregatlonal
church tomorrow mornfng at eleven,
'resident Zumbro will also he heard
at the Brotherhood dinner and ladies'
night. Monday evening in the rhurch
Or. Zumbro Is a prominent educa
; tor and Is now on his return trip
fo Madura. Me has been in America
for some time under the auspi"s of
' the American board of commissioners
of foreign missions, lecturing at some
I of our leading colleges.
The fourth of a series of union con
ventions throughout the state Is tie.
t tng held today and tomorrow uy the.
Taclflc ftirlstlan Endeavor union at
Philomath: The Tacific union con
sists or all the Kndcavor sojiet ie
in Benlon and Lincoln counties. This
la the first convention to be held In
this part of the state and at this time
officers for a permanent organization
. will he "elected.
15. I5arf Fellte, first vice president
of .the Uregon ITnion and O. Kvert
. Baker of Portland are attending and
taking important part on the program
Dr. W. P. White or Albany will be the
.main speaker. He will speak tomor
row afternoon on "Cansecratlcr.."
.' Last week both the Linn and Olack
. ninas .county Kndeavor members met
!.nd organized county unions. The
convention of Linn county held In
Brownsville was well attended and
some splendid meetings are reported.
Hoy Lowl of Albany was elected pres
ident. , .The Clackamas county members met
-in T'arkplace and had a convention
of. great value and power. Practically
every society In tlie county was rep
resented. L. Ostrom of Jennings
, Lodge was elected president ct the
Clackamas county union.
The Christian Endeavor of this coun
ty 's waging a "Campaign for Mil
,l(ons." and the Oregon district has
been given its assignment. The natlon
at tampajgn embraces the following
11 objects: (1) 1,000.000 new Endeav
ors: (2 1.000. 000 new convert; (3)
fl.000,000 new church members: (4)
" 1.000,000 new dollars for missions;
(5) 1.000,000 new peace advocates; (6)
v20,000 new quiet hour comrades; 1)
t20.000 new C. E. World subscriptions,
j. (8) 10.000 new tenth legionaries, (9)
,10.000 new C. E. experts; (10) 5005
:nw life work recruits; and (11) 10,000
fnew C. K. societies.
t The Oregon district has received the
following apportionment out of the
national campaign: (l) 3500 new En
deavorera; (2) 3500 new converts; (3)
3500 new church members; (4) 3500
new dollars for missions; (5) 3600 new
peace advocates; (6) 2000 new quiet
hour comrades; (7) 200 new C. E.
' "World subscribers; (S) 500 new Tenth
.Legionaries; (8) 300 new experts; (10)
.150 new life work recruita; and (11)
ilOO new C. E. societies.
i The committee in charge of the local
;work It.: Extension work, E. Earl Feike
of Portland; Evangelistic, Alva Pat
.,ton of Hillsboro; efficiency. Miss Wil-
. lie McGee of Eugene; Tenth Legion.
James ilcfallum of Eugene; quiet
:tour, Mlas Gertrude Eakln of fcalero;
missionary. Miss Estella Ford of Port
land; good citizenship. A. H. Parker
-of Salem; and C. E. World subscrip
tions, Miss Clara Calhoun of rjiants,
May Establish Another Church.
f Walla Walla, Wash.. May 13. (Spe-
.t-lal) For the purpose of determining
the advisability of establishing a third
Catholic 'church In this city, to serve
-the district east of Second street. Rev.
"Father Murphy of this city Is making
a canvas of that section of the city.
he work is being done under the di
rection, t. the Rt, Rev. Schinner. bish
op of the Spokane district, v
By Rev. S. A. Danford, D. D., Pastor of Irvington Methodist
I of oositiveness
that men will think of God. If there is any
thing sure we can preach that. Dr. Morgan suggests that we
have three things, anyhow, of which we are sure:
(1) Man is wrong, lie cannot help being .wrong. He
goes on being wrong, whether he lives in the slum or suburb,
the university or penitentiary. However it comes about, this
is true.
Jesus Christ is a perfect and absolute saviour. He can
remake the worst of men and turn paralysis into power.
(.) The Bible is the word of God. It records authoritative
revelation. If this is not accepted, men may be speculative and
philosophical, but they cannot be Christian.
Pastor Is Home Again. Rev. a.
Verelde. pastor of. the Norwegian-Danish
Lutheran church, Vancouver ave
nue and Skidmore street, returned
from Aberdeen, Wash.. yenterda
where he ha been the past week as
sisting in a series of revival meetings.
Goes to Conventions. Rev. S. Karl
DuBols. pastor of th "hurch of The
SirmiKer, Wasco street and Oram! ave
nue, has left the city to attend the
meeting of tlie committee of home
minions or the I'nlted Prexhvterian
church to be held in Crand Rapids.
Mich.. Mir 17 to 1, and the sessions
of the general assembly of the Vnlted
Presbyterian church. Cleveland. May
-4 to June I. Temporary supplies will
occupy the pulpit of the Church of the
Ht rangers each Kabhath during Rev.
Mr. IjiiBoIk' absence.
Church Officers Elected. The fol
lowing off lefts of the Kast St. Johns
Sunday school elected at a recent
meeting are: Mrs. R. Cl. Brand, su
perintendent; .Mrs. A. M. iray. as
sistant superintendent : Miss Iornthy
Schaefer. secretary; Mrs. Khlrldge.
treasurer; Miss Kdilh Karl, organist:
Mm. MctJill and Mrs. Kldrldgc and
Mrs. Rraud, member of the executive
Tent Meeting's Continne. Gospel
meetings will continue for .another
week In t he tent ..t Anahel Park, 'res
ton station, on the Mt. Scott carlinc,
Sunday afternoon at .".30 and every
evening except Monday and Saturday.
Second Sunday After Easter.
Sunday School Ijeson Tomorrow.
"Lo. W Vurn ta the 0ntilei."J-Acti 13:13-62
Golden Teit I lme et thee fur m light nf
th lientilcH.
TIM then ulinfiMeM he for Blvlhn unto
the uttermost PHrt of the earth. .Arts l.!:47.
Home Reading- M. Turning to the ;pntlies.
Acts 1.1:1" '.'4. T. tiiKvl tl(lln(". Art- i;cL- :tll.
W. Itpci'iitten of tiding. Act 1.". :4-."C Hi.
Vnlvrrnal t-all. Ihm. ":l 7. K. Ood'o ilolngH.
U. I'.':l rt. X. Prmrr f'r nnliT. .I.lin 17. I-
Jl. S. Lost mill found. I.V1I-S4.
Young People' Topics.
Junior ChrWtlmi ICniienTor - - " Whut t'
Chrlt Wunt I'm to D-V John 1S:12-1.
Kpworth lan -Anniversary Ua.r; Mnthor
Dev celebration, bv league. Kol. L'O.12; I'ro.-.
0:20; :;l :2r,
R . Y. I' I'. "What lo' Thrift Want Is
to PoV John 1V12 HI.
First- White Temple 12th anil Atner Mr.
A. W. Pe Ixine. ctlnn pastor. Prfacliing by
Dr. I). K. honi'V of Superior. Wl. 11. "The
(Jlory of Motherhood." 7:!i. "Tlie Mortal
Htrnin and the Moral I'riala."
Swertl'h KliirlHh Mialon. White Temple. II.
Kant Side E. 20th aid Ankeny sta. Iter.
W. 0. Slmnk, pastor. II. "The Kind of
Motlera We Seed Today." 7::iO. 'Tiettcr
MomeH and lloine l.ffe."
Highland. K. Olh and Alberta Iley. C'haa. K.
Mieir. II,
Arl.ta Iter. W. T. Spriciia. II. "McthTi
of Men." 7 :.'t. "At Jeans' Feet."
UnHeralty far- Key. C. I- Ileakett. 11.
Bwedlab lhth and lloyt. 10:4:.: 7:30.
Grace Monlayllla. fin. M. T. Cash. 11.
Sellwood Rey. F. H. Ha yea. It. 7:30.
St. Johna Rey. K. . n.rden. pastor. 7:3.
Calyary K. Mb and tirant Key. Thomas
Btebhenaon. acthig paator. 11. 7:30.
Mt. Calyary E. f'lne and Crand . Key.
A M. Ma. -hack. 11. S.
Third Knott and Vancouver ave. Rtt W.
J. Heaven. 11. "Miirlil for Success."
"When Should One I nil with a Chinch ''
St. Johns (German) Uev. t-. lirueruiau, II.
7 :30.
Chinese J. C. Malone. 7.
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. 11. 7:30.
Second German Morris and Kudnej aye.
11. 7:30.
Glencoe G. Mh . and Main Rey. A. B.
M'slti. "II, "UnmoTHble Workers. " R.
Mount Oltvet Rev. W. A. Magrett. 11. s.
ItallsD Mission Key. Francesco Sanuclla.
11 8.
Klrst German Itb and Mill Rey. J. Kritt,
11. 7:30.
Goodwill Mission IStb and Boise Mlsa A.
M Nelson, superintendent.
North Portland Mission 880 Nlcolal st.,
Friday. 8.
KuasellTllle Mission Re Albert Laugh
bridge. 3, 3:45.
Tabernacle E. 42d and Holtrste Rev. Wal
ter Duff, actio- pastor. 11. 7;iJG.
Bt. Peters Lou-Rev. P. Betftgen. 8
10:80. 7:30.
Pro-Catbedral 15tb and Davla Bey. K. V
O'llara. a. 7:15. 8:30, y;45, 11, 7:43.
8t. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Her. J c
Hughes . 8:30. 10:30, 7:30. . ' .
St. Patricks 14tb and Savler Rt. B. p
Murpbv. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Franc i i&. 1 1 tU and Oak Rey. J. H
Black. 0. 8, 9, 10:30, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams are.
and Stanton Key. V. A. Daly. 6. 8. II, 10:30
Holy Rosary K. 3d and Claekamaa Rey. E
S. Olson. B. 7, 8. 9, 11, 7:30.
St. Rose K. S3d and Alameda Rey. J
O'Farreli. 8. 10, 7:30.
St. Andrews E. th and Alberta Re?. T.
Klernau. 8 10:30, 7:30.
The Madeleine E. 2-tth nod Sbkljou Rey.
George F. Thompson. 7:30. 9, 10:30.
Ascension t:. Yamblll and E. 7tb Francis
can Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou
ver ave. Be. F. U. Miller. . 8. 10:30. 7:30
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blaa
dena Ker. IS. V. Kelly. 6,, 10:30, 7:30.
Huljr Cross 774 Bowdoln Key. C. Raymond
8, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Ignatius 3220 43d St. 8. E. Jesuit Fath
ers. 8:30, S. 10:30. 4.
St. Stephens 42d and E. Taylor Rer. War
ren A. Waitt. 0. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. PbUUp Nerl E. ltttb and Mickey Rey
W. J. tartwrlgbt. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Sacred Hear. K. tltb and Center Ry.
Robl. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Res J.
Cuinmlsky. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15th, and Coach Rey
B. Uurrer. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
6t. Stanlalaus (Polish) Maryland ave. ao1
railing Ke. V. Mathew. 8. 10:80, 7:30.
St. Michael (Italian) tth and Mill Re. M.
Balestra. 8, 10:80. 7:80.
St. Clements Smith and New too Rev. r
Smith. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Clares; Capitol Hill Rev. Father An
thony. 8, l:a0, 7:30
St. Charles 34th and Kllllngsworth Ray
G. Snhlerhorn. 8. 10:BO. 7:30.
Ftrat Park and Columbia, 7:30.
Moota villa E. 76 tn and Hoyt Rev. J. c.
Gbonuiey. 11. 8.
vOladstooe- Rev. Roy I Dunn. 11. 8.
Woodlawn 7th and Liberty Key. w. j.
Uilllnger. 11, 7:30.
East 8U Christian K. JJth and B. Taylor
Episcopal Church.
Dr. Dale's prophecy of thirty years ago
that the final battle of Christianity wof Id be
fought around the person of Christ is being
fulfilled. Men everywhere are attempting to
re-state Christianity, and uncertainty fills the
air. There is a note of uncertainty and lack
in the message. The world
is too busy to be arrested with anything so
The responsibility is upon the ministry to
arouse the church and command attention so
at 8 o'clock. Th Christian Workers'
union has charge of the meetings
under the direction of Rev. Walter
Duff and various lay members of the
churches of the city participate with
singing and preaching.
To Celebrate Anniversary. The
third anniversary of the organization
of the Rose City Park Methodist Kpis
( opal Sunday school will be celebrated
tomorrow. Special services are to be
held at 9:45 to commemorate the event.
A picture will he taken of those pres
ent. In honor of Mothers' day a car
nation will he. given to every mother
present. Following the Sunday school
period Lewis Paul, formerly of Wran
gel. Alaska, will upeak on "The Value
of Influence."
Is Editing Advocate. Dr. M. TI.
Marvin of Tacoma, a member of the
Industrial Welfare commission of
Washington, is acting as editor of the
Pacific Christian Advocate during the
absence of R. jr. Hughes, a delegate
to the quadrennial general conference
of t:tr Methodist Kpiscopal church,
now Kitting in Saratoga Springs.
Benefit Sinner Tomorrow. The an
nual dinner for the benefit of the
Church of the Holy Redeemer will he
held in Chapatonian hall, Williams
avenue and Portland boulevard to
morrow. Dinner will be served from
I - to ' p. m.
Pastor Barton to Speak. Paston
Renjamin 1 1. Rarton, traveling lecturer
of the International Rihle Students'
Rev. A I., (rim. 11, "Mothers' Day." 8,
"t hristian S-iencc."
Sellwowl- 13th snd Tenlnu Rey. J. R. John
son . 11,8.
Rodney Avenue, at Knott at. Rey. J.
Kern Park- Rev. i. K. Berry. 11, 7:."0.
St. Johns Itev. Herbert F. Jones. 11. 8.
Vernon Church of Christ B. 13th and Wy
pant - J. A. Melton. II. 7:.T0.
Bethel K. 82d and Tbompson Rey. Antrey
W. Wilson.
Christian Science.
l.shon sermon "Mortals and Immortals."
First church Cverett, oetween 18th and 19th
sts. 11. 8.
Second Enst flth and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third East 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth -Vancouver ave. and Emeraoo. 11, 8.
Fifth Myrtle Tark hall. 11.
Christian Science society Holbrook block. St.
JuLllb. 11.
Klrst Park and Madison Re. Luther R.
I'yotl. II. 7 :.-.. TV. H. Zumbro of Madura.
Ii.dia 7 4.. pastor on "Better Homes and
iiertr Ilonie Life "
Firs'. Germau t. 7th nd btanton Rey. E.
O Willnian.
Atkinson Community chnrch E. 29th and K
e: crt Tliomas s. Anderson, minister. II.
T:4. nn astronomicHl sermon. "Th' Heavens
Iierlare the Glory of ;ol."
t nlverity 1'ark Haven St.. near Lombard
Itev. v. J- Mever. II. 'Motherhood and the
Cross." S, "One Sided People."
Highland -f. Cth and I'rescott Rev. Geo.
I-'.'Im. .p i. 11. "In Memory of My Mother."
7 :!". ' Sermon lo the Young Men."
Llodernnrst Rev. 1). B. Gray, 11. 7:4V
Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver St. Rev.
W c. Kantner. II. "And TUy Mother." 7:4o.
Tlie Blue Flower."
Waverly Hetgnts E. 33d nnd Woodward
Key. A C. Moses. 11. "Fathers and Mothers."
7 : l.'i. address by President W. M. Zumbro of
the Amerii-an College at Madura. India.
Suunyside V.. "2d and Taylor Kev. J. J.
Sl:'iib. Sermon at 11. "A Tribute to Mother.1'
7:4"i. "The Place You Call Home."'
Zlon (Germnnt E. 9th and Tremont Rev.
.1. II. Hopp. 10:30.
Bt. Marks 21st and Marshall Rey. J. E.
11. Siiiipsou. rector; Rey. J. G. Hat ton, aa
Krf tnnt rector. 7 :.'IO. 7:3n. 8:30, 10:15, 11.
Trinity 19th and Kverett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8, 11, 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen, the Martyr
Very Hev. H M. Ramsey. 7:45, 11, 3, 7:45.
' 8t. David's E. U'tb and Belmont Rot.
Thomas Jenkins. 8::), 0:;!o, 11.
St. Mattnew's Corbett and Bancroft Rey
W. A. M. Kreck. 11.
St. Johns Mllwaukie Rev. John D Rice
3. 4.
St. Andrews Hereford at.. Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
Grace Memorial Weidler and E. 17th N.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
' Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Ret . John Dawson. 11, 0:30.
St. Michael's and All Angels' E. 43d and
Broadway Key. T. F Bowen, 11, 7:30.
Church of Our Saviour 60tU ave. and 41et
tt. 8. E- Archdeacon Chambers In charge, n.
St. John's Sell wood Rev. John D. Rice. 11.
St. Paul's Wood mere Rey. Oswald W.
Taylor. 4.
ISishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa
maritan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard.
7. 7:15.
All Saints' dmrch 25th and Savler Rev.
Freoerick K. Howatd. 11. 8:30.
Evangelical Association.
Carson Heights U. V. Ueulng Jr. 11:30. 7
First English E. 6th and Market Rev. E.
I. Hornsrbucb. 11, 8.
First German Evangelical 10th and Clay
Rev. G. F. Lienlng. 10:45. 8.
ETangelical Synod.
German Evangelical Friends' church Ta-
conia ave. and E. 15th. Rey. Elias N. Har
gtrt. lo:45, 7:30.
St. Paul Evangelical church 447 Falllnz
l;ev. J. Hergert. 11, 7:30.
Frea Methodist.
Central 55lh and E. Flanders Rer L. R.
Blackman. 11, 7:45.
First E. 0th and Mill Bey. I. Harrington,
Friends' Churc,
SunnTslde E. 36th and Main Rey. Homer
Cox. 11. 7:30.
Lents South Main st. Rev. John RUey
11. 7:30.
West Piedmont Rev. Mrs. Ethal U. Ar
nold. 11, 7:JO.
Congregation Beth Israel 12tn and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday, 8 p. m. Satur
day, 10:30 a. in
Latter Day Bints.
Church ot Jesus Christ of Latter Day Salnta
(Mormon) E. 25th and Madison. 11:45, 7.
Moms villa (not Mormon) 11. 7:90.
Immanuel Wtb and IrTing Kt. J. lebard
Ouxjn. 11. 8.
Trinity German (Missouri by nod) Williams
ave. and Graham Rev. J. A. Rimbach. 10-15
5:30. ,
West Side Norwegian Lutheran 45 n. 14
Rev Wilhelm Pettereon, 11, 8.
Bethany Daniao Cnioi ave. N. and Mor
ris Kev. M. C Jenseu-Eugbolm. H, 8,
Our Savior's ai. loth and E. Grant sta
Rey. George Henrikaen. English service. 10.16.
Norwegian aertlce, 11:15.
Immanuel German Sellwood Rev. H. a
Ebellng. 10:30.
Grace EaglUh (Mlaaoorl Synod) Albina ave.
ad Mason Re. C. Loecke. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Paul's UenaaB E. 12th and Clinton
Material Furnished by Lumber
Company; Work of Build
ing Donated by Employes,
The new loggers' Y. M. C. A. car.
dedicated at Wendllng Monday night
will move from Wendjing tomorrow
morning to take up its station at the
Booth-Kelly Lumber company camp
number nine for one week. May 22 it
will, be at camp number ten for one
Th car, the first of its kind in
Oregon, was built by the lumber com
pany. A. C. Dickson, manager; was
furnished by the employes; and is
maintained jointly by the jrompany
and employes. The T. M. C. A. Oregon
Idaho committee. I. B. Rhodes, chair
man, found a trained man for the
work In D. G. Bennett, who will plan
the work and itinerarv.
The program at Monday night's
dedication was as follows: prayer;
Introductory remarks by the secretary.
D. G. Bennett; address, "The Indus
trial Work of the Y. M. C. A." John
A. Goodell, Portland: brief comments
by Fay Abrahams, Harry Barnes and
Mrs. O. E. Patterson; accordion solo
by one of the workers; Impersona
tions by Noel Aylmer Dew of Port
land, Or.; reading, "Alaska," r. W.
association will deliver a free lecture
in Christensen's hall, Eleventh and
Yamhill streets, at 3 p. m. tomorrow
on "The Lord's Judgment Dav Has Re
run. How Will It Knd? Pastor Bar
ton has become a lecturer for the I.
B. S. H. for the past 15 years and has
visited all parts of the United States
and Kurope.
Begins Lecture Series. On Sunday
evening Dr. A. C. Hutchison, pastor of
Piedmont Presbyterian church, will
give the first of a series of four lec
tures on the Bible. In this way he
plans to ohserve the centennial of the
American Bible society jn harmony
with a similar movement nil over the
world. The topics are: Mav 14. "The
Bible as Literature": May 21. "Seven
Wonders of tlie World ": May 28. "How
We Got Our Present Rible": June 4.
"Tne Bible; a. Living Book.'' The lec
tures will be free from technical or
doctrinal discussion.
Missionary to Speak. At the Wa
verly Heights Congregational church
tomorrow evenlnr the speaker will be
Rev. W. M, Zumbro, president of the
American college at Madura, India
Rev. A. S. Krause German service, 10:30
English, 7:30.
German Evangelical Lutberlon Zlon (Missouri
Synod) Salmon and Chapman Rey, H. H.
Loppelmann. 10:15, 7:45.
St. John's Peninsular 1 nd Klrkpatrlck Rev.
K. O. Salzman. 10:45. 7:30.
Swedish Augustana Rev. B. E. Sanstedt.
10:45, 7:45.
United Norwegian Portsmouth Rey. H. O.
Heodrickaon. 11.
German Evangelical Reformed Lenta Rer.
W. G. Llenkaemper. 11.
St. James. English West Park and Jeffer
soi. J. Allen Ieas. 11. "Our Debt to Mother."
8. "The Moral Strain t pon Youth."
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church
Wygant and Rodney avenues Rev. J. A. Stav
ney. 11. 8.
First 12lh snd Taylor--Re v. Walter I,. Alr
heiirt. actlnc- pastor. 10::w. "In Stolen Gar
ments." 7:4.1, "A Monument to a Slighted
Centenary E 9th and E. Pine Rev T. W.
Lane. 11, "The 'Church That I An 'lzzer.' "
7:45. "The Effectual Washing."
Tayior streeters Sldewulk Third and Tay
lor. Morning service only.
Trinity E. 10th and Sherman Rev. A B
Colder. 11, 7:3.
Swedish Borth'wlck and Beech Rev. John
A. Wellman, U, 7:45.
Epworth 28th and Savler Rev. C. O. Sic
Cullorh. 11, "Behold Thy Mother." 7.30.
symposium of addresse, on The Bible.'
rjrst Norwegian Danish lsib and Hovt
Rev O. T. Field. 11. 8.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev.
I cuts Thomss. 11, "Mothers' Pay Service."
Ftentng. "Marriage and Divorce."
Sellwood Kev. Alexander P. Maclean II.
7 :30.
Sunnyslde E. .l.-ith and Yamhill Rev. R.
Elmer Smith, 11, 7:45.
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Rev. C.
C. Itarick. Dr. George B. Pratt will spesk
at 11 and 8.
St. Johns Hayea and Leavltt Bey. W. E.
Montaville Rev. w. ji. Hampton. II.
Laurelwood 63d st. S. E. and Foster road
Rev. C. A. Carlos. 11. "Mothers at Life's
Crosses." 8, "Epworth league Mothers' Day
Services. "
Clinton Kelly Memorial E. 40th and t'ow
ell Valley liev. .1. Wist Thompson. 11, "Our
Tribute to Our Mothers."
Japanese Miion liev. Eileen Ribsra, 9.30.
Rose City Park Sandy blvd. and E. 58th
Rev. William W. Youngson. 11.
German Rodney ate. and Stanton Ret. F.
A. Schumann, 10, 8.
African Zion 2S8 Williams ave. Rev. W.
W Howard. Rev. E. I. L. Thompson, 11, 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Corner
Skid more Rer. Abraham Verelde. 10:45, 8.
Lnivelty Park Lombard and Fkkr Rev.
C. L. ililiitou. 11. 7:30.
Leni Rev. W. Boyd Moore. 11. 8.
Bethel Larrabe ana McMillan Rev. J. L.
Craw. 11. 8:15.
Westmoreland Milwoukle sve. het. rtamona
"II Corinthlfina V." 7:30. "With Our Moth
ers In the Realm of Poetry."
Lincoln E. 52C and Lincoln Rev. G. Q.
Haley. 10:30 8.
Patton Michigan and Alberta Rey. George
H Feese. 11 7 :45.
Woodstock E. 44th and 60th ave. 8. E.
Rey. Frank James. Key. Charles T. Mc
pherson will preach: 11. "Coming to Jesus."
7:4., "FirBt Things First."
First Gertujn Key. A. F. Cramer. 11, 8.
Brentwood Rev. W. L. Wilson. 11.
Berkeley Heights clubhouse Rev. A. B.
Calder. 3.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30.
Carson Heights Rev. L. C. Douglass, Ken
dii station.
Clark ecnoolbouae Key. A. B. Wilson. 7 30
. Mt. Tabor East Sixty-first and Stark sts.
Rey. E. Olln Eldrldge. 11. "Motherhood
and Home." 8, "What Does It Mean to Se
a Christian?"
Irvington East 10th and Weidler Rev. 8.
A. Danford. 11.
M. E. Church, Sooth.
Union ave. and Multnomah Rev. W J
Ftntou. 11, 7:30.
flwedlsh Mission Rev. B. J.Tboren. U 8
Elim Chapel Rev. B. J. Tboren. 10.
Bethel Free church Ivy and Williams Key
J. A. Siavney. 11, 8.
First Pentecostal E. 7th and E. Couch
Rev. C. Howard Davis. 11. 7:30.
Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Rer. H C
Baker. II. 7:30.
Brentwood E. 07th st, and E. 65th ave
S. E. Rev. Stella Crooks. 11, 8.
Scandinavian 948 Garfield Rev J Q
BrlAgedahl, pastor. 'I, 7:30.
Highland Park 3. 7:40.
First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd.
10:30. "Her Son." 7:W.
Fourth Flnt and Gibbs Rer. Henry O.
Hnnson. 10:30. "Our Mothers " 7:30, "Hal
lowed Be Thy Name."
Calvary lltb and Clay Rev. o S. Rannl.
10:30. 'Mothera' Day Sermon" 7:45. "That
Second Mile."
Arbor Lodge Re. George B. Cromley 11
Kenllworth E. 34th tnd Gladstone Kev
Leslie Kirk Richardson. 11.
Mispan E. 19th and Division Rey Rarer
U-eda. U. 7:30. 7
Forbee Rev. Harry L. Pratt. 11. g.
Hope Mootavllla, 78th and E. Everett sta.
Rer. 8. W. Seetnaa. 11, 7:3a
Central E. 13th and Pine Rev. Wallace H.
Lee. serine Pastor. 10:80. 'Character iw
I tallied and . Destiny Decided by Language."
Church Must Solve
Everyday Problems
"A locomotive is of little ufce for
hauling cars unless is is 'hooked up' to
them. It is the business of the church
and of Christianity to be "hooked up'
to everyday problems."
This is the view held by Rev. Walter
Lee Airheart, assistant pastor ol the
First Methodist Episcopal church and
as a result he will preach Sunday eve
ning on the topic, "A- Monument to a
Slighted Opportunity," which will be
an answer to critics of the Christian
church and its work. At this service,
the full vested chorus of 50 voices
will render Gounod.'s "Gallia," the fa
mous oratorio known as a lament over
the destruction of Jerusalem. In addi
tion Miss Alice Juston will sin.'f "Now
the Day Is Ended." by Bartlett, with a
violin obligato by Miss Millie Pierce.
Sunday morning, Mr. Airheart's sub
ject will be "In Stolen Garments.'
The chorus will sing Kot&chmars "Te
Deum" and the duet, "Be Glad, O Ye
Righteous." Hosmer, will be sung by
Messrs. Norman A. Hoose and Hart
ridge G. Whipp.
Dr. Cheney Speaker
At White Temple
Dr. D. B. Cheney of Superior. Wis.,
who filled the White Temple pulpit
last Sunday, will preach again both
morning and evening tomorrow.
His topic in the morning' will be
"The Glory of Motherhood," and in
the evening, "Tlie Moral Strain and the
Moral Crisis."
The Temple quartet will 6lng the
anthem, "Jerusalem'' (Parker) anu Mrs.
Virginia S.. Hutchinson will sing
"Mother's Lullaby" (Barnby) in com
memoration of Mothers' day.
At the evening service the quartet
will render the anthems "Now The Day
Is Over" (Snelley) and Art Thou
Weary?" (Jackson). Mrs. Hutchinson
will sing, "Sometime, Somewhere"
Crosby I.
Dedicate Church
The Congregational church at Jen
nings Lodge, after an examination
Monday evening by pastors and lay
. men of Multnomah and Clackamas
counties, has beep recommended to
the Kast Willamette association for
its denominational relations. Rev.
Howard N. Smith Is pastor of the Jen
nings Lodge church.
Monday night's examination covered
the church's creed, constitution and
covenant. Tho churches represented
at the meeting by their pastors and
delegates were the First Church of
Portland. Waverly "Heights and Park
Rose churches of Portland, and the
Congregational churches of Clackamas
and Oregon City.
..0. The Bible Definition of a Christian "
Millard .'.venue 7241 6. lb ave 8 K d.
W. H. Amos, 11, 7:30. 1 Key.
Mt. Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Rey wri.
llara Graham Moore. 11
.'.."k''TT: W- (i"T. 11. "North and
South Wind." 8. "The Gospel.
MoTrnrt10Du19th nd Vfjs'Lut Re- H. N.
Westminster E. 17th and Schuyler Rey.
Renrv Marcotte. 10:30.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sta. Rev.
A. L. Hufchinenn, 10:30. 8, "The Bible as
Literature." ,
Rose Cit Park E. 45th and Hancock Rey.
J. M. Skinner 11. 7:30.
Spokane Avenne E. 16th and Spokane Rey.
. S: McCutlagh 11, 7:30
Marshal Street 17th aad Marshall Bey.
A. J. Haona. 11. 7:30.
Trinity Corner ' Virginia and Nebraska sta.
tev. E. Benson. 11, 7:30.
Chinese 145 First St. 7:48.
Anabel 56th st. and 37th ava. ft,
Ber. Alfred Levis Tails. 4.
Reformed Presbyterian.
FJrat church Minnesota ani Aituworth -Rev
r. D. Fraxer. 11. 7:30.
FlrstGrman 12th and Clay Rey. G. Haf-
A ysa-1 jIamb, b,Td- "nd 33d at. Rey. E.
Third Fifth ave., Lents Rev. W. G. Llen
kaemper. LI. I
Salvation Army.
Corps No. 1213 Ash. 8. Adjutant Joseph
tli .rison.
Swedlan Crrps 430 Bornlde.
Standinavian - 243 Ash Rev. John Oval.
Seventh Day Adventtsta.
Note Regulsr services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central L. II lb and Everett Elder P C
Huyward, pastor. 11.
TabernacleWest Side, K. of P. hall lltn
ami Alder Elder E. W. Catlin 11
Mont a villa E. 80th aid E. Everett Elder
J. 1. Beatty. 11 and 7.
Alhina (German) Skldtnore and Mallory
Elder A. C. Schweitzer.
Lents 94th and 5Sth eve. Elder I) J
Chitwood. II.
St. Johns Central svenue and Charleston
Elder t. D. Hurlburt. 11.
Mount Talmr. Mil d.i..., n.
.. wTimvui rtev. c.
J. Cummiugs. 11.
Scandinavian church 62nd and 39th eve S
I.. Elder O. E. Sandnes. 11.
Services for the Deaf.
United Presbyterian Wasco and Grand ave
Kev. S. Larl DuBoia. i0:30. 8.
Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam.
Mil Itev T I. J.-.Hr.t II r 11 1 r r.
. ... . . . --""'. 11 biiu nri.
ohn Carroll Perkins, D. D., will preach at
TTnited Brethren.
Alberts 27th and Alberta Uev. C C Bell
II. 7:30. ' '
First K. 15th and Morrison Rev. j. d
Msewonder. 11. "Mother's Inflnence " 8
L.HoWvo!fJ,r fo Mr llprt Are 'he Scenes of
My Childhood."
Fourth oyth st. and 6 2d t-. s E Ky 1
E. Conner. 11. 7:45.
Ihlrd 7tb st. and 32u ave. S. E Rey
Herbert F. White. 11, "Our Mothers." g.
United Evangelical.
Fourth Re. J. E. Conner. 11 7-30
l)Bra01JeUP ,t BT' A' Henderson.
Manor. Circuit Services Cherry Grove 8 o
uf Brtlah Prairie, 7:30. P'
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Giv
Her. G. L. Loyell. 11. 8. 7
First E. lUaw and Poplar Rev. J. a Goode
11, 8. Bishop c. Breyfogel will preach at J
St. Johns Key. A. P. iyton. u a
Wichita Rev. H. H. Farnbam. if.
United Preahytarlaa.
First E. 37th and Hawthorne Rev Frank
DeWitt Flndley. 11. "Our Mother's Message "
7:45. "The Hume as a Nation Builder."
Church of tlue Strangers v a-u street and
Grand ave. Rer. S. Earl DuEo'.s, 10:30 8
ucntun J. a. Cole. 10:15, a.
Universalis t.
Church of the Good Tidlnjfa Broadway sn.l
E. 24th Rev. J. D. Corby. 10:45. "The
Divine Art of Being a Heal Mother"
T. M. C. A Y. W. G. A.
Y. M. C. A. 6th and Taylor H. W. stone
general secretary.
Y. W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor Miss
Linda D. Jame?. general aecretarv. 4:.1tt,
Berean clafs of First M. E. church In charge
"Mothers' Day."
Associated Bible Studentr (I. B. 8. A
Arcanum ball. 13th at. near Washington 1:45.
symposium. 3, lecture by Benjamin K. Barton'
pastor of New Y'orlt city temple. "Ilie Lord's
Judgment Day Has Commenced. When Will
it End?" 7:30. discourse by pastor Barton.
New Thought Ten.ple of Truth Eilers Bids
Mrs. Anne Youug-Huntress. 8 p. m..
First Spiritual Science Sivth and Mont
4rf,otr. 11. sympoalum. 8. Wallace Strnble
New Church Society Eilers hall Rey. Sam
uel Worcester. 11. "Magicians of Egypt: An
cient and Modern."
Reorganised Church ot Jesua Christ of Lat
ter Day aSlnts E. 75th and Irving Elder M
H. Cook, paator. 11, 8.
Thursday Noon Is Limit.
Notices for tie iarnrday cfearck
snat ha ia tha edttoriaj, rooaaa of Tae Jsonsl
Kv mm Thiftxadaka'.
Meetings Will Last Over Sun
day and Be Held in Sunny
side Methodist Church.
C. S. Vhitconib
The twenty-sixth annual convention
of the Portland district Epworth
leagrme will open in the SunnyBiJe
Methodist churcfi next Friday evening
and will continue over all day Satur
day nnd Sunday. S. Whit cot nb,
president of the district, will preside
ut the sessions.
The Stinnyside chapter has arranged
to entertain all out-of-town delegatus
during the entire convention free of
charge.. Out-of-town delegates desir
ing entertainment should communicate
with Miss Mary Reynolds. 4 5 Kast
Thirty-ninth street north, early this
Kach chapter should have a delegate
present at the Saturday afternoon
session to read the, annual report. On
Saturday evening Kunnyside will serve,
dinner, and leaguers are urged to come
direct from work to the church, for
their dinner. Sunday evening the
leaguers will he entertained in th-;
homes of the Stinnyside people.
One of tho leading numbers on the
projgram is the address on Saturday
evening hy Dr. (Jeorge B. Pratt on
"The Fire-proof Man."
The speakers and their Biihjects and
the arrangement of the business ses
sions are as follows:
rriday rvaninr.
7:45 Convention rallv. in charge of
President (J. S. Whitcomb. to be fol
lowed by a social hour in chaise of
Harold Fearing.
Saturday Morning-.
10 Five practical department talks:
"Bible Study." Rev. T. W. I.ane
"World Evangelism." W. H Bach
meyer; "Social Service." Miss Lois
Smith: "Recreation and Social Cul
ture," T. S. Mcltanlel. and "The Junior
Ieag-ue." Mrs. Burt. Following these
talks the first business session will
be held and the report of the nom
inating committee will be read. At
noon luncheon will be served In the
church parlors.
Saturday Afternoon.
1:30 Business session: chapter re
ports and Epworth league round table!
Junior rally Exercises bv the iuniors.
address by Rev. W. If. Hampton and
awarding of the junior banner. Secoij'l i
business session Reports of commit-J
tees and ejection of officers; dinner
In the church parlors.
Saturday Eranlng-.
7:45 AnnAiiTireiiipnr rtf IV.. TV, 1 rA
i V. T Tnetitnt. t . . KA 1, 1 J T..1 1 f .
... ... i,.-,iii.uir: ir: npi,j JI)V JI 111
23 at Salem. Address. "The Fire-proof
Man." Dr. Oeoree B. Pratt.
Sunday Afternoon.
4 Administration of the Sacrament
by Rev. T. W. Lrfme. assisted by
, i-astors.
sunaay ETonlng.
":45 League devotional service. In
s(aHation of the new officers hy Rev.
P. Klmer Smith, t'onventlon sermon by
pastor of Sunnyside church.
Mothers' Day. Will
Be Made Feature
.iL7inc-in ii n j ui unserved wiin
special services at 7:45 p. m., tomor- I
row, at the First Presbyterian church.
The evening congregation has been re- s
quested to wear the memory flower,
the white carnation. Pr. Boyd has!
planned a unique sermon for this oc
casion, having secured permission from
Miss Nellie V. Walker of Chicago to
copy a piece of statuary which is still
In the clay, and therefore, still un
known to any save the artist's close
friends. The name of the statue la
"Her Son," and the prints of the re
production, a good copper half-tone,
will be distributed to the congregation
before the sermon, which Is based upon
the picture. Appropriate music, in
cluding an anthem by Judson, ''Moth
er's Pay," and a contralto solo. Hall's
"When I Knelt at Mother's Knee," by
Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller, will complete,
the program of the evening.
f . I , ' V - 1 111-
Calvary Endeavor
! To Give Book Party!
r j
The lookout committee of the Cal l
! vary Christian ETndeavor society will
i give a "book party" at the home of
' Miss Pearl Thomas. 35.1 Eleventh
! street, next Wednesday evening. The
j affair ie given especially for new and
j future members of the society. All
i those who intend to come are asked
i to be on hand by 1 p. m. I
To Teachers and Sun
day School Workers
Provide yourself now with
t Peloufret's Notes
for 101
Price $1 post paid
Tarbell's Teachers'
Guide fr "i
Price $1 post paid
Gist of the Lesson
for 191
Price 25c poat paid
(Bill's ST.'tMV
11 j h;
Ep worth Leaguers
j Planning Pageant
! The Epworth leaguerg of Portland
: are busy putting the finishing touches
on their pageant of Methodism which
,they will present in the Eleventh
Street playhouse May 26 and 7.
Each local chapter reported last Mon
day evening on the progress and the
committee in charge has now assigned
all the characters. An experienced
coach has been engaged and dress re
hearsals w'ill be held during the few
remaining days.
The pageant tells the story of the
Methodist chureji from is oegintng
until the present day, bringing in all
the hardships and trials of the differ
ent prominent members.
About 130 young Methodists are tak
ing part in the production and seem
to be bending every effort to make
the undertaking a success. The pa
geant Is not given for the financial
benefits as they will probably be j-mall,
but is given with the idea of educating
the Methodists of this locality In
the history of their church and of In
stilling in them a lasting pride-? for
4he church and all its accomplish
ments. More New Members
Will Be Received
New members will be received Into
the First PrcsM-terinn church at the
10:30 a. m. service. This Is an over
flow reception for the convenience of
those who were not able to he in the
city for the Faster Pay seri'ice, when
187 were received. Children will also
be presented for baptism at this ser
vice. The pastor will be In his pulpit
and the newly elected officers of the
church will be Installed. The follow
ing are tlie officers: Klders F. F.
cooper, J. S. Meek, H. C. FCwInx,
Fletcher l.lnn, C. M. Wells, J. 8. Brad
ley Deacons R. L. Ringer, T. C. Mc
Intire W. B. We. Is. A. M . Chrystal. C.
F. Wright. Trustees W. W. Cotton.
I). A.Pattullo, 11. C. Campbell, S. A.
Brown, W. R. McKenjtle, Frank Rob
ertson, F. I. Fuller, and James F. F.w
ing Sunday school superintendent for
the period of one year.
Better Home Life
Dr. Dyott's Theme
Tomorrow evening Pr. l,uther Tt.
Pyott- of the First Congregational
church, will take as his theme "Bet
ter Homes and Better Home l,IJ"e."
The central thought of the theme will
he In the fact that most of the pres
ent day problems are due to a want
of training and real leadership In the
homes of our country; mothers and
fathers themselves needing training
thRt oftentimes is limited to the child.
That parents are capnhle of the re
sponsibility of parenthood wltliout
having a thorough preparation In ev
ery respect for assuming such sred
obligations will be one of the pastor's
beliefs which he will explain.
Attorney Mulkey
Will Be Speaker
Attorney B. F. Mulkey will speak
tomorrow morning and evening at the
First Christian church. Park and Col
umbia streets. At the morning serv
ice W. Hardwlck will sing. "Mother
O'Mlne-' (Tours). The quart': will
sing "Appear Thou Light Divine ' .Mor
rison). In (he evening the quartet will
sing, "The King of Tive My Shepherd
Is" .(8helley and "The Radiant Morn
Hath Passed Away" (WoodwarO).
Sunday Is league anniversary day
and some of the chapters will use the
special programs sent out by the cen
tral office.
Mt. Tabor and St. Johns chapters
will hold special Mothers day serv
ices tomorrow evening.
Kpworth chapter will hold :i rell
btIoub rally on Wednesday ot
7:45. A gospel team from St. .;ohn
chapter will be present and s-pechil
music has been arranged for.
The monthly meeting of the presi
dents' association will be . held in Cen
tral Methodist church Tuesday evening
at S o'clock.
Clinton Kelly chapter held n social
at the home of Mis IsaheKe Per
sons on Wednesday evening. Those
in charge of the work are endeavoring
to Interest more young people of the
community In the league.
On Monday evening the district cab
inet held its regular monthly meet
ing In the V. M. C. A. The reports
of the pageant committee and the gos
pel team chairman were heard
The Great Northern Railway
Will have
Summer Excursion Tickets
INGTON, D. C, and many other points at greatly
reduced rates.
Call or Write for Full Information
CITY TICKET OFFICE, 348 Washington Street,
H- Dickson,
C. P. & T. A.
j i I.
Tenth Annual Rote Festival, Portland, '
June 7th, 8th and 9th
Judiciary Body Will' Pass : Fi
nally on First Methodist,
Taylor Street Conference.
Dr. Hiram Gould of NewhersT, Ji
gate from Oregon to the
general conference of the Methodlat
Kpiscopal church, now (n session In
Saratoga Springs, N. i ., has been ap
pointed one of the 19 members of the
Judiciary committee of the conference.
This committee Is (he one which Will
pass final decision upon the con
troversy between the First Mt.- K.
chun h. Bishop R. J Cooke, et al td
Taylor street church (the Insurgent),
To ohiain uniformity In the ritualis
tic part nT the Methodist discipline
the conference this week passed to the
bishops for decision the revisions aujt
Bested for the present ritual. ('
The changes which will be .consid
ered include revisions In the worjlhg
of the prayers and forms used, partic
ularly in the baptismal, marriage and
burial services. As before, the gov
ernmental policy of the church" and
the control of the business matters
still rests with the general conference
and the resolution parsing the ritual
istic revisions of Ihe discipline to the
bishops does not include power to leg
islative In these alfalrs.
Some of the usages wh Ich jio W on
lain in tlie i It mil of the Methodist
Kpiscopal church vary in two or tht"
forms. For iuslatn e, , some of th
Methodists do not like Ihe use of thtt
word "cnthnlic" in tlie creed They be
lievc Ihe word "universal" would be
better. Some, in repenting the Iord'o
prayer, nbv "and forgive us our tres
passes"; others sny "mul forgive-Us
our debts." and still others say ant
forgive us our sln.s." Some chufch
members say "and the third day He
rose again from the dend"; Otheira
leave Ihe word "again'' out.
Older the resolution Jusl passed by
the conference the harmonizing Of
these usages hss been transferred to
the bishops with power to act. .'
- m i ,
President Lee Will
Repeat His Sermon
President Wallace Howe Tfe of At
hany college, temporary supply $t
Central Presbyterian church. Kast
Thirteenth and Kast I'ino streets, wlH
repeat, by request, his sermon, "thaf
acter CrystaUized'iind Destiny Deuided
by Language. " at the 11 o'clock aery
ice tomorrow. Ills evening sermon
subject will he: "The Hlhle Definition
of a Christ la n." ' "?;'
The musical program follows: .- " : .
Morning Prelude, 'tiiand Chorus.7
Dubois: anthem, "Kxalt Itlnl." Han4
nm ; solo, "The Recessional," IX. .
Koven. K. Mnldwyn Kvans; -fiostluJC,
"Festival March." Teilman.
Kvening--I'relude, Reverie, " Carrie
Jacobs Bond. anthem. "Pilgrlm
Chorus," Wagner; female chorus,
"Night Sinks on the Wave," SinaTt;
postltide, "Flit In D Major.' MacU. "
Fourth Lecture on :
"Hebrews" Coming
Dr. Hutchinson will clve his fourth
lecture on "Hebrews" Monday evening
nt 7:no at the Central library under
the auspices of the Christian Workra
Tfalnlng school. Dr. MllUken will con
duct the "question box" as usual a
well as lecture on "The Epistle to the
Romans." Hev. J. M. NeUnn will glf
a lecture on "Ruwselllsm." , ?
It Is expected that Rev. Walter Duff,
who has been absent on account cf Ill
ncss In his family will reaurae charga
of school. .h
The public will be welcome.
League Addressed j
By Miss De Graff
Miss Grace DeOraff spoke at th
meeting of the Thither league of ft.
James' Kngllfth T,utheran church held
In the home of the Mlssea TormoehJin;
394 Church street, Tuesday etonlng.
niher numbers on the program ware:
Rolo, Cecil Croclter; piano solo, Mr.
R. C. Thomas; vocal solo, MI Clara
(ilass and the Columbia quartet, eom-
posed of the Mlssew Ksther a nd Ruta
5race, Carl Nagel and Mr. Crockar.rj.
on sale
Marshall 3071
- v