E nn it uppr nmirnr I N Al WH- ' M-Lh UM ni IVLL.U UULLL.UL Segregation of Inefficient and I; MCCUCU MallgCO III Vivevl1 Criminal Code Discussed. MENTALITY TESTS URGED Professor Ue Bnik Declares Children's Capabilities Bnonia AKtnuua fthen They Tint Tinier School. That the criminal, the defective and tha Inefficient workman Bhould be nipped in the bud was the general Idea at the fourth annual conference of So cial Agencies yesterday at Reeo col lege, -where at afternoon and evening sessions about 300 people gathered to hear experts discuss the need of Beg relation of defective and inefficient 'workmen and proposed change In the criminal code of Oregon, At the afternoon session, which dealt with defectives and inefficient work men, C J. Bushnell, president of Pa clflc university, opened the discus sion with an address on "Society and the Inefficient." "Five casual conditions," he salJ 'hav brought up the question of in- fflclncy: first, the growth or intern fence and inventive genius; second. th Increase of philanthropy, which is evident In suite of the present war third, the tremendous productive .power ui iiiaviiino muunnj, v. 1 I - e 1 . - f.Atii(ap rfk aiaaDDeariLiiri; ui lm ' which means the disappearance of free land, and finally, the appearance of monopoly. Tendency to Perfect Democracy, "Out of these causes there has come a democracy, and there Is a general tendency to attempt to perfect this democracy." "lie then went on to point out some of the tremendous wastes in our Dresent life, in every day life, in business, and in society, through our failure to grasp the situation as a whole. "We are today losing about $10,000 -000,000 a year, which means that w'e lose about 40 cents of every dollar, because too many of us go on the .1 principle, or lack of principle or every man for himself." He was followed up by O. B. Coldwell. general superintendent of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, who emphasized the im portance of studying the human as well as the mechancial elements In In dustry. "The personal make-up," he ald, "Is also Important in getting -human efficiency. Our modern prob lem i.i to get expert employes, because of the Increase in mechanical devices. The centralization of operations makes necessary the choice of persons ac cording to their natural bent. Ef ficiency consists in the application of a well devised plan to the operation. requires a study of human as well .Would Care for Defective. George A. Thatcher next showed the resulta of letting high grade defec tives mingle with society in general -I v . i4af IriAil 4ViAua sa nai'ionna aihn a rA thyBlcally adults, and yet have the 1 mentality of children of less than 12 "(years. He traced several cases where ont member of the family was defec ation and bred children who were also defectives and populated the houses of correction. These people should be ?ut in a proper home and educated as ar as possible, as there is absolutely 'no hope for their recovery, r "One per cent of the population of " the United States," he said, "meaning about a million people, are high grade defectives. In physical life, they are endowed .with the reproductive quali ties of a normal person. The crimes resulting from these high grade defec tives are in many cases so' terrible that 'not a newspaper in the country will publish them. Environment Held Taulty. "The defectives are shut in the in , stltution at Salem, and the public knows nothing about them. .They are absolutely hopeless In any environ ment, but a great deal of good would be accomplished If the border-line cases could be put on farms where they could be watched and segregated ' from society in general." V W. H.' Marlon of the Industrial Wei fare commission of the state of Wash ington gave a plea for the place of woman tn the home, la a talk on , VWhat to Do With Those Who Cannot Earn a Minimum Wage." "I think that ra large number of women workers should be household assets," he said. -"God speed the day when women will get back to the home In some capacity or another. Foists Oat Duty of Society. "The business Interests," he went ; on, "ought to be educated with a view to giving the worker the best opportu . ; nity possible to earp a minimum wage. J The problem of efficiency is up to the (school in a large degree. Society," he ' concluded, "owes it to those who can , not earn the minimum wage to pro vide a living for them." Professor B. W. DeBusk of the Unl versity of Oregon, chairman of the ses alon, explained the need of starting With children when they first enter ' school and testing their mentality. ' Same of them, he said, enter at the . age of six who are not developed men tally as Is an average ehlld of four cr five. These must be educated for . i some Industry where their deficient mentality will not count and thus they 'lean be saved and society rid of a great ' burden, he declared, n-.-t George P. Putnam, secretary to Gov .'rnor Withycombe, concluded the ad dresses of the afternoon with a talk on ;the cost of' the present corrective-in-stltutlona. "Oregon pays each year," i he began, "about 6 76.003 for its lnsti--tutlons to care, for the unfortunates. -;Thls la one-fifth of the total cost of the state administration. We are pay ling $70,000 a year for the Institution , ior tne ieeoie-minuea, uui oniy aDout " 16 per cent of them are in that institu ; tlon. There is a pressing need for a it ANNUA1? CONFERENC OF SOCIAL AGENCIES The Purest and Best Ingredients give this sauce its unequalled piquancy of flavor and make it not only the quality sauce, but the economical sauce LEA lit rri i : . Candidates Give Reasons Statements Prepared for The Journal by Seekers of Nominations for Election i.- the State Legislature, how Why the Candidate' Believes He Should Be Elected and what He Expects to Accom plish if Elected. ' AW. ORTON, candidate for liepub- Mean nomination for state sena tor, is 42 years of age and is an attor ney at law. He was born in Michigan He served a year in Cuba as first lieu tenant of volunteers in 1898, then went to Philippines from Portland, where he served two years. When mustered out he returned to Portland, engaged in advertising and newspaper business. studied law in University of Oregon law school, and was admitted to the bar in 1909. He was a member of the house in 1909 legislature. He was register of the United States land of fice, Lakeview, Or., for four yeais. He is married and a taxpayer. "I desire to be elected to the legis lature for the good that I believe I can do the people of this district nd the PTestlge that the office will give me in return," Mr. Orton says. "I have Jio particular ax to grind, and will try to serve all the people and not come particular clique or ring. "If elected, I will endeavor to obtain the passage of only those laws desired by a majority of the people, as far as I know their wishes, and give very careful attention to all proposed legis lation; favor laws' fostering Oregon in dustries and developing natural re sources, to the end that we may. have more and larger payrolls. I am for good roads, and will work for the re peal of obsolete laws, and vote against bills bearing the emergency clause un less there is a real, urgent emergency. I am against freak laws, and will en deavor to expose Jokers in bills of fered. 1 will work to keep taxes re duced to the lowest possible minimum consistent with the healthy growth of the state." HORACE G. PARSON'S, candidate for representative on the Republi can ticket from Multnomah county was raised in New York state and came to Oregon in 1902. He is 45 years of age. Since he has been in Portland he has worked at his trade as a cigar maker, until about two years ago. He Is now engaged In the manufacture of cigars at 241 Washington street. He is a member of the Cigarmakers' union, K. of P. and the Maccabees. "My desire to go to the legislature is prompted by my interest in the Ore gon system, under which the electors of the Mate are enjoying a greater measure of political freedom than in any other state in the Union," Mr. Par sons says. "I believe I can be of service, because efforts were made in previous legislatures to lessen the power of the people, and I would vote against any bill calculated to weaken the Oregon ystem. There Is but little need for more laws, but there i3 need for the protection of the fundamentals. I favor rural credits, state printed text books and the working of the industrial welfare commission." LG. CARPENTER, candidate for Re . pu'Dlican nomination for represen tative from Multnoma.li county, was born in Illinois in 1862. Came to Ore gon with his family December, 1SS9. He is married and has three children. He was one of the organizers of the volunteer fire department of Sunnyside in 1891, and from 1890 to 1894 operated a transfer company in Portland. From 1894 to 189(K he was a member ot the Portland fire department,, and from new cell house at the penitentiary, so that it will be possible to segregate the feeble-minded and young criminals from the hardened crooks. Would. Develop native Talent. "Instead of attempting to cure men tal deficiency." he says, "we should pick them out when they first enter schools, and provide special teachers and instruction for them. They most always have a talent in st.me direction which could be developed " At the close of the session a number of dances were given on the lawn north of the main building by the women of the college under the direction of Dr. Bertha S. Stuart. The program con sisted in: An "Ox Dance" by the fresh men; Knglish ribbon dance by the up perclassmen: "Seven Jumps," by the freshmen; "Tantoli," by the upper classmen; "Weaving Dance." by the upperclassmen; "Crested Hen," by the upper-classmen, and a May pole dance by the freshmen. Jndge Oatens Presides. The evening session was presided over by Judge W. N. Gatens. Dean Cal vin U. Gantenbein of the Northwestern School of Law, opened the discussion of the Oregon criminal code. The speakers were all in favor of changing it, and considering it as "a progressive science," as Attorney General George M. Brown of Oregon, expressed it. Miss Eleanor Rowland, professor of psychology at Reed college, urged the necessity of taking curable disorders In time, rather than going through all the procedure at present necessary to put a defective in the proper institu tion. Though many diseases are to tally incurable, she said, still many of them could be remedied, and the pa tients made healthy, law-abiding citi zens, if taken In time. Dr. Henry F. Cope of Chicago, gen eral secretary of the Religious Edu cation association, urged a change in the popular feeling in criminal treat ment. "There are five educational institu tions," he said, "the grammar schools. high schools, colleges. Industrial schools and prisons. The modern idea of treatment of criminals is not that society should hit back when hit, but rather reason with the offender. Sesa Solution in Education. "It 1b a popular delusion that we can secure social righteousness by legal regulation. It is a matter of education rather than of regulation. The whole person of the , criminal Is wrong, and society must deal with him as a person rather than aa a physical quantity." Following Dr. Cope, District Attor ney Walter H. Evans gave a short history of the Oregon criminal code and pointed out a large number of in consistencies in it He advocated more pointed changes in the code. Attorney General of Oregon Ceorge M. Brown concluded the addresses of the evening by suggesting a number of amendments to the code which he I was in favor of. "I favor an amend- Tke ear erirbal WercectanLire Saace Sepd postal for free kitchen hangcrenn raining joo new recipes . As PERKINS. HaberTStreet. New Tor City 1898 to 1912 a member of the Portland police and detective department. Since 1912 and at present he is engaged as a special agent, with offices in the Wil cox building. He was a member of the 1913 session of the legislature as a representative from Multnomah county, and voted for the workmen's compensation law, Port land teachers' civil service act and in dustrial welfare commission. "I desire election to the legislature so that I may be of service to the com munity where I have lived so long and where I have raised my family and my capital is invested, Mr. Carpenter says. "I believe that everything pos sible should be cone to attract new in dustries to Oregon and to foster and encourage those we already have. To do this, the overhead burden of exist ing taxes should be removed as much as possible. 'Every possible economy should be practiced in the conduct of the administration of the state. More attention should be given to the aim pllfication of the present laws than to the Introduction of new laws, and this is particularly true of the road laws. "If elected, I will at all times work for and endeavor to be true to my plat form, which is: Constructive legisla tion, few laws, lower taxes. Just wage for the working man and woman( and encourage capital to Oregon. ' ELMER E. PETTINGELL, Republican candidate for Representative, was boin in .January, 1883, near Hillsboro; was raised in Salem and received his perliminary education in the public schools of that city. For several years after leaving school he followed the printing business. He took up music as a profession, in order to avail him self of the necessary time for the study of law, and in 1909 entered the Oregon Law school and was graduated from that institution and admitted to the bar in 1912, and since then has been practicing law, with offices in the Kothchild building. He is president of the Musicians' Mutual association, dele gate to the Central Labor Council and Theatrical federation of Portland, mem ber of the Lawyers' association of Multnomah county, one of the four candidates asked by the Central Labor Council to seek the nomination, and his candidacy has been indorsed by these organizations. "I am especially interested in the matter of establishing a court of do mestic relations to take the place of the present juvenile court, also the public welfare commission, with the view of protecting the interests of women and minor workers." said Mr. Pettlngell. "If I am elected, I will en deavor to secure the enactment of leg islation providing for the printing by the state of all text books used In the public schools, to be furnished consum ers at cost, and all other legislation that will encourage home industries. I will support such amendments to tax laws as will insure just distribution of taxation for the protection of the small home owner; will protect the interests of women and all other workers; will work for a sane, workable plan of rural credits, for legislation to improve the methods of dealing with delinquent children for rnnd roads without trraft. and for'rules of order in the house of representatives that will prevent the corrupt practices resorted to in secur ing special privileges. ment to the parole law, and the enac tion of a probation law. There should be a penalty fixed for murder in the first degree, owing to the recent con stitutional amendment." Third Session. This Afternoon. The third session of the conference is held this afternoon, for which the topic of discussion is "Proposed ''ocial Legislation for Oregon," and the chair man will be Judge John IL Stevenson. Tonight the question of "Health In surance" will be considered, under the chairmanship of Rev. William Q. Eliot Jr. of the Unitarian Church of Our Fa ther. At the close of the afternoon session a short business meeting of the conference will be held. The final meeting of the conference will be held tomorrow afternoon at : o'clock, when the report of the resolu tions' committee will be heard. Presi dent William T. Foster will also re port the work the recent State Con ference of Social Agencres of Cali fornia, which met at Los Angeles last week. There will also be an organ recital by Dr. Max P. Cushlng. The regular Sunday vesper service will be held at 4 o'clock, at which Rev. John I H. Boyd will glv the address. Body of Officer of Roanoke Picked Up Captain of City of Para Wirelesses He Pound Zt in Drifting ZUfeboat; Is Burled at Sea. San Francisco. May 13. (P. N. S.) The body of John G. Dennis, second officer of the steamer Roanoke, which sank off the California coast Tuesday afternoon, was picked up yesterday In No. 5 lifeboat by Captain G. S. McKlnnon, or the Pacific Mail steamer City of Para. This news was wirelessed to the Pa cific. Mail company. But the wireless brought only meager details. The City of Para left here for West Coast ports Thursday afternoon. Fri day she was well to the south of Port San Luis and the boat had apparently drifted more to the south than the east. The body was buried at sea. ' Captain McKinnon's message was "Off Point Arguello about 11 miles at 2 o clock picked up boat No. 6, of the Roanoke. It contained one body, Almost certainly of John G. Dennis Height 5 feet 10 inches, weight about 170 pounds, bald headed, clean shaven. run set of teeth, monogram ring en graved J. G. D. and inside 'From tiusie ." Mrs. R. M. Coman Of Spokane Is Dead i I Wife of President of Exchange Ha- tional Bank of Spokane Passes Away Following an Operation. Mrs. Ruth Martin Coman, wife of Edwin T. Coman, president of the Ex change National Bank of Spokane, died 1 here May 10. Mrs. Coman came to Portland about five weeks ago to un dergo an operation. She rallied from the first shock, but her vitality was not sufficient to withstand the strain. Mrs. Coman waa very prominent lh Spokane both socially and in philan thropic work and her many kind and charitable' deeds have endeared her to a large enrele of friends, both in Wash ington and Oregon. Two sons, a little daughter und her husband survive her. The funeral will take place Sunday, SENATOR CUMMINS IS MAKING GOOD USE OF IE Addresses Audiences in Ash land and Medford Thurs day; 3 Speeches-Friday. TO BE PRESS CLUB GUEST Mass Meeting Will Be Held on Wed nesday Night at Baker Theatre in Fnrtherment of Candidacy. Senator Albert B. Cummins of Iowa, who is stumping the state in the in terests of his candidacy for the presi dency, is making good use of his time while in Oregon. Thursday ha ad dressed large audiences in Grants Pass, Ashland and Medford, and on Friday filled three engagements at Roseburg, speaking first at 10 a. m., then at a luncheon, which was fol lowed by an address to the veterans at the Old Soldiers' home. The Cummins party was welcomed at Eugene on the afternoon trains by former Iowans and other citizens. A mass meeting in Eugene brought out a large audience. Today, meetings are scheduled for Albany and Corval . lis during the day. with an evening meeting at Salem. Tomorrow will be the first appear ance of Senator Cummins in Portland, where he will be the special guest of the Portland Press club at candidates' breakfast. Will See Scenic Highway. During the afternoon the Cummins party will be escorted to Hood River over the Columbia river highway. A noon meeting will be held in Hood River on Monday, and an evening meeting at The Dalles on that day. Early Tuesday morning a special es cort of Portland citizens will accom pany the Cummins party to Astoria, the details of this trip being in the hands of Wallace R, Struble. A lunch eon will be given at the Weinhard ho tel at which Mr. Cummins will be called upon for a short address. A boat trip down the harbor will bo in the afternoon, and an inspection of the Chinook in operation will be a part of the program. If time permits, the Lc-at trip will be followed by an auto mobile tour, taking in Warrenton, Sea side and Fort Stevens. A mass meet ing in the evening will be held In the Astoria opera house. At Portland Wednesday morning the members of the party will me enter tained at a luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce as guests of the Portland Ad club, with W. W. Cotton chairman of the day. Wednesday evening a Dig rally will be held at tne Baker theatre at 8 o'clock, with a musical program. followed bv addresses by senator Cummins and others. Much Entertainment Planned. Previous to speaking at the rally Senator Cummins will deliver a patrio f l.i address at the opening Of the an nual celebration May 17 of the Sons of Norway. Thursday noon tne progres give Business Men s club wm enter tain the Cummins party at their week lv luncheon, at which Senator Cum mins will be introduced by Henry Wal do Coe. Thursday evening the sena tor will appear for a brief address at the opening of the regular meeting at the Labor temple, and will speaK later at a mass meeting at the Baker the atre, given under the auspices of the Radiators. Firemen Refuse to Clean Up, Suspended Members of Engine 3 Balk When Told to Remove Bubblsh from Vacant Xrot Hear Fire Station. Six firemen were suspended yester day for refusing to participate in the cleanup campaign that is now be ing waged in the city. They will be given a hearing Monday before Fire Chief Dowell. The suspended firemen are J. N. Jepson, Archie McMartin, J. Lyons, Osier and L. E. Dudrey, all members of eneine 3. stationed at Sixteenth and Washington streets. Captain C. O. Haynes in charge at the station sub- i pended them. It is said that the work outlined for them and which they refused to do j was to assist in the removal of rubbish from a vacant lot near the fire sta tion. Italians Announce 1 Desperate Fighting1 Attacks on Hew Poaltlona In Fleszo Basin by Austrian Repulsed, Saya j Official Report. Rome, May 13. (I. N. S.) Official: : 'Along the Trentino fronts have been artillery actions, particularly severe j in the Col dl Lana zone. "In the plezzo basin, the Austrlans ! yesterday attempted two attacks against our new position on Cukla. ; They were repulsed by our artillery and rifle fire. "On the Carso front there was min ing activity. The Austrlans used liquid fire without result." mm Absolutely Purel Jade from Cream of Tartar 110 ALU U -110 PHOSPHATE 1 OREGON Daisy Gordon Given Her Diamonds Back Captors of Xecaped VtIsobst Briars to XUffct Theft and Subsequent Baton of S20O0 Worth of Jewelry. Daisy Gordon, well known In Port land's night life, and landlady of the Astor hotel. Firth and Stark streets, was robbed of more than $2000 worth of diamonds last October, and recov- i ered them through the promise of John ! MacLln, a thief who was caught after robbing rooms in the St. Charles hotel. This robber', which was kept secret by the police, was brought to light yes terday by the arrest of MacLin in Mil waukee, Wis., where MacLin fled after bis escape with 11 others from Kelly Butte rockpile a month aro. He prob ably will be returned to Portland. The Jewelry was stolen from Daisy Gordon's rooms in the hotel early in October. On October 19 McLin was arrested after a flight from the St. Charles hotel, where he was surprised by a roomer in the act of ransacking a room. Harbor Patrolman Jaeckel and Detectives Hellyer and Tackabery caught him on a float In the river. W. A. Burke, attorney, was engaged by MacLln to defend him. MacLin had a record from the California peniten tiaries and It was feared by him and his counsel that his conviction would mean a long term "in the penitentiary at Salem. At this Juncture overtures were made for the return of Daisy Gordon's jew elry if the prosecution of MacLin was restricted to giving him a year's sen tence in the county jail. The jewelry was returned and the year's sentence was given In December. CRY COMMISSIONERS OF BAKER TO PUT BAN Propose to Legislate Against Bowling Alleys and Billiard Parlors in That City, Baker, Or., May 13. The city com missioners of Baker took the first steD Tuesday to do away with the conduct of Sunday "clubs" in Baker, tinder the guise of which local bowling alleys and billiard parlors have been run lately. For nominal or no Initiation fee, members are taken in. given a card which entitles them to the use, with out dues, of the "club" on Sundays for playing pool, billiards, cards, or in dulging in whatever pastime the par ticular "club" offers to "members." New Appointee Protested. Baker, Or., May 13. The Sumpter Wilson club, a Democratic organiza tion of the mining town, has written the county court in protest over the ap polntment of S. T. Donohoe as justice or tne peace to succeed John Spiller resigned. The appointment was made a few days ago. .Protest is made that Donohoe has not qualified as to the term of residence, having been in bumpter but a short time. New Road 19 Wanted. Baker, Or., May 13. Sumpter people have asked the county court to set a date for a hearing on a r roposed road, which Sumpter wants built to provide a shorter route between Baker and Sumpter and do away with the Auburn hill highway, the only one now con necting the two places. Old Soldiers in AutD Smash. Los Angeles, May 13. (P. N. S.) Pinned beneath an automobile when It turned turtle in the Ridge road, 60 miles from Los Angeles, five persons, four of them old soldiers, were In jured Friday. They are Harvey Dur kee, 71; A. K. Marsh, A. T. Russell, A. Tennant and the driver, whose name Is Borgoyne. UPON SUNDAY CLUBS ALMOST YOUR National comes but for orle- week in the whole year and ''during this week only are there any reductions in the prices of our carefully selected line of ranges. Therefore, if you want a modern kitchen,. at a low price, pay us a visit today; or a representative will gladly call upon request We are demonstrating an entirely new form of range tonight Gome and see it- Main 6500 STATE ENGINEER SAYS EIS IT Controversy Between Lewis and Governor Withycombe Over Deputy Is Reopened, SCOTT IS GIVEN WORK Letter Is Addressed to Secretarr of State Oloott and Treasurer Kay Outlining the Matter. Salem, Or., May 13. The war be- ween Governor Withycombe and State Engineer Lewis broke out again Friday afternoon over the disposition of Chief Deputy State Engineer Cantlne, Withy combe contending that Cantine should have charge of the survey of the John Day valley highway and that the com mission had made an order to that ef fect at its last meeting, and Engineer Lewis asserting that Cantlne had been authorized merely to confer with the Wheeler county court regarding funds and Lewis had been ordered to do ths other work. Lewis addressed a letter Friday afternoon to State Treasurer Kay and Secretary of Slate Olcott ex plaining the situation and stating that he had already assigned District En gineer Scott to the work. He called attention to the procedure necessary to make the highway legally a state road and asserted that It is his duty to act in the matter. He said in his letter; Case Is Bnewd. I presented a resolution to the high way commission at Us last meeting directing the state engineer to pro ceed with the survey of a road through Grant county, and It was my under standing that the fame was adopted. Upon presentation of the minutes to the governor, he appears to have taken the view that such resolution was not adopted, and that the order directing Mr. Cantine to confer with the county court of Wheeler county regarding funds took care of the Grant county surveys. Grant county was allotted 13000 to be expended under slate supervision on the survey of a road up the John Day valley with a view to its ultimate adoption as a state road. Such action was taken by the county court nearly a month ago and the county is entitled to some immediate and definite action by the highway commission. lhe people or John Day valley nave contributed much time and effort to promoting this cross state' road, with the encouragement and cooperation of this office. They have not confined themselves to their own counties but have held meetings in adjoining coun ties, and the success of the project seems assured. I have secured a prom ise that the United States forest serv ice will care for that portion of the survey on forest property between John Day and Unity. Nothing would do more to throw this firoject, which has been so successfully aunched, and to perhaps wreck it, than failure on the part of the commission to enter a definite order at this time directing that the necessary detailed surveys be made in accordance with the terms of the statute. Hot State Boad. This road is not at present a state road. It ia the desire of the people to have it surveyed and adopted as such, so that state highway funds may be leigally expended upon It. The pro cedure for such adoption is for the state engineer to prepare a map show ing such main highways as in his Judgment are of sufficient importance to be designated as state roads and report the same to the commission for its adoption. Believing the law clearly made it the duty of the state engineer to advise the county courts on road matters, and assuming that the board woulfl not hesitate to enter the proper order, I gave detailed instructions to Mr. Scott some time ago to proceed with the Grant county surveys. Mr, Scott has Just finished the loca tion of 15 miles of new road near Bend, and owing to right of way difficulties delaying immediate construction, it was my plain duty to transfer this party to Grant county. If the com mission differs with me as to the in- iiimru 1 imiiiinii u i n i niniiiriin n iiiiiiiuiuHiKrii mm ANI WITH POWERTO RUN SURVEY Today is almost your last chance to make your kitchen the equal of any in the land at an unusually low figure. If you are not using gas, or your gas range is not one of the new models, a visit to our salesroom this afternoon or evening will be repaid in many hours of added comfort every day of the year. Gas Range PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO. Salesroom Fifth and Yamhill Streets Policeman's Wife Spends Evidence Uentenant Karma Sad Marked Coin Is Pocket for Safekeeping- When Spouse Exercises Peminlne Prerof-attve, Because Police Lieutenant Harma wife went through hia pockets for small change Thursday night the prose cution of M. Shimlzu, Japanese charged with violating the prohibition law, waa not able to produce the marked dol lar necessary to prove the sale. In Municipal court yesterday afternoon Harms, who had put the dollar in hia pocket to keep it safe, was obliged to confess that, he couldn't produce the money. Nevertheless. 8himizu was convicted and was fined S250 by Municipal Judge Langguth, after it was shown that Shimisu, who runa the Hawthorne rooming house, 262 4 First street, sold the liquor to Tom Smith, a Yakima In dian, after W. R. Macdonald. Smith's employer, had Induced the Indian to purchase the liquor. The scheme used by the Japanese, the evidence showed, was to cause his patrons to register and hire a room at the hotel. They were then supplied with liquor. Lieutenant Harms and Patrolmen Martin and Schum raided the place after Mr. Macdonald had giv en the signal that the liquor had been sold, by rapidly snapping on and off the electric light in the room. CHAMPIONSHIP DEBATE S WON BY P1EVILLE Oregon Debating League Cup Now Goes to Eastern Di vision of the Association, University of Oregon, Eugene. Or. May 13. By successfully maintaining that the essential features of the Swiss military training should be adopted by the United States, Prlne ville high school of eastern Oregon won from Jefferson high school of western Oregon last, night for the inter scholastic debate championship of the state. The vote of the judges waa to 1 in favor of Prinevllle. The cup for the championship won bv Salem last year, goes to Prlne vllle this year. The debate tonight was between the two champions o the two divisions of the Oregon De bating league. The affirmative side waa upheld by the Prinevllle team, composed of Bernard Ramsey and Orville Yantse. The Jefferson deoaters were Milton Mason and Kenneth Armstrong. Thl is the Jerrerson debaters rirst year in debate. Their supporters came to Eugene tonight on a special excur sion. The judges were George Neuner, dstrict attorney of Roseburg; Fathe O'Hara. of Portland, and William Marshall, of Salem. Former Saloonman Fined. Henry Swanson, former aaloonkeep er who was arrested a week ago by Detectives Hammersly and Cahlll and the moral squad, was found guilty yes terday on charges of maintaining a nuisance at his soft ('rink establish ment and his residence. Municipal Judge Langguth fined him $100 on each charge and suspended sentence. terpretatlon of the law and declines to enter this order, an immediate and en tire change in my plans will be nec essary. I am familiar with the condltlona in the territory through which this road passes and appreciate the Importance to this undeveloped region, of a thor ough road following modern standards, and feel that should the commission decline to take definite action at this time it will jeopardize the success of this Important undertaking. OVER JEFFERSON HIGH LAST CHANCE Week DARING CANDIDATES TO BE SUBJECTED TO ITI ress Club's Esoteric Circle Getting Inferno Properb Heated for Tomorrow.' .: CUMMINS WILL "GET HlS'i Aspirants for Off lee Prom President t Dog-Catcher to Be Blistered - Impartially. V1 Candidates who are to attend th Candidates' Inferno" to be given W the Portland Press club in the Orego: Grille tomorrow noon expect to nevei. see the. light of day again. At leaat some of them say this in their letter!, of acceptance of invitations which rf stacking up In the office of the club. ! 1 Somef the candidates havo attempt! ed to answer the summons and invltsf tions in a jocuiar mooa, ana 11 win p those who will be dealt with mot harshly, according to the mutterlnga o the esoteric! circle which ia staging thtf affair. r Others have even challenged tM mysterious circle to do its worst. 3 1 will. Only those who attend . tm breakfast will ever know the tortured to which those most fearless onea Wll be subjected. Senator Albert Cummins of Iowa candidate for the Republican noralnb tlon for president, has accepted an in vltatlon to attend, and he will have few words to say. ' I The candidates will have to run ,th! gauntlet from the very beginning O the "inferno" until the last thing M done. Attorney Frederick V. Holmsn John L. Travis and Attorney Frark C Hanley will hand out the "packages to the willing candidates. The "pack ages win not be or tissue paper aimer The last command from the esoteri circle Is that the candidates who ex pect to be on hand tomorrow noon leave word at the office of the clul that they will attend. i Motorcyclist Is Painfully Injurea aider Thrown About 60 Teet and Bf 1 fera Outs on Hud Bead n' Wrenched Leg. Last evening, about 6:30, Harold Pratt was painfully injured at Thirty elchth and Clinton streets. whaah was hit by a Richmond car. rrau we on a motorcycle and both tha rid', and the machine went Into the air foij a short distance, and then alld alon the pavement for about thirty fa Into the curbing. ; J Altogether the rider waa throw rj about fifty feet. When Pratt hit th curb his machine fell on top of,'hlrr? He is suffering from a budly cut hand an ugly gash on the forehead and wrenched leg. Mrs. Chamberlain Is Visiting Her Mothei j New York. May U. (I. N. B.)-M Joseph Chamberlain." widow of tbf famous British statesman, arrived her. Friday pn the White Star liner Adrl atlc, after an absence from her BAtlv land of 17 years Khe Is on her waM to visit her mother, Mra. William Ci Endlcott. in Boston. i. Mra. Chamberlain waa avers to dli eusslng the war, but emphasised he' opinion that the allies will win. - Her father, the late William C. End), cott. was secretary of war under Preeli dent Cleveland. . :v-7 A-6274 F 1 TORTURE m r . - May 14, in espoKane.