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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1916)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, 'MAY 12, 1916. if UNTIL T0M0RR0V-TO I Man Indicted With A. J. Burns r V on Charge of Larceny Is to - Appear, . ! . y ; i : - . ;i ' ;7 RELEASED ON CASH BAIL Bora Pleaded Hot Guilty Wtoday r Wall Bis iMMUtf failed to " Pac Court. ENTER PLEA IN COR ' If John Breflnan, who -WM indict! with A. J. Burns on th .charge of ; larceny in connection with a spbeme ., to transmute baa '" metal it. gold," :" Hots not appear in court tomorrow ')nornlng for pleading, Deputy District Attorney Pierce will ask Judges Mor "row to declare Brennan'a ball of $500 . ah forfeited. . Tim for pleading was apt fr test "Wednesday and Hurna appeared aVl pleaded not guilty, while -. Brennan " failed to show up. Owing to lncprreet ' i Information obtained rrom the clerk i of the court, it was stated that both men bad pleaded guilty. . .Bait In the sum of IWO had been .put up for each man, but yesterday 'the court reduced the ball Tor Burns to '280. , Th two men are charged with lar " leny from It. B. Wesson, who paid them tie In Portland and a larger sum I, in Beat tie to get In on the alleged scheme. If. I Turner, a former bar '..tender, was-another victim, according i.j his statement to the officers. TRAFFIC RULES ARE FAVORED County Commissioners Order Reg ; elation Adopted for Bridges. ' Foremen of three of the Willamette river bridges approved the new traffic rules recommended by Harry Coffin , of the publio safety commission, and -two of them favored retention of the present regulations, In reports suoralt ' ted to the county commissioners today. ,; The commissioners ordered that the . new rules be adopted by the Morrison, Hawthorne and Bumslde bridges, be " log approved by the foremen of these' bridges, while further consideration Will be given to regulations for the Broadway and Steel bridges. Foreman J, 8. Hicks of th Broadway bridgeAnd Foreman O. J. Laird of the Steel brldgo will be asked to confer with Mr. Cof fin. li. Th proposed change to which these ; two foremen make particular objec, tion, It is understood, allows fast tnov ' Ing'vehlcles to fall in line with slow "'moving Vehicles, but prohibits them from breaking the line to get ahead ' of a slow moving vehicle. a COUNTY TO PAY FOR REP ADR S i Responsibility Assumed for Dam . ages to Steamer Grahamona. .''' Accepting responsibility for th col ; llslon between the 'steamboat Graha mona and the draw of the Morrison 'treat bridge on May 8, the county, commissioners today Instructed M. ; Welch, uprlntndent of bridges, to proceed to repair the damage sus .. .tain4 by th boat. , i;'ilT--' Court Censures Jury. ' Judge Morrow told the Jury which .heard th case against Roy RJckman, tried for non-eupport, that thers was ' absolutely no excuse fer them failing . to agree on a verdict. "The defense "'admitted the charges so far as hie two 'K children are concerned," declared Judge - 5,Morrow, "and fchere is no excuse for your failure to return a verdict." The , Jufy reported they were unable to agree at 10 o'clock this morning, after having been out since yesterday noon. if Laundry Employe Is Arrested. - P, P. Fisher, an employe of the Na tional Laundry company, was arrested , today by deputy sheriffs on a ohargo ,: of larceny by embeszlement. Ho was indicted by the grand Jury. The -unount alleged to have been -emberzied " Is ' , $830.95. He wa released on 11000 ;.bond. C. Wi MatthewB, indicted for obtaining money under false pretenses 'from George Harvey, was arrested last . night by Deputy Sheriff Beckmar.. 'l Complaint Against Ferrw7 Boats. That the lavatories on the four ferry v Boat operated Dy tne county ars '"odoriferous, dirty, unsanitary and un fit, Is th report made to th county . commissioners by Captain E. S. Ed wrds and John E. Wynne of the . TJ<ed States steamboat Inspection aervlce, today. The commissioners were requested to put them in j-roper . condition. V,' ' County Aids "Vista 'House." After Roadmasteryeon has exhaust- ed the funds at his disposal, if it uoes not totai siz.uou, wnicn is to re ex pended for the construction of "Vista house." on the Columbia river highway, Vtn county commissioners today au -... 3C TMlii I BlliWaVsilltWi ( "J1 'I" MMMrrrrrrrriwr ) A PIPE of VELVET burns x x those bridges that we are always try in' to cross bef o we get to -em. 2Z thorlied the transfer of th fvtiajfce needed .from Jth emergency fund. , .- - ' Ferry to IIato Day Off. . Th ferry t St. ; John will not be operated Sunday, - according' to an nouncement made by the county com missioners. .v j- .. . . ; v ' m ' ' .y ' . Light Company Has' , Changed Ownership Beasid' lga Fower Co. Purchased y vaoui row Zdgb Co arw ' . Owners rian Extensions. Th Pacific Power A Ught Co. has taken over th Seaside Light A tower Co., having purchased the plant out right frontf-Wllliam Pollmaii of Baker and 'John ftlernan of Portland. An nouncement to this effect was made today by J. K. Davidson, rice president and general manager of the racirtc company. The amount Involved was not stated. The Prouty Lumber company mill now supplies the plant with fuel for steam and electric generation. With the acquisition " of the smaller Com pany. the Pact fie proposes to make gome extensive improvements, rhief of which s a 22.900 volt transmission line from Warrenton to Seaside, about nine miles. ' This will cost in the neighbor hood of 130,000. .The line will be built and be in operation by July 1, lOhe city of Sea side extends the franchise for a suffl cient number of years to warrant tne issue of bonds. The present franchise expires in 12 years, while the bond Issue, a mortgage on the property would run for a longer period. With the extension of the service, the company proposes to serve the in dustrial ana agricultural communities tributary to the river mouth with light and power- on a more comprehensive basis. 150,000 to Parade For Preparedness New Tork to Bold Demonstration to At tract Attention to Military and Haval Plans Trades to Participate. New York. May 1J.(U. P.)On hundred and fifty thousand New York ers will march tomorrow in a parade designed to attract attention to mili tary and naval preparedness. The first detachments of the unprecedented procession, consisting of business men and women, will start their hike at 9:30 a. m., and thereafter the tramp of feet will be heard all day until -10 p. m., when the National Guardsmen parade. It is estimated that 25,000 women will participate. Representatives of 66 trades and professions are to be In line. At night a great white glare of calcium lights from the tops of sky scrapers will illuminate the streets for the soldiers. Eleven thousand marchers will pass . . ii i ' m i a given pomi every uour oi mo ueui onstratlon. Mayor Mitchel and Major. General Wood are to occupy the only vehicles in ltn. There will b no ban ners or streamers carried. Th board of aldermen will march in a body, wear lng derbies. Former Cashier of s San Diego Bank Held San- Diego. Cal., May 12. (U. P.) Local business circles were stirred to day by the arrest late last night o E. Milton Barber, recently cashier o the San Diego Savings bank, on a charge of embezzlement and forgery. The complaint was sworn to by M. T, Gllmore, president of the Institution Barber is accused or caving lorged a check for 2500 on an account at the bank. After arraignment before a Justice, Barber was released on $15, 000 ball and taken to a sanitarium, in a highly nervous state. Bank officers and state examiners stated that the bank's financial standing was not af fected by the case. According to one officer of the institution. Barber de clared he was given authority to draw on th account ui question for Invest ment. Orpet Is Diverted by Flow of Love Notes Waukegan, 111., May 12. (U P.) William Orpet, University of Wiscon sin student, charged with the murder of his sweetheart, Marion Lambert, was first annoyed at the scores of love let ters he received from unknown girls, but today he Is beginning to. regard th daily flow of billets doux as a dl version. Score of Strang young womeff have written, protesting undying affection for him and strong belief in his Inno cence. Marlon Lambert s mother is very ill and is suffering from a nerv bus breakdown brought on by sorrow ing at her daughter's death. She main tains that Marion was murdered and tnat ner relations witn urpet were in nocent. Legislators Must Fight. London. May 12.-r-(I. N. S.) It ba been decided that eligible members of parliament shall be subjected to con scrlptlon. 2UZ 3C LICENSE OF BILLIARD - ,( 'V. HALLI i? . -i! " I 1 ; , Commissioner Baker Opposes Action on Ground That thei Council Was Unfair. FEELING IS . STIRRED UP Columbia Pool and BUUaxa Hall at 107K Birth Street, On of Largest lm City, Kit by Baling. Considerable feeling was stirred up at today's session of th city council when the majority, consisting J of Mayor Albee and Commissioners Daly and Blgelow, revoked tfTe license of th Columbia pool and billiard hall at 107 H Sixth street, one of the largest places of its kihd in the city. Tt was charged that gambling had been per mitted in the place. , Attorney R. R. Giltner, representing Fred Hussman, -manager of the place, chargeU that Mayor Albe was biased before the 'evidence was even heard and that hi client .had not been given 'fair play.'; The revocation ordinance does not take effect until Jurp 12. however. Commissioner Baker also charged that the council, was unfair, saying: I don't ace liow any fair-minded man could vote' to revoke the license on th evidence presented, x wouia hate to be tried before this commis sion." "Well, I have convinced myself." said Mayor Albee," that more gam- ilng has taken place in this pool room than in any ot&er similar place In the city." -I'm satisfied also that there was gambling there." said Commissioner Daly, "but not from the evidence sub mitted here." I feel the same way," said Dleck. When th vote, however, waa taken Commissioner Dleck voted with Raker to allow Hussmair to retain bis license. and the principal witness, called a i sroolpigeon," testified that h had gambled in the place and had seen others gamble. His testimony was re futed, however, by witnesses appear ing In Hussman' behalf. TENT COLONY NOT WANTED Portland Heights Property Owners Object to Summer Visitors. A large delegation of persons own ing property near Sixteenth street and Heights Terrace, Portland Heights, led by Tom Richardson and Edward Hoi- man, appeared before th city coun cil today and asked that immediate action be taken toward having a tent colony removed f rem th district. Mr. Richardson stated that th dis trict was on most prominent in th city and that it was a disgrace to have the tents allowed In that part of th cilty. The council prom ised to Investigate and take wnat action It could toward having the tents removed. It waa said that th tents are owned by on woman wbfo rents them out during the summer months. CITY TO BUY' SPRAY PUMPS Council Appropriates Money for Fighting Beetles. The city council decided today to take a hand tn the fight carried on by Park Superintendent. Convlll to ex terminate the elm beetles. It entered the fight by authorizing the purchase of two chemical spray pumps to cost not to exceed 11600. Convlll explains that th elm beetles are spreading to the largest elm trees and unless something is done imme diately the elm trees will ba destroyed. The park bureau now has two spray pumps In "use but Convlll said that these ar Inadequate. With the two more authorized purchased today Con vlll says that he believes that the beetles can be put to rout. TWO MORE POUND SITES Humane Society Has Selected Pos sibilities Outside Limit. The Oregon Humane society has two more locations for its dog pound and animal home and proposes to use one of them, according to announcement made by President Cowoerthwalte of the society this morning. Both are Just outside the city limits. One is at East Eighty-third and Division streets and the other at Lents Junction. - President Cowperthwalte was before the council toaay, asking if there were objections to the society's locating out side the limits and having, an office within the city. The question was re ferred to the city attorney. DISPUTE OVER T A COMA AVE. Council Drona Tmiroiremnt Trftrf Until Residents Agree. With some property owners w.antlng Tacoma avenue widened from 28 to 34 feet, others wanting the street paved and others wanting nothing done this year, the city council today decided to drop all proceedings for the improve ment of the thoroughfare from Grand avenue to East Seventeenth street. The question of Improving the street has caused much feeling among resi dents of the Sellwood district and those along th street. Carl K Quarnberg Was' Long Time 111 Vancouver,. Wash., May 12. Carl X. Quarnberg, 38 years old, died yester-r day at the family home after a linger, ing illness. He-came her rrom South Dakota with his parents when six years old. , Mr. Quarnberg wa a graduate of the local high school and of a busi ness college. He served as deputy county auditor for a time. He was an enthusiastic member of the Mana ma club of Portland and , loved : th mountain. He climbed most of the mountains and peak, in this section of th country. - Hi father, A. A, Quarnberg, one brother, lR 'A. Quarnberg, and two sister. Mrs. C. J. Moss and Miss Ruth Quarnberg,, all of this city, survive. The body is being ' held at Knapp'a funeral parlors until the funeral, which will be. held at 2:30 o'clock Sat urday afternoon, Revi Thomas F. May wll conduct the services and in terment will be in the family plot in Aba, -Vancouver city cemetery, where th local lodge of Elks, of which h wa . a highly esteemed member, -will have eharge.?;1 vQ;-. .- y;'1'- U IlLIUIVLLi UM A GAMBLING CHARGE Drr Elmer; M. Brown1 Dies atTacoma Was Saiiv f Oregon, Bom of WH Xnm Moa?, and - Srd Wit XHstlactloa la Bpaalaa War. . ?coma, Wash May 12. CP. N. &) Dr. Elmer M. Brown, well-known pby- elclan of Tacomadied this moraine at bi bom here. He bad been confined ySS: , r.2'J2: distinction. He was born July e. 1P57, at Forest Grove. Or., hi parents being pioneers. They crossed the plains with ox teams Jn 184S and set tied on a donation land claim, which i now the cite of Forest Grove. Or. Brown's great grandmother was Tail tha Brown, founder of Pacific uni versity at Forest Grove, Dr. Brown attended Cooper's Medical, college at San Francisco two years and Willam ette Medical college-at Portland one year, graduating with honors when 22 years of age. Dr. Brown was married June 10, 1S79, to Miss Mary K. Williamson, whose parenta were also pioneers of Oregon, settling- in Yamhill county. He began the practice of medletne at liillsbor. - Dr. Brown is survived by his wife, a son and daughter-in-law. two daugh ters, ttfo brothers, A. V. Brown of Forest Grove.. K. C Brown of Santa Ana. Cal., and two sisters, Mrs. Mary T. Lewis of Portland, Or, and Mrs. Liberia Schock of Chicago. Man Injured at Work Dies in Hospital Sere . WUUam JTelson, ttrnok by a Oabls la Ziogglag Camp at Cartl mock, Ex pires Suddenly, William Nelson, a young man who had been employed in a logging camp at Castle Rock, Wash., died very sud denly at 8t. Vincent's hospital at 6:45 this morning from a fractured j skull, received yesterday when struck uy a nymg caDie. iNeison s iatner ac companied him to the hospital yester day and remained at his bedside until 4 o'clock this morning. Th lad was thought to be much better at that time and the father left for his room at a hotel. Shortly after 6 o'clock tbo young man suffered a sinking spell and died. His father had not been located up to a short time before noon DUbiie n,orT,. . Negro Soldier Kills Wife and Sergeant Ken rrom Hi. Company Capture Him; OTTlcer not In Effort to Bsoap; Whit Woman Xs Wounded. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., May 12. iu. f.) in a Jealous rage, Private William Whit, a negro, today shot and killed a man and a woman and wounded one woman In th govern ment reservation here. Mistaking Miss Minnie Thomas, a white woman, for his wife, whom he intended to kill, the negro first shot and wounded her. Then he visited the quarters of Lieutenaxt James Green and killed the woman he was after. In his flight he encountered Ser geant James Jackson and killed him to escape capture. - Later the slayer was captured by a detachment of men from his own company. Harold Moodie Dies When Wire Hits Him Son of President of Moodie Konse moTlng Company Electrocuted While at Work oa Peninsula, Harold Moodie, son of Andrew D. Moodie, president of the Moodie House moving company, J81V4 East Morrison etreet. was electrocuted this afternoon at 1 o'clock while assisting In moving a small cottage near the foot of Mc Kenna avenue on the Peninsula, Moodie was on the roof of the build ing when an electric wire broke and struck him. The body was removed to the morgue by the coroner. Slide-Mud Must Go; Arrest Alternative x-roperxy owners neglecting to re move from the streets and aidewalks in front of their property, the dirt an 3 debris tbat came down in the slides last month are to be arrested. The city council this morning Instructed City Attorney La Roche to inform all property owners that they would be given 10 days in which to clean the -sidewalks and streets. Drug Store Employes Accused. Warrants were Issued out of the mu nicipal court today for the arrest of H. F. Striker of the Ausplund Dru I company, 110 North Sixth street, and iv. r. Bcott or the Brink pharmacy. i Thirteenth and Washington street, on charges of violating the prohibition law in selling alcohol without the contents of the bottle being labeled. The com plaint was signed by State iiairy and Food Commissioner Mickle. OH TOOB SSafaL WOBX Go to i-ny dental office tn Port land, net their prices and advice and thencome to me and learn my m pnees and what 1 can o ior you. Examina tion free. I give my personal attention to all work. SJ oil null. V t j DB H. F. NEWTON, Manasar. Plates .......... 15.00 t J 1 Gold Crowns. 3.60 Gold Fiilinira..-.. im L -t jnapre wora.. .. u5 Painless Eitract'n ,50 Boston Dentists 286 V Waslw Bt Bet. 4th ana &taf CALIFOKXIA HOTELS HOTEL UAB SAN FRANCISCO Qeary StrMt.' Jut elf Unioa Squar Eoropaaa Pian $liO a tJaj np ' Breaktart BOO UnckBOo DIaBer$1.00 Mesf Faawus Meals Of flit United States Kew stoel sad concrete straetar. Center of theater, cafe and retaU. districts. On carUnes transferring all ever city. Take Municipal ear line direct to door. Motor Bus meets train and steamer. , CANDIDA! ).f CI LIES TO B Facts; Alleged to Have Been Misrepresented In Regard to Attorney Clark's Fee. In answer to fcn editorial in the Ore gonlan, which la declared to be a mis representation of. facta relative to th J4E00 attorney fee of A. E. Clark, spe cial attorney in th bounty poor farm foreclosure suit, John C. McCua, can didate for district attorney, today made the following statement: "The Oregontan is 'again attempting to defend Mr. Evans and his extrava gant administration. The defense la now directed In Justification and ex planation of the county poor farm fore closure suit. Attempt to Befog Issue. "Th defense Is none th less appar ent by reason of the fact that the Ore- gonian ostensibly directs It attack against Th Oregon Daily Journal for publishing certain letter demanding! explanation as to why Mr. Evans employed-A. E. Clark as special counsel for th county and as to why Mr. Ev- - ans agreed that 14600 wa a reasonable attorney fee for Mr. Clark' service. No doubt if the Oregonian can befog the issue in regard to this foreclosure suit It will likewise attempt to befog the issues relative to th enormous ex penditures in Mr. Evans' offic and relative to th very larg number of Indictments that Mr. Evans' office has caused to be dismissed before trial, and relative to th vast amount of private practice which Mr. Evans and hi depu ties ar dally accepting and engag ing in. "These ar nocontradtctabl facts: Th Lombard mortgage wa foreclosed; Mr. Clark, upon Mr. Evans' recommend ation and acquiescence, was employed as special counsel; the court, upon Mr. Evan' recommendation, did allow Mr. Clark $4600 a a reasonable attorney fee. When th attempted explanation la stripped of it verbiage, it will be found that th only Justification that this deal has at the present Um In th minds of Mr. Evans constituents is that the 14600 never has been paid. However, it cannot be denied, if Mult-i nomah county was to establish an asset and liability sheet, that the $4600 would appear as an account payable In the liability column. Way Hot Publish X.eUrs. . "xner is reference mad to some Vlnd of a mysterious letter In regard to the payment of Mr. Clark's fees. Why not publish th content of this letter. so that It may be definitely known at this time, once and for all. how much less than (4600 Mr. Clark will accept for his services to Multnomah county? Perhaps Mr. Clark, In a benevolent and charitable frame of mind, will donate part of hi fee to the county, and per haps he will not. Perhaps this mys terious letter has something to do -with the settlement of this fee. and oerhans It does not. In any event, why not be fair and let the people know If they do not owe Mr. Clark $4600, how much the do owe him? "By examination of the record, the Oregonian will find that the Judgment has been satisfied in full by the sale of the property, and the sheriff deed delivered to the county, and that Mr. Lombard is Ihereby discharged of all legal and moral liability of paying to Mr. ciara one cent of the $4500. Any claim Mr. Clark may. now have against Multnomah county for legal services Is against Multnomah county alone, and it appears from Mr. Clark's letter of date of February 16. 1916, published in full in yesterday's Journal, that Mr. Clark does have a claim against Multnomah county. The county, soon er or later, must settle with Mr. Clark. Let this settlement be open and pub lic, not secret and mysterious. No doubt Mr. Evans considers it political diplomacy to allow this settlement to be made after the primaries." MACDONALD IS CITIZEN Candidate for Constable Replies to Story in Circulation. Sanfleld Macdonald, who is making an energetic campaign for the Repub lican nomination for constable of the Portland district, wants it distinctly understood that he is a citizen of the REP m PAPFR II1UI1I III 14 IIIIIbII "Inside Facts" Bradbury System Suits J Loot deeper of the suit linings, tke inner stitching and re-inforcements of the seams, and tne way the buttons are sewed.on. The excellence of tkese difierent features of Braitury System Clotkes making them tetter tkan ordinary clotkci, coupled witk a etyle tkat makes the Brbury name famou. s - . -,- ' - - " Bradbury System Suite $20 to $40 Others $15.00 Up A Charge Account Your Privilege B United States. Some unkind political non-supporter has been circulating th story tin. i MontavtUa, Mi. Macdoaaid says, that h 1 not a eitlsen, He says he wa born in Neva Scotia Octo ber g. ;1S64. but that he cam toMan- chester, N. H., September 11, 1180. and was given citizenship in Octobr, its. before, Judg Nathan Hunt r Man chester, and that the clerk of the court waa named J. C, Bickford. r. . - i j Davia Will Speak. , N. W. N. Davis, candidate for circuit Judge to succeed Judge -McGinn, will be th principal speaker at a meeting of the Irish Navy club, at Sellwood Friday night at o'clock. . -Mr. Davis will speak upon th topic "Progres sivene. PROHIBITION LAW IS BEING OBSERVED, BY PORTLAND BREWERS (Continued From Pe - One) county and were being shipped out of the state. Ho Violation round. "From our Investigation w learned that the only place within Mult nomah county In which nonlntoxlcat lng substitutes for bear were being manufactured were the Portland Brew ing company and the Weinhard plant," says the report. Explanation of the process of manu facture at th Portland Brewing com pany's plant is given. It waa found the product at no time contains more than one half of 1 per oent of alcohol, which is the limit allowed under th prohibition law. Continuing the report says: In the preparation of Weinhard s Jkectar." it appears that after the malt and hops are brewed, thi mix ture is permitted to ferment for a few da vs. During- this time, due to the nutural action of the ingredients used. the alcoholic content becomes in ex cess of one-half, of one per cent by volume, but at Itnat time, however. the mixture Is not marketable and Is not intended or reasonably likely to be used as a beverage. Thereafter this mixture is boiled, which has the effect of driving the alcohol from the mixture aa svyapor wmcn is noi re tained out is permuted to escape Ee Our Olrla In Cawapor Qoatom SHI Coming Sunday Super ' r Hell Hinges Wm. S. Hart- -ln on tkan tlie Co JL. you are selecting, padding of the Washington Street at Tenth OPXaT KS.TVBBAX Vim P. throurh thachlmnev: Thereafter It 14 filtered and carbonated. :.;? ' f ;- . T4r4 Tu tmpoMl - Th rtxulaUons ot th treasury de partment of the United State govern ment requir th collector or internal revenu to collect a tax of $1.60 per barrel for the manufacture of temper ance beer from in a It. if at any stage of the process of manufacture tae beverage contains as much a on half of I per cent of alcohol without r fard to th final alcobolio content of he beverage. Under this ruling tae Weinhard estate s repaired to Pay a United State government tax on Us Product although chemical analyses ot tr. product show that It contains ap proximately -two tenths of 1 per cent of alcohol. The United States govern ment . recognise this fact because it does not require a federal license from any retailer of Weinhard's ,,Necar.M un yauuai jr a, a a v uv i oiiiaiiru estate had on hand 7493 barrcU of beer, manufactured or rlor to th meration or tne proniDition. eration or tne proniDitior act. Sine that time no beer has been manufac tared by the Henry weinhard p ahuit. Neither the prohibition amendment nor the prombition act made it un lawful to ship to California the beer in Oregon which was manufactured Srlor to January 1. 19i, Furthermore, nles the beer was used for unlawful sales within th stat , of Oregon, it was not subject to seizure by the looal officers. Close Examination Mad. "The grand Jury has made an ex haustive examination of the manufac ture of these product, has examined a large number of witnesses in regard thereto, has examined the books and records of these plants, has secured exnert testimony on th manufactur ing processes of these beveragea, has personally examined both or the plants from top to bottom, ha secured ex pert advice as to the law. not only from the district attorney of this coun ty, but from the attorney general of the state of Oregon, has carefully checked, the united States internal revenue rec ords and railway bill of lading and has had presented to It th reault of chemical analyse of th products, all with a view of ascertaining whethor or not any violation of th prohibition act has been committed.'' Candidates at Oswego. Oregon City, Or.. May 12. Candi dates for office at the coming pri maries were extended an invitation by the people of Oswego to give their views at a politic! rally held last night- in the theatre at that place. There were about 30 candidates of the county In attendance. M ' 'v-ew One of the most striking plays yet produced by the Triangle service H. B. Warner, as the drug debased beggar gives a wonderful character sketch. - Feature mere surf ace iuxainme skoulcUrs, Shoes for Men English, straight, pu and freak lasts to perfectly: fit any foot. Vici, gunmetal and Russia calf leathers lace or button. $4e509 $S.$6 Calif ornia Man Sees Famous HigHwayi John T. Craig Visits Portland, Aooon-4 hlpbuUdlng Business. ;'M j Mr. andlrs. John ). Craig and Mr and Mr. John F. Craig Jr. ar vlsltitl. tn Portland for a few days frottt thelri California home. Mr. Craig Sr. until) recently wa head of the Craig 6hlp-i building company of Lonir Beach, Call which, he sold to the California Bhlp4 building company, which handle gov em men t wora exclusively. ;1 Th Cralc party waa entertained on th Columbia river highway this aftr-l noon by George E. Hardy, xecutlvd secretary of the Chamber of Commerce! Mr. Craig and his son ar lntmreti In lumbering at Coo bay. Whethei they will reenter th shipbuilding bust ness depends largely upon their inves Ugatlona In the northwest. Flag DayJs Urged- As a Legal Holiday j Ki Elks Pas absolutions Petitioning OeV ernor's Aid Big Program It Pre pared far fun 14 ClbrtlaV . - A resolution was passed at - th1 meeting of Portland lodge, No. 142 of the Elks lust night asking al lodges throughout the state to petl tlon Governor Wlthycombe to declarJ Flag Day. June 14, a legal holiday. It Is expected to have all clvlo anq patriotio orders and association ' li line, together with 3000 school chll dren, on Flag Dsy. Th llteraH and musical exercises will be held In the Park blocks at th Kos Festival Civic center In front ot th Arlington club. Fred W. Wagner, chairman of th' committee of arrangements, has prom Ise of support on every hand to mak Vie celebration a success. H Is as sisted by George I Baker, Judge C. V Gantenbeln, Professor E. D. Curtis, A W. Orton, Ray Barkhurst and John W Baker. Colorful Spectacular Dramatic Bucking Society a Keystone Full of Fast Fun r c?Tv The Theatre Beaiilifi I (DX -Sixth at Wacriinorfn - " J - r i the v m the: for? -.) 1 ' . r i i , t'f v : v --.. , , :. . 3 4 1