The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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12, 1918.
t '
. Three -Remaining Have Not
Yet Declined and They May
.'; Get Into Line.
Xeeoftuaexidatloae of Kealty Board
:., orrunitt.. Cover JFarcela Offered
' tot Bala to School Directors,
Flv of the .eight property owner,
to whom School Clerk R. H. Thomas
made offera for the purchase of their
property for school purpoaea, baaed on
they valuations fixed by the valuation
; committee of the Portland Realty
Aboard, have accepted, the propositions
. made. The three remaining owners
.have not submitted positive declina
tion a, but have suggested to the board
of education that they believe the of
fers made are too low.
The acceptance of the offers by so
large a 'proportion of the property
owners has encouraged Mr. Thomas,
and he bellevea the othera will fall In
line on further negotiations. The
value decided upon bv the Realty
board committee -are thought to be
' ample for the property submitted, as
in each case the valuations reached
by 'the Realty board men are from
one third to one half lower than the
basis, of value fixed by the assessor,
and oh which the property owners are
. paying taxes.
' Aa the board of education needs the
. property, ' In case of failure to reach
an agreement it will have to resort to
condemnation proceedings. School
Clerk Thomas la of the opinion that
the fact of the majority of property
owners having acceded to the judg
ment of the Realty board men will
form a valuable guide, both for the
, court nd the viewers, In case of court
proceedings being inatltuted.
' The owners of the property who
. have hot accepted the offera of the
board include Rachel L. Ray. who
Offered to sell 200 feet by 170 feet
i at Kelly atreet and Bancroft avenue,
: adjoining to and for the use of the
Holman school for $16,000. The of
fer made waa $9000. ,
Jr. Mrs. M. K. Austin, who has offered
SO feet near the Woodstock school
for $1900, the valuation fixed by the
Realty board being 11900.
- Mrs Montgomery, who offered four
.lots for tho use of the Elliott school
for $30,000, or 17500 per lot, on which
the Realty board has fixed a valuation
Of $3600 a lot.
$50,000 DKAIi IM RKl'OItTKD
William Thorn, Newromer, Makes
V'' FiOfnl Purchase.
The building and tfround on which
the KennarU & Adams department
.Store stands, on Williams Avenue Just
north Of Knott street, adjoining the
premises of the O. VV. Bates & Co..
hanker,, fnrlav rhArnreri nwnorshin
from the tl;itftH Real Estate & Invest-1
ment Co to William Them, for l.'.O.OOO. .
- The new .owner came to Portland a t
few months ago from Texas with con-
,iderable meatim. it being reported that
he had made fcome fortunate invest-I
tnentx In the oil fields of that state.
;Mr. Thorn assumes a purnhKHe money
-'tnortgage of $23,000, due in IS months,
The balance of the payment was in
cash. The transaction was negotiated
by James F. Hill, acting for both par
ties. The negotiations were begun
early in the week and a deposit made
on the property, pending the examina
tion of the Abstracts on Tuesday.
New Directors of l'.iilldcrs
"change Held First Meetins.
iAt the meeting of the newly-elected
' di,Cior!-0f.vthe ?Ullde.r8"
ft rir L . "Ul11"
building on Thursday aftarhoon, J.
6. Seed was reelected president. The
remaining orticers ana member or
the boarJ Include: Vice president,
Thomas Mulr; recording secretary, it.
A Hume: treasurer. V. X. LeDoux:
iranagcr, O. O. Hughson. The dlrec-
ffcra are: R, F. Arndt. A.. J. Blngha
,.W. H. Chambers. K. IB. Gilmer. l,m
uriggs. . a. nume, t A. Leuoux,
John ,S. Seed. Frank Steblnger and
Oscar' Wayman. Twenty-elx members
were 1tctea to the exchange During
the year ended May 1.
Portland Firm Lowest Didder.
) Findley & Crowe of Portland were
the lowest of the six bidders to sub
mit figures for the erection of the
,tlgj school at North Powder. On the
general contract they ask $21,066,
while the highest bid, $29,887, waa
submitted by Petersen & Winters. For,
;the heating and plumbing a La
Grande concern was lowest ejid for
the plumblrffe- only, Sturges & Stur
gea was-the- only House to submit
figures. The contract will be award
ed. It Is thought,' some time this
Vacant Building In Leased.
" In order to be prepared for an
emergency .that might arise out of
flood conditions, Fletschner. Mayer &
Co,, have leased, on a morfth to month
rental basis. 60,000 square feet of
space In the building at Fifth and
Pino atreet formerly occupied by the
'Marshall Wells Hardware company.
Xba right or occupancy begins June 1.
' Garage ''on Tenth la P-anncd.
Mortis Taylor, 889 Burnstde
atreet la planning tha erection of a
concrete and, brck one-story garage
structure, 10 by 100 feet, on Tenth
street between Taylor and Yamhill
Real Estate Transfers.
C. M. Dollarhide-and wf. to W W.
- -"'A 'Lh W. ft. L. 4, L. 3.
B. 2S, Woodstock Ad f
Matilda E. Tbrap Davis and bus. to
, Arthur Y, CToujth. L. 18, 8. , Ar-
data Park Nn a. . , . ..... .
1 American Prntglms grndleste to R. T.
iniams. k. b. e, t, B, 71, Couch's
N. Satamon'-W V." rV WlkldVC" V.' V, 2,
B. 28. vWaverlelgh Hts....i
B. O. Rosl to F. A. Roster. U 0. B. 1,
Btratford-gyeney Add. (assigned to 3.
M. Vregnlsan)
O. W. Tarr and wf. to 3. M. Vrsgnlaan,
V. 9. B. 1. Stratford-Syduey Add.....
Kate B. Berkley to Stephen Carver, L.
t g, B. 3, Henrys Add...........
I 8, 9, B. 44. Jonesmore..... .......
Western Oregon Trust Co. to W. , H.
Lovett. L U. Bt27, Men tone .
Blslaa jAbbe t al to John Bnla Int.
. 0.. L. , B. 8. L. 1, B. 6.. Green
nnia ..............................
"rV lllistB -s". Harris and wf , t O. L.
Undm. L 2.1. 21. B LI. Tnv. nf
Llnotoa , ... .... ,:.. ,, t ' ;
James V. Mayberry to. AUah N. May
berry, L, B. 6, 7. B, 1L Alton Park.,
at. - K. Nobis and wf. tn jiMu
, 10
SchnelbeL l , B. C. Brockton....... .10
.... . -.
Henry At water to Tom Volg-t, X,.. 8, 0.
B. 16, Barker Add
J. traka and wf." to Arthur Needuam.
L, 8, B. &, Multnomah..'......,,.....
Sh riff to O. V. Chureh. IS. 100 ft. L.
6. B. atl, hi. I 'a turns Second Add.,.;.
La or a A. Crtmmin and baa. to Mary E.
Ambrose, L. 18, 19, 20, B. 4. Wil
lamette Ackl......
The Kred A. Jacobs Co. to Nuoa M. Het
tinger, j. 2a. 2. S4, B. it. Syndicate
Add. ..................... I.8G0
Giuseppe Saltalamaccuia and wf. to
Maria D'Ambruelo. L. 5. N. 4 ft. L.
. B. 4. Towers Tract.
C. t. Moor and wf. to John I". Enrlgbt.
L. la, B. 22. First Add. toHolladay
Park Add
Title it Truat Co. to Wellestey Land
, Vm., It. 2. 8Q, B. 14, L. a, 4. B. 18,
Sheriff to Sophia Tubbeslng. L. 14. B. 0,
. i-urisuiootU' vma Hill., L, 7. B. 81,
Mock Add
Jotm Oooa and wf. to Elmer E. Davis.
I 13. B. , Woodlawn..
Wrjliara J. Smith to Kate Smith, L. 9,
10, B. 25, Point View........
Lilly Holden Koulmaa and hua. to Jacob
Michel, N. 33 1-a it. L. 12, B. 2,
Hawthorne Terrace
Annie Elizabeth 1'eterson to Joseph" F.
Bmltu, trustee, W. 40 ft. L. 11. W.
40 ft. It. 19, JJ. 12,2-H ft. 8. part W.
40 ft. L. ,0, B. 20, North ML labor
Sheriff to Frank M. Lacey. L. 13. B. 24.
J. 14, 14. B. 24Alblna Homestead..
Building permits.
J. D. Fenton, repair 1 story frame dwelling.
82U B. 8th at. N.. bet. tailing and Sharer
etr builder, same; $300.
Wilbur Harden, repair 2 story frame dwell
ing, 823 TbompMon at., bet. E. 26U and E.
26tn ats.: builder. C. 11. Pane: 8400.
Paul Bersberg, repair 1 -ttory frame dwell
ing, 90 Florida St., bet. Macadam and Vir
ginia sta.; builder, same; smu
A. D. Kenworthv. erect 1 stonr frame- gar
age, 0636 Foster roed, bet. 63th and 08th its.;
builder, w. anaerauu;
J. M Jamea renalr 2 story frame store,
SOU Union are. N., bet. , Failing and Shaver
tax; builder, v. A. Bates; aiuo.
A. Meier estate, wreck 4 story ordinary ho
tel and stores, 154 Front st.V bet. Alder and
Morriaoa sts.; wrecker, Atlas Wrecking Co.;
Hattle M. Barton, erect 1 story frame
dwelling, 454 K. siid at. X.. bet. 'ruiamwiK
and Thompson bis. ; builder, C. O. CpdtEra?;
tinatsT Tits. renakr' 1 storr frame dwell
ing, 914 Wlllametle bld. N.. bet, St. Johus
and Beno t.; builder, Jacob Hahn; $130.
V. W. I'nttison and John Burgoyoe, erect
IVl story frame dwelling, 1188 E. fine at.,
bet. E. 89th and E. 41st sts.; builder, same;
George Thompson, repair 2 story frame
dwelling. 064 Si. 23rd nr. M., cor. .Siskiyou
St.; builder, da work; 100.
' Andrew and Emily Robertson, repair 1 story
frame store, 15S1 E. lath St., bet. Miller and
Neltalem area.; builder, Louis J. Anderson;
(ac r t.lmlnirton. rct 1 atorr ffam aarace,
451 B. 41st st, N bet. Tillamook and Thomp
son sts.; builder, 8. Kasmussen; $150.
Mary Q. Basmussea, erect 1 stof frame
Sarage, jaaa wiateria. oec. a. owl bu m.
lac ata.; builder. H- Raamuaaen: $200.
Morgan-Bushong Inv. Co., repair 8 story
fireproof reinforced concrete offices and store.
648 Wsshlngtnu st., bet. Broadwsy and I'artt
at.: builder. Harris Ice Machine Works; $200.
third Beformed church, repslr 2 .story
frame dwelling, 6o21 87th st. 8. K. , bet Wood
stock are. and lst are.; uuiiuer, n. u
Lienkaemper; $50.
n. (londman. renair 1 storr frame dwelltrg
88P Front st., bet. Pennoyer and Uslnes sts.;
hnilfiar JfltnM 4oneh! SiVO.
" H. O. Maker, repair 1 story frame dwell
ing R12 Junior at., bet. E. lath and E. luth
sts.'; builder, II. A. Orlmau $45.
(Oontlnnod From Par One)
would not support him for re-election
as county commissioner.
In the grand Jury investigation of
the transaction Commissioner Llghtner
was sumrrfoned before that body and
admitted practically all tho facts aa
here stated.
Beoret Contract Is Kept.
Mr. Llghtner kept his part of the
contract, and the eecrei crrci oi in
visible government In Portland Is keep
inf its part of ,the contract. Mr.
Huber paved t"he Powell Valley roau.
and the Oregonlan regularly reruses to
'permit the entry Into Us columns of
any or the serious cnarges tain i vim
I door of Mr. Llghtner oi tne wen
greased political machine built up and
maintained by Mr. Llghtner in me
conduct of county affairs.
Public charges or mismanagement
of extravagance, of favoritism and of
downright incompetency have beet
made In public addresses before va
rious business organizations and po
litical meetings, but no account of them
is ever allowed to appear in the Ore
lrnnlan. The agreement made by the
'secret circle in tne uregonian omco
is In full force and binding eriect.
Candidates Qlvt. Ordsrs.
Th intrigue and secret barter con
stantly carried on reaches out to can
! didates for public office. They are
I summoned to appear Derore tne oossea
!" .nian office. They are told
that they must not be Candidates and
" ; ' ther man has Deen selected
! . ,..,.t. .,..
. t" " --t-:
Uhe Oregonlan will be used against
'them and the personal uses to which
i . . . . V. . V. .nttAnlr nil.
'"".P1"1' Z,L . 1 . T : " 1 .. " i
1 haa th effect to f riKhten them out of
1 "
' tn ac' . . i,,.
, It " .JL.. . T, . "7 " ,r '
'.'on5i(il,t , DrimaJ..- .nd other-
., ., hQt thia uhrtv nf th
press should be religiously guarded
and fostered. But hundreds of Port
landers are vigorously protesting
against a newspaper having a Secret
Circle gang 'which works in the dark,
plays the boss, threatens newspaper
terrorism upon candidates and men.
summons citizens to appear before it
to get thielr orders, secretly Intrigues
in paving awards and conducts a pri
vate and personal system of dictation
and domination,
m t
Houseboat Goes Up in Smoke.
A defective, flue was the cause of the
complete destruction of the houseboat
belonging to J. M. Bertrand, moored
on the west side a short distance- be
low the. North Pacific Lumber com
pany, sbortly before 6.' o'clock las
evening. Bertrand was cooking in the
house at the time, and did not notlco
the fire iMtll it had attained a good
start. Engine companies' had a long
distance to go, and the boat was burned
to the supporting logs. The loss was
estimated by Bertrand at between $300
and $400.
Smith Funeral Tomorrow.
The funeral of Maurice B. Smith,
well-known theatrical man, win he held
from the Holman funeral parlorg on
Monday morning, May 15, at 10-30
o'clock. Mr. Smith died on Thursday,
May .11, and, fco far as known, is sur
vived by no near relatives.
Air sirens for short distance signal
ing have been invented by a French
man -and, mounted on the masts of
ships, have, been heard as far away as
two miles.
Beautiful adult plnsh of
broadcloth casket, em
balming, outside box.
ber, two autoa and
services for.'.
Funerals If desired for
$20. $40. fOO. u .',
Higher priced funer
sls In proportion. :
We manufacture caskets.
Lsdy assistant. Beaetitut runeral Chanel.
. - laiSepeadVat Funeral Directors.
Washlnrtoe at lla St. , (bet, 20th and 21s t
West U4a. , . . atala 2001. A-78S3L
Two U, S, Destroyers Search
ing Waters and Coast Is
Patrolled by 50 Men.
8111X11110; of Cargo Generally Belle vad
to Save Caused JMsastar as : the
Boanoke Soiled la Heavy Bern.
San Francisco, Cal., May 12. (U. P.)
All hope that as time passed th
extent of the North Pacific liner Roan
oke disaster might be lessened was
practically abandoned today, when
boats which patrolled the scene of the
wreck hunting for survivers returned
with reports that they had seen no
Indication even of floating wreckage.
It is evident that the. only survivors
of the wreck are Quartermaster Elb
and two Mexican, firemen who drifted
ashore in a lifeboat with five bodies.
The United States destroyers Hull
and Truxton are searching the" waters
which suddenly swallowed up the his
toric old coasting steamer looking for
bodies of some of the 50 souls that
went to death with the ship. Fifty
men are keeping watch along the San
Luis Obispo coast, expecting that
bodies may wash ashore.
raw racts Known.
Quartermaster Elb's description of
the. disaster, supplemented by the
stories of the Mexicans, is all the gov
ernment will have to go on In its in
vestigation of tho wreck. Elb declares
that the vessel began tilting at 2:30
Tuesday, and that Captain Richard
Dickson clung to tEs sloping orldge
directing the lowering of tffeboats
from one side of the liner. Those on
the other side were useless on icoountL,'.!?5.1! .?; ter-
f hDV,or c.. .v, .i.v. '
- i.omwvM, aaa K. 1TU, at. N., May , a daughter.
were dropped from the daviu stern ILLK To Mr.- and Mrs. Joseph lilk. 864 Ka
firs and their ncrnnnnt. hnrlMi intn gene st., May 8. a son.
the water to drown. Klh hellv. h i
captain went down with his ship When
it turned turtle. I
Several theories for the wreck have
been advanced. A suggestion that the
Roanoke struck a submerged derelict
or uncharted reef, or that a time bomb
I'aced among the tons of dynamite in
its hold exploded and ripped a hole
under the water-line is not taken seri
ously. It ia generally believed that
the disaster was caused by the cargo '
shifting while the Roanoke rolled In
it h.,vv .on.
The three survivors will be brought
to San Francisco -3 soon aa they are
able -to be mbvfed end will ha .
quested to testify at the government's :
Destroyers Hunt lloats.
Com Tli.O-A rl Vfnu 10 If O
" ' . l. ' . ' v' 1 ' i
ins torpeao dosi aesiroyers, uruxton,
Hull and Hopkins, today are steamina
northweat to search the seas for boats
f,nn, th. fnrT-.t,n,- i.i,
u. V " of j P naif., & goa, Montgomery at Fiftn.
Which went down Off Port San Luis. ' Friends Invited. Interment at Rose City cem
The destroyers are equipped with pow-, etery.
erful searchlights which will be used
In a search at night. -
Five Per Cent Is
Damage in Marion
Frnaag Protected y Ileavy Toliaga;
Pears In Poor Shape, According to
Znsp actor, and Cherrlaa Damaged.
SsIatti fir VivlSriafnA. a frifr
ki.. 1a V.r, -i, ihV 1
berries and garden truck from tho re-
cent frosts does not exceed 5 per cent
in Marion county. County Fruit In-
snector Constable, who investigated the
situation extensively Thursday, as-
Prunes suffered very little apparent beloved wife of Charles F. kruger. Besides the
damage, the foliage protecting them lmst.etid six chluldrea sarvlv ber. Funeral at
from tho frosts, and While potatoes Chasibera Co.'s chapel. Time will be" ao-
and garden truck in some localities ii n .,- ; s
jihow the. pffer-tH of the tew i,mMr, SMITH In this city. May 11. Maurice Barrin
snow tne errects or the low tempera- , Wre Sniltht ag,.d 53 years. Friends invited
ture, the damage is not extensive. to attend funeral services, which win be held
Pears are a poor crop, Constable at Holman's funeral parlors, at 10:30 a. m..
Isays, having fallen from the treea ;n
great quantities. Cherries are a Tine
crop, although damaged to some ex
tent by rain and hall.
Music Schedule Changed.
Salem, Or., May 12. The board . of
education decldedjat a meeting Thuts-
Aa : nlffht in ohann tha nrranfnmAnr
nf rh music denartment nf tha hlo-h"
or tne music nepartment or tne nign
school and elected Miss Minetta Ma-
gers to teach music in tha senior high
school seven and one half hours each
week at a salary of $100 per month.
Mlsa Jessie V. Miller was elected super
visor of music In the grade schools at
a salary of $120 per month. Dr. O. B.
Miles was reelected school physician
for the months of October, November
and December, ifearly all the teach
ers at present employed ya the schools
were reelected.
MAXV B07..A-15I1.
Choice boans or $10,000 suid TTp
Oa Zmprovad Buslneaa Property
(or for Improvement Purposes).
,.. S4S Stark 8treea I
Ob City and fans Prspertiaai la
mmr junenni as ctmai aataa.
junsoaa a .aampsaa, siik-ra,
Cornar tl tmnt iwl Stars Sta.
Fearfev Brothers, Inc.
306 Dalron Bldg-. . SrOrtlaad. Ox.
$300 Upwards at 6-7-3
Oregon Investment Je MortgagSCo.
Offices 302-4. 170 3d St. .
' Mortgage) Company for : America
So am 32. Alnsworth Blag.
PTiO-ne Main 6841. Portland. Or.
OREGON Lodge, No. 101, A
F. & A, M. Special com
munication tomorrow (Satur
day; at 8 o'clock, work in
the E. A. degree. Visiting
brethren cnrrilallv Invited. Bv
order of the W. M.
46. A. F. and A. M.
Special communication to
morrow, Saturday evening,
7 o'clock. East Eighth and
Burnsida. M. M. degree.
Visitors welcome. Order W. M.
' J. H. RICHMOND, Sec'y.
EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons,
pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. IS 1-S 6tn.
Wte! Statistics
Snarrmgcs.Birtbs. Deaths.
Andrew C. Agnew, 830 E. Yamhill St., legal,
Geoiiila E. Mason. &0 E. Yamhill Bt., legal.
It. 11. Robbing, 100 E. 6th st.. legal Mar
garet Trier. 4m Morrixon at., legal.
Arthur A. Phelps, Eugene, Or., legal, Basel
E. 1'uelps, 200 K. 41st St., legal.
Byron Oox Clarke, 1401 Bun-age at., legal,
Dorothea T. Slocum. 1220 Wilbur St.. lexal.
Clement B. Smith, 409 Beittoa at., Bernlce
M. swan, Wilbur st.-r legal,,
W, G, Smith & Co.vft&SS2
Third floor Morgan Bldg.
LM.fc.fes suits soia or reuiea, low priced.
latest styles, all sixes; we buy d re as
suits. Bare'l g Misfit Cloth. Store, 61 3d
DKibS suits lor rent, all Mzes. Unique
Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st.
LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lewis,
1H91 E. Burnslde St.. April 30. a daughter.
MAHTI.N Xo Mr. and Mrs. James J. Martin,
C910 62d ave.. 8., E., May 3, a daughter.
REEDER To "Mr. and Mrs. James S. Beeder,
1022 Rodney are.. May 3, a daughter.
PETERSON To Mr. and Mrs. John A. Peter-
"viIwtr.i.-"J Jnr. ua airs, nailer r. un-aey.
C'OE To Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cronoble.
RIEUER To Mr.Pand Mra. A?CRieder, 1783 E
Jtn at., May 3, a wm.
Storr To Mr. and Mra. James V. Scott, 030
Willamette brvd.. May i. a daughter.
WIKMAN To Mr. and Mra. John Wtkman. 570
S. Ureaham st.. May 1, a daughter.
OART11 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Garth,
Lenta. Or., April 28. a daughter. '
FAKWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. far
well, 841 E. Flanders St., May 3, a son.
ANSON To Mr. and Mrs. Ahol D. Anson. 343
K. Mill at. N., May 30. a ecu.
JOYCE -To Mr. and Mrs. William II. Joyce,
"v. ""J1 K" M"y 7; "Sl
MOUNCE To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Guy
nosENKEI.D To Mr. and Mrs. James W.
i Kownfeld. 243 St. Clair st,. April 20. a
daughter. .
1Sfr, "r; V-S!' ,CJSr l!M"C' 3'24
MORROW In tbls city, Msy 11. at the family
residence. ; East Firty-nlnth street north
William C." Mornvr. age a yenrs, son of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Clyde Morrow. Tha funeral serv-
,Pe? wtu heU1 Saturday. May la at to
O'clock a. m., at the residence establishment
I'AUELICS At the fnratiy residence, t'lacka
niss. May 11. Anug I'urclius, aged VS years
0 Dioutha Rod 28 days; wiI&.of Cato VarelUus
xnd mother of M R. and llermau Parelius.
The funeral aervlcea will tx held at the chapel
if F. S. Dunning, the East Side 'funeral di
rectors, at '1:30 P. M. tomorrow (Saturday),
My 1.1. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Scvtt
l'ark ematur-. Culuuibla county papera please
- : . i
RKi ALI At the reeldem-e. 349 Market t..
May 11, Winifred Rigall. aged 85, widow of
the late Frank Rigall. Friends invited to st
tend funeral services, which will be held at
Holman'a funeral parlors, at 10 a. m.. tomor
row (Saturday), May 13. Interment Mt. Cal
vary cemetery. '
t TOWLINSON May 11, 8amuel Tomlluson. aged
e7 yeat beloved husband of Mra. Julia a.
Tomltnson. Funeral services will be held at
Dunning & McEntee'a chapel Saturday. May
L3: ll 1 K; rr'en(ls itei. latermcut
, r1'- vi .r.,-v '-if- ,
KKUUER At the family reeldeuce. 14K8 Mal-
wonqay. my
LB BLANC In this city, May 11, Jack Le
Blsnc The remains are at tit residence
establishment of J. I. Finley & Sou, Montgotu.
err at Fifth
BA RTHOLOMA Charlea F. Bartholoina. 89 ti.
MA Y.BERBY Frances N. Mayberry. aOO Mala
St., May 8, 18 years, e.cute endwardit.
W1LHKI.M Matliew Wilhelm, Home of the
Aged, May 7, 80 years, senility
FLKTCHISR Frank L. Fletcher, 008 8. Jery
,t vm. nivrattv tmio.rrtiH.
M'KK IlCltli R Frank McKercher, Good Samar
ltan, May 10. S months, strangulated bowel.
BEARD William ueorge Ueara Jr., May 10,
months, lobar pneumonia
MAKilN & FOKBtLii CO.. norlata," S4?
Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers
for all occasions artistically arranged.
CLARKE HKOb.. Uoiieta, .8 7 Morrison
st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers
and floral designs. No branch stores.
TONSiiTii FLORAL Co, .So Wash.,
bet. 4tn and Main hob. a-uq..
Olisan st. Mar. 4372. A-1464.
g A tVI 111 1 A . t Va. r.lll-.-at-aw O a . r
Sprays i up. cnappeiia.a47 Morrison
M A , M SMITH, fiorlatMlH ath st.
Tears of Experience Enables
. This Firm to Give YOU
Perfect Service
This modern establishment.
With Its conveniences, includ
ing a secluded driveway, in-
y ing in no way a departure
moderate prlcea
Lxperienced Woman Attendant.
j. P. Finiey & Son
Tho Progressive
Montgomery al Fifth.
Muin a, A-15.
Dunning & McEnteer.'ft
every detail. Broadway and Pine sts.
Broatiway 4a0, A-4oai. iMuy aistant.
- Waker C. Kenworthy
1632-1634 K. 13 tn. Sell wood 71. B-1122.
loss,. C-losa
tad y aUcmiaiU. uay niul mgnt serv ice.
riiii vi trubDHCJti- UND. PULi.
LnlUoLMIaA. 8133 A-2235. 445 Morr.
mife; at fciNOUlv. B-l2. T. 12S.
ii2ti Beltnsnt at at1 lidv attendant.
RT Pirriop VViiliama -and Knott.
i Dyinc; Kast ins, 0-1943.
nalTllJlOri neral services. Tabor 431$.
OtCiAyfTO Undertaaing Co. Mala 4152
UfU 1 1 LU A-23ZL. cor.
3d and Clay.
- ICoattnuedl ,
F S Dunning, Inc.
"-Cast Side Funeral Directors. 414 EL
Alrter St. Phone East 62. B-252R.
- Two Eatabll&hments.
Tabor S267; 6801 92d sC. Lents, Tabor
6896r 6th st. and Foster roadi, Arleta.
Undertaker. ,Vaat lltii and Haw
thorne E. 781. -l83. Lady afsmiant.
MILLER, & TRACK Y. inoepenoeul tu-
neral directors, f rices low as liv,
$40, t0. Wash, at Ella. M. 5691. A-?S8a.
4th at. odd. city faaiL Main 8564.
Fbilln Neil A'Snnn. foe memorials
BEACH house and lot at Lake vLy tie.
Or. Worth S2000. Photo and Plan
on exhibition at Journal office. Make
me an -offer. OX-768. Journal.
GEARHART Park, lots 13. 14. blk. &.
1st Acid., on Cottage ave. ouo eacn.
Owner, Box 88, Fort Canby, Wash:--
$50 CASH Six room cottage, $20 per
month on balance. No interest need
be paid for two years. Two years
interest free. 1 bonus On all pay
ments in excess of contract. Price of
place is $2400. Sold in 1918 for $2600.
This is a chance to get a house cn easy
payments that is not over priced. Ref
erences required. 1233 Northwestern
nana biag,
AM COMPELLED to dispose of my
nearly new b room bungalow, all
modern conveniences, large attic, 1
block .from Peninsula park on Missis
sippi ave. If you have a little money
I will surprise you In price. Would
take auto as first payment, Broad
way 165S.
TWO room house. 100x114. Tsewer in,
$860; $100 cash. $10 month.
5 room new modern bungalow. $2Z60;
terms. .
Five room house, good repair, street
Improved; $1700; terms.
UATJliWUUJL), tgw t"1
Why Not Build
And get a bom according to your
ideals. I deslarn. build and finance any
ttatidina-: artiatio sketches free. See
me before you build, N. O. Ekiund.
Ill Henry bldg. Main 8111.
LET our own men build your home;
va tha rrtlririlemn.n'a Drofit: we fur
nish the money. All work guaranteed,
Book on "Homes," free; call for it.
1S20 Northwestern Bank bldg. The
Oregon Home Builders; Oliver K. Jef
tery, preaiaent.
FOR SALE Our home, furnished, 1
- , r r i 1 A A ,'r.i I .t-ams T r
rles. etc., located near Lauralhurst
Park, 3 blocks from sunnysiae car.
Price reasonable. Phono moralngs.
Tabor 790. No agents.
iui;sT11 mv 42600 homo for $2100
house 1 year old, 5 rooms, modern,
- l.n ,mor.r Int KiWlflf,
Mt, Tabor district, excellent view, Qn
Glid St.. near Qlisan, l oioca to car.
Phone Broadway 1668
FOKCK1) to sell my $950 equity for
$150. House 2 years ofcl, coat j3uu.
v,o u a rnnms. full basement. Dutch
kitchen, breakfast room, built In buf
fet, large attic, neamuni uiamtu mi,
Hageman. Broaflway 1668.
Six rooms, Dain, lull naseraeni, 15a
raire. aleDing norch. turnace, elec, and
ga, OUXIUU lOl, UCitl Willi Ifniiui, wuoi.
$3500, sell $3000, terms. W-08H. Journal
jr,n v-.QIIlTY in a. SlUuO ! room Dun
rlow for 275 cash. Cement walks
in mt 40x120. with alley; house built
2 years, mis is a picaup. uui otn
wood 123S. ,
GOING- east; win sacrmce nome
iiOKR. S40U casn. oaianca iu nionin
6 interest. Flock of chickens ana
Bras range BO with Place. 1559 L lh
et. N.
S2&0 CASH.
120 monthly. Including interest.
takes beautiful 5 room bungalow in
Rose City district
.1. c. (JumsiiN i.ewisiJiaK.
ja lit: it uvuciii v iwui uuudvi
for sale or rent. $1600: will rent for
$9 month; ground cleared ana niceiy
fenced. he iare to city. t-iioiio mar
shall 3606.S ,
HAWTHORNE district, 5 room modern
bungalow, double construction, large
lot. sacrmce 11 taaen at uuce. lapoi
6025. ' '
SOME BARGAIN -One and one fourth
acres; 9 biocas irvington ciuonouse,
$4000; $2000 can remain. Restricted.
p o Box 4o. city.
UNIVERSITY' Park, new 6 room bun
galow, between Jjomoara st. aim Co
lumbia university. 1544 Jordan st.
Columbia 695.
$t0 WILL buy 4 room ceiled house
on 60x100, use of lOOatlQO. on 7Sth
and Halaey; easy terms. Phone Broad-
yvjiy 1658
SNAP- 3 room furnished house and lot
for sale, $470, on Mt. Scott line. L.
Undvill, Milwaukie, Or. Box 804,
Route s. i
FIVE room modern house, nicely fur
nished, lot 40x120. 20 ft. alley; fine
neighborhood; must sell; a snap; $1350.
Come and see it. Tabor 3029.
HOUSrS 7 rooms, new, coet $3000; lot
cost J1500; street improvements
$250.- Need money; $3250 takes it
Terms. 410 Railway Exchange.
$1700, $150 CASH NEW BUNGALOW.
Oak floors, strictly modern. 1003
E. 26th, N. .
FOR SALE 4 room house, plastereo,
Greenwood ave 1 block Woodstock
car. $860; easy terms. Woodlawn 1060.
NiSW bungalow Just completed, 1214
Rodney ave,. Piedmont, by owner.
Wood tawn iot,
MODERN s room house; paved St., car-
line. rruit; oargajn. ivDsiti. sotn, .
$415 ML T&OOr,
$790 Alameda Park.
$ 4 1 5 Woodmere.
On some of the above $10 cash.
Balance $5 monthly.,
J. C. CORBIN CO.,. Lewis Bldg.
MAKE the tot -pay you. We inance.
build and suBsuxe satisfactory re
sults; a guarantee In wrltgrrg. Call
for euggestlons and book on "Homes,''
both free. ThX)regon Home Builder.
1330 Northwestern Bank bohlg. Oliver
K. Jefferv. president.
LARGE, beautiful view homo- site.
West Side, only 20 minutes ride
handy to two car lines, 6c fare, city
water, best value in Portland at $350,
$10 down and $5 a month, M. E. Lee,
606 Corbett bldg. -
FOR SALE The best vacant quarter
block in Walnut Park, street im
provements all paid for. This prop
erty belongs to & nonresident and must
be Bold at orice. .D-977. Journal.
260 fcJBAUTlKlJL. lota in Milwaukie; Sc
car fare; light, gas and water; $20
nth and S10 Der month. H. O. Stark
weather. Rlsley station. , Phono Oak
Grove 1 -X. -
CORNER lot 63x100 on Union aveH old
buildins on nrooerty .contains enough
J-himber for t bungalows; price $2100;
i terms. N. t. Farnsworth. 67fr Oak.
TWO lota at Firland. $200 each, terms
to sultl or will build to Suit pur-
Chaser. Marsnau zat.
FOR $ALE Two fine 50x100 lota In
yvooqmere; pbo. xauor ooa.
near Portland, 2. -6. is acre tracts,
best soil, good I roads, near electric, $6i
to $200 per acre, easy terms, aicuar
land. 309 Yeonbldg.. Portland.
"r" 9ft At'BF.S 14Q0
$1 fare from Portland, close school,
station; several tracts with running
water; $20 cash, balance easy. Claude
Cole, 800 Henry bldtt ; 1
ACRE tracts - on . carliney near city.
paved road; $6 caah. $5; per monta
9 int. Owner, 617 Chamber of Com.
SELL ' cheap, close in 6 . ot 10. acres
with 890 cords of wood. .Tabor 7s7.
LARGE country home sites and acre
age, just outside city. Large sites,
(40u. Payments tl down and II week.
No gravel, fine soil. Bull Run water
and sightly. On tract Sundays. Take t
Ainena car to simpson, ureua a uivi.-m
east of Kennedy new school to 424
cary. i sik jfanarna oing.
Gibson Halt Acres
Good soli, city - water, close to ear
lino easy terms: will build to suit pur
chaser. Phone Marshall 158a or Sell
wood i476. John H. Gibson, owner.
40 ACRES $1400.
On macadam road, fine soli, only IS
niilea from Portland. Can be bought on
605 Stock Exchange b!dK.
cleared. 10 miles from Portland, 1
mile south of Aloha. Or..- on Sou. Pac
4th St. Electric. Address owner, J. A.
Johnson. Aloha. Or.
SACRIFICE 120 acres lake shore,
Harney valley, on new railroad, iiz
Grand ave. Phone East 8365.
BUY FIVE ACRES and plant part In
loganberries. They thrive in Oregon
and can be profitably raised for juice
or for drying. We hava cleared oenoh
and bottom lands, one mile 10 gooa
valley railroad town: finest soli, creeks
and aprincs; good roads; employment:
Bctiocis. , ive acres wun noui-e, io
down. $10 month; unimproved lands at
less. Let us show you. J. R. Sharp,
83 I8d st.. room 557. Portland, or.
FOR SALE 133 acre. Willamette
valley. Polk county; rolling; in cul
tivation, except 10 acres pasture;
buildings, fencing, good family or
chard; 1M miles from railroad ship
ping point and State Normal school;
3 miles to river shipping point; clos
ing an estate; rare bargain. For fur
ther information, address Dr. S. A.
Mulkay. Central Point. Or,
124 ACRES. $3500; good house, fair
outbuildings. 7 acres In .-top, gar
den ftnd small fruits; mile from
railway station, 3 churches, grade and
high schools; $1000 down, balance in
10 equal yearly payments at a per cent.
Write or call at once. C. M. Reea.
Amity, Or.
FOR SALE 160 acre ranch 6 miles
from Alsea. partly improvea, run
Ins: bench land; a splendid place, tor
cattle, sheep or goats; will sen cneap
for cash or trade for acreage near
Portland or city lots; might take city
!,... n.ri niimtiit: value SZ500.
Write owner, Jos. Karch, Alaea, Or.
n.n im .- en fa onn The own
er of this land, naving oewiutij
to sell on account of family trouble,
ia offering it at Tabout half Its value;
it Is located In Benton county within
2 miles or gooa town; nas s u w v
buildings and la good soil; $10,000 can
run to suit nuyer. m-tn.
$S00B buys 42 V4 acres (17 acres 1n cul
tivation), house, barn, farming im
plements, team, cow and calf, chlcaens,
ducks etc; fine creek, wood enough on
place to pay for it: 4 mues io,v:
7w aiKoo cash: rent on terms if
tnken now. PX-742. Jourpal
4S ACRES Must be soia wiwwn m
days- no fair offer rejected. For
description write or see W. C. W atters.
Brush Prairie.
ONE of the best 68
acre farms n
Clarke Co.. vvasn..
all cleared, J
miles from town
V-576. Journal.
FARM of 240 acres for sale or rent,
with stock, crop and toola. Address
LX-821. Journal.
FOR RENT OR SALE 2 acres with 5
room nouse, n t-uitiinnuii, ,tv
IK month 73d. Mt. Scott. UwntT. ti
r'w'iNT to rent a farm. 60 to 150
anfoa- Knme in cultivation and bai
ance good pasture; good barn and
house; will pay g-iod rent ior.rik.nt.
place. Address' 1S1 E. 30th St.. Port-
fandf. Or. '
WANT, to list medium sized farms
in valley; haye prospective custodi
ers. Gatewood, 165H th. -
RELINQUISHMENT 320 acres, worth
$3000; will take $1150. Nearly all
fenced with three 12 gauge barbed
wires; located about 3'i miles from
Malheur, Or.; 3 of the best mares in
the country, 2 of them weifeh 1660
each; the other 1450, fat and fine;
house, barn and welt, farming tools,
practically all new, one 3',i wide tire
wagon, one 14 in. John Deere piow, 6
steel shares. 1 harrow, l cultivator,
wood, posts, axes, saws bar, 3 horse
blankets, shovels, forks, 6 rolls thicken
Wire, wagon Jack. 25-36 Marl in rifle, 6
anonls new 12 eauge barb wire. 2 dou
ble sets of good heavy breeching har
ness, and other articles; about to acres
broke and 28 4 of it seded to grain,
drilled: 27 chickens, about 60 young
chicks. The first party that sees this
opportunity will sure grab it. Will
explain reasons iur seuing privately.
Must sell at once. Come to Malneur
and ask. at Charles Morfitt s store to
be directed to cnaries JNemeth a place,
or write me. Charles Nemeth, Mal
heuir. Or.
Two Good Relinquishments
160 acres each, timber and meadow, '
4 miles from town, aood soil: lies fine:
no rock; in the Deschutes valley. See'
photo,. Party who lives there Is here;
pritte 250,
THREE good relinquishments to
gether, 60 miles south, cabins, fur
niture, tools, etc., creeks, outrange,
$600. 240 Salmon.
8 room house, clear. $S000, for farm.
40 a. at Bend, imp., water right paid.
clear, $2000 for house and lot.
House and lot, clear, for rooming H.
160 a. in Okia., clear, oirSand, fine
soil, R. R. on place, well imp. bldgs.,
clear, $6000, for farm in
Willamette valley.
120 a. at Vancouver, $8600, well
imp., for house and lot
I have anything you want.
o, 1
191 4th at.
FIVE room modern new bungalow,
Brvlngton Park, $2250; vacant lots' or
house up to $1200. or small payment
210 acres all cultivated. 16 miles
Portland", value $4000; house or lots,
liS acres, cutivated. at Ry. station,
$2000; 6 room bungalow or small place
value $1300, balance mortgage.
r "GATE WOOD," 166 H 4th
160 acres irrigated, close to Govt,
reserve, range for thousands of tat
tle, plenty water, good bldgs.. Imple
ments, 80 bead cattle, 10 hogs, tur
keys, chickens, everything for $12,000:
want a little cash, balanee in valley
property. E. A. Easjey, Z12 Selling
bids. .-,
e. lo acres, an lev
eled land. 14 mile from from grow
ing railroad town, on good state road.
100 acres in crop, all kinds of fruit,
with moderate buildings and good
water. Sell part or all on easy terms,
or (trade for small farm or- city prop
erty. Address 11. F. Mitchell, Junction
City, Or. -
820 acres, close to Pendleton, excel
lent property, clear of debt, owner has
made money enough to retire from this
place. Is now willing to let you do
likewise; will accept half in good Port
land property, balance 6 years 6.
Value $40 per acre. E. A. Eaaley, 213
Selling bldg. '
60x100 LOT, Reed college district, and
10 acres good apple land, Moaier
district, near Columbia highway. Total
Incumbrance $330. Will exchange for
house equity. Sellwood. 1036 '
NICE $4600 home to trade for small
place in country; my property , ia
Hear of encumbrance.- Holland V Co
43 Plttock block.. Phone Broadway 1.
GOOD city property to exchange for
Improved farm. S. S- Prentiss. 60i
Corbett bWgf S
EXCHANGE Idaho acreage for Port,
land lots or acreage. Sellwood 1112.
( Coat tinned)
320-ACRES.' 800 la cultivation, rood
barn, house and outbuildings fair;
no rock or gravel; creek and springs.
a mues to station. The nest out or
part trada in the valley at $50 pmr
21S acres. 90 cultivated. 40 in tim
ber, runnina water, fffle soli, new
buildings. $60 per acre; two thirds
Apartment house in -Portland, in
come $100 per month; exchange for
stock ranch, ;
zto acres. 80 slashed, zo ciearea.
ua.ju.nce ceuar; excnunge, in r avis,
aiauv aiocix 01 goods ior a'oruanu
$9000 stock of genera! merchandise
for income property or farm,
KINNEY, room IT. 166 K 4th St.
FOUR room cottage. 80x100; 7 room
semi-modern house. 100x100, In good
repair; exchange ror rooming or apart
ment house, u-291. Journal.
40 ACRES land; no debt; want house
equity. V-787, Journal,
PRIVATE party desires to purchase
first mortgage or seller's equity In
teal estate contract. K-982, Journal.
11 ROOMS Firat class furniture, 5
minutes from postofflce. VV-J68.
FURNISHED rooming house. Front
St.. cheap rent. 712 Chamber Com
merce. UAKiih, board and rooming bouse to
exchange for city income property
or acreage. Call 623 Henry bldg.
20 ROOM housekeeping apt.; nicely
furnished: all rented; bargain; cash
and terms. Marshall 397.
9 ROOMS, all housekeeping, rent $25.
Marshall 74 7.
If Layman A Millerahlp did move
from 724 Chamber Commerce lo 431
Chamber Commerce, we can give you
as good a buy for your money or trada
as before.
431 Chamber Commerce.
DRUO store on good weBt side Wash
ington st. location, a business that
cleara $250 a month from a store in
voicing $4000; owner has other inter
est outside the city; some terms. Main
LIOHT grocery, confectionery, school
supplies, 1 block to public school, ,
block to high; living- roome in rear;
doing good business. 416 0th at., coi
ner Hall.
ONES billiard, u pool tables, together
with stock and fixtures, located in
good live town; worth $1300; will lake
$1000. For particulars write M. M
iJuke, Camas. Wash.
FOR sale or trade, a modern . up-to-
I date Creetons auto popcorn wagon.
t For price, terms, etc., address H, 20th
HUH BU, VU1 (IIHI, V-'l .
why Worry
When vou can n?)l, trade or buy from
431 Cham. Coin.
WANTED Partners
Wholesale produce
salary with one-half
with. $2000
S3. Good
profits lo
right party. Z-969, Journal
FOR SALE by owner, poolroom doitig
good business: best bargain in city.
Don't buy until you see this. 1019
Knlon avenue N. . j
$if)0 BUYS half Interest In an tHtab-
llried wage paying tjusiness that li
i "g- iiusuer
GROCERY dolne eooiI buHlnen to ex
change for house and lot; will givo
take difference; price .must be
i or
i right.
N. I. Famswoyth. 2f7 Oak st.
, OKNERAL merchandise store In small
town. 12 miles from Portland; only
Ktore in vicinity. Call Marshall 1011.
No agents.
UROCKRY and confectionery, hoIiooI
supplies, clearing over $100 month.
Will sacrifice. Millership & Layman,
431 Cham. Com.
GROCERY Invoice $2000; sales, $1500
per month; old eatablishe.1, west
aide; no agents. G-7So, Journal.
.ESS MAN Willing
ik to Invest llO'i
to $300.
Reply promptly. N-969,
260 FROFIT absolutely guaranteed.
Best contract mi state or county
rights ever offered. X-760, Journal.
OWNED and otw rated six years now
for sale. Knterprlse Cleaners. 23d
ana ivprtnrup sts.
BEFORE you buy see, what 1 have for
your money in stores and hotels., not r'lltOCK HIK,
FOR SALE One saw mill and 20,000.
000 feet of timber. Address Dunay
Lumber Co., Butte. Falls, Ore.
MAN for woodsaw. See us u once)
431 Cham. Com.
BARBER SHOP Good two chair shop
BARBEK HliOf- ooou two chair shop ;
m fr Q C "ale- 106i
FINE stamps, hinges, albulna. etc., 8
a. m.-6 p. rn. Columbia Stamp Co.. 94
North 16th st. Main 7680.
Roae City Printing Co
Third at., cor Taylor.
PLUMBING shop for sale, will' tn
voice stock.
6K37 Foster
DAIRY for sale, selling $750 milk per
month. Address 1316 E. 20th at.
RESTAURANT cheap with 3 living
rooms rent $8. 663 Hood St
Client has ca&h and good properties
for good stock merchandise; $60,000 or
less. He is a live wire; meanu busi
ness. Give me the dope on your stock.
K. A. Kasley, 212 Selling bldia
400 ACRE etock and araln ranc. 1'rlce
$20,000; mortgage $4000. WiU trade
for a good mdse.- business. Box 66,
Kainier, Or,
WANT grocery stock and fixtures: b
fore giving your stock; to creditors
or making an assignment, address me.
E-92S. Journal.
HOUSE and lot, clear, for rooming or
boarding house. Masters, 607 Pit
tock block. ,
LOTS and cash for grocery to $700.
311 Larrsbee st.
YOU can borrow money at headquar
- tera on" improved heal estate. See
us. Oregon Home Builders. 1330 North,
western Bank Building. Oliver K. Jef
frey. Pres. , "
Make low rates on good security.
H. L. ' ARCHER. 404 Northetern
Bank Bids.
&oLoiJu Joans on cuy nu auouroan
property; money aavancea as wora
progresHea. W, O, Beck, 416 Failing
niog. Main a, . -
iv,wiw ON uioitgaet,, city or Una
property, fire insurance. McKehzte
V Co., GcrHnger bldg.. 2d and Alder.
OWNER will loan money on close in
first "mortgage property; no agents.
Tabor 4679,
$200, $250, $400, $700. $3000.
On. hand for Immediate loans."
CAbtl pHia tor mortgagea. nolo, cuu
tracts. mortgage loans; reasonable
rates. P. H, Lewis, 4 Lewis bldij.
aaoi-sEX 10 OAiv m amounts ot jlea
to - savvu on city property-? a. m.
t4erlnger bldg
iuac 1 10 uwa oa lmproveu cu. tana
property C. Kin. 1 4 SnsMIng
tivuu tr l t Mt ua city or
rarm property, xaoor 409.
$ko au. $wo. $o, iiiuu. jisoo.
r reo w. uerman to., is-a Knm. t out
7$40,OOK LEtoS. . FA H KINGTON. .
80 4tn St, ' Board of Trade Bldg.
ut email loans, lustaiimant iuaua
Cellarsi-Murton o.. th Yaon hldai.
lnutiiUAdis, iMu. to Jv. oreoo
Inv. M"rtrne Co.. 7o Sd at. '
IaaOna'UAUJli LOAroO, t auu ifb. buuis
' Salomon At Co 500 Oak st, near 6 th.
OUR Installment plan ta the best svui
t surest method of. paying a loan,
1)31.26 per month for li months, or
fzi.zt ror-.
$15.1? for
fig fnAnth. ITkMltm A glAft.l
loan and Interest.
Other samounts la proportion. :
Wo loan onmproved city property
jpr for building purposes. i
141 Stark St.. Portland. Oregon.
ARRANGE that loan at headquarters
With folks vnii fun d.riAnrf nn Atw
aiauuui oil improved real estate. Ura
gen Uome Builders, 1830 Northwestern
Bank bldg. Oliver K.. Jeffarv. , Drasi-
AiUiNha to loan, to s. W. U. ttaiw
s Co.. 810 Bpnldlng bldg. 1
Money to loan to salaried people and
othera on furniture, pianos, motor
rycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc..' a I
legal rates, with easy terms of pay
ment; no delay. Licensed by state.
811 Dekum bldg. i
CTa MONDS bought and sold, Main bt4
WK have immediate calls .for ;
$ 1,000 at h '
$ l.aoo at 83 times, '' I
$11,000 at i. i t. t
$40,000 at 6. 1 1.
And other amounts on high class :
realty securities. 1 j
1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg.- -
"jiiver iv. jeuery, r-resiaent.
WE WANT $1600 at ; fltiOO at H
$11,000 at 7; $12,500 at Sj $40,009 .
at 6; and other amounts. The Ore
gon Home Builders, 1330 N. VV. Bank
b'dg. 1 -t tA
WANT to borrow $200 for 6 lnontha or
1 year. Will give mortgage onimy.;
fine roadster auto and satisfy ;you i
that I am a responsible party. L-638,
Journal. f I J ; ;
WANTK1J $600 on 6 room house, worth
$1700: $660 on modern 6 room house.
Tabor 8029. 1 -1
WANT $00 on pVlvate residence; new, s
modern. Main 1910. 430 Worcester
bldg. . - -; -j i
WANTED A loan Of $2000 on im- I
proved farm; will pay X per cent In-
terest. j-66, journal,
LOAN wanted on highly improved
WANTED $660 on vacant lots, , 10 per
cent. Tabor 190. I -
1st and 2d mortgages purchased; alao ,;
sellers' Interest in contracts. Or. and
Wash. H. R. Noble Lumbermsna pldg,
CHASrUl). INUUIKU ail I igKum nio.
14th and Johnson Sts. I
U. S. Government liuiployment ,v
Office Cooperating. -WANTED
TODAY. . , '
3 boys, weed onions. Out Of City,'
Keveral apprentice boys. , ,
Two experienced solicitors. -All-around
candymaker. ,
Cordvvood cutters, close in, $1.25. ,
Yard men, lumbar mill, t
Sticker men, top wages. i ! 4
Loggers, burners, fullers, ; wood
bucks. 3 einipers. t
J5 section men. -
The ubove represents only a few ef.
the Jobs to be had at this office, -.'
Main 355R. A-6B54.
SALESMAN wanted, good income t5
the right man; real estate xperl
er,ce preferable. 414 Lumbermen'
- i
, 1 '"',
WANTED- Pressman; one wU4 jbN
ouKhly understands the running and
care of a Cox Duplex press. Apply .Ea
gene Register, Eugene, Or. :'"..". t
WANTED, elderly man to collect and I
deliver lawnmowera. Call Tabor 49.
67 K. 74th st N. .; 1 M -
WANTED A man with fceat Appear- I
ance, who is able to leave toVu. Call j
l9QVa 3d st.
WANTED Experienced grocery solicit 1
tor. Apply 19th and E. Broadway.
EMPLOYMENT department k Vi(
ALL around printer, no booze, binIUi
204 Stark st. .t i
TAILORS wanted; coat aniC pants
makers. Z-967, Journal. ,
iiJiLl' V AATEll-allrtC. 4
Day and night classes; training, lit
repairing, driving and machine work.
Including forge, lathe, sbapef,; drllln
press, etc.; time unlimited, .tfeenre
j,as at Educational office Y. M, C. AJ.
bldg., to Inspect our shops and meth
tlon fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y
M. C. A. and Its EMPLOYMENT, DE.
PARTMENT, use of 60-rt. swimming
rool shower baths, gymnasium, elV
$75 MONTH. Government Jobai Men'
List Of position
Franklin lnstllute, Dept. J49-0, ,
Kochester, N. Y
WANTED rNames men, wishing t
become Portland mall carrier, com
; mence $7 month. OX-132. Journsl.
UNCALLED for tailor mide suits. $.60
up. Tsylor the Tailor 2896 Burnsld
AMIDDLE AGED woman who, can do
plain cooking and housework can
find a good home and reasonable.
w.. k ralllnr at SJ Multnomah st
I taat side, between 2 and 4 p. av thla
I uaaIt
WANTED By woman, young . ladyC
employed days, for company nights,'
room and board rree. k-vzz, journal.'
THOROUGH L'y! oxperiencved oparatura'
on overalls. Mt. Hood Factory, 233
Couch st. 1
Vni:Mi iriri with soma exnerlatica for
housework. Call 12! E. 13d . Taka
Mount Tabor car. ' ; . .
EXPERIENCED operator for , hem-
stltcher; good Chance. Marshall 721,
after 4 p. m. 882 Morrlnon. r
GIRL to assist with housework. ' Sell,
wood 1478.
wants men and women to learn th
trade; paid while learning; tools free;
positions eiecured; summer rates; write
for catalogue. 48 N. 2d et.
WILL give boy, girl or elderly person
fiO month and board and room; to
wash dlsfass. B-6161. Call Rlvarsids
MOHLER Barber school wants men
and women to learn barber 'trade
free in 8 weeks. Positions secured. Pay
while learning.: 89 N. 2d st.
and women to learn barber trada
fr. 233 Madison st. - - . r - --r- ..
WANTED 4 experienced tea and cof.
fee solicitors. Call at Crown Tea Co,
808 Mississippi.
r.rm 11 v
bustlers; an easy seiliiitj
propoaitlon; liberal commission;'
onick sales. 80 Grand eve. - '
WANTED Papered' or kalaomined.
walls and ceilings, to clean, ; dry.
profess. Tabor' 679. - -1 . " -
WANTED Work by young man; drug-
stare clerking preferred; references,
Ph. V. Phone fell. 2206. J v "
COMPETENT shop meclianics and
chauffeura ftnjU4 bjr 7. M. C A
Anto school? Main 7065. A-6$l. ..
AAipn aIa, Buiiamg, p 1 urn bib.,
UOntraCtOr plastering, brio -and,.
cement work. r. b. K..ingery. war, iw.
painting, parer
aging, tinting, $2-
per room C.
iiarnes. ALaraoau
8828. Msin C64i
EXPERIENCED, young man - wants,
work on any kind of delivery wagon.:
WANTED Carpenter; repair woik bya
contract or day work, B?0 DVlay -st
'" . (CoBtuuwa s xt Pae t