The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 11, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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Deputy State Engineer Cup
per, Back From" Eastern
Oregon Trip, Enthusiastic.
Wannsprlngs and Willow Creek Dis
tricts Partly Irrigated and Iand
Za Highly Developed.
cm i i rz : ttwx yivn n; "nun; : t i 1
1 a i i ii v v it i i X I III W l III I IB
Salem, Or., May 11. Malheur county
bids fair to do mora development this
year along the lines of Irrigation and
drainage than any other county lu the
state, according to Deputy State En
gineer Cupper, who made a trip to the
eastern part of Oregon recently. Two
Irrigation districts and one drainage
district are' now being organized la the
'The Warmsprlngs Irrigation district
cover about 30,000 acres of land lying
along the Malheur river in the vicinity
of Vale and Ontario," the deputy en
gineer explained. "About one-half of
thaaa lands are irrigated at the prev
ent time . nd It la proposed to con
atruct a reHervoir at thu VVarrnsprtnstf
reservoir kite to furnish additional
water for these lands and also to fur
nlaJi water for lands which are now
"In view of the fact that there Is a
large area of improved land In the dis
trict little difficulty is anticipated ill
tha disposal of the bond of the dis
trict. An election on the organization
will be' held this month.
'lt Is proposed to include about 10.
000 acres of land along Willow creek
In an Irrigation district. TUene lands
like those of the Warmsprlngs dis
trict are In part irrigated and much
Of the land is highly developed. The
storage of additional water for the
land and the irrigation of other land i
Is contemplated. Tht district is be
tween Brogan and Jumlexon.
"The Nyssa-Anadia diallings dis
trict, one or the rlrst to bo organised
under the new draiiiaau law, lias re
cently been enlarged and n case
lu now pending before the supreme
court to establish the validity of tli
proceedings prior to offering the bonds
foi sale."
Leg Ilroken liy lo;.
Salem, Or., May 11. R. M. I'ack, an
employe of the Spauldlns Logins
company. Is In a hospital, with his
right leg broken at the ankle, as a in
sult of an accident sustained whilu
loading lumber.
Miss Marie llinz Is Wexldetl.
Salem, Or.. May II. Miss Marie
jiiiii V V a ' i ' I in. ui inn I tr I . J uiuil
, dell at fcSt. Jotfn's Lutheran church
' Werfnearln v rvrnlnir. hn Rv W M
1 Oross performing the cemony. Over
60 invltntlona were Issued for the wed
ding. They will reside at Morningslde
. 4 a m new uniigaiuw.
i ouuuuia f o w miming
Soring April 4386 TJsed Pools at Skat
tuck and Couch I Pnpils of High and
Grammar Schools Use Them.
The swimming tanks in the new
Bhatturk - and Couch schools are b;
, coming Increasingly popular with the
public and pupils.
'During A;rfl 4386 persons "sed the
tanks, according to a report Just made
to Robert Krohn, supervisor of physi
cal training, by Miss I.uclle E. Bron
augh in charge of the tanks.
A total of 2230 swimmers Is re
ported for the iShattuck school, divided
Into 433 after school swimmers, 1543
evening swimmers and 254 Saturday
afternoon swimmers.
For the Couch school a total of 2156
swimmers Is reported, 212 after echool,
1741 evenings and 203 Saturday after
neon a.
At the Shattuck school 43 swimmer
were devolped during the month and
ti$ are being developed af the Couch.
High schools and grammar school
pupils have used, the tanks frequently.
McArthur Says He
Works for Naval
He Za Against Proposition Are Un
true and Circulated by Enemies.
' Congressman C. N. McArthur yes
terday telegraphed to II. 8. McCutchan,
hia campaign manager, that reports to
the effect that he is working- against
the establishment of a naval base at
Astoria are untrue and circulated by
his enemies.
lie announced that he is heartily in
accord with this phase of national de
fense and Is doing all he can to as
sist the Oregon men who are working
: for tha propoaltlon at Washington. He
aald a hearing before the house and
aenate committees will be had In a few
days and that he expects to partici
pate In It.
Grande Ronde Is Hit
1 .
y By Heavy Snowfall
Considerable of rail is Melted, Al
though Hills Are Still Covered; Two
, Inches rail at Union Za Reported.
La Grande, Or., May 11. A general
snow storm hit Grande Ronde valley
"Wednesday. However, It Is all melted
in the valley, but the hills are still
Twhfte to tha north.
. Union had two Inches of snow Wed
nesday morning at 8 o'clock. Twenty
miles west of here there Is reported
eight or nine inches.
Jones Held to Grand Jury.
; La Grande, Or., May 11. The fight
that occurred on the streets of La
Orande Tuesday,- when John Jones
stabbed C. R. Hlbberd with a pocket
knife, has culminated in John Jones
being bound over to the grand Jury on
Sitou Dona.
xeacner Arrested for insanity.
lxs Angeles. May 11. (P. N. B.
After writing several threatening let
ters to members of the board of edu
cation here and to others, C. D. C1U
han. formerly a naval architect and un
til, recently a teacher in the San Pedro
high school,-was arrested today on a
charge of Insanity. Callahan was dis
missed from the San Tedro school for
Inefficiency. '
do recomme
because they are Kayser Silk Gloves
and we know that they will give
our' customers value that other silk
gloves fail to give, especially the
'cut price' and 'bargain sale' kind.
"Our customers haVe discovered
that only ir Kayser Silk Gloves
car they be sure of correct style,
perfect fit and long wear."
" Why do Kayser Silk Gloves wear so
much better? 9 "It is the quality of the silk
fabric. Kayser knows how to make this silk
fabric pure and strong. There is no 'weight
ing' or 'loading' in the silk; you get a silkier
glove, one that resists wear and fits better."
"They do fit betterwhy? ' 9 "Because
they are cut and made correctly at the fac
tory by experts who have been making silk
gloves for 30 years. See for yourself how
shapely, how graceful they are."
"Are all Kayser Silk Cloves per
fect? 9 9 "Yes, madam, because every Kayser
Silk Glove is inspected four times before it
gets to you. Each of the four inspectors is
paid a bonus in addition to her regular salary
for any defect she finds, and the fourth
inspector gets four times as large a bonus
as the first. This is the care that is taken to
make our gloves perfect.
"How do they wash?" "They wash
well when you follow directions. Even
after repeated washings they look likp
new, they do not shrink, the seams do not
rip and the gloves retain their shape."
What is the proper way to wash
them?99 "Use lukewarm water and a pure
soap. Do not wring or twist gloves, and
rinse them thoroughly because any soap left
in the gloves will discolor them. Stretch
them into shape, lay flat between a folded
towel to dry.
'Do Kayser Cloves come in many
styles?'9 "We have a saying 'There's a
Kayser Silk Glove for every occasion There
are plain gloves for shopping ; ruffled 'Queen
Elizabeth for afternoon wear; and plain or
tucked and embroidered long gloves for
Cayser Silk Gloves cost no more than the ordinary kind; whether
rwo clasp, twelve button or sixteen button lengths Kayser's
always represent the best value at the price. The name Kayser
is in the hem and with each pair is a guarantee, ticket that the
tips will outwear the gloves. . 1