.A . : V T- -t r 14 the Oregon; duly .journau Portland, Wednesday., may, iq. i9ie. t FLEET OF ; IS TO BE EXTENSIVE Australian Trade Said to Be On Up Grade With River ' to Get Good Share, ALASKA BUSINESS IS NEW lleet of Barge to Carry 10,000,000 Feet Worth j renr Carrier Depart U'i Today for aried Porta. I The summer and fall of 191 are going to be busy months from a lum- bermen's standpoint, according- to pres , it Indications. ' Word Is that a large fleet of schoon ers will be available fof loading dur- ing the coming six months and that t many orders have already been placed oil trie Columbia river. t Alaska will receive close tp 10,000. t 000 feet of lumber from Portland on ! the barges being made ready by Dan ' lei Kern, head of the Kagle Lumber tompany. The lumber is to come by I rail from the mill on the Tillamook 1 ilne to be loaded on to barges at the i east' Side dock of the Columbia Con 1 tract company. I w Shipments . today will amount to ' nearly 6,000,000 feet. The steamer I Macel .Dollar is taking 4.000.000 feet ; out of Westport for Shanghai. The I acT'ooner Carrier Dove Is taking 1, i 000,000 feet from the Multnomah Box A timber company. The" steamer O. 1 M. ' Clark cleared this rno-ning with i" 600,000 feet of lumber and 38,000 lin i cal feet of piling for Mazatlan, Mex 5 ko. The McCormlck steamer VV1I ,! lamette is carrying HOO.000 feet from j St.'Hejeiis to San Diego, i' iTbe Australian trade Is steady, but J owing to the high rate, much less than would be the case ordinarily. However, steamship men .look for an i excellent business there this summer. 'rn the Alaska traae. news of the j 'chartering of tiie Hteamer Northland waa received yesterday and Indicates l'a first sign of the tightness of the , , market there. Hates have advanced $1T a thousand feet for specified delivery in that trade, and at that I rate the Northland should bring her I owners at least $800 per day. The r coastwise trade is now good for about " $600 per day for a vessel the size of the Northland. ROSE j CITV RESUMES RUN Big Three Craft Sails on First Trip in Six Months. ' On her first trip since early In Jah- " lia fV thA RtMmpF Rna rMtv 1 r f f A i n a worth dock el 3 o'clock this afternoon . for San Francisco and Ios Angeles. The veteran of the Big Three fleet I has been repaired from keel to top I c to bottom." Her cabins and interior I . have been repainted and renewed. A ( set Of four Ballln water tube boilers 4 has replaced the six Scotch marine I ' which formerly did service. Her.en- glnes have been overhauled. Her decks and hull have been painted and burnished till she looks a new ship. ," Captain Kankln's craft carried over 100 passengers and a full cargo of .freight. While no records are expected thin trip owing to adjustments which tuay become necessary, it is believed the Rose City will not be far behind ;:lhe Bear and Beaver in speed. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT ,r 'Crowded Into the river by Its mates, : fc ; fine black horse owner by O. j! Jones of The "Dallex, was drowned at Oak street dock last night. Jones at tempted to lead three horses past a wagon. They began shying and the . outer two were crowded into the river. One was saved. '. f Robert Warrack, light house Inspec tor, is on I'uget sound tend to re , raira lo light vessel No. 0 7. Milo '; Hoadlej- superintendent of the serv ice, returned from an Inspection trip it i nose waters. ' Coquiile river gas and whistling ovvy 19 not sounding according to re ports, received here. Th steamer Stranger lias been Withdrawn from The Dalles run. the current of the Columbia river being S too ewift for her at present ' - : Carrying 1600 sacks of sugar and Other freight the at earner J. N. ' Teal . ieti ror L.ewiston. : !'; liOR Tows Held Up. , , Vancouver, u. c.. May m.(r.,N. s.) r Owing to southeast, northwest and westerly winds the log towing fleet is Imvlng a bad time. For four days a W TIRED FEET Let" your sore, swollen, aching -cci sprcaa out in a Datn of "Tiz." ?u!-"Just take your shoes off and then put those weary, shoe-crinkled, aching. - burning, corn-pestered, bunion-tortured , feet of yours In a "ris" bath. Tour toe will wriggle with Joy; they'll look up at you and almost talk, and then Vi they'll take another dive la that "Tlx" sbatta. r! . . . .When yonr.feet feel like lumps of .-: lead all tired out Just try Tu." if f grand it's glorious. Tour feet will " dance with Joy; also you will find all -pain gone from corns, callouses and bunions..! ' . There's nothing like "Tlx.- It's the only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exudations which, puff up your feet and cause foot torture. , t-, ' , Get a2S cent box of "Tta" at any ' drug or 'Ueparttnent store -don't wait , AhL how glad your feet get; how com- for table your shoes feel. Yon can wear - ahoes a atse smaller if you desire. S U LUMBER SCHOONERS ACHED FOR HZ" " ' XL DENVER GIVES UP ' COMMISSION FORM Rotert V Si)er, elected mayor of Denver. Denver, Colo., May 10. (V. P.) The commission form of government, which has been In force here for three years, is decisively overthrown today by the voters and Robert W. Speer has been elected mayor for the third time. He served two previous terms in that office before the city adopted the commission form of government. The councilmanic form of govern ment was restored In Its entirety by a heavy vote. Speer was put Into office on bis own charter, making him all powerful. His majority was 9000. W. W. Booth was the opposition candi date. flotilla has been held up at Trail Is lands waiting for adverse winds to drop so that they can get intb Van couver with their tows. NEWS OF THE PORT Arrivals Mjlt 10. Northlarttl. American t corner. Captain Bodre. patisengetn and freight, from San FrancUco, rar.-rMcCormlck Steamablp company. Departure! May 10. Rose City. American steamer. CaDtaln Kan- kin, passenger and freight, Han Francisco and Ixm Angeles, suu h ranclsco & Portland Steam ship eomrinny. Vt lllauiette. American steamer. Captain Reiner, pasaeneer and lumber, for San Dieco anil way, McCormlck Lumber company. U. M. Clark. American ateamer. CaDtaln Norberir. lumber, for Mazatlan. McCormlck Lumber company. Marine Almanac. Weather at Rirer'i Mouth. North Head. Mar 10. Condition of the month of the river at noon, moderate; wind west, 7 miles; weather clear. Bun and Tidea May 11. Sun rises, 4:43 a- m. Hun sets, 7:31 p. m. Tides at Astoria. High Water: Low Water. 7:18 a. m., 6.3 feet 1:M a. m.. 3 6 feet 8:88 p. ro., 7 3 feet 1 :54 p. m.. 1.7 feet The time ball on the u. S. hydroffraDhio office was dropped at exactly noon today. izuio meriaiaa tune. Daily River Readings. . 8 A. M., 120th Meridian Time. t STATIONS St 1 c WeuGtebee 40 27.5 0.1 0.00 24 12.9 0.5 0.00 25 17.2 0.1 0.02 40 28. 0 O.l O.02 10 7.2 0.2 0.21 20 8.9 1.7 0.4J 20 8.2 0.8 0.12 12 6.8 0.5 0.23 15 17.8 0.7 0.15 Lewlstpn l.'matilla . The Dalles Engone Abuny Sfilem Oregon City I'rti,nd ( ) Itislnj. ( ) Kalllng. River Forecast. The Wlllnmettf. rlrr af Pnrti.n slowly. rearhJiic a mane of ihnnt ia i it..,.. dy. then fall slowly for the next two or three U1IJ B . Steamers Due to Arrive. I'ASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. nme. rrom n. wirai rsonoern x. t May 1 Beaver 8. F.. C. R a"e"m.- li ""eCi,T L. A. Sc S. F M.v 51 Bear. . . -K F. & L. A. . r .May 24 Steamers Due to Depart lysine. por pate noae lhv i. x. 9 V vr.- m (ireat Northern 5. K ' . ""iiinv ia B" S. F. t L. A May 13 ,U A. & S. V May 19 bteamera leaving Portland for San Francisco only connect with the ateamera Yale and Har vard, leaving San Franclaco Monday. Wedoes- Jay. Krld."J and Saturday, for Loa Anreloa and Sfo Diego. Vessels in Tort. Name. Bfnr. Am. as larrler Dove, Am. ach... lViisy, Am. as. ... , Kebo, Am. aoh Iuvergsrry, Br. bk Inverloule, Br. bk Johan i'oulscn. Am. aa... Northland. Am. as Olympic, Am. aa Santa Barbara. Am. aa... Berth. Alnworth .Multnomah Box Knappton .N. P. Lbr. Co. Stream Irving Rainier Coach Rainier ..Westport rsraata. Am. aa h iainler upama. Am. aa MunlclDal At Neighboring Ports. Astoria, May 10. Sailed at 5 a. m., W. P. Ilerrin, for San FrancUco; at 8:30 a n., Ar gyll, for Fnn Francisco. Arrived at 7 and left up at 0 a. ui., Northland, from Ban Fran cisco. Sailed at 9 JO a. m., gasoline schooner Tillamook, for Cooa Bay. Astoria. May 9. Sailed at 11:43 a. m.. Breakwater, for San Diego, Tla way porta; at 1:30 p. m.. Mills; at 2:15 p. m.. Great North, em, for Ban Francisco; at 8:15 d. m Celllo. for San Pedro, via San Francisco. San Pedro, May 9. Arrived and sailed F. A. Kflbnrn. from Portland and way norta tor San Diego. North Head. May 10 Sailed at 11:53 a. m.. Sue H. Elmore, for Tillamook. San Francisco May 10. Arrived at noon, Johan roulsen, from Portland, at 2 o. m Alrr.traa from Portland. Sailed Beaver, from Portland for San Pedro. San Francisco, May 10. Arrived If iehlyo Maru. Otam, 2 a. m.; yacht Irtina. Victoria, B:3lt a. m.; Daley Putnam, Wlllapa Harbor, i a. m. Sailed British shin Tains, Falmouth. 9 a. m. San Franeieeo. Cal.. May 9. Arrived Con gress, lxs Angeles, 1:15 p. m.; Umatilla. Se attle. l:So p. m.; Salvator, .Newcastle. Aus tralia, 4:20 p. m. Sailed Helene, Grays Harbor, 2:30 p. m Manoa, Honolulu, 4:40 p. m. ; Hardy Coea Buy, 4:20 p. m.; Brltlah ateamer Crown of To ledo, Liverpool, via canal and Norfolk 5:30 p. m ; Washtenaw. Port 8in Luis, 6:20 p. m.j Washington, Eureka, 8:30 p. m. ' Marsbfleid. Or May 10. Arrived Break water, Portland, 8:30 a. m.; Cleone. San Fran ciseo. 3 p. m. yesterday; Adeline Smith off artn1.?, Hardy doe today. Sailed A. M. Simpson, San Franclaco, 6:30 last night Seattle. May lO.-Arrived City of Seattlei S. E. Alaska, 4 a. m.; Alaska, Tacoma, 12:30 . iu., v. o. . u. uear, saB rranclaco, 7:30 a. m. Sailed Dolphin, g. K. Alaaka. 9 a. m.; TJ. 8. u. H. T. Manaanlta. Astoria, 10:45 a m. Seattle. May 8. Arrived Col. fi. u Drake. San Franclaco, midnight; Morning Btar, Brit ish Columbia ports. 4 p. m.; Fulton, British Colombia ports, noon. Sailed Northland, g. B. Alaaka. 4:30 p. ra. ZiT- MV r"ArriTed J f f craon . and M.?! 9:40 n-: uripo- voroova. Uay . Balled Alameda, south- W'ranjeU, May . Sailed Spokane! north bound. 7 9. m. ' .JC.tl-1n-oMly 8 S"eo Princes, gophl. northbound, 8 p. m. . ' S?0"' W,T 8 SsHed Javary. Tacoma. SeatO?. ' ' AjrlT-Tmb tlZZ .team yaebt. with yellow ataek. 8:30,? m OREGON WOOLEN MILL INTERESTS BUY PUNT AT MARYS1LE, CAL. Bishops of Pendleton and Sa lem Brandling Out In the Manufacturing Trade. PREDICT A GREAT FUTURE man Zsj to ST&taaHr Take Mathtitry to Otnex Orra Z vtbUsnjnxit m WU1 Operate Temporarily. Pendleton, Or., May 10. Announce ment wis made this morning; of the successful conclusion of a deal where by the Maryavllle Woolen Mllia of Marysville, Cal., become the property of C. P. Blehop of Salem and C. M. and ft- T. Bishop of this city, who are the principal stockholders and mana gers; of the Pendleton and Washougal woolen mills. ' Negotiations have been under way for some time, " but were held up by legal proceeding- affecting title. A court decision has just cleared the title and 3. T. BIshep yesterday closed the deal in California The Marysville mills are among the oldest on the coast, and up until the time they closed seven years ago, were the largest anrf best known. They originated the well known California fine wool blanket, now made almost exclusively In Oregon mills. The real purpose of the Bishops" purchase is to take part of the ma chinery to' Pendleton and part to Washougal. but It is Intended at pres ent to reorganize the company and run the California plant on a smaller scale. There are 60 looms and six sets of cards there, and all machinery is of high standard. The Bishops have refused to t-ke all war orders, but have been building up a permanent trade, and expect to keep It at the end of the war. They prefer Oregon to California because of the superiority of climate, water and labor conditions, and believe Portland is to become the center of a great textile Industry. Would Send Widows To Wed Westerners San Francisco. Cal., May 10. (U. P.) Scenes like those In old colonial days when shipload of girls were sent to America from Europe to be wives of the settlerg here may be repeated If the plan originated by Miss Olga Pen nington and Miss Lillian Rodley of London, who are here today, Is put Into effect. Seeing that there are many men in America and in Australia who have not married 'because of the dearth of eligible females, these Lon don girls suggest that Henry Ford charter a ship and bring over a cargo of English war widows to be wives of American jnen. They say that an other cargo should be sent to Aus tralia Hedges May Enter I Race for Senator New Tork, May 10. (I. N. S.) Ex Congressman William M. Calder of Brooklyn will have a rival in the primaries this fall for the nomina tion for United States senator In Job E. Hedges, It was reported today. Mr. Hedges, It is understood, has been urged b? several Republican lead ers to enter the race, and has told them that hie will give his answer after July 1. Just now Mr. Hedge Is Identified with the Root movement in this state. He has Just returned from a trip to Chicago, where a headquarters to house the western end of the Root boonj has been established. Army-Navy Orders San Franclaco. Mai If) p. M Hi in. ordera: ' Major General William n finmm ihfm general, granted four months' leave about Jane 1. with permission to visit South America, and Flrat Lieutenant John W. Stewart. C. E., given one mooter 15 days about May 18. wtodpi inorai truse, quartermaster corps; Lieutenant Colonel Frank L. Winn. Llenten. nt Colonel Kudus I,. Durfee, Lieutenant Col ouel George P. Howell, corps engineers. Ma jors E. A. Lewis. Wilson Chase. Lnta Wahl. c b.u, r-Qwara aigerroos, Ferdinand W. Kobbe and Marcus B. Stokes, infanfrv mnA Matara ?k'J?" .w- Fenron. George P. White. Robert J. Fleming and William T. Johnston, cavalry, relieved from army war college Jon 80, and' Join their regiments. tieaignatione of Flrat Llentenants Robert E. Bchlneter and Charles 8. Bacon, M B. C, accepted effective immediately. Effective June 13. Major Irving L. Hunt, re lieved duty aa assistant to chief of bureau af lnaular affairs. These officers, members of present class, army war college, to report for duty aa aa sistant Instructors during 1818-1817: Lieutenant Colonel Henry Jervey, corps of engineers; Ma jor A. Sblpton, coast artillery corps, and Dwlght E. Aultman, 6th field artillery. Naval Order. Movements of naval vessels: Arrlred AJsz at Swatow; Armen at Bo bsnk; Burrows at "Vnltestooe Landing; Charles ten at Crystal: Cleveland at Mare Island; Co. lumbla at southern drill grounds; D-l and Tonopab at Block Ialand;. D-2 and D-S at Newport; Denver at Manzanlllo; MacDonoegh, Caark. Vermont and Worden at aonthern drill grooads; Nanahan at San rranclaco; Prome theus at Portsmouth; Salem at Boston.'". Wil mington at Hongkong. Sailed Cleveland from 8s n Diego for Hare Island; Hector, from Gnantanamo for Santo Domingo; Wheeling from Puerto. Mexico, for Cannon. Mexico. The L-4 was placed In commission at the navy yard, Boston. May 4. The Vulcan, now at Hampton Roads, has been ordered to proceed to Newport and re turn to Hampton Roads. The Nevada, now at the New Tork yard, has been ordered to proceed to Newport npnn the completion or certain work. Toe Porter, now at the Philadelphia yard, has been ordered to proceed to Newport npoa the completion of certain work. The Tneker, now at the Boston yard, has been ordered to proceed to Newport, apoa the completion of certain work. Matron fair and debutante Vho o'er the ball room glide Scorn tender uchinfl feet and ooma Since they use Cal-o-clde, For Acaint. Yarning, and ( irfsa Sweaty reel, v-auooaaa, ygl'WIUC Coras, aad Sore Bostons. QrmmuSa and reaaovea taecaase. lemlts positively gnaraateed.. Get acat trosa iay eragglstwae.. aansaannsr wm auassw CAPTAIN EXPERT IN MACHINE GUNNERY ft f'i J Captain Frank P. TebbetU. Captain . Frank P. Tebbetts, com manding the machine gun company and also regimental commissary of the Third regiment, O. N. G.. vas born in Salem, Mass., in 1S83, and was a mem ber of the Massachusetts Volunteer In fantry from 1902 to 1905. He was made commander of Troop A, cavalry, December 18, 1913, and transferred to his present command on January 3, 1916. Under his caae the machine gun company has been made a component part of the regiment and accepted by the federal authorities. In business, Captain Tebbetts is interested in life insurance with offices in the Spalding building. MAINTAINS LEAD IN IT Annabelle Crawford Will Be Boosted by Business Men's Club, Photo by Cutberth. ftllss Annabelle Crawford. Taking the lead last night Miss Lillian C. Hendricksen, candidate of the Foresters of America for Rose Festival queen, maintained her ad vantage In a count of votes taken this morning. To boost her candidacy a dance will be given by the Foresters of America tomorrow night at 129 Fourth street. Members of the Progressive Busi ness Men's club are getting solidly behind their candidate. Miss Anna- belle Crawford, who Just entered the lists. She will be the guest of the club at Its regular weekly luncheon in the Oregon hotel tomorrow noon and there will be a 'dance in her honor at Co tillion hall tomorrow night. ,- Students of Washington high school will cooperate with the Ad club in supporting Miss Lucille EduardaJohn son, the Ad club candldata A dinner to assist the candidacy of Mrs. Maude C. Oilman, sponsored by the Q. A. R., was held In the court- bouse this noon. Standing of the candidates was shown by the count today to be as follows: Lillian C. Hendricksen, Forest ers of America 244.621 Mrs. Maud Oilman. O. A. R 239.107 Louise Taylor, Western Union. 232.032 Georgia White. Corvallls 224,292 Waive Jacobs. Klamath Falls. .220. 39 Mildred Vegg. Vancouver. ..... 200.410 r.ayie rrsascn, .cugene ......... 198,703 Jewell Carroll. Knights and Ladles of Security 185.261 Eleanor Jackson. Modern For esters, McMinnvlUe. 183.265 Muriel Sallng. Pendleton 179,079 Kose wpiegrove, uregon uuy. .140,424 Anna B. Allen, Metropolitan Life Insurance company 107.827 Marion Anderson, Albany 91,867 Annabelle Crawford, Progres sive Business Men's club 90,000 Luclle Eduarda Johnson. Ad club 75,000 East Side Canvass To Be Undertaken The East Side Business Men's club has divided the territory between Haw thorns and Holladay avenues , Into eight districts, which will be can vassed by assigned committeemen for funds to assist the holding of the rose bud, er children's, parade, during the Rose Festival. It Is the in tention to maka Grand ' avenue ."the Great White Way" during the Boss Festival and to decorate It most at tractive!. , - ' :rv,.;; When writing er calling, oa advertisers please saaaaoB ae journal. -t.f .-. : . taar.f LILLIAN HENDRICKSEN ONTE FO QUEEN jj-j 1 1 r in' ii i i' i mi hi r " ui'iMin i""T 'i ir'1 "I' 'i ARTILLERY IS ORDERED TO AS Five Batteries of Field 1000 Coast Artillery Sent by President. and Are USE LATTER AS INFANTRY Battery of Field Artillery at the Tohy aanns, Tana, Camp Ordered to Be la Xeadlaess for Service. Washington, May 10. r (I. N. S.) President Wilson last night ordered 1000 coast artillery from Atlantic sta tions and five batteries of field artil lery from Fort Sill, Okla, to the Mex ican border. These forces will reinforce the 7000 infantry and militia ordered to the border earlier yesterday. With the 3000 recruits recently sent to the border points, this will give General Funston 11,000 additional troops to reinforce his border patrol or to reinforce the 12,000 men in General Pershing's ex peditionary army. The coast artillery companies or dered to the border are the One Hun dred and "twenty-seventh, at Galveston, the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth at New Orleans, the Twentieth and Seventy-seventh at Pensacola, the Seventy-fourth at Savannah, the One Hun dred and Forty-fifth at Charleston, the Thirty-first from Fort Caswell, the Forty-first and Sixty-ninth, from Fort Oglethorpe, the One Hundred and' Twelfth from Dupont, Del., and the One Hundred and Thild from Fort Howard, Baltimore. General Funston will utilize the coast artillery as infantry. In addition to the five batteries of field artillery ordered from Fort Sill a battery of the Third field artillery stationed at Fort Myer, but now at the Tobyhanra, Penn., camp, was ordered to hold itself in readiness to go to the border. The Second cavalry is the only regi ment of mobile troops not included in the recent orders to the border. VANCOUVER BARRACKS COMPANIES EXPECT TO GO THURSDAY MORNINGU Vancouver, Wash., May 10. Official orders for the five remaining compa nies at Vancouver Barracks to proceed to the border have been received at headquarters of the local post. The men have been held in readiness dur ing the past 24 hours, and as soon as transportation arrives will make their departure. It is expected that cars will arrive in ample time to allow the men to leave Thursday morning. The companies making the trip are Company C, of the First Battalion, and companies E. F, G and H of the Sec ond Battalion. Company C's destina tion is Nogales, and the supposition is that it will be Joined by the other companies of its battalion. Companies A, B and D, which are now at San Diego, Cal. The Second Battalion has been or dered to Yuma, Ariz. Unless new men 'are recruited here and others transferred all that will be left of the local post will be about 80 members of Company F, United States Engineer Corps, and a few members of the hospital and quarter master corps. Guard duty will fall upon the Engineers. The North Bank road received or ders this morning to assemble suf ficient passenger and freight equip ment at Vancouver to handle the movement of the Twenty-first infan try from Vancouver Barracks to the Mexican border. The order did not state when the movement was expected to begin, merely that the cars should be pre pared so that the start could be made at a moment's notice. About eight passenger cars will be required and enough freight cars to convey the horses, munitions and sup plies. Orders Expected Hourly. San Francisco, Cal., .May 10. (U. P.) Orders for the entralnment for Mex ico of two battalions of the Four teenth Infantry and the Twenty-first Infantry were hourly expected by Ma jor J. Franklin Bell, commanding the western department of the army. One battalion of the Fourteenth has been stationed In Washington at Fort Law- ton. This will leave only a few coast artillerymen in the forts on this side of the continent. Seattle Troops to Move. Seattle Wash.. Mav 10 t TT r The Second Battalion of the lith In- rantry, Colonel Richard H. Wilson commanding, received orders at Fort Lawson this mornlnar Douglas, Ariz. Two sections of ten cars each are For Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises Here In America there is much suf fering from catarrh and head noises. American people would do well to con sider tne method employed by the Eng lish to combat this insidious disease. Everyone knows how damp the Eng lish climate Is and how dampness af fects these suffering from catarrh. In England they treat catarrhal deafness and head noises as a constitutional disease and use an Internal remedy for it that is reaay very efficacious. Sufferers who could scarcely hear a watch tick, tell how they had their hearing restored by this English treat ment to such an extent that the tick of a watch was plainly audible seven and eight Inches away from either ear Therefore, if you know someone who Is troubled' with catarrh, catarrhal deafness or head noises, cut out this formula and hand It to them and you will have been the means of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deaf nesa The prescription can be eas ily prepared at home for about 7 60 and Is made as follows: Front, your druggist obtain 1 ox. of Parmlnt (double; strength), about 76o worth. Take this home, and add to it 4 pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take a tablespoonful four times a day, Parmlnt is used in this way pot only to reduce by tonic action the inflam mation and swelling In the Eustachian Tubes, and thus to ' equalize the air pressure on the drum, but to correct any excess of secretions in the middle ar, and the results it gives are us ually remarkably quick and effective, Every - person -who has catarrh In any. form should give this recip a trial and free themselves from this de structive disease, , (Adv.) MEXICAN BORDER REINFORCEMENTS being loaded and will proceed" by way of PbrUand. Regimental headquarters, the ma chine gun company, companies E, T, O and and the Fourteenth Infantry band are In the command. They will leave Seattle this afternoon. Hawaii Offers Militia. Washington, May 10. (I. N. S.) From far off Hawaii today came offer of military force for use In the border crisis. Governor Pinkham cabled Secretary of War 'Baker as follows: "The militia of Hawaii offer their services for such assignment as the war department deems the present exi gencies i demand." Mobilization Point Named. San Antonio, Texas. May 10. (I. N. S.) General Funston has designated Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, as the mobilization point for national guardsmen in Texas, Columbus for New Mexico and Douglas for Arizona. The guardsmen will be required to pass a physical examination and will be sworn in before acceptance by the war department for regular service. It is expected that they will be sent to the border within a week. Governors Approve Call. El Paso. Texas. May 10. (I. N. S.) Governor W. C. McDonald of New Mexico and Governor W. P. Hunt of Arizona, have telegraphed the Inter national News Service bureau heartily indorsing President Wilson's order calling out the National Guard for border duty. Governor Hunt of Arizona: "The president's call of the National Guard of Arizona into federal service has met with prompt response from this state. All of the companies of the National Guard will entrain within 3 G hours for Douglas, the concentra tion point designated by the southern department. "Arizona responds freely and whole heartedly to this call for service and the state stands ready to demonstrate further the loyalty of her people to tue Stars and Stripes. Governor McDonald of New Mexico wires: "New Mexico- approves 'President. Wilsons step in calling out the Na tional Guard for border service." Ferguson Would Finish Job. Austin, Texas, May 10. (I. N. S.) Governor Ferguson issued the follow ing statement in regard to the Mexi can situation: "Since we have started, we, had Just as well finish the Job. A temporary" protection of the border will accom plish nothing. If w catch and pun ish one bandit horde another takes its place tomorrow." Spokane Battalion Going. Spokane, Wash., May 10. (U. P.) The Third battalion. Fourteenth Infan try, stationed at Fort George Wright, Spokane, was ordered to the Mexican border this morning. The troops were entraining today for departure at mid night. The force consists of 11 officers and 325 men. Douglas, Ariz., is their des tination. Glenn Springs Depopulated. Glenn Springs, Texas, May 10. (I. N. S.) Troop A. Fourteenth cavalry. arriving here today, found the town depopulated It Is believed that rang ers and ranchmen are south of the border in pursuit of the bandits who raided Glenn Springs' last i'riday night. Expected Stand in Eiver on Thursay At Stage of 18.1 The Willamette river is pected to come to a stand to- morrow at a stage of Just over 18 feet. Cold weather experienced for the past few days all over the )(( northwest did much to stop the js fast rising water. Tonight's prediction Is for a r heavy frost with Increasing 5 temperatures during the next m 4 few days. After a slight drop of a few days' duration another Increase in the height of the water is looked for. . Iiad Killed by Auto. Seattle, May 10. (P. N. S.) Deputy Coroner H. K. McDonald today began an investigation 'of the accident In which Walter Roloff, six years old, was struck and killed by an automo bile driven by F. D. Clise. Clise de clares that the boy dodged in front of the car while crossing the street I and that the accident was unavoidable. Of French Invention is a sliding buf fer for the end of railroad tracks that has stopped a 200 ton train running at a speed of seven miles an hour within 25 feet. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the GENERAL ACCIDENT. TOY. h LITE AS- BUaANCE CORP., LTD. of Scotland, on tne 31st day of December. 1918, made to tiie Insurance Commissioner of tle State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL, Amount of deposit capital 250,000.00 incoicz. Net premiums reeeled daring the yeaT $3.063.9S3.B Interest, dlrldenda and rents re ceived during the year 92,071.40 Inoome from other sources recelred during tbe year 1.134.707.42 Total income $4,290,732.56 DISBTTRSEMENTS. Ixms paid (Turing tbe year, includ ing adjustment expenses, etc. . . .$1,827,605.47 Commissions and salaries paid dur ing tbe year 1,311,030.94 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing the year M.7IT1.95 AirouBt of all other expenditures.. 99S.030.1S Total expenditures ..$4,233,488.24 ASSETS. Value of real estate owned (mar ket value) f 182.42S.2l Veloe of stocks and bonds owned (market value) 2,016,010.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, ete 11400.00 Cash in banks and on band. 184,499.22 Premiums In coarse of collection written since September 30, 1915 630. 775.45 Interest and rente due and accrued 38.886.63 Total sssets .$2,974,86.51 Less special deposits la any state (if any there be .( 66.876.00 Total assets admitted In Oregon. $2,908,617 J1 LIABILITIES. Gross claims far losses nnpeld $1,068,062.35 Aaoant of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks.. 1,007,560.44 Dne for eommlsxlon sad brokerage 149,933.03 All other liabilities 61.228.78 Total labilities.... $2,407,783.00 Total premiums in force December tX. 1915 $2, BUETXX88 IX OREGOaT T0& THZ TZAR. Keti premiums received during tbe year $ 8i;344.65 tosses paid during the year 12,164.97 GEXEKA& aCCXDEVT. TIRE It XXfZ ASSUR I . AVCZ COHF., LTD. ; . By FREDERICK B1CHARDSOX, 1 J. S. Manager. .- : Statutory resident general agent and attorney far service: W. R. MeDQNALD. - s- Teoa BUg., For (Una, Or. DECK WIELDS AX ON FOUR NSPECTORS IN THE SEWER SERVICE One Inspector and Laborer Are Suspended Following Recent Investigation. EFFECTIVE THIS EVENING Charges Are That the Men Circulated Statements meflecttng on the De partment and Their Superiors. City Commissioner Dleek this morn ing announced the dismissal from serv ice of four inspectors and the suspen sion of one inspector and one laborer from hi department, as a result of the recent Montavllla sewer investiga tion. The dismissals and suspensions become effective this evening. The dismissed Inspectors are C. D. Jameson, Martin McCarthy, Richard Walsh and Martin L. Dowllng. The suspended inspector is J. B. Needham A. F. Laweon is the suspended laborer, Needham is to have a vacation of 3l days without pay, and Lawson's period of rest without pay from the city will be 15 days. Inspector Dowllng, who was dis missed, was also municipal engineer. The charges upon which the men are dismissed or suspended are identical in a general way although they dif fer somewhat In specific details. The principal ground of dismissal is that the men circulated statements that reflected on the department and tlieir superiors when they made as sertions to the effect that the sewer was faulty and that certain contrac tors had been favored. The hearing held before the City Council came as a direct result of the dismissal of Inspector Harry Gurr some time ago and a hearing on his appeal before the civil service board. At that hearing testimony was sub mitted that cast reflections upon the CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of Acid Stomachs Are Dangerous "Acid" Btomachs are dangerous be cause acid lrritatea and inflames the delicate lining of the stomach, thus hindering and preventing the proper action of the stomach, and leading to probably nine-tenths of the cases of stomach trouble from which people suffer. Ordinary medicines and medic inal treatments are useless In such cases, for they leave the source of the trouble, the acid In the stomach, as dangerous as ever. The acid must be neutralized, and Its formation prevent ed, and the best thing for this purpose is a teaspoonful of blsurated magnesia, a simple antacid, taken In a little warm or cold water after eating, which not only neutralises the acid, but also pre vents the fermentation from which acid is developed. Foods which ordinarily cause distress may be eaten with im punity If the meal Is followed with a little bisurated magnesia, which can be obtained from any druggist, and should always be kept handy. (Adv.) ROAD TO HEALTH IS THROUGH THE KIDNEYS No person aliTe la stronger than tils kid neys. The mlnote the kidneys become disar ranged or clogged with waste the warning is daubed throughout the entire syatem. The greater part of all sickness today can be SToided by keeping the kidneys working prop erly. lost any reliable dr-gglst Id this Tldnlty can probably tell you of maDy well known people whom SoItsz, the atandard kidney remedy, has restored to health, often after they bare tried many other methods of treat ment with little or no benefit. Xbers are hundreds of people who ere not tbe least bit surprised when they lead awbllt ago that Tbe Owl 1-ug Co. la selling Molvsi on a guarantee to refund tbe money la case It did not rHTe. Tbla remarkabla klduey rem edr la guaranteed to help tbe worst case of Lhit ilus-glsb or cloggetl-np kidneys, or tbe reiieral neadatby, kuikybacked. played-out foudltlon tbal aifllcta people suffering with klduey troublx. Bolvax does not simply relieve, ir MiiLs to cure. The best klud of sdtettlalcg Is the praise of a Dleued customer, and there are bnndredi todai uraUliig bolx because It baa uone for them what it Is advertised to do. Not very lona ago they were afflicted with all mannner ri glcilsh, uncomfortable pains and each day denied to bring with it new ache in some other part of their body. Since using Soivai ther are once more bright and chipper and able to enjoy Ufa at lu fullest with fear of aufleriug. We doubt it any other kidney remedy has made aucb a. large percentage of cures aa holvax. It is so larae that Its owners ara perfectly aafe in atandlog ready to refund the lirice to any customer whom it dosa not belp. This is a good time to get well and yon ought to take advantage of tbla offer. Uet it Irani The Owl Irtug Co., or any well stocked drug tore. tAdv.t Alkali in Soap Bad for the Hair Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and ruins It. The best thing for steady use Is Just ordinary mulslfled cocoanut oil (which la pure-and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or any- On or two teaspoonf uls will eleanse the hair and scalp tnorougniy. Bimply .i.i.n hnir with water and rub It Ll -" " - in. it makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, wbioh rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, .n. rf and excessive olL The hair dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves the scalp sort, ana me oair line ana silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy -. You can get mulslfled cocoanut oil at any pharmacy. It's very eheap, and a few ounces will supply every member f the family jor monwa. taav. engineer department and-some of It . , : " ' asaea ior a luiirc investigation by the niuni 1 n m n i . . . . . . - . Council In turn .u- ,-.!. villa sewer well mnitm,t.j '-."i. onorated the men in charge - an4 J ----- '"tiuuiu nia ueen kj j ui, men now am ..i . m: 1 1 n s- uiner xmiana eailS I iriui many m nna.rn New Tork. May 10. (i. n, 8.1 - . When the American liner Finland ailed today for Liverpool, 100 first. 155 second and 16S third class pas- ' nengers were aboard. Delam?y Nlcoll is going to London to see his wife, -who Is recovering from an automo- r bile accident In which she was hurt ' some time ago. Harry Lauder, who ; has been on a tour of Australia, and three United States army medico-military observers bound for the French front. Colonel A. E. Bradley, Major Clyde S. Ford and Major William J. Lyster were aboard. In a new combination tool invented , by a Frenchman the head of the ham mer also can be used as cutting pliers or a vise. v Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackago proves it 25c at all druggists.. NUXATED IRON Increases strength) of delicate, nervous, rundown people 2uti per cent in ten days in many Instances. $100 forfeit if it fails as per full ex planation la large article soon to ap pear in this paper. Ask your doctor of Owl Drug Co. al druggist about. ways carry it in stock. Heals Skin Diseases n It Is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. A little tenia, gotten at any drug store for 25c, or $1.00 for extra large bottle, and promptly applied, will usually give in. stant relief from Itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin dis eases. Zemo Is a wondeful disappearing liquid and does not smart the most delicate skin. It is not greasy. Is easily applied and costs little. 'Get It today and save all further distress. Zemo, Cleveland. Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Says we can't look or feel right with the system full of poisons, . , Millions of folks bathe Internally now Instead of loading their system with drugs. "What's an Inside bathT. you say. Well, it Is guaranteed to oer form miracles if you could believe these hot water enthusiasts. There are vast numbers of men and women who, immediately upon arising in the morning, drink a glass of rest hot water with a teaspoonful of lime stone phosphate In It. This la a very excellent health measured It is in tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid neys and the thirty feet of intestines of the previous day's waste, sour bile and indigestible material left over in the body which If not eliminated every day, become food for the millions of bacteria which Infest the bowels, tbe quick result Is poisons and toxin which are then absorbed Into the blood causing headache, billions attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, Im pure blood and all sorts of ailments People who feci good one day and badly the next, but wh) simply can not get feeling right are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very little but Is sufficient to make anyone a real crank on the subject of lnternal'sanltation. Just as soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so limestone phosphate and hot water act on the stomach, llverJ kidneys and bowels. It Is vastly morel Important to bathe on the inside than on the outside, because the skin poresj do not absorb impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do. Of My Little Girl. They Were Ycr Disfiguring and Caused Itching. Child Very Cross and Fretful. HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "When my little girl was three and ooe-l half months old, she had eruptions break! vuh va uaar uoavu, iai a,uu mum, wm ww w kind of mattery scales which were very dls-4 figuring and caused itching so that utile! as she was I bad an awfully hard time keep-l Ing her from scratching, and at night when I wasn't watching she would cry and sxsratehl till the blood would run, Tbe skin vu Inflamed and red, and the eruptions made her very cross and fretful. She got so dUvi figured I did not know what to da - "She had no relief until I used a frM sargnls of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. ' bought more and after using almost a full sized box of the Cutlcura Ointment togethe with the Cutlcura Soap she was healed.' (Signed) Mrs. S. Blatter, 333 Market St. Oakland, CaL. Nor. 3, 1916. fc - Sample Each Free by Ma! with 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Ca tla aura. DepC T, KV tm., Bold throughout the.world.. mum ERUPTIONS ON HEAD FACE AND ARMS 1