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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1916)
ENTBIES FLOOK INTO BIG TRACK . MEET AT U. OF 0. Conference Ruling Does Not 'Prevent Meet From Be . ing Held. University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., May 10. 80 far 160 entries have been received from Oregon hih schools for schalaatie atara who seek to shin at tha tnterftcholastlc track meet to be held here Saturday as part of the pro gram for Junior week-end. Many of the schools represented lait year have not been heard from thus far. It waa feared that the northwest conference ruling- of last year classified mil J V J .l .J . . - yjm. r school students as proselytlsm, but this annarently has been circumvented, as the receipts from the meet will be shared pro rata among; the high school entering- competitors. Despite this requirement the enroll- ment thus far 1m a record for the past two years. No entry lists have as yet been received from Washington high chool or Columbia preparatory school. The largest list comes from Jeffer son man scnpui, wun 19 entries. . Although rain has fallen rather hard In the last week the authorities have assurance that the field will be high and dry for the meet. Klnoald field will be prepared In every possible way to facilitate the best possible records - On Friday afternoon there will also be a dvjal track and field meet between Oregon and Oregon Agricultural col lege. Training has been strenuous this yeac on account of the dearth of mu tarlal. Ham luck has been the por tion of the Lemon-Yellow thus far. Chester Fee on whom Oregon depend for a majority of her points, la hob- Willi a of u u u u uiv tt"'t'"i ' ' poisoning. Albany Allfn, BeM, HcliulU, UUyeu. Butler. Boettlcher, L-olnlnger, Grove, McChesney.' Ashland Abbott, I-owt, Slack, wlnne. Astoria Lee, Anderson, Johnson, Tucker. rMatalrin McOllltvary. Graham, Ks- lertscn, Van. Mc-Klal. Conullle Hootort. Lorens. ' Corvalllfi McBrlde. Tayne. Toat. Wolcott, A loom, Phillips. Cottagn Grove Uedford, HcldVrnian Roy. Smith, Calllaon, Woods, Anlauf Berg. Crook county Brostus. Braman. Kates. - Dayton Peffer, Chapman, Dfetmer -ing. V. Foster, F. Foster. porena Kirk, Redford, Harlow. m t -. r I. T .. . V. Ml.a f n JtUimirv JaraH, iajiiu, aiwi... . bant. Yoder, Inman, Peterson, Mix. Eugene Manerude, Kellogg. Larson, Quals, Koepp, Peltier, Farrls, Purdy, Flnseth, Davis, Carlson, Edbloom. Bell, Madden. Franklin Collins. Lleuallen, Tavls, Byeri, Tost, Hatslip, Peake. Towell, Mackay, Deckervell. Grants Pass Beatul, La Roy. Wool folk, Reynolds. II M. A. John Daud. James John Cunningham, Smith, Phillips, TrumbulL Jefferson-r-Keed, Bessel, Thayer, Grant, Snook, Dellahunt, . Wilcox, Hprlnger, Haughy, Mack. Berkle, Bar ker. West, Thompson. Goodwin, Sax, Foster, Davis. " John DayIIenry Foster. Lincoln Busch, Felke, Spearow, Lakefiah. Tannensee, ' McTarnahan, "White, Kn'udsen. Mapleton Potterf; Gilbert. Chap man, .Robinson. rMarshileid Merchant, Beck, Monmouth McKenile. Mulkey, Wal ker, Fisher, Portwood, Mulkey, Skeen, Van Loan, Knapp, strong. -. McKenile Hartley, Wllllan, Foun tain, Chaffee, Wegner. , McMlnnvtlle Reeves, Parker. f Salem Willian, Fruit, Jones, Alforfl, Ratcllffe, Miller, Hales., Hagedon, Clark, Robinson, Proctor. Scappoosei Price, Johnson, Holland, "White. Seaside Voss, Peeler, Schanberger, Fawson. St. Helens Dale Perry. STANDING OF THE TEAMS ' , KorthwMtera Uuui. . : Woo. . I.t. Seokine T 4 Gkcat rU T ft Belt A n (battle 6 a Vineovver (. A T Taeema 8 7 . -' - Aawrioaa AfwcUtles. LevlsTllle ia MlnBeapuIls 12 h Columbus lo H St. Paul 0 H ladlanapolls 9 0 Toledo ...7 iu Kanaea Clt 7 1 1 Milwaukee 8 13 - Waiters League. Tepeka 5 Lincoln in r.t. .545 .500 .417 .800 .607 .',7 .558 .529 .5( .412 J27S .Rl'7 .625 .533 Wichita ....10 rt Omaha 7 aaui iit- ............... f it Bloax Olty 7 10 .43XJ .412 .875 JiZS l'ct. .571 .57 .531 .483 .429 ,400 .71 j7 .VU .500 .600 .5"0 .4.-S .187 .a."2 .550 J5.V) 500 .500 .M .421 .3o0 1ttOTvr S jo St. Joeepb 6 10 racmo ceaat Lufw. Wnn. J Smt Lam Angalea 17 13 Vernon 17 is alt Lake ia i.i v ji, &t jrocuaaa 10 ia I Katlonal Iaeu. ilraoklys 10 4 noatea 10 S Chicago 11 10 Ht. Loula 10 10 fPnlladalphla S H juanetanatl 11 11 flttaberg 10 Yi iNew Xsck. S 18 Aaaarioea Lean. wveland 15 a New'. York II a WaaslngtuB 11 loaton 11 H Mtrolt 11 li hlcace 11 . ia hl.-loula s 11 bUadeiptila 7 u "m Proposed Match Fails. Saa Francisco, May 10. (U. P.) E- fortr by Promoter Frank Schuler to Inatcb Ad Bantel with Joe Stecher, the fNebraek wrestler, on July 4 or sooner, failed today. John Freberg of Chicago, Mbo weians in tna neitrnDornood of 236 bounds, probably will b Santel'a next Opponent. hurchill Has Gone Back to Parliament Termer Tint Xarft of Admiralty Zs Be- Uared to Be Afte Office of Chief eoretavry tor Zrelamd. London, May ,10. (I. N. iff.) Wln ton ChurchllL who resigned as first ord of tha admiralty to take his lax la the trenches In Frame ral month aa;o. baa returned , to En- ua on leave until xurtner oraers. it Is understood that Mr. Churchill ln- ends . to resume hla parliamentary uties ana win not return to the ront... . Hla contribution to tha " debate veS- erday was retarded In -tha lobby as bid for the oxfice of chief secretary or Ireland. , NEWEST PUNCH J " "TEXAS J f f I Tenny I i f 11 JVSCH ' ' haiwrifiaiiiiiiiiii7iwaM(irttiiwiW J The wallop tliut has made northwestern lightweight a boy to be feared. He usod it to beat Lock port Jiminy Duffy. Barrieau Has Lost In the five years that he has been In the boxing same. Frank Barrieau of Vancouver, B. C. has lost uiit one decision, and that was to Bud Ander son at Ios Angeles about tlirp years agQ, when Bud waa at the ton of his career. A year later, however. Bar rieau knocked out Anderson at Wullace. Idaho. Ba"rrleau has hafe 220 bouts and won 101 of them via, the knockout route. He holds a decision over Deach Cross, the New York lightweight, and boxed an exhibition with Willie Ritchie. Barrieau is 22 years old. lie for merly boxed for the Vancouver Ama teur Athletic club. ON THE ALLEYS Tb Two-Man Team league ejartcd their aliort summer aeaaon on the Portland alleja laat nlgbt. Tha acorea bowed the boy were out of practice. Bollock it Sheetf got away In front with 1177. Freeborongh-Anatey bad a flna start, but weakened and are second. 1147. Rheeta mnde blph single game. 234, and Free borough high arerage. 203. The teams wlii rull (ix weeks. TWO-MAN LEAGUE. 1st. JW. 3d. Tot. Are. Bullock 222 189 14 r7f 192 Sheets 157 234 211 03 201 Totals 37 Per Lea 107 Wood 181 423 SJS 1177 1)18 224 lfl 202 200 005 Totals 348 30J 871 llll Fate ItW 212 1$8 .'.79 13 Raymond 148 194 154 406 165 Totala Jones Franklin ... 847 406 812 1073 . .. 13D 108 .r2t 17A ... 194 Itifi 1G8 6'-7 176 Totals 883 887 830 lOSO Lund 103 177 175 GIB 172 Hlater 101 181 100 508 109 Totala Mima .. Uaffron Totala Merrick Kalk . . . .. 8'J4 858 841 1023 . . KM 1!4 176 036 179 . . 201 171 1 552 184 . . 307 363 850 1088 .. 198 173 178 549 183 .. 132 142 203 497 100 Totals 380 815 881 1046 Anstey 220 1(11 158 537 179 Freeborough 200 208 03 810 203 Totals 421 808 358 1147 The following game were rolled last night on tbe Oregon alleja: JOLLY FOUR DUCKPIN LEAGUE. O. W. SEMAPHORE. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Are. Crowe 85 Dcrsey 96 Orahanx 83 KoMna 105 Mount 93 86 88 259 Stt 94 114 804 101 100 94 277 92 84 102 291 110 98 310 103 Totals Brown . Hull ... Kesar 462 483 496 1441 BLUM A LEU-FRANK CO. 98 102 84 284 95 102 121 121 844 115 97 103 03 293 98 nuji:r 11 tf J 1W zn( Carlberg 80 101 110 800 Hnyder 77 90 100 2H7 RO 800 100 Totals 463 C17 COS 1488 STANDARD OIL CO. Snndstrom 83 100 109 292 Clarke Ill 90 92 293 (Uvuelson 83 108 191 Walker 90 119 76 285 8 wau eon 90 98 86 2S3 Totala 883 400 471 1344 WHLLS-rARGO. Talks 78 98 79 255 Aiplegate 96 100 85 286 A. I.. Swsnaon 106 9S 84 283 Ourtla 88 82 93 283 Lltgcor 93 100 193 Totals 368 471 441 1280 97 98 95 05 94 85 95 94 88 90 Snow Covers Klickitat. The Dalles. Or.. May 10. Klickitat hills were covered with, a light aheet of snow yesterday morning;. The cold er weather, snow and rainfall cause many to feel 'a greater fear of floods. THE HIPPODROME ATHLETIC , CLUB 21st and Marshall Sts. BOXING FBATTrBXaTO Frank Barrieau CKABTPXOB OP OABA9A. Billy Wright OKAJCFZOir OF ZTOBTHWXST. Will Boa for Welterweight Chsm pionshlp of' Canada and Northwest. Joe FarreU rs, Jos Harrahan Seattle. 135 Seattle. Ed Shannon vs. Walt Xnowltoa v Seattle. 133 Portland. Bobble Allen vs. Tommy Clark Oakland. 135 Portland. Boy Ortoa ra. Bd Boatwrlgnt. 150 Kid Xrelffer ts. Oeo. Sommers. Friday, May 12 Admission: General 50o, reserved $1. rlnrstde $1.60. boxes $1.60. ring-side boxes $2. On sale Rich's. Sixth and Washington; BoL Steller. Broad way and Stark: Gilbert. Broad way and Morrison: Beady St Olson. .'Yeon building- Twenty first and VarshalL W" or Twen- ty-uord street car. IN BOXING GAME TEMPLETON TIED FOR SECOND HIGH GUN AT SPOKANE Rain, Hail, Snow and Wind Handicap Inland Empire Trap Entrants. Spokane, Wash., May 10. Frank Templeton of Portland, Or., tied with Hugh McElroy of this city for second place In the 150 bird event of yester day's program ,of tne Inland Empire handdlcap, with, the score of 138. Frank Troeh of Vancouver, Wash., won first honors, with the score of 140. Tha shooters were handicapped hy a Stiff wind and hail, snow and rain at inter vals. K. J. ChingTen of Spokane, shooting from the 23 yard line, and H. Schnack of Palouse, Wash., tied' for the Inland Empire Handicap title. Each shooter broke 47 out af 60 birds. They will snoot orr tne tie today. C. A. Couplin of Palouse went straight In the 25 bird trophy events. Mrs. C. A. Connor of Spokane scored 23 In this event. Fred Dryden of Spokane was high professional with the score ofi 144 and Hugh Poston of San Francisco was second with 142. Seventy-one shoot ers; Including three women, participa ted In yesterday's events. In Monday's events the following scores were registered by the Port landers: Pete Holohan, professional, 96; Frank Templeton, 97; A. W. Strow ger 87; John G. Clemson, 65; James W. Seavey, 90 and R. P. Knight, 87. Pete O'Brien, former Portlander, reg istered the score of 98. The Lang & Co. team will play Rai nier, Or., next Sunday, and the Kenton club team will clash with the McMlnn vllle Yelobans. Barbers' 4 and 6-inch nickel-plated Rose Cutting and Sewing SHEARS Regular price 50c, special iSc Hair Cutting Shears Solid steel. Reg ular $1.50, spe'l 85c Portland Cutlery and 86 Sixth Street ' (THC COOP JUOCC LEAR (DID YOU flAVB AMV HCLp) ftou "TSPUTTINC; TMATV . 1 if K-e I r i i m J i. , , . A LL (around you men are talking about it. You. ; XTL yourself, are -probably . telling , friends about W-B - CUT Chewing the Real Tobacco Chew; new cut, long shred, ' Get a pouch ! Notice how. the salt brings out 'the real tobacco taste; how it satisfies without grinding; how long it lasts. y . . ' " . ' - " . llii. ty ffEYMAW-KXDTOil COagAMT, 50 Uriw Saw KewJoAjPty HIGH SCHOOLERS ABE ENTERED IN TRACK EVENTS Coaches Hopeful of Winning Saturday Meet Despite Poor Condition, Though handicapped in getting Into condition, the track and field tearosf the local high and academic schools are entered in the state championship meet to be staged at Eugene, Oregon, Saturday under the auspices of .the UnlTeraity of Oregon. The local ath letes have not had a full week's work out this season, but despite this fact the coaches hope to carry off a ma jority of the first places. .None of the coaches have been able to get a good line on all their men and for that reason full teams are being entered in the state meet. It is hoped that the weathir conditions will be such that the teams can get Into better shape by May 26, the date of the local championship affair. The entries of the local schools: Washington High, Portland Albert Wyld. 100. 220, relay; Roscoe Hemen way, 100, 220. hurdles 220, relay; Ken neth Ross. 400, 220, 440. hurdles 220. relay; Earl Johnaon, 100, 220, hurdles 220, relay; George Graves, 880. mile; Clarence Johnston, shot, javelin; Charles Parsons, broad Jump, shot, dis cus, Javelin; Arthur Kuhnhausen, 440, hurdles 120. hurdles 220, relay; Will Gregory, 440, 880; Casey Bones, 440, 880; Charles Wells, high Jump; Edwin Strowbridge, dlscua, javelin; Wayne Loder, 100, 22O7-" broad Jump, relay; Robert Vial, 880. mile; W. Deadman. 880. mils. ! Uncoln High, Portland George Buech. shot, discus; Wayne Feike, 880 mile, broad Jump, relay: Ralph Spea row. high jump, broad jump, pole vault, discus, relay; Nathan Lakeflsh, 100, 220. 440, relay; W. Tannansee, hurdles 120, hurdles 220; W. McTarnahan, 440. hurdles 120, relay; J. W. White, 440. 880; Carl Knudsen, hurdles, 120 hurdles 220. hinh lumi). relay. Franklin Hieh. Portland S. Collins, 440 hurdles. 120 hurdles. 220 hurdles, pole vault, relay: 14. I.leualh'n, 100, 220, shot, discus, relay: K. Pavla, eliot, dlKcus, relay; Byers, 880, high Jump, pole vault; K. V, Fost, Javelin; R. Halzlln: It. Peake, SSO.mile; G. PowelL shot, discus: Mackey. 100. 220; Decker- veil, 100. zso relay. Hill Military academy John Band, shot, javelin. James John High, Portland Carl Cunningham, 100. 220, high jump, broad jump, javelin, relay: KUssell Smith, 100, pole vault, javelin, relay; Curtis Phillips, 100. 220, pole vault, relay; Harold Trummjii, bxo. 120 nuraiee, re lay; Iouis Dunsmore, 440 and low hurdles. Jefferson High, Portland M. Reed 120 hurdles. 220 hurdles; N. Beesell, 100, 220, relay: R. Tbayer, 100, 220. broad Jump, relay; J. Grant, 100, 220, relay; M. Snook. 100. 220, broad jump, relay; R. Delahunt. 100, 220, relay; S. Wilcox, 440, 220 hurdles, broad Jump, relay; E. Springer. 440, 880. mile, broad jump, relay; A. Houghy, 440, 880. mile; A. Mack, 440, 880, mile; R. Berkle, 120 hurdles, 230 hurdles, broad Jump, dis cus; G. Barker, javelin; S. West, broad lumD. Dole vault, discus: G. Thompson. pole vault, dtBCua; P. Goodwin, pole vault, shot; yi. ax, iou. zzu. 4u. re lav; W. Foster, 440, 880, mile; M. Da vis), 440. 880, mile. Seattle Can't Raise Coin for Hudson Race Seattle, Wash., Mar 10. .(P. N. S.), The University of Washington- crew, which holds the inter-eolleglate row- Ing championship of the Pacific coast will not go to Poughkeepsie In June to compete in the big annual regatta on the Hudson. Plans to send Coach Conibear's men eaat have been aban doned by the busfness men s commit tee which had the matter In hand. It has also been decided to abandon the contemplated regatta on Lake Washington because of the unwilling ness of eastern universities to send their crows to the coast. With the annual dual race with Cali fornia on Lake Washington May 27, the rowing season for Washington win end. Special RAZORS Guaranteed hollow ground, 4-8 and 5-8 sizes, from lead ing manufacturers, .such as' Geo. West enholm's, Ham burg Concave, etc. Reg.$2,$3.50,QC $3 special.. O C RAZOR STROPS Regu lar price, $1.50, spe cial at . 90c Barber Supply Co. Between Stark and Oak MS FROM THE MIWEO MAN) ' BET I HAD, This HERE POUCH OFl TXt REAL. TOBACCO" CHEW BASEBALL BREVITIES Fighting gall Players Fined. San Franolsco, May 10. (U. P.) Fighting ball players will think twice before trying- to iinltat Jess Wlllard hereafter ia the Paclflo Coast leaxuo. Tommy Qulnlan, Salt Laki outfltlder. and "Swede" Rlsberc, Vernon inflelder. exchanged right crosses and left hooks In Los Angeles last week. President A. T. . Baum has fined them each tZi. General opinion indi cated that Baum would suspend them, but Baum. realising that tn II player limit leaves tha clubs pretty weak all season, decided that a fine waa the best punishment. Mitze Offered riaeev Lot Angeles, May 10.(P. K. S.) Cliff Blankenshlp, manager of the Bees, has telegraphed an offer to Catcher Honus Mltie, recently released by the Tigers. , Mltse said he would make no decision at the present time. Mitchell Turn Down Offer. Los Angeles, May 10. (P. N. 8.) Pitcher Roy Mitchell, recent Tiger, haa turned down an offer to manage the Palestine club In the Texas league clroult Calls Beavers Weakest. Loa Angeles, May 10. (P. N. S.) Manager Prank Chance of the Angels has stated that rumors of a pending release for Grower Brant were un founded. Members of the Angel team assert that the Beaver are prob ably the weakest club on the circuit Pitcher Kan-, who was with San Francisco a w'hlle last aeflsorf, lias been signed by the Dallas team of the Texas league. Kudy Kalllo struck out IS Vancouver players In yesterday's game at Van couver, which Great Falls won 10 to 1. Johnny Telford, former Washington High school twlrler, lost a bard Kama to Seattle yesterday. Dean's error al lowing Cadman to score the lone tally In the ninth. Telford allowed but five hits. The Philadelphia Nationals has "ent catcher Fish back to the New Iondon club. This is the player Philadelphia offered to Portland last fall. Bantel Is Easy Winner. San Francisco, May 10. (U. P What promised to be the most diffi cult match Ad Santel has had In recent rronths proved to be his easiest vic tory, when he threw Lorena Chiistlan son, the Sandinavian champion, twle in 66 minutes and 45 seconds. Al though he outweighed Santel and pos sessed considerable cleverness, the Dane hadn't the strength to prevent a fall. Chain 'Tread One of the ftro y iDmri Dnnn? ttao X XIX VJ JJUX7XX1 XIXLU CLOUTING LEAD WITH .388 MAKK t Roche Leads Beavers in Hit ting With Southworth Coming Next. JLn Ping Bodie, the well known San "Francisco fence bruiser, is now lead ing the regulars of the Paclflo Coast league in the bludgeon ""business. In 35 games, -bis plnglets has clouted the pill at a .388 clip, and five of 'the hi nils he has gathered unjo himself have been home runs. Nine doubles and one triple have been made by Bodie, who has scored 23 runs. -Next o Bodie in the hitting line Is Flash Fitzgerald, who alternates his playing moment between base hits, stolen bases and kidding the right field bleachers In all the parks of 4he cir cuit, except, of course, at home. In an equal number af games. Fits has hit .360, making SO base hits in 139 times up. There have been two homers, a quartet of triples and a couple of doubles. When last week's averages were made up. Fits was lead ing the leagua in stolen bases with 13. Just one more than ( young Billy Lane of Oakland and two more than Biff Schaller of the Seals. " Biff Koerner with an average or .368 in 29 games Is the third highest. Theni follow Gardner and Barry of Oakland with -26 and .350, respect ively,, Brief of Salt Lake with .8 49 and his six liomeruns. In 10 games Clarence Brooks, now of the Seals, Is .hitting .345, which Is exactly the same .Tapir Rrtph a tha Pmv, rarh 4a hdolng. The pair of backstops are do- ins almost Identical work In the hit ting line. They have both been at bat J9 times with 10 hits. Brooks has made six runs, one more than Roch. Roche has made three doubles to one for Brooks. Brooks --has sac-1-l.flred nnd stolen a base; Roche has done neither. Ray Hates follows the aforement- luiiea catchers with an average of .341, divided into 42 hits, six doubles, three triples and two homers and In addition two sacrifice hits and eignt stolen bases. Walter Doane, who also went from Portland t Vernon last year. Is hitting .284. Portland has three players hitting down well In the charmed circle, Southworth with .329 and Gus Fisher v.-ith .515 baling the othero. Then the Bravers drop down to .277, which Is the average of both Gulsto and Vaughn. Gulsto's home run mark of eight for. the season is not approached by anybody except Brief and Bodie. Dennis WlUe Is hitting .2(8, Stumpf .245, Hollocher,.!J5, Nixon, .IIS, Speas .tit and Ward .18. As much as Bebby Vaughn has been sacrificing, he has been beaten by two by Boxy Mlddletoa of the Oaks, who has 18 suicides to nls credit. Gleicn mann and Daley of Vernon, with nine each, are third. Barry of Oakland leads In two base bits with 10. Seattle Releases Finegold. Seattle. Wash.. May 10. (P. N. 8.) Abe Ftnegold. catcher and outfielder, has been released by Seattle and Lyle Blgbee, former University of Oregon athlete, has been signed. Flnegold showed promise but lacked experience. Blgbee was signed to add hitting strength to the team. Titmda, Wins From Grant. Seattle, rtaslu. May 10 (U. P.) Joe Bonds of Tacoma had an easy time defeating Fred Grant, Kansas City heavyweight. In four rounds here last night - Leo Houck and Frankle Sulli van, featherweights, and Karl Con ners and Joe Harrahan, In the same class, fought a brace of draws. BreWster Is Easy Winner. Los Angeles, May 10. (U. P.) Boxing fans were convinced today that Eddie Brewster. llgbtwelght and The new Arrow COLLAR spring style, in twp heights AsHBY"$ft. LlICON-aftJiv CLUETT, PEABODYiVCO. INC.7iVWKRS O Added Mileage in these Two Rugged Chains By the time the two rugged aLnti-skid chains of rubber running 'round the tread are finally worn down, you have had your mileage in full and liberal measure. Then you have the equivalent of a good, plain tread tire still to wear out. for your added mileage That is why 'Chain Treads give the low mileage cost for which they are famous Besides 'Chain Treads are the most efficient, moderate-priced anti-skids in the worlde Yhe 'Chain' is one of the five United States .'Balanced Tires which meet every motoring condition of price and use. ' Ask the nearest United -States Tire Dealer for your copy of the booklet. "Judging Tires," which tells how to choose the particular tire to suit your needs. is 'Chain' 'Nobby' 'Usco' 'Royal Cord' 'Plain' . lrTOIVroUAlJZED TIRES cousin of Mike Gibbons, Is a com! champion as a result of his easy vl tory over Len Lauder here laat tf' Brewster .Is the fastest.: hardeat-hi ting lightweight seen here since tl. days of 20 round bouts, - Brewste meets Willie Hoppe of Saa Franelso here next Tuesday night. A hot sera, Is looked for by local tana CALIFOUXIA HOTELS SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, usl sfl Untoa Square European Pan $1.50 a day op Breakfast 60s Lunch 64 OlsserlLMT. Meet Famous Mtaii la the Usttsl Stat. New steal and concrete structure. Center of theater, cafe and retail districts. On oarllnes transferring all over city. Take Municipal car line direct to door. Motor Bos meet trains aad steamers.. 5 N iirGUcuiipoDy ' HOTEL STKJflHT rl 1 X