The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 10, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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(1818T DA Or 1916.)
Coming Events.
Fourth annual coarention of PvMflo eoatt
divlaloo of Keugtous Ed uct loo asaoclatloa at
Central library Ma 10-1!.
Progressiva Business Virus cioU Inacbaoa
Mar 11, at noon. Oregon hotel.
Healty board loncbeoo. Chamber of Com
Bieree, ,ai noon. slay 13.
Social aervlca eva'snacs at ttstd eoUega.
Ua 12, 1 and 14.
Oregon state mfw)ci of social agendas,
to ba hold at Read college Mar 13-14-
Mothers' duy, Ma li.
Rotary clab luncheon May lfl. at noo.
Ad club luncheon at noon. May 1".
Laymen's "Dollar Dinner' May 23t at Ora
gon botal.
UrltJ.u society "'I celrDrats Empire day
lay 24. ft r). ui.
,fOo to School Day" May SO.
Elks' Flag Day, June 14.
Third regiment. O. K. ... encampment. Joly
Orand Chapter, Order of Eaitera 8tar. at
Mi.-onk- Temple, Jane 6.
Eaitero Stsr annual communication. Imperial
hoirl. June 0, 7. 8.
Dedication of Columbia Rlrer highway,
June 7.
Hose Festival Juno 1. and 0.
Pacific Fisheries Society annual contention,
t'urtland, Juuo u, 16. 17.
Forty-fourth annual reunion of tho Oregon
Pioneer association at Maaooic Temple. Juno
Municipal I'ark hand con carta begin Bonday,
July 2.
lattery A leaves far training camp at Uoa
tvrrr. Cal., July 4.
Grand Tempi. I'ytblan fllatera of Oregon,
meet here July 2&-2U.
Convcntlona of knights of Pythlae and Pyth
ian Slaters will Ihi ueld In 1'o.tlitd august
I'ythlao 8 la tare Supremo Temple, meeta her
Auguat 1-10.
lerenty-tblrd annnal oTitlng of Uaiaoiaa to
Tbraa Blatera. Auguet 6-2o.
County central committee of Prohibition
party contention Hay IT, 10 a. tn.. at 1. M.
alothera' day will bo celebrated by Portland
cuurcuea aoay la.
Interstate i convention of real estate men. to
o new in Portland. July 17. 18. la.
Today's Forecast.
Portland and tlclnlty Tonlelit t:ilr wfh
reavy float; Thursday fair, nurujt-r; ea-t
erly wlnda.
trrseon and Wssliliiirtuti - I onlirht fair wl'h
fir-avy front; 'lli!iri:ir '.Mr, uarmer; east
erly wlnda.
Iilaho Tonlrht
with beaty frost;
Thursday fair
w earner i onaitioa".
A large high pressure in Ik movin;: In
land over the 1'a'lfl- bIojim ami ithern
llo'ky Mountain ial. i-sumoi; Wi'srlng
veaiher over llili MPotli.ii. I hi- w-.--t.Tii rt1..-turhsiii-e
haa reuolml mitucr;i,
fl pi tat Ion baa occurred In um of tli north
err, atatr-s and Iih-hI!- In wi-sii-ru i'bii.hI-i;
thunderstorms nvrp i 'i-j.-nrteil tlili uinriiliiit
tri m Duliith. Huron, IK--. M ilnn- and rhi
cego. killing frntH nrpiim-il lul nionilnic
In northern Nevada, smiihrrn Halm and wck:
ern Montana, ami frcf-r.inn tni praiun-H in
enittern Oregon. In-1 wcuiln-r m . . 1 .1.-r from
northern California uml firpnn ni'i-t'ii-aatwaril
! Canada, on the caait-rn L.jip ..f Hip ICotkv
mi.untalns. and In thp midd e mid N'..rtli
Atlantic states; It la warmer from n.nthpin
California to south western I ..lorado. anrl In
the MtuMssi i'l ulloy anil hike region. Tem
peratures are below norms! in the northwest
and above noDnml from, the MeiW.ui bonier
to I lie lake "Teulon.
The conditions are favorable f'-r fair weatli
e In this district tonight and Tinrs,:,v.
Warmer weather may he expert ed Tliui m!nV.
t.recedod by havy froMs In the e;ir.v uior'ii
lug. T. FRANCIS liltAKi;.
Aalstunt Korecator.
lvuiprraturr g i
. . 3
is. -z.
a" 5g s . la 5S
3 ta i4 vj 5;
tC -5 p - 5
Kaker, Or ;io 4 ' 4S 2i j Tol Idaho :n 8 5i 'M I O
hoston, Mni3... 5a 12 ti -44 I 11' 0
Chicago, III t4 10 4 4 I 24 .ti
Ienver, OjIo 4'i 12 10 -14 10 0
IVxlue, Kau . .'. . SU 10 HI! 5 f 4 0
Kdumitoii. Alta. XJ H 34 32 I Vi .2
Havre, Mont.... aJ 10 B M I 12 .Ort
Huron. S. U 48 10 !HJ 4H I .'14 .01
Kansas City, Mo Ti 8 SU 72 18 O
I.wlston. Idaho. 40 2 .... 40 0
Ua Angeles, Cal. r.H 2 74 5ft 0
Marshfleld. Or.. HS 0 M 8 I .IS
Mi miihls. Tenn..i 74 4- 70 14 "
New Orleans, I.h . 74 -t- 4 IHi 72 i 0
New York. N.V., r2 -- S IMS 4S (I
Nome, Aluska.., 2x ,-r li .... 12 0
N. Hpad. Wii... 4o 2 48 IS
N. I'latte, Neb. 4s lo t4 46 16 O
N. Ynkloia, Wu. 312 .i2 .... ti
I'lttaliira;, V'n . . . f4 2 62 HU 18
I'oiatello, Iiiulio. 2S 28 Stt 28 0
lVrllHiid, Or 40 1 fij 40 13
Ited Bluff, 4S 0 (HI 48 "
Ilirebui'I, Or at! 2 ,2 H4 12
Kobwell. N. M... f.H j ti loo 36 0
Sacramento. C'al.j 4tl 4 06 44 n
tt. Louis, Mo... 74 10 h2 70 28
Mt. Paul. Minn.. M 10 2 .'.8 26 0.O8
Malt bake. Clan. I!4 7o :'.2 o
Smi IMegti. Cal.. M 2 68 :.s J 0
Hsn F'rani-lKi-o. . . 50 i 2 Ii2 60 ... . 0
hSeattli-. Vn 40 2 .'i2 3H 10 0
Kpokane, Wn M 2 S2 M 12 0
Tai-oma, Wn.... :!8 0 52 'M d2
Tsnana, Alanka M 10 28 o
Tatoosh I., Wn. 40 u 4S 40 :i4
Vany)in-er, B. C. li O 52 :W 12
Vl.torla. B. C... .18 2 ;i8 12 .22
Walla Walla 4o 2 .".4 40 0
Washington. D.C. 58 8 74 48 o
Wind velocities of lexs than lo miles an
hour and amounts of precipitation of lean than
.01 of an inch are not putiliKhPil hereou.x
Afternoon report of preceding ilay.y
The Journal's Scenic Travel Guide
of Portland and Oregon.
Columbia River Highway America's most
wonderful scenic road for vehicles. No grsde
eioeedlng 5 pur cent, ilardsurface roadway
past watei'faila and mountains through the
heart of the Cascade range. See the Gorge
of the Columbia, Blieppard's Dell, Crown I'olut,
I.i tourelle. Bridal Veil. Mlt, Wabkeeoa. Mult
nomah. Horsetail and other waterfalls, Bon
neville fish hatcheries, Oneonta Uorge, lien
eon Park and W'liietnab Pinnacles. East from
Portland via Base Line, handy or Section
. Line roada.
Trip up Columbia river by boat and return
by auto.
Council Creat Overlooking city. 1100 feet
nigh, view nnequaled of Columbia and Wil
lamette rivers, Tualatin and Willamette vsi
Ipys; Cavcade and Coast ranges; snow peak
colony of Cascades (north to east on clear
. daral. Including Mt. Rainier, 14,408 feet; Mt.
Mt. Helena. D0H7 feet; Mt. Adams, 12.807 feet;
Mt. Hood. 11,223 feet; ML Jefferson, 10.S22
Parka Washington. head of Waahlngtoo
street. Flowers, ahruba and trees; children's
playgrounds; zoo, noteworthy pieces of sculp
ture, "Coming of the White Man,'' by Her
man Atkins McNeill, presented bj heirs of D.
I', Thompson; "Sarajawea," Indian woman
who guided. Lewie and Clark, by Alice Coeoer,
presented by Sacajawea Statue association
and Henry Airman. Ten minutes' walk. I's
nlusula, aunken rose gardens, containing mote
than 70 varieties; playgrounds and model
community bouse. Albiua and Alnaworth ave
, Duea. Laurelhurst, Kant Oak and Thirty-ninth.
' Mt. Tabor, head of Hawthorne avenue. Mar
lesy. Cornell rosd; nature left untouched:
primitive forest and canyon.
Forestry Building. Contains 1.000,000 feet
of lumber; Lewis A Clark exposition grounds,
west; hours. 8 a. m. to o p. m.
, Boulsvsrds. Columbia and Willamette, en
.' circling peninsula, excellent vtewa of barbvr,
- shipping and Industries; Terwllllger, south on
Bixtu-; rairmoMni, east or, and Skyline, west
of Council Crest.
Attractive views from Portland Heights,
King's and Willamette Heights.
Publie Institutions. city ball and historical
ejhlliit. Klftb and Madison; county court
bouse. Fourth and Balmon; Central library.
Tenth tod Yamhill; Art museum. Fifth, near
Yamhill; eustoma borjae. Park and Broadway;
V. W. C. A-. X. M. C. A.
Exhibit. Oregon resources, ftah and game.
Fifth snd Oak; Oregon Historical society. 207
- Becond.
Typical home eectlona Portland Heights.
Nob H U and lrvlngton.
Hark r Features West and east aide publie
docks, motor' boat landing, toot of Stark;
boa thou s for river toura; shipping, modern
bridges. Broadway, Railroad and Hawthorne.
Wot tAr ef Notioe Skldmors fountain. First
and AnkMT. by Olin H. Warnjer, preaented by
Btepben Bkldmors. Thompson fountain, pre
" seated by David P. Thomneoa, Plasa block.
rourtb - and Balmon; Soldiers' monnment.
Lownsdala anna re. Fourth and Tavlor.
Chinatown, on north .Fourth
jl ana Becond
Modern hlab and crada acboola: school rar-
dens; rose hedges.
Portland Rose Festival. Inn 7-4V4).
"Seeing Portland," antotnobllea.
- "Beelna; Portland." trolley earn.
View of bnslnese district from Journal bond
ing tower. Icon building or Korthweatera
Bank building.
Trip throngh Inmber mills.
' Bahnrhaa Tripa. Via F. B-, L. P. Co.;
Bull Bon park, 80 mllee; Eaiacada park. S4
rallea, tiahlng and mountsia trails; Canemah
r ark. la ml lea, overlooking Willamette; Oo
nmbia beach, end Vancouver lme, bathinxir
"The Oaks" park, on Willamette; Vancou
. tar and . Vancoover barracka, north want mill
tsry bidinarters; Wilbolt Bprluga, on WO-lametto-
VsUey aontberni WlUaiBCtta (alls nod
Oregon City. 19 nil las sooth.
Tin Booth era Pacific: Tualatin and Tanv
bUl valleys, loop.
via uregoo tiectnc: wuiameti vauey, cw.
lem and ICugeno.
terminus Aator expedition. Down by steamer
or by rail. Salmon canneries; Jetties. Fort
Hteveua; seining, ' gill netting, wheels and
ML Hood, via Clond Cap Inn and Mount
Hood Lodge. O-W. R. A N. and Hood River
Valley railroads, or so to via Colombia Kiver
highway and Hood River valley, or Govern
ment Camp. Rhododendron. Arrab Wanna,
Welches, Uauldinga. Mt. Hood highway eaat.
Crater Lake, via Southern Pacific. Modford
and aoto stage, or via Oregon Trunk or O-W.
B. A N.. Bend v and auto atago.
Cstea of JoscpblM. via Southern Padfle and
Ocean reaorta: Seaside, Gearbart, Newport.
Tillamook. Manhfteld. .
Deechutea canyon and Central Oregon, via
O-W. It. t N. or a.. P. 8.
Wallowa valley. Lake Joseph and Eagle Cap,
via O-W. R. A N.
Pendleton Round-Dp. Hot Springs, Eastern
Oregon, via O-W. R A N.
Miscellaneous: Fishing. hunting, outing
trips, apringa and reaorta.
Washington. Vancouver and military poat:
Mt. Adsius. Mt. St. Helena. Ice caves; Long
Beach resorts.
For further information, rates and route
see Dorsey B. Smith, Travel Bnrean. 11U
Third, corner Washington, or Journal Travel
Bureau. Broadway and Yamhill.
Brooklyn ImproTomont Club.- There
will be. a meeting of the Brooklyn Im
provement club at the Brooklyn branch
library tomorrow evening at 8 oclock.
The question of Improving Powell
street with hard-surface pavement from
Milwaukie street to Twenty-first street
will be dlBcuased. The proceedings for
the widening of this street to a 60-foot
street are practically completed and the
street will soon be declared opened.
The property-owners along the street
. i
will present a petition for the improve
ment at this meeting. Other matters
-. .. I . . I .. .- W si th. Rr-nnlf- t
"m r'.M.r Thai
club will also listen to short remarks
from any candidates.
Pioneer Fireman Dies. George Zil
liiiper. who died yesterday at his home,
7130 Division street, was one of the
few surviving members of the Webfoot
su o v
linstM- was h native of Germany, aged
.12, and is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Henrietta Zillinar and one daughter
Miss Caroline Zilllnser. He was a
member of the Foresters of America,
i Germania -ourt. Funeial services will
be I. eld tomorrow. Thursday, May 11,
at 2:30 p. in., from the i nnpel 01 tne Side funeral directors. 414 East
Alder street.
Auto Hits Motorcyclists. Osar
PpIpi sn, tl y. ir.ioii tuetl, was ar
rested last m:.t ly Motorcycle Pa
trolmen Mortis mi Tnli. ai;d charged
with re Uless : .vitia; alter his auto
mcbile i-ollidcd wi;h and injured Carl
llllg and Kims Cornwall, whu were
mi njr u motori-ycle. al Tenth and Co
liimt.ia streets. "M. V. Uoienz, 7SS
Ipt-T Drive, i.j owner of the auto
iiiolulc. I'eterson , to ik i!!i and Corn
wall U St. Vine -Kt s hos;.tal. lllig's
lnot sprained and Cornwall was
kum kKl nncunyi ious a nil ree 'lved sev
eral scalp wounds. 1'etei son's ma
chine is said to have skidded 90 feet
after hitting the motorcyclists.
"Kacial Poisons" Dlacuaeed. "Teach
your children self-respec t. Boys and
girls today hold themselves too cheap
ly," declared Kev. John H. Boyd, speak
ing on "The Home and Its Enemies"
before a large audience of Lents and
Mount Scott women yesterday at thej
Yeaper theatre. Dr. Calvin fc. White
was anotlier speaker, his subject being
"Kacial foisons." Mrs. H. A. DarnaJl.
president of the Lents Parent-Teacher
association, presided. The meeting
was held under the joint auspices of the
Oregon Social Hygiene society and the
Lents, Woodmere and Gilbert schools
Parent-Teacher associations, t
Young Mn Faaaea Away. Lloyd
Lewis Horton, who died on May 5 at
the Good Samaritan hospital, was born
in Osage, Iowa, November "5, 103.
He had resided in Oregon since 1907.
He was married to Miss Vivian Tan
dis, September 1, l'JlO, and lis sur
vived by her and by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Horton of Durham,
Or. Mrs. Y. C. Stromer of Oak Grove,
in an only sister. The funeral serv
ices were held In the M. L. church of
TiKard, Or., last Sunday. Interment
was in Crest Grove cemetery. Dealh
was caused by an abscess on the
Evening of Music. An evening of
music instead of a sliver tea was the
form of entertainment chosen for the
Photo by Moffett.
Dr. Henry F. Cope.
Dr. Henry F. Oope, general secretary
of the Religious Education Associa
tion of America, Is spending: this week
in Portland to attend the Pacific
coast convention of the Religious Edu
cation association which is meeting
here and the annual conference of
Social Agencies to be held at Ree-1
college Friday, Saturday and Sunday
of this week. He arrived in Portland
last night after making addresses at
"Whitman college and Willamette uni
versity. He will speak tonight at the
meeting of the Religious Education
association at the Lincoln high school
auditorium, which is open to the pub
lic. Friday night he will speak at
the conference of Social Agencies at
Reed college, dealing with the inade
quacies of criminal legislation. His
next engagement during his stay in
the northwest is at the University of
Dr. Cope was for eight years editor
of the Chicago Tribune, and is now
editor of the Religious Education
Magazine. Previously he spent five
years as a pastor in one of the frontier
towns of Montana, and has written a
number of stories of his life there.
Since then, In connection with his
present position, he has visited every
state in the union.
hose company a volunteer tire com- "": :' . V, V .
pa.iv of the earty days. Hi death was ".me ' Monday, came to Oregon in
. aused by injuries received nearly a , Ptoratea in con-
i... , ..,,rai.ii Mr nectlon with his chosen work as a Con.
rjil tlMLJ JV sail wmviiv,. a . r
i s -v, K-Tlis m
E V x. -i' -.f-?s4 i fa
annual meeting of St. Mark's Episcopal
Church eTntld held at th horn of Mr.
Nat Campbell. Northrop street, last
night. A, generous shower of stiver
coins at the close of the program was
contributed for the continuation of the
guild's charity work for the coming
Funeral of P. JU. CTetchar. The fu
neral services for Frank Lawton
Fletcher, who died at his home in Si
Johns, 908 South Jersey street, yes
terday, will be held tomorrow at 11
a, tn. from St. John's Evangelical
church. Interment will be in Mount
Scott Bark cemetery. Mr. Fletcher
was 44 years of age and is survived
by a widow, Mrs. Nellie Fletcher; his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Fletcher;
two children, James and Harold Fletch
er; four brothers, Norton, W. H., Ham
ilton and Alfred Fletcher, and one sls
I ter, Mrs. D. C. Matheney of Tacoma.
I Miller & Tracey have charge of the ar
Xents Orange Will Entertain. Lents
grange will give an entertainment at
I. O- O. F. hall Lents Saturday even
ing. May 13, beginning at 8 o'clock.
The admission will be 15 cents and
the proceeds will go to help to replen
ish the treasury. There will be a good
selection of talent. Multnomah camp,
W. O. W. team, will give their drill
that won them wide fame at the San
Francisco fair, and Judge W. N. Ga
tens will speak on "Fraternalism." A
supper will be served for the small sum
of 10 cents after the entertainment is
Candidates to Speat. Candidates for
congress and district attorney have
their innings before the Progrensive
Business Men's club at the Oregon
hotel tomorrow noon. Each will be
given three minutes in which to tell
why he believes he should be elected.
Dean E. W. Morton of the commerce
department of the University of Wash
Ington will discuss eoenomlc conditions
in Oregon in a 20-minute address. Pro
fessor William G. Harrington will pre
side. George E. McElroy will render a
violin solo.
Came to Oregon In 1851, Rev. David
gregational minister in various cities
of the state. He was 80 years of age
and widely known by many friends in
all parts of the northwest The fu
neral services were held at the Hol-
tnan pariors this afternoon. Rev. Luth
er It. Dyott, pastor of the First Con
gregational church, officiating.
Father Morisaey Honored. Honoring
Very Rev. Father Morissey, C. S. C,
provincial of tho Holy Cross congre
gation in the United States, 50 Port
land priests and alumni of Notre Dame,
of which school Father MOTissey was
rector before being elected to his pres
ent position, met at dinner at the Uni
versity club last night. Frank T. Col
lier acted as toastmaster. Father
tieorge Thompson, Roscoe P. Hurst and
Roger B- Sinnott spoke.
Classes to Exhibit. The gymnasium
exhibition by the classes of the Penin
sula Park community house Is to be
held tonight, providing the weather
permits. The exhibition had already
been postponed three times. The exhi
bition is under the direction of the city
park bureau and will be participated in
by the gymnasium classes of the com
munity house in Peninsula Park.
Funeral of Mrs. Becker. The funeral
services for Mrs. Rudolph Becker, who
died in this city May 5, were held at
the family residence, 144 North Twenty-
third street, on Monday, May 8. She
was a native of Germany, aged 65. She
conducted a millinery establishment In
this city. Mrs. Becker is survived by
a daughter, Mrs. Claude de F. Smith; a
son, Rudolph Becker, and a sister, Mrs.
K. Stephan.
"New Devils for Old" is the title of
a lecture to be delivered by George H.
tioebei. member executive committee
Socialist party, at Arlon hall. Second
and Oak streets, tomorrow, 8 p. m. For
eloquence., wit and versatility Mr. Goe
bel lias few if any, equals in the coun
try. Admission 15 cents. (Adv.)
Missing Numbers Are Wanted. The
public library needs the following num
bers of the Bulletin of the Portland
Center of the Drama League to com
plete its files, and will be very grate
ful to anyone who can supply any or
all of them: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
11. 12 and 13.
Column Stiver Highway Staffer
Two round trips Bridal Veil to Port
land, daily. Leave Briday Veil 7:30 a.
m., and 1:10 p. m. Leave St. Charles
hotel, Portland, 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.
Saturday and Sunday evening, leave
Bridal Veil 6:30 p. m. and Portland 11
P. m. Adv.)
Mayor Albee Will Speak. Mayor Al
bee will speak at the meeting of the
Men's club of Pilgrim Congregational
church. Shaver street and Missouri
avenue, tonight. A banquet will be
served at 7 o'clock. The Veterans'
quartet will sing.
Alderman Will Oive lecture. L. R.
Alderman. city superintendent ' of
schools, wsill give an illustrated lecture
i - at 8 o'clock Thursdav nic-hr at Stenh-
1 ens school on the Various activities of
me ruruaiia puDiic scnoois. The pub
lic is invited.
Sunnyslde W. C. T. TJ. The regular
meeting of the Sunnyside W. C. T. U.
will be held tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. in
the home of Mrs. Dr. Webster, 933
Hawthorne avenue. The afternoon's
subject is "Purity in Art and Litera
ture." Steamer Jesse Harxins for Cam a a.
Washougal and way landings, daily ex
I cept Sunday. Leaves Washington
Mreet dock at Z n m (Adv.)
Dancing Toniffht, Cotillion hall, most
wonderful hall on the coast. Best music,
prize walU, novelties. 60c, 25c. (Adv.)
Printed Stationery, Books, Fosters.
F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165, A-1165. Ad.
English Toffee; iks so different.
The Trail Candy Shopf, 702 Wash. St.
Good Tim to Go Shlpberd's Hot
Springs, Carscn. Wash. (Adv.)
Sr. McMahon, reliable Chiropractic
physician. (Adv.)
Dr. E. C. Brown, Bye, Ear, Mohawk
building. (Adv.)
Xiuciy Tips, best nickel cigar. (Ad.)
Marks Shoes Wetr. 243 Wash. (Ad.)
r How located
Wear 4th, Kotbohild Bldg.
ful remedial force. Affects the entire
constitution. Eradicates the root of
disease. Restores the system to health
and order. ; Ask your druggist or writs:
KAR-RU CO.. Tacoma. Wish.
T ilrav whn H a1 at thi HM l..nnl.' a
s Candidqtes Give Reasons
Statements Prepared for Tho Journal by Seekers of Nominations
for Eleotlon w the State Legtsfature, Ehow Why the Candidate
Believes He Should Be Elected and what He Expects to Accom
plish if Elected.
PLOWDEN STOTT, who is a candi-i
date for reelection "as representa-
tive from Multnomah county, on the
Republican ticket, was born and raised
in Multnomah county. His father.
Judge Raleigh Stott, held the of fice of
circuit judge and district attorney in
this county. He is 33 years of age
and an attorney at law with offices
in the Yeon building, J'ortland, Or. He
is married, is a taxpayer, and lives at
519 East Twenty-sixth street north.
He belongs to the Chamber of Com
merce, Multnomah Amateur Athletio
club, Oregon Civic league, T. M. C
A., Oregon Republican club and sev
eral other clubs and organizations. Two
years ago he was nominated and elect-,
d to the legislature from Multnomah
Mr. Btott was secretary of the Mult
nomah county delegation to the last
session of the state legislature. He
was a member of the Judiciary com
mittee, chairman of the committee on
medicine, pharmacy and dentistry, and
a member of the committee on public
"I desire reelection to the state leg
islature,'' Mr. Stott says, "because I
feel that a man or woman who has been
a member of the state legislature and
who has made good and has a clean
record and has had practical training
in legislative affairs should be re-eiect-ed
if he or she submits himself or her
self for reelection.
I believe the next session or tne
legislature should devote the greater
portion of Its time and attention to u'e
aecurinr of economy in appropriations
and only pass such new legislation as
is absolutely necessary. 1 Deiieve
law should be passed that will inter
fere with any legitimate business. .
beliee that those who labor should re
ceive Just pay, reasonable hours, a
safe place to work, safe appliances
and sanitary conditions and surround-
in en.
I hfllrv the amendment to the
non-support law passed by the last
legislature, relieving divorced fathers
from sumorttng their children when
the court in its decree of divorce
awards the custody of the child or
children to the mother, should be re
pealed, and if I am renominated and
reelected 1 will Introduce such a bill.
"I will favor the enactment of an
amendment providing that all county
prisoners must be fed at actual cost
without profit to sheriffs, and that
all money received from the board
and keep of federal prisoners held In
county Jails shall be deposited in and
become a part of the general fund of
the county which feeds and keeps such
prisoners. I believe in the propaga
tion of fish and game and will favor
any laws that will further tend to in
crease and protect them.
"If I am renominated and reelected
I will use all of my efforts toward
the promotion of the interests of Mult
nomah county and the state of Ore
gon. OLAURGAARD, who seeks election
as a representative on the Re
publican ticket Is a consulting civil
engineer, with his office at 410 Rail
way Exchange building. He was raised
and educated In Wisconsin. He grad
uated from the civil engineering
course of the University of Wisconsin
in 1903 and immediately came west.
He first came to Portland in 1905, but
has resided continuously In Portland
since June, 1910. He is married, has
two children and Is a taxpayer.
He was an engineer in the United
States reclamation service for seven
yeaas and was connected with severa.
projects in California, the Umatilla
project in Oregon and the Yakima, Pa
louse and Okanogan projects In Wash
ington. During 1913 and 19J4 he was
engineer in charge of the construction
of the Oregon State Tumalo project
Dinner Dance
de Luxe $1
Served 5 :30 to 8 :30
Table d'Hote
Dancing 6:30 to 8:30
Sapper Dance
Service a la Carte
Dancing 10 to 12
Daily and Sunday
Table d'Hote
Dinner $1
Served 5 :30 to 8 :30
The Portland
Ihaiimmiiiiiisuiiiiu juiftir
.an ' I
Make Thrift a
Teach the children to be thrifty. Habits
f orined in childhood are not apt to change
in after years. The key opening box of
ShixoiA with more than fifty shines and a
for polishing is an outfit
unequalled for economy
and convenience.
At all dealers Take no substitS-t.
shine with SasnA AND save
built for .1450,000 under the desert
land board,
Mr. Laurgaard has never held or
been a candidate for any political of
fice. He is a member of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, the Oregon
Society of Engineers, the American
Society of Engineers, Sons of Norway,
Wisconsin society and several other
fraternal organizations.
I desire to be elected to the legis
lature in order that I may serve the
people of Oregon in modifying or pass
ing sucn conservative laws as well
make the development of the state
possible through good roads, drainage.
Irrigation, manufactories and other
necessary Industries," Mr. Laurgaard;
says, "and I believe that an engineer
is qualified by his experience and
training to be of great assistance-.
in the legislature in framing laws con
cerning such development and other
important industrial and labor ques
tions. By 13 years' experience in hand
ling large affairs I am qualified to apply
business principles to state affairs.
with a view, to economy and a squar"
deal to all.
"If I am elected, I will urge the
application of sound business princi
ples of state affairs; will favor the
enactment of conservative .laws for
rural credits, good roads, development
of the state resources, the develop
ment and protection of Oregon manu
facturies, industries and labor, and
such other legislation as will tend
toward efficiency and economy."
H 1
IDLEMAN, who seeks election
a representative from Mult
nomah county on the Republican tick
et, was born in Marlon, Ohio, 43 years
ago. He came to Portland In 1S89,
and was employed in the Union Iron
Works for four years in the machine
shop, foundry ami as assistant secre
tary. He studied law one year In the
office of his brother, C. M.
Idleman, then attorney general, of
Oregon, after which he entered
the passenger department of the i
O. R. & N
Co., serving about three
He went to New York as cash-
ier of the passenger department of the
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Ry.,
also acting as excursion agent. He
next became traveling passenger agent
of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway, with headquarters in New
York, which position he held eight
years; then resigned and returned to
Portland, where he has since lived and
been engaged in the investment busi
ness. "I became a candidate at the solici
tation of friends and business ac
quaintances who, because of my 27
years of business experience and active
interest in public affairs, believed me
to be fitted for the office I am seeking,
and having no special Interests to
serve but believing that every business
man owes a service to his state which
it is his duty to perform, I entered the
campaign, although I have never ;
sought office before," Mr. Idleman
"If elected, I will demand strict
economy in the administration of pub
lic affairs; I will work for the repeal
of the amendment to the non-support
law which passed the last legislature;
for a sensible, workable plan for rural
credits; for industrial development,
for good roads that will benefit the
farmer; for Just and equitable laws to
protect those who labor, both men and
women, and to change the convening
of the legislature to every four years
Instead of two."
candidate for representative from
Multnomah county on the Republican
ticket, was bom in Portland 41 years
ago. He is president of the -Macleay
Etetate company, operating in bur-lness
in Oregon and Washington, and lives
in Portland. He has
never run for
Household Word
ill J'iffwl W S I I lill I1'
Hi I WLIS I ! i ffi :!t ! li I:
1 1 Under Management of ft
:pB Geo. C. Ober ia
U n
office before. He is actively Interest-1
ed In real estate, timber, logging, savw- j
mills, salmon canning, stock raising, ;
dairying, retail merchandising, ana is
a director of the United States Na
tional bank. He was educated in Port
land and at Princeton university, and
is the son of the late Donald Macleay,
who presented Macleay park to the
city of Portland.
"I desire to be elected to the legis
lature because my business experience
has convinced me that the political ,
regulations of the state have much j
to do with the prosperity of its citi
zens, and I firmly believe that pros-
perity can be increased and made more
or less permanent by wise laws Jus,
as easily as it can be lessened or
destroyed by foolish laws," says Mr.
"If elected. I will strive for condi
tions in this state favorable to the in
vestment of capital, the protection of
labor, the conduct of business and the
starting of new enterprises, with the
consequent large payrolls and activity
In all lines of endeavor."
(Continued From Pass One)
wired the United States embassy here
confirmation of the report that the ,
liner Cyraric-was not warned before '
being attacked and sunk by a sub-
Frost confirmed the statement that
there were no Americans aboard the
Cymric and that it was not armed.
Dispatches agree that the big liner
did not attempt to escape. It was
authoritatively stated that It was not
in the British admiralty service.
It carried about $1,000,000 worth of
munitions. As an ordinary merchant
man, it was entitled to the immunities
which Germany granted in its pledges
to America.
Captain's Statement Given.
London. May 10. (L N. S.) The
London Times this morning prints the
following statement by F. E. Beadnell,
captain of the White Star liner Cymric:
"On Monday, at .12:30 p. m., when
, eight days from New York and IS miles
from land, the ship was torpedoed wlth-
out warning. The track of the torpedo
was seen by several, but the submarine
was not seen. The torpedo struck the
engine-room and went through, and, ex-
plodlng on the far side, blew all the
skylights off anfl put all the lights out.
i "Four men were killed by the x-
plosion, namely: H. . Morton, sixth
stoker J. Kenny, greaser; J. B. Watts,
third stoker; D. Bergen, trimmer.
"Aside from the above named. Chief
Cheap ssbstitstas cost YOU msm pxlca
at this office at least. Bunrlsrs
and inexperienced men causa ae
,ver pain.
The skillful dentist rarely causes
a twitch.
Come to this orflcs and banish
your fears.
Painless Extraction of Tarth.
Korthwaat Corner Sixth and
Washington, ZTorthwaat Boll ding.
Phone Ksia 2119. A-2119.
Office Boars. B A. H. to 6 ?, V.
Consultation Pree.
United Artisans
i'our Up U Date Plans of Insur
ance. Assets Over
Junior Department for Children
Permanency. Sociability.
Headquarters 608 Beck Bldf.
Phones Mala 1220. A-llia
tells you where and
how to go.
One Man You Want Legislature
iooxnA?inyjoHFi n,
Steward J. B. Mateolm was drowned
while leaving the ship. The remainder,
numbering 105, were saved.
"AJJ left the ship and took to the
boats, but I remained aboard at 3:36
p. m. and sent a wireless call on an
emergency gear, a sloop arrived at
9:10 p. m. and took all off and stood
by till the vessel sank at 3:30 a. m.
"There were no passengers aboard
and the crew was all British with the
exception of one Russian and two Bel
gians. The Cymric had no gun of any
kind mounted."
$20 Men's Suits for $14.75.
All Beady to Wear.
They are standard ' makes, the same
as you see in the show windows for
$20. My low upstairs rent saves you
15 to $10; 320 suits for $14.75; $25
emits for $18.75. Jimmy Dunn, 316-16-17
Oregonian Bldg. Elevator to 3d
floor..- (Adv.)
It will be a great day I I
Middy Blouses 75c to $3.50
U. S. Hammocks .. . .$1.00
U. S. Blankets $3.50-$5.5O
.Auto Robee $3.50
Shirts, all wool $1.50-$4.50
Shiru 25c to $1.00
Chauffeur Overcoats $6.50
Smoking Tables .... $2.00
Rifle Clothing Tree $10.00
Sweaters . . $3.00 to $4.50
' irlsT pa
Tor aUaator TM. ; '
Stands for free stats printed
books; Preparedness, not Mlii'
(Paid Adv. by F. T. Colllr 4
Sixty-second street, north.)
i n ii 'i
Home Industry Well Patre;
The Brownsville Woolen Mill
rlson at Third St.. are teach lr
public how to patronise home
try. And it's no wonder. : Theyr
In good, serviceable, purs wool
made in their own shops at !
$12.50. Did you get yours? ?(A
Nurse Association to Have j
Member of the Graduate Nurse'
elation will meet with the -Alumnae
association at Oood 8a
tan. hospital for parlimentary I
Thursday afternoon at 2:30- P. m.
The Purchase
Chesterfield Suits
or Overcoats
Insures your getting the best ready for
, service clothes made.
T-he materials we offer you are all stand-'
ard grades of woolens and fast colors. Ahy
Suit you buy this season has a positive
guarantee of satisfaction. We show tne -very
smart English Models for Young Fel
lows, the Semi-English and the Conservative
Models for the Man of Affairs.
Suit priced $17.50, $20, $25, $30, $35.
An elegant line of Hats Stetsons, Bor
salinos and Schobles.
Manhattan Shirts, $1.50 to $8.50 for
A special on Wilson Bros.' Shirts, $1.50
quality at $1.15.
An excellent range of patterns Wilson
Bros.' Shirts at $1.00.
Men's Spring Underwear, $1 to $5 suit.
Come to this Specialty Store when in
need of wearing apparel and be sure of
getting 'Correct style and good quality.
Corner Washington and West Park
. ; i
8 BM8K"
awv RING the children to Oaka Park on openina day,
yaV Saturday, May 13. They will hays tho time of
aV their lnres on the new SteFfena Miniature Railway,
juat inatalled in the grounds. Thia feature ia more
than a toy. It ia scientifically correct in every detail. It
is a one-sixth reduction of a standard gauge road from oil
burning mogul locomotive to the rails. ,
The ride through the grounds paaaea among flower bed,
across Iswns and skirts the Trail. The train is quite safe
in the hands of a skilled mechanic, the engineer. Many
details of railroad travel are reproduced, including a tunnel
and way stations. The cars are of steel construction, fin-,
ished in nickel plate. Each coach haa a capacity of six
children or three grown-ups. Yes, fathers, mothers, sisters
and brothers are enthusiasts, too, for it recalls vividly the
childhood fascination for working models and even the
real train.
Opening day will be marked by a well-balanced program
in the Auditorium. Band music and specialties will be
among the entertainment features with all concessions run
ning st full blast.
S. A r m
""Tlsssi .
White Shirts,
ize 15y225.'
Canvas Bags
for Hiking
Rubber Blankets ...$1.00
Rubber Pouches . . . .$2.00
Logier Shirt $4.80
Trousers, all wooL..$2.50
Socks -. 1 5c and 2Se
Khaki Coats ..75c to $2.50
Bristle Brushes ...... 25a
Munson U. S. Shoes.. $5.00
U S. Canvas and Leather 1
Shoes .75a
White and Khaki Trout-
era at 60c and 75c
U. S. Pack Sacks . . .$1.00
U. S. Haversscks. .35c-75c
Revolver Holsters .... 50c
Khaki Breeches $1.50
W. S. Kirk's Army and
Navy Store
Comer Third and Stark Streets
Novelties to Interest
You Don't Have to
Buy. x
- . .v- . . . , - ,1
. r " t .
- f . '
i - v - '
, ''J