- 8 i TgE : OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, TUESDAY, MAY - 9, 1918. al m whdlvydciety is Doing T HE final party for this season to be given by tha Thursday Evening Dancing club haa been arranged aa a dinner dance at Chanticleer Inn, Thursday evening, May IS. This will be a novel departure-from the usual, order of formal dances which this club, made up of I (I tven thla season. Those of the club- memos rs wno nave tuiomoDuw are arranging transportation. Dinner will be at 7 o'clock. 9IlM Thome to Visit. Miss Anita Thorne of Tacoma, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester 1 11 fnorns, who has rre)uentiy visited in iff Portland and has many friends here. Wlllarrive this afternoon to visit Miss Claire Wilcox. Tomorrow evenlns (j0f Miss Wilcox will give a dancing party at ner nome in iving ueti iur inn visitor, asking about 40 maids and men of the younger set. For Thurs day afternoon Miss Ruth Teal has ar ranged a luncheon In her honor. Mr. Lewis at Medford. The following note from the Medford Suit of Is ft Humlay Is of interests ; "Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Hopkins caJ entertained with an Informal dinner reI party at their runcli home, the Snowy BUtte orchard, Thursday evening. The guests included air. ana Mrs. M".or mack, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hamlll, David C. Lewis of Portland and H. C. F. Ast bury. Mr. Lewis of Portland Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins at Snowy Butte orchards. He haa leased vljthe home of Frederick H. Cowles, in the JYTOorker Bim district, for the summer ? yand will bring hlg family to Medford in about two weka." out; Fairy May to lie Given. 7 A play, "White Magic," will he an in Jw terestlng attraction, a fairy phantasy, wt which will be given by Trinity Kpisco Su'pal Sunday school children at the i,; Couch school auditorium, Friday, May ?2'X3 at 8 p. in. The proceeds will be de .Yoted to a fund started for a new par j('n ish house. r Jfew Arrival. II Congratulations are being showered Z, j.'irpon Mr. and Mrs, Walter P. Dickey. T '-whose home In IrvlnKton has been Jj'gladdened with the arrival last Satur JUay of a bahy duui'liter. . Society Note. i I- - Mrs. Clarence Keanie.s of Portland Is i tf tha guest of her sUter, Mrs. Will VVar- j.ner, on South Oakdale, Medford, Or. ' ' -Mrs. Edwin Randolph Pooley of Hood ilRirer la being extensively entertained I-during her visit here with her parents, l Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Newlmil. Mrs. WhlU-tUll and Miss Drake. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Whitehill of jJ'Salt Lake City are tit3ts at the Hotel ! Portland. Mr. Whitfhill is purchasing agent for tlie t'oleRyan mining prop j,4"rties. rtJ ' Mrs. Frederick II. Drake gave a ile llghtfully Infoiinai luncheon Saturday U'rtr. . hnnnrlnir Mr. TV'h i . h 1 1 1 f 'Halt Lake Cltv and MIhh Vlrrinin. Draka Vf of Seaside. Mrs. Whitehill is an Alpha Phi girl from Berkeley, Cal. FRATERNAL NOTES Second Anniversary of Sunnjside '; liOde Attracts Many ViKitoiti. atuiiayslde Masons Celebrate Annl-u-l rsary. The second anniversary of 9unnyslde lodge, A. F. & A. M., was celebrated last night at Its hall on jajEaat Thirty-fourth and Yamhill, with ti.t music, - oratory and danalng. Junius tof? Wright, master of the-lodge, presided, wf'j A; B. Brown, who was the first mas- ao'lr of tlie lodgp from its Inception on InjJ.May 8. 1914. until the beginning of this year, was the guest of honor. Herbert Gordon gave a brief hlslory Of the lodge and predicted giealer S things of it. The chairman unveiled f ' . k. l . . V. . . , ... . - mo piiuiuk ' I"1 g'oup 01 ine urst 01- fleers. Frank S. (Irant spoke on the I principles of Masonry and urged tha . ! members of Hunnyslde lodge to prac itica them in their dally walks of life. ; jixni reirewnmenis were served ana danclng completed the pleasant fratei- Ha by J tore. VERl'BODY lovo children at least, everybody worth wnlle is fond of them. Parents, quite nat- iurally, see more In their own children tbrnn in any others. Through a total absorption in their offspring they often kinaka themselves monotonous and borea. t . Did you ever spend a whole after HOOn with a young mother who con tinually attempted to exhibit the eharma of her baby or small boy or rlrlT If you have, you will understand what I mean by eaying that through S23 ! Forty-five cent coffee costs ten cents a pound Sthan thirty five cent coffee. A pound makes thirty cups, so the ten cent difference makes a third of a cent a cup. I If you drink three cops ' a day that's one cent r to pay for fragrance, v delicious aroma and the satisfaction you will find in Folger'a .' ; Golden Gate Coffee. 45c Coffee 45c Quality J. A.Folger&Co.San Francisco 1- vi- y Miss Xina I'icken, a popular nal anniversary. Sunnyside lodge was started with 'Z members and now has 85. Acacia Clmta prospers. The Acacia club will have an informal reception for ladles tomorrow niht at the Ore gon building. This club is composed of members of the different Masonic orders in Portland and is growing rap Idly. During March it received 11 now members and during April F0. Kf fort are bring made by a campaign committee to secure 100 during May, and until June 1 no admission fee will be charged. Sixty Tears Toung. Charles R. Price, chairman of the -permanent re ception committee of the Loyal Order of Moose In this city, wu 60 years young yesterday and coyly received the congratulations of his friends, chil dren and grandchildren. Charlie was born In Kngland because he couldn't help it, but came to Portland 44 years rko aboard a British Bhlp and thence forth sailed the raging Columbia for a numberrf years at the head of the commissary department of different floating palaces. Tha Trail of Portland Elxa. The Elks Issue an identification card to the wife, mother, sister or daughter of a member. They are issued free of LIULJATNT love for their children parents "espe cially young ones) often succed in boring their friends and acquaintances. A child is an important member of society. It takes a prominent position among the friends and acquaintances of its parents. In tha estimation of tha parents, it is just about the most Important being in tha world. This Is all very well and Jurt as it should be. But the same dear child does not rank o Mgh in the estimation and affection of others. The parents may never be come weary of its childish prattle or tricks, nor of long- conversation wittt the youthful member of society as the sole subject, but the same cannot be said of others. In permitting their children to monopolize the attention of any and all friends who happen to be within speaking distance parents make a great mistake. They not only boro those about them, but they spoil tha Children. Little children can be spoiled very quickly by a superabundance of atten tion. Too much praise for their child ish accomplishments will soon lead them to believe that they are of more Importance than anything or anybody else, and when overcome by self-con-celt they make it very miserable for their parents, unless they are given all the attention they desire. Babies are always interesting to women, but when it comes to spending a whole afternoon listening to a de scription of the charms and cleverness of some other person's baby tBa sub ject ' becomes tiresome. It Is customary to fussover babies and little children. Their parents are generally ready to exhibit them and their cute mannerisms and accomplish ments. As a compliment to tha par ents, as well n to the children, and due also to the natural Interest In youth, people are always disposed to pay particular attention to little boys and girls. But when forced to do so ror long periods, interest Is suppressed and weariness takes its place. If you have a baby in your home H is the biggest thing there and the biggest thing in the whole world. No body blames you for Idolizing the win some, little mite of humanity. The development of the child Is extremely interesting for you see the working of a miracle. The child fills your heart, home and whole life but it does not occupy such a prominent position in the hearts, homes and lives of your friends. Tou cannot expect them to continually go into raptures over your baby. Perhaps they have their own. If not. you can rest assured that they are Interested in something mor than hal los and their prattle. Do not thrust your baby on tha at tention of others. If it lg attractive and cute it will find a large place in their hearts. Train your children to be charming ana cultivate their baauty. Do not make them and your self bores. , jMsMMaMwiiii mmtmmmmmmmmimWMt wi , , m i,, i P prv BY NONA LyAWLER v- '.V,,", v ''3 girl who recently entertained. charge by the secretary of a lodge upon request, and are useful and protec tive In manv wavs. Everv membar of Portland- lodge is supposed to have his pnotograph on rile with the secretary. A stag social is being prepared for the night of May 19. The proposal to erect an Elks' Rest buildlne has been abandoned. Taxes paid by No. 142. Portland lodge last year was $3,247.20. in 11 years the Portland lod.ee of Elks has expended In charity and relief $41. 553.91. and 18 still doine business at the old stand. Stark and Broadway. The organization now has 1529 mem bers, and its officers see no reason why it should not pass 2500 by Jan uary 1, 1917. WIU Celebrate Tamina Day. Prep arations for celebration of TamTna day by the'Red Men on Thursday evening. May 11, are about complete. The spe cial team that is to put on the cere mony is in constant practice and prom ises the best showing that has ever taken place. Arrangements are being made to have a dance at the close of the Tamina ceremonies and the vmmir- er members with their wives and sweet hearts will be expected to fill the wigwam at Third and Madison streets. Webfoot's Slogan and Campaign. The slogan of Webfoot camD. Woodmen of tha World, for Its membership cam paign ending June 9, Is "In Webfoot throng, two thousand strong, your wel come grows like Portland's rose." It was submitted by Neighbor C. P. Bene dict. The name of the campaign is "Webfoot's Winter Wlndup," a title submitted by J. F. Kennedy. Artisans Will Celebrate at Salem. The celebration of the United Artisans at Salem next Saturday will occupy the entire day and half the night. The Junior Artisan's band will serenade the govarnor and state officials at the state house at 11 a. m. a street parade will be given In tha afternoon and a superb display and series of evolutions with th different Junior organizations will follow at the Armory at night. Moose Will Hold Stag; Party. To morrow night Portland lodge. Loyal Or der of Moose, will have a stag social at which will be some original fea tures, interesting sensations and sport ing numbers of interest to iJL Admis sion Is restripted to members and ap plicants. Veiled Prophets at Engene. The vis It of the Gul Reaiee Grotto of Veiled Prophets to Eugene last Saturday was a success. A large class of candidates was made Veiled. Prophets of Caliph Grotto by tha Portland brethren. Most of tha 75 visitors returned on Sunday, but several remained to go on a fish ing trip on the McKenzie river. Pythian Bisters at Convention, a party of officers, delegates and mem bers of OrpMa Temple, Pythian Sis ters, of this city, will spend the day at Aurora tomorrow, the occasion being the district convention. Artisans Will Give Roses. In con nection with the Rose Festival the United Artisans will continue their custom of giving away roses to vis itors, and true, officers are making ar rangements With the Rose Festival committees to do so on a larger scale than ever. K. of P. Card Party. The auxiliary of the Knights of Khorassan announce a card party at K. of P. hall tomorrow, Wednesday night, for the benefit or tha drill team which Is to appear at the K. of P- supreme convention next August. PERSONAL MENTION Theatrical Man Here. Irving C. Ackerman of San Fran cisco, of the theatrical firm of Ack erman & Harris, proprietors of the Hippodrome circuit, reached Portland this mornirus;. Mr. Ackerman is here for the opening; of the Portland Hip podrome tomorrow. Pastor to Go East. Rev. Henry Marcotte, pastor of Westminister Presbjaterlan church, j will leave today for Atlantic City. N. J., to attend the sesions of the pro evangllstic convention and the gen eral assembly of the Presbyterian Church. Itev. Mr. Marcotte was in formed yesterday by wire that he .,U ..fe'.y.v: '-x- vi-o- . . V , g Si.!; : 1 ,,A Z, S t P ' f - I I ' ' : , ' t had been selected aa a speaker before i the pro-evangelistic convention. May J ADJUTANT GENERAL OF 0. N. G. TO ESTABLISH MARSHRELO COMPANY White Meets Citizens Inter ested in Project at the Chamber of Commerce. Marshfleld, Or., May 9. Adjutant General White of the O. N. O. last night met at the Chamber of Commerce local people who are In terested in the formation of a coast artillery company or a, branch of the naval militia here. Before leaving he will determine which will be started. He came at the Invitation of the Sons of Veterans and Spanish-American war veterans. Well Known Woman Dead. North Bend, Or., May 9. Mrs. S. S. Jennings, wife of the proprietor of a local dry goods store, died at her home in this city Monday of heart trouble, I aged 33 years. I She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Hutchane of Newberg, Or., and was well known. The body will be taken to Kewberg tomorrow for burial. Start Good Roads Campaign. North Bend, Or., May 9. This evening the good roads boosters will start a campaign of education with a view to obtaining a favorable vote for a 1362,000 bond issue when it comes before the people May 19. at the pri maries. Frank Terrace of King coun ty. Wash., will be the principal speak er. Later in the week John Yeon, Mult nomah county roadmaster, and Rufus C. Holman are expected to speak through the county. 16 and 17. The general assembly fol lows immediately after the pro-evange listic meetings. Itev. A. J. Montgom ery, superintendent of church exten sion, and ard Mcllenry and u alter Nice of eastern Oregon, will make the eastern trip at tlie same time as Rev. Mr. Marcotte. Manager Lnndborg Returns. Albin T. Lundhorg, manager of the Hotel Benson, has returned from a three weeks' eastern trip, which took him to his old home in Rochester, Minn., Kansas City and Denver. Dr. B. R. Wallace and wife of Albany are guests at the Portland. J. W. Ruggins is a Grants Pass vis itor at the Carlton. Frank Laughery Is registered at the Perkins from Monmouth. R. A. Booth of Eugene, head of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, is at the Imperial. M. H. Abbey, proprietor of the Hotel Abbey, Newport, Is at the Oregon. Charles Strauhal Is registered at tha Cornelius from Long Beach, Wash. Mr. and Mi's. B. F. Robinson and Mrs. G. Slesscr, of Armstrong, Iowa, are at the Nortonia. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Long are Ton calla visitors at the Imperial If. L. Byer of Walla Walla la at the Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Sleg of Hood River are guests at tha Portland. W. B. Harrison is registered at the Nortonia from El Paso, Texas. A. E. Wrightman is a Sllverton vis itor at the Imperial. J. B. McNutt, of F&llbrtdge, Wash., is at the Oregon. F. W. Fitzpatrlck Is a Walla Walla visitor at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Flavel of Astoria are guests at the Portland. E. P. Watters is registered at the Nortonia from Camas, Wash, A. O. Jones is a Mist visitor at the Perkins. A. P. Tlllway of Minneapolis is at the Cornelius. E. H. King is a Roseburg arrival at the Imperial. L. N. Raber of Corvallls la at the Perkins. Edwin T. Coman, Spokane banker. Is at the Portland. William Gray. of. Goldendale, Wash., Is at the Nortonia. Talk on Substitute For Hops at Donald Donald. Or., May 9. Dr. Thomas W. Shaw, chief agriculturist of the Great Northern and Oregon Electric Railway companies will give a series of lec tures on agriculture in the Willamette valley commencing Tuesday, May 16, at Donald, Or. Tha meetisg at Donald will be held In the new Hosklns & Des art bulldlngr at 2 o'clock. Subjects of vital Importance will be taken up by Dr. Shaw, especially something to dis place hops and every farmer should attend. Donald Teachers Reengaged. Donald; Or.. May 9. Miss Gretti and Miss Doty who have had charge of the Donald school for the past three years, were reengaged at a meeting of the board of directors recently. German Consul Indicted. New York, May 9. (U. P.) Carl Llderits, former German consul at Baltimore, was indicted yesterday by the grand Jury on a charge of complic ity in obtaining fraudulent passports for "Von der Goltz," alleged German agent. I III I III i if 1 1 1 111 1 1 ii ii i w ih oie soidtn all .-ii smodi comBin Silk in in i ii in is in iiiiiiiitmifiMfitiuiiiiiiiii 1 1 Mill I 1 IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJJIIIIIlUllllllfll & Julius KayMor t Co. eTiixveTale M BY CLARA INGRAM JUDSON Sncb a Rain! TOM sat at the front window and idly tried to make designs on tha clean window pane. How it was raining! On this day, of all days! For. if you must know tha secret, on this very day Tom was to have gone on a long-promised trip to tha country. Ha was to have looked at tha budding trees and picked wild flowers, and, perhaps, if it was very, very warm and sunny, to have taken off his shoes and waded for a few minutes in tha creek. Wasn't -that a nica plan? And do you wonder that Tom was bitterly dis appointed when h wakened up early and heard the steady drip, drip, patter, patter, that promised an all-day rain? Of course, you do not wonder you would have been disappointed, too; and maybe you would have settled down at your front window, too, and have won dered if the rain would ever, ever stop, just as Tom did. But wondering did no good, for tha rain kept up all day. When Tom went back to the window after his lunch, the sky was still leaking and leaking and leaking, and tha great drops were still chasing each other down the win dow pane as though they would never stop. It readily made Tom sleepy to look at them. "I don't think you are nice raindrops at all!" he finally exclaimed. "You keep me home, where I can see no flow ers, and I don't like you one bit!" "Please don't say that, my friend." paid a voice from under Tom's very nose. "I'm fond of flowers, too. That is the reason I keep coming to earth and coming to earth all the spring." Tom rubbed his eyes and looked. There, balanced on a dribbling of rain. Just outside the window pane, stood the funniest little fellow any body ever saw. He was round and fat, and he was dressed in shining silver from head to his toe. He sparkled al most like a dewdrop, and he looked as Jolly and good-natured as could be. "Ves, sir," he repeated, with a deter mined nod, "I like flowers myself. Oth. erwlse do you think that I would work so hard all tha spring?" At the Theatres AMUSEM3XTS. CIRCLE Washington it Fourth. Motion pic tures. ChaDge of program Sunday. Tueday, Thursday. KTiday, 9:30 . m. to 11 p. m. COLUMBIA Sixth, beiwetn Washington aafl Stark. Motion pictures. "The Children in the House" (Trlangle-Klne Arts). fnrurln Norma Talmadga. "A Rough Night" (Key stone). 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. EMPRESS Se T. a D. GLOBE Washington at EleTnth. Motion pic tures. Vauderllle. Change of program dally. 11 to 11 p. m. HEILIG Broadway at Taylor. Photo play "Birth of a Nation" (It. W. Griffith i, accompanied by 40 piece orchestra. ?15 l. m. , 8:15 p. m. HIPPODROME (Orpbeum) Broadway at Yamhill Dark. opns Wednesday 1 p. in. LYRIC Fourth and Stark. Musical comedy. Olllon and King 2:30. 7:30 and 9:10. MAJKSTIO Wasblntton at Park. Motion ple tnres. Theda Bara In "The Eternal 8apho" (Fox). Comedy. Oregon Journal-PaUie Newa Weekly, 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. ORHHBUM (See Hippodrome). PANTAGBS Broadway at Alder. TandeTll!. Feature, musical comedy, "TauoUnd." 2:30, 7:30 and 0:10 week day. Continuum from 2:15 Sundays. STRAND Park at Stark. Fonr feature Ttnde vllle bill. Motion picture 4Th! Glided Spi der" (Bluebird) featuring Loulte Lely. 1 p. m. to 11 p. m. SUNSET Washington and Broadway. Motion pictures, fhange of program Sunday. Thurs day, Friday. 6:55 a. m. to 11 p. m. T. D. (Empress) Broadway- at SUri 'Dark. Opens Sunday, May 14. ART MUSEUM Fifth and Taylor. Boor 0 to ft week days; 2 to ft Sundays. Free aft ernoons of Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Satur day and Sunday. Pamtages Haa Clever Bill. VAUDEVILLE a la Pantagea holds its own for pleasurefulnesa in the new bill that opened yesterday. All the numbers are clean, most are clever OPENS TOMORROW I P. M. Portland sGreatestPIaceof Amusement Everybody Will Be Going There nniiiiiiiiiiffi i -I .1 other .1 'Ql an m oves ed oves Ji 'Tea, sir," he repeated, with a de termined nod. "I like flowers myself!" "Work so hard?" asked Tom looking at the queer little creature's beautiful clothes. What do you do?" "Listen at the boy" laughed the little felloW. "No wonder he grumbles about rain! He knows nothing about my work." He straightened himself proud ly. "I'm a rain sprite. I work all the day and I work all the night that you may have flowers. When I'm not rain lng down the earth as I am now, I'm climbing back to the sky so that I can rain down again! And all for flowers all for flowers and trees and vege tables and grain. For what you see and what you eat! Don't grumble about me I work for you!" And down to the ground the rain sprite tumbled, and into the earth he disappeared. "I'll never grumble about rain again," said Tom; "never again!" Tomorrow Mary Jane Watches Billy Robin. musical comedy sketch with a bevy of charming dancers, and Lew Wil liams as the hero of a sparkling Cen tral American revolution.. The three Hickeys make fun In a program of rough and tumble dances, with some near-songs as spice. The comedy by-play includes getting kicked In the face and slammed with a cast iron serving tray. Another act is playlet evidently expanded from a four-line Jok,e. In which Hyman Adler and Yiddish antics figure. Hyman dickers with an art connoisseur for the sale of a 110 fiddle for a Stradlvarius and gets "stung," to the delight of all. Jennie Middlevltch in a program of violin numbers wa pleasing Uy the variety of her numbers and her per sonal charm. The bill opens with a clever roller skating duet by Sprague and Neese, man and woman, who do some dizzy whirls and dances on roll ers. Harry Gilbert, a monologlst and songster, has a string of funny ones which"tielp. The bill opens with the sixth episode of the movie thriller, "The Iron Claw." Surprise in Store. Those who visit the Columbia thea tre to see the "Beggar of Cawnpore" this week will be treated to a pleasing surprise. Manager Myrick is going to Initiate something in connection with the staging of the photoplay that is unlqua and probably entirely new to almost everyone who attends. Realism Artificially Madtx H. B. Wamer, who created the part of Jimmy Valentine on the speakin? and entertaining. "Tango Land ' Is a HOME OF THE BIG PPOBW (FORMERLY THE ORPHEUM) BROADWAY AT rt.rM ttte rark opens next Saturday, iviay 13, you will have an opportunity of inspecting the many new features ad dad to promote the en. joyment of picnic parties on the grounds. Many new pavilions have been built, varying in siae to accommodate small or large gatherings These booths have been numbered in order that seating confusion may be eliminated. You may reserve tables by telephoning The Oaks the day you plan your picnic and the size of your party. A targe kitchenette has been added to the "picnic equipment." Maids will be in attendance daily to assist in the preparation of tea, coffee, chocolate, etc Its location is central, and with many gallons of boiling water always on hand, you may be sure your coffee er tee will be "piping hot." Many societies and organisations have arranged te hold picnics at the Fark, The auditorium will be avail able for speaking and business meetings. If an organise tion to which you belong is planning an annual outing this summer, why not at Oak Park, where half of the arrangements are already made for its success, and in addition you will find unexcelled bathing and an excellent entertainment program. JOHN r. CORD RAY. I state, Is tha star in tha new Trtaagla ' Ince feature. "The Beggar i Cawn- pore. Warner plays the part of a physician who becomes the victim of a drug habit. The scene la In India at the time of the Bepoy mutiny. Some reallstio desert scenes were taken In California. 70 miles from the Ince vllle studio, near Palmdale, In the Antelope valley. Camels belonging to a circus wintering at Venice, Cal.. were used to accentuate the desert atmos phere. Chaplin In New Play. Charlie Chaplin's latest play, prob ably the last of the Essanay-Chaplln fUms, will be released May 27. In this spasm Chaplin plays the part of a discharged convict who Is robbed of his $5 discharge money by the prison parson. He then forms league with another ex-con. They rob a house and Chaplin falls in love with the lady of the house. The play has a very un romantlc end. The police enter the place, hit Chaplin over the head with a mallet and chase htm away Just as he Is about to marry the wealthy widow. Have Long Had That Fault. "It Is a peculiar commentary on our times," said "Old" Tom Burrough, who is not old at all and who 'appears In the new Fox production of "Kins of The Columbian excels in opti cal service for many, many reasons; first, because SUPE RIORITY in optical goods and superiority in service is the WATCHWORD OF ALL THE COLUMBIAN STORES. Second, because the five CO LUMBIAN STORES have a purchasing power and market connections which give them the advantage of quantity price and the best in optical merchandise. All the NEW optical goods and all the BEST optical goods are shown FIRST at the COLUMBIAN. Naturally, such an optical in stitution must have personal standards of efficiency which must be lived up to. that standard is the highest at the COLUMBIAN and in every detail it is evident. Any Lens in Sixty Minutes. Headquarters TOR1C AND KRYPTOK BIFOCAL LENSES The Columbian Optical Co 145 Sixth Street Floyd B rower, Mgr. SHOWS YAMHILL OIK J Ll Men," "that the men of v6ur time ap pear to be partial to well formed; women rather to well informed." Villain Is Reformed. , Stuart Holmes, said to be ttm most -thoroughly hiHSed end "cussed" vU lain on the movie stage, has turned ' from ways that ero vain and in "Sine of Men," a new Kx play, is seen as lover-like a hern as ever was doted on. : by a susceptible matinee fanette Actor Was College Professor. Warner Oland. who appears with';; Theda Bar a in "The Eternal SaphoV before he became a photonlaver occii-'" pled the chair of Elish literature and drama at " llllams college, near Boston. 8TEIDLE' BOOT SHOP 242 Washington 125 Breda Morgan Building. Make Your Ice Cream? Ice Cream flavored with Merit Vanilla tastes better-has that dandy taste that pleases and calls for more. Merit VanOla (airly bubbles over with concentrated strength and goodnt Order a 25e Bottl From Your Grocer AMUSEMENTS HEILIG THEATRE Mat 2:15 Eve. 8:15 2d BIG WEEK Still Playing to Crowded Houses D. W. Griffith's World's Sensation Management Elliott & Sherman J A SYMPHONY 4U ORCHESTRA 4U 15,000 PEOPLE SAW IT THE FIRST WEEK DID YOU? J YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT IT MAKES BETTER AMERICANS PRICES: Eve. 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Few $1.50; Boxes $2.00 c Mat 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Seats Now Selling TONIGHT! TONIGHT!! TONIGHT!!! Money Given Away In front of the LYRIC Fourth and Stark pte5cllCTBttx DAIDr ' I . . . a. . . . T S-VfeV Kaipn ac ioii?n prpwii . ,v. ''TAHGOXAKD," A re1!c moOleal cuoMKlr, with ttiftefal faete alae, aright line, startling aceoery Sad the awtuaat of firm. eOTHIB BIO ACTS-4 7 Boiss, first row balcony mm rsatrrai fcy phs. OnrtaJa, ;S0, 1 and t. :.( V 'I. V."