The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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    - v j- i
Magnetic Influences Offset
-Jand Reckonings Found to
::Be 14 Degrees Off.
Setter Wlidi and Beas round South
ward of Used Course; Oapt. Scott'a
KUilnf Isle Beport Verified.
Ban Francisco Mav !. M. P.I
Reckonings that will result m the
-first accurate geographical charts be
ing made and will change th. geo
graphical parallels In many parts t
tlie world came to San Fratu co to
!flv hv r'unlaln Tl H. loran. head "f
H party of six scientists of Hie Car
'nefle lnStllule who have mad one of
the most remarkable scientific expedi
tions In history.
Traveling in an absolutely non
magnetic ship, the Carnegie. the scien
tists have made a 1 7.0U mile trip in
order io correct the charts of the
world and to establish the proper
compass variations. Heretofore abso
lute reckoning has been impossible be
cause of magnetic attraction of steel,
:Iron and other metals on ships, which
made differences in compass reading
y Details which will be of immense
(Value lo sailing crafts in the future
iwrre discovered, says Ioran.
!f j In order to secure the ilati death
j was defied In a dozen forms In Arctic
seas. The six scientists are now In
New Zealand arranging for new ex
plorations. Itoran came here on the
i Among the Interesting discoveries re
ported by Dora u were the following:
?',That ships have been for years fol
lowing the wrong course d ('ape
Horn, anil by taking a courwe many
miles to the southward better winds
and Bean are to be fon ml.
i That Captain Robert K. Scott's re
port of the disappearance of Dougherty
Island In the South Arctic ha.) heen
Verified, and thht the isle has appar
ently ' melted.
'' That the true reckonings show varia
tions from the accepted German -jnurta
Of as much as 14 degrees.
The expedition started about four
months ago From Honolulu the ship
went to Dutch Harbor, Alaska, nnd Into
the north Bering sea, then back to the
South PaHflc, and through that section
back to New Zealand.
Cteam.shlp Officials Consider Seiko
Maru Safe.
Taooma. Wash.. May It.- it'. ! i --
Reports received at the local offices
Of the Osaka Sliosen KaMia today lei
officials of the com pan v to believe
the steamer Seiko Maru. out from this
port and believed to have been lost.
Is safe at Yokohama.
fThe mesKRxe stated that owing to
delay experienced by the Seiko Maru
on her westward voyage, she would
be arranged for June This
Wl taken here to mean the vessel
has arrived at uer oriental destination,
f. It Is now believed t lie Hi itisU
steamship Valetta. which sailed from
Taooma In .January with ,t cargo of
r.00 tons of oats foi Uigland. is a Is.,
KlVEIt Wll. I,
K.SK ;ai
Only Temporary Stand Kxpected
From F'rexent Cold Spell.
. The Willamette river is expected to
reach a stage of 1 feet by Thursday,
at which point a temporary stand is
looked for
-, Cold weather n die Snake river and
Upper Columbia districts will be fol
lowed by much wanner weather very
Mhortly. and It Is believed cert;,;n an
other rise in the river here will follow
All lower docks except Con.-n and
Oak street are vacated here. an- they
Will be left behind tomorrow Tenants
.Of Front street buildings are moving
.good from basements, also.
High Water Allows CliaiiKC.
.Hood River. Or, May 9 - The dock
Of the Tahoma steamer that has been
tnoored over a mile's dlsitance from
the city has been moved lo within 2 "'
feet of the foot of First street, wher
the ateamer landed for the first tlnif
last night. Th rapid rise of the Co
lumbia has made this landing possi
ble at this early date. Heavy rains
are causing all local streams to raise,
.and several Inches of snow hns fallen
"In the mountains south of Hood Hiver.
; . Xt Canned Fruit Cargo.
" San Francisco, May 9. The llarn
" ion line freighter. Crown of Toledo
Will leave here this evening for liver
pool Uirect via the canal with the last
Astonishing Power of Iron
to Give Strength to Broken
Down Nervous People
Yhyslclan Bays Ordinary ITaxatad Iron
. Will Znerease Streng-tb of Delicate
Tol- -OO Per Cent, in Two
Weeks' Time in Many
-. - Instances.
New York, N. Y. In a recent dis
course Dr. E. Sauer. a well known
specialist who has studied wldelv
both In this country and Europe,
..' said: "If you were to mak an ac
: tual blood test on all people wno are
kUl you would probably be greatly as
tonished at the exceedingly Targe num-
' bar who lack iron and who are ill for no
other reason than the lack: of Iron. Thj
- moment iron is supplied all their multi
tude of dangerous symptoms disappear
Without iron the blood at once loses
the power to change food into living
. tlasue. and therefore nothlne von eat
- does you any aood; you Jon t get the
"Strength ou of it. Your food merely
passes through your system like com
- through a mill with the rollers so wld
: apart that the mill can't grind. As a
reault of this continuous blood and
nerve starvation, people become gener-
: ally weakened, nervous and all run
down, and frequently develop all sorts
-of conditions. One is too thin; an
other is burdened with unhealthy fat;
me are so weak they can hardly walk;
some think they have dyspepsia, kid
ney or liver trouble; some can't sleep
,at nltrht; others are aleeipy and tired
all day; some fuspy and irritable;
(soma skinny and bloodless, but all
lack physical power and endurance. In
, such cases it Is worse than foolishness
' to take stimulating medicines or nar
cotic drugs, which only whip up your
1 f .(Staff vital powers for the moment,
maybe at the expense of your Ufa
later on. No matter what any one
tells you. If you are not strong and
well you owe It to yourself to make
the rollowing teat: Xh how long you
can work or how far you can walk
vWlt out becoming tired. Next take
of the canned" fruit that li to be
permitted into the United King-dam
before the embargo is raised. This
consist of 90.000 cases and was per
mitted shipment by the British gov
ernment through the offices of Bal
four, Outhrie & Co.. agents on this
coast for the Harrison line.
Changes and Charters.
San Kranclfo, .May 9. Victor
Jucobsen has succeeded John Ptostrom
as master of the steamer National
The barkentme Amazon has been
sold by N Andrews to A. K. Than &
Co. for $f.5.000.
Oliver J. Olson has sold the schooner
Sehome t ! G. Seaborn, terms pri
vate. Ferry Forced Out.
Walla Walla. Wash.. May It. That
the Snake river has ripen so rapidly
in the last few days that it Is now im
possible to 'toss on the Walla Walla
Kranklin counties free frry and that
dnmage is threatened to property in
t lie western portion of this county is
the report given here.
Ijast Year's Mark -lettered.
While Salmon. Wash., May 9. The
Columbia liver is live feet above last
year's high water mark today. A rie
oft three feet occurred over Monday.
The White Salmon-Hood Klver ferry
Is having trouble making trips against
the heavy current.
Columbia Above Whiter Stand.
Vancouver, Wash., May 9. The Co
lumbia river this morning sto"d at 17.4
feet above zero, a point higher than it
reached a couple of months ago. Indi
cations are that it will reach a stand
about tomorrow.
Arrivals May 9.
Her. American i"tuur. laprntn Nopnmler.
npneiijrpi and froixbt from I'! Angeles mid
Kat y ra ik'ikoi. s. y. & I'. SS. fa.
Arifjil. American steamer. a p t u I n Pert, bulk
o.! front San Kra ni-lhi ". I ninn till Co.
Wll In met lp. American steMlil'-r. Captnin Rcl
nei, paHHeiiKern and freigrht from San Francisco,
Pi rr MH.oruiick O
Departure! May 9.
V. 1". Herrln. American Mcamer. Captain
Hi. galls, ballast for San KranoUco, Associated
Oil company.
(Jreitt Northern. American ateamer. Cnptnln
Aliuian. pussenirerB anil freight from San frun-i-iM'ti,
G. N. P. SS. company.
Marine Almanac.
Weather at River's Moutb.
North lleiid. May I). - Condition nt the
Uii i, tli of tlie river at noon, rouish . wind. vveM,
uiilcw; weather, i-loint.v .
Sun and Tides May 10.
Sun rises 1:10 a. ui . Sun h-'In 7:-".n p in.
Tidea at Astoria,
High WHter. Ww water.
r. :.;. . m . n. feet. 0.4.; . m., :ut fp. t.
7.41 p. in.. H.H feet. I oj p m.. 1.4 fret.
Tbe time ball on the 1. S. liyilrograplitc of
fice was ilropvufd at exactly noon today. IlTOth
meridian time.
t A. M.
Iliver Headings.
l-'otli Meridian Time.
! - u
STA 1 IONS , f .
1 it
a, 7 I EC C eg J!
Weniilchcc , 4'- :'7.4 o.'.i
Leninlon 24 f.i.4 -O.rt . o.'Jo
I natllla 'jr ; 17 :i un. 1 )'!) r.i
Tile 1 1.1 II. " 411 "s. . I .11 ; o ol
Kl. ne ; In 7 4 . el.K I l 44
Albany an , 7 , t. I I '--.
Salem 1 'jo 7 .) to.i; I 0.44
Oregon 1 n rj : 1; :i I 1 0.2 o.r.:;
I'orllnil 1 I .-, 17 1 1 . 1 o ! II J
I ' I Hlsili.-.
1 I' 1 1 ) n a .
Hiver Foreeasl.
Uilla-nette riier at
Port land
nlowlv. Teaching v .lage 1
Wednesday. IS 11 'Inur-day
stfltioiiaiy I'rlday
.f mIh.ih 17
and reuiuin
i fcCt
hue to Arrive.
litis AM) I ICEIGHT.
r. nme.
heal Nun
Hru rer . . .
Itoso t it v
Mhv 9
Mar 1J
M ;i T H
S I . & 1.. A
A. I".
I .
Koae ( 1 1 r
lireat Northern
I or
. I. A
S K.
. S. K.
I.. A.
to Depart.
..Mav 10
Mav 1.1
..Mny l:i
A I.. A. . .
A S. K. .
Miy 19
learners iiaTinR I'ortlan.l for San
only connect wtn the steamer Vle leHring Sun Kramisi-o .Monday
day. I-Ylilny nn'l Natun!., tor 1.
and Sj, n Plt gn.
anil liar
Wed nes
1 ADtek'3
Vessels in Tort.
Bern". Am. a
- . . - A lnwort h
Multnomah B'x
K napnton
. V I". U.r. Co.
fKt iiort
- Stream
. Alaska
Bound up
carrier iove. aid. . . . .
Pliny. Am. as
Krh". Adj. h.Ii
Ilu7.fl Hollar. Am an
1 n verga rry. Rr. !L
I n er loc ic. Br. tk
.I0I1H11 I'oulseii. Am. 8s....
Mill-. Am. ,
II M. Clark. Am. as
tlymplc. Am.
Hri I'tty. Am. w
Santa llHrhaiii. ,ni. kic...
Sl-anta. Am. as
Wapania. fym. ss
Willamette"; Am. an
at t u .
Pti misivi
Mav i
- Bear
-Arrived h
from S,in
and Icf
ro. ' tla
Seattle. Mar f Ship St. M.-holxa
torla for N iixIihch k . was oil miles fr.
I'.h at S laMt right.
Awtorla. May s -Arrive.! ui o
"P I" I' m. Artyll from Sun
Stilled nt 4 l.'i p. m CI Scij-nl,
V re. in iaco; nt 4 :1X1 p. ni U s
from A
I nim:tk
Kra n'isc.
for .s'hii
'orter f..r
I'oint Orient : al p. 1
Crii nciaco. Amveii et
NecMni.-nm for Sbii
; ami left 1111 hi
!.4o p. ni. -Willamette.
I 'nl nt Reyes May V
Fduar II. ance, from C
I dro.
from San l"ranelen
I'axcii at 1! a. 111
nlnmliia river for Sim
Smii anclai-. t'al.. M.iv !i
nado. Angelea. mhlnlt-'lit
-Arrive, 1 -rro-Siinta
two five-grain tablets of ordinary nux
ated iron three times per day after
meals for two weeks. Then test your
strength again and see for yourself
how much you have gained. I have
see.i dozens of nervous, run-down peo
ple who were ailing all the time, dou
ble and even triple their strength and
endurance and entirely get rid of
their symptoms of dyspepaia. liver and
other troubles In from ten to fourteen
days time simply by taking iron in the
proper form, and this, after they had
in some cases been doctoring for
months without obtaining any benefit
xou can talk as you please about all
the wonders wrought by new remedies,
but when you come down to hard facts is nothing like good old rnn l'
put color in your cheeks and good
sound, healthy flesh on your bones it
is also a great nerve and tnmih
strengtliener and the best blood builder
in me worio. ihe only trouble waa
that the old forms of inorganic iron
like tincture of iron. Iron acetate, etc"
often ruined people'a teeth, upset their
stonmcha and wers not assimilated,
and for these reasons they frequently
die more harm than good. But with
the discovery of the newer forms of
organic iron all this has been over
come. Nuxated Iron, for example, is
pleasant to take, does not injure the
teeth and Is almost immediately bene
ficial. NOTK The nunufacturera of Nuxated Iron
nave aucb unbounded confidence u lta potency
that toej amhortae the announcement that
.i7.r 11 forfMl WW.OO to any Charitable lo
tltutlou If (bey cannot take any man or
woman under alitj who laeki Iron and in
crae their atrengtli aoO per cent or oer in
four week time, provided tbey have 110
aerloua organic trouble. Alao they will re
fund your money ln any case to, which Nuxated
Iron doe not It leaat double jour atreacth
In tan da time, a la dispensed la tbla
el7 ny The Owl -Drug Co., and all other
dr Off lata.
Royal Varney Howard Came
Across Plains From Ohio in
an Early Day,
Royal Varney Howard, who died in
Molalla April 4. was one of the best
known men in Lane county, where he
had resided for marny years. He was
born in Knox county. Ohio. December
6. 18.1C. and started in 1 Sj3 across the
plains for the Oregon country. He
first ran a ferry at Wallula, and aft
erwards at or near Independence. In
185S he opened a store at Smithfield.
doing business with Allen & Lewis, of
tiiis city, hauling h:is goods from Port
land by team, which required one and
two weeks for a round trip.
In 1873 Mr. Howard brought to Ore
gon the first steam threshing outfit,
which was shipped to htm "around the
Horn.'' In lSt' he built and operated
a flour mill in Junction City. The
year before that he built and oper
ated a sawmill a'. Klmira. He also
owned the first steam traction engine
in Oregon.
Mr. Howard was a charter member
of the A. O. V. W. in Harrisburg.
which was organized February 2. ISsn.
Hj was a member of the Presbyterian
church at the age of l'J, afterwards
afiiating with the M. V.. church, and
was a thorough and noted Bible stu
dent for over HO yars.
In I S S Kda Jane Smith became
Mrs. H. V. Howard at Smithfield, Or.,
and to this union 14 children were
born. 13 of whom are living, and two of
them twins.
Mr. Howard subscribed for the Ore
gon Journal at Its' start and continued
a reader of it to the last days of con
sciousness. The funeral was held in Eugene
Apr!! IS, Rev. G.. jr.. Parkinson' of the
M. K. church, officiating. Interment
was in the I. O. l F. cemetery.
His widow and the following chil
dren survive; Mrs. Carrie Moore, Napa,
Cal.; Mrs. .1. V. Hedges. San Fran
cisco. Cal.: Mrs. 1 '. W. Starr. Mrs.
George Snvren, Mrs. .!. M. P. Dixon,
Mrs. F. M. Baker of lOiigene: Mrs. G. .
O. Powell and Mrs Frank Myers of
Portland; J. 1 . Howard. Andy Howard.
William V. Howard of Washington; F. j
B. Howard of Junction City, and L. T. .
Howard of Mollalla, Or. There are 29 j
grandchildren and 14 great grandchil
dren. '
Honolulu Asks for
2 Steamship Runs
Merchants Combine to Persuade Great
northern Pacific Co. to Pat on Big '
Boat When Schools Are Cloied.
San Francisco, 'May 9. (P. N. S.
Honolulu merchants hav combined to I
persuade tli. Great Northern Pacific.
Steamship company to put the Great,
Northern and Northern Pacific on two
Honolulu runs tfeis yea' one in June i
when the school term is over and one
in September, when the school term be-
gins again.
Astoria. 4 a. m. ; Beaver. Portland. a m ;
Ilene. Kednmle. C;i a. m.: Matsoni i. Hono
lulu. 7 a. ni ; W'hlltler. Port San Luis. :.",il
a. m ; yacht Veoetla. San Dlei;o. 10 a. m. ;
byiinir Allen A. $humagin. Island. K':-'iO a.
in.' hdioonor CoiiuilK. Siuelaw rivr. 11 a. m. ;
Oefiance. tuning barpe Crkine M. Phelpa,
Port San I. ilia. 11 a. ni.
Sailed -OJeum. Ia Angeles, p :',0 a. ni.;
t i.rooado, Urava Harbor, 10:15 a. m.
Seattle. Wash.. May 8. -Arrived Dolphin.
S. K. Alaska. S:15 p. in.; Admiral S.-hiey. Sn
lianiiaeo. niam. Sailed Humboldt, S. K.
Alaska. 11:4.", p. ni.; Admiral Karragut. S. V.
Alaska. U:tr. p. ni.- Morning Star. B. C. pens.
1 p. m. . iavenisri. 1 u font, 11:45 a
I'rfnre Kupvrt. I'rince Bupert. B t'..
Seattle. May 9. -Sailed Queen. San Fran
cisco. 11 a. m.: Iiinn. ani-ouver, B. C. 2:1.".
a. m. ; iroveruor. Vancouver. B. C..' via Ta
comw. .":2i a. dj.
Kenal. Alaska. May S. Arrived-Ship St.
I'll ill, from Seattle.
Valdez. May . Sailed Alameda,
bound. 2 a. m. May 7 Sailed -Admiral
vestliound. 1 1 :;iu p m.
Jntit-au. May S. -Sailed Mariposa
r.van. west . noon.
Wrangell, May S:. Sui led Jefferson, north
bound. 10 a . ni.
Singapore, May K. Sailed Ataka Maru. f t
Seattle. May 4 -Sailed Toaai Maru. Seattle.
Melbourne. May 7. Arrived Bark Kohala.
from Kverett. tlienee January 24. Sailed Bark
entlne Aurora. Iuget Mttind.
HotiKkoin:. May ;. Sailed Kaifuku Maru.
Kobe. May 4. Sailed f;rena. Seattle.
Antofogasta. May U. Arrived Santa Crux,
Honolulu. May S Arrived Schooner Pavld
Kvans. from M' lb'juene. f-r Ptiget sound for
Vancouver. P. " . May 0. Arrived Repub
lic. Sail Francisco, ft 11. m.
Port Angeles. May X. Availed William Coat
ham. west coast ports, via Srfn Kraucisco,
noon .
Mukilteo. May K. Arrived Schooner Cren
eeni. Sydney. N. i. W .. thenco l ehruarv 16.
tverett. May 8. "Arrived Wilmington. "from
San tranclB.'o.
Navy Yard. Pugt Sound. Mar 9 Railed
V S. S. Albany. San Plego. Mav 7. Arrived
I". S. S. Maryland, San Francisco.
Tacoma, Mav 0. Arrived J. U. Stetaon.
fri.ra San Pedro. Sailed F. S. Loop, San
rraucisco via porta, y a, m. 1
San Francisco. May 8. Arrived Sonoma,
.1. I 1 . . ,-1 - J 1 . .. . . 1 1 ,
-'.'.ill'.,, .in uuuuuiiu, i a . UI.. AUUlimi
I)tfj, PeatUe, 3:10 p. m.; Waahtenaw. Pe-
parture Bay. 3 p. m.; yulnanlt, tirayg Hjr
bor. :30 p. m. : V. 8. Nansban, San Ulego.
8:.Vt p. in.; Hornet, Redondo, 0:40 p. m.
Sailed Weatport. Eureka. l:.Vi p. m.: Japa
nese steamer, Seattle Maru. Yokohama. 2 p.
in.; Mexican. Honolulu. 3:."0 p. ni.: Yale,
a Angeles, 4;15 p. w.; President, Ixw An
geles. 4:2n p. m.: British steamer. Olveric.
I"hnme8 Haven, via Norfolk, 5 p. m.: Adeline
Smith. Oos Bay. 9:2" p. m.; Qulnault. 1
Augeles. in p. m.; Roanoke, Valparaiso,
Bslltoa. 11 :40 p. in.
Army-Navy Orders
San Franclaco. May 9. (P. N. S.) Army
Leave for one month on aureeon'a certificate
of disability granited First Lieutenant Albert
K. C. Palmer, first field artillery; Par. 4.
older of April 2, dtrectlua Lieutenant George
M. Peck. C. A. to report to coast defenses
Long Island aouud. amended to direct him to
report to commanding officer coast defense
Chesapeake By; Inptaln Klrby Walker.
George P. Tyner. Charles C. W'inaa and Row.
tU-lr tiresent dulkri anil ordrrnl to I..O. ihir
Name of First Lieutenant Jamex P. Laubach.
19th Infajitry, placed on detached list, effec
tive June 14; Kirst Lieutenant Kred H. Tur
ner. Infantry, reuioied therefrom.
FIrat Lieutenant Frederick W. Bnnchen. 17th
Infantry, relieved from UnlTeralry of Arkam.nK.
Fayetterllle. Ark., July 15, and will Join his
regiment. '
Xary Orders.
Theae moTemeuu of naval vessels reported:
Arrived Arethusa at Key West, Bushnell
at Boston. Farragut at Sen Pedro. Hannibal at
survey grounds: Hull, Nero, San Diego, at San
Diego; Jacob Jonea at Boa ton yard, L 1 aaa
L-4 at Boston. WcDonough. Vermont. Viilcm
and worden at Hampton Koada: Maryland at
Hremertou. Nereua at Unam. Ozark at Lynn
Haven Roads. Sylph at Washington yard.
Sailed AJax. from Amoy for Swatoxv,
('lmrleaton. from IBalboa for Cristobal; Denver
from Kan Bias To ManEanlllo, Mara, from Bal
boa for Corlnto. N'anshan, from San Diego for
Tlburon. Neptnn. from Cristobal for Gnan
tanamo: New Hampshire, from Hampton Roadx
for mouth of Potomac: Eeld. from Kev West
for Puerto Platan Rogera, from Boston jard
for Marblebead; Sten-tt, from Key West for
Maeorla; Terry, from Key West for Sanebes;
L'ncis, from Charleston for Hampton Bead.
New Snake, Rare
to These Parts, Is
Added to City Zoo
Something new in the way
of snakes has been presented
to the park bureau by G. K.
Knowiton of Pine street.
Mr. Knowiton says the snake
was received here in a i rate of
pineapples shipped from the
Philippine Islands. The snake
is about a foot long and. for
its size, has an enormous bead.
It has peculiar looking spots
on its body and Park Superin
tendent Convill says that the
snake looks like a baby boa
constrh tor. The snake will he
plaed in Washington park 7.00
and its growth uatiie. with
(fVintlnued From Piiee Onel
states affected by the call, coini rises
ciffii er.s and men.
President Wilson also ordered four
regiments of regular infantry to the
border. The decision to call out the
militia followed a conference between
Wilson and Secretary of War Haker,
after the latter had received two code
messages from General Funslon.
No Change ln policy.
In announcing the move. Haker said
the step constituted no change in the
policy of the United States toward
Secretary of War Haker issued the
following :-tateineiU:
"The outbreak in the Hig Bend dis
trict so further emphasized the .lander
nf similar ociu ri 'i.ces that the presi
dent tailed nut the militia of hxaf,
Arizona and New Mexico, and directed
them t'. report to General Kunstoti,
who will assign them to stations aloag
the border.
Vancouver Troorjs Called.
"in addition, two regiments of regu
lars have been directed to proceed to
the border, and such further arrange
ments will be made as may be neces
sary to complete the security of the
people against raids of this character. '
The followitiK units of infantry have
been ordered to the border: The Thir
tieth of I'lattsburg. N. Y ; Third of Os
wego, N. V.; Twenty-first of Vancou
ver, Wash., and the Fourteenth of l-'o; t
Lawlon, Wasti.
The militia of the three states
totals about 400U nu 11. Haker would
not say whether the orders were
the result of General Scott's message.
He declared tbey were based on rec
ommendations from Scott and Gen
eral Funston , with regard to the
Texas raid. Baker would not deny
or affirm that General Obregon had
demanded the withdrawal of Ameri
can troops on penalty of a clash.
Raid Organized is United States.
The raid by Mesiiaiison .".lenn
Springs was organized m tfte t nited
States. .Mexican o::.sul Arredonrio
j charged today in a conference wil'.i
: Secretary 1-ansing.
I Arredondo named I. Vallareal as the
principal agitator responsible for the
raid and plots. He said lie had no in
dication of a further request from
General Obregon or anv -exuan of
ficials that the American troops be
withdrawn. All he knew, he said, was
that Generals Scott and Obregon were
still conferring. He urged that a
larger body of troops be stationed to
guard the American side of the inter
national boundary and watch the con
spirators who were endeavoring to
stir up a mutiny among Carranzistas I
and inflame border sentiment. .Lan
sing will take tip the charges imme
diately with Secretary of War Baker.
American Arms Supplied.
Villareal endeavored to stir up a
mutiny . of Carranzistas at Laredo,
Mexico, and failing in this, picked out
the border point which had the scan
tiest guard. Arrendondo charged. He
said that if it had not heen for Amer
ican arms and Information from
American sources, the raid on Glenn
Springs could not have been success
till. Arrendondo declared that he
feared further raids of the same sort
if the utmost vigilance was not ob
served The purfose of the raids, he
believed, was an attempt to embroil
the Carranzistas and the Cnited States.
Two other towns are now selected as
objects of Villareal raids, Arrendondo
told Lansing.
Obregron Demands Time Limit.
General Alvam Obregon lias de
manded that a timel iniit be placed on
the stay of the American expedition in
Mexico. This the Cnited States will
refuse positively, it was decided at
today's meeting of the cabinet. The
policy will be continued refusal to
limit the expedition's stay south of
the border.
General Hush Scott's early mesase
to the war department today indicated
that his conferences witli General
Obregon had probably ended and that
efforts to secure a pact had been
shattered. It was intimated broadly
to the Cnited Press thai Obregon had
not actually threatened to use Carran
zistas against United States troops if
not immediately withdrawn, but said
that "the situation is not at all good.
I ,
I ana
that we might as well prepare for
Obreffon-Carranza Break Likely.
Generals Scott and Obregon expert
to have at least one more conference
to determine whether they can rea.'h
terms acceptable to the United States.
At that conference It is likely that th-a
Mexican terms will be reduced to writ
ing. 1
Army officials today carefully con
cealed the contents of the report from
General Hugh Scott, being most se
cretive even with regard to hints as
to its nature. There was no mistaking
that Its tone was very serious. That
General Alvaro Obregon had "broken
with Provisional President Carranza
and had taken affairs into his own
hands was the view of many here.
Reports that a break was imminent
1 had been widely circulated lately.
I Obregon had an opportunity to rally
certain leaders in the north if he so
desired, and many believe that he is
'ow in matce.. tv.-iiiii
control of the government.
Port Iwton Men Ready.
Seattle. W aeh., May 9. (U. P. The
one battalion of the Fourteenth infan
try, stationed at Fort Lawton, is ready
to entrain for the border on a minute's
notice, officers declared today.
No orders have yet been received
from Washington for the battalion o
proceed to the Mexican border.
Another battalion Is at Fort Wright,
and the rest of the regiment is in
The men at8 Fort Iawton are at
present under orders to sail for Alaska
June -1.
Five Companies' at Vancouver.
Vancouver, Wash., May 3. A rumor
that the remaining companies of the
Twenty-first infantry at Vancouver
Barracks had been ordered to the
j border remained unverified up to a
late hour thia morning. Diepatchea
from Washington that two additional
regiments had been ordered are said
to have caused the rumor.
Five companies of the Twenty-first '
remain here, company C of the First
battalion and companies E, F, O and H
of the Second battalion. The average
number of men to the company li
about til. In addition to these troops,
there yet remains about 80 members j
of company F, Cnited States engi- j
neers, and a few members of the hos- j
pital and quartermaster corps. j
Phoenix, Ariz., May 9 H. P.)
Adjutant General Harris, upon receipt
of orders from Washington this morn
ing ordered immediate mobilization T
the Arizona militia for border service.
Only 400 troops, half the paper
strength of thestate guard, are avail
able, it is estimated.
Mobilization orders were greeted
quietly litre. There was little demon
stration on the part of guardsmen.
They were in too great a rush to closa
up their business and prepare for
service. Orders had been expected
here since the raid on Glenn Springs.
Owing to the recent Internal politi
cal disturbances in Arizona, the Na
tional Guard was in process of re
organization when the orders were re
ceived this morning. Two companies
were recently mustered out in Phoe
nix. They will probably
the man. in the opinion of
the mustered companies.
Tlie guard will be ready for service
Wednesday night. Measures wen
taken today to establish recruiting
stations in large cities of the state.
Within a week it is expected the force
v. ill le recruited to nearly 1000 me.n.
Northern companies will arrive in
Phoenix tomorrow, and immediately
entrain for Tucson. Tucson or Doug
las, it is understood, will be the border
base of operations. Despite the sma-l
force of the state soldiery, the Arizona
guard is rated as one of the best.
in tlie United States, it is
Fort Sill Infantrymen Sent.
Washington, May ;. tl. N. S.J j
The war department has ordered i
two companies of infantry from Fort j
Sill, Oklahoma, to join the troops as- 1
sembled on tlie border for a new pu
nitive expedition to avenge the mur
der of three United States soldiers
and three civilians in the Mexican !
raid at Glenn Springs, Texas. ;
Evidence that panic prevails in '
the district where the raid occurred :
was given by United States Consul ;
Blocker at Kagle Pass, who reported j
that all the women of Glenn Springs i
are being taken to Marathon on army
trucks for safety.
The administration has under con
sideration tonight the question of
sending troops of the national guard
to the border to prevent future border j
raids. 1
"War Orders" Knowledge Denied. ,
San Kiego. Cal.. May 9. 1 C. P. 1 .
Armj and navy officials here todav I
denied knowledge of any "war orders" !
in connection with the Mexican silua-
tion. They did not know whether the
remaining battalion of the Twenty- I
first infantry would be summoned to
the border from Vancouver.
Because of tlie quiet conditions in
Tx)wer California, it Is not believed
the local militia will be called out.
To Send No More Troops.
Washington. May 9. (I. N. S. 1 -"No
further movement of troops
toward the border is contemplated.''
This announcement was made here
this afternoon by Secretary of Wei
Baker following a discussion of the
Mexican situation by the cabinet to
day. Seven Americans Escape.
Marathon, Texas, May 9 (U. P.)
Seven Americans captured by Mexicans
who raided Glenn Springs, Texas, over
powered their guards and escaped
across the border back into the United
States, brinpiriff their three guards
with them as prisoners, according to
dispatches receix-ed here today.
Texas Militia Called
Austin. Texas, May P. iU
. P. I The
order from President Wilson calling
out the militia was received here to
dav. Senate Maintains
Stand on Army Bill
Action Apparently Hopelessly
Congress on Preparedness Measure
House Kefnses to Indorse Program.
Washington. May 9. tl. N. S )
Without a dissenting voice, the senate
voted to insist upon a regular army of
2BO,uOO men, also the volunteer army
plan as a secoTid line of defense.
The house and senate apparently are
hopelessly apart on the issues, the
house yesterday by a large majority
voting to instruct the house conferees
to refuse indorsement of the senate
Women Enow
that they cannot afford to be
ill. They must keep themselves
in the best of health at all
times. Most of all,, the digest
ive system must be kept in
good working order. Knowing
the importance of this, many
women have derived help from
These safe, sure, vegetable pills
auickly right the conditions
that cause headache, languor,
consti pation and biliou sness.
They are free from habit-forming
drugs. They do not irri
tate or weaken the bowels.
Women find that relieving the
small ills promptly, prevents
the development of big ones.
They depend on Beecham's
Pills to tone, strengthen and
Keep Them Well
Pir-efc f Spxial Yak- to Warn wHk tvafkt,
SaUEswrvftan- Is basse. lc. 2S.
Miss Annabelle Crawford En
ters and Miss White Takes
First Place,
j a iiiMaaa)aOTaaMaKSm9 j
ill' y
r i iMfH
Etf&be '-itjg&f&t
1 trr1 "" '"-kS!0
j .Miss Georgia White.
A new candidate eiu.rfd the ra
for ipieen of the Hose Festival yester
day, in the person of Annabelle
Crawford, sponsored by the Progres
sive Business Men's club.
Today's count ptiows her with 6", 000
votes to her credit, and ahead of the
Ad club candidate, entered last week.
Mies Georgia White of ("orwillts took
the lead in the race today, jumping,
ahead of Miss W'ah e Jacobs of Klam
ath Falls.
To boost tlie 1 -ami idiocy of Miss Tayloi, Western Union em
ployes will hold a da'nee at Urfcr s hall
tonight, music being tnrnished L, Die
O-W. K. & N. Employes' band Yhuts
day night tlie Progressive Business
Men's club will give a dance at Cotil
lion hall.
Today's count shows the Mat. ding
of candidates as follows;
Georgia White, corvallis
Waive Jacobs. Klamath F
Louise Taylor. Western Ui
Mildred I'egg, Vancouver .
Jewell Carroll, Kniglit
"ii .
Jiio.4 1 0
I. adies ot eeunt
Eleanor Jackson. Mode 11 I
ters Mi-M inn vi ! le ....
Muriel S.iling. Pcndlet'-n
1'.. - 0 I
1 x:
1 .
Mis. Maud C.iliuai!. ;
Lillian C. Hcmlrickseii.
ters of America
Edel Fraasvh. Lutein
Rose, Uplegrove, Oregon
Anna B. Allen, Metr
1 :
4 V
1 1 1 v
I 4o,4 "x
Ilfe Insurance company
1 07
. 1
Marion Anderson, Albany
s ti 1
Annabelle Crawford, Progressive
Business Men's club ,r,,000
Lucile Bduarda Johnson, Ad club 43,000
Vessels that are lined with metal that
I will conduct electricity to heat liquids
! as they are being poured from one to
another have heen patented by a Penn
sylvania inventor.
People who are overburdened with
superfluous fat, know only too. well the
discomfort and ridicule that over stout
people have to bear.
If you are carrying around fixe or
ten pounds of unhealthy fat you are
unnecessarily weaKenrng your vital or
gans and are carrxing a burden which
uestroys 1110 beauty of your figure.
I There is no need of anyone suffering
I from superfluous fat If you want to
I reduce your wi.ght in a simple, safe
land reliable way, without starvation
diet or tiresome exercise, here is a test
I worth trying. Snend as much time as
! you can in tlie open a.r, breathe deepiy
and get from Laue-La is Drug com
pany or any gocJ dri Tgiet a box of oil
of koreln capsules; take one after each
! meal and one before retiring at night.
Weigh yourself once a week so as to
1 know just how fast you are losing
. h, and don t leave off the treat
ment or even skip a single dose until
you are down to normal.
Oil of korein is absolutely hermless,
la pleasant t take, and helps diges
tion. Even a few days' treatment his
been reported to show a not ceahle ie-
duction ln weight, foots!, ps become
i lighter, your work seems easier and a
j lighter and more buoyant feeling takes
i possession of your w;hole being,
i Every perron who suffers from su
I perfluo'us fat should give tills treat
' ment a trial. (Adv.)
Dandruff Surely
Destroys The Hair
Girls if you want plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all
means get rid of dendruff. for It will
starve jour hair and ruin it if you
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff 1s to dis
solve It, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night
when retiring; use enough to moisten
the scalp and rub it in gently with tho
finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it.
You will find, too, that all Itching
and digging of the scalp will stop, and
your hair will look and feel a hundred
times better. You can get liquid arvon
at any drug store. It Is inexpensive
and four ounces is all you will need,
no matter how much dandruff you
have. This fclmple remedy never
fails. (Adv.)
Neutralizes exctss acid; Xnitantly re
lieves Indigestion, heartburn, belching,
sour stomach, etc. One teaspoonful in a
l'.ttle water. after eating. Pleasant,
wholesome; inexpensive; at all drug
gists everywhere, in either powder or
tablet form.
Fuller Is President
Of Wilson League
A Wood row Wilson league wai or
ganized Friday evening at Talent, at
which time J. II. Fuller was elected
president; J Terrlll, vice president;
Ir. John F Hart, secretary, and Louis
Brown, treasurer.
A similar league was formed at
Hillsboro Friday night at the court
house, at which time Charles K. Wells
was elected president, Mrs. K. M.
Krwin. vice president: V. J. Sewell,
secretary, and Mrs. F.lla Scluilmerlch,
treasurer. The league will hold its
next meeting on May 1 '1
to Meet Tonijtht.
Men's Forum of
rch will meet tins
The Young
Methodist eh ,1
ning and wi'.l
the committee
e e-
listen to tlie rcpoit
hosen some nine a
to determine the stand of arious leg
islative candidates upon prohibition
legislation, industrial welfaie. rural
credits, oiganied labor and any con
structive legislation which the .andt
date intends to urge before the legisla
ture. A dinner will le served nt f; :sn
O'clock, aftel
hae been r
request of tl
i ndoi seme 11 1
whu-h the replies which
eied in response to the
1 01 um will be rend. No
will be made, but each
mem I -ei will
own attitude
tion and from
he left to determine Irs
from his own Investiga
te answers as made
I'rinevillo Man Candidate.
Prinei 1 lie. iu. May St. Charles 0
Pcllard of Prinexille is a candidate for
election as deli cate to the Republican
national coniention to lie held in Chi
cago ip June Mr Pollard is editor of
the Prinexille News, the oldest paper
In central Oregon, and he has been a
resident of this state for several years.
He has heen 1 consistent Republican
all his life, as xxas his father, who was
one of the firs: members of that partv.
Mr. Pollard was for many years con
nected with Important branches of the
government and is a veteran of the
Spanish war. He advocates tbe nomi
nation or 1'rogressive Republican can-
Your Slln ai
Hair look Fine
And reel Fine
The Soap to cleanse and purify, the
Ointment to soothe and heal all annoy
ing akin and scalp troubles.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 83-p. Hldn Book on request. Ad-
drees ooet-card "Curienrm, IDt
Boston." Sold throughout the world.
111 1 11 iim Note
1 V II I 1 I
great Nerve and Blood Tonie
I...I.S.T. No. 2
nn (Or
Rheumatism, Inflammation of the Bladder or
Enlarged Prostrate Glands, Blood Poison.
Diabetes. Stricture. Cancer
Itte no stimulant. Reports from patients prove that its effects are permanent
and lasting. In addition to the above M.I. S.T. No. 2 has cured many case of
diseases pronounced by physicians and specialists to be Paralysis, Locomotor
Ataxia, Spinal trouble and apparently incurable diseases of the nerves.
M.I.S.T. No. 2 has been on the market for over 35 years and thousands of
sufferers have written us they have been cored by its use. It is prescribed by
many physicians. Itis pleasant to take
or diminishes the action of the heart.
Disease you are urged to write to
medicines you have tried without relief.
confidentially, giving
M.I.S.T. No. 2Ono Dollar per box,
or Six Boxos for Five Dollars
Address: THE M.I.S.T.
M. I. S. T. NO. 2
For sale in Portland by
didates for president and vice- presi
dent, but has pledged himself to sup
port throughout the convention' the)
choice of the people, of Oregon an ex
pressed at the primaries, irrespective
Of his personal pi eferences.
Mr. Pollard Is icntral Oregon's only
candidate for delegate
Normally worn deflated under the
coat, a French inventor's new life-preserver
can be inflated and made ready
for use by the Insertion of a capsule
of highly compressed an
Thin Folks Who
Want to Get Fat
Increase ln Weight 10 Pounds or More.
"I'd certainly give must anything ti
be able to fat up a few pouiuU and
Mav that xv a. v.'- declares bviiv ixcea
sixely 1 Ixiii man or woman Such a re
sult is not Impossible, despite pafct
failures. Most llun people are victims
of innl-iiut rltion, a condition which
prevents the tatty elements of food
from heing taken up by thu blood as
tiny are, when tlie powers of nutri
tion are normal Instead of Retting
Into the l.loeil, much of the fat and
flesh producing elements stay In thu
intestine until tiny pass from the
hodv as wate.
To collect this condition and 10 pro
din c u healthy, normal amount of fat,
the tiutittive processes uiusl l arti
ficially supplied with the power Which
nature has ihnicd them. This can
piolmhly best he io com pllshed by eat
i 1 1 K a Sargol tablet villi every meal.
Sin niil is a can fill en 111 t Ion of six
splendid assimilative aneiitH. Taken
with meals they mix with tlie food, to
turn the Hiitars and starches of what
you have eaten Into rich, ripe nourish
ment lor tlie tissues nml blood and lta
rapid effect has been In many cases
eimrted reniatkable Reported ualna
of from ten to twentx-flve pounds In.
11 single month are hy no tm.ins infre
quent. Vet its :ti lion Is perfectly nat
ural and abselinev harmless Snrcol
Is sold by all druggists everywhere
and every package ioniums a guaran
tee of weight increase or inoiiev back.
NOTE Sargol is pvimi mended only
as n flesh builder and while excellent
results In cases of netxouu I ndi: st ton,
etc., have heen reported, cue should h
taken about using it unless a alii of
Weight Is desired ( 1
One Dote of Remedy
Sweeps Pain
Away Hundredi of
Mayrs Yvondernil Remedy U un
like any Other It sxvi eps the Pile
and Poisonous Catarrhal accretions
from the system. Soothes ami ullaysJ
inflammation iu the intestinal tract -the
cause of serious and fatal ail
ments, such as (Jail Stones, Appendi
citis, Acute Indigestion. 1'iimei and
Fleers of the Stomach and Intestines, "
Yellow Jaundice, - Constipation, tius
tritis. Auto Intoxication, etc, etc. in
every locality there Hie grateful peo
ple who owe their 'nicpiete reeox-erv
to Mavr's Wonderful Remedy. Thou
sands sav it has saved them from Ihe
knife. The most thorough system
1 leanser known. Contains 110 ah ohol
ot habit-forming (IriiKs FR1CK book
let on Stomach Ailments Address)
Jeo. H. Maxr. Mfg.. hemist, Chicago.
Letter vet, obtain a bottle of Mayr's
Wonderful Uflmedy from Ihe Owl
lung Co.. or any reliable druggist, xvho
will. refund vour money if It fiilis.
o mine rumen
and absolutely safe. It never increases
If you are suffering- from any ChronlO
as no matter bow many doctors or
That you may judge the value of M.I.S.T. No. 2 for
yourself, we will send you a sample FREE. Writ
Toledo, Ohta