V ',- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, FORTLAND, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1916. 13 MAGNATES FEAR THAT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManun Copyrighted by International News Service. Registered United State Patent Offlje. SrVT -TOO DOMT WSNT TO MlSt OlhTT MOORE'S YOU'D BETTER WATT ON THE CORNER A'b I MAY HAVE TO 5L.IP ME -JKCt) WHAT'S THE IDEA OF THE ET-UP ME WIFE. WUZ U)PiaOOt HID ALU ME CLOTHES- DOrST WORRY fLL!T YOU K 1 KIM BORROW OWE OF DINTy'c WMn l tuat woman? RsTrr: 'VMivn i -ill tUT : oh:-er-a HELLO WIRE!. WANT! SNEAK OUT ' S If Proposed Measure Passes, Sunday Games for Admis sion Fees Will Be Barred. MANY .SPORTS IN DANGER Jadre MeCredle Bays Such a fcew Will Olote All Pleasure Besorts Where There Are Charges. SUNDAY CLOSING LAW Pi i -i..0 WOULD END BASEBALL I MiN UkMC Ya E3 II J . r jCf I i i 1 w i rmL. i j jD i i i xj rs i i Hy II. A. CroiJn. Considerable apprehension exists among local and out-of-town baseball magnate over the proposed Sunday closing litw and they Bee In Its passage ngt only the end of tiRneba.ll In the smaller cities of the Btute, but the doom Of Ptsclfic Coast league baseball In Portland. If the law pasm , tluy assert, no games can be played on (Sunday In the stale where an admis sion fee la -charged. This will prevent the bringing in of outxido teams and as a result the national pastime will get a severe setback, they contend, us In the smaller towns It is Impossible to find time to play during the summer except on Sunday. Those who are arguing for what they term the existence of bancbull ;ilsn as sort that It will mean the end of all recreations and amusements lor wlm-n a fee Is charged, this linludiiig the or Vatelv owned bathing bfin h' H ami bath houses, the renting of innor, and .rowboats for a paddle, on tho rUern and lukes and kindred pastimes. MeCredle Makes Statement. Heine; the principal baswlmll mail In Oregon, tlie following Htatemeii t made by Judge "W. V. h t'redie, owner of the Portland Baseball club, of the ( oast league, wiil no doubt prove in- tere.illng. "It becina to mo that tins Liroposed law Is intruded to do atva With Sunday amusements, lru.su l i s and ret r a t ions. It takes nv..ty ail the I ttl coinroilH the publie enjojs. It t'i" l-iw w.is intended lor the bene fit of liiiiiiinilly and It was nwi smiy lor the good of Immunity that eveiyune shmild re.-1 one tiuy in even, everyone should have the option of M-icctlim his day of rest. The mntm lit I hey d. s Ignnte Sunday an the day of rest, then It become religious legislation and not otherwise, notwithstanding the construction put upon the law us to police retaliation. "Religion must rent upen the great foundation of truth and It needs nu other bolstering. The tendency of re llgloun legislation is to pitjudicc many against the church. 1 have always been opposed to Sunday morning ba.su 1'hII for the reason that no obstacles hould bo placed in the inclination of any one to attend church, but tliHt doesn't mean that a man should be ) yrevented from taking the healthy recreation tnnt his very creation de rnsnds. It will be noticed that the Wrongest churches lcvote their at tention to the salvation of souls and not -the enactment of religious blue law. Would Shut Out Baseball. 'This proposed law shuts out base ball over the entire atate, as well as WI other pleasure resorts whero there re any charges. All cigar etorea, con fectionery btores, theatres, moving picture shows and privately owned bathing beaches are included as well as the little grocery stores. 'Every lover of baseball should vote against this law. If the advocates of the law do not Intend to stop baseball. they should exempt It from the bill. just as they rhotild exempt every other phase of business that is Incidental to theheal t h, recreation and comfort of the public." Indications are that the Ran Fran cisco Seals will run Into some weather this week. Just as did their three pre decessors, the- Bees, the. Timers and the Angels. The prognostication for today is showers,'' and where there are showers one can't play ball. Boss Harry, the big gray wolf, is t. LET H IfA GO! I STOPPED F LETCH HECKEF? THIS MORNING FOR EXCEEDING SPEED LIMIT. "YOU'RE CRAZY, ARGUED F LETCH, "l WAS ONLY GOING FOUR MILES AN HOUR)' "YES? LAUGHED lpvn bbb huw PAST TOlRE ilTl 000 IMF OF QUALITY J Xri VALUABLE f a9e&ASff COUPON IN VSr1 EACH PACKAGE POETLAND WILL BE ENTERED FOR COAST PIN MEET Telegraphic Event for Next Monday Promises to Eclipse Others, Manager Rob Franklin of the Tort land alleys will enter one and possibly two five-man teams In the Pacific coast telegraphic bowling tournament, to be held next Monday. This tourney promises to be the greatest telegraphic event held on the coast, teams from all the larger cities In California, Oregon. Washington, L'tah. Nevada and Idaho being entered Kruse. Krstnklln, Heffrnn. Sheets and either Woods or Freeborough will com pose the Portland Alley team. If tw) teams are entered there may be some change in tuo line-up. A two-man howling tourney whk'h will last five weeks Is scheduled to slart tonight on the Portland alleys. The following teams are entered. An-stey-Ki eehorough, McDonald - Merrick, WooJs-M ( '.( n naughey, 1 louse r-McPhe r Bon, Jones-Franklin. Kstes-Hay mond, Periee-Kalk, Sheets-Bullock Hanson Wells and Mlns-Hef fron. 'the teams will roll lo games, total pine to count. crowding h,s way toward the top of the pennant list and it behooves the Mackmen u have their pitchers in shape, although how a pitcher can get in shape in this kind of weather is beyond the ken of any manager. New TaJont Coming. Wolverton brought along some talent nw to the Portland fans. Two veteran players who have added strength to the Seals ar Jack Coffey, shortstop secured from Denver, and Chick Autrey, first baseman, who Joined the Seals last fall after their last appearance in Portland. Among the new pitchers are Oldham from De troit and Pol Perritt. last year with L.os Angeles. Harry made fewer changes in his championsli.il club than any other man ager in the league, preferring to stand pat on the club that won him the coast title last year. He lost Itoy Corhan to the St. Louis Cardinals, Harry Heil mann to Detroit and Walter Schmidt to I'lttsburg. He released "Hookem" Smith because he couldn't afford to pay Smiths big salary. although "Hookem" did as much as anybody to win the 1915 pennant. Also Bill Leard and Meloan were turned loose, and two pitchers who were not retained were Cnvet nrnl Karr from Detroit. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES Cubs and Pirates Split Even. Chicago, May 9 (1. N. S.i The Cubs and Pirates split even on a double header yesterday, the lo cals taking the first game, 2 to 1, and the visitors the second, ti to 4. A home run hy Williams after Mc (onnell had pingled, 'von the first game, which was a pitchers' battle u.. to the eighth Inning. Mammaux allowed but four hits in the Becond, Kchullz's error being responsible for two of the four runs scored by the Cubs. The score: First game: I'lTTSHl HH. CHK'Ai.O. An. ii. o. a ' ah. n o. a. Bme.v ef. 4 1 3 O'Mann.lf 3 0 3 0 Carey. If... 4 InhnMon.lt 4 Wdgner.as. 4 Balrd.Hb... 4 Knnbe.2h . 4 tomelln.rf . 4 Wllnon.e.. 2 0 1 ' Flark.rf . . . 4 1 0 ( 1 H J'WIMains.rf. 4 110 1 2 1 Z!rrrrtnin,3b 4 0 ft 2 4 0 0 3 Saler.lb. . . 3 0 13 I 4 ) 1 f) loolnu.M. . . S 1 0 4 4 2 1 o' Allen. c ... 3 1 0 1 2 1 o Yerket. ;;h. . R 2 1 1 Coiter.p a 0 o 2'M'CouneI!,p 2 1 o Total ..:;.; 7 Piltelmrg t'hlrago ; Hunt -WHynpr, rr Zimmerman. !4 Vi Totals . . .2!) 7 27 IS O 0 0 o 0 0 0 1 1 0 o 0 M 0 o 0 2 2 Wllllama. McOnnrll. Kr Two base hits Wilsiin, Wagner. Yerkea. Three base hit Jounhlou Home run Wllliama. Sae-flr hit Maun Miionnell Kirxt on error PlttaburK '. Bat on balls iff Mrl'onnell 1. Struck out Hy Cooper 2 by 'Mrt'nnnell s. Wild pltrb Mo( oiniell. Lmplre Kleui aud liuiidtu. terv.nd rame: ITTSUI HU - I CHICAGO AH H. O A i ah. n. O. A. Barney. ef. . 0 Schulte.lf. . 3 1 1 "larey.lf n OFlark.rf 3 1 o lohnxton.lb 4 8WlIliania.cf 2 0 3 0 W" wiener. 'J,Zira'inan.3b 4 12 (saler.U 3 o H 0 hoolan.sx. . . 1 0 2 Balrd.Kh... 1 Schnlta Hh. 8 Knube.iln. . 3 Toetelln.rf. 4 r.lbson.c... .", Uim'nux.p. 4 i MrCartby.aa u o 1 0 OUllen.e. .. 7 2lVerke.2b.. 0 4Parkard.p.. . 1 0 0 iPieree.p. o o (HerKlrii.p.. o 1 0 iPrender'st.p 10 0 1 I'ZwIlllng... 10 0 0 PArcher 10 0 0 tMano 10 0 0 Trtali...!W 10 27 13 Total 28 4 27 14 Batted for Pierce In flftb. tBatted for Poolan la alith. tBatted for Prendergut in nlrtb. Plttaburg O 001802O n Cbicogo 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 4 Utins Carey, Johnston 2, Wagner 2, Schultx, Rehiilte, Tlnck. Williams. Saler. Krrora-.Sebuite. Saler. Iioolan 3. Two bae hita Mammaui. Flark. Three basse hits Yerkea. Stolen bass Carey. Wagner. Sacrifice hit Knabe, Flrek. Kouble plays Packard to Allen t'j Saler to Doolan to Hendrix: Prenderaaat to Yerkea to Saler. First on errors IMttbure ,t, CblcnKO 1. Haae on ball off Maiumaux 7. of Packard 3. off Hendrix 1. Struck out Ht klauiinaux , by Packard 2. hy Hendrix 1. by I'renderirast 1. Wild pitch Hendrix. Um pires Klein and Emslle. Dodgers 2, Phillies 0. Brooklyn,- .May 9. (I. N. S. ) Wheezer Dell pitched his second suc cessive shutout yesterday triumphing over the mighty Alexander, 2 to 0. The. Brooklyn pitcher held the Phillies to four ecattered hits. It was the Dod gers' third straight victory over the Champions. Brooklyn peered both SMOKING THAT runs in the second inning on Wheat's single, a sacrifice. Cuishaw's safe bunt, a wild throw by Burns and Ol son's double. The score: IHII.AnKI.I'HIA. llltOOKI.YV. AB. H . (. A AH. H. O. A. St.x-t.b... 4 2 11 Mjm.'f... 4 2 2 o Hrtiicrcf t.an 4 Whiited.rf. 4 Craviith.rf . :i I.uderu-. 1 b .2 Ii 1 2 ' "aubert lb. 4 (I o n Stengel. rf ..4 0 0 o Wheat. If... 4 1 14 1 VP. w rev. .",b . 2 2 o I Paakert.ef. 2 0 2 n i iitshaw.2b. .1 Nlehoff.2b .S 0 2 ii ul(,n.s. . . . .t Burns. c . . :! 0 4 1 Mm orir.r.. 2 Alexander. p 3 1 0 ft Dell, p.. . Totajs . 28 4 24 li Totals ...28 8 27 II Philadelphia o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-0 Broefclyn 0 2 u o u 0 o 0 t 2 Runs Wheat, Ctitshaw. trrors Burns, Ol son. Two l-use hii--nlHon. Three base hit Myers. Stolen ba?e Cutshaw. Sacrifice l.its Mowrey, McCarty, Dell. Double plaxs I.uilerus to B.-incroft to l.uderua. Met any to Olwin, Olson to t.'utshaw to DaulK-rt. Mow rer to Cutahaw to Diiubert. Bhss en balls--off Dell 2. Ktruck out By Alexander 3, Uj Dell '.'. Implies Qiilgley and Hjrou. Braves 6, Giants 2. New York, May '.K (I. N. S.1 Tbe Braves knocked Palmerio out of the box in three innings yesterday defeat ing the (Jlantfl for the third time straight. 6 to 2. Ragan was effectiva throughout, holding the Giants to five hits. BOSTON. i NEW YORK. A II. H.O. A.i AH. II. 0. A M'r'nllle. ft 2 t Spurns. If . . . 2 F.vers.2b. . . 4 0 1 Rohertin,rf 4 1 1 ellnif.lf . 1 1 (i Doyle 2b. ... 4 0 a Flti'trlck.rf 2 1 o 0 Kaufl.cf . 0 1 Wliaoit.rf . a 1 0 O.Fletol-.m... 4 tvonetchy.lb 5 1 la 0 Merkle.lb. . Smith. . '!b. . 4 1 2 4 IKe. hnie.3b 3 H'oiiRr'os.ef lit 0 Dooln.e . . . . R 0 1 1 1 o S 1 "onij'tn.ef 2 0 2 0 I'alniero.p. tenvdy.c... 2 1 4 0 hVu'-h . . . Haiiau.u... 4 10 2;Strouil.n. o 1 0 0 1 1 o "Kel.T.... I 'I " O Scbauer.p.. o 0 1 0 Totala ..37 10 27 14! Totals ...30 6 27 6 Batted for Palmero in tnlrd. Butted for .Stroud In eiyhth. Boston O23O0 1 00 08 New York 0 1 001 00002 Runs MaranTllle. Collins. Fttzpatriek, Smith, Snodgraas, Wllhoit. Kanff. McKechnle. Enor Kauff. Two bass hit .smith. Home ritu Fitxpatrlok. Stolen bases Konetcny, Kauff. Sacrifice hit Burns. Double play Eiers to Konetcby. Rases on balls Off Kafan 2, off Palmero 4. Struck out Hy Palmero 1, by Stroud 3. by Rauan 3. Wild pitch Palmero. Umpires liigler and Eason. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Yankees Beat Red So. Boston, May 9. (I. N. S.) Mogridge held the Red Sox to three hits yester day, the Y'ankeea winning, 4 to 0. Maisel's double and Baker's single gave the Yankees a run in the first, and they scored again In the fourth on singles by Magee and Baker and a sacrifice. McHale relieved Gregg in the seventh and was hit for two runs In the ninth. The score: NEW YORK I BOSTON AB. H.O. A ! AB. H.O. A. GUh'leT, rf 4 0 2 O'Rooper, rf. 4 1 2 1 Magee. If. 4 2 2 OiJanrrin. as. 4 0 6 1 Malsel, cf. 8 1 3 oj Iloblits'l. 1 b 2 0 5 0 Baker. 3b. 4 2 0 3IMcHale. p. O 0 0 2 Gedeon, 2b 3 12 ljWalker, If. 8 0 ) 0 Plpp. lb... 8 0 12 lilvewig.cf. . . 8 0 10 IVkphR. as H 1 1 ljOardner. 3b 3 I 1 2 Alexand'r.e 2 13 IjBarry, 2b.. 8 0 0 1 Mugrldge.p 3 0 2 BAgnew. c. 2 13 0 'Uregg.p ... 1 0 0 1 Scott. b. . . 2 O 3 1 I'Cady 10 0 0 McNally. 1 0 0 0 Tot-ils. 23 8 27 14; Totals.. 29 8 27 15 Batted f..r Hoblltxel in sixth. Bailed for McHale In ninth. New York 1 o o l o 0 0 0 2 4 Boston O 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Huna Matee, Malsel 2, Gedeon. Errora Barry, gcot; 2. Two base bits Malsel. Pe-k-lnpaugu. Stolen baae Gedeou. Macrifice hits MaUel, reckinpaugli. Double plav Hoopor to Barry. Flist on errors New Y'ork 2. Buses on balls Off Mogrili;e 1. off (Jregg 1 off McHale 1. Struck out Hy Mogridge J, by Cirefcg J. Umpires Owens and Connolly. Youngster Heats Walter Johnson. Philadelphia, .May a. ti. X. s.) Connie Mack's youngster, Myers, de feated Walter Johnson today, 4 to 2. The big Swede was not in good form, waa hit hard by tne Athletics and received poor support from his team mates. The score: WASHINGTON. I PHILADELPHIA. AB. H.O. AJ AB. H.O. A. Morgan. 2b 0 0 1 2 VYItt.ss 3 3 4 6 Poster,3b.. 4 1 1 1 IWalsh.rf . . . 4 1 2 o Milan. cf... 4 0 2 IStrunk.cf.. 4 2 10 Rondeau. If 4 15 0 Sehang.e. . . 4 2 4 2 Judge.lb.. 2 0 8 ljUt Jole,2b. 4 12 7 Barber. rf.. 4 12 0:McInnl.'lb. 4 19 0 A. Smith. c. 1 0 3 1 Pick. 3b 4 2 2 1 Henry, c... 10 1 0, Thompson. if 2 0 2 0 M Brlde.as. 3 0 1 2Stillbauer,lf o o o n Johnson. p. 3 1 0 3 Mi era. p 4 1 o 2 Behlinr.p. 0 0 0 1 Meyer... 10 0 0 Mueller. 1 o 0 o, Totals ..27 4 24 12.' Totals .. .34 1326 Is Morgan out, hit by batted ball. Batted for Alnsnilth In setentb. Kutled for Tbomion in eighth. Washington o 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Philadelphia 1 o 0 0 2 0 0 1 4 Kuns Kondeau. Barber. Witt, Strunk, Pick, Myers. Error Foster, Milan Kondeau, Alnsmlth 2, Pick. Two base bits Witt 2, Schaug. Home run Barber. Stqlen bases Morgan, Alnsmlth, Pick. Double plays Milan to McBrlde to Morgan, La Jol to Witt to Mclnnls 2. First on errors Washington 1. PI iluijelpbia 1. Bases on balls Off Myers 7. .Struck out By Johii.in 2. by Myers 3. Umpires Dlniea SDd Mallin. Indians Win Over Tigers. Cleveland. May 9. (1. N. S.) El mer Smith had a great day at bat yes terday, the Indians defeating the Ti gers. 3 to 1. CLEVELAND DETROIT AB. H.O. A. AB II. O. A. Graney, If . 3 1 O o; Bush, ss. ,. 4 13 3 Turner. 3b. 4 0 2 2! Vltt. 3b. . . . 4 111 Speaker. ef 2 16 OlCobb. cf... 4 0 0 0 Smith, rf.. 4 S 0 OiVeach. If.. 8 12 1 Gandll, lb. 3 1 13 l;Crawford, rf 4 0 0 0 nowaro, ;d a u z 4; ueuniaDn.lt 4 O 12 0 W'mbKS, as 2 O'Neill, c. 3 Bag by. p. . 3 1 0 M Young. 3b. S 1 3 5 0 4 OjStanage.tC. 2 12 1 0 1 liDubuc. p. . . 2 1 13 "Harper. . . 1 1 o o (Kavan'gh 1 O 0 0 Totals.. 27 7 27 13 Totals... 32 7 24 14 Halted for Young to ninth. 'Batted for Stauage In ninth. Detroit OUHOAOO 01 Cleveland 0 00 0 000 1 2 3 Kuns Graney. Speaker. Smith. Young. Two base hits Smith 2, Graney. Stolen base Veaeh. Baaes on balls Off Bar by 1, oft Dnbnc 3. Hit by pitcher Wambsganss by Imbue. Struck out By Bagby 3, b DubUc L Umpires Evans and HUdebrand. SIEBERTS PUTS OREGON TO ROUT IN DOUBLE BOUT Crack Aggie Pitcher Toils 18 Innings and Team Now Tops Conference. Oregon Agricultural College, fnrval lis, Or., May 9. The wonderful pitch ing of "Ade" Selberts won both games lor the Aggies In yesterday after noon's double header with the Univer sity of Oregon. The localo tucked away the first game with a six to nothing score, Selberts allowing only two hits, while Bill Tuerck, Oregon's crack twirler, was touched up for a total of 17 safe blngles, including one three bagger hy Loof and two two-base lilts by Morcan and Selberts. O. A. C. started scoring In the first lnnlnir of the Initial game when Goble walked, Baldwin singled and Selberts knocked out a two bagger, scoring Goble. Tuerck la Hard Hit. From then on It was a case of who could hit the ball the farthest, the en tire Aggie team landing hard on Tuerck's deliveries. The second game was started with Piebert in the box again for the O. A. C, opposing Bathburn for Oregon. It appeared to be th Aggie's "hit ting day," as they tok almost as kindly to the offerings' of the new pitcher as they did to Tuerck. Three hits and four runs were chalked up la the first two innings when a sud den shower halted playing for about 15 minutes. Oregon Scores Tores. Selberts weakened a trifle in the third Inning and allowed Oregon to bunch two hits w"hich, combined with a trio of errors due to the slippery condition of the diamond, netted Ore gon their only runs of the day. O. A. C. scored again in the fifth and the eighth, making the final score of the second game 6 to 3 in their favor. Selberts pitched the entire 18 In nings and had excellent uupport con sidering the condition of the field la the last game. O. A. C. Wins Coamplonship. Supple played a good game behind the bat and cut off several Oregon runs on fast home plate plays. By winning both games of today's double header, the Oregon Ag-Tles cop the championship flag of the western division of the northwest conference and will also play the University of California team at Berkeley for the championship of the Pacific coast. The Aggies leave tomorrow for California. Coach Pipal, new 0. A. C. athletic mentor, watched yesterday's game with great interest. Spring football training under his direction will commence this aft ernoon. Score First game R. H E. Oregon 0 0000O00 0 O 2 0 O A. C 10 11001 a 17 3 Batteries Tuerck and Huntington; Selberts and Supple. fc-cuud game R. H. E. Oregon O 0300000 0 H o 5 0. A. C 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 d 6 4 Batteries Rathburu and Huntingtoii; belts and Supple. Bradfords to Meet . Montavilla Sunday The Bradford Intercity leaguers will clash with the Montavilla team next Sunday afternoon on the Montavilla grounds, the schedule committee decid ing to have last Sunday's postponed contest played to avald any conflict in drawing up the remainder of the sched ule. Th other games scheauied ror Sunday are: Babv Beavers at St Helens. Woodland at Salem. Kirkpatrlcks at Woodburn. Manager Georga Grayson of the Bradfords will probably send Jude Moreland against the Montavilla team, as he is expecting a hard game. Last Sunday the Villa Bquad started off with a two-run lead and were playing grest ball when the game was called. The teams are not In the best of shape, owing to the weather conditions. Pendleton to Enter Team. Pendleton, Or., May 9. Pendleton has entered a bowling team in the coast telegraphic tournament which will begin May 15. Some of the best bowl ers in the state live here, and they have been practicing all winter for the event. Under the rules, teams will be paired on certain nights, each team rolling on its home floor under the direction of a referee sent for the purpose. The re sults will be sent in by wire to a cen tral point. BASEBALL TOD AT aVO AX.X. THIS WEEK BKCXEATXOar PASZ Corner Vanjrna and Twenty-fonrta fits. San Francisco vs PORTLAND aames Begin Weekdays it 3 . X.; Suadaya at 3:30 P. It. Reserved Box Seats for Sale at Ed wards' Clear Stand. Sixth and Wash ington Sta, ladles" Days Wednesday and- rriday. Buenos Aires Seeks F. Welsh, Leonard New York. May 9. (I. X. P.) Billy ;ibsoii, American representative of a Buenos Aires syndicate, which will promote a big boxing carnival iu July, has offered Freddie Welsh, lightweight champion of the world, 2G,000 to de fend his title In a 20 round bout with Benny Leonard in the Argentine metropolis. Gibson will leave on Saturday for Buenos Aires and expects to have a reply from Welsh by that time. He also hopes to have the signatures of some of the best boxers in the country to contracts calling for their appear ance in Beunoa Aires during the box ing carnival. Gibson has made big offers to Charley White of hicago. Mike, Gib bons. Ted Lewis. Jack Hritton and a number of other good boxers, and said today Hint many of them would maka the trip to South America. Uainier Wins Track Meet. Clatskanle, Or., May 9. Rainier won the annual county track and field meet Saturday with a total of 04 points. SL. Ilelens was Bocond and Clatbkanle third. Furor of Rainier and Perry of St. Helens were high point men. Only ore record was shattered, and that wag the shot put, when Perry put It 45 feet 10 Inches. Rainier easily carried off the grammar school meet. In the morning 'latekanle defeated St. Hel ens, 12 to 1, in five innings for the baseball championship of the county, only one hit being made off Van. Danish Wrestler to Meet Santel. San Francisco, Cal., May 9. (U. P.) Lorens Christiansen, a Danish wrest ler, will try his luck with Ad fcantel on the mat tonight In what promises to prove the hardest test Santel bas had in recent weeks. Ths match wy! be a best two out of three falls affair. Pigeons to Fly Across U. S. Los Angeles, May 9. (P. X. S.) Gordon McLean, whose homing pigeons hold the inter-clty record of 10 hours and 6 minutes between San Francisco and Ios Angeles, has announced that he will set his birds on trans continental flight soon. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE At Vancouver R. H. E. Great Falls l 4 0 Vancouver 3 8 1 Batteries Engle and Haworth; Hood and Cheek. Rain and wet grounds caused the postponement of Northwestern league games at Seatt.e and Spokane. American Association. Kausaa City 1, Columbus 10. Mluncapolls 7. Indianapolis 8. St. Paul 8, LouisTllla 4. Milwaukee S, Toledo T. Electric Lights to Show Oarsmen if Stroke Is in Error Seattle. Wash., May P. (P. X. S.) Hereafter when a t'nl- t versity of Washington oars- man is out of swing with the $ stroke oar of his boat, flash- lng red and white electric lights will tell him of his er- ror. Coach Conlbear has had the varsity shell wired so that when the stroke dips his oar if- a white light will flash In 4 front of every man in the shell. - As each oarsman dips his blade a red light attached 10 the oar will flash. When the red and white lights flssh together the oarsman will know that he Is A rowing in time with the stroke. 4t STANDING 0FTHE TEAMS Paelflo Ceaat Leagu. Won. Lot. Pet. Loa Angelea 17 12 ,.VC Sar. Francisco 20 1.', ..-.71 Yenion 10 ir, Halt Lake 13 ir. .4ii4 Oakland l."i 111 441 Portland In 13 .41m Northwestern League. Butt rt 4 g.jf, Bpokane fl 4 .oo Great rails H r. .ftoil Seattle fi t .444 Vancouver 5 .444 Taccma 3 0 J33 National League. Louisville ij r. .71m Minneapolis 12 ft .7(K1 Cfllunibua 10 7 .Mti St. Paul 8 H .ivx) Indianapolis 8 !i .471 Toledo 7 .437 Karsas City 11 jsa Mllwauke 4 13 .233 Western Leaue, Wichita 10 ft .7 Topeka 9 .1 .(143 Lincoln H 8 .nno Omaha H ft .571 Dcs Mot nee 7 H .47 Denver a n .400 Hloux Oily 10 .37s St. Joseph 4 10 Jbo American League. Won. Loat. Trt Cleveland 13 7 .&2 New York 11 s .(I'M Washington 11 S .670 Boaton ID 11 .478 Detroit 10 11 .470 Chicago 10 13 .135 St Louis 7 11 ..".fro Philadelphia 7 12 3i Vatloaal Leag-ua. Woo. Loat. Tet. Prrmklyn 10 4 .714 Boton 10 .or,7 Cincinnati 11 In .34 St. Iyiuls 10 In .600 Chicago 10 in .Coo Philadelphia M H .aiw Pittsburg 10 II .476 New York 2 13 .133 Western Leagua. fltoux City 1. I lea Molnea 0. Omaha 3, Lincoln t. Topeka 11, iMuver 3. Whan writing or palling on advertlaars please mention Tba Journal. (Adv.) first of all a quality tire in eveiy sense of the word. No tire can be made of better materials. But the Price is Less on Fisk Non-Skids than on plain tread casings of several other standard makes. Tfye Fisk Branch Organization is the most wide-spread in the industry (over 100 direct branches) and the Service Policy is by far the most liberal. Fisk Tira For Sale By All Dealers The Fisk Rubber Company of N.Y. General Offices: Chicepee FaHs, Blast. I Portland Branch. 54 North Broadway I Branches in More Than 100 Cities Heavyweights Must Stand Physical Tes Albany. X. Y., May 9. Under a n rule adopted by the state athletic oon mission in session here, heavywaigti boxers after today must undergo rigid physical examination before T terlng sparring matches In this tat The commission is determined . t: have the heavy welghls more even! matched. The members have bee greatly dissatisfied with the shqwlri In .several bouts In which one or th other of the contestants were hopeless ly outclassed. kv" BASEBALL NOTES .Joe All man. former Spokane player! hait been signed by the Butte North! western league team. Irish Muesel, former I-os Angelef outfielder, who hopped to the ArllOfll outlaws. has decided to Join thl L'.lrmingham Southern league teavm. King Kear, former Cincinnati twirl er, has been signed by ManaRer Fran' of the Atlanta Southern league tean Boston, May 9.-7u. P.) This WS "TiIk Speaker day" at Fenway park A big crowd was expected out to Wfl come the former Bed Sox star Wiien h arrives in an enemy uniform. CTIieTi trrtMnir op ealltnw nn II I llssi ffi mention Ttie Jonrnsl tfAeW.V THE HIPPODROME ATHLETIC CLUB 21st and Marshall St. BOXING FBATrmnro Frank Barrieau ' CKAJatFIOW OT CAJ ADA. Billy Wright CKAMPIOK Or JTOmTaTWXalT. Will Box for Welterweight Cbanw -plonshlp of Canada and ' Northwest. Joe rarrel vs. Joe Xarrahaa Seattle. 13S Seattle. Ed Shannon rs. Walt Xnowltos Seattle. 133 Portland. Bobbie Allen vs. Tommy Clark Oakland. 135 Portland. , Soy Orton ts. Ed Boatwrltrnt. ' 150 Kid XreUrer vs. Geo. So mine re. ' Friday, May 12 Admission: General 80c. reserved $1. ringside J1.C0, boxes $1.60, ringside boxes 2. On sale Rich's. Hlxth and Washington; Sol. gteller, Broad, way and Stark: Gilbert. Broad- 4 way and Morrison; Beady A Olson, Yeon building. Twenty first and Marshall. "VT" or Twenty-third street car.