THE' OREGON ; DAILYr JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY, MAY. 9, : 1918. I I r- t I IDMAI i fit J J VJ lINrl AH iKDKPtypKWT wiwaPAPta. . jackhon Pobnbr ,uilek4 ever day, afternoon and morning wpt SonaiT ftrnooBi. t ti Jooroi Building, Broadway ami Yamhill t I'ort- ud4. or. t tii poatocrir t L'ortiaod. or.. rc truMoiimUm timiugo tua malt, aacood , nmtm matter. rXBPHUN ica Main 7173: Horn.. A 4061. All j departments reached ty low number,. Tall I tii operator what dapariaiaoi ru wast. jHnmx AUveariKiMi HKi'HtiCtfTAT vb 1 -n1amin A Kent nor Co.. Bronfcwtca Bloc t 2 rtftk At., New York. Mia People i Mm Bids., Chicago. ( Bnbeerlptlon terma by null or to any ad re I toe Lotted State or Mealco: 1 DAILY (MOn.MNO OR AFTEHNOON) .$3.oo ona monta t .so nayear..,. sunday. 'oe 7 2.80 I Oo month t .28 JAWX (MOBNINO OR AFTERNOON) AN1 i j SUNDAY ; ;ne' year.....'. ...17.60 I 0n month I 3 America eeka not bine for heraelf but what b baa a right to auk for humaulty Ifeelf. I WOO0K0W WILSON. I Million for defenee. but not a rent ' Hhtite. fllAIU.I.H C. riNTKNKY. Onr country, hotr hounded or de scribed etUl our country, t. ! rhertehed l all our haarta to be defended by all or band,. It. ;. Wmthrop. NOT THE EM) HIS war Is not the end of (he ' world. Presumably, there will be other wars. In the next one. Germany may be a neutral, and as she Is the greatest manufacturer of ,amnitions in the world, she will then be supplying guns and equip ment to the belligerents, just as ahe has always done in the past. Indeed, it was the German repre sentatives in the International Peace congress at The Hague who jlel the opposition to a proposal thftt neutrals should not supply munitions to belligerents in time : t t war. There will always be differences "a-V,. .""'in juuw wuiruveritj. l uern were Amer lcan sympathizers with France, American sympathizers with Oer- , V. . . n u A n-1 . mattT ann American svmnat ht7tra 1ti. r.. Britain in th vi with Great Britain in the Napole- ,onlc wars, J Washington was so harassed and : embittered by the censure and crit icism that he expressed regret that the had ever accepted the presiden cy. He was finally driven to the 'extreme of giving passports to the French minister at Washington and sending him out of the coun try, Washington was charged with unneutrality, and was assailed by , French-Americans, by British-; Amerlcans and by all others of foreign sympathies on account of nS IOreign policy. I . rr, ,,,,,, , n ,, . tl J..i.v i? res'dent 1 f n 1 iftSiti, ?m convention or those who sympathize with Ger- Xifiv!tlHa?rmraT;,,,l-a ff,r I less aggravated form, of the oondi-! wu.ub riesiueui nanington 1 vtSIIILBSkriMkJVL 1 C7n, n, . I Vot the United States was suing the Darter away Iorever 10 Pnvaie i safely predict, by mathematical cal- dbuihci, or in any eotniict in w men . raiIroa( for forfeiture of the Ore- Parties this control over the neces-. eulatten, just what changes will take Iwe, are a neutral. There were such . , , saries nf life , . . 4.- , . , gon Rrant lands. b4"es vl ,ur- 'place years before the actual time of IwVTv. a"ierf"cfa 'n ,ne ,llimei.or People may well pause and pon- In the Shields, bill, which has l occurrence. iWMnington inai nis administration . Th . rpason to wonder , passed the senate. Senator Poin- "This Is a rrt Of natures wnnflpr. 1 rf mm iuvilvu its luuuuauu Lis it v ovbu.. , I. 13 uua Ulll.lllie 111 a latlU.lIo tioo n r.iir covon r,o font in- of free speech and free action. Meanwhile, there is this fact in the controversy: If Germany were In control of the seas and Great Britain shut off from receiving hampering -to business. It Is not which have seized the Potomac arms and munitions from America, g00(i security for long loann. The falls, are protecting their coal hold now many of those in the Port- , WelRer svstfm has th., nnnnrent ln?s land convention would have joined la the action taken? International law cannot be made from day to day to fit occasions. ! u is me product or centuries and the authorized ordainment of th civilized nations. It is established for the guidance of presidents and aings ana Kaisers ana czars, and It Is their duty to observe It Washington and he was oitteriy conaemnen nv mn In ills time. President Wilton can- not chart the course of America py the plain and unmistakable rules of International law without , drawing upon himself the same ' Klna Of criticism that foil upon Washington. It is one of the pen-j alties of being president ln a war period. V Happily, in this republic, there Is ' a vast body of Americans, among them many of foroign de scent, who realize the tremen- uuubucbs ui tue war complications. who believe above all in the Jus- tlco of the American purpose and tenee in sending new diseases upon had not been heard." She means who are first of all unalterably ua we should long ago have become they had not been heard in the bound by faith to the doctrine of immortal and the world would be United States. Tagore was a man one people, one conntry, one flag. full of miserable old creatures like of worldwide fame long before They know that this war is not the Swift's Struldbrugs grumbling be-i 1913. At that date, she continues, end of things. f cause they could not die. J "the older magazines were still ;- - 1 I One of the most interesting of using verse as an end-of-the-page ' With every legislative candidate ' the spring crop of remedies is sea decoration and the public was se 80 vociferous in his promises to water. It must be taken from renely indifferent." reduce taxes. It looks as if the the very bosom of the ocean to be I In 1913 Brentano's big book State and county governments are effective. Dr. B'rancies E. Park, ' store in New York still kept its going to be forced to do business ! OQ wind. NOT UNPATRIOTIC ART ROBERTS RINEHART to the contrary notwith standing, patriotism is not .dead in the United States. for were the battles of our fore athers in the Revolution fought n iratn. - Mrs, Rinehart evidently doesn't tnow that the average American a busy at some useful work, that ie is worrying more about his i family- welfare than about war, and that he haa confidence In the ability of tlie president to keep thia country out of war. It is childish and 8illy for a writer to accuse the men and worn- eB and the boys and girls of Amer- ca being asleep and indifferent when the country is surrounded by dangers, real and imaginary. erftat rrfsiK romM rh 11 lne great crisis comes me American people will not be found wanting, not be found unpatriotic. not be found unprepared. When the Judiciary committee of the senate was ready yesterday to vote on the confirmation of Mr. Brandels. two senators objected. p. ii v thpv had ripard a rumor VOBf,'J'y l" X i , . . t I that Mr. Brandels in boyhood had sequestered his grandmother's false teeth or stolen currant jelly from the family cupboard. A SKKIOUS ALLEGATION I N THE answer in the McArthur- Hutton damage suit, there is an allegation that a Portland attorney received $15,000 for his services as a lobbyist at the 1913 session of the Oregon legisla ture. It is a serious charge. It can not but direct attention of the pub lic to reflection on what invisible government must mean, especially at a time when a new legislature is to be chosen. Late Oregon legislatures have been great disappointments to peo ple who believe in good govern ment. It is granted that some good legislation has been passed. It is granted that there were al ways Borne good men in the body. Hut, we beheld In the 1I15 ses sion the passage of the "midnight afeI3 wio,. resolution," of which the United i States supreme court said in Its decision in the grant land case, "It seems like a prayer against the government's contention." It was a resolution slipped through the legislature without any but a few Inner circle mem bers knowing what It was, or that it had passed. Its passage was not even known to the attorney general of the state until weeks after, when Senator Moser met him on:""" .v 1 the street and informed him that vj i 1,1 1 ''""J''0 PT" I iei mat reauiuiiuu iiaicu tiio i 'legislature of Oregon in opposition ' a suit in which the government ! i ti what extent they are under in ! visible government in Oregon. In Washington, S9.2S0 bad eggs.except ,n certain cases and to a,dlfferent form9i and lg eas)!y under- " r'" were seized and destroyed as un- ... - . . . . .tK Mexico. Germany and various other countries, what a sacrifice of our preparedness! In case of invasion, everv eeg in the lot could have been used as an asphyxiating bomb. , A STEP -ELL TAKEN T n ti l dki Ultra a ClUU UUSIUCBB lllCU or weiser. laano. are operai-1 ing h system of rural credit which asks no favors or th 8tate or federal government. All jt requires i3 a little intelligent , ..nnnoritlnn at linmo An onsnnia. k " " " - " " i "on is formed which determines 1 the amount of credit which each, farmer should have. The associa-1 tion theD take" a hattel morte from the farmer for that sum and ; guarantees his checks at the bank. ; terest for the accommodation. ! The defects of this plan are ! obvious. The chattel mortgage is ! ft rltimtiV flAvirp fiinfinP.ivfl nnrl ! ndvantflco of not Ptiniimheriri? thn i farmer's land, but it is only ap- no-n Tn fnrra0r'0 tanit fa via ! best basis for r-redit and nhottld h ai hi A. a u in v. i a luutl Aj alio so used. It is the only basis he i has for negotiating the long loans which he needs far more than short ones. So while we nraise thfi Wei- 6er plan as a step In the right dirACtlrvn rornrnlra that It 1a 'only a step, and not a very long The name of the Montenegrin prime minister Is Mlouchekovitch. The Pittsburg Post says it sounds as If somebody had pinched the cat THE SEA WATER CURE T HERE Is always something new ln medicine. From Ga- len to Flexner the doctors have been constantly discover- ing cures for disease. If it were not 1oT nature's disappointing persis- who describes its use in the Medi- cal Record, says he sails far out to sea to get his supply and brings itup from a depth of at least a hundred feet. Before injection in to the patient's veins it is diluted with pure spring water. Sea water is particularly effec tive in those terrible diseases of children which attack the diges tive tract. Dr. Park tells of one case where the poor little sufferer seemed almost dead when he was called In. He injected a heavy dose of sea water and the result was so marvelous that he now "always expects ft recovery when j lines of varying length and printed these cases are thins treated." , in smaller type than prose. Our This new medicine was first used ; countrymen have discovered that by Reene Quinton in Paris. He has poetry really means oomethlng, "saved thousands of lives with it." : often a good deal more than prose. At first it was ridiculed. Doctors, i Perhaps some of the merit of this like the rest of mankind, have a amazing discovery is due to the fine time laughing at new discov- i poets themselves, eries before they consent to use j The discovery that poetry has them. Now it is coming into appli- ; sense seems to be just about coin cation everywhere. Sea water is.cident with the new effort of tho good for those wretched people poets to write senBe. At any rate, called "neurasthenics," as well as ; poetry is now popular, for children. Neurasthenia is "that j tired feeling" which nothing seems One of the new perils proclaimed to relieve. It Is the exhaustion of as incident to kissing is the chance the battery cells that ignite the of catching painter's colic. gasoline in the internal combustion engine we call the body. Sea water rev-ires the cells and gives the engine a new lease of life. Its effect, says Dr. Park, "is sim- nlv marlcal " Trio hpnUnir nnn'cr piy magical. ine neaimg power Of Sea Water iS Bald tO depend Upon , ,, .. , . , .. , radium emanations WlllCh it COn- tains. The floor Of the Ocean iS ... , . ,. ,. Tien in radium ana ltn radiations j are abundant in the deeper strata I of the water. A Boston husband who was caught in a flirtation with an un married woman, said he had for gotten that he was married. Im possible. Nothing but death could make him forget it. A SENATOR'S VIEW s ENATOR MILES POINDEXTER of Washington discusses water power legislation on this page. I It Is a Clear Statement of an I issue by an honest Republican sen- Getz, principal Washington state nor ator whose uneorrupted service Lai school; 46 principals of Portland should win for htm a renomination schools, and scores of educationalists and reelection. In the great strug-! in an parts of the country. gle going on at Washington be tween plutocracy on the one side ,u ' ttuu luo "P10 " -"" uwel; issue is not wnetner a candidate a candidate is a Republican or Democrat, but j whether he Is a "kept" man or j the people's man. Senator Polndexter is in position i to know a great deal about what j is going on. He says the water! power graDDers are tignting every tln said tQ The inch of the ground. He says'....... water Pwers means control, not j conveniences, but control of their food, their heat, their nower. their '.lieht and. without exaggeration. " almost their very life itself. The senator declares that he will con- "nue to vote against any measure dexter says the federal government reserves no right of control over 'power rights in navigable streams j, tki i v. U,UUC"VC " ; testimony of all who are on the i of the PfPle ,in struggle, j and 11 n only be b the action f the house or the veto of the presi- dent tnat the Power brigadiers will be u" i'a'4euieu lru,u "J""S im measure through The cry of the power barons is j that more liberal legislation is ; needed to secure "development." j Ilt'CUCU IU DC-UiO UCVCIUUlllClU. ; wny ao mey not ueveiop me ; water power they have already I arahnprlT v nv no tliev not ne- velop" Chelan falls, which they own In the state of Washington? Vh rln thev nrf "rlevelnn" thoir " " f : Priest Rapids holdings on the Co- lumbia river? 1 Potomac falls at the national capital Is privately controlled. , Philadelphia and Baltimore, with : the dense populations surrounding thorn nffoi. o t Tn t sco moi-l But Potomac falls is not "de- veloped." Why? Senator Poindexter explains. The trn nannrtn tinn nun roal fnmnnnloQ 0. The Yamhill candidate for king nf h o T?nBO Poctival m q v nnn tn i.uv .wuvt i-a a a j tivu v v attract Bom attention as soon as the contest for Queen is settled. THE NEW POETRY HE little magazine called I the nautical expert and practical as "Poetry," published in Chi- tronomer will find it will also answer cago, is one Of the organs Of ' his needs In the more advanced por- T the free versifiers. It cham pions the cause of the imag?st3 and such like revolutionaries against the staid old conservatists , who practice Tennysonian artifices ln rhyme. Miss Harriet Monroe, the editor of Poetry, has just taken a trip to the east to see how her art is faring in that quarter of the world. She finds change and progress everywhere. Most of the change has come about, says Miss Monroe, Bince 1013. Poetry was then "still in the old era. Such voices as Masters, Frost, Sanburg, Tagore, Amorienn noetrtr on a uttln tahlo in a dark corner under the stair's and the pitiful books sold at ten 'cents a copy to rare and suspicious buyers. Now Brentano's keeps American poetry at the front end of the store ln the full glare of day, and the broad tables where, the volumes are sumptuously piled are thronged with buyers like bar gain counters in the department stores. Verily there have been changes. The American public has learned that poetry is not a mere jumble of senseless words cut up - into 1 NOTHING THE MATTER WITH PORTLAND - 1 lnP matter or rcientmc lnarrumenia nne rigurf.d before in The Journals Industrial articles, anil again appears today. The rep- reservation of the motions of the erth, with ltg relations to the other members of the M,lar 0tem, to say notbfr.g of the stellar universe, are of itenaest human Interest. No. isi of the series makes a rarlety of appeal. IO tte reader, j N OW comes a Portland inventor whose work Is of an educational character and is strongly in dorsed by such solid concerns as the Scientific American, tho National Geographic 'Society, Prof. Karl T. Compton, of Princeton; John McNulty, of the local branch of the Hydro graphic society; Prof. A. P. Arm strong, county superintendent of schools; W. E. Whitehead inspector- Instructor Florida naval militia, Kev West, Florida; John Oliver LaGorce, assistant editor National Gr-oeraphlc Magazine, Washington, D. :.; P. A. The inventor is C. B. Martin, and the invention Is known as the Mar- un celestial giore and tellurian. If Is a. device claimed to be of inestimable value In astronomical teaching, and if these 46 Portland instructors are heeded there will be at least one in each of their schools, prkdictioxs years ahead. Peaklne of his Invention. Mr. Mar. Journal representa- - one who has studied nature in all ltg vaHed as,,rct9 ha8 not fftled lo observe the unity of all its laws. The rosltion and motions of the planets and stars In the heavens, the succession of day and night and change of seasons; are all caused by one universal law, and they act and react on one anotner, so we can work, which is so complex, and at the same time so simple, that it is alwav. fMClnatlnir ln lt8 thousand Btood when tIle technical padlock is A ..It was IT,lxley who ga!d. ,Step by step the conviction dawns upon the Jearntp tnat to attaln to even an eiernentarv conception of that which roes on in hls parish ho mugt know something about the universe To the ,earned men of reason aatlri!r baok thousand9 of year8i we are lndebted for thl3 lnValuabie gift 0 ra Inrlohto thla in'ol.,aKl- .iff of knowledge which now constitutes an lnheritance to every child. These scientists, however, have expressed themselves In a mathematical lan guage, and for thla reason this sub- ... . . ... ect nas oeen treatea to some ex- tent as a diffIcult and aDstrua8 onCj boUl from the vlewpolnt of the teacher who attempts to explain its principles and the 8tudent anxious t0 master Us secrets. SIMPLIFIES STUDIES. "The maps, charts and globes gen erally used in explaining nature's wonder-work are very Incomplete and make exceedingly heavy demands up on the Imagination and visualizing: power of the student. The Martin celestial globe and tellurian shows the relations of the heavenly bodies as4 hey "turaily uppeap to spec tatos on the earth Itself, and ren ders the Btudy of niture'a wonder wc rk as simple as it has yet been found possible to make it. And while bo simple that a child can understand It, the globe is yet so complete that tions of astronomy. In fact. It revo lutionizes the study of nature in much the same way that the lntro- duction of the Arabic numeral sys- tem and the lead pencil simplified the study of arithmetic. With the aid of this apparatus astronomy as sumes its proper place as Introductory to geography, nautical science and like subjects. Instead of being treated, as at present, as a difficult subject to be studied only by advanced classes." Such Is the instrument which has been introduced throughout the United States and ln parts of Canada by a local Inventor and manufacturer whose office and factory Is ln the Loeb building. Fifth and Stark streets, and who has perfected his Invention, is manufacturing- and mar keting it and never has sold a share of stock. QUESTION OF ITS VALUE SET TLED. The question of its merit, too. seems to have been most thoroughly settled, as It has been shipped on approval to colleges, universities, naval academies and high schools in all parts of the country, and ln not a single instance ' has the Invention been, returned. In every case the inventor has received a check, $25, for the globe, together with a letter complimentary of his work, and the day will doubtless come when Port land will be accorded the distinction of having given to the world one of the most valuable aids to the study of the heavens the world ever has possessed. When so high an authority as Pro- will write: "It seems especially neces sary that an instrument such as yours (the Martin celestial glob and tel- ' lurian) should b brought to the as- 1 sistance of the imaginations of stu- j dents of geography, physical geogra- j phy, natural science and similar sub- J Jects," there ought to be no longer a question of its worth, to any pub lic school, especially, and its small cost ought not to bar It from any . school room. Forty-sii of the prin cipals of Portland's schools signed a paper addressed to the purchasing committee of this school district in which they say: j STRONGLY INDORSED HERE. J "A careful inspection of the Mar tin celestial globe and tellurian by ourselves and the teachers of our sev eral schools convinces us that this Is a meritorious apparatus, and that. If the same be provided, we can use them to good advantage In our , schools." j Mr. Martin says: "Although we have not as yet received an order , from the school board of this district, we are told we may expect one at any time now. This, of course, would j be most gratifying as a home recog- j nition of an industry which has the national recognition we have already ( received, and as an encouragement to one which has not asked assistance in carrying it along to a successful Issue. It likewise would demonstrate the confidence reposed in us at home. and this would be a most valuable asset to our Institution. "In our Judgment no more oppor tune time could have been selected for placing our Invention before the educators of the nation. It la well known that the human mind must seek the proper base, which Is reason, and the fundamental reasons are the base of all sense, science and reason. Letters From the People Comn:uulcationi sent to The Jburnal fnr publication lu tills department should be writ i on .u only one bide of tbe paper, should not exceed 30o word lo length, mud must be se ct mpauled by the name Rud address of tho -L-cr. If the writer does not desire to taavs the name published be should so state. lHsc-ussion Is the greatest of all reformer. It rutiouulize everj'tliing it touches. It robs principles of all false sanctity and throws theta back on their reasonableness. If they have no reasonableness, it ruthlessly crushes them out o.' existence and sets up Its ona conclusions lu their stesd." Woodrow Wilson. Mr. Clark to Mr. Klepper. Portland, Or., May 8. Milton Reed Klepper, Esp., chairman John C. ilc- Cue campaign committee, Portland, Or. My Dear Klepper I have read with much interest, a letter bearing your signature, shown me today, touching my employment by Multnomah county ln connection with the Lombard litiga tion. Seemingly some one, taking ad vantage of your trusting and guileless nature, and apparent ignorance of the facts, selected you as the "goat" to start a foolish prevarication. Tlie rea sons which caused the county board to first employ me in connection with the Lombard difficulties about six years ago, and to continue that em ployment from time te time thereafter until these difficulties finally termi nated In the spring of 1911 by foreclos ure of the mortgage on the old county poor farm and the reinvesting of tiUe in the county, would hardly Interest you ln your zealous hunt for war ma terial. There are, however, two or three matters which may interest you as a lover of truth. In the. first place, Multnomah county has not, directly or Indirectly, paid me a dollar for any service rendered since Mr. Evans be came district attorney. Again in your letter you speak of the first suit brought to foreclose the Lombard mortgage, dismissed in 1912. and state that ln the stipulation for the dismissal provision was made for the payment o a fee of $250. and you then add: "It is to be presumed that the county paid A. E. Clark the $250 attorney's fee allowed by said stipulation." Now, as you speak of the stipula tion, and quota the substance ln pert, you must have read the stipulation, and therefore must have seen that the fee of $250 was not to be paid by the county, but by Mr. Lombard, and if you examined further, as a diligent campaign manager should, you would have seen that he did pay it, and that the county did not pay one cent to me. or to anyone else, ln that suit. Strange, that under these circumstances, you should have put your signature to such a foolishly false statement. In your letter you also refer to the second foreclosure suit (which, by the way, resulted in the county getting back unimpaired title to the farm, aft er having received about $45,000 prin cipal and interest on the purchase price!, and you state that th,e court found for the county for the full amount, principal and Interest, and, ln addition, allowed an attorney's fee of $4500; and you state ln effect that Multnomah county paid this amount to me, and you then add the following: "That Is, during the period of about eight months, with the consent and upon the suggestion of the said dis trict attorney, the county of Mult nomah paid A. E. Clark more than the district attorney himself received as a whole year's salary." There was no redemption from the sale, and the fact is as you must know, or else someone has surely much abused your overstrung, not to say gullible, disposition that the county has never paid me one dollar for the work in that foreclosure suit, nor has anyone else. You have my permission to give this letter to the press, with the one pre pared by you; or, if you prefer, I will be glad to do so and save you the labor. A. E. CLARK. "Stolen Ass&ts." Berdugo. Or., May 5. To the Editor of The Journal In a late lseue of Ths Journal I note an editorial art'oie en titled, "Otir Stolen Assets." Now we naturally infer from that statement that in the past there has been some thieving going on in this, "our own na tive land," some real, genteel sort of thieving timber, coal, iron, copper, oil, all surreptitiously swiped and cached away; even great big tracts cf the land Itself stolen. When a common horse thief Is caught with the goods, he i general ly hanged and the "goods" returned to the owner. Not o with the land, tim ber, ooal. 'iron, copper, oil and divers other "genteel emeaks." You and I and most all the rest of the Republicans' and Democrats of this country know where all these things are hidden, and we know where the thieves' dens are. Why don't we go and get the scoundrels and make resti tution of "our stolen assets' to the rightful owners? Both Repuoiicans and Democrats used to teach that It was necessary to have two strong po litical parties in a republic or democ racy; that while one was in off'ce the other was to act in the capacity of PERTINENT COMMENT SMALL CHANGE Speaking of preparedness, have you laid in your flyswatter? Here's a second to the motion to name it the battle of Neverdun. It's about time for the weather man to temper the wiud to the eastern Oregon shorn lamb. Speaking of "strict accountability," that is w hat the voter should hold him self to when he marks his ballot pjjr uiary day. d Another London report needing veri fication is the statement that Harry Lauder has loosened up to the extent ot ilZoo tor charity. The American Neutrality league may find, when the votes are counted, that its great accomplishment vu to crystaJize Americanism. If the Republican party is bothered by so many favorite sons, what would be its troubles were favorite daughters a pollUca possibility? It is perhaps significant that T. R has not taken any chances on alien ating anybody by declaring himself on the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy. With Portland bank deposits In creasing at the rate of $250. OuO a week, it Is no wonder some of the banks are hustling to get' into more commodious quarters. Every once ln a while the colonel says something worth remembering. For instance: "The work to be done is not that of the politician but of the patriot." JOURNAL 9-Crater Lake, by CRATKtt LAKE NO. 2. Oregon's two most scenic routes, the Columbia river highway and the road to Crater lake, may be Included in one great automobile tour. In general character of country trav ersed, tho all-automobile trip approxi mates the auto and rail loop which has been described. The distance will approximate 1000 miles. You may go via the Columbia river highway. The Dalles, central Oregon, Klamath, Crater lake. Medford, the Pacific highway and back to Port land, or you may reverse this route, traversing the Columbia river highway as the climax of the tour. Go east from Portland via the Base Line road, crossing the Sandy river at the Automobile club, and follow the highway past Its mapnif irent view points and waterfalls to Hood River, and then on to The Dalles. A feature that will be new to the travel of this year is that portion of the highway ieading around Mitchell's Point and through the tunnel 400 feet long with seven arched windows looking out upon the river. It Is always worth while, too, to top and inspect the fish hatcheries at Bonneville. The hatch eries are the largest in the world, and the methods used in hatching, caring for and liberating the trout and salmon fry arouse the ereatest interest. From The Dalles take the road to Shaniko, Lamont and I'rineville. From Prineville you may fro west to Red mond, thence south to Bend and on A WESTERN SENATOR By Miles Polndexter, United States Senator from Washington. I favor the passage of one of the two general water power bills now pending in congress, namely, that one commonly called the Ferris bill, re lating to water power sites on public lands. I think it is a reasonable meas ure and have promoted and will pro mote its passage in any way I can. It is a fact, I think, that if passed and the necessary rights incident to such development put upon a definite basis as provided in the bill, it would tend to promote water power development. It Is vigorously opposed, however, by the water power promoters and their great lobby of high class agents, which they have maintained here for years, so that the latter are the ones who are blocking the legislation and consequent water power development. For several years there has been pending a bill with similar provisions relating to water powers on navigable streams, over whfch the federal gov ernment has Jurisdiction. 1 favor the passage of this bill and promoted it in every way I would, but it also was opposed and blocked by the agents of the water power companies and their friends in congress. In the present congress, however, a bill was framed and introduced by Senator Shields of Tennessee, embodying his views and acceptable to the water power repre sentatives. This bill strips the fed eral government of all control over the powers developed, even denies 1 fluty -thing but a nominal consideration for the sites granted, and cuts off entirely any revenue to the government for the power developed. Because I believe that the perpetual control of the hy droelectric power of the country em braces such a scope of Importance as to at once embrace the life and safety of the nation, as well as the commer cial welfare of no small portion of its people, and for the further reason that the control of this power as our mod ern communities have come to depend upon its utilities and conveniences, means the control not only of the lux uries and conveniences of our people but of their food, their heat, their power, their lixht. and. without exag geration, their very life for these rea sons, I say, I voted against, and will continue to vote against at every op portunity I have, a measure which proposes to barter away for nothing or for a mere nominal sum, and for ever, fo private parties this control over the nessarle8 of life. I am espe cially determined in the matter in view of the fact that not only Is the grant made ln the way stated ln effect, but that the federal government reserves no power of regulation or control over the use and handling of this powerful agency as to service, rates, etc., except to a very modified exte: t and in cer tain cases. watch dog to guard the public treas ury. Well, one of those parties has been in office almost continuously for 40 years or more, and according to your discovery, the other has been a "dog gone" poor watch dog. Isn't It Just a little late to cry "Stop thief"? And on another page I noted this: "Our Unexampled Profvperity." Now, believe me, you shouldn't flout any "Unexampled" Democratic or "Unpre cedented" Republican prosperity in the facee of the people that have no tim ber, coal, iron, copper or oil, either Standard or otherwise. It's hard tor a dry farmer to souare "Our Stolen Assets" with "Our Unexampled Pros perity." V. O. ANGLE. In Reply to Mr. Mnrpliy. Portland, May 3. To the Editor of The Journal. In J. Hennessey Mur phy's letter of April 2?f he lays claim to be a better class of Irish and per haps he is. At least, there seems to be a difference between the Irish blood that flows through hie veins and that of some of the rest of ua. He may be AND NEWS IN BRIEF OREGON SIDELIGHTS The problem of the unemployed, in Mker. is a thm of the past, tho .Dem ocrat asserts. According to the calorimeter in the office of the Burns News. "April ice always eeius (.older thuu the winter variety." The Heppner Unzette Times reports Morrow county as confronted with one of tlie best crop prospects in years. "I'littlng this condition with the prevail i.iit prices for shrcp and wool, we can only say that prosperity lb inevitable," that paper says. The natatorlum at Round-Up park. Pendleton, will b opened on June 1 and a steam heating plant will, in all probability, be installed, the over flow water from the citv reservoirs bcllip too cold lor comfortiihla bathing in the early and late tcatuns . Tribute to Raker talent; paid by (lie Herald: "Those who took, pat t lii the Shakespearean pageant performed ;i difficult task in splendid nmnner few cities of the state even attempted to celebrate the tercentennary "f Shake speare's death, and those from outside big cities were surprised that n Hv of this size could produce bin h a splendid spectacle." Regardless of the feel, there is nothing the matter with the look of things In Oregon Just now. whereof the Lebanon Express truly says: "The Willamette valley Is a dream of beaut v Just now. The dark brown earth lii the upturned fields is a happy con trast to pastures green, and acres of fruit trees laden with bloom give the needed touch of color to the scene." JOURNEYS the" All-Auto Route ward, or you may go southwest to Bend. From Hend south the roud leads by way of LaPine and Crescent to Klamath Agency, whence the route is northwesterly to Crater lake. If you desire a longer way, go di rectly south from Prineville to MUII can crossroads and on south to Cliff, where the road turns southwest to Silver Lake then proceeds in a gen erally southeastern direction to Pais ley, Lake Albert and Lakevlew. At Lakevlew turn westward to Klamath Falls, then northwest to ( rater lake by way of Klamath Agency. The cen tral Oregon plateau roads are usually quite fair,, with a likelihood or dust on the main traveled highways as the season advances. The route from Crater lake to Med ford Is by way of the government highway, which whs brought to a con siderable decree of excellence a year ago. The fishing in the Klamath country and at Crater lake is a lure to many travelers. The "Natural Bridge,' "Castellated Canyon." "Huck leberry Mountain" and "Hole ln the Ground" are side features very worthy of notice. The wild valley of Rogue river, also, will tempt you to linger. From Medford follow northward the marked route of the Pacific highway, parsing through Grants Pass. Rose burs, Kugone, Albany and Salem. There is not to be found ln the United States a tour of greater at traction. ON POWER GRABBING There are perhaps a thousand differ ent terms and conditions upon which these grants could be made, all perfect ly reasonable and acceptable; but when we are told that if we oppose one par ticular plan to which the water power companies are gracious enough to give their approval we are opposing the in terests of the community, it does not seem particularly logical. There are plenty of people ready and anxious to develop these powers under such reasonable restrictions and terms as referred to; in fact, there is going on now. and has been for years, more development of water power ln the na tional forests all of which Is under such restrictions and government regu lations with some reasonable return to the government, as mentioned above than there has been elsewhere. There Is another circumstance often overlooked, and that is that a great many of the best water powers ln the country are already ln private hands and are not being developed. This is tlie case with Chelan falls In our own state, with the essential parts of Ket t!o falls on the Columbia river; fith Priest rapids on the Columbia river, which is already developed Jn part; with Potomac falls at Washington : City, where there are available markets I In Philadelphia and Baltimore, and all j the dense population surrounding. It j has not been developed, because the j coal companies and railroads are mak- ing more money out of the use of the coal, its transportation, etc. As to the value attached to these power sites for which the power com panies desilre to give nothing et all, I placed In the Record of Congress some reliable statistics showing the almost Incalculable ultimate . value of these properties. By some it is said thrit they ought to be developed in orderto afford competition to existing power companies. As may be noted from acts, admission, etc.. Inserted in the Record during the debate referred to, all of these companies are under the control of one central head and there will bo no actual governmental regula tion. I am not making un attnrk on any one who supported the Shields bill, but am merely discussing the matter on Its merits. Of course, many of those who have been promoting it so active ly are financially and personally in terested in the matter. I am not so interested iri any way whatever. At the same time, there are many mem bers of congress who are for the Shields bill, who are not interested in' It personally or financially and who are perfectly sincere ln their support of 1L One thing I could not understand was the objection of the advocates ofthis hill to reserving, even for government use, such power sites as tho govern ment might wish to develop in con nection with') its reclamation projects. more fortunate by living ln a country where he could havet he advantages of securing a fine education. Some of the rest of us were fortunate enough to be born and reared ln Ireland, where w-e had a taste of the English government, trying to keep body and soul together, not thinking of such luxuries as educa tion. Mr. Murphy should live ln Lon don, where they show class distinction. Yes, John Redmond may be the greatest Irishman, or Englishman, whichever it may. be, but who has made him what he le today? Not J. Hennessey Murphy's class, but the working and poorer class of Irish in America. When we all get up there to Bt. Peter's gate, we poor common Irish may score Just as high as any of the honorable gentlemen. P.. THOMPSON, t , ot Kloomlng. From the Atchison Globe. Don't think too much of the good old daya; when knighthood was ln flower tbe bath tub wasn't. Oer ince yjt ARK M 'H.DKl FF of the Port i. land Chntnher of Commerce has written m. . a 1, it, i - regarding the Pny-l'p oh mimic n of the Retail Mer chants bureau- -of that organization. And w e're pn-t (,, i,..lvp pay-Up week right on the h, els of Clean-Up week. JAnd perhaps I'hv l p week should be Included in Clean-l p week. so that we would all -i, v,p our bills at the same lime e ao our back yards. If Put anyway speakln;- from a limited experience it's a trod thing to pay np. 5f H sa ea postage chants. -for the mer- and Rives the customer a chanc U. ni t in debt all over eKaiu. JAtui so far as is known fo sci entific Investigators failure to pay up--has been the downfall of all the ancient civilizations. V They didn't pn y as they went. -and so tliev went. X And How we die; up their mains - re - that Is- the remains ancient clvilizat iont- - of tries and wonder what was the matter vitli them. And the answer Is nothing- was tho matter with them that isn't thi. matter with us. 51 And retribution overtook them, and retribution Is only another way of saying-that nature compelled them to pHy up. 5fT!ie law of compensation works overtime all t h, i,,ie. and cant he cheated or dodgeu. 5J And no one el has got some thing for nothing. nnd got away with it. 5fAnd no on not e m the wisest nations seem to think this is a fart. 5f And they pay upwith death and desolation and bankrupt) --for their false notions. for believing that they can get something for not niriK -from each ot her. fj And of course this has very lit tle lo do with us lellows who owe the groeeryman and tho nam company and the insurance agent and the department stores and nearly every body else ln town from month to month. 5f We re not trying to get something for nothing. 5 We're just everelsing our divine right of credit. 5fAnd wo trust ourseives ltly. -impllc- --whether the merchant does or not. 5f And of course by doing this we aren't getting things any cheaper. or as cheap beoause it coats money to keep books and to send us bills. and write us letters when we don't pay promptly. 5f And perhaps It would be better if we'd all pay cah. because that s wl.nt we have to pay in the end anyway WT Ant nprnonnllv T tl,l,,v II - ' j t- good thing this pro; osed pay -up campaign. 51 Only I wish the Retail Merchant i Bureau who have the Rood of the community at heart would go rig- : down the line with t'.is can. pais-. because if everybody wou'.d pir everybody else vrytCKl- wt-ij .'s money. 5f And I dor'! know rr-c-. a finance or 1 vulvlr, t ! c-r-ig fr wages but-- 5TLISTF.N I to io r. 1 oa to help along the pay-up r:jTT.M-. even if I have to borrow t:, taoreey. Sail) -Vim. Happv child; eae yet so young. Wuidi to ic and deft of lot. sue. Tawny hair and 1 yes of t:,.e. Teeth of pear! nt.d Hp of .lew. cheeks of white and rosy hue. What has i:ie m )oj youT Strong of l.'rnh and quaint cf graoe; With a f'.art and wlisoti.e face. Fond of cp'irt and wise In lore, Ever seeking more and more As swings open the world's door. Life lor you has much in store. What It Is we do not know; If we did. to tell you so Would not ilo at nil, dear one; I-or llfes circuit must he run. And tlie ha'tle lost or won: fy jouiself it must be done. It is best to take enrn driy s you meet it on the wav; 'ireet It with a iray KHlna.i: Make of It the best you un, Ily vvoi k or tilay, by any plan That the eyes of love may scan. To breathe dep your mountain air; To bask in that sunshine rare Does not take you to the goal, Does not. yield the greatest toll. Is not of this life the whole. There is more, tlie rnlnd, the soul, Sally-Ann. jrR WILLARD. Xdfe'a Infinite Variety. ATit the Portland Sunhiy psers print V pi tnre of nil of ti,e women nf Portland, will ti er un l.n. k to where they liefrnn ajid do it all ever hkuiii? -.Klertf jitrprl. Afi-r t ii I k I nr M.ont tlie xtrarfnee of Hie a x ninny men go down to lh garage anil order their I'.'l'. midline exchanged for a 1!'1C model. Kiddle Trlhiitie. Celnnel IWTBrnn reiortii In Ontario ttiat be difi-evered an rjiwim mine 7 mllea eoutb of t! ere. Nearly eterr kind of mine haa been discovered I" thia rleliilty recently, but thla ri lis them all. liakiT Herald. fiiir old friend Joe Buckler of Raker aara he lin found the fatnotia ltlue Bucket mine whlrh lm been known only In atory for the paat half century, but w Inch make the tiMat thrilling atory of mining and andden wealth that one ever ltatened to. Here'a hoping J b found tl, for we would Ute to blm worth tea million do 11 a re lefore he diea. La Grand Ob eerver. e e A men, 40 yen re old. reached fltan field a few daya ago. and for the flrat time In hla life new a railroad train. Thla la Fred Smith, a atoekman from the Interior of the atate. who la working for K. N. Htanfleld. He waa horn In the Interior nnd fa a a IW'-d around Paulina, rteeentlr Mr. Smith decided to ee the world. He eaddleri liia cayuee and rode north, reaching Stanfleld before he ero4d a railrid track. Mr Hmltli evhlblta the wonder of a - tilid every time be aeea a train paaa. He ak to know where It cane from and where It In going and numernua other thiuga coneerning it. gtaixfleia Standard. Stories oYr Street Wowri I'rienI Aro Susplcioua. HAS noine entu prising studio photo grapher at Hood River adopted the idea prevailing at ostrich and alli gator farms in California, whereby ona may get hla picture taken on the back of a stuffed ostrich, rampant, or aV mounted alligator, ouchant7 That's wht Ed. Morris, Pete Holo han, Jim Hull and other nimrods think, and, they point to the picture proudly displayed by Harry Joyce, manager of the Hazclwood, who alleges he caught the moriHl rous-slied salmon filmed thereon nt Hood River. A quiet investi gation ipon the part of the niniroda has proved, they assert, that Harry gave a boy a four-bit piece for the loan of his fish, or that some photographer at Hood River has a regular fish that he allows customers to hold while they are getting their pictures taken. 1 nv iTr. 1 1 .. ' - .: t