By George McManua RAIN PUTS CRIMP IN BRINGING UP" FATHER Copyrighted by International JTears fcerrU. Registered unice-i stales raieni uni L FLYER ON OLD MAN SOL Seven of the Eighteen Days Scheduled for Play Have Been Marred by Weather. KEEPS EYE ON WILLIAMS Cincinnati oatflelde Who Kit .345 for Spokane It Seaaon Xa Wanted cy the Beaver Manager. ---- ' a- " I .. HIDE IM THE BARREL 11 WW- Sou MUST CAUL OM A f i ' ff ' - m7S; 7I AROOT -F " ' " ' 1' M'CREDIE'S RNANCIA By R. A. Cronln. Since Judge McCredle took a finan cial flyer and purchased a large Inter est in an obscure though promising pring a few miles from Portland, there seems to be no further chance for summer encroaching upon thts misty metropolis. Yesterday's weather was what it was Saturday and Friday, and what it has been ror seven of the 11 days scheduled for play, full of rain. "It Is the worst spring we ever had." wailed Walter McCredle. "Every spring Is getting worse. Next year we may be going around in boats. (All of which Is not good Commercial club propaganda). Game Bet for September 3. Judge McCredie has set the game postponed bv rain yesterday for the last Sunday the Angels will be here, September S. when a double header Will be played. Inasmuch as the Angela play two gaimes hero I,abor day, Hep- tember 4, the fans will get their nu of baseball. While giving J. Pluvlus a terrific mental castlgatlon, Walter McCredle admitted that he was watching closely the major league movements with re spect to Kenneth Williams, an out fielder Cincinnati purchased last sea son from SpoRane. Williams hit .345 for Spokane last season before being sold to Cincinnati and' hit .242 wltn the Reds last fall. Portland Has Chance. It was reported . that he would be nt back to Spokane but two clubs failed to waive on him. The matte was taken up with President Farr of Spokane, but Farr says he hasn't heard anything from Cincinnati. Inas much as Spokane Is somewhat obliged to Portland,, McCredle figures he will get the slugging outfielder from Spo kane, if he Is turned back this season This Is the outfielder, mayhap, whom McCredie was looking up the other day. The Los Angeles club took advantage of the calling off ,ot the game to en train on the Shasta Limited at 3:60 O'clock yesterday afternoon and they Will land in JLos Angeles In .time to lay the Vernon club Tuesday mon- Ing. Otherwise the Angels would not have reached their home town until Wednesday. Baby Beavers Wm Six Inning Contest INTERCITY BASEBALL LEAGUE. W. I.. PC. iradforde 4 .8.10 .800 .800 .600 .500 .400 .4JO .000 nrknatrlcks 4 Salem 3 foadbum 3 Montavllla 2 Bt. Helens 2 Baby Beavers 1 woodland 0 Only one game was played In the Intercity Baseball league yesterday, the Baby Beavers winning from the Woodland team at Woodland, Wash., by the scare of 5 to 2 in 'a game that was called at the end of the sixth Inning on account of rain. Two innings of the Montavllla-Brad- ford game were played but in the third frame It was necessary to call the game because of the heavy downpour. When the game was called Montavllla Was leading, 2 to 0. It la likely that the games which were scheduled yesterday will be billed for next Sunday by the committee, Which Is revising the schedule. Salem Game I'ostponed. Salem, Or., May 8. The game be tween the Salem Lojus and the St. Helena team was postponed on account f wet grounds. James John Enters Team. Five athletes will represent tho lames John high school in the Inter toholastlc track and field champlon Ihlpe at "Eugene next Saturday. They ire Carlyle Cunningham, Curtis Phil lips, Russell Smith. Harold Trumbull ind Louis Dunsmore. Lajoda Gold Button Fish. Using a spinner purchased 23 years I ago, O. M. Reed yesterday landed the I first gold button fish of the season. I The fish was caught near Oregon I City and weighed 44 pounds 8 ounces 1 TOMORROW And All Recreation Park Corner Vaughn and Twenty-Fourth Streets SAN FRANCISCO VS PORTLAND 7 Games Begin Weekdays at 3 P. M.; Sundays at 2:30 P.M. Reserved Box Seats for Sale at Edwards' Cigar Stand ' ' Sixth and Washington Sts. Ladies' Days Wednesday and Friday , j . , , mm - -' ' " ' " , I 1 F.TEMPLETON BREAKS 98 OUT OF 100 PIGEONS Wind and Rain Doesn't Af fect Local Scattergun Ex pert in Work, A quartet of Portland Gun club members. A. W. Strowger. Frank Templeton, James W. Seavey and John Q. Clemson, left last night for Spo kane, Wash., to participate in the first annual Inland Empire Handicap trap shooting tournament to begin today Peter Holohan, one of the local pro fessionals, left Saturday night. The Inland Empire tourney will last for three days, the feature event be ing scheduled for Wednesday. While In Spokane, the local shooters will do a little missionary work for the Sportsmen's Association of the Northwest tournament to be staged here June 4, 5, 6 and 7. Frank Templeton hung up the re markable score of 98 out of 100 1n yesterday's shoot at the Portland Gun club at the Everdlng Park traps despite the unfavorable weather con ditions. Mrs. Ada Schilling scored 91 per cent. Four shooters. President A. W. Strowger. Frank Templeton Miss Gladys Reld and Dr. O. D. Thornton, cored points on the Imperial Diamond medal. The scores: Frank Templeton 98 Mrs. Ada Schilling 91 C. J. Schilling 89 J. W. Seavey 89 James Reid 88 Pr. Thornton 87 Jim Bull .S6 E. Toung' ........,...... , .5-f K. B. van Arman 85 A. Parrott si A. W. Strowger 80 Al Seguin 78 II. A. Pollock 78 J. C. Morris 09 E. B. Morris" G9 J. S. Crane fifl A. L. Zachrtsson 63 Miss G. Retd 61 N. C, Jensen 20-Kauge) 61 Wade Strowger 28-gauge) 24 iToressionais. The Independence Gun club holds very successful shoots weekly and is one of the most progressive little gun clubs in the state. They are getting ready to install some arc lights for night shooting. In the shoot of May 3 the following scores at 60 targets were made: Ed Morris (professional) 47, R. R. neArmond 46, Dr. Allen 45. W. W. Huff 45, Ross Nelson 44, Will Cockle 44, Glen Illlterbrand 44, E. Johnson 43, W. K. Claver 43. II. L. Fltchard 42, G. G. Walker 41, C. W. Irvine 39, Will Kerr 37, Moss Walker 37, Al Whit ney 37. (lark Allows One Hit. Seattle, Wash., May 8. (P. N. S.) "Bill Hurley day," in honor of the popular Great Falls manager, who for merly played in Seattle, was celebrated by the fans here Sunday. After Hur ley had received the various gifts and honors and had worked a regular speech off his chest, he violated all tradition by smiting the sphere for a single that put over the winning run. Clark, for Great Falls, held Seattle to one hit and no runs. Amateur Trapshootlng Champion. New York, May 8. (U. P.) By breaking 196 out of a possible 200 tar gets. Ralph L. Spotts of the New York Athletio club won tne amateur trap shooting championship of the United States for athletic clubs again Satur day. He held the title in 1814.- Tl th. Week BR0ADSW0RDSMAN IS mimMm (i f Wif ill atom "" mmmmmmmmmmmm p Carl Carl Nelson, world's champion broadswordsman, who participated in two battles at Multnomah field several years ago, is oot with a challenge ajd i a notice that he will be glad to defend his title once or twice more before re tiring. He says: "I am still thie mounted broadswords man champion of the world. Although I am now past 50 years of age, I reei that I could still defend my title. I National league games Cardinals 1, Keds O. St. Louis, May 8. (I. N. S.) The Cards gathered! but two hits yesterday In their 1 to 0 victorr over the Reds. Ames held th$ Reds Ito four nits, re tiring the last 12 batters in a row. Beck was injured by Herzog in the second, when Herzog tried to steal, and Roy Corhan played his first game at short for the Cards. The score: CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS. AF. H. 10. A. AB. H. O. A. Neale.rf ..3 4 ..4 Griffith. rf 4 Grob.3b. . . 3 'i Iaden,2b. 3 Wlngo.c. 3 Toney.p... 2 CUrk 1 Scbneld.r.p 0 llBesrher.lf . . . . 0Eetel,2b. . OjI.nng.rf. . . . 1 Miller, lb . 3!Beck.yb 8 Oorhin.n. . " ll)rubj. 2 Snrder.c. . . OlAmei.p O, 0 0 0 0 Totali ..29 4:24 1 21 Totalv. 24 2 27 12 Butted for Tooej in eighth. ClnclniiB,ttl O 00000O0 0 0 St. Louis O 001 00O0 1 Ron Lnntf. Errors Herrog. Betxel. Tvrn baie nit Miller. Stolen bae Neale, Bet 1, Beicher. Double play-ySnyder to Beck. Bast ob balls Off Tone? 1. off Schneider 1. off Ame 2. Struck out By Toney .'!. by Schneider 1, by Amea 6. empires O'Day and Ortb. Pirates Shut Out Cuba. Chicago, May 8. (I. N. S.) Kant leher held the Cubs to 3 hits yester day, the Pirates shutting Chicago out, 1 to 0. In the fourth inning, Carey hit a home run over the right field wall. The game was marked by beau tiful fielding on the part of the Cubs. The score: PITTSBURG I CHICAGO AB. H.O. A AH. II. O A Barney ,cf 4 1 3 O Mann, If. 4 Carey.lf.. . 4 lobnat' 3 Warner. as.. 4 1 3 0 13 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 3 0 1 OlFlack.rf 3 3 2!Sim'rm'n.3b. 4 Balrd.Sb... 4 Knabe.2b'.. 3 Costello.rf. 3 Wilson. c... 2 0 16 1 O 0 1 0 2 1 O . Allen, c Yerkos.2b... K'ntl'nr.D 0 0 Larender.p Totals.. 30 8 27 14. Totals.. 32 3 2T 17 Pittabura; 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Ol Chicago' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Huns Carey. Errors Wagner 2, Wilson, Yerkes. Two base Ulta Barney, Balrd. Wag ner. Lavender, Zimmerman. Home run Carey. Stolen base Klack. Sacrifice hit Wilson. Basea on balls Off Kantlehner 3, off Lavender 1. Struck out By Kantlehner 1. by Lavender 11. Umpires Klem and Ems lie. Jack Dillon Signs Up. Indianapolis, Ind.. May 8. (I. N. S.) JacK Dillon, local light heavyweight, has signed articles to meet any oppo nent selected Ifor a 10 round fight here the night before the international sweepstakes race' at Indianapolis mo tor speedway on' May 30. The fight will be held at the Indianapolis ball park. Western League Result. Sioux City S, Omaha 3. St. Joseph I, Denver 2. Lincoln 11, Des Moines . Topeka 8, Wichita 6. American Association. Toledo. 6: Kansas City, 1. Indianapolis. S; St. Paul, 4; 10 in nings. Louisville, 8: Minneapolis, 12. Columbus, 2; Milwaukee, 0 ANXIOUS FOR MATCH Nelson. tarn about to retire ever but would lik from the game for- contests to see If there is anything in the 'come-back' business, for I believe that 1 am as good now as I ever was "Of course I know that a champion should not challenge nor do I do fo now. I am willing however to surren der my title to a better man. If there li one. 1 have met men from many na tions, but have yet to meet defeat." AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Browns Los to Tigers. Detroit, May 8. (I. N. S.) Detroit copped a 2 to 1 victory off the Browne in the final game of series yesterday, notwithstanding the fact that Weilman, the Tigers' jinx, was on the mound for the "visitors. Neither Slsler nor Cobb was able to register a hit. The score: ST. LOUIS DETROIT AB. H.O. A.I AB. H O. A. Sbetton.lf. Johnson, as. Mlller.rf.. Slsler.lh.. . Pratt, 2b.. . Deal.:ib. . . Hartley.c. Wellman.p Crandall.. Sererold .533 403 3 0 2 2IVltt.:ib 4 2 2 3 2 0 3 0 1 3 .0 13 OlCrawford. ..100 2 0 2 RiVeach.lf.. .. 3 0 0 4 13 ... 3 2 It 4 1 2 2lYoung.2b... 3 0 4 2 o 0 3Stanaee,c. . 3 0 8 0 0 llC'T'l'skie.p. 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 O 0 Totala.. 81 7 24 13 Totals... 26 4 27 18 BtteJ for Hartley In tho ninth. Batted for Weilman In the ninth St. Louia 0O0001 0001 Detroit 1 00OO1 00 3 Kun Miller. Vitt. Oobb. Errors Hartley Johnaon, Bush 2, Young. Two base h't Burns. Stolen baaea Slsler, Marsaua, Cobb. Sacrifice hita Slsler, Pratt. Left on bases St. Louia 9, Detroit S. Struck ouf By Hleldebcand and id O'Lougblln. White So Los Again. Chicago. May 8. (I. N. S.) Cleve land scored four runs In the eighth inning yesterday, beating the White Sox, 5 to 2. The Indians' rune were made on a base on balls, three singles and a triple by 8peaker. Chicago out hit Cleveland 12 to 7 and up to the eighth had the game won, 2 to 1. The score: CLEVELAND. I CHICACO. AB. H.O. A. ' AB. H.O A. Graney.lf.. 4 Turner. 3b.. 4 Speaker, cf. 4 E. Smith. If. 4 4 Howard.2b. 4 W'mbsj' 4 ONell.c... 3 Coumbe.p.. 2 Roth 1 Mitchell, p. 0 . 8 1 Sil. Collins, rf . 0E. Collins. 2b Ojt' 2 8 1 2 2 13 0 2 1 0 3 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 3Wearer,sa.. 4 0 0 2!M'MulJen.3b 4 0 10 S Schalk.c 4 0 1 l'Faber.p 4 1 0 O Willlaois.p.. 0 0 0 0"Lyun 1 Totala . 34 7 27 14! Totals ...40 12 27 11 Batted for Coumba In eighth. BatteTfor Williams In ninth. Cleveland 00 0 00014 0 8 Chicago 0 0 1 0100002 RUna Graney, Turner. Smith, O'Neil. Both, Felsch 2. Errors Wambsganaa 2, McMullin 2. Two base hits J. Colllna, E. Collins, Feltch. Three base hits Candll, Rpexker. Stolen base Roth. Doybla play O'Neil to Turner. Baaea on balls Off Kaber 1. off Mitchell 1. Struck out By Coumbe 7, by Ftber 1, by, Williams 2, by MlDcbell 8. em pires Erana and Chill. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE At Seattle: R. H.E. Great Fals 2 6 0 Seattle 0 1 1 Batteries Clark and Haworth; Rose and Cadman. At Belllngham: R. H. E. Spokane 9 6 . Vancouver 5 7 ,4 Batteries Evans and Murray; Machold and Freeman. At Tacoma: R. H. fi. Tacoma 2 5 2 Butte 1 4 J Batteries Hendrix, Hovey and Hoff man; Sutherland and Roberta. . .. . - - DENVER MAY SEE FRED WELSH AND AD WOLGAST BOX Champion Is Offered $9000 for His End for Bout in Month of May, renver, Colo., May 8. (I. N. S.) Jack Tanner, promoter of the Colorado A. C, wired Harry Pollock, manager of lightweight champion Freddie Welsh, offering $9000 to induce the champion to meet Ad Wolgast in this city probably May 20. Wolgast's con sent has already been secured and Welsh's reply is looked for by tne local fans, as such a match has been fre quently discussed since Wolgast's "come back'' so strong recently, when he defeated the tough "Wop'' Flynn of Denver. Wolgast Is Out Again. Chicago. 111., May 8. (I. N. S.) Be cause of recent victories. Ad Wolgast, one time lightweight champion, will make one more attempt to regain his former crown. Larny Llchtensteln, local manager, will pilot the Dutchman through a campaign, which he believe will result in Wolgast regaining his lost laurels. According to Larny, Wolgast Intends to quit the game for all time If. un successful. Douglas Grant Hope Of California in Golf Menlo Park, Cal, May 8. (U. P.) The eyes of ooast golfers turned today to the future, when the western golf championship tournament will be held at Del Monte, believing the Pacific states will furnish some of the most formidable contenders for the title. These hopes were centered today on Douglas Grant as the result of his per formance Sunday In defeating Roger Lap ham of San Francisco for the Northern California golf championship 1 up In 37 holes. Both Grant and Lapham are expected to show well In the Del Monte western tournament. Lyle Bigbee Is Given Chance With Seattle Seattle, Wash., May 8. (P. N. S.) Lyle Bigbee, former University of Ore gon pitcher, who tried out with Walter McCredie's Beavers and with the Ta coma Tigers earli-er In the season, will be in a Seattle uniform today, and If he shows ability to hit, will be given a steady job. Although a pitcher by trade, Bigbee will be used as an outfielder by Se attle. His Job depends entirely upon his prowess with the old ash stick, as a few healthy base hits are the biggest need of the Seattle team Just now. Handicap Tennis Play May 20. Play in the annual spring handicap tennis tournament of the Waverley Country club is scheduled to begin May 20, according to an announcement made yesterday by A. B. McAlpin, chairman of the tennis committee. Mc Alpin succeeded R. M. Jones Jr. as chairman of the committee. The entry list will close May 18. Campi Outpoints Do Foe. Philadelphia, May 8. (I. N. S.) Eddie Campl easily outpointed Bill Do Foe Saturday night at the National Athletic club. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Pacifio Coaat Lsague. Won. Ixist. Los Angeles 17 12 San Franclaco 20 15 Vernon 16 15 . Salt Lake 13 15 Oakland IB 10 Portland 10 15 national, Brooklyn 4 Boston 8 5 Philadelphia s 7 Cincinnati 11 1" St. Louia 10 10 Chicago , 0 . f Plttuburg 8 1 New York 2 12 American Lsigus. Cleyeland 14 7 Washington 11 7 New York 10 8 Boston 10 10 Detroit 10 10 Chicago 10 13 St. Louia 7 11 rilladelphla 6 12 Northwestern League. Butte " Great Falla 4 Spokane 4 Seattle ' " Vancourer 4 i Tacoma . 3 Americas Association. Louisville. 12 4 Minneapolis 11 ft Oolnmbua I 7 Indianapolis S 9 Pt. Paul T Tdado Kansas City fl 10 Milwaukee . .r 4 12 Western League. Wichita To 5 Topeka s R Onisha S r Lincoln K t Denver X Dei, Moines ...fl 'Slou City . S 0 St. Joseph - ..4 lo Prt .571 .510 .44 .411 .400 .C32 .043 ,r.::.i .B24 .500 .5CO .174 .143 .07 .nu .550 .500 .500 .4.15 .3S0 .333 .WO .000 .too .444 .4(10 .333 .750 .WM jm .47 .44M .srri .2S0 rtl .UK .HIS .420 .40U COAST LEAGUE GAMES Salt Lake Takes Series. Los Angeles, May S (P. N. S.) The Tigers made it three straight from Salt Lake by winning th'e morning game in Vernon., The afternoon affair in the city meant the series. For seven Innings the Tigers had this game as good as won, but Brief kicked it all out of shape in the eighth and Buddy Ryan wrecked the show in the eleventh. The Tigers lost everything the final game, the series, their goats and any kindly feeling that was en tertained for the Utah gang. Th scores: Morning game: SALT LAKE. I ' VERNON. AB. H.O. A. AB. H.O. A. Rath.Tb... 4 4 Brief lb. . . 4 Kvau.lf H Shinn.rf . . . 8 Murphy,3b. :t Yaim.i-. ... 3 Wut'hop.p.. 3 UDoane.rf... 6 1 2 3 O 12 o Kiiterg,2b. 3 2 Hates.iSb. . . 4 8 01 Daley. If O 2 OjM U'frig' 4 0 Spencer, c. . 2 l.l'ronJine.p.. 3 Totals ..31 6 24 7 Totals ...29 8 27 14 Salt Lake 1O00OO00 0 1 Hits 11O00O1 1 2 6 Vernon 0 0100022 6 liita 01110131 8 Uuua Both Daley, Mattick, McUafflgttn, Spencer 2. Errors Brief, lilelchmanu. Two buse hits Daley, McGaf f igan, Doan Sacri fice hits Klaberg, Mattick Kromme. Stolen buses Sblun, Daley, Mcuafflgan, Fromme. .Struck out By Warhop 3, by Fromme 1. buses ou balls Off Warhop 4, Fromme 2. Double plays Kleberg to Glelchmann, Orr to Brelf. biaberg to McGafflgan to Uleicbmano. Passed ball Vunn. Time 1:34. li aspires) Lrabear and Held. Afternoon game: SALT LAKE. TKRNOH. AB. II.O. A. AB. H.O. A . 2 1 0 Ioane.rf . . . 4 2 2 0 Katb.2lJ. . . Brief. lb... Kyau.lf . . . Shiuu.rf . . . Orr. as Hallinan,3b Hannah, c. . 2 1 2 10 2 3 2 4 1 6 O 8 0 4 O 1 liUl'ich'a' 4 1 17 1 0 1 3 1 o 1 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 ttlsberi.2b. 5 0 Batea.Sb 4 1 Daley, If 4 4 vf'G'fflK' B vv naiinit.c. 4 i lttery.p. . (julnn.p 3 li. Johnson, p 0 Totala . .38 11 33 20 Totals ...37 832 10 Brief out. hit by batted bull. Salt Laka OU00000800 S 8 Hits lo 200 0 0410 3 11 Vermn 1 0 1 O 0 0 0 1 0 0 O 3 Hits 2 11 10 110 0 1 O 8 Huns Qulnlan, Kath, Brief 2. Ryan, Shltn, Duunc, Baltes, Qulnn. iiriors Brief, llallinsn, Hunnnh. Quiun. Three bane hit Ityan. Two Libe bit Hrlff. Sacrifice bits Ruth, UlslcU uiunn, iiattick, Haley, Orr. Stolen base Bate. Struck out By littery 4, by Qulnn 2. Bases on balla Olf littery 2, otf gulnn 4. Churge defeat to (Julnn. Double plays McGafflgan to KJaberg to Glelchmann, Brief to Orr to Flttery. Hit by pitched ball Doane. Time 2:05. Umpires Brashaa and Held. Seals and Oaks Split Even. San Francisco, May 8. (P. N. S.) In the presence of several thousand of the home folks, the commuters recov ered their equilibrium yesterday a. m., and steamed into a real victory over the Seals, 2 to 1. But In the after noon they rolled about aimlessly be fore the hurricane of Seal hits, dis playing a lamentable lack of able sea men in their own ranks. The Seals were heartless In their attack, the final score being 11 to 2 In their favor. The score: Morning game: OAKLAND. I SAN r'RANC'ICO. AB. II.O. A. AB. II.O. A. Barheau,3b 2 1 1 2!FItg'raId.rf 3 0 0 0 Middleton.lf 1 0 3 1 3 1 1 1 13 O 2 2 1 0 3 0 0 l Scbller,lf. . 2 0 Bndie cf 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 A 1 13 0 4 1 1 0 1 iim 3 Gardner, rf. 3 Barry, lb. . . 4 Elliott, e... 4 Bcrger.2b. . 4 DaTls.aa... 3 Martin, p.. . 4 0Downs.2b. 1 2 Jonea,3b. . 1 Brookk.c. . S'Couch.p. .'. Totals ..28 6 27 10i Totala ...30 9 27 17 Oakland 0 00 1 0 1 00 02 Hits 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 28 San Francisco 1 0000000 0 1 Hits 2 1 20 1 000 0 Runs Barbeau, Zimmerman, Fitxserald. Krror Zimmerman. Stolen bases Zfmmar iran, Bodlo, lowna. Two base hit Barry. Sacrifice bits Middletou, Bodle. Struck out By Martin 2. Hit by pitcher Fitzgerald, Fchaller. Double plays II.1dleton to Davis, touch to Autrey. Ieft on bases Oskland 5, ban Francisco 7. Time of fame 1:45. Um pires Doyle and Phyla. Afternoon game: OAKLAND. I SAN FRANCISCO. AB. H.O. A. AB. H.O. A 10 X 0 I Q M)iilI''ItiKerald,rt 3 u 0 0 0 ' ' d's.aqBUjSchailer.lf . 3 11 0 0 o d'ja Bodle, cf .. . S !j (i v 'snaaDowns,2b. . . 4 ! I O K ' "J3 J2JHCoffey,. . . 4 IS 11 O -u'4JaAut' 8 0 0 I B . . . a 0 I Z jJ'JsapjBoSipalyeda.o 4 1 13 Oil Ja um,mtzoidJian,p. .. I 0 K I j 'sanBrown,p 2 O 0 0 0 IS 0 0 qg nao.ja GrlMthl.O 10 3 0 Totala ..32 8 34 14 Totala ...82 11 27 8 0 0 0 2 0 O OO 0 2 Oakland litis I O O 0 4 0 0 0 O 1 6 San Francisco ,0 O 2 8 5 1 0 1 11 lts 0 1 1 8 8 2 0 0 11 Kuii Lena. Zimmerman. Fltsgrrald 8, Sfballer, Bodle, Downa, Coffey 2, Autrer li, Oldham. Stolen base- Fitzgerald. Two baa hits Bodle 2. Gardner. Bacrlflca hit Brown. lUaes on balls By Beer 2, by Oldham 1, Bromn 1, by Chabek 2. by Klawltter 2. 8trnfk out By Oldham 4. by Brown 8. by Klawltter 2 Hit by pitcher Jones by Beer. Doable tiers Berger to Davla to Barry, Day la to Berger to Ban. Pad ball Sepujveda. Wild Ditch Klawltter. Left on basea Oak- lcud 6, San Franclaco 4. Credit rlctory to Brown. Charge defeat to Brr. Time 2:00. Umpires fbyla and Doyle. . Walter Miller Here for Bout. Walter Miller, claimant of the world's middleweight ,wrestling cham pionship, arrived in Portland yesterday to complete the details of his second match with Eddie O'Connell, which is scheduled to be held some time this month. May 23 has been suggested as the date of the event. Tobin May Quit Hockey. Undecided whether he would return to Portland next fall to Join the Port land hockey champions, Charles Tobin left Saturday night for Detroit, Mlch where he will go in business for him self. If Tobin decides not to come to Portland again he will retire from the game WILHELM WINS TWO EVENTS AT PORTLAND CLUB Carskadden Makes a Good Showing in Perpetual Ranking Event. Rain yesterday afternoon made It hard for g-ood golf, but in spite of that fact Hudolph Wilhelm negotiated the Portland golf links in 80, which, with his handicap of four gave him first place in the ball sweepstakes, and first place in the Donation golf tournament. Dr. J. IT. Turtle finished second In both events, his net score being 7 8. C. F. CarBkadden, formerly of the Eugene Golf club but now with the Portland Golf club, and unclassified in the Perpetual ranking tournament, made an excellent showing yesterday. He defeated H. E. VanNem, IB, a player 20 places above him, and won 2 up. Then he challenged George An derson, 8A, and won 7 up and 6 to go. Dr. W. I. Northup, 4B, defeated Sam Archer. 5 A, 6 and 4. R. R. Warlnner, unclassified, beat Dr. Millard Hol brook. BC. H. K. Keats, 14B, retained his place against H. E. VanNesa, 4C John Hotchkiss, 7A, failed to supplant Arthur Dickson, 3A. Four-Ball Matches at Waverley. Owing to the wind and rain no at tempt was made to keep scores in the Informal four ball matches between 'layers from Spokane and Portland yesterday. The greater number of the Spokane players returned home last night. Hood River. Or., May 8. Knudsen s effective pitching and excellent aup- p o r t alaea me ing ae umcush of Portland to defeat the Hood River Heights team yesterday by the score of 6 to 2. Pitcher Hart of ttt locals made three hits. -y Score: - H- B- Lang " 0 1 Hood River Batteries Knudson and Myers; Hart and Rodger. Pendleton, Or., May 8. By defeating Pilot Rock yesterday by the score of 6 to 4, Pendleton stepped into first place In the Blue Mountain Baseball league. The Dalles, Or., May The local baseball team defeated the Harriman team of Portland yesterday by the score of 13 to 3. Taggesell of ths visitors was touched up for 13 hits. Matt Roland's great twirling enabled the Bricklayers to defeat the Oswego team yesterday by the score of 6 to 2. The game was played despite the rain. Anderson and llaynes formed the Os wego battery. La Grande. Or., May 8. Scoring four runs in the ninth Inning, La Grande de feated Elgin in the opening game of the Valley league. 4 to 3. Blumenstein. a youngster, hld the locals helpless for eight innings. North Powder, Or., May I. Baker was defeated in a free hitting contest by the locals yesterday by the score of 27 to 26. Kenton defeated Gresham yesterday afternoon by the score of 4 to 2. The features of the game was the batting of Hastings of Kenton and Bateman of Gresham and the catching of Shea. Hastings and Bateman each made home runs. gcore R. H. E. Kenton 8 i Gresham 2 6 1 Batteries "Utch" Riepl and Bhea; Hamlin and Hamlin. Iron Mask, Famous U. S. Eacer Is Dead Lexington, Ky.t May 8. (t. N. 8.) Iron Mask, one of t the most famous sprinters of all time on the American turf, died here last nlgnt or oouDie pneumonia. He was 8 years old and was by Disguise-Royal Rose. Iron Mask had the distinction of having raced successfully In England, United States, Canada, Mexico and Cuba. I In 19U he eet the world's rec ord for six furlonga at 1:10 4-5 and reduced that mark to 1:09 3-6 at Ju ares the following winter. At Juarea he also set a new American record for iVi furlongs at 1:08 3-6. SANITOL WEEK MAY 14th Tour chase te get free s Jar cf laaltal Faoo Cream i aaat yea ever put en year faoo or a package of Senitol Taee Powdar rsfroshlna;, dainty and fragrant in three tints, Flask. Wait aad Branett. with seek purchase of Sanitol Tooth PeweSt or Vest. COUPON m MAY 14th Ill MINOR BASEBALLI 1 i a Vassar Girl Sets ; A New Record for.v 100-Yard Dash Baoer Wins Pigeon Race. The Chehalls-Portland race of the Oregon Homing Pigeon olub yesterday was won by E. H. Bauer. Jimmy Dunn's pigeons took second place. The weather conditions were very unfavor able, but despite this the birds made good time. Several members of. the club reported the loss of birds. Tlx others finished as follows: E. Kinder man. third; C. DeRieux, fourth; 8. Crompton, fifth, and L. N. Johnston, sixth. Ike Wolfer. the Portland boy, "Whe is playing left field for Spokane, made two hits in five trips to the plat la yesterday's game with Vancouver at Belllngham. Including a home ran drive. Alive With the National Spirit That lively.quick-actlon. hit- the-mark-every-timo testa of Bull Durham haa made it the Smoke of the Service from Maine to the Philippines. There's crisp, brisk snap to a fresh -rolled "BulP Durham cigarette that just suits men of punk and spirit. " oenuing! ol0 URHAM SMOKING TOBACCO . -i mm mt lis r roil your own uuu t a- i . . r i mrham rirrarPTrn nns nil . -V . . nnrnwneaa rnarnrTrrncr sonalirv. It trives VOU th&t - w w wonderful mellow-sweet haVOf a t and lmiaue aroma Whicn sure not found in any other tobacco. Leaia to "roll your own' with "Dull uurft&m a rcw trials will do it and youll get far more enjoyraentoutof smoking. Ak for FREE pacha f of mt with acA6e. ta abbcii raucco coxruT D taper t