The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 08, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Germany Unquestionably Is
: Trying to End Struggle, Is
Opinion Expressed,
t Vof Speaks of "Vital Interests" tq Be
. mUaU&l Mo Evidence of WUllng
j un to Aooept Tonus It Oivea.
. . By J. W. T. Maaon.
I Kew Tork, May 8. (U. P.) Ger
many unquestionably In trying to en3
tho European war by persuading neu
tral opinion that continuation of the
conflict will mean useless slaughter
f for all the belligerents.
While reference to peace In Ger-
many note to America ) not direct
' evidence that the kaiser wanta to dls
reuu a aettlement, there are other In
j lieatlone that Germany Is convinced a
J permanent stalemate has been reached
) by tho contending armies. The failure
f of tho Germans to capture Verdun !s
j undoubtedly exercising a deep influ
ence upon the present attitude of the
: kaiser's government and a still pro
i founder influence upon German public
Tint Defeat Since the Marne.
The Verdun defeat Is the first se
rious reverse the Germans have suf
fered since the failure to reach Paris
and Calais early in the war. It is
Significant that following the Meuso
Check the kaiser's government has
worded Its submarine note to the Unit
ed 8tates In such a manner as to try
and placate German public opinion.
Hitherto the Berltn authorities have
not been compelled to consider public
Opinion, In International affairs.
It Is not difficult to understand,
therefore, why the kaiser Is anxious
to set neutral influences at work on
behalf of peace at this time.
: But there can be no discussion of
I peace without a discussion of terms,
i and Germany has not given any evi
dence of a willingness to accent terms
I In any way satisfactory to the allies.
In her note to America, Germany im-
presses a desire to end the war on the
i terms that will safeguard her "vital
I Interests," but nothing Is vaguer in
International discussions thnn "Vital ln
i terests." The German chancellor has
I recently Indicated that Germany's
terms Include the retention of the con-
Quered territory of Russia, besides
s the exercise of a vaguely expressed
German auxerainty over Belgium. The
war must go still further if Germany
continues to believe these terms are
1 necessary to protect her "vital inter
' ests."
Indemnity Zs Demanded.
: That the note may be moderated in
the near future, however, la suggested
by the apparent fact that the German
government has abandoned Us earlier
' demand for a war indemnity as the
, price of peace.
The allies themselves are snowing
no open desire for peace; but this Is
because they stand to lose more than
Germany If the war were to end under
present conditions. If Germany con
tinues to want a victorious peace the
allies must go ahead with their plans
(Or a gigantio offensive along the
western front. And yet the German
failure at Verdun certainly raised
doubts In London rind Faris as to
whether the western deadlock can
ever be broken by either Hide.
Unquestionably the Anglo-French
drive- will be put off If there la any
expectation of Germany accepting what
the allies consider an equitable peace
agreement But, if Germany's plea
for peace la accompanied by a con
queror's conditions, then the drive
must come with a probable loss to all
belligerents of at least 500,000 men.
What may happen aftee that, midsum
mer will probably show.
' Harry Lauder "Loosens Up."
London, May 8. (I. N. S.) Harry
Lauder sent J1260 to St Dunstan
home for blind sailors and soldiers.
" You simply must
do something for
your nerves !"
enough nourishment from
the regular diet. But the dis
traction of overwork or worry
has exhausted this supply and
now they are starving.
1 They must be fed more of their
vital foods, particularly phospho
rus, as your doctor will tell you.
But Sanatogen is not only a mere
means of giving this phosphorus San
atogen gives it "in such a form as Dr.
C W. Saleeby says, "that the nervous
svstem ran ar'triallv fnkm UnM
of it." That is why
has been so eagerly
Awarded Grand Prise, International
Congress of Medicine, London, 19 1 3.
Will Have Program
High School Commencement Will 8
Held Host Weak, Dr. W. H. Bleskney
to Deliver Baccalaureate ermon.
Milton, Or., May 8. The Milton
Freewater high school commencement
exercises will be held next week. Sun
day evening Dr. W. IL BJeaVney, pro
fessor of Greek In Whitman college,
will deliver the baccalaureate sermon
In the Christian church. Tuesday eve
ning. May 9, the class day exercises
will be given, the program being as
follows: Piano solo, Hilda Rice; class
will, Harold Brown; class prophecy,
Evangeline Doble; song, senior quartet;
play, "Sunset," senior class. Thursday
evening commencement exercises will
be held at the college auditorium, as
follows: Claas march; salutatory,
Margaret Groth; chorus, boys' glee
club; piano solo. Miss Sally Taylor;
address, Rev. Charles E. Tuke of Walla
Walla; solo. Miss Veva McOrew; vale
dictory, Hilda Rice; presentation of
diplomas. Profer.aor J. B. Washburn:
chorus, girls' glee club. Following are
the members tt the graduating class:
Ruth Brown Oliver Thompson, Marga
ret Groth, Harold Brown, Althea Lane,
Lloyd Still, Hilda Rice, Tom Haun,
Evangeline Doble, Nell Best, Marian
Talbott, Myra Mumford.
Cherries Beat Peaches.
Freewater. Or.. Mav 8. The Freewa-
ter Commercial club has decided to hold
an annual Cherry day In this city June
1. The cherry crop of this section has,
in point of production and value, so far
outdistanced the peach crop that it has
been decided to transrer reewatera
annual celebration from peachea to
cherries. It will be somewhat out of
the ordinary and will Include an auto
parade and ball name. Prixes will be
given for best boxes of cherries and
for sports.
(Continued From Pace One)
Itt doors and windows and began a
desperate fight against overwhelming
odds. They were routed when tha
Mexicans, despairing of approaching
the beleaguered Americans while they
had any ammunition left, hurled fire
balls unon the thatched roof. Three
men fell as the little detachment fled
from the blase.
One was riddled with 10 bullets.
The other two were struck many
times. Those who survived reached
the shelter of a rocky field and con
tinued their battle until daylight when
the Mexicans with triumphant yells,
rode away, carrying as captives J. A.
Ieemer and F. Compton and leading
pack horses loaded with loot.
Believe Prisoners Murdered.
No hope is felt here for Deemer and
Compton. Knowing the character of
the raiders, residents of the district
are prepared for the worst. The Mexi
can attack "was centered against the
American soldiers. When the surviv
ing troopers, most of them severely
wounded, escaped to the hills in the
rear of the settlement, the raiders
turned their attention to the village
store. At dawn the building was set
aiire. uompton ana Deemer were
tossed into a wagon and Deemer was
ordered to drive.
The first alarm was spread by W
A. Ellis and his wife who escaped on
foot and ran to the hills when the in
vaders appeared. After the Mexicans
had departed Mr. and Mrs. Ellis rushed
back and found their automobile, in
which they drove to Marathon. Sher
iff Walton and Dr. Perverse, with vet
erans of many border clashes, started
to the relief.
Sentry Tires Shot.
Mrs. Ellis graphically told the story
of tho isoldiers' hopeless fight. The
troopers were asleep when a sentry dis
cerned the Mexicans stealthily ap
proaching at a distance. He fired his
revolver to awaken the settlement and
the fight started.
Driven from their first stand, the
soldiers retreated to the adobe hut
where the conflict raged for three
hours with a double ring of Mexicans
surrounding the little band of Ameri
cans. The troops shot at the flashes
of the Mexican guns.
The first report of the raids reached
Major General Frederick Funston at
El Paso S'unday. An effort to get de
tails was Immediately started, and
by physicians and why so many thou
sands of them have gladly written let
ters commending this and others of
Sanatogen's unusual virtues.
Dr. E. Perskbetti, Physician to the Queen
Mother of Italy, writes : H have used Sanato
gen in seversl cases of neurasthenia and in
every case the nervous symptoms were great
ly diminished.-
Sir Gilbert Parker writes : "Sanatogen is a
true food-tonic, feeding the nerves, and giving
fre&h energy to overworked body and mind.'
If you are still wondering if Sana
togen can actually do this for you, why
not do the one thing which can con
vince you give Sanatogen a trial?
And With vonr nerva rwo.
later a complete report was reeerred f
from John P. Denny, manager of the j
mines company.
Hew Expedition Ordered Oat.
This stated that three dead soldiers
and one dead civilian boy had been
brought to Marathon on a motor truck
by two o2 the trootpers who had been
mortally wounded themselves. Tha
soldiers killed were Privates Cohen,
Coloe and Rodgers.
Within an hour otf the receipt of the
report from Denny, General Funston,
with the approval of General Hugh L.
Scott, issued orders for a new expe
dition to start from El Paso. The
train got away at p. m. It carried
Tsoopa A and B of the Eighth cavalry,
commanded by Major George T. Lang
home, Captain George W. Ktrkpatrtek
and Captain James C. Rhea.
Colonel Sibley la Command.
, This force will be Joined en route by
two troops of the Fourteenth cavalry
under Colonel Frederick W. Sibley and
a machine gun platoon. Colonel Sibley
will be in command when he joins.
The equipment carried from El Paso
consisted of four motor trucks, four
mule team wagons, cavalry mounts for
the men and several tons of field ra
tions. The officials of the International
Mines company have placed all of their
equipment, which consists of more
than 100 inulo teama and several motor
mucks, at the disposal of General
Washington. May 8. (I. N. S.)
Official reports of a new border raid
In which three American soldiers were
killed, two were wounded and four were
taken prisoners, brought a new crisis
in the Mexican situation Sunday.
The list of dead report: by General
Funston follows:
Stephen J. ColocJc, Fourteenth cav
alry of No. 391 East Thirty-ninth
street. New Tor't.
William Cohen, Kourteentn cavairy
of 227 East Nini ty-elghth street, istw
Lawrence K. Rogers, Danville, Ky.
War Department's Statement.
The war department gave out the fol
lowing statement:
"A telegram received irom runsion.
at the war department at 4 p. m. con
firms the message previously received
from the collector of customs at Eagle
Pass about the raid of Mexican bandits
&. Glenn Springs in the Big Bend coun-
trv in Texas. Mexicans numDerini;
about 50 attacked a small American de
tachment at Glenn springs at 11:00
Friday night, killing three American .
soldiers and one boy and wounding two
soldiere. Four aoldlera and one civil
ian are reported missing. The town
waa looted.
Boqulllae Balded Saturday Morning;.
"It was reported that Boquillas was
raided Saturday morning at 10 o'clock
by presumably the same band. Several
civilians miBSlng.
A relief detachment of American sol
diers reached Glenn Springs at 4
o'clock Saturday afternoon and another
left Marathon for the same place on
motor trucks at 10 o'clock this
State department officials aaid it
will be necessary to call the raid to
the attention of the de facto govern
ment. General Scott is understood al
ready to have made the facts known
to Obregon with a view to getting any
possible explanation from him as sec
retary of war.
Bine Boldiers at Glenn Springs.
There were only nine men In the
detachment at Glenn Springs under
command of Sergeant Smith. The camp
at Glenn Springs Is not far from San
Baclnto, on the border and south of
Alpine, Texas. News of the raid was
first received from private citizens of
Marathon, Texas, after the arrival of
a truck bearing three dead and two
wounded American -aoldlers and a boy
who had been killed. The wounded
soldiers reported that two other
wounded men had been left on the
field. Sergeant Smith was one of the
men wounded.
Although the official report of Gen
eral Funston said the Mexicans num
bered about 60, he reported that ad
vices had been received indicating that
from 200 to 600 Mexicans participated
in the raid.
Will Detrain at Marathon.
The new column detrained at Mara
thon, Texas, at daylight and began a
forced march to Glen Springs and Bo
quillas. General Funston has issued orders
Vrtll fnr h1rv tVi nnt- An
EX D J " f , "J
this soon ?
Sanatogen is sold by good druggists
everywhere, in sixes from $1.00 up.
8oo and actoal
that the Mexicans responsible for the
raid must be captured or killed. No
official etatement has been given out.
but It Is known Colonel Sibley's orders
do not contemplate that he end the
pursuit when the border is reached.
Texan Start in Pursuit.
Marathon, May 8. (I. N. S.) W.
W. Ellis, heading a posse of 60 Tex
ans, started from here Sunday to
pursue the Mexicans who raided
Glen Spring and Boquillas Friday
night and Saturday morning. Every
man of the posse is familiar with
the topography of the Big Bend coun
try and ia expert with both rifle and
The Mexicana are said to be camped
on both sides of the river between
Bouqulllas and Boqulllis del Carmen.
(Continued From Pice One)
prema court. I am profoundly inter
ested in his confirmation by the sen
ate. "There la probably no more impor
tant duty imposed upon the president
in connection with the general almin
istratlon of the government than that
of nominating members of the supreme
court; and I need hardly tell you that
I named Louis D. Brandeia as) a mem
ber of that tribunal only because I
know that he is singularly qualified
by his learning, gifte and character for
that poeitlon.
Charges Beact on Accusers.
"Many charges have been made
against Mr. Brandeis, but the report of
your sub-committee haa already made
plain to you and to the country at
large how unfounded these charges
were. They threw a great deal more
light upon the character and motive of
thoee who originated the charges than
upon the qualifications of Brandeis,
I myself looked into them three years
ago, when I decided to make Brandeis
a cabinet member, and found they pro
ceeded mostly from those who hated
Brandeis because he refused to be serv
iceable to them for the promotion of
their aelflsh interests, and from those
who had been prejudiced and misled
The propaganda in this matter haa
been most extraordinary and most dls
trebsing to those who love fairness and
value the dignity of a great profession
Haa Tested Brandeia.
"I perceived from the first that the
charges were intrinsically incredible to
anyone who had really known Brandeis,
I have known and tested him by seek
ing advice upon some of the most diffi
cult and perplexing questions about
which it haa been necessary for me to
form Judgment, I have dealt with him
in matters where nice questions of
honor and fair play, as well as large
questions of public benefit, were in
volved. "In every matter in which I have
made this test of his Judgment and
viewpoint, I have received from him
counsel sinpularly enlightening, singu
larly clear-sighted, judicial, and, above
all, full of moral cumulation.
"He Is a friend of all Just men, a
lover of right, he knows more than
how to talk about right, he knows how
to sail forward in the face of hia ene
miea. I knew from direct personal
knowledge of the man what I was
doing when I named him for the high
est and most responsible tribunal in the
"Of his extraordinary ability as a
lawyer no man who is competent to
judge can speak with anything but the
highest admiration. You will remem
ber that in the opinion of the late
Chief Justice Fuller, he waa the ablest
man that ever appeared before the
United Statea supreme court.
" 'He is also,' Fuller added, 'abso
lutely fearless in the discharge of his
Judicial Temperament Proved.
"Those who have resorted to him for
assistance in settling great industrial
disputes can testify to hia fairness
and love of Justice. In troublesome
controversies between the garment
workers and manufacturers of New
York city, for example, he gave truly-
remarkable proof of his judicial tem
perament and had what must have
been great satisfaction in rendering
decisions which both sides were will
ing to accept ak distinterested and
even handed.
"Brandeis has rendered many not
able services to the city and state
with which his professional life is
identified. He successfully directed
the campaign which resulted in chear
er gas for Boston. Chiefly by his
guidance and through his efforts leg
islation was secured for Mass
achusetts authorizing savings banks
to issue insurance policies in small
sums at greatly reaucea rates.
Proved Ability la Boston Fight.
"And gentlemen who tried their
hardest to obtain control of the Bos
ton Klevated and Subway for 99 years
Lean testify to his ability as a people's
advocate when the public Interest calls
for an effective champion. He rend
ered those services without compen
sation and earned the gratitude of
every citizen of the state and city
which he served.
"It will hearten the friends of com
munity and public rights throughout
the country to see such a quality Big
naljy recognized by his elevation to
the supreme court. The whole country
Is aware of his quality and is inter
ested in his appointment.
Bid Wot Act on "Indorsements."
"I did not, in making the choice, ask
or depend upon any 'Indorsement.'
I acted upon public knowledge and
personal acquaintance with the man
His name as a lawyer, his ability and
character were so widely recognised
that he needed no indorsement. I did,
nowever, personally consult many
whose Judgment 1 have the utmost
confidence in, I am happy to say, and
they supported the voluntary recom
mendation of the attorney general of
the United States.
"Let me say, my dear senator, in
summing up, that Mr. Brandeis was
nominated because he was and is, in
my deliberate Judgement, of all the
men now at the bar whom it haa been
my privilege to observe and test, ei
ceptionally qualified.
"I cannot apeak too highly of his
impartial, orderly and constructive
mind, his rare analytical powers, his
deep human sympathy, hie profound
acquaintance with the historical roots
of our institutions and his insight into
their spirit, the many evidences he haa
given of being imbued to the very neart
with American ideals of justice and
equality Of opportunity, his knowledg
of modern economic conditions and
their bearing upon the masses, bis
geniu In getting persons to unite in
common and harmonious action, and
to look with a frank and kindly eye
upon other minds, although heretofore
they may have been heated an tag o
nists. This friendship of Justice and
of men will be an ornament to tb
high court of which we are ao justly
"I am glad of the opportunity to
pay this tribute of admiration and
confidence and I beg your committee
to accept the nomination coming from
me quickly, with a sense of obligation
ana responsibility.
"With kindest regards,
Complicity in Uprising Al
leged Against John Mac
Neil When He Is Seized,
Marriage of Grace Gifford and Joseph
Flasket Ooonrred a Tew Honrs
Before the Matter Was Shot.
Dublin, May 8. John- MacNeil,
president of the Sinn Felners' organ
ization, has been arrested and charged
with complicity in the recent Irish
revolt, according to official announce
ment here today.
London, May 8. (I. N. S.) The
marriage of Grace Gifford to the
Sinn Fein leader, Joseph Plunkett, a
few hours before he was shot by
sentence of court martial, is a tragic
romance of the Irish uprising. From
a member of the bride's family these
facts are learned:
Miss Gifford was a handsome girl,
28 years old, the daughter of a Dub
lin aolici.tor. She studied art and be
ing wayward and headstrong fell
under the influence of the Countess
Markiewics and much against the
wishes of her parents, associated her
self with the Sinn Fein movement.1
Just before the outbreak Grace Gif
ford' s parents heard that she was en
gaged to Plunkett. Mrs. Gifford re
monstrated with her daughter with
out avail.
Miss Gifford, who seems to have
taken no part in the uprising, went on
Wednesday afternoon. That evening a
young woman whose description tallies
with hers bought a wedding ring at a
Jeweler's shop in Grafton street.
When Mrs. Gifford aaw her daugh
ter "next the latter held out her left
hand, showing a ring. 8he told her
mother that between 3 and 4 o'clock
in the morning she had been married
in prison to Plunkett.
Harcourt Named Secretary.
London, May 8. (I. N. S.) Louis
Harcourt, an Irish Independent, has
been appointed secretary of state for
Ireland, succeeding Augustine Birrell.
Mr. Birrell tendered his resignation to
325 Washington St.
Between Sixth
and Broadway
Recognized lead
ing makes of men's
and young men's
5 hoes all recent
stock, including
our Spring lines.
9 o'Clock
Premier Asqnith last week following
the revolution In Ireland.
An Exchange Telegram dispatch
from Dublin announces that Count
Plunkett and his wife have been ar
rested. They are the parents of
Joseph Plunkett, the Sinn Fein leader,
who signed the proclamation of an
"Irish .Republic" and who waa shot in
the -Tower of London last Thursday.
Count Plunkett is curator of the na
tional museum. It is understood, ac
cording to the dispatch that the coun
tess is a foreigner.
The prisoners described as George
and John Plunkett in the official
statement are Count Plunkett and his '
son. I
It has been learned that Sir Roger I
Casement will be. arraigned in Bow'
street either on Wednesday or Thura- I
day. I
Sister Would Save Casement.
Washington, May 8. (I. n. g.)
Mrs. Agnea Newman, aiater of Sir
Roger Casement, has appealed to the
British ambassador to use his efforta
to aave her brother from the gallows.
Mra. Newman later viaited Frank I
Polk, counsellor of the state depart
ment. Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the British
ambassador. It is understood, offered
to use his good offices In behalf of Sir
Roger Casement, who is awaiting trial
for treason in connection with the Irish
rebellion. Mrs. Newman did not ask
the atate department to Intervene as
she had been advised thla government
cculd take no action In Sir Roger s be
half, since he is not ah American citi
zen. Medford Is Stirred
By Recall Charges
Alleged That Outside Tlrma Are Given
Preference Over Home-It sde Goods
and That Officials Are Extravagant.
Medford, Or., May 8. The recall pro
ceedings against the county court. Judge
Frank L. Tou Velle and Commissioners
Frank H. Madden and W. Con Leever
being the principals involved, are cre
ating much discussion. That orders by
the county court for materials to be
used on county road work, which, it is
claimed, are manufactured at home and
should be purchased at home, are sent
to Portland houses, and extravagance
in expenditures of money on the Pa
cific highway and the employment of
special counsel in county litigation, in
which the county attorney should have
appeared, are among the charges made.
In the campaign frequent references
are made to an alleged "county court
ring," and the arbitrary manner in
which county business is alleged to be
dominated by private Individuals, to
the detriment of efficiency in the con
duct of county business.
The embroilment is apparently the
If-' I If
shoe buying,
lowing reductions demonstrate:
On all Johnston &
Shoes and Oxfords
10 OFF.
1(5 Flexible-sole Tan n QQ
Shoes and Oxfords eyeJA0 -
Bostonian latest style d O AO
Shoes and Oxfords .
$5.00 Black and White Rubber-
sole Oxfords, also
in tan, pair .
$4 Black Lace and(o QQ
Button Shoes now. . .$& lO
$3.50 Men's Summer
Work Shoes,
now at t9aCeUD
$5 Men's .Tan Lace
and Button Shoes at
result of personal and political differ
ences that have created more or less
disorder for two or three years. The
general hope Is expressed that It will
be a fight to the finish this time.
For a Supper that Tempts the Appetite
Lea & PerrlM Sauca ii invaluable. It brings
and adda an annetlslnar "
Middy Blouses 75c to $3.50
U. S. Hammocks $1.00
U. S. Blankets $3.50-55.50
Auto Robes $3.50
Shirts, all wool $1.50-$4.50
Shirts 25c to $1.00
Chauffeur Overcoat $6.50
Smoking Tables . . . .$2.00
Rifle Clothing Tree $10.00
Sweater . .$3.00 to $4.50
Rubber Blankets ...$1.00
Rubber Pouchea $2.00
Logger Shirts $4-50
W. S. Kirk's Army and
Navy Store
Corner Third and Stark Streets
Novelties to Interest
You Don t Have to
of Last Week
We brought to the attention
of the men of Portland this
sale and the reasons there
for, mentioning the fact
that the
Demands of An Un
reasonable Landlord
were directly responsible in
Forcing Us to Quit
Realizing that prompt ac- .
tion was necessary, we de
cided to enter into a sale
Entire Stock of Men's
Higi Grade Shoes
which includes such well
known makes as Johnston
& Murphy, Howard & Fos
ter. Bostonian, Common-
wealth, English K and oth
The result so far has
the response of hun
dreds of men to the induce
ments held forth for timely
which the fol
All Shoe stock due to
arrive in the near future
will be immediately
placed in this sale.
325 Washington Street,
Between ixth and Broadway
By pumping a film of air between;
the hulls of vessels and the water to :
reduce friction, engineers in Europe
hope to save steamers 12 per cent of .--fuel
1 1 'i
Tee ear eriftaal WerceetsrtluYf Saace
Sead postal for free kitchen hanger containing
FEJUUNS, Unbert Street, New York City
Logger Shirts
Nothing made to equal
them for wear and
turning rain
Trousers, all wool. ..$2.50
Socks .... ...15c and 25c
Khaki Coats ..75c to (2.50
Bristle Brushes 25c
Munsoa U. S. Shoes. . $5.00
U S. Canvaa and Leather
Shoes 75c
White and Khaki Troua-
rs at 60c and 75c
U. S. Pack Sacks . . .$1.00
U. S. Haversacks. . 35c-75c
Revolver Holsters .... 50c
Khaki Breeches ....$1.50
InOur An-