THE : OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, I PORTLAND MONDAY, . MAY 8, 1916. t. 13 POORER CROP PROSPECTS COMEiTO AID TO PRICE OF WHEAT -v EASIER TONE HERE IS .... . ",.'--vJ , - ., j NOW EXPECTED IN j... ,n - f E MARE FOR GGS General Feeling Among the Trade V I. That lrice Will Ease Off Fractionally During the Week Much Depends Uimh Weather. TUer Is every Indication of snessler tons la the local eg market during the week. Oool Weather Is epected to keep the supplies fairly liberal. , ' Outside demand wan slow during th last few days and there l no Indication of any material change of the situation for the im mediate future. Storage oiwratKma are atill being carried on In a limited war t Pnget round points, hat the volume Is not liberal. Storage Inter ests who placed high-priced stock la the' ice fcouses are expected to fight against any re duction lo prices that would entitle others to gat their storage requirements for leas money, therefore the ouuooa is not tor suy serious disarrangement of values. If prices should drop fractionally it would mean that storage operations here would go forward! on a mope literal scale and this tn itself would Dare the . effect of stimulating the market and ttktng car of whatever surplus came forward. There la at present but little surplus In sight here, but the general Ideas of the trade art for a slower outside caiu NEW POTATOES ARE DOWN With the arrival of another carload of new arop garnet potatoes from the south daring the Jar. the local market Is showing the ex pected drop in price, aie now general si VC a pound for best. STlfAWBKKIlIKS ARE STEADY Market for strawberries Is holding steady f along the wholesale way with sales of best California stock at gl.HO per craite. Receipts f Oregon are increasing, with sales st 12.25 100. CABBAGE MARKET EASIER Slightly easier tone is shown for cabbage here. Another carkiad of l.os Angeles stock came forward during the- day In good condi tio. It was quoted generally at fs.wiaa.ja per hundred pounds. NEW ONIONS ARE LOWER Jk rarlnad of new cror, wax onions cam forward from the Imperial valley during the day and sold at I1.7S6i2.oO a crate or frac tionally lower than previous quotations. Old jealous are lu be tier demand. INSURGENT BANANAS HERE The tralnload of ''Insurgent" banstms was I Unloaded along the street during the day In good condition. The "rwtlacs will hove I their truliiload In Wednesday, tine smpmeni I being reported 014 of Hillings, Mont., Sutur-day.- 1IBIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE A mixed load of vegetables iu from Sacra mento. , I"lsb market holding steady for ssluton. Country killed eulves firmer and higher. Hams are showing a email advance again. Kules of small slxed apples down to 50c a California cherries slow sale because of poor quality. Spitzenberg Gets - Fayorablp Prices In Season's Sales Hood River Returns Are $0.81 for Extra. Fancy 250s and Larger . for the if ear. f Hood River, Or., May 8. The Hood River Apple Grower association bat today closed its pools on the Spit sen berg apple that rep resent the larger- per cent of tb apple crop grown In the Hood River valley. There Is not a grower in the Hood Biver fruit indus try who I no( Interested very largely In the growing of the Spltxenbergs. Manaser A. W. Btone of the association said today: "W are today sending to tbe growers of thsr association taelr final statements on tbe Rpltzenberg pools for the season 1915-191C and tne prices received show that there Is still a good profit in growing apples In the llood Itlver valley if the right varletlea are grown and the growers take tb proper care of their orchard, that will Insure them the right pro portion of the extra fancy and fancy grade, and tbe solution for this will be to spray consistently and dellgently. Tbe price for the Kpitcenbergs are as follows: "Blue Diamond brand (extra fancy) sizes 250 nd larger, (1.81 per box. Ked Diamond brand (fancy), sizes 250 and larger, $1.47 per box. Mountain brand (C) sixes 250 and larger. $1.10 'per box. The growers will readily see the great significance of these figures, when they figure from tbe bads of the 250 size and op, and Hood Hirer Is , ready to compare, prlees with any other district in the north west for furlt of like kind, grade and sixes." Wllmer Hleg, sales manager, states that these prices are perhaps the highest received In the northwest this year for like fruit and when the 250 size is Included, are very high. CATTLE RECORD AGAIN BROKEN" AT $9.15 IN NO. PORTLAND YARDS Sale of Xxatl of Yearlings Goes at Highest Price Ever Known In Open Market- Hogs Sell as High as $9.20 Sheep Scarce. HOGS 60 AT S4.S6. Lt in the afternoon there was a firmer tone for hogs at Horth Portland and one lot soldv at S9.2&, or aa advance of 60 ever the morning. Last Saturday sales were mad at 9.0u9.05. ' " FOUTLANO LIVESTOCK UDN- Monday ..13420 476 14 454 Saturday i 177 8 1 45 Friday .' 52J 19 5 250 Thursday J. 346 192 19 14 Wednesday 349 1X9 ' 3 120 Tuesday .....1014 73 S 81:1 Week ago 4257 434 29 :!00 Year as. 1387 813 13 000 Two year ago .1428 1048 39 2712 Three years ago.' ..: ,3178 720 5 1740 SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments luring the next 4S hours aa far north a Se ttle .agalurt lnnxlmmu temperatures or aoont M4V degrees; northeast to Skane, rn degrees; hootheaat to Uulse, 00 degrees; toutli to Aab- nd. M degrees. Maximum tenipecature at 'ortiaud tomorrow alxiut ut degntea. JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND .These nrleea are tliotie at which wholeaulera Well to retailers, except n otherwise stated: Dairy Produce. fJUTTKR 1'rliits. eilras. i'le; prime firsts, CTi- (Irs tK, 2'.je; culien. extnm. 27f(,-Mi": hrrlma first. 25 ; first. iKU'-H'iiC per ll.; Idalrv, 1!(JiK-. Bu TTEKl' A T --- rortlsnd delivery -o. 1 ponr cream, sc: ro. 1, soc. KUU8 twlllnfj price lir ilealers iinnettK-ii. ellvery extra: Selected fresh. mSt.2n: d"X. ; ase count, luivliig price: Oregon ranch, 21 ic' LfVK I'OrLTIlY Menu. Heavy. I'lymouin UM-k, ITt44lc: ordlnnrv chu-kens. IiVjC lt. : tags, 12c; broilers. $S0 lioscu: lurke.vs, -u i!ic;' dressed, fanu. 2tKy,27e; culls. U'dJiX:; IgetMW. l(oll.20; npialw. t 2t) den; geese. tve. 10A WHt: I'eklu tineas. Dill. IK 10., Oung and hearv. l.He; luilwin Kiiiiner.s, J K .et lb. CUKraB Selling price: Kren urenon raney Ull; cream twins xnd triplctn. - per lb.; ung America luc I'rice tn Jobber: I-lain. He; i'ling AmerleST 1"", r cream iriek 23't2le: lliMberuer. 2Ji'it2 Ic: VV Iswinsln heel, 34!tj :;ie: block r is. Fruits and Vegetables. FBKSH FKIHTS Oranges, fancy navel. tz.OVtia.SS; banana", 5c lb.; lemons. .mill i.25 box; gra'fnilt. Horlda. 4..Viftf r..2r, ense; Llnetmiles, r'Aile per lb.; ean, 1 .7t: 2 .l. rlBiKttlKr4 nimwiirmrj, r ihm 111, i wv .6f Oregon, 2.2..it2.,.o. APrlJ'-S Ixx'al, liil. per ln.x. acenru- ng to ouauiy. OTSIONK So. 1. II. in per ccnliii; 1.25ftfl.50; sssorlatlon selling price. cuili-i'!s. 1.50 f. o, b. ifotintrv points; gallic. 12'c; hides, each, $2.00(!i3XO: horsehair, 28c; dry long wool pelts, 20e; dry short wool pelts, 10c; dry tbecp shearlings, each, 10fi2.'ic; salted sheep shearliugs, each, 15(ij,25c; coarse valley wool, at market value; medium valley wool at market value; mohair, 4!A4lic; No. 1 tal low', 8c; No. 2 tallow, 7c; No. 1 grease. c; dry goats, long bair, lHc; dry goats, shear lings, each, lu 20c; salted long wool pelts, April, 1.504i2.5u. TAIXOW No. J, 8c; No. 2. 7c: grease. 7c. CH1TTIM OR CASCAKA KAKK hujing prices, per car lot, 4 He; less than car lots. 4c. MOHAIR 191ft. 43a45c lb. Paints and Oils. COAL 0II Water white, In drums snd Iron barrels. 10c. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls., 82c gallon; ket tle boiled, bbls., 84c; raw, case, 87c: boiled case, 89u gal.; lots of 250 gallons, 1c less. TDRFKNTINB Tanks, tiTc; cpses, 74c gal lon. WHITE LteAD Ton lots. 10c lb.; 500 lb. lots, 11c; less lots, 11 Vic per lb. OIL MEAL Carload loU, less than car lots. $35.50. OASOUNE BasU price 1'JVjC per gallon. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Kansas City Hogs 19.80. KsnusCltr, Mo., May 8. (I. N. S.) Hogs. Receipt. 12.000, lower. Bulk. $9.55rt9.75: heavy. .70fcL9 ); packers snd butchers. $9.00 U8.75; llKbC9.&Ou0.7O; pigs. 8.50ft9.25. Cattle Receipts, steady, i'tirae fed steers, g9.25iU9.u6; dressed beef steers. $8a 9.25; western steers, I.f((i9.85; stockers and teeners, $7fu;8.75; bulla, $3.707.5O; calves, IrtWfiilO.IW. Shetp Receipts 10.000, steady. Iambs. 9.25 (Efll. 00; yearlings, SM.5oU10.75; wethers. 7-jO (Utf.50; eweN. S7ij8.tt5. St. Louis Hogs $9.95. St- Louis. Mo.. May b. (1. N. S.) H Rtcelpts lo.otio, steady. Tigs and Ught8. (7.75 rult.lK); uilxel snd butchers, $ll.7D(ny .IK; gcnxl heavy. $u.lM)(u,9.95. Cattle Receipts 2000, strong. Native beef steers, $'; pearling steers and heif ers, tS-SOfji'lO: cmvs. 5.25dis.25; stockers snd feeders. S5.50frjs.50: lexaH and southern steers, g5.7RCuiH.7o; cows aud belters, $5(d)k; nettvc calves, 5tCnlO; prime southern steers, $9(39.50; prim yearlings and heifers, $si7r) 9.50. x Kheep Receipts 4000, steadv. Wethers. $7 8.50; lambs. J 10 a 11. SO; clipped ewes, 7.50'J 9.25; clipped la tubs. $99.tso. Denver Hogs $9.45. Denver. May 8. Cattle Receipt 400. firm. Beet steers, $7.7516.85; cows and heifers, $o.73ft&7.85: stockers aud feeders; $7a8.4'J; calves, $1012. Hogs Receipt 800, weak. Top. $9.45; bulk, $935C;tf.45. SLeep Receipts none, steady. Beattla Hogs .2S. Heattle, Wash.. Mav 8.--(l'. N Sr:) Receipts 1ti3, steadv. I'rnne lights. It. 25: medium to choice S9.00(U.15 henvles, $. 504l 1.75: roujrh heavies, b.2,i; pigs. $8,000" M.7o. tattlo RecelptK 30, Btetidy. Heat steers $8.50 9.W); medium tt, choice. SS.oortf 8.50; com mon to medium, fo.riO(n7..iO; best cows, $7.00 w'r.oO; common to memtiin cows. $4.(K)38. SO; Iiu11h $4.fK''i.."iO: calves. 17.50M8.50. Sheep Itei'elpts none, steady. Lnrnbs $10-00 grll.fto; yearlings, $9.00(48.00; ewes, fl.butjg 8.00. -Hog $9.20 (ii smooth $8.00C(j) DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Iiew onlrms l.T5ra2.i0 crate. POTATOltB seiiinir prii-e: wi, 50; bovine price.. $1 .OOtu, 1.2.i per (ceninl; hew Caltfonda, .tlc; aweets. $3.50. .VEGKTABLES 'niritlps. or.c tizt'ii btinc:ie: tts," 65c per dozen bunches; carrots, ti.'o per noaen nuuenea ; paraiiip. fi.vnf mi-i , rannnjEr. S.uO par cwt..; green tuiions.. .m- cwch nches; pepiiers, riorum. itc ao.en; neau UttiiMi rnllrrnlii . I2.ii per tTHte: ceierv. rands. .i..iO: eauuiKiwer. tocai. 1 .t"i .1 . 1 o 1 t down; r'rench artichokes. 75c; aap:ira tis. loosl- iois)c dosen banches: hot house cucumbers, $1.00Cdl.oO doaen; tomatces, lor Ida. $4IO: egg plant. lb.: cprou's. Ic; spinach, $!. per Iwx; rliubarb. 1 '. CfCilc r 10.; pea. omm'c in. Msats. Fuh and Proviiions. TRKSSEI) MKATS. -Selling yvUr: Country lljed fancy hogs, lie; poor, iMfcloc l-r lb.; ancy veals. He: oilnary. lOc lb.; gi.iU. 3 tSe lb.;Srliig lamb. 17c lb.: inn II on. 10c lb. reakfast bacon. ' lb.: twlled bums, Oc lb.; picnic, lHc: cottage roll; 13Vjc; Ore- on exports lngiIU,ic per in. satern. 65c can, $J.5 doseu' eastern In snell, Seattle Market. ' Seattle, May S.--(U. 1'.)- Bui ter Native nshlngtou creamery, brick, ic; ditto solid pack, 2nc. Cbeese Orepon triplets 21c; Wisconsin trip lets, Zlc; ditto twintt, ile; lotitig America 22c. Eggs Select ranch 2He. Ban Trancisco Maxket- Ran I rancinco. .May 8. 1 1.1. I'.) Buttei E.trss, 24c; prime firsts. 23'c; first, 2T,ic Kegs EjlUus, 21 jc; flrBts, 20',j,c; pullets, 19 isi:. Cheese California fmicv. 12V:,c; firsts. 12e. Los Angeles Market. Los Angeles, Cel., May . (f. N. S.) Eggs 1 ase count, nc. Butter Kresh extra 20c. San Francisco Grain Market. ban I ranclsco, May 8. --Barley calls: May 8. Mav . Open. t lose. (:lo-cp. Miiv 1 i;i5i4A 127 ' II ..1 - -W Ifl-H' I'JO, Spot quotatlona-Wheat Walla Walla $1.70 ftil.72',.,: red Russian. $l.7'a(al.70; Turkey pen. $i.t? i.ratj ; oiuearem. fi.Nttrci.utt. Keen buriey i.;to; brewing, White oats $1.42 Vtfl-'l''-Hran $23.0O((i;24.O0; mlUilllngs, $30.00(21 slurrts, $:A27. m exports loftniu'uc per in. OVHTKRii olympln. twr tralb'n. S3: canned 1.8 tier 100: rssir claim. 12'i.e dnxeu; east rn oyster, per gallon, solid park. $.1. FIHH Urescea nonuoers, ic; cniiitMia m- on. 11c; perch. 744H1: per lb.: lobtters, &c: ilver smelt. 8cr salmon tronit. 12Vc lb: slibnt, ttl-': torn coo, ic; Diat a uass. 1 VjC . ; shad, oresseo, ic 10. CBAHS Large, $1.75; medium. $1.25 dosen. LARO llerces. kettle rendered. 14tac: tsndard. 14c. Irroceriss. KPRAR f'nlie!. $9.15; powdered. $8.90: fruit ,r berrv. 48-40- beet, $s.20; drr grsnulated. Ls 40: 1 vellowj $7.80. tAltove uolatlons are k lays net cash.) KICK Japan 1 style. No. 2. 4'c; New Or- ts, head, 54teV4e; blue rose. 5'ac. HALT Cosrsft. half grounds, loos. $10.50 per : 60a', $1130! table dairy, 50s, $lfl.(X); loos. ICBO; bale. $2.25; Inmp rock. $20 per ton. RKiXS-Mmill white. $8-25: Urge wlilre. .10: pink. $0,115; lliuas, $5.75; bayou. $J.25; rd. .. ; , ... nop, w oct ana. uiuwa. HOsW Nnurlnsl .bttvlnz price. 1915 cron holce, 11c lb.; prime, loe; medjlum to prime. (ffvc lb. WUOi-Nominal, ISMO cup: wiuameue vai y coarse Cots wo Id. 33c; medium Hhropshire. I32c: fine, uO(U31c; eastern Oregon. ISii oc. HIDES Raited bhles (25 'pounds and npt, Ic; salted stag (50 lbs. and np). 12c; salted Ip 15 lbs. to 23 lbs.). 17c; tatted calf (Up 1& lbs. 1 22cj; green hides (25 lb, and up). 4c; green stsgs (50 lbs. and up). 10c; greeu Ip (13 lbs. to 25 lbs., 17c: greien calf, (np to 5 lbs.). 22c; dry flint bides. 28c: dry flint lilt (up to 7 lbs.), 30c; dry salt hides. 2:1c; ry horsenldes.- each. 75clU$I.A: salt bnrse- New lork Cotton Market. ' Open. High. Low. Close. ,riii:tiary 1323 l.iS.i 1310 1310 March 1330 133K 1325 1314 May 1272 1275 124 TW4 July 1280 J2H3 1272 1272 August 12S 1290 1 2X3 1 23, ( toiler 1297 1.122 . 12K!) 12w December 1320 ;32t 1304 1304 Butter Supply Is Piling Up With a. Much Weaker Mart ' U Conntty Creameries Tom Out In creasing. Surplus Which Sells Very Slowly. Butter supplies are piling np In the Pacific northwest and further weakness Is showing for cubes. City creameries .are still disposed to bold prices fftvthe former point and while cubes are being offered at tower prices, prints are unchanged generally. The smaller Willamette valley creameries as well as In Central Oregon, are showing fcUrplus supplies and are experiencing diffi culty in cleaning np above 25c a pound for anything in the eu'je line. The trade here continues to pay more or less attention to the- California markets, bat quotations there are misleading to tbe aver age reader, because, they are on an entirely different basis from the loeal market. Here the prices represent the actual selling values of the product while in San Francisco pur chases of butter cannot be made except at n advance of about 2c crver official quota tions, while in Lo Angeles a still higher dif ferential ls shown. Cattle market records were smashed at North Portland when the week's trade opeued. A tale ot a carload of yearling steer was made at $9.15. The cattle were purchased by M. J. Gil! of this city and consisted of 32 head of Duln-fed yearling steers from Bnrlev. Idaho. The shipment was made by tbe I'ortladG Feed- ccmpany, of which Frank Burke ls the di recting ead. The icompany also brought in a number of o titer loads of pulp-fed stuff from Idaho. One load was sold at $9 and two oth ers went at $,.o to the Union Meat company. The carload of yearlings that brought 15c above any previous open market transaction tn Vortland averaged around 901 pounds, while the average price paid for the steers was $82.85 each. 'The transaction ; shows." says Mr. Burke. 'that there ls a really irood market here all the time for quality stuff, aud baby stuff especially is finding favor with the trade and pays best to tbe country feeder K property taken care of." Tbe general cattle market was considered steady to firm during tbe day. General cattle market range: Choice pulp-fed steers Choice graln-fe steers Ordinary grain-fed steers Choice bay-fet steers Good tteert Ordinary to common steers.... Choice cows Ordinary to common cows Choice belters , Ordinary heifers... Choice bulls Good to fair bulls..- Ordinary to common bulls Best light calves Good calves Bun sf 6heep Disappointing Contrary to expectations of the trade, there was a very small nun of sheep and lambs re ported In the North Portland yards over Sun day. Total arrlvalsi (luring tbe period were but 454 bead, but this Was u (light increase over the same period a week ago, when the showing was 300 head. General Ideas of the trade, bow- ever, are that tbe Run will show some Increase during the present week. Is the meantime the market stands1 In a very firm position. with not enough stuff coming to fill even im mediate requirements of the trade. treneral shorn mutton and lamb range: Select spring lumba $10.0010.25 Best vearllugs 8.00U) 8.75 Good to common wether.. T.50(J 7.73 Best ewes 7.00 Good to common ewes Hog Sun Less Liberal. Last Monday liberal run of swine at North Portland was not reached by the marketing over Sunday. Total arrivals since Saturday s report couslsted of 3420 bead, compared with 4257 head last Monday sod 1387 bead this same day a year ago. General hog market condition, were consid ered steady to firm, at North Portland during the dar. Sales 01 tops were made $9.10(39.25 for extra good stuff. General nog market: Choice light weight . Early Trade in WHeat Is Higher Chicago Prices Swing Upward, But Later Depression Forces Quo tations Lower. Edited 1y Hyman H. Cohen TRADE IN WHEAT HAS BETTEIT FEELING WITH ' A VERY POOR OUTLOOK Crop Ideas Are for Cut in Produc tion in United States Chicago Is Higher for Options and Liveri pool Cargoes Advance, .$S.900.IB 8.75 . 8.25(38.40 . 8.50g8.75 . 7.508.80 . 0.00(7.00 7.50 . 7.257.35 . 7.50ta7.73 . 7.0047.25 . 5.50(0.00 . 4.005.00 . 2.00(B2.75 8.00 7.0067.50 Chicago, May 8. (I. N. S.) Wheat moved upward In all classes at tbe opening ot tbe grain pit today. React lonary tendencies de veloped, however. In the early trading and tbe balls were unable to cope with tbe sit uation to the extent, at least, of supporting the price rsnge. Msy and July wheat were about Vc up and September steady to the close, when first sales were recorded today. Values immediate ly climbed fractionally higher, but failed to Lok! and a general break carried tbem slightly under last week's close. Thia occurred In the first hour, and It was the general opinion that higher levels were yet In store for (the market leader. Report of various conditions, principally of stocks and damage and esti mates of the future crops, were of a general bullish tone. Corn followed the actlofl of wheat In open ing fractionally higher and after advancing from c to He, reacted to about .c under Saturday' closing sale figure. A recovery movement, -augmented by professional buying, pu this grain in a better positkm toward tha close. Oats were irregular, but more active thnn thev bsd been, and, tbe general trend of prices indicated thst a movement has started iu this grain. Range of Chicago prices furnlfhed bv Over btck & Cooke Co., 216 217 Board of Trade building. Mav July Sept. May .lelv .Spt. Mcv Julv Sept. May July Sept. Mav July Sept. May July ipt. Lrfisr. year the winter wheat crop was placed around 65i, Government Report TBoxprlse. The report of the govern ment issued during tbe day, was somewhat of a surprise, indicating a condition of 82.4 per cent for winter wheat with" an abandoned acreage of 4,235, 000 acres. The winter wheat crop Is estimated at 499,000, 000 bushels, which would give a total wheat crop of approxi mately 900,000,000, or a greater amount than expected recently. " Broad and: Active New York Market Stock Trading Starts With Continu ation of Saturday's Bullish Tone , Steel Less 'Active.-; NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Cars- New York, May 8. (I. S.)A broad and active market which assumed the proportion ot Saturday' bullish affair, featured tbe week's opening activities on the -stock ex change today. The rsfla dominated tbe early trading and the volume of sales consummated in tbe first hour ass larger than lu several nxutbs. Nearly every stock In this department ex hibited new strength and popularity. Atchison, Erie, Great Northern, Norther Pacific and Southern Psclfic were fractionally p and ac tive, scoring from to 1 point in the active trades. Reading, St. Psul and Union Ps clfic were must active aud all three stock posted substantial gains. The steel issues were not a active as dur ing the end of last week aud Crucible flnc tnated on a lde margin, opening at 81'i, going, to 83, aud roasting to the opening price within the first 60 minutes. . United State Steel opened under, but rapidly advanced at Saturday's close at 84. Capers aud other metals were more moderate ly treated, but for the most part were frac tionally higher and firm. Tbe Industrials were Irregular and the locomotive Issue recovered loesea Immediately . after tbe opening. Car A Foundry wa strong. Motors was most heav ily handled of any stock iu tbe tin during the initial hour. , Ranre of New York price furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 218-217 Board of Trad building. ) ' zx: Finance Commerce Industry Portland Gas . and Coke and Pacific Power and Light Companies'" Earnings. Show Slight Improvement for April, Hut Increases Are Offset by Larger Operating Expenses. . I 866,000 bushels and the total N crop at 1,022,029,000 ,buahels. " .Si round Good light weights! . Aieoiom wetgnis. Rough and heavy i Monday Livestock Shippers. Hogs J. W. Hirks, Wasco, 1 load; Kimball, Garfield, Wash., 1 load. W. J mins, 1 load, Columbia, Wash., 1 load; Milne, Wasco, 61 bead by boat; A. F $n. town 25 8.9019.05 8. 50 (itS. 75 8.00fa.2o Bert P. Hall, Twin Falls, Idaho, 1 load: Community Farm Elmore, Idaho. 1 Load; H. R. Peacock. Can yon. Idaho, l'losd; Farmers' Niciety of Kjuitv 1 load: Li L. Miller, 1 load: M. Cole. Balttr 2 loads: M. K. Ilodd. load: J. Kelley. 1 load: II. M. bommerer, Lmatilla. 1 load: J. N. Stauflcld. 1 load; S. U. Castle. Blaine: Idaho, 1 load; A. L; Swlgert. I matllla, 1 load; Y . I:, tiraham. I nlon. ii loads, J. v. ( handler. 1 loud: l.l);in Forwarding company, Wallowa. 1 load; J. C. Moneymaker. Adams. W anil.. I load: M. It. Wheeler. I.inn. 1 load: l. II. Htldebrand, Gilliam, 1 load, A. II. Porter, 1 load. Cattle Portland Feeder Co.. Utah. 2 loads. Cassia, Idaho. 2 load: J. L. Rurke, 2 loud; Frank Correa. Lmnttilla, 1 load. Runs & An drews, 3 loaiin: . E. Uorsline. nmbilU 1 load; Pendleton Meat Co., Oarfield, Wash., X load. Mixed stuff J. S. Flint. Lane, 2 loads cat tle, calve, hogs snd sheep: H. R. Peacock, t'anvou, Idaho. 1 i cattle aud hogs: J. A. Kelley. Washington, Idaho, 2 loads cattle and hogs; R. C. Davidson, Canyon. Idaho, 1 load hop and sheep; J. O. bowker, 1 load csttle, calves and hogs; Dicker son ft Halley, Wah lngton, Idaho, 1 load cattle snd hogs; O. . (rorsliue, Yamhill, l load cattle and calves: C. R. Esslinger, Sherman, 1 load cattle and bogs; J. E. Kennedy, Jefferson, 1 load hogs and sheep. Monday Morning Sale. FULP'FED. STDfiRS. Ave. .... 900 WHEAT Open. HlgV I-ow. (lose. 115 115; 1141 IMS lie" 110 not, n.W 110 HOI , 114' 115ViA cortN 7714 77 75H 75 A 76 - 741-s 74 i.i. B 757 70 73'i 73'AB OATS 48 14 48 14 47 47',-iA 43'li 441 . 4.1'i 43N, 40 39 39iA POlsK 2415 2415 2400 2400 230 2405 2.W1 2.".80 2370 2;t70 2.117 2.147 LARD 1312 i:i12 1302 1302 1.110 i;;i2 i:wo ' 1302 B 1317 1322 13U) 1310 RIBS 1275 1299 I29t 1275 1 275 ....i:i02 l:02 1285 1287 POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle, Wafti., May 8. (b. P.) Onion Oregon, 232c: Yakima, Hje. Potatoes White Hirer. $i-628: Yakima Burbanks, $3234; Yakima (iems $3034. Baa Francisco Market. San Francisco, May 8. ill. P.) Potatoes Per cental. Deltas, etf-wharf ondloary, Sl.fKKt 1.25 per hnndred; Shlmas, $1.45fttl.0O; Oregon faneji, $1.60$1.75; Idaho Gems, $1.0yi.5; Washington $l.tio3l.t.. Onions Per cental. California e-lcebonse, repacked $1.50; Oregon repacked. $1.60 1.80; Australians, $2.75t3.00. BANK STATEMENTS OF COAST Portland. Hon.. 23 1 ear ago 15 . Season to date.. 9,875 iT ego 15,773 Trcoma Sat'diy 10 Year atdrr: 80 Season to date.. 6.616 Year ago 8,827 Seattle, Sat. ... 5 Year aco .tb Season to date.. 7,501 tear ago 7.570 Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Eay. 13 3 1739 isia 1512 1873 " 501 5dO 'V3 1229 1052 2175 5 1974 2 15 7 9 969 2570 1832 1952 J 10 19 2197 i7H 13 59 ?,Kl'2 3.'i95 S30 603 "31 92 1176 There was a better feeling In the Chlcaeo trade during tbe early session for wheat and prices were higher, due to th emectatimn of a government report showing a serious de crease in American crop prospect. 'There wa also a firmer trend In th wheat trade abroad. Broomhall cabled that Liverpool wneai openea rirm with the cargo market about 6d dearer with firmnesa of M.nltoha offers. Weekly shlnment from North America Wheat 10,040.000 bushels; corn, 778,000 bosh els; oat 2,436.000 bushels to tbe United Kingdom. Rufiaa weather 1 milder at the port of Archangel and the river la free of Ice and navigation la open. Argentine weather Is fine for planting and the movement of grain. Locally the situation remains ertremelv quiet in the wheat trade, with little buying reported In the country, although both oats and barley continue firm in tbe country. ILOLiR Selling price: Patent, $5 20; Wil lamette valley, $4.90; local straight, $4-603 6.O0; bakers' local. $4.805.20: Montana sprlmr wheat, $6.10; exports, $4.50tf4.7o; whole vbeat. $6.o5; graham, $5.40; rye flour, $503 per barrel. HAY Buying price: Willamette valley tlro-othy.-fancy, $20; esatern Oregon-Idsho fsncv timothy, $21 22; alfalfa, $21 22; vetch and oats, $18; clover, $16. GRAIN SACKS 1916 nominal Jo. I Calcut ta, 13Hlle tn carlots; less amounts ere uiguer, M1LLSTCFFS Selling price, carload lots bran $23; snorts, $25.50. ROLLED 0AT8 $ti.506.73 per barrel. ROLLED BARLEY $31 JS032.50 per ton. After the government report was made pub He the Chicago market showed reaction and closed lower. , On tbe Portland Merchants exchange tbe market was firmer, unchanged to le nigner man Saturday. Mar oats bid were strong and unchanged likewise barley. No sales in any line. ''Merchants Exchange Msvprices: 1 WHEAT Description. Open. Ck4. .. 21 7 09 66 Akbka Oold A Ills Chalmers, c AUls Chalmers, pfd.... Au.erican Iseet Sugar. . . American Can, e American Can. nfd. ... American Car Fdy.. c. . American Cotton Oil,' c. American Linseed, c. . . American Linseed, pfd. American Loco., c American Smelter, c. . - American Sugar, c American Tel. & Tel... American Woolen, c. . Anaconda Mining Co. . . Atchison, c , . Baldwin Loco., c Baltimore Ohio, c. J3 Bethlehem Steel, c 434 Vt Bethlehem Steel, pfd. Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Calif. Petroleum, c Calif. Petroleum, pfd. .. Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c Central Leather, pfd. . . . Chef a pease & 0U" Chicago & Gt. W., c. Chicago 4 Gt. W.". pro.. Chicago, M. & St. Paul. . Chicago ft N. w., c. 21)4 27 78H 70 66 Vi 109 6014 53 22 403 69 14 ....23 , ... 50'a . . . . . 7 88 . ...110t4 110 ....127 128 ....127 . ... 85Vi . . . . 102 24 60 108 53 61 12a 93i 127 Chlno Copper 54 Oas Oompaay dross Xaralmr Snow a SttffB unprovsiasat, aiio April, 1918. report of the earnings' of the Portland Oas St Coke company shows a very alight gain in gross earnings. compared with tha corresponatng month of last year, a 2 per cent In crease In operating expenses, which offsets by more than $1000 tbe Increase in gross earnings, a consequent loss In net earnings from operation and tn rather large decrease of 18 per cent In the balance added to surplus account. Tha comparison In detail Is as lot- lows: April 1916. arasa Mrnlnn S97.H06 Operating expense. 63.303 52.122 Met from operation. 44.003 45.079 Balance, net 17.&33 21,013 April Increase. 1915. $07,201 r I0S 1.181 1,076 3.682 Clearings -Monday Clearings Ha lances Clearings Balances Clearings Ciearlngs Portland Banks. Mils week. leur ago. $ 2.S79.76S.94 $ 1.918.391.36 Tacoma Banks. $ 4OO.498.00 ;i. 115.00 Seattle Banks. . . $ : 334.3S8.00 Francisco Banks. $11,297,090.00 Los Angelas Banks. 3.vtu.;n.'iu San Monday Saturday Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Blnestem 103 107 103 ion Portyfold 93 98 92 98 Club 92 97 91 97 Red fife 92 06 92 90 Bed Rttssian... 92 96 91 95 OATS Feed 2675 2725 2675 2750 BARLEY Feed 27K) 2U0O 2700 2900 MILLSTt'FFS Bran 2250 2350 22,-0 2.150 Sliorts 2525 2ti30 2550 2650 I uturtib were quoted : WHEAT a Bid. Ask. June Muestem l(;ti-j lti7 June fortyfold 03 . tS June club 92 117 June red fife 92 IN June Russian 92 90 FEED OATS June .2673 . 2725 FEED BARLKY June I00 2900 M1LLSTUFFH June brim 225 24 00 Jut-e shorts 2550 2700 New York Sugar and Coffee. rKew York Msy 8. Sugar, centrifugal $6.52. Coffee New ork Bpot No. 7 Rios, '.i,e; No. 4 Santos 10Vc Colorado ft. & I., c. Consolidated Gas Corn Products, c Corn Prodmts, pfd Crucible Steel, c Crucible Steel, pfd D ft R. O.. c D. ft R. U.. pfd Distillers Erie, c Krie. 1st pfd ..... General Klectrlc General Motors Goodrich Rubber Gt. North., ore lands Ot. North., pfd (iteene Cananea Hide a Leather, c Hide ftHeather. pfd. Ice Securities Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol Inspiration Interboro, c . . Interboro pfd Kansas Cltv Southern, c. Larkawa-nna Steel Lehigh Valley Louisville & Nashville.. Meiican Petroleum Miami Copper M., K. ft T., c Kettnecott Copper Missouri Pacific National ljad Nevada Consolidated. .. . New Haven New York Air Brake... New York Central N. Y., 0. & W Norfolk ft Western, c... Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pcnutylvanla Railway... Peoples Gas Pittsburg Coal, c Pittsburg Coal, pf P. Steel Car, c P. Steel Car, pf Ray Con. Copper Railway Steel Springs. . Heudlng, c Reading, 1st pf Resdtng. 2d pf Republic 1. ft 8., c Rock Island .Sears, Rot-buck & Oo Studebaker, c Studebaker, pf ... (Southern rarlflc Mcuthern Railway, c Southern Hallway, pf., :Temi. topper lexiis Oil Texas Psclfic Lhiou Pacific, c I 'nlon Pacific, pf 1 S. Rubber, c C S. Itithber. pfd C. S. Steel Co.. - , 1'. S. Steel Co.. pf T lah Copper W. I . Telegraph Westlnghmise Klectrlc. Wisconsin ( entral W oolworth 42 .134 . 19 '. 81 , .. 51 Vj . M .164 70 .. 41 ..119 .. 51 .. 9 . . 51 .. 30 . .1.74 . . 45 21 . 71 . 7s'4 .104 . 30; ! 56 H 4 . m . 17 . 5914 '.10514 !l23H .111. . 24 . 55 .10114 . 28 '. 47 '. 22T . 4314 . 87 . 47 . IS .131 . 97 . 21 . 1 . 40 . 191 .133 . 54 ' i.- .116 . 81 . 91 . 694 44 85 103 87 m 460 135 85 23 4 40W 167 V. 53 111 01 H 124 3H 94 Vt 120 i4 54 42 4 i3;m 19V 94 81 Vt 114 U 10 22 5o '4 IV 51 410 76 41 120 10 50 V4 29 IOI 150 V 45 Vi 16 741, HIM- Decrease. At the end of December. 1915. the company showed the following service and property, which Includes Us oper ations tn St. Johns, Oregon City and Vancouver; 115. 1914. Ga customers 43.9 IT 42.701 Gas output (cubie) 1,637,808,000 1,621.198.000 Mile of ga main. 855 728 Vain of plants $11,401,20 Ctpttal stock 6.000,000 Bonds 8.239.000 Total resources $12,082,to9 Bad Weatber Conditions Affect ' Het Esrniag-s. The April report of the Pa cific Power & Light company, which operates public utilities in a large num ber of communities in the territory tributary to Portland, shows a sirght Increase in gross earnings. This is more than offset by the increase In operating expenses due to the bad weather conditions the company has experienced. As a result the net earn ings and the balance to surplus shows a loss. The figures in detail are aa follows: April April Increase. 1916. 1915. Gross esrnlngs $115. S44 $118,503 $1,841 Operating expenses .. 58.932 66,423 2,509 Net earning, operation oo.tiz -0113 Balance, net 23.525 25.112 1.687 Decrease. The American Power & Light com pany, the holding company ior tne above, shows the following comparison of the company's activities for 191o and 1914: Fiectrlc customers Gss customers Water customers . 1915. 17.900 6.712 4.732 1911. 1C.572 B 306 4.HM) 29.424 27,618 .17. 782.759 .$10,000,000 . 7.240,000 tfis 127 107", 36 li 56 H 64 17 59 j .11 t 103 27 4 123 112 2414 58' 101 27 Vi 102 22 424 8SiJ 42i 40 1H 179 131 i lto 97 21 01 '4 40 194 IO 4 2 54 lux '4 83 J16 00 91 (SOti 35 128 Total customers Kilowatt generative, capacity uuder con struction 2,500 Miles of pole lines.... 845 Gss output (cubic ft.) 127,044,000 Street railway Hue (miles) 31.5 Wster mains 1 miles.. ' .92 Gas malut (miles).... 130 slue of plants $16,630,844 Total assets Stock outstanding Ixuiut outstanding Becreass la '..old Holdings serve Banks The statement week ended May 6, of the operations of the 12 federal reserve banks, shows a loss in total gold reserves approxi mating $5, 00,000 when compared with the statement of the week, Immediately preceding. This reduces the gold re serve against net deposit anfi note li ability from 69.5 per cent for the Week Immediately preceding to 7.5 per cent for the latest week. There is 3.900 777 124,162,000 30.S .91 126 of Be- for the shown a gain of nearly $6,000,000 'in total resources, which is accounted for i in the adding of $1,000,000 of redis counts, over $4,000,000 of United States bonds, and over $"2,000,000 of municipal warrants. The paid-in capital again ! shows a loss. Indicating the , retiring from the system of member banks or the reduction of their capital stock., It ls more likely to be the latter than-the ; former. ' "", i j The principal Items In the combined statements of the banks now show: Total gold reserve ..$3o, 507.000- nili discounted snd bought ...... (S7.947,0"O ti. tt. bond .'. 60.137,000 One year L". 8. treasury notes... S.MQ.Ooo Municipal warrants Total' earning asset 101.V78.OOQ Federal reterv note net Capital paid In 64.862,000 Government deposits 40,41 4. jOO Menibur banks deposits, net 419,4H,OO0 Toitl resources -...$523,094,000 April Buslaess hallux rawest Bines August. It. U. Dun & Co.'s record pf business failures tnroughout th . United State for April i the best since last August. There were 1899 ' failures In all. with total liabilities of $18,382,637. These figures do not in clude th failure of a large real estate concern with liabilities of $24;f 00,000,' The. operations of real estate bouses . are not treated by either of the prom inent mercantile agencies as strictly . commercial transactions. . The April showing compares wlt! 1690 failures for $16,885,296 in March; 1688 in February for $18,744,166,; and 2009 in January, when the amount owed was $25,868,286. In April, a year ago, 2063 firms suspended and tha lia bilities of these, as a result of several bankruptcies of unusual size, were $43, 617,870. The present Indebtedness Is also less than In 1914 and 1913.' There were 335 defaults' in manufac turing lines, against 440 for last year, Trading failures numbered 976, com pared with 1484 for a year ago. Thera were 88 defaults of agents and broker against 89 for last April. -, California Bankers' Annual Meeting-. The annual meeting of the California " Bankers' association will be held at Fresno, May l8 19 and 20, and.ths members of the American Bankers as sociation will hold a convention) during the same days and at the sam place. Xndepeadencs Bona Bleotloa Called Off. The Independence Enterprise (the bonding company referred to ls ; tha JiarK-K.endaii company of Portland.) says: The special election called by tha Independence council; and advertised for last Thursday was called off at a speclul meeting, says the Enterprise. Ihe bonding company - to whom tha bonds were sold, appeared before the council represented by tholr attorney, and stated that It was not necessary to hold an election under the cjty charter and therefore deemed It un wiBe to create additional expense which would ensue If an election was held. The bonding company offered to-refund the bonds at 6)4 per cent and pay the expense of the election. Some opposition developed against the proposed sale of bonds mads oy the city, aa no competitive bid was received and some were of the opinion that a still better offer would have been tendered had the council offered the bonds to open bids Instead of di posing them at private sale. The council may reconsider the matter and offer the bonds for competitive blda.' annual SHEARING OF SEP IS UNDER WAY MALHEUR COUNTY Many Sales, Including One of 300,000 Pounds, Made, Price Averaging 28 Cents, OntarlO'Or., May 8. The annual shearing of sheep in Malheur county ls iirfull swing and large sales are already recorded. The Malheur Live stock & Land company sold ItB wool this wei'k to J. M. Johnson of noise the lot containing some 80.000 pounds, all half blood wool. Shearing plan's are running at Riverside. Juntura, The price ra averages about Harper and Brogan. eel veil for. the wool 28 cents. Bands of sheep and stock ranches are also changing hands In . this vicin ity. The Ketaena band of 4500 2-year-old Ootswold ewes, below Iilvergtde, was bought by K. N. Stanfleld for $1 a head. The McLeod & Hodgson sheep plant, near Rock vi lie, was also pur chased by Mr. Stanfleld, It comprise 1260 acres of patented land, 3000 acres of leased range and 20,000 sheep. Tbe price was $186,000, ; s . Hay Shipments Heavy. , Ontario, Or., May 8. During tha month of April the outgoing shipments from Fruitland show an Increase vt ; over 400 per cent over that of the cor responding month lant year. Johnson. -& Hon report that they have purchased, . baled and shipped over 1000 tons Of liny during the past winter and spring. 1 These sale) were made only a short time belore the appearance of a new cro ; ;;; ,r " .' London Hop Market. London. Msy 8. (!. N. B.) Hops Pscltlo , coast, 4 15s. Liverpool Tashs. WTieat. Liverpool. May 8. (I N. S. ) Wheat Spot No. 1 Manitoba, 2t, lid: No 8, 12s 5Hd; No. 1 nurtbefn sprlug, 12s 5d; No. 2 red west ern winter, lis od. Hour winter paten) 47s. Foreign Wheat Markets. Liverpool Cash wheat unchanged. London t argMa on pasnge, od up. Buenos Aire Cash wheat 'V'tlSc up. 10,000 LIVE HENS rVANTED ! 1 74c LB. wo cowaassioxr DEDUCTED, hecks by re-turn mail. Don't inquire. ' ., .. Ship at once. THE SAVINAR GO. 3arsb.aU 687. 207-203 Stark St, Wheat Fields Lose Their Yellow Spots Walla Walla. Wash., May 8. A week of almost unbroken warm weather and bright sunshine served to take the yellow spots out of the valley wheat fields during last week, and the lis;ht shower of Friday was a benefit, rather than a hirfrjrance to the coming crop. Farmers were decidedly discouraged 10 days ago, when cold, cloudy weather was prevailing and fields in many sec tions of the wheat belt had the ap pearance of having been grown in a cellar or under-a building. The yellow spots, however, have disappeared as though by magic and the wheat has taken on a deep green color, and has made, a good growth since the first of last week. Reports from all parts of the In land empire ar that conditions now are much mora favorable for the grow ing grain, and that tbe outlook for the 19 if crops growing brighter. tin. 32 steer ,. . 2 steers . . 20 steers 1 . . 27 steer .. 20 steers . . 1 cow 12 cows . . . I cow 1 Vow 1 cow . . . . 2 heifers . 1 bull 28 lambs . It wethers 12 fewbs . 40 ewes .. 20 ewes . . 104 bnirs n hops KT bogs 7b hogs 1 hop 2 hogs 1 bog 1 ho 1 nog 1 hog 6 bogi STEEKS. COWS. HEIFERS. BULLS. Sl'BtlNQ LAMBS. WETHERS. EWES. HOGS. .1150 .1803 .1109 . 850 .1350 . 922 . BOO . 9S0 . 740 . 520 .1C40 69 . 124 . 1(H) . 173 . ia3 . 214 . 215 . 174 . i:i . 280 . 185 . 370 .v 420 . 240 , P50 . 128 j II I HUH snisyjtawsaisssssssssss I illtliUJHII WWmKU0miJWmm!y'm '"U'WWIIM.UMMlliaJ ' ,.rV .. . is, t irniiimiiniii r r- m unr f- '"ft " '-' 1 '''' , , ; r 7 vi . - " . " . E... ...u j' '1 ' .. 1 ..... 1 i" JJL.... '' . . 0; "..--rii- i sJfTX mmi,.ii u $9.20 9.10 9.05 9.00 8.55 8.50 8.05 8.05 8.0O 8.4)0 7.25 Well Casing Arrives. Harrlman. "Or., May 8.-r-One half of tbe casing fcjr the oil well has arrived and the rest is on the way from River side. This well is over 3700 feet deep and has a good showing. vnten writing or calling on advertisers please mention Tbe Journal. (Adv.) Overbeck & Cooke Co. ' ; . f .. - . Stocks. BobAs, Cotton, Qrala, Cto. 8X4VS17 Board of Trade Btfidlag. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Member Chicago Board of Trade. . - . -. j , r - - .: . Correspondenca of "Logan tk Bryan. -j. - , Chicstco. Nw York. . Searae Uiiioini Stock Yard (faAPACITY 150 CARS PER DAY BEST MARKET IN TH$ NORTHWEST OUTLET FOR ALASKA AND THE GREAT ORIENT Prices lSe to 25c higher than any other market on the Pacific Coast? because it is the only yard in the United States not controlled by the . trusts, it is clearly to your interest to patronize true competition. 1 f.