WOR To the Man or Woman Who Is Just Going' On By Samuel Gardiner Ayres Illustrated by R. Tandler , v. --? . .- tTt. ! Whatever the motive which impels, it leads us forever on. iOMEWHERE the other day the sentence was written beginning, "The glory ongo ing on." That is all we saw of it, but im mediately We had a vision of the many, manv npnnlp who are iust ffoihe on. lWhat a great group of folks they are! They come from all walks of life. ' Here is a tired mother. Her hands and arms and feet are tired; but she keeps going on. Love drives. Here is a weary teacher, burdened with the building of a good character in her pupils. They seem to disregard her advice, but she keeps going on, her vision is of the future, and it compels her to keep on or be a coward. ' Here isL a man with a large family. His pay is not large and the demands are many. He and the good wife sacrifice that the children may have and je like other: children. They will keep going tn to tfe end. ! . N All the delights of friendship are just because! we keep going on. . All the joys of a truly happy home are based on just going on in service and sac rifice for the common good. 1 f;;; The man in the bank just keeps going on day after day. The man in the store, in the factory, the; - T teacher, the professor, the Christian worker, are al forever just going on. ;; There is a glory in going on. It ha,s in it the rins- of the commander's voice, be it love, dutv. Sell er -: - v interest or some other motive' which impels. It al-f ways orders jthe charge. Forward, march 1 On we; go up the hill to the heights awaiting our' conquest.! There is a joy in just going on, and "By Thy grace: we willV Never a moment will we falter, never shirk or shrink, never be called a coward or quitter. Though it takes us over a long, weary road, at last it will bring us to-the end of the day, and then we shall find the "glory of going on."