THE! OREGON SUNDAY ; JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, -MAY ; 7., 1916. kirk JJJ AUXOMOIJILES-ACCE8SOPJE3 A I . V (Continued) x . AUT0;WRECKU0 ' PABKTB-FQR Over SO make and model, at half 'the regular price. Bur your used auto .arts from aa old-established and rep utable dealer, who baa a reputation to ' protect and conducts the largest parts store and carries the largest complete assortment of used auto parts of any company this aids of Chicago Our ' prices are less, and for this reason we outsell ll others. . - Motor Parts Mfg. Co,, Inc. 1 828-8t5-8?7 Burnslde St. ATTENTION. EXPRESSMEN OR TRUCK GAR DENERS. 1800 lb. Reo truck, hard tires, express body, bow top. fine condition; Cheaply operated; 1175; easy terms. Eee at Richmond Oarage, 37th and Division mcunana ui!i.''" ...... ate.; or write M-47i. journal. . . BUICK 5-pass., Just overhauled. Terms I . - to suit. K 6484. 664 E. Burnslde and 13th. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 "AUTOMOBILE wanted. The best used car tnat 1 can gei in excnange tor ' ' aanA !a in 11 v Aa parlr mtiA tn . V V aw - " " - - Portland. 810 Washington at., Vancou ver, wssn. TO TRADE My home In East Mil waukee for a new or nearly new 3 passenger Ford and 800 cash. L. E. McConnell. Hlllshoro, Or. It. No. 4. ELhiUANT. fully improved lots in any section of Portland, will trade for automobile; some cash with same, If desired Addrewg V-C77, Journal. 60x100 LOT, sidewalk, curb in: Jist be yond Laurelhurst, near carllne: also beach lot, to exchange for used car. N-373. Journal. WlLL exchange very beautiful resi dence lot, close in, west side, for good second hand, high grade car. Call Marshall 963. WANT Automobile In good condition. in exchange for land clear of Incum brance, in White Salmon-L,yle district ' W-885, Journal. p VftlVATE party will pay cash for 1914 or 1915 Ford touring car. In extra rood condition; or chassis only. Phone Alain 6810, .fcxCilAXOU 11600 en'iitv In 6 room , 1 story house and lot for late model auto or unincumbered lot. Tel. E. 440, P.-1963. I .. "X WANT a Ford; have cash, or will give a first mortgage on house and lot In Kenton; no agents. Phone Alain 811 WILL exchange new talking machine for 84x4 tire. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co, 3R0 Alflor st, WANTED 1916 Uutck. Dodge or Over land for caBh; describe fully. Ad dress w-766, Journal. WILL trade Minneapolis, Minn., ri- dence lot in on second nana auto. Phone-K 7885. 672 E. lllh St. N. clear lot and some cash for light car or roadster. GX-946. Jour nal CASH and 10 acres, closo In, for light ' 6-paua. Or roadster. s. C. Fletcher, 1601 E. Yamhill. .Sunday. WANTED 6-hubhl Ford For a good furnished houseboat. W-903, Jour- pal. - WANTED Late luodel roadruer or touring car, In fiit class condition, for plear city lots. Wt,ndl:i wn I1i4. CLEAR, close In lot. or a team of horses, and gome cash for ligat car. Phone Kant S020. .GOING away, will trade my paying restaurant, centrally located, for tm.'d auto. P-740. Journal. WILL trade mortgage and cash for gool automobile. E. 7387 or R-174, Journal. AUTOMOBILE wanted. In exchange .-.-for choice cltv lots, or house and lot. 487 Olympla lit. Phone C'olumhla 61. ANT 4 trucks to haul wood, $1.75 and 12 tier cord. Call Sell wood 3 J 7 srter p. m. W'ILL trudo ll lots In Wordeti. Or., for motor truck or motor boat. Write O- 76, Journal. WANTED A 1916 Dodge; price must - be right; responsible party. Li-944. rfuurnni. .WANTED Used car, In exchange for heach lot. M-4.f, journal. SMALL house or vacwot lots for auto. U-67ii. Journal. Light roadster with Btarter and llghlw. Marh 197H. LlGD 1 TiinsH. 1014 or 15 model. Mar. ri' r SEC 1 'l -l I AND roadster. Must be in gooil mechanical condition. M. 83BS. FfiitD louring car for cash, 1914 or later. Woodlawn 4001. ALTOS FOIS HIKE FOR HIRE Clean, comfortable 7 pass. Hudson; careful, competent driver. Main 6S78. CAREFUL driver. reasonable rate. ' Ford. Woodlawn 3293. HOUND Irips on highway lor 6 peo ple. $10. Tabor 190. MOTORCYCLKS BICYCLES 55 Motorcycles MERKEL twin, snap, $55. ; DAYTON. 2 soeed. good buv. $150. PAYTON twin. 1915, $200. Covey Motor Car Co, fist and Washington sts. Main 244. 1913 TWIN Harley. Presto and ligh:. I guarantee this machine ,n first class condition; will demonstrate; $75 rssn. s p. m.. pnone t.MH 3323 11J EXCELSIOR single, with Presto, $0. , 1913 DAYTON, twin, tandem and Presto, $90. . 1915 HARLEY DAVIDSON, twin. 3 speed, $210. R. H. BLOCKER. 27 Taylor, cor. 4th. Hit 4 cylinder HENDERSON. rsuvv UN DISPLAY. BEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. Dayton Cycle Co. . 210 BROADWAY. WANTED A good second-hand motor cycle. 2 SDeed preferred. Must h Jtargaln. Terms wanted. Arthur Han- geroo gcappoose. prepron BICYCLE, good tires, true wheels and Corbin brake, for $7 cash. Phone Tabor 719. Paul Kunkel, 69S E. 71st mi. ivortn. . WlLL trade 1918 Indian single for twin and pay difference; would like to buy twin for cash. S-7fi. Journal. MX3R 8. LR $50. Brlv-I1avlrtan Will exchange for Vlctrola. or take nicycie in part payment. East 8381 SEVEJ&AL rood used bicycles, terms or nmu. ,n. xi. ciotucr, up iayior, cor. in til. WANTED Motorcycle nf late model. A Carey safe, 24x18, to trade as part pr.ymgnt. namneq caaii. wain. BEST offer takes twin IITdlan, lully equippea. uaii Aionaay. a 8424. 4ss E. Morrison st 9 H. P. DAYTON, twin, fully equipped. . .newly painted, best of condition. 660 6EJ1. THE DAYTON MOTOR Blklt ....v - DAYTON CYCLE CO., SNAP, fi hand bicvcle. 23 tires, steel rims, $12. Joe'a Bicycle "'t'ir onop. inyior St. 191- DAYTON. A 1 condition. Will AW accept terms or part trade. Wrln. t iiOR SALE, nearly new bicycle at a oargam. 664 Vancouver ave. ,iR ALE5 1914 Ex fuUy equipped: ' $128.' Mar. H94. cycles bought & sold. 7 Taylor, cor. 4th st ! i. ,iu uaywn iiwiorcycie. - q x-j. inn e i.. r iifjnq aasi 191J -2-SPEED Indian, equipped, $1S von. at mm st. wain oT4b. , MOTORCYCLE equipped, cheap. 2820 O AgTER brake, bicycle, is. Hit 17th ' at. North. - - MUST llTT-h horsenower twin nalAi' cycle, $45 12 5reon.. EW .motorcycle - nrasta t&nlr tfi Kn lt BilyatW.86 Aldec. - . -Bicycles & moton IRH. Blocksr. t V MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 05 fOeattaneSl - lOTGKTOL AND UP We. atm has m Um as hand, consisting of Harleys, Indian, Escelslor, Thor. MerkeL Dayton, which have been thoroughly overhauled and put in first class condition. The fifth carload of Harleys has Just arrived. Tou- JWd better hurry. We .will glva a three months guar antes on any machine, sold. Motorcycle & Supply Co, Dealer for the Harley-Davldson, T . 20 4th at. Largest Exclusiva Motorcycle Dealers in the State. Used Motorcycle Bargains We now have several good used mo torcycles on hand. . 1818 7 H. P. INDIAN; overhauled; fioo. 114 t speed DAYTON, H. P quipped; 8165. 1916, 6 H. P. INDIAN; kick starter; rood as new-1165. 7 H. P. twin POPE, A-l shape; lamp and Presto: $110. New 11 DAYTON, now in. Call and see them. Dayton Cycle Co. Mar. E538. 210 Broadway. jJsed Motorcycles , 3 single INDIANS, each 26.00 1 Twin INDIAN, equipped ....$100.00 EXCELSIOR twin, equipped .... 100.00 THOU. 7 twin 100.00 1 EXCELSIOR, 1914, equipped.. 140.00 1 EXCELSIOR, 1914, equipped.. 130.00 1 EXCELBIOK, 1914, aide car.. 40.00 Second hand bicycles from $10 up. APEX BICYCLE CO.. 124-128 12th St Phones: A-3306: Main 2956. 7 H. P. EXCELSIOR, fully equipped. $86.00. 7 H. P. EXCELSIOR, fully equipped $125.00. 7 H; P. two speed INDIAN, equ.'pped. $135.00. 7 11. P. INDIAN, equipped, $100.00. 4 H. P. THOR. $50.00. 4 H. 1'. EXCELSIOR, $40.00. 5 H. P. HARLEY - DAVIDSON, equipped. $85.00. BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES OF AM, MAKES. ON EASY TERMS. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand Ave. AGENT Y FOR H A RLEY-DAVIPSON, FLYING MERKEL AND MIAMI POWER BICYCLES. BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. INDIAN', twin 3-speed, fully equipped, $240. EXCELSIOR, twin, equipped, $110. INDIAN, twin, fully equipped, $120. INDIAN, twin, equipped, $116 II ABLE Y. single belt drive, $40. Dealers in Indian Motorcycles. II. LYSTUL. "The Motorcycle Alan," Indian Motorcycles, Supplies and Repairs, 4S8 Union Ave. N., corner Sacramento St. Phone East R977. 1915 HARLEY-DAVIDSON, I speed. fully equipped, $255. 191G INDIAN, 3 speed, $175. 1914 INDIAN, 2 speed, $150. 1914 INDIAN, single speed, equipped. $115. 1014 READING STANDARD. 6 H. P.. with tandem, $75. Almost new Rodgers side car, ?55. MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS INDIAN MOTORCYCLE AGENCY. 273 Third St. Main 6139. Open Evenings, Sundaya 10 tj 8. Used Motorcycles in splendid mechanical shape, ranging from $35 up. Wo have a few 1915 Indians, abso lutely new, which we offer at very low prices. See us first Ballou k Wrfght Indian Distributers. Broadway at Oak. LAUNCHES AM BOATS 64 HOUSEBOAT, attractive. In good con dition, 4 rooms, mostly furnished. 9 ft. front Dorch wood house cltv con veniences. Ideal for summer. 16 min utes' ride from city. 9 Oregon Yacht ciuo. sen. 1608. $30 TAKES 4-6 H. P. marine engine, single cylinder. 2 cycle. flrBt class condition and fully equipped. X-3li3, Journal. ICR SALE 17 ft. Morris canuc and equipment. Sell wood 2219. FOR SALE.- furnished houseboat large and roomy; on beach near iNoriri Oregon Chair factory. Houth Portland. Phone Marshall 6666. Ray Robinson. WE have some used motors, editable for motorboats, at very reasonable prices. AUTO WRECKING CO., 271 Front Bt. Main 1339. EV1NKUUK row boat and canoe mo tors, rowboats, canoes, motorboats S" our beautiful motor boat and en gin for $143.00. Kvinrude Motor Co. Moved to 211 Morrison st. FOR SALE Kinh net new, 150 ft. long by 9 ft. deep. Hand-made, 6 ply 40 thread, 6 meshes deep, new, al ready to go in -the water. Cheap tor raan. Artnur mason, unnton, 'Jr. FINE furnished houseboat, electric lighted, complete bathroom and toilet. A snap at $300. N-370, Jour nal. TWENTY mile runabout. fullv equipped, windshield, late model motor, rour cycle. Terms if desired Pwllwood 1848 sfter 5 p. m. FIRST class furnished houseboat. S rooms, large porch, hall, store room, ro-wooav tools, plenty wood. Must sell; going eaax. 4 Willamette mootRge, BETTER than ever, the great 2 cyl inder Koban rowboat and canoe mo tors; catalogue now ready. Theda urns., uckum niag. FOR your canoe, buy a $15 Vlctrola or Grafonola. Just ths thins-, tl month buys one. Hyatt Talking Ma chine co., 350 Alder, HOUSEBOAT on scow. See It Just be low Rudgear Merle Co., Macadam rd. ask tor ratty, snap. FOR SALE 2 room houseboat fur nitnea complete; terms. Can Mon day. Tabor 4063. ATTRACTIVE, modem houseboat, every convenience. 32 Willamette Moorage. Sellwood 194 WILL sell 2 desirable lots in Elk Creek Park, Ocean Beach, or exchange for gooq nouaepoat. Mam 6900 motor boat, 25 ll. p., for sale cheap. ieu casn taxes it- t. Miles at. .bill, ton. PONTOON. 26x51. Trade for farm lm plements, atoc or whatT N-7J2, journal. HOUSEBOAT for sale, furnished or unfurnished: anchored in river, foot of California st. Take Rlvrvlew car. FOR SALE S room houseboat, large porch: built last year: also launch, Kooq conaHion. yj-iis. journal. FIVE room houseboat to trade for i arm implements, stocK or wnati E six, journal FOR BALE 17 ft. Old Town canoe. almost new; a&u, paaaies, sso. ess rtorinwicit ei. LARGE 8 room furnished houseboat ana wooasnea, tools and rowboat for W"v. V. -w V 1 . VAV VI , FOR SALE Houseboat new and mod era In every way and completely fur mm titnt..n. 3&o. Bee owner. 519 Worcester. 1 Hj P. launch with top for $7o" See owner. 61 Worcester bldg. T.DANIELSON Boat Shop.f UebrasksT .Building, repairs, oest work, low price. rnrmguy iNQ. m wniainctT.q mooring. .' TO lJ..HV. i-u."a. XAVXCBES A30 BOAXS 9 FOR BALE on Coos Bay, Or., steamet Powers, especially adapted for tow ing; 124 feet over all by 24 foot bean: excellent condition, fully equippea with, electrio lights, ateam steering gear, search lights, etc., plenty of power. Communicate with Coos Bay Lumber Co;, Syndicate Building, Oak Und. Cel. WILL, SELL or trade my 20 by 7 ft. launch, equipped. IS -H. P. medium duty engine; fne for towing or pas senger services with or without launch rouse; ror auto or acreage, ts-zwi Sunday before 8:30 a, m.. or after 4 p. m. week day. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A TALKING MACHINE. IP YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NEW OR USED TALKING MACHINE AND- RECORDS OR CABINETS, liOOK OVER TlilB L.1ST UST UAlt- GAINS. . Wa absolutely guarantee each ma chine. They are Tn the best of con dition. same as new. One dozen selec tions, your own pick, go witn eacn outfit. Come In Immediately before all are gone. Mail orders given immediate attention. Send in $5 so we can hold machine for you. Terms to suit your self. Beautiful 1200 mahogany large li brary table type now $140. Magnificent Pe Luxe model mah ogany, regular $200. now only $140. A snap. Another IZOO fumed oak model, a little more used, but in perfect con dition. $105. Regular $200 weathered oak. first class condition. $75. JLate model 1100 fumed oak. eouldn t tell from new, reduced 25 per cent. Regular $80 oak machine, now only $40. Elegant oak 170 outfit with cabinet to match, now $36 complete. A $50 good as new machine with a new $50 latest; push button cabinet, exceptional prloe of $47. 50. This Is a bargain. Two 1100 table tvoe: you can t tell from new $67.50. caDinets: Two mahogany $25; now only $12.50. Two oak and mahosranv $17.60. now only $5.00. $50 sectional ' book case design rec ord cabinet for only $22.50. ITTT.PTOa MITlf IIAT'QTT Talking Machine Dept., 2d floor. WE WILL CLOSE OUT TOMORROW 1 3o monograph at HO.OO 2 $45 Phonographs at $6.00 1 $40 Phonograph at $6.00 1 $35 Disc Talking Machine at... $7.50 1 $100 Disc Cabinet at $55.00 1 $3a Phonograph $10.00 PCHWAN PIANO CO., Ill Fourth St. BEFOKE purchasing Me our Specials In Used Piano Bargains. New pianos mod ately pricad $::. $65. $95. $110 and $145 cash se cures old and new models. Chlcker- Ing, Haines Bros., Helnze, Hallet & Da vis and Knabe pianos clos.d out at once hy Security fitcyrage Co.. 139 4th. FINE Cable piano, latest style case. Must sell this ween. Very cheap. Might give terms. This piano is al ways priced $100. No reasonable of fer refused. 33 -Russell St.. Apt. 1. MAHOGANY piano, $95. Fine condi tion. Lot of music goes with It Earlton Apts., cor. Russell and Union ave.. Room 1. FINK Walworth piano, Just Hkb new. Cost $350. Price $155. $15 down, $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3f0 Alder. ALMOST new. talking machine and tood selection of records: must sell at once. A bargain for some one. Call Main 3435. rooiq 422. HAVE your piaao tuned, repaired, refln- - isnea oy professional men. satisrac t.on guaranteed.' Portland Piano Tuning. Rev. & Mfg. Co..J246 Hawthorne. E. 1072. GRAFONOLA $75 new Gralonola this week special, $5 down, $3.50 monthly. Hyatt. Talking Machine Co., 350 Aider. '"' " ' ' ' ' UPRIGHT piano, standard make; very reasonable; witn terms to respon slble party. 648 Oregon hotel. $45 CASH buys small Boudoir upright tomorrow at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. ANY one intending storing their piano can save storage and get rental with best of care. PSione East 7593. VIOLIN FineJTull-toned dance instru ment, a real (bargain. F. Shane, 254 E. 63d N. $150 GRAFONOLA and records, like new.JTo; leaving town; want casti. 301 E. Morrison. 135 CASH setures 'ioO mahogany pianola player at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st.. FREE use of (piano or player piano 2Vt years. See display adv or enwan fr'iano u.. ill 4th st. WILL exchange large Grafonola and records for piano or player piano. S-768, Journal, i RESPONSIBLE, party will pay $3 per month for use of piano. V-784, Jour nal. . EDI80N phonograph will record and reproduce any sound. $300 for $20. 127 W. Wygant. 150 DOLLAR Edison diamond disc for $60. 127 W. Wygant, DECKER piano and vlctrola for sale at a bargain. T-749, Journal. PIA'O for sale at a bargain at 650 Prescott st. MUST sell my piano. No reasonable of fer refused. 5812 46th ave. S. E. APOLLO piano player attachment and 35 Volls of nvuslc. Tahor 6716. WEBER piano, first class condition; cheap for casfly 170 East 18th st. WILL pay cash for i lano, If real bar gain. Phone East 7692. GIBSON guitar, cost $65. Webster, 1008 Vt Belmont, Portland. Tabor 57 1H TYPE WRITER8 77 LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. EASIEST TERMS. We carry the most complete and best selected stock of reconstructed typewriters on the Pacifio Coast, and can save you money on any make of writing machine. Underwoods ........ .$26.00 to $60.00 Remingtons $10.00 to $50.00 L. C. Smith's. $25.00 to $50.00 Smith Premiers $18.60 to $36.00 Olivers $12.60 to $35.00 All other makes at corresponding prices. Every machine thoroughly rebuilt and fully guaranteed. Call and In spect our stock before purchasing else where. Machines sent for three days' examination to? any point on the coast and if not satisfactory may be re turned at our expense. Send for Illus trated price list. Machines rented $1 per mo. and up. Retail Department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. Inc. 321 Washington St.. Portland. Or. , NEW REDUCED PRICES. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Remington, No. 10 $35.00 Remingtons, No. 11 . 40.00 Smith Premiers, No. 10 27.50 Remingtons, Nos. S and 7 . .... 12.60 L. C Smith. No. 6 42.60 Olivers, No. E 2 0.J0 Underwoods, No. 6 J2.60 BOLD ON EASY TERMS. FULLY GUARANTEED. REBUILT DEPARTMENT. REMINGTON! TYPEWRITER CO.. 8$ Broadway. I Phone Broadway 621. TYPEWRITERS for rent, S months for on purchase price. Remington lype- SPLENDID No.! 2 Smith-Premier Type- wnicr, o uuwii, z moniniy. nyti nimng cpine i;o., gaff Alaer. REMLNGTON No. 10; good condition. 71 WE save you from 60 to ? on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder: retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO til Washington st. FOR SALE Typewriter, standard key board; good condition; $15. Tabor 1804, NEW. rebuilt. 2d hadt rentals, cut rates. P,l). C. Co., 24 P Stark. M. 1407. I1ULSKMULD GOODS for SALK t5 SECOND hand house furnishings re ceived at Edwards during the last week must go out immediately on ac count of needing the room for other goods. Your credit Is good. $26 four burner Detroit Jewel gas stove, $9.95; $27.60 New Process four burner gas range. $14.50; $26 New Pro cess gas range, $16; cast iron cook stoves, $5; $7.60 gasoline stove, two burner, $3.75: one copper coil gas water heater, $9.50, connected; $18 white enameled refrigerator, just like new, $16; $25 North Pole refrig erator, $13.60; $22.50 refrigerator, white enamel, $10; $9 collapsible go cart, with hood, $3.50; $13.50' col lapsible go oart, all nickel finish, $4.50; $27.60 hall tree, $12.60; $14 hall tree, $.60; $18 hall tree, for $7.50; $M solid mahogany three piece parlor set, $35: $120 solid mahogany three piece parlor set $49; $50 quarter sawed oak sanitary flat top office desk, $33.50; three quartered oak revolving office chairs, $7.50 each; three $14 office arm chairs, golden oak. $6 each; $10 rocker, $5.75; $4 arm rocker, $1.95; $25 mahog any arm chair, $7.60; $17.60 imitation leather spring edge couch, $10; $3.60 iron beda. $1.90; $8 iron beds. $4.90; $13.50 iron bed. $6.50; $12.60 mantle bed. $4.59; one dresser, $7.75; one Prin cess dresser, $11; $16 hardwood dress er. $8.76; six heavy mission dining chairs, $9; one solid oak round dining table, quarter sawed top. $14.95: bed room stands. 76c, $1.25 and $1.50; $12.60 child's iron crib. $7.60; $26 fifty pound tuftless mattress, $10; $18 felt mat tress, perfectly clean, looks almost like new, $10; one 36 pound silk floss mat tress. $5; $7.60 combination mattress es, $3.75; three comforters at 75c each; carpet ends suitable for hall and stair, 26c. 35c and 60o i yard. Edwards Company "A Good Place to Trade." Fifth and Oak. SLIGHTLY used Jacobsbean dining room set consisting of 48 Inch top table and 6 elegant chairs to match. This set cost new $126, and is on con signment to us for $65. --Anyone wish ing something with real class at a bargain don't overlook this. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 185 to 191 First st. Between Yamhill and Taylor. Furniture Given Away . For almost nothing at 212 4th st. Car pets, rugs, runners, sheets, cases, bed ding, pillows, dressers, chairs, mat tresses, ranges, curtains; everything out of a 35 room hotel. Must be sold to satlsfv mortgage. 215 4th st. FINE oak bed davenport, slightly used; upholstered In Chase leather; solid oak, and a good mattress of cotton; cost $45, for $20. Mish Furniture Co, 184 First St. FOR SALE Axminster carpet. ll-6x 14, $16.75. Axminster carpet, ll-6x 11, $13.75. Beautiful Axminster rug, 10-6x18, $24. 6 large hotel dressers, $3.75. $70 new combination gas and wood range, $47.50. We exchange fur niture. GEISLER & DORRES. 412 Hawthorne ave.. cor. E. 6th st. 24x72 inch French plate mirror In ebony frame, cost $65 new; will sac rifice for $17.50. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 185 to 191 First St. Between Yamhill and Taylor. 6 ROOMS of solid oak and brass bed and mahogany. Call at 961 E. 17th st., N., bet. 1 and 6 on Sun, or .Mon. CHEAP! CHEAP! Furniture, entire bed $6, birch dresser same, piano, etc. 4136 63d St.. LaureiwooQ COMBINATION mattress, new. In fine art ticking; regular $6.50, for $2.25. Owl Furniture Co.. 204 1st st. ENCLOSED cabinet sewing machine. in quarter sawed oak; splendid for small quarters. A handsome piece of furniture, for $15. Others as low as $4. All our goods are guaranteed and plain price tags on them. Mish Furniture Co. 184 First St. FOR SALE Furniture, almost new; mahogany, oak and white enamel. Call Woodlawn 1968. PLAIN furniture for sale, enough for 2 rooms, very cheap. 265 E. 75th st. North. FOR SALE! Furniture: leaving city; cheap for cash. 87 N. 16th st., Apt. 36. Main 1246. HANDSOME white enamel lined "Moth er Hubbard'' kitchen cabinet. Solid oak, same as new cost $45, for $20. others as low as $2, Mish Furniture Co. 1 184 First St. EXTKNSION oak table and 6 oak chairs, $20; Majestic range. $35; beds, dressers and rugs. 91 Grand ave. SECOND-HAND furniture bought. Bold and exchanged. Oak Furniture Co , 91 Grand ave. East 7718. FURNITURE of 2 houses for sale and rent. Inquire 168 13th. Very reasonable. FOR 8ALE Gas range, bed, chairs, ex tension table and washstand. f t 264 Pas;e St., near Williams ave. FURNITURE of 6 rooms, mahogany parlor set and piano. All or piece. No agents. 185 E. 3 2d St. FUMED OAK. rolltop office desk,' with swivel chair; practically new. A bargain at $30. Tabor 3295. 3 ROOMS of furniture, all paid for. A bargain; $60 gets it. 1296 Union ave. North. FURNITURE and carpets tori sale, faln 3448. Phone Monday. BARGAIN, my range, bed. chairs. ta- ble, 679 E. OaK. Ph. E. Z575. FOR SALE One range, used less than et r, n , A i V. . r. . l a vear. .io c. osui si. ouum. FOR KALK-i-MISCELLANEOL'S 19 Wa are cleanlne out our blar stock of second hand sewing machines. All Guaranteed Main 1845. $49 Morrison st. FOR SALE 4 H Barnes lathe, com- Dlete. with chuck and tools. uayton Hdw. A Mach. Co.. 194 1st. FOR SALE J6 to 20 H. P. Russell steam traction engine. 219 High St.. Eugene, Oregon. .SUITS pressed. 35c. Dry or Steam cleaned, i. AVny pay more? unique Tailoring Co.. '809 Star. Bdwy. 814. LADY'S bicycle for sale; also 19 yards or new unoieum. Never been used. 390 Shaver st Wood'awn car. s FOR SALE Good 8x10 Portrait cam era. lens, shutter, stand cheap. Ta- bor 400. ; FOR billiard and pool tables see W. J. Quigley. 266 Market sC Lowest price and easiest terms. , $12.50 DROPHBAD sewing machine, with attachments. Call 162 Grand ave. BUFFET, cost $30 new. will sell for $11; In good condition, no scratches. Call E. 4526. GAS FIXTURES of 10-room house for sale cheap, good condition. 164 Montgomery. Main 1106. ' vl GAS RANGE, 6-burner. with oven; $7. 72 -Tenino ave. FOR SALE $400 diamond ring for $300 cash. -460 Larrabee st. MAN'S high framed bicycle, $12., Phone Sellwood 693. FOR SALE A 2d hand dental outtfL whole or In part. 311 Failing bldg. FERTILIZER for sale, plowing aone. Esst 6579. ; - - FOR SALK slightly used Oriole re- clinlng back, cheap. East 2123. ; - TYPEWIUTEB3 mum FOB SAUi SIlSCICLLAMiOi a 19 IQomtlanedJ wire ROPE -Partly ed plough steel cable at lets than half price. 8600 ft. 1 In S strand Dlousrh steel. 9009 ff. 1 in. strand plough steeL 7000 ft. 1 in. f strand plougn steel. 6800 ft, 1 In. 6 strand plough steeL 8000. ft. 1H in. i strand plough steeL v STANDARD CONSTRUCTION. v RIGHT LAY. NO BROKEN WIRES NO RTJST. SOME OF THIS ROPE GOOD AS NEW Inspection preferred before shipment F. B. M ALLORY COMPANY, 285-267 Pine st.. Portland. Or. Lumber Lumber Bur rour lumber from us to build your auto garage or house, we can fit fuu out in most anyining, ai 10 t per thousand, also brick, windows and doors. Phone calls answered until 9 p. m. Marshall 4929. East 6628. O. K. rtose city wrecking Co, Paint Your Roof Cnm m. mnA atl, n. .no(, Jn.i4m.nt Guaranteed low first cost. Oregon Home Builders Oliver K. Jeffery, President. 1830 Northwestern Bank Bldg. For Sale ft (As! SttSaass 4 SI Vl Mm Vk HrlwAA XS with on iron base, cheap. T waiUtUUO. UyilflllLe 6VHUI. IV $80 solid leather trunk $20 LEVIN HDW. & rUHN. CO., ZZl Front street, corner Salmon. P"OR SALE new caroom ami pocket billiard tables with complete outfit. $116; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies: easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen end soda foun tain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKK-COLLENDER CO., 46-48 Fifth. MACHINES of all makes sold for leas. No agents employed. Machine rent ed 82 per mo. A-8626, M.9431. Sewing Machine Emporium, 110 3d st., near Taylor. Electrio motors, sold and r on tea. WILL give away $140 paid in on cor reepondence law course to anyone willing pay balance $35. Text book worm iuu aione. Buyer gets inree years' tuition. East 738.7 or P-690, Journal. CASH REGISTER. Double drawers. Electric or hand. Latest improve ments. Used less than 2 years. Cost $44 8. 8150 takes it. .Fine bargain. Telephone Broadway 138 or call 1C1 JN. 3d St. Printing Specials 1000 billheads, statements, notaheads or envelopes, $2.00. Bond letterheads, $2.25. Samples. Coleman Bros., Main 9386. Box 682. Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde, eor. lotn. Broadway or A-6B74 ONE 6x8 improved view camera, with 2 lenses, 1 tripod, 1 wide angle lens. 4. ins uuiin gun .:uu. ror ijuick sale, $75 cash takes it. No trades Can Ka . n. .U . 1 , 1 . 1 -i . . . 1 voutn sib. abk lor Mr. ivauun. $30 CASH, or $36 In trade, will buy $125 Monarch typewriter, in good re pair; also Fox machine $10; will take good rifle as part payment on either. L. R. Pavne. 1108 E. S4th at Van. couver, Wash. ' $loo TAKES complete restaurant out fit: Range, counter, stools, tables, chairs, coffee urn, steam table, dishes, etc. Also National Cash Reg-ister, Barnes lathe and Ford Bug for sale. T. C. Mason, Woodburn. Or. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" anl "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under the! respective classifications. Look them over. 60 H. P. heavy duty marine gasoline engine bargain. 1 Splidorf 4 cyl. magneto and coil. 1 Gier marine re verse gear. Single cyl. Mea magneto. aue Kast Morrison Bt. 10 DROPHBAD Sinxer sewina tva- chlnes, complete with attaenraents. In good order, $17.50 while thev last. East 2359. B-3307. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave., near Belmont FOR SALE CHEAP. "The Real America in Romance," by Edwin Maj-kham, art edition, in 13 vol umes, full morocco leather: never been out of receiving box. Phone Main 836. SPLENDID Smith & Barnes piano, fine shape. Price $135. $10 down, ii monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. . SET of carpenter's tools, complete, al most new; tool chest; value $70; trade for good diamond or what have you? Walsh, Marshall 4800. FOR SALE cheap, three gasoiine torches, perfect condition; also one glass chandeiiere, perfect condition. W. F. Gray. 28 E. 82d St. N. AUTOMOBILE, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. FINK Kditson Hornless Amberoia, No. 2, and 100 records. Cost $175. Price $74..r0. $10 down, $5 monthly. HyaU Talking Machine Co., 3f0 Alder st. SEE THIS. An 18 inch oven combination gas, coal and wood range for $42.60, at 212 4 th st. SEWING MACHINES, all kinds, all makes, guaranteed. 9 Morrison st. Main 1845. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead A Mach Co., 311 Frofit st. Main 6492. FOR SALE) Concrete blocks, flower urns for the porch; reasonable. 69,0 Tillamook st. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell, Agt.. 194 1st. Main 1221. ENGLISH breakfast table, 4 chairs to match; good condition; $8.09. 1029 E. Harrison st. GOOD lawn mower and water weight lawn roller, cheap. Woodlawn 4367, forenoons. TWO 8 ft. show cases on tables, suit able for jewelrs' use. Also one Mos ler safe. 102 Grand sve. EDISON Diamond disc phonograph. practically new, at a bargain. Call Tabor 3986 12 E. 76th st. N. FOR SALE CHEAP Burrough s add ing machine. Good condition. G- 948, Journal. . FOR SALE $7.80 worth typewriter paper for $4.60. 12 pkgs., 600 sheets each. Tabor 2285. GENTLEMAN'S good, light, tailor made suit; sire 38. Price $3. 406 W. Park st FOR SALE CHEAP Heavy fumed oak rocker, leather seat Woodlawn 8204. GOOD bicycle, coaster brake. Price $11.60. $5. down, $2.60 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 850 Aider, SHIP CARPENTER wanted to see chest of tools; sacrifice. 69 N. Union ave. FOR SALE 1-8 power Goers-ypreider binocular, list $62-60, sale $40. 886 Morrison st. FOR SALJJWNew Moseley watchmak er lathe, one half price. Z-351, Jour nal. KODAK and press graflex and a diaT mond fer sale at a bargain. M-761, Journal. 8 PliXJE mahogany parlor set, $7,50. Section bookcase, $12.60. 430 K. Burnside. FURNITURE for sale. 8 rooms, mod ern, 17S. 223 W. Park st, AUTO woodsaw for sale by owner. 661 Tenino ave. Phone Sell. 1168. COMPLETE Edison outfit for sals or trade. 12$ 1st et., near Alder FOR SALE cheap, tent fly. 24x40. Call Main 7293. or 510 Alder St. FOR SALE A folding go-cart, $5.&T Phone East 7738. NEW elk charm- at sacrifice. , 804 Lewis Bldg. GOOD potatoes for sale reasonable. 932 K. 14 st. N. Main 7163. FOLDING ironing board cheap. Call Wdln. 3449. ALMOST- new Falrbanks-Morss pump for sale. Tabor 3821. - - FOR SALE! 6x7 , Graflex. Alar. 2686. FOB SAJE ailsraiJLASEOES 19 rConUnnsdl esp'sraryag"' - - - For Sale in. wire rope 2 He ft. in. wire rope , s oft. la. wire rope .......... y.. 3 Vie ft. 4 in. wire rope 4 oft. 160 ft No. 71 riveted conveyors, chain, regular 60o ft., will sell for 26o ft New 60-gaL hot water tank, $10. Lancuater combination blower and forge, new, regular $35, now $23.60. S. H, chain, all slses, for sale cheap. Seoond-hand Slmonds, Atkins and Dlss ton's cross-cut saws, all slses, $1 and up. Many other Hems too numerous to mention. LEVIN HDW. & FUR. CO.. 231 Front st., cor. salmon PLUMBING tools to b given away. 1 set Toledo dies, set small Arm strong type sellers, all sixes, 1 rise. WoodlawTri434. SWAP COLLSIN S3 ANGELU8 player attachment, with 10 rolls music, for any piano of 18 notes or more; used very little cost over $260; exchange for four or five boras electrio motor. Z-377, Journal. COLUMBIA Grafonola, cost $60 five months ago. ' 30 up-to-date records. Will sell cheap for cash or trade for horse, wagon, saddle or harness or what tiavo youT Mar. 4346.. TWO nickel plated desk phones with extension- bells to exchange; cost $4- want books, metal working tools, camera or what? X-758, Journal. WILL trade for good lot or acreage a fine $ speed 1916 Harley Davidson motorcycle, electrically equipped. Z- ss a. Journal WILL trade practically new Flake tire, 87 on Underwood type writer rvo. s, ana pay aixierence. u 786. Journal. TRADE choice city lots or house and lot for late models medium price touring car. 1437 Olympia st. Phone ooiumoia si. FINE upright plane, $i28. Will take typewriter, talking machine or dia mond as part payment. 2(7 Russell st Phone East 2334. ONE round oak table and 6 chairs. 2 rocking cnairs. 1 brass bed, to trade for bicycle trunk, phonograph. jrnone jnarsnau J. $700 EQUITi neat 4 room cottage for Portland lot; clear Hood River lot for diamond or mortgage. N-736, Jour. nal. TRIPLICATE beveled plate mirror, else of glass, 20 and 22 by 60 Inches; win trsne ror tailoring. Tabor 623 HPIENDID 6 passenger car for good house equity, or what have you 7 N- fiZ. journal EXCHANGE diamond rlna for re- frigerator suitable for delicatessen. 15-660. Journal. 20 ACRES unimproved, tillable land, close to Portland: good title. What have you? Hall, 612-13 Panama bldg. EDISON phonograph, trade for man's suit or linolenum. 166 E. 6th St.. cor. Belmont, WILL trade quartered sawed oak cen ter table for cook Steve or range for basement. Phone Wdln. 4468. --- TRADE 1 ton truck exnress body. In good condition, for touring car or wnat nave you 7 Taoor a57a LARGE multlgraph nmohine for sale or trade for anything I can use, 3100. B19 Worcester bldg. WiANT good horse or Ford auto; part payment On modern cottage, sub urbs. L-&36. journal. BABY sulky and nursery chair for gas iron or carpet sweeper. T-768, Journal. WILL exchange new Talking machine for printing. Hyatt Talking Machine co., 3to Aioer RESPONSIBLE painting contractor wants to exchange work with car penter or plumber. T-639, Journal. TO TRADE; Good 4 burner gas range, for good coal and wood range. 118 1 K. snerman st CHEAP for cash or trade folding camera and carrying case, nearly new, l-637, journal SWAP 4 h. p. single motorcycle, shet gun and cash or sell cheap for cash. M-182, Journal. PAINTING, carpenter work or pic tures, for motorcycle; no Junk. isiiee. care ez b. Z7tn st WlLL trade 60x100 beach lot for mo- torcycie. Lot valued 20. No Jung. T-540, journal. TRADE palntlng.ekalsominlng. white washing for typewriter, auto, any- tnmg. n,ast tozs. TWO cyl., 8 h. p. Marine engine for rarm mare or . k. v alters, 133 H 1st. PAINTER and paper hanger will ex change value with tailor. M-477, Journal. UNDERWOOD, revoivlna letter dupli cation, $26 or trade. 86 6th St., near Oak. Phone B'way 1021. 10 PEANUT machines, make from $4 to $6 per day. Cost $260. What nave you7 Tabor 4090. TO . SWAP- Baby's crib, drop sides; also sulkey; for what? East 7zai. EXPERT piano tuning exchanged for anything useful. Tahor fi71fi. TRADE good clear lot for material and building or garage, ben, vvz COLONY of bees extra supplies, for carpet or rug. Phone Columbia 273. GOOD phonograph, 40 records, sale or trade. 0-9X3, Journal. PAINTING or tinting for typewriter Or 88 COltS. Main 6432 $13.50 GO-CART for $7.50. or exchang ror oriole oasKet. Margnau smsz. CASH.and printing for tinting. Mai". &Z33 EXCHANGE -Dentistry for carpenter worK. D-T9, journal. GOOD watch for auto robe or Indian rug. Y-571. Journal. " PAINTING and tinting to exchange for furnlsnea apartment. z,-65, journal TRADE good, 6 passenger car for 4 clear city lota. G-bO. .journal. TWO kegs nails for wood. East 7629, UA.V1KH MlMCKLLAMfcOlm a WANT new and second-hand furniture stock in exchange for Portland prop erty Tabor 4426. WANTED Lady's fur coat, 40 bust. or good set furs. Stats particulars, W-891, Journal, WANTED Linoleum for kitchen. State prl-ce. Q-986, Journal. JOHN KASPER.' civilian and uniform tailor. 371 N. 23d.. bet. Savler and Thurman. Phone Main 6700. VANTED Second hand wood stove or rann' must om in gooa conoiuoo. u-87,, journal. CASH for SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, or traoe sometning useim. ua ist, near Alder. Main 445. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A-2567 WE bay all kinds second hand trunks. i smtcase ana nana Dags, xoain SU7Z A-7174. CASH for old gold, silver, olatlnum and high grade ore. H. M, Pickering. mrg- jeweler, zis uregonian oiog. HIGHEST prices paid for second hand furniture and household gooaa. Broadway in I WANTED, newspaper or job printing i office. McCoy. 201 Stock Exchange Biqg.. 179 rnira. $1 YOUR watch repaired, no matter bow badly broxen. i; all won (uar anteed. Howard Jewelry Co., 93 6th SECOND hand clothing buyer. J, Meyer, tailor, nays more for cloth- Ing. shoes. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison WANT Second hand Piano from orl vat e family. Must be bargain. Ad- aress Box K-szo, journal, WE pay the highest prices for second aim lumiiure. . va 1 1 r.Bi i i i i. Alaska Bag mt J unX Co. pays best pricos, an ainas junn. Mam gs. zae irront FURNITURES wanted, spot cash paid. Call ob Dan st., or Broadway 165sc TINTIKG for cash and printing. Main WANTED Child's bed; roust be in first class condition; cheap. -13-2456 WANT 2d-band linoleum for room 20x e. Must be cheap, pnone oelL Z556 NATIONAL cash register wanted, R. jr,, ie Aayior, cor eta St. WAJVTED 3I1SCTL1ANEOU8 S lansMIW Lathe. Wanted 16 TO 22 INCH SWING. Must be tn first class condition: will pay rash. uoiumbia carnage & Auto Works 209 Front st. Main 2892. AGAIN In the market for furniture. New at 286 Grand ave- formerly 348 Hawthorne ave. Anythllng you have to sell or want exchanged, phone Sell wood 1649. M. R. Sealer. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers. ruas. couches, chairs, tables, ate. We pav the price. W. W. Furn. Ex. g. S3 CASH for housenold goods, stoves. ranges, mercnanaiss, iouo minis to trade. - N. Y. Bargain House, 188 1st. near Alder. WANTED Second hand furniture. ranges snd stoves. Best prices Paid. Morgan Fnrnlture Co.. 890 East Mos- nson st. Phone toast zjtv, WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash prices fer household aoods. Promot attention. Kast STQ7. iv. m. pea tor. 14s wuBwen si, WANTED 1700 ft. .second-hand gal vanixed pipe, 4. In. Give me your lowest price. 016 Woodward ave. Sell- wood 765 HIGHEST cash prices for diamonds, old gold, sliver, platinum, watches. Kodaks, Jewelry of all kinds. J. Golden, 101 18t St. HAVE instrument and am prepared to locata hidden treasures or sold mines. Write 101 E. 68th North. .t-oruanq, or. WILL PAY cash for floor bread csso 34 In. high by 6 or 8 ft. long; plate glass top. Must be cheap. Phone Mam 45zs WANTED No. 8 folding kodak," 3 A. IA I n twf nJm nnni4ltiA an ft A ci o i n - V M WU( VVllUlkltIt CU4U I couwii- aoie ior cssn. Tabor e88 WANTED, by family of three adults, use of piano in home, free storaare w-iiu gwu curq guaranitBU. r-aiL t WILL pay cash for best coaster blevcle for the least money. HOC E. WANTED, floor case, computing scales, store and office furniture. 128 1st, nesr Alder. Main 4495, WANT small assortment of type. Also loot power printing press. Give par ticulars. 8-690, Journal. I WANT good used furniture for 12 Ringie rooms. S-965. Journal. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles wore found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light and Power company, and own ers Uiereof may claim uame at the Flrsr and Alder street station: Mar shall 6100. A-6131: May 6 12 umbrellas, 1 sawing out fit. t packages. 1 hoe, 1 skate. 2 lunch boxes, 1 small package, 2 pre, gloves, i suitcase, i mum, i watcn ion, j case for nose glasses, 1 basket, l roil of paper, 1 pc of iron, 1 pkg. pipe, 1 brace. LOST Wednesday, mapie leaf pin. marked 64 oversea Canadian uattm. Kootenay Reg. Return and receive re ward. Edith Malmborg. Phone Main 4365. 1 LOST On March 81. lady's gold brace let, solitaire diamond; between 4tn and Btark and 63d and Hawthorne. Suitable reward If returned to l&C Front st. LOST One black and white fox hound. small: lost on Clackamas river at Baker's bridge. Notify J. E. Mum- power, Oregon City. R. 2. Box 161. Reward. LOST Pointer dog. White with brown spot over each eye, middle of back and root of tall. Return 184U Russell st. Phone East 4814. Reward. LOST Black purse containing about 83S by poor woraina gin. i-iease return to me as it is all 1 have. Last 4983. LOST Friday. gentleman s heavy gold ring set with ruby; engraved inside: M. 8. H. to C. W. O. Reward (ffered. Main vkii LOST A bunch of keys, lost in front of Journal bldg. Wednesday. Please leave at Journal office, LOST, near Rivera Station, King Charles spaniel, black with brown markings. Reward Phone Main 6276. DnaAol PlU, VIUQ All, pcuiu, ivi l,v-m,- nots and pearls. Return to Journal office. Reward. LOST In downtown district, ady s watch pin. Valuable as keepsake. Suitable reward. I'none A-470S LOST Thursday, reconstructed Ruby rwig, in or near uoofl bamaruan hospital. Reward. Woodlawn 2247. LOST Lady's solitaire diamond ring; liberal reward. Kast 7&zb. LOST A large cameo plrT Reward If returned to "98 Everett st. FOUND, lady's pocketbook. Call at 507 Columbia St.. net. 7 sno n p. m. l'EKSON'Al, WHY pay big price for glasses? 1 can fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low aa $1.60 Lenses. dupli cated at a big saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Charles W. Goodman, op tometrist, 209 Morrison. Main 21Z4 FEBVET & HANEBUT, leading wig ana toupe masers; imei siuca jiu man hair goods; halrdresslng. manicur ing, face and scalp treatment, comb lngs to order. 147 Broadway. Main 646. LLECTRO-HVDROPAl'iliC Institute. 276 North Z2d st. (cor. or uverionj. Scientific massage, Electric Csblnet Baths. Comfortable rooms. Msr. 27 7 ft. TAKARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic scalp -cleanser, hair beautifler and dandruff remover; price 60c bottle. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy DON'T use expensive corn remedies, , V, . .-r,,, rrat !,. Sllr. thlflV "Rft. moves It' 16c plasters at the Clemen- son Drug Co.. 200 Morrison st. MAURINB BEAUTY SHOP, guaranteed toilet goods; specialists. Students wanted. 203 Royal rruiiding, DR. V. O. KETCH UM Women s mala- JU. ...... 1...... nt mn W.ah bldg.. 4th and Wash. Rm. 441. Mar. 448. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, clr cles Tues. 2 p. m.; wea.. sun. s p. m Resding dally. 282 Clay st. Mnr. 860 STORED FREE, cold stor age vaults. Rummelln Fur. Co., 416-7 Dekum bldg. HAVE your nair nermanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty parlors, 400 DeKtim. Msrsnaii uoz OPALINE Mrs. Summers' remedy fot female trouble, positive reiiei. Zd. Main 8470. NEW life in electrio and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp andjanl curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. THIS AD. and 26c for Facial Massage ana Manicure, ni-i oiumon oioa. ELECTRIC treatments given at your house, private nurse, i-spor zzia. BALM of Flg, remedy for diawMg of women. fi04 us vis st. Main mi SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases ol scalp. 16a Park st.. room 8. 10 to 7 I miMinr ConiolUtion free. Main La CI 4998. 613 Belling bldg 2 PROFESSIONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACC0EDI0W FtXATTVO ACCORDION, KKirs AND BOX tVUAfiM" HEMSTiTCHlNO. BKAlDiNOl BUTTON. BOLES. BUTTONS CO VI RED. BASTE MM KOVKLTT MfU. W., BH TH. H W AT gnnn k. STKPU KN BemsUU-sing, soeardloa, able snd sasburat pleatlsg; littoss eovered; gnoda wftmtn. iwaowping. ritrecs bis, h war inm, AOATZ CUT XZBfl. ilK'U. icwelcra. Diamond bourht anil 'wilri. Wales repair's, milcf a, 343HWia M.1H74. AQglCTTLTTJ -At. tU FUVim, P. B. tSBK.NBUAOK Implf menia. T.hlcl. and geoerai tarm uappmrn. zie Front, pwrtiand, AKALTT1CAI, CKTKlTt ABD A68ATZB iiUJM.U.1-. tO-tuch bldg, luft ih su ' ' y Btaint book mm r ' CAV'lg A UULMAM, lor., ius ita book toamifopturerai gntm fur Japea 1 pnmd Loose Lf U6rrs. He the stv J rest Leaf. A -81 ax. Main 1S3. , sTPltPTKO yOSTBACTOKS Geo. E; Mangas tts,1;11 CtflWt'Wlt;"r';,f" CABINET WUUK, turniiwrt rurluil D Joiws Jr.. fla 8S Main it. CAJtrET CLXAVIKO "1 from em earpi rag rugs, rart' cltaolng, htir- wrti Hup .., too S, seta. w sjhtw. -1 - jUICa UttOo. Klet trie lleaiuug Wurka Bets cleaned atitl liiai ;-e(lttlug our apeclH. w . u . n .iu.t wf in,L . l kNl.S8Ll.Ali Ku Wurka Ha rws and CHIBOPBACTORB lU, SicMAUUN curable vaaea, Ukm liui. 1 trvalaieuta, Wartn sou, auaiik.ii. nflicea MH-iid Macicay I'uig.. atn m Dr. C M. Tlsara is trcatuivuu, iu. ilw-l-l p.oiinf i mqg. nam : COAL AMP WOOD, -! ( 1 1 1 1 Urv wret-kasa uuti uot burut and bluet ' da ml summer fuel, regular atsa load but ' leacta. dalWered 82.7a to 83 Per load, TtuS' calls anawared until 9 p. in. Maraaatl' 4Ji. Knat MM. O. K. j Koia City WrwcSIng r W 11 V umr SO fur cuiiitvuud wlwn uu can s- gixHi imtiua tucKwoiKi at Jou swat aouii. load 8d.6U. lloi suuil oilurU with hajr. a load; $tl lor duuula load. Heavy 4rf aiab- wond ,l M a Inatl. Ilmailwar T.UUi. A-Vldl. . I A-l UUV tir, s.ku ivru, dlirU slaUwutui balf dry. K1.M) loud; wreckage. 6 load coal 66 ftp toe up. Kaitojil f ui'l Co. taat wHKCKAUU wiiud. $2.60 luad: 2 atttirMrara an bantatar rails euuuiltte. alau aaooud-hau, lumber. MaraUall tii"&- ':'. OIU sruwih fu w-mmI iu Sv.M aauvwiau. Haln M. "f MCfck k'AUH. drjr fa. 4 tl. S4.&U la o.-., bliK-kw'd. hOO WMr l. Main 4.VWI A-4M. wKKClvAGK wuud 2.6o yrr duuip wagos tw. Mamhnll S475. iUY BoXWuuli-I'lM.n. 'aluiti s;i ' COMTRACTOKg AWJ bqrLOFM OsKAK lltUa.ll. Oauerai Cuuimciur. m,fr- ion Md. CREDIT CLOTH:X0 .AKlfcH' am) un a .I.uIjii,; iiiu. ur wwkiir pajrt'a. N.Y. H'l f!tt lli Co. 40 Waabtns'nn. csr;cAr:;r7s.. DAhClNO, alANCllksrKU iincn. Aumlrlu, AV mi at., bet. Uurk and Uk tin' I raira. 4 prlfalc Ir.aona $2,, arierob, rrrnlngt all latrat rtainra naranted; ', Tbura.," Sat, aTinlnca. 7-n SO llrtindwar 21W. klK and Ura. Hvaib a stum-l I mmi. tlailf. Liasa rr-aav r,. 11m ; tietwrre nirmn nn,l rllark. I.nmn Mnln 2i'', wiiwi uauca aiupa ,ll.v njuuu at ti Kil ler Lnncina Acadeuir. rti! au hour. Unfa Km. InfurmnU V. irin"tl Huliir.tur (. LA tikKk, Ilk; uKAL. urivmaL ophiii, -'", naUifj. Kirnit fiin.-v. rfnwlan Mils till. MUSIC SCHOOLS AMD TEACKEB1 K. fUlrJLHouA V iuini '.jaibar: i,uli bavna. yi 1 neioiifr nniK. a uw Mar-nail i'-" I'ht)!-. 1. K. LAttSUA-flauu iwui 11 ftwr o'mir. i'iioiii j HiHir yy"' (SCHOOL OV MLlL-8taff of Teachers, ora-. tm t;oiirTiiiorv. Ul I, lib at,, at Ainw. POPULAR MU8JO " .. PIANO rngtluie tmigbl unyciic iu 10 to 80 Ir (uk, winirii niiuianipv o miay uacR lr full; rionumal ration and bniklet frve. tinnruw TtHing, Keyboard liarpi"iiy. ate. MH.a Ellera hidii. EYE. EAK. NOCK HHOAT. LtlNOS bcclallat. MiMlerale ,,llle. i,i.,M' llli,U i.1 f . t ari-ilHjr. ' 17 luknm hid,. M Wn riXE IN 8 U KAN CI PACUIC STATLs KUIS INaUKANCg UU oniy iirra-on riry inwiirHiii'a cimian.y. - FLUFF HUGS AMD RAO BUGS Uade from nil) ingrain. -Uruaavla. Aioitnirer, 8u!jrrLa rarpeia. Hug ruga, ail al. kiail OT Cera prompt attentlur. (Hiklct. WK81EU.N Kl.l r r UUO CO. 61 Union Ave. N. I'bnnra Ll OAlS, B-t4"J HATS CLEANED, 8LEACHID Ladlea , gania' I'auauia claaueU. l.,atiii4 73c. strawa. to ta. LOe. Kaafn,as'a. Ml WMti., nr. atn-. ss ami 4. aa I'lnm, M. 7"v.i LADIKA' mrn'a i'miiumi tli-aiicd, bl" brs. I'lwkt-il, top; fiu 6t)c. l'urtlunil Cleaning Hat Worka, l!M) Waibiiigton at. LEATHER AMD SHOE FINDINGS IHIC UkkllUN LhAllikH CO. Oldeai rirtu in uoriiineai. Asiuta "Uunarrk' an "L. A M." olc leather. C'vrt't t. MATTRESSES OLD niattraaava aud rratliar b-ua aiada into aanliarjr (olding lurma: (oalbera renetstsd- Folding VI. Co.. sOfl Wllflama. K. RS74. NON-INTOXICAiINO 8EVERAOES VklMlAUO'S u-idrn and Auil-ar Nin-iar. Uu tj Wrlnbard plant. Itfib aud Aurnald aia. lain T2. rbna A "jr OPTICIANS OLOliK Ol'iiCAL COklt'AX "Beat 82.SO Ulaaavs on Kartk . Second floor Aliaky Bslldluf.'" ' Corner Tulrd and Murrlwio straetk. PAINTINO, ETC. Vv L iultli auti silul tkik I kiov nulling, iiiiwri) fulnl U'., lalmf 447, FEIMTtKS AMD ENORATEBI llili IV V i'UUa-JUUft M. MA.nK Ssg Stark t. Broadway 4m, A-4QSS. RUBBER STAMPS AMD SEALS Al SO Sleuclla. Trade Cbarka, kliaas Slgsa. PACIFIC COAST 81AA11' WORKS 881 Waablngton t. Main T10. A-3710. SAFETY RAZORS HONED raaora aliaruauedj all kiuda, XAr aud bvt ymr iiiihb, i an at., nar Morriawn. IHIM II FT AT. VOItl - UtTAlUIMC Uu audVel nwla. Ja'cub LwW om tai ai. rnoui aiais llkf. STAMP DEALER TAall'S uuugbl aud aoid atlur 8 p. n. M4 MCKay bUltt. Main 1004. Maraball 7P3. TRAti Wlkl AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Eatabll'bed 1876. Ttanfr and Furwardlng Aganta. Sturag Frea Trarkaga Offlc and St'traita. 47a ;iuaa St - 18th and Ollaaa. M,B a. A-tlM, ALWAYS KICK" THE UEST UituidtiulM GOODU SPEC! ALIH1S - fcturggs, f'scklnf, nbliinlns and klnvina llnw. n. ihi. v,.. 4 8),reTal freight ratea to all polnta. ;. Tf v.- w. v , r. i. or siurrui 1.0. 84 and fine. ISromtwar fiH4. A-1 OSS. (it Milk. UlU TII1V.I.LU I,, 'v.. 1..' ' ara, packers, storage; n-sproof warvbuqas, I6tb anil Hoyt ata. Main IH7. -g?47. - V-- . T H,U(I UI . UIW,. JOBBERS WHOLESALERS! CRT GOODS WHOLESAtB I ninL-oloniial '''., a buig. ui is 11 1 ioio)ji inn hlrd. wrnt Oak rsJBT. OH AMD 0LA8S HASMLbtN A CO.. Hisb Standard" l-alaw N. R, fornor 2d and TaW. M. I7T1 A4WH, PLPatBiso surrnis ' ' I LL'MBINO suptill, wbuli-aala prima. Slark- ' Davis Co., 818 84 st. Mais 797. SANITARY WIPIM4 BAGS L SHANK CO, KHONK MAIN 1M WATER STJPPLT SYSTEMS ' klWAk'gg WATER SYSTKUH M. D. Spncar. Asanl. 103 WPm: Par St. WOOD riPB i PORTLAND WOOO PIPIf CO Faetory and offi war 24tb and Fork sts. Mais XXTOMMAVIQX COXTrOBT. ' 'I4 ' If you want be, t,ame of av reliable business house aekllng In any line of merchandise, or information fegrard lasr resorts, hotels, railroads, stearo hip lines, etc., address Oregon Jour nal Information Bureau. :--. -. '. Information desired: t Z'.Z ZZ..Z...ZZZi. t:&z;& Name............................. Address. V