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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1916)
.THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, . MAY 7, 1918. 4 ' '.' MONEY TO LOA2T T , .. REAL ESTATE (Continued) ' , b as bb an b"b OUR installment plan la the best and . urt method of paying; a loan. 1S2.I par month for 3. months, or 4 $31.34 for 10 months, or i 16.17 for 86 months MYf t 1100 loan and intereat ' Other amount In proportion. Wa loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. xTCQUITABLB aVQrU 4 LOAN ASSN., f ft Star gt,. Portland. Oregon. MONTHLY INSTALLMENT LOANS - on Portland homes, , no commls , don. On cant per day for a safe de- ;peslt bog tnaurea the safety of valu able papers. UNION HA KB DEPOSIT TRUST CO.. 384 OAK ST. ; .MONET TO LOAN. On Improved real estate or for build ing purposes; vary 'flexible contrasts; bo commission :, COLUMBIA LIFE) TRUST CO. . 203 gtevens bldg. .CITY LOANS, 6t to 7. - FARM LOANS, 6 to Jwj. : , A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX pne cent i Pr day insures the safety of valuable tapers. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & ' .TRUST CO.. 284 OAK. LET US MAKE TOUR LOANS. ' ' 700.., $1000 ' 11400 ,.. SS000 1 J NEILAN St PARKHILL.- 103 Stock Exchange bids.. 3d nd Yamhill. PORTLAND PKOPKHTY OR VALLK Y FARM LOANS. Make low rate on good security. IL L. ARCHER. 404 Northwestern Bank Bldg. v CITY LOANS. 8. 6V& ANIJ 7. .'; TARM LOANS, 7. ANT AMOUNT. , U2XJ. HI, WIAUUUNttK & CO., f 80S Yeon Mdg. ZOO. $300. 1700, $1000, $3000 '.For lmemdiate loans on Improved property. 'ROID REALTY CO., LEWIS BLDG. .' iClLXlNU loans on city ana uouruun . property; money advanced as work progresHes, W. O. Beck, 111 Failing MdK. Main 3UQ7. ' iuu,wuu UN utortgages. city oT taru v proptrty, fire Insurance. McKenzle t eV Co.. Oerllnger hldg . ?d ""d Aider titeH paiu tor nioriKHKs uuica. con tracts, mortgage loann: leuiionable rates. F. H. Lewis, 4 Lewis bldg. I'MunilV Tu LOAN iu amount oi Slfu to 16000 on city property. A. H. 1 ;rllnggr hldg ;.vir.L buy good first mtg. or sal con ''. tract not over $1000. A. K. llltL. 419 Henrv bid, $12671150 AND 1250 TO LOAN. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stork Exchange. BUILDINGS financed and erected at raving. Hundley. ;07 Plttock blk. MONEY to loan, orivatelv. f 1000 to - $5000, farm Qr city. F-687, Journal. I " MONEY TO LOAS CHATTELS, SALARIES SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and ' ethers on furniture, pianos, motor- rycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at - legal rates, with easy terms ot pay i ment; no delay. Licensed by stats. Sil liekum hide LOANS WANTED WE HAVE Immediate calls for: V' $1,0 ' : i. ,000 u 8 per cent .000 (3) 4 8 per cent $11,000 ) 7 per cent 140.000 d 6 per cent and other amounts. ITlnftnr.A and l.rtnn Dpniirtmnr. OREGON HOME BUILDERS, ..w. .. ... o tUAN'T In hnrrnw 11000 nr mnrn A1 scurl1v. liberal hnnuH to richt 'party, with or without services, to nelD complete best and soundest ai- M-terpriae possible. Call 430 Worcester f ii.vvv l ivo, f.v.vuv kv i Ci ftv.vvu at 6: and other amounts. The Ore- gon Home Builder. 1330 N. W. Bank tdg. . RANTED By a public utility com I . pany of Washington $7600, aecured ?y a ursi ntoi ikhks uii a v,uuu pittni. ntei'est payments to suit mortgagee. WX-769. Journal. WANT loan $576. first mortgare on i Int. 1 5 A Klnolr it Irvl.rinii Park addition.' seneesed at $925. Worth L 11600; all Improvements paid. Wood- I -lawn ZI40. r'AyiLL sell well secured chattel mort- " gage, balance t'.rzo, ij, payable 150 -monthly, at $775. Safe investment. . X-773, Journal. WILL pay for $16,000 for b years, security 830 acres, highly improved . farm, 12 miles from heart of Portland. F-fi80.TJournal. I'.WANT to borrow $600 at 8 per cent vn "iB"iy nuiiruvea iu acres, wssn lngton county. Private parties only. Value $8500. U-726. Journal. (;WOIjLD like loan $5600, 7 per cent. WashtnKton county dairy farm. leawe snnwer. G-789, Journal. 1000 at 8 per on ( room house and acre of ground. Materson, 202 W 11- 'rox hldg. VANT $1000 oii 1 room modem bouse. Arbor Lodge district, at 7 per cent. T-7S5, Journal. ..WANTED Srri&ll loan on clear subur i ban home. Private partias only. H. fj. R., 614 Spalding bldg, (WANT to borrow $1350 on 2 5 room bungalows; gilt-edged security. Ta- - Vr ao?. , .O borrow $600. 7 first mortgage, best security; principals only. U- '74 Journal .."WANT $4600 at 7 per cent, city in- come property. value $12,000. Elliott. 601 Northwest bids Jw ANTED $1000 loan on 160 acres of timber. Marshall B69S. '18600. Irvlng-lon security; 82260. Al- Mna. close in, F-581. Journal. 'I WANT $900 on my home, S inter- est. Main 1940. Tabor 4$43. WANT $900 at 1 on Lents home, valued $2000. 430 Worcester bldg. FINANCIAL 31 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellefaV Interest In contracts. Or. and ,Wash. ft, E. Noble. Lumbermen bide; CHATTEL MORTOAOES PUR , - CHASED. INQU1REI311 Dekum bid. WE buy mortgages and equltiea. Mc Kenxle ft Co., Gerllnger bldg. VOR SALE Good real estate con- tract. Phone Wdln. 4196. N H ELP VV ANTKU M A LK DO you want a position for life, with . . blx pay. short hours and sure ad- .,yencement7 Then work for Uncle Sam I My iree uiusiraiea uuua un. sob tens how to get an appointment Earl Hop- gins. wawnington. o. c "WANTED, 2 live salesmen to handle uood proposition; commission Only. Experience not essential: we show you how, 810 Chamber of Commerce. - . . 0 o l rti rvci. noneai, sooer men ev irvvhri for firemen. hrdkAmn baggagemen- $120 monthly. Promotion, tuxpenence unnecessary. yz Kauway Bureau East Bt. Louis, Jll. WlHEEL WRIGHT Must be acous- tomed to automobile and motor truck work. Steady work year around. Up-to-date equipment References as to ability required. X-764, Journal WANTED Handy man for light jani ' tor services, few hours dailr in ex change for room and breakfast. Main i72. Si AN with tools to start blacksmith and auto repair shop: rent $10 Good fclace for filling station. McCoy, 201 Stock Exchange bldg., 170 3d. BOY with wheel, experienced in de livery. Inquire Lubllner. Florist - J?R Morrison. WlLL give boy not over K horn and wages for light work. 14$ 2d st north. Monta villa car. WANTED Wan to do Janitor werk in smaii apt, noose zor rent of I room , spt. - Marsh. 8011. EMPLOYMENT department f. II. c A Prvir f-- mmher MAN for wood saw. See us at once. jMUiersnip, 734 Cham, of Com. WANTED Boy to learn watchmaking ' and jewelry business. H-1TS. Journal. WANTEDn-A. doctor.. 'Ht4ti., 3?ual, HELP WANTED MAIJB5 . PUBLIC EMPLOTMENNT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson gt. U. S. Government Employment Office Co-Operating. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. Hera's Many Others. Experienced cream helper, candy fac tory, city. Baker and pastry cook, out of town. 10 Boy over 16, local factory. 10 Messenger boys. 6 Boys with bicycles. 10 Farm hands and milkers. E0 Quarry laborers. St Section men. 10 Men. local Dlant IS Wood cutters, close In. 60 Logging road laborers. 100 Lumber mill and logging camp men. DON'T BUY YOUR JOB GET ONE FREE AT THIS OFFICE. Rafters. Mead fallera. Second falters. Rlggingmen. Wood bucks. Man and wife, farms, Elderly man, farm. , SPECIAL 30 more logging road la- Dorers, ttaittern uregon, 6 long Job, fare advanced, ship Monday mgnt. BERRY PICKERS and PACKERS Season begins May 20; will need GOO families. Register now to insure work. We will need hundreds of men the firat of the week. Come and see us. Remember. NO FEES CHARGED. Main 3565 Phones A-5624. SALESMEN WANTED. If you are capable of earning $200 or more monthly and have a clean rec ord, we have a permanent position for you. Some of our salesmen are making as much as $1000 monthly. The work Is hard but the pay Is big. Call Mon day. AGENCY SUPERVISOR. 609 Journal bldg. WANTED Men to" know that the quickest and easiest way to go to and from work In on the Indian eatn erweight: economical to run. simple to operate, low In cost. Ask to be shown the Featherweight model. 11. Lystui, "The Motorcycle Man," dealer in In dian motorcycles, supplies and repairs, 488 Union ave., N., corner Sacramento st. Phone East 6977. SEVERAL ambitious young men who desire to develop salesmanship. Po sitively under 24 and unmarried Soap startins salary and board and railroad manufacturer will pay 10 per week rare. Moiling housewives. Excellent Bales training secured and opportunity for promotion. Give name, addre&o and formt-y employments. U-729, Journal. WANTED Man for plain cooking ana general housework on E. Oregon farm; young man preferred. Need not be largely experienced If willing to learn, t rom 3 to b men to cook for. State age and wages required. ZX.-379, Journal. WANTED Reliable man to sell our attractive old line health and acci dent policies, Portland and vicinity. Fine compensation and chance for rapid advancement. I. C. Cunningham, wu journal rjidfr. BOYS over lt to operate machines at the Portland Cordage Co. Experienced neip preierred. Apply at Marshall Bt entrance. BOYS over 16 years. United Mattress & Pad Co., 427 Hancock st. kUOA AATiiD .JIlsC. EARN $100 weekly managing clean, " legitimate mail order business. We furnish everything. Right party need not worry about capital. Splendid chance for intelligent, employed per son to control indeDendent business on profit-sharing basis, beginning n spare ume, evenings at nome. JJart.tculars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, . i. SALESMEN celling- restaurant, hotel Cafe, cigar. doi1. druK. creneral store trade can do biir bueineBa with our nw live pocket sideline. All mer chants, towns 100,000 and under, want I , ,E l.l.n . 1 ,.( 1 lectlng. No expense or risk to mer chant. We take back all untold Kooda. Canfleld Mfg. Co.. 208 Sigel st, Chl- cago, in. OVER 16,000 men and women wanted this year for U. S. government life lobs. $55 to sifiO month. Vacations ino layorrs. rinort Hours, full' un necessary. Write immediately for free list of positions now obtainable Franklin Institute, Dept. 350-0, Kocnester, n. y. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay, wnie ror large usi or openings or ferlng opportunities' to earn, from $100 to eoo a montn wnue you learn. Ad dress nearest Office Dept. 312, Nation al Salesmens Training Association ( hlcsgo. New York. San Francisco COMPETENT salesmen Or nua iania preferred, by well rated Cle eland concern, to sell merchants Kieatest specialty of the day; $300 to JiJfl per montn; commissions pain weealy: stat experience. W. J. Smith, Station C, Cleveland. O. MEXICAN Diamonds Exactly resem ble genuine; same rainbow fire stand tests; sell at sight. Live agents wantea; proms sou weeiuy and ud Write quick for sample case offer rree. Mexican Diamond importing t;o., ttox A-iw, i s cruces, N. M. WOMEN to represent established guaranteed hosiery mill selling "Mil to Wearer. Permanent customers brand well advertised. Salary or com mission. International Mills, Fenn St., jn orrifoT own, ru,. WE will need 4 stenographers and 2 clerks that can Invest $100 or more. Investigation will prove to you this Investment is exceptionally (rood and should appeal to anyone looking for such. 613 Panama bldg. ' SALESMAN Capable specialty man for Ore. Staple line on new and exer tional terms. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract, weekly ror expenses. Miles F. lxler Co., i37-l Carlln bldg., Cleveland, O -WE want the name of every ambitious woman; we snow mem, in supple lessons how to earn money at liWme. No agency work. Write for free partic ulars, r. an. crooa, bll is. bt. Johns, can jose, ADD $6 to $20 per week to yourvsal ary. Pleasant, profitable work. No canvassing or soliciting. No money re quired. Something new. Employed Deo pie preferred. Irving; Silver Company au n. JiiarKei, tnicago. RAILROAD detectives neoried: ISn $100 weekly; travel over the world Experience unnecessary. Am.-Foreign selective inst., 205 Chemical st., St. Wanti good ED, a lady or gentleman for good paying proposition: experience noi necessarw. Must De a live wire, can at 607 Marshall st., Monday, be tween 6 and 7 p. m FIVE bright, capable ladies to trave demonstrate and sell dealers. U5 to saw per weeK. rtaiiroad rare paid. Good ncn uruK uo upt. bio, umana. Neb WRITE motion picture blavs: 850 eanhJ Experience unnecessary. Details free to oeginnera. producers League, 206 wamwngnt, tsi. louis. EARN $20 a week writing names and addresses'; no canvasstnr. 1 artic ular s for stamp. O. C. Smith, Little . 1 J . . . LAunsa laugnt corset makinx. cut ting, nttlng, finishing andXglven cnari ror iv wnue lorming Phone Wdln. 1754. Call at 148 E S8th I WILL pay any honest man up to $50 monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing, no capital. Write today, voornies. juess ii, umana, Nab $76 MONTH. Government Jobs. Men women wanted. List of positions tree, sravnann institute, uept 849-0, rtocnesier. r x. WANTED Names men, wishing become Portland mail carriers 1 to on mM, 87 month. OX-9SJ. Journal AGENTS wanted to sell tube extract and toilet preparations. Call at 602 Bast- 8th st, south. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $6.60 wp, ayior ium bailor. uurnside. hsu. wanted- ansa 40 I (Coatlnned) " KIT.T.Tr -MTf .T.XCTf V WlNTKn TV I sawmills, inow starting up all over I the coast. If you- wish to qualify for best paid positions,- such as superin-1 UndrnL fnrnmin sawyer, las: scaler. I lumber. Inspector, mill or cargo tally- man, supercargo, etc.. send for "The Practical Lumberman" Book of 254 Lpages on merits and uses i f Pacif ia coast Lumber, short matnodt ot ng urlng fquaredni iixjur'?. lumber, logs octagon spars, imttrtc-il orders, lumber carrying capacity if vessels and other valuable information. Mailed on receipt oi price, l.;".u by me au thor, B. Brereton, P. O. Box 1158, Ta coma. Index and particulars free. Y. M. C. A UiuoblU VLHUUU Day and nizbt ciasses: tra.aina is repairing, driving and machine work, including forge, lathe, sbaper. drill tress, etc.: time unlimited. Secure lm.b at Educational office Y. M. C. A. ruag. to inaiiexji uur snaps a ua meLii od. COMPETENT CliAUKFEURS AiSD MECliANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C. A. and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of CO-ft. iwlmmlni pool aiiower ram y mnasium. etc. ANY lntelllgient person, either sax, of , good education and business aomty; must be able to handle correspondence and write a good business letter. An opportunity to start a small but profit able man oruer business in your own ""'" vrtvt.r?' fiw"u I . " when established; can be managed,, in spare time, eveninss, or as a side line at first; grows rapidly. Send for par ticulars. Hp acock Co.. 875 UeacocK bldg., Lockport. N. Y. WANTED Persons to eolor art plc- turea at borne: easy work: no exper ience; good say; sample free. Wheeler Co., 337 MadUon. Chicago. UEL1 WASTED FEJULE 1 TELEPHONE OPERATORS. PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN: SAL ARY PAID WHILE LEARN ING. APPLY TO THE PACI FIC TEL & TEL. CO.. 6TH FLOOR, PARK AND OAK STS. OFFICE OPEN WEEK DAYS BETWEEN 8:30 A. M. AND 5:30 P. M. WANTED Young lady in need of aood home, or youne widow wun child under 14 months to assist witn housework in country. Address Esta cada. Or.. R. 3, box 11. WANTED An experienced second girl with reference. Small family oi tour. Phone Main 3777. . OIRL tor general housework in fam ily of 2. Swedish, Finnish or Ger- man pre f erreid. Phone t,ast iut3 WANTED, woman for general house- work. Marshall 5979. i'hone, state Balary desired. WANTED, woman to take washing home. Must do good work. 610 v.. Alder. Easts 7738. WANTED girl for general housework, East 45th st;, north. WILL give rent of 2 room apartment to lady, for about 3 hours work a day. Main 6H74. WANTED Girl to assist with house work. 581 Henry ave. Take fcell ood car. Plione Sellwood 2066. YOUNG GIRL for housework, four i hours daily. in small apartment. Main 8228. NICE housekeeping suite for some one who will do sewing. Tabor 4468. HEMSTITCHER, Mrs. Fleenor, Main 2190. Call early HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch, man to do general farm work and milk, woman to look after milk utensils and separator, win lurnian 4 room bouse and butter. and milk un til such time as new crops grow. Will pay usual wages. Give tun uartic- uiars, references, etc., iirst letter, u. Evans, moute I, Waterloo, or. wants men and women to learn the trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured; aummer rats; write for catalogue, 48 N. 2d st MOHLK.R BARBER SCHOOL wants men and women to learn tne Darner trade free of charge In 8 weeks; posi tions secured; pay wnue learning. do and 5K in. ia si. x,.,..r 7S ', r i 7 iN 1 ED ood girl for general ousework; must be A-l cook and e good references, none other need WA li have uoo apply. 4 21 E. l'Jth North. East 2802 OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks; positions guaranteed. 233 Madlaon. MAN and wife, Swiss German, experi enced in dairying, want position on dairy or farm. 2-384. Journal. WANTKli AGifiNTS EARN $100 weekly managing clean, legitimate mall order business. We furnish everything. Right party need not worry about capital. Splendid chance for intelligent, employed per son to control .ndependent business on profit-sharing . basis, beginning in spare time, eveninss at home. Particu lars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. . SOLICITORS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. For every city and town in Oregon and W'ashington, exclusive territories high-class guaranteed arttcle; will be used in every home; sells at sight; big profits to agents. Cal at once at Oregon hotel, suite 268-269 WE start you in business, furnishing everything; men and women, $30 to $200 weekly operating our "New Sys tem Specialty Candy Factories; home, anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime: booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box Z, East Orange, N. J. WILL $120 a mntlr," with automobile furnished free, interest you? An swer quick. Secure valuable agency. Guaaantecd aiuto necessities. Tremend ous sellers. Quick repeaters. Remarka ble money makers. E. Rayburn Co.. 181 N. Dearborn, Chicago. AGENTS thait are hustlers for produ cers. Therie is big money. This is no house to house work. Call Sunday 2 to 6 p. m. 608 Northwest Bldg.. 6th and Wash. AGENTS To handle great labor-saving specialties; sells everywhere, in homes, officen, hotels, etc. Bis; prof its. Wrl e the Olson Merchandising Co.. Box 1594Q, Butte.. Mont. PORTRAIT MEN, write -quick for new catalogue; 24 hour shipments, prints or finished work; expenses ad vanced reliable- men. Roberts. Whole sale Portraits. Kansas "'jty. Me. WANTED Men with established ter ritory and1 trade, clothiers, gents, furn. hatters; to sell my Panama hats. Sideline commissions. Leo Galitzkl, 210 W. Van Buren st., Chicago. III. AGENTS Men, women to sell high class article to factory, home, office, etc. Big preflts. Write the Zeman 8ales Co.. Dept. 17. Havre. Mont. AGENTS wanted, tube extracts and toilet preparation. 60? E. 8th st. S. SITUATIONS- FEMALE t EXPERIENCED grocery clerk and solicitor. Call Marshall 5239. J. F. Dowel 1. PRACTICAL painter, tinter and paper hanger and idecorator; reduced prices for 30 days. Sellwood 2772. Contractor; XuK. plumbing, ins. brick and re ment work 8 t Klnc.rv Mr 1R BRIGHT young man to work in stock room. Chance for srtvan'-emenL -erence. Ana, ad. S-959. Journal. TINTING, papering. 82 room. Marshall 2971. evenings. MAN wants position janitor. Do tint ing. Any kind work. Main 4903. Room 9. i WAR rates on painting and tinting'. Rooms tinted, $1 and up. Main 8432. SPRAYING time for roses and trees. Prices reasonable. East 6629. MIDDLE aged single man wants homo and small wages. GX-781. Journal. ?HE window! cleaner houseman wants work. Phone mornings. Mala 2303. PAINTER, does small or large Jobs cheap. Phone East 1048. EITXATIOXS LJLE (OqnWnsedlL " CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. f,tn fn John t- EFFICIENT MEN . OR ALL POSITIONS. B,M1wenj office men. clerks, me- bllAM1.! XXXX 1U1U4 UVI4BV IUVU, WWRB, mill men. loggers, laborers eta. No fee charged employer or employe. Oat of town orders given prompt attention. Main 3656. A-6624. STATIONARY engineer, 16 years' ex perience, operating and installing engine in mills, wishes position in or out of the city; best of references. A. D. Herr, Hi E. 70th st N. phone Tabor 694. RELIABLE, energetic married man wishes office position Experienced cashier, bookkeeper, credits and gen eral office work. First elass references furnished. U-738, Journal, BY practical man, position In mill, supply, cannery or logging camp, capable to take full charge; Al refer ences. For personal interview. U-731, Journal A-M an. healthy, married; wife and I iiave just disposed of our cafe. I want a Job. Do you need a hustler? If so, call me. Marshall 6490, room 9. 193 W. Park. 1 HONEST boy, 17, wishes position with firm as errand boy, etc., where there ta fhanfA f T- a H vo n. Am ar t 'all Broadway 1633 or 126 N. 6th AT . gJ.n . " . MALE STENOGRAPHER, over yrs. exo., oesires position, temporn.ry it nothing permanent available. Tel. E. 7625. Mlt. owner, young married man, steam engineer and electrician will work any place, handy with tools, can save ou money on repair worn. Main 4bv a. LESMAN with several years' exper ence on the road in Oreiton. wants main or specialty line with reliable 1- I A-l GROCERY man. Best rof. Knows , how to handle trade, displaying stock. Fair sign printer. Not afraid to work. Phone C-1395. M,-81. Journal. CREDIT man (now employed) wants connection with tellable firm. Oooa reasons for making change. Best ref erence s. U- 2 5 , Jou rnaU FIRST CLASS painter would like steady Job outside of Portland, Z 966, Journal. ' BUTCHER wants position to take NICELY furnished front room on gee charge or rent or run pn shares, ond floor, $S per mo. 262 14th st. email meat market. W-d86. Journal, near Jefferson WANTED Employment, by first class . NICELY furnished front room, t.onve plumber. In or out of city. U-18o. j nlent, private family, reasonable; Journal. near 23d and Wash. Marshall 2190. EXPERIENCED man wishes position j as hall man or elevator man. 1698. Room $ PAINTING, kalsomining, rooms $2 up. Papering, whitewashing, reasonable. East 6629. EXPERIENCED elevators, but accept other work (wages). Drake, 614 Ors- ronlan. East 7013. HOUSE cleaning, garden work, small carpenter and Dalntlna- lobs wanted, ' 'Marshall 3672. " oAlfK'i'ENT sbop mechautca and i chauffeurs furnished by Y. M. C. A. Anto wchool Main 7065. A-fiSM. PAINTING, paperhanging. tinting. $2 per room up. C. A, Barnes, Marshall 2828. Main 6549. PAINTING and kalsomining, a reasonable first price. class work at i East 2751 COMPETENT cement finisher wants work by day or contract Phone i Wdln. 333. I CHAUFFEUR and good repairman wants position, city or country, 1st class references. D-671. Journal. CARPENTER, repairing, remodeling, all kinds work done. Phone East 1043 WANTED Nursing by practical male mirsA "PVinna Ka5t XzHK SITUATIONS FEMALE ""' " CITY" OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Women's Department, City Ha4. No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any line. Eromptly supplied. Office, clerks, ousekeepers, domestic, day workers, seamstresses.' Marshall 4100. A-4125. COMPETENT young woman wishes position as housekeeper with elder ly couple; have a pleasant disposition, good cook and manager and capable ox taking full charge of home. East side preferred. X-860, Journal. MiuymrAuiw irvxx vi icxiiromem S T T" I . T -n I CiT T A T V 01 .- e and experience as managing bouse- keeper in hotel, rooming house or apartments, in or out of city; or will tnd Fhone 1135 or address ; G955 journal ' . ' ' - . , J NEAT reliable woman, with child to HuDDort. wants light nursing, iham ber work, or will work by day or hour. Prefer work where can go home nights. Marshall 8798. WANTED Family washings and iron- ings at borne by experienced colored woman. Called for and delivered. Rea sonably done. Call' Main 620 Sunday and all week. YOUNG girl wants general housework; good home. 4530 50th st S. E. Phone Sellwood 1481. TWO experienced, industrious women want cooking in camp together. X 359, Journal. CURTAINS' hand laundered, repaired, called for and returned; best refer ences. Tabor 682. YOUNG lady wants work by hour, taking care of children. Reference Call Sellwood 904, YOUNG lady wants work clerking in store; over a year's experience. Call Berkley Apts., Apt, gg. WANTED, any kind of housework or care of children by the hour, relia ble. Phone Woodlawn 1360. WANTED Washing, house cleaning, or plain sewing by day or hour. Phone Main 3364. RELIABLE woman wants work by day or hour. Main 6524 STRONG woman desires washing, cleaning, etc. Main 4365. Room 51. CARE of children by night or day; references. Marshall 4174, WANTED Office work by competent, experienced woman. H-182. Journal. W O MAN i wants day woft of any kind. Phone Marshal 6980. WANTED Any kind of housework, 25c hour. Phone Matn 808 WOMAN waits work cleaning, etc.; references. Woodlawn 3772. WANTED, position East 4012, as housekeeper. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 GENTLEMAN and lady wish position on ranch as foreman. Thorougbly experienced stockman, buyer and sales man. Bank reference. 332 Harrison st.. Portland, Or. ACTIVE man and wife, 60 years, want any kind of work. SX-762. Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 ALL kinds dressmaking, remodeling, designing, reasonable. Also instruc tion at Economy Dressmaking parlor and school. 603 Dekum bid. Main 8702. FASHIONABLE dressmaking. byddty' Wo'od'awSSM8' hm6 r bJ T ilZVDA ' 5 , EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires customers at ner nome: ciassy wors; skirts, dresses, suits, woodlawn 1833. FIRST class dressmaking and general makeover. Call Marshall 602J. LAUNDRY work wanted. Call Wood- lawn 3188. KURSES GO MALE nurse; references given. L. H. Lewis, uroaaway zzn. NURSE wishes position; will assist with other work. Main b950. WANTED Elderly lady ta act as nurse in maternity case. Tabor 8669. FURNISHED ROOMS i WJEl CiH RAOIRE s. I rn. rireoroo, retxBw-tahi fx wV no NEATLY furnished front attic room. modern, 2 windows. $1.50 week. 123 N. 23d. ; ; ' $1.50 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur, rms.. central. T..e King, 809 Jef. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 64 North I6tb corPavla, .. FURNISHED ROOM3 '(Oo turned) FURNISHED rooms for young men in all carts of the eitv also In Y. M. C A. bldg, especially desirable during the j - summer: fire-proof, telephone in each room showers baths. 31.76 to $4.75 per week. Including full association mem-j bership privileges, gymnasium, swim-' ming pool. hand-ball court, and many tke luh nrivilaaes. Full Informatios other club nrivlTeses. Full informatio at Y. M C. A. business office or tele phone Main 7J65 A-6661. REED COLLEGE DISTRICT. B rooms, 2 in attie, gas, electricity, bath, 60x100 lot, north of Reed col lege. S blocks to car; nice yard, full cement basement Price cut to $1800; $100 down, $15 per month. Seacbrest Main 208. HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) BUCKINGHAM I.0TEL 86TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Strictly modern, light, oool rooms. $3 to $4 per week: private baths. BACHELOR'S HOTEL Everything new and up to date. For men only. Tenth and Washington. . Main ! Week THE GARLAND wLk MODERN BRICK; outside rooms; respectable; hot water. 25 Trinity st, cr. Washington, bet, lath and 20th. FLKMSHED KOOMS 70 TWO large front rooms, running water, sleeping porch and piano; Cither are suitable for 2. $15 month. 234 10th st.. corner Main. Main 1715. ROOMS for rent, $1.50 per week, mod ern conveniences. 861 r&ius. ave. Phone Woodlawn 30. FURNISHED tent tor lent, clean, healthy place. 697 Kearney at Mar. 1982. FOR RENT, large nicely fur. room In nrivata family, near Chesterbury hotel, rent reasonable. Call Mrshl. 633 NICELY furnished housekeeping toora and kitchenette, very reasonable, 149 13th st. Phone Marshall 7460. FURNISHED room, modern convenl ences, with use of phone; walking aistance. 364 , ntn st. $1.60 WEEK Front room In flat ciose in; son. bath, phone. 420 H Jeffer- NICE furnished rooms, lights, bath. $6 month. 269 Fargo st. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, 664 Couch street. Flat 3. A-2649. NICELY furnished rooms cheap. .186 N. 16th. for rent UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 URN lbHED rront room in private rami ly or s aauus, ciose in, yvesi olde, modern convenience. .Fnone Mar- fejiaii ox. ROOM A AMD BOARD 13j0 MONTH, furnished THE" HEREFORD? 785 737 HoYT ST. A quiet residential hotel American plan Suites Single rooms. Excellent table. Main 3305, A-1722. FIRST class room and board, reason able; modern conveniences. 332 10th. Main 6979 ROOMS AND liOAJ'-D PRIVATE FAKZZ.T. LARGE outside rooms, elegant new lurniture, excellent board; modern ; new house; attractive location; use ' , v,a"a 1 V' ' naJI 1,OLJtiT i jiuwuiunie iai , iaics i eusuiiauic out E. 22d. near Hawthorne. Phone E. 6636. LOVELY front room, suitable for two gentlemen or ladies employed, nice home, excellent meals. 335 11th St. Marshall 6464. LARGE pleasant room with fireplace, dressing room, sleeping porch, also nthsr rnnmu (iniiWo nr Hinsle- hoard optional. 470 Columbia st f 1 1 A 7 1.- n n'r.A Vi 1. t,i a In I , . tfintrv' would like to board 2 or 3 children ;1 rates $10 a month; best of care. Ad- ' dress Mrs. E Morrison, Beaverton. Or. inert i.. -i-v,!.. ".L vate family, with or without board, reasonable. Gentlemen or man and wife preferred. East 2116. CLEAN, modern room reasonable; din- ner, if preferred. 30 N. 16 th st, near ' Washington. , BEAUTIFUI larei Uel ! targe, 11 gr LLY furnished rooms: ght. airy, with board, very : reasonable. 692 E. Ash. E. 8810. ROOM with good home cooking for 2, use of piano, reasonable. 430 Yam hill st FOR RENT Nicely furnished front ' room, good board. 2 meals, $20 per month. 477 E, 11th st, S. CLEAN, comfortable furnished 1 and 2 room apts.. 311.50 and up. 328 Mill. XJ i 1 UT, ami .-w 41,ta , . 1R8 w Tsth V v - , . A . ' ' " . . . ROOM for rent, with or without board. t-tt x GOOD board, quiet country home; rea sonable. Box 35. Molalla, Or. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 wrrwwrewvn a w-r. imtrp ONE room with kitchenette, complete- iy luruuneo, steam neat., runnum hot and cold room: 7 hlnck mxiu vuiu wilier, (juuin in ecu in tvety room; 7 blocks from 8th and Morrison sts., $12 up 291 Columbia st. cor. 6th. j LARGE comer room, steam heat, elec- trie litrhts. bed linen, cooking gas, free phone and bath. $3 week. 448 Co- lumbta. EN SUITE and single, bay windows, free light, phone and bath, 35 to $12 per month. Mercedes, 20th and Morri son. tp i ; j i . ,llj4UUliiB, 111. 1 1 W 1 1 C cxixu 11 IX 1 11 , w onable rates. 193 West Park st. DOWNTOWN mooern H. K suites. 315 Royal Annex. 850 Morrison. M. 4521. TWO housekeeping rooms, $lu per month. 546 Washington ut., near 1th. S1.EEPING and housekeeping rooms, newly renovated, clQse. 240 H 6tn St., cor. Main. Price, $1.50 and up. $1 TO $2.60 week; furnished H. K. rooms free heat, laiyidry, baths, phone. B.6089. 208 Stanton. W-A car. FURNISHED and single housekeeping rates $7 to $10 per month. 161 N. 16th. p0, Arvlc i week up. 401 First st l-tpm MtuS.Free bath. hot. cold water HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 msiruHES autd umturstsiced, m rgJTATB FAMILY. PLEASANT quiet housekeeping rooms, reasonable, sleeping rooms, $5 per mo." 305 12th st. 2 FRONT H. K rooms, close in, rea sonable, nice yard, convenient 475 Clay. THREE front furnished H. K., free heat, nhone. elec. lights, walklna distance. is montn. 33 nth st SPLENDID front suite and-ilm? -A 1-60, $J. $3 week; rates b month. 229 5th St.. opp. courthouse. HOUSEKEEPING, furnished rooms or sleeping rooms, arranged te suit W. H. Starr. 328Y4 N. 17th st. city. TWO connecting rooms, 2 beds, also basement rooms, cook stove, gas, central, 81,25 end up. 1M Lownwdale. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 31.50 week. Columbia. Main 2781. FREE rent ef H. K.. rooms for a few hours' work. Q-774 Journat BANDT single housekeeping roomj $1.50 per week. 189 Park st TWO room furnished housekeeping suite; rent reasonable, 4PZ Tayror. BASEMENT rooms. $1.60 jser wk. Rooms with gas. 68 per wk. 241 8th. 2 ROOM suite, walking distance on the parks. Cheap. Main 8786. TWO housekeeping rooms, $6 per mo. 665 6th st 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms with biano. l 2 beds, gas range. 635 Yamhill. 4 ROOMS, piano; 2 or & adults; beau tiful location. 81 E. 35th, Stark. TWO $1 each, two $2.50. tw $3.7, I threa $4. ? 105 lOtli Bt, 8. HOUSEKEEPING ItOOMS T3 rTjrftxnuHZD Airo tnrrvM(XSBxi. (COBtlsued) FURNISHED, 10 minutes' walk from - i.i. .ii.L, ', . v urn, u,c, , ... n . , v. shopping district; 2 S-room house- keeping suites; lights, water and phone; free gas and oath; f!0 and $!? Call East 4574. l,. " ' ,,,ivv,- nl. TWO or 3 furnfthed housekeeplsg rooms, electric lights, batn. phone, gas; adults. Also sleeping rooms. 884 Grand avenue. N., at Broadway, East 1857. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In private family. Every convenience. Light phone, water, heat, piano. Fine home right by park. Woodlaww 4?6 THK BEVERLY Nice, clean fur nished rooms by day or week; rea sonable rent Centrally located, 185 Park oor. Yamhill. TWO furnished H. K- rooms, ground floor front, back entrance, water, light, bath, walking distance. $44 E. 23d, N. East 1326. THREE - large light rooms furnished. $8 month; 8 large light rooms, fur nished, 88 month, iil Tburmaa at, be tween lJtb and 20th. THREE room suite, modern, $12.50 per month; also 8 room suite, $10 per month. Electric lighted, walking dis tance. 67 N. 83th at. 847 MARKET Ut., rent reduced: large room with bay window and kitchen ette, nice and clean, good location. Ap ply L. H. School, phone Marshl. 720. $10 TWO nice rooms and sleeping porch, includes lights, Phone, bath; walking distance. Call after Sunday. 664 E. th. Phone Sell wood 1169. 3 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, all upstairs, with bath and phone. Rent $14. At 612 Clay at Mar- fc-hall 2063. - LARGE . well furnished H. K. rooms. 1 with sleeping porch, running wa ter. At 808 College st. Main 851. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, fully modern; gas range. Ap ply 633 S. Ivanhoe st. St. Johns. REDUCED Nicely furnished single, $1; also large two rooms, $8.26. 274 Montgomery. EAST and west aide, modern house keeping rooms. 473 Main and 228 Irrabee. CLEAN, light, airy sleeping room; also single H. K. roqms; free phone; $1.50 and $2. 400 Id St. THE HYLAND APARTMENTS 2 rm. apartments with kltohenette, rea, sonable rent. 480 Morrison. 4URN1SHED housekeeping rooms up stairs and down, clean, conveniences, reasonable. 201 13th st. Marshall 1002. FRONT room, kitchenette, $2. &. large front rooms, $3. Heat, light and wa ter. 427 Montgomery St. Main lb84. TWO light, airy front. Gas range, sink, pantry, closet, 2 beds. Bath, phone, furnace, laundry. 429 Market. 1. 2 AND 3 large modern H. K. rooms. first floor, private entrance. 429 Main st. LARGE, pleasant II . K. rooms, sink. 82. 60, 82.06 week; very iarse. hady yard. 387 1st st. nnrck- mil At dnv nr nlcht 887 Eas Morrison st. Phone East 5111. FREE lights, hpat, phone, bath with convenient H. K. suite; adult a 160 E. 14th. x nouDrjiuarjnu, f u . t u xiiuiilix. a ' basement rooms, $7. Main 4182. 849 lzth st. plain working men. or small family, $1 60, $2 week. 229 6th st.. opp courthouse. 812.60. 2 WELL furnished front house keeping rooms, good location, walk- lng distance. 488 Market- ft HOUSEKEEPING rooms $9' 4 $11. 1 Drake. 413 Vancouver. East T018. - - . - - --.i.-niw FOR RENT HOUSES 12 UMJUlfcHTKBTES. MR. AND MRS. HOUSE HUNTER, See us before you rent a place to live. ' 6 minutes In our omce . under our new system, equals a month of personal searchinir. We show you tne house you wisn to see. Bmun-wagoner uo., oiocs. A SUBURBAN home, 7 rooms and bath; newly papered and painted; large garden, fruit henhouses, ato. fnona laoor 6U3 ST. JOHNS! ST. JOHNS: HOUSE. 14 rooms. Right in center of town. fine for roomers or boarders. Smith- : wQ rr.- r Gtk r.Ahm.. "-t " SIX rooms and bath, modern conven iencea, rood location and best car service. 1073 E. Main st, cor. 36th, or call A-3023 FOR RENT 6 room modern home. sleeping porch, furnace, built-in con veniences, fruit and berries. 304 East 62nd St., near Hawthorne. Tabor 6228 MODERN cottage, large frarden, fruit. flowers; reasonable; call today. Tar nor 8801. LOWER floor, 8 roms, garden, bath, pantry, basement cheap. 177 Fargo st. wooaiawn wa. 6 AND 6 room modem houses, like new, furnaces and sleeping porch 'liR Woodlawn 197 . FC R HKNT 4 room house with I nerv ing porch, In Alameda Park, with or without garage. Woodlawn 2671 M9PIS1lN1 nlu0, , tht"? 1 s"laJilSS . P?rcb 18 13th St- U6. Main 6-ROOM cot ta ere fruit tress, to care- ful tenant $10, water paid. 509 Fall- , ing st. woodlawn or irvington car. p.iTTmr rii t K ., uh iaji t . ("ViTT 1 (1 r Rath nil, urirxx liiil r." am!, la sT VU7 K; "' Main 8392. MODERN 5 room cottage with small garden spot, at bos Minnesota ave, Kent $11. Phone Marshall 2568 5 ROOM cottage, newly tinted; 89 with water: yard, fence. fruit trees. Inquire 1847 Detroit ave. NICE modern 8 room cottage r electrto light run cement basement nice 642 wesi uroaaway. , . I WILL lease nine room residence. Nob Hill, walking aistance, bloc a rrom Wash. Z-874! Journal. i "-ROOM modern house, arden made IV XXIU. Y UVU lX V. XX I 86 E. 7th st nortn. $11, 4 ROOM modern bungalow, 189 Church st, near Kerby. Key next floor. Columbia 667. 6 ROOM cottage, large grounds, al kinds fruit 438 E. 81st Phone Ta bor 3524. ' MODERN 6 room bouse, sleeping porcn. ta. tin ana wsiaier sis. Ap nlv S29 E. 7th st. N. HOUSExfor 3 or 8, some work to be done; garden, fruit; $9. mo., water. Main 79Z7. 8 ROOM clean modern cottage near o.-w. k. n. shops, so Minnesota ave., between Falling and Beach. FOUR room cottave furnished, saa snd garden, 85 per mo. 82d and Schuyler sts. Tabor 4836. MODERN 6 room bouse, unfurnished. 950 E. Taylor Bt. Rent $15. Inquire 948 E. Tayior st. WEST SIDE, modern, 6 room house yard, soz Htn st. MODERN house. 728 Corbett st. Cheap to the right party. $8 6 room modern house, electric an a-as. Call Mam 7B5. MODERN 4 room cottage, 1018 East 1 2 1 h t. N one mock from Alberta MODERN 5 room bungalow. Rose City f-arK. lis. main isirn FOR RENT Strictly modern 7 room house on Nob Hill, Main 87I, $12 MODERN 6 room house. 069 E. 2Zd st. N. K.ey at7 vi. gist Bt. ROOM house, barn, chicken house, 1 tcre; $i montn. g4tij st., 28th ave, FOR RENT, modern 8 room house. ronitno tits, wain mi. EiGtiT room house, modern, gas, elec- i i l x . 4c ... ,1,1. .m i ni,. im.3, oao u, tint mi. ivu. 2S8 11th st. Main 811. $13. 8 room house, close In. 620 East Everett 7ROOM modern residences 1035 East 13th N., near Alberta. Rent FIVE room bouse, strictly modern. 6 Sharer st - T MODERN clean 6 ' room house, 38$ Grant st. Imrulre 364 Lincoln st. MODERN 6 room cottage, 6 MJl rgiii tig, inqiiqiny water. $7 MONTH room cottage weat side, eloa In. Inquire 121 MorrUon. , ; -CM Ooatjuea HOUSE8 FOR RENT. 12.50 t -room modern bouse with fruit lot 60x100, Inclosed with leket fence, 441 Jarrett st. 3 loeks east of Union, ave-. op posite Piedmont $10.00 6-roQja modern house'witb full lot fruit 448 Liberty at, i block from Union ave. $8.60 4 - room house, small barn. chicken yard, large lot; in Lenta district $10.00 0-room modern house, lot 80x loo, 2 blocks rrom Arieta, on Mount Scott car line. 18.10 7 -room house. S07 N. lth at, west side. $8.00 5-room modern house, 2 lots. witn fruit, corner. Marie ana 8d ave.. Lenta. $11.00 8 -room modern bouse, $$1( 8 in ave. 0, ti. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 418 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FREE RENTAL BUREAL AT ED WARDS COMPANY. ROSE CITY AND BEAUMONT. S and room bunaalow in rood con dition, with modern conveniences, $10 to $20. LA.UHKLHUKST. 7. 8 and 9 room houses, strictly modern in every way, $20 to tii. SUN2TYSIDH AND HAWTHORNE DISTRICTS. 8 and 8 room houses and bunsalowa with modern conveniences. $18 to $30. 8. I and 7 room houses and bunra- lows, all modern, with good yards, $16 to $35. By calling here you can git a com plete list In 10 minutes. Any district any price. All renting services free. EDWARDS CO., , 82 BTH STREET. A pood place to trade. 312.50 6 room modern house, with fruit. Lot 60x100. enclosed with picket fence. 441 Jarrett st 2 blocks east of Union ave. Opposite Piedmont 810 6 room modern nause with full lot: fruit. 448 Liberty st. 1 block rrom union ave. $5.68 4 room house, mall barn. chicken yard, In Lents district ie s room moaern nouse: tot sux 100. 2 blocks from Arieta on Mt Scott carline. 1 $12.60 7 room house. 307 N. ltth t, west aide. 88 5 room modern house, a -lots with fruit. Corner Marie and 3d ave., Cents. $11 8 room modern neui, 8816 64th ave. S. E. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. POWERS' RENTAL BUREAU. Over 700 houses, apartments, etc., in our listings. Gives you what you want saves you time and trouble. New a room moaern oungaiow in Laurelhurst; hardwood floors, etc.. $20. 7 room house In Rose City, modern; tint water heat. 816. 7 room house in Irvington, strictly modern, $20. 5 room bungalow in nose wy, new, modern. 618. This bureau serves you without cost. POWERS' FUKNITUKBJ CO., Third and Yamhill. iiinfii.-.s ttt $26 10 1 9 rooms, , 891 Yamhill at. nr. 10th, room a .772 Hoyt st. near ZSO. 0 rooma. 144 N. 18th at. nr, Hoyt. $157 rooms. 489 E. Burnslde at, at . E. 7th. 3158 rooms. 661 Overton st. nr. 16th. $126 rooma. 468 H. 8th st. corner Caruthers. near Inman-Paulsen mill. $7.50 6 rooms, 1744 Flsk st; large yarai . jonns car. H P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8698 Phone Mar. 4800 A-610L MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We1 have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc.. In all parts of the city. Avail yourself or tnis xn&m service. information cheerfully furnished. WHY rent when you can get just what you are looking for. built and paid for on a rent-like basis. See our building department or call for free booklet "Homes." OREGON HOME BUILDERS. Oliver K Jeffery, Pres., Northwestern uana Bunging., 813 PER MONTH. D room uuiiKiuw, kii, titcmcny, bath, nice yard, $ blocks to car, not rax irom ueea conege. vsi a in su b E. See Seachrtst Main 208. at HARTMAN c THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) NEW 6 room bungalow. Rose City Park; elegant corner lot, 61st and Stanton sts.; fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, enameled Dutoh kitchen, linoleum floors kitchen and bath. Mar shall 2432. BARGAIN 5 room bungalow, modern, 1 block from carline. 889 E. Morrl- son, between 29th and 80th sts. Eaat 6825. 6 ROOMS, bath, pantry, range, lino leum, electricity. iai; cheap rent to right party. Sunday. 486 Webster st Woodlawn 1759. TWO lout. 3 roo.n anaca, $2.60 per month, located on 8 2d st (macad amised) near Estscsda oar. Fred IV. German Co.. 782 Chum of Com. 5 ROOMS modern and absolutely com plete. $20 with water. Rose City Park car. 1686 Fremont st, cor. 69th (open). $7 4 LARGE, 4 small rooms, plas tared house, plumbing and elec tricity, garden planted and up. 470s 61 at st. S. B., city. 4 ROOM houae. toilet and bath, newly tinted, chicken house and yard, clos to school and car. 89$ E. Stafford at, $10.60. GOOD houses at Montavllla and Al blna, fruit and garden, cheap. Phone East 4068. 10 ROOM house, furnished or unfurl nished. modern, rsa. electricity. 836 x. Jitn. tast yiM8. $17.60 MODERN 8 room house, fire. place, furnace. 1378 E. 10th st. N. Columbia 886. . GOOD 1 room houae E. Harrison, 318, Including water; 6 room bungalow, 310. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. MODERN 8 room house, large rooms, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces. 707 Marshall st Rent $50. 6 ROOM cottage, west side, walking distance. 249 10th st, between Main an" Madison sts. 8 ROOM, well furnished flat, with sleeping porth and garage; fit. 83 E. 8th st. North. East 1866. MODERN, 7 room bungalow, fireplace. furnace, large yard. 964 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 198. DOWNSTAIRS for rent, furnished or unfurnished. 474 Weldler st; rea sonable. I SIX room house, apricots, cherries, pears, plums, olose In, on carline. 812. East 466S.- ROUSES FOR RENT 71 AJm 716 CORBETT, cor. Hooker, opposite new Failing school, 8 room house, furnlabed or. unfurnished, bath, gas, Ruud heater, furnace, fireplace, nice yard; $36 per month furnished, or $38 unfurnished; references exchanged. In. gulr Donald Woodward, 104 2d near tark, or phone Owner. East 3421. FURNI ijoui FIRST QUA! FURNITURE FOR BALE S3 OUSES FOR RENT LASS fumed oak f umltor. almost new; terms to resnonalble partita; nice iront room nat ror rent; going away. 828 Commercial st, woodlawn 4367. forenoons. $ NEAT 3 rooms and bath, large garccn, xurnuure ior saie cneap, Tou will like It 1008 E. 8$th mt H. , n woiiour car. A 10 ROOM nouse for rent, furniture for sale; all in rood condition; terms reasonable; fine location. 61$ Clay at ADS. ot lurniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods elase 4f!frnn W ' rniiw 4 it for rent FURNITURE 6 rooms, . rent paid to une "II. 146, Tabor I1M. , VOn RENT HOUSES uxTxnairisKXio, . EURNITURK POn BxtLU HOUSES FOR KENT f continued 1 i FURNITURE of a rooms cheap. - - - ; mm leaving city. Marshall M FURN Halt El HOUSE i VERY- nice" "'rooiii'1 bungalowT'oV Pletely furnished, nlsno. i lots, fru and berries, beautirul lawtv and -.f lov ers, chicken yard, $20 per month '.refe M FURNISHED, 8 rooms and sleep! i porch, modern and reasonable. 2S Cook ave.. near Williams ave. Call ht ia ana o ciocK, FOR RENT Famished f room houii inoludlng piano; also bath, nice gai den already planted. Ne children. Re 610. 3617 3d at. U. K. Tabor 14. - I $12 turuUiied 6 room cottage, wii bath, Btoreroom, screened porch, ga electric, chicken bouse, garden ptintv 1 block to car, 6141 45th aye. $14 3 ROOM cottage, modern,' W electriolty. garden Planted, borrins peas and prunes. 406 E. 44th sUHaw- tnorne car. fbone Tabor 4b EXTRA wall furnished 8 room houK- modern, a real home, corner lot wlti or without garage. 718 E. Taylor, cov yist. , - - NEW HOLTON baritone, used 6 roo . satin finish leather case. 8 mout'i pieces; all alldea complete. $26 cash Leaving city. Sellwood 309. - i FOR RENT A 8 room furnished bun galow, with plaoo; everything cot Pine. $25 per mo. until Sept. 1. ,14S- lawtnorne ave. THE Green buhgalow partly, fv furnlshe at 38th and E. Stark, , 2$.ou per mo-. East 1885. '' 'J 1 $26 Modern 6 room bungalow foi rent Hawthorne district 108 a Harrison " ' FIRST flour. 4 rooms, newly furnished. piano, sewing macnine, garage, iruu and sarden. 816. Woodlawn 208. ' FOR RENT, furnished 6 room bunga- low, 326. -to Oct. l. 488 t am St.. Richmond car. Tabor Z031. $20, MODERN furnished cottage, clean, 5 rooms. Mlddlsaged or 0U derly people. 1308 E. 14th. i . ji 1 i v . .: a ixTT, i STRICTLY modern, dwuiiiui iunj'-; ture. aarage. 7 rooms, flower. 41 i Oregon Ilotel. . $8 NICELY rurnisnea room uus- low, garden, aome iruu, uwsa w school. Mrs. Lee. Main 6662. - - COMPLETTELY furnished modern- 5 room bungalow; piano, gas, electric; $17 wooaiawn 4 op, 6 ROOM furnished cottage, fruit ber- ries. garden, beautiful ya ru. 403 Cook avenue. East 661, FOR RENT Small furnished cottage, olose to Fiver. nlnn liidtt. Or George Moras. Jan- COMPLETeXY furnished 1 room houaa. on Wi)aroUe Wlil4 yiaat'. heighta. Rent- $26. Call Mar. 8 AND 1 room bouse, 8 and e room furnished house, 1220 E, Main It ) OixEAN 6 room furnished eottage, i blocks Broadway bridge, H. 48$ Ross at East 4868, U KB X, X XX ,X W X IIXJ, t6 RESPONSIBLE party, 6 rooms or more witn garage, m. . corner Madison. East 1648. l ROOM furnished bungalow for the , summer. Call Monday. 841 JtJICKl-1 tat wit . CHOICE location, modern, firnlaiied' j 6 rooms, fireplace; flower, fruits; ar. Morning, East 6411. . ' 1 year 4 ROOM furnished bouse, modern oon veniinces. $12.60 month. 101 L. 11th st. N. Wdln. 4181. ' 6 ROOM' furnished house. 1 blk car, 810 mo. Tabor naarsnaii , U ROOM furnished bungalow, tll.Mvte month. Inquire 6126 62d tt. Hf Bt i FURNISHED house, Monlavill line, i CIO Main Sinn 6 ROOM bungalow, $18; 4 room ilat. lift Tshnr 190. $20 Modern 6 room house, lare yard. 1106 Belmont at Tabor 1807. AI'ARTMENTS '3 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISIIKD nuxn neZKNnOHV 208 16TH ST. Maraball 2818. . Nice 8 room fur. and unfur. apt8. also 3 and 4 room fur, apf BS. 7th and Taylor eta., 8 and S roont apts.; light free, private batll., . , . nil um 1PT8 Large modern 8 and 3 room fvjr, and untur" brick bldg., beat aarylce, walk ing dls.i reasonabU. 428 Harrison. BUMMER rales, 8 and 4 room. Bleep. Ing porchee. hwd. floora, waling distance; like a bungalow. Portaomab, J00 E. 13th at NEWLY furnished 8 room apartment $20 month, including light; essy walking dlstanoe. BELKNAP APART4 MENTH. 187 17th St.. near Yamhill. 4 ROOM SNAP, private phone andi bath, completely furnished; oloas in; flow rent Leonce Apt, 186 N. IJT. Marshall zzau. LUZERNE APTS., 3d and Hall Mod. i 1 I- -!- at ' f II ft. I St It SaXl ern Dries vius-, , private phone in each apt, 816 and up, Marshall 4667. 80 ROOM apt house, cash and trade, good corner, brick building, all con. enlences; hot water heat gr ai. T-769. Journal. Westonia Apartments i New. modern 21st and Qllsan t Cut rates. "i40 8 ROOM FURNISHED APT, CI in., tn. w. a fins room, heat. phone. Less tnan summer rates, vmiiu. Wagoner Co.. Stock Bxchswge. . PENROSE APTS.. N. W. cor,, Belmont ana orana ave., w n,ur, ,., 8 room furnished. Service flratlaaa. Walking dUtance. ' , THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S. 8 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apta., walking dlatance; at very reaaonable rent: beat of aervlee. Main 8BQ,. KOSE FRIEND. 386 Broadway B. mod ern unrurnisnea iis.. , ' .st service, walking dlt Marsh. 1410.. bee NEW furnished apt.; concrete block; $10 and 818. 1163 Union va,,W. Woodlawn IU. $8 60 PER week. 3 room apt. Hrlvaia, bath. Harrison Court, 6thaadHar- rlaen: walking distance. UNFUR 6 room apartment, .fi'"t claas order. 833 A Cook av., H month. Apply 333 Cook ave. r JEFFERSONIA N AlA RTMENTS. 614 Jefferson, three room furnished apts.. newly tinted, two heda. 816. Peninsula aptb.. cino; onorsi t.iAr i .nit s nutnii: hot and eold water, 'hatha, phone, eteam heat lllP. tltx n it f V furnlahaxf ant. with' Dlano. prtvat party's furniture. ' College Apt 6. Marshall 6666. 8 ROOM furnished apartments; sepa rate bath and phone; East side; good location: $17. Tabor ob. ww, - TUDOR ARMS APtB.. l$th and Couch. PUone A-1644, Main 255; new priest bldg.: 2. 6. 4 rooms, mmirrn myirn. WANTED Car of 1 or 2 chll4ren. age 4 to 8 year; good car, $12 each. Main 4122. ; ' DIEL apts., 790 East Ankeny. modern, completely furn. apt.; large, light, sunny, clean, E. llghta, tm. ht. E. 103, MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 8 room apts., 6 1-6 per week up. Sleeping rooma. East 313. NOKOMIS apt 66 Marshall t Mod ern. private bath and dressing rsom; . summer rates WESTFAL, 410 6th at 8 rooiu apt , private bath and phone, modern brick, ,, $5 week and up. Walking dlataneA, -THE WOODMANSE 1, 2 and-8 room furnished apartments, rent from to $20. Phone Main 8183. I $8 THREE room apartment nice vard: larsre oorch: adults." 188 B. 46th. CAMAR, 704 Lovejor 3 and f'Voom aptsTlU. 110. 327.60. Marhafl 3917. Pinxinnoi Court 401 lth, modern. UinClnnall apartments, $10 -to 829. AMERICAN and Ma r Iborouf h,nod."4, 6, 8 rm. apta. Mar. 8340, M. 7616y A-2674 ttfxOR APTS. 824 l$th t Mala 110S. Furn. and unfur. 1, 3. 4 room Pt-, CLARK Apt, rnv fur.: dlsappeartn beds, phone, lights, heat free; 313 op (Coatuatd ?40 - V