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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1916)
THE OREGON K SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, , MAY 7,: 191g. 11 01 . Contlawed ; uwner.Leaymg J own . Will Mil my modern houae, Juat fin ished, for leaa than you can build. Wu not btilH to jell, t room with 2 large unfinished rooms upetalre. Oak floor, fireplace, all built-in convenlencea, light fixtures and shade, cement floor and wash traya In basement. Lot 50x 140. eaat front, view of Mt. Hood and new Frahkltn nigh achoot. On 48th, Juat eouth of Division. I276J. Term". S. r. Qsburn, 810 McKay bldg. M. 6228. r - ft mam Ynn Are I nnUnrr fnr This a V I II Y W FN I I 2 w " " " You wouldn't wear 'a second hand ult. Then why not get the kind of a htiiaA vftit want ault and fit you In the neighborhood you like. Come and see how much more you can set this way on rent-like payments. ' Orpcrrtn HnmA Ruildfirs OLIVER K. JEFFERY. President Northwestern Bank Bldg. .AM forced to give my home away, re fused $6000 for it 4 years ago. will take $2950 now, 4t0 caan, Daiance in I years, built, 6 yeara ago. Corner East 37th and Washington. 2 blocks from I.idd Park. 6 rooms, sleeping porch and garage, furnace, fireplace and two toilets; Just painted: a good neighborhood. Chance of a lifetime. Phone Tabor' 7g7. Best in the City 7 room house, 6 lots, plenty of fruit trees, etc. 6 blocks from car line, for mall sum of 12500; lota alone, worth $2000. If you doubt It, let us prove It. A BIO SACRIFICE. G, S. Smith & Co, 43: Chamber of Commerce. $2509 PARKROSE BUNGALOW. Property Slse 150x133 Feet. Beautifully Improved yard, all fenced; lots of roses, large garden tract, fir trees, all floors polished, good basement, fine sleeping porch. Thin in a bargain. Terms. Parkrose owners, branch office, 45th and Sandy. Tabor 868. C-2121. ON THE PENINSULA. I lots, t room shack, on Amhurst, near Portsmouth, $130. Street Im provements in and paid for and in cluded in price, $550. and this does not mean $549.99, a the property is certainly worth $1000. Fred W. Ger- man fo.. 7S2 Chamber of Com. $4500 Home, $2500 6 room new modern bungalow; fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, ex tra large sleeping porch, lawn, trees, shrubbery, garden, etc.; 100x100; oom- Sletely furnished; easy terms. 2202 E. rorrlson st. BEAUT I FUL 7 room house with two baths on wooded quarter block on Olmsted Park, Broadway car; all con . venlemes, special features, excellent grounds. Price $10,000, part cash, part well located lots, balance terms. 941 Punckley a v e . Wood la wn 3483 . ROSE CITY PARK. $1500. Small family bungalow, fireplace, electric fixtures. double construc tion, basement, built-in features, sleep ing porch, large lot, nice built-up dis trict; less than eaahs price, on easy terms if desired. TabOr 3040 G6oD comfortable, hemey. nearly new house at 611 E. 47th St., N. (Rose City Park), 5 rooms downstairs, ce mented basement, furnace, nice yard. everything complete and good nelgh- oornooa. rerms lr aesireu. injure next door, or telephone Tabor 2079. RQSE CITY' PARK. $1300. ' $75 cash. $15 month; hi block to Car; nice little bungalow basement, bath, laundry, gas, electricity, fine lot for garden and chickens; it's worth while; see it today. Owner, Tabor $040. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. $75o buys corner lot and 3 room cot tage, plastered, corner of Concord. 'This property In ordinary times should bring $1600; terms 'i cssh. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $0 cjh and $16 per month buys a modern 6 room. house, 1 block from TT.I.. - ... ,trh 1 9 7K A .,, I f mill UIIIVII " , " - ' - ' ' " " , vu v. today will sell for $1850. THE BKOINl W.. Mala 174$, 267 H OtOt st. E. OAK NEAR 20TI1. . $2500 buys this modern 6 room house, furnace, fireplace, and all con veniences. St. assessments all paid. $500 cash. $20 per mo. J. O. Itainey, 04 Yeon. bldg. Marshall 3177. . i - i . ,i hunrnlow 2 ill or k a R C. put: cost me $2500, must sell quick, price $1675. mall payment down, take some trade first payment. What have you? Owner, 18 10th. Marshall 1298. iJiSAUTIFL'L home on view property, west side, close in, Ideally situated, rooms, 2 baths, sleeping porch, both home and prioe will make a REAL ap appeal to you if you are interested In a HOME. Y-939, Journal. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. New modern 6 room bungalow, at eost, all built In conveniences; work manship guaranteed, 2 blocks car. 28th and AlnBWorth. Take lot aa part pay ment. Phone Sellwood 1619. FOR THE NEWLY WEDS. $750 for neat 3 room cottage, beam Celling, electric lights, garage, nice lawn, $100 cash, balance monthly. Photo st office of 'Fred W. German Co.. T$2 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. 8 room modern house, owner, 918 K. l$th St., north. Phone Woodlawn 4196. 1 6-ROOM house in oonitructlon. This Is a snap, itzfi. Terms, lanor boz. Id ROOMS, close In. $275. Income $44. - The use ot 8 rooms, rent $26. 5 min utes' walk to postofflcn. $100 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co., 73 1 Cham, of Com. $100 CASH, 810 per month, buys moJ- rn a room couaga, piasierea. moa ern plumbing, close to city play grounds. Price $1250. N. L Farns worth. S7H Oak at. x irsUU wibii Duy my moaern t room nous ana lot; must oe seen to ap preciate. Part cash. 68? Borthwlck st. ; Woodlawn 2048. SPECULATORS, here s snap) 6 room -modern bunealow. full basement Improved lot. $1100; $400 below actual value. Tsbor 3652. $50 CASH, $15 MONTHLY. 7 room plastered bungalow. St, Johns Una, $1600. A real anap. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. frrtft wa'i I'm a" rM." tioustt and b&tn. tul cultivated and -HiiUvl wuu svciivssa ftvvv m JCB1. jPhona East 8782. .LEAVING city, $700 equity for $300; I ' modem 5 room house, 0x100 lot, lall Improvements. 1280 E. 13th at. N. 'Phone Woodlawn 82. .ROSE CITY PARK. -room bungalow: I must sell; sacrifice. $2200; cost 'IJOOO; easy terms. Owner, P-744. uournai. IRVINOTON modern home. A gen - nine anap. arranged for 2 families. Urood Investment, sale or trsde, cheap. tuy owner syo ,k. inn st.. is. RE bargain. 7 60x100 lots and mod ern 7 room bungalow in Gresham, r alongside fair grounds. Price $500. good terms. Reynolds. Rainier. gon. . 100 BUYS lot and 8 room bungalow, good terms. Owner. Tabor 2139 anv lme Sat. or Sun., or from 10 to 12 m. on other davs. fJOTTAGE for sale by owner, strictly modern, pretty grounds, anrubs and roses. Part cash. Tabor 1850. 411 R B4th st. WR SALE A 6 room bungalow at ka sacrifice. Call 1.2 OS ti. Madison, nd make offer, REAL BARGAIN: my 6 room house. oniy iaou; good location; easy erma. Owner. Tabor 1618. vIODKRN bungalow, 2 blocks car. 6 rooms, full lot. Must aelL $1600. $100 cash. Tabor 2546. CHEAPEST rates, designing, repair ing, erecting and financing build ngs, Hundley. 607 Plttock block. 1850 MY home. 2003 E. Flanders; modern. 7 room house; fruit, berries; 0 mln. "MT' car. Apply 88 E. 80th N. (XRCED to sacrifice my home at 736 Alblna ave. $1200, soma terms. May onslder part trade. Call at house. l.BJXJ '.'"I1 I -J ' ill,., pALiiU or trade, modern 6 room house riawtnome aistrict. F-988, Journal. VBARGAir4 8 " room house 8 lots; s' bloclu from car. Phone fa, $94L FOB SALE UOLSE9 01 FOR BALE by owner: Modern house, suitable for two families; five rooms complete on first floor, three room apartment on second floor, built by owner for home. Double 'constructed, gooq quality, in excellent neignDor- hood, closs to Rose City Park carltne. Completely furnished. Fine garden, full bearing cherry, apple, peach and prune trees, berries, vegetables, roses. All In first class condition. Tabor 2285. FINE HOME . AT YOUR OWN PRICE On May 8 I will sell to the highest bidder my t room modern bouse, lot 100x129. corner of Commercial end Al berta sts., 1 block to Jefferson high cnooi; terms half cash, balance 6 nm..".n,t S'li1 popert,r d BU??Jiit your sealed bids. Owner, Wdln. 4221. . THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN IN TO INCOME? WE FURNISH THE . ... . . K.i , it . i nagiicuvf' STORES, ANYTHING. Furnish the PLANS. BUILD RESIDENCES. money If desired. All dents, one office. We actually save you money and guar antee satisfaction. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY C, Inc.. Contracting Architects. 824 Ablngton bldg. Look! $2200 New modern 6 room bungalow, all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled dining room, recep tion hall, cement basement, wash trays, fixtures and shades and screens; 1 block to car; choice neighborhood, close in. This is a bargain. Come and see for youriielf. Tabor 6447. Terms. For Sale or Trade I have a nice home located In Grants Pass., Or., right In best paxt of town. A large 3 room bungalow and $ full level lots. Best of aoll. Clear of mcum brance. Will ell reasonable or trade fnr a. grood piece of land of equal value. Owner. E. II. McMullen, 738 8th St., Astoria, Or. FOR SALE by owner: 7 room resi dence, built by owner for home; In excellent neighborhood, 400 ft. from Rose City Park carline; facing eaat. Completely furnished. Fine garden; 7 full bearing fruit trees, abundance of berries, vegetables and roses, etc. All in first class condition. A burgain. Tabor 2 285. 3 ROOM, new bungalow. 8 lots, $850; terms. 2 room house, 100x114 ft., $800; $150 cash. 8 room house, hard surface street, $1700; terms. 6 room bungalow, Improved street, $2100; terms. GATE WOOD, lfin1 Fourth Bt. $10 PAYMENT. H acre, 4 room plastered house, In first class condition; 6c carfare, Bull Run water, east frontage. Can be bouprht for S1000; nothing down; $10 per month. George T. Moore Co., 513 Ablngton bldtf. Sacrifice New 5 room bungalow, up-to-date throughout; will sell less than cost, 2716 4Sth st. .One block south of Division. Open Sunday. OWN THIS HOME. At a big sacrifice; modern 6 room, 2 story house. 2 large lots, east side, close to car. Improvements paid, cost $3600. Will give a big bargain for quick action. Easy terms. Owner, 723 Ye on bldg. Why Not Build And get a home according to your Ideals. I design, build and finance any building; artlstlo sketches free. See me before you build. N. O. Eklund. 118 ll'nrv hlog Main MH 4 6-ROOM modern houses, A snap, tieii one or all of them. This Is a bar gain. Pay for them like paying rent, or will trade them for lots If you want a home. This is your chance. Call Tnbor 8029. A FIVE room house completely fur nished for home, garage, two lots all in fruit, street Improvements all in and paid for, in walking distance and close to two carllnes. Sacrifice $3700. This is an Ideal home. Phone Woodlawn 638. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. Neat bungalow, furnished or unfur nished, lot 50x100. near school and den. Owner must sacrifice, going east. ! P-741, Journal. ' t c . , .. r: 1 ! OR SALE By owner, modern fc room house, sleeulnsr uorch. corner E. Ankeny and 18th. Will take part pay ment 5 room house. Rose City Park or Sunnyslde preferred. Phone East 1515. ' $50.00 CASH. 120 and 7 interest a month buys 6 room modern house in Irvlngton Park, 2V blocks to car. Price $2400. Phone Woodlawn 902. FURNISHED or unfurnished, modern, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, built-in con veniences, part hardwood, garden. Easy terms. Beaumont car. 681 E. 45th st.. north. WILL sell my $800 equitv for 400 in a 4 room modern house with three lots 40x120. Two chicken houses, 1 blocks from end Woodstock car line. Tel. Marshall 45S5. - MODERN -5 room bungalow erected, 63d and Division. Small Sayment or lot, owner at house Sun ay afternoon and Monday. Hundley, ouy t-"inocg oiocg. FIVE room modern bungalow, hard wood floors. Rose City Park dis trict, $2600; easy terms; a snap. GEORGE T. MOORE CO.. bis ADington Diag. 81400. 81400. tiina Bungalow, modern, 5 room, lot 40x 142, fine location near corner, worth $2800. Chas. Ringler & Co., 228 Henry bldg. OSWEGO LAKE BUNGALOW. Acre and new 5 room plastered house, water and Hunts: close to sta tion: terms like rent. A dandy buy. i Call at 600 Concord bldg. I FOR SALE; $650, a 3 room house, fine lot, with 15 fruit trees; pears and cherriee. Woodshed and chicken houses: 1 pen of 12 chickens. Apply at 1293 E. 34th st.. N. Alberta car. $5500 LAURELHURST home, cost $8500. $4200 Laurelhurst 7 room, modern: take lots Chas. Ringler & Co.. 228 Henry bldg. NEW 6 room house, modern. 3 lots, barn, chicken houses, H block Mt. Scott car, $2600. $600 cash, balance like rent. No trades. B829 85th st. $860. COMPLETELY furnished 2 room house, fine lot, must be seen to be appreciated, 1 block Alberta. 1007 F 2 an HI. In. 9 ROOM )M modern bungalow; take lot st payment or close In acreage, closet, hardwood floors, flre as 1 china places 800 Patton ave WTdln S440. 4 6-ROOM houses, 1 5-room house tructlon; a good buy on under cons easy terms 3029. Look this up. Tabor FOR SALE H acre, small house, fruit and berries, close to school, $1300. Easy terms. Hawthorne car. 8717 79th st. S. E. Phone Tabor 6797. MY modern bungalow, sleeping porch, fireplace, etc. Good buy at $2450. emv terms. e tciaweii ave. $2750 BEAUTIFUL 6 room bungalow, , tt I v. 1 .1 Jl.t.u, r.'' Highland Park district Terms Owner. Main 867. BRAND new bungalow, block north of! Sandy blvd.. on 68th St.. to be sold st a bargain. Ownef. I 11400 Corner 62d and Davis. 2 house barn. 12 fruit trees, rent $9 month. Chas. Ringler & Co., 228 Henry bldg MY beautiful home, all furnished, Richmond district; only $3000. 202 McKay bldg. MODERN, 10 room house, large iot, one diock to car. ail Clear; i4fij, 4o cash, balance $10 per month. 1i.1 72d N. NEW pretty 6 room bungalow, full lot, full basement: snap; $850. termg easy, raoor ZS45. FOR SALE 4 room house, lot 60x100, Montavilla, $850. Terms. Wood lawn 1060. $1860 604 E. 35th St., bungalow worth $3000. Chaa Ringler & Co., 223 Henry bldg. IRVINGTON bungalow, strictly mod arn, near carline) and achool; 100X100. 1 Owner, X 761. Journal FOIl' SALK HOtJS8 (Oomttaaad) FOR SALE -DOUSES ' 01 (Coatlaaed Birr now. $1100' 4-roem house. 60x100 lot. fruit trees, garden, paved street. lot, one block to car; wash trays, built fjivv v-rovm uew vua ovjuvv in features, etc. 42800 B-room modern bouse, paved streets, cement basement, all modern features. $5000 7-room modern house Irv ine ton: will take Irvlngton lot as first i payment. i 6oo Eeautirui home on view lot In beat residence district; paved streets. The above are all exceptionally priced and we can surprise you on terms. 1 J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWI8 BLDG. IRVINOTON PARK I am forced to sell at a sacrifice my fine 7-room i modern bunguow, sleeping; porch. breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, pan mlmA dlnln beautiful buffet let. fireplace: nouss double constructed: all floors planed, stained and waxed; lot boxiou, races east, l blocK to car. on hardsurfaced street; Improvements . - - r - - paid. Phone C-1806; no agents. ROSE CITJT PARK BUNGALOW, 001 E. 4Bth St. JS. Classy bungalow, 6 rooma and break fast nook on first floor, i rooms and large hall upstairs; this la a very at tractive and well arranged house; you will surely be pleased with it. Will sell at a bargain on easy terms. Phone owner, Woodlawn 2912. 1 AM COMPilLLED to dispose of my nearly new 5 room bungalow, all modern conveniences, large attic, 1 block from Peninsula park on Missis sippi ave. Ityeu have a little money I will surprise you In price. Would take auto as first payment. Broad way 165. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. $1475. Up against (tj. I must move. My modern home oa 71st St., near Glisan st. carline; fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, large portfh. Cost me $2450; will sell for $1475. terma. Phone Broadway 165. ROSE CITY PARK six-room modern m story bungalow, only two blocks from Sandy blvd,, at 701 E 60th st. N. Hardwood floors, built-in buffet, fire place and bookcases, sleeping porch, Jul! cement basement, furnace, laun- dr" trays, good lawn and lots of f 1 owers. Prl ce $ 3 1 00; terms, 227 West Sumner New, 6 room ibungajow; all modern conveniences, built-ltPstreet improve ments all In, fine view, over Willam ette river. Will sell at a sacrifice Marshall S513. ' MUST sell my SL'tiOO home for $2100; house 1 year Did, 5 rooms, modern, fireplace, full basement, lot 50x100. Mt. Tabor district, excellent view, on 2d st.. near GI.i,fan. l block to car. Phone Broadway 1668. FORCED to seli my $950 equity for $150. House 2! years old, cost $3300. ha 6 rooms, full basement. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, built In buf fet, large attic. Piedmont district. Mr. Hageman, Broadway 1658. $650 Small house jjnd BOxlOO-foot lot; small monthly rpayments, less than rent. Rose City park car to 72d st. SEE WOODMAN. Gregory Investment Company. MODERN 5-room flat, two extra third floor rooms, flinely located; Lincoln st. near E. 24th; very choice part of city. Inquire 40 Northwestern Bank bldg $690 WILL buy 4 room ceiled house on 50x100. use of 100x100. on 78th and Halsy; easy terms. Phone Broad riv 165S. . CITY VIEW PARK residence, cost $3250. Price $2000; easy payments. Main 1940. ' FOR SALE LOTS 10 Bargains 100x100 Woodstock. 1 block to car. $600. 60x100 43d St.. Hawthorne district, $560. 60x100, 47th Richmond district, $500. Exoeptronally choice 80tH St. lot, 1 block Hawthorne ave., $950. Benedict Bros.. ,980 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 22. 23. 24. block 6; choice business location for high class district, front ing on Alameda. Willamette addition to East Portland; buy all 8 now and ?.,ubie fiyo"r. ne,f4 ie?, 8,, 1,a- .InqU 1( Multnomah, or i worth, Topeka, in 2 years; moou re A. W. Morgan. address D. A. Klls- sas. . $450 Rose City. 785 Alameda Park. 5395 Mount Tabor. 435 Woodmere. On some of the above $10 cash. $5 monthly J. C. CORBIN !CU., LEWIS BLO-K. PARKROSE ACREAGE. A highly Improved tract on Craig road, all cleared, ready for cultivation; a few nice fir trees, walks -and water; only $800; terms. Parkrose owners. Call branch office. 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6888, C-Blfcl. Sacrifice New 5 room "bungalow, up-to-date throughout; will sell less than cost. 2716 48th st. One block south of i Division. Open Sunday. FULL set of working drawings and sketches for artistic economical room bungalow, $2. Call for these Oregon Borne Builders OLIVER K. JEFFERY, President. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 100x100 CORNER. 40th and Carruth ers, street improvements partly paid. Price $1500: easy terms. 60x100 lot 10 minutes walk from business center of Bend. Or. Price $200. Terms $5 down, $3 per month. N. I. Farnsworth 267 hi Oak St. 2U0 BEAUTIFUL, lots in MilftauK.e, 5c car fare; light, gas and water; $20 cash and $10 per month. H. Q. Stark weather. Rlsley atation. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. ACRE Fulton- Park, block to car; city water, shade and fruit trees; $1200: $400 cash, bal. $10 monthly- no mortgage or assessments. U-737, Journal. hi ACRE. MdNTA VILLA. $550. $25 down, $5 monthly buys this very sightly plere, all cleared, close to new school. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com GREAT bargain, 4 lots. $500; 5 lots. $1750; Improvements paid, rrving ton. Splendid loaatlons. Eatvt 273. W H Herd man. ! BEAUTIFUL, corner lofi 60x100. all cultivated. 3 blks. from Eastmore '. land school, 1 blk. from paved st.; cheap for spot cash. Z-383, journal. I V ""Uj lm.v55 J.: 5?,fy I pifl11"," e'nfrmi Xf?i v i Ru"l ,watef : J5 "5!n; w,al,k fr?" " or Riverview. Call Main 9107. Odell. EAS.T San Diego Cal., City Height lots- Prner f"0110- WH' ,c-.nside s er automobile as part payment. 25 7 East r.lst et. FINE LOT on improved street, near golf links and college district; take team, light autq, cows or $25 first payment. Owner.,-6228 41st st. CORNER, 100x1 0. Shaver and Mallory ave.; also 48x107, Alnsworth and ' Union ave. Week days. East 339. $250 BUYS a fine lot near Tremont srhWil worth UiOO C. riflVntlnff 513 school, worth $500. C DeYoung. 513 Chamber of Commerce. . 50x100 corner lot on 21st and Prescott. will sell cheap if taken at once, Phone Columbia 444 or 679, . CORNER jot 100x167 ft., southeast facing, beautlfslly located; restrict ed dlst.; Improvements all In. M. 7Q33. WILL sell my Oswego Lake front lot at a bargain price. Very smal pay ment. P-588. Journal, . 60x100 LOT In astmore!and. beautl ful situation, cash or terms. N-968, Journal. - " FINE lot. 1 block from ML Tabox Car line. 1160. Call owner evenings. Woodlawn 4159. FOR SALE. Rose Citv lot. $7(0. $300 cash; balance on easy terms. Tabor 6789 ; SIGHTLY corner lot at 56th an3 Couch st., terms. Columbia 888. LOT for sale cheap, 137x5$. al LenttT Call 223 N. 14th st. 1 100X100 ALAMEDA Park $925. Owner, for saxe tmn 10 ( Continued) LOT SNAPS. ilSO each, 14 lots. Peninsula. 800 Laurelhnrst, near Park. 750 Overlook, imp. paid. 1000 Division st business cor. cost 00. ' $3500 Irvlngton, 100x100. Imp. pd. $2500 acre. East St. Johns, trackage. Chaa. Ringler & Co., 228 Henry bldg. ACREAGE 57 CLOSE TO GAS WELL. 11 acres, some timber, some clear, fine running water, all good land. $825; $100 down, balance 5 years, 6 oer cent. 40 acres, fine, rich bottom land, all In cultivation; spring, fenced. IVi miles to town and creamery, Yamhill county. Price cut to $100 per acre; small pay ment own, balance 5 years, S per oent See Seachrest, at iIAKTlLAM '& THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) $25 CASH LOCATES YOU Beautiful country home alte of 4 acres, covered with dogwood and "fir trees, located only 3 miles from city; hard surfaced road, city deliveries, choice lodaUty and only land in thl vicinity that can be bought at such a low cost; price $1360; terms $25 down and $13.50 monthly. LUEDDEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES near Oregon Electric, level land, fine soil, all cleared and under fence. I bought at a sacrifice six weeks ago, but am going away and will sell at still greater sacrifice now. I also have 60 acres stump land near St. Helens, worth $3750, mortgaged for $1250; will sell my $2500 equity for $500 to prevent foreclosure. 928 Com mercial at. Woodlawn 4357, forenoone. 14 ACRES SACRIFICE PRICE. About one mile from Gladstone, Ore gon City car line; cultivated, best of soil. lies - level, ffeir buildings, fins beaxing orchard, assorted fruit, hard surface road: price $2900, mostly cash; has no comparison for price asked. JACOB HAAS DEKUM BLDG. 10-ACRE TRACTS, 20 to $45 per acre, on terms; red Bhot soil, well watered, good for general farming, fruit, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated near live town on R, R. and Co lumbia river, west of Portland. Owner, 703 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. ON HARD SURFACE ROAD. $1150 buys Zhi acres, 1 miles east of Lents Junction, on Foster road, quarter mile from Belle Rose station. This property is easily worth JltsOO; $400 cash, $75 semi-annually. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line easy terms: will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. FOR SALE or rent, 2 1-3 acres, at Ti gard; new house and barn, electric lights, runnlntt water, 5 minutes to Oregon Electric. Price $2000; rent $10 per month. John Zimmerman, 59th and E. Madison sts. Phone Tabor 6858. V4 ACRES at Tlgard. 40 minutps rida to Portland; new 5 room house; In come $1500 and up a year. - Owner wishes to go south. A splendid bar gain. Add. 1085 E. 19th st, S.. Port land. Or, MUST SELL MY 20 ACRES. Am leaving my place and will sell at great bargain 20 acres M mile to west eld S. P. electric, all cultivated, fine soil, a real sacrifice. Inquire 404 JNortnwestern nanic Diag. A FEW beautifully wooded acres ju6t east of the city, $376 to $600 each. Electric light and car service. Station on property. Paved road to city. Own er will make terms to suit you. Phone Main 9313. 617 Cham, of Com. bldg. SUBURBAN HOME FOR $50 Down and $10 per month on carline and Columbia highway hi acre lots for $300. Cheapest and best acreage near liortland. See it. BADLEY, 621 Yeon Bldg. OSWEGO LAKE. RIGHT AT STATION. Acre tract, fine grove of trees, boat ing, fishing, bathing. 9 cent commut ers fare: an exceptional buy. Call at 600 Concord bldg. I LL GIVE YOU A SNAP. 1 acre, all In cultivation, only 6 min utes' walk to 2 electric stations, board walk; $10 down, $10 month; good loca tion. West Side. Call at 600 Concord bldg NEAR Wilcox Place. 3 miles court house. West Side, 5 acres; 4 in cul tivation; beautiful grove; for y value at $2750; good terms, J. G. Ralney, 904 Yeon bldg. Marshall 31 7 7. $3000. 20 acres 15 miles from Port land, good rock road, 16 acres in cultivation, rest pasture; good or chard, fair buildings; terms. Sell wood 146. 20 ACRES $400. $1 fare from Portland, close school, station; several tracts with running water: $20 cash, balance easy. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. FOR SALE 2 acres near Donald, all cultivated," -oung fruit and berries, 4 room house and chicken house, good water. A bargain for cash. Phone Sellwood 2504. SACRIFICE! Must sell my fine aore In Capitol Hill. Will cut price to $1500. See J. H. Hartog, 269 Stark, at HA RTMA' & THOMPSON FOR SALE 40 acres of land situated mile from Toledo, Or.; no build ings on same; a few acres ready for cultivation. Inquire of Yaquina Bay Land & Abstract Co., Toledo. Or. 35 ACRES, $1000; 30 miles from Port land, good graveled road, spring water, deep, rich soil. Owner will give terms to suit: 6 interest. Main 9313 617 Cham,, of Com. bldg. CHICKEN, FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland, 2, 6, 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, $65 to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar land 309 Yeon bldg. Portland. ONLY $1443 for 481 acres, ail good tillable land, Portland 40 miles, 3, 000,000 ft. timber, 24 miles store snd boat landing. Terms. F-924, Journal. ABOUT 220 acres; good dairy ranch; suitable for fruit and dairy pur purposes; house and barn and orchard. On easy terms. W. W. Irviri, Aurora, Or 10 ACRES, about all in cultivation, 9 miles courthouse, 5c fare, the snap of the year, for $2500; good terms. J. G. Rainey. 904 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 3177. 5 ACRE TRACT SACRIFICE. Close to Portland, all in cultivation, rich soil, between two carlines." $1400. Owner, F-582. Journal. FOR SALE By owner, the finest 3 acres, fruit trees, 5 cent fare, fin? roads. Only $3000. Worth $4300. Need the money. U-734. Journal. FOR SALE My $600 equity In 10 acres if taken right away for $250. Address 9S4 Hawthorne. Tabor 6100, B-2332. GOBLE 3 acres bottom land for $110 3 miles irom station oy good roaa; terms. G. Wynn Wilson, 316 Cham ber of Cojnmerce. - $1200 BUYS 40 acres in Clarke Co., Wash,, on easy terms; worth Investi gating. Address Owner, Camas, Wash. Box ::35. FOR SALE 6-acre walnut and cherry grove at Sheridan, Or. Prioe $2000. Herman Hansen. Oneida. Wash. FOR HALE In Lents, hi acre uneap, I3S0; cash or terms. Owner. Ad dress, J. J . Box 325, R. F. D. 1. Oswego. ACRE tracts on carline, near city, paved road; $5 cash, $6 per month. 6 int. Owner, 517 Chamber of Com. TO SETTLE estate. ihi acres black lcam. Oregon Citv car, $475. Sold f nrmerl v $12o 209 Mohawk bldg. 8 ACRES choicest soil, near Milwau kle; price right. Owner, W-994, Jour nal. ' BARGAIN; 2 acres In cultivation, bearing fruit trees; 200 ft. facing on Slough road and railroad. East 8321. jlou BUl BUY my Oswego Lake acre at big re duction: fine new front row. easy terms. T-743. Journal. . TEN acre tracts. 3 miles of Vancou- ver, Wrash. Particulars from owner, 407 Benton St., Portland, Or. 20 ACRES. 8 miles west of city, 2000 cords of first growth timber, $3250. Tabor 1620. FIVE acrea Improved; near Tremont sta Mount Scott car; no agents. Ad- dress owner, 189 fcnst 4Ytn st. 14 60 cash buys 6 acres, lhi milea from Taggart. hi mil front Tualatin river. I home;-. sacrifice Owner. Phone Sunday, Tabor 840. ."Wilcox bldg. ACREAGS CCmttnaoO) Cheap Acreage $20 per acre; $20 down and1 $10 per month buys 20 acres of good land, free from rock or gravel. Between Portland and Astoria, In Cowttta" Co., 2H miles from the Columbia river. Fine location for dairy or poultry ranch, running water. ' 8 acres $260. $10 down. $5 per month buys 6 acres of land between Portland and Centralla. on the main line of three railroads. 1H miles from a town of 800 population, saw mills and shingle mills. Some of this land la partly cleared, running streams. Some bottom and some bench. Can give you any kind of piece you want, 15 acres near Astoria, partly cleared, a nice spring on-it. This also lies lhm miles from the railroad town of Knap- ?a. near Astoria, $450. at $20 down and 10 per month. 5 and 10 acre tracts at Clatskanla. Clatskanie lies half way between Port land and Astoria. Clatskanie has a population of 1000, a cheese factory, cannery and creamery; lies 1 mile from the town; from $35 to $53 per acre; $2 per acre down and $1 per acre per month. I also have other land In different locations. Come in and see me. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange bldg. $4500. SACRIFICED from $6500, for quick sale. Improvements cost $3700. For nursery, truck garden or loganberries, will pay biz Interest on investment 15 acres. 12 Fn cultivation, soil, level land; everything ar ranged for irrigating; plenty water, perpetual water right; Includes stock, implements and furniture: 12 miles to Portland, Vs mile to electric depot. Have many other sacrifices in farm and city property. See Mr. Turner, at HART MAN & THOMPSON- (Cor. 4th and Stark.) $10 Land Near Portland 450 acres of good land, near Port land, for $10 per acre. Creek across the land with a road right to the land. Other land, with rich deep soil, well watered, adjoining highly, cultivated farms, in a good neighborhood; close to school, store, P. O., churches and transportation. $30 an acre up. 10 and 20 acre tracts. $10 down and $10 per month. Arleta Land Company, 408-9 Chamber of Commerce. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. $S acres, partly cleared, cn 2 good roads, handy to station and wharf. A warm south slope, with small stream; fthmit S a rrt Hrh hnftnm lnnrt erMf fnr nntnna nrVior, M.or.H Till. 1o -j I really choice piece of land equal to i the best in Oregon. Price $1100; terms. O. Wynn WJlson. 316 Chamber of Com merce. 1H ACRES, cultivated, 4 room house, good; $900"; terms. u acre, 5 room house, $1000; trms. IVi acres, 6 room house, $850; terms. 20 acres all cultivated, on Willam ette river; 6 room house: $2600: terms. 232 acres, 130 cultivated, balance timber and pasture; near good valley town: $70 per acre: terms. GATEWOOD. 165U Fourth St. 10 ACRES FOR $350. Deep red shot soU, every foot till able. 3 miles from station and wharf by good road- 40 miles from Port land market; very fine for dairying. 1 otatoes or berries; genuinely good land at an honest price. $7o cash, our own terms on the balance. G. Wynn Wilson. 316 Chamber of ; Com merce. 9 DOLLARS AND 37 CENTS PER ACRE. 160 acres, lays fine, well settled com munity, near Nehalem river, Columbia county, not over half a mile from auto stage road, $200 down, balance 10 yeara, 6. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. East of Parkrose t or 4H acres, fine soil, grove of native trees, water, view river and mnnnlatm nAAw olflctrir- ota T t will ' cost you 'nothing to see and to see ; means to buy. $400 per acre. S. P. Os- burn. 610 McKay bl d g. 10 ACRES FOR QUICK SALE. Near Tualatin, hafclf mile from Ore- fon electric station, .4 acres beaver am; has been planted to onions: bal- ance brush; fronting on main road; no buildings. Good buy, price $1350. no trades. JACOB HAAS. Dekum bide. LARGE HOME SITES? ' ACRES AND ACRES. hi TRACTS, $i25, $1 DOWN AND $1 WEEK. Bull Run water, fine soil ana right ly. On tract Sunday. 4Za ana Hlr.ipson. Alberta car. R. W. Cary, 311 Panama ouuning. FOR SALE On easy terms, beautiful 5 acre tract at Orenco, 15 minutes' I acres in cultivation, balance all UU walk from depot, cosy 4 room 1 able, shack buildings, good orchard big living room with fireplace; fine well , 3 ft miles from Tlgard, 13 miles from and fruit. 20x60 chicken house, creek I Portland. $2600 cash, or trade for un on back line, edeed with dogwood, j incumbered city property on cash cedar and fir. Z-3H2, Journal. ; u balance 4hi years. The biggest BARGAIN cash, 6 lots on Or. City line. close in; Deautnur location small bungalow, fruits. Route 1, Box 4 9, Milwaukle, Or SUBlBAX ACREAGE 7t " Vt ACRES WITH HOUSE. On new hard surfaced Base Line road, about 7 miles from city 6 room well' 2 acres house, large porcn, good 1.: berries, young orchard, 1 block to electric station; will sell cheap and give terms. , SNAP FOR CHICKEN RANCH OR GARDEN. 1 acre or less, In city limits, 4 blks from car. 5c fare. 6 room house. CHICKEN RANCH. Nearly new 5 room house, near Gresham, 1 acre or less, at sacrifice sjle. easy terms. C MBDEXSTOCK & LARSON CO.. Bdwy. 1658. 306 Oak st. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME CLOSE m FINE MODERN WATER- 8 ROOM HOUSE, WORKS AND OUTBUILDINGS, BEAUTIFUL LAWN, SHADE TREES, ' 100 ACRES Willamette valley, near R. ROSES, ALL KINDS FRUIT AND ' R 40 acres in grain, bal. open pas BERRIES. A GREAT BARGAIN FOP. ture. 25 head dairy cattle, horses, SOMEBODY. WILL LEASE MY . wagons. farm machinery, orchard, FINE FURNITURE TO PURCHASER I creek ; full set buildings, fenced. $70 WITHOUT COST TO HIM. CX-735. an acre; $2000 cash will handle this. JOURNAL. ' S'JBURBAi; HOMES BY OWNER. Biggest snap in Parkrose, 1 acre, 2 room house, cleared; 6c fare; fine soil; 2 blocks to car: terms. Main 912. I-OR SALK FARMS 1" THE fipeet location and bargain in and on liberal terms. N. Berkeley, Pen Clarke Co. 40 acre with about 25 dleton. Or. acres under cultivation, plenty of fruit, nothing better, good house, fair barn and within 2hi miles of Vancouver. Price $6500; terms This Includes all the stock d mrlptments E. F. GILBERT. 112 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash: 6.m ACRES wheat land in Jefferson Co., 6 miles from Madras. 800 acres In cultivation, and most an can De nltivalwl Kair huiltlines nlentv of water. Half cash and good' terms, and the price is only $7200. D. U. Rogers, 207 Stock Exchange bldg. 80 ACRES CAMAS PRAIRIE. , A. i8t1hIm, wwwlv"" fin ' clear and in tame hay. wiai giye a fine. nrice ana terms to suit to gooa iarmer. Inquire G. S. Sarles. 404 Northwestern Bank bldg. . v. 1 .a a 40 ACRES t14G0- On macadam road, fine soil, only 35 miles from Portland. Can be bought on terms. AKERSON, GOOCH CO., 605 Stock Exchange bldg. 60 ACRES" GOOD BUY $1600, half caah, will buy it. Locat ed in Clarke Co., Wash. On main road, near Heison. Nearly all can be plowed when cleared. JACOB HAAS, Dekum bldg. DANDY little farm of 10 acres, with-j new B rovm uuuse, uarn, rnwuu houses; close in. Trade or sell. X- ssi. journal I NEAR Tirardvllle. 8 acre suburban Maateraon, 103 FOR SAXJi FARMS 17 tConUanea) Farms and Lands WE HAVE A MAN WHO KNOWS FARMS AND LANDS IN THIS PART OF THE COUN TRY. HE IS AN EXPERT. YOU ARE SURE OF GETTING FULL VALUE WHEN vYOU SEE HIM. WRITE OR CALL ON OUR FARM AND LAND DEPARTMENT NOW. Read This List! 82 acres, North Plains, Ore gon. Closs to Portland. On of the finest cultivated farms in Oregon. Owner has 21 head of reg. Holstelns; fine house and barn; A-l proposition; terms. $12,000. 60 acres, one-half nlle from Gaston, Or., Waanington coun ty, 32 miles from Portland on electric line; 45 ae. In cultiva tion; 16 acres In crush and tim ber; large house, large barn, other outbuildings. The soil Is eood; no rocks. The land Is rolling a good deal, sowed to clover. Will be a few acres sowed to grain thia spring. Old familv orchard. Some of fence is new. Farm known aa the Thompson Old Homestead. 800 acres, with 700 In culti vation and the balance In pas ture, located 7 miles to lone, Oregon, In Morrow county, which is the nearest town and store. There is a good well, windmill, cement cistern (12,000 gal.) Place! la all fenced. There is a new 8 room house and all the other buildings are in good condition. Price is $24 an acre or $19,200. 160 acres with $6 acrea In cultivation and the balance in pasture. There are no build ings. Located near Trenton. North Dakota, on the Missouri river bottoms. Price $30 an acre, or $4800. WE LOAN MONEY ON FARMS. Farm and Land Sale Dept. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Forced to Sell A nice little home, between Carlton and McMinnville; 34 acres of extra good land, all in cultivation, but about 4 acres, which is second growth fir; good 8 room house, fair barn 32x40, chicken house 14x28. cranarv and WKgOn3hed 14x24: 1 A aCTes familv or. chard; took first prize on apples and pears at McMinnville fair two years in succession, and second prize at Salem; creek one line of place. DEBTS FORCE ME TO SELL. J2000 cash will handle this; or might consider $1000 cash and $1500 clear property. Make me an offer. Lock Box 266, Yamhill, Oregon. 70 acres. 24 miles of station, 40 miles out from Portland, on electric line, large prune orchard on place, 20 acres of good farm land, and timber pasturo w'ith 5 acres cleared; house, 2 barns, sh?d. prune dryer, milk house and chicken house on place, electric lights In all buildings, 25 head of stock, horses, cows, calves and goats. Farm implements and all tools, 20 cords of fir wood, everything goes with place, as owner wants to leave state; tor P,ric,i.0ana Particulars address owner ilA-788, Journal. 19 ACRES in cultivation, first class river bottom land, located on county road., About 1 acre planted to logan berries and other small fruits, includ ing young family orchard. Just coming into bearing. Small bungalow, house and other outbuildings. All the farm planted- to peppermint, which pays a good profit. Price $4500. Would con sider some unincumbered city property for part of it, balance on easy terms to Bult purchaser. W. J. Turnidge. Crab- w vjar, tgUII, FOR SALE Tillamook dairy ranch! 160 acres; 80 acres slashed and in Pf-f'8; 35 acres plowed; good 7 room , avvu iaiii u-iiu uuLuuumngs; on main road; all farm tools; cream sepa rator; 17 head of cattle; dally milk route; lhi miles from postofflce; good $3000 down, bal. long term Beat buv in Tillamook county inquire of owner Frank Barnes Barn'esdale Or ' i r-r-i 1,-n'u nM' ' t ' - v...v,i vii piciue. r-nce uuu ALL FOR 1800 80 acreB in Clarke county. Wash., 8 miles from Yacolt; 4 room house, barn 24x48. 2 acres cleared, 400,000 it. timber, plenty of springs and creeas; gooa team and wagon. pIott. harrow, cultivators nd sawa an.i ! kinds of other small tools, some chick ens: all household mn,i vn u-tn i have to hurry to get this one. VthA j v . mrman co., 73 2 Cham, of Com. 40 ACRES Tigard. 1126 Der acre. 22 snap in Oregon. Du not submit unv Junk on the trade basis. Fred W. Ger man o.. ,32 Cham, of Com FOR SALE. 236 acre stock farm; new buildings some cultivated, large outrange, south east of Lebanon. Price $77o0: 13000 cash, bal. terms; er would consider i llous anl lot or close In acreage to i ::oo- lf not inflated. Address owner. i n;v' I ur's" j. aa. uuni IHBUUU3C1I, out Irenes 40 ACRE farm, near Monroe, Benton county; new Dungalow hojise, barn; ! all under fence, good runnfnir water acres in cultivation, 10 acres pas- ture. Price $4500. Would consider some city property, located in Albany or Salem. Bal. on easy terms to suit purchaser, w. j. Turnidge, Crabtree. viegun. 300 ACRES stock ranch, Yamnlil 1 county, woven wire fencing, some cultivated. 150 acres -lashed and seed- j ed, some timber, water piped to barn ' and house. Will take $2000 trade, $2500 , cash. Balance terms . Price liOper ' Address P. V UUA a hi, OX lAA 11111- ' -lue- yJr- j owner D-657. Journal. FOR SALE by owner, home tract, near river, on West Side: planted to ber- I ries, roses and shrubs; hard surfaced street. Bull Run water, and gas; easy 1 terms. Inquire Ralph Hahn, Wad- nams a co I AM selling wheat lands in thet:oun ty which produces 1 per cent of wheat of U. S. for $20 per avcre un. 275 ACHE dairy ranch, 25 miles out. 4hi miles to electric station; hi un- , hou? "h"ot and" coVdwa?eT large. barns Johnson, 740 hi Minnesota ave. SACRIFICE, 40 acres, improved and equipped; small town, close; not far prjce cut to 82400 rrom I'ortiann; owner rorcea to sell. x. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. r ti ' -- A DAIRY" and stock farm, $2800, near Sheridan: $1000 worth of timber, well located. A splendid investment. $1300 cash. Claude Cole. 300 Henry mag. S6000 WILL handle half section well imnmv.H rrm m ih. r.m. e.r. Improved farm Ln the famous farm L ing district of Idaho. None better. M. venarn, S'scnam. of Commerce. ' ' 40 A., 20 improved: crop worth $300, near Columbia riven $3009. $1000 cash; terms. D. W. Mahan, Route 1, nox za. woociana. wnn, , HAVE some ot the best farms in Wil lamette valley for sale at prices that are right, on some of these I can take trade. Neal Brown. Z0 Panama bldg, $50 PER ACRE, Willamette Valley, so acres, ncn level iana. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. F,n iniu farm all in cult I va t Inn house, barn and spring water. Call Wdln. 1689. A GOING farm of 80 A. and stock for sale. For information call ip Sell. 570 between 8 and 12 today. INVESTIGATE now about Mexican lands, rot particulars. A.-3&B, Journal FOR RALE FARMS ' 17 (CoaUaaedJ CHOICE FARM BARGAINS. 10 acres, of which 4 7 acres are under plow and In crop as follows: 11 acron vetch and winter oats; 4 acrea in wheat; 6 acres oats: 3 acres carrots and other vegetables; 1 acre in pota toes; acre in cow kale; 10 acres in clover; hi acre in vege tables for house use; fruit and berriea; all necessary buildings; fenced; everything in beat re pair. Little Elk river runs through place. Some nice bottom land on both sides of river. It is -an ideal atock and dairy' ranoT, best In the locality. The per sonal property: 8 good milk cows; Vi-year old Holsteln bull; 4 2-year old heifers and calves: J brood bows; 6 shoats; span of horses; harnesa and wagon; about 6 dosen chickens; one dozen ducka; top buggy; cream separator; all necessary Imple ments: telephone; good school adjoining ranch. i milea from railroad. This ail can be bought for $66 per acre on good towns. It la the best farm bargain we have to offer. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY. COMPANY. 41$ Cham, ot Cora. Bldg. CHOICE FARM BAROAINS. 106 acres, of whloh 47 acres la under plow and in crop as follows: 11 acres vet en and winter oata, 4 acrea in wncai, 6 acres oata, 3 acres carrots and other vegetables. 1 acre in potatoes, hi acre In cow kale, 10 acres in clover, acre in vegetables for house use, fruit and berries. All necessary buildings; fenced; everything m best repair. Lit tle Elk river runs through place. Some nice bottom land on both sides of river. It is an ideal stock and dairy ranch, best in the locality. The per sonal property: 9 good milch cows, 1 K-year-old Holsteln null, 4 z-year-oiu heifers and 6 calves. 2 brood sows. 6 shoats, span of horses, harness and wagon, about 6 dox. chickens, 1 uoz. ducks, top buggy, cream separator, all necessary implements. Telepnone, goju school adjoining ranch. 44 miles irom railroad. Tlfja all can be bought for . . r ...... ' . . . i ...... i. i . v, .. fU I v vu svuu LCIIIIB. ,k I, best farm bargain we have to offer. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Fine Stock and Dairy Ranch Never Offered Before 265 acres. 150 acres farm land, bal ance pasture land. 2 sets of buildings in fine condition. Orchard and all kinds of fruit. 60 acres in grain. 16 head dairy stock, also young stock. 60 head sheep. Good horses and all farm ma chinery. $60 per acre, part cash, bal. mortgage on place. Will take smaller place in trade. Roads always good. close to good town in Lane county. Come in and we can show you the best buy in Oregon. See our land expert. Oregon Home Builders. 1330 North western Bank bldg. FOR SALE 980 ACRE WHEAT RANCH. Good Improvements, fine, well fitted with gas enslne, 600 acres In wheat. 600 in cultivation, fully stocked and equipped. Price $18,000. cash $6000. bal. to suit, can give possession at uny time. 214 Henry Bldg. Through Sickness and Death Am forced to sell 60 acres of good land, fair buildings, good orchard, spring, lays nice and can all be farmed: wealthy man owns place adjoining, and Is making one of the best blooded stock farms in the northwest. On account of sickness and death, am forced to sell this place for what I can get: $1600 cash will handle this, or will take $1000 cash and $1000ln clear property; might take a $2000 property, if it is good and clear. . Make an offer. For further particulars, see or write v. ir. Aiagoon, Yamh ill, Oregon. THE BARGAIN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. 40 acres rich level land in Little Kalania River Valley, watered by fine trout stream and springs; school on adjoining farm: few acrea have been cleared; estimate million feet choice large rir timber standing; rest of land easily cleared of brush and email tim ber by slashing and burning, then ground should be seeded. This state ment absolutely true, Location miles from Woodland. Wash. $1200 buys it; terms given. S. a. LANE. Woodland. Wash. So ACRE home, well improved. TS acres bottom land. Will raise gar den or onlona. 6 room plastered bunga low, good barn and outbuildings. All new. hi mile from good graded school, store and churches. Good auto road to town. R. F. D. and telephone. Good neighbors. Will take ood used Ford car and cheap town lot as part pay. Car and lot not to exceed $600 or $700. This is a bargain for someone. Price $3150. Write for particulars. Party wianing to buy must nave some cash Box 111, R. 1. La Center Wash. 100 Acres, Stock and Crop 6 room house, 1 barns, machine shed. t' creeg Douom, an in crop; good or chard, all fenced and cross felced trout stream, fine spring at house: 1 miles to town and R. R.; telephone; $100 cream separator, 1 heavy team, 10 cows, fresh; 4 heifers, 10 calves. 1 Hol steln bull, all farm machinery and tools, everything goes; price $6500, half cash. BUNDY, 411 Henry bldg. HI V EH bottom and bench land In Wll- lamlna valley, near good railroad town: running water, no rock; employ ment. Let us show you 5 acres bast soil with good. 4 room house. $25 down, $10 month. Or, 6 acrea bench land. $25 down, $8 month. Or, nearly 6 acres with 537 bearing apple trees; $300 down, balance terms. Or, any amount of land, reduced prices, easy terms, to settlers. J. n. Sharp, 667 Sherlock bldg. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY BARGAIN. 135 ACRES. PRICE $2250 70 acres good tillable land, about 1-3 under cultivation; balance pasture and timber; farm house; small orchard; splendid diversified farm well locafea ud Columbia river, near snhooi. corn el flee, etc.; genuine bargain; rtal op portunity for any good farmer. $1250 cash required, positively no trades considered. 0-9S1, Journal. DAIRYING AND HOGS. 110 acres. 60 acres fine, rich bottom land, cultivated; house, barn, fine run ning water: 2 miles to Amity. Yamhill Co.; 5 acres bearing orclfard, 18 acres ttmber, aome pasture; only $70 per acre; small payment down, balance 6 years. 6 per cent, see Seachrest, at HARTMAN THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) A SACRIFICE. 22 acres. 1 mile from citv limits. Im proved far one-half of what It's worth. Creek runs through one end, power could be easily developed. All good son, nouse, and outbuildings. Must sell. 428 Lumber Exchange bldg., city. 12 ACRES. $3600; good house, fair outbuildings. 7 acres in crop, gar den ana smaii rruna; mile irom railway station. 3 churches, grade and high schools; $1000 down, balance In 10 equal yearly payments at S per cent Write or call at once. C. M. Rees, Tmty, 'jr. A BARGAIN 20 acres of Hood River fruit land. $2000; 2 hi milea from Hood River; 4 rods from brick achool house. Tor particulars address box 42. Hood River, ur.. k. r. p, 3. FOR SALE 40 acres on Willamette river 23 mile from Portland: atock. crop; everything goes with place if sold at oace. u. ti. MCManigai. New burg, Or.,.R. F. D. no. Box 100. OR SALE 40 a.,- ti a. irrigated, house, barn, other bidga., fenced. In crap, lnveatlgate. $1200 will handle. C .. Tumalo. Or. PRUNES pay big. I have v acresJ I Muat aelL Adjoin city, High achool, I fine soil and Improvements. Full par-1 tlcttlara. Owner.- Box 187. Riddle. Or, J BALK FARMS rContlnnad) WK WANT yonr farm listed with t We will get you results-lf your pr is right. We can furnish you all t money you want on your improvi farm at 7. 1 i - 1 $4200.00. hi CASH. ' ' 12 acres bearing prunes, 8HWt! from Vancouver, In extra fine loc Hon; will make fine dose In horn good auto road, hi, mile good acnooL , miles Vancouver high school-. :. . t so acres, 12000. ouiy I10U0 caSA, ta; ance 5 yeara at 6, 10 acrea In ouitlvt tlon, balance not bard to clear a good land when cleared, lays nearl level extra fine deep clay solL rui nlng water, large barn, small nous, orchard, on the Paclflo highway, 1 mile school, 10 miles north of van couver. Nothing in this locality bor derlng on highway for less than $20 ter acre. i ma is Bargain. 23 acres. $3000. only $2000 cash, bal anoe 5 years at 8, 20 acrea In culti vatlon, the other 3 acres partly olearev fair house, barn, and other out build lnga, fenced, fine water, orchard, tn county road hi mile from station store and school, 10 milea from Van couver. . 40 acres. $4000. only $2000 cash, baf anoe long time at 8. This place eoh last time for $7600, owner Involved, must sell; la real bargain; 80 acrea li cultivation, fair house, barn, and other buildings, good water, fenced and cross lenoea, extra good soil, lays level, li thickly- settled part of our county. SV milea from It. R. atation, 13 milea fron Vancouver; on county road. Thia J. extra good dairy. , . we can traae your property lr you will write ua. We have tradea all Ove the northwest. . Have well improved U acres mostly in fruit, near Grand Junction. Colo.; want something near t-ortiana. AlKinson e NlcnolM, sj.1 Main street. Vancouver, Wash. '" 1 THREE CLARKE CO. BARGAINS. No. 320. 10 acres, within 6 tnll ot Vancouver, 6 acres under cultivation, uuiance slashed, all thu best of aoll, good location; 100 assorted fruit tree a good 6 room house, new burn 40x50 chicken house, wood shed, - cows, -4 heifer, 1 good horse. 2 pigs, ti chick ens, wagon, 2 buggies, plow, harrow, cul tivaior, ail Kinds or small tools. Tnt U an Ideal place. Price $2600 $1600 cash, and the balance 3 years 6'. Would consider a larger place up, to $3600. - . ,, No. 322. 23 acres, located about 1 mile from Brush Prairie: 2H4 sores under cultivation, a good new 3 story house, good barn, young orchard for! family use. all Kind ol berries, lr you are looking for a snap see this Monday, trice juuu. No. $21. 25 acres, all in cultivation' fine location, no buildings, on main county road, about 3 miles from car lino. investigate. Price 32600. nail cash. . IK YOU HAVE ANYTHING FOR EX CHANGE WRITE ME YOUR WANTS, E. F. GILBERT. . . 112 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash, Fine Farm and Automobile ; 40 acres. 22 under cultivation, bal ance easily cleared, fine running, stream,- place fenced and crafts fenced., now hunmlonr fin barn.' oast off water, dandy orchard. 7 head of cat'', tie. 2 horses, 2 wagons, mower, rake,' buggy, plows, good automobile, cream seimrator. disc. 8 cultivators. Cider, press, chickens, and about 8600 Worth, of practically new furniture. All, tooia were new and dwelling anort time eince. Owner golrur east and will sacrifice at 16000. I2&0F cush. baJan- at 6, or might take ln about $Z00o worm or ciear property, aome caan ana leave balance ' on ranch; only $ miles from Vancouver on fine auto road year round; must be seen to be appreciated. Thompson & Swan z ;t Sixth and Main Sts,, Vancouver, Waahy GILLIAM COUNTY RANCHES. ' 160 acres alfalfa, A-l buildings,' house insured for $1600; snap at $4600, half cash and your time on balance. ' 820 acre farm, 100 bottom lannVA-1 good house, cost $1200; good well alia, windmill on porch; good barn. Price, $2000. This is an estate and must be aold at once. 160 acres, all In wheat, good build'' ings, $3000; half cash, and time on balance. 200 acre dairy farm, lota of wall water, fair house and lots of good grass. - All of these farms are snaps. Call ahd see R. E. Montague, room 21,' S8t Oak St., Portland, IDEAL COUNTRY FARM, 17 ACRES. Close to Carlton, on main road, 11, acres ln cultivation, seeded io clover and vetch,' young orchard, large barn, swell 6 room bungalow, with fireplace," large porch, well and spring: Just the place to keep a few cows and l bunch, of chickens and make an eaay living., Prloa $2600-; tfiOO cash, balance terms.. New, up-to-dsts farmers' creamery at Carlton, other good buys. Writ, for' price Hat, ya W. E. KIDDER, ., )4 Carlton, Or. . FOR SALIC Farms of all slsea, la heart of Willamette valley, 800 acres, 160 acrea In cultivation, rest good pasture, fine spring wate miles to elsctric milk route to 100 acres ln 6 year old walnut trees,' fruit trees between. Pries $160 per. aore, $8000 mortgage can stand aa longi as desired. Will take Portland prop erty ln trade up to about $12,000, Have to have some caah. R. D. Walker," ftaatnn firmieixrt - 1 , ..J 10 Acres All good level land ln high atare of, cultivation. 1 acre in orchard, 8 room house; barn for 4 head of stock and' hoy; chicken house and yard; rook road on two sides of the property; fine-' location. 2 miles from Oregon City on good road. Price $2600. wm give, good terms. V nil.T.MAK k 1TOWI.A NT) - 8th ahd Main 8t Oregon City, Or. J 4000 ACRE STOCK RANCH. ' I 120 acrea now growing 8 crops al-' 4f A Ifa vtAf" VA9f fin ! In nrnhAril and truck patches. Balance rolling up-' iana, oiacK eon, arioroing une ?uncn- grass naature. a rood streams, uooa set of buildings. $10 oer acre, hi cash. balance easy terms. NRILAN ft UtJ. 'A 808 Stock Exchange bldg. J 66 ACRES, 3H miles from Newburg. 51 acres in nigh state or cultivation.. bal. good wood. 10 acrea fin hops. gooa orcnarti b.uq uaiaiiw in a 1 and clover, small house ana gooa Darn. ah -river oottom iana ami cant o beat ln Oregon. Prica $10,000, .Half cash. bal. good terms at 6. D. Qii Rogers, 207 Stock Exchange blag. ANYONE want fine improved farmai cheap? 1 have several, an aieea ana, prices. Some ready to move on, alii stocked and crops in. Yes, 1 can tax city property as part payment. If you have any idle money 1 can pi ace it at 7 and 8 on farm loan- 'S HOLBROOK. 215 Panama Blda;. M " 40 Acre Snap ft mUm fs,m inwn IS . In AM If Stream water, house and- bam, of, wood. Price $1600, $600 down, balance long time, 8. Qulgley, 202 WllcoX' building. FOR RKNT FARMS 141 MIDDLE-AGED man and wife- take, small farm convenient to Portland;- low rent, 10 u paiu oy lrnprvringy place. W. V. Lyman. 6821 B9th ftve- lWU-AJJtlu rarm, 1 muss norm i Molalla; crop, stock and eoaipmnt .-1. .KAa rt. Vat, l.f Malla VA - 1 ' ' i vcv. o v. , ..... , , . i Wagner. ; a7T.-y.- XV i 1 U bUI., rent reasonable, all cultivated, motnm. fruit, good water, close to Sandy road. N1 Ilrnwn. 20D Panama bldg. ACRES, fine houae. equipped tor chickena; o far by dc-os near aUa- Hon. Sea Mr. Turner at HARTMAN & THOMPSON FOR RENT -Equipped 110 acre ranch, Inquire of George Moras, Jennings Lodge, Or. ; ' 27 ACRES cultivated land, mile) from Turner, Or. Good land. Fenced. Rant for cash or snares, wain eim. 45 acrea. house, barn and stock 2 - miles from Newberg. 416 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall B141. ' i GOOD land, free rent. Main 130. Pf. " - 1 -y (Coauaaea o-Jfe rage- good black rich aolLj ter. year round, 1 hi . line, good road, dally. condenser, dally mall: i