-,, THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; SUNDAY . MORNING, , MAY: 7 1918. Frank Gkance Brings New Players to Gbast League Fahdom t ft '. ft- ft- ft ft '' ft it fi it ft ft ft it . ft - it ft ft ; ft ft ft ft rresn Blood Puts More Life Into Leaders o f tke AAl C lrcuit IJYU IE IN GAME TO BE OUTf -TOWN ATTRACTIONS TODAY PROMISES-TO ECLIPSE AT LOS ANGELES PARK "Swede" Risberg and Tommy Quinlan Preliminary to : 'Sparring Bout in Bleachers, OTHERS IN INTEREST Here are the Vob Angeles leader and three of the men he has Introduced to Coast league fans tola season. From left to right thej are Bobby Fisher, from the C&lcago Nationals, who led the shortstops of the senior: big league in hitting last.jearf Pitcher Brant and Third Baseman McLarry, from the Western league, -who has a deadly wallop at the ball. Belrw is Franklin Leroy Chance. Six Games With Salt Lake, , Vernon and Los,. Angeles Set for Certain Weather, Reorganized Montavilla Team Will Clash With Pradfords at Old Cricket Grounds. Scatter-6un Artists From AN Sections -Will Be Here for June Meeting, GLEICHMANN ON RAMPAGE FOUR GAMES JULY 1 AND 2 a r. SALEM AtyD WOODBURN OFF PROGRAM IS COMPLETED "COWiTtr, Out Vwi Els Bat on the Ball Owing to AbsesM of rourtb of July Bates, Portland Taaa WU Oei Donbl Morsel ef Pastime. PrVs Baey Beavsrs Will my This Aiternoom i WoodUnd, While the Q rounds Are Wet In Valley. 8ua4 of XKcal Experts Will Take la Xastsad Pf , iral Th loin Obstreperous Tlfers Oatfcersd. Bpokahe Shoot This Week to So Klislonary work for toeaU. JUDGE M'CPIE fl GIVE DOUBLE HEADERS DURING EARLY MONTHS Me EAGER SPORTSMEN'S SO if; . Lqi Anreles. May 6. (P. N. S.) i Wo observed Bare Knuckle Day at the j Old halliard and It was a wise man I'who ltnew v tfood place to hide. For ;th benefit of those who did not hold f rlnf side seats we submit the following tabulation' of features, features that f.' auf rested sawdust on the floor and the I a, m. music of the dance hall: J The Tigers walloped the Salt Lake I.club 7 to 1. "Swede" nisberff shaded Kid Quinlan In a beautiful little one round affair. FN "Red Held, single 4 handed and I lone, subdued the field. L Two hatless and namelen spectators ia fought hand to hand over the heads of i,,tha Hunt field bleacher spectators. Not ftUfitll a pair of policemen In their new spring uniforms began patrolling the field was order restored. V- 110 th, Risherg and Quinlan were sent off the field and punished with Indef- 1 lnlte suspension pending the wrath of , President Baum. ,. Qua Qlelchmann went bat craiv and hit for a triple, a doubla end a slnrle. t if f A' Village quiet hovered about the ,f Prk. as the teams stepped into the eighth Inning with the Tigers leading ,-.T to 1. Things happened In the ninth. 1 Ottinla.ft -na m ,.,! 1 ' I , r, T .-( j grounded to Bates the Hall was thrown Risberg, forcing Quinlan. It looked : ' f iikd 111a rniiAir irini r r n inn his n ' order bit Quinlan resorted to the ! rOUPh Sf.lff Tha Rait T.alra nnltUM.r ' lunged heavily aaralnst Risberg. throw- Inr the Swede off his balance and In terfering With 'a double play. That caused the fracas. Score: . ALT t.AKS! I vrnvnw " AH. H O. A AO. II. O. A. Prlef.lb. .. .(!RrsB.lf... hlnn.rf . .. Murphy, 8b. Hannah, c. . 'Hll,p a Klein. p.... I, lonn,p.. . aucw.ci . . 0 0 tVane rf. 1 B 2 filolrh-n.lb. 0 1 Olrtlsbera-Sb. 1 12 Of Rates. Bh. . . O : Paler rr 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 ft 1 0 0 0 01 0 1 0 Mattlrk.cf. iMrOsffn.. I whaling, c. . neas.p Udr.2b... 2 0 0 3 13 1 2 n a 2 0 1 0 4 1 0 Total ..SO 6 21 Totalg ..35 14 27 20 Bal Ukt 0000 10000 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 O5 ernon 20001 4 0 0 T Hlts 3 01 22821 14 IUm Orr. Doane 8, Utdubmann 2, Whaling Ma. Errors Bate. Bader. Hiree-haae blta -Poan. Olelcbmann. Two-bane hlta Qlelrh taonn, Orr. Ttlnlwrg. Karrlflre blta Ulelch Knn, slotlafflgan. Struck out Br UalJ 3, bf Urea 3. Hnne on halla Off Hall 3, off Klein 1 ntt II... K ft..., j... . U... nnnbU nlifi huiu , ii.uk . Rraberg to Ulelchtnann. Umpire Braabear sad Bald. Time, 1 :50. r- ..T to if ' Commercial naaeball Iieagne. af ! -."wjth the exception of one game, which was called at the end of the etrw i ... . . . fru inning, ii uuiiiicroiiti caseDaii league contests scheduled for yester tday afternoon were postponed on ae- . count Of rain. In the five Innings 1 M. 11.. , K 1 . .W . ' . t iiimi. was piayea liio XNorxnwesi. " rn Electric company team defeated iu xjniiH ac v,o, players Dy ine Score f to 1. .. S"h rnr- n tr a.N. ,V. Electric ' 6 4 8 Xiang co 1 3 S p. Batteries Arnold and Ward; John ion and Schultz. While the rain soaked through the Vaughn street baseball park's smooth rturf. Judge McCredrie took down his schedule and with pencil and pad set the dates for the games that are to be played as double headers later on In the season. - This year no chances will be taken on the last trip of the season : to play off the postponements and thjur will ba settled earlier ih the summer. Already there are six games to be played off. In fact, so far but 11 games have been played In the three weeks- the club has been fct borne. The barometer looks ' none too good for today, rain falling until a late hour last night. There are two games each with Salt Lake, Vernon and Los Angeles. Judge McCredle has. set one of the double headers with Salt Lake as June 25 and the other August 27. Double headers will be played with Venon,June 17 and June 18. because the last trip here of the Vernonltes will be from September 26 to Octo ber 3. Los Angeles will be here on the next trip from June 27 to July 2, and th judge has set the double heaclera for July 1 and July 2, being partly In recompense for the fact that Port land has no Coast league games July 4. FITZGERALD HITS i HOMER, PUTTING SEALS IN FRONT Oaks .Battle Bravely, But Can't Overcome Early Lead Piled Up. - ,- Ball Team riays Tour. Herbert O. Lowry, formerly of San 'TVanclsco, now a resident of the Ha Iwmllan islands. Is on the Pacific coast launching a plan to form a base ball team to tour the far east, includ ing a three weeks' stop at Honolulu, , three weeks' tour of Japan and a month la, Manila. San Francisco, May . (I. N. S.) Onward and upward our satisfying and sagacious Seals are sapping their merry way. And backward and downward the ob fuscated Oaks are slipping, sliding and slithering toward the tragic oblivion of cellar. By the fourth one score margin, 5 to 4, Chief Wolverton's lamming le gion crushed the hopes of Oakland be neath their fifth straight defeat today. The Oaks battled bravely. They were undaunted by a five run handicap that faced them when the second Inning had rolled away. They struggled with all the force they could muster, and all but overtook the dominating San Franciscans before the ninth inning gong knelled the passing of opportu nity. Fitzgerald hit a homer with two on. Score: OAKLAND. I 8AX FBANCTSCO. AB. H.O. A. AH. H.O. A. Barbean.3b. 4 10 llFlta'rald.rf. 4 12 0 v V 7 Cflt v 0 t- i '9 V: 4 I i NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE t"' Philadelphia will provide 15 addi tional playground sites which will cost $ 1,000,000 to equip. Mlddle'on.lf 4 Ijinecf... 4 Kenwo'y.2b 4 Uanlner.rf. 4 Barrr.lb.. 4 Orlffltha.c. 4 Bercer.2b.. 4 Boyd.p 8 Zlmmtr'n. 0 Darla.as... 0 t Elliott... 1 8 10 O 0 0 5 O 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 oiRohaller.lf.. ! Bodle.cf.. . B:iown,2b. . 0 Coffey.aa.. llAutrey.lb.. 2 Jonea.Sh S'SpuVda.c.. 2! Baum. p 0 o 0 O "O 2 1 0 3 3 3 0 13 1 0 2 5 1 0 At Vancouver, B. C. . R. H. E. Spokane 9J 4 Vancouver 6 6 1 Batteries Bloomfleld, Leonard and Murray; Russell and Cheek. '..-'IB . -V ','?'?".,rA' . ,-! .,..' 'v.i.w ,.. 11 j?" V 1 FI i -t' " S II 1 . Jg'! 'i'--'!" ' "" "Ll UMltSJWiSuajtnahwi.w.aWl ia,t- . JSC.1--- Intercity Basehan Xieagne. Won. Lost. Bradfords Klrkpatrlcks . Salem Woodburn . . . Montavilla . . St. Helens . Baby Beavers wooaianii P. C. .800 .800 .nj .600 .500 .400 .400 .000 jjMjwia.jo - .'r.-.-.m. r. ..... ...... -j.-.-w... . w w w.-jv . . UIW, 3fcX..-. H irz I H r At Tacoma Butte Tacoma Fourteen Innings. Batteries Hydorn and Dorney; Pet erson and Roberts. R.H. E. 3 9 6 2 6 4 At Seattle Great Falls Seattle Eleven innings. ; Batteries Remneas Bchmutz and Cadman. R. H. B. 0 6 1 1 6 4 and liaworth; Totala.. 8 0 24 13 Totala... 83 10 27 13 Zimmerman ran for Kenworthr In 8th. tKlllott batted for Boyd In nth. Oakland 0 0 1 OO 1 02 0 4 Hlta o 1 2 O o 2 1 :t O n San KranrlKoo t 4 o o o O o rt r, "Ita l 4 1 1 1 020 10 Runa Rarheau. Mlddletnn, Cardner. Jllm- nterraan. ritrerald. Sfhaller. JoDea. 8pnl(xla, Baum. Rtnlen baftra Srhaller. Bodle. Coffey. Krrora Barbean. Orlfflth, Bodle. Home run Western ItmgM Results. LdncxUn 1, Des . Moines 4. Sioux City 4, Omaha 5. Topeka 5, Wichita 2. St. Joseph 2, Denver . Fltiserald. Two bsnip hlta Midtlletnn. Ken worthr. Haws on balk1 Boyd, Baum 2. Struck- out ny B..J-.1 i, Bamn 8. Double plae Berber to Kenwortliy to Barry. Wild pitrb Bord. Time of game 1:45. t'mpirea Pbjle and Doyle. lfviw r1 l Hart Schaffner & Marx A A 11 117 7 1 rics Mre Wool THJE best isn't too good for you; and in clothes "the best in fabric' means all wool." it means clothes that keep shape; it means better wear for you, Come in and -see these clothes. Ask to see Varsity Fifty or Variations Five A big run of fabrics to choose from at $18 to $40 CoiVTigbi Hart SckeOaae II Uaa Sarrvl Rosenblatt & Co. .The'JlfenV Store for Quality and Service Southeast Corner Fifth' and Alder 4 v ; t ,-Y I ' ' 1 life- i f&tMft Jk-T H taaAMfca, . , Ar.f a,- t f , . , : , n - ' fa- m a Vtr - AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Chicago, May 6. (U. P.) By -winning their sixth straight game and 11 out of the last 13 played, the Cleveland Indians went Into first place today In the American league, defeating the White Sox, 4 to 1. The score: CLEVELAND. I CHICAGO. Graney.lf.. rurner.SD.. Speaker.cf. Bmlth.rf... Oandil.lb.. Howard, 2b. VambT,a. O'Nelll.c... Morton.p... AB. H.O. A. 1 O 0 0 4 2 S 0 IS 0 0 Mnrohv.rf.. & J. Col'na.of. 3 E. Coll'a.2b. 4 roomier, lb. 4 Jackaon.lf.. 4 Wearer.... 4 M'Mul'in.3b. 4 Scbalk.c... 4 Scott.p..... 0 Danforth.p- 1 Cicotte.p... O 'Heboid... 0 tLepp .....1 iFelach 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 0 13 1- 4 2 2 1 1 Total. . 34 27 12 Totala.. 28 T 27 16 Bdtted for Scott In third tBatted for. Panfortn In serenta. fEattfd tor ClcotU in ninth. Cleraland 0 1 2 0 00 0 1 CMcafo o O O 0 O 0 0 01 1 Rnns Grancr. Smith 2. Morton. Error Speaker, Wearer. Two bae bita Smith. Graney, Jackaon. Three base hit WTer. Stmck oat By Danforth 1, by Morton 8. Bcaea on balls Off Scott off Danforth 2. off Morton- 1. Hlta off Scott 8 tn S lnnina, off Danforth 2 In 4 lnnlnga. Umpires Erana and Chill. Philadelphia, May 6. (U. P.) "Bul let Joe" Bush won hi third victory within six days when he held the Sen ators to four hlta this afternoon. He was wild but had world of stuff and when he got the ball ovef Griffiths' men were helpless. Th score: WASHINGTON. AB. H.O. A. Moeller.rf. 4 Foater.Sb.. 4 Milan.cf... 4 Rondeau. If. 4 Judge.lb... 4 Morgan,3b., HMirjr.c. . M'Brlde.ae. Harper, p. , Williams. Ayera.p... t Barber..'. PHILADELPHIA. AB. H.O. A. Wttt.aa S I Walsh, rf... 3 IStrank.cf... IScbang.e... !Lajole.2b..i McInnl,ib. 1 Plrt.Sb 21 StellbaT.tt. Boab.p. O O 0 0 t 1 s 3 8 3 10 O 3 O 1 t 2 Totala... 27 6 27 U Totala . JH 4 24 11 Batted tor Harper tn seventh. -TBatteel for Aera In ninth. Waahlnirtaa 0 0OO000O I t Philadelphia 0010010 2 4 Kona Henry, Walsb. Strank, Sehang and Bnah. Erruca Witt. Foster, Jud(a and Har per. Twe-twse bits Bash, Scbsns;. Mclnnla. track ant By Harper 3, Bash 2, Ayers 1. Base on halla Off Haxper 3. Bnsa 6, Arers 8. Double plars Morgan to Henry: Melnnla to Bnaa to Pick. Stales base Judge, empires Dinsea and Kailia. , " Boston, - May ; (tr. P.) Markle pitched great' ball for DonoTaa's Yankees today, holding the Red Sox to four measly hits up to the ninth in ning, when they got to him for a belated but unsuccessful rally. Shaw key and Cullop held the Tanks' lead safe after Markle had gone to the showers: Score: NEW TOBK. I 1R. H.O. A I Gllbool,rf. 4 13 OiHoopcr.rf. llJanTrin.ss. . OiHob'tteMb. Mairee.lf.. 8 Malsel.cf.. 4 Baker,3b... 4 Gedeon.2b.. 4 Plpp.lb.... 4 Peck'p'b.as. 2 Nnn'm'er.e 8 Markla.p.. 3 Sbawkey.p. O Cullop ,p.. 0 1 3 0 1 1 2 1 S O 12 2 0 BOSTON. AB. H.O. A. 4 0 2 1 0 Wa1ker.lt Lewia.cf... Gardner ,3b. 4BarrT.2b... 2(Tbonaa,e.. OlAftnew.c. . . llFoster.p.... Pennock.p. 8borten... tHenksen,. ICady 1 Totals.. 31 8 27 11 Totals.. 81 8 27 14 Batted for Foster In fifth. tBatted tor Thomas In serenth. Batted for Peonock In ninth. New York .....0 2003000 06 Boston 0 1 100 0 0 0 24 Rnns GUbooler, Gedeon, Pecklnpaugh, Non amaker 2, Janrrln, Walker, Lewia. Gardner. Error Walker. Two base hlls Gedeon, Bakrr, lie la, Gardner. Stolen base Maee, Peck lnpsnsh. Double playa Foster to Gardner to Janrrln; Mages to Pecklnpauth to Plpp; Gard ner to Hoblltsel; Pecklnpaugh to Gedeon to Plpp. B truck oat By Markle 2, by Pen nock 4. Bases on balls Off klarkla 4, off Foster 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 2. Ft. Louis, May 6. -(U. P.) Errors of omission and commission combined with timely swats gave Cincinnati an early lead that St. Louis could not overcome. Uersog's Rhlseland gang grabbed the game, 7 to J, Chief Wil son, veteran outfielder, tossed - away his rheumatism end relieved Smith in the seventh. It was bis debut of the season. Score: CINCINNATI. AB. H.O. A Neale.cf... Klllifer.lf. Chafe.lb... Grlffltb.rt. Groh.Sb.... Hsrsog.sa. . LondaT,2b. Win ISchi ogo.e. . . ols,p... 1 3 2 2 1 10 0 2 Bescber.lf , WUson.cf. Smitb.cf . . OtBetsel.Zb. . T. LOTTIS. AB. H.O. A. 4 3 3 O Lonr.rf . MUler.lb... Beck. 8b.... Hornsbr.es. 1 iSnyder.e. . . ioas.p WUlisma,o. Grlner.p... Bntl....-, tCornaa .. 1 1 4 8 4 4 4 4 2 0 0 1 .1 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 t 1 18 0 O 1 1 1 9 O 0 9 0 0 - i 0 0 0 Totals ..34 27 15 Totala ..S3 8 27 17 Batted for Smith in ststb. 'tBatted for Williams ia eighth. Cincinnati 0 2200200 17 St. Louis OOO 10100 02 Bans Neale, Klllifwr. Oroa t, 'Hersna; 2, Sckals, Beecaer, Smith. Errors Groh, Hersstr, Wlntto, Beck. Two bass hits Betsel, Herseg, Louden. Doable . plays Kchnis to Hersog to i - - T ... " .. i . . - -v . Chase. Base on balls Off Dosk 8, off Griner 1. off Schuls 1. Struck out By ScbnU 4. by Doak 4, by Grtnir 1. I'mplres Klem and Emslie. Boston 7, Giants 0. New York, May 6. (U. P.) The Montavilla' reorganised team will clash with the Bradford player this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock on the old cricket grounds in Montavilla, Slwiefcl Will be on the mound for the Monta villa team, while Manager Grayson of the Bradford- will send either Swarts or Dtllard to the knoll. .Manager Ed Jepsup of the 'Monta villa team ha made several enangei In his lineup following the susp-nslon of three of his players. Buck will be stationed at third base In place of Bherrett. and French, the crack jtillty man, win play center field In place of Tauscher. Gus Jessup will be ia right field. The Bradford player will line up a they "did at St. Helens a week ag:, with Edwards on first; Cohen.' second; Bo gart. short; Chllders, third, Stepo, left; Kennedy, cennrfT and Luckey, right Charley Bleep; will do the receiving. . Secretary Wayne Lewis announced lata last night that the game sched uled for Woodburn and Salem had been called off on account of wet grounds. "Red" Rupert's Baby Beavers will lino up against tho Woodland, "rash., team at Woodland. Manager Dale of the Washington team is making every effort to strengthen his team, and as soon as he liable to land a good Iwlrler his team will be climbing In Tna percentage column. The appear ance of Fred McKeen and Hons Qra elle put new life in the Woodland players last Sunday, and it Is expect ed that Rupert's club will have a hard battle today. The Woodland ground have been put in shape and rank with the best In the circuit. Emll Hauser, former Carlisle In dian school and Oregon Agricultural college football star, is catching for the Salem team. In last Sunday game he made two hits, , Including double. Captain Oroce of the Baby Beavert. secured three hits off Pitcher Wayne Barham last SYinday at Salem. Mayor Morton of St Helens, Or., Is a strong booster for the Intercity circuit. He has attended all the games played in that town to date. Stef p and Cohen were the btr stick ers for the Bradfords in last Sunday's HMO 11.20 u.oo 1.20 1.0S .00 6.00 TO.IS Giants stuck to their losing habit this game at St. Helens. Each secured afternoon, a single by Smith in the lucky seventh and tight pitching by Rudolph after the first inning giving the Braves the edge. The score: BOSTON. I NEW YORK. AB. H.O. A. AB. It O. A. sTr'nT'le.ss 4 12 2Bnrns.lf.. . 4 111 2 2 1 Botierfn.rf. 4 8 0 0Doj-le.2b... 1 1 OIKsuff.cf.. . 1 12 O Fleteh'r,.. 1 2 SjMerkle.lb. . 1 3 0!M,KVh,3b 3 4 4IKarIden.e.. Erers.Zb. . Colllns.rf.. WHboU.rf. Kou'b'y.lb. Smith. 3b. . Oompton.cf. Gowdy.c... Rudolph .p.. Teareaa.p. . Perrltt.p.. Anderson, p. Itouaeh. . . tKeUy 0 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 13 1 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 three hits. Charley Moore, former Coast leaguer, played third base for St Helens last Sunday. He made one hit In four times up. With Jude Moreland hack in form. Manager Grayson of the Bradfords will probably release Pitcher Campion. "Frisco" Edwardswho played one game with the Gresham Intercity What it wll -cost to shoot In 6. A N. W. tourney: ; hnotsrun shells, regular events 400 of them Shotgun shells, trophy events, 240 of them Shotgun shells, total, 840 of them Clny targets, regular events', 400 of thprn C L targets, trophy events, 240 of thum rarrnre, 40 cent daily Luncheon at traps. 35 cents daily Hotel, j days ti n day rate.' ! .' '. Incidental expenses Total expenditure for tour nev (except entrance fe.es ... Th annual Snortimcti'. nr.uMim of the northwest shooting tournament, to be staged on the Everdlng Park traps of the Portland Gun club, Juno 6, 6 and 7, promises to ecltnaa all other 'events held under the auspices of the organisation. Interest in this tourney Is greater than ever hefnr and scatter-gun artists from all sec tions have signified their intention of participating. President Allan W. Strowger of the Portland Gun club, has completed the program, which will be announced In the near future. These programs Will be mailed to all trap-hooters In Wash ington, Idaho, Montana. Utah. Oregon and California. , One of the reasons why the Port land Gun club officials are so confi dent that this years shoot Will sur pass other tourneys is that the Squler money bark system will bo used In alt events except those for trophies. This system gives the poor shooter an equal chance to win his money back. ' A sciuad of Portland shooters. Presi dent Strowger, Krank Templeton, J. W. fieavey, John O- Clemson and Peter Holohan, will do a little missionary work for the tournament during the Inland Empire Handicap tournament to be staged on the grounds of the Spokane Gun club next Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. The shoot ers, with tho exception of Holoban, who left last night, will start for Spokane tonight. The Washington State tournament at Seattle will also attract one or two Portland shooters! who will also be loaded down With programs. This shoot Is scheduled, to be held May 23. S4 and 26. The Portland Gun club will send big delegation of shooters to Albany Or., next week to participate In ' th annual Oregon State tournament, Itl la expected that a majority of thai shooters who enter the state cham-l plonshlp will enter the Northwest shoot. One of the features of the Nortrw west shoot will be the Hose Festival event of 100 targets at 16-yard rise This event last year attracted consld-l erable attention. It Is believed that! the entry list this season will bsJ bigger. Totals... 83 11 27 IS Totals. . 87 12 27 15 Batted for Perrltt ia ssrenth. tBatted for McKechnie in ninth. Bofcton .2 3 1 0 00 1 0 07 New York 8 0100000 Ruus MaraDTlIle 2. Collin. Wllhnlt, Conip tor. -2. Gowdy, Hums, Iiuticrtson, Doyle, hauff. Mil-tie 2. Error Collins, Doyle. FletolK-r. Two-bat blta Kauff. Three-bss bit Maranrllle, Merkle. Stolen base Wllbolt. Double play Smith to Konetchy. Struck out By Rudolph 4; by Perrltt B. Barn on ball Off Tesresn 2; off Perrltt 1; off Ander son 1. Umpires Hlgler and Eason. Chicago 2, Pittsburg 1. Pittsburg, Pa. May tW(U. P.) Max Flack, former Federal, gave the Cubs a victory over the Pirates and put the Ghlcagoana back into third place today by a thrilling dash to the plate In the eighth, beating John stons throw by a fraction of a. sec ond. Score: Chicago. I PiTTsnrno 2 ' league team, is catching for the Mono grams or tne racoma City league. Mike Bloch. tne 'Columbia univer sity first basemen. Is playing great ball for the Kenton club team. He Is hitting the pill hard. AB, Sotinlte.lf.. 4 Klack.rf.. . WlU'ms.ef. Zlmm'n.3b. Saier.lb... Doolan.as.. Archer.c.. . Yerkes,2b.. Vaugna.p.. U.O. A. 12 0 10 1 10W 2 3 2 All. H.O. A Johnston, lb. 4 0 13 0 Sam Gordon Joke Victim. Sammy Gordon was the victim of a hoax. The manager of the Reaver club had young Gordon matched with another Jewisli loy. hut remembering the terrific scrap the youngster put up against a relative, Sammy refuses to accept the match. So they changed the name of the boy to Hilly Ryan and kept him out of Gordon's sight until the night of the bout Sammy came near getting a good lacing. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Tsciflo Cosst Leaane. won. iost rer lifts Anpelea San Kraiiftsco Vernon Unit Lake ... On kin ml Pari land Brooklyn Bo ton Cincinnati .. Pllladelphla Chic" go St. Loula .. P'ttalmiR .. New York . 17 1 15 12 14 10 National Lssgua. Carey. If... naxuey.cf .. Wag-ner,s. 1 14 OfBalrd.rf.. 3 S Olgcbmldt.c n s n ' . Auanis.p.. Orwtello. tScUuIS... a o o 8 Knabe.2b.. Smith. 3b.. Secret of Gardner's Hucr ,. The success of tho American Golf Champion Gardner is largely doe to his ability to hole a putt at a crucial moment. Kxperts of golf assert that putting is 75 per cent mental and 25 per cent mechanical. Gardner has the Ideal mental qualities that help a man to put his ball dqwn when the stroke Is needed. I Trlnce Henry, third son of King George of England, Is developing Into j a clever athlete. He recently ran a i mile in 4 minutes, 54 seconds. Ho is a student at Eton college. 82 7 27 13 Totals.. 82 27 14 Totals Batted for Knsbe la ninth. tBstted for Smith in ninth. Oilccgo 0 0001001 02 Pittsburg 0 0010000 01 Buna flack. Archer, Knabe. Errors Verkes, Wsgner, Knabe. Three-base hit Adam. Struck out By Vsngbn 8; by Adsms 4. Base on balls Off Vaughn 2; off Adams 2. Stolen base Carey. Umpires O'Dsy and Harrison. Water Clearing and th fish sr biting in great shape. Se lect your fishing hols from pas; 10 of this taction. P S 11 , 8 ft 8 2 American Leagu, CIpTelntul I'l Wafthlnfftrm 11 New York 10 Boston 1 Detroit u Chlcnfo 10 St. Loin T Philadelphia Korthwsstorn Laagn. Bntte , Great rails 8 Ppokan 8 fteattle 8 Vancouver 4 Tacoma 2 America Association, TMi!Tln 12 Minneapolis 10 Indlsnspoll S Coluuitm St. Paul Ksntas City Toledo Milwaukee , WIcMta .... Omaha Topeka .... Lincoln . . . . Denver . . . . Des Moines Bloox City . St. Joseph . WUrn Laagtia. 10 a 7 7 0 6 8 8 12 14 14 14 lft 15 V B ft 7 10 10 12 T 7 ft 10 10 12 10 13 8 4 4 n n e 7 7 ft 11 4 4 ft a 7 7 .Ml .B7l .Ml 40U -"if , .0 4 .si .! .47 .4-V .41. .ax ,w .44 X ... ",KJ ' ,iw: v : A--H A :, .20 .TI JV8 AS .23 TRADE UPSTA1RS,MEW! Why? Because you can buy more for your dollars. I sell standard makes in ready-to-wear clothes and save you $5 to $10. I cut. out the expense of hih Brooklyn, N. T., May 6. (U. P.) Cutshaw's lucky four-base whack In thfc eleventh gave Robbie's Dodgers the! best of a nip and tuck battle this izrzyx; MZi acreacrtround-floor rent swdl fixtures seat, from which it bounded back on the field, and finally, over the fence. The score: PHILAD iADELPHIA. I . AM. H.O. A.I 4 a o t(n. Stock JSb. Baneroft,ss. 8 0 2 Wbltted.lf. 5 3 8 CrTatU.rf. 5 0 0 I,uderBs.lb. 8 O 10 Psskert.cf. 5 2 4 Nteboff.2b. 3 0 8 Burua.c... 4 14 Mayer.p... 4 0 2 BBOOKLT?, AB. li.O. A. Mr'rs.cf. 5 12 0 Daabertlb. 6 1 18 1 Stengle.rf.. 5 14 0 Wbeat.Lf... 5 0 0 Mowrey.Sh.. 4 12 1 Cetshaw.2b. S 2 2 C SlOleon.sa. .. 4 1 1 8 M Csrty.c. 3 2 4 1 Pfeffer.p... 8 0 0 7 Totals. . 88 880 IS) Totals... 82 12 83 18 Nooe out wbea winning ran seored Philsdelptala 1 0 0 1 0 0 O 00 0 02 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 18 Ran Stork, Wleboff. Cstshaw 2. Olson, errors Stock, H. Myers. Two has b1 Wheat. Olson. Three base alt Paskert. Home ma Cetihaw. Riolen bases Nleboff, Wbltted. Doable plays Bancroft to Nleboff to Lnderua; Cntshaw to Daubert; Nleboff to Bancroft te Lnderas. 8 truck out By Pfeffer 2, hy M eT 5 Base on balls Off Pfeffer 2. Caplm Byion and Qolgley. American Association Results. Columbus t. Milwaukee 2. -. Toledo 12, Kansas City 3. LoulstiDo J, Minneapolis 3. . . Indianapolis V, St. Paul 4. and expensive window displays. Every penny I save is for your benefit. Come up and see the $20 Men's Suits $25 Men's Suits i . FOR FOR $14.75 $18.75 ALTERATIONS FREE i ALL READY TO WEAR JIMMY DUNN, The Clothier 315-16-17 OREGONIAN . BUILDING ELEVATOR TO 3D FLOOR 'V