THE OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY. MAY 6, 19X6: 4 Ca1 i I u! Is Cd cef IB In B Cd) sat as .5. S3" , p th" PC i f th lriiinn CAMPAIGN HONOR CAP RED BY 'ROY smuts tihiay V jlWI WWW IV Wll 1 1 4 M.S. .... - One Hundred Ypuths, Armed With' Rakes, Hoes, Shovels Tackle Rubbish, school pupils aiding 3T Complaint Had by Some f Children ' f '-' ' Ariast Low Frtces Belnf Bald rw? Tbtm by tt Junk Mm. Tully 100 boy scouts, under corn man! of J. K. Brockaway, Scout leader. , tickled the big vacant block Just east ' 1 f th steel bridge this morning, in cul4 ib Clumin i amnalrn. They were ryj armed with rakes, hoes and shovels hlgf nd sailed In the mess of rubbish that t,iJ evrd the block, piling it conven- . lently and smoothing the .top soli. He reel for noon the place had an entirely COif Pect- Tney were rniiamraged in . their task by the clicking of a , Path Weekly picture- machine, but Phf kept at it long after the movie man n had gone. Otl -iThe official cleanup of tho Sunny of aide and Hawthorne districts took I : J place today, pupils from the schools net devoting nearly all day gathering up coi Junk, vai - Complaint Is Made. , J ' ' Bitter complaint came from the :k neighborhood of the Richmond school against tho low prices the children '' I were being held for the metals and Ihl other Junk ly the Junk dealer stationed il n001- Complaint was made I that the prices actually paid were roJl Insignificant hh lo make it a waste I Of time for children to Kather and gif carry the material to the advertised f at place of siile. 'w-j', ,-Thla matter was reported to Jacob ' Xanster. supervisor of the cleanup cam . paign, together with the repot t that J J Principal Steele was not satisfied with r I the treatment the children were get- tin-. I No complaints had been received 1 from other districts, however. On the ' contrary, all the statements of sales e submitted to Mr. Kanzler showed strict X adherence to the advertised prices to -1 b paid. Harmony Zs Bestored. , v Harmony was restored in the Over Ujj look district last night, when Mrs. t' Robert Merger and Superlntendcpt of Street Cleaning Alex M, I Donaldson Lij burled the hatchet. Mis. Rerger had wa protested against the dumping of t f if ul Into the gulch near her home, J' and she was Joined In the protest by Imi""!"1'"1"' I tio V t. was finally explained that the i m street commissioner had intended to! i cover the rubbish deposits with earth,; D and thus fill up an unsightly hole. He j j, wg backed by Fire Marshal Jay Stev poi ns and Mr. Kanrler, and everything l.u was found running smoothly when the. . 'peace conference'' left the t-cene Mondays cleanup day will include m tha east side district from the rUer to X tha limits between Division and Hoi- gate. This is under the captalncv of Jr. J. Johnson. Fund of Municipal Golf Course Starts Optnlng Ona la Campaign to Kaise . taOOO Fired When B. Rosenblatt OiTSs $350 Check. The opening pun in the campaign to false 12000 for the purpose of con structing the municipal Rolf course at Ladd Park was fired today, when Bamuel Rosenblatt turned over a $250 check to the committee, which has been working on the project. Chairman T. Morris Dunne of the municipal course committee, has called a meeting for Monday noon When Plans for Lhe rnitnr nf tha ;fun will be fornnilated. :Just Missed Death H On Saws in Big Mill .Oregon City. Or., May 5. Archie ,"McCrd, who is well known in Oregon City, had a miraculous escape from death Thursday afternoon while em ployed at the bTI sawmill at Molalla. Tha young man was doing some repair work on a lower saw, and waa told to go ahead with the work by another er-.ploye who stood close by, when the j engineer, thinking that it was an order for him to go ahead with the saws, started them. Luckily for MeCord. thers was but a single belt on the , lower saw, and when his body came In, contact with the upper saw, al ' lowed the latter to sjpread. thus sav in J McCord from a horrible death. Ilia body was lacerated by the teeth of the lower saw coming in contact With those of the upper. The ma , chinery was running slowly at the itlme, and the employes of the mill rushed to the man'a assistance. Dr. Todd, of Mollala. was summoned and dressed the wounds. COLUMBIA 6th at MS CHILD The drama with a big human note and HANK MANN in an irresistibly funny Keystone. Bread and Butter "Sunday Norma Talmaga in Tho Children of the House 11 (4 i J. u r CIVIL IZA Accident Victim "J Was Local Resident 0y T. Colpltts Vat Satfc at Leaven worth, Wtib., Trom an Xlctia hock Whil Working on Ballroad. Ouy V. Colpltts. who was killed Leavenworth, Wash., on May G, by an electric shock while working: for the Great Northern railroad, was a resi dent of Portland, living with hi moth er. Mm. Cleo Colpitta. at Fourteenth and Jefferson street. He was 25 vears of age, and was the brother of Margaret and Olive Colpltts. Mr. Col pitta was a member of Washington lodge, A. V. and A. M., and Martha Washington chapter, O. K. 8.. of this city. Funeral services will b held at ii.'.O p. m., Tuesday, May 9. at the First Presbyterian church. The body is In charge of P. L. Lerch at East Kleventh and Clay. m CONTROL THE PRICES IS UNDER LEGAL TEST Ford Motor Co, Sues to Re strain Local Company From Selling Below List Price. Will the plan adopted by the Ford Motor company of Detroit, Mich., to control the retail price of Ford auto mobiles stand the test of the courts? This question is up in' connection with a suit filed today by the Ford Motor company against Benjamin E. Hoonn &. Co., to restrain the latter company from selling Ford roadsters and touring cars below the list price. It has been demonstrated in the courts that a manufacturer who sells his goods outright to a retailer cannot control the retail price of such goods, and to remedy this condition a cam- AUTO FIRM'S RIGHT TO paign is now on to secure the enact- by Commissioners Daly and Bigelow. ment by congress of what is, known At present the city is attempting to a.s the Stevens bill. I collect 11200 due from the City Messen- Br.t the Ford plan, as explained by j ger & Delivery company on its fran Attorneys McDougall & McDougall, j chise and this company contends that who filed the complaint today, is dif- the other companies are operating ferent. The Ford company Joes not sell at wholesale. It is the retailer. It consigns its machines to its selling ; arenitt lo vm sum at a lbi lih nab price, and the agent, when he sells a machine, is to retain 15 per cent for his commission. The question now is: n vm t.1t Int.. -v m - ioulnn ir.l Tu "?.r"l L" T; I reducing the net price of the car? Baker Pleased With D,,U f r nnfiAti Commission Form of OoTeramsnt Eai Won Its Most UeolslTe Victory and opponents win j-rooagiy aoCTju. Maker. Or. May fi. There is general ! satisfaction in Baker over the result of the city election yesterday, when the voters Indprsed the commission, form of government and raised the j sHlsrles of the mayor and two commls- ' stoners. It was for them to deciae fori the third time whether they wanted commissioner form or the manager ; form, and the vote was over two to one in favor of the former, the largest majority yet polled against the mana- Fpr form whox ndvncntes admit that1 there is no use in trying iururer Eight hundred and nine votes were cast for the commissioner foirn, 369 for manager. On the salary question, I ti?4 voted for the raise and against. The Issue came up with the tentative resignation of Mayor Palmer and Wa ter Commissioner Henry, receiving , $l.r)00 and $1200 annually, being cut i from $2500 and $2000 a year ago last ' fall. The Commerlal club backed a I petition to raise the salaries and tho 1 Baker County Tax league came in then with a petition to submit the manager 1 form again, both questions coming up : yesterday. They were decisively an swered, in the hearty Indorsement of t tie commission government an j pres 1 ent administration Iload Supervisor Let Out. Baker. Or.. May 6. W. P. McCub blns, road supervisor of district Js'o. 17 of Baker county, comprising tiie dis trict of Huntington and vicinity, was yesterday removed from office by or der of the county court, which ap pointed J. C. Wooley as supervisor in his place. The court order stated thai the cause of McCubblns' removal was him failure to follow the orders of the court In variou. matter, of road work which he had been Instructed to look after. McCubblns had been supervisor i for several years, and was reappointed the first of the year, Mazamas to Take Trip to Aschoffs Party Will do to Bull Bun and Kike I Best of Way; Dance Will Be Held Tonight. The home of Adolph Ascheff, pio neer mountaineer of the Cascades, and the Sandy River canyon, will be visited by the Masamas in their week-end trip today and tomorrow. The nurtv i.ft in two sections this afternoon, at 3 45 and at 5:55 p. m., going to Bull Run. From there they will hike to Aschoff's home, seven miles, spending the night in camp in a grove nearby. A dance nas Deen arranged lor tonight at the hotel. Tomorrow the party will des cend into Sandy River canyon, visit one of the power dams of the Port land Railway, Light & Power company and the fish hatchery. The return to Portland will be at 7:46 tomorrow eve ning. C. E. Blakney is the leader Milwaukee Cuts Its rrj . , i . limfi T.n thP HnClCsf' J-ALU.U LU tUO VJUdOL Chicago. May . (I. N. S.) The running time from Chicago to Seattle of the "Columbian" has been shortened two hours, according to official an nouncement at the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad headquarters here today. The cut In time between Chicago and Puget Sound will make no differ ence in the special sleeper service to and from Portland on th rniumhi. uy way or tne u-W. R. & n. Co. The car will lay over in .Spokane the ad uiuonai time Detween trains. Indictment Is Dismissed. Judge Morrow today dismissed the indictment against A. J. Clark, charg ing him with arson. The indictment was dismissed on the ground of insuf ficient evidence to warrant a conviction. ARLINGTON HBGHTS FRANCHISE-IS HELD BY LA E Failure to File $10,000 Bond and Acceptance for Right to Run Cars Is Cause, WILL MOVE TO REPEAL Company "Will Try to Bee tire JTew Franchise and Pay Delinquent Amounts to ths City, The franchise head by the Heights Trust company to operate a car Una on Arlington Heights Is void because of failure of the company to file a $10,000 bond and acceptance, according tg, a decision of City Attorney La Roche. As result of the failure of the com pany to file Its bond and acceptance and pay $280 due on its franchise fee, an ordinance ifc' to bo introduced before the city council Wednesday by Com missioner Blgelow repealing the origi nal franchise ordinance. It la said, however, that the Heights Trust company will attempt to pre vent the city prohibiting its cars from operations by seeking a new franchise and paying the delinquent amounts. The council will decide whether or not a new franchise is to be granted. FRANCHISES TO KE REQUIRED. Telegraph Companies Must Secure Right to Operate Call Boxes. The Western Union and the Postal Telegraph companies are to be re quired to take franchises to operate their messenger call box systems, under an ordinance which is being prepared without a franchise from the city. The franchise plan for the Western I'nion d ,ne pOBtai companies comes as re suit of complaint by the City Messen ger & Delivery company. An ordinance repeiillnt? the franchise grant to the City Messenger Deliv- ry company is to be before the coun- cil Wednesday, Commissioner Blgelow aims to repeal the ordinance because of failure of the company to pay tha $1200. MORE HALL FIELDS ADDED. City to Have 16 or 17 Diamonds for Use of Amateur Players. The city is to have IS or 17 baseball diamonds in readiness for use of ama- t baseball players by the time tha summer park season opens. Last year the city had 13 tracts in use for the ball players but this year three or four are to he added. Heed college has donated the use of its ball field to the park bureau and the city is establishing a base ball ground near the forestry build ing. These are. two which the city did not have last year. Park Superin tendent Convlll said this morning that at least two more would be secured before the ball season is well along. .o definite date has been fixed for the opening of the summer Dark and playground season but it will be about June 1. Action In Pool Room Postponed The question of revoking the license of the Columbia poor and billiard room at 107Va Sixth street is to be decided by the council next Friday. The coun cil heard evidence yesterday and post poned action. It is charged that gam bling was permitted in the place, but Fred Hussman, proprietor, denies this. Following the hearing, Commissioner Baker stated that no sane man would revoke the license on the evidence which had been presented to the coun cil. To lioiin Work Monday. Work on tha foundation of Port land's public auditorium. Third and Market streets, begins Monday when workmen begin pouring concrete into the forms. From then on work is to be pushed. Some delay was encoun tered owing to failure of steel for rein forcing to arrive when due, but that is now ' here an the cement pourlnj i " " - I that " V. De.a ye" befo,re. WOrl1 OD l"" ' ...cicu. Property Owners to Meet. A meeting of the property owners I assessed for the construction of Hill ' side boulevard is to be held at 2 t o'clock Monday afternoon in City At . torney La Roche's office in the city I hall. Mr. La Roche is to attempt to get an agreement from the property owners that they will pay the assess I ments levied against them provided 1 the city will agree to put Hlllsside boulevard In shape for travel. Ordinance Is Opposed. Although a number of physicians are seeking the repeal of an ordinance prohibiting tuberculosis sanitariums in the city, a number of people are oppos ,nf? tne Plan- This is evident with tha JlinS of a petition by William Young asking that no action be taken toward repealing the ordinance. The petition i contains about 75 signatures. Mrs. Wintler Dies. Vancouver, Wash., May 6. Mrs. Albertlna Wintler, an aged pioneer resident of this city, died this morn ing at her home, 112 West Twelfth street. Jbihe was a native of Radols sell, Baden, Germany, and came here in 1363. She had been a widow since liSU. Mrs. Wintler is eurvived by the fol lowing cnnaren: Airs. Anna S. Di lels- Mr- Albertlina W. Cook. M Marie Wintler, Miss Jesse M. Wlntl lowing children: Mrs. Anna S. Dan- iss tier and Miss Kate M. Wintler of Vancou ver, Mrs. Ruth W Burdlck of Galvin, Miss Emma K. Wintler of Corvallls, or Jr. u. wintler of Keattle, and J. R. Wintler of Bakiersf ield, Cal. The body is being held at her late home pending the completion of fun eral arrangements. Miss Gregory lie-elected. Oregon City, Or., May 6. Miss Ruth Gregory, who is a sister of Mrs. 11. 1 ' tannage or tois city ana wno is engaged in teaching school at Hoquiam, wash., has been reelected to teach the faU term with an advance in salary. Miss Gregory is w"ll known in this city, where she resided for some time before taking up br work at Hoquiam. She will spend her summer vacation with her sister in this city. Wben writing- er rattla an aevertlwr nrns VOID ROCH SMBttoa Tb Journal. a. SUPREME SECRETARY COMING TO PORTLAND i i ! . c- - I f P Jr " William J. McGinley. William J. McGinley, supreme secre tary of the Knights of Columbus, will visit Portland tomorrow and Monday. Mr. McGinley will make two talks to the Knights tomorrow at the initiation and at the banquet In the evening at tna rock he said. the Portland hotel. Knights from all j The system of paying the prisoners over the state will be here to meet him I JB cente a day was installed when the and attend the initiation and state Kelly Butte guardhouse was turned convention. over to Sheriff Hurlburt by the county The Knights of Columbus wlHcommigsioners following a Jailbreak in initiate a larse class -tomorrow at the -which 12 prisoners made their escape Cathedral hall. It will be followed by on Sunday night while the guards were banquet In the evening at the fort- land hotel. Monday will be turned I over to the work of the state conven tion whlh will fnni-MiA at 1A n'flnrk ' at the Knights of Columbus club. TAKES LEAD IN RACE iL Miss Georgia White Climbs Suddenly From Tenth Place; to the Top. Miss Georgia White of Corvallls took the lead In the contest for queen of the Rote Festival this morning, climb ing from tenjh place. Miss Mildred Pegg, who led yesterday afternoon, dropped to second place. Standings of the candidates as shown by the day's count follows: Georgia White, Corvallls 158.950 CORVALLIS CANDIDATE FESTIW QUEEN Mildred Pegg, Vancouver 150,410 apportioned as follows: City of Port Muriel Saltng, Pendleton 149,073 land. $308,803; Portland school difi- Jeweli Carroll, Knights and La- j trlct, $230,925; aute, $99,388; county, dies of Security 117.261 Rose Uptegrove. Oregon City.. 140,42$ Eleanor Jackson. Modern For esters. McMinnville J 10,265 Lillian C. Hendricksen, Fores ters of America 136.621 Ed el Fraasch. Eugen 123,213 Mrs. Maud Gilman, G. A. R 114,107 Anna B. Allen, Metropolitan life Insurance company .... I07.S2S Marion Anderson, Albany 91,86 7 i,ouise Taylor, western tnlon S2.03; Waive Jacobs. Klamath Falls 73,224 Myrtle McClarkin, Rose City Park . $16 Cause of Increase In Evans' Office That over $4000 expense of Dis trict Attorney Cameron's adminis tration had been carried over and charged against the expenses of the year 1913 after District Attorney f.vanH wns in offici was one of the statements made by Deputy District JIammersly at a meeting of the Sun nyslde Republican club last night. Ho was Interrupted by Attorney Mar tin Hawkins, who had preceded him, speaking In behalf of John C. McCue. "You have placed that $1600 too high," said Mr. Hawkins. "O, then you did know that some amount had been carried over and you neglected to tell this audience about it," rejoined Mr. Hammer sly, who previously had said that he did not believe Mr. Hawkins was wil fully misquoting the figures. Mr. Hammersly replied to a charge made by Mr. Hawkins, that the com plaint in the Schultz case had been faultily drawn by showing that the onnrt hnd nassed unon this as a nues- tion of law and had held the com- plaint valid. He also said that out of more than a thousand Indictments drawn during Mr. Evans' term, not a single one had been held defective by the court. District Attorney Evans made a one-minute talk before " Webfoot camp. Woodmen of the World, at Woodmen temple, last night. He called attention to the pledges he had made in the campaign four years ago and courted the judgment of the citizens upon the manner in which the Pledge had been carried out. Shock of Death of Son Kills Mother East Orange, N. J.. May 6. fU. P.) Mrs. William F. Stagg, mother of Clinton Stagg. killed In an automobile accident in Hollywood, Cal.. Wednes day night, Is dead today of a broken heart. She was ill as the result of an operation when the news of her son's death was received. The mother immediately suffered a relapse. XIrs. Stagg and her son will be burled to gether on Tuesday, Stagg waa a New York writer. Hide Thief Pleads Guilty. Vancouver, Wash., May 8. Jack Bagley, arrested a short time ago for stealing some bides from the City Cash Market, today entered a plea of guilty to burglary In the second degree. Judge R. H. Back of the superior court sen tenced him to serve from six months to 15 years in the state reformatory at Monroe. Choir Will Travel. Oregon City, Or., May 6 The choir of the Presbyterian church will go to Clarka on Sunday afternoon and will render music at the services -at the grange hall at 3:30 o'clock, which will be conducted by the pastor. Rev. J. P. Landsborough of this city. PRISON RS ARE DOING AT PILE, STATES SHERIFF Sum of Nearly $100 Earned by M-en. Since Rule Became Effective April 1 , MEN PAID 15 CENTS DAY System of Paylmg Prisoners Installed Following Zscapa of Kumber of TbOga la Custody. Since the first of April, the prisoners at Kelly Butte have earned nearly 100 at the rate of 16 cents a day for tha time they work in the rock quarry. County Auditor Martin today notified 8heriff Hurlburt that the 100 appro priated by the county commissioners for this purpose was about used up, so Sheriff liirlbut will go before the commissioners next Monday and ask for another appropriation. Sheriff Hurlburt declared that the , prisoners at the quarry were doing as I good work as though they" were free men and were receiving 12.60 a day. He said he was not running tha quarry at capacity because the county is not using the crushed rock as fast a it could be turned out. Approximately 150 yards of crushed rock could be ou, - rtBV if thero was need for playing cards in the office. . VOIR SEEK SEPARATION. Domestic Troubles Are Aired in Complaints Filed. "Failed to treat her in a social man ner by taking her visiting or to place of amusement, button the other hand, has been Irritable, cross and irasci ble." On that ground Vida K. Crosne is asking for divorce from K. S. Crosno in a complaint filed in circuit court. They were married at Ahtanum, Wash., in 189S. nn the grounds of cruelty, Evelyn Giace Rooney has filed suit lor di vorce from Frank J. Kooney. They were married at Pocatello, Idaho, in 1012 and have one son. She asks for $00 a month alimony. Two other tuits for divorce were filed, as follows: John Peters vs. Mildred Peters, married In Iowa in 1912, adultery; Delia Graves vs. Lyle A. Graves, married in Los Angeles in 1913, desertion. $909,180 Turned Over. The final large turnover of tax money, collected during the first ta psying period, was made by Sheriff I Hurlburt to County Treasurer Lewis today. It amounted to $0S,1S0. This sum will be distributed by the county treasurer to the various taxing dis tricts, the principal amounts being $90,185; Port of Portland, $36,345. Arguments Are Postponed. The demurrer to the indictment against C. A. Warriner, charged with assault with his automobile, was not argued today before Judge Morrow, as had been scheduled, owing to absence from the city of Attorney John Logan, ; who is to maKe tne argument in behalf of Warriner. Logan will be in Call fornia until some time next week. Deputy District Attorney Collier will present the state's view. Punishment Held Sufficient, The case against W. E. Benton, who was convicted in the municipal court of a technical violation of thje prohi bition law and appealed to the circuit court, was dismissed today by Judge Morrow on recommendation of Deputy District Attorney Ryan. Since his con viction in the municipal court on April IS. Benton has been serving time at Kelly liutte ana tne court neia mat his punishment haa been sufficient. Driver of Auto Is Sued. As Kd ward J. Reynolds was crossing the street he waa struck by an auto mobile being driven by Susan Gllstrap. He waa knocked down and injured. As a result he haa filed suit for $1080 damages against the driver of the ma chine. He alleges she waa negligent In that she failed to sound a warning and failed to drive around him. Railroad Company Sued. Harry Btarfas, administrator of tffe estate of George Vasileon, filed suit today against the Southern Pacific ! company for $2999 damages. Vaslleon was killed by a Southern Pacific train near Harrisburg, Linn county, on May 24. 1914. Immediate Vote on Rublee Is Ordered Senate Interstate Commerce Committee Orders Tot pa Confirmation of Ped eral Trade Commissioner Boole. Washington, May 6. (U. P.) An im mediate vote on confirmation of the nomination of Federal Trade Commis sioner Rublee was ordered by the sen ate Interstate commerce committee to day. The committee was not polled and the opposition to the nomination is not known. The appointment is considered of secondary Importance only to that of Louis D. Brandeis as supreme court justice. Senator Gallinger held up the appointment all during the last session on the ground that Rublee was "per sonally obnoxious." This may be suf ficient to beat him. Cummins to Arrive In Oregon Thursday Presidential Candidate Expects to X.eT Washington, X. C, for Ton? of Stat Today. Washington, May . (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) Senator Cummins expects to leave today for a weeks' campaign tour in Oregon. He will enter the state from California Thursday. Porsey B. Smith Called East. Dorsey B. Smith, local agent of the Grand Trunk Railway system, leaves tonight for McLeansboro, III. He is called east by the serious illness of his GOOD WORK ROCK father. Injury Sustained in j Accident Is Fatal JUstA Korton, Wno Was Knrt am Wbta raU wmia pnatiag , 91od X.ast Wight at Hospital. While on a fishing trip thres weeks ago, Lloyd Horton, 22 yeara old, of Tigard, tripped over a log and fell heavily, striking on his head. Tha Injury seemed superficial and no atten tion wag paid to it. Ten days later, however, a mysterious head trouble de veloped, which resulted tn his death at the Good Samaritan hospital last night. Pofct mortem examination this morning; showed that death was due to an ab scess of the brain. Dr. H. V. Ong, who attended the young man, thought that the abscess wag due to tha fall, but j other surgeons present were doubtful , of this origin of the disease. The body was removed to the Erick son undertaking widow survives. establishment- YOUNG, WANTED FOR CONFESSEDHIS GUILT On Bad Bill of Lading He Se cured $6500 From Centen nial Firm. Portland, Tacoma, Wash.. May 6. (P. N. S.) Before police officials here today, J. A. Young, alias Levlne. Williams, Win ters. Wright, Thomas, etc.. made a clean breast of deals by which, since 1914, he has swindled pacific coast grain dealers out of $11,260. most of which he has since lost in promotion schemes. Young, deciding that "the Jig was up," made a full confession to Chief of Detective William Fackler, Night Captain Frank Geary, who brought him back from San Bernardino, Cal., und to Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Myron C. Cramer. Operate! 1b Portland. According to the statement made afterward by the officers. Young will plead grullty here Monday to the grand larceny charge hanging over him. In which it is alleged he bilked P. J. Fransloll & Co. out of $2500 last fall. Young, the officers say, confessed i that since 1914, he has worked with considerable success, securing .'$5600 from a Portland firm, $1500 in San Francisco, $650 in Oakland, $200 Tacoma and $1000 in Minneapolis. Was an Expert. The police have information that Young, once accounted one of the best grain experts in Utah, was formerly both mayor and postmaster of a Utah city. His family, knowing nothing of his nefarious schemes and supposing him to be away on grain commission business, resides in San Diego, where j bis children are attending high school. ! In bringing Young back to Washing- j ton, Captain Geary said he played hide ; and seek da,y and night with detectiva.) of Oakland, San Francisco and Port land, all of whom were trying their best to get Young Vr trial lo their re spective cities. J. A. Young, captured in San Ber nardino, Is the man who, on a fake bill ; of lading, secured $6500 from the Cen- tennlal Milling company of this city, j He was identified in San Bernardino I by Louis Houger, formerly with J Meyer-WHson & Co. here, and who I passed through here today en route to : Tacoma, where he is now employed. i Mexican Burglar's Plans Frustrated BEan Who Invades Homes of Japanese Scared Away, In iUl Bat On Case Befor Ac pairing- Much Iioot. Wholesale burglaries were at tempted by a Mexican early yesterday J morning at some Japanese homes in i the vicinity of Twelfth snd Glisan I streets, but various incidents coin, , bined to frustrate his designs in au but one Instance. j The home of Y. Nakamura at 127 : North Twelfth street was the first entered. As the thief collected $17 in gold and silver, a gold watch chain and some clothing, a Japanese woman asleep in another room was aroused and saw the Intruder. She described him as being a short statured Mexi can, carrying a flash light. The man ran' from the house. A short time later he was In the home of S. Shlmo jlmn at 129 North Twelfth street, next door, but a baby was awakened, and its cries frightened the burglsr away as the father got tip to see what was the matter. In leaving this he took a pair of trousers and a vest. At other residences he drank from milk bottles on the door steps. British Restrictions On Fruit of Oregon Washington. May 6. Representa tions by the American ambassador in London concerning restrictions placed on importations of dried, preserved and canned fruits into the United Kingdom have brought no promise jf any relaxation of the rules, under which such shipments will be stopped through the summer and restricted by special lleense after next October. Secretary of State Lansing "Vies transmitted to Senator Chamberlain and Representative Hawley a cable gram received from Ambassador Page, in which no reference Is made to the request that licenses be granted be tween now and October. The mes sage says: "In reply to my representations for eign office Informs me that for the purpose of granting special import li censes preserved fruit, etc., must have been on the way to consignees in Great Britain on or before March 4 and not March 13. Kurther that applications for issuance of such licenses shouln be addressed by consignees in United Kingdom to the Board of Trade." Victim Arreat Auto Iriver. When Ernest Wilsont an employe of the Port of Pertland, was- run down while riding his motorcycle at East Fifty-second and Division streets last night by an automobile, he became his own police officer and brought the offending driver to police headquar ters. The machine was driven by K. C. Hamlin, a salesman, and the detail1 of the accident were threshed out be fore Sergeant Oelsner, with the result, according to the sergeant's report, that Hamlin admitted blame for the colli - Ision and agreed to settle for ti.e dara es. GRAN SWINDLES HAS Two Young Men Are Put Under Arrest Accusation or Contributing to DsUm Quency of Two Xlaor Oirls Kadat SCaa and Woman Bought. Leroy Miller, 23. and Gordon Ferry, 18, are in the county jail charged with contributing to the deliquency of two 16-year-old girls, and the police, ars looking for hh older man and woman who were with them, as the result of an escapade of two weeks ago tonight. The boys Invited the girls to take a ride. They hired a Jitney, and then went to a dance hall to pick up a man who wmm with them. ffjr riHit.n. for a while, as a lark the girls ac cepted the Invitation of the older mHn to visit a house in the Woodstock dis trict. One step led to another until the crowd decided to spend the night there, The terday two boya were arrested ves on romnlatnt nf M... Chandler erounsa of tha denV't, public safety jor women, hut so fur . ' , ur me omcr woman The girls, both of whom are Iron. K,,d famMles. are in care of the Juvenile Jitney Driver Taken By Plainclothes Man Charre Made of Exceedlar 8pee4 Idmlt PnllA.. . I atpt ay oa the Speedometer of Oar. .ulrrou complaints coming to the police that Tom Gekas. jitney driver was not only persistently exceeding the speed limit, but also Insulted his women passengers, resulted in his arrest luut i .. . . " . ,,,BMl y motorcycle Pa trolman It. L. Crane. t rane borded Gekas' Alberta Jitney him The r0d. dWn 0 Wh k m . V er' '" nl!4in clothes, sat beside Gekas and watched the speedo meter as the Jitney driver raced down Oregon street with another machine. This was Cranes allegation when he ui9 io ponce headquarters. C.eka then said hi speedometer was faulty. The machine was taken to Front street and tried out by Motor cycle Patrolman Ervln and found ac curate. Bandit Steal $10,000. Bald Knob, Ark, May S.(l N 8) Six bandits early today simultane ously dynamited safes In four stores here and escaped with money and Jew elry valued at $10,000. The bandits however, later were located by a posse """ " i"'"-" uame is imminent. NOW PLAYING TO the officers have not located the old..r!an(1 "ther badly tlamsged by fire of a n MEM SARA In Her Stirring Version of The Eternal SaplMD The Much Discussed Photoplay NO wise man would carry a gun which would hesitate about going off when you pulled the trigger. You've got to be able to depend on a gun. With cigars when you put your hand in your pocket, you want to draw out one you're sure of. We've been trying to tell you that you can depend on the mellow ness and uniform flavor of the OWL. Will you do us the favor of testing the OWL ? Suppose you invest that nickel today 1 THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGAR ' . - l " M.A.OUNSTa.CO. .n,,.-,,. ' INCORPORATED 11 ' " FLAMES CONSUME 2 ES IN ALBERTA DISTRICT One House Is Entirely De-. stroyed and Other Badly Damaged; One Is Insured, ORIGIN OF FIRE UNKNOWN Belief Za Expressed That Orerheated Cook atovo iponst MeMarshal Will Hake Xnveatiratloa. One home w.ik cotnnlatnlv d.i.n..t unknown origin In the Knst Alberta dis trict snortly before o'clock last night. The homes were thou nr xn.... Hachei Libble Dllll0s t 10,G t ,1 wenty-ninth street north, and of J II. ' J029 ,:,l"t T"'"t -ninth street , north. The houses ar adjacent, atU u n ivy piaco c citught from the other I II The blaze oilalnatr.i in , i. .J ' The fire I. .heated kitche. - nmiieii ironi un over- ly and not until ,), flIn camo out nelgnboVr r"l 4'"" th firl'6. "Ki"CH 14 "J 18 arrived, the fire hud spread to th. c, ..!-.. . dence and burned off a .teriner'extenl Ion The Misses DuMois had Jus, f . lahed paying for their home and fm-m. tore, and the loss was n( insured. They are employed in laundry work! The Cawley. loss is covered lv Insur ance. An lni.tiln.1ii . " ""l" i" ueiei'iiiHia ...n uu.,-, ii possible. In under way by the fire marshal' office today. J-ane Pioneer Die. , " ' r" A,ay Mrs. Mary Wlmmer. pioneer resident of in. ,,vea ,,, (liB j,art nf iuo oune lor ib vests, died at her . jr,rr.uiy at noon, at the ase of 6 yeara Airs. Wlmmer Is nu.Mveci ny two daughters, Mrs J W ...... t..vh ,,i in,nK ut1(1 Slrs inward Adumu l,f . ....,.,,, , M1 1 anu otl0 jmmm v immer or Irving. Tin uur ... win i,e h.-id Ht ,ha united meiuren enure h at Irving. HunSay """ "' ,v " iocs, interment will ..c i me irmriiTy near t h vi o. CROWDED HOUSES ADJOINING RESIDENC i r '