13 THE- OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1918. ntSlXKSS OPPORTUNITIES 2U 1 Oft BALE or trade, Hardware and )ttiK utore tn Willamette valley, west old, doing $25,000 per year. Ill health Hid reason for neUlnjr. No pomoetltlon. Will tak V In trad balance In cash. wx-76. Journal. uN'b'i!XJTl(JNK.HY and waiting room for aale, oave 2 ntorea, can t loon After' both, will sell one for $375, worth $550, good location, big Hummer trade coming on. don't mlas this anap. Inquire at 202 23J at. i ftliNTKR With $1000 cash, can ae cura half Interest In enta'ilished newspaper in prosperous payroll town. An opportunity for good man. Deal di rect with own er. Journal. Oil SALE; the best equipped lapidary and xnt. Jewelry shop on the roaat; ona, eatabllahed 9 yearn; will sell at actual coat: central location; owner, X-64. Journal i'OK SALE Larue rooming house, mostly II. K. apartments, well filled, ftplendla location, will take little cash, balance In real estate. K-922, Journal. iOR sale or trade, a modern up-to-date Creetona auto popcorn wagon. For price, terms, etc. Address H, 20th yj A St.. Corvalilw. Or. IKOOEKY Invoice $:!.r.ii0. Kales $1500 per month, old extubliKhed, will tako part trade or mortgage, no agents. II-72S. Journal. MAKE me an offer for building and business o- for either business or - uildlng. Knterprise Cleaners, 23d and Northrup t. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED OH 5 BOOM bungalow for grc-ery. i " Bell wood 1233. Call MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OUR installment plan is the best and surest method or paying a loan. ai.it per month ror J mourns, or $21.24 for 60 months, or 716.17 for yti month ways I100J loan and interest. : Other amounts In proportion. . Waj loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. EQUITABLE SVUS At LOAN ASSN., $4$ Stark St.. Portland. Oregon. iv'K have money to loun ui i;' in sums ranglngt rom tluuu to $3000 ou im proved city properly. R. K. MKNKKKK .1- CO., f 419-417 Kailwny Kxchiinge Bldg. Phone Alain 4u3j. CITY LOANS. u - a t'ABM LOANS. .. S' r. .'A SAFK DKI'ii.-UT li(.- One cent per day Insures tin- s.i IVt v of valuable papers. INloN SAFK 1K1MJSIT & TKU8T f'n, l'HI OAK LET Lih MAKE l!K LOAN 8. $ 700 8 ?000 8 $1400 8 $3000 7 NEILAN & PA I'.KIl ILL. 803 block KxchaiiKe bids.. 3d nnd Yamhill. bUlLiUl i.M iGan.- o.i in y and BUDuruan property, money advanced as work Progresses. W O. Heck, 315 Falling nirtat. Mnln 34(17. JVU.uuu uis iiiurlg.igw city or tarin :i property, rlre insurance. McKenzle A Co.. OerlliiKer hldK . 2d nnil Alder V.ASH paid icr iiu''. iKges. uoles. con tracts, moitguK! loans; reasonable rates. F. II. Lewis. 4 Lewis bldg. iuuiNt iu !.-. i. in uiuouiiis ui ili'u to 1500(1 on city m oDtri y., A. H. TH Mo I (frhngir tildg VK have money i loan n improved real estate. I lie Oregon Home Build- ers, 1330 N. V. Hank I ldK. lutisr. io iuhii on iinpiuved city, faun property ! Klnit. 314 SnaMint 4UUU jf to ouuu io loun on city or Tarm proper iy iHhor 2.20 tJuu. oou, tuu, Kuu. ilBuu rreq VV. Ugrman ( o . 732 cham. Com. IIU.WU UK iit.sb. KAi.KhNuro.N. $0 4th St. Hoard nf Trade Hldg bU,c us miiuii loans, inniaiiiueni loaiis. Cellarw-iMunon v o., W25 Yeon hll. AiOli iOrttic luaho. oVii to i'o. ureiion -inv, Min U.ii'i' ( o . 170 3d St. $1560 AT 6''c, 5()0-i00 ',', Jluoo 7. NO com. Want, 4(ii Spalding bldg. MOItlLl.lUC L,OA,3, 0 alio i'r Luui Salomon i. 'too ' ; k sf . near 5th JtOiNf.) 10 loan to ,o vv. il. belli A Co. XKV Spnldinir hldsr MONKV TO LOA5 OT CHATTELS, SALAIWES - - - 1 - - -i - SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and Others on furniture, pianos, motor. cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc.. at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. Licensed by Ptate. Vitt'UitNu L,OAi CU.MI'a.Ni. INC.. ill Hokum bldg LOANS WANTED SO VB WANT $1600 ot d',r.; $1800 at 8; li.oou at it; 2u.oou at 7'7r: Sto.ouo t tco: and oUier amounts. The Ore gon Home Iluildcr. 1230 N. W. Hank pay b(o lor $15.0t'0 for b years, vaeounty U20 acres, highly improved farm, li miles from heart of Portland. r-DBV; journal WANT . to borrow $5uu at 8 per cent On highly improved 10 iicres. Wash. Ington county. 1'rivate parties only Value $3500. C-726, Journal. $1000 at 8 per on 5 room house and acre of ground. Materson. t)2 vu. cox bldg. f TO borrow $5oo. 7',o first mortgage. best aecurity; principals onlv. i;- 740, Journal. $600, Irvington security; $22r0. Al- Dina, close in. h-n.M. Jouinal. FINANCIAL 51 wt and 2d tnorigagea purchased; also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wasn H. E. Noble Lumhermens bldit CHATTEL M O R T O A C, E S PUR CHASED. INQUIRE 311 Dekum bid. J; HELP WAN TEH MILE 1 WNTED-Men tcT know thtTt the quickest and easiest way to go to and from work In on the Indian ih,. erwelght: eccnomlcal to run, eimpie to operate, low in cest. Ask to be ehown th Featherweight model. H Lystul MTh Motorcycle Man,' dealer in In dian motorcycles, supplies and repairs 488 Union ave., N., cortier Sacramento at" Phone East 6977. ATTENTION lumbermen yard and mill men for steady work, modern mill, healthy clean surroundings good schools, wages $2 to $2.20 for common labor, will advance capable men mar ried men preferred; take Northern Pa cific train 7:35 a. in. from llninn Luedlnghaus Bros., Dryad, Wash. SALESMAN for wholesale fruit and produce line; must have acquaint ance with city trade; give references. W-761. journal. EXPERIENCED counter man wanted by Damascus creamery lunch, 148 Broadway. Only experienced man need apply. WANTED An experienced cake baker to take first place in shop. Call be- tween 8-a P. M. 455 5th st. WANTED Man to do Janitor work in" .'mall apt. house for rent of 3 room apt. - Marsh. 2011. WANTED Solicitor tor creamery: state experience. F-925. Journal. EMPLOYMENT department X. A. Service free tn members BOT to learn good trade. 231 Stark. WANTED A doctor. 2-378, Journal. ' HiiLl' WANTED 311LC. 49 S,1"' cT i A U i'O MUB ILK HOO L Day . and night classes; training Ic repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, lathe, ahaper. drill press, etc; time unlimited. Secu.-e Ja.mm i cuucanonai oirice X. M. C A. ids;, to Inspect our anopa and meth od, y COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS VND -MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fa includes MEMBERSHIP IN T M C A. and Ita EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT. UM of 60-ft. swimming ( pooi. hower hths gymnasium ete. i $75 MONTH. Government jobs. Men . women wanted. List of positions free. . Franklin Institute. Dept. 34-0. Rochester, N. Y. ., WANTED- Names men, , wlshius; to .- become Portland mail carrier. 1:0m nienca $6T month. OX-932. Journal. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.50 ns. Taylor th Tailor. 28 hk BuiUd. HELP ' WAyTEpFE3LffaJS 2 WANTED Young lady In need of good home, or young widow with child under 14 months to assist wltn housework in country. Address Esta cada. Or,, R. 3. box 11. WOMAN with daughter about 15 years old. Woman must be capable house keeper. Daughter needed for nurse for 5 year old boy. Telephone Brown, Main 6969. WANTED Good girl for general housework; must be Al cook and have good references: none other need apply. 421 R lth N. East 2802. G1KL tor general housework in fam ily of 2. Swedish. Finnish or Uer man prefe r r e d. Phone East 1052. RELIABLE girl to take cash and an swer telephone. Apnlv 22 r 1st st. GJKL of some experience wanted tor gen e ra 1 housework; $18. Tabor 5472. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 2il MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn th trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured: lummer nits, m for catalogue. 48 N. 2d st MUHLhK BARBER bCHOoL wants men and women to learn the barber trade free of charge in 8 weeks; posi tions secured; pay while leurning. 36 and 38 N. 2d st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; positions guaranteed. 23 J Madison. WANTED AGENTS AOHNT8 wanted, tube toilet preparation. 60 extracts and ! E. 8th st. K. El T L Al ION S MALE .1 STATIONARY engineer, 15 years' ex perience, operating and installing engine in mills, wishes position In or out of the city; best ui references. A. D. llerr, 65 L. ,(Jth si. N. Phone Tab ir R ELI A li L1C, energetic married man wishes office position. Expei irnced cashier, bookkeeper, credits and gen eral office work. First class referenced furnished. 1-738, Journal. MALE STENOGRAPHER, over t yrs. e.n.. desii' S position. tfinlor'.t y if nothing permanent available. Tel. E. 7fi2-'.. MR. owner, young married (nan, steam engineer and electrician will worU any place, handy with tools, can save yoii money on repair work. Main 4 . . lil.TCHER wants position to taki; charge or rent or run on shares, small meat market. W-LS6. Journal. WANTKO Employment, by first class plumber, in or out of city. H-18j. Journal. EXPERIENCED man wishes position as hall man or elevator man. li- 60!iK Room ;!. PA 1 N T 1 N ; , kalsominiiiK, rooms $2 up. Papering, whitewashing, reasonable. East 662'.). v-D.n i'l- 1 n.iN i shop mechanics and chAuf'.e.irs furnished by Y M. C. A. Auto school Main T'iftS A-riF.dl PA INT I NO, pap rhaiiRing. tinting, $2 per room up C. A. Barnes, Marshall 2828. Main 554!!. COMPETENT cement finisher wants work by day or contract. Phone Wrlln. 3.T3. PRACTICAL painter, tinter and paper hanger and decorator; reduced prices for Ho days. Sellwo'nl 2 772. PA1NT1NO and papering. kalsominiiiK $1.50 a room and up; work guaran teed 3!l7 E. 34th st. Pnrtritnr RuilUinK. plumbing. L(Jim dLlUI plastering, brick and cement work S S Kineerv Mar 15SS SITU A i'lONS FEMALE YOUNG girl wants general housework; good home. 4530 50th St. S. E. Phone Sellwood 14S1. TWO experienced. Industrious women want cooking in camp together. X 350, Journal. STRONG woman desires cleaning, etc. Main 4365 washing. Room 2 1. CARE of children by night or day; references. Marshall 4174. W ANTE1 iff Ice work by competent, experienced woman. H-1S2. Journal. WANTED, position as East 4 012 housekeeper. IP l 'S H HE wanted bv day or hour. E x pe r I e need worn an. Tab) r S 7. SIX L AXIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 GENTLEMAN and ladv wish position on ranch as foreman. Tnorouphly experienced stockman, buyer and sales man. Rank reference. 332 Harrison St., Portland; Or. DHESSLYKING 4W ALL kinds dressmaking, remodeling. designing, reasonable. Also instruc tion at Economy Dressmaking parlor and school. 503 Dekum bid. M:iin h702. NURSES (50 "li. MALE nurse; references given. Lewis, Broadway 2213. r cliNISHED KOO.uS FURNISHED rooms for young men in all parts of the city, also In Y. M. C. A. bldg., especially desirable during the summer; fire-proof, telephone in eacn room, shower baths, $1.75 to $4.75 per week,' including lull association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swim ming pool, hand-ball court, and many other club privileges. Full informatioa at Y. M C. A. business office or tele phone A1aln73i5A-65l. ituaMMl InliTEL 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Strictly modern, light, cool rooms. $2 to $4 per week; private baths. BACHELOR'S HOTEL Everything new and up to date. For men only. Tenth nnd Washington . Main 6319 InKUTltiL (CMMilfc Ten in a 1 Oak. Mod. tin. iimiiooi re.-lM-cia me S3 week i:d $1.50 WEEK up, clean, warm, modem fur, rms.. central. 1 e King. 309 Jef- FLKN1SHE1) ROOMS raiTATE FAKXX.T. TWO large front rooms, running water, sleeping porch and piano, either are suitable for 2, $15 month. 234 loth st.. i-orner Main. Main 1715. ROOMS for rent, $1.50 per week, mod ern conveniences. 861 . lisa. ave. Phone Woodlawn 30. FURNISHED tent tor rent, clean, healthy place. 697 Kearney st. Mar 1992. NICELY furnished front room, con venient, private family; reasonable; near 23d and Wash. Mar. 2190. WELL furnished room 'U Main st. week. 314 NICELY cheap. furnished rooma 186 N. 16th. for rent NEAT, quiet airy rooms, with phone, bath; adults. 21 N. 11th st. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 THE HEREFORD, 735 737 HOYT ST. A quiet residential hotel American plan Suites Single rooms. Excellent table. Main 3305, A-1722. FIRST class room and board, reason able; modern conveniences. 332 10th Main 6979. ROOMS AND UOAl!D PRIVATE FAMILY. LOVELY front room, suitable for two gentlemen or ladies employed, nice home, excellent mtals. 335 11th st. Marshall 5464. WALNUT PARK Modern, quiet home, pleasant surroundings, airv rnnm. food table board: reasonable. 1099 Oar leld ave. Woodlawn 2025 NEWLY furnished front room suitable for 1 or 2 neraona. all rnnv.nicn... excellent board or without, large shady ibwii. case BOARD and room, walking distance. 168 K. 16th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 DOWNTOWN modern H. K. suites. $15 month nn indurilnv h..i ii.vt . 1 Boyal xnax. SSOii MorrUo'n. H iixt HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 rXTBVZSHES AVD UJTFUBJnSHXD. f Contlauadl Special Rates IN Housekeeping "Rooms For Summer months at 350 H Alder St., between Broadway and Park bts. Light, Heat and Cooking Gas Furnished Free ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison ats.. $2 up. 21 Columhla st. cor. 5th. LARGE corner room, steam heat, elec- i trie lights, bed linen, cooking gas free phone and bath. $3 week. 445 Co- lumbia. 408 JEFFERSON St.. i rooms con nected. 2d floor, $10" per month, 1 room. $8. CLEAN, pleasant 1 and 2 housekeep ing rooms; free phone and bath; rea sonable rates. 193 West Park st. Single and suites, bay windows, sleep ing porches, free light, phone, bath, water all hour. Mercedes, 20th-Morrlson. TWO housekeeping rooms, $lu per month. 645 Vi Washington st., near IRth. FURNISHED and single housekeeping rates $7 to $10 per month. 161 N. !6th. Pom Anto $1 week UP- 401 Flrsl st l-'M MilTs.prep hath. hot, cold wafr KKfCKhST, 175 12th. housekeeping rooms. Comfortable HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 FTJK3JISHED AND UKTUSITZSHZiD. j PHJVATB rAim.T.r $10 2 NICE rooms and sleeping porch, includes lights, phone, bath. Walking distance. 561 E. 6th. Sell wood 1100. FREE lights, heat, phone, bath with convenient IL K. suite; adults. 160 K 14th. NEAT. cUuii rooms, suitable for plain working men. or small family. $1.50, $2 week. 22H 5th s't.. (VP 'onrthouse. Sl'LENLlU rooms, il.i inonth. 22!) o St! S:t wppk: fates liv ! ith st., opp. courthouse. SIMMER rats. JH; 2 furnished H. K. rooms. Phone, bath, electricity. 651 E. Morrison. suite, rent reasonable. 492 Taylor. 1 Oil HE NT HOl'SES UNFttRjnSEED. 12 FOR SALE or rent, new 8 room mod ern bungalow, in restricted district, 1 blocks of Hawthorne car, big gar den, might trade for printing outfit, grocery or lots Owner, 2741 67th st.SE. month, located on 82d st. (macad- amized) iifar Estacada car. Fred W. j ''rerm;n o. 73' I'hnm of Com DOWNSTAIRS f r rent, furnished or unfurnished. 74 Weidler St.; rea sonable. WILL lf-a.se nine room residence. Nob j Hill, walking distance, block from i Wash. .-:!74. Journal. TWO acres with house and barn on 73d St.. Mt. Scott. $4 monthly. Own er, 5n4 Clay st. 5 ItooM cot lane, large grounds, all kinds fruit. 42iS E. 31st. Phone Ta bor 37.24 MODERN porch. E. civ 3 2 9 E. 7th -.n,l Weidler sts An- i rth st N. not '-;!-: fur 2 or ::. some work to he done; garden, fruit; $5 1110., water, j Main 7927. tun l1 laun rtirnXt-rrt rvtttniTe near 0-W." R. N. shops. 804 Minnesota i ave.. between Falling ana tseacn. , T.-i il'lf w.num r-Mtpfl furnished. i?aann1 eaxden. $5 per mo. 82d and Schuyler ; . . StS. latior 4St. MODERN house, 72S Corbett et. Cheap to the right party. $S 6 room modern house, electric and g:is Call M n i n fi 7 ft 5 . 6 ROOM cottage. 131 E. 1 6th. Morrison, $15. Marshall 1377. MODERN 4 room cotflage, loifi East 12th st. N. one block from Alberta. $12 MODERN 4 room cottage, E. 1"Uh slid Simiiv blvd. East 201. 5 ROOM house, close in. $1 8. 348 E. Olisnn st. between E. 2d and E. 3d. Ml iDKRN 7, Park. $1S. room buncalow Main isort. Ronvs City ! room : 1'OR RENT Strictly house on Nob Hill. modern 7 Main 07H2 233 11th st Main 651 FI HMTLRE FOR SALE HOl'SES FOR KENT ADS Vf " turnirure "f o'"su ils'hed in the Hounehoid Goods class- I ificnn.in irh'n nno Is not for rent. ! FURNITURE .limp is. $4 rooms, rent Tabor 159. paid to FIKNISHLD HOUSES 520 Hall st.. above Portland academy, dandy 2 and 4 room tent houses, gas and lvght. hot and cold, shower bath. linest air and view or city and moun tains; cheap rent. Pay you to see them. la minutes walk to r. O. FURNISHED 5 room bungalow. 1142 Stephens, cor. E. 3Sth; $22.50. Haw thorne car Tabor 271,. THE Green bungalow partly furnished it 2Mb and E. btark, $22. o0 per mo. East lKvn. FOR summer apartments, try the Salisbury, with V acre lawn and flow ers 5 Modern 5 room bungalow tor rent, Hawthorne district. 1U29 East Harrison. FIRST floor. 4 rooms, newly furnished, piano, sewing machine, garage, f ruit and garden, tl'i. Woodlawn 209. FOR RENT Small furnished cottage, close to river. George Morse, Jen- nings Icdfce. Or. 2 AND 7 loom house, u and 5 room furnished house, 12 20 E. Main St.. 2 hN'cks of Hawthorne. FURNISHED house, $12. Main 9130. Montavilla line, 5 ROOM bungalow, $10. Tabor 190. ' AI'AHfMliXTS 4.J FVRNISHi:i AND LXFUHN'ISHEl) BALBOA APTS. I Guernsey and Hoistein, 5 and 6 gal- Large modern 2 and 3 room fur. and Ions per cow. Also some good 2-year-unfur.. brick bldg.. bent service,-walk- 'd heifers, just tresh. Take Haw ing dis.; reasonable. 429 Harrison. j thorne car to 24th st. north 2 blocks. SUf'MER rates, 3 and 4 rooms sleep- ing porches, hwd. floors, walking, distance; like a bungalow. Portnomati. 2.10 E 13th St. LUZERNE APTS. 3d and Hall-Mod- ern brick bid?.. 2 ViSiFW iU &Pt- 15 UP i. PENROSE APIS.. N. W . cor. Belmont and Grand P.ve new modern, 2 and 3 room furnished. Service first-class, Walking distance. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S., 3 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts., walking distance; at? very reasonable rent: best of service. Main 2506. ROi-E FRlE.NU. 2So broadwav &.; mod- j ern unfurnisned apts.; large rooms.: beet service, walking q:st Marsh. 1410 iNjvv luiinsneu apis.; concrete block; i 10 ana iio union ave. . Woodlawn 512. ".H.TrrJL.'rlnTJ? h.V . bath- fiIL',.-rU 6th and Har" VHrm?110 Cncre,ll bldg. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, strn heat. $12 up. TUDOR ARMS ATts.. 18th and Couch Pi.one A-1644. Main 2559; new brick bldg.: 2. 3. 4 rooms, modern apts. DIEL apts.. 790 East Ankeny, modern. completely furn. apts.; large, light, sunny, clean. E. lights. istm. ht. E. 108. MAGNOLIA APT8.. E- 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.50 per w . gl'ePp'"K "T"' Z1Z' 1 NOKOMIb apts. 566 Marshall st Mod- J ern- Private bath and dressing r-om; summer rates. flnnnollCourt 401 10th, modern UI I lUl una 0 apartments. liu to $20. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, , rm. apta. war. 33tt, at. iaie, A-2S76. LUXQR APTS.. 324 13th at. Main 8105. Furn. and unfur. 8j 3. 4 room apt. APARTMENTS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED The Knickerbocker Apt, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Attractive 3 room fur. and unfur. modern apt. All new furniture, refer ences. Main 1320. 10th and Harrison sr Walking distance. MARSHALL APARTMENTS. 624 Marshall at. Take W cars. S care or 16th st. cars. Beautiful 3 room furnished apartments. Ail large, outside rooms. Private baths. Heai. water, phone. Janitor service, etc. tortUnd' boue uf quality, comfort and aerrlre THE ALTAMONT. Fifth and College. -iean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, rents reasonable. Heat, water, phone and Janitor service in cluded. VILLA ST. CLARA 12 th and Taylor Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. LINCOLN APARTMENTS CORNER 4TH AND LINCOLN. I i room lurnished apts., with private bath, phone, electric lights and f-leam heat. $18 to $23. Main 1377, A-4152. $18 Modern 3 room furnished apart ment, all outside rooms, in brick and concrete bldg.; private Pacifio phone; private bath. The Earlton, Union and Russell. East 2334. MADISON PARK! APTS. Part St., at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close In. by week or month. THE DEZENDORF 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room fur. and unfur. apts.: also 3 and 4 room fur. apts. OCQiPV APMTLMRITS E. 7th and Taylor sts.. 2 and 3 room apts.; light free, private bath. WESTFAL, 410 5th at. i room ant.. private bath and phone, modern brick, week and up. walking distance. OAMAK, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room apts.. $15. $20. $27.50 Marshal! 2917. FOR IENT FLATS 13 $11 PER MONTH Upper or lower flat, electric lights, bath, wood lift, all lately cleaned. 3S7-287 Vi N 21st, between Thurnian and Upshur. Key next door. $18 MODERN 5 room upper, furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, large porch. Cor. E. 19th and Davis. Call Wood- MODERN 6 room upper flat lor rent, H79 E. 21st. Brooklyn car i,,r-t , Tl : m 7C 7j 777777" j , i win wiin niuuci ii vcnlpncew. Mason and Albina ave. WEST side. $25; 6 room lower flat. 208 14th, near Taylor. Ecst 2301. MKMSHICD ;-I,.TS SO DANDY flats, fully furnished, large rooms, include water, phone and fur race heat, $1 per month. 614 Va snd fcDOi Commercial st. $165 ROOM, clean; lights, phone, water; walking distance. East 3310. 3 room, $13.50. 3 rooms. $15. FURNISH EI) 3 room flat at 6S E. 16th st. ,.. Rose City park carline. East 5421. ROOM, mahogany fur., fireplace, hardwood floors. close in. refer ences; $18. 344 Benton st. FOUR rooms modern. 383 Ross, cor Two blocks to ''5 u. oiuauaj, bridge. Low rent. OUR large room flat, good location. fnt-T .....3 IV, In., .l.-rt ..ioi-v.ii iiu nnniia o. c STOKES AND OFFICES II BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street; reasonable. Journal Publishing Co . Broadway and Yamh.ll. DESK ROOM $5 per month wilt; fur niture; also larger space; ground floor. 30R Oak st. WANTED TO KENT WANTED To rent house. 5 , to 8 rooms; rent must be so cheap owner I would rather give rent than have house stand vacant; relerences given. Phone .Marshall 3927. FOUR or 5 room furnished house, with or near earaee. within 2 miles Ford factory. Call Woodlawn 2673 forenoons. HOUSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 1H , S ELL CHEAP OR TRADE 10 head mares and horses, all sizes, several farm wagons and harness. We Duy. fell or trade. All stock guaran teed as represented or money refunded. 2rt7 E. Kth. yjjlrOK horses and venicles, 4ogd and nousenoid nets ana poultry, read tne ads under these respective headlncs. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications FOR SALE 1 team well matched marcs, weighing 3200 lbs.; 1 team draft horses, weighing 2900 lbs. 226 Russell st. TEAM Mares, sorrels, well matched N double harness and farm wagon, E. Mh $135; pony, $25. and Madison. Woodyard, HORSES and mares All kinds for sale or hire, by day or month. Also good livery rigs and good saddle horses Columbia Stables, 302 Front. Main 3030. j GOOSE.VECK truck for sale, or trade i for farm wagon. Tabor 1855. 54 E. i 74th st. N. ! FOR SALE 1 large saddle horse. j weight 1150. sound and quiet. Phone i Columbia 242. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Renderine Co. FOR SALE, horse, saddle and bridle c h eap. Phone Tabor 4842. GOOD young team for sale and two fresh cows. Phone Sellwood 2461. ' TH REE-horse moving van; fine con Jib; 4 rviom flat, i dttlon; for sale cheap. Tabor 968. LIVESTOCK 10 HEAD of extra - good dairy cows, frefli and coming fresh. Jersey- X niULll I .ci:-1. . io jj. .! 1 1 1 . I. OREGON COW MARKET. Before buying take a look over the cows at the Oregon Cow Market. 10 to 5o head of fresh dairy cows, some high - T ein "heifers, just fresh. I Front and Madison, west end of Haw- I thorne bridge l.'.btj I .... ipailo f Hr- i.alllo fresh tjUrharn cows, heavv milkers, tubercular lested. 1681 West Anna St., Johns car, 1 block north. Phone rvdnmhia 150. FRESH cows. 2. 6 and 7 gallon Dur hams, 2 young Holstelns, good Jer sey. U. S. Stables, Front and Madison sts.. Ayers. JERSEY-DI ROC hogs, thoroughbred; 2 Bows. one wlth litter of 6- bargain for -sh T, fi9X. 0ak r,ro ' TWO tresh cows x roan Durham. 1400 , lhs w,ll sell or trade for beef cat- 1 tie. 955 Mississippi avenue. LIVESTOCK for sale or trade for good I 6 passenger Ford. George Qoddard. ! Route 3, Vancouver, Wash. ; TWO extra good Jersey family cows, 1 thornnehhred arvrl 1 erade 4 srais. each; gen" fe for it ol'. Tabor' 47 A-l FRESH cow and calf for salo cheap; owner leaving city. Phone Sellwood 2164. JERSEY Fresh this week. 2d calf; Hoistein and heifer calf, cheap foi rash. Tel. 9X. Oak Grove. FRESH cows for sale at the U. S. Stables. Guernseys and Holstelns; good milkers. Front and Madison. BEAUTIFUL Jersey, family cow, for sale, heavy milker and high tester. 6 years old. 1005 Missouri ave. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 FOR SALE: Parrot; whistles, sings, good talker. 120 E. Sumner t. LOST Male canary. 332 Jackson st. Phone Marshall 4799. Reward. RABBITS . wanted. Will buy young a4 old. Xa&r 1855- 44 K. 74Ut K. POCIiTTty AND PIGEONS 7 SEE preceding pare for poultry ads. ajtomohi lks-av;;kssokiks 1 Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN 1915 MITCHELL, 7 -nss., cyl.. starter and lights; used very little. 1913 HUDSON, 6 pass 6 cyl.. start er and lights: newly painted. 1914 MITCHELL, 6 pass., 6 cyl starter and lights: A-l condition. 1914 OVERLAND. 6 pass.. 4 cyl., starter and lights. 1914 IMPERIAL, 5 pass.. 4 cyl.. starter and lights. 1912 MAXWELL. 5 pa--. 4 cyl.. In very fine condition. 1912 MITCHELL. 2 pass.. 8 cyl.; A-l condition. 1914 MITCHELL. 2 pass. 6 cyl.; good as new. big discount. 10 pass, hotel bus, in A-l condition, cheap. A. NUMBER OP OTHERS TO SELECT FROM; SEE THEM TODAY. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. E. 1ST AND E. MORRISON STS. East 7272 B-1216 WE ARE HAVING A CLEAR ANCE SALE OF ALL OUR T'SED CARS FOR THE CLOS ING OUT OF THE SEASON. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF OUR PRICES: ONE FIVE PAS SENGER REO. ALL OVER HAULED. WITH ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTJR, $450. 331 COUCH ST.. NEAR BROAD WAY. Buick Buick. Buick Buick 1914 BUICK. model 37, torpedo road ster, fully equipped, electric lights an.l starter; run only 8000 miles; cannot be told from new; original cost $135u; our price $675. Francis Motor Car Ex, East lVp9. E. 13th and Hawthorne Av. oARAGES $3a and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood sheds etc. M i I 1 m a d e Con st ruction Co. JIain 1167. 544 Hood st. Sundays and evenings. Woodlawn 3615. SEE our slock of j'ord delivery bodies, also auto wheels, our own make; guaran teed. Carl Peterson, 121 Grand ave. north, last 143. EVER-READY 1 TON TRUCK Attachment $360; Truck Complete. $' 75. tnAYW-SHAven-ounzY 1 MAMINr 4?A. I fca MARI4fii I5Th&COUCHVb Manufactures and repairs auto spring. Get a writen guarantee, prices reduced DOUBLE tread. puncture proof tires made from f our old ones. Bring them n. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash, at 18th. Burnside at Broadway. (335 Burnside-) PIERCE-ARROW 4 8. 7-passenger car used verv carefully. AlSO PIERCE 36, in perfect condition. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., MAIN 6244. ST UDE BAKER "6"; 7 PASSENOER. This car has been driven very care fully, and Is in fine condition; $700. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington Sts. Main 6244. Let Us Solve lour Sonne Trouble. Guaranteed Washington carriage springs. cor. Union and Bel mont. E. 13 ii 5. 395. 35. 1914 Overland, elec. lights and start er, A-l shape, looks good. Broadway Garage. E. 24th and Broadway. CHALMERS 36, A-l condition, starter, electric lights, 2 extra tires, rims. Masters carburetor; cheap if taken at once. 10S7 E. Main. Tabor 5230. $550. $55u. Studebaker 6, electric light and starter. Broadway Garage, E. 24th and Broadway. USED motors, parts, tires, accessories, less than half price of original cost. Auto Wrecking Co., 271 Front. Main 1929. HUDSON ROADSTER $ 2 25. Overhauled; make good speedbug. Also several others. Covey Motor Car Co. Main 6244. STUDEBAKER 6. 7-PASS. Fine condition, been driven very lit tle, $700. , Also several other bargains. COVEY" MOTOR CAR CO. 1W17 six cylinder 5 pass. Oakland car. been run less than 150 miles; will take good first mortgage. U-791, Jour nal. tORD, 5 pass., thoroughly overhauled, electric lights, Splitdorf magneto. Stromberg carburetor. Klaxon, all good tires $2(5. 57119 3!Uh ave. S. E. FIVE pass. Studebaker, fully equipped, price $250, can be seen at 1153 E. Salmon St.. cor 39th. IF it's scrap rubuer or metals and you want the highest price, phone J. Leve, 1SK Columbia. Main 5198. ROADSTER, 30 11. P., A-l condition. Would make good bug. Price $275. East 33 83. 1915 HUDSON 6-40, costing J1750, pfimrmen lor SM.-v i- rierrect conrli. tion. no trades. W-764. Journal. AUTOMOBILE repairing done at your own garaga; satisfaction guaran teed; prices verv moderate. Mar. 337. SAXON roadster, fine condition; will demonstrate. tT-733, Journal. , TON express Kludebaker. with top, or trade for auto. East 7039. 191S HAYNES fice. U-727, 1 pass, auto at a sacri Journal. AUTOMOBILES WAXTEj) 78 TO TRADE My home In East Mll waukie for a new or nearly new 5 passenger Ford and $600 cash. I). E. McConneil, Hillshoro. Or. R. No. 4. WILL exchange very beautiful resi dence lot, close in. west side, for good second hand, high grade car. Call Marshall 953. WANT to iniy a late model Ford tour ing car from private owner; will pay cash; state model and price. W-6I, Journal AM in market for Ford roadster, late model; will pay spot cash. What have you to offer? W-562. Journal. WANT 4 trucks to haul wood, $1.75 and $2 per cord. Call Sellwood 233 7 after 6 p. m. FORD touring car for cash, later. Woodlawn 4001. 1914 or AUTOS FOR HIRE FOR HIRE Clean, comfortable 7 pass. Hudson; careful, competent driver. Main 5378. CAREFUL driver. reasonable rate. Ford. Woodlawn 3293. ROUND trips on highway for epeo ple. $10. Tabor 190. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES S5 1913 TWIN Harley. Presto and light. I guarantee this machine in first class condition; will demonstrate; $75 cash. 6 p. m.. Phone East 3323. Bicycles & motorcycles bought & sold. R. H. Blocker. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th st. LAUXCHES AND BOATS 64 $30 TAKES 4-6 H. P. marine engine. single cylinder 2 cycle, first class condition and fully equipped. X-363, Journal. FOR SALK Houseboat new and mod ern in every way and completely fur nished. No, 23 Willamette mooring. B 1584. Sellwood 1537. MODERN, convenient houseboat, "ideal location. 32 Willamette moorage LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 f Con tinned) FOR SALE, furnished houseboat. large and roomy; on beach near North Oregon Chair factory, South Portland. Phone Marshall 5666. Ray Robinson. EV IN RUDE row boat and canoe mo tors, rowboats, canoes, motorbbata P- our beautiful motor boat and en gine for $143.00. Evinrude Motor Co.. Moved to 211 Morrison st. TWENTY mile runabout, fully equipped, windshield, late model motor, four cycle. Terms' If desired. Sellwood 184S after 5 p. m. T. DANIELSON Boat Shop.t t.Nebraska. Building, repairs, oest work, low price. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 44 BEFORE purchasing see our Specials In Used Piano Bargains. New pianos mod ately prlcad a, fSJVMl ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL $550 1915 Model Player Piano. J365.00 Sends It Home. $13; $2.50 weekly. NO INTEREST, means actual saving of $. This tne log ical time to buy. Manufacturers' prices going up. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th st. ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL $325 1916 Model $218.00 Sends It Home. $5; $1.25 weekly. NO INTEREST, means actual saving of $. This the log ical time to buy. Manufacturers' prices going up. SCHWAN PIANO CO. Ill 4th st. $25, $65. $95. $110 and $145 cash se cures old and new models. Checker ing, Haines Bros., Heinze, Hallet & Da vis and Knabe pianos closed out at once by Security Storage Co., 1J9 4th. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, refln ished by professional men. Satlsfac t.on guaranteed Portland Piano Tuning, Rev. & Mfg. Co.. 246 Hawthorne E. 1072 UPRIGHT piano, standard maKe; very reasonable; with terms to respon slble party. 643 Oregon hotel. Hi, CASH buys small Lloudoir upright tomorrow al Security Storage Co., 10) 4th st. 3o CASH sccuies JZ-.O inahogatiy pianola player at Security storage Co.. 1 0 it 4th st. FREE use of piano or player piano 2 Va years. Si o display adv., or Schwan Piano C.. Ill 4th st. APOlf-0 piano play r attachment and "35 rolls of music' Tabor r.7Ui. GIBSON guitar, cost Wt'oMer, HlOi4 Relmont. Portland. Tal.oi ,,71i; TVI'KWIIITKKS WE nave you from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for ojr illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on purchase price. Remington type writer Co.. S5 Broadway REM l. i I N ."o. 342 Alder st. 10, good condition. NEW, rebuilt, rates. P. !.. C 2d band rentals, cut Co.. 23 1 Stark. M. 14uT. UUtSEHULI) GtlODS for SALE 5 BARGAIN, my range, bed. chairs, ta ble. 679 E. Oak. Ph. E. 2575. FOR SALE One range, used less than a year. 836 E. 3Hth St. South. FOR SALE AUSCELLANEQL'S 11 WIRE. ROPE Partly used plougn steel cable at less than half price. 8600 ft. 1 in. 6 strand plough eteel. 9000 ft. 1H in. 6 strand plough steel. 7000 ft. lt in. ti strand plouajn steel, fisno ft. 1 in. 6 strand plough .steel. &000 fts IVi in. 6 strand plough steel. STANL-ARD CONSTRUCTION, RIGHT LAY. NO BROKEN WIRES NO RUST. SOME OF THIS ROPE GOOD AS NEW Inspection preferred before shipment. I". B MALLORY COMPANY, 235-237 Pine st., Portland. Or. Lumber Lumber Buy your lumber from us to build your auto garage or house, we can fit you out in most anything, at $0 to $ per thousand, also brick, windows and doors. Phone cals answered until 'i p. m. Marshall' 41(25. Eat 5629. O. K. Rose City Wrecking Co. tllit SALE Hrana new caroom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit, $115; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowiir? alley and bil liard supplies; eausy payments. Cigar s-tore, drug, delicatessen and soda foun tain fixtures THE BRUNSWICK-BAI.KK-Ci )L LENDER CO.. 46-4S Fifth. MACHINES of all makes sold for less. No agents employed. Machine rent ed $2 per mo. A-3626, M.43L Bewing Machine Emoorium. 190 3d St., near Taylor, rented. Electric motors sold and Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. "Walker Elect no Works, 413 Burnside. cor loth Broadway or A-5'i74. $30 CASH, or $35 in trade, will buy $125 Monarch typewriter, in Rood re pair; also Fox machine $10; will take good rifle as part payment on either. L R. Payne. 1108 E. 34th st.. Van couver, Wash. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type writers ani "Housenold Goods are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published 1 unuer xnet -especuve ciassiucauous. ! mr.ni v. 1U DROPHEAD Singer frewing ma chines, complete with atlaenments in good order, $17.50 wliile thev lust East 2359, H-3307. E. R. Stecit, 152 Grand ave , jiear Belmont. PLUMBING tools to be given away, 1 set Toledo dies, 1 set small Arm strong type sellers, all sizes, 1 vise Woodlawn 2434. AUTOMOBILE, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing tan tie found under these different classifications. SEE THIS. An 18 Inch oven combination gas. coal and wood range for $42.0, at 212 4th st. $5 SEWING MACHINES. al! kinds, all malies, guaranteed. 349 Morrison st. Main 1M5. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Mach. Co. 311 Front st. Main 54ii2 FOR SALE Concrete blocks, flower urns for the porch; reasonable. 89U Tillamook st. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell, Agt.. 194 1st 1 Main uii. FOR billiard and pool tables see W J. Quigley, 266 Market st. Lowest price and easiest terms 112.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. FOR SALIi Burroughs adding ma chine; practically new. i. l. While, 212 Selling hldg. FOR SALE A 2d hand dental outiii, whole or' In part. 211 Failing b'ldn. FERTILIZER for saie. plowing done East 5579. FOR SALE, slightly used Oriole re el i n i n gback(dieapEast2J2 3 . AUTO woodsaw for sale by owner. 661 Tenino ave. Phone Sell. 1163. COMPLETE Edison outfit for sale or trade. 12S 1st St., near Alder SWAP COLUMN 85 WILL trade practically new Flake tire. 37. on Lnderwood type writer No. 5, and pay difference. U- 736, Journal. UNDERWOOD, revolving letter dupli cation, -a or trade. st ttn st., near oaK. pnone way mil. SWAP 9X12 tent for large American flag or Presto tank. Call Eaal 1547. evenings. EXPERT piano tuning exchanged for anything useful. Tabor 6716. CARKEiAUX pigeons; trade or tnavll S3 TRADE good, clear l(5t for material and building of garage. Sell. 902. COLONY of bees, extra supplies, for carpet or rug. Phone Columbia 273. WANTE.D MISCELLANEOUS ft NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pav the price. N. W. Furn. Ex E. 63S. "ANTED Second hand furniture, ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co.. 390 East Mor rlson st. Phone East 223 S. WANTED The ople of Portland to know I pay th highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt, attention. East 6707. N. M Pentor.143 Russell st. HIGHEST cash prices for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, watches. Kodaks, jewelry of all kinds. J. Uolden, 167 1st st. I HAVE instrument and am prepared to locate hidden treasure or gold mines. Write 101 E. 6Mh North. Portland, Or WANTED, by family of three adults, use of piano In home, free storage and good care guaranteed Fast 2 nv WILL trade 1913 Indian siiiKle Tor twin and pay difference; would like to buy twin for cash. S-706, Journal WANTED. lloor case, cointiutiug ecale. store and office furniture. 128 1st. near Alder. Main 4 4;5. HASH fir liimxehiild K7rimli4 slnvs. ranges, merchandise, lodo thltiK.s to ! 'i trade. N. i. liargain House, 12! 1st, near Alder. CASH for SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, or trade something useful. 12S 1st, near Alder. Malii'4 4i)6. WILL PAV CASH FOK SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A-2567. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high srade ore. H. M. Pickering, mf. jeweU'r. 21 M Orev:oiiian bldg. HIGHEST prici'H (aid lor second hand furniture and household goods. Broadway 1 1 9. $1 YOl'R watch repaired, no matter how badly hroltcii. $1; all work guar anteed. Ilownrd Jewelry "o . ildi. SECOND hand clothing buyer. .J. Meyer, tailor, pav more for cloili Ind. shoes. M a 'shall I 229. 229 Madison Alaska Ban v J unK n pa s best prices, all k lids junk Main 4'lSf. 2;i.r From. W ANTE I ) Fiirnitiiic. Mam i:t4. LOST AM) IOINH -!1 FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of He Portland Railway Light Ai Power Co. and owners I hereof may claim tami at the 1st and Alder St. station: Marshall uIimj. A6131: May 4 1 baoy carriage 1 pair of boots. 7 packages. 3 umbrellas. 1 rak", 2 purses. 1 basket. 1 lunch box. 1 pu;r tennis shoes. 1 hand c,r;p. 1 camera. 1 sack of tools. 1 pair shoes. 1 envelope with photos. 1 pair gloves. 1 necktie. 1 pocket handkerchief. ' 1 "WILL pay $25 reward for any In formation leading to the recovery or my horse and rig which were stolen from the barn nt Mola.Ha. Or., on the night of May 2. Horse bright bay. fore top sheared close, small wait on breast, common shoes bind feci, bar shots front; fine traveler; weight 1 1 lbs. Steel tire buggy. Dr. R. S. Pctlit, S i 1 vertoti, Or- LoST Wednesday, maple leaf apin, marked 54 Oversea Canadian Batlm. Kootenav M'ii. Return and re'Mvc re ward. Edith Malmborg. Phone Man. 4365. LOST One bla' k and white fox nound, small; lost 011 Clackamas river at Bakers bridge. Notify J. L. .Mum- power. Oregon cuy. iv. n 101. Reward. LOST Ladies' lrocii. circle of pearls. snLa.ll diamond in tenter and green leaf in back. Mrs. Wright, East JS72. Reward. LOST Nurse's training scnool pin. name of owner on puck, uii wim- nev apt. .Mam LoST at Llpman & U'olfV lavulory, May 3. cameo una ruby ring, reward Columbia 15 1. LOST A bunch of keys, lost in front of Journal hldg. Wednesday. Please leave at Journal office BREAST pin, blue and gold, forget-nie- nots and pearls. Return to Journal ofl'ire Reward. LOST -In downtown district, iady'8 watch pin. Valuable as keeptake. SnttH'tile reward. Phone A-470S. LOST, in the Huckman. Allen or trnde Kchool. a rearl crescent pin. r inner please phone East 1 4 4 7 and ge t rev.' a r. I. IjOST Cameo brooch, set in pearls. Keepsake. Liberal reward. lHwn 3P Marshall 142S. Wood- 1IST Thursday, reconstructed Ruby ring, in or near (5ood Samaritan hospital. Reward. Voodlawn 22)7. LOST Lady's solitaire diamond ring, liberal reward. East 7525. Fol'ND, lady's pocketbook. Call at h p. in. r.117 Columhla St., bet. 7 and LOST black handbag, contains watch and coin. Reward W'dln gni.T 1 '. PERSONAL 22 WHY pay big prices for glasses? 1 ran fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1.50 Lenses dupli cated at a big saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Charles W. Goooman, op tometrist. 209 Morrison Main 2124. FKHVET fb. HAXKHL'T, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock hu man hajr goods; lialrdressing. manicur ing, face and scalp treatment, comb ingo to order. 147 IJroadway. Mnln 5 4,. ELECTRO-li V DROPATH1C Institute 275 North 22d at. (Cor. of Overt on I . Scientific massage. Electric Cabinet I'.aths Comfortable rooms. Mar. 27 7 5. TAKARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic scalp cleanser, hair bcautlficr and dandruff remover: prbe 5iic bottle. For tale bs- Portland Hotel pharmacy. DON'T use expensive corn remedies, when you Kft ", ,1re thing "Re moves It" ISc plasters at the Clemen son Drue" ' . 20" Morrison St. . ALI'.ERT 1'apa and mamma both want you to come home as foon aa vou can. for we are heartbroken. Slot her. DP. V. ti. K ETCH I,' M W omen s mala dies and acute dloeases of men. Wash, bldg. 4th and Wash Rm. 441. Mar. 443. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m Readine daily 2fr2 I'luv st. Mm. (ft STORED FREE, co' l stor age vaults. Rummelln Fur Co.. 415-7 Dekum bldg. HAVE your pair permanently waved. Guaranteed to lant Sanitary Hcauty Parlors. 400 Dekum Marshall ! 7 2- ELECTRO treatments tor poor circu lation; facial, pcalp and manicuring. 417-20 North western Rank bldg. BALM of Figs remedy for dise. sttj or women. f 0 4 Pavln M. Main J.i.i.; SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 1i3 Park at., room 3. 1 fl to i Lawyer 499 Consultation free. Main 512 Selling bid; NOTICES 20 QUA RTEit MASTER'S OffW. Portland. Ori-goo Scaled protxmala. in triplicate, will be 'e celred here until II o'clock a. in.. Pacific time. Mar 10, 191, for furaiKhlng at Pert land, Oregon, or otber prorcinent railroad pointa. 6U.000 ponnda bran. 3.0a.oOO pnnuda bay, oM crop, and 2.4ai.OOO (HHinda oat, cilil crop. Information farolahefl on application to gnartrrmaater. Portland, Oregon. I'ltOPOftALH for Fnrl Oil L' S. eniilneer of. fice. 2d Ldatrict. Portland. Or.--Sea led fi-o ponala t'jr fuel oil for veanfla will he r ceited here until HiO a. ra.. June r. Ittie, and then opeued. Furrtier (nfurniatloD ou arHl'ailoD. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACC0RDI0W PLEATING AtCOKDJON, KNlrK AND BOX I'LKATlMi; HE.MSTITCHIN(. BRAIDING; BUTTON. HOLES. BUTTONS ( OVE RED. EAKTKIIN NOVELTY MK. CO.. 85H BTH. B'WA V K. 8TKPBKN Hrujati tilling. actf.a-.Jlou. akio and auobunt pirating; I KUu corrd: gooda tpged. tfraikiplnr Plttock bit. B'wat HWW. SWAP COlAJSCf (Continued) AO ATE CUTTERS, I HI- G. ItwWrm. Ulauonds bought u4 aold. IUii AORICUtTTT .AL IMPLEMEn'tS P. K. KSliEN.su a lit luiiiU-mt'iiin. ?iiivie nl . t'"rl tarm miilr 214 Front .rVwtlanii. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND ABSATKR . DLKKKl-llAbl. u I.,-. h iM.iv. M 41b VlJ BLANK BOOK MAKERS PAVI8 A HDLMAN. Ii,r . 7,5 id u- Ml.ns book uianulactiirt-rn; nnmm fur Jooea Iro prured Lmmw Let U',1K. r. Se th stw Kb rekii l.enf. A-Sls.t Mnin is.-) BX7TI.DINO CON TH ACTORS VJIVVI t I HIHIIH J -. Mm Irli IT bill CABINET WORK CAU1NKT WOllk. furnllur i .-iirli, . UmaN 1 Joues Jr.. MH 31 m. MhIi, ivi? CARPET CLEANING pyiij-F tsiuiii IdlK Co.. 1S8 K. 8th. (rum ..id vaiprU rug rut-. rai-t cleaning. Nt.r.h K. H."o U lisiK JUI K bUUfj. Klectrlc I leauing VVutka car pet! cleaueil md laid; .eflttlug our afx-clatty, Ehiil 4-IU. H-11W13. 2u K. lttb at. mirtb. I kM.NSt LAU Uiiti Work Kk ruy and rar. lt wen v lux. l.MH Pultun ave. VVdlb. 2s.. CHIROPRACTORS UK. McMAllU. t uiul.lr raw't, taking tlluv. til trealiuenta, 1.'.. Wurtli $.0. Additional new tfue 'Jo gli Miu-Ii-h.v- IiIiIk.. 4th Waan. D.. C. S. 1'iii.r.l 1 lifuuiiiiiu. iU. iH)-il-li NonbweKi liiiiK- Mnln i2ml. COAL AND WOOD. it i ii ii i rn'i v eri i I Dry utt'CkHge nuuil nut l.urul anil black, (iuml.Y aiiuuuer furl, retilnr ix load but rifti liiiniii. di-llviTt-d $2.75 ti per load, l'1-.iia ul la ni'KueietJ iiiilll il p. in. Maraball -(U2j, l.imt Uii..!. . K. .Si li,.s City 'rirklnC lo. H iny $U fr et.rtlMm.d w lien ou. -can a;rt k-i..l insile lilinkniwl ni J.3...0 a limii; double load ll.."". 11, ix uimil uiImmI wllh ti-nvy, a.25 a loud, $'i l.-r doulilv li'inl. liinvy dry alaU wiiil '! " ii Ion. I. l'.n.ii.ny 2:1. lit. A 2lill. A-l DKV tir, i..i,l. lialf drj, 3.0o In in i. co; 8.N ton ui. Null. .in il. Uvel.-a. alab.ju.l, re.kn(e, J li.ail; I Kin-1 In. Kaal 21141. Oil) greulu tir v. Hid. i lu 2o K-llVfrtU. Main 4M. KFfcTTt & KAltit, dry fir" "4" 1 1. 1 4 ;.iin ..aa." Hliukw'd. :& W . !r i Mnln 4.r. A 4.1-17 W it Kl" K A (i K Wu.il $J,.'K 1KT .illUIN Vtt;..Il ,,il. MurKlnill 3175. UBY B()X uol I'll.. up uli 1 11 tisiu a :.iYrt. CONTRACTOR? AND bUILBER8 O.sKAU lit llfa.ll. ijeuvral Cuulraclur 2iJ Sl,r lix k lililu. CREDIT CLOTHING l.A 1 1 1 IIS mu Men's il.nl.u l.BTt a N Y. Oulfltl liiK i . 111... or neefcl 4IIM Waahlnc'on. rsocAT:cTT.-T.. DAN CI Mi. IblA.NC II KS I Lit llam-lliK A (u.h-injr , S3 V Stli at., bet. stark and Onk. hi. 'I rniM. 4 private lfama $2. tin.rii.ii(, afternoon, erfiilng; all 1m tent danrea nuuriintoi d ; rinn 'i'liura.. Sat. f ti iilnpa. 7 H 3o llmniju ay 2IH. SIK hihI Mn. tiealli a s Ii.hJ- l.pi..,n dally. Claaa Friday eve. lull ; -1 . I.ptneen Waah- liiftiin Viti.i Stark I c(n oTie Main 112ns. l.Ail'Si .luiiei Hlel.H .liv llllru at Itiuic- ler DiinrlhK Aruiii inr. ihilly any hour. Mala .!!. iMfi.rmnl. Wetln.-xiln SHtnr.Jfly i'i-a. LA liKNt, llK UUAU. orl.lilnl. St.uulall. lo, nature. I'cypt fnni-y. itnaalnn Mnln H2T2. MUSIC 8CH00LB AND TEACHERS K. Tilitl.llukS vi'uliu i-7i". Uer; impll "bevvikl 2!LJ' 'hjidmJiblK. A-'iKlo Mnr.lmll f,2W. l'ltOK. i . li. LAW SDN - .'la.i7Itawiua al uu hump, tio.-. I'lione TiiIwt Vf.:m. POPULAH MUSIC n i-nsllnii- luiiiilii auj in- In in to 20 laa-i-.:in. W HIIcn kiiiii .mire if nn.iii y Ijack If We fail: 1U.11.1111.1 nil I..11 ainl l..uli't fr.v. liiipru Tislng. keylH.HKl liHrni'.ii) . n ;.ii - I'.llera bldg. EYE. EAR. NOEE. ''HROAT. LUNOS bpeelallat. Mmk-rale jiuii-a 1 l.i.m-1. I II 1 .il Ur, K. T. Cuarilii). Mi 1 1, k 11 III hi. t 3.1 t, Waah FIRE INSURANCE l'At l."lt' "S J A 1 I S H ItlC I.NSlltANL'k 'M., only drPKi'ii lire liimiriiin-e iniiaiir. f LUFF BUGS AMD RAO RUOS wm mm Mnrt from olil IiiKriiIri, Uruwucla. AiniHinter. Mi vr 11 11 ri-.i-i nK ruit. all aizt-t. Mali al dera tircuiiit atii-ni lur. ..imklPt. WKS'lUt.N ILtil-r Kill CO. fil Dnlon Af. N. I'hinipa l-..ii fifiin, n 147S HATS CLEANED, BLEACHED Ladle , gema I'auauia l ata i-.viiiii'd. ' ,eeli4 7tVc. Slraui. fella, .Ale. Kuufiuan'a. 2HS Wh.. nr. 4th. Hs aifd 4i ;id fln.un M 7i''tt. LE Al H EE AND BH OE FINDING 8 Tlik IIKhl'Ui.N f-hATIlKuTu Oldeat (Irui in nortbeat. Afnia "Moiiarrb" and "I.. M. M.l- )HllHT. ;vi-rrit it. M ATTHESSL8 OLD uialtrpiiara uud Ii-uiiht o. im uiaiin lol annliarj ruldiiif; luiinn. i.-.aL.ra reii.iratad. 1'olillliK M. Co., .'lOII ii;ii.ii: t T.H74. NON-INTOXICAiINO Hi VEHAGE8 W tlMIAIIli s O ..JIU uli.l Aii.Imt Necldi. Urn- r W el Mlu 72. Wrluliaid i-luul. I. till uuil xiurualda ata. i'holi.-a A 1 IT OPTICIANS Ol.Oilli. (H'lli Al, COM f AN 1 'bi.at 2 .hi oljMi.-a on Karlh ' .Seii. nil fitwr Ail.lijr Iluildlnf. Toriiir llniil aiiil Mi.rrtwin Mreotk. PAINTING, ETC. WE pati-lj and pmnl I.I.1M KuuKtii anlav mlnliiK. luiH-rlal I'uliil 'labor 447. PKINTEKB AND ENORAVEHS TliK IV V 1'IU.s.v 8h2 Stnrk n. Itr-. JUU.S M. MANN .Inuv -PiH. A 4oiH. SUBBEB BTAMPB AND 8EALB A I (JO Mt-ucila Iluln ( In-k. Hi una blgu. I'AClKiC COAJi blA.Wl' WOUKH 231 Waahtnglon t. II., In 710. A 2710. SAFETY RAZORS HONED bAl'li'J V raxora aliarii-m .1 . all 80e pr dozi-o. MSW :i t. kltiflM, 2.'o and ni-nr M'irrl.n. SiLZTT METAL WORKS. UE I'AIRLNU tin and imici f.in. Jacob I-o.U. 810 lat at. I'bone Main i-121. STAMP DEALER bTAMCM bounlil and auld alinr 2 p. in. MKt bid-. Mnln IOO-I. Muraliall .179S. TE AN Sil.RB AND 6T0HAOE Oregon I ranster Co, EatablPtird 1S70. Tranafer and Forwarding A gent a. Bturagr Krt-e Jrackage Offlcr and Sioraga. 474 li.lun St. 18tb and Gllaan. Main 19. A-MIW. ALWAYS -PICK" TDK IJLHI' lloL.M.doLO GOODS RI'Kt IA1.ISIH Murage. Packing. Shipping and Moving. Morae .,r AuU) Vaoa. Bieclal freight rate to all K,lnta. C. O. I'ICK TltANSFEIt i, HI'ORAtiK CO. 2d and tine ISroadn-aj 6im, A-1MM. OLSON-UOK TllAN.sH.lt CU -Kurmiaie iu ra, packera, atoragi-; fl-cproof mareboita. 1Mb and Hojrt ala Main .',47. A -124 7. MANUFACTURERS I JOBBERS' WHOLESALERS DRY GOODS WTCOLESALE L. Dinkelspiel Co, Vif. M,i .... k I'.'Og. bird, c.ii.it Ink PAINT, OIL ANDJJI.AB8 UAaMl SSLN k CO.. Iligli 'I ' li I id, , N K. "orn-r 2d and Ta .r M 1 A PLUMBING 8UPPLIE8 I1LMUINU auvpili-a, wljni.-.. I'm Tin 1 .. i;l2 ;td al Midi ... Ulnrh. 7:i7. SANITARY WIPING RAGS L. SHANK CO. ::2 KKONT lT 1-ll.iNK MAIN WATER SUPPLY BY STEMS KKVV'ANKi. VVATLH hVXTKMS D. Hn-rr. Atrni M va' Par St. M. WOOD PIPE POK1 LAND Wo'il" I'll'K Co. l-artory and offW iM-ar i:4 1 ti an.l York ata. Main 34MA. ZKFOBMATIOV COTPOX. If you want the name of a rHIabU DUHlnesH houe dealing in any line of mercrmncisc, r information regard ins resort, hclcls, railroads, kteam hip lines, ftc, addreim UreKon Jour nal Information Bureau. Information deulred: Namt .... a . ; Address. .-. . . CLARK Apta, 2 rm. tur.: disappearing bed flxon. Ughu. beat Xre; Jia ubi, " " .'. ' 'i 1 ' ; ' ir--;,' .;. . . : ; , ' , - : - : '- - S W . :v',:-.r - V