v THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY. ' MAY 6. 1916. MR HUnQN RATTLES DRY BONES HIDDEN WARM'S CLOSE! Charge of Lobbying While Congressman-Elect, Favor itism Made in Answer, LAND FRAUD GHOST UP Anti-Saloon Xeag-ne gmcy Sayg TolitloaUy Notorious" T. B. IhI X to Be V. I. UtnbL Alleging he "honestly believed that the bbM C. N. McArthur was and Is an unfit person to represent the Third congressional district of the state of Oregon In the United States congress, ' and tliat. by reason of his reputation throughout the length and breadth of aid district, he could not. In any event be damaged In any amount as prayed for," R. P. Hutton, secretary of the Anti-Saloon league, filed his answer this morning In the $50,000 libel suit brought against him by Congressman McArthur. In big defense Mr. Hutton alleges that McArthnr, while a congressman - - elect, engaged In lobbying before the legislature of 1916 on behalf of vari ous persons, firms and corporations, and a such lobbyist used his office and the Influence arising therefrom to secure the passage of measures In 'which he was Interested as a lobbyist; that he remained almost continuously Jn Salem during the session, anil that, according to the informal Ion and be lief of Hutton. McArthur received re muneration for his efforts as a lob byist. faToritlna It Cbargad. Hutton also alleges that during the session of 1S13, when McArthnr was apeaker of the house, he wielded great Influence with the members of tin; legislature, that he fostered and en couraged lobbying: that he (showert ' particular and especial favor to Jay Bowerman, who was en za Keel In lobby ing for persons, firms and corpora tions, and that Bowerman received , 115,000 as compensation for lobbying during that session. It Is further alleged by Hutton that McArthur is under the power and con- trol of a number of very prominent politicians who seek to control politi cal favors to be bestowed by Mc Arthur: that McArthur has as his chief henchman in Portland one Ferdi nand E. Reed, who is a man of notori ously bad political character and who with Jay Bowerman and said C. N. Mo Arthur control what might b styled The Invisible Government, attempting to control the politics of the state of L Oregon and which Is inimical to the popular laws and the welfare of the Peopja of the state., ays Seed to Be Marshal. , It Is also alleged that Reed claims and asserts that In ense McArthur Is reelected Reed will be appointed United States marshal. The complaint' also sets out that during 1904, 1905 and 1906 McArthur was employed by V. J. BurnB to In vestigate Jurors for the land fraud trials and that Burns said to Mc Arthur, when hiring him: "We are go ing to make up a new Jury box and We want to be sure that no man's name goes Into the box unless we know that he will convict, for, by God, we are going to get Williamson this time, you can bet your sweet life, and we Vill send this whole outfit to Jail, where they belong. We are going to stack the cards on them this time." The answer also sets out the re port made by McArthur on the Jury list of Washington. I.lnn, Columbia and Polk counties. Excerpts from this re port, as given In the complaint, nay, "John Helsler, Gales Creek: this man Is a Ropubllcan; -a-heap shyster, always for sale. William Wolf; there are two William Wolfs; the old man is O. K., the son is no good; a Hermann man, also a henchman of 8. B. Huston: John McClaien, Gales Creek, a Mitchell man, ferninst the government; J. U. Rhodes, Thatcher, a bankrupt, a 'Huston man; William Shearer of Hills dale, Republican, for sale." Alleged Quotations Vied. The complaint also sets out that Mc- .' Arthur's report on Columbia county was as follows: "Columbia county 1 don't know anybody In Columbia coun ty except members or the Mltchell-Mc-Bride-Wllllamaon-Fulton push; this push Is .very strong in Columbia coun ty, which is McBride's home county. For this reason I would recommend .. that the county be thrown out." lit his report of l.inn county, accord ing to the complaint, McArthur said of . D. 8. McWilliams: "Regular yellow dog Democrat; will vote to convict any Republican on sight." In his report for Folk county, McAr- ' thur la alleged to have reported on dif ferent men as .follows: "R. K. Wil liams. S. B. ; Burch, will convict; Haw- , kins, was recommended for land office by Fulton," and others of the same lm. port. Pear Missing Man ; Met With Foul Play ' ' !. T. Vanover, 73 year old, of Wood land. Wash., Is missing. Foul play is feared. Vanover had on his person 280 when he was last seen, and friends who have been searching for him since April 19 yesterday turned over the hunt to the Portland police. Vanover was last seen as he em barked on the Steamer Metlake at the dock at the foot of Salmon street. A. V. Davis of Rldgefield, who reported the disappearance, said that he feared 'the old man had met with violence. POUJLTIIY AND PIGEONS 87 WHITE LEOHOKN8. the famous Mc ' Kenna Park strain of pedigreed English Leghorns. Best laying Btock in west. Eggs for hatching, $1.60 to IS per setting: 100 ears at J 7. 50. Nov.- , booking orders for May chicks at iz.ov per juu. yarns. Mcttenna ave. ;and Tombard st McKenna Park Poul try Farm. 727 Chamber of Commerce, .' Portland, Or. nnu& i,enorn oaDy cnicxs irorn iftifeTS - T . . " provea neavy laying stock: May de Pr , we suiriniM sare arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Peta- luma. mi. CHIKA pheasants tjust laying), wild Mallard ducks. White Cochin Ban- tams wirs netting cheap: must sell :723 E. 43d st". N. TaboifiOQO. CHICKS, White Leghorns; hatches ... re cn,c! strong. Prices low. Master Hatchery, 416 Jessup street, wood lawn car. Phone Wdln. 4S44. .TANCRED, trapnested strain White Vw ".fil? 01 n,erU." " II setting. BAKKED Rocit.egKS, settings an4 la- if 'tiMt I IHI 1 n Til TP II III - A II Convenient method of Ingress and egress from colony house to scratching pen. Note the simple inclined approach and swing ing door. SUCCESSFUL POULTRY RAISER GIVES ADVICE Back to First Principles in Housing, Feeding; Best Breeds for Profit. Ily Henry Carr. Successful poultry raiser. Yoncalla. Or. The hen If given free rain will divide her time fairly between the garden and the barn. While not indulging her in this matter it might be well in pre paring for lur entertainment to ac cept the principle suggested und plow a few furrowa at interval, and don't get the idea that because you can't do this all the time it Is not worth while to do It at all. The angle worm Is nature's best offer to the poultry, and the fresh earth as a wallow is an ideal disinfectant for the chickens. In preparing a structure for housing of the fowls, the nearer you come to the barn pian, the more satisfactory will be your labors. The barn hua been headquarters for the poultry for hundreds of years and the hen turns as naturally to the manger and mow as the little boy takes to climbing trees. If the herT"deems it proper to deposit her daily offering in the feed trough she Is pretty apt to do Just that thing in spite of being thrown out of doors repeatedly, and she doesn't require a nest egg either. So that the chloken house may well be a two story building with shed addi tions to meet the demands of Increas ing flocks. The main building should have a width of 12 feet which would ullow for four lines of perches the full length and a drive way of four feet in the enSr where the wheel barrow can be operated. For a larger flock mako the structure 20 feet wide providing for six lines of perches and! two driveways. The perches should be two feet from the walls and two feet apart. lon't get them too low. there's lots of room at the top and that's where the fowls want to roost. 1 haven't much patience with poultry houses that you must bend ynur body In order to get into. Make the task of cleaning up difficult enough and it U likely to be neglected. In the way of diet nothing can bo better than wheat in the sheaf as a mainstay and the chickens will do a better Job of threshing than the ma chine can do. Of course the hen wants pjenty of good feed to do good work; Just like the hired man in this respect. Relative to varieties: As a business proposition there seems little to do but follow the lead of the experiment sta tion at Corvallis and select the White Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock. These birds have shown their superior ity at the Punuiua fair and other fairs and the advertising is already done. The college bred chicken has brought fame to the state as well as the pro fessor of poultry husbandry. No write up of the hen is complete without the audendum of how to break up the broody from sitting. Three days' con finement in coop or pen with plenty of good feed and water will generally do this and the fowl will resume lay ing in about a week thereafter. The practice of incarcerating the sitter for three days without food or water is fiendish and should not be tolerated by human society. Try This Trap Nest; It Is Inexpensive Here is a trap nest that is inex pensive and also easily made. The first sketch shows the nest with one side cut away to give an idea of the interior. B la the door. To set the nest, raise the lower end of the door and place the bottom end of the stick (A) against the cleat (D) on the door. C is a hinge fastening the door to the nest. A is also hinged to the nest. The hen Jumps on the outer edge of the1 door and walks into the nest. When she reaches the opposite end of the door her weigtit tips it down a little. This releases A, and when the ben steps into the nest the door closes it self, since the cleat (D) makes that end the heavier. P is u small board to prevent the straw from getting un der the door. Make the nest about twice as long as the average nest. The second sketch shows the nest closed. The top of the box is a frame covered with poultry wira and hinged at the back to the neat. To remove the hen, rais tbatop, 3. X SULLIVAN. TUBERCULOSIS SGNS ARE KNOWN 10 FEW No Cure for Disease but May Be Prevented by Sanitary Methods. It By II. R. White. Editor Poultry Department. Tuberculosis among poultry is one of thf most serious maladies with which fanciers have to contend. On ac count of the lack of knowledge of the ordinary poultry raiser and the in sidious progress of the disease Its presence is rarely discovered In a flock until rapid deeimatlon arouses the owner to seek the cause and a remedy. There are no noticeable symptoms until the disease has progressed far enough to cause emaciation and weak ness. Lumeness often occurs, and poultrymen attribute this condition to ''rheumatism." In the last stages of the disease the affected bird crouches, apparently from weakness. Port mortem examination will show the liver to be affected in most cases. It is found enlarged and studded throughout with yellowish-white nod ules of a more or less cheesy consis tency. Poultrymen usually refer to this condition as "llvter complaint" or "spatted liver." A portion of affected liver recently sent us for examination showed a high state of development of thee nodular growths, having the ap pearance of having been shot with kernels of wheat. Wht.le there was a considerable epi demic of poultry tuberculosis in Ore gon in 1900, it was stamped out by agents of the department of agricul ture. The Dresent instance is no doubt an isolated case. Modern methods of housing, sanitary feeding arrange ments and clean surroundings offer discouraging habitats io tubercle bacilli. Tuberculosis is an Infectious disease caused hy organisms, known as tuber cle bacteria, which gain entrance to certain organs of the body and mul tiply there. The nodular growths (tubercles) seen in the organ aent us tor examination were caused by the presence of these bacteria. There is no known remedy for the cure of tuberculosis In fowls. Af fected birds should be killed as soon as the existence of the disease is de tected. It is useless to attempt treat ment. It must be controlled by meas v res designed to keep the healthy fowls separated from the diseased ones. The droppings of fowls affected with tuberculosis must be regarded as Memlbsrs Portland Realty Board (3. i. & INVESTMENTS. Real Estate Loans and Insurance. 404-6 Northwest Bank bldg. THE BRONG CO., Inc. REAL ESTATE. 267 V4j Oak St., Lewis bldg. Business and suburban property trib utary to Union avenue a specialty. Main 1741 Campbell, Smith & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE. 617 Corbetn bldg. Both Phones. Cascaden & Readen 107 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. Farms for sale and exchange in all western states. Dakota and Minnesota. Canadian lands a specialty. - F. N. CLARK & CO. EASTMORELANL. WEisTOVttB TERRACES. INDUSTRIAL CENTER, Building and Insurance. Id fioor Title & Trust bldg v Hartman & son Corner Fourth and Start 80LE AUKNXS UK ROBE CITY PARK HOUSES AND LOTH The Fred A. Jacobs Co, 104 6TH STREET. General Real Estate, Exchanges, Rent als and Insurance. Main M9 A-1T77. W. T. JORDAN VALLEY ENG. LAND CO. Jordan Valley. Malheur Co., Ore., iartn Ian da, atock ranches. Irrigation protects (Mu to 10.000 acres). Sou-irrigated era In lauds. Pewtr si tea. JORDAN VALLEY ENG. 41 LAND COM PINT. D. IX Jnaiyn, UaT. Mala 96T. REAL ESTATE. lll?Cbmbr ot Conotrct bid an important factor in the spread of Where the disease exists among a flock of fowlBXthere are usually many in the early stages that do not betray their condition by appearance or be havior. This insidious mode of devel opment is an important characteristic of tuberculosis and one that frequent ly blinds people to its seriousness. The spread of- the disease through a flock may be Impeded by sanitary measures. Fowls suspected of having tuberculosis should be slaughtered immediately and the bodies burled in quicklime. The roosting houses should be cleaned and disinfected as often, as practicable. The iowis snouia ne remuveu i ground. Reports Good Year In Poultry Business "A good year in the poultry busi ness," was the way In which E. J. Mc Lannahan, poultryman and incubator manufacturer at Eugene summed up the season last week. Mr. McLannahan i one of the leading poultry men of Oregon, and has some of the best birds in the state. He is president of the State Poultry association and has for years been active In getting ' for the poultry industry the recognition to which It Is entitled. "In the incubator plant we have had all we could do," he explained, "and the orders for chicks have almost had us swamped." Hopes of Finding Canfield Exhausted Friends have about abandoned hope of ever finding W. R. Canfield, Clarke county rariher, who has been mUsing since- April ir. when he starti d to Portland to receive medical treatment for a headache. His brother,' Dr. Ar thur L. Canfield, 491 Dekum avenue, still believes he ie alive, and continues the search, although friends of the missing one believe that he committed suicide by Jumping into the Columbia river. ALISKY BUILDING W. Cor. Third and Morrison Streets TEHAJfTS 07 ALISKY BUTLDIWQ Oregon Law School REMOVED TO 400 ALISKY BLDO. Phone Main 977. M. MfTKKHEAD, Secretary. J. A, Lakin & Co. MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. Agates' and precious stones cut and pol ished. Agate guides for fishing rods. 206 ALISKY BLP. DR. J. E. LA VALLEY. DR. D. T. BROWNE. Chiropractic Physicians. Suite 214-18-16. Alisky bldg. Main CD43. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUS1 hHasa COLLEGE. Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, English branches. PERSONAL AT TENTION. Day and night classes. New Alisky bld,. 8(1 and Morr.gon. Where to Get It RDM When m'xed ked. Tm van et good lucid block wool, at a load; double loud, tu.50. Ilox wood witU beavjr (3.25 a ld; (6 tor double LKWIS FUEL CO., Phonfn Rrort"y 23?0. A-2161. S & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Dry slabwood. inside wood, fir and oak. Fair prices. Honest measure. We deliver any place north of Alberta. (DM MBA FUJI EL GO. Columbia blvd, and Delaware St. PHONE WOODLAWN J19 off the MALL & VON B0RSTEL BKOKEK8 Beal Eatai.a. Laaa-a. Mortgave Loans GENERAL INSURANCE 1M gnd St.. Liigitwr Exchange l.lrts. Main 143 K DUKR E. KE ASK Y A CO g K KKAL KSTATB K h Orecon. WaaUJiigton California Lands K K 2nd floor Chamber o( Commerce. K h Main 1189 A-3814 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K L K. HME RKALiY BKOKER. Large farms In any locality a specialty. 117 Board of Trade bldg Phones A-2972. Main 867 lha Oregon Home Builders Home builders, renters, exchange dept Loan Dept. and real estate. 13UU Northwest Bank bldg. 8. P. OSBURN 602 McKAJf BLDQ. 5 teres esat of Prkrot; paved read, near lectrlc atation, tine Tlew mountains and rle" ZVJK' butl,ul r" of ntlM tre.. U. f. FALMKR-JONES CO RliAL ESTATK BHOkKRS 404 WUoos bldg. Main 8609. . furtUnd, Or. , , J. G. RAINEY $04 Yeon bldg. Marshall S177. RKAL KSTATB AND INVESTtM ENT3 THE HAW-JEAjt CO. Beaverton-Reedville Acreaga FARM ANO CITY PROPERTY. 103 4th at., Portland, Or. Phone Main 18. A-600. RICHARD SBSPABD REAL E8TAT.E. P periangitis: la -Home Sites en West Side North Mala ttte. Offices WlllbrlUge Whit wood Ctl TITLE GUARANTEE AND AB- fir k At: r mupiKr Abstraeta. real estate. iururaKc liuuu I vftev ssaraagwnta sod taxes a soertaltr. 1 UNSZ SENGSTACiCEN, iUavsw. f CW PAY IS W Mrs, Johanria Haener Is Dead at Age of 62 Woman Had JResided In Portland for 35 Tears rnnsral Held Tils Afternoon at Cremato rlam.V Mrs. Johanna Haener, who died at her home near Tremont station. May 5, was a native of Switzerland and had lived in Portland for the past 25 years, nearly all of that time on the home farm where she died. She was born 02 years ago and came to Defiance, Ohio, 36 years ago, and then to Oregon. Mrs. Haener was an active member of the Ladies' Aid society of the Brentwood M. E. church. She is survived by her husband," Charles Haener, and two sons, Frank Haener of Hood River and Charles Haener Jr. of Tacoma. Fu neral services were held this afternoon at the Mount Scott crematorium, under direction of A. D. Kenworthy & Co. Roy Tulp Buried. The funeral services of Roy Tulp, aged 24 years, who died in Lents, May 2, were held from the parlors of A. 1). Kenworthy this morning, Rev. John Riley in charge. Mr. Tulp had no im mediate relatives, but was well known and highly thought of by many friend in Lents and vicinity. Interment was in Mount Scott cemetery. Information lor Fishermen Telegraphic reports from Deschutes points say caddis flies are coming out; weather fine and fishing Saturday and Sunday will be prime. Catches of 30 and 40 made. First clasa fifching on Crooked river, near Cove, with salmon files. Three catches. 27, 80. 34. Trains for Deschutes points leave 6 and 7:10 p. m. Berth, $1 eacn way. Effective Saturday, May 13; Oregon Trunk train will leave FallbTidge 1 a. m. and Bend 6:30 p. m.. thus allow ing later arrival and earlier departure from canyon fishing resorts. .Low round trip fares. Apply at City Ticket Office, Cth and Stark, for copy of booklet, 'Tips on Fishing Trips." North Bank Ticket Office 5th and Stark Sts, Eugene K!hing Btreama In the Cncadea and toast ranges are now' In flue condition, water clear and not too hlgli. Some fine trrin of trout hare ben brought in from l'iIer McKenzte. Lak crerk and the biuslaw rltr. Noti Weather conditiona lust right and streuma clear. SeTral hare roinn liera during the paat week and have taken home a twij aupply of mountain trout taken wltji aploner. Train serrice pewi, arriving from Eugene at 8:11 i. m., and returning to Eugene at 4:15 p. iu. Liberal Fishing Is very good at present on the Muialla and Milk creek. Black Rock Fish in Lncklmtite river now biting good. Still taking bait; noma flies. Water clear. Use hip boota. aa best holea are otnewhat difficult of access. Most fiauerruen getting limit. FiahlnE good either direction, from atation. River only abort distance. Week-End Tioketa are on sale every Ratnrday and Sunday to Willamette Valley pointx. Re turn limit Monday. Ask for fishing Bulletin" at City Ticket Office. Sixth and Oak Streets. JOHN M. SCOTT, Uen. Pans. Aft., SOUTHERN PACITIC LINES. m w Read the telegraphic bul letin at the f. 1 B. I DO. OUT TICKET OFFWSE before you go fishing, Fine catches being made daily from Deschutes and Hood Rivers, Trout now taking flies! .. i mm , V. K 1 1 n. n 1. A 1X711 r ur Livui. la u" lho uuc yj a. tuc v i lamette Valley Southern R. R. Good trout streams which are reached on this line are Buckner Creek. Milk Creek, Molalla River and Butte Creek. All mountain streams. Leave Port land. 1st and Alder, at 9:15 a. m. and C:4'i p. m. Trains -lso leave Oregon City throughout the day. First train leaves Oregon City at 7:50 a. m. NEW TODAY .1 . MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Inveitment k Mortsrare Co, Offioea aoa-4, 170 3d Bt. FARM LOANS Mortgaga Cetaptwy for Anserita c Boom M. AiaantjOrth Mldf. bOM MaUa 684U. v rmi4Ua4. Or. TTrr'Tir'"' toe pot mm, BMBAD ANGLERS' WHIM f BE TO Em tot mm um KEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHES 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT aSD SAXJktOZr STREETS. MATS 807. A-151L 6 Choice Xoaas of $10,000 and TJP On Improved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. X.ZTSC0MB. 842 Stark Street. On City end farm Preperties is Any Amount at Currant KaWa. Hartmaa b Thennaoa. Baskara. Cerur of lourlB and Starar Sta. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 306 Delram Bldg., Portland. Or. RISINESS CARDS EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons. pins, charms- Jaeger uros.. 1 J i-a fin. J ital Statistics msrriages.Birtbs. Deatfxs. HUS1XESS CARDS W. G, Smith & Co.K! Thii'ii floor Morgan Bldg. and cards. lni-ricl suiik aom or renieil. low prices, latest styles, all sizes; We buy dress suits. BareU'8 Misfit Cloth. Store. M 3d. LKt.fcisJ suns for rem, ail sizes. Uuiijue Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st. BIRTHS SCOTT To Mr. and Mrs. Jersr L. Scott. 5S0 Iexlngton ave., April 2T, a '" SI.MOXSUN To Mr. aud S!rr. S. Slmonxm. MH E. 10th at. N., April 2. a ann. IX1KEEN To Her. and Mr. Albert I.nreen. 4147 HlSth ave. B. E.. April 27. a daturMer. OH LAN I To .Mr. and Mra. T. Olilaud, 74M'a Ankeny st., April 20, a daughter. DIMM To Mr. and Mrs. P. It. Kinmj. 202 San Marco apts., April 6, a daughter. CHOSLEY To Mr. and Mrs. IVrey It. Croe- ley, 726 Ivan at.. April 2. a dti-hter. CCI.K To Mr. and Mra. Walter V. Hole, 1602 Gkiucester at.. May 2. a daughter. St'TTKK To Mr. and Mrs. Chan. V. butter. 62 lluchtel trt.f Mal, a daughter. DEATHS AND FTJNERAIS 75 DAT At the residence of bis daughter, Mrs. K. H. Hobba, US4 Lociiat st.. May 5, Will iam W. Day. aga yeara 11 montba 3 da,S' hiiotfd Iathr of William K., ArUjur II., of lvnilnnd; Walter U. of MUwaukle; Percy E. of Oak (irove; t'harloi 11., John C of Tacoma. and r'red J. Day of Yanwuver, B, C; Mrs. Smith Taylor of Rloomlngton, Cal. ; Mrs. K. It. Hobb. Sire. Lillian Plercy and Mri. Lmi L'elbnck i'f Portland. Frlenda Invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held nt Holman'a funeral parlors, at 10 a. m. Mniida.v, Ma 8. Interment Klvrr View cenji-terv. UAE.N'Eli Naar Tremont station, Mey il, Jo hanna Haener, aged (12 year. Tbe funeral cervices will be conducted Monday. Msy . j! 2 p. ui.. Iu tbe chapel of thu Mouia 8i'olt cr Diatoriuoi. Krienda Invited to attend, lte mtina at tbe funeral parlors of A. I). Keu- rthy A Co.. 6802-04 t)2d at. in l.eut. HOWK In tola citj May 8. Viola Howk. aged .TT yeara, l)loved wife of Joseph W. Hiiwk. Ilemalm were forwarded to Tbe Pa'.ies, wl.ere lDterment will take place. Arranire ments In care of Miller Trfy. IC'LFlTTti f.uy F. I'olpltt. age l'.". jc.r.. runeral services will he held at F'rt I'tvs hyterian rhtirch Tneoday, May fl. at p. u:. Kemalna at I. I.. ' Lenh a Uodertaking i nrlors. K. 11th and Clay. JLWETT In thla city. -May 0. Melvln Ciar- euee Jewett. aged 5 yara, lieloved n of Mr. and Mra. Guy F. Jawttt of l)H5rt :h ave. S. Uemalns are at Iloiiuan s fun i al p'tr- 1 rs. Annoupcement of funeral later. STEIKO In this city. May i. Mary Jlelio. ased 40 years, beloved wife of Toiu Steim. Kuneral announcement later. Arrarfjements iu ere of Miller & Tracey. III (iHKS Kmma M. Hughes. !i3 E. Fiand. rs ft., May 2, 03 yeara; pernicious anaemia. LOL'NSBURV Daniel 0. Lonusfmry, St. Vin cent's May 2, 72 yeara; carcinoma of glamla of neck. NALLKN Thomaa allen. 1VA9 E. Mahi St.. April 28. 06 yeara; naatrlc rarclnoma. VKHON Benjamin Vehon, 540Vm 2d .1.. April 2. 27 years; pneumonia. BLOCH Jacob Illoeh, Wl Couch tt.. Msy 3. eH yeare; eornar sclerosis. MARTIN Ac KURBKb CO.. rionats. 41 Wash. Main 26, A-126. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged CLARKE BROS., florieis. i7 Morrison et. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and flontl designs. No branch utoren. TO.NSBTU FLORAL CO.. Zbi Wash., bet. 4th and 6th. Main llU'.'. A-l 10'J OsiCAR JoH-NSON FLORAL CO., ! (Jliwan Kt Mar. 437. A-1464. MAIN 6116, wreaths, pillows, Yi up. Sprays $1 up- Chappella.347 Morrison MAX M SMITH, florist. 141 S qui si. FUNERAL DIIiKCTOItS Years of Experience Enable This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with Its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, in sures absolute privacy,, caus ing in no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant. j. P. Finley & Son Th Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Montgomery at Fifth. M tin , A-169 F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder st. Phone East bi. H-io2a. A. L. K.luN WOK'l ril LU Two KstaOlishments. Tabpr &2t7; 6802 WZd si., Lenta. Tabor 5 g iT 66th st. and jaUer road., Arieta. Walter C. Kenwortby 1538-1634 K. 13th. aellwoo.l 71. H-1152. UlLbtK 6t iKAC.i', inu-epenuent tu- nerai uirecioia. nt ww iv, $ 4 n. t0. v'ai, a Ella. M. Zti'Jl. A-7h. Ai Rt Zellar COiEaat iob"c-io$l Lady attenaant. l-ay and night service. ; HttlLltNcE UNO. PKL3. LnltOUlNM. A-2235. 449 Mc orr. prtEi!.& tiisOOK. ti-libi. '1 U. lui H"ln'on at a4fi l.adv attendant RT Ournnc Williams ana Knott. . ! Dyrnes cat im. c-1943. 11 East kOth and Glisan. Fu. narnillOn neial services. Tabor 431$. CICVACQ undertaking Co. Mai a 416t OtLyyC.OAI3U Cor. Id and Clay. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ( Continued pj l m ;er, Kaat 11th :. 1fil H.1888. L Undertaker, aat I lth and Haw- thorne. E. 1fil W.1888. Iady assistant, i Dunning & McEnteeiiD.T.W. ! every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. .oadwa0Wi.5. Idy jggsjartt. MOatMtuMa optaiYin" ! fiartrAfsNrt fiD ANITF C Cl P ?br-.Tr! . m rs ,V7bn II ?f7'2& 3TCQQ MADiaON. I fi UEACli riiOPEKTY SEAS1DK COTTAGE AT SKAS1D10. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, fine view, beautiful Krounds. convenient o jcea.i beach and boating on Necanlcum river. Ideal for children or adults; Jtio.iO. APPLY 322 C ORHrTT H LI ni. FOR SAU HOUMES at FINE HOMf AT YOUR OWN PRICE On May 8 I will sell to the nignesi i bidder mv 8 room modern house. Jot , 100x129. corner of Commercial and Ai-, leria sis., l diock io jeiirrau,, scliool; terms half cash, balance " t ome and see the property and subm it j your sealed bids'. Owner, Wdln. I'JiM. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $1478. - Up asainst 1L 1 must move; my modern home on 71st st., neor (Jllsan st. carnne; Iirepiace, ounei. "i" i kitchen, cement basement, ;v, i" :r t wni ne S, sell for J1475; terms. Miller, phone Hroadway 166S. OWN THIS iioMK. At a big sacrifice; modern fi room, I i - avtory tiouse. ; lai jje ioix. ! nia-, i lose to car. improvements jvud. cost , $3jno. Will give a big bargain for ijutck actiin. Easy t'-rmh. Owi.et. Tti Yeon bldr. i AM compelled to dispose of my nearly new E room bungalow; all modern conveniences, large attic; 1 block from Peninsula Park on Missis sippi ave. If you have a little money I will surprise you in price. White. Hroiidwsy 166X. . Why Not Build And get a home according to your Ideals. I design, build and finance any bullUinc; . erttstio sketches free. Bee me before you build N. O. Ekluod. gl.1 tltirv hide Main 681T 4 &-ROO.VI modern nouses. A snap. Sell! one or all of them. This Is a par- gain. Pav for them like paying rent. or will tiadc them for lots if you want a home. This is jour chance. Call Tabor 301!'J. FOH SALE Hy owner, modern b room house, sleeping porch, corner K. Ankeny and 18tli. Will take part pay- I ment 6 room houce. Hose City l at k or 8unnyside preferred. Plioie fcati 1515. ' ' WILL sell ray so equity for 4400 in a 4 room modern house with three lots 40x1 :'0. Two chicken houses, 1 blocks from end Woodstock car line. Tel. Marshall 4f.fi.-,. Ct'M FtJllTAHLL. homey, nearly new house 6 rooms downstairs, furnace. r.lce yard, good neighborhood, on -r-47th st. N., Rose City Park, inquire next door or phono Tabor 20T9. t5,j0 HMALL llul'SK AND LOT. EN1 OF WOODSTOCK LINK, TKKM8 Furnished house, 2 lots, Tualatin View Park Will sell or trade equity tiooo Cnderdahl. 301 Hoard of Trade. 6H0 (terms) will buy 4 room, un plaatered Iioubo ou 50x1 00, use of lOuxlOO, on 7Kth and Halsey. Jensen, Broadway 115X. BKANlJ new bungalow, block n.trlh ot Santly blvd., on ,18th at., to be sold at a liargain. Owner. MY beautiful home, all f urtilshed, HUhnioiid district only J3000. 202 McKay bldtf. MoliKUN 10 room h6uxe, large iat, one Work to car, all clear; $140), $480 cash, hnlance HO per month Irt.t 73l N. Ul.'NOALOW bargain; easy payments, on car line. Owner. Sellwood 2204. 1 fi-ROOM house in construction. This ls a snap. 42f. Terms. Tabor 302. FOIt SALE LOTS 200 BEAUTIFUL lots in Milwaukie; Be car fare; light, gag and water; $20 cash and 910 per month. H. O. Stark weather. Itlaley station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. i (JRKAT bargain, 4 lots. $500; b lots. 11750; improvements paid. Irvlng j ton. Splendid locations. Kufct 23. W. I H. Herdman. I KAST San Diego, Cal., City Heiafhts i lotB, corner 60x110. Will consider i automobile as part payment ZiJ Kaat j Slst t. , 5uxH0 corner lot on 21st and Prescott, will sell cheap if taken at once. Phone Columbia 4 44 or 579. CORNER lot 100x167 ft., southeast 1 facing, beautifully located; restrict ed dist.; improvements all In. M. 7033, ACHE AG R LA ROE HOME 8ITEH. ACRES AN1 ACRES. U TRACTS. $4:5. $1 DOWN AND $1 WKKIL Hull Run water, fine eoil ana rierht lv. on tract Sunday. 420 and Simpson. Alberta car, R. W. Cary, 311 Panama hnlldlng. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line easy terms: will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 47S. John H. Otbson, owner. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland, 2, 5, 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, $6 to J200 per acre, easy terms. Mc Far land S09 Yeon bldy . Portland. ONLV $1443 for 4T acres, ail good tillable land, Portland 40 miles, 8, 000.000 ft. timber.-2V4 miles store and boat landing. Terms. r-'JLM, Journal PTTh SaLI-J U y owner, tfie finest 3 acres, fruit trees, 5 cent fare, fine roads. Only $3000. Worth $4300. Need the money. U-734. Journal. FOR KALF. In Lents, Vi acre cheap, $350; cash or terms. Owner. Ad dress. .1. J.. K"x 323, R. F. D 1, Oswego. ACRE tracts on carllne, near city; paved road: $5 cash, 96 per month. 6 int. Owner, 617 Chamber of Com. HCHLHHAN At HKAGIi , FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME, CLOSE IN, FINE MOLKHN ft ROOM HOUSE, FINK WATER WORKS ANH OUTBUILDINGS, BEAUTIFUL LAWN, HHADE TKKES, ROKES. ALL K1NKH FRUIT AND BERRIES. A GREAT BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. WILL LEASE MY FINE FURNITURE TO PURCHASER WITHOUT COST TO HIM. UX-735, JOURNAL. sunuiiBAi; IIOMKH 1-3 ACRE, good house. 4 blocks from tar. 6c fare; fine for chicken ranch; a big snap; $165o. terms. Umbdenstock & Larson. 806 Oak t. Bdwy. 1668. r'OK HAIiii FAlOUs 17 rUVEIt'bottom arid bench land jh Wi V lamlna valley, near good railroad town; running water, no rock; employ ment. Let us show you 6 acres best soil withl good, 4 room house, $26 down, $li month Or, 6 acres bench land, $26 pown. $8 month. Or. nearly t acres with 637 bearing apple trees; $300 down, balance terms. Or, any amount of land, reduced prices, easy i arm tn settlers. J II Sham f,r.7 I Sherlock bldg IroK b.iT.t. 40 ., -iz a. irrigated, house, barn, other bldgs., fenced, in i crap, investigate. i;uo will handle. ICQ.. Tumalo, Or. PRUNES pay big. 1 have 2U aoree. Must sell. Adjoins city. High school. flna .All a nft lrnnrAVmntB L'm t i -.nr. . 1 I, ,VI1 ....f. v .MV. w-f. - tlcclara i Owner Bog 167. Rlddie Or DANDY jittla farm of 10 acres, with houses; close in. - Trade or selL X S6f. Jonrnal INVESTIGATE now ' about Mexican land, for paracuuurt, x-JBnjournai SALE FARMS ' (Ooatlnnea) 1 . Fine Farm and Automobile 40 acres. 22 under cultivation.' b "iirc canny cleared, una runmr st ream, place fenced and cross fenue tS HvLj - horses. .W gkg cult"! new oungaiow, rine Drn, oest r ntaa ox es1 mower. rk tomobile. ere' tivatorn. elde of practically new furniture. A. S (7wVI rortn or clear property, some cash an' Leavo balance on ranch; only 8 mile from Vancouver on fine auto road rounu, must De seen to De appreciate Thompson & Swan Sixth and Main t.t Vancouver, WssK GILLIAM t'Ol'NTY HANCHES I , b''lA alfalfa A-l buiMlnr .,' ?'E.nn.A;innb.U,U.inJ half cash and your time on balance. 320 acre farm, 100 bottom land, A-1 (food house, cost 11200; good well an' windmill on porch; good barn. Pric I'jooo. , This is an estate and must b, solil at once. ) 10 acres, all In wheat, good bu)M, Ings, $3000; half cash, and time balance. - I 'inn . .. ... 1 n .1 ' ma! v -iter, fair house and lots of, goo-l g,HS ( All of the!l0 faIm!l a're snap. Csl' n(1 Bro H K Montague, room il, it ( Hk ft Portland ' , , , ; . . . . . , .. . i . 1UKAL COtNTUV FARM. Close to Carlton, on main road. 1 acres In cultivation, seeded to clove and vetch, young orchard, large barr KWfu r, room buna-nlow. with flreniace pore, wn. na ipnn( JU.v n. place to keep a few cows and a bund of chickens snd make an easy uvinp Price J2"i00; 00 cash, balance terms ew, np-in-dste farmers creamery a Carlton, other good buys', wnto io 1i ice list. W. KlIil'KR, Carlton. Or, ' 80 AC KICK, ti miles from Lents, on Foster road; Iiooo cash. balanco time: 14 in oats, rest timber; team tools. Theodore Schacht. Boring, Orl R. 8. - 1 NEAR Tlgardvilie, 5 acre suburbai home: sacrifice. Masterson, JO- Wilcox bldg. FOR RENT FARMS A SNAP at Multnomah station. 1' acres for rent for $100 till next March, with & room house. Inquire at 1 nomas store or call Main 46S7. ! FoK HKNT Equipped 110 acre ranch! Inquire of Ueorge Morse, Jennings l-ouge. t. J 4 5 acres, house, barn and stock miles from Newberg. 416 board, 01 Trade bldg. Marshall B141. , - ) tiooli land, free lent. Main lilO. S4o Park. FARMS WANTED 3i REN'T Oli BUY ) W A TKn-Pasture in "MulL Ccfor I'O hesfeis and calves, during hlg" water llinic, must be well fenced ano plenty ot water, write terms to Johr Hotli, fi7f Vancouver ave., Portland, I JIOMKHTKADS 47 160 Acre Homestead , Lies fine, good location; trout triair running through place. 1160. I : 120-acre relinquishment, meadow M'l timber, (trout creek; lies fine, close l rieignrofa, 4 miles rrom town; livt ot the adjoining homestead. Price f ISO til nenm dui 'if, 160 Acre Homestead fi Good team of work horses, new t In. wagon, good hurnemj, mower," rak and other farm tools; 90 acres - ol crop on other place to mow thl yr. Price ,7"0. Hnndy, 411 Henry bldf. FOUR liomemewh, 8 miles from toWPj level, good coll, no rock, climate ideal, water 10 feet from surface in abundance. Information bo it, Lc Pine, Or. I TIMRKK Hi TIMBKR FOR BALK. I 340 acres Rood fir timber located or main county road between Tillamook City and Cloverdale; avood location for mill; ft root.i house, 10 acre pasture;! good dairy farm when timber fa off. 1 G. If KOLAND. i Tillamook Or. f JSXCJH I A A O KH K A h KST ATK 'IX 1CXCHANGE Tor home in' Portland Ot' acreage, mo acres irrigated land in. K. Waslt. 70 A. in cut., 36 in alfalfa.! bal. pasture. House, barn, fenceu. O" Hunact highway, E. of Wenatchee, J32. v i intra s ve. - i IlK'i'IllKD stock man will exohans i his fine home for Vi Interest in stock ranch and will put his time lit on ranch, bank references. U795, journal. EIOHT room modern house, with barn 4 acre, will exchange for well im proved farm and assume worne. HM. journal i room modern, suburban noire, tot icuxiyo. tiuii Run water, ' cent fare. 2700; what have you?. Main 7f.2 or Journal. VVANTKD Apt. house for good farm, also residence for farm; these are both well equipped. W. l. Hurley, 4o Washinifton st. UNIMPROVED land, no incumbrance, with lease of dairy ranch. Want home values easy access to city. FX. zu, journal. SALEM property of all kind for Porl land property handled by a live trad er. What have you T Phone Sellwood 351. McReynolds. FIVE room modern bungalow; take! gooa lot as nrst payment or email I rush payment. Phone owner, Tktfori 180Z. H ACRE California farm, trade for property here. Wolfsteln. 712 Cham-I ner or commerce. LAURELHURHT house, equity ofj $4700, for farm. I, O. Hoi men, Clata-I Ranie. or. WHAT have you to trade for nousel and lot in eena. or.f prefer confec tionery business. Z-390. Journel. ACREAGE all in" cultivation. ooi I road near car, 10 cent fare; for mod-l em home, jvraiue 97aoo. x-hbb, journa'. 'I II livinvi aiue y wv w W ve H r1Uk 4fM'iiU 4V1 KIJ. " T.ra. LJill a4lJ- A W J 14aVIlsJf UlUn,, VU 11 111 I trlct; trade for improved acreage -I i rr. ! CllaMftJ nuifQ in. J ci. ntuw"'i mil, FOR EXCHANGE A modern home for anytntnar or value, la nor az. ROOMING HOISK8 11 ROOMS First clase fur hitureT mlnutee from postonice journal ll ROOM, first class furniture, ( tnln- utea walk to postonice. 1 Journal. liLbl.NKSS OIU'OI'ri'MITlKS tttl FOR SALE or trade, furniture in a ti room hotel, rent $20 per month, Will sell for cash or trade for acreage. Phone Columbia 271. for SALE Buttermilk route, one f the best in me city; wagon end horse; $5o. Inquire of owner, 7J20 64th ave. 8. E. Portland. TsbOr 186. I KlUST-CLASS butter etore boat loca tion on market, cheap if taken at J I once. Owner, 27 1 Yamniu ! MEAT warkt for sale. Fine iocation and business. A bargain. W-717, Journal. " I INVESTIGATE if you want profit I.le business on liiUU investment. Lit. tenrlse t'leaners, 23d and Nwrthmt st vnR RALE or trade at a bargain, mil- llnery store, fine location, beet ll cltv. p-77, Journal. FINE stamps, hinges, albuma, etev I - a. m.- p. in. Columbia Stamp Co 14 IN OT til IDltl a!.. main iwng HI.' SI I. ESS CARDH. 50c Rose City Prtnttpg Co, Third st.. ror. Taylor. FOR SALE My apt. houne. 1 room. close In, clean and reivpeclable; must be sold. Phone Main ti;tt. FOR SALE, all or V, intareat in wood saw. Phone Bast 84. room 29. (Comttaned oa Hex 9fl