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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1916)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY MAY '3, 1916. 17 l inn KTiTF rn it LflUU LUIHIL UU. 11 TO ANNOUNCE A NEW SYSTEM FOR BUILDING t m r r- I . r I Homes to Bp Frpr.tpn on Ka- lIUMICd IU UC L.ICLICU V Ua r r n.n. . c; i William Mama Ke pair J atory rrai SIS Ot MOrtCage bearing 0i2K, N. 2nd at., between LoveJ.,y and ' 1st".: builder. T. C. Sutherland. 1.16. HPT PoiTT ntrrPQt I til VGII I III IUI COli f 1 1 MflMTUI Y DAYMPWT AIM iiiwii i liu l I n - Thrift Flan as Modeled in Brooklyn, V. T to BaUndtrtakin Hr for Tlrst Time. An Important announcement will oon be made by the Ladd Estate com pany concerning its future plans for financing the building of homes on the property Hold by It. The plan la new to this section of the country, but is modeled on the successful Ideas followed In The Thrift, a company organized by Charles Pratt In connection with the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn in 1890. The details an applicable to Port land were worked out by IJ, W. Strong, manager of the Ladd estate, and the local representatives of the eatate during the recent visit to Port land of Harold 1. Pratt, treasurer of and a member of the board of directors of The Thrift Flan Is Outlined. An outline of the workings of The Thrift was printed In the financial de partment of The Journal, following an Interview with Mr. Pratt during his presence In Portland. The Lurid Es tate company, according to 11. W. Strong, has set aside an initial fund Of $100,000, and will be In position - to provide more as the plan develops, j,. Those who desire to build on prop erty purchased from the company will .be ..financed In accordance with their basis of credit and ability to pay and the. requirements of the property on which they may locate. A certain percentage of the entire Investment will bo required to be paid tdown, according to the circumstances . r. . . I . . . . 1 ........ I. .... ..n.l balance will be financed on" the .basin of a mortgage bearing 6 per cent In terest, payments to be made monthly On a basis which will, amortize the loan In eight to ten years. Under The Thrift plan a loan of $1000 covering a period of ten years and bearing 6 per cent interest will amortize itself on inontnly payments Of $11.33. The total payments in ten years will be $1,359.J. the average cost of the loan per year will be $35. 96, and the average per cent on the amount originally borrowed will be but 3 3-5 per cent. Business Idea Basis. "The steps that have been taken in this connection," said Mr. Strong, "are simply those which have in mind a broad p'an of selling real estate on the basis of constructive develop ment. It will be seen at a glance that the carrying out of this plan must mean keeping as far away as pos sible from boom prices and boom meth ods of dealing. Neither is the idea A nhiln nt ii rnnii' f i n u AM rt i . .1 j... I . ings will be on a strictly business basis. We claim, however, that it will be dealing in a stable commodity on a stable basis. it will encourage the purchase and maintenance of homes in h4s city exclusively, as our plan will not appeal to the man who wants to buy and sell for the speculation there is tin It." MANY RLALTY MEN COMING Interstate Convention Aere to Draw Big Attendance. Further progress in the plans belntr made .for the interstate convention of real estate men, to be held in Portland July 17, 18 and 13, was reported by President F. E. Taylor at the regular weekly luncheon held at the Oregon hotel this noo'n. Acceptances are com ing from all of the principal points of Oregon .nd Washington, in the terrl- ' tory tributary to Portland, and a good Sized delegation is promised from southwestern Idaho. With the accep tance of the invitations, a large num ber of associate memberships are be ing received. There was no regular speaker sched . tiled for today, the meeting being an- . flounced as a business session. Lease on Building Reported. T. W. Jenkins & Co. have taken a lease on the building at CO and 62 Front street, now occupied by Meier & . ti - . , rranx as storage rooms ior w.e luim ture department. The premises con sist of four stories and basement. Before the grocery company will oc cupy the pren.ises there will be in stalled an elevator and heating plant, and considerable remodeling will be done. To Build Private Hospital. Dr. N. W. Jones has taken out a per mit for the erection of a private hos pital at 616 Marshall street, to cost $24,000. It Mflll be two stories and basement of brick construction. P. Dolph of 122 East Sixteenth street ! water for the natatorium is the over north has taken out a permit to erect fjow from the city reservoirs and comes a one and a half story frame residence underground from the mountains, it is at 1240 Haspalo street, to cost $3000. ;a tittla t00 coid for comfortable bath Building Per.nita. I. N. Matney. erect oue story frame chicken home. 247 E. 77tli at. N between Hassao nd Holladay a.: bnllder. aame; $5o. W. H- Ouade. repair one and one half story . , . 1 1 1 i . r tf mi, .., KJ i ......... i ra mat uwruuiK, ou n,n i. t j Shaver end Maaon sts.: builder, aame; $.. C. D.'Kraaer, erect one atory frame garage. U69 Hemlock at., between Haxel and E. Harri ses t : builder. B. W. Kanuer; $120. V U. palmer, erect one atory frame garage, 2g Vancouver ave.. between Morris and Stan top Sta.; builder, aame; $.". T. Lehnherr, erect one story frame garage, 823 Vancouver ave.. between Failing and Sha ver ata.; builder, aame: $50. Annie L. Lent, repair one atory frame Store. 601ft 92d at. S. K . between Woodstock are, and 61at ave.; ouutier. aame; 1130. Northwest Steel Co.. erect one atory frame abop. foot of Sheridan at.; builder, eame: $75o6. U. Marx, repair two story ordinary rooma, SttU N. 3d at., between Davla and Everett sts.; builder, S. Bosh ford; $40. Mra. Mary K. Shepherd, construct retaining wall. 733 Talbot road. Greenway addition; builder, John Carlson; $75. ' H. E. Ball Repair 1 story frame dwelling, T120 64th ave. S. E., between 70tu and 72d Sts.: builder, D. W. Wharton, $75. Wm. W. Widmer Repair 1 atory frame dwelling, 808 Buxton at., between E. Cllaan and Lawrence ats.; bnllder, aame, $200. ... 1lera Mualc House Repair 1 atory frame swelling, 2U7 Woods at., between 3d and 4th Sts.: builder. C. N. Luck, $500. - Kllera Mualc House Repair lty atory repair two atory ordinary rooma. frame dwelling. 260 Woods at., between 3d and ta sts.; builder, G. N. Lock, $08. G. U Stelnan Erect 1 atory frame garage, 887 B. 47th St., between Hawthorne ave. and )a. Harrison at.; builder, aame, $50. J. A. Malarkey Repair 2 atory ordinary store, 215 Front at., between Salmon and Tay lor sta.; builder. Central Door a Lumber Co., ITS- I - Sullivan 4k Oonaidlne Repair 8 atory fire proof reinforced concrete theatre, 175 Broadway Mtween Morrison and Yamhill ata.; builder, Becker Co.. 205. Fted Taoecher Repair 1 atory frame dwell ing, 886 E. Weldlar at., between E. 28th and 2Vth sts.; builder, aame, S8n. C W. Merritt Krect 1 atory frame garage T34 X. 75th St. N.. between Fremont ami Klickitat sts.; bnllder, C. V. Inman, $35. ttlmon Salvage Co. Repair 3 atory ordinary tore, 133 lat at., between Waeblngtoe and Al dor sta.; builder. Findley Crow. $JOOO. Mrs, Wm. Pullllps Repair 1 atory f,ama atorc, "609-815 E. Morrison t., between Eaat J . th and E. 16th sta.; builder, i. C. Barer, $100. I-eoncira Rensbaw Erect 1 atory frame gar age. 070 Powell at., between Eaat 32d and K. 83tn ata. ; builder aame. 50. Wm. P. Kaucb Ereet 1 atorr frame Karaite, 207 E. With (., between' Mawuiorne are. and K. Market ft.; builder, J. B. Beach' It Sod, $2.10. August Stllger - Erect 1 atory frame gar age. 583 E. JWth at., between Brooklyn and Tll'betta ; builder, Wyirandt & Weth. b. ur. " Jones erect i aiory oral ,"m,j,1,,, 6,6 mi.h t., between mb bM . bnIrter Hufcby A Tollisen. $24 Dr. N. W. Jones Erect 2 atory ordinary ana 000. nie atore. Marshall w- Montague Repair 3 story frame apartment. 4:o E. Yamhill at., between Eaat Mh and E. 7th ata.;. builder. X. V. Wilson, $100. Perry Dolnh Erect 1U atory frame dwelling. 1240 HaasaUo at., between E. 4lt and 431 .ata - li iilldt-r. Geo E. ManEjR. oo. William L.lrtd Wrwk 1 ami 2 atory frame atore 61i 4 L'uIod are. N-, butwu-n Bmree and Kna4ll ata.; wroker. aarue, foo. Mary A. Heitkemner Krect 1 atorr frame E a mge, 934 E. Glisau ft., Iietwren K. !Wtb ud i lat ata - tin Her V. He llltemiwr. I.0. W. p. Manila Repair 1 Vi atory frame , dwelling-, loai 8. Mayea at., between Burr A j U,uttS ,lu"'UH..T1,. i dwelling. 4a Oregon at., between E. flth and K 7tb ata.; builder. Becker Co., $215. Real Estate Transfers. Brnng- Co.. Inc., to William L. Graham I.. 11, B. 14, Kl $ Portland Trm t Savins Bank to Clara E Hubb. L. 15. it. a, Irvindale J. P. lioffuian to hlizabeth Maude Baa ford, L. 13. 14. B. 1, Hnffnuuia Add. H B. Stout und wf. to i. II. Naab, W. V. L. 0, 7, 11. 5, Upton Park Ella M. Van Ueraal and bua. to H. C. Jorgcuaen. L. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8. P 10, 11. 1-'. IS. 18. 17. 23, 24, 25 2il i'T II. 14. L. 28, 29, 30, 31 B. 14, (Stiritord lleigtita Onm D Jolmwn and hus. to Mary Jor K.T.seti. N. '-i L. y, 10. B. 2. Ilown A'lil Ella M Vn Derxal and liua. to Carl T. .I'M ifHiiaen, L. 17. 1H, B. 8. Stanford lleiiclita Laild Katate Co. to Edna M. Metzger. I.. 22, B. 32, Weattujrclaud Edna M. Baleman and li 'is. to dec. Sar hgt k trust Co., L. 22. li. 32. Weatmorekmd Nortbweat Auto (). to Sam Beat. L. 2'. 20, B. 4, Argyll! Park Noun an II. Enller et al to Ullle Bell Kntler. L. 42, a. U 44, L.. 48, B. 28, Irrlngtoo Park M. O. Tboraen and wf. to IL W. Scbmeer L. 16. B. 14. Kirerslde Add.. George M. Matteaon and wf. to Mary A. Kaple, L. 6, 7, B. 4. MaaallLion Add.. Frederick J. McPberaon and wf. to W. lu 700 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 2.800 10 O. McPberaon, L. 7. B. 29, Wultm- at'te Hta. Add 2,000 D L. Tracy to Mrs. Elenora Brock and bna. L. , B. 1, Bickford Park 2.500 L. U. Richardson und wf. to Hattle Ma rl Orr, L. 5, B. 3n, Laurelliurnt 10 Myrtle Bover and Iiuh. to T. 11. New-M-iid, und. Va tut. L. 11, B. . M.-r-)iw . 10 Jehn I.. Karnopp and wf. to Tv I.. Allen, part L. 7, B. 22, Arlington Heights 10 Christ Johnson, to Oeorge Debritz. L. 4, 11. i:t. Tilibctls Add 10 William 8. Overllu to J. U. Wldiner, I,, h. B 4. Klrat Electric Add.. 1.. 14, I.", Vi. B. 4. Klrat Elertric Add.. 10 W'IHIhui Hutchliisou and wf. to J. K. llonbrlalit, L. 1. B. 4. HuleMuwiua Add The L nilMieitatoek 4c Larson f IiKiieliuild- era inv. Co.. to J. C. Smarts rt al, I. 11, 12. B. . Jonesujore W II. Hull.. is et 1 to trunk Ktiblhv. L. 7, li. 31), Wood lawn J. B. Kennedy and wf. to Bertie White. I.. 4, B. IS, Kastmorel.ind O 0. Cosleti anil wf. to Louia C. Otto. 1.. i. li. !H). Kre City Park Ijluru M. li.iiilinain to Ida .Suiltli. I.. 8, B. 1. llnrruge Trai-t G. 1'. Kisuian ami wife to A. L. M-ire- land et al. L. 11. B. 5. Gllliama Sec- 1 oud Add .' W. J. Patterson and wf. to N . V. Mnr my et al. I.. K. y. B. T.4. Capital Hill i Title I'riiat Co. to G.-ors M. Vinton et al. I.. . B. 22. part I.. 7, B. 22, I Arlington Heights I Investment Co. to M. G. Nease, I.. 1, 2. 1 B. 41. Piedmont. 2oi!a ft. adj. be ! ginning S. E. corner of said B. 41... Council Crest Inr. Co. to Ilurton Brown. I.. 1, B. :;, Tract "A." Council Crest ; Park H. 1. Trowbridge to Caroline K. Trow bridge, L. 0, B- 2. Watts Add ConstHiiee Tavlor to Alaska Pacific ; KlKheriea Co., part B. Hsi, Couciia Add.. N. Vi B. "J." Portland 2.822 60 10 I 10 The Parton Home for the Kriendless to I.edora B. Dickenson, L. 1, 8, B. I ' "X." Sell wood 1 I Joreiih C. lilbsou and wf. to L'dora B. Di kensou. L. 23, 24, B. ' E." Eaat I ! M. Johns Add 10 1 Same to same. E. 4l ft. L,. H. W. 8..".!l ft. L. lu. B. 12. lunn Add 10 ' Churlex Kirelmer et al to William V . 1 Bushman. L. 17, B. 3, Kiriaimo 2C' TT mrt1 T. . UlllClulllCl X CIO U JJ.U11C Deal Is Yet Pending Stockholders of Independent Company Will Meet to Consider Sale of Ma jority of Stock to Edmund Mable. Tendleton. Or., May 5. A meeting of the stockholders of the Independent Telephone company of Pilot Rock has been called for May 13 to consider the sale of a majority of the stock to Ed mund Mabie. manager of the Pendleton office of the P. T. & T. Co. For some time past some of the principal stock- holders have been trying to interest Mr. Mabie In the independent company, and a majority of them, it is reported. are ready to sell their stock to him In order to have a trained man at the 1, i . . 0 I n. V.w.K - Vi head of the system, which covers the south end of the county. Natatorium Will Open June 1. Pendleton. Or., May 6. Pendleton's municipal natatorium at Round-Up : Park will be opened June 1 for the pea son, and in all probability a steam heating plant will be installed. Tne council committee in charge has an nounced that a plan has been decided upon to place steam coils in a concrete Intake box, so that the temperature of ! the water may be raised from 10 to 40 'degrees. Because of the fact that the ing. Theatre Owners Buy. Pendleton, Or., May 5. By a deal closed yesterday, E. L. Cooper and John Greulich are now owners of the Alta moving picture theatre in this city. They already owned the Cosy theatre, and will hereafter conduct both places. Deery & Chanler formerly owned the Alta. Arrests on Increase. Pendleton, Or., May 5. Arrests in Pendleton increased last month over ' any of the previous months of the dry v.aP Ther were 4( 1 7w h Ira. 1 the month, whereas th 6 arrests during there were but 22 'in January and in February, and 21 in March. However, in April, 1915, there were 108 arrests. Most of the drunks arrested had bottles of alcohol on them. The government of Venezuela has employed an agricultural scientist to give free instruction to farmers. FUNERALS Lady asatsiant. Beautiful funeral ebapel. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Washington at Ella St- (bet 20th and Slat) West Hide. Main 2091. A-7883. $75 North Eiveri Scrip : Cases Are Decided; Hortb. KiTr Woman amd Hoqulam Han Win Against 3. W. Clark, Accordiag to Word Prom Co&arvman Johnson Aberdeen, Wash., May 6. Mrs. May Vanderpool of North River and Mike Har.ehan of Hoquiam havo won out against J. W. Clark, selector in the North River scrip cases now being heard in Washington, D. C, while Claude Vanderpool, son of Mrs. Van derpool, and Mrs. Sprague have lost their cases, apcordmg to telegraphic advice recelvetl Thursday from Con gressman Albert Johnson. Johnson says Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Vanderpool will be given a rehearing to determine right to the tract which both claim. Airs. Vanderpool filed on this claim prior to the time that the scrip was issued, and on this ground won over J. W. Clark of this city, who claimed the land by virtue of a. scrip entry. Later Mrs. Vanderpool was absent ; from the claim for some time and Mrs. j Ross took possession of It and now I claims that she is the rightful owner. $15,000 Libel Suit Is Placed on Trial Marshfleld, Or., May 5. The tr4al o. the case of Mrs. Julia , Allen of North Bend against the Evening Rec ord and A. R. O'Brien, the owner, has been started in circuit court at Co quille. She asks $15,000 damages for alleged libel. Some time ago the newspaper printed the story of a woman who was found hanging to a cigar sign in the bay early in the morning and res cued by a boat It is alleged that later the name of Mrs. Alien was printed as that of the woman who was res cued, and the plaintiff claims this is untrue. Editor Furnishes Bail Bond. North Bend, Or May 6. Frank B. Cameron, editor of the Agitator, a weekly of North Bend, who was In dicted, has furnished bond in the sum of $760 and will be tried before Judge Hamilton. Murderer of Three to Hang. Ventura, Ca.1., May 5. (P. N. 8.) IiOuls A. Kortfne today was sentenced to hang at San Quentim July 23 for the murder of Peter Furrer, fcXirrer's wife and infant daughter March 3 near Ox nard. WISHED 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS A5D FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT TKXBD A1TD SALHOV 8TXEXTS. MAIH 607. A-1511. 6 a Choice XiOans of $10,000 and TTp On Improved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. LIPSCOMB. S42 Stark Street. City and Farm Properties la am sum at vurrant Katea. Hartmaa & Ihompacn, Bankers. Corner of xeurtb and Stark 8ta. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS m Tl) At For 306 Dekttm Bldg, Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment k Mortgage Co. Offices 303-4, 170 3d St. FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Boom 23. Alas worth Bldg. I Psoas Main 6841. Portland. Or. MEETI-VO NOTICES 41 A N N I V ERS A R Y Grand Ball given by Reg ina Marg - herita .circle. No. 1.. U. A. O. D., at Wood man hall, 11th st., between Alder and W a s h 1 n gton. Music by Pro fessor Tigani's band. Satur day. May 6 th., Admission 50. Ladles free. 8 p. m. SAMARITAN Dodge, No. 2, 1. O. O. F. Special meet ing this (Friday; at 7.30 p. m.. at I. O. O. F. Temple, 226 Alder street, to examine and eiect candidates for .the first degree, after which we will visit Hassalo Lodge, No. 15, who will confer the firat de gree on our candidates. Every mem ber is requested to be present. WILLIAM D1NKLATER, N. G. R. OSVQLD, Secretary. Prophets Attention Gl'L REAZEE GROTTO members will leave Port land 1:30 p. m. Saturday, May 6. Special tram Ore gon Electric for Eugene. Ceremonial of CaliDh Grot to Saturday evening. Wear your fez"' and board train 10th and Stark sts, 1:30 p. m. sharp. By order of Monarch. R. E. FTj'LTON, Sec y. OREGON Lodge, No. 101, A. F. & A. M. Stated com munication tomorrow (Satur day) evening at 8 o'clock. Brother Colonel Robert A. Miller will deliver an address "The? Mysteries of Mitonrv." entitled. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. Bv prder of the W. M. LiCjouiti a. e-jrtrvjK, Bee y. KENTON LODGE NO. 145. A. -P. & A. M Special communication t o m o r row (Saturday) evening at 7:30 O'clock. M. !M. decree. Visit ing brethren welcome. By order of W. M. ROBERT EACH. Secy. ALBERT sPIKE LODGE NO. 162. A. F. A. M. Special communication this (Friday) evening at J:30 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visitors wel- come. By order of W. M. E. R. I VIE, Secy. EMBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th. aV'f nrA Ta A 2000! vlDWARD lOLMAN! 10 : . I r w Vital Statistics marriages, Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Walter C. Day. Athena hotel, legal, and Edna A. Ortb, Norton la hotel, legal. Andrew Molina. 231 6th at., legal, and Maria Fnrguet, aame eddreaa, legal. W. M. Hendrii, 233 k.. J7th at, N legal, and Mary A. Byrnea, same addreaa, legal. VK.G, Smith k Co. cafdnad Third floor Morgan Bldg. suits sold or rented, low prices, latest styles, all sizes; we buy dress suits. Bare'l s Misfit Cloth, atore. &1 3d. ijUkSfi suits for rent, ail sizes. Lumuo Tailoring Co.. 909 Stark St. BIRTI1S EYDB To Mr. and Mra. William M. Hyde. 1184 Miiter at., April 23. a daughter. HAttUEK To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . Harder. Oak lirove, April 27. a son. MOLLT05 To Mr. and Mr. Artbnr 1. Moul- toD, 771 E. Buruaide at., April 20, a daughter. BELL To Mr. and Mrs. William Bell. 870 a 2t;tb at. N.. May 2, a daughter. BROWN To Mr. and Mra. Kugene B. Brown, 1503 E. 75th at. S., April 28, a son. W0G1 To Mr. and Mra. William B. Wood, 1430 Alameda Drive, April 28, a daughter. FALES To Mr. and Mra. Palmer L. Falea, 484 B. 25th at. N.. April 27. a daughter. JEKKEKY To Mr. and Mra. Edward J. Jef- fery. 641 Washington at., April 26, a eon. CCKTIS To Mr. and Mrs. William Koaa Cur- tlB, u6 Corbett at.. May 1, a daughter. BENTON To Mr. and Mra. Charlea li. Benton, 2ti7 E. 4th at.. May 1. a aon. ' DEATHS AND FUN ERALH 75 LOUNSBDRI In this city, May 2, Daniel C. Lcunabury, 193 Jarrett street, aged 72 yeara 10 montba 28 daya, belored huaband of Fannie E., father of Erl R. , Harrey E.. Charlea A. Lounabury, of Portland, and Mra. F. C. Brewer Tacoma. Frienda lnrited to attend funeral aerUivs. which will be held at Holman'a fu neral parlora at 2 p. m. tomorrow (Saturday). May 6. Interment Greenwood cemetery, bexr lee.. at the grave private. M KINLEY in thia city, May 4, 11U6. Mra. Jane McKiniey, age 02 yeara 3 mouth 1U daya. She learea six children, Mra. Boae Field, Mrs. Alice Van Horn, Mra. Grace Harking and Fred, Clarence and Herbert McKiniey. Funeral will leave the residence parlors of Breeie & Snook. 1026 Belmont street, at 1:30 p. m., Saturday, May 6. Thence to Grace Memorial church. Kaat Seventeenth and Wledler street, where aervices will be held at 2 o'clock. In terment RlTerriew cemetery. BICKNELL In this city. May 6. at the resl ence of her daughter. Mra. A. F. HeUlwell, 181 Eaat Thirty-second street, Ella J. Btck nell, aged 70 years, grandmother of May, Gen evieve and Ethel Helliwell. Funeral serrlces will be held at the above residence Saturday, May 6, at 3 p. m. Friends invited. Interment In the family plot at Minneapolla. Minnesota. TULP The funeral service of the late Boy Tulp, aged 24 yeara, will be conducted Sat urday, May 6, at 10 a. m., in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 5SO2-04 Ninety-second street S. E.. Lents. Friends In vited to attend. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. BECKER in this city, May 5th, at her late residence, 144 North Twenty-third street. CLrlHine Becker, aged 63 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. ML'RPUY At Jefferson, Or., April 30, Mrs. Frances Murphy, age 82, mother of Mra. Emma Smith, sister of Milton E. Hearn and Mrs. Em-ma Hamniigan. BETTMAN Goodman Bettman, 73i Kearney St.. May 2, 70 years, exhaustion and senility. CI RT1S John J. Curtis. 51 E. 45tb St. . N., May 1. 72 veairs, myocarditis. LEONARD Yoliey Leonard, Good Samaritan, May 2. 78 vears. uremia. P.YDMAN Catherine J. Rydman. Boring, Or.. Mav 1. 9 months, broncho-nneumonia. EF.KKS0N Edia F. Erkkson. 400 E. 34th St. May 2. 32 veara, tuberculosis. BOYNTON Lydia E- Boynton. Oregon hotel. May 1. 09 years, ehrnnlc nephritis. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 347 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged CLARKE BROS., florists, z&l Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch Btores. TONSETll FLORAE CO., !S5 Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. Main C102, A-1102. OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAL CO., 16$ Glisan st Mar. 4372. A-1464. MAIN 8116; wreaths, pillows, $3 up. Sprays $1 up. Chappells.347 Morrison MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 V. 6th st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Tears of Experience Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, in sures absolute privacy, caus ing in no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant. j. P, Finley & Son The Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Montgomery at Fifth. Main K. A-1599. p. l mum Undertaker, East llta and Haw thorne. E. 1 81. R-1888. Lady assistant. Dunning & McEnteenvrn'io every ueiail. Broadway and Piue sts. Broadway 430. A-4uo!. Lady assistant. F. S, Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder st. Phone East 62. B-2525. A. D. KENWORTHY CO. Two Establishments. Tabor 5267; 5b02 i2d su, Lents. Tabor 58i5 Cot'1 st- and Foster road., Arleta. Walter C. Kenworthy 1S32-1534 E. 13th. Sellwood 71. B-1122. MILLER St TRACEY, inuepenuent fu neral directors. Prices low as $20, $40 $60 Wash, at Ella. M. 26!1, A-7885. a i" 7llnr Pn "2 Williams ave. A. Ki Z.ellcir UOiEast 108S. C-108S. Lad y attendant. Lay and night service, j r-iiiHI ifit Kli.:lJil.IN CJfcJ UXN 1. rKLS. bnlUoUINM. 6133 A-2235. 445 Morr. BREEZE & SNOOK, B-1252, T 125. 1026 Belnjont at 34t"i Ladv attendant. RT D.irnno Williams and Knott. , 1. Byrnes East ms. c-ms. U:u East 80th and Glisan. Fu namillOn neral services. Tabor 4313. OICiACC Undertaking Co. Main-4162 Ort Wt C A-2321 Cor 3d and Clay. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WK8.. 264-268 4 th St.. opp. city hall. Main 8564. FVii'-n Neu z Sons, for memorials UBlAeSIng grani 1 tdd J 2fe7-Swr ST COP MADSON, 1 FOR SALE HOUSES Ol PROSPECTIVE home buyers and builders Investigate the homes for sale, and the plan of building on your lot on easy terms Dy tne Gregon iome n..iu 1 11iV V nr T2nr.Tr hltif I COMFORTABLE, homey, nearly new house. 5 rooms downstairs, furnace, r.1ce yard, good neighborhood, 511 E. 47th st N.. Rose City Park. Inquire next floor or pnone tapor zuig. 1RO0 SMALL HOUSE AND LOT. END OF WOODSTOCK LINE, JERMS Furnished house, 2 lots, Tualatin View Park. Will sell or trade equity S1000 Underdahl. 301 Board of Trade. $690 (terms) will buy 4 room. un plastered house on 50x100, use of 100x100, on 78th and Halsey. Jensen. Broadway 1658. MY beautiful home, all furnished, Richmond district; only $3000. 202 McKay bldg. MODERN 10 room house, large iot, one block to car, all' clear; $1400, $480 cash, balance $10 per month. 163 72d N. BUNGALOW bargain; easy payments, on car lino. Ownerp Sellwood 2204. FOU SALE UOLHES i iConttanedl ... - - - -v. FINE HOME ' AT YOUR OWN PRICE , On May 8 I will sell to the highest i bidder my 8 room modern house, lot i 100x129, corner of Commercial and Al ; berta sts., 1 bloek to Jefferson high j school: terms half cash, balance 6. Come and see the property and submit i your sealed bids. Owner, Wdln. 4221. 6 ROOM BUNGAlvOW $1475. Up against it. I must move; my ' mniiurn hnma fn 71 at et nur HMsan St. carline; fireplace. Duffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laun'sry trays, large porch; cost me $2450. Will sell for $14 7 5; terms. Miliar, phone Broadway 1658. " OWN THIS HO.MK. At a big .sacrifice; modern 6 room, 2 story house, 2 large lots, east side, close to car, improvements paid, coal $3600. Will give a big bargain for quick action. Easy terms. Owner. 723 Yeon bids. 1 AM compelled to dispose of my nearly new 5 room bungalow; all modern conveniences, large attic; 1 block from Peninsula Park on Missis sippi ave. If you have a little money 1 will surprise you in price. While, Broadway 1658. Why Not Build - And tret a home accoilng to your ideals. 1 design, build and finance any building; artistic eketobes free. bee me before you build N. O Ekiund. 813 Henry bldg Main 6812 FOR SALE By owner, modern u room nouse, Bleeping porcn, t-unit-i r.. Ankeny and 18th. Will take part pay ment 5 room house. Rose City Park or Sunnyside preferred. Phone East lolb. FOR SALE LOTS 10 200 BEAUTIFUL lots in Milwaukie; 6c car fare; light, gas and water; $20 cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather. Rlsley station. Phone oak i Grove 1-X. GitKAT bargain, 4 lots, $500; i lots. $1750; improvements paid. Irving ton. Splendid locations. East 273. W. H. Herdman. iKflYinn rumor In nn 9 1 fit anH Present t will sell cheap if taken at once. Phone Columbia 444 or 579. CORNER iot 100x167 ft., southeast facing, beautifully located; restrn-t-ed dlst; Improvements all In. M. 70."3. ACREAGR READY TO MOVE ONTO. 10 acres, 6 practically cleared, ready for crop; warm, south slope, richest red shot soil, corner on two fine roads. a very sightly building site, 3 miles from station and wharf, 39 miles from Portland; beans or potatoes planted soon should pay for this block in the fall: additional land available. Price , i right; terms easy. G. Wynn Wilson, I 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg. j Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car 'line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 15S5 or Sell- wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland. 2, 6. 18 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, $bj to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar land. 309 Yeon bldg. Portland. ONLY' $ 1443 for 481 acres, good tillable land, Portland 40 miles, 3 -000,000 ft. timber. 2 Vs miles store and boat landing. Terms. F-i)24, Journal. SACRIFICE $i;.( BUYS 2 0 ACRES. 2 miles from U. R. ; 40 miles irom Portland. Act quick; owner. 6J1 Jour nalbldg. FOR SALE In Lents, acre cheap, $350: cash or terms. Owner. Ad dress, J. J.. Box 323, R. F. D. 1. Oswego. ACRE tracts on carline, near city; i i'uvpu roan; o casn. jh per month. ' 6rc int. Owner. 517 Chamber of Com. SUBURB AH HOMES 1-3 ACRE, good house. 4 blocks from car, 5c fare; fine for chicken ranch; a big snap; $1650. terms. Umbdenstock & Larson. 306 Oak st. Bdwy. 1658. -I SALE FARMS 17 IDEAL COUNTRY FARM 17 ACRES. Close to Carlton, on main road, 12 acres in cultivation, seeded to clover and vetch, young orchard, large, barn swell 5 room bungalow, with fireplace large porch, well and spring; just the place to keep a tew cows and a bunch of chickens and make an easy living Price $2500; $600 cash, balance terms New. up-to-date farmers' creamery at Carlton, other good buys. Writo for price list. W. E. KIDDER, arnon, R1VKK bottom and bench land in Wil lamina valley, near good railroad town, running water, no rock; employ ment. Let us show you 5 acres best soil with good 4 room house, $25 ?ow.n'.l,10 month. Qr, 6 acres bench land, $26 down, $8 rhonth. Or, nearly ;,r " avyio trees; $300 down, balance terms Or. any U 111(111,, . - ) . . 1 J lawu, prices, easy terms to settlers. J. R. Sharp. 65 7 Sherlock bldg. . 30 ACRES, 6 miles from Lents, on rosier road; $lu00 cash. balance . , '"j"18' re8t timber; team, tools. Theodore Schacht, Boring. Or! R. 3. 20 ACRE FARM. $800. 4 room hoilRi harn ihi'lriin snrine water nine1 tn hn,,.. t. . ' " , : -r- - " w line, nuna 1U school, $1 fare from Portland. Claude e oie. a-iu tie nry d i a,g 20 1PRFS linn $1 fare from Port I and nlncA n I. . . . station, several tracts 'with running 7 -c ' -u iau, oai. tsasy. viauae Cole, 'o nenry Drag iOR SALE 40 a., 22 a. irrigated house, barn, other bldgs., fenced in crop. Investigate. $1200 will handle. C Q., Tumalo. Or A STOCK FARM. 1200 acres, well improved, only 6 miles from Condon; $3 per acre. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg. PRUNES pay big. 1 have 20 acres. Must selL Adjoins city. High school, fine soll and Improvements. Full par ticulars Owner Box 157. Riddle Or DANDY little farm of 10 acres, with new 5 room house, barn, chicken houses'; close in. Trade or sell X- 361. Journal. NEAR Tigardvilie, 8 acre suburban home; sacrifice. Masterson, 202 Wilcox bldg 160 ACRE improved farm near Sheri dan, 42800. $1300 cash. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg. ' INVESTIGATE now about Mexican landa. For particulars, X-355. Journal FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT Equipped 110 acre ranch Inquire of George Morse, Jennings Lodge, Or. 45 acres house, barn and stock, 2 miles from Newberg. 415 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 5141. GOOD land, free rent. Main 9130 240 Park. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 3 WANTED Pasture in Mult, Co.. for 20 heifers and calves, during hign water time, must be well fenced and plenty of water, write terms to John Roth, 675 Vancouver ave., Portland WANTED to rent location for dairy: 30 cows; must be good soil, good road to place, plenty of water, not too far from city. X-348, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 160 Acre Homestead Lies fine, good location; trout stream running through place, $160. 120acre relinquishment, meadow and timber, trout creek; lies fine, close to neighbors, 4 miles from town; live on the adjoining homestead. Price $250. 411 HENRY BLDQ HOMESTEAD relinquishment in ST lets, 14 months residence gets you deed, mile to town, county road, neigh bors, running water, adjoining farm, 1400 cash. One cliam has 8.000,000 best timber in Oregon, house and clearinj. $500. 405 Merchants Trust bldg. HOMESTZAlS ? 160 Acre Homestead. Lies fine, good location, trout stream running through place, $150. 120 acre relinquishment, meadow and timber, trout c-eek, lies fine, close to neighbors. 4 miles from town; live on the adjoining homestead. Price $250. ,11 UrKTDV OT T-kl FOUR homesteads. 3 miles from town. level, good roil, no rock, climate ideal, water 10 feet from surface in abundance, information box 64, La Pine, Or. TIMBEIt 2H TIMBER FOR SALE. 340 acres good fir timber located on main county road between Tillamook City and Cloverdale; good location for mill; 5 roor.1 house, 10 acres pasture; good dairy farm when timber is off. G. H. FOLAND, Tillamook. Or. EXCHAAtiEKEAli ESTATE a PORTLAND HEIGHTS 8 room, mod ern home, 2 large, complete bath rooms, 4 lireplaces. Rector gas heat ln system; home built by day labor; unobstructed view of city, river and mountains; street improvements in. Exchange for Nebraska or Oregon farm, or Warrenton, or., property. Price $12,000. Owner. X-3t2, Journal. WILL take clear lot or acreage as tirst payment for equityin 6 room bunga low, balance as rent? Lawn, flowers, fruit, chicken House, one block of Al berta car. Owner. Woodlawn 848. 2V ACRES. WEST SIOE. 5c car fare, cheap hou&e, good well and city water. 2 blocks of station. Will exchange for east side property. Tabor 2388. No commission to pay. RKTIRKU stock man will exchange his fine home for interest in stock ranch and will put Lis time in on ranch, bank references. U-795, Journal. . EIGHT room modern house, with barn, acre, will crl,anye for well Im proved farm and assume Jine. il-lSG. Journal. 1 HAVE a ti room modern, suburban home, lot lUOxlOO, Bull Run water, a cent fare, $2700; what have you? Main 7352 or X-f."i3, Journal. EIGHT rooms, electric light and gas; walking distance of Reed college. No incumbrance. Will accept some trade. Owner. East 1854. WILL exchange city property. $3500, clear, -Bid assume some on improved farm. Details 310 Yeon bldg. Mar shall 2432. UNIMPROVED land, no incumbrance, with lease of dairy ranch.' Want home values easy access to city. FX- 920, Journal. FIVE room modern bungalow; taka good lot as first payment or small sh payment. Phone owner. Tabor i ;i o 2 . 11 ACRE California farm, trade for property here. Wolisieln, d2 cham ber of Commerce. FINE 120 acre ranch, fair buildings; price JjiOU; will exchange for house in Portland". Owner. Z-3o4, Journal. j ACREAGE all in cultivation, good j road near car, in rptit fare; lor mod- i ern home, value $7rno. X-:ttir, Journal, i TWO family flat bldi;.. Nob Hill li- trict; trade lor improved acreage i Close f Tel. Sellwood I S 4 1 . i FOR TRADES of all Garland. 191 4th st. kinds see me. IVANTb REAL ESTATE WEwill sell or ioan money on your lot. .7 C. CQRRIN CO., LEWIS BLDG. WANT to buy l.aui elhur.-t lot, must he cheap for cash X-35S, Journal. ROOMING HOISES ROOMING house, 15 rooms, nice. mod. ern place, on 12th st.; fine furnish ings and clean. Price $3u0. Apply 191 4th st. 11 ROOM, first class furniture, 5 min utes' walk to postofflce. X-352, Journal. BUSINESS OPPOKTUNiriiuS 2U FOR SALE. General merchandise store, end of Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. line, on bank of the Clackamas river; doing good business, no competition, residence, store building and stock will invoice about $2000; postofflce in tulld ing. This is a money maker and no ex- pease. If interested write or call on H B. Snydy. Cazadero, Or. No agents. WANTED A partner in a new PatJ. clothes reel; should be a good sales agent to go to Seattle to manufacture 1 WE WANT $100 ot k; $lK0i at 6; ar.d place, agents in field; small $11,000 at " ; $20,000 at 7: $40,000 amount of money needed; also one man i at 6; and other amounts. The Ore in San Francisco; the first man to get gon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank choice, as I have all I can handle here i bldg. in Portland Call 840 Sandy bldv. WANT to borrow $500 at 8 per cent I hone E. 61. .. j on highly Improved 10 acres. Wash- GARAGE; Brick building, storage tor : ington county. Private parties only. 30 cars, IS fctored in now at $5 mo. 1 Value $2500. U-726, Journal. Oaaroillie lttjm UiiU puilll uontillfs -". also over $50 of oils and grease, and $75 tools. Rent $35 month, t Tearing over $150 month. Called east. Will sacrifice for $350. See Millershlp, 724 Make Good Living Cigar, confectionery and bootblack stand, located cm best transient street in city; rent $20; will Invoice J 60". First one comes gets this for $220. See Peters, at 15 N. 5th st. A REAL SNAP. $550 takes fine corner cash grocery nice fixtures; all clean stock; doing food business. Owner leaving city, nvestigate. Wax Special Service. 312 Fenton bldg. CONFECTIONERY and waiting room for sale, nave 2 stores, cwn t loog after both, will sell one for $375, worth $550, good location big summer trade coming on, don't miss this snap. Inquire at 202 23d st. FOR SALE Pool hall and soft drink and card room on Washington st. Small amount of money will handle; deal with the owner. Telephone Main 6995. CONFECTIONERY' and ice cream par lor, doing fine business, 2 nicely fur nished rooms, fine garden and 13 chick ens. Rent $10. Will sacrifice for $300. Mlllership. 724 Cham. Com. WANTED Partner in chicken busi ness, young man, between 16 and 25, with Inclination for poultry raising and $300 to invest; after first year his In come guaranteed $300. F-921. Journal. SUBURBAN GROCERY AND CON- FM,Tl(JMSKi. $2000 takes stock, building and large i ned men preferred; take Northern Pa lot. Close to school. Terms. Masters, i cific train 7:35 a. m. from Union depot. 607 Pit took block. FOR SALE -Large rooming house, mostly H. K. apartments, well filled, splendid location, will take little casn, balance in real estate. F-922. Journal. FOR sale or trade, a modern up-to-date Creetons auto popcorn wagon. For price, terms, etc. Address II, 20th and A St., Corvaliis. Or. GROCERY Invoice $2500. sales $1001) per month, old established, will take part trade or mortgage, no agents. r-72t, Journal. FOR SALE or trade, furniture in a 24 room hotel, rent $20 per month. Will sell for cash or trade for acreage. Phone Columbia 271. FOR SALE Buttermilk route, one of the best In the city; wagon and horse; $250. Inquire of owner, 7320 64th ave. S. E. Portland. Tabor 135S. PARTNER to buy one of my auto trucks for $300 and join me in house wrecking. Plenty work ahead. V-190, Journal. FIRST-CLASS butter store beat loca tion on market, cheap if taken at once. Owner, 271 Yamhill. INVESTIGATE if you want profita ble business on $500 investment En- terprlse Cleaners, 23d and Northrup st. POOL ROOM 2 B. B. C. Co. tables, nice fixtures, very cheap: terms if wanted. 710-12 Union ave. N. FOR SALE or trade at a bargain, mil linery store, fine location, best in city. P-737, joornal. FINE stamps, hinges, albums, etc., 8 a. m.-6 p. m. Columbia Stamp Co.. 91 North 16th st. Main 7680. BUSII.E86 CARDS. Rose City Printing Co, Third st.. cor Taylor. DON'T OVERLOOK THE TILTING REEL FACTORY. 840 SANDY BLV. BUSINESS OPlOHTUKlXIES 20 (Cos tinned) DEMONSTRATION OF THE ECO N-J UM Y STUMP AND COKUuuu SPLITTER! Come and eee the demon stration of this powerful and quick working hydraulic machine In splitting logs into cordwoed and splitting and pulling out any size of stumps, with all its roots. In shortest time, reducing the cost of land clearing to more than one half. This our last demonstration for some time in Oregon, takes place from the -d to Rth of May, continuously, on Lom bard street, on the Mississippi-rCenton car line, opposite the Peninsular school house, between Patton and Derby sts. FRANK E. KENNEY, Add re fcs. 122S E, 30th St. N. LIGHT conlectionery and grocery store for sale, located at 996 Com mercial ave. cash business, $450 If taken a,t once. ULbLNESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 08 6 ROOM bungalow for grocery. Sell wood 1233. Call .MO.NK1' TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OUK installment plan la the beat and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 38 months, or $21.24 lor 60 months, or $15.17 for V6 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. EQUITABLE SVG 8 : LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St.. Portland, Oregon. WE have money to loan at 7, in sums ranging from $10uu to $3000 ou im proved city property. R. E. MENBFEE ft CO., 416-417 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 4035. LET L6 MAKE YOUR LOANS. $ 700 8 ,3000 8 $1400 8 $3000 7 NEILAN & PARKHILU. 3i3 Stock Exchange bids. 3d and Yamhill. Lt h.lhu loans on city and suouiban I property, money advanced as work I progresses. W. O. Beck, 315 Failing ' olilu- Main 3407. tiuu.vuu ON mortgages, city or tarm property, fire Insurance. McKenzl & Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder --rt ail paiu lor mortgage-, note , coo tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis. 4 Lewis bldg. $2i'0 to $lu,000 on hand for Immediate loans on Improved property. BOID REALTY CO.. LEWIS BLDG. uujn l: i ru LiUaiM iu amounts ol lcg to $5000 on city property. A. H. Belt :t t i Gerlinger bldg. l"0'l 1 rages nal. .nHio on city or farm rnort principais only. Y-940, Jour- WE have money to loan on unproved leal .-state. The Oregon Home Build ers. 1 :' 30 N W. Hnnk bldg. lio.M. i io io.iu on unproved city, taiin properly !' C King 314 Spalding liuuu i' to uouu io loau ou city or tarm 'tieriy Tabor 2620 uv uou, aoy, xiuu, l)uo Fred W. (Jerrnan Co.. 732 Cham. Com 4U, you Oik LLCS. FAUKINUI'ON. 80 4tn si Board of Trade Hldg r.i. u.s Lilian loaiib. 1'el lat H-.M in ton v o . inatalinieni loans. 25 Yeon bldg. iuuuioAiii. loaiio. to 1, Oregon Inv V Co., 170 3d st. $1500 AT li'.-r, $5u0-$,"00 S, $1000 7 ; No com. Ward, 41)7 Spaiding bldg. ,u..ii;.ur,, o auu 4 L LUUIl Sa'oti'on ' o . Xuu )ak st . near 5th $30On TO loan, close in. no commis sion. Tabor 6135. 10 loan, b to S-ife. W 310 Spalding bldg. 11. belli MONEY TO LOA CHATTELS, SALARIES SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. Licensed by state. ruiuLi,U LOAN COMPaNI. INC., - 311 Dekum bldg. LOANS WANTED SMALL INVESTOR I can use totm of $1600 In $100 amounts or; lens, 3 years, good security, 1st year 8, 2a year y,o. 3d year 10. Privilege wltn- Urawal any time 0 days notice. Num bers count. Other valuable advantages ! you will appreciate. No fake, but an ' honest man's proposition; best of ret- ' eJtnc,e-M 'se-, e'JV Phono 1 -: - " -"' . . $1000 at 8 per on 5 room house and acre of ground. Materson, 202 Wil cox bldp. , FINANCIAL 61 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wasn H. E. Noble Lumbermens bids: CHATTEL MORTGAGES PUR CHASED. INQUIRE 311 Dekum bid. I1EL1 WANTED MALE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 14th and Johnson streets. U. S. Government Employment Office Co-operating. WANTED QUICK. 30 Scandinavians logKlng R. R. la borers, $2.75 per day; eastern Oregon; ' fare advanced; long Job, 300 fannies to register for berry picking; season starts May 20. 2u0 mill and logging camp men; skilled and unskilled. Farm hands and milkers. NO FEB CHARGED. Main 3555. A-5624. WANTED Men to know that the iuickest and easiest way to go to and from work in on the Indian Feath- ind ; erWeight: economical to run, simple to operate, low in cost. Ask to be shown the Featherweight model. H. Lystul, "The Motorcycle Man," dealer In In- u iiiu iiiuiv(vucb, ouiii.n auu iciaji a, 488 Union ave., N.. corner Sacramento st. Phone East 6977. ATTENTION lumbermen yard and mill men for steady work, modern mill, healthy clean surroundings, good schools, wages $2 to $2.25 for common labor, win advance c&paoie men, mar Luedinghuus Bros.. Dryad. Wash. SALESMAN for wholesale fruit and produce line; must have acquaint ance with city trade; give references. W-76T. Journal. WANTED Boy 6 or 7 yrs. old to act as guide for blind man, wages $10 or $12 a month. 919 E. Everett. Take Montavllla car. WANTING man to carry banner 3 hours day for room rent. Call 7 p. m. 212 '4- 3rd st. WANTED An experienced cake baker to take first place in shop. Call be tween 8-9 P. M. 455 5th st. WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle. 102.4 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Solicitor for creamery; state experience. F-925. Journal, EMPLOYMENT department 1 A Service fre. to members BOY' to learn good trade. 231 Stark. WANTED A doctor. Z-378, Journal. ilKLP WANTED MiHC. 4U Y. M. C. A AUTOMOBILE LHOL Day and . night classes; training ic repairing, dri ing and machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper, drill cress, etc.; tuns unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y. M. C. A bldg., to inspect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MUXHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C. A. and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swimming pool, shower hths evmniultim, ete $76 MONTH. Government jobs. Men, women wanted. List . of positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 4-0, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names men, wishing to become Portland mall carrier. Com mence $47 month. OX-1 II, Journal. ... , ...... . HELP- ANTEl--MlSC. i ( Continued) UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $6 f up. Taylor the Tailor. 2jVa BuTBlc, 11ELP WANTED FEMALE .. . WANTED-Young"" lady lnnese good home, or ynung widow wit child under 14 months to assist wit housework in country. Address Eats cada. Or., R. 3, box II. "yV ANTED Good girl tor genera housework; must be Al cook ani have good references; none other neec apply. 421 E. l'jth N. F.ast 2d2. '( 'i'iloHul-ti HLY experitmced operator on overalls. Mt. Hood Factory, 133 Couch st I GIRL to ttssi!i with general house-t work. 582 bchuylcr st. Telephone East iy4. t GIKL lor eueiitl housework, gooi. cook, no baking, no lunches, no chil dren. $4 week. 44y 1 it h Marshall 4263: GIKL tor genMal housework in fam ily of 2. Swedinh. Finnish or Ger man preferred. I'-TJK, J ou rnal. HK1.1. ULL. i;iri io take casn and an swer telephone. Apply 221 1st st. GIHL wanted for genital housework Call Main 3H94. GIRL of some experieiu-e wanted forj general housework; $18. Tabor 8473.' liELT U ANTED .MALE AXD FEMALE SU n . . -. - ,- i- - -i -. 1 t 1COHLI.R BAKBICH SCHOOL waats men and women to learn the barber trade ftee of chaige in li weeks; posi tions secured, pay wniie learning. 418 and 38 N. 2d at. v MOLtK BAltlil-.H tULLfiiUlli t wants men and wo-nen to learn the trade, paid while learning; tools free; ?osiilona secured; summer rat us; write or catalogue. 48 N. 2d st. -'- OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to ientn the barbor trade in 8 weeks; positions guaranteed. S3 J Madison. ' tli I AlltJNS MALE C11 i UK 1'OHI LAND PUBLIC EAil 1.).V1KNT liCItEAlL Kill and Join. aon sta. EFFICIENT .MEN FOR ALL POSITIONS. Salesmen, office men, clerks, m clianlcs, larin bands, house men, cooks, mill men. loxgiiB, lahoiers etc. No tee charged einployer or employe. Out of town orders tiven prompt attention. Main 3655. A-66J4. STATIONARY engineer, 15 years' ex perience, operating and Installing engine in mills, wishes position in of out of the city; best of relereiices. A. D. Heir, 2C6 E. 7otli st. N. Phone Tabor b4. - MR. owner, young man led man, steam engineer and electrician will Work any place, handy with tools, can save you money on repair worn, .hiiim mm. Bl'TCHER wants position to take charrge or rent or run on ti.are", smnll raent msrkcl. V-FiS8. Journal. i a Tn t i Ntl-iTi i ne 1 1 1 a n g i n g , iimuig, $4 per room up. C A. Barnes. MatsUaU 22K. Main fir4fl WANTED- Employ iiu-ui, by lirat class plumber, in or out ot city. it-ja, journal. , M , EXPKItriO.N't'KO nnin wishes position as hall man or elevator mail. U fioys. Room :i. PAlNTINtl. kalsoiiiiniiiK, rooms $2 up. Papering, whitewashing, reasonable, I'.ilSl 'i.'i. i.o.ut'bir..v 1 himp iiiei-naiuca. avati chaufleurs furnished by Y M. C A. Auto school Main 7'iS A-HRrll l'RACTIt'A-L painter, tinier and paper hauler and un 01 a tot . reduced prices r,, -ti tflvs Sellwood 2 7 72. I'AINTING and apiiiig. KulsoililuiJlg . r ... .....I .it,. ui,.t-Li iriiiirart. ai.ov a 1 iiuin ,in nKt " " w " IPi-il. .191 r.. .HIM M. Pirlr-lMni Buniiing p 1 u 111 ti I U(. LOnUaClOl piastenng. brick and eineni work S S Klri"-rv Mnr IRM CALL Woodlawn 4 1 S J for ummr spraying of trees and roees. Now IS thf time, ! Slit Al IONS rEiALE , i M. x- , i n- uilUTl 1MO PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, VI UlUOH . . i Reliable, competent help, any line, . '1 i:. c.ri.uiil Otrlre clerka. IJIUIIILll " . , ' housekeepers, domestic, day workers, seams-t ressew. Marshall 41U0. A-4125. : . . v- i .. .aiwlr in U'lmhlim. iron. lj,-V U I il i , i n -vi n ... - - -- - - . . iiir and house cleaning. Mra. oenko, , . 1 1 , -i A i tJnine M-i wuuii iT.-i. y..iT":v- ..4.1 uimiu ui'Tifrui houseworks jU( .."Sit ..... r ,. i.J Z good home. 4530 5utli st. S. E. I hon Sellwood 1481. TWO experienced, industrious women want cooKing in camp w(nuti. tKn Journal. ' STRONG woman ,oel" J?'". cleaning, etc. ;mm ........ .- RELIABLE woman wants any kind I of work, day or hour. Marshall 146. cXre" ol children by night or day; ., -.,1.,. ii aiTi rtreren cet. .Tmiai.iui ...... WANTED Work of any kind by the hour. Sellwood t)6V WANTED Office work by competent. IVnrinced woman. H-182, Journal. WOMAN wants day work. Call Main X92X. HOUSEWORK wanted by day or hour. Experienced woman. Tabor 879. u 1 1 A t KiM WANTED MALE AND FEM1LE 23 GENTLEMAN and lady wish position on ranch as foreman. Inoroughly experienced stockman, buyer and sales- man. nans, i cii - - -- t.. Portland, or. DRESSMAKING 40 ALL kinds dressmaking, remodeling", designing, reasonable. Also instruc tlon at rconoiiiy i." "m'"r'i. .-"ZiW9 and school. 603 peaujjri oia. iwam FURNISHED ROOMS EL lt. I .lllt-o rooiiiB ii J " 7, r all parts of the city ajso 'n I . M. C, A. blag., especially uenim.o --- summer; fire-proof, telephone ' room shower baths, $1.76 to $4.7B per . - . . , nn m.m. week, including iun .... berahlp privileges, gymnasium, awim- ming pool, nanu-oau -". -T7i other club privileges. at Y M C. A. business office or teie- pnone oiain uou IVI U MJ IU VV 1 . T .T, -.nSVr . i-r. W.UMIMrtTllN HTB. Strictly modern, light, cool rooms. 32 to $4 per wees; private uun, mcuii-liill'S HOTEL Everything new and up to date. tJr. m . rt i,nl tf Tn.v, onrl Washlnaton. . Main 631 HOTtL Cliiftlilaih c trn. lireprooi reHtn-claii"' t Tenth at Oak. Mod. week- UP. n.60 u rur, rms.. nu- FURNISHED ROOS1S 70 MUTATE Haun, LIUHl, airy, oict,i.n.j ' . iL.i all modern conveniences, walking f)K l-Mh NICK, clean sieevi"s ..... tiori. close in, with Prlvaw -entrance, $1.25 to 1 50 per week. 228 hi S. 10th. ROOMS for rent. $1.50 per week, mod- iVr, conveniences. 861 . iUs. ave. Phone Woodlawn 30. . FURNISHED lent lor rent, clean, healthy place. 697 Kearnej,aL Mar. WELL furnished room $1 week. $14, Main bl. x?EAT quiet airy rooms, with phone, -....l.o 91 M 11th Kt. oain. n u i. -. .- - - .- . ROOMS AND HOARD 13 -" THE HEREFORD,, 736 737 HOYT ST. A aulet residential hotel American plan Suites Single room. Excellent table. Mam aawo, F1K8T Class rwiii mi v.. v., ' ' able; modern conveniences. 332 10th. Mslj) 7. .m i . . . I L. . , i. n I r .a ri ROOMS AND BOAF.D nUUTBMIOlT, BOARD and room, walking distance. 19 K. lth st. ' OoatUao oa next Paatl