r i ! THE OREGON DAILY -"JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1916- i 15 i AUSTRIAN ASSAULTS A v ITALIAN POSITIONS ,IS Italian Statement Says the Enemy Losses Resulting ' From Fire Were Heavy, AIR ACTIVITY INCREASED Two Italian Dirigibles Dropped Two Tom of Explosives oa Austrian Treaohes, Batteries and Camp. Roma, May 5. -(I.N. 8.) Official: "In the Tonale Zona, on tha second, after Intense arUflery preparation, the Auntnani tlirtce attacked our Cas tellasso poaltlon. All tha attacks wera --repulsed, tha enemy leaving 30 prisoners fi "On the Adamello front, on the 3d, ; two Austrian columns slroultaneouuly .attacked Crozzon Kargorlda from' the , nortn and Crozson Lares in tha Caven to pass from the south. Wa allowed ; them to approach to within 100 ,ters, rrpulslns; them with terrific machine gon and rifle fire with heavy , losses. "Between tba Adlge and Brenta 1 valleys there was the usual artillery ' 'activity, and movements of troop ?' tralna. J "On tha Col IM Lana ridge the ,Auetrlajia again vainly attacked our -positions northwest of the crest. In ft he middle Isonzo our artillery shelled ' Tolmino, tha Au,ntrlan supply center. ji" "There was increased aeroplane ac r vtlvlty throughout the theatre of oper xattons. Austrian aeroplanes dropped "'bombs In tha upper Camonlca valley "'and in the lower Isonzo cities of Ra venna and Cervia. There were a few Injured and ion slight damage. "Two of our dirigibles last night bombarded the Austrian trenches and .' batteries at Rubbia, Kerna and Blglia jn the Vlppach valley and the aviation camp at Alto , Vi zza. east of Qorizia, dropping about two tons of explosives ..-with, deadly effect. On the return Journey one aeroplane fell from un known causes within tha Austrian lines near Gorlzla. The other re turned safely to our lines." CARRANZA AGREES TO PROPOSALS MADE' BY U. S. AT CONFERENCE (Confirmed from Pg. One) ernment has had an opportunity to examine and consider its provision. The full text of the proposed agree ment will be given out Immediately upon Its acceptance by both govern ments. "In aaneral, I may say that It pro- .tvldes a basis for cooperation which promises to prevent misunderstand ings and strengthens tha cordial re lations of the two republics." If I - A MA TTACIr t Namiquipa, Mexico, May 5. (By -wireless) (U. P.) News of the con templated American withdrawal from Mexico mysteriously reached the na tives today, causing great uneasiness among Mexicans, who have furnished tolen beef supplies to the expedition. A number came to camp and asked wnetner tne reports or a wunarawal "were true, and whether the Carranz- Jstas or Viyistas intended to make re prisals. It In feared that Americans are also 'doomed to suffer the wrath of both factions for supplying the expedition with provisions. Friendly natives foresee a reign of terror surpassing that of the last five year. Conferee Plan Departures. El Paso, Texas, May 6. (U. P.) Generals Obregon and Scott at their final meeting today expected to for mally ratify the agreement covering operations of American troops in Mexico. Slight modifications by Presi dent Wilson and "First Chief Car ranza before they gave their approval to tha pact, it was believed, would not alter the plans essentially. No further changes are anticipated. .Scott and Funston plan to leave 1 Paso for the east and Obregon for Mexico City. Part of the agreement, if not tha en. ire text, will be made public as soon as it is signed, it was announced. Should Ask a Freshman. From tha Oshkosh Northwestern. . Statistics show that 80 colleges maintain courses in International law. Tat soma of tha wisest statesman, Just at present, are trying to find out What International law really Is. Tha wood consumed In this country ,ln the manufacture of paper amounts annually to 4,600,000 eords. and every year tha demand for soma substitute ' grows more urgent. Anniversary Exercises and Picnic of Pioneers OregonFounders'Day CHAMPOEG Saturday, May 6 Oregon Electric Limited Trains No. S (Limit ed), leaving Portland 8:25 A. M.. and No. 10 (Limited), leaving Salem 9:45 A, M. will stop at Wilson vllle to dis charge Pas sengers (con wuwmm nactjons witn "boat tor Champoe), also No. 18 (arriving in Portland :v r. m.) will atop on signal at Wilsonvilla to receive passengers. Oregon Xleetrlo City Ticket Offices! Bta ji Stark Sts. lOtk Stack iota KorrisOn - ; Seward Kotel. lOtb Aide Jaffersom St. Station Vorta Bask Static ' REPULSED CLAIM MRS. VANDERBILTS DAUGHTER TO MARRY 9.-'. a M mil ? y New York, May 5. Miss Barbara C. RutUerrord. dausmter of Mrs, Wil liam K. Vanderbilt, Is engaged to mar ry Cyril Hatch, It became known today. It is understood the marriage will take place this spring. Friends of tha family were apprised of the news. In formally. J Miss Rutherford's mother has dona active work for the American Ambu lance hospital In France, which she aided In founding. She expects to re sume her work in June. Miss Ruther ford herself has, since tha war started; HOME of QUALITY FRYE': WILD ROSE LARD Try this high quality Lard, mads from Pure) Hog Fat,' cooked in air-tight, steam-jacketed ket tles, a strictly sanitary process, under Government Inspection. For shortening or deep fat frying, WILD ROSE LARD is unsurpassed. Makes food more digestible. Insist on WILD ROSE. Put up in air-tight, sealed Pails 3 lb., 5-lb., 10-lb. sizes. Saturday lv7ng Specials Steer POT ROASTS, Pound Shoulder PORK ROASTS Pound Shoulder VEAL ROASTS, Pound Steer BOILING BEEF, Pound BREAST OF VEAL, Pound . . . Freh PORK SPARE RIBS, Pound Si Wild Rose " OREGON BUTTER, Pound MIST " 30c Danish Made and Pas teurized. Special Sat urday only at the Catcade Butter Store 9 Loaves Fresh Fresh Salt Water i a KINGFISH, Lb. lUC Cascade Fish Co. a, WksTiram;-aiarTri7i'iv Comer. J MllllWgWWMI'"" h: n otff d dona notable work fort tha relief of war sufferers. Miss Rutherford's i sister, Margaret 8. Rutherford, married State Senator Ogden I Mills. Their father, Lewis BJU. Rutherford, died la 1MQ. The Ruther fords hava long been a- prominent fam ily in this city. Through their father Miss Rutherford and Mrs. Mills are descendants of Lewis Morris and John Rutherford, prominent figures during tha days of the American Revolution. The lata Oliver Harrlman was their grandfather. Among their aunts and uncles are Mrs. Stephen H. Olin, Mrs. Frederick C. Havemeyer and Messrs. Oliver and Herbert M. Harrlman. Mr. Hatch has been Identified with the younger set of society, both hera and at Newport. He graduated from Harvard in 1800. Ha is a devotee of athletic sports, as is also Miss Ruth erford. Among his clubs are tfie Pip ing Rock, Meadow Brook, Knicker bocker and Racquet and Tennis. Britain Adds to List Of Prohibited Goods Washington, May 5. (I. N. 8.) An additional list of American commerce which cannot be received at British ports was received at. the state depart ment last night from United States Consul-General Skinnier, at London. Among the articles ar canned, bot tled, dried and preserved vegetables and pickles, litter, rubber tires, tubes for motor cars and motorcycles, salt, starch, farina and potato flour. Officials have taken the ground that such prohibitions constitute a question of internal politics with Great Britain, which could not well be made a sub ject of protest by the United States. Speeding Car Kills Los Angeles Man Los Angeles, May 5. (U. P.) Hurrying back through darkness to and LOW PRICES ! 10 10c Ham -g " 21c lb. While They Last Saturday at the . Cascade Coffee Co. 3 LARGE BOXES Searchlight MATCHES. 10c Bread 25c New Walla Walla f ASPARAGUS, lb.DC Cascade Fruit Co. "WHY DIDN'T I KNOW OF THIS BEFORE?" So you will say after using . "CENOL" to Destroy BED - BlGS and ROACHES "CENOL" Kills both bugs and eggs. Will not stain. Has pleasing odor. Is non-poisonous. Price 25c -Ask Your DrupeLst McGaughey, & Bond. Inc. find tba victim his ear bad struck be fore daylight today, Motorman P. O. Berg came upon Mrs. Frank Bedel sit ting on tha ground with the battered body of her husband in her arms. Almost demented with grief, the wom an was crying hysterically for him to speak to her. Bedel, 30, bad been struck by a GJendora car. The car waa proceeding at such high speed that Berg did not realise be had struck a man until after the accident bad occurred. Two small children survive the dead man. Insect's Bite Cause Of Suit for Damage Woman. Demands SIOOO from S. T. Be cause of Xaoide&t .Whan Bne Was Ejected Trom Train la Texas, New York. May 6. (I. N. S.) The Southern Pacific Railroad company was made defendant In the federal court today in a suit for 11000 brought by Mrs. Dolores I Remsen, a writer, because of the bite of a poisonous in sect that she claims infested a lonely and swaipy "wire station" In Texas. Mrs. Remsen Is tbe wife of Fred erick J. Remsen, a broker. According to allegations In papers filed she started for Phoenix, Aria., on Febru ary 18 last. She paid $70 car fare and $16 for a berth, on the Sunset limited, tha same to be provided at New Or leans after she arrived via steamer from New York. She boarded the train she wanted, she states, but the con ductor told her the ticket she offered What to Do for Eczema Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist tor 6c or $1.00 tor extra large sise, get a bottle of aemo. When applied as directed, it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cleanses and soothei. Zemo is dependable and inexpensive Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effective and satisfy. Ing. g Zmo, Cleveland. sa Butter Lower Best Creamery (JOc Dairy 50r Eggs, 2 dozen 45? Bacon, lb. 12M5S20c CHICKENS 18, 22? All Goods Retailed at Wholesale Prices La Grande Creamery 181 First, Corner Yamhill 132 H&C Green TRADING STAMPS With thU AS aaa 6 Coupons. Good Satur day, May 6, Monday, Hay s. Kail srders grrta prompt atteatlsa. saa Timu St. Brt. Salmon and Main. Phono Main StSS you don't get BREAD Baked in the patented groove pan baked thru and thru. The label protects you from "just-as-gooders." hog Cabin Baking Co. Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cakes fr Mother Hubbard Butter Special Saturday Only Ladies Wa sarva the hest bnttermUk In Port land, healthfol and bo mrlshlag. Also soft drinks and loa otiifc Table Trios." was not good. , - This ticket, Mrs. Remsen claims, she purchased of the company In good No Baits Summer Break . fast Foods BSABT TO ffKBTS Puffed Wheat, Rice or Corn. S pkga 254 Krlnkla Corn Flakes, 4 packages for ...... -254 KeUoggs Corn Flake, S packages 25e Grape Nuts. 3 pkgs. .254 Uncle Sam's Food, per package 204 Shredded Wheat, pkg. 104 Kellogg-s Wheat Biscuit. per pkg. 104 Trlscult, per pkg. . ... . 100 Del Monte Pineapple Juice, 2 bot 15c Del Monte Jams 10cy 20c BEST BUTTER DOWN The best Butter made, per roll .... 60c Good Creamery Butter, per roll . . . 55c MOTHER'S CRUSHED OATS While they last, per pkg - . . rose. Leg Roast Pork, per lb 154-17U4 Choice Snoulder, per lb 12tt-14 Loin Boast Pork. lb.l8C Fresh Side Pork. lb. 150 Link Sausage. lb....lfC Loin Pork Chops, lb. 184 Shoulder Pork Chops. per lb. 15C II Hershey's Cocoa, per can COOKY S lbs. b'st broken Cookies 254 2 lba. fresh Graham Crack ers, broken, 154 Sugar X,as Than atatrket Pile 14 lbs. Granulated Sugar S1.00 U lbs. Cana Sugar. Sl.OO 3 lbs. Cak Sugar... 254 100 lbs. Granulated Sugar 7.7o 100 lbs. Best Fruit Sugar 88. OO Sunkist Oranges, 100s, per doz. 30c Lemons, per j3oz. 1 5c Household Cleansers Citrus, Gold Dust or Pearline 204 3-lb. pkg. "Dew Drop "Waahing Powder . . 15e Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 cans for loo Llg-ht House Cleanser, per Pkg. . Ke Sapolio, 2 bars 154 Star Naptba Powder, per pkg 54 S5o OOO 75c No Substitutes The quality, purity and taste cannot be imitated. itSi ifT. Per Roll Full ....... J MJli, 2 Lbs., "32 oz." Made From Pasteurized Cream Good to the Last Ounce STRICTLY FRESH EGGS direct from' poultry ranch every three days, laid by hens fed on grain and house QA in sanitary quarters. Per dozen )UC CHEESE SPECIALS Full Cream Tillamook, lb 20c Mtia's "New York" Cream 30 Oregon Cream Brick 25? Wisconsin Cream Brick ; 30 Limburger, per brick , 30 Wisconsin Swiss, per lb 40t Imported Swiss 50c Roquefort . . . .70c J. I. Johnson & Co. "In Our New, St ore" 266 Alder. Next Door JONES' MARKET faith, and even If tt read differently than the way she thought It read, the conductor on the Sunset limited bad The Straight Path of Honest Dealings on the Way to Good Health and Better Foods at Worthwhile Savings Saturday Only This Syrup Za AdTaaolnf Karo Syrup, per gal . . . 45c Get Ready for Summer Hires' Root Beer Extract, per bottle 20c 10c MEATS --The lTtTTTOV. Shoulder Mutton. lb."i.5c Loin Roast Mutton, per lb 17He Loin Chops, lb 17H Breast of Mutton, per lb 12 H 4 Leg of Mutton, lb. 1744 VS7ST. Choice Prime Rib Roast. per lb 174 Choice Sirloin Roast, per lb 164 Choice Pot Roast, per lb 12V4-15e Rib Boiling Beef. per lb 104-12U4 Shoulder Steak, lb.. 144 Sirloin Steak, lb lfi T-Bone Steak, lb 204 ,..15c SPECIAL 1 lb. fresh Soda Crackers, broken 54 HELP WANTED BROOMS If every user in Portland will use Zan Bros. Portland made Brooms the best that can be made at no higher prices this factory will need one hundred additional men. We'll help start the ball a-rolllng for mora men at work with this special sale of Zan Bros: Portland Made Brooms EAST BROOM 20 EJLXT ISVUK EAST BBOOM 3541 SAX BKOOX Koe We Take Phone Orders Friday Evenings Until 10 'Clock Phones Main 5700. A-6255 Simnyside 1st. and Store TAYi-ORJ, 994-996 Belmont O o n v alant for many east Side patrons, i Bam prices. sama Barrios and specials I as at the mala tors. Phone -mo Tabor IS Kola's Meat, Butte and Egg Specials 7" For Satairday OimJy Neck and Back Bones, lb. Spare Ribs and Boiling Beef, lb Leg Pork Roast and Bockwurst, lb Famous Magnolia Butter, roll Cor. Fourth and Yamhill no right to eject her from the train at the "lonely and swampy wire station." While at the station waiting, for a SWAT THE FLY 5 double sheets Sticky Fly Paper 5c Dressing for the Salad Durkee's Salad Dressing, per bottle 10tf-25-45tf Diamond "W" Mayonnaise, per bottle 206 Bnider's Salad Dressing, per bottle 30 Salad Dressing Powder. ter can I0e-15 EXTRA 62 4 lbs. best Dried Peaches . St 3. . Sun Maid Raisins, per pkg. . & For Laundry or Cooking, per pkg Cuts You Like TBAX. Veal Stew, lb 104 Shoulder Veal Roast, lb 12H4 Leg or Loin Roast Veal, lb 164 Shoulder Veal Chops. lb. 154 Loin Veal Sfk, lb. 17H Flour Bargains MiBTi Plight, a hard wheat pat ent Plour, per tack ....11.25 Olympic Plour. sack 01. M5 Bbl S5.40 White Jtlver. sack S1.3S Bbl S.40 OorvaUls. sack ftl.lS Bbl. S54.rO mall saok Graham Plour ..3S4 Small sk .Whole Wheat Plr. 354 10-lb. sack Cora Meal 304 Quick Delivery eUwooa, Xa as days ana Tharsdays. oa OHy Park, Kara Park. Arista, Tremost and X,nta, W d aasdars a ad PrUays. MeatavUla and Portland Kelghta, Taursdaya. . Other sao- Uoas. dally. ioroatr 5c Me Pork Roast. Shoulder and Pork Chops, lb. 17c Leg of Veal lb. i. . . Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, doz. train that-conveyed her In row about way through Texas, .she. was t ten, she claims, by tbe insect,': No Premiums Picnic I Specials Sandwich Tuna Fish, per " can S& Prepared Mustard SeV; Imported Sardines In . Ollva Oil. 3 cana . ..25c Domestic Sardines, cana for 25 e Fimentoes, per can . ..10s) Best Dill Pickles, dot. 15) '. Sweet Pickles, per qt. 28 : 'Sour Pickles, per qt. 15V: Bulk Green Olives, per quart ..35V Plain or Stuffed Olives, v i bottles 254 J Deviled Meat. cans 2SV Datenut Butter, glass 15 : .25c .10c PAROWAX 10c OOZ.S KEATS Best Liver lb Sausage, 124 Best Bologna, lb. 12V44 Knox Wurst, lb. ...154 Very Best Headoheese, 12 tt Cooked Corned Beef, none better 204 Eagle Brand Milk, per can 15c FREE! One oaks Vlelsshata a's Yeast wltb evary nok of noar, large or small j wlta every sack of Paaeak Tlonr and with every paek aga of BCaglo Yeast aa Yeast roam. Strawberries Box, 10c Best Asparagus 2 lbs. 15c Meat Substitutes Fresh Oregon Ranoh Jwrgs. 2 dos 454 Tillamook nr.. " Cheese, per lb 204 I-lb brick Llmburger Cheese 4Ai i Crea.m Rrlrlr rh. w Potatoes,' per "sack '.'Slfo Picnic Sets 10c TKBT COarTAXX 1 Oreps Tablecloth, 49xB lnche. It Plata white Orepe Vap 12 Paper Plates. No Unfounded Claims Shoulder Veal Chops. Pork Roast. Sh'r Veal Roast, lb. . 11 14c Ik: kef 309 Globe BIdf . Main 4752