. - t ' ,1.1 , 4 ;: : THE OREGON ,v DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND THURSDAY, MAY: : 4.1916.-1; . . r- 1! "J T 1 T am (MP mm UWLHO 111 PRESEN CAMPAIGN I Mrs. F, Joplin Heads Forces in ..strenuous rignt toi . Brighten the City, c 2f MAY FIRST TO FIFTEENTH I " - ... r i Classic Irvlnfton wa raided today r vjr Dana 01 revuiimomniB. i no u v : rising was led by Mrs. F. Joplin, who had ben delegated by Mrs. Alva Iee .Stevens to take her place In District D r'at the head of Portland's great battle. gainst dirt, disease and disorder. The; Jopllnlstas started early, scanning this ' velvet lawns and the Bootless saraxes f for traces of the enemy. Irvlngton is only part of this dls . trlct In the eastern theatre of war. Other part are: Hollyrood, Beaumont, Rose City Parle, Elmhurst. Bellecrest, Ore gory Heights, Montclalr, Wellesley and Hyde Park. IrrUifctonian were found by no rneaps free from rubbish, despite their vaunted culture. Neither were the i other regions famed for their French nurse maids and two story garages. But most of the residents, anticipat ing today's uprising of the foes of qualor, had mad? big gains on the enemy themselves. , " Painters Are Busy. Paint .has been spattering' all over .Portland durlnc tho Inn! fw davs. this fluid being one of the most deadly munitions of the whole war. Other : weapons in constant use have been the C i Jk I ,4 , In n..n mnwf A feature of :h campaign has been the ambulance service, so many en- amies having been laid low such as I. tin ntii rocka riiRtv stovepipes, de- i funct bed springs and ruptured mat- tresses, that the wheelbarrow, push cart, clothes basket and two-handed ; box were Impressed Into service. At every fire station In the city trie Doa : les of the foemen were hauled in and plied. . Enemy Being- Bepulsed. Field Marshal Jacob Kaniler, In his official communique thin morning, said the enemy Is being repulsed at all points in the new drive. He admitted that enemy atove lids end tomato cans had been sighted In large force but that the heavy artillery under com mand of Captalness Joplin was bat tering them throughout the D dis trict. The casualtlea were enormous, he stated, with no loss whatever for .the attacking army except for a jaklnned knuckle and a soiled glove. Captain J. J. Johnson .nd hie lieu tenants in district O held a luncheon at engine house 25 at noon today, under arrangement of Fire Captain .lroc: Many of the leaders of the cleanup campaign were special guests. ,The firemen's orchestra sprung a sur prise by furnishing a concert. The luncheon was called for final organiza tion of the district for the cleanup next -ftjuonqay. ' " , High School Boys Aid. Principal H. H. Herdraan of the "Washington high school yesterday stalled his boys together and asked for olunteers to Join the cleanup army. i'our hoEftdred and fifty-seven re sponded, ..fle thereupon "notiried Mr. (Kaniler 'Ihat he and his boys would Je responsible for the polishing off of j 160 city blocks between 8tark street and Hawthorne .vvenue from the river east t Fourteenth street. The boys Will report at the high school at 12:30 '.tomorrow afternoon and be assigned to ;the, blocks, four to each. 12 to each aUhOlStrrct of four blocks. J. W. Werlein, captain of distiict K, . h. . - B l . I .1 . . . . . r i nun 1)1 I iitih I'lt'Hiiiin iihv it. mut r. day. has persuaded the board of edu cation to allow the pupils of the ;ediot'ls of the Suniiyside and Haw- .tiiorne dlRtrlcls eaht of tlie river a 'half holiday tomorrow afternoon. It 4jM-as felt tltat this was only fair, as the -pupils of other districts whose official .da fell on a school day were allowed ; a half holiday. ' Tomorrow's drive will be led by Mrs. (C. J. Frankel in District K. Her cam paign has already been outlined and "the operations will consist chiefly in , carrying away the enemy. City Tracks Aiding-. City motor trucks are now gather ing up the heaps of refuse that cannot be burned, the captains of the various ''districts so far cleaned having desig ; noted where the piles are located. It It expected that hundreds of tons of ..-thia refuse will be hauled away during the campaign1. Bonfires flared all over district C .Yesterday, and District D. today, -which took account of many tons of grass, weeds, and countless use Jess things subject to cremation. The Junk dealers have been paying out 'many dollars to school children for old Iron, tin, copper, zinc, lead and the 'other metallic accumulations. AN OUNCE OF FUMIGATION THAT'S WORTH A POUND OF CURE! Safeguard Your Health by Diarn fecting Your Home with wmaam 'If CTI. 1 "FORMA-GERMKILL" FUMIGAtOR "Forma-Germkili" is used by the Bu- reau of Health, Schools and. Hospitals of the City- of Portland. The 35c sis (1 ounce) disinfects average size room, t or over twice as . much space as any 25c brand On the market. 7 d d i c: QC DEMAND "FORMA-GERMKILL" OF YOUR DRUGGIST COMER, McGAUGHEY & BOND, Inc. S80 WONDERFUL WALL PAPERS are those 'shown in our latest arrivals. They are as much su perior to ordinary wall cover ings as a handsome rug is to rag carpet. If you have any idea at all of repapering don't under any circumstance choose the paper without seeing our samples. You will surely re gret it if you do. to introduce our new Una daring "CXfAJT-TTP" and "PAHTT-TJP WEEK" The Bolls Wall Paper Co. 203 Second St. "Portland's Saw Wall Paver Honse" Main 600. , Open Saturday Night 111 IIIIIIll W.P niiiiiiif iiitLim iiiiiiiEiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii iniiiitiiiDiim tr . Fuller & Co. Specialized Paint AND Varnish Products Manufacturers of Pioneer White Lead GLASS, LUBRICANTSS, SASH and DOORS Twelfth and Davis Streets 124 Grand Ave. UinHIlIinilinilllUlllUIlllllillHIfHlIHlllS! DOUBLE WITH THIS BOTH STAMPS ADVRTISEM'NT FREE PHONES DE LIVERY WALL PAPER 186 FIRST STREET J ii - ao ' '"""'"w y 1 .A.i niuniiiiiiiiii Clean-UpWeek In the Garden Spray your rose bushes now. Don't let the Green Aphis ruin the young rosebuds. Exam ine your bushes at once and also look for the Green Worm that eats the leaves. We have reliable remedies for Aphis, eating insects and mildew, put up in small or large packages, all ready to mix with water in expensive and effective. Durable Sprayers, 50c to $1.50. PLANT .FLOWERING PLANTS NOW May is the month to set out all kinds of flowering plants, such as Geraniums, Heliotrope,' etc. WE HAVE the right kind of stock at the right prices. Routledge Seed & Floral Co. 169 2d St. New Store 145 and 147 2d .Chinaman Was Born After Mother Died Los Angeies, Mav 4. (U. P.) The River of Doubt and the bearded flah are passe. Federal immigration officers here have unearthed a nature fake , -which they claim puta theae world won ders lgnomlnlously in the ehade. , Wong Quong, basing his calculations n Chinese mathematics. Is on record rinaay as naving Deen Dorn io years after 'the death of his mother, .t; .When officers questioned him. Wong told them he was born in 1886. In the ,iamc conversation he said his mother 'died' in 1876 and his father's death oc "curred three years later. Quong faces deportation. Broadway Dye Works (4 ' Satisfactory Service Our Autos Call and Deliver Promptly urand Ave. and Mhuyler St. ; Phone East. 625, G 1442 ir W Give S. &'H. Green Trading i; Stamps AN HONEST DOLLAR'S WORTH Of Building Material for an Honest , Dollar, In Return for TjLXsrnvQ, rArsB-HAVOxno. tutt- UlCr AMD BEOOBATXXO BT Thos. W. Jenkins 88 ooirxi inuczT. Office Vhoae Main T140.. Sesldeaoe ' ' ' Phone Sell wood 413. ; , ' - XiET US BO TOTIB PAINTING, TINTING AND PAPER HANGING The ftlffet Ud of Work - . At the Jga Prloe ; Iet iia give vpu a figure. We are ure w-ea sntlafv yot . 7 , SUTCUFFE & BUED : , la xita at. raomea Kala 1973. A-aa28. EVERYTHING FOR CLEAN - UP And PAINT-UP WEEK PORTLAND HAS THE REPUTATION OF BEING ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES, AND IS VISITED ANNU ALLY BY HUNDREDS OF TOURISTS WHO "FAVORABLY COMMENT UPON OUR HANDSOME HOMES AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY WHICH ABOUNDS IN EVERY DIRECTION. ,TO SUSTAIN THIS REPUTATION AND TO HAVE A HEALTHFUIj CITY. AN ANNUAL, CLEAN-UP AND PAINT WEEK IS MOST " TIMEL.Y AND SHOULD RECEIVE THB HEARTY SUPPORT OF EVERY CITI ZEN OP THE CITY WHO WISHES TO SEE A BETTER AND CLEANER PORTLAND. OUR OFFERJNGS ARE LARGE AND TIMELY AND INCLUDE TOOLS FOR THE GARDEN AND LAWN GREAT AMERICAN LAWN MOWERS POULTRY NETTING WINDOW SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS PAINTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK STAINS AND VARNISHES PAINT BRUSHES ELECTRIC VACUUM: CLEANERS CARPET SWEEPERS HOUSE BROOMS, DUSTERS, ETC. HONEYMAN HARDWARE COMPANY ' , FOURTH AT ALDER . . PORTLAND'S LARGEST EXCLUS TVe' HARDWARE AND gPORT NEED A This Time of 1he Year We have a nice package of Soap thai will KILL THE APHIS and other insects. Regular price 25c FOR "CLEAN-UP" WEEK Per Ear, 10c BUTZER Seed Store 188 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, ORE. Your home cam be transformed! like this with 0 HIGH STANDARD Uromt5 LIQUID PAINT You will take renewed pride in your home, when painting has added far greater attractiveness, and set an example which some of your neigh bors will follow to the great benefit of your whole neighborhood. And don't overlook the fact that you buy paint of sure protection, in "High Standard" Paint. It is scientifically made paint of time-tested, time-proven quality. You take no chances in buying it. You bum that it will withstand sun, wind and wet for years- keep its color fail only by gradual wearand leave a good ? surface for repainting. Inside your home; you can work transformations equally as wonderful by finishing the walls and ceilings with ill jhvrt Booms that are dark and dreary are made bright, cheery and cosy. Mellotone rivals the rainbow tints in softness and beauty. Far richer and more artistic than wall paper. Makes a perfect background fur pictures and lends itself ideally to stenciling. MeDotone is just as practical and durable as it is beautiful and artistic. It la fadeless not easily scratched or marred lasts for years and easy to keep in fin condition, because easily washed. For every decorating purpose outside the house and in there's a Lowe Brothers Paint, Varnish, Stain or enamel consult us You can Utt th "High Standard" dealmr by thin tign w w Rasmussen & Co. N. E. Cor. Second and Taylor Streets, Portland And Leading Paint and Hardware Dealer's Everywhere !j mm rTnrTrrTnrpTnTTriTTWTTTFwrm mffll. l'"n Mi in .inn him i. im ' i i Mi'. Let Us Serve mq, GOOD 8 8TQRE., is i T1MMS, CRESS & CO. Everything in Paints and Painting Materials 184-186 Second Street, Between YachiO and Taylor n. - - - - 1111 CLEAN-UP Have That Building Washed Also have your Carpets and Windows Cleaned Phone us. Main 5 534 American Carpet & Window Cleaning Co. Blue Wagon Service. DAVID M. Dunne co. Paint Manufacturers PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY BUY YOUR PA11 Direct From the. Factory 19th St. and Sherlock Ave. Phones Main 137,' A-1312 DAVID M. DUNNE, Pres. 'iiKouvuao it , W,e Make a leader of Shebwin-WILUAhS PAIHTS because they represent the best . paiiit value on the market. For durability," spreading -capacity, beauty, easy working qualities, and economy no ,! better paints can be made. They come in but one quality the best. They" are economical, always. Ask for color cards. old ay All Shehin -Villiams Agents V f i