Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1916)
PAKAND RUM t-j" . t-r BV TREATY PROPOSE TO RULE OVER CHINA losing; of the 'Op'en. Door" Is' Proposed by the Two "Contracting Countries, .. -HEATY IS NEARLY CLb'SED Ivaataff Xs Sainf Takan of SUnatlon Craatsa by World War, Bays Faking- Dispatch. ' f - b:r.y : . TT ' A. Feiini May 4. (I. N. 8.) Closln f th "opea door" In China and prep-, "lions by which Japan and Russia slit dominate the Chinese empire arei rotflded for In a new treaty between' tpab and Russia, which Iff On the eve t being closed. Mail artvices received here from "okld. Indicate' that Japan and Russia ie taltlnc advantage of the situation read by the world war and are plan ins; to aettl tbe fate of China with it reference to other powers. The chief, articles of the treaty, Htca It Is understood here may al- ady have been signed, are reported to -these:' ' First Russia Is to rede to Japan hat portion of the Chinese Eastern ftUway from a point southward of farbin, Manchuria, to Chan Chung. . Second- While the war lasts Japan vlll 'Supply rtusHln with arms and tthef supplies so far as is rotnpatable vlth-'th defense of the country and 'span's roainifafturiint capacity. Third Russia will give liberal treat nfnt to those Japanese who live and ngage In agricultural, commercial or ndustrlal pursuits In eastern Siberia, lorthern Baghnllen and the territory '(longtnn to the Chinese Kastern rail far.ln Manchuria. Kourth Russia wfjl maintain Vlad voatock as a commercial port and halt not carry out further military 'reparation which might be regarded is Inimical to the Interest of Japan. Fifth -Japan nml Kusxia shall re pec t each other's Interests in Man liurta and Mongolia and If there is my disturbance within the Russian phere of Influence during the present var, Japan, If requested, will rivo Rus ila aaalstance for Its suppression, i Sixth In the erent of Japan taking lecessary action against Cnlna for guaranteeing' peace based on the prln iplea of territorial integrity and equal ipportunity, Russia shall recognize the iroprlety of Japan's actions, and If a hlrd power offers- obstructions to apan and the latter finds it necessary o take action against that power. Rus la, if requested by Japan, shall take oncerted action, with Japan In de ens of Japan's claims. Will Amend.Petition For Mandamus Writ -' Attorney tot Eaaipmant tmt Com pany is waatara ra&fto Frocaad . tars 1 Oats roraisslon Ttom. Court. '-gan- Francisco. May 4. XK P.) Jared How, attorney yfOr the- Equip ment Trust company In tha Western Pacific proceedings, has obtained from the United State a circuit court of appeala permission to , amend tha petition, tor the"wnt of manda,mus again at Judfee Williartf 'C: Van Fleet, so aa to Include tha Judge'a oral opin ion, holding- that he was not disquali fied because of preiudiecto ait in tbe natter. Judge Van Fleet is scheduled to ahow-cause next Saturday why b should not be disqualified. - - MARINE AND LUMBER BUREAU CHAMBER OF PLAN OF LUMBERMEN BOYSININOUSM SCHOOL TO HAVE CARE OF FLOVER GARDENS Suggestion Made by Governor ; WithycorrTbe Will Affect Boys 10 to 12 Years Old. BUILDINGS TO BE PAINTED Wtoscb, Jt 25,009-,- Par-Max ' Anto '.Load lng - Equipment company, Portland, Miss -5,-, M. - Parker, Ralph S. ' Maxwell and Charles F. Lord, 110,000; Mora Co operative Warehouse company, Moro, W. 8. Powell' and others, $3000. Tna Joler Lumber company, Eugene, filed articles of dissolution. Wardsn aflnto Will Use Prison Labor , In tbe X decoration of Walla of Structures; Gray Za Color. oiirt Is Defied by ; San Francisco Man Committee Will Be Appointed to Present Matter to the Chamber of Cpmmerce. Preliminary ateps towards the or ganisation of a lumber and marine bureau of the Chamber of. Commerce were taken at a meeting. of lumbermen Salem, Or.. May 4. The state board of . control Wednesday afternoon aa- thnricAA WT1n Htlntn . nt tha mt t A ingf and walls and crey will be the color. The warden will uae prison la bor on the Job. Following a suggestion from Gover nor Withycdmbe, Superintendent Hale, of the state industrial school for boys, will install a system of school gardens for the boys between the ages of 10 and 13 years, of which there are about 25 hi the Institution. ChJckenpox baa -caused some incon venience in the state Industrial" school for girls but none was seriously ill, ac cording to a report filed by Matron Hopkins.. The matron- reported the largest population since the school was held last nla-ht in the Or con bulldine Opened, 46 being incarcerated. The It was decided that a committee con-iT1 statin? of two loggers, two timber own ers, two manufacturers and two lum ber brokers, should act with the navi gation committee of the chamber in working out details of - plan of or ganization for presentation to the chamber directorate. The proposed organization would gather Information regarding ship ping and shipbuilding and prospective romber sales and would work In every way possible to foster the- Interests of the lumber find timber Industry. Would Serre aa Question Is Answered. Salem, Or., May 4. The rotation of names on primary ballot applies to the number printed for ejiah county and not for each precinct, says Attorney General Brown. An inquiry came to Secretary of State Olcott from Harney county. Contests Laborer's Will. Los Angeles, CaL, May 4. (P. N. S.) Charging undue influence "by cor respondence," Stephen A. French, brother of William B. French, an aged track greaser who waa recently left a fortune of $200,000 and who died be fore he had the opportunity of enjoy ing it, has filed a contest to the will in which his brother left the en tire fortune to relatives of hla deal wife. When wrltins or eiWns on advertisers nteaae mention Tba Journal. tAav. 3ugane Corrifan, Brick Manufacturer, ;, Takes Children to Taooma In St ' fiance, of Order by Judge Oraham. San Francisco, May 4. (P. N. S.) ' Eugene Corrlgan, president of the Stockton Enamel Brick company, who eft the state two weeks ago with his two children in defiance of an order iroro -Superior Judge Graham direct ing him to give the children into ths custody of his wife, Mrs. Emma May Corrlgan,1 has voluntarily surren dered himself to the court. . The case was continued until tomorrow morning. - Corrlgan said he had taken the children to Taooma and left them with their aunt. He said that If his wife would go to Tacoma and Join them he would support her. ' Mra. Corrlgan is suing her husband for divorce. ".v'.-li m Hood River Valley Qets Another Train Hood River, Or.. May 4.The Mount Hood Railroad company has adopted a new passenger service scheduled bo tween Hood River and Parkdale, a dis. tance of 23 miles, that will be covered by the company's new 30-passenger motor car installed for passenger serv ice exclusively. The car will leave Parkdale at 7:45 a. m., arrtTlng at Hood Rlrer at 9 a. m.; leaving Hood River at 4:80 p. m., arriving at Parkdale at (:4.p. in. Skirts Failed to Mask. Los Angeles, Cal., Way 4. (U, P.) Deputies of the sheriffs office here today, were hunting two? -men. dressed as women, who attempted to inveigle nocturnal motorists to flirt wit'i them, with the Idea of holdinar them up. Their first attempt failed. Later the pair were reported to ha-e at tempted to atop motorists at the point of pistols, after having rolled their skirts above their knees. Exchange. It would serve aa an exchange and meeting place for those engaged in the Industry. At present tini the chamber has no lumber bureau, the men who would naturally comprise it being scattered among the various bureaus, yet lurilbering is by far the greatest single Industry in the state. A part of last night's meeting was the demonstration by U R. Alderman of the plans for the much advocated one story school building of wood con struction. 11. E. Pennell of the St. Johns Lum ber company, was chairman. Xdst of Those Present, Those present were: J. L.. Jackson, Douglas Fir Lumber company. Ben II. Hazen. Douglas Fir Lumber company. Dr. E. H. Pierce. J. Fred Larson, Chamber of Com merce. W. D. B. Dobson,' Chamber of Com merce. Jay S, Hamilton, Great Western Lumber company. John II. Burgard, West Oregon Lum ber company. G. B. Hegardt, Portland Dock commission. H. K. Pennell, Bt Johns Lumber company. Ueorge M. Cornwall, The Timber- man. L. R. Alderman. Portland Publio schools. Samuel Connell. Sam Connell Lum ber company. H. C. Clair, Clarke County Timber company. John S. Bradley, Bradley Logging company. John Pearson, Western-Timber com pany. J. j. uracnen. sneriaan Lumber com pany, Sheridan, Or J. B. Laber, wells Leber Lumber company. J. H. Haak, Oregon Logging ft Tim ber company. r. u. Phillips, Oregon Lumber com pany. N. J. Sykcs. C. K. Speulding Logging company. O. H. Schwerdmahn, Oregon Box & Mnnufacturlng '-onipany. G. B. McLeod, Hammond Lumber company. ('; K. Haak. Pigeon 3prings Logging company. G. M. Duncan, Duncan Lumber com pany. H. E. Noble, Portland Lumber com pany. T. J. Seufert, Coast Range Lumber company. J. Al Pattison. J. Al Pattlson Lum ber company. L. A. Wiley. Montavilla school. E. R. Blair, Bridal Veil Lumbering company. F, S Belcher, Valley & fillets Rail way, Portland. parole of two girls was authorized. . f- Wants Better "Printing. Salem, Or., May 4. Governor Withy oombe declared himself in favor of spending more money on the printing of' the measures' pamphlet this year than two years ago and getting a bet ter Job at a meeting of the state print ing board Wednesday afternoon. Cherry Fair to Be Discussed. Salem, Or., May 4NA mass meeting of the people of Salem has been called for Friday evening at the Commercial clul5 to dlscuss the cherry fair and agree upon dates. The meeting was called by Benjamin Brick. New Companies Incorporate. Salem, Or., May 4. New incorpora tions filed articles as follows Wednes day afternoon with Commissioner Schulderman: Oregon Salvage & Mer cantile company, Portland, Harry Simon, Roscue C. Nelson and Sidney w is. 5u Jl I'srl . J?s U v 4, if i Schmidt Appeal Put Over. Los Angeles, May 4 (P. N. 8.) By ailpulation the appeal of M. A. richmidt, once convicted of murder'in connection with the Times dynamiting case, has been put over until October. Strawberries Ripe Already. Cottage Grove, Or.. May 4. Several Cottage Grove berry growers already have had ripe strawberries on their tables. 'I used to ask for 'any good nickel car" admits Friend No. 40,007 of Omaha, Neb. But now I know better. I want real flavor in my cigars. : So now I ask f or.TOM Keene and get ' the only xigaV with that Presado Blend." J. R. SMITH COMPANY i Distributors, Portland, Orejroa . MADAM LUCIE VALAIRE (The Prima Donna) FRESHLY DECORATED WITH SPRING FLOWERS the enterprising distributors for the Largest PlanD Factories In the World are celebrating meir Anniversary upening with a Grand Concert at the Orpheum The atre, Broadway at Yamhill, Friday evening May 5th, st 8 o'clock. Madam Luci Valalre, Soloist, Arthur von Jes sen. Pianist. Tickets to be secured at 111 Fourth St. up to 6 o'clock Friday evening, thereafter at the Orpheum Theatre box office. PSOOKAK 8:15 Friday Evening. Chromatic Fantasie .Bach Nocturne, Op. 1 Nu 1.; Impromptu, Op. 29; Etude Op. 25. Nu. 7: Etude. Op. 10. Nu. 11 Chopin Larghetto from Concerto Od. 21 Chopin-Von Jessen Tarantella Chopin Arthur von Jessen. Aria from Opera "Le Cid." "Pleures mes yeux'1 Massenet Madame Lucie valalre. (Miss Claire Oakes at the pianol. Gavotte Sapellnikoff "Confession. "Cantnene, Tocoata. Von Jessen 'On the Wings of Song" Liszt (Mendelssohn) "Sping Night" Lisst (Schumann) Arthur von Jessen. Kar-rnment" MacDermid "June" Lulu J. Downing "Roses In Rain" Lawrence Zenda Madame Lucie valalre. "Fn)ilni!chwink." Carnival Jests from Vienna . . Schumann (Carnival Hcenes-Romanaa. Scherxino Intermezzo. Finale); Arthur von Jessen. Stager Piano Used. The Schwan Piano Co. is the one piano store that does not charge inter est when selling pianos on the easiest of easy terms. It is not connected in any way with any other Piano House whatsoever, claims of competitors to the contrary are absolutely false, no matter how flattering they may seem The Schwan Piano Co. asserts that it has no connection of any sort with any other Piano Store in this city. FXAjrO atAOTTraOTTTBEB'S PBXCES ootjto vr owing- to Increase in; price of raw material of all kinds used in the build ing of pianos and this, therefore, is the logical time to buy thejiew piano, especially since (to induce you to buy now) this enterprising firm arranges to give 2tt years' time for payment of its pianos without the usual 8 interest charged by all other ! piano dealers. Also, the Schwan Piano Co. agrees to take your piano, organ or talking ma chine aa first payment, This, there fore, does not require ready cash and most anyone can afford to pay $1 or $2 weekly or S mentally, without In terest (not IS and . 12.17 the first month, but simply $ monthly), it is these unusual inducements that have produced the large volume of piano sales, amounting to hundreds of thou sands of dollars sold by the Schwan Piano Co-lli 4th St. j at Washington, during th past year, ! It Is this large volume of, sales that makes the pres ent Maintained Factory Prices (of, for instance, 1325, 191i model at 1245. terms of payment IB cash, $1.21 Week ly without interest) possible, . , Cottage Grove Has , t. Wilson Booster Club Meahers Wearing; -Safety rirst" Bat tons and Intention Is to Keep Or ganisation Alive During Campaign. Cottage Grove, Or May 4. A Woodrow Wilson club has been or ganised here. George 0. Knowles is president and E. A. Qleasort secretary. The members are proauinently display ing the Woodrow Wilson "Safety First" buttons and the intention is to keep up a live organization during tha campaign. Carbolic Acid Barns Woman's Face. Cottage Grove, Or.,. May . Mrs. C. E. Frost, wife of Dr. C. E. Frost, is recovering' from carbolic add burns on her face and there will be but slight, if any disfiguration from what might have proved a serious accident. She was assisting her husband with an operation when the carbolic acid was splashed in her face. Births Outnumber Deaths. Cottage Grove, Or.. May -4. Births outnumber deaths mors than three to one, according to the vital statistics report of Health. Officer ?Og1eeby for tne month of April. There -were? It births and only three deatha. McAdoo Asked About Income TaxlEvasiong Waahlngton. May 4, TJ. P.)8ec re tar y McAdoo is directed to furnish' congress with a statement showing whether 1320,000,000 is being annually withheld from the treasury by Income tax frauds and evasions, in a resolu- tion offered in the house by Repre sentative Keating of Colorado. McAdoo la asked why he has not recommended to the president that all income tax returns be made public in order that fraud may be checked. Keat ing said he based his resolution on the charges made by Basil M. Manly, chief Investigator of tbe industrial relations commission. Manly, in a published statement, de clared that more than $400,000,000 should be "received annually instead of the 180,000.000 actually collected. III ifr-l''' WiH IB mm i mm EXTRA STAMPS FRIDAY and SATURDAY If You Bring the Coupon USE THIS COUPON 80 EXTXA 80 Bring this .coupon and get 20 extra 8. ft H. Trading Stamps o n your first SI cash pur chase and double (tamps on the bal ance of purchase, flood on first three floors. Friday, and Saturday, May 6, 6. w 111 Open a monthly charge account with us today; nse our complete phone and delivery service 'twill sava you money on every purchase. ( -J 1 PAINTS AND VARNISHES FOR THAT "CLEAN-UP" JOB '( Order by Telephone SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Paints Japalac Finishes Chinamel Varnishes O-Cedar Polish Flaxoap Cleaner Sponges and Chamois Dusters and Dust Cloths Paint and Varnish Brushes The Universal 4-heat grill for quick summer meals is the ideal dining table stove. Cooks above and below the heating coll at same time. Toasts, fries, boils, broils at a minimum cost. Guaranteed for 5 years. Price 86. OO Hotpoint Ovenette to fit above grill enables you also to roast and bake. Price $3.60 after May 10th. Get one today at -S2.50 Lawn Grass Seeds Morse's Lawn Mixtures, pound -..-254 White Clover, per carton ?S' Australian Rye Grass, for shady places, pound -2sJ Roselawn Fertilizer. 10 lb. pails 50c "WOOD-LAB" FOTTHTAXir PEKS best for stu dent's use $1.60 self-filling, lever type .--S1.27 $1.25 regular type, screw cap 98et WATEX MAN'S EDEA POTUTTAnf PEHS in regu lar, self-filling and safety types, 82. 5Q to 27. 60c Nail Files 38e 76c Scissors 3c $1.00 Alarm Clocks 89 New and complete line of "Bubberset" Shaving Brushes 25e to 8T.OO Homeopathic POfson Oak Tablets internal remedy and preventive 25 and 50 Homeopathic Grlndelia Compound, local applica tion, for poison, oak- 0? EOc-Pinex 3 60c Murine Eye Remedy 34c $1.00 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 9 60c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 36 60c Putnam Dry Cleaner 39 $1.00 Sal Hepatica 79e 25c French's Vegetable Pills, 3 for 5c $1.00 Liquid Arvon 79 50c Formaldehyde v 39c 25c Spieits Camphor 25c Esse'nce Pepsin 19 25c Tincture Green Soap 19 15c Lime Water 11 35c Napthallne or Moth Balls 27 10c Cascara Bark 7 25c Oil Cedar 19 50c Lablache Face Powder 3 60c Carmen Face Powder 37d 25c Colgate's Dental Ribbon ..20 60c Sempre Giovlne v. 39t 6 bars Ivory Soap - 6 bars Falrv Soap 2f 6 bars Lifebuoy Soap 2rt 6 bars Wool Soap 25i fi bars Vernon Glycerine Soap JS5 10c Milled Glycerine Soap, 4 for 25 25c bar Floating Castile Soap 18 10- Lister's Antiseptic Soap, 3 for lft $2.00 Dr. Cooper's Sanitary Douche, special .81,49 Bathltij; Caps in all "Olors and styles 25 up 60c Frank's Kar Stoppers to keep the water out of ears 354 Better Light Better Sight In the beam' home or National at work. Insist on getting Mazdas, wmcn give steaay Sun- white light at two-thirds less cost than the eld style globe. Per carton of 6. home size J. 81.35 Did You Get Your Electric Iron? We still have a limited number of the "Dover" guar-aneed-for-all-time irons. Complete with Inverting stand for using Iron as a stove. Regular $$.60 value. Special i. S2.89 CANDY SPECIALS pound 5 4 v, delicious, pound for the kiddles, pound Jumbo Jelly Beans, pound 16 Candy Plum puaaing. new. 1.1 rwinnri . ........ Lovet Brlttles. 14 pound ot RIlev's Toffee, the summer favorite, pound ...40e (These specials put up in 10c packages No delays for the busy man or woman.) Our candles are better cane BUgar, fruit flavors, Hershey's chocolate and ao our business grows. 15 Saved On Auto Insurance So effective is "Pyrene," the new fire extin guisher, that Insurance com panies reduce auto rate 15 on every ' car equipped with one. Equally efficient in the Home. Non-poisonous and ab solutely harm less to any thing except fire. r Price $7.00 jl Double stamp on all ko dak finishing. Double quick service J Double satisfaction to those who want ax pert hand service. "Ansco" films. I L 3. B. X.. CASCADE SOtiB Oft SMAX.X. aXOVTSXY VATscxsarTS s "taWss' ' t ' We Are Agents for "Likly'Xuggage f II? MA83HALL 470Q -POME A am imp JTnXETAT WtWPsBtC fafefe- . q DEFINITE Service that does 41 DEFINITE things does them REGULARLY a over a period of SIX months without a dollar's charge That is It is the OiLrY Service in existence today that isdesignedto PROTECT your car and also teach you how to take care of ii by making 41 dis tinct and agreed upon inspections, oilings and adjustments, regularly on stated days for SIX months. It is not a promise not a device that sounds like service not one of those offhand invitations to "drop in at any tunebut a DEFINITE "Service that we INSIST on your getting that insures 100 more, pleasure in the use of your car, not to men tion vastly decreased maintenance costs. Come in and let us prove it OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Phone Broadway 616 ' Park and Davis Streets " - Local Studebaker Distributors ON THIRD STREET Between Alder and Morrison Great Shakeup Sale Prices Tumbled and Shattered - Extra Special Offerings For Friday and Saturday 39c Men's heavy Work Shirts. all colors and sizes; 50c values 39c Men's heavy knit Work Socks, C regular 10c values, only, per pair 5c 59c Men's Athletic and open mesh Union Suits, 75c values, per suit 59c Up to $1.50 Corsets, such as R. & G., Royal Worcester, etc Discontin ued lines, not all sites, choice 49c 49c rpc Ik. 25c 49c Very fine 75c Corset Cov ers, lace or embroidery trimmed, at 49c Children's cloth Outing and Play Hats, for boys or isr only 15c Ladies' sleeveless gauze Vests, taped neck and arm holes; square, round yoke 8k Boys' mesh or Balbriggan Union Suits, short sleeve and knee length 25c 7k Children's black ribbed cot ton Hose, all sizes; good 10c value, only ?k if Size 2x3 feet Rag Rugs, MJjp assorted patterns; a 75c value for 39c wai- For short lengths Gingham, Per l)f cales, Lawns, etc, 72C BBneSBBBW pbsbbbbw grades n, Per- paf toJOc 61 , for plain Chambray, Ging hams, regular 10c value. . . sti for- a special assortment of II TlJnf Madras Cloth, Batiste, etc; ii V wvjuet to 19c, at . ..... IP Extra splencKd bleached "fl f OC Turkish Towel, size 21x42 JL OC 84c 10c 2P Men's Balbriggan or Mesri AT Shirts or Drawers, all sizes up to 46 a garment. . . . 25c 65c Men's Sport Shirts, the sea son's newest styles and pat terns, only 65c 9f Laclies' $1.50 MiddyTV Q f&p Blouses, white and colors, MQp long or short sleeves KJ $1.50 Children's black and white check Coats, sizes 2 to 6 years. .. $1.50 I-O Ladies' black Satine Ging hMP hamt and Ripplette Petti- coats 58 c ni f- Ladies' fine ribbed Cotton A Union Suito, low neck, J A sleeveless, knee length.. Open Saturday Evening