; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,; PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 411916 1 . - , ... , -v , x .... ' "17-;. BUILDERS' EXCHANGE' - SELECTS DIRECTOHS FOR ENSUING YEAR mmmm aaaaasssa n " Large Attendance Features 'Meeting of the Exchange ' A. on .Wednesday, BIG ADVANCES ARE MADE 'Catting Dowa of taar Kr Eos Is " On of th Oalof Aocomplish meats of the Put Tear. V What Is claimed to have been the most enthusiaatlc annual meeting of t tha Builders' exchange, from point of i. attendance and Interest in the future of tha association, wan held at the exchange headquarters on Wednesday - evening. Reports of tha various offl vrs for the year ware approved. Th following were elected members of the board of directors: J. 8". Seed, R. A. Hum, P. X. LeDoux, Thomaa Mu1, A. J. Bingham, E. C. Gilmer, Frank J, 8tebinger. R. F. Arndt, W. H. Chambers, James Griggs, Oscar Way man. , -As an indication of the growing strength of tha organization. Manager ' O. 0. Hughson reported JJ)at .there have been . organized during the- year ' several subsidiary organizations of the ' various building Interests of the city. , M Ui L i all V -iuaeici ft iwuiuvi w " - delation has a membership of 100, Vhlch Includes 90 per cent of the em v ploying plumbers of the city. The Master Painters' association has a membership of 85. Tha brickmakers "Of 'the. county and the planing mill 1 Owners of Portland have associations affiliated with the exchange. On important piece or worn or me year, it was pointed out, for builders, Contractors and planing mill owners, was the cutting down of tha inner 1 fire zone from 5 to 29 city blocks. The exchange also secured an amend ment to the building ordinance re garding terms of slow burning mill construction. METAL CONTRACTORS GAIN Twenty New Members Taken In . by the Organization, i The sheet metal contractora of Port land have revived and enlarged their 1 organization. At a meeting held re- jcently at the Builders' Exchange, 20 l new members were elected. A aecond I meeting is called for tomorrow efcen j.Bgwln a smoker will be held. The I new members Include: J. L. Ajstln. i 187 East Alder street; A. W. Curry. 363 Bast Morrison street; Panlelson Bros., (232 Larrabee street: Hawthorne Sheet Metal Works, 1362 Hawthorne avenue; W. A. Hughes. 1391 Bandy road; Kelley Bros., 202 Kaat Thirty-fourth street; Kelley - 4x Schwenter, 1259 Belmont; lliller Bros., 366 Russell street; Ore- it Hon sneei aietai norns, no rroni I . a. r, . - j ri v. - .. .. ir.t.l nrl.. I vtrvei, oinnao.ru oncri meiai t.viivn. ! $38 East Clay atreat; Pacific Blowpipe i company, 86 Union avenue; George ! IlenryTT?. A. Hoberg, ill East Wash lngtonstreet; P. F. McDonald. 902 j JCast BhVrfnan: If. R. Cloges, 174 East Twenty-eighth; W. B. Bethune, 951 East Everett; Merges Hardware com pany, 256 Russell; M. Fish. BUSINESS SESSION FEATURES Portland Realty Board Announces I New llenartnre. .Instead of a regular speaker as the I -ehief item of the program, the mem- 1ers Of the Portland Realty board, at their regular wveekly luncheon to be tield Friday at the Oregon hotel, will hold a business meeting. The selection of a permanent meeting place will be discussed. Some members favor pa tronizing the hotel In turn which are able to accommodate the meJibers. Others think It would be better to go back to the Chamber of Commerce rooms and stay there for all timt. An other subject which has been deterred from tane to time and which it le be lieved will he settled at thiK meeting will be the arrangements under which the Realty board will countenance the establishment of rental bureaus in the larger stores of the city. STEEL PLANT TO BE ENLARGED Another Story to Be Added to v Local Structure. ,1 Among the bu fid Ing permits taken out Wednesday were Included one for a n story addition to the plant of the NortaweBt Steel company at the foot Of Sheridan street. It is to be 80 feet by 206 feet, of frame construction ani will cost $7500. George M. Vinton will build a col onial type residence on Arlington Heights at 203 Kingston avenue, to cost $5000. Lewis Irvine TlioniDston Is drawing the plana. . Howard A. Hlnglev. who In emnloTert In the city auditors office, will build a residence atj55 East Thirty-second street, to cost $2000. : R. A. Smith of Llnnton. will erect a residence on his property abutting pn St. Helen's road, to cost $2300. I: Real Estate Transfers. Rtttle Qreen and hna. to Kre H. Thle 1 28, B. 12. Ladda Add f 10 Ere H. Tbtea to John W. Qreen et al. . u. jm. u. is. kadds Add 10 Laurelhnrst Co. to L. 0. Rlchardaoo, L. Canrelhnrat Co. to Clnra Metager, L. 18. zs juw. iaureiuurat 1 800 L.C Slater to William O. Baker. L 5 - S. B. 1. Hasel Dell Add 10 August Koenig and wf. to Auna Scbuck. Lu ft. B. 104, Laurelhnrst 1 fee In. Co. to Cora K. IngebreUon, L. mt is." o, Bimo ueignts 21 Pewera A Gates to Constance Tar lor. Kit N. double B. "J." clt of rtland. fraction B. 108. Coorhs Add. 4.SO0 Sherman D. Clark et al to C. D. Clark l t al to O. D. Chllaon, E. 33 ft. L. 6. ? B. 1, 8nbv L. "M," M. Patton Tract. 2.3t50 Wllllem S, Chambers and wf. to J. Jes ter jr.. . 14 U 8, 4, K. -Z, Aroula M. 4V, O.. X, 1IJS ADO. ... 10 H. J. Parlnger to B. C. Helrey, L. 18, B., 57, Unltaralty Park 450 C. A. Hall and hua. to Mary R. Wright. '. i.. T ice. -a, t, u. i, a.ern Park ' Add. v in 1. W. Stafford, trustee, et al to Bank f Kenton. L. 33, B. S. Kenton lo . If. Bumell and wf. to H. C. Long, ' U. 15, la, B. 2. Terrace Park 10 H. C. Long to Leicester Beat Atkins, L. 1A B, 2, Terrace Park 10 Patrick Murray and wf. to John C. . weicn. laud beginning at point on w. t line and 100 ft. S. of N. Una L. 6, I' . ONiun 0UD. S1IJU AUU. . . . JU Annl Cox to Bmlly l. AUan, L. 8, 10, 11. 13. B. A Gertuan'.a... 1 1(V B. Crandall et ai to Fred H. Waddle et llU 4, S. B. 11, Fairtiew 250 At. JR. BooBda aad wf. to Pari fie Mill I Mine Supply Co.. U e, Tract "T," I Oreenway , , , jq lames D. Hart and wf. to William M. i Price, L. 8, B. 6. Kathertne. 13S Itorande l. Baldwin and wf. to Walter I O. Snhnhanaea, L. L 8, B. T, Leilug- I ton Heights io Erth KoachWfri to- T. H. Koachwlts, I., 6 B.'Si Trentont Park....... i Mabel C- Flanders ta Augnat y.'jher, I- W, -M ft. I.. S, 4. JS. 10. ft. lu 8. . I B, sot, concha Add. 3.000 Ooaee B. Colconl to g. La Le.Tourneau. j U U, B. 8. Urela AW.........4. JO O. B. Kelson an wf. to M. Liberty, I 9, B. 6, Goodhue Park.... N. 8. Wbetstone aad wf.' to Charles T. Toose t, 4, B. ft, Efanston William I- Naah and wf. to H. Beatty et al, K. li. 11, 12. B. 4. Nashe first Add Mary gterent to Cbarlea Cleek et iL L. 12. Oak Psrk Add. No. 2 to St. Job nm W. H. WblT aad wf. to Katto Ba- rant. L. 7. B. 3. Uenerrotr Park W. R. Wheeler and wf. to Dora 81o- clttr, land beginning at X center Una Powell Valley road with E. line B. Wth at Maode Kenwortby Madeao and baa. to 10 1,800 10 Hannlnil V. Hmlth et al, L. 9, B. 0. Hannralite Add. iffiA Jeremiah O. Ink and wf. to Henry R. ieduc7, portion n. v ri. li. V e. 6. T. 1 8.. B. 4 K 200 Bnllding Permits. Eula Clark Newell, repair two atory frame di riling. 721 N, Harea at., between Traoibell ant1. Catlln ats.; builder, same; S1700. Mm. K. L. Coorert, repair ooe atory frame dwelling. 2813 Mth at.. 8. E. between 2Utb and With area.; bnllder. aam; $430. K. B. McNaughton. repair ooe and one bait story frame dwelling. 130 E. 14tb at., corner Bybce aVe.; bnllder. B. T. Allyn; $40. E. B. MaeNaogbton. erect 900a atory frame farnfe, lino E. I4tb at., corner Bybea are.; bclldar, B. T. Allyn; $125. Jay Smith, erect orn atory frame garage. 643 Laurel at., between 21st and Montgomery drlTe; bulkier, B. T. Allja; $ZiS. W. S. Calkin, erect one atory frame garage, 138 Hood at., between lows and Carolina ats.; builder, I). McKlnnej; $30. frank Moh.ufcl. repair one atory frame dwelling. 1M W. Srliofielil at., between Brandon and Delaware area.; builder, Erick Bellcren; $33. W. A. Stormer. erert one atory frame dwell ing. 1704 K. Hth at., between Una and Marion avea.; builder. B. White; $900. R. A. Smith, erect one and one half atory frame dwelling. Ht. Helens road, at Linn tan; builder, 8. Hynnea; $2300. II. A. Hlngley, erect one story frame dwell ing. 043 E. 32d at., between Clinton, and Ells worth ats.; builder, aanie; $2000. George M. Vinton, erect one and one half story frame dwelling. 203 Klngaton are., near Fatrrtew at.: builder, J. L. Karnopp: $0000. Mrs. W. 8: Iutbera, erect one atory frame farnge, HIS Mlmonrl are., between tikldmore ami Ma "on at.: builder, same; $40. Hcbool district No. 1. foundation for two lory fireproof conrete acluiol. between 21tU are. and llvllon at. and S3d and S5tb ata.; b-Jllder, Muir & McClelland; $20f)0. Sobool district No. 1. foundation for two atory fireproof concrete school, between 28th ave. and Division at. and Md and Utb its.; builder, Mulr 4 McCleUaod: $2000. School district No. 1, foundation for one atory ordinary achool, between 2Uth atenue and Dirlalon at. and 03d and 60th ata.; builder, Mnir aV McClelland; $2000. H. 8. Uurcourt. repair one and one half atory frame dwelling, 800 E. 30th at., between Francis and Gladstone ares.; builder, Darld Delnno; $100. Eggltoan Bros., erect ooe atory frame batch er shop, W19 02d t. 8. E., between Foster road and Woodstock are.; builder, T. O. Cad- .... 1 1 . HinA Loo la Pedersen. repair one and one halFl atorj frame dwelling. SKS2 E. 13th t. X.. be tween I'rescott and Going ata.; builder, same; $100. A. II. Blrrell 4: Co.. repair three atory or dinary store, 201 Front at., between Madison and Jefferaon sis.; builder, N. C. Paulsen; $250. F. 8bensgreen, repair one and one- half atory frame dwelling. lHo Nebraska St.. between Corbet t and Virginia ata.; builder, E. J. Bnrretti $400. Fanny Kelley. repair 6 atory ordinary stores and offices. bMV, Washington St.. bet. 6th and Broadway ata.; buildec A. West; $100. Drink? Why, Man, He Even Uses It for His Bath in the Morning The waters of the tree fringed Willamette did not fall in their attraction for H. E. Langlaise, manager of the Remick Song Shop. iveitner did he rear tt squalls, wet feet or sunburn. In a fact It was Just the other way Ht about and that Is why his t l(f friends could not understand a his determination to sell his canoe. It was a beautiful craft, .full 18 feet long and virtually new. But Langlaise had his eye on a something better, in his opinion. He was "figuring" on a motor- jfe boat and therefore had no fur- 3 ther use for the canoe. So he s did the businesslike thing and advertised in the want ad col- H umns of a local newspaper . 'if, a but made no sale. Then he tried It out in The Journal's classl- fled. Two- days later the deal 4r was closed. The want ad found a man who paid $35 for the canoe. But that's the business t 0 of Journal want ads. They are s business getters. NKW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABXiXSaZD 1S77. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS in FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT TKIXD AJTD 8ALM0lf 8TSSSTS. I A Jill SSAXir 807. A-1511. 6 Choice X,oa&s of $10,000 aad TTp On Improved Business Property or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. XiXPSOOKB. 43 Btark B treat. and Farm PnirtM ! 2"J amguBi at uurrant aatas. Hartnaa ti Thorn roa. Baaaara. Carear af . ourto aad Stars Sta. Fearey Brothers. Inc. COLLECTORS 306 Deknra Bldg,. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment It Mortgage Co. Offices goa-4, 170 3d St, FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Boom 88. Alaa worth Bldg. Phone Main 6841. Portland. Or. AUCTION BALES TOMORROW AT I V. m. at Ford Auction Co. Sit 1st at. yurniture, carpeia. ate. AT Wilson Auction House, it- 1st art. Pale at 10 a. m. MEETING NOTICES 41 MOT TNT HOOD IX)DGB NO. 157. A. F, & A. M. Spe cial communication tomor row (Friday! evening at t, "Work in the K. A. Degree. Drill immediately after. All members or the team requested to be present. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. , cu. v.. uiik. secretary EMBLEM Jewelry a. specialty, buttons. .pins, charms, vjaegar Bros. 131-4 (Uat s on titr MEET1XO I NOTICES 41 fCo&tlanad.) . ALL. ttJllgnta ' lerapmr ainu their friends are cordially invited to attend the dancing and card party to be held at ths UTaannln Tmnl Thursday evening. May 4. Tlckieta, at $1.50 the couple, may be obtained from Fred O. Jenning of Henry Jennfng A Bona, Fifth and -'Washington-, streets, and Alex Oliver of-Brady &, Oliver, leou building lobby. B. P. O. K. No. 142. Regular meeting this (Thursday) evening, Elks' temple. Vis iting brothers invited to attend. By order of the i. rt M.' R. SPAULDINO. Secretary. WEBrTHJT CAMP No. 65,, W. O. W., every Friday night in W. O. W. Temple, 128 11th at. Members requested to be present. Visitors welcome. J. H. Ponnay, C. C. A. L. Barber, Clk. OFFICERS and members of Portland Jodge No. 416, I. O. B. B., are re quested to attend the funeral of our late brother. Rev. Dr. Jacob Bloch, from Temple Beth Israel, on Friday afternoon at 2 p. m. By carder of the president. Albert L. Stone. Recording Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. Ill, A. F. & A. M. Stated com munication this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. Ma sonic Temple. Visiting brethren always welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Bee. Zftal Statistic marriages.Blrtbs. Dtatbs. MARRIAGE LICKNSES Harry C. Frye, El lap Craft, legal, and Elsie Brooke, 541 Montgomery drive, legal. Buuel C. Baruea. Hillsdale. Or., legal, and Mabel K. KeimeT, Hillsdale. Or.. 17. W, G, Smith & Cotftf&uSt Third floor Morgan Bldg. UKfcBti suits sold or rented, low prices, latest styles, all sizes; we buy dreas suits. Bare'l's Misfit Ctoth. Store. 51 3d. LHKSS suits for rent, iall sises. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. BIRTHS TKAYLB To Mr. and Mra. Elbrldge Trayla, Hillsdale, Or., April 21, a son. WRIOHT To Mr. snd htn. Herman Wright, 484 Hawthorne are., April 2tt. a sen. MOHR To Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mohr. 109 K. 37th St., AprU 22, a son. SWITZKR To Mr. and Mra. Ray E. Swltxer, 810 E. 14th st. April 30, a daughter. HENKXE To Mr. and Mra. Joseph C. Henkle, 820 Skldmore rt., April i3. a daughter. WF-STBY To Mr. and Mrs. Crlat C. Weatby, 388 Williams are.. April 20, a daughter. GRAN ATE To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Granata, 4823 tiOth St., April 22, a son. M'KINLEY To Mr. and Mra. Otia McKlnley, 287 Hancock at.. April 21, a daughter. HEATHS ANI FUNERALS 75 ALBB.ECHT At the residence, 430 Alnsworth ae., May 3, Andra Albrecht, aged 54 years, belored husband of Caroline Albrecht, father of John M., Andreas.O. F. Jr.. Theo dore O. W.. Ernest J., Miss Violet K. Al brecht, Mrs. G. W. Liat, Mrs. W. W. Welsh. Mrs. 4Y. II. 1'rlbnow. all of Portland. Fu neral will leave the above addreea tomorrow (Krlday), May 8. at 1:30 p. m. Serrices will bo held at the Trinity Lutheran church, cor ner Graham and Wllllama ave., at 2 o'clock. Interment Rose City cemctLry. Arrangements in care or Miner A iTacey. IX' I' NS BURY In this city. May 2. Daniel C. Lounabury. 103 Jarrett at., aged 72 jenri 10 aontha 2S days, beloved husband of Kaunle E.; father of Earl U., Hair re j E., Charles A. Lot.tiebu.ry of Portland and Mra. F. C. Brewer of Tacoma. Friends Inrited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Uolman's fu neral parlora at 2 p. m., Halurdir. May 6. In tel tuent Greenwood cemetery. Services at the grave private. BLOCH Rabbi Jacoo Bloch, In thia city, My 3. Ftiner.il will be beid at Temple Beth Israel FYldar afternoon at 2 o'clock. Please omit flowers. BOEHME. Died. Adolph Tbeadore Boehme. aged 82 years 4 months. Residence 84 Kaat 8tb t. N. BAOOLANO Peter Bagolano. St. Vlnceat'a, May 1, TO veara. mitral regurgitation. WARREN Mary Jane Warren, 877 E. Madi son at.. May 1, 79 years, pulmonary hemor rhage. GROVE Erneat 1. Grove. St. Vincent's. April KO. '23 yearv typhoid fever. BROWN Elizabeth Brown, Patton Home, April .TO. 75 years, valvular lesions of heart. ALEXANDER Albertine Alexander, St. Vin cent's. Mar 2. 3 years, septicaemia. LEX HART 'Ruth Lenhart. 426 Third St., April 30. 9 years, chronic valvular heart disease. MARTIN & FORBKS CO, florists, 847 Wash. Main 269. A-1,568. Flowers for all occasions artlsttlcally arranged. CLARKi BROS., fJoriatsr-o7 Morrison st. Main or A-1806. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. TONSETIl FLORAL CO.. 285 Wash., bet. 4th and 6th. Main C102. A-1102. OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAL CO, ltS Glisan ft Mar. 43T2. A-1464. MAIN 6116; wreaths, pillows, $3 up. Sprays $1 up. Chappells.347 Morrison MAX M. SMITH, flonat. 141 H 6th st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Tears of Experience Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern' establishment, with its conveniences, includ ing a secluded dlriveway, in sures absolute pivacy, caus ing in no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices Lxyenenced Wsfinan Attendant. J. P. Firey & Son Tho Utogresslve FUNERAM DIRECTORS, t0iry at Fifth. Hlf 3k A-1599. a fc0 Undertaker thorne. E. S as! and Haw. H-JS88. tdy assistant. n..n;n P. hi .Qa uiiuertaaera. UUiilllilU6 IVlLsptJlCCModern in every detail. t.iiSjj.ay and Pine ats. Broadwa y 40. A-4o5x. Lady assistant. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder St. Phone East 52. B-2525. A. D. KKNWORTHY CU Two Establishments. Tabor 6267; 680., 92d ait., Lents. Tabor 6895; 66th st. and Foster road., Arleta. Walter C. Kenworthy 1832-1534 F. 13th. Sellwood 71. B-11S2. lllLhtK t TKACfc-Y. lnaepenaent fu neral directors. Prices iow as $20, $40. $60. Wash, at E4Ja. M. atttl. A-788&. A, R, Zeliar Co (East 1088. C-1084 Lady attendant. Day and night service. CQioof KRJieliDKNCE UN1, PKLS. LnlOoUIMM. 6133 A-2?5. 445 Morr. UKKKZai A SNOOK. B-1J53. T 1258. 1026 Belmont, at 4th. Lady attendant P T Rimac Wllllama and Knott in II wjiuuu Eae 1115. C-1943. narnillOn neral services. Tabor 4313. QIFVAFQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162 Ot Wr A-S321 Cor Id and Clav MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 2(4-i$ 4th at. opp. .city hall. Main 854. Willip Ken e SeJna. for memorial - RUBLAeLSJNg 6tiAKIiTE.Cd I U 2feT5rtP STCOR. MAOtSONj fMofi U ex Exchange by Owner My 4- room modern bungalow. Rose City district; beautiful east front borne; fruit and rosea. A beautiful place to live, in restricted district. No reasonable offer refused if you have $100. Consider clear lot or automobile on payment. Bee this, you bargain hunter, if you are looking for a cozy nine piace. owner, Marsnaii izv. 6 ROOM BL'NGAUiW $1475. Up against It. I must move; my modern home on "1st at., near Ollsan at. carline; fireplace, buffet, Dutch kltcfisn, cement basement, laundry trays, large porch; cost me $2460. Will sell for $1475: terms. Miller, phone Broadway 1658. 1 AM compelled to dispose of my nearly new 6 room bungalow; ail modern conveniences, large attic; 1 block from Peninaula Park on Missis sippi ave. If you hava a little money I will surprise you in price. White, ttroaaway 1S5 Why Not Build And get a home according to your Ideals. I design, build and finance any building; artistic sketches free. See me before you build. N. O. CkJund. 3 1 3 Henry bldg. Main B812. UEAUTIFUL 7 room bungalow, steam heat, gas ranges, fullest plumbing, restricted district; must sell thiswek below cost, $2700; terms. Main 1940. 43 Worcester Qldg. COMFORTABLE, homey, nearly new house. 5 rooms downstairs, furnace, nice yard, good neighborhood. 611 E. 47th st. N.. Rose City Park. Inquire next door or phone Tabor 2079. $500 SMALL HOUSE AND LOT. END OF WOODSTOCK LINE, TERMS Furnished house, 2 lota, Tualatin View Park. Will sell or trade equity $1000. Underdahl, 301 Board of Trade. $150 CASH and $H0 per month buys a beautiful 5 room cottage in Pied mont district: new and modern, gar age, etc. Price $2350. The Brong Co., 2 b 5 M; Oak st. Main 1743. LET us plan and build your home ac cording to your ideas and income. The terms will be easy. Call and ask about our plan. The Oregon Home l-uilders. 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. OSWEGO LAKE BUNGALOW. Acre and new 5 room plastered house, water and lights; close to sta tion; terms like rent. A dandy buy. Call at 600 concorq Diag. $60 CASH and $16 per montn buys a modern 5 room cottage near car In "Woodlawn district. Price $1860. The Brong Co.. 2674 oak st. Main GENUINK snap, bungalow, near park, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, kitchenette, water heating, shades. $2460. 469 Bidwell ave. $690 (terms) will buy 4 room, un plastered houso on 60x100. use of 100x100, on 78th and Halsey. Jensen, Broadway 1658. BUNGALOW bargain; easy payments, on car line. Owner. Sellwood 2204. A BARGAIN Small house and lot for sale. $725 cash. 700 Liberty st. FOR SALE LOTS 10 200 BEAUTIFUL lots In Mllwaukle; 6c car fare; light, gas and water; $20 rash and $10 per month. H. O. Stark weather. Risley station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. ROSE CITY DISTRICT, $190. Near E. 69th St.. full 50x100 lot, clear of inc. $190. Main 1068. QUARTER lot 100x167 ft., southeast racing, Deautiruuy locaiea; restrict ed dist. ; Improvements all In. M. 7033 ACREAGE Buy an Acreage Home Have city conveniences, such as mountain water piped into your house, electric lights, etc., and country benefits; rich soil, fine community. 30 minutes out by Big Red feteel Trains. Low prices, easy payments. Any size tract. Let us show you. The Shaw-Fear Co, 102 4th sL Raise Chickens and Ducks On Bryant Acres Price $200 and up: terms $5 to $10 ?er mo.; some with running water; 10c are. Investigate and make your rent buy a home The Atchison-Allen Co., 600 concord Diag. Gibson Half Acres Good soli, city water, close to car- line easy terms: will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marsfhall 1685 or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. FIVE acres, near Oregon Electric; level land, fine soil, all cleared, fenced and in cultivation; Dougnt at a sacrifice 6 weeks ago. but am going away and will sell at etui greater sacrifice now. 928 Commercial st. woodlawn 4357 CHICKEN, FRUIT GARDEN ranches . . .4 t . n J O E 1 A . , near rui uauu, a, v, iu sure i-racis. best soil, good roads, near electric, $65 to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar T . ..a,, 0,0 nt 9 anew At flft.an 9 K 1 no V from ft t t In n ' haa .lan.. 11. and water and seeded to clover, for tlouo cawnT aiain 4Bg. CHARMING SITE SACRIFICE Half acre, some fruit. 16 minutes ride from Portland postoffice. X-357, journal. ACRE tracts on carline, near city; paved road; o cash. $5 per month. Fred H. Strong 617 Chamber of Com, SUBURBAN HOMES 70 1-S ACRE, good house. 4 blocks from car. &c fare: fine for chicken ranch: a big snap; $1650. terms. TJmbdenstock A- Larson. 806 Oak st. Bdwy. 1668 SALE FARMS 17 80-ACRE STOCK FARM. 7 miles of Carlton. Yamhill county; 20 acres in cultivation, balance pas ture and timber; cedar enough to pay for it; running stream, plenty out range; o room house, barn, 40x40; in cluding team, wagon, harness and hack, chickens. 6 hogs, 2 cows and some small tools. Price only $1900: good terms. Other rood buys. Write for price list. v W. E. KIDDER. jariton. or. RIVER bottom and bench land in Wll lamina valley, near good railroad town; running water, no rock; employ ment Let us show you 5 acres best soil with good 4 room house, $25 down, $10 month. Or, 6 acres bench land. $25 down, $8 month. Or, nearly 6 acres with 637 bearing apple trees; $300 down, balance terms. Or, any amount of land, reduced prices, easy terms to settlers. J. It. Sharp, 657 frnenocK Diag. 100 Acres $6500 Stock Crop, everything goes, 60 acre In crop; 6 room house 2 barns, 1 team, 10 cows, 4 heifers, 10 calves, all farm tools, fine water, good orchard. Every thing; goes, $6500, hi cash, balance easy, e. BUNDY. 411 Henry Bldg. 20 ACRE FARM. $800. 4 room house, barn, chicken bouse. soring water DiDed to house clone, to school, $1 fare' from Portland. Claude Cole. S0Q Henry bldg. 20 ACRES. $400. tl fare from Portland, close achoor. station, several tracts with running water, zo casn, Dai. easy. Jiaua cole. uu Henry oiqg. i)R SALE 40 a.. 22 a. irrigated, house, barn, other bldgs., fenced, in crop. Investigate. $1200 will handle. C Q.. Tumalo. Or. ' A STOCK FARM. 1100 acres, well improved, only t miles from Condon; $8 per acre. Claud cole, boo Henry oiag. PRUNES pay big. I have 80 acres. Must selL Adjoins city. High school, fine adll and Improvements. Full nar- tlculars Owner Box tST. Hldriie Or 160 ACRE improved farm near Sheri- dan, $2800. $1300 cash, Claude Cole, 800 Henry bldg. to ACRES 18 miles from Portland, V mila to electri V. $1208. F. M. Chance, 616 DtJamttU-jir:. FOR BALE HOtES FOR SJLLE FARMS v 17 COomtiaaaa) 160 acres, about 5o acres under cul tivation, 25 acres qiore easily cleared, good 6 room bouse, large barn, stone dairy, machine shed, feed room, chick en house, etc., dandy orchard, fine spring water piped to house, fine trout stream, fenced and cross fenced; in cludes 9 cows, several head of young stock, calves, hogs, horses, all manner of farm machinery, etc., telephone in house. R. F. D. mail, H mile from school, 3 miles from cheese factory and country town, & miles from street car, and IS miles from' Vancouver: price only $8000, $5000 cash, balance at 6. Thia is an exceptional bargain, as it sold a few years ago at $15,000; an ideal dairy and stock farm; must be sold at once; no trades consiaerea. THUMFSON Mr SWAM. 612 Main St., Vaacouver. Wash 3$ ACRES, 6 miles from Lents, on Foster road; $1000 cash, balance time; 14 in oats, rest timber; team, tools. Theodore Schacht, Boring, Or. R. 3. - FOR RENT FARMS 14 45 ACRES, house, barn and stock, 2 miles from Newberg. 514 Hoard, ox Trade bldg. Marshall 5141. FAEMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 WANTED to rent location for dairv: 30 cows; must be good soil, good ! road to place, plenty 01 water, not. too far from city. X-34 8, Journal. UOMESTSADS 7 1 60 Acre Homesteads Lies fine, good location: trout stream running through place, $160. 120-acre relinquishment, meadow and timber, trout creek; lies fine, close to neighbors, 4 miles from town; live on the adjoining homestead. Price $250. 411 HENRY BLDu. 160 Acre Homestead Good team of work horses, new 3- in. wagon, good harness, mower, rake and other farm tools; 90 acres of crop on other place to mow this year. Price $700. Bundy, 411 Henry bldg. HOA1ESTEAD relinquishment in Si- let. 14 months residence gets you deed, mile to town, county road, nelgh- oors, running water, adjoining iarm, 1400 cash. One cliam has 8,000,000 best timber in Oregon, house and clearing. &ou. 4U& Merchants Trust Diag. FOUR homesteads. 3 miles from town, level, good coil, no rock, climate Ideal, water 10 feet from surface in abundance. Information box 64, La Pine. Or. TIMBER 28 TIMBER FOR SALE. 840 acres good fir timber located on main county road between Tillamook City and Cloverdale; good location for mill; 5 room house. 10 acres pasture: good dairy farm when timber is pff. U. tl. JJOLiAND, Tillamook. Or. EXCJ1ANGK -REAL ESTATE '1A Trades Trades Trades Everything, anything, anywhere. Quick results on legitimate properties. If you mean business, and want re sults, write or see Quigley Realty Co.. 202 Wilcox bldg. WILL take clear lot or acreage as first payment for equity in 5 room bunga low, balance as rent. Lawn, flowers, fruit chicken house, one block of Al berta car. Owner. Woodlawn 848. 2H ACRES. WEST SIDE. 5c car fare, cheap house, good well and city water, 2 blocka of station. Will exchange for east side property. raoor zaas. ino cemmission to pay. A SPLENDID stock and grain arm, 600 acres in wheat, 1240 acres $25 per acre; Gilliam Co. Will take $15,000 clear property as first payment Claude coie, nenry Diag. I HAVE a 6 room modern, suburban nome, lot juuxiuu, uuii nun water, o cent fare. $2700; what have you? Main 7852 or Z-559, Journal. EIGHT rooms, electric light and gas; walking distance of Reed college. No incumbrance. Will accept some trade. Owner. East 1854. Trade for Rooming House Several nieces acreage, lots and equi ties. Quigley. 202 Wilcox bidg. HAVE 3 improved farms to exchange, all or part for city property; 15 25 and 40 acres. Details 310 Yc-on bld. Marshall 2432 UNIMPROVED land, no incumbrance. with lease of dairy ranch. Want home values easy access to city. FX 920, Journal. FIVE room modern bungalow; taka good lot as first payment or pmall cash payment. Phone owner. Tabor 1902. 11 ACRE California farm, trade for property here. Wolfsteln. 712 Cham ber of Commerce. FINE 120 acre ranch, fair buildings; price $5000; will exchange for house In Portland. Owner. Z-364, Journal TWO family flat bldg.. Nob Hill dis trict; trade for improved acreage close in. Tel. Sellwood 1841. FOR EXCHANGE A modern home for anything of value. Tabor 3268. WANTED .REAL ESTATE HI WE will sell or loan you money on your lot. J. C. Corbin Co., Lewis building. ROOMING HOUSES 53 ' HKLLED to be in California by June; will sell my 11 room, ail H. K., rent $25. net income $45; steady roomers; have had good home and good living for 3 years; west side; $300 cash or trade. Ford or Bulck. X-35C. Journal. 12 ROOM H. K. APT.. WEST SIDE; HOT AND COLD WATER EACH ROOM. Rooms fv.iL MASTERS. 607 PITTOCK BLK 22 ROOMS, rooming house, fine loca tion, good furniture, bargain if sold this week. D-568, Journal, or phone A-2178 52 ROOM HOTEL: BUSINESS DIS TRICT. First class In evory re spect. TERMS OR TRADE. MAS TERS. 607 PITTOCK BLK. 22 HOUSEKEEPING rooms; fine fur niture. Will sacrifice for $200; good income, "fliiuersnip, iz unamp. wm. FURNITURE of 20 room housekeep ing, making money- Bell very cheap Toicafch. Marsnaii S97. 11 ROOM, first class' furniture, 6 min utes' walk to postoffice, X-352 Journal. BUSINESS OI'I0ri NITIKS 2D WILL sell cleaning and pressing busi ness, established S years; all drop-in trade. Phone Woodlawn 2422. DON'T WORRY. We can trade it sell it, anything. 724 Cham. Com. SUBURBAN grocery, 4 living rooms. Doing $1000, per month business. Terms. Masters, 607 Plttock block. LADY wants gentleman, to assist in business; some cash required; well secured. Call 404 park st. CONFEC.-ICE cream parlor, doing $16 dav. Solendid location. Will con- gider -trade. Millershlp. 724 Cham. Com. REAL snap, swell grocery, delicates sen. ice cream, apt. district, doing. cash business, frice ot cain. m. -hvi. WILL sell business good for $20 per week Thursday - for $25; sickness. Jall Zl owua &Avnni5q mug. INVESTIGATE If you want profita ble business on $600 investment En terprise Cleaners, Sd and Northrup st. RESTAURANT ana lc cream. A-l lo- cation, good busines, cheap rent, lease. 627 E. PlTlsion st. FOR SALE or trad at a bargain, mil linery store, fine location, best in city. P-737, journal. FINE stamps, hinges, albums, etc., 8 au m.-6 p. -m. Columbia Stamp Co., $4 North 16th st Main 7580. ffta BUSINESS CARDS, ti lU Ro City Printing Co Third st. cor. Taylor. lc DON'T OVERLOOK THE TILTING REEL FACTORY, I49-4BANDY BLV. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 811 - tCoatiaaad - - . . . DEMONSTRATION OF THE" ECON'' OMY STUMP AND CORDWOOD SPLITTER! Come and see the demon stration of this powerful and quick working hydraulic machine In splitting losrs into cordwood and splitting and pulMng out any size of stumps, with all its roote, in shortest time, reducing the cost of land clearing to more than one halt This our last demonstration for some time in Oregon, takes place from the 2d to 8th of May, continuously, on Lom bard street, on the Miesisslppi-tCenton car line, opposite the Peninsular school taouae, between Patton and Derby sta. FRANK E. KENNEY. Address, 1226 E. 80th St. N. FOR SALE. General merchandise store, end of Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. line, on bank of the Clackamas river; doing good business, no competition, residence, store building and stock will invoice about $2000; postoffice in build ing. This la a money maker and no ex- Dense. If Interested write or call on . H. B. Snyder, Cazadero, Or. No agents. I new natd choice, as I have all I can handle here in Portland. Call 840 Sandy bldv. Phone K. 6127. Make Good Living Cigar, confectionery and bootblack stand, located on best transient street In Ay. rent $20; will invoice $60. First one comes gets this for $220. See Peters, at IS N. 5th st. Hurryl Hurry! Pool room, cigars and soft C links; stock and fixtures at 60 cents on the dollar. Rent $12.50. SKTC HALL, 51?MS PANAMA BLDG. BUTTER, eggs, light groceries, etc.; have opening for energetic man in a strictly cash store; pay iiuu montrt now which can be increased and .small investment required. call room, a z Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Pool hall and soft drink - ana cara room on nasmusiuii u 1 Small amount or money win nanaie; deal with the owner. Telephone Main E995. WANTED Partner in chicken busi ness, young man, between 16 and 25, with inclination for poultry raising and $300 to invest; after first year his in come guaranteed $900. F-921, Journal. SUBURBAN GROCERY AND CON - FECTIONERY. $2000 takes stock, building and large lot. Close to school. Terms. Masters, 607 Plttock block. FOR SALE Large rooming houso. mostly H. K. apartments, well filled, splendid location, will take little cash, balance in ral estate. F-922. Journal. FOR sale or trade, a modern up-to- date Creetons auto popcorn wagon. For price, terms, etc. Address H, 20th and A st.. Corvalils. Or. FOR SALE or trade; furniture in a 24 room hotel, rent $20'per month. Will "sell for cash or trade for acreage. Phone Columbia 276. LIGHT conlectlonery and grocery mercial ave. Cash buslnessl $4&i T if taken at once. WANT partner for cigar stand, soft drinks and pool room; will move to rood location Phone Broadway 1147 or Sellwood 1931. . FOR SALE Buttermilk route, one of the best in the city; wagon and horse; $260. Inquire of owner. 7320 64th ave. S. E. Portland. Tarfror 13SR. PARTNER wanted to help in automo bile business: cav good wages be sides share of profits and only $325 required. Call room 3Z Morgan pmg. $50 Grocery, confectionery; living rooms; near high school with 1800 students. See this. MASTERS. 607 PITTOCK BLK. DANDY little srrocerv and confection- I erv. cheap rent. Aonly 241 Couch st. MONEY TO LOA REAL ESTATE OUR installment plan is the best and eurest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $16.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. EQUITABLE Eva's & LOAN ASSN.. 241 Stark .St.. Portland. Oregon. WE have money to loan at 7 in sums ranging from $1000 to $3000 on im proved city property. R. E. MENEFEE & CO.. 416-417 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone wain 4U3a. LET US MAKE YOUR LOANS. $ 700 t $2000.., 8 $1400 8 $8000 7 NEILAN & PAR KH ILL. 803 Stock Exchange blds- 3d snd Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN. On improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very flexible contracts; no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. 202 Stevens bldg. toLiit.Dl.rW loans on city and, suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G, Beck, 316 Falling nldg. Main 8407. kivv.vvu vN mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenzle A Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. id and Alder. CA&il paid icr mortgages, notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis. 4 Lewis bidg. $200 TO $10,000 at 6, 7 and 8 on Im proved property. Bold Realty Co., Lewis bldg. kj. c- i i o luam in amounts oX $li'b to $5000 on city property. A. IL Beil :ol tierllnser bldg $1000 TO $iu00 on city or farm mort gages; principals only. Y-940, Jour nal. WE have money to loan on improved real estate. The Oregon Horn Build ers, 1330 N W. Bank bldg. auiNct to loan on improved city, farm property. F. C. King. 314 Spalding. iuuo LP 10 ouuu to loan on city or farm property. Tabor 220. 44UU 86u. It00, $UV, $12UU, $10U. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Com. $40,000 OR LEbS. FAKKlNli'l'UiV 80 4tn st Board of Trade Mirier. b.E ua tomaii loaua, installment loans. Cellars-Murton Co.. 826 Yeon bldg. AlORTOAOE loana. 6 V to Oregoo Inv. & Mortgage Co.. 170 3d st. $1500 AT 6. $500-$70O 8, $1000 7. No com, ward, 407 Spalding bldg. auOH'i'OAGE LoANcL 6 ana tf. Louie Salomon & Co.. 300 Oak Ht. near 5th. &1O1NE1' 10 loan, a to a. W. li oeitx Co.. 810 Spalding bldg BIONEV TO LOAN 87 CHATTELS, SALARIES ' WJfc- - aasaaeiissisast,sas.saMwt,siw sajsaaM, SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc.. at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. Licensed by state. t-vJlt i'LaMJ LOAN COMPa.N1. INC.. 811 Dekum bldg. LOAN'S WANTED 80 SMALL INVESTOR I can use tota, of $1600 in $100 amounts or less, 3 years, good security. 1st -year 8, 2a year 9. Sd year 10, Privilege wltn- tlrawal any time 90 days' notice Nurp-j bers count, uiuer iiuuuuie auvaiuasrcs you will appreciate. No fake, but an honest man's proposition: best of ref erences. Please investigate. Phone Marshall 1868. Z-9B3. Journal. WE WANT $1600 Of 8; $180u at ; $11,000 at 7; $20,000 at 1; $40,000 at tie; and other amounts. Tho Ore gon Home Builders, 1230 X. W. Bank bldg. FINANCIAL St 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wash H E. Noble Lumbermen bldg CHATTEL MORTGAGES PUR CHASED. INQUIRE 411 Dekum bid. HELP WANTED sMALK' i MAN for wood saw, plenty of work. Millershlp, 724 Cham, of Cm. - -- WANTED A partner in a clothes reel; should be a good sale Srh. MViAvi.ft; m.t- i..i ii in agent to go to Seattle to manufacture The Motcrcycla Man dealer in ln- a'd place agente in field; small 21'?, V amount of money needed: also one man I kJl IZZl iV,7Cornr 8crnnto in San Franrisco: the first man to get ' zL rnone a,t a''- HELP WANTKD-MAI1B (Ooatlsaed) PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14th and Johnson ats. U. S. Government Employment Office Cooperating. WANTED TODAY. Have place for 10 family men, large mill in good town near Portland. Ex cellent chance, permanent work. Can use 60 section men. Boyg over 16, box factory. Farmhands and milkers. Several rock quarry jobs 50 men. Railroad and logging road laborers 73 men. Yardmen lumber mills, SO men, $2.25 and op. Woodcutters. Spotters, doggers, loggers,, rigging men all kinds millmen. Tailor run cleaning and pressing shop. - Don't have to Buy Your Job at This Office FREE. Main 3555. Phones. A-5624. WA NTED Men to know; that the Quickest and easiest wav to gi quickest and easiest way to go to and from work in on the Indian Feath erwelght: economical to run, simple to operate, low in cost. Ask to be enown WANTED 2 strictly first class bar bers for Walla Walla, Wash., and Chlco, Cal. Guarantee $18 per week and percentage. None but very best of bar- I bers need apply. Apply to Lewis- Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. WANTED. Young man who Is desirous of learn ing the automobile business; good op portunity ror me rignt man. Apply 83 1 tjoucn St.. near roadway, AN experienced tea and c"offee sales man for city route, must furnish bond and good references, opportunity to advance io.r man mat qualifies. Also solicitors.' Grand Union Tea Co. SALESMAN for wholesale fruit and produce line; must have acqtialnt- snce with city trade; give references W-761. Journal. WANTED 'ompetent assistant yard foreman; married man preferred. Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.. Llnnton. Oregon. JlXPEKIENCED weavers wanted tor night crew. Apply ready for work, jrortiana wooien muis, Kt. Jonns. WANTED An experienced cake baker to take firat place in shop. Call be tween 8-9 P. M. 465 6th st WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle. 1024 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Solicitor for creamery; state experience. f-Z6. Journal. EMPLOYMENT department V. A Service free e fnembere I FIRST ; shop. class barber. Benson Hotel BOY to learn good trade. 231 Stark. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 Y. M. C A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; training- in repairing, driving and machine work, including forge, lathe, sbaper. drill- press, etc.; time unlimited. Secu.-e pass at Eaucatiogaal office x. M. C. A. bldg.. to inspect our shops and meth od. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED, Tul- tion fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y M. C. A. and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft swimming pooi onower nuns, gymnasium, etc. $76 MONTH. women wanted. List of positions rree. franaun institute, Dept I4V-0, nocnesier, in. 1 . OFFICE assistant; salary and comtnli sion. Must have a few dollars. Con tlriental Photo Players, 897 Upshur st. WANTED Names men, wishing to uevjuiiie rui uaiiu man carriers, torn mence $67 month. vOX-S8, Journal. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6 60 up. Taylor trie 'l alior. isv Burnslde HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 DEMONSTRATOR wanted; middle aged lady, good ability to demon strate kitchen article, obliged to leave city; travel py auto. i-76, journal WANTED Good girl fof general housework; must be Al cook and have good references; none other need apply. 421 E. 19th N. East 2802 WANTED 10 experienced chocolate dippers. True-Blue Biscuit Co., East 6th and Davis sts. GIRL for light housework- one who prefers to go home at night Call Eat 6673. THOROUGHLY' experienced operators on overalls. ML Hood Factory, 233 Couch st. GIRL to assist with general house work. 582 Schuyler st Telephone East 1984. RELIABLE girl to take cash and an swer telephone. Apply 221 1st St. GIRL of some experience wanted for general housework; 18. Tabor 6472. COMPETENT girl for housework and plain cooking. Wdln. 3024. HELP WANTED MALE AND - yg-MALij? 20 FREE RENT. " Free rent of furnished 8 room mod ern apartment to man and wife to do Janitor work in brick building of nine apartments. Man can be employed else where during day. No children. Wood lawn 896. KOHLLR BARBER SCHOOL wauls men aud women to learn tha barber trade free of charge in 8 weeks; posi tions secured; pay while learning. 36 and 38 N. 2d at MOttEK BARBER COLLEGIA wants men and women to learn the trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured; summer rates; write for catalogue. 4 8 N. 2d st - OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; positions guaranteed. 233 Madison. EITUATIONS MALE .1 STATIONARY engineer, 16 years' ex perience, operating and installing engine in mills, wishes position in or out of the city; best of references. A. 1. Herr, 265 E. 70th st N. Phone Tabor 694. JOB wanted cutting cordwood; have no tools; prefer place where there is a shack or tent; have no cooking outfit. X-354, Journal. BUTCHER wants position to take charge or rent or run on eharea, small meat market. W-586. Journal. PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting, Z per room up. C. A. Barnes, Marshall 2828. Main 6649 COMPETENT shop mechanic aou chauffeurs furnished by Y. M. C A. Auto school. Main 706V A-6S61. PAINTING and papering, kalsomlnlng $1.60 a room and up; work guaran teed. 37 E. 34th st. PnntrifTnr B,uiW,n Plumbing. L-Onil dolUr plastering, brick and cement work. S. 8. Klnaery Mar. IS8 CALL Woodlawn 4182 for summer spraying of trees and rosea Now is the time. STEADY place wanted by elderly man. A-l, all round farm hand, best of references. W-992, Journal. POSITION by reg. pharmacist in or out of city; references. T-6J8. Jour nal. .. EXPERIENCED painter and ealci- mlner wishes work. Tel. M. 1778.' WINDOW cleaner, houseman wants work, hour or day. Main 2302. CALL Broadway, 1634 lor painting and k also mine and wave money. SITUATIONS FEMALE LADY, 40, clean, respectable; will as sist in small .family adults; good seamstress; respected .A on of the family; small salaryr-- N-$6, Journal. A LADY wants work in washing, iron. ing and house cleaning. Jars. BenJto, Phone Sellwood 2461. : , YOUNG girl wants general housework; good home. 4530 60th, st S. E. Phone gjMlwood 1481. EXPERIENCED cook and housekeeper - will take situation in or out the city. W-190. Journal. WANTED Work f any kind, by the hour. Sellwood 668. WANTED Office work by competent. . t experience .woman, - a-iizt ournai, SITUATIONS 'FEMALE WOMAN wants day work.- Call Ala evict. SITUATIONS WANTED MALI AND FEMALE ; o r YOUNG German man and wife war work on farm. M-476, Journal. - 1 DKKSS.LKINQ f ALL kinds dressmaking, remodeling designing, reasonable. Also instruc tion at Economy Dressmaking parltv ana scnooi. dub ueicum Did, mhh 910 ASHIONABLE dressmaker, also a. teratlona: latest Ideas! homa or ti STy. Woodlawn 8522. . ) WANTED Dressmaking by the 4a' wages ai.ou. laoor osbi. - ( r URNISHKD HUUMS FURNISHED rooms for young men I an parts 01 me city, aiso in 1. Al, 1 A. bldg., especially desiraple. during to summer; fire-proof, telephone in eac room, shower baths. $1.75 to $4.7$ e Week, including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, cwim mlng pool, hand-ball court, and man other club privileges. Full Informatio at x. at. j. a. business oitice or taie phone Main 7365 A-6B6L M HiTELV- I0TH AND WASHINGTON e)T8. btrlctly modern. light, cool rooms $2 to $4 per week; private baths. ) BACHELOR'S HOTEL Everything new and up to data,' For men only. - Tenth and Washington. . Main Sr IH!ilfllL COWRADIOfiE SSPuS ern. rtreproot. rexovctahie. $8 week Wf $1.60 WEEK up, clean, warn, moden rur, rnia.. central. i..e Kiwy, aog jtr FURNISHED ROOMS ?t .TJtnrATB TAMIXT. i LIGHT, airy, elegantly f u r n iisfed roo Trri all modern convenience. walkln distance. XJ5 12th. i CLEAN, modern front room. reason 1 able, give dinner. 30 N Wash. 16th, near" FURNISHED lent for rant, clean, healthy place. 697 Kearney st Man 1992. v . I WILL give room rent to refined woi man emnloved for har oomnanv nigntw. oeiiwooa 41 tv. WELL furnished room II week. Main st. NEAT, quiet airy rooms, with phone m '''1 1 bath; adults. 21 N. 11th st ROOMS AND BOARD 1.. FIRST class room and board, reason able; modern conveniences. 332 10th Main 6979. ROOMS AND BOARD 7 PRIVATE rAUTZ.Y. - 1 I WALNUT PARK Modern, quiet home, pleasant surroundings, airy rooms. food table board; reasonable. 1099 Gar ield ave. Woodlawn 2026. ) N E WLY furni s hed front room auitablo for 1 or 2 persona, all convenvtnoes. excellent board or without, large ahady lawn. East 6504. .- IN beautiful private home, room ani board for one. Close In, east side,, $20. Main 6269. ' f $4.50 WEEK, outside rooms, bath, home cooked meals dally. 284 Main St 1 WANTElWtOOM AND BOARD 81 WOULD fike reasonable board"" ttT'te' fined Christian home for good boy. 7. Write 104 K. 67th st. N. ' HOUSEKEEPING) ROOMS H e- -a" - -- anu Special Rates IN Housekeeping Rooms' For Summer months at 350H Alder di., oetween uroaoway ana r'arK tits. Light, Heat and Cooking Gas , Furnished Free. ' ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In erery room: 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts $12 up. 291 Columbia st. cor. 8th. LARGE, central, furnished housekeep ing rooms; very cl.eap. 223H Fins, rui ner ini. 408 JEFFERSON St., 2 rooms con nected, 2d floor, $10 per month, 1 room. $8. .EAN, pleasant 1 and 2 house kau. lng rooms; rree phone and bath: raa. I onab le rates, ins west rark st. SINGLE and suites, bay windows, sleeping porches, free light, phone; bath, water all hour. Merced'. ?fi Mar DOWNTOWN modern H. K. suites, $1 I montn up. including neat, light, eta. rtoyai Annex, atUM Morrison. M. 4(21. flam Anc 11 week "P- 01 First at VTPrn MOTS. Free bsth. hot. cold watr ROY CREST, ,75 12th. housekeeping room a. Comfortable HOUSEKEEPING KOO.aU) 1J FKZVAT2 FAKIZ.T. TWO furnished- H. K. rooms a-ronnd floor, front, back entrance;' walking aisiance; water, ugnt bath, 114 Jaat at. ri. rist lizs. KtlMMRH hmH la- 1 frn.l,A W ' V rooms. Mione, bath, electricity, tii r.. wirnwon. TWO front, well furnished housekeep ing rooms, yara, sleeping porch, prl- vat family. 483 Market. LARGE room, completely furniahed; good location; all conveniences; no cniiuren. zte litn at. 1 FREE lights, heat, phone, bath with convenient IL K. suite; adults.: 169 K. 14 til. I 1 wii iiouseKeeping rooms, $ s par mo. aD sin St. 1 FOR RENT HOUSES saaaaaaaaasasjajaaa,,, . yi "asswas aaasjasaaasj i. a ae jam Ehona Mar. 00 A-IIOL '.j MElKR & PRANK'S s RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a rellableTist of houses, flats, apartments, etc., in all parts of th cUy. Avail yourself of this FREE service. . Information cheerfully furnished. FOB SALE or rent, new 8 room mod ern bungalow, in restricted district, 1H blocks of Hawthorne car, big gar den, might trade for printing outfit,' grocery or lots, uwner, 3741 etn stats. iWO lots, $ roo.n snaca, 81,6v per month, located on 82d st. (macad smlsed) near Estacada car. Fred W, German Co.. 722 Cham of Com. $30, IRVINGTON. 7 r. mod.. 62$ 16th. cva sat ' v av -v . s ass w.- aje a v a w a ss . N. $20. 781 York. 7 r. mod.. 2d car. $16, :iew flat, 454 Ca rut hers St. FKAftlV 1a MUU1HK Main 1061. DOWNSTAIRS frr rent furnished er unfurnished. 74 Weldler st; raa sonable. WILL lease -nine room residence. Nob H11L walking distance, block from Wssh. Z-374. Journal, 4 ROOM house to rent, electrio lights, fine yard, $10. Inquire 841 Sao Ra fsel st. t- TWO 6 room modern cottage, clean. $10, including water. Owner, lit Palling St.. L or V car. '-'" TWO acrea with house and barn on 7$d.at.. Mt. Scott. $4 monthly. Own er, 604 ,E. Clay st. ' ; r - ' room house apricots, .cherries, pears, plums, close in. on car Jin. siz. si 63. 6 ROOM cottage, large grounds, all : "kinds fruit 43$ E. $lst Pbcm Ta- bor 8624. ' 6 ROOM bungalow, garage and euiokaa : "house. Tabor 168$. . ' $t 6 room modern house, lectrio aai gas Csll Main $766. - 6" R66m cottage, 181 E. )th, naf Morrison, $15. Marshall 1877. ' , MODERN 4 room cottage, 1016 East Ilth st. N., one diock from A'P". $12 MODERN 4 room cottage, E. 19tn a4 sanar oivo. r,tui uvi. 6 ROOM house, close in, 118. $46 E. Uiissn St.: between ti. za ana r.. a. FOR RENT e room house. ' 67 Weld- ler. ri. 161. . -. ' -i)3 lUh st. . Jaia CtlL