- is V 16 t THE OREGON DAILY ; JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 4. 1916. OSS TO WATERFRONT IS PLACED AT A MILLION Shipping Men Estimate Con '. servatively on Supplies and :; Labor Lost From Conflict. 3RAIN FLEET CUT IN TWO &iasr. Oriental and Coastwise Trad Are IJkawlse Affected s. lured to Other rields. r. i: .Ths European war haa rut at least $1,000,000 from Portland's payroll dur ing" the pact shipping season, accord- to well posted waterfront men. . The grain fleet of ordinarily 100 rtuili was rut to 50. l.aih vessel all. It Is estimated, leiive upwards of (10,000 here In supplies, drydock, long shore wage, towage and pllotare. I kth, coastwise trade Amerloan Tfawaltan, Grace and independent keamers probably left at least half that amount annually. The American Hawaiian has had but six craft here In ths paat 12 months, the Grace line none and the Independent lines none. 'The offshore lumber trade, usually amounting to at least luo vexseis, nas likewise been cut to almost a quarter of Its former strength. In tnost Instances the estimate of 110,000 lo each such ship is low. A Norwegian steamer here last fall left 127,000. A Hrltlah ship hrre during the winter left 122,500, while one of the more recent nailing ships left $16,- 500.- ' In addition to these losses the ori ental trade has also been completely cut off and 1ms probably meant the loaa of another $250,000. Could the value of cargoes, or busi ness, lost be estimated, the loss would reach a figure of several millions. ' The outlok for the coming season ia . better than the past season, be cause of the additional money which the shipbuilding industry will leave here. Many longshoremen are turn ing their attention to this Industry and will find Jobs, temporarily at least. In this line. ,' Exporters have so far been unable to " charter vessels for delivery of next season's grain crop, but have hope of being able to handle a num ber of steamers through the canal during" the fall months at least, and Of securing at last a small fleet of ailing vessels for winter and spring loading. - REPUBLIC UKPOHTKl) SOLD Famous Craft May Heroine Menilxr of British Merchant Marine. . -Ban Francisco, May 4 (P. N. S. i .Again .the steamer Republic has changed hands, and with her ale by Sudden & Chrlstensen to "eastern own era" for a reported price of $l,i00,ooo. a new period In the whip's ct'mtful 'history in about to begin. The Republic was originally the Walkure, a German ship. Sue was Seised by the French while lying In .Papeete harbor, after the war started and sunk by German shells. Sudden Ai ChriMtensen IxhikM hor fOX - $2.00n, raised her at a com re ported to be $ir.o,ooo. mid bronchi her to San Francl.xcii. Here slip lias been taking on a cargo of kt ocked down ratlroad cars nml steel plnle, aiui has been making ready to sail for Van couver, and from there for Vlail.voMok. What she Is to take on at Vancouver is not known, except that it will be "a general cargo'1 for the nines. If the report that the new owners are clOBely connected with the KngHxh government is true, the Republic mny well be called the camel eon of the seas. ALL ALONCi TIIK WATKKKKONT . '.-.Completing a slow passage of fi.", days from .'ortland. the Kiemh ship Andre Theodore reached (ilaKgow May 1. .. She Is the first vessel In several (seasons to be sent to Glasgow for dis charge. The O-W. R. & N. c0 steamer Has HalO Will he .Inspected tomorrow an4 wlH shortly enter the beaoh service for the summer. Twenty-five parsons, assessed with fine totalling J4K00, were tHken In tow during the past few days by har- oor police and customs officials for Violations of the navigation laws. " ? Immigration Inspector .1. II. Harbour in in Hood River today, arrancinp for the handling f the berry pickers for the coming season. The steamer Heaver arrived In last night, after a smooth trip up the coast from San Francisco. ' Prlvat Yacht on Way 'll ere. Seattle. Wash.. May 4. (P. N. S.l On a cruise which will lake her tip the Columbia river and then down the rout to San Francisco, Southern Cali fornia and Mexico, the steam yacht , Ituna, owned by R. Fred Vogel, of Ios AngeUs, sailed from Seattle yesterday. Aboard the Ituna were Vogel and Ward Chapman, a Kos Angeles at- tomey. : The Ituna has been at Seattle all winter, undergoing repairs after a col lision at Petersburg, Alaska, with the Bteamshlp City of Seattle. She has been repaired and refitted at a cost of $10,000. , -T - Break-Up Coming Early. Dawson. V. T., May 4. (P. N. S.) Ice in the Yukon river In front of Pawaon broke yesterday, and an open river ia expected within a week. The early breakup of the Ice has surprised .(Acniruj Inflamed Bmloo'c - and Knob-Hrta? Cal-o-cide 1 l I GIVES INSTANT' RELIEF FROM WAR CAUSES M . . ' -V J ' mm V .French-heel fi 0$ ?Ss-Excess GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, who cables char acteristic comment on the Irish outbreak in Dublin. .'TO Vrt-.'X New York, May 4. (V. P.) George Bernard Shaw today cabled the follow ing comment on the Irish rebellion: "Silly, Ignorant, wrong-headed, hon orable, brave, republican." the river wlsemen, who had predicted a closed river for several weeks yet. A sudden warm turn in the weather was what upset the calculations of the experts. Cetriana In Trouble. Pan Francisco, May 4. The British steamer Cetriana, which left here March 7 for Liverpool, la reported as having put Into St. Thomas with a list and side ports leaking. NEWS OF THE PORT Arrival! May 4. Johsn Poulnen, American gteamer. Captain UWentadt. balUftt from San Francisco; lxou Lumber company. Departures May 4, Great Northern. American Bteamer. f'aptaln Ahman, pauengera and freight for San Fran claco, O. N. P. SS. Co. Temple E. Dorr. American steamer. Cap tain Nelson, lumber for San Francisco, Dant & Knsaell. Captain A. F. Iicns, Amerlrau steamer. Captain Smith. bullat for Saa Francls-o, hiandard Oil company. Marine Almanac. Weather at Kiver'i Mouth. North Head. May 4. Condition at the mouth of the river at noon, smooth; wind south, 6 miles: weather, cloudy. Sun and Tides May 6. Sun rises 4.52 a. m. Siin sets 7:24 p. m. Tides at Astoria. High water. Low water. 1 :.V7 a. id., H.Sjfeet. !t:l a. m.. o.2 foot. 3:28 p. in.. feet. :U4 p. m.. :!.S feet. The time ball on the I". S. hTdrograpliii- of fice was dropped at exactly noon today, llXHb meridian time. Daily River Headings. 8TATION8 fit Weriatriiee Lewlston . . . I niutlllH The Halloa . Kugene Albany Salem Oregon City. Portland . . . . 4o L'4 4i 10 HO LM 12 ir. 1 .1! -htl.S ..". 0.:'. o . -j 0.2 0 -0.1 o.oo 11 J I 0 r b S S .v.t 13 .1 n.oo .M O.oti II. ! o.im o.oo O.OO o.oo I -i-) Klslng. I I Falling:. River Forecast. The Willamette rlrer at Portland will rl: slowly frlday and Saturday and iwre rapidly Sunday, reaeliing a stage of about .". feet by roinua.v aiieriHKtn. 8t earners Due to Arrive. HiSb.NOL.ua AND FREIGHT. Name. (Jreat From Date nortnern... .. r Mar Bear Beaer Hose City . . . S. F. & L. A Mar 10 8- C. B. A F...May 17 i-. a. o. r ii.de r Steamers Due to Depart. Name For Date oeayer i,. a. & s. May Great Northern S. F My g Bear s. F. L. A May 13 bos City L. A. A 8. F ladaf Bteamers leafing Tortland for San Franc'soo only connect wiih tbe steamers Yale and Hsr srd. lea Ting San l-ranrlsro Mondsr, Wednes day. Friday sod Saturday, for loa Angel sua BSD LMego. Vessels in Port. Name A l-at rax. A in. HaTer. Am. as ( crrier Ikhv, Am. ell . F.rho, Am M'h F. 11. Vance. A in. sh . . Hawi'tMlar, Am as. Herth, Present t Alnsworth . . . . Multnomah Box N. P. I.hr1 Co. Tongue Tclrt .West port Intermarry, Br. bk Stream InTerlnni. Br. bk Irving J. B. Stetaon. Am. aa gt. Helens .Icban Poulaen, Am. m N. P. Xtlll Nehalem. Am. n Rainier Necanlrum, Am. a Tongue Point Koae City. Am. aa Alaaka Santa Monica. Am. aa Rainier SLaila, Am. aa Rainier At Neighboring Ports. Aatnrla. May 4. Arrived t 9:15 a. m Neranlcnra from San KYanrloro Tla Kttreka. Cooa Ray. May 4. Arrived at 7 a. m. GaRoiln M?hooner Tlllnmnok, from Portland. ilasrrra-. May 1. Arrived l-'rencli ablp An. dre Theodore, from Portland. Astoria, May It. Sailed at 11:30 n. m. -Gaollne schooner Tillamook for Coos Ray. Arrlvrd at 12:."iO p. ni. (Jreat .Northern, from Sail FYanclaco. Sailed at 1:10 p. in.- Tug I.. RoiMxie. toning barge liwrence for An chorage. Arrived at 7 and left up at S:."0 p. m, Johan I'otilsen, from. San l-aneito. San Pedro. May 3. ArrXed Willamette from Columbia river via San Francisco. San Franeisoo, May 4. Arrived Arctic. Tort Bragg. 4:30 a. m. : James S. HigglD. Mendo cino. 5 a. m. : Santa Rarhara, I is Angelea, 7 a. m: U. S. R. Whipple. San Diego. 8 a. m.; San Gabriel. jom Angelea, 8:30 a. m. ; Carlos, Ls Angelea. 0 a. m. ; Fearless, towing Fuller ton. Port San Lais. 10:30 a. m.; Argyl. Ia rod from Strain Swtatiat and Bad Odor avMnhroom Corns .5 It acts through the pores and removes the cause by restoring the tissues to normal; the results are truly remark able. Get a 25c cackace from inv druggist; he is authorized to refund money to anyone not fully satisfied. .1 ACOB BLOCH DIES AT AGE OP 70; ILL KNOWN LOCAL RABB Funeral of Portland Citizen Will Be Held Probably To morrow Afternoon. Funeral services for Dr. Jacob Bloch, 70 years old, rabbi emeritus of Congregation Beth Israel, who died at his home, 586 Couch street, at 11 o'clock last bight, will be held prob ably tomorrow afternoon from the Temple Beth Israel, with Interment In Beth Israel cemetery.' The time has not been definitely fixed, however. At his bedside last night were Mrs. Bloch, his daughter, Mrs. Isaac White, his son-in-law, I. 8. WhJte, and Cecil H. Bauer and Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Or. Bloch was the father of the late Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, one of the best known sopranos on the Pacific coast. She died June 13, 1915. Dr. Bloch was very well known In Portland, having been at the head of the Congregation Beth Israel for many years. He came to this city from Sac ramento and took charge of the con gregation in 1884. Under his guid ance Beth Israel became one of the largest Jewish congregations In the United States. He participated in the silver anniversary of the congregation last year. Dr. Bloch always took an active in terest in civic and church work, and for years was identlfle.l with move ments to further the Interests of the Jewish people. Dr. Bloch was born In Bohemia and received his education in Prague and Vienna. His first charge was In Lit tle Rock, Ark., and from there he moved to Sacramento, thence to this city. He was distinguished as a He brew scholar and among thjp honors he gained during his life was the doc tor's degree of "honoris causa," con ferred by the University of Oregon. Dr. Bloch was an active member of B'nai B'rith and a past president of Portland lodge 416, I. O, B. B. Miss Carroll Leads For Festival Queen Miss Jewell Carroll, candidate of the Knights and Iadies of Security, took the lead in the race for queen of the Rose Festival this morning. The special concession of 5000 extra votes for each dollar's worth of votes purchased made for blK increases in the ballots registered for the candi dates yesterday. This offer will hold through May 13, the 5000 votes extra being given in addition to the 1000 usually sold for a dollar. The standing of the candidates at 10 o'clock this morning was as fol lows: Jewell Carroll. Knights and Indies of Security 137,261 Lillian 0. Hendrlcksen, Forest ers of America 136.621 Mildred Pegs. Vancouver . ....133,410 Eleanor Jackson, Modern For esters. McMinnvllle 130,265 Rose l 'ptegrove, Oregon Clt v. .. 1 25,420 Edel Fraasrh. Ktigene 118,636 Mrs. Maud Oilman, ti. A. R ... 114. 107 Afna B. Allen. Metropolitan I,ife Insurance Co 107.326 OeoFgia White, Corvallis 08,946 Marion Anderson. Albany 91.867 Louise Taylor. Western I'nion.. 82.032 Waive Jacobs, Klamath Falls 73,141 .Muriel Sating, Pendleton 67,223 Mvrtle McClarkin, Rose City Park 316 Wedding Bells Ring For a Local Couple Harry C. Frye. well kno-nn news paper man. and member of the Ore gonlan staff, and MHs Klsie Rrooke were married yesterday afternoon at the Unitarian church, with Rev. AV. O. Eliot Jr. officlatinp. Omly the Immedi ate family of the bride and a few friends were present. After the cere mony the couple left on a trip In east ern Oregon. Mrs. Frye as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brooke of 541 Montgomery drive. Ha Cure for Drinkers. 1ir Angeles. Cal.. May 4 C P.I "The surest cure for alcoholism Is roll lng huge boulders tjphill." says Wil Ham Nlcholl. probation officer of San Francisco. N'icholl is a delegate to th state- conference of social agencies 1 In session here. He urged that inebri-j ates he forced to buKd tip their bodies i stronff physique can better with tand inclination to drink than a weaker one. he dec.ared. Anseles. 10:30 a. m. ; Tangnard. Eureka, 11 S. Hlgglns, Ioa Angeles, Railed James 10:45 8. m. San Francisco. May 3. Arrived Thomas I. Wand. Everett. 12:20 p. m. : Wblttler. Port an I,ul. 12:40 p. m.: Lewis Lnckenbach. New York, via canal. 12:20 p. m. : Olenm, Astoria. 2:13 n. no.; barge Erfklme M. Phelps, In tow f tug Defiance, port San Luis, 7 p. m.; lonier. Santa Barbara. 8:441 p. m. Called Coronado, I.os Angeles. 10:!W s. m.; In); Tatoosh. towing barge A' apnlco. Nanaiino. II a. in.; Bear. I.oa Angeles. 11:20 a. in.; Wlllielmlna. Honolulu" 1U:20 p. in.; Queen, Sekitle. 12:20 p. m. : City f Topeka. F.nreka. i. m. : Cleone. Albion. 2:1. p. m. ; San Jorte Balboa. 2:30 p. gi. r I "is Haliaila. San IMego, towing two barges. 3:20 p. m.; Na tional City. Fort Bragg, 4 p. m.; Harvard. tios Angeles. 4:05 p. m.: Kl Segnndo, Port land. 5 p. m.; schooner Rertle Minor, Guam, 6:20 p. m.; Reakwater, Portland. :40 p. m.; Wilmington. Seattle, 9 p. m.; lalsy. Columbia river. 7 p. m. ; Adeline smith, Cooa Bay. 7:10 . m-; British atr. illwiM. Sydev, Australia, 0 p. m. : Brooklyn. Bandoo, 9:20 p. m. ; Daven port, Cteariie, p. m. Astoria. May . LjTit nai a 11 a. m. ie- omlcnm. Sailed at 110 a. m. F. A. Kll- burn. for San Diego via way porta. Sailed nt :10 p. m. A. Y . Lucas for San Francisco, Seattle. May 4. Arrived British steamer Txlon, Manila, 9:46 a. m.: Lyman Stewart, from Port Sun Lula, 5 a. m.; Bee, San Fran cisco. 9:30 a. m. SaMed Jefferson, S. E. Alaska, 9:30 a. m.: Morning Star, British Columbia porta, 8:30 m. Seattle. Mar 3. Arrived Despatch. S. E. Alaska. 5:4o p. m.; Fulton, British Columbia ports, noon. Coraova. May a. aanea Aiasga, sontn- bound. 1 a. m.; Alameda, westbound. 9:45 m. . Petersburg, May 8. Saik-d Admiral Evans, northbound, 1:45 p. m. ., Dolphin, northbound. 1 p. m. : Hnmboldt. southbound, 1 p. m. Ketchikan, May 3. Sailed C4ty of Seattle, northbound, 10:30 a. m-; Spokaua, oathbound. 5 a. m. Victorta, B. C. May 4. Passed out Norwe gian steamer Thor, lor Saa Franclaco. Bellingham. Majr 4. Sailed Schooner Alert, for Melbourne. Port Townsend. Wash., May 4. Passed In Sado Mam. for Seattle, 9:30 a. m. Port Gamble, May 4. Arrived Rainier, San Francisco. Everett. May 3. Sailed Sbna Yak. San Pedro. Eagle Harbor. May 4. Arrived Saginaw, San Pedro, tt a. m. Tacoma. May 4. Arrived William Chat ham, from West Coast. Mar 3. Sailed Schooner William H. Smith. Bydney. N. S. W. j Women mx engaged to patrol army camps in England. the RABBI WAS ACTIVE IN RELIGIOUS WORK Dr. Jacob Bloch. Enthusiasm Is High Despite Discomfort Women at Military Training' Camp Droop, Their Complexion Are Vivid and Their Feet Are Blistered. Washington, May 4. (V. V To day the first evidences of discomfort were manifested among the women at the national women's military training camp at Chevy Chase. The work is grilling. Searing sun, flatheeled shoes and the rough ground are affecting girls and women whose activities have heretofore been confined to covering miles of ballroom floors. Their bodies drooped. . Their com plexions were vivid red.' Their feet were blistered. Nevertheless they were highly enthusiastic. There are no arms in the camp. tlrst aid to tne Injured work, signalling and similar duties are receiving much attention. Mrs. Robert Lansing, wife of the secretary of state, spent the night at the camp and was the first to answer the reveille trumpet call of "I can't get 'em up." She was assigned to Mrs. George Barnett's mesa table, which includes Washington's most ex clusive set. Fruit, Berry Rate Is Reduced by Y, C. C. Express Bate oa Hood Biver Product to Winnipeg- to Be $3 Znatead of $3.25; Lumber Case Brief a Filed. Washington, Mav 4. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL) The Interstate Commerce conimlsslon ordered a reduction In the exepress rate on fruits and berries from Hood River to Winnipeg from $2.25 to 2 per hundred pounds. A brief filed in the Utah lumber case by Attorney James G. Wilson contends that Portland and Bridal Veil should be included in the rate group with Cascade Locks and Bend arid that the differential is an, unjust outgrowth of the Southern Pacific policy against Portland lumbermen. J. N. Teal and Claude McColloch have filed a brief for the West Coast Lumbermen's as sociation attacking the proposed in crease on lumber and lumber products from the northwest into Oklahoma and Texas. Tacoma Theatre in Photoville Circuit "Legitimate" Playhouse Leased From May 14 to October 1; Strand Theatre in Portland Also Leased. Tacoma. Wash., May 4. (P N. S.) The Tacoma theatre, this city's "le gitimate" playhouse, has been leased from May 14 to October 1 to the Pa cific Photoville circuit, it was an nounced today. At the same time, the Strand theatre In Portland was leased for a like period' to the same circuit, placing Tacoma and Portland on a chain with Seattle and Spokane. Vaude ville and motion pictures will be shown. Army-Navy Orders San Francisco, Mar 4. I P. N. S.) Army orders : Colonel I.TDian W. V. K'nnon, who has been attached to the 2Cth Infantry, assigned to 9th Infantry. First Lieutenant Clement C. Hnth. C. A. C. detailed as quartermaster of history and staff rides of army war college personnel, beginning In Washington. May 10. Major I'eter C. Harris, adjutant general, re lieved from present duties and will proceed to Washington May 20 for duty In office of adjutant general of army, relieving Lieuten ant Colonel Ja roes H. McRae. Lieutenant Colonel Francis A. Winter. M. C. to Walter Reed General hospital, observa tion and treatment. Colonel Charlea Richard, M. C, to Gov ervors' Island. K. IT.. Msy 13. as surgeon east ern department In addition to present duty s medical fupply officer. New York city. First Lieutenant Daniel D. Gregorr. 5th cav alry, relieved from army service schools June 4 and to Join regiment. Navy Orders. Rear Admiral Benjamin Tsppan frannferred it retired list trom April 2. to borne. Commander C. M. Toier detached command of the Colorado to command the Maryland lieutenant Commanders J. J. Jackson de tached as assistant naval attache, Rome, Italy, to the nary department; Lieutenant K. C. 8. Parker, detached from special duty Havana, Cnba. to Washington, P. C. to await orders; R. C. Culp detached from command of tba Iris to tba Albany as executive and navi gator. Lieutenant (Junior grada) John H. Colin detached from the Oregon to tha Glider a executive and navigator. Assistant Surgeon O. D. King, J. 3. Ingb Iln. L. D. Arbuckel. M. R. C commUsloced aalstant surgeons from March 17. Naval constructors E. C. Hamner, detached from the navy yard, Portamouth. N. H.. to the naval station. New Orleans. H. T. Wright de tached from the naval station. New Orleans, to the navy yard. New York. Assistant Paymaster (.. V. McCarty de tached from the New Orleana to the Albany. THE MODERN NEED . b a remedy for that evil effect of quick eating, over-eating and strenuous liv ing. The medicine tbat meets this need that tones the stomach, stimu lates the liver, regulates the bowels ia Unsat Sets aaf Aay MaWBdM la tJU WerlaV ImU esTwbsaw. iaiSaasa. IQawtSe. WOMAN VHO ME ATTEMPTED SUICIDE :T Mrs, Bob Fitzsimmons, Wife of Former Prize Fighter, Tells of Conversion. BECOMES CHURCH MEMBER Declaration Made Tbat the Other Woman Kara Vow Has no Sight to 17 ee Bob's XTame. "Bob didn't love rne, didn't write to me I was In the county hospital I had no friends the world was through with me. I said, 'I shall die.' ' Thus Mrs. Bohj FUzsimnions, who will speak as an evangelist at the White Temple tonight, tells the dra matic circumstances that led up to her conversion to Christianity. Mrs. Fitzsimmons arrived from California this morning and is at the Seward. Before her marriage to the prizefighter in Paris, she was an opera singer, and afterward appeared in the United States in vaudeville under her own name, the Counters Temo Zelien. Twice Attempted Suicide. Mrs. Fitzsimmons twice attempted to leap from a window In the county hospital at Los Angeles about four months ago. The first time her skirt caught on some nails. The second time an attendant caught her feet Just as she was leaning over for the plunge, and dragged her back into the room. T said, 'Let me die," " aald Mrs. Fitzsimmons this morning, "but the woman said I shouldn't kill myself, and she got a Bible and read me the verse. 'Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God; believe also in me." " The attendant's earnest talk resulted in conversion. Mrs. Fitzsimmons went to Los Angeles, she says, after a tiff with Bob at Newark, N. J., five months ago. She Intended to go on the Pan tages vaudeville circuit, but became hoarse. A physician told her she had tuberculosis. She went to a hospital. When her money waa gone, she was sent to the county hospital, and when she discovered where she was, bellev- lng her voice gone and her life wreck- ed, she decided to end her life. She Joins Cnuron. Following her conversion, she joined the church of Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher. formerly pastor of the White Temple. On his recommenda tion, she held revival meetings In Cal ifornia cities, and carries a bulky sheaf of enthusiastic letters from pastors in whose churches she has appeared. She established a home for yayward girls in Los Angeles. Everything is now made smooth in her life, she says; she and Bob have been reconciled, and she receives af fectionate letters from him. "Bob Is a good man," she said. "He has a good, honest heart. He is too generous. When I met him in Paris, he was spending his money like a sailor. What would these boxers now adays Willard amount to with Bob?" Mrs. Fitzsimmons says that the oth er Mrs. Bob Fitrsimmons. appearing at the Pantapes this week, "has no right to use Bob's name." 'I have nothing against ner, ene said; "but why doesn't she use her own name r The Pantages Mrs. Fitzsimmons Julia Gifford before she married Bob was wife No. 3. Mrs. Fitzsimmons, the evangelist, ia No. 4. Mrs. Fitxsimmons IV has taken "What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Own Soul?" as her subject at the White Temple tonight. "The Win ning Fight" will be her subject at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday. She sings gospel hymns. New Zealand cattle raisers have found that the meat of dressed calves retains its flavor better when exported re " ' 4V, .k,. v.. loe. . long distances if the skins be left on: until ready for market Thin People Gained Weight Quickly By following This Simple Snggsstlon Thin men and women w-ho would 11'ks NOW AN EVANGELIS to increase their weight with 10 or 1 5 ' ran be restored by this simple home pounds of healthy "stay there" fat treatment. should try esiting a little Sargol with ; Every 'person, who is troubled with their meals for a while and note re- i liead noises, catarrhal deafness, or -suits. Here is a good test worth try- ; tarrh in any form, should give this int First weigh vourself, and mea. prescription a trial. Adv. i uro yourself. Then take Sargol ! - ore tablet with every meal for I two weeks. Then weigh md meas- I --"" nr gen ti. it isn i a question or now you look or feel or what your friends sav and think. The scales and the tape measure will tell their own story, and many thin men and women we believe can easily add from five to eight pounds in the first 14 days by following this simple direction. And best of all, the new flesh stays put. Sargol does not of itself make fat, ; but mixing with your food. It aims to turn the fats, sugars and starches of i what you have eaten, into rich, ripe fat producing nourishment for the tis- , sues and blood prepare it in an easily assimilated form which the blood can leadily accept. Much of this nourish-I ment "now passes from your body as waste. But sargoi woras to stop tne waste and do it quickly and to make the fat producing contents of the very same meals you are eating now de velop pounds and pounds of healthy flesh between your skin and bones. Sargol is safe, pleasant, efficient and inexpensive. All leading druggists In this vicinity sell it In large boxes 40 tablets to a packs ge on a guaran tee of weight Increase or money bevefc as found in each large box. (Adv.) Simple Way to End Dandruff There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolvs it, then you destroy it entirely! To do this; Just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (thlc la all you will need), apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten ths icalp and rub It In gently with ths finger tips. By morning, most If not all. of your j dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you :Tay have. Tou wiU find all itching and digging of ths scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better, (Adv.) JACOBS CANDIDATE FOR G. 0. P. SESSION Fred A. Jacobs. Fred A. Jacobs is conducting a vig orous campaign for election as a dele gate to the Republican national con vention from the Third district. Jacobs boostsT clubs have beien formrd by hie friends in Rose City Park, Monta vllla. Mount Tabor and other sections of the county, and are active in his behalf Bursting Auto Tire Causes Two Deaths Los Angeles, May 4 (U. P.I Two men are dead and a third seriously in jured as a result of an automobile ac cident caused by a bursting tire. M. Strong and George F. Piatt, botn of Hollywood, are dead. Clinton H. Stags, author, of New York, is in the Sisters hospital here suffering from concussion of the brain, broken arm and internal Injuries. The three men in a large touring car were going at a fast clip on La Brea boulevard last night when a front tire burst. The car struck a telephone pole and overturned, pinning the three men beneath. 8trong was killed outright i and Piatt died within a few minutes. j Piatt and Stagg were engaged with a local motion picture producing corn- pany, collaborating on a scenario for a big production. An electric motor, taking current from a light socket, lias heen invent ed to run a phonograph by friction with the record table without winding up the motor. CUT THIS OUT OXX ZTtrQUSX he cm FOB catas- KILAX OIAFRISB AMD BXAJD BTOISES. If you know someone who li troubled with head noises, or Catarrhal Deafness, cut out this formula, and hand it to them, and you will have been the means of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness. Kecent experiments have, proved con clusively that Catarrhal Deafness, head noises, etc., were the direct cause of constitutional disease, and that enlves, sprays, inhalers, etc., merely tempor ize with the complaint and seldom, if ever, effect a permanent cure. Thi being so, much time and money has been spent of late by a noted special ist in perfecting a pure, gentle, yet effective tonic that would quickly dis pel all traces of the catarrhal poison from the system. The effective pre scription which was eventually formu lated, and which has aroused the belief that deafness will soon he extinct, )s given below In understandable form, so that anyone can treat themselves In their own home at little expense. Secure from your druggist 1 oz. Par mint (Double 'strength i. about 76c worth. Take this home add to it ' P1"1 f,not wfr a"f ,4. f lated sUgar still until disi tablespoonf ul four t or., of granu- s,olved. Tale poonful four tlmen a drtv. The first dose should he to relieve the distressing head noises, headache, dullness, cloudy thinking, etc., while the hearing rapidly returns as the sys tem is invigorated by the tonic action of the treatment, boss of smell and mucus dropping in the back of the throat, are other symptoms that show the presence of catarrhal poison, ami whkh are often entirely overcome by this efficacious treatment. Nearly i0 f.er cent of all ear troubles are direr t y caused hy catarrh: therefore. ther ' must be many people whose heai ins; 1 a WHY MANY MEN FAIL IN BUSINESS AND WOMEN FAIL SOCIALLY It is the Bright, Active, Clear-eyed, Healthy indi vidual who meets success, at work or at play, socially or financially. CADOMENE TABLETS Mean Health to Men Health is Life, Strength, Vitality, Ambition, the ability, the desire to live, to enjoy, to accomplish. Without health and strength in fullest measure you may not hope to enjoy the fullest measure of success in any undertaking. You cannot make the best of conditions and opportunities. If your mind, your power of reasoning and concentration are dulled or in active, to any ex ten V naturally you are less capable to AD CLUB AND L FADING CITIZENS ASK ACTION ON NAVAL BASE PLANS Telegrams Sent to Senator Chamberlain and His Con ferees in Senate and House Following receipt of a telegram from F. C. Harley In which he stated that "vigorous and continuous action by our congressional delegation will only be had when the delegation Is made to understand that public sentiment in Oregon and the northwest demands ac tion at this time," the Astoria Naval Base committee got busy in Portland yesterday and induced the sending of telegrams to Washington by the Port land Ad club and several leading citi zens. Theso urge prompt and vigorous action by Senntor Chamberlain and his conferees of the senate and house. Atiinii tlio.se who sent telegiams were S. Benson, John Montag and 1 1 n -ry L. pit lock. The telegram from the Ad club contained the statement: They further state that they have di rect Information from Washington which they deem authoritative that if the Oregon delegation will present a united and unflinching front on these measures same can be passed at this session." Mr. Benson wired, "I re quest you to do your best," while Mr. Montag said, "I absolutely know that demands for support by Oregon com mercial bodies and private citizens are exceedingly serious." "The trouble with those fellows back in Washington is that they have been treating our demands like the ordinary bunch of boilerplate they receive," said Wallace R. Strubhle of the naval base committee. Codes are more extensively used in telegraphing in China than in any oth er nation because Chinese sounds can not be perfectly represented by Roman letters. Q-BAN DARKENS GRAY HAIR Everybody Uses It Dark ens Your Gray Hair So Evenly So Handy Harmless No Dye. By applying Q-Ban Hair Color Re storer. like a shampoo, to your hair and scalp all your gray, streaked with gray, prematurely era;- or faded, dry or harsh hair quickly turns to an even, beautiful dark shade. Q-Ban makes hair and scalp healbhy, so every strand of your hair, whether gray or not, in a short time becomes glossy, fluffy, lustrous, soft, thick, with that evitn dark shimmer of beautiful radiant healthy hair Just as you like to have jour hair appear fascinating and abundant, without even a trace of gray showing, only natural evenly dark lovely hair. Q-Ban is absolutely harm less; no dye, but sold on a money back guarantee to darken all your gray lia-lr. Only 60o for a big 7-oa. bottls at Huntley Drug Store, 282 Washington st, Portland, Or. Out-of-town folks supplied by mail. (Adv.) BISURATED MAGNESIA Kor indigestion, dyspepsia, heart burn, belching, sour stomach, etc., take a teaspoonful of Bisurated Magnesia after eating to neutralize ths excess acid which is the cause of nearly every stomach disorder. Immediate relief; pleasant; inexpensive; at all druggists everywhere, in either powder or tablet foim. Bturated Magnesia. No. 23 K. 1'fith St., N. V. C. have it. the capacity for pleasures of life. Tablets In sealed ELL? AN Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One packager proves it 25c at all druggists.1 NUXATED IRON Increases rtren(tlk , 01 aencate. nervous. : rundown people 2011 ?r cent in ten dayajK n many inatanoea. V 1100 forfeit It it falls as per full planatlon In large article aoon to .ap pear in this paper. Aak your doctor or Owl Drue Co. i drugaiat about. ways carry It in stock. FEEL YOUNG! It's Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets For Yon ! ! Beware of the haolt of constipation. It develops from just a few constipat ed days, utiles you take yourself la hand. Coax the Jaded bowel muscles back ,4 to normal action wun Dr. t-dwards Olive Tablets, the substitute for calo mel. Don t force them to unnatural action with neve re medicines or by merely (flushing out the intestines with nasty, sickening cathartics. Dr. Edwards believes In gentleness. persistency and Nature's assistance. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets open the bowels; their action la aentle. yet positive. There is iiuver any pain or firlplng when Dr. Kdwaids' Olive Talv. ets are used. Just the kind of treat ment old persons shouid nave. Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets are a vegetable compound mixed ivith olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two occasionally and have no trouble with your liver, bowels or stomach. 10c and 25o per box. All druggists. Ths Olive Tablet company, "Colum bus. Ohio. ON BABTSCHEEKS Sore and Inflamed. Began to Spread. Would Itch and Burn. Face Was Disfigured. Now Clear. HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "Small red pimples which were an re and Inflamed broke out on each of my baby's cheeks. They began to spread and wodM Itch and burn and as use him to scratch and" Irritate them. He was cross and fretful a night which caused me to lose sleep, and hit face was disfigured for ths time being. "I used Soap and with no re- lief. Then I used Cutlcura Soap and Olnte ment and in a week's time they relieved him of all the Itching and burning and for thjflnit time he reeled peacefully at night. I only um1 one cake of Cutlcura Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment and in threa weeks his face waa healed and his akin clesJ and perfectly smooth." (Signed) Mrs. Emma Bradford. R.F.D. . Box 79. Sail Lake City. Utah. Sept. 20. 1015. Sample Each Free by Mall Although Outictira Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere, a sample of each witlt 22-p. Skin Rook will be sent free. Address! Cutlcura, Dept. T. Boeton." ACHES AND PAINS Don't neglect a pain anywhere, but find out what causes It and conquer the cause. A pain in the kidney region niy put you on your back tomorrow. Ijon't blame the weather for swollen feet, it may be sn advanced warning of Bright's disease. A pain in the stoi.i sch may be the first symptom of appendicitis. A creak In a Joint mar be the forerunner of rheumatism. Chronic headaches mors than liksljr warn you or serious stomach trouble. The beet way is to keep In good condi. don day in and day out by regularlr t.-.klng GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL 'Bisules. Hold by reliable druggists. Mi.nry refunded If they do not helt you. He ware of substitutes. The only lure Imported Haarlem 11 Capsule are the GOLD MEDAL. For sale and guaranteed bv The Owl Drug Co iAd.) --I - -' 1 RED PIMPLES the same extent to make them perform as you would have them to. CADOMENE TABLETS represent a scientific combi nation of the most vital elements for building and strengthening cell and tissue. Cadomene Tablets- pro duce buoyancy of spirit, a regaining of vitality and endurance, renewed efficiency of body and mind. Amazing and lasting improvement results from Cado mene Tablets in chronic or recent cases of Nervous ness or Failing Vitality. So, if you are a victim of overwork, worry, disease, excesses or dissipation of the mentil and physical forces if you feel tired, weak, nervous, trembling, and suffer with headaches, melancholy, pain in spine and back of head, cold extremities, dreadful dreams of direful disasters, a feeling of timidity and a general inability to act naturally at all times, if you have "the blues" and the pleasures of life are no longer enjoy able, then you need Cadomene Tablets to brace and build you upto put new amblton, energy and. strength into your system and reinforce and nourish the bodily structures. Cadomene Tablets are sold' on a money-back-if-not-satisfled-guarantee, and if you are not pleased with results you get every cent of your money back. It belongs to you and we want you to Cadomene Tablets help men out of the rut 0 nervous discontent and ill-health, and restore to them- more complete enjoyment of ths All druggists sell 3-graln Cadomena ' tubes, 1 L' t . r