THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND. ; THURSDAY, MAY x 4, 1916. By George McManu ELY'S DEBUT V1TH BRINGING UP FATHER Copyrighted by tateraatioaal Ifews Hurtle. Beglsterod laltej State Patent Office. T IlLTAKE HIM OUT Rtt A. STWbu. IF foo Want: THE SAME SAD TALE nges Take Second Game of the Series, 4 to 2, Jack Turning the .Trick, RECRUIT LOOKS ALL RIGHT V'Vt . - rtvaa. Out Doable ud lngle and aorta One of tha Xonia Team's k',". , Two Tallies. 14 . r . . . i . 7 ri nr it rr. rr- r. i - in, IWTHeS I'LL TAKE Z'M, rf KUE5SI WH H S ' I "j BEAVERS RESULTS- IN I A flAtM Irwt I L1IM AirrMei I I -9 k I I SNEAK. iNTrt DiVrr.vcl INKlAferKrr I - . I 1 , I f HE LOVES 1 ASvaIV 5 HIM Xn-L DEAR! I OVSMJ tt OSh . JgjWCTS 1 . , i Toeeoor A want., j j. l p-rp ) you have a ORtra me v dooi: TtfME? By II. A. CrorJn. Franklin Leroy Chance, who wears omethlng on hi right breast that la hlnjr Ilka a medal or a Glendora con itabla's badge, must be chuckling be-ilnd-hla red bandana, b'gosh, after hat 4 to 2 victory yesterday. When Frank Ji. arrived In town, he iald that old Jack Ryan's arm waa so iora he couldn't lift his saucer of nornjngs. Waa P. I.eroy putting on ivar on Walter Hennery McCredie and i la fallow townamen? Anyhow, Jack lldn't seem to have anything the mat er with his flipper yesterday. He nade Mac's boys look like a lqt of pavined athletes from Hippole town ihlp, Posey county. , Th only fellow Sinister Jack didn't 'ool wit t timorous looking stripling 'rom' Notre Dame, (Indiana of course) vho clicked a double and a single and nada one of the two tallica of the iom talent. Thla lad's name Is. Kelly. He Is a eft handed pitcher and he debutted In ha Coast-league yesterday. The An gela got a whole flock of hits, but ;hay couldn't score many runs. In ieed,. they earned only three of them. nd the support accorded young Mr. Cell jr. frittered away like the Sinn b'etnera. On ball trickled through Bobby Vaughn' a territory that allowed a brace , of runs, so on the whole the young collegian, who once toiled In the broiling sun of the Southern league, lldn't make a bad showing. - Ryan was excessively lucky In the first After fanning Wllle to start with, "Vaughn beat out a perfect bunt. ?'ha Jack, cracked Speas on the left arm. A wild pitch allowed the runners to advance. John tried to keep the ball too'closa to Gulsto, the home-run klddo, and Louie walked, filling the bases.' . Fisher raised" a long fly to Kane and Vaughn tallied but the other runners couldn't advance Then Sinister J. soaked Nixon on the arm and filled the bags again, but Gal loway pulled, his fellow Celt out of trouble by knocking down Stumpf's grounder and stepping on third to force Qulsto. .. i The Seraphs tied It up In the third, When Kane singled, stole, and scored on Ellis' single Just inside first. Kane's pilfer was a signal for wild running on tha bags against Fisher, who got only one or the five who ventured a steal With two out in the fourth. Boles walked and tallied when Nixon took his tye off Ryan's fly In an effort to survey his distance from the fence, and the ball plumped out ot hla paws - Xos Angeles added another pair in tha fifth. After Kills whiffed, Wolter singled across second, the first of three binge, and stole. Wllle mad a long sprint to left to get Koerner's fly but Just' managed to get his fingers on tha ball, and Koerner went to second on the throw to third. The infield crowded the grans and Galloway rolled n past Vaughn that cleaned the sacks. He was out stealing, and Gulsto Closed the inning by trapping McLar ry'a grounder. ( In the seventh the Angels filled the bags on Welter's double, Koerner's Single and the hitting of Galloway, but McLarry wns called out on strikes, a Judgment that made him exceedJnc wrathy and resulted In his ejectment front he game with a pedro plastered upon his alabaster brow. Portland's second run wns made In tha eighth, when Kelly heat out a bunt to Ryan, took second on the sinister one's overthrow of first, third on t - - y A Wllle's Infield out and home on Vaughn's Infield out. Fisher doubled In the fourth, but was out trying to steal third, and Ryan fanned Nixon and Stumpf. In the fifth, Kelly dou bled to left, but was thrown out after overrunning third on Wilie's long fly to Kane. Those were the only other chances the Beavers had to score on Ryan. The brilliant fielding play of tha afternoon was performed by William Speas, ! who played left field while Billy Southworth was recovering from a bloodless tendon operation. Koerner was on second In the second Inning, and attempted to score on Bobby Fish er's single through short. Spcaa was In like a flash, picked up the ball on the run ami pegged perfectly Into Gus Fisher's hands. LOS ANGELES. AB. K R. 1 1 3 3 1 O 1 0 0 0 PO. 8 2 O 8 3 1 1 i 2 0 Kline, rf E11U. If ft Wolter, rf. ... Koerner. lb. . Oallowar, 3b. Mcl-rry. Zt. . It. FUher, aa. Hole, c Kjan, p Uutler, . ... Totala 36 4 10 27 14 PORTLAND. AB. n. H. PO. A. Wille. of 4 O 0 3 0 114 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 11 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 T 1 2. 0 0 Vtugbo, 2b 4 Speaa, If 3 Gulato, lb S G. riaher, c. '. 3 Mion. rf 3 Htumpf, 3b 8 liollocber, si 8 Kelly, p S Totala 29 2 5 27 11 2 Loa Angelea 0 0 1 1 200004 Hits 0 2 2 0 8 0 2 0 110 Portland 1 0000001 02 Illta 1 00 1 1 1 0 1 05 Struck out Br Kelly 6, Ryan 6. Baaea on balla Off Kelly 3. off Kyan 1. Two baae hlu Kiaher, Kelly. Wolter. Double playa McLarry to Flaber to Koerner. Sacri fice hlt U. Flaber, Bolea. Stolen bae Kane, Wolter, K. Fisher. Koerner. Ult by i Itched balls Speas, Nixon, Galloway. Wild pitch Kyan. Runs reaponalblo for Kelly 3, Kyan 1. Time of game 2:10. Umptrea Guthrie and Finney. Gotch Seriously 111; Contract Canceled Chicago, May 4. (I. N. S.) Frank Gotch, champipn heavyweight wrestler of the world, has been here for three days for treatment by Dr. Billings. He only weighs 185 pounds, while his nor mal weight is 240. "Gotch," eald Dr. Billings, "evident ly started training too suddenly In California. He began vomiting, and this complaint has now become chronic." On account of his illness Gotch was forced to cancel his contract with a circus calling for a salary .of $1000 weekly. "While I feel sure." said Gotch this afternoon, "that the trouble will yield to treatment, I shall not tli'.nk of wrestling for some time." . -a. - . . CAN YOU BLAME HIM? HENRY KIMMEL WHO JUST CAME BACK FROM NlXr YORK SAYS IF YOV WANT TO KEEP UP WITH THE 400 YOUVE GOT TO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOV SMOKE. HES SO PARTICULAR, NOW THAT HE TURNS HIS BACK ON EVERYTHING BUT A Xs ' If ' X III If : ' ':, : . .. SALT LAKE BUYS PITCHER PEUIETT FROM OAKLAND Blankenship Puts Through a Deal Which Has Been y Pending Weeks. Los Angeles, May 4 (U. P.) A bombshell was exploded In Pacific Coast league circles yesterday when Manager Blankenship of Salt Lake an nounced he had purchased Pitcher Pruiett from Oakland. The deal has been hanging fire for some weeks, the Oakland club demand ing an outfielder '.from the Bees in re turn for Pruiett. Blankenship tried to purchase Beall from Cincinnati to make the trade, but the Reds decide! to retain the gardener. "Pruiett was the best pitcher on the Oakland club last year, and I think he has a good chance to gain the same distinction with Salt Lake this yer," said Blankenship today. The Bee man ager said he had purchased the hurler outright. Howard Munsell, Salt Lake pitcher, who was released yesterday, was to day suspended from organized ball by Manager Blankenship because he Jumped to the Hayden Independent team in Arizona. Blankenship wired the Tacoma Northwestern league club before he re leased Munsell and arranged to sell the pitcher there. A Texas league club was also willing to take the twirler. The big blonde pitcher left for Hayden today. University of Idaho Defeats Whitman Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash, May 4. Playing ball of a pro fessional calibre the Idaho university nine again defeated the Whitman team yesterday, the score being 4 to 1. Idaho played nearly errorless ball and hit Captain Henderson hard. Score: R. H. E. Idaho : 4 10 1 Whitman 1 4 3 Batteries Brockman and Barger; Henderson and Schildnectit. Toot ball Officials Chosen, George Varnell of Spokane, Wash., will referee the University of Nebraska-Oregon Agricultural college football game to be played on Mult nomah field October 21. Roscoe Faw cett will referee and Grover Francis wilUbe head linesman. COAST LEAGUE San Francisco 0, Oakland 8. San Francisco, May 4. (P. N. S.) Playing for the benefit of the Fine Arts preservation fund, the Seals went forth with their paint brushes yester day and decorated the Oaks with a 9 to 8 defeat. The art features of the game were home runs by Biff Scfial ler and Elliott, a batting spurt by the Oaks in the eighth Inning, and a marvelous stop in the ninth Inning by Jerry Downs, who wound up the game with a sensational double play. The score: OAKLAND. f SAN FRANCISCO. AB. II. O. A. AB. H O. A. fi 2 4 4 FltiRerald.rf 3 2 11 Middl ton.lf 4 3 2 0 Schaller.l. 4 2 2 0 Barbeau,3b. 5 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 Gardner, lb. 3 111 Iowna.2b... 4 118 3 O 2 0 Coffey. as... 3 0 B 7 Barry. lb... 4 2 1 J Autrev.tB. . 3 1 IS 1 Elliott, e... 4 2 1 1 Jones. 3b S 4 0 0 Berger,2b.. 4 0 0 (S Brooks. c 4 13 0 Klawltt'r.p 2 0 0 2 Baum.p 10 0 1 Cbabek.p... 2 10 I'erritt.p. . . 3 2 0 1 (Steen.p.... 0 0 0 1 Totals ..36 11 24 1J Total ...34 15 27 21 Oakland 2 0020004 0 8 Hits 3 0 11 o 1 1 4 o 11 San Francisco O o o 4 0 1 4 O 9 Hits 12 15 122 1 15 Runs Daria. Middleton, Barbeau, Lane, Bar ry 2. Elliott. CUabek. Huperakl 2. Schaller, Coffey, Jonea 2. Brooks. Perrltt 2. Errors Elliott. Downs. Stolen base Fitzeerald. Home mna Barry. Schaller. Elliott. Daris. Two base hits Bodie, Jones -, Perrltt, Barry. 8scrtflce hit Aurrvy. Bates on balls Off Klawltter 3. off Baum 2, off Perrltt 2. off Cbabek 4. Struck out By Baam 1. Hit by pllcber Gardner, Steen, Coffey by Klawitter. Sacrifice fly Bodie. Double plays Coffey to Downs to Autrey, Dowus to Coffey to Au trey, Barry to Darin. Autrey to Coffey to Autrey, Davis to Barry. Wild pitch Cbabek. Charge defeat to Klawitter. Credit victory to Perrltt. Time 2;15. empires Doyle and Pbjle. Salt Lake 2, Vernon 1. Los Angeles, May 4. (P. N. S.) Fitterjp and the Saints seifc the Ti gers down to a 2 to I defeat yesterday. Quinn, who pitched . for Vernon, worked hard early and late, but his luck was on an outing. Salt Lake blew themselves to five hits, while the Tigers were making seven, but the Lakers arranged their hits in bet ter order and thus were able to clus ter two markers on the score 'board, whereas the Tigers could only dig up one. The score: SALT LAKE. VERNON. AB. H O. A AB. H.O. A. Rath. 2b... 4 1 4 4!Doane.rf 4 2 4 0 3 1 0 7!Rader.s. ... 4 13 2 1 3 1 2 3 0 2 0 Kisbeiir.2b Brief. !b... 4 1 13 0; Hates. 3b 1 1 4 0 11 1 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 1 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 2 10 Shinn.rf... 4 0 2 1 Mnrphv.3b. 3 0 o 2 Hannah. c. 2 0 5 1 UrtKK-i. lb. DaleT.lf . . . Spencer, c... 3 Kittery.p. . 3 0 0 0 Qulnn.p 3 I Patterson. . 1 Totals 5 27 lo Totals ...31 7 27 13 Batted for Daley in ninth. Salt Lake 1 000 01 0002 Hits 2 001010105 Vert'on 0 00000 0 0 1 1 Hits O o 2 1 1 1 o o 2 7 Runs R.irli. Orr. Rader. Error -Rarter. Stol en base Flttery. Two base bit Risberg. Sac rifice hits Orr. Julnlun. Struck wit By FHIery 2. by Quinn 1. Bases on 'balls Off Flttery I. off yuinn 1.- Double play Shrnn to Brief, empires Held and Braahear. Oh, Deah! American Game Is Too Bough Stanford University, Cal., May 4. (U. P.) Negotiations 'with a view of persuading the University of Califor nia to put a Rugby 15 in the field next fall to meet Stanford will be opened by the Stanford athletic officials soon as the result of the announcement to day that the student body had reject ed by a vote of 441 to 392 the pro posal to substitute American football for the English game. The announcement of the result ras a surprise to the supporters of Ameri can football who seemed, before the .-balloting began, to be in the "majority among hte students. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Paclfio Co it League. Woo. lost. Ixs Ana-elea IT 11 San Francisco 1 14 Vernon 13 13 Oakland 14 ir. Salt I.ake 11 12 t'ortland J 15 Northwest League. Pot. .w7 .rra ..VH1 .4 S3 .478 .375 ftfl7 .571 .571 .!50O .333 333 .17 .667 .ftS3 .683 .364 .364 J3 .167 .818 .700 .67 .400 .804 .200 Pet. .636 .615 .S83 ..29 MsJ .fi0 .47 .167 Pet. .25 .18 .833 . Ji2 JIM .TS3 .207 Spokane 4 Butte 4 Seattle 4 fireat Falla 3 Tacruia 2 Vancouver . . . 2 American Aaaooiation. Louisville 11 Minneapolis 8 Columbus 7 Indianapolis 7 Toledo 4 St. Paul 4 3 .1 3 4 4 1 4 ft ' r, 7 7 8 10 2 3 S 4 A 7 Knnsas City Milwaukee - 2 Western League. Wichita l.luoolu 7 Omaha 6 Tcpeka 5 Denrer 4 Skox City 4 Tes Moines 3 St. Joseph 2 National Ltarue. Won. Brooklyn 7 Philadelphia 8 Boston 7 Lost. 4 6 5 8 8 7 8 10 Lost. 6 7 7 8 8 a , io li Cincinnati 9 8 7 , S Anarioaa League, Won. , lu , 0 , .10 5 4 St Louis . Chicago . . Pittsburg New York Washington. Cieyelana New lork . . Boston Detrait ..... Chicago .... St Louis ... Philadelphia Mn a 10-inning game Sunday. - tha Vernon Reds defeated tha Arleta Giants, to PUBLIC SCHOOL AQUATIC MEET IS SCHEDULED Swimming Meet Will Be Staged in Couch School Tank May 26, ' As a fitting close to the first year of swimming in the Portland public schools the first annual grammar school aquatic meet will be staged Friday evening, May 26, at the Couch school pool. The trial heats of the numerous races will be held prior to the evening of the meet so as to have a short, con cise and snappy evening of events. The boys of the different schools have beert working faithfully for the past two months in an endeavor to. give their respective schools the best rep resentation possible. The boys have been divided into the two classes of Junior and senior so as to present the highest degree of fairness In tha nu merous events. The official school ribbons will be awarded the first six men to finish In the different races. Two pennants will go to the winning relay team and to the school winning the largest number of points in both Junior and senior events. Officials Selected, The meet will be Under the personal direction of Instructors Howard S. Mc Kay and James Burke. The Judges of the races and diving will be Edward Humphrey, Collister Wheeler, George Anderson, Leon fabre, fcd Leslie and E. R. Holt. An added feature will be a high school relay race with teams repre senting Lincoln, Washington, St. Johns, Franklin and Jefferson high schools. The events are: Junior 60 foot dash, senior 60 foot dash, 120 foot open backward swim, junior 120 foot dash, senior 120 foot dash, junior diving, junior 180 fot dash, senior 180 foot dash, 240 foot open swim, water wrestling, 300 foot open swim, 60 foot underwater swim, senior diving, gram mar school relay race and high school relay race. Prexy Bay Assigns Umpires for Sunday President Fred Bay of the Intercity Baseball league yesterday assigned his umpires for Sunday's games as fol lows: Gordon Brown at Woodland, Ed Rankin at Salem, Kirby Drennen at Woodburn and Harry Grayson at Mon tavllla. Manager Dale of the "Woodland, Wash., "team, is making an effort to sign Pitcher Kotula of the Washington state school for the deaf. Kotula is strike-out king, having whiffed 21 bat ters in a nine inning game recently, and 20 in an eight inning game earlier In the season. Manager Red Rupert of the Baby Beavers has traded Catcher Arnspri ger to St. Helens for Colly Druhot. Druhot made his' first appearance with the Beavers Sunday at Salem. Third Baseman Proctor of the Wood burn team has been suspended by Pres ident Bay. Whitman Jto Meet V. S. C. Whitman College, Walla Walla, May 4. Friday afternoon of this week Whitman college will open its 1916 track season, meeting the W. S. C. team in a dual meet on the local field. Coach Edmundson Is not hopeful of the outcome. Aside from .Hoover, McKay and Dement, his team; la largely of green material. W. 8. C. Is reported strong, particularly in the quarter, Jumps and weights. SANITOL WEEK MAY 14th Tour chance to gat free a jar of A&nital Face Cream bast you ever put on your facs or a packaga f Banltol F a o Powder refreshing, dainty and fragrant in three tints. Flesh, White and Brunette, with each purchase of 8aaitol Tooth Fowder or Fast. COUPON MAY 14th BASEBALL TODAY AITD AZ.X, T' Bxcxsanos FAJUC Corssr Taogha aad Twenty-fourth Its. Los Angeles vs PORTLAND Gamsa Begin Waakdaya at 9 T. X. - Buaaajs a sao Jr. m. -Reserved Box Seats for Sale at Ed wards" Cigar Stand. Sixtlt and Wasfc-.- . lnarton Sta. ----- - -.; Zrftdlaa 9ay Wadaaaday aad Friday. I Whole Flock to Say What Scrapper Wins Because Al Summers and Valley Trambitis, who box in one of the main attractions of .the Beaver club smok er tomorrow night at the Rose City Athletic club, could not agree on a referee the winner of the bout will be selected by three judges. The judges will be Frank Chance, manager of the Los Angeles team. Manager McCredie of the Beavers and Jimmy Cassell. Jack Grant will be the third man In the ring, but he will not render 'any decision. Earl Connors, the Tacoma feather weight who meets Billy Mascot, and Paul Steele, who will box Danny O'Brien, arrived In Portland this morning. Connors is a nice appearing youngster and looks to be in good shape. Louis Guisto, the sensational first baseman of the Portland Beavers, will appear as third man in the ring in the curtain raiser between Sammy Gordon and RUly Ryan. top Portland's Leading s y i I f 1 1CP rr ttt 1Q BILL RODGEKS IS NEARER BEAVERS NOW, IS BELIEF Portland's Courtesy in Past Called to Cincinnati's At tention In Deal. Following receipt of a telegram from Garry Herrmann, owner of the Cincinnati Nationals, last night ask ing Portland for its best offer for In fielder Bill Rodgers, Judge McCredie this morning wired Herrmann that Portland could afford to pay no more for Rodgers than Cincinnati had given Portland for him last year, which was half of the draft price, or $1250. Several days ago Portland wired Herrmann that Its best offer was what Cincinnati paid. The Judge put the fairness of the thing up to Herrmann in his wire this morning, stating that 1 Portland had given Rodgers every con- and Any tailor can make a GOOD Suit of, Clothes for a ? any taUor CAN NOT build a good, j first-class suit for a low price; because It takes years to get an organization together. It requires expert cutters designers, tried and true tailors, skilled and experienced pants, vest and coat makers and this is not all. It requires a large volume of business so we can cut out the fancy profits and content ourselves with $2 or $3 on each suit we sell. Suits to Order on Friday and Saturday I want you to come into my store, meet me personally and I'll show you a suit in blue, black, brown or gray that I am sure no one in Portland can duplicate for at least $8 to $10 more than the price you pay me. 4 f Your money if your 'suit Tailor slderatlon In his attempt to make good and Cincinnati every consideration Tl extension or time to decide whether Rodgers was of big league caliber. In view of this recital of the past nego tiations between Portland and Cincin nati, Jt is believed that Herrmann will do the right thing and send Rodgers to the Portland club. Captain Hummell Is Not Going to Enter Minus Captain Walter Hummel, wht injured his lpg in the dual meet with the Oregon Aggies at Corvallls last' Saturday, the Multnomah club track and field team will compete with tha ' University of Oregon team at Eugene Saturday afternoon. Arrangements for the meet were completed last night by" Martin Hawkins. The club team will bo composed of the following athletes: Chester Hug gins, George Dewey, Cyril Magona, Johnny Murphy, K. Murray, George Philbrook, Elton Loucks and Errol Wlllett. BIG Thliek'5, but m Made to Fit cheerfully refunded -if does not satisfy you. ' Corner Sixth and Stark a s'"r'--