THfi " OREGON DAILY ; JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MAY lT 1916. 11 BRIEF INFORMATION l , 125TH DAT Or !.) Corning Events. , Beeltjr boars' hioebeoo, Oracoo hotel, at . ' lit 8. : Rotary club laocheon May 9, at noon. tuunorra any e( cnampor. T a, Ad dab luncheon at aann. Mar IV. runrtb annual eonvBtoa of pacific eoaat oirlaioo of Keitffloaa Kducatlon association at Ootrsl llurar Mir 10-11. - I'rogreaalTt Businese Men's "lu luncheon Mi 11, at nooo, Grecon botel. ttaclal service conlersuc at Keed college, ! 12. U and 14. . Oretos atala conference of aoelal ateaciM, to b bald at Reed coUcga Ms H-l. Mutbere' cUr. Ma It , British society wlU eelabrate Empire day Slay 24, o. a. Elk rise Day. Juna 14. Tbir rtKlmeut. 0. I. C. aneamoment. July B-14. Qrand Cbaptrf, Order of Eaatcro Star, at ' Mkxmle Tampl.. June . ... Eaatcro Sfar annual communication. Imperial bo4e. June 8, T. a. - Dedication of Columbia Klfar highway. Jna. T. rcatlrat June T, and B. Pacific flsberlea Society annual contention, Portlsod, Jane iu. Id. IT. t'orty-fourtb annual reonlos of the Orcaoa Pioneer aaaoclatloa at Masoole Tempi. June SU. Municipal Park band concerts bealn Sunday. July 2. liatlery A leaves for training camp at aloa- . terry. Cel., July 4. Grand Temple. Pythian Blatrra of Oregon. meals here Juir 2S-20. 4 - Conventions 4lt Knights ut Pythias and Pr?h i tih sisters will ba bald in Povtlacd Aogoat 1-10. Pythian Sisters gnprems Temple, meet bare Aoauot 1-10. Twanty-tblrd annual outing of llasasiaa to Three lsters. Aogust 8 20. County central committee of Prohibition ( party convention May IT, 10 a. m.. at V. M. C Today's Forecast. Portland and; vicinity Tonight and Friday fair: westerly wlnda. Oregon and Washington Tonight and Friday fair; westerly wlnda. Idaho Tonight and Friday fair; cooler futh - I'M UUU UUIJIKUI. Weather Conditions. The weatern Canadian dial urtia nee liaa ino.od tit Manitoba and tha preure la low also over ma conn Atlantic state, lligu presaiire on- Taina on rti wmntr rnn.r ind over i:m unit xmitau oaa ociirrea on toe waauiugion coas. In Canada, eastern Norlh Dakota. Louisiana, - Ttnness 'and ttia middle and north Atlantic . atatea. Tbnndentorma were reported from ' II w 1 f . fVpfan . mnit 1 1 .... T.. ...... V. . t . cooler In Waahlngton, Interior weatern Canada, , and on the Appalachian Highland; It la warmer In "moat other aectlona. especially the : Baatn, central E'luteau aud northern 1'Ialna' . atatea. Tlio conilltlona are favorable for fair weather In tlila dlitrlct Oiirlng the not .'(6to 4S bours. . It will m cooler tonight In southern Idaho. . Wlnda will be uioatly wet,'ily. , T. FRANCIS DRAKE. Aaalatant Forecaster. ; Observations. Tem prature , 3 I. Vy. STATIONS - a elf "" o It 7 a is is 3 : Bakfr, Or BoUe, Idaho. . . . P.oaton. Uaaa. . . Huffalo, N. V.. . tnlcuK-o. Ill ilxnver, Colo... Eagle; Alaska. Edmouton. Alb. Eureka, Cal t'reino, t'al. . . . 4 i 2 H 4 71 80 68 46 Q w' 54 IK) 7tl 72 72 60 72 m 51 64 72 64 m' 72 82 4 S 7 70 74 S8 7S r8 7fl (18 62 64 74 7 64 RO 70 is M 62 0 0 .16 SO l 14, 0 0 .01 0 O n 0 0 o o o 0 .18 .01 .06 .04 .06 .02 0 0 o .28 o 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 o .02 0 .66 0 .01 .30 12 tl O 2 O 4 n o o 4- 2 22 2 Iptalveaton. Texsa Ilfieua, muni. . . ?KilUpell. Mont. Xanaa City. Mo. l'e lton. Idabo. 14 , I.OB Angeles. C'al MarslifielU. or.. Montreal Que.. : Moorbead, Minn. New Orlesiia, L. New York, N.V. Some. Alaska.. , N. Head. Wn... N. riutte. Neb.. 1. yakima, Wn. . Oklahoma, Ok la. Pittsburg. Pa... VoeatelW, Iriaho. Portland. Or.,.. 4 fl 2 18 8 lit R 2 12 Kapld City. S. D 12 Red Blaff, Cal. Hoaebure. Or. . . Ut. Louis, Mo. . 2 2 fl 12 14 2 0 ttt. Paul, Minn.. . HaK Lake, I' tab. Kan tlego. t'al.. Han rTam'laco. . . Peattle. Wash... Kberiitan, Wyo. . 18 2 fl 0 2 c fl 2 Ppokaue, Waal) . . 1'acotnH), Wuah.. Trtoonh 1.. Wn. Tonopah, Nev... 'Values, Alaska Walla Walla. W , Wcalilnctou. D.C Winnipeg. Man.. 12 . Wind velocltlea of leas tliau 10 mllea un hour .and ainounta of precipitation of lees an ,01 of an inch axe not published bereou. .s 'Afternoon reoort of preceding day. The Journal s Scenic Travel Guide of Portland and Oregon. ! Columbia Hirer Highway America's moat wonderful scenic rosil for vehicles. No grade exceeding D per cent. Hardaiirface roadway ' paat waterfalls and mountains ttiroogb ths ,, Leart of the Cascade range. See the Gorge ' of tha Oolnmbla. ghepnarrl's Dell. Crown Point. ' Litonrelle, Bridal Veil. Mist. Wahkeena, Mult . tiomab, (Toraetall and other waterfalls, Bon neville flab hatcheries, Oneonta Gorge. Ben- I. eon Park and Wlnemali Plnnaclea. East from Portland via Base Line, Sandy or Section Line roads. Trip up Columbia river by boat and return ty auto. Counoil Crest. Overlooking city. 1100 feet high, view uneonalfd of Columbia and Wil lamette rivers. Tualatin and Willamette val leys; Cascade and Coaat rangea; snow peak .colony of ('iiK-ades (north to eaat on clear days), including Mt. Rainier, 14. 40 feet; Mt. Bt. Helena, IXiliT feet: Mt. Adams. 12.307 feet; Sit. Uood. 11,225 feet; Mt, Jefferson, 10.522 feet. ' Farka. Waahlngton, bead of Washington street, flowers, shrubs and trees; chlldren'a playgrounds: aoo. noteworthy plecea of aculp . tura, "Coming of the White Man," by Her man Atkins McNeill, preaented by balra of D. .V. Tbompaon; "Sacajawea." Indian woman vi i,v puiiitu mnu auu i nit, uj Aliv vtnilier. , presented by Sacajawea Statue association and Henry Altmsn. Ten minutes' walk. Pe ninsula, sunken rose gardens, containing mote itan TOO- varletlea; playgronnds and model eomioanlty bouse. Alblua and A In worth ave nues.. Lnnrelhnrat. East Oak and Tulrtj -ninth. more unsanitary eye "droppers V W0W saVsaf aU4U V UV soottint?, cleansing, mildly antiseptic eye wash sure relief from sore, inflamed eyes and lids. : Ask yotf druggist for EYE-MO in tha one-drop-st-a-timo pat i ented bottle no eye dropper necessaryno teaste, ' - Frederick Stetrni & Co., '. Detrwt, U.S. A. ; . i m Int. Tabor, bead of Hawthorne areaoa. Mav leay. -Cornell toad; aatora left amtoocbedi primiuro foreat and eaayea. t ofri: wreVu'ndt: , the Q. A. R. .-f r ; . tpeeche. and cards, ha. oeen ar- "oeat; boora, a. an. to 6-p. an. I Ura T6. Wire TaELsv Half a doxen j ranajea. y Boulararda. Oolnmbla and Wlllaaoette. en- I children were playing- within half at To XMsenss Ottseasbip. "More Ef 2,DinV 'd'fcid when tw0 Portland Railway. ..flclent CitUenshlp" Is to be the gen- si.SiciJsu.i .1 uS?CUm "t & Power Co. feed wires, acnral subject of a meetm to be held of council "T carryln ".000 volt, of electrtclty, fell Friday ni;ht at the Social eenter. Attractive riewa from Portland Height. with blinding flash, at Delay and Stan- 1T1 i Eleventh street. This is the King-a and WlUamette Heights. - j ton streets. The chUdren'were badly climax meeting of the "White Ribbon -fSSl1 lltot.iS,i7 h"U lterlra frightened, but none was Injured. Pa- week." The speaker, will be Dr. R. C. ejblblt. mb and Madleoo; . eounty court- , u.n.nn aruardad the scene un- cntf- T. w t-i- at mu, rourtu ana oaimon; wout i nwir,, , Tenth and Yamhill; Art maaeum. Fifth, near Xaniblll; customs booae. Park and Broadway; X. W. C. A.. X. M. C. A. Exhibit. Oregon reaonreea. flab 'and same, Fifth and Oak; Oregon HUtortcai eoclety, 20T fteeood. . Typical borne " aWtiotia Portland Belgbta. Nob Hill and lrrjngton. Harbor Featnrea Weat and eaat aide public docka. motor boat landing, foot ef Stark; boetbouaea for rirer toura; ablpplng, mod era brldgea, Broadway, Ballroad and Hawthorne. Worthy of Kotioe. Skidmore fountain. Flrrt and Ankeny, by OUn H. Warner, prevented by Etvpben Bkldioore. Tbompaoa fountain, pre etittd by Uarld P. Tbompaon. Plaza block. Kourtb and Salmon; Soldiers' monuiuent. Lownadale square. Fourth and Taylor. Chinatown, on north Fourth and Second atrecta. Modem high and grade acboola; aehool gar dtna; roae bedaee. Portland 4ta reatlral. June 7-S-S. "Keelna Portland," automobiles. "Heelng Portland," trolley care. Viaw of business district from Journal build ing tower. Veou building or Nortbwestera Bunk building. Trip through lumber mllla. Suburban Trips Via P. R.. L. at P. Co.: Bull Uuu park. 'M allua; Kalacada Park. H4 mllea, flabliig and mountain traila; Cancnyih park, lo mllca, orerlooklug Willamette; Co lniubta beach, end Vancouver Hoe, batblnr; "Tb Oaks" park, oo Willamette; Vancoo ar and Vancouver barracks, northwest milt tary baadgnarters; Wllbolt dprlngs, on Wil lamette Valley southern: Willamette falls and Oregon City, 15 miles south. Via Bout hern Pacific: Tualatin 'and Yam hill valleys, loop. Via Oregon Electric: Willamette valley, Sa lem ana Eugene Oregon. Astoria, month of Columbia river. lenniuua Aeior expeumon. lmjwd Dy eieamer or by rail. Salmon ranneriea: Jettlea. Fort Steteus; aeluvtig. gill netting, wheels aud tra pa. Ml. Hood, via Cloud Cap Inn and Mount IIumI Lodge. O-W. K. 4 N. and Howl Klver Valley railroada, or auto via Columbia Hirer I Iilxhway and Hood (tlver valley, or tlorem meut Camp. Rhododendron. Arrab Wanna, Welches, Mauldlnga, Ml. Hood highway east. Crater Lake, via Soatberu Pacific, Medford and auto atage, or via Oregon Trunk or O-W. K. A N.. BenU. and auto atage. Caves of Josephine, via Southern Pacific and tage. Ocean resorts: Seaside, Gearbart, Newport, Tillamook. Marsbfleld. Deschutes canyon and Central Oregon, via O-W. R. at N. or 9., P. 4 8. Wallowa valley. Lake Joaeph and Eagla Cap, via O-W. R. a N. Pendleton Round-TJp. Hot Sprlnga, Eastern Orettou. Tia O-W. R. & N. Miscellaneous: Flailing. buntlDg. outing trl. Miirings and rcaurts. Washington. Vimcnuver and military pott; Kit. Adaiua. Mt. St. Helens, lev cavea; Long ISearh reaorta. For further Information, rates and routes J see Doraey B. Smith, Travel Bureau, ltu TMrd, corner Washington, or Joutd1 Trivtl Buresu, Broadway and Yamhill. 10WN TOPICS Zieoturo at Branoh library. Albert Weisendanger of tho United States for est service will give an illustrated lec ture in the South Portland branch li brary. First and Hooker streets, this evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Wiesendan ger's topic will be "The Wortt of a Forest Hanger." In addition, to the 125 slides which will be shown, there will be exhibited a complete puck out fit, and a new portable tfelepbone weighing; 2 pounds, which 1 art of the regular equipment Of forest rangers 'on national forests. An Os borne fire finder, such as was used last summer on Mount Hood for ascer taining the exact location of a iorest fire, will also be shown and explained. Tlie Eootery Announces a Timely Shoe Sale for Men. Recognized lead ing makes of men's shoes, including all new spring stock, entered in this sale. The facts are these: The Bootery has been occupying two stores, one of which it has been forced to quit by an unreasonable landlord. The result is that the stock of two stores has been forced into one, and the busi ness lias been disorganized generally. The Bootery sees, at this time, no other way of adjusting itself to exist ing conditions than to enter into a sale its entire stock of men's shoes, which includes such recognized lead ing makes as Johnston &, Murphy, Howard & Foster, Bostonian, Common wealth, English K, and others all the very latest models. Sale now on at 32b Washington street, between Sixth and Broadway. (Adv.) To Hold May TestlTal. The second annual May Festival for the benefit of St. Agatha's parish, will be held May and 10 in the parish hall. East Flfteerith street and Miller avenue. Patrons and patronesses for the after noon party on both days and for the concert the first evening and the shirt waist dance the second evening, are: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Iceland, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Banghart, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Terks, Mr. and Mrs. W. Broeren, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Schroth, Mesdames C. J. Kryger, C. McHugh, F. Leipzig, J Reiter, E. Budwell and A. Fallert. The floor commute is: Miss Eleanor Ketterer, Miss Emma Fallert, Henry Brault and Clifford Wurfel. Children in Xenearsal. In prepara tion for the exhibition to be held at the Multnomah field May 17, several hundred children gathered at the Washington high school yesterday to rehearse for the monster affair which will consist of drills, games and dances. Calisthenics will be a feature. Professor Robert Krohn will have charge of the demonstration. R. H. Thomas will be field director; L. A. Wiley, director of columns and A. B. Draper, director of formation. Special earn will be secured for transportation of the children to the field. E. T. 8tretcher will have charge of " the transportation. Boosters Will Assemble. For the purpose of discussing the Improvement of the athletic field in Marquam gulch a meeting win be held by the South Portland Boosters association tomor row, night in St. Lawrence hall, Third and Sherman streets. Tb.o property wa recently donated by the railroads for athletic purposes. Three commit tees representing three parent-teacher associations of South Portland will be present to cooperate with the South Portland Boosters' association. It is probable that the matter of the loca tion of the dog pound in South Port land will also be discussed. Discuss Fruit marketing-. How the fruit marketing educational campaign i to be financed will be discussed at length next Friday by the Chamber of Commerce's . special committee in conjunction With the committee ap pointed by Governor Withcombe. The chamber's committee, composed cf H. B. Miller, A., P. Bateham and C. D. Minton. met for a brief discussion virtually deciding upon a form, of cam paign which will be put before the governor's committee. Beady for Company. Howto pre pare a "Company Luncheon for Six" by electricity will be shown by Elinor Meachams Redington, B. S., the famous domestic science expert, during her free electric cooking school at tae audi torium, Electric building, tomorrow afternoon at 2, Refreshments will be aerved. . , (Adv.) Captain Spencer aried The funer al services of Captain Alva Spencer were held yesterCay at the East Side conservatory chapel, 414 East Alder street. He waa a veteran of the Civil var, serving in Company P, Twenty third New To-lc Infantry, and had been living . in. Roseburg, at tha Sol diers' borne, for the past eight years. Pravloua to that ba Waal arell known resident ct Portland for many years. , He mi ll rears of in. and a member' I ."-"i: ..rf.t Th. accident hi icinuiumi was another one or tne results oi tn. i a 1 AW..H In aa. aVl rkawln 9 winter .liver thaw, the wires being weakened at that time and gradually deteriorating. Winter Class Exhibit. The annual exhibition -of the winter classes of the Peninsula Park gymnasium, will be held Friday evening, providing the . . . - li. rr., -.ktvUIin weatner is ,'yr. was scheduled to be held last Friday , but on account of 'the weather it was DostoonedL A srrand march will precede the different exercises, about 2t0 men and women taking part. Charon. Win SntertsUii. An enter tainment will be given at Kenllworth Presbyterian church tomorrow night. The North Pacific Dental college quar tet will sing, prominent elocutionist and musicians wilh participate. The Columbia highway pictures will be shown by the stereoptlcon. Woman Zoses rocketbook. Mrs. W. F. Oreer, of 1183 Laddington Court, reported to the police yesterday, that she had tost a flat black leather pock et book, containing $100 in gold and 70 cents in silver and a note for iuo. The purse was left lying in a seat at Multnomah field yesterday afternoon. To Address XJterary dab. Walter Sandquist. William Flnley, Chester Trelchel, Louis Older and Alfred.Burk- X land will speak before the members of the Mohawk Literary club at tne regular meeting tonight In the Cen tral library. To Give Away Seeds. Flower and vegetable seeds for free distribution from Congressman McArthur may oe obtained at the office of II. S. Mc Cutchan, 1108 Northwestern Bank building. Program oa Japan. An Interesting program on Japan wfll be given by the Women's Foreign Missionary society or the Sunnyside Methodist church, at the home of Mrs. J. O. Hadley, 787 East Salmon street, Friday at 2 p. m. Pips Organ Society, The Pipe Or gan society of Immanuel Lutheran church wii; meet with Mrs. Frank Johnson, 485 Fifteenth street North, tomorrow evening. After the practice the hostess will serve refreshments. rounders' Say Excursion. To old Champoeg Saturday. May 6, steamer Pomona leaves Taylor, street dock 7:30 a m., Champoeg 3:30 p. m. Moat de lightful Willamette river scenery. Round trip 75 cents. (Adv.) Steamer Jesse Karsina for Camas, Washougal and way-iaudlngs, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington Street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) Salesmen to Meet. Wive? and friends of the Portland Salesmen's club will be the guests of honor at the Ore gon hotel tomorrow night at 6:4&. A. ftiiiiiiiniD y iiiiiiiiniii R EED BROS.' Suits embody every quality required by gen tlemen who desire ap parel of refinement. The new woolens show the highest skill of the craftsman. Your inspec tion is courteously asked. v TAILORS 203-204 Wilcox Building Sixth, and Washington Sts. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii KEEP A JAR OF MUSTEROLE HANDY It Quickly Loosens up Coughs and Colds in I hroat or tnest. Just a little MUSTEROLE rubbed on your sore, tight chest before you go to bed will loosen" up congestion -and break up moat severe colds and coughs. MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. Sim ply rub it on. No plaster necessary. Eetter than mustard plaster and does not blister. Thousands who use MUSTEROLE will tell what relief It gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Tonsllitls, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma. Neuralgia, Head ache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheuma tism) Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains Sore Muscles, Bruises. Chilblains. Frosted Feet and Colds (it ofen prevents Pneumonia).' At your druggist's, in 5c and 50c jars, and a special large hospital Else lor $2.50. A Be sure you get tine genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse Imitations get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland. Dhio. NEW HOUSTON HOTEL Sixth and Everett St. OTTDEB HXir aaTAVAOEXXZVT All rooms newly decorate! Rates 50c . 75c. tl.QO. $1.50 per day. Special- rate - by week or month. i , A Moderate-Priced jsotai of Marti, Hotel Clifford Basra Morrison SW Seas Orul Ave. Too, Sijpat aayj with bath. SLa. , O. Clark, president of tha club. WlU ba tha chairman of the -evenlnr. - A ororram eonaistlnar f mnslcal selec- 77" J . . . ". " V, xvmip ana Jiars, Aaa-waiiace unrun. The "Mothers" meeting of the W. C. . t. u. la to be held tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. F. Phoren. 552 East Washington street, when Mrs. Unruh and Mrs. Lee Davenport will be the speakers. A. T. Boehme Dies. Adolph Theo dore Boehme. who died in this city yesterday, was a native of Germany, g2 . . . pOPt,.d aged 82. and had lived in Portland for the last 25 years. He is sur vived by a son, Frank Boehme, and three' daughters, Mrs. Anna Sander of Maplelon. Or.. Mrs. Mary A. Kump and Mrs. Martha H. Brunke of this city. He resided at 84 East Eighth street Funeral arrangements will be an nounced by 8. Dunning of 414 East Alder. srrices Art Announced. An allflay meeting will be held tomorrow at East Twentieth .and Salmon streets. Serv ices 10 a. m.. z:30 and 7:45 t. m Preaching at 2:30 by Rev. F. L. Burns. Children's meetlnar Saturday at 3 d. m Revival services Sunday 2:30 and 7:80 P. m. Preaching- by Rev. Will Huff. Pythian Bisters Meet Tonight. Orphia Temple. Pythian Sisters, will Initiate several candidates tonight. Arrangements will be made for' the visit to Aurora on May 10. There are also matters to be considered rela tive to the Supreme Temple to meet ir Portland In August. Xusltaala Memorial Sunday. Mem orial services marking the anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitanla, May 7, 1915, are to be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Rlasa 'blocks. A number of prominent men have been invited to deliver addresses. To Present Play. "The Witch's Curse," by Louisa M. Aleott. will be presented Saturday evening, beginning HOR I eo N i r 1 1 "Seeing Things" Spots in front of your eyes. Why you need glasses and need them now. Sometimes when you are all out of sorts, your head aches, your stomach i 'sn'J rl& "J"J1!Sl ls a Some of Onr Optical Prices: Lenses Sphero in your own frame $1X0 Lenses Sphero in Aluminum fram $j0 STAPLES, The Jeweler 266 MORRISON ST., Bet. 3d and 4th Oldest Bank in The Northwest Washington and Third Streets "WEEK-END SPECIAL TRAIN . TO CLATSOP -GEARH ART SEASIDE Inauguration of Regular Week-end Servite. Saturday, May 6-2 P. 1VL Returning on Limited Schedule Sunday Evening. Round Trips, Saturday to Monday, $3 Longer Limit, $4 anMaaanBaaaMananasaBa(aaaaB North Bank Ticket Office, Fifth and Stark Streets. '! at 8, in the Unitarian church chapel. Broadway and TamhlU streets. . The cast has been chosen rom member, of the Unitarian Toung People's f rater rdty. Use Tone Credit Have us make you a suit to order for $10 down and bal ance i a month. Unique Tailoring Co., 369 Stark, Bet. 5th and 6th. (Ad.) Coffee Day Saturday. Our 40c bulk coffee 25c, limit 41b3. Ws deliver. Phone early. Main ov A-1898. Martin Mark. Coffee Co.. 252 3d St. (Adv.) Owing to Illness ICrs. SaadalPs card parties at 334 Russell street have been postponed until further notice. (Adv.) Spend week-end at Hotel Abbey, New. port, Oregon's greatest summer resort, mer resort. (Adv.) Sheet ICnsSe, lc and 2c a copy. 28S Clay, near 2d, Friday and Sat ur lay. Ad . Kultnomak ottl Turkish Baths con tinue. Women every afternoon. Marks Shoe. Wear. 243 Wash. (Ad. Sr. O. E. Xand has returned. (Adv.) Sr. aaynaa. Optician. Morgan bid. Ad. , COUNTY COURT NEWS t The commissioner, granted the re quest of S. Murray, acting chief en gineer of the O-W. R. & N. company for suspension of traffic on the bridge between the hours of 1:30. a. m. ,and 6:30 a. m. for about three weeks in order to make repairs. A copy of the request was sent to the P. R- U & P. company. The communication from 8. 3. Mar tin, county auditor; John B. Coffey, county clerk, and John M. Lewis, coun ty treasurer, regarding the payment of salaries of county employes was re ceived. , A communication from the P. R., L. St P. company, informing the board It has accepted the request to install transformer and meter at Camp 1 . authorization to bill the county $9.95 for said Installation and energy, was referred to the county auditor. 6. Schllp, Qreeham, Or, was allowed $50 indemnity for four cow. slaught ered because of tubucular infection. . The salary of James Snyder, cook Lenses 6phero In jr o 1 d - filled frame $3.50 senses &pnero icurved) in ta. e. Glass Mounting; $5.50 atryptok X,enses 98.00 to $15.00 The Surest Dividends of any investment are those paid by thrift. From tha world's beginning thrift has been an actuality, moving in on direction only for ma terial, mental and moral ben efit. Intelligent saving of money is but one form of thrift, but a good one. It will make you independent of the landlord, the loan company and others. It will give you power. The savings bank is one of the greatest aids to thrift and pays sure dividends. If only One Dollar, bring it to this strong, state bank as the initial deposit of a savings account; 521 ? .BLOCK fc-t- BE Clatsop Beach Best For Fun and Rest n . V.lbDnH. -.a fi-rA mt fit 11 rV month. ; -. ' - County; Clerk John B. Coffey was J directed by the board to draw two war- rants on the Multnomah county trust fund to be paid by the connty treas urer In the sum of 110 each in favor of Mary JE. West. W. A. Sellwood. and Amedee M. Smith, executors of tha es tate of Elisabeth D. Sellwood. deceased, in accordance with the terms of the order of T. J. Cleetoa. The petition for improvement of the Riser road was referred to the road master. The communication from Attorney S. S. Humphrey, relative to repayment to attorneys of fees collected by F. S. Fields, was referred to the district at torney, for advice to tha board. The petition of Albert B. Ferrera et al., for improvement of Broadway Drive was referred to' the roadmaster. Upon the recommendation Of the foreman of the Multnomah Farm tha board purchased three heifers from the Haselwood dairy herd of Spokane, for $900. ' Upon the recommendation of the su perintendent of bridges and tarries the bid of the Western Electric company, for $1,963.73 for four battery charging equipment, for the ferry boat, was ac cepted by the board. The complaint of Frank Hannan that he found some rivets loose and iron not fitted properly in the' Inter state bridge over Oregon slough, was FOR RE-ELECTION District Attorney Walter H. Evans REPUBLICAN Ballot No. 116 Primary May 19, 1918 (Paid adv.) (W. H. Evans. 686 Multnomah St.. City) Anniversary Exercises and Picnic of Pioneers OregonFounders Day CHAMPOEG Saturday, May 6 Electric Trains No. 6 (Limit ed), leaving Portland 8:25 A. M.. and mo. 10 (Limited), leaving Salem 9:45 A. M. wlU top atWilson vllle to dis charge pas sengers (con nections with I .auwcTn nam boat lor Champoea:). also No. 16 (arriving in Portland 6:50 P. M will stop on signal at Wilsonville to receive passengers. Oregon Electric City Ticket Offices 5th ft Stark Sts. 10th ft Stark 10th (a Morrison Seward Hotel. 10th Alder Jefferson Bt. Station Worth Bank Station ACH A - y , " . - x - -, t - a s k 'v. : ' v tr ) f " rj ) ; " s w u . 1 Oregon Limited referred to F. H. Cor telyou. resident engineer. - -.."' . . v. . BW. for the paving of section E." Columbia river highway, for construe tion of Falrviawkunderarround crossing and for Improvement of Capitol high way. Canyon road, and Pacific highway were opened and referred to the road master for tabulation and investiga tion. Clothes Tailored to Order $20 In order to thoroughly advertise their custom tailoring department the Brownsville Woolen Mills are con ducting a trade-building and advertis ing sale, A large variety of handsome suitings have been thrown open to your choice at $ JO for a limited time. (Adv.) Card of Thanks. Ws wish to thank the many friends who assisted and extended their sym pathies in our arrest bereavement, and for the many beautiful floral offer ings. Mr. end Mrs. F. A. Lenhart. Ad. Scenic Shasta Route i . through California Four trains daily with through sleeping cart from Portland to San Francisco. Direct con nections for 'all Southern and Eastern points. Summet Round Trip Tickets will be on sale daily June 1st to Sept. 30 to principal Eastern cities. Liberal stopovers allowed en route. Return limit 90 days from date of sale not to exceed Oct. 31, 1916. Mount Shasta, Shasta Springs, Mount Lassen; San Francisco, Yosemite Valley, California Beach Resorts, Los Angeles, Panama-California Exposition, Apache Trail, El Paso, Houston and New Orleans. Information at City Ticket Office, corner 6th aad Oak Stat., Union Depot, or Hast Morrison St. Station rpnes Broadway 8760 John K. Icott, General TMienger Agent Southern No Meal Is Without This Good Butter Since butter is an essential, not an incident to every meal," care should be used in selecting a brand which is sold under a guaranty of purity and' highest quality, buch is Maid o' Clover BUTTER Butter is, perhaps, more sus ceptible to contamination than almost any other food. The pur ity of cream depends 6n the health of the cows and the sani tary conditions surrounding its production at the various farms where creameries buy their cream. There's one way to deliver butter positively pure, and that's to pasteurize every ounce of cream before It is churned. You QRQTJ1TP 0irTX SatQIS Ground Gripper Shoes As the warm weather comes on, you will realize that your feet are not having the proper care and that they are making you old very fast. It will pay you to Investigate the merits of Ground Gripper The G. G. Shoe will correct ment and will give you more foot-service for the money than any other hoe on the market, Carried In stock in different leathers and for men and women. High and low. (SoU Agents) Ground Gripper Shoe Shopj oopirp omiyram shoes i """ Juno Coffee pT& SPECIAL 31 POUNDS FOR $1.00 PER LB. 29c ODCniT IC nCCIDCn W will be (lad to extend credit to I all good peo unCUIl Ir ULOIll pie who will kindly furnish Portland reference. D. G. BURNS COMPANY 30S-S10 TEZSD STSZET. ET. TAYX.OB AWD SAXKOST STBXXTfl -One and One-Half Blocks Sontn of Fnhllo Market.-. Wholasalera to Vrtveta raaaillea. Seetanranta aa Hotels. . ' .; :-.K. -,f - Spedai Halt Order Service. i Collapsible lead capsules have be Invented Jby an Englishman '.' to 1 filled with grease and .screwed i place of the oil cups on automobiles. - Sale of Damaged Good and Drummers 4000 copies of Sheet Music, Instrti mental and old-time tongs, lc tiv 2c a copy. Dennison's toe Crepe Paper 3c a roll 1.00 Dandruff and Shampoo 5c." , 25c Paris Hat Dye 5c. - j Airfloat Talcum Powdex. ' cans 10c Hundreds of other tisefuTihlnfS at 5c 5 c Swallow Roll Jly Catcher, 6 roll for 5c. "-'-t j CONSOLIDATED SALES CO., I 233 Clay St., Bet. First anal Sooom Friday and Satan-day Only W ' 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. : ' I Pacific Lines Complete take no chances with your health when you eat Maid o'Clover But ter. It ls pure because pasteur ized. IOC CREAM Maid b'Clover Ice Gream is pasteurized. Pure, refreshing and delicious. ' All dealers. BUTTERMILK Pasteurized Maid o'Clover Buttermilk, fresh every day at our plant. Health' ful and good. Mutual Creamery Company Tenth and Burruide Streets Portland . Shoes your trouble by Muscle develop I Ml FLOUR PIONEER MILLS' Island City SUPERIOR FANCY PATENT FLOUR Without doubt, Superior Flours makes better Buni, Biscuits. Bread, Rolls, Pastry and Cake than any other Flour on the market. ' - WrZBZOB JXOtTE Special price, per barrel, .15.20 ' BOFEBIOS nonv-Special price, per sack... M. 55 W&TIB BOSS rZ.OXr& Special price, per bbl. SS.OO WESTS mosa TIsOVM Special price, par sack al.25 To the Consumer: BEST VALUE BECAUSEXt pleasee the palate, BECAUSE li aaswlrs the need. asjavaauaiai a t wmnii