i1 ... , - ft i THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1916. ' V ' : " . .. . V- 7I, CALIFORNIA RETURNS -I OF G O P. Republican f Chairman Says Majb'rityWiM Be at Least ? 40,000 Votes, 25,000 LEAD IS INDICATED Incomplete Betorna for Heads of Op- potlng Tickets Show Bor dwell, Begii lar, 74,280, and Bulla, United, 33,318. San Francisco. May 3. (P. X. 8.) Regular Republican forces of Califor nia .won a aweeplnjc victory over the JJnlted Republican faction of the G. O. P. In yesterday's presidential primary, when the rival wings of the party con tested for control of the Republican delegation to the national Convention in Chicago. Incomplete returns from 2429 scat tered precincts throughout the state out of 4347, gathered at an early hour today. Indicate a majority of 25,000 votes for the regular Republican ticket.' Figures on the heads of the oppos ing Republican tickets are: Regular -Republicans BorJwell, 74.280. Unlfed Republican Bulla. 53.218. Enthusiastic over the overwhelming victory of the regular ticket, Krancls V, Keesllng, chairman of the Republi can state central committee, fleclares that the majority will amount to at least 40.000. Democrats Pledged to Wilson. San Francisco. May 3. ( r. P.) "With slightly more than half of the vote tnbulated. the I'nltert Republicans claimed a lead in Fresno, Stanislaus, Sacramento. .Riverside, San Joaquin. Santa Harbnra and Kan Luis Oolspo counties. The othpr counties were claimed by the "regulars." United caudilate3 were pledged to Jain with the Progressives, If the oc casion presented, to support a "for ward looking candidate." They had tile support of (iovernor Johnnon. Tim 'regulars" are unpledged. A, good liemocrutlc vote .was cast, Vut there was little excitement In that party's election as all candidates were pledged to President Wilson. Th.j Progressive vote Was rather tmall, as "there was no contest. Women did not no to the polls in large numbers in San Francisco. In this city, according to Registrar Ze tnansky, a total vote of about 50,00 ) was cast out of a registrtion of 11$, 000. This fell short of estimates. . Regulars Lead at lAn Angoles. j, Los Angeles, May 3. (P. N. S.) Tho jofflclal count of nearly half of the I18B precincts in i,os Angeles county Indicated today that the complete re turns would show nearly .a 3 to 2 vic tory for the regular Republicans here. f The entire rettular ticket hows great strength in this county. The lowest vote given a member of the regular ticket was more than 20UO higher than the highest vote given a candidate on the united ticket. . ,A complete count of all hut three Of the 64 precincts In Long Beach 4n venterdav's state election ffave the t regular Republican ticket 1 464 and the united Republican ticket 1290. Old and Young Go On Automobile Rides i Inmates of Old People'a Home and Toungatera From Baby Home De- lighted With Spin Yesterday. Representative groups of Portland's 'older citizens ami some of Its young est were the guests of two Portland automobile firms yi-srerdfly on drives about the city. The people from the Old People's home were the guests of the North west Auto company on a two hour trip over the boulevards, while thi, l.'Ulmage-Mariley Auto company took ' fix carloads of happy youngsters out lnih the fresh air and sun. 'The elderly folk first were taken up the .Terwilliger boulevard and thence to King's' Heights from which they liad a glorious view of the city. The youngsters from the Paby home put on a "Don't give a whoop" expres sion and gave the drivers Instructions to put her into high. Their displeas . tire over anything else but "high" w as voiced In unison and quite heartily. MEXICAN CRISIS IS OVER; TROOPS TO CHASE VILLA (Coirtlnned From Pare One are ratified by the American and Mex ican governments. Emerging from the conference, Scott went to his private car and dispatched long telegraphic report to Washing ton by special wire. Scott Awaits Official Approval. It. was stated definitely that there would be no conference today. Scott awaited word from Washington offi cially' approving the plan he outlined in dispatches. Pending action of the State department, no further progress was authorized. Scott expects a reply tonight. A "cleanup conference" is in prospect tomorrow. Scott and Obregon made respective supplementary reports. Scott's was long- and was believed to amplify the Information contained in the first re port of the agreement. Mexican officials were relieved to learn that a tentative settlement had been made. Carranzista military men were counted on to lend full co-operation. Carrassa Xa Hotlf lad. An indication that the conference was reaching an amicablo adjustment waa seen early when Obregon came from the meeting. When Obregon re turned to the conference room, Adolfo World's Champion Lady Swimmers are alwaya healthv and atrona. They take shower baths every day. a. noi-weatner luxury ana neaun bullde for everybody. carry Portable Showers Iff atock to fit any bath tub. Put on yourself. $6.00 up. Shower cur tains and fancy bathing caps. Wf S. r FLEMING General STamMnjr Contractor. . Sola Agent Q. S. Showers, Xsa - aady Seedle Showers. 70 tth. St. , i , , Broadway 8083. ND1CATE VICTORY REGULARS V. Leonard, Pioneer Of Oregon, Is Dead Silverton Beeldent Who Cam to Stat In 1852 Wag Veteran of Pirst bra. ton Infantry. Volney Leonard, who died here yesr terday, was 79 years of age and waa bom In Missouri. Iii 1852 he crossed the' plains with his parents, Lester and Cyanthla Blanchard Leonard, and settled In the vicinity of Silverton. Mr. Leonard waa a veteran or the First Oregon infantry that was ralse.1 during the latter part of the Civil war. He Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Agnes L. Orr. of Abraham, Utah; a brother, H. Wade Leonard, of Port land, and a sister, Mrs. Ellen S O-sei, of Riddle. The late Dr. A. L. Leon ard, of Silverton. was his brother. Volney Leonard spent his latter years partly In California, but always considered Silverton his home de la Huerta dictated the following message to Carranza: "Information is that negotiations now in progress will terminate to the complete satisfaction of all concerned." President McQuat'ters of the Mexican Mineowners' association arranged the last conference. He is head of a com pany owning large mining interests In Parral which were looted recently. Mc Quatters invited Obregon and Scott to luncheon at the Del Norte hotel, os tensibly to discuss' the tendency of Mexicans to blame the de facto gov ernment for lack of employment. Obre gon came openly, Scot quietly. Obregon impressed Americans here as being the strongest Mexican ever seen on the border. Quick Finish Expected. Washington,. May 3. (U. P.) An early termination of the campaign in Mexico Is what the Scott-Obregon agreement means. In the view of au thorities here today. Hampered here tofore by the necessity of maintaining strong communication lines in almost parallel rows, General Pershing has not had the free rem desired. The use of the Mexican Northwestern Railroad, granted by War Minister Obregon means that Is will be utilized by troops In trailing Villistas. The only thing remaining is Carranza's O. K. This, It is believed, will be given. The agreement for an established base at Colonia Dnblan means that the present base will be moved north ward eight miles. In effect, this agreement is what General Scott's original orders sought. Americans will patrol northern Mexico while Carranzistas chase tho Villistas southward. A short, quick clean-up Is in prospect. When Fun eton feels that the scourge of border raids is eliminated, the American troops can be withdrawn. The way may be clear for the state department to '"treat" with Mexican envoys on the subject of the with drawal of troops, unless Carranza un expectedly thwarts what Scott and Obregon have accomplished. I Sergeant Dies of Wounds. I Washington. May 3. (I. N. S. Sergeant Benjamin McGeh.ee of Dexter. Mo., a member of Troop M, Thirteenth cavalry. Is dead at the American fiell hospital at Naminjulpa of wounds re- j celved In the fighting with Mexicans ni i-arrai, April n, aeeoraing 10 a re port received here today from Major General Frederick Funston. Mctfehee died yesterday. 5 . Measle In the Lead. Salern, Or., "May 3. According to the monthly report of Health Officer Miles, there were 102 cases of measles in Salem during April, and other conta ' glous diseases as follows: Smallpox 4, scarlet fever 2, and diphtheria 1. Sale Begins Thursday Morning . N 1 MJIf fl PC on aIl Johnston & Mur- 1U 0 UIT phy Shoe$ and oxfords. $5 Flexible-sole Tan Shoes 4Q f0 and Oxfords, now 3)a tU Tl TO E Committee Finds a Way to Reach Top of St, Peter's Dome, Yet Unsurmounted, ing sneer suuu leei aoove me coiumDia river highway, and never surmounted by any human being,; may be made ac cessible by a trail' that, when complet ed, will at once add to the fame of the highway. A committee of route-finders that made the rough and thrilling climb to a slightly greater elevation near the dome yesterday proposed, before re turn, the driving of a tunnel up ward under the face of the 300 feet of overhanging descent that now makes the climb impossible The tunnel, on a grade of 50 or 60 per cent, with steps and lighted by windows, would be with out a duplicate, yet probably less costly than a trail suspended outside. Added to the spectacular character of the climb will be a view of river, gorge, highway and mountains that cannot be equaled. On the shoulder of the dome, where it connects with the main cliff, probably 600 feet below its Isolated summit, the party held a meeting yes terday, determined to proceed with definite plans for the trail. J. P. Jaeger was named chairman of the general committee. F. H. Klser, who gave St. Peter's Dome its name, was made chairman of a special com mittee to report on methods and esti mates of cost. The committee is to meet again in Portland May 16. In the party were Fred H. Kiser. J. P. Jaeger, W. J. Hof mann, Fred W. "vVitham. G. B. Ray mond, M. L. Smith, Chester Hogue, Harry Jaeger, A. N. Green, Harold C. Jones. A. M. Grilley, Frank H. Flem ing and Marshall N. Dana. Seeks Release From His Local Pastorate Ber, J. D. Kiaewondar of First United Brethren Church la Considering a Number of Other Offers. Rev. J. D. Nisewoftder, pastor of the First United Brethren church at Eaet Fifteenth and Morrison streets the past three years, has asked Risohp W. M. Bell of Lns AngeleB. bishop of the Pacific coast district of the United Brethren church, to release him from his pastorate work here. Mr. Nisewonder is considering sev eral offers of pastorate work,' two within Oregon and one In California, whero Bi.shop Bell wishes him to go. The decision will be made some time before the United Brethren, Oregon, conference, which will be held In the Alberta church here the end of this month. "My work here im done," said Mr. Nlsewond(r this morning, when dis cussing Ms proposed departure. "It is a closed field to me now. "The congregation of First church will not consolidate with any other, as has been rumored; but will, I under stand, continue as at present." A hood that can be dropped part way over an automobile headlight to lessen its glare by a lever manipulated by the driver has been invented. Portland, Oregon, UNNEL PROPOSED MAK MONOLITH ACCESSIBLE MAN AnniBaaW Brothers Shoe Company, Washington Streetr, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: I hereby noti-fy yen that I have elected to terminate your lease on tho storeroom in the northwest B'jilSinp, knoTm as Washington Street, Portland, "Oregon, saia termination to take effect on April 30th, 1915, aad I herety re quest you to vacate said stcrcrosa on said April 30th, 1916. Very truly ycur $5 Black and White Rubber sole Oxfords, also in tan Bostonian Latest Style Shoes and Oxfords, now ARMISHR Local Lumber Men Meet This Evening Organisation of a XiTunbermaa's Ex - change X7 Be Formed at Clnaar Tonight. Lumbermen of Portland will meet at the Chamber of Commere tonight at 6:30 at dinner for the organization of a lumbermen s exchange. The din ner is to be given by the Portland Chamber of Commerce, so that the various Interested concerns may pre eent ideas a" to the plan and manner in -which the chamber can serve In ad vancing the lumber interests ot the northwest. The meeting ia informal, and no invitations have been issued. Executive Secretary Hardy this morn ing urged that all persona interested in the lumber industry make It a point to be present. INNER CIRCLE RUNS AGAINST SNAGS IN POLITICAL MANEUVER (Continued From Page One) field, Plowden Stott and some other members of the delegation, balked at some of the program measures, and the Oregonian, being the father of tho tteket J nonlf" not lav fin 1 n - fatherly hand on its child. This time things were planned dif ferently. The Secret Circle decided that if the Oregonian were masked to support a ticket prepared by leading business men of the city, and, under the pressure, agreed to do so, it would still be in a position to castigate the unfaithful who might stray from the ranks when the battle began in January next. Agreement Za Secret. So the Secret Circle entered into an arrangement with Thomas C. Mc Cusker, secretary of the Employers' association, under the terms of whicn McCusker was to prepare petitions con taining the names of the 12 chosen apostles, who, by the way, were to be checked and approved by the Secret Circle before the petitions were put into circulation. Having been pre pared and approved, the petitions were to be circulated among innocent by standers in the business district of the city until at least 100 names had been secured, when they were to be presented to the Oregonian as the spontaneous and physiological out burst of business men interested in good government, whereupon the Ore gonian, compelled by the voice of the public good, would heed the call and support the ticket. The 12 men were chosen, the peti tions were prepared and all went mer rily until the circulation began. Friends of candidates not on the ticket refused to sign unless their friends were put on. Two or three of the innocent circu lators, seeing no harm in this, added names to the chosen 12, and the Secret Circle blew up and had those petitions called in. Other business men refused to sign the petitions, saying they could not af ford to antagonize the candidates not on the list, for business reasons. Oth ers who were on the inside said they did rot believe in bosslsm and invisible government, and balked, and the whole game drew Into such a tangle that the petitions were called back and are now resting on the shelf. Because of the protests, the effort to frame an official legislative ticket has been abandoned for the time, at least and it is now being planned to "sift 'em' out" by appropriate com mendatory publicity, by the cold and glassy marble shoulder of no-mentlon and by the direct wallop, as the occa sion may Justify. March 31st. 1916. Ui v2.50 fords, S3.98 $3.98 W BROS' SHOE COMPANY ONE CHARGE AGIST KERCHEN IS EXPLODED BY WORD OF WITNESS Exposition Commissioners Asked OnlV SamDleS Of i J Work Taught in Schools, The charge against J. L. Kerchen, manual training supervisor of the Portland schools, that he caused teach ers' work, rather than that of pupils, to be exhibited at San Francisco, was shattered at last night's session of his trial before the school board. This came when E. J. Burroughs of the Ockley Green school, one of the witnesses against him, stated that Kerchen had read to the teachers a letter from the commissioner In charge of the exhibit at the exposition that what was wanted was samples of the manual training work taught in the Portland schools and that it was not necessary that It be the work of students. E. H. Whitney, principal of the Ock ley Green school, and Mr. Burroughs both testified that Kerchen was radi cal in his views on political, religious and social questions, but that he did not air them objectionably. V. H. Paquett, who was connected with the schools prior to 1913 but not since, and T. J. Piper, manual train ing instructor at the Woodlawn schools gave somewhat similar testi mony. Isaac Swett, attorney for Kerchen, stated today that the statement that Chairman Munly's testimony was pro tested in matter of private conversa tions was unjust to bim. Since Chair man Munly endeavored to rule it out. Mr. Swett states 'that Mr. Munly ac tually ruled such testimony out at first, but other members of the board thought it best that the testimony be eubmitted. V Work on Trail to Begin This Month i r First Three Miles of Route From Eagle Creek to Wahtum Lake to Be Open July 1. Work on the 12-mile trail from Eagle creek bridge on the Columbia river highway to Wahtum lake will commence the middle of this month, according to T. H. Sherrard, super visor of the Oregon National forest. Kight men will be put to work at first. More will be added as the work opens up. The first three miles of the trail will probably be open by July 1. It is hoped to have the trail opened to the lake this summer. Tt is a rugged country up Kagle J creek through which the trail will have to be broken. In the first three miles there are six falls ranging in height from 20 to 100 feet. At one spot the trail will have to be built on the face of a sheer rock cliff 76 feet high. Sommers Asks PiTorce. Salem, Or., May 3. J. J. Somers has brought suit against Rosa Sommers for a divorce, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment. They were married at Dal las in 1913. and no children were born to the union. THE FACTS ARE THESE: .We have been occupying two stores, one thing justify us in considering this requesroduced letter which appears here. Certain of which is the store referred to in the rept to quit the premises as most unreasonable, for it has not only compelled us to force the stock of two stores into one, but has disorganized our business generally, with the result that we see, at this-time, no other way of adjusting ourselves to existing conditions than to enter into a sale our Entire stock of Men's Shoes, which includes such recognized leading makes as Johnston & Murphy, Howard & Foster, Bostonian, Common wealth, English K, and others all the very latest models, at- f , - PRICES FAR BELOW Men who know shoe quality and shoe value will not permit unheeded. Sale begins tomorrow morning. To enable all inio vyyui tuuii, uno oiuic White High and Ox- to no rubber soles, now . . . .3)1.170 $1.50 White High and Ox fords, rubber soles, now. . 89c Two Men Named In Complaints Filed District Attorney Takaa Action In Auto Aecldant Case and Tare Separata Chargaa Aro Bat rortb. Three separate complaints have been filed by District Attorney Evana against Arthur Serr and W. K. Bots ford, the two young men who were in the automobile accident Monday night on the Base Line road, in which Misa Esther Lindberg was seriously injured o nrl ILTicaai Ufahftl MftrUv VB fll V and Miss Mabel Morley was badly shaken up, One of the complaints charges the is?". r The earliest Roman Sarcophagus was found in 1780 in a vineyard on the Appian Way in a tomb that was known as Scipio's. This sar cophagus of very ancient Doric design was cut from coarse grey peperino stone. It is believed by geologists that the marble.and'granite now being quarried in this country is of a more enduring quality than the rocks from which the ancient monuments were built." Allow us to plan a monument for your family plot Upon application, we will submit designs and estimate. Inspect our stock ,at our show room. , . . . PHILIP NEU & SONS Portland Marble Works , fhS ' Phone Main 656 f Millions I of Loaves Have Been Sold in Portland FRANZ' IfllsMSAlB) Its Flavor Makes It Most Popular Its Purity Makes It the Best! . V At Tour Orocer, Baked by "A V U. S. BAXXXT. S f East nth and naadera. j win luiiiaiu ujjcii cvcuuia until y u wlULN.y $4.00 Black Lace and But ton Shoes, now $3.50 Men's Summer Work Shoes, now $5.00 Men's Tan Lace and Button Shoes, now . . . . 325 WASHINGTON ST., between ' JSixth and Broadway two with speeding;. another with va grancy and disorderly conduct on a public highway, and the third with driving an automobile while intoxi cated. Ball for the two men was fixed at $2500 each;, while Miss Motley la being held as a witnesa under $100 bail. All three were released from the county jail last night Miss Lindners; la In the hospital. She has two ribs broken, an injured back and lnjuriee to her shoul der and head. The four were riding; in a one-seated racing car when the machine ran off the road into the embankment The girls, Investigation has developed, inno cently accepted the invitation for the auto trip about the city, and were not tiaswrnfr oatke Wait OS NORMAL this oportunity to pass men to avail themselves $2.98 $2.65 $398 I; Jj - out for what is commonly termed i "Joy ride.- 1 ! " . i i . i j , v The Brazilian government estimate next year's revenue at 169. $60,000. afii expenditures at $174,254,000. II Take a Kodak r on your WeekEnd Trip- We develop your prints Free All work guaranteed. We are Eyeglass Specialists Any lent in $ixty minutes The only complete stock of Kryptok Bifocals in Portland. Columbian Optical Co. 145 Sixth St. Floyd Brower, Mgr. Ill mm s 7 5- kw u '; i M . A .. .. i v .