THE OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL, , PRTLAND. - WEDNCSuAY,, MAY; 3, -1918. 15 WOMEN'S UNION WILL GO AHEAD AND BUILD ON ITS OWN PROPERTY Construction Will Begin Some Weeks Hence When De ' tails. Are Worked Out, WORK WILL BE RUSHED Decision lm Matter Wii Arrived Annual Meeting Held Tartar day Afternoon. at Decision to go ahead and build on Ita property at Tenth and Montgomery streets, u reached at the annual -meeting of the members of the Port land Woman's union In the parlors of . the First Unitarian church on Tuesday afternoon. It will be some weeks before actual 'Work can begin as many of the details have yet to be worked out. This part of tha undertaking will be rushed as much as possible. Several suggestions . were made at the meetings concerning tha type of apartment or rooms that will best serve the purposes of the work of the union, Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mrs, William D. Wheelwright, Mis 'Llna R. James, Mrs. A. (". Molrrws, an I Mrs. Adolph Dekiim taking purl In this discussion. Whltehouse & Koml houx will be the architects. Tha officers of the organisation elected for the ensuing year include, Mr. J. B. Cornstock. who wan re . elected president; first vice president, j Mra. .Elliott Kuggles Corbett; second '. vice president. Miss Elsa Grelle; treas urer, Mrs. W. A. MacRae; recording secretary, Mrs. Max Ilirsch; corres ' ponding secretary, Mrs. Willis Dunl WBy; directors, Mrs. H. II. Northrtip, Mra. M. A. M. Ashley and Mra. Henry ' Ladd Corbett. WILL BUILD APARTMENT Structure to Go Up on Upper (linan to Cost $20,000. A. 8. Kills will commence Imine dlately the construction of a. three story brick apartment building on (111 san street between Twentieth aii'l Twenty-first ntrpeta, to cost $20,0on. The plans call for 20 apartments of two and three rooms, with all mod ern conveniences such as dressing rooms, built In dressers, air coolers, as well as a high grade of Interior fin ish. The dimensions will be 40 by 100 feet. . To make way for tlie building Mr. F.llla will tear down a residence tru--ture which has been standing on the alte for the PHst 20 yeara, seven of which Mr. Kills has used It for his own residence. This will make the third apartment building which Mr. Kills has erected in thla vicinity. Rids of the Job will be called for in a few days. rTO TRY TO SAVE RESIDENCE Repairs to lie Made, to House Khtfted Daring Slides. . Plans to ave the residence of W. IT. Lawrence on Montgomery drive, which was shifted on Its foundation and . threatened with entire demolition du. tng the slides of last winter, have been worked out by Rmti Schacht, ; architect. The basement of the build ing was the principal part which suf fered, the superstructure remaining Intact. A new drainage system for ;. the hills has been Installed, and piling will be driven In such a way that the house will rest upon it and bn inde pendent of the surface resting. The cost of the repairs is estimated at $7000. The original Cost of the resi dence was $7000. Takes Out Permit. John Kampf of 652 East Fifteenth Street has taken out a permit for tha erection of three frame residences on hla property at 845 to 651 East Six teenth street. He will do the work himself. George Soodwood is the architect.' Real Estate Transfer". tU Height Co. to M. C. Flrmming. I,. 4 to 21. B. 17, Stanford IlelKtitn.. Mae r. Murphy and baa. to Levi Rod lun. L. 12, U. 63, Laurelbum Ltoralunrat. L. 8, B. 108. Laiu-elhurxt. . W. J. Wolfe and wf. to George Hocks et al, L. B. B. 21, Vernon Henrietta McCiulre and bua. to Rebecca Kendall. L. 2. 11. 11. Center Ald J. V. Uaaltlll to II. E. Noble, part L. 7, 8. B. 8, Central Alblna W., A. Armstrong and wf. to J. A. Ham mond et al. Lu 15, B. 8, Laurelwood Park Add J. A. Hammond and wf. to W. A. Armstrong- et al. L. . B. 14, Laurelwood. Carrie Melntoah et al to Jeasle E. Heed. L. 18, B. SS, Alhtna, L. 4, B. B. 17. Willamette, I 12. B. 81, Central Al blna, W. 30 ft. L. 22, B. IS. Alblna. Blanche Acrea' et al to Jesaie E. Itepil, L. 13, B. 35. Albino, L. 4, 6, B. 17, Willamette. L. 12, B. IS, Alblna Minnie J. Newcomb to Jeasle . Reed, sine above Battle M. Cantnor and hua. to Jennie K. Reed, L. IS. B. 35, Alblna, L. 4. 5, , B. 17, Willamette. L. 12, B. 81. Cen tral Alblna, W. 30 ft. L. 22, B. IK, Alblna Emma Hlzoa and hua. to Jeaale K. Reed, aa aboT Mra. A. D. Batten and baa. to J. T. Kremer, L. 8, B. 4, Lorrlnton. . . : Myra Oampbell to Helen Milburn. L. 7. B. 17, M. Pattona Add W. R. Kaaer and wf . to Lawann A. Her- ' man et al, L. 10. B. 4, Laurelhurat. . Vt. R, Kaaer and wf. to Latrson.A. , Herman et al. L. 8, 9, 10, B. 0, Coun cil Creat Tark Holt C. Wtlaon and wf. t(v Theresa Blair et al. L. 10. B. 18, Brentwood Borer C. Stanley et al to Stanley Rein forced Concrete Co., L. 15, B. 33. Laurelhurat Add.,. U 41), B. 00, Ken tons Add Thomas Nelaon and wf. to F. K. Potter. L. 17, B. 6. Altoona Park D; W. Bheahan to R. L. Lincoln, I,. 5, 6, B. 8, Rose City Park B. L, Lincoln anl wf. to the Oregon ' Home Buildcra, L. 5, 6, B. NQ. Koee 10 10 1.000 10 1.500 10 1 1 71 000 BOO MX) BOO 625 10 10 10 1 1 850 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 City Park Esidal Park Aasn. to Jane M. Donald son, S. 15 ft. E. 7. N. Its ft. I,. 8. B. 81, Central Alblna If. Stanford and wf. to Mi-Daniel Iiit. li. 8, 8. 8 1-3 ft. L. 7. 15. 10. Haw- tborne Avenue Add Fred M. Gearin and wf. to J. 8. Bi.yles, L. 8, B. 4. Roaamere; also S L. 1. 8. B. 3. Aronia L. M. Lee and wf. to J. S. Kumwsfcl et at, L. 21. 23, B. 10, Bab. L. 1"J. den- . bsven Park Arnold Oraud and wf. to Minnie M. Wood. L. 1. B. 2. Peteraon Add A. Teater and wf. to M. I". Tyler. L. 14. B. 02. Irrlnittoa FUNERALS Beeatlfnl adult plnak or $75 era oc iota eaaaet, ei- " hara, two autos sad ' eerMeae tor v rnnerals if desired for $20. $40, ISO, . Blgher priced funer als 1 proportion. We manufacture easketa , S'inr BeauUfnl funeral ehapel. ;miiXer& tracey . ' Independent Fnneral Directors. Weat aide. . . Uels 2691. A-T881 Unveiling of Iron Cross Is Arranged Under the auspices of the women's auxiliary of tha German Red Cross, tha "unveiling of tha Iron Cross" will take place at tha German House. Saturday night. May S. The evening's program will consist of speeches by Father Gregory. Rabbi Wise, Rev. Mr. Hassner and Paul Ws ainger. Instrumental and vocal selec tions and fancy dancing will be special features. The program will be repeat ed Sunday night. Following the pro gram Saturday evening the ross will be nailed. Three Iron nails of the cross will be auctioned oft, and the proceeds, along with UJoaie derived from the program, will be for the benefit of the German. Austro-IIungarlan widows and orphans and Siberian prisoners. He Didn't Know Man That Kind of Cyclist Deputy City Attorney Fred W. Stadter was bowling along Willamette boulevard last night In an automobile he purchased last week and was amused at the efforts of a motorcyclist who vainly tried to catch up with him. His amusement changed, however, when the other machine came abreast, then passed In front, and Its rider, Motorcycle Patrolman Ervin, told him he was under arrest for not having a rear light. Stadter begged off and was finally released with a warning. Mno K. Murphy and bua. to Y. II. Brun- iU(', L. 5, R. It, Ijiiirelbural KilltU K HuDW-'bbarli aiad to Knnua !. French, L. 11. B. 22. Elberta Sheriff to A. Prael, i,. It. 13, B. 23. Hautliern Portland.. (Jenofeva Wedek and hua. to Henry I'felfer. L. Id, IS. 4. Midway Anx. Add. S. D. Kllpatrlck and wf. to Mary A. Hoyrr, U 6, St. . Kllpatrick Collins Tract 10 2,793 1,000 400 Building Permits. a. Volgt. erect 1 atorr frame rarace, M6 Cora are., bet. E. 9th and B. 10th its.; builder. La r wm & Baa; 1100. i Frank Mozxanlnl, repair 1 atory frame dwelling. 171U Mnrrla at., bet. E. tiSth and K. 70th ata.; builder, P. Harden; $300. W. Harier, repair 6 atory ordinary apart trent, 2. 12tli al.. bet. klaln and Jeffer aou ata.; builder. The Elevator Supply & Re pair Co. ; $X.V. Caiipar Mltkovlch, erect IV atory frame dwelling. Ul 6nlb ml. ti. K. . het. ti;:rd and U-llli avc-a.; builder, ame; I WOO. A. A. AiwrlHud. wreck 2 atory frame dKeillni,'. ";H li at.. Let. 2:;td and 24th Ik.; wrecker. 1. K. Keuney; $HK). S. J. ruxall, ereit 1 atnry frnine gurtg. SO. Oberlln at., cor. l'irtiuouth ave.; btiililer, atiine; .to. Iir. H. J. Cuffey, repair 2 Hlory frnine hl.ltl. CU Iv..jc.v at., het. 10th and 20th at ; builder. J. K. K?ynu: 11100. I. L. Harden, erect 1 atory frame sar"S, Taft M.. bel. Uljinpla and Aator an.; build er, aume; $.V). Mat'tmer lin., repair 2 story frame dwell ing. :k N. BroudwjiT, bet. Burnslde and Couch aU. ; builder, J. S. Win I era; $150. J. R. Han.-en. repMjr 2 atory frame dwell ing, :oO .-Vblirler at-, between R. 13th and h.. 14th atx. ; builder. Murtln Jarobseu; $70. Clilneite Building aaoctation, repair 4 atory nrdlnary atore and arhool. 2C7 Iavia at., beC 3rd and 41b ata. ; bnilder, J. A. Melton Co.; $125. Annie K. Sullivan, repair 2 atory frame dwelling, tinq K. 22nd at. N.. bet. Siskiyou and Klickitat ata.; builder, mine; $100. K. Nelon, repair 2 atory frame dwelling. 42J Hlxth at., bet. Hall and College aU.; builder, Peter Ell; $40. V. Nelaon, repair 2 atory frame dwelling, 431 Sixth at., bet. Hall and College ata.; bnilder, Peter Ell; $40. Jolio Kmnjif, erect 1 atory frame dwelling. 04 K. llitn St., bet. Powell and t rederick ata.; bulkier, Name; $I5(M). John Kampf, erect -1 story frame dwelling. 14. K. 10th at., bet. ipwell and Kreileritk t.; builder, aame; $1500. John Kauipf. erect 1 aforv frame dwelling, tr K.. ltitb at., bet. Powell and r redern-k t., bt.llder, aume; $1500. John C. Oallagber. repair I stiir.r frame dwelling. 452 RiHlnev are., bet. Eugene and TillaUKiok et". : bolide.-. Wlllinra Kuipcy: 1K). V. V timham. eriwrt 1 story frame garage, 600 Holiy at., bet. Maple uud E. Itlth ata.; builder, aame; $UO. Mm. klallory. repulr 6 atory fireproof re inforced concrete hotel, 175 Indiile at., bet: Yamhill and Morrbron !ta. ; builder, Port land Sheet Metal VV'orka; $4lX. Wllllnm Pollvka. e.-cct 1 atory frame gar age. 7iU K. tttark at., bet. Vx 2ttn and K. 21at ata.; builder, Mr. Uinderlong. $200. It Wasn't Sleeping Porcli, Nor Kitchen That Worried Him $ Tf J. R. Nelson of Thirteenth and College s"reet, was not a man of aolid business sense this story never would have been printed. Moreover there 4 would have been no occasion to print it except for the fact that he Is the owner of a house on Fremont street, which has among ether things, a built-in bookcase, a Dutch kit- chen and sleeping porch. Those three things played an important part in his exper- lences after the house became vacant. It wasn't the Dutch kitchen that worried him, nor the sleeping porch nor the built-in bookcase. The thins that had him thinking was how 4 to fill that vacancy. J(t He advertised in the want ad. 4r columns and got no returns. 4a Then he "fiBured" that the 4 market at that particular time -ijt- waa "down." He knew adver- 4ft 4i tlslng gets results. So he came 4ft 4ft back strong, and a Journal- jft 4ft want ad brought home the 4ft 4ft bacon Just as it always does. -Jft 4ft The house is rented now but 4ft 4ft it would not have been except 4ft 4 that Nelson, knowing that want 4ft 4ft ads win when given half a 4ft 4ft chance, gave them a chance. 4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft4ft NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO. EITAlLnSZD 18 77. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT TKXS9 AVB SAZJCOS 8TKXETS. MATN 507. A-1B11. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Inveatment e Mortgage Co. Offices 208-4. 170 3d St. . FARM LOANS Mortgage) Company for America Soon aa. Aiaswortn Bids. phOTia SUls 6841., "fortlaA4. Or, - , ! . NEW TODAY Choice Xrfaas of tTO.OOO and TTp Oa Improved Busmen Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. V. unooB. 843 Stark Street. On City and fata Frepartus is Aay amount at Cvua-sat aUtaa. Hartmaa Is laompaon. Bsaker. CarDr ( aeurtb aod stars Its. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS so Deknxn Bid?- Portland. Ox. A LCTjON SALES. TOMORROW AT Baker's Auction House, nearly new and modern household furniture, on sal at 10 a. m. Thursday. 166-168 l'ark at. MEETING NOTICES 41 i ALL Knight Templar and their friends are cordially carrpXtoteS'a?! the Maion?c Temple , Thursday .Vlay 4 Tickets a? $1.50 the j evenlner. couple, may be obtatned from r rta u. Jentiing of Henry Jenning & &ons, P'lfth and Wafchington streets and Alex Oliver of Brady & Oliver. Yeou building lobby,. SAMARITAN Lodge, No. 2. I. O. O. b Regular meet ing Wednesday at S p. m. at I. O. O. F TemDle. 22o Alder st. Inlation. Visitors always welcome ' WILLIAM L1NKLATER, N. G. R. OSVOLD, tirc'y KENTON LOLXiE, NO. 145. A. F. and A. M. Stated communication (tomorrow) Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F. C. degree. Visit ing brethren -welcome. By or- der the W. M. ROBT. KACII, Sec. PALESTINE LODGE, NO. 141, A. K. and A. M. Stated commounlcation this evening at 7:30. ViBltors cordially in vited. By order W. M. W. S. TOWN-SEND. Sec. RVinUR meetlnir thia -0T lOCfc- (Wednesday) evening, Erf"ai2r E. 6th and Alder. Visit ors cordially Invited. K A. SHARON. N. O. W. W TERRY. Sec. EMBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6tn. Vital Statistics ferriages. Births. Deaths. MA Kill AGE LICENSES r- . -s . , Cbnrle ). Tlneler. UliNiIale. V.. legal, and rlrlla JI. Hart. Brown Apts., leyal. Hani. I Jllli. l.-.,H t. :;2i at. N., and Catliirlne Awhen. 12t E. ;i2d at. N.. leiral. Ahre B- Brook.. Ulnbrook Apt... leg.1. , and. MJry Whjley JaU Portl.nd HeiS5t: legal Dr. William G. Keller. &0S Taylor at legal. anil Clara Betr Ueisaler, 75U K UuTia at ..i!. . d i i Ami MarT Hamierv. 7.M wiiiiama ave. ieeai. W,G, Smith &CoSt1nncaradnsd Third floor Morgan Bldg. DRfc-SS uits sold or rented, low prices, latest styles, all sizes; we buy dress suits. BareU's Misfit Cloth. Store. 61 3d. DRESS suits for rent, all size. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark St. BIRTHS RKMKRS To llr. tnd Mrs. Witter Remer, .1M):: CDtti st.. April 28. on. Ml N NEK To Mr. and Mra. (itenn Mlnner, 1 Rurktel ave., April 22, a Ron. SCHI.INfN'C To Mr. and !r. Adam Sr-hlla- unc. 80S E. 13th at. N., April 26, a daughter. 8TON& To Mr. and Mrs. Archie 1). Stone, B'-aTer Apts.. April 20. a son. HtiHNS I Kl.V To Mr. and Mra. Conrad Hohn- ateln. S.17 (iarfleld ?e., April 28, a daugbter. Mr. and Mra. Albert W. f'nelzholrt. 407 E. nth at.. April 30. a aon. G1HSON To Mr. and Mra. jamea O. Gibson, 1123 Htepuen at.. Anril 21. a danchter. MAXWKI.U To Mr. and Mrs. William Max well. 21KV Sacramento at., Anril 29 a son. SWAN.HON To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Swanson. Haren at., Anril 28. a son. M'CONNETX To Mr. and Mra. John L. Mc- Connell. BIS B. 6th at. N.. April 20. a Bon. CUEKNEY To Mr. and Mra. Kmll H. Cher- ney. 6421 4Mb it. S. AprU 21, a daugh ter. t'l-ARKB To Mr. and Mra. Thomas I. Clarke, 4 lltb at.. April 28. a eon. r.FWIS To Mr. and Mra. Harry Lewis, Baron Apts., April 2S. a daughter. CAUTKR To Mr. and MrB. AWin B. Carter. Wallulu. or.. April 20. a son. HKATH8 AND FCNKllALS 73 L0UNSRCIIY la this City. May 2, Danlri C. Luiuwtiurjr, 193 Jarrett at., aged 72 yfars. 10 month and 29 daya, beloved hnahond of Knnnle K., father of ICarl It.. Harrey E., Char U a A. Uounsbnrr of Portland and Mrs. T C. Brewer of Taroma. Friends inritcd t- attend funeral wrrlcea, which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlora at 2 p. m., Saturday. Max 8- Interment Greenwood ceme tery. HI GRKS In this eitr, May 2. at the family realdeuce. OLj Ewst Handera, Knimi M. Hughes, aged oi yeara. 6 months and 14 daja, wife of N. I. Iliuthi's. mother of Hir-hard K. and Nora Marie llughea. daughter of T. J. I.. Stiller and sitter of r. K. and J. W. Stiller and Mrs. J. S. Jewell. The funeral aerTiciis will be held from above reaideuee at 2:30 p. m., Thuraday. Krit-uds iuviled. Interment Roee City cemetery. BETTMAN At the realdenre, 739 Kearney ' street, May 2, Uuodiuan Bettman, aged 70 ye&rs 8 months 19 days, beloved bnsband of Bertha Bettman and father of Or. Adalbert G., Dr. M. Monte and C. Uiiga Bettman. Friends Inrlled to attend funeral wrricea, which will bo held at the above residence at 10 a. m. to morrow (Thursday). May 4. Interment Beth Iarae! cemetery. Please omit flowers. Ku geue. Or., papers please copv. IRICKSON May I. at the family resMeree. 460 East 34th at. south. Edla Francela Erlck aon, aged 82 yeara. 0 montha and, 28 daya, beloved wife of Erick U. Erickaon. Funerai aerrleea will be condurted tomorrow (Thurs day), May 4. at 2 p. m., from Pearson'a un dertaking parlora, Rnasell at. at I'nlon ave X. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah oeme terr. LEONARD In thla ciiy. Slay 2. Volney Leon ard, age 7S rears, beloved father of Agues Leonard of Abrahams. I'tab. anil brother of II. Wade Leonard of tlila city, and Mra. Ellrn S. Gter of Rlildle. Or. Funeral will be beld Wedueadar. May :(. at 2 p. m.. at the parlora of Miller Trace v. Interment G. A. R. cemetery BOYNTON The funeral aervlcea of tbe lite I.jdia E. Boynton w.U be held Thuraday, May 4, at 2:30 p. m., at tb? residence atb HaLment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Krlenda Invited. Interment at Hose City cemetery. KINDRED Larttia Klurired. Crot-by at., April :;8, fl years, cerebral hemorrhage. nKBMKR Thomas Henry Hebner, 1M Berke ley at., April 27, 62 yeara. cuxonlc valvular heart dlaease. MARBLE Mrs. Anna Marble, St. Vincents, April 28, 85 years, hernia. M'INNIS Daniel Mclninta. 412 Guild St., April 28. SO year, valvular heart dlseaae. FITZ1ATR1CK Mary V. Fitxpatrick. 865 E. 6th at. N., April 30, ti years, carcinoma of eervlx. KELLY Jamea Ealnh Kelly. Portland Coot. hoapltal. May 1. 2. years, diabetes mellltna. MARTIN & FOKBto CO.. florists. 347 Wash. Main 209. A-L'69. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., tlorists. 2S7 Morrison st. Main or A-l 805. Fine flowers and florafc desipns. No branch stores. TONSETU FLORAL CO.. ibb 'Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. : Main C1'2. A-1102. OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAL CO.. 7a Glisan st Mar. 4372. A-1464. MAIN 611S; wreaths, pillows, $3 up. Sprays SI up. Chappells,47 Morrison MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 0th St. PUNK MAI DIRECTORS D T Dwrnoc Williams and Knott. rti I 1 UJMHOO East 1115. C-1943. Hamilton East 80th and Glisan. Fu neral services. Tabor 4313. 01 CIA CO Undertaking Co.. Main 41S2 OKtWtOA-532L-g0r. 8d and Clay. FUNERAL DIRECTORS (Continued) Tears of Experience Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service Thla modern establishment, with Its conveniences. Includ ing a secluded driveway, in sures absolute privacy, caus ing In no way a' departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant. j i P. Finley & Son The Progressive FUNKKAL U1RECTORS, Montgomery at Fifth. Main St, A-15D9. v. l y , TTnrloFtalriip L" ? 1 ltn n r A U a nr. thorne . E. f 81 . B-1888. Idy assistant, - , ....-,..... Dunning & McEnteeMoTITi'n every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430, A-45. Lady assistant. F. S, Dunning, Inc. I East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E. Alder St. Phone East bZ. A. D. KEN WORTHY CO. Two Establishments, Tabor 6267; 6SU2 H2i bU, Lents. Tabor B85; 6ith 8t. and Foster road., Arleta. Walter G. Kenworthy 1532-1534 K. 18th. SelwooU 71. B-1122. MlLVIt lUAUti, luuepeuaent tu neial directors. Prices low as $u, $40, $B0. Wash, at Ella. M. 26'Jl, A-78Sa. A, R. Zellar Co East 1088. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. FRIPs?nMKi::i:ilL)ENCE UNO. PRLS. Cn lUOUlM M. 6133 A-2235. 44S Morr. FREEZE & SNOOK. B-1252. T. 1258. ii2t Helmcnt at 34th T-adv attendant. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WK8.. 284-26S 4th St., opp. city hall. Main 8564. Philip Neu At Sons, for memorials- BLADING GftANtTECCl g&7-JrTP SX COR MADI9QN FOIi SAUi HOUSES ill r-v-- 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $1475. Up against it. I must move; my modern home on 71st St., nettr Glisan si. carllne; fireplace, buf let, - Dutch kitchen, cement basement, launfirv trays, large porch; cost me $2450. Will sell for $1475; ternui. Miller, phone Hroadvvay 165s. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. $1400, $(!" cash. $lo mo. buys nice,1, modern cottage, 3 rooms and bath, basement- cunililptA kilrhri I'nliinpf ' ;"". f' fasn, llo mo. buys nice,' sink, boiler., laundry, electric fixtures. eaa. nice ut lur liarnen nnti rhn-kp.nK. , blot from car; a snap for some- ON T H hi PKNINSIII. ON THE PENINSULA, lots. S room shade, on Amhurst, nrir rurisiituuLii, eio'. .iieet jim- i cluilpft in nrirp. SfiSO urtA thia rioen ' (;ivt:iiii;iiLa lu iJ ci pdiu IKJI dfiu 111- n prl n $54 I not clean $54y.99. as the property Is certainly worth $looo. Fred W. Ger- man Co., 732 Chamber of Com. W1LLAMLTTL BOULEVARD. I7K0 hnvs. rn.r lni Mn,i 3 room rot- tage. plastered, corner of Concord. This Dronertv in ordinary times should bring $1500; terms V4 cash. - Photo at office of Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham her of Commerce. I AM compelled to dispose of my nearly new 5 room bungalow; all modern conveniences, large attic; 1 block from Peninsula Fark on Missis sippi ave. If you have a little money I will surprise you in price. "White, Broadway 1658. Why Not Build And set a home according to your Ideals. I design, build and finance any building; artistic sketches free; See me before you build. N. O. Eklund. S13 Honry bldg Main B812. FOR THE NEWLY W EDS. $750 for neat 3 room cottage, beam celling, electrio lights, garage, nice lawn, $100 cash, balance monthly. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN On Whitman ave.. near Mt. "Scott carllne. 4 room house (not papered), hot and cold water, bath, toilet, lights, gas range, good garden Bpoi. lot tvxitfu, odv. on terms, ucj in terest Phone Wood lawn 1869. 10 ROOMS, close in, $276. Income $44. The use of 2 rooms, rent $25. 6 min utes' walk to postoffice. $100 cast, balance to suit. Fredr W. German Co., 73 Cham, of Com. BEAUTIFUL 7 room bung-alow, steam heat, gas ranges, fullest plumbing, restricted district: must sell thia week below cost. $2700; terms. Main 1940. 430 Worcester bldg. HAVE you investigated why -the Ore gon Home Builders are the largest and most reliable home builders in Portland? It will jiay you to do so at once. J330 K. W. Bank, bldg, COMFORTABLE, homey, nearly new house. 5 rooms downstairs, furnace, r.lce yard, good neighborhood. 611 E. 47th st. N.. Rose City Park. Inquire next door or phone Tahor 20 9 NEW, classv, 4 room bungalow, cheap, double constructed, full basement, floored attic, guaranteed plumbing, terms. Wdln. 4072. li ROOM residence, on East 34th St., near Grant, 150 cash, $1000 In 2 years, bal. to cuit. Best offer takes the place. Tabor 1034. $G90 (terms) will buy 4 room, un plastered house on 50x100, use of 100x100, on 78th and Halsey. Jensen, Broadway 1658. $50 CASH. $15 MONTHLY. 7 room plastered bungalow, St. Johns line, $1600. A real snap. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. FIVE room, modern. $1500; no mt? 2104 Hassalo St.. owner. A BARGAIN Small house and lot for sale. $725 each. 700 Liberty st. FOR SALE LOTS 10 200 BEAUTIFUL lots in Milwaukie; 6c car fare; light, gas and water; $20 cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather. Risley station. Phone Oak Grove 1 -X. $,5- Woodmere. $410 Mt Tabor $10 cash, balance $5 monthly. J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDGT CORNER lot, 60x100, cost $1000, sell for $525 For Information, ail Main Pnl STTBURBAi; HOMES 79 1-3 ACRE, good house. 4 blocks from car, 6c fare; fine for chicken ranch; a big snap; $1650. terms. Umbdenstock & Larson. 30(5 Oak st. Bdwy. 1658. ACKEAGK Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car- line, easy terms: will build to suit pur- 1 chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or bell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. FIVE acres, near Oregon Electric; level land, fine soil, all cleared, fenced and in cultivation; bought at a sacrifice 6 weeks ago, but am going away and will sell at still greater sacrifice now. 928 Commercial st. Woodlawn 4357. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland. 2, 6. 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, $Si to $200 per acre, easy terms'. McFar land 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. TEN acres on fine auto road. 1 Vp miles of Vancouver, Wash., leveC best soil $1650. $300 ta $500 down. bal. $100 per year. Qulglef. 202 Wilcox bldg. DO you want 2 acres at Garden Home, . S block from station; taa sidewalk: and water and seeded to clover, for J1500 cash? Mala 488. ' . . ACREAGE 57 Cheap Acreage $15 per acre; 120 down and $10 per month buys 40 - acres of good land, free from rock or gravel. Between Portland and Astoria, in Cowlitx Co., IVi miles from the Columbia river. Fine location for dairy or poultry ranch, running water. 6 acres $250. $10 down. $5 per month i buys 5 acres of land between 'Portland and Centralis, on the mam 1 line of three railroads. IV miles from a town of 8J0 population, saw mills and shingle mills. Some of this land Is partly cleared, running stream. Some bottom and some bench. Can give you any kind of piece you want. 15 acres near Astoria, partly cleared, a nice spring on It. This also lies IVi miles from the railroad town of Knap pa, near Astoi:. $450. at $20 down and 1 10 per month. 5 and 10 acre tracts at Clatskanie. Clatskanie lies half way between Port land and Astoria. Clatskanie has a population of 1000, a cheese factory, cannery and creamery; lies 1 mile from the town; from $35 to $50 per acre; $2 per acre down and $1 per acre per month. I also have other land in different locations. Come in and see me. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. ACRE tracts on carllne, near city; paved road; $5 cash, $5 per month. Fred H. Strong 517 Chamber of Com. SiiLKBAN ACKKAUK 7u SUBURBAN HOMES. Acre or half acre tracts, fine soil, gas and electric connections, Oregon City line, near Portland; small amount down, pay like rent. East 734. or W, 11 Journal. 'O.t SALE FAiOlS 17 FARMS. STOCKED AND Eyl ll'PED. 3tiu acris. Lane Co.. all ood IrmI, luo in crop now. koo,j builditjg.v, lot ol .stock and eiuipmenl with plaue; price 1 7,000. Will take smaller place, f13, 000 or less, as part payment, mortgage lor balance. 200 acres in Willamette valley near station, all fine, land. 150 in crop, lot oi good buildings, plenty of stock and machinery; price $20,000. Wants smaller place for part, mortgage tor uaiance. 240 acres, hog and alfalfa ranch. 160 in alfalfa, good buildings, plenty of water. 350 Duroc bogs. full farm equipment; price 30.000. Take Port land property in part or lull payment. JL.UEDDEHANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. RIVER bottom and bench land In Wil- : lamina valley, near good railroad frown; running water, no rock; employ inent. i,ei us snow you b acres Dest soil with good, 4 room house, J25 down, J10 month. Or. 6 acres bench ; lajid. J26 down, 8 month. Or, nearly ; acres with 637 bearing apple trees; $300 down, balance terms.. Or. any amount of land, reduced prices, easy terms to settlers. J. R. Sharp, 5? i neriorn hldg. Rontnn Pnnntv u; wuuilljf THREE GOOD FARMS - .'"5 -f : Yi w h i.r VnSrA' t r. ' . ' . : ' . ken ranch Prices' fromuo I'LfL8 fjf'f ; states, write Kirk, Alpine, Oregon 100 Acres $6500 Stock Crop, everything; goes. 50 acres in crop; 6 room house. 2 barns. I team, 10 i cows, 4 heifers, 10 calves, all farm ' J"V ,s- water, gooa orcnara. yery- thing goes, $6o00, cash, balance eaJ3y' v;V-x-rTr . TI , ! Bl NDT. 411 Henry Bldg 20 ACRE FARM. $800. 4 room house, barn, chicken house. spring water piped to house, close to school. $1 fare from Portland. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. SACRIFICE, 40 acres, improved and equipped; small town lo6e; not far rrom Portland; owner forced to 6eli. Price cut to J'-MOO. A. K. HII-L. 419 ITenry hldg. 20 ACRES. $400. $1 fare from Portland, close schoor, station, several tracts with running water. JJ0 cash, bal. easy. Claude Cole, S00 Her.ry bldg. PRUNES pay big. I have 28 acres. Must sell. Adjoins city. High school fine soil and improvements. Full par ticulars owner mot im. Kiioie or 160 ACRJ3 improved farm near dan. $2800. $1300 cash. Claud 300 Henry bldg. 4C ACKES 18 miles from Pur mil to electric car, $120 Chance. BIB Pekurn bldg. FOU RENT FARMS 45 ACRES, house, barn and stock. miles from Newberg. 534 Board Trade bldg. Marshall 5141. FARMS WANTED KENT OK BUY I HAVE a buyer for a 40 acre farm; must be close to city and well Im proved; will not pay more than $5000; $3000 down, bal. on time. Inquire 65 N. 6th St.. Portland. WANTED to rent locatton for dairy; 30 cows; must be good soil, good road to place, plenty of water, not too far from city. X-348, Journal. HOMESTEADS 160 Acre Homestead Lies fine, good location; trout stream running through place, $150. 120-acre relinquishment, meadow and timber, trout creek; lies fine, close to neighbors, 4 miles from town; live on the adjoining homestead. Price $250. 411 HENRY BLDG. COLVILLE INDIAN RESERVATION opens July 5, 1918. Over 1,000,000 acres. May and book of descilptlon, postpaid. $1. OREGON HOMESEEKERS' INFORMA TION BUREAU. 504 McKAY BLDG, PORTLAND, OR. HOilESTEAD relinquishment in ii lets, 14 months residence eets you deed, mile to town, county road,' neigh bors, running water, adjoining farm, $400 cash. One cliam has 8,000,000 best timber in Oregon, house and clearing. $500 405 Merchants Trust bldg. TIMBER 28 TIMBER FOR SALE. 340 acres good fir timber located on main county road between Tillamook City and Cloverdale; good location for mill; 5 room house. 10 acres pasture; good dairy farm when timber is off. G. H, FOLAN'D, Tillamook, Or. EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE 24 2tt ACRES. WEST SIDE. . Be car fare, cheap house, good well and city water, 2 blocks or -.tation. Will exchange for east side property. Tabor No commission to Day. A SPLENDID stock and grain farm, 600 acres in wheat, 1240 acres $2a per acre; Gilliam Co. Will take $15,600 clear property as first payment. Clauds Cole. 300 Henry bldg. HAVE 3 improved farms to exchange. all or part, for city property; 15 25 and 40 acres. Details 310 Yeon bids. Marshall 2432. UNIMPROVED land, no incumbrance. with lease of dairy ranch. Want heme values easy access to city. FX 920, Journal. EQUITY in large board and rooming house to exchange for income city property or acreage. Wish to deal with owner only. Inquire at 523 Henry bldg. FIVE room modern bungalow; take good lot as first payment or small cash payment. Phone owner. Tabor 1902. HOUSE and lot in Bend. Or., to trade for a business in town of 10,000 or lees. 1-666, journal FINE 120 acre ranch, fair buildings: price $5000; will exchange for house in Portland. Owner. Z-364, Journal. 20 ACRES 15 cultivated, for " city property or larger farm. 514 Brook lyn. Phone Sellwood 208g. TEN acres on Salem Electric; accept some trade. Wollateln, 712 Ch. Com. Ifiheri- H Cole. IK .. XH 55 KXCHANGK HEAX. ESTATE 24 (ComOaned) HIGHLY IMPROVED 212 ACRE FARM FOR CLEAR WELL LOCATED PORT. LAND LOTS. THIS FARM IS LOCATED 4 MILE3 FROM CORVALLIS. 130 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. Good buildings, run ning water, rock road passes door. This is an A-l farm in every respect. Will take clear lota or other cash value Portland property up to $10,000. N El LAN & PARKHILL. 303 Stock Exchange bids, . HAVE strictly modern 7 room nouse, 60x100 lot. close In, E. Couch st. Rented 30 month. Value $7500. Clear. One lot lyeurelhuret. no mortgage. value $1500. Two lots". 100x100. East Portland Height, no mortgage. Value $1500. Want farm near Portland to $13,000; will assume. (B. N.) DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 232 Chamber of Commerce hldigj 480 ACRES 320 acres in wheal, com pletely equipped, horses and machin ery, want uoo in city property as first payment, balance crop payment, J30 per acre. M'KENZIE CO., 515 Gerlinger bldg WILL take clear lot or acreage as first payment for equity in 5 room bunga low, balance as rent. L.awn, iiowers. fruit., chicken house, one block of Al berta car. Owner. Woodlawn 848. EIGHT rooms, electric light and gas walking distance of Keeu college. AO incumbrance, will accept some traue, Owner. East 1854. WANTED KEAL ESTAllfi 31 I WANT a 5 room bungalow, 50 on 73x100 lot. clear, for bungalow on 33x100. Hawthorne district. $4000. clear. (G) Dorr E. Keasey Co.. 232 Chamber of Commerce. WE will sell or loan you money on your lot. J. C. CORBIM CO.. LEWIS BLPO. ROOMING HOUSES 53 HERE'S a cosy home, 7 modern rooms reception hall, mie tenant lor '.' yrs.. navs uractlciiny entire rent; l am M ing to Hood River and will give you a real bargain, j-io inciuaes tine on paintings, expensive carpels, good rur niture, $7 cash, $10 month. J0t Han cock. Wflliams or Broadway cars. Don't Look Any Farther Have several real bargmnH in room ing houses from $150 up; choice loca tions. SEE HALL, 612-13 PANAMA RLDG 22 ROOMS, rooming house, line loca tion, good furniture, bargain if sold this week, D-568, Journal, or phone A-2178. FURNITURE of 20 room housekeep ing, making money. Sell very cheap for casii. Marshall 397. 11 ROOM, first class furniture, 6 min utes' walk to postoffice. X-352, Journal. 10 ROOM boarding house, uc turn from Portland; Income over $60 per week. Price $35n. $;n down Main 587. BY owner, 1 housekeeping rooms, fine lawn, cheap rent, close In. AJarshull 2r.4. DEMONSTRATION OF THE ECON OMY STUMP AND CORDWOOD SPLITTER! Come and see the demon stration of this powerful and quick working hydraulic machine In splitting logs into conlwood and splitting and pulling out any .size of stumps, with all its roots, in shortest time, reducing the cost of land clearing to more than one half. This our last demonstration for some time in Oregon, takes place from the -i to 8th of May, continuously, on Lom bard street, on the Mississlppl-twenton car line, opposite the Peninsular school house, between Patton and Derby sts. FRANK E. KENNEY, Address, I22f E. 30th st. N. FOR SALE. General merchandise store, erid of Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. line, on bank of the Clackamas river; doing good business, no competition, residence, store building and stock will Invoice about $2000; postoffice in build ing:. This lg a money maker and no ex pense. If interested write or call on H. B. Snyder. Cazadero, Or. No agents. WANTED A partner in a new patd. clothes reel; should be a good sales agent to go to Seattle to manufacture and place agpntg In field; small amount of money needed; also one man In San Francisco; the first man to get choice, as I have all I can handle here in Portland. Call 840 Sandy bldv. Phone E. 6127. illiM"T OVEBLOOKTfiaE TILT- V Ml. Trades of Every Kind stores, apt. houses, rooming estaurants, houses, lots, msr aciage. Anytning you want. 02 ( ouch SIclK V-HiXrryl Hurry! 9otrcom, cigars and soft (Slinks; k and fixtures at 60 cents on the Poo" stock dollar. Rent $12. P0 SEE HALL, 612-13 PANAMA BLDG. Grocery and Delicatessen Nice, clean stock and fixtures: 3 liv ing rooms; apartment house district. Worth $650; will take $350. terms. SEE HALL, 612-13 PANAMA RLDO. Store Ownefs, Take Notice! Lady has cash and clear lots o' acreage, wants small grocery or con fectlonerv. Ooddard. 502 Cou(?h bldg. FOR SALE Pool hall and soft drink and card room on Washington st. Small amount of money will handle; deal with the owner. Telephone Main 6895. MUST sell my grocery and delicates sen; going to leave the cltv. Will take naif of Invoice value. Make me an offer. Room 1, Railway Exchange bids Msln SMALL casli store; have opening for energetic man; pay you $100 month now, which can he Increased, ana bmail investment required. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. WANTED Partner in chicken busi ness, young man, between 16 and 25, with Inclination for poultry raising and $300 to invest; after first year his in come guaranteed $S00. K-921, Journal. FOR SALE Large rooming lious'i, mostly H. K. apartments, well fitted, splendid location, will tahe little cash, balance in real estate. K-S22, Journal. SPLENDID eggs, poultry and fish business, pay vou $25 week now and can be increased; only $200 required. Call room 329 Morgan hldg. FOR sale or trade, a modern up-to-' date Cfeetons auto popcorn wagon. For price, terms, etc. Address H. 20th and iA st.. Corvaliis. Or. FOR SALE or trade, furniture In a 24 room hotel, rent $20 per month. Will sell for cash or trade for acreage. Phone Columbia 276. LIGHT confectionery and grocery store for sale, located at 996 Com mercial ave. Cash business, $450 If taken at once. REAL snap, swell grocery, delicates sen, apartment district, paying busi ness; take $2500, $1500 cash, bal, easy. 410 Montgomery. DON'T WORRY. We can trade or sell anything. MILLERSHIP. 1 24 unam. or com. RESTAURANT and ice cream, A-l lo cation, good busines, cheap rent, lease.- 627 E. Division st. FOR SALE or trade at a bargain, mil linery atore, fine location, best In cltv. P-787, Journal FINE stamps, hinges, albums, etc., 8 a. m.- p. m. Columbia Stamp Co.. 94 North lth st. Main 7580. BUSINESS CARDS. Rose City Printing Co.. Third st. cor Taylor. MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE 27 CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con' tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. T. H. Lewis. 4 Lewis bldg. $3500, WANT first mtg., prefer farm. T-750, Journal.. . . 1 y 1 ' 1 af MONEY TO LOAIt KKAXi ESTATE t Continued OUR installment plan is the best and tirainr tn rn rr nr nov n. m nan 3ls.26 per month for 8 months, or -'i.Z4 lor so months, or $15.17 for 98 months nars a tlOOd loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. w e loan on Improved city property Or for buildlnir DurnoiM EQUITABLE SVG'S At LOAN ASSN., 242 8tark St.. Portland. Oregon. WE have money to loan at 7 in sums ranging from SlOuo to 12000 on im proved city property. R. E. MENEFEE & CO., 416-417 Rallwav Exchange Bid. Phone Main 403 W. LET US MAKE YOUR LOANS. 700 S $2000 9 $1400 8 $3000 7 Hi NEILAN A PARKHILL. SOS Stock Exchange bids. 3d and Yamhill. FROM $loy to o.uoo to loan at IS on city and farm property. GEO. E. WAGGONER CO.. sua reon Bldg. iiL-iiso loans on city and suburban" roperty; money advanced as work , grosses. W. Q. Beck. ai5 Kiiir.g Cr progr nlnt Main S407. iiu,uuu o-N iiioitgages. city or farui property, fire insurance. McKenzle & Co.. Gerlinger bldg. 2d and Alder. iuvj.vti lu huAiv in amounts oi tuu to $5000 on city property. A. H. Bel) a t.H Gerlinger hldg $500, two, (luuo, $1500. $2000 and $260J. J. L WELLS & CO.. 324 Chamber of Commerce $J.'O0 to $10,uuo lor immediate louns On imjroved property BOID REALTY CO., LEWIS BLDG. WE have money to loan on Improved real estate. The Oregon Home Build ers, 1380 N. W. Bank bldg Aio.t.i to ivtiu uu improved city, farm property, y. C. King. 314 Spalding aiuuu l. xr to aouuw io loau uu city or farni iirop-ri y Tabor 2520 uo .iou. ttt, $MUU, 1UU. 1UU 1-red W. Gemian Co.. 73a Cham. Com. 4u,uuu on i-t.cti. t'AKKlNUl'oW SO 4tn st Board of Trade Bldg. us sintiu loans, installment ioaiia Cellars-M urton v o., S26 Yeon bMg liuKXUAOii 4oana. 6V4 to 7 Oregon Inv A Mortal':-' Co., 170 3d St. iuiiiu.ub LOAiNei 6 anu i. Lkuis Salomon t .. :!nQ Oak st . near 6th. aau.Nci IO luall, b to SV. W A Co. sift Spnlillnir bids- ti. Seiu HAVE $3000 i o loan privately: farm or city: will divide. Y-938. Journal. MOMLTr TO LOA.'V CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 S A LA R 1 ES CH A TTKLH. Money 10 loan lo salaried people and otiiris on Luniture, pianos, motor cycles auionioliiles, diamonds, etc at .. P.. . , fc rua lermH or pay ment; 110 delay. Licensed by atate. lOaa iwu I Ml iH'kum ' - PMALK investor I can use totii of $i6(i(i i $ino amounis or less. ;i year . 'vear 1 o'i. Pr liLS t'.t- drawal anv tiirw. u.i biv- v..' bers count, other valuable advanlaiu-i you will appreciate. No fake but honest mail's proposition; best of ret - erentes. Please investigate Phono I Marshall i:ix. Z-963. Journal. Wti, nV. WVX&V fW il k: -it in small family aduUs; too .Ml' - If X I' ':0-0tM) at 'i, $40 000 seaintress. iofe.ected as one of th at C'r and other amounts. The Ore--family; small salary. N-869. Journal son Home liuildere, 1330 N. W. Rank . 4 . ; r-r nnr" bldg. FiJ'ANCIAL 01 1st and 2d morigages purchased; also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wawn 11 E. Noble Lumherniens bldn CHATTEL M O R T6AQ E S PUR--CHASED. INQUIRE 311 Dekum bid. HLUJ VV ANTED -M.1LE 1 PUBLK; EMPLOYMENT BUREAuT Hth and Johnson sts. U. S. Government Employment Offics Cooperating. WANTED TODAY. Section men. Quarry men. Railroad and logging road construc tion laborers. Lumber yardmen. Spotters. Carriage dogger. Raftsmen. Waiter. U. S,s dredge, near Marsh field. $40. 10 married men. lumber mill. 10 boys over 18. mill worlt 4 laborers, local factory. ALL JOBS FREE NO CHARGE. Main 3555. Phones A-6624. WANTED Men and women to qualify for government positions. Several thousand appointments to be made next few months. Full information fibout openings, how to prepare, etc., free. Write immediately for booklet CO 36$. Earl Hopkins. Washington, l. C. DELIVERY hoy wanted by an estab lished supply house,-one who Is neat, active and wants to make a business man of himself can get a good start and steadv position. Answer in own handwriting giving namf, address and telephone number. Box F-918, Journal. DO you want a position for life, with big pay. short hours and sure ad vancement? Then work for Uncle Sam My free Illustrated book DK 368 tells l.ow to get an appointment. Earl Hop kin; Washington. D. C. AN experienced tea and coffee sales man for city route, must furnish bond and good references, opportunity to advance for man that qualifies. Also solicitors. Grand Union Tea Co WANTED A good combination ma chinist and blacksmith for mill and camp work, steady work. Luedlnghaus Bros, Dryad, Wash. SALESMAN for wholesale fruit and produce line; must have acquaint ance with city trade; give references. W-7i. Journal. WANTED Hotel porter, apply Hotel Employes.' association. 60 4 tii iuchanan bldg 'EXPERIENCED weavers wanted for night crew. Apply ready for work, Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johna WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle. 1024 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Party to take contract cut ting 300 cords wood. Sell. 172. EMPLOYMENT department Y A. Brrvir fre to members V.. C WANTED Solicitor for creamery; state experience F-025, Jonrnal. MAN handy with paint brush. 3d after 7 p. m. 60 E. UELJ AATE1I MISC. 4 y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day and night ciavsses; training la repairing, driing and machine work. Including forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, eta; tune unlimited. Secuo pass at Educational office Y. M. C aV hidg- to inspect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C, A. and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 0-ft. swimming pool shower baths, gymnasium etc. $76 MONTH. Government jobs. Men, women - wanted. List of positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. I4B-0, Rochester. N. Y. OFFICE assistant;, salary and commis sion. Must have a few dollars con tinental PSoto Players. 87 Upshur st. WANTEDAamei men. Wishing to become Portland mail carrier. Vora mence $7 month. OX-$2, Journal. WATCHES cleaned or mainsprings put in, 60c Mention ad. J.- Wolf, Jew eler, cor. 64th st, and Foster road. UNCALLED. for tailor made suits. $6 50 up. Taylor the Tailor. tiVt Burnsldey HELP WANTED FEMALE I GIRL for light housework: one who prefers to go home at night. Call East 6673. YOUNG woman to do dining room work for husband's room and board. 51 N Zlst St. ; ' ' GIRL to assist with general house work. 682 Schoylef t. Telephone East 1984. - ' COMPETENT glrlfor housework and . plfvjncooklna;. jw$i n. 3024, HELP WANTED FEMALE ; j (Oontlnaed) .-:',-.'?. DEMONSTRATOR wanted; m i d d 1 aged lady, good ability to demo, strate kitchen article, obliged to 1 cltV! travftl hv antn M.TSK Jnnrri. city; travel by auto I w a VTr n T i . . . I ' , 2 children (one & and one ). Z-t? Journal.. : ' . j WANTED 10 experUmceM chocolat diDDera. True-Blue Hiacuit Co.. 6th and Davis wts" GIRL of some experience wanted ft general housework. $20. Main 292 n HELP WANTED MALE AND j FEMALE -2 WANTED A teacher to teach eleven t) and twelfth grades; able to teacu music and play piano; cottage on SchOo grounds, rent and wood fie. Wan school to begin the 1st of September, nine months' terms; one with children preferred; wages $76 per month. II f.--Mary Prlngle, cltrk, Dlsu No. U, Ulti Oregon. i aioiiiEK liAHhit-K HUiiooii want. men and women to learn the barbel :fad f,BO ' charge In s weeks; pi Uoi,",i,uref : J whU learnln- - "d 3 N. 2d st, ' "-y: MULER UAKttEK wants men and women to leato tb trade, paid while learning; tools free ?osi lions secured; summer ralwt; writ or catalogue. 4 N. Kd at i FREE furnished or unfurnished co rooms for man and wife, wife t look after 4 and 6-year-old boys durlii day. East 6504. ; OREGON HARRER COLLEGE Me and women to I turn the barber xrad In 8 weeks; positions guaranteed, jii. Madison. - 1 I LIT t ATION S MALE .1 STATIONARY engineer, 15 years' xi perlence, operating and installtnv engine in mills, wishes position la xi out of the city; best of references. A 1). lierr, tia E. Tilth st. N. Phone Tab' ti'ji. 1 WANTED Ry young man. oil vat auto repair Jobs or position , li garage. Experienced. References. Ta P bor 2351. BUTCHER wanls poitlon to takt charge or rent or run on chare small meat market. W-686, Journst PAINTING, paperhauglng, tinting, per room up. C, A. liar lies, Marshal 2828. Main 5549. - COMPETENT snou mechanics avn chauf.eur Auto school chauffeurs furnish ed by Y. M. C. A Main 7065. A-6S61. - I I'AINTlNii and papering, kalsonilnln. $1.60 a room and up; work guar an teed. 897 E. 34th st. ! Contractor fftS p V'K cement work. 8. 8. Klngery. Mar. 16v JOli wanted by young man as secoiv cook, camp or Ivotel. It C., K. Yt V. 4, box 67. Salem, or. 1' I OA Li, Woodlawn 41bi for buinmi spraying oi 11 eea unu roe. uw the lime. '' cii.-aiv i,inc wanted bv elderly mat A-l. all round farm hand, best references. W-992. Journal. y 1 viNDOvV cleaner, houseman wsjUt ; WOrk hour or day. Main a302. S ! M 1 DI LE aged single man wants hotn ! ' and small wages. "-'i. Journa CALL Broadway, ltiai lor painting ail', I Kalwomlne and save money. , ...... ' ...... . , ' J S 1 T L A f 1 0 S I " E.MA LU T tliV Af W. r. rt real r I hi a ' Wilt 41 41 I A LA U 1 warns woik 111 waanin, uvut Ing and house cleaning. rs. oeno; Phone Sellwoihl 24til. . v- t WANTED Work of any kind by th hour. Sell wood 6 fife. ' WANTED office work by competent experienced woman. H-182, Journal WOMAN wants day work. Call Alaui 8928. bllLA'XlONH WANTED MALE I AM) FEMALE ACTIVE man and wife. 60 y ears, rani any kind of work. SX-7S2, Journal VOUNG German man and wile wan Ull work on farm. M-475, Journal. DitESS.MAKJLNG . 4i EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires .8 limited number of customers at hi home; classy work, orders promptly1 executed; skins, ureases, suns. isi Woodlawn l3o. - - FASHIONABLE dressmaker, also aH terallons; latest ideas; home or by. day. Woodjawn 3522. NUlliSKS TRAINED nurse, own home, nice room with sleeping porch, electrls an massage ti eaiinenis. home comfort for -invalids. Tahor 2213. . MATERNITY nure. trained out Hot practical, very-reasonable. Tabor 4841 rOKNISHKl) ROOMS FURNISHED rooms for young men Jrv all parts of the city, also In T. M. Of A. bldg., especially desirable during the summer; fire-proof, telephone In each room shower baths, $1.76 to $4.76 per week, including full association mem-j berertilp privileges, gymnasium, awlm-f mlng pool, hand-ball court, and many other club privileges, run lniormamua at Y. M. C. A. business office or tele phone Main 7,165 A-6581. - " MMM MOTELS JOTH AND wAbHISUTUN bis. ' - Strictly modern, light, cool rooms. $2 to $4 per week; private baths. BACHELOR'S HOTEL Everything new end up to date. 'or men only. Tenth and Washington. Main 6319 iul rrnlf ic 1 tn mi Itfi (6) It In. II vn r- InJlLUU 1CL IUUiluluTii9mg Oak. Mod. ern. flreprwu. respectable, til week nt. $1.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern tur. rms.. central. i..e King, iw Jetr FL'KMSHED ltOOMS rmrvATB famtxt. 70 1 1 unMTH Nlra 1 a ri. front rnnm. modern, walking' distance. 206 Cable St., near Chapman and Mill sts. Mar shall 822. LIGHT, airy, elegantly furniahed room, all modern convenience. . walking distance. 25 iztn. ; -p ra.KAN. modern front room, reason able, give dinner. 20 N. 16th, near Wash. FURNISHED tent for ront,, clean, healthy place. 7 Kearney st. Mar, 12. ROOMS AM) BOARD P KIT ATE FAKXtiT. 73 WALNUT PARK Modern, quiet home, pleasant surroundings, airy rooms, food table board; reasonable. 1999 Oar' ield ave. Woodlawn 2026. NEWLY furnished front room suitable for 1 or i per"on"' an conveniences, excellent board or without, large shady lawn. East f604.. '; IN beautiful private home, room and board for one. Close in, east aide. $20. Main 6269. WILL two ladies room and board very reasonable? Chance to work for pavrt pay; Call at 554 E. Madison. $4.60 WEEK, outside rooms, bath, 3 home cooked meals daily, 284 Malnt( HOLSEKEEPIMG ROOMS ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room: 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.. $12 up. 291 Columbia St.. cor, tth. (nv m v f rv i-haBn. i'22 ta PI n a. corner 1st. 408 JEFFERSON St.. 2 nected. 2d floor, $10 p room Con ner m'inin, room. 18. CLEAN, pleasant .1 and 2 bouaekeep ing rooms; free phone and bath; rea- sonsble- rates. 193 West Fark st. SINGLE and suites, bay windows sleeping porchea. free lightVi phone, bath, water all hour. Mercedes, 0 Mor, r Ae $1 week up. 491 First si. bP.m ADIS.Free bath, hot, cold wat- ROYCREST, 176 12 th. Comforub .housekeeping- yoomsv, fe'.5..f; ; '1 t, f