.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. ..PORTLAND;. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 191B. 11 BRIEF-INFORMATION 1MTH DAT OF 1016, ) . t ' . : Coining Brent. ' ,Xi club taacbeoa at Boon, Mi 30. ITogreaalTe Business Men's cluo lnncheoa Ha- 4, at Boon, Imperial hotel Km ii boa mi UiMfcauu. uragoa butel, at noon, notary dab luncheon War at "o00 . Fouodare' day at tbampuec. i-a roorUi annual convention et faein eoeet division of Kallrloaa Education eeeociatloa at H.-r service eunieraoce ....... ..Har IX 13 a ad 14. . Oregon slate conference of aoclal ageaciea, U ba bela at bead college Ma 13-14. Mothers' oaf, Ida 14. M ' British aoclatr will eelebrate Empire da . May 314, It Pi m. Bike' Flag Da.-Juna 14. Tbird regimeot. O. M. G., eaeempment, July 8-14. Orand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, at Masonic Temple, Jana d. Eaatera Star annual communication. Imperial hnfr Jnna A. 7. 8. DaillcaUoa of Columbia River blgbwa. Jan 7. . Hum Festlvsl lane T, and 0. Pacific Fisheries Society annual convention. Fortiaod, Jana lb. Id. 17. Forty-fourth aonoal reunion of the Oregon Pioneer association at Masonic Temple, June S2. Municipal Park band coocerti begin Sunday, Jul 2. battery a leaves for training camp at Mon terey, CaJ., July 4. Grand Temple, Pytblan Slatara of Oregon, fcisets bere Jul 28-2. Contentious of Knights tf Pthlaa and Pytb lan Blatere will be bald la Iotland August 1-10. Ptblan Slatara Supreme Temple, meeta bere Ancnst 1-10. Twenty-third annual outing of Mazamaa to Tare Slaters, August 8-20. Today's Forecast. Portland and Tldnlty Fair tonight and Thnrertay; northwesterly wlnde. Oregon Tonight fair, light frost east por tion; Thursday fair; northwesterly winds. Washington Tonight fair, cooler east por tion; Tburada fair; westerly wind. Idaho Tonight and Tanraday fair. Weather Conditions. A moderate disturbance la moving southeast ward over Interior weatern Canada, and ttre re alight depressions ovar the Interior south weat and the Lake region and Ohio valley, re spectively. The pressure is Inrreasing on the Worth Pacific coast and high pressure obtains over the basin, southern Itocky Mnuntsln ana central plains statea, where frosts or freezing temperatures occurred this morning, l'recipl tstkv bts occurred In northern Alberta, Colo i rado, the Plains states, the .Mississippi and Ohl.o ralleya and Lake region. The weather la Warmer In Interior western Canada, WaslrnTg ton, most of Idaho, Montana, weatern South Dakota, New Mexico and the Lake region; It la cooler In the central Plains statea and St. Lawrence valley. Temperatures are 10 degrees r more above normal in eastern Washington. The conditions are favorable for -continued fair weather In this district tonlgut and Thursday. It will be cooler tonight In eastern Washington and frost will foim In early morn ing In eastern Oregon. Winds will be mostly northwesterly. T. FRANCIS DRAKE, Assistant Forecaster. Observations. Bui! Bun .park. 80 miles; Entacada park. 84 alles, ftabiiig and mountain trails; Caswmsh Bark, lit miles, overlooking Willamette; Co nnbU beach, etvi Vancouver line, batata: The Oak" park, oa Willamette; Vancou ver and Vancouver barracks, northwest mili tary beadqnartera; Wllbolt Springs, on Wil lamette Valiey southern; Willamette falls and Oregon City, 16 mllea south. Via Soother Pacific: Tualatin and Yam hill valleys, loop. Via Oregon Electric: Willamette Taney. Sa lem and Lugene. Oregon, Astoria; month of Columbia river, terminus Astor expedition. - Down by steamer or by rail. Hslnion canneries; Jetties. Fort Stevens; seining, gill netting, wbeela and trap. , , ML Hood, via Cloud Cap Ibn and Monnt Hood Lodge. O-W. R. at N. and Hood River Valley railroads, or auto via Colombia Hirer highway and Hood Itlver valley, or Govern ment, Camp, Rhododendron, Arrah Wanna, Welches. Maoldlnga. Mt. Hood highway east. Crster Lske. via Southern Pacific. Medfbrd and auto stage, or via Oregon Trunk or O-W. R. N.. Bend, and auto stage. Cares of Josephine, via Southern Pacific and Stage Ocean resorts: Seaside, Oearhart, Newport, Tillamook, MarsHfleld. Springs and resorts: Deschutes canyon and Central Oregon, via O-W. R.A N. or S.,P. A H Wallowa valley, Lake Joseph and Eagle Cap, via O-W. R. aV.N. Pendleton RouDd-Cp, Hot Springe, Eastern Oregon, via O-W. H. A N. Miscellaneous: Finning, banting, outing trips, aprtnge and resorts. Washington. Vancouver and military post; Mt. Adams, Mt. St. Helens, ice caves; Long Beach resorts. For further Information, rates and routes see Dorse y B. Smith. Travel Bureau. 110 Third, corner Washington. r Journal Travel Bureau, Broadway and lambill. STATIONS ha her, or Boise. Idaho. . . Boston. Mass.. Chicago, III Denver, Colo. Hea Molnea, la. , Dodge, Kan. Fnireka,' Cal. Fresno, Cal Helena, Mont-. . . : Koreas City, Mo Lrwlaton, Idaho. Marshfleld. Or.. Memphis, Teun. . New Oi learn. La New York, N Y. N. Head, Wn... N. Yakima, Wn. Oklahoma, Okla. Plttabiirg, Pa . . . Pocatello, Idaho. Portland, Or P. Rupert, B. C. Red Bluff, Cal.. , ttuseburg. Or Sacremento, Cal. St. Louis, Mo.. Salt Lake, Utah San Francisco. . Seattle, Wash, hherldan. Wyo. Spokane, Wash. . Tacoina, wasn. Thtoosh I., Wn Valdes. Alaska Walla Walla, W Washington, u.i Temperature a u .6 $u co o " - r- -8 , i - Xu Jo a un -3 X o.- 16 S s is 18 B J s ( O 72 -40 0 44 4 72 4. .... 0 54 2 74 M) 0 44 2 4a 42 .... .28 342 42 30 12 .12 442 m 44. 10 .02 :iS 0 B4 3(1 02 m 2 S 50 0 Wi 2 UO Rtl . . . . 0 44 10 04 40 0 44 4 52 42 12 48 4 4H 0 48 0 02 42 0 2 8 88 03 84 002 SO 60 12 .08 m 2 70 50 ... . o 502 SO 12 O 5U 8 82 54 10 O 44 4 frd I 40 10 .04 0 12 m f 54 12 0 420 GO I 40 0 50 :i 81 1 50 3S 4 48 :i8 28 HO 4 88 HO 0 402 82 40 0 62 4 82 52 0 40 4 58 44 .32 42 4 60 42 0 50 0 62 '50 . . 0 50 0 70 I 50 O 342 54 30 . . , . 0 54 12 70 i 50 14 0 50 2 7fl 48 0 48 0 50 48 O lirl 2 32 56 62 8 82 00 0 64 2 82 08 IP O TOWN TOPICS Wind velocities of lese than 10 mllea an hour and amount! of precipitation of lei than .01 of an Inch' are not published hereon. ' I Afternoon report of preceding day. The Journal's Scenic Travel Guide of Portland and Oregon. Columbia Sivar Highway America's most wonderful scenic road for vehicles. No grade exceeding 5 per cent. Hardaurfacing roadway past waterfalls and mountains through the heart of the Cascade range. See the Gorge of the Columbia. Hheppard's Dell, Crown Point. ( Lftourelle, Bridal Veil. Mist. Wahkeena. Mult nomah, Horsetail and other waterfalls. Bon neville fish hatcheries, Oneonta Gorge, Ben- ' aon Park and Wlnemah Planaclea. East from Portland via Base Line, bandy or Section Line roada. Trip up Columbia river by boat and return by auto. Council Creit. Overlooking city. 1100 feet ' blgb. view unequaled of Columbia and Wll , liuiette rivers, Tualatin and Willamette val , leys; Cascade and Coast ranges; snow peak colony of Cascades' (north to eaat on clear , days), Includiua .Mt. Kslnler, 14.408 feet; Ml. . 8t.' Helena. l(ft7 feet: Mt. Adams, 12.307 feet; Mt. Hood, 11.223 feet; ML Jefferson. 10,522 teet. Parka. Washington, bead e of ' Washington street. Flowers, shrubs and trees: children's playgrounds' 100, noteworthy pieces of sculp ture. "Coming of the White Mao.'' by Her lii a u Atkins McNeill, presented by heirs, of U. P Thompson; "Isacajawea," Indian woman who guided Lewis and' Clark, by Alice Couuer, presented by Sacajawea Statue association aud Heury Altaian. Ten minutes' walk. Pe ninsula, aunken rose gardena, eontalnlng mote . than 700 varlettea; playgrounds and tuodet community house. Alblna and Alnaworth ave nue. Laurelhurat. East Oak and Thirty-ninth. -Mt. Tabor, head of Hawthorne avenue. Mav : leay, Cornell road; nature left untouched; primitive forest and canyon. Forestry Building. Contains 1.000,000 feet ' of lumber; Lewis A Clark exposition grounds, west; hours, S a, m. to 6 p. in. Boulevards. Columbia and Willamette! en 1 clrcllivg peninsula, excellent views of barbot, shipping and 'Industries; Terwllllger., south on Sixth; Falrtuouut, east of, and Skyline, waat of Council Crest. Attractive viewa from Portland Heights, Klng'a and Willamette Heights. PuWio Institutions. City ball and historical eihlblt. Fifth and Madison; count court n house, Fourth and Salmon: Central library Tenth and Yamhill; Art museum. Fifth, near Yamhill: customs bouse. Park and Broadway; . Y. W. 3. A.. Y. M. C. A. Exhibit. .Oregon resources, fish and game. Flftb and Oak; Oregon Historical society, 207 Second. Typical bom sections Portland Heights, Nob Hill and Irvlngton. Harbor feat urea, west and east aide public . docks, motor boat landing, foot of Stark; boat houses tor river tours; shipping, modern -bridges, broadwsy. Railroad and Hawthorne. - Worthy of Motion. Skldmore fountain. First and Ankeny, by OUn H. Warner, presented by Stephen Skldmore. Thompson fountain, pre v seated by David P. Tbomoson, Plaza block, ' Fourth and Salmon; Soldiers' monument, . - Lowusdsle square. Fourth and Taylor. Chinatown, on north Fourth and Second t: street. Modern high and grade schools; school gar dens; rose hedges. - Portland Rose Festival, June T-8-9. "Weeing Portland," automobiles. 'Being Portland." trolley can. . -: View of business district from Journal build ing tower, Yeon building o Northweatera Bank building. Trip through lumber mills. Subnrsan Trip. VI P. R-, L. A P. Co.: Was Natlv of Canada. Mra. Lydla E. Boynton, who died Monday at the age of 69 ears, was .a native of Ottawa, Canada, and first came to Portland In 1884. In 1888 she became a permanent resident of this city and was known to a large circle of friends. Mrs. Boynton lived a quiet home life and for the past several years has been an invalid. She Is survived by her three children, Dr. Alice Griff of this city; Hall Boynton of Eddy vllle. Or., and Mrs. Ada Lewis of Frankfort," Mich. Funeral announce ment will be made later by- J. P. Finley & Son. Fifth and Montgomery. Army Officer Will Speak. Captain Robert S. Knox, U. S. A., will lecture tonight at the Central library on "Covering Detachments" and the use of troops in the defense of Portland, If occasion required. Old Tlm Storlea Told. Stories of bypone day3 In business In Portland as told by D. L. Williams, architect; Dom J. Zan, broom manufacturer; V. A. Robb, managerof the Western Un ion Telegraph cojmpany, and George Kendall of the Kendall Heatinir com pany, constituted one of the most In teresting programs the Rotary club has enjoyed this year. An added feat ure was thg rendering of several soris by Signor Polottl, tenor of t. Paul's cathedral, San Francisco, who was in Portland on his wedding tour. Kaon of the speakers represent businesses of more than 30 years' standing in Portland. Funeral of Mra. "Warren. Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Jane Warren were held this af ternooarom the Sun nyside M. E. church, of which she was a member. Mrs. Warren died at her home, 977 East Madison street, Mon day, and was 79 years and 7 months old, a native of New York state, and had resided In Portland for the pat 14 years, She Is survived by her hus band, J. C Warren, and six children Robert Warren and Mrs. Andrew Car rick of this city; William and John Warren of Seattle; Mrs. Robert Ram sey of Washington, D, C, and Henry Warren of Spokane. May Qet New Industry. Efforts ars being made by John Hall, special rep resentative of the New Zealand domin ion government In Portland, to start a movement for the cultivation of wattle bark in Oregon. This bark is valuable for use In the tanning of leather. The government of New South Wales has set aside large tracts for the cultiva tion of this bark, and Mr. Hall believes the Oregon climate is so similar that profit could be made here in the culti vation of this bark,, now eo much in demand. Ounnysld School to Entertalrf. An entertainment to raise money to buy pictures and other equipment for Sun nyside grammar school has been plan ned by the Sunnyside Parent-Teachers association, llrs. A. M. Webster, pres ident, for Friday afternoon and eve ning, in the school auditorium. The program will consist of drills, singing by? chorus of 60 gurla, recitations, 1 dialogues, musical numbers by Mrs. Evelyn Hurley - Denniey, a Maypole dance an crowning of the queen of May. Motorcyclist Is Injured, in a mo torcycle collision with a bridge trans fer car at Larrabee and McMillen streets at 6:15 last night, Frank Ma zurek, 22 years old, grain handler at the Alberj dock, received a fractured leg and numerous bruises and cuts about the head. Stanley Hams of 79 East Terry street, who waa riding be hind him, was thrown from the ma chine, but uninjured. Patrolman Mo Michael sent Maxurek to the Good Sa maritan hospital In an Ambulance Ser vice machine. Musical Program Tola Evening. With the hall filled with any amount of fancy articles, needlework and nov-J eltles of many kinds a four flays' car nival opened yesterday In St. Clement's church hall. Sfc Johns. In conjunction with the fair a program Is rendered each evening. "The Last Loaf was presented last night by the children of the school parish. A musical program will be rendered this evening, and on Thursday night "A Precious Pickle" will be presented. St. Clement's hall is at Smith avenue, near Burr street Biologist Will Xotnre. Members of Portland business clubs have been In vited to attend a meeting in the Cham ber of Commerce Friday night, when W. L. Finley, state biologist, will give a lecture, Illustrated with moving pic tures, on the game, fish and other wild life features of Oregon. Mr. Finley believes that Oregon people need great er realization of the state's outdoor re sources. ' Largest Officer la Sergeant. To fill the vacancy in the department caused by illness of Sergeant E. E. Lyon of the day relief, Chief of Police Clark today appointed Ben Wade, the largest marV of Che police department. during her free cooking school at the auditorium. Electric building, tomor row afternoon, at "2:80. Hughes' elec tric range will be used. . Refreshments will be served. . (Adv.) School Will OIts Playlet. "The Land of Nod," an attractive playlet, will be presented by the primary department of the Mount Tabor school on Wednes day evening, May 10. The play will be given under the direction ' of Misses Elton, Dobie, Davis. O'Brien, Muir and Paterson. Songs will be rendered by the pupils of the eighth and ninth grades. s- Anna Malay, who received 40.WO votes as Socialist candidate for gov ernor of Washington in 1912, one of the leading platform women of Amer ica, will lecture on "Bread and Broth erhood" at Arion hall, 231 Oak street, corner Second, Thursday evening, 8 o'clock. Admission 15 cents. (Adv.) Columbia Kivar Highway Stage. Two round trips Bridal Veil to Port land, dally. Leave Briday VeiL7:3 a. ro., and 1:10 p. m. Leave St. Charles hotel, Portland, 10 a, m. and 4 p. m. Saturday and Sunday evening, leave Bridal Veil 6:30 p. m. and Portland 11 p. m. (Adv.) Students to Visit Court. Students In economics in the commercial depart ment of Lincoln high school, accom panied by their teacher, Miss N. M. Rankin, will pay a visit to Judge Ga tens' department of the circuit court at 3 p. m. today. Founders' Day Excursion. To old Champoeg Saturday, May 6, steamer Pomona leaves Taylor street dock 7:30 a m., Champoeg 3:30 p. m. Most de lightful Willamette river Bcenery. Round trip 75 cents. (Adv.) Women Missionary Meet. The reg ular monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary society of the White Tem ple Baptist church convened In the church lecture hall at 2:30 today. Mrs. Lew spoka on China. Mission Will Meet Tomorrow. The Fruit and Flower Mission will hold its monthly meeting tomorrow morning at 10 a. m. at the Nursery, 434 Main street. Prize Walts Tournament, Cotillion hall, Wednesday eve. The Troubadour informals are the most delightful dances in the city. (Adv.) Steamer Jesse ItrUni for Camas, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington Street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) Irvlngton Clubhouse for rent, after noon or evening. Phone Main 394. Adv. Let TJs Build Tour Catalogues Bight. Former .fiesidents of Portland Separated Sr. and Mrs. C. O. Toung Divorced In Wanker as; Mother Given Qlrl; Cus . tody of Boys Wot Determined. TOoni has reached Portland that Mrs. C O. Young has been granted a decree of divorce from Dr. C. O. Young in Waukegan, 111. The decree was secured orK the grounds of cruelty. Mrs. Young was given the custody of the young daughter, and was allowed $150 a month alimony. The decision as to the custody of the two boys Is to be rendered later. Dr. and Mrs. Young made their home In Portland for several months more than a year ago, and, while here, Mrs. Young appeared in dramatic readings on numerous occasions under the au-si acting sergeant. Lyon injured himself in Deecmber. Captain John E. Moore, head of the day relief, after an ab sence because of illness since early in February, has taken charge of his re lief again, beginning this week. Irish Fair Draws Crowds. The Irish fair proper closes tonig.it at Hiber nian hall, but tomorrow night there will bo a grand ball. Tea waa being served this afternoon. Tonight there will be .music, speeches by candidates for office, a drawing of the gold Hi bernian medal donated by J. W. Mc Ginn, of Washington, and the booths will dispose of the last of their stocks. Woman's Guild Will Entertain. The woman's guild of St. David s Episcopal ; F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165, A-1165. Ad. church will entertain with a program, cards and dancing in the parish house tomorrow night, beginning at 8. Dinner For Six. "A family dinner for six" will be prepared electrically by Mrs. Elinor Meacham Redington, the famous domestic science expert. Good Time to Go. Shipberd's Hot Springs, Carscn. Wash. (Adv.) Dr. E. O. Brown, Eye, Ear, Mohawk building. (Adv.) Dr. D. E. Band has returned. (Adv.) 93.45, Marks' shoes. 24 Wash. (Ad.) WATCH : B30BXST QTJAtTTT. XiOWXST . PBICB COZY DAIRY LUNCH 823 Washington 8t Hear 6th, Rich Hot Cakes with our famous Cof- s fee 10 Choice Roasts, steaks. Chops. Chicken, - 'etc, lOet - - -- Many dally specials served In, doable . ; t " aniok tlmh , --. I Am a Candidate 73 Dr.B.LWrigut Elect Me Your Dentist And Ton Will Waver Keg-ret the Choice. Twenty years' successful practice entitles me to your consideration. The best work at moderate prices is my platform. Indorsed by all former patients. Painless Extraction of Tetta. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Northwest Corner Sixth and Washington, Northwest Building. Phone Main S11& Office Honrs. 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. Consultation Free.. 2 rats Broadway at Yamhill aafasssajBtSBfssssBBssssssssssssssssysssssssaaaB r v . TV UnitetFArtisans XHsTJBJB THE WHOUQ FAMXX.T Four Ud to Date Plans of Insur ance. Asset Over $1,000,000.00 ADEQUATE BATES Junior Department for Children -Permanency. Sociability. Reliability Headquarters 608 Beck Bldg. Phones Mala 12 20. A-1112 THE THREE -STATEf TOUR BOOK tells you where and how to go.v QCHVAB PRINTING COi 0BEN F.GREENE-HARRY FISCHER STARK STREET -"'SECOND Go East Through the Canadian Pacific Rockies Ride on the roof of the world along the pine fringed trails of this Mountain Wonderland. Go camping in the famousYoho Valley the very heart of mountain and valley loveliness sleep on fragrant balsam boughs under Hudson Bay Blankets in an Indian Tepee. Canoe on the rivers and lakes; fish for mountain trout. Glaciers, fossil beds, cascades with shifting veils of spray dancing down a thousand feet driving, riding, golf, tennis mountain climbing all at your service. Reached only by The Canadian Pacific Railway Carredten Pacific hotels at Banff, Lake Louise, Field, Glacier, Balfour. Everything Canadian Pacific Standard None Better. For full particulars caH, phons or write for Tour No. S-l 8, stV. MURPHY, C.A.P.D, Caaaila. Pacific Railway Casaaaay , - r SO lasra Street reruaasl. Give Public Satisfaction. This is the best way to advertise a business. The Brownsville Woolen Mills. Morrison at Third street, this week are selling suits made In their own shop from Oregon wool at $12.60, and calling It good advertising. You'd think well of it if you owned one of the suits. (Adv.) Card of Thanks. We wish to sincerely thank our many friends for their assistance, sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during our bereavement. George B. Gilson, A. J. Gilson, Charles Sitser. ( -dv.) It Is estimated that Sweden's water falls could be made to product K.009,- 000 horsepower, of which - leas than 1,000,000 at present Is utilised. USTstop at Hotel Uortonia. J You'll feel at Home on entering its kospitaU doors , That "atmosphere". Here are served cUlidous flavor of Kome-- served in a faultless man ner. Thats cutsine Tke recollection of charming meal lingers long after the price is forgotten. That's "mtursT The thing, that always appeals moderate prices.' 11m and Stark 12m and Washington Portland jsssssss.ssaaaasasssssssassassss..sf ...saaaaaassasjsiasX4-aJI Portland. id Has M anosome Well Dressed. ' Wo men as well as the most beautiful roses in the world. We flatter ourselves with having fur nished some of the STUNNING SUITS, DRESSES and COATS seen on the streets this season, and we wish to call attention to the new ideas of fashion in suits which we receive daily, and cordially invite those ladies who have not made selection of Spring gar ments to call and see our offerings before making purchase elsewhere. Suits priced at $25 to $100, Coats $17.50 to $65. ID) ft ii MLG OA Corner Washington and West Park raj Vtoiainiteisu Tow OTOE MIS If you want a clean way to travel and a good way to go TakeAeTVIILWAUKET Electrification of its main line over the backbone of the continent has elim inated soot, smoke and cinders per mitting unobstructed panoramaaof scenery worth seeing1. ( YonH enjoy The carol ortable ocomn dations and you'll like the little cour tesies inciden to Milvaukee Bervica. For rates, reservationa and literafcora apply to, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway EL K. GARRISON District Freight and Passenger Agent Corner Third and Stark Phones Main 8413, A-2601 V "1CaJ. ' ...' eftt. a Z 1 SSliBi.. ids! ' ,. asjSam. 111 r OO in Free Gold For the Best Slogan The GREATER PORTLAND ASSOCIATION wants, a snappy, . trite, expressive slogan. It must be as short as possible and , forcefully express the Idea of patronizing the INDIVIDUAL STORES. You can submit as many slogans as you desire, pro- ; vided they are mailed on or before June l, 1916. FIFTY DOL LARS WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE BEST SLOGAN SUBMITTED. , See the Windows of the Members of the Greater ; Portland Association for Additional Merchan dise Prizes. A complete list of merchandise prizes for additional awards will be published next week. These prizes will be on display In the windows of the merchants contributing the additonal prizes. ' Look for them, and ask any clerk or merchant where you see the GREATER PORTLAND SEAL DISPLAYED for any information: concerning the contest and the object of the GREATER PORT- LAND ASSOCIATION. Buy Your Goods at the Individual Stores and . Look for This Window Seal When Shopping . Por1Irndi Get acquainted with the individual stores inspect their 1 -stocks Compare their service and prices and you will find that It pays to buy your shoes at a shoe store, your furniture at a furni ture store, your clothing at a clothier's, your stationery at a sta tioner's, your candy at a candy store, your furs at a furrier's, your Jewelry at a Jeweler's, your drugs at a druggist's, your millinery at a milliner's, your gloves at a glove store, your groceries at a grocer's, your hardware at a hardware store, your plants and gar den seeds at a seed store, your sporting goods at a sporting goods store, your kodaks and optical goods at a kodak and optical goods store and so on throughout your everyday personal and ' household needs. Greater Portland Association Reed Advertising Co., Asst. Sec.,M02 Selling Bldg, ..I lliilllli Northern Pacific Ry. The Yellowstone Park Lute THROUGH TRAINS EAST NONE BETTER Get the Benefit COURTEOUS TREATMENT SUPERIOR DINING SERVICE Eastbound Summer Excursions Daily From June 1 Westbound Round Trip Summer Excursions now in effect, s Tell your Eastern friends. Or, let us give ' them full information. (Round Trip Homeseekers Rates TO MONTANA and return. Low, attractive. Let us explain them., TO CALIFORNIA, liave your ticket read via the "Great Northern Pacific S. S. Co." rom Portland on the fast palatial steamships, making train time (but 26 hours at sea) . Low fares, with berth and meals -r included on boats. Tickets and full information: 255 Morrison St. Phones Main 244 A-1244 A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A., Portland, Oregon I .ssssssasssaj-