V 4 OREGON DAILV JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY. , MAY 2. 1916. ..... . .. v REAL. WOOLEN CLOTHES CONSPICUOUS BY THEIR. ABSENCE - caita by Hysnasi H. Cohen POTATO PURCHASES ARE LlMltED HERE AT $1 .25 THE TOP PRICE Extreme Quality Occasionally Sella . at Highest Figure, But Bulk of Limited Purchases Is Arounu $1.10 and $1.15 Ccn.al. , . email purenases or; potatoes comiunc i , V7I )!.... w.ll.v nAnlta h ihlnMrt .inr.tfncr .Tiuam.m y -. tor California, but at best the buainee la coin- . para lively email and very disappointing. '.- Shippers tra generally offering 1.10(fJ1.15 ...'. cental f. o. b. country points for average " iiimlltv : stock with tioor srnff down to tl aou extra fancy around tl .20(11.25 a eentsl. Home of the ahlnnrrs who aoeculatefl rather ' extensively earlier In the season when aa high 31.40(31.50 wn paid In the conn try hate tuken rather heavy losses. Home of the deal era who have operated only on orders time Made money during the season, but those v. bo pu refused at extreme prices for specula tkin will' end the season with a deficit. New California potatoes are rather plentiful Willi qnalltr Improving- wltb practically every ehlpment. Sales ere reported generally at 4(H) 6; a pound for new stock, although a few tales of extra aelect Garnets in boxes are being made aa high aa 6a a pound. All of this stock comes from early sections, where the acreage Is up .to the normal, but a decreased production U anticipated In toe lata districts. Butter Market Is Softer in Spots; No General Change Market Price for Prints Continues About the Same, But Surplus Is Growing. There la a weaker feeling generally In t?ie butter market but no further general change Is announced In quotations. Willamette valley creameries aa well as those from Interior sections are experiencing much difficulty la obtaining a market for their surplus stocks except at a farther re duction of Hlc a pound for cubes. Average good quality eoustry made cube are finding buyers around 25c a pound, but the tradlns la forced. Occasional kales of something extra aelect are shown at 25-v4e, but poor tnf: la selling around 24Vc. Puget sound creameries continue to "scrip" FIT" cream suunlles and 'In some Instances ttey aro paying ict2c a r-onnd over the gencrat quotations In order to starve out some compel l tor. Naturally thl bit demoralized the trade because, the price paid for (at Is oft-times higher than the creameries sre getting for the manufactured product, liu ngnt Is salu to b-j waging principally among those having Alaikan connections nod on this trade they ar able to secure better prices than the general market. STRAWBERRIES ARE LOWER Market for strawberries is acsln lower wltb more liberal offerings. Florin, Cal., stock Is selling generally at I1.7&411.H5 per crsto, while Orcgona are going at (2.25 generally. GRASS MARKET RATHER SLOW With excellent duality asparagus coming for ward in large supply from all sections of the " Pacific northwest, the kcul market la rather alow. Local bunches are selllus at 00c to 1.00 a dozen, wltb Walls Walla at $1 a box for CHICKEN MARKET IS WEAKER Market for chickens Is weaker and generally Vic a pound lower for tbe day along the whole sal way. Bales of fancy hens are reported r higher than ITVjC a pound. Arrivals are slightly Increased. ASKING MORE FOR ORAXGBS For small slae oranges the trade Is a.-klng an advance In the south, altbongb tbe local market Is unchanged. Tbe trade here has been Imrbtug the large navels on account of .the Inilted crop of small sizes, while ths com lug valenclav crop la said to be mostly or sms fruit,- ' ' VEAL MARKET IS DEPRESSED Country killed cnlf market la rather de pressed along the street, with the bnlk ' the business in best quality at lOVbc although once In a while a small sale may be made at a fraction more. Country killed hogs are steady BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE . Cheese market continues to weakm. IHicks are in good demand at quotations. Live turkeys harder to sell. Egg market la geucrully Inclined to weak ess. j Price of fresh salmon reduced to 11c bound for Columbia stock. ," Cblttim bark Is slightly firmer at 4(344 pound. CATTLE DEMAND IN VERY EN AT EXTREME HITTERS' WEATHER NOTICE t ' Weather bureau advises. Protect unlpnwnt during tbe next 4a nours ss rar norm as Se attle against minimum temperatures of about 41 degrees; northeast to Npokane, 40 degrees; southeast to Boise, 80 degrees; south to Ash land. 42 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland tonlgbt about 48 degrees. JOBBING PRICES OP PORTLAND These prices are those at which wholesalers : Mil. to retailors, exeept a otherwise ststed: . Dairy Produce. BUTTER Prints, extr:n. 2tc; prime firsts. lUA.M'OUl AllOie San Francisco Los Angeles $10 in (Without Chang En Boat) Th Big. Clean, Comfortable, Elegantly Appointed" EA4UUia TBAaaBJs-Lr BEAVER Sails From Alnarworth Dock 3 J. May 6. 100 Golden Mils on Columbia Blvar. AU Bat Zaolud Berths and Meals. Tabia and. 8it1os TJnnxtxrtlad. Th Baa Tranclsoo Sj Portland 8. B. Co.. Third and Washingrton Streets wlth O-W. B,sl. CO.) TL Broad war 4900. A-eiai, -TWIN PALACES OF THE PACIFIC Portland $20.00"! to and San Francisco $17.50 First-Qass 2ic; firsts, 29t; cubes, extras. 27Q2SC; prime r:rsts. XoUXoci lira is. Villi -c per id.; uatry ll)(a.2oc HUTTERFAT Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream. Z7c; no. i, zoe. EGiS Selling price by dealers unsettled, delivery extra: Selected freeh, 22(3220 dot.; case count, Oregon ranch, 21 He. LIVE POL'LTRV Hena. heavy. Plymouth Rock, lTHc; ordinary chickens, 17c per lt. ; stags. 12c: broilers. Soil') doaen; turkeys, au 621c; dressed, fancy, 25c; colls. l17c; pigeons. (1 ret 1.25; sqnabs, gl.20 dozen: geese, five. HNffilOVic; Pekld ducks, old. 17c lb.; young and heavy, 18c) Indian Runners, 14c per id. rHEKBK selling prifle: Fresn Oregon rancy full cream twins and triplets, me per lb.; Youdz America, 20c. Price to Jobbers: Flats, 17e: Young America. 18c, f. o. b.: cream brick. 23(i24e; llmberger. 23024c; Wisconsin wheel. 84(U3tlc; block Swiss, 30c. Fruits and Vegetables. rRKSH I'RL'ITS Oranges, fancy navel. t2.W(Q3.23; bananas, Sc lb.; lemons. $3.W 4.28 box; grapefruit. Florida. tMQ53& cane; pineapples. oV4iic per lb.; pears, tl.n0i32.00. BtKKits strawberries, lor in, ioc; ore gon, 2.25. APPLES Local, $1.001.50 per box. accord ing to iiuallty. ONIONH No. 1. 11.73 per cental; No. 2, 11. SVul.DO; association selling price, car loads, S1.60 t. o. b. country points; garlic, 12Ui?: irew onions, Sl.Toui.OO crate. POTATOES Selling price: Local, fl.25 1.6S; buying price, ji. 10(1.23 per cental; new California. 4ftoc; sweets, s.i.&o. VEUCTABI.K8 Turnips. S5e dozen bunches; beets, ooc per dozen buncbea; carrots, 65c per dozen bunches; parsnips, $1.00 sack; cabbage, $.50 per cwt.; green onions, 25c dozen bunches; peppers, Florida, ffio dozen; bead lettuce, California, 12.25 per crate; celery Florida. IS. 50; cauliflower, local, fl.O0iftl.15 per dozen; French artichokes, 75c; aspara gus, local. 1 dozen bunches; hot- bouse cucumliers, $1 .00 1 .75 Jozen; tomatoes. Florida. t4.UO(u4.5; egg plant, 2Uc lb.; aurouta. tic; cranberries, eastern. Sll.SOig 12.0O per hnrrel: splnaeh. xi. 00. box; rhu barb, 1 rl 2c per lb.; peas, tic lb. Meats. Fish and Provisions. DRESSKO MEATS Selling price: Country killed fancy hug, lie: poor, MijlOc per lb.; fancy veals, lutac; ordinary. UipHle per lb.; goal. 2 fa 4c lb.; spring lambs, 17c lb.; mutton, loc per lb. HAMS. BACON, ETC, Ha ma, IS'Q-e lb.; breakfast bacoo. 17ti:tOc lb.: bo ilea bams. 30c lb.; picnic, 13c; cottage roll, 14c; Oregon exports, luKriO'.c per ID. OYSTERS Olyinpla, per gallon. $3; canned eaatern. 55c can, 14:50 dozen; eastern In she $1.85 per 100; razor clams, 12 dozen; east ern oysters, per gallon, sonu pack, gd.oo. FISH Dressed flounders, 7c: cUlnook sal mon, 11c; percb, 7fc4' per lb.; lolHter, 2-"ic silver smelt, Sc; taloion trout, 12-&C lb.; halibut, 11 it 13c; torn cod, 7c; black bass. 7 he lb.; uau, liJbc ih. CRABS Large. l.T.'i; medium. $1.23 dozen LARD Tlercea. kettle, rendered, 14 Vic- standard, 14 Vic. Oroceries. SUGAR Cube, $M.U0; powdered. $8.65; fruit or berry. e.io; beet, as.Oj; dry granulated. $8.15; D yellow, $7.55. (Above gustations are .-to days net casu.; HONEY New, S. 25(23.00 per case. K1CE Japan style. So. 2. 4c; New Or leans, besd, i t. ttB Vsc; bine rose, &'ic. SALT Coarse, half grounds. loOs, $10.50 per ton; 50s, $11.30: table dairy, 50s, $lti.ut); 10, $lti.50; bales, $2.25; lump rock, $2i per ton. BKAN8 8mall white. $7J25; large white pina, fj.iu; hums, tb.uu, u;uu, .70 red, fo.ou. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS Nominal buying ptice, 1013 crop, choice, 12c lb.; prime, 11c; medium to prime, 74itfc lb. WOOlv Nominal, 191 clip: Willamette val ley coarse Cotswold, d2c; medium Shropshire 31c; fine, Hoc; eastern Oregon, lsfqaoc. HIDES Suited bldea (25 pounds und np) 10c; salted Slags (50 Ibe. aud up). 12c; sa'ted kip ioa. to ..: lus.i, lit; salted calf (uj to id iiks. ), c; greeu Hues (.o ids. and lip i He; greeu stags iuu iva. ana upi, llic: are kip (la lbs. to 2.i lbs. , lie; green calf (uo to it, ua. i, xxc ury turn blues, xac: dry f lnt calf UD'to 7 lb. ). 30c: dry salt h des. 2.ic dry horsebides, each, 75cki$1.50: salt horse bides, each. $2.00tl3.0o; horsehair, v'c- ory long wool pelts, 20c; dry abort wool Delta. lCc: dry aheep ahearUngs, each, 10(ii25c; salted SDeep sneariiugs, eacn, io"jdc; coarse vallcj wool, at market value; medium valleywo at market value; mohair. 4S349c; No. 1 tal low. Be; io. i tallow. 7c; No. 1 grease. Hi- dry goata, long lialr, ;sc: dry goats, shear lings, each, lu2uc; salted long wool pelts April, i.wu..ju. tallow .o. i, ae co. -i. 7c: grease. 7c CHITTI.V1 OU CASCARA BARK Buvinff prices, per car iol, c; less tnao car lots, 4c UOUAltt laitt, 48(ftttOC it. Faints and Oils. COAL OIL Water white, in drums and Iron barrels, loc. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls., 02e gallon: ket tie boiled, bbls., B4c; raw, case, U7c; boiled Cass, vvc gai.; iota ol gauons, lc less. TURPENTINE Tanks, ttTc; cases, 74c gal Ion. WH1TH LEAD Ton lots, 10c lb.; BOO lb lota, lie: lesa lots, huc per iu. OIL MEAL Carload lota, $34; leaa than cat lots, saa.ou GASOLINES Basis price 18 He per gallon. Tourist, $15.00 and $120. Third Class, fa. MEALS AND BERTH INCLUDED. S. S. Great Northern Liner with th apeed of an Bxpresa Train. Sttamer Express laaves North Bank Station t A. 11. ' May 4, 9, IS. 18, 23, 27. TJCXXT OT7ZCB. 5TB ABT STAB.K. . ' Phonaaw Broadway 920. Jk-8671. FRENCH LINE . Conrpagni Oensrale Transatlan'tlqn POSTAL SOL VICE. SaiGnss From NEW YORK to BORDEAUX LA TOURA1NE May 13, 3 P.M. CHICAGO May 20, 3 P.M. RQCHAMBEAU May 27, 3 P.M. LAFAYETTE . . Jun. 3, 3 P. M tor nrroaiuno ilnr 0. W. BTHTGER, $0 Sixth 8t A. D. CHASLTOir, 161 HotTiaen Bt. 1. K. OA&aiSON. 0. M. St. Paul &. - D0R8IT B. BJflTH, lit Third Bt. H. Ciokson. 14( Waahingtan AH. KCSTH BANK ROaA f ilfth and Stark Bta. I. 8. MTAJtLAND, Sd and Washington St. B. DUFFY. 114 Third St.. Fortlasd, 5 BAtRD, 100 Third St Los Angeles and Baa Diego STEALSHIP-SYALEAKDHARVARD , Railroad or any ateamer to San FrancUoo the Exposition City. Largest, fastest sad th uaii - imroy xirsc-ctass pssssngsr snips oa the Coast. Avenge speed 28 mils an hoar. Cost $2,000,000 seh. , SAX rBAHOIBCO, fOBTLARO B ,. , X.OB ABOEXkEB B. B. CO. . ; t I task Bollanv AgMt.' , ' ; . Ul Third BL Msla 2H. AiSOf i-. 5f 1 D, at B, . B. , . . Salem Prime Pool Includes 1500 Acres Salem, Or., May 2. With approxi mately 1500 acres and 200 grower signed up, the SaJern District Prune Pool closed here Monday night. It 1 said there are 2500 acres of prupes in Polk and Marlon counties. Tito prune pool Just closed, ia the largest in the state and also the larg est ever formed In th Salem district. INTERIOR PRICES C. Ray- Beckley Returns From Fossil With Report Says Grjtss Jjots Are in Excellent Shape, and Stock Is Getting Very Fat, PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Bt'N Tuesday lf)9 Monday 4267 tiatnrday 443 Kriday 37 Thnrsdsy 270 Wednesday 2X9 Week ago 173 Vear ago 1N8 Two tears aao. . 1.10 Three years ago 12 ttle. . Calvea. Sheep. 73 5 S13 4.14 214 8"0 4.1 17 0 100 5 17 109 89 26 4 .. 814 zr, . . C70 If..! 2 45S '.:l .. 532 321 ' .. 234 Country Movement Of Wheat Showing A Slight Increase Baying for Eastern Mills Going On Some of Latter Using All Coast Cereals. NOBTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Cars- Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Day. Portland Tues.. 17 2 8 H Year ago 6 8 5 ' Season to date. . 0,779 l.M 1 TA 2fV Tear ago 15,729 187V 1803 1907 11S Tacoma, Moa... K X ear ago V Reason to date. . 6,500 Vear ago 8,762 S4 attle. Monday Tear ago 9 14 3 1932 WOOLEN C BE CURIOSITY TRADING LOTHES TO IN THE OF WORLD ..t9.Xxa.20 .. 8.90(38.95 . . 8..tO88.75 ,. 8.00lS.2o That cattle at Interior points are going out into the best grass known In the Inlsnd Em pire for many years, was the statement of C Kay Beckley, a prominent feeder of the Fossil section, who has Juat returned from a visit to bla ranch. Mr. Beckley is on of the owners of the Western Produce company of this city. According to Mr. Beckley, he has never be fore seen sub a wonderful stand of grass in the interior as at thia time. "Th cattle are waxing fat and the outlook Is exceedingly good for feeders this season, ' say a Beckley. 'Cattle are la such strong demand In tb Interior that I could have sold the 50 head I just purchased aud would have realised good oroflt without touching; the herd. My loreman tens me mat tne 2UO neaa or est tie I have on feed In tbe place, aside from the f0 bead just purchased, are doing well; In fact, have seemingly made no impression on tbe grams. Mr. Beckley saya that wool shearing la gen eral In the Interior and all along tbe Con 'ion branch of the O-W. R. A N. from Arlington to Condon, huge stacks of wool are shown. lie snys that the sheep hsve dune well and lambing a success. Hcg Market Steady. With only a small rim of stuff shown In the yards overnight at North Portland, market fo.- hogs is considered steady for th day. There wss nothing in sight good enough to test top prices during th dsy. General hog market: Choice light weights ;ood light weights Medium weights Bough and heavy Small Lot of Cattle. But small supplies were shown In tbe cat tle market at North Portland overnight. Gen eral trade conditions continue steB('y with former pricea still being uuoted by tbe general trade. , Nothing In sight during tbe dsy to tet ex treme values. Ueueral cattle market range: Ctoice pulp fed steers Choice grain-fed steers Ordinary griln-fed steers Choice bay-fed steers... Ooud steers Ordinary to common steers Choice cows..... Ordinary to common cows Choice heifers Ordihary heifers t'boice bulls Good to fair bulla Ordinary to common balls Best light calves Good calves Choice light wetghte Good light weights Medium weights Bough and heavy No Button Offering, While among the reported arrivals for the day at North Portland were three loads of sheep, these csme forward late Monday after coon and were not Included In that reoort. Ties came direct to a local meat company and were not really on the market. General mutton, and Iamb trade conditions steady. General mutton and lamb range: Select spring lambs $10.004310.50 Choice weight yearling 10.00 Good to common yearlings 9.00 8.50 Best old wethers 8.75 Good to common wethers 8.O0SJ 825 t'boice to light wethers 7.73 8.25 Best ewes 8.00 Good to common ewes 7.00 7.50. Tuesday Livestock Shippers. Hogs Sun Dial ranch, Multnomah, 25 head; M .Skl, Columbia, 23 'bead. Cattle While St Wilson, Columbia, 81 head b? boat. Sheep J. E. Weeks A Son, Wilder, Idaho, 3 loads late Monday. Monday Afternoon Bales. HOGS. Av. lbs. .$8.85Q9.00 8.T5 . 8.25(&8.40 . 8.ftOJr..73 . 7.50(tS.OO . 6.00 7.00 7.50 . 7.2537.a3 . 7.5o(6t7.'5 . 7.0uii7.2B . 6.5OU8.0 . 4.0Ofa5.OO . 2.002.70 8.00 .,7.00637.50 9.00 . 8.8068 90 . 8.50448.75 . 8.00U8.25 2 501 : . . . 828 647 .... f90 1 3 T 32 Season to date.. 7.448 1224 1955 928 f24 Year ago T.4961043 2140 1128 S2S7 There was a good sharp bulge in tbe price of wheat at Chicago early in the day's session, but later practically all of th advance was lost with profit taking and short covering. Liverpool spot wheat was d lower to 2d bigber for tbe day, following to some eitent the advance of Monday at Chicago. Locally there is practically no wheat being offered. A California milling concern has re-1 cently been compelled to seek supplies else where In tbe Pacific northwest because of tbe lack of offerings here. While there are quite fair stocks of wheat held here, none 1 avail able for tbe market. At Interior points a slight further increase in the selling movement of wheat Is indicated with prices holding steady. Mach more inter est in Pacific" northwest wbest is shown by eastern millers. It Is stated that sonic of the mk'dle west mills are operating almost exclu sively on Pscllc northwest wbest. BroomhaM cabled from Liverpool that wheat opened steady, with dearer Manitoba and win ter offers. Australian weather Is good for planting. Indian weatber la favorable. Wheat Is firm ly held, with no shipments. Arrivals of wheat In the United Kingdom are lighter, with Canadians very firm. FLOUR Selling price: Patent. $5.20; WI1 lrrcette valley. $4.90; local straight, $4.60a COO; bakers' local, $4.805.20; Montana spring whetit, $d.i0; exports, $4,5044.70; wools wheat. $1.65; graham. $2.40; rye flour. $5.95 per barrel. HAY Buying price: Willamette valler tim othy fancy, $20; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy. $2122; alfalfa, $21422; vetch and oats. $18; clover, $18. GRAIN 8ACKS 1918 nominal. No. 1 Calcut ta, 13ttQ13e In carlo ta; less amounts are higher. MILLSTUFrs Selling prle, carload lota' Bran. $23: aborts, $25-50. KOLLED OA T8 $6,600(1.75 per barrel. ROLLED BARLEY $31.506 32 50 per ton. Local wheat prices were firmer end generally higher for the day in sympathy with the early rise In Chicago, although tbe closing In the latter market was lower than Monday. On the Portland Merchants exchange May wheat prices were W2c advanced. May oals were steady at former prices snd barley bids were 50c a ton higher. Merchants Exchange May prices: ' WHEAT Tuesday Monday Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. 107 103 107 S 92 98 97 91 97 98 91 98 93 90 96 Manufacturers Not Able to Secure Their Requirements and Even Shoddy Kxpected to Prove a Real Luxury in Future. Brcestem . . . Forty fold .. Club Red fife Bed Russian 92 93 92 OATS Feed 2625 2675 BARLEY Feed 2700 2900 M1LLSTI FF3 Bran 2200 2250 Shorts 2400 2550 futures were quoted: WHEAT Jane blnestem June fortyfold June club June red fife June Russian June June Jnne bran . . June shorts No. 9s hogs 2 bogs 89 hogs 4 bugs 10 hogs 50 hogs 1 hog 5 hugs 5 hogs 4 bogs 1 bog 60 hogs 2 hogs 31 bogs 106 hogs P2 bogs 45 bogs 24 hogs 81 bogs 4 bogs 2 bogs 3 hogs 97 bogs 2 bogs 8 hogs 64 bogs 5 hogs 1 bog 66 bogs 0 bogs 1 hog 8 hogs 73 hogs 3 hogs 1 hog 7 hogs 8 bogs 185 340 200 185 162 185 400 435 120 165 140 190 .345 130 199 165 220 290 196 4O0 130 825 175 80S 140 J95 126 520 170 130 800 215 185 405 ISO 2(13 115 6 hogs 1R5 Chicago Produce Market. Chics go. May 1. (I. N. 8,) Butter poor; eggs anchanged. Butter Receipts, 6744 tubs; creamery ex tras, 32c; extra firsts, 8Uic; firsts, 30H'i Jlc; seconds, 2930c: dairies, extras, 32c; firsts, 81Cs31Hc; seconds, 2722c; packing stock. 26&27e. Eggs Receipts, 38.555 cases; firsts, 21c; ordinary firsts, 19'i20c; mlcceUnne ou lota. lQ20e; extras. 23 '4 24c. Salmon Catch at Oregon City Small For Opening Day Tha catch of salmon by com- mercial fishermen In the Wll- . lamette at Oregon City tha first of th Mason totaled about 16 4 tons compared with about 60 tons on tha same day a year aro. The decreased catch Is dua 4 both to th extreme high water . this seaaon as well as th fact that the new law prohibiting; net fishing near the fails has 4 eliminated some of the biggest catches of normal seasons. in I 7 bogs 0 nogs 2 bogs 86 hogs 8 hogs 4 bogs 3 hogs 94 bogs tt bogs 6 hogs 60 bogs 2 hogs 9 bogs 24 hogs 3 bogs 1 hg 89 bogs H bogs 0 bogs 8 hogs 3 hogs 9 hogs Tl hogs 3 hog 1 hog 6 hogs 102 hogs 98 hogs 1 1 hogs M hogs vl bog 1 bog 3 hogs 83 bogs 10 bogs 6 hogs 8 bogs 4 bog 180 450 130 200 430 310 430 170 125 135 100 2o 138 i:io 260 130 1M 135 280 87ft 820 315 200 180 170 135 180 175 125 170 800 450 475 190 132 400 ISO SO0 6S bogs 195 a . . . . . . . . 1 bog 1 bog 87 bogs 0 hogs 8 hogs 1 bog 7 bogs 14 bogs 4 bogs 12 bogs 7 bogs 12 bogs 1 bog 8 hogs . 4 hogs 7 hog , 3 bogs 1 hog 4 hogs 20 bogs 15 hogs 14 bogs 2-1 bogs a hog 1 boa 2 bogs 8 bpgs 4 hogs 1 HOST I hog 290 180 190 850 135 870 175 193 2f 160 t 240 05 820 120 81 125 - J 1 0 200 170 185 135 200 220 295 , STiO 42U 120 ....... iZO ) ! s M 100 .. 140 Price. $9.00 8.00 8.50 8.00 9.00 .( 8.40 8.00 7.35 6.10 7.50 6.00 8.00 2.75 6.00 6.00 0.10 8.05 8.03 8.25 7.80 9.00 8 00 9.00 7.75 9.00 7.50 8 110 8.00 7 60 8.00 9. CO 9 00 S.00 9.00 8.00 7 50 9 00 9.00 8.00 7.50 9.05 8.15 8.55 8.00 9 00 T.ftO 7 60 9.K ,50 8.90 7.75 f.:,o 8.00 fi.oo 7.50 8 50 8.1)0 t?.50 800 9.00 7.50 8.00 7.50 6.10 9.05 7.50 0.00 f.00 8 00 8.0 9.06 7.50 7.60 750 8.00 6.00 8.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 T.50 8.00 6.00 5.00 9 00 60 9.05 9.10 8.00 7.50 8.0 7.50 7.60 8.00 8 00 0.03 5.00 6.10 6 20 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 8.0 2625 2G50 2100 2:150 Bid. 104 93 92 63 4, 92 27O0 2900 22T.0 2500 Ask. 107 98 97 68 9 PEED OATS 2625 2780 FEED BABLaTY .'. 2700 2850 MILLSTUFF8 2225 2300 2450 2550 POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Wash.. May 2.-U'. P.) Onions Oregon. 2224c: Yakima. l'Sc. Potatoes White river $26(tf2S: Yakima Bar- banks, $3234; Yakima Gems. $30(34. Ban Francisco Market. San Francisco. May 2. (U. P. Pofatoe I'er cental. Deltas, ex-wharf, ordinary. $1 003 1.25 oer hundred, with No. 2 stock oOfflOOc: ditto. Shimas, $1.501.65: Oregon fancy, $1.60 1.75: ditto choice, $x.SUl.W; ditto ordin ary, xi.40gi.Dr, icisno uems, si.iwjftf i. .o: ditto Rnrals. $1.4O4fcl.50; Washington Netted Gems, $1.60(31.65; new crop. White, 22Uo per pound; Democrats, i''SMiW, uameta, 24 35 per ponna. Onions -Per cental. California ex-leehouse. repacked, $1.251.50; Oregora repacked. $1.80 fell. SO; Australiana offered at $2.90; Nevada oftered si.10. 2 hog 230 0.00 SHEEP. 261 sheep 96 $9 50 260 sheep 95 9.50 39 sheep"S 98 9 50 166 sheep 05 8.50 4 sbeep 137 9.50 21 sheep 90 9-50 300 sheep 83 7.33 BCLLS. J bull 870 $0 I bull 920 5.75 1 bull 1390 4.75 1 bull 121)0 4.75 1 bull 740 5.00 I bnll 10SO 3.20 1 bull 1500 6.00 STEERS. 26 steers 19S0 $8.85 16 steers 1100 8.85 2'i steers 1110 8.80 I steer 910 5.00 26 steers 1190 8.89 1 steer ....1000 7.00 7 steers ...1035 6.00 2 steers 750 8.26 13 steers 760 0.00 1 steer 530 7.50 3 steers 680 8.50 8 steers . 940 7.0 1 steer 1330 7.60 1 steer 1240 S 10 1 steer 1110 7.50 1 steer 1220 T.50 11 steers 1070 8.10 2 steers 750 8.25 COWS. 2 cows 1O70 $7.00 1 cow 1010 7.60 2 cows 830 2.50 2 cows 780 8.00 12 cows 1040 7.T-0 8 cows ., lOOA 6.85 4 cowa 867 4.75 8 cows 810 3.75 4 cowa 1175 7.00 I cow 1370 6.75 1 cow - 1120 COO 1 cow 980 6.50 1 cow 1020 e.o 1 cow 870 8.25 2 cow 095 6.50 1 cow 810 6 00 5 cows , 1295 . 7.23 1 eow 1430 6.50 STAGS. 1 stag 1160 $7.50 . HEIFERS. 20 belfers 690 $8.23 1 heifer 800 6.00 Tuesday Morning Sal. STEERS. No. Ave. Lbs. Price. 2 steers 775 $7.50 1 steer 670 7.25 COWS. 1 cow 020 $7.00 1 sow 810 6.73 SPRING LAMBS. 45 lambs 61 $10.00 YEARLINGS 1 yearling 150 $9.00 44 lambs 88 8.25 HOGS. A leading Portland clothing man mads the statement that so great has been the demand for cloth and clothing and so scarce have been supplies of wool that It would b next to Impossible for anyone to purchase real woolen suits during th coming fall and, win ter months. Woolen underclothes, a coord I no- to the trade. will practically be a thing of the past so far a the next season is concerned. Even shoddv la so acsrea thsr snch oWh. tofc- will almost be considered a luxury after present stocks of woolens are exhausted. eucn statements Indicate the real basis for tic present great strength of tbe wool market. World's stocks of wool, which have hen in. adequate to fill requirements during recent years, will this season fall still shorter of requirements. For the last two seasons Ameri can woolen mill Interests have purchased lib erally of English colony fleece in order to meet a portion of their Requirements, while some business of moment waa done in South America. With the English colony wools pro hibited from going elsewhere but to an Eng lish possession or sn ally, the American mills will be oonirtelled to take whatever Is offered in South America and in this country. In Soutn America they will meet with strung competition from the English and French inter ests and extreme price are therefore ex pected. In tha meantime ther 1 little business shown at Pacific northwest points, bee 1 use growers are not inclined to offer. While further fractional advances are offering In value sheepmen are holding off. AMElilCAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Denver Eoga $9.50. Denver. May Z Cattle Receipts 600, steady. Beef steers, $8(a9; cows and heifers. $687.75; calves. $10212. Hogs Receipts 31O0, 10c lower. Top, $9.60 bulk. $9.30(g9.40. Sheep Receipts 1800, steady. Lambs, $10,25 611; ewes, $8g8.50. Chicago Hogs $9.90. Chicago, May 2. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts 22,000, alow, 510c under yesterday s average. Lulk $9 754j.'9.85; light, $9.35 9.10; mixed. $9.5ogy.0; heavy, $0.35U9;lO; lough, $9.339.50; pigs, $7.2"((j9.00. Cattle Receipt 400, steadv. Native beef steers. $7.!0(ji9.9,"i; western steers. $7.854iS.70: stockera and feeders, $5.90WM tjO; cows and teifera, $4.20fi'.).4,"; calves, $8.2riif 9.25. Sheep Receipts U.0O0, strong. Wethers $0.75 69.25; lambs, $7.7o!tt 11.75. Seattle Hoga $9.25. Seattle, Wash., May 2. IP, N. S.) Hogs Receipt 82, steady. Prime lights $9.20(oJ 9.25; medium to choice. $U.lMfti9.15; smooth heavies. $S.fKiS.75; rough heavies, $8.0041 8.25; pigs, $8.00(38.75. Cattle Receipts 308, steady. Best steers, $8.50M9.00; medium to choice. $8.0088.50; common to medium, $6-50l&7.60; best cows, $7.i0ig-7.50; common to medium cows. $4.0041 6..V); bulls. $40. 50; calves, $7.50(98.50. Sheep Receipts none, steady. Lambs $10.00 011.50; yearlings, 4J.00(&9.50; ewes. $7.50Q 8.00. St. Louis Hogs $9.85. St. Louis, May 2. (P. N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts 10,500, steady. Pigg and UffhU, $7.60$ 6.73; mixed and batchers, $9.65(9.80; good heavy, $9.S09.85. Cattle Receipts 3600, steady. Nattre beef steers, $7JSOiilO; yearling steers and heifers, $8.50(310; cows, $5.60fa8.25; stockers and feeders, $5.50ij8.50: southern ateers, $5.75 8.75; cows and belfers, $4&6; native calves. $610. Sheep Receipts 1600, steady. Yearling wethers, $910.75; lambs, $1011.70; ewes, $7.504t8.85. Kansas City Hogs $9.75. Kansas City. May 2 (L N. S.) Hog Re ceipt 18.000, lower. Bulk. $9.45(39.70; heavy, $9.659.75; packers and butchers. $9.509.70; light, $9.359.6S; pigs, $3.25ljx9.10. Cattle Receipts 60O0, steady. Prime fed teers, $9.359.75; dressed beef steers. $8Q 9.23; western steers. $S9.40; stockera and feeders, $7rfi8-75; bulla, 5. 70(37.50; calvea. $0.50(310.50. Sheep Receipts 9000, strong. Lambs, $11Q 11.85; yearlings, $0.7510.75; wethers, $3.75 29.50; ewes. $8&8.85. Omaha Hops' $9.65. Omaha. May 2. Hogs Receipts 14,000, lower. Heavy, $9.509.65; light, $a.40S8.55; pigs. $8(39; bulk of sales. $9. 45-39.55. Cattle Receipts 4000, steady. Native steers, $S(&9.50; cows and heifers, $6.75Q8.25; west ern steers, $7.508.75; Texas steers. $7(3 7.75. Sheep Receipts 8000, strong. Yearlings, $8.50(310.50: wethers, $8.25(69.25; lambs, $10.50(11.60. DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST San Francisco Market, Sail Francisco, Cal.. May 2. (C. P.) Butter Extras. 24c; prime firsts, 23ViC; firsts 23c. Eggs Extras 21c; firsts, 20c; pullets, 19c, Cheese Californis fancy. 12Vic; firsts, 11c. Sattls Market. Seattle, May 2. (TJ. P.) Butter Native Washington creamery, brick 29c; ditto, solid pack. 28c Cheese Oregon triplets, 21c; Wisconsin triplets 21c; ditto twins. 21c; x'oung America 22c. Kgf Select ranch, 25c. BANK STATEMENTS OP COAST Portland Banks. This week. Tesr sen ...$ 2,488,288.63 $2.4(12.321.86 ... ii.uVO.8da. 31 1,7(19,799.94 Taoome, Banks, $ 413,405.00 40.336.00 Seattle Banks. Clearings $ 2,714,608.00 Balances 408,516.00 Clearings Monday Tuesday Clearings Balances 11 bogs 211 3 bogs 170 2 bogs 170 6 hog .v i 220 2 hogs i 275 I 5 hogs 192 1 nog 01U 2 bogs 450 1 bos 810 S hogs 170 2 hogs 275 5 bogs, 170 5, bogs 192 1 hog .'. 150 2- bogs, ,. -H 1 bog 160 4 hogs 167 8 bog ....t... ....... 200 1 hog 410 8 hogs IIS $9.10 9.10 6.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 8.50 8.00 8.00 8.10 6.00 6.00 9.00 9.00 .o 9.00 8.00 8.10 8.00 T.50 Early Advance in Stocks. Lost Later On Bear Movement New Tor. May 2. Tbers was a heavy ad vance in stocks at the open! oar of tbe market today. Tbts wss followed toward tbe close of the first hour by a general braak of half to three points. After tb rlesuoat process bad operated with th result of aggregate sales of 262,900 shares in the first hour, prices clear serous the board stiffened and the market looked to be somewhat rehabilitated. Railroad stocks were In high favor. Europe selling wti not as heavy as It has been, and tbe strike qnestlon seems to have been eliminated s fsr as Influence on stock price is con cerned. Extra dividend talk, based 00 enor mous earning statements, was tb dominant factor favoring the bulls today. Erie. New York CentrsI and Reading were extremely ac tive in the early trading, but notwithstanding this fact pricea advanced materially. Tbe coppers were weaker than they have been for some time. Anaconda and Butt sold down to only a normal volume of transactions, and the balance of the metal list readily reflected tbe general reaction. Tbe steel issues were slightly under yesterday's average place. The locomotive stocks were heavily liquidated, and values dropped considerably from steady opening. Marine preferred continued It active move ment into new hands, and the price ranged around 95 until the break, when it went to 91. Distillers and Motors wer speculative favorite, and Mexican Petroleum received It usual amount of attention, wltb a slight reces sion of values. Range of New York price furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 210-217 Board of Trade building: Description San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, May 1. No barley calls, on account of election. Spot quotations Wheat Walla Walla, $1.70 1.72; red Russian. $1.07H1.70; Turkey red. $1.77fe31.S2Vi; blnestem. $1.87vSl-90. Feed barley, $1.321.35; brewing, $l.S5(a 1.40. Whit oats. $1.40 1.42 14. Bran, $23g24.; middlings, $30(331; shorts $20(827. San Francisco Wool Market. San Francisco. May 1. Wool, npr nnnriA Humboldt and Mendocino. 8 months' growth 2123c; do 12 months, 25228e: middle cot.nL ues, B mourns growin; good, 1719c; do lair, luuiit:, oeu oiuii ana vicimtv. 'JIu.b 23c. St. Louis, Mo., Max 1. (I. N. S.I Wool uncnangeo. ' Oregon Apples in South. San Francisco, May 1. (I. N. S.l -Ann's, California. Pearmain, 90c (911.00 for 4 tier. 4 tier. i5efl$1.00: Jo 4U, tier. 70(S7Se- r.. rrrvr- und .liT!(rtiTl U4n. r, . 1 u. M -1 - ... - -o -. - i . , Newtown Pippins, 75cd$1.00 for choice and $1.254f 1.50 for fancy, and $1.60(21.75 for ex tra lancy. Eastern Barley Markets. Kansas City, Mo.. May 1. (I. N. 8.) Barley, 68c. New York. May L (I. N. 8.) Barley Steady; malting, 79c. Chicago. May 1. (I. N. 8.) Barley. le signer, maiung, uieisuc. Various Wheat Market. Liverpool Cash wbest, d lower to 2 signer. Chicago Cash "wheat lc -lower. Kansas. City Cash wheat steady to le lower, St. Louis Cash wheat steady and unchanged Omaha Cash wheat unchanged to c lower, Liverpool Cash Wheat. Liverpool, May 2. (I. H. 8.) Wheat Spot ro. i asaniiooa. izs lia: no. 3, no stock; No. 1 northern spring, 12s 6d; No. 2 red western winter, 11 6d. Alaska Gold Allla Chalmers, c Allis Chalmers, pf Amerloan Beet Sugar.. Auerican Can, c American Can,, pf American Car Fdy.. c. American Cotton OIL c American Linseed, c- . American Lluseed, pf. Anerlcan Ixh-o., c... American Sjnelter. c. American Smelter, pf . . American Sugar, c... Am. Tel. & Tel American Woolen, c. . Anaconda Mining Co... Atchlsou, c Atchison, pf Baldwin Loco..e Baltimore & Ohio, c... Bethlehem Steel, c Bethlehem Steel, pf.... Biooklyn B. T Calif. Petroleum, c Calif. Petroleum, pf.. Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c... .. Central leather, pf Chesapeake A Ohio.... Chi. ft O. W., c Chi. ft G. W., pf Chi.. M. ft St. P Chi ft N. W.. c Cliino Copper Colorado F. ft I., c... Consolidated Gas Corn Products, c Corn Products, pf Crucible Steel, c Crncible Steel, pfd Denver A R. G., r. ... Denver ft R. G.f pfd... Distillers Erie, c Frle. 1st pf General Electric General Motors Goodrich Rubber G. Northern. Ore Lands G. Northern, pf Greene-Cananea. Hide ft Leather, c Hide Leather, pf Ice Securities Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol Inspiration Int. Harvester luierboro, c Interboro, pfd Kansas City tontfi., e. Lsckawanna Steel Lebigh Valley Louisville & Nashville. Mtxlcan Petroleum Miami Copper si . lv. t T., c ....... . Kennecott Copper Missouri Pacific. ...... National Lead Nevada Cons New Haven New York Air Brake. . New York Central.... Norfolk ft W., e Northern Pacific Pactaic Mall - Pennsylvania Ry Peoples Gaa Pittsburg Coal, e Pittsburg Coal, pfd. . . Prefsed 8teel Car, c... Pressed Steel Car, pfd. Ray Cons. Copper .... Railway Sttl SprlDgs. Beading, c Reading, 1st pfd Reading, za pra Republic I. ft 8., c... Republic I. A S pfd. Rock Island Shatruck Arizona Sears, Roebuck ft CO.. Studebaker, e Studebeker. pfd Sloe Sheffield Southern Pacific Southern By., c Sontbern Ry., pfd Tenn. Copper Texas Oil Texas Pacific Third Avenue To.. 8. L. ft W-, e Union Pactnc, c Union Pacific, pfd.... U. S. Rubber, e C. 8. Rubber, pfd TJ. S. Steel Co., c U. S. Steel Co.. pia... Utah Copper Virgin! Chemical, c... W. TJ. Telegraph Westin ghonse Electric Open I High Low i Close 19 I 19-T4 2tt 20 27 27 foii 70V4 57 57 109 106 MM 624 '23 ' 81 62 72 72 68V 68 iiovi iiiii 127 128H 46 45H 85 86 102 1 102 1OOV4110OV4 90S 90 86 A 8' 469 26 'eni-i J(IH 22 i 8 '54 '62 R.V 94 127 53 43 '26" 94 83 62 86 52 164 77 40 llUSs 50H 28 148 45 112 16 159 22 4S '54 '62 'is" 95 127 64 43 '20" 94 83 62 36 52 164 -77 i I 0 lift I 60 'si" 28 i49 45 112 17 2" 76 6S 5 1100 70 79 69 86 '67 4 66 17 69 iM 124 111 27 66 "28"' 102 47 3 S7 89 '42" 48 108 83& iaa" '53 53 21 60 49 im 10 61 134 63 66 106 83 115 81 61 U 58 89 69 r.2 23 2:svi 61 514 6S 68 66 07 112 ion!ioo 127 127'i 45 U 45 SS14I 83 V. 101 H.: 101 a? i.V. .V. ft 100 ion If i I" fin I 8r.v 456 443' 130 "I 22 22 au I ae 166 63 63 110 e2 62 12 34 84 94 .l 12fll126 53 53 'm v-i 134 19 10' 94 93 80 81 .V... 114 10 in 60 85 61 163 416 76 40 119 49 ai 0 5) 7 27 1rf 146 60 B5 k. 1 1. 163 76' 119 4 70 79 99 86 66 105 124 111 28 66 '28 102 48 23 37 80 '42" 48 108 17 88 i32" !145 44' ma: 14 73 24 68 69 78 78 1Z4 I 65 96 BO ant 8 66 56 4 4 65 65 1T 17 59 59 i . 1104 104 I123!128 llljlll 1 Qf.LCl OA 65 55 102 Z7 27 100 uou 46 46 100 22 22 " B . VS . - 45 42 42 47 46 107 1H 82 108 16 82 177 126 127 ij."' y 51 15 81 Bl 69 69 47U 47LL 184 185 10 81 a 133 82 63 tR 108 108 82 82 1115 115 VIS. I OATZ 7 7 41 60 60 66 57 Total sale, 661.800 sUaras. Ex. dlT., 1. BOSTON COPPER QUOTATIONS Boston, May 2. Bid prieeav Adventure .. 3!Mex. Cons. .. 42 Ahmeek . 99 Allouez 67 Aj-cadlan ... 7 Baltic 2 Belmont .... 6 Bohemia ... 2 Butte Bal S Butte Sup 92 fa l X. irl. 111L Cal! & Hecla.552 Osceola Canada ls!" .ncy Centennial . . .16 1 iia Miami Michigan . . . Nev. Cons. . . NipiSBina; . . . North Butte. North Lake . Ohio Cop. . . . Old Colonv . . Old Domin. . Chief Cona. .1 6-16 Chino 23 Cons. C. M. . 2 Cop. Range. . 64 Crown Res. . 60 Dalv West.. S Davis-Daly .. 1 East Butte.. 12 First Natl.. 6A Franklin .... , Goldf'd Con.. 87 G.-Canajiea .. 49 Gran by 87 Hancock .... 14 Helvetia 35 Indiana 4 Inspiration .. 44 Isle Royal. . 28 Keeweenaw . 6 Kerr Lake... 5 La Salle 4 Ike Copper. 16 McKlnley D. 68 Maie.fe-tic .... 80 Mason Valley 3 Mao Gaa... 13 Mass. Mifrrng- 12. Mayflower . . a R. H. : Co.. e 4i Ray Cons .. 22 Banta Fe . . . 2 Shannon .... 0 Shattuck ... 32 Stewart .... 30 Success .... 70 Superior .... 17 Sup. & Boa.. 3 Swift Pack. .128 V? Tamarack ... 64 Trinity Tuolumn . . 36 United Fruit. 147 U. Pro S... 78 U. Shoe Mch. 6S do pfd 29 United Zinc-91 U. S. Smelt. 72 do nfd 57 V, N. Ver. Exn. 25 Financial Industrial, Development Not) Issues of Federal Reserre Banks Will Be Brought Into Ques tion on Account of Inability to DUUnsuih Between Tho4 oi Liquid Character and Those That Are Not- i I Utah Apex victoria .... Winona Wyandot . . . Yukon Gold . Barnes K'ngs Ton. Exn. . . . 41s Fdral asaaarT yapav Money aa Zssns It will not b long-. It la (en- i erally conceded, before th) kind of paper mony lsaued by tha federal ra serve banks wilt b a subject of con tention. Involved la ths question la whether or not ths banks, by their ac tions, are defeating: tbe principal pur pose for which they are organised, the issuance of an elastic and self-liquidating; currency. The need of this last named class of notes was met by per mitting the banks to issue their cur rency ag-elnat deposits of commercial paper representing specific industrial, commercial and agricultural transac tions. , The Immediate redemption of the commercial paper currency is assured by a deposit" of 40 per cent or their face value in void with the federal re serve agent- Immediately after the federal reserve banks began to issue currency in this way they also issued the same form of notes against tne deposit of an equal amount of gold. The reserve banks now have $165,000, 000 of circulation, only $66,000,000 t which originated with commercial paper transactions. The general pub lic is unable to distinguish between the two. but there Is a big distinction to be drawn In. the matter of their contrac tion and expansion In response to trade demands. The gold notes are Inelastic. The legality of the method of Issuance of the notes wholly backed by gold has been questioned in some quarters, charging" that the spirit of the law has been evaded, even if the end sought by the reserve bank, to conserv the gold of the country, was a good one. Federal Keserve Bank Votes a Hew Move. Two of ths 12 federal Yeserve banks have now begun the Issue of a second type of currency. They are known as the federal reserve bank notes but are no different in character from the current national bank notes of the present and paat and which the federal reserve system was inaugur ated to retire. As in the case of na tional -bank Issues they are secured by an equal amount of United States bonds. Two things are accomplished by their issue, however. One is that it provides a way for the national banks to dispose of the United 8tates bonds which they had purchased, be cause of the note issue privilege at tached without breaking the bond mar ket. It also permits the federal re serve banks to earn about 1 per cent on th currency thus Issued. As they do not have to pay anything for their deposits, all they can earn with them Is to the good. The notes are not dis tinguishable In the general mind from the ordinary federal reserve bank notes. Banks Perform Salooa Bervloe. Tha banks of North Yakima are being called upon to perform a service which until recent times has been largely taken oare of by saloons. The mer chants of East North Yakima have petitioned the clearing house to name a bank which may be kept opnt Saturday evenings to cash, workmen say checks. Prior to the passage t the prohibition law this service W divided among the saloons and. t) savings banks which' kept open fia urday evenings. By a ruling of tl Washington supreme court, growii out of litigation over the cashing c a check after hours, Bunday wl' Washington banks begins at noon c Saturday and continues until tl opening hours 00 Monday mornln This ruling caused all of the banV except one to cloae at noon on CTaf urdays. This bank served the ostr district There now has arisen a d mand for some place for the working men to cash their checks on the -eat side. It Is conceded that there Is I gap In th consideration of the, eo' venlence of their employes by' coi cerns which pay by check on Satti days and the accommodations afford? by the banks, which compels ator and other interests to bear the burde of meeting the difficult. Tbe Jou nal pays its force of employs on fi days as one way of meeting this dl flculty. j Eastern Financial Gossip.- Two fa tors were used in Monday's tradln The big earning reported of the eon blned New York Central Hoes vad th Pennsylvania system, and the ea Isfactory settlement of the anthracii coal miners' and operators' dlsput Higher prices and an Increasing d mand for Allver Is noted. The aveta? of 12 industrial stocks on Monday a 115.77, a loss of 1.29 from tbe prec(' ing session and of 20 rail stock 101.73, a loss of .05 by the same con. parlson. v.A X. T. Ooman Settled artvtlerswOv ing to the illness of his wife, XVI Co man, president of tbe Kxchange N tlonal bank of Spokane, will not JJ; able to attend the spring meeting p the executive council of the America Bankers' association, which meets Brlarcllff, N. Y.. next Monday. Mr Coman, John D. Hose, president of th Union Savings St Trust company, c Seattle, and R. W. Schmeer, casbif of the United States National ban) are members of the council from th chief citlea of the Pacific northwea' Mr. Schmeer left for the east todaj He will be absent three weeks. 1 Emery Olmstead Baturos Today. Emery Olmstead vice president an manager of the North western Natiom bank, who has been In the east sine late In March, returned to the clt today. Clarence Olmstead, who Sis went east at the same time, return to his window at the bank y es tarda BUvertoa Defeats lVtgtatiag Xssv The voters of Sllverton cast 288 vote against and 47 in favor of wiring th town for a municipally leased electrl lighting plant thus decisively defeat Ing tbe idea. On May 13. the coramu nity will vote on Issuing bonds tor ii nancing the establishment of a rrrunlcl pal water plant. I Chicago Wheat Is Down After Good Rise at Opening Chlearo, May Z. (I. N. 83.) The bnlls pot vrbeat price np at th opening of th pit today, but failed to maintain their position through the first boor. Baying and th ele vttlon of values was based principally on weather conditions and reports of green bng da mag In many sections of the belt How ever, general sentiment did ' not favor this aa a propitioos Urn tor bullish operation of a naterlal sort Greea bog sctivltie seemed to be centered ta Oklahoma, according ta moat of th statements. Tb local crowd bought heavily oa tb strenjrth of this factor and rrmmlsslon .boose wer Inside buyers oa any flight recessions. May opened at 118, np, and the low level in tb first hour was 116; The deferred fntnres dropped almost 1 cent ccder yesterday's closing prices. Prices of corn and oats wer fractionally higher at the opening and buying eemed of a good sort with the support apparently well maintained nntll tb general reaction occurred. Prices then held much better than wheat, which demonstrated tb fact that while the upward trend of these grain will b mors or lea controlled by tbe sctWm ef wheat, th bresk sometimes establish tbcm In aa in dependent position. Ft an re ef Chicsgo price furnished by Over beck Cooke Co., 216 217 Board of Trad building. WHEAT. Open. HUrb . 118 118 . 118 118 . 117 117 O0BN. . 77 77 . T7 77 - T7 77 OATS. . 45 48 . 48 48 . 40 40 PORK. . 2400 24O0 . 2375 2380 . 2340 2340 LARD. . 1306 1305 . 1810 1807 . 1312 1317 BIBS. . 1305 1380 . 1290 1295 . 1305 1310 ADEQUATE 11 FOR ENTIRE CITY'S NEEDS IS NEW n, Msy July September May July September May July September May July September May July September My Jnly September Low. 114 116 115 76 76 76 46 43 9 2888 2360 2340 1296 128T 1267 1273 1277 . 1292 Close. 114 116 115 B 76 A 76 A 76 A 46 B 43A 8A 2386A 2365 2340A 1295 A 12SOA 12V7A 1275 1282A 1295 Xew York Cotton Market. Month January . . . March . . .. May July August . . . September . October . . . December . Husband Alleges Cruelty. Charging cruelty, Orson Hlatt ba filed suit for divore from Etta Jane Hiatt They were married at Miart, Or In 1894. They have three children. Open. High. Low. Close. 1274 12 fl 1270 1275 1288 1297 1285 1290 1219 1243 1318 1240 1238 1254 1236 1247 1248 1263 1248 1253 1255 1260 1260 1243 1266 12(6 1274 1284 1261 Member of Company Asks That Improvements Sug gested Be Made, Vancouver, Wash., May 5. -That adequate water service will be fur-i nlshed all part of the city by the North Coast Power oompany as soor as the recommendations to be mode bj H. L. Harries, a member of the eor-j po ration, are approved, was the infor-j matlon given last evening at the city council meeting try representatives oi the company. Mr. Harries said the company expects to spend about $60,000 In Improvements. The city, clerk was instructed to write W. Streeter of Portland that no further delay In regard to filling the old auditorium site would be eH cepted. This was In reply to a letter asking that further time be allowed them, as the owners contemplate erect ing: a building there as stoon as the new bridge is completed. 1 A petition of several residents in East Vancouver, asking for the. Im provement of Ash street from Tenth to Clarke avenue, and thence east tc its end, we referred tb the city ecgt neer and street committee. -1 M. O. Spurgeon, who operates ? a candy wagon, was given ample time In which to bo reconstruet the wagon to oonform with the provisions of tbe fire limits ordinance. j ' Divorces Are Granted. Vancouver, Wash., May 3. A num ber of divorces were granted Monday by Judge R H. Back of the superior court Mamie Martin was allowed a decree from Edwin Martin on the grounds of nonsupport and had her former name of Mamie Morrison re stored. Madeline Laraen was divorced from Em4l Laraen. whom she married in 1911. Abandonment constituted the grounds on which the decree was se cured and plaintiff was given custody of three minor -children. Hose Ghent was given a decree from Jack P. Ghent, whom she married at Hlllsboro, Or,, in 1112, and was given custody of the minor child. Drunkenness and cruel treatment were the grounds on which, the decree was secured. : - ' j - San Francisco Hop Market. San Francisco. May 1. Hops. 1915 crop, basis per pound, prices to growers: Sacra mento valley, 910c: Sonoma and Mendocino, 12e; Oregon, 212c; Washington. 912c. When writing or calling on silver titers, plesse mention Th JouroaL (Adv. New York Sugar and Coffee. New York, May 2. ' Sagar, ceatrifuga!. $8.46. Coffee New York spot So. T Bio, te; Ho. 4 Santos, 10e, -. . . . Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, Oraln,'Xte, gl 6-317 Board of Trade BuUdiag. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES - Members Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondence ef Logan eV Bryan. Chicago. New York. 1 Where Do You Want to Send Money? Drafts and Money Orders Issued on All Parts of the World. Extremely Low Rates to Europe First National Bank . OF K)RTlJiND Fifth and Morrison Streets ; v I Capital and Surplus - - - $3,500,000 information at Window No." 10 4 - . 1 '