THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTLAND, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1916. 15 CLEANUP GUNS OPEN RENB'ED ATTACKDN IERAL '! Captain Canfc Lieutenant Ashes and Sergeant Rub bish Put to Rout in Suburb, WOODLAWN IS INVADED Concentrated Assault on Tortlfica " tU&u of Tilth Ooaduoted by Bail gents end School Children. Battering away at the strongholds of j Dirt, Portland'a cleanup brigade re-1 ' nf wed its attack today, having men mm and conquered one division of the enemy, commanded by General Squal or, Captain Can, Lieutenant Ashes and Sergeant Rubbish, at St. Johns. .- . Reports from St. Johns last night Indicated that the trenches had been . cleared of enemy rubbish plies. Atro cities on the part of the invaders was charged, inasmuch as they showed no .' compunction whatever against burning - up the conquered hosts. Jacob Kanx lerj field marshal of the cleanup bri gade, was even gleeful today when he described, uncensored, the story of yesterday's slaughter. Woo&lawn District Attacked. Today's attack was directed at the Woodlawn district, described In the ' official war guide as District B. The school children of that big iea will all have a half-holiday this afternoon to make forays against the foe. The V BU Johns pupils were strong In battle yesterday, the mercenary spirit having . .' fixed itself strongly upon them. V Agents for the munitions works even , t" paid real money for the booty, and one youngster is reported to have cleaned . up a tidy $9 from the sale of tin cans, old lead ple, copper wash boilers and similar ordnance. Dr. C. L. Smith Id captain of the army that began marching against Woodlawn dirt today. Assitited by 14 lieutenants, ha got an early mart and ; long before noon the results of the campaign began to appear. The chll- dren will do their bit In the afternoon. Campaign nan uiven. Here is the plan of campaign: Each of the portions of the city, districted from A to M, has a special cleanup day. Eaeh district has a captain, who la aided by lieutenants. The firemen in the (districts also are In the game. On cl nup day for each district, the rubbish is to be. gathered from vacant lota, back yards, basements and where not, and deposited in great piles along the curbg of paved streets. Two days after the official cleanup, Tive-ton trucks from the street cleaning; de partment will traverse the district gathering up this refuse. Stuff which can be burned, however. It not to b brought, but burned. Ordinances re stricting the building of bonfires are auspended for the sake of the cam paign. So it goes from day to day and from - district to district. District : win H '.-cleaned up tomorrow. District D the next day, and so on. The cleanup of Portland harbor, which Is district M, Will be the final feature on May 16 The captains of the various districts have become so enthusiastic over the uoawof the plan-so far that they are 'planning to make It permanent. that, once cleaned, their districts may be kept so throughout the aum jner. v- To warn of fire damp in mines an Austrian has lnvenled a porous vessel through which the gat penetrates, makes electrical connections and rings a bell. NEW TODAY EDWARD HO L MAN CO. ESTABUSHX9 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AJTZ FUNERAL DIRECTORS . LADY ASSISTANT TKZB9 JlVS BAXMOS STBMTS. M-IW 807, A-181L, Amy Amount st (hn.. Baiitmaa a tkminu. n.-.- Cornsr of a'ourta and Stark a. Fearey Brothers. Inc. COLLECTORS 806 Peimm Bldg.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon lavestment U Mortgage Oo. Offices 802-4, 17Q 3d Bt. FARM LOANS Mortfaff) Company for America zoom 83. Alaaworth Bldg. yho-ns ssain eaei. Portland. Or. AUCTION SALES lOMOKKOW fmmm mi m m in mi 'ii 'fc. AT 1 P. m. at Ford Auction Co.. 1st st. Furniture, carpets, etc $11 AT Wtison Auction Humus, iks-a r Ksu ar in m .UNKT1NG NO 1IC h 41 PORTLAND LODGE Z01. regular meeting. Moose hall. Broadway and Mor rison st at 8 o'clock p. m., every Wednesday eve ning. Refreshments aft erwards. P. L. Proctor. secretary. SAMARITAN Lodge, No. i, 'I. O. O. F. Regular roeet ' ing Wednesday at S p. m. at I. O. O. V Temnl. ifi Alder st. lniation. Visitors always welcome. WILLIAM LINKLATER, N. G. . K. OSVOL.D. sec"y. WASHINGTON Lodge, No. 4. a. ana a. u. stated communication tomorrow ( Wednesday ovenlnar. 7:10. El 8th and Bumslde. Social. J. Hi RICHMOND, Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. 111. A. F. and- A. M. Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Visiting brethren welcome. O. li MILLER. Sec, I . F Y viiy aaa ran rrmrtl V v Sail M kriiai 41 ALL Knlghta TmpUr and their friend are cordially Invited to attend the dancing and card party to bo beld at the Masonic Tamnla Thursday evening. May 4. Ticket, at $139 the couple, may be obtained from Fred O. Jennlng of Henry Jennlng aV genu. Fifth and Washington streets, and Alex Oliver of Brady aV Oliver, Yeon rtuuging loopy. MT. TABOR LODGE NO. 42. A. T. A A. M. Special communication' Wednesday evening. May' 8. west side tempi. 6 o'clock. Th M. M. decree will H conferred br the degree tum from the police de partment. Visiting brethren welcome. t J. C. HENKLE. W. M. , CAMP meets every " Wednesday evening i In W. O. W. Temple. i 128 11th st. All mem be rn requested to at tend. Visitors welcome. W. W. OARROW. C. C. Herman Schade, Clerk. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons. Pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. 11-8 tn. IfiM Statistics marriagcs.Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Clayton W. Coleman. HOT DlvUloe at., legal, sod Grace H. Martis, 5W4 M at., legal. Laurence AuUxmjr HoulUm, HUaiuook, nr., legal, and Mae Rutin Brlmbal. 271 Broadway. U J' a 8tepbenam, 207 Aab at., legal and Wllraa L. Kloefc. T7Ui at. and Oth ave., legal. Alfred R (Jriffla, 36 Kearney at., legal, and Helen Freeman, 848 Lincoln at., legal. Ella B. Nllaen, Rainier, Or., legal, aad Aanette Korallne Reurlckaeo. 8Btt N. 23d at., " Jamee J. Burrow. 141 K. 9tb at. N., Wal. i ml Vavlau Hauillton Dudlej, 83Z Mlaslaelwl ave. legal. M ... Stanley Haahln. 3T I lib at., legal, and Lil lian Aplnam 415 101 b at., legal. Harvey Kly Brodereun. Center, Wwb , legal, and fiettle Oenett, Hotel Oonradlne. legal. W, G. Smith & GoSfvWW Third floor Morgan Bldg. Wedding and caraa. DK SS suits sola or rented, low prices, latest styles, all sixes; we buy dress suits. BareU's Misfit Cloth. 8tore. H 3d. DREBS suite for rent, all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 109 Stark at. BIRTHS M'l.N'TIRE To Mr, and Mrs. Chirlea D. afe- Intlre. 6S28 4th at. H. B. April zo, a daugliter. LEHMAN To Mr. and Mra. Frank Lehmann, W E. 7th at. N.. April 23, a aon. HOWEIJ, To Mr. and Mra. John . Howell. 04 K. Davla at.. April 2. a daugbter TRKNARY To Mr. and Mra. K. w. Trenary. 6.13 Cmatllla are,, April 22. a daughter, CRAXB-To Mr. and Mw. Joaer L. Crane, -7; .VbnT.ook. 846 E. 11th at.. Ann! 19 a dangburr. HKDBEKO To Mr. and Mra. Emil Uedberg, 31 N 17th at.. Arnrtl 27. a aon. ADAMS To Mr nnd Mra. William H. Adama, 2M5 K. Yamhill at., April Z.. a daughter. OHOKMLET To Mr. and Mra. James C Obormlej. 231 E. 78th at. N.. April ae. I dauebter. Bl KXH To Mr. aa Mra. wiuiain i. butub, 2(0 K. Coueb at., April 22. a daughter. FARM ENTER To Mr. and Mra. Charlea Par nienter, tl E. 7th at. N.. April 27. a daugh ter. DKATHS AND FUNERALS 73 WARREN At the family residence. 7T Baat Madlaon atrret, Slay 1, 1818, Mary Jane Warren, aged 79 ystri 7 monthi 15 dajt. Sbe learea bealdea her bueband. J. C. Warren, six cblldrcn: Mra. Robert Ramaey o Waaalngton. D. C; Henry Warren of Spokane, William and John Warren of Seattle, Robert Warren and Mra. Andrew Carrlck of this city, raneral aerticea will be held at the Sonny aid Meth odist Episcopal church, corner Eaat YamnlU and Thirty-fifth atreet. Wednaaday, May 8, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Rlrerview cemetery. Breeie A Snook In Charge. VL DMAS May 1. 19W. at the residence of nor parenta near Boring, Or., Catherine Jeenette Rdman. aged 9 roontha, betored daughter of Mr. and Mra. Otto 8. Rydman. Funeral aerrlcea will be conducted tomorrow (Wedneaday). May 8. at 1:30 p. m.. from Tearaon's undertaking parlora, Ruaaell street at Union avenue ndrtb. Frleodg united. In tel men t Roue dry Park cemetery. SPENCER At Roaebnrg. Or., May 1. Alra Spencer, aged 75. yeara, a native of New York. Tbe funeral aerrlcea will be held at the cbapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Bide fa neral dlrectora. 414 Eaat Alder atreet. at 2 p Wednesday. Mtr 3. frlende Inrlted. Tbe i inTiteo. A. -R .. decaaed waa a member of the G. A. Jl.. aervei In ComDany F. Twenty-third KewlYstk li fantry. " LEONARD In thla city. May 2, Iney ard. age 78 reara. beloTe of AaTies Leonard of Abrarvama, uta ither of H Wade Leonard of thia clt Ellea S Oter of Riddle. Or. mi held Wednesdar. Mar 3 Ices wiU parlors of Miller A Tracey R. cemetery. CCRTIS In thla city May 1, at hla late"reai dence, 519 Eaat Forty-fifth atreet north. John J. Ctirtla. aged 72 yeara. Tbe funeral aerrlcea will be held Wednesday, May 8. o'clock p. m.. at the above residence. Friej invited, interment at noes vny cemetery BETTMAN At the residence, 738 Kearney atreet. May 2, Goodman Betrman, aged 70 yeara 8 mem t hi 19 dara, beloved husband of Bertha Bettnian and father of Dr. Adalbert 0.. Dr. I. Monte and C. Hugo Bettman. Fnnera announcement later. BOYNTON In thla city. May 1. Lydla E. Boyntoa. aged 09 reara, mother of Dr. Alice Griff. Mra. Ada Lewis of Franktort. Mich., and Hal Boy n too of Eddyvllle. Or. The re malna are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley It Bon. Montgomery at fifth. ALEXANDER In tele city. May 2. Albert me, aged 8 yeara 0 nwntha. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Alexander. Remain forwarded by tbe Holm an Undertaking com- pany to Oakland. Cat., for interment CALDWELL Milea Caldwell, Multnomah coun ty hospital April 28. 61 yeara, gangrene of foot. GILSON Sarah Gllaen, 10.228 69th ave. 8. E., April 26. 40 yeara, valvnlar heart dlaeaae. FOL'TS Ida May Fouta, eS51 41at ava. S. E., ApriJ 27. 48 yeara. sarcoma of leg. CLA E K Arthur Clark, 331 Union ave. N, April 27, 3J year aareoma. CVRTIS Kate M- G. Curtis, 4S3 E. 13th at. K AprU 28, 40 yeara, chronic interstitial nephrltla. SL MMKRS Mary Bummers, 887 12th St., April 73 years, cerenrai nemormagg MARTIN FORilEb CO., florists, 847 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. TONSETU K LORAL CO., 286 Wash., bet. 4th snd 6th. Main C102. A-1102. OSCAR JOHNSON KLUKAL CO.. 7a Oilman st Mar. 3Z. A-1464. MAIN til lb; wreaths, pillows, $3 up. Sprays $1 up. Chappells.347 Morrison MAX M. SMITH, fionst. I41W bth st. FUNKItAL DIRECTORS Dunning & McEnteeSWgTft every detail. Broadway and Pine sta. Broadway 430. A-4658. Lady assistant. F. S, Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder st. Phone IQaat hi. B-2525. aTo. KENWORTHV CO. Two Establishments. Tabor 5267; 6802 Did st. Lenta. Tabor J895- th st. and Foster rosd., Arleta. Walter C Kenworthy lKg2-l5S4 E. 13tH. Sellwood 71. B-1122. viii i wu a TRAO V, inuependent lu neral directors. Prices low. as Ijo, 840 l0. Wash, at Ella. M. !t!l. A-788i. Ai Ri'Zellar G0irustvo0o?uc-io8 Lady attendant. Day and ntght servlca j I icai I luui vj uui ana aaruy. noa' lawn 3308. c-iiag. Lady emoaimer. o T - Dwmoe WUUama and Knoll Iti mJj I iwv isast 1116. C-1843. 1) -..lli-rt ast tOth and Glisan. Ku narnillOn neral services. Tabor 4313 ClCACQ undertaking Co. Main 4152 O r l v " ' A-23S1 Cor 3d anr id Clav CDIOOOM RESIDENCE UND. PRLS CniV.OUlNM. 1J3 A-3335. 48 Morr. RRKEZE & SNOOK. B-1252. T. 1258. iuze uelmont, at 34th. Lady attendant : JIEETIXQ NOTICES mm J 9 VI w sad airs W J 2 p. m., at thell In termen ta . JA . 1 lATV 1 W R FCSEBAIa DIRECTORS f Con turned) Tears of Experience : Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with Its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, in sures absoluta privacy, caus ing la no way a departure from an established .-policy of moderate prices. Kxperienced Woman Attendant. J. P. Finley & Son The Progressive FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Montgomery at Fifth. Maln9, A-159. IP. L U Undertaker. East lltn and Haw thorne. E. 781. B-1888. Lady assistant. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 264-286 4th St.. opp. city nail. Main 8564. Fmnp Nen a .sons, for memorials. "BU&tiSING CftANlTtlCCi M 2fe7-3ep9TCOR.MADlsaN BUSINESS PliOPEKTr H PAXeToVER it "per cent net" j On $11 500. cash required to handle; Pay 11 net on our price of $26,000; high grade brick apartment on corner lot in choice residence district. GODDARD & WJEDKiCK, 243 Stark st FOii SALE HOUSES 01 THREE GENUINE SNAPS East 14 th st., near Frankfort. 2 story, 7 rooms, full cement basement, lot 50x 100, street imp. paid. Price $2500. East Taylor st. near E. 25th; lot 60x 100. street imp. paid; 2 story, 6 rooms, full cement baaement. furnace, fire place. Owner leaving; for Canada. Price $3000. Schuyler St.. near E. 29th; lot 60x80. 6 room bungalow; French doors be tween living and dining rooms; bonded for $160. Price $3100. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark M. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $1475. Up against it. I must move; my modern home on 7 1st St., near Glisan st carllne: fireplace, buffet. Dutch I kitchen, cement basement. laundry !r?,ys;Jarff,Prc?: cost me $2450. Will , " I icitu iUlllCl, 11 V 11 V uroaoway ibts BEST BARGAIN YET. 789 E. Taylor st.; 2 stories, 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, full cement base ment, bath; fine condition; lot 50xlu0; owner sjolns; east: quick sale price $3000; no admission without permit, GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. 1 AM compelled to dispose of my nearly new 5 room bungalow; all modern conveniences, large attic; 1 block from Peninsula Park on Missis sippi ave. If you have a little money I will surprise you in price. White, Broads way l L658. Why Not Build And get a home according to your deals. I design, build and finance any building; artistic sketches free. See me before you build. N. O. Eklund. $18 Henry bldg. Main 681$. SPECIAL SNAP. 100x100. cor. Garfield and Going, with old 6 room house rented at $10; both streets hard surfaced and paid. Prlc. 13000. (iODDARD A WIET3RICK. 248 Stark et. BEAUTIFUL home -on view property, west side, close in, ideally situated, 9 rooms. 2 baths, sleeping porch, both home and price will make a REAL ap appeal to you If you are interested in a HOME. Y-939. Journal. BARGAIN On Whitman ave.. near Mt. Scott carllne. 4 room house (not papered), hot and cold water, bath, toilet, lights, gas range, good garden spot, lot 40sl00; $550. on terms, no in- erest- Phone woodlawn isb. $50 DOWN. $25 per month, buys a beautiful new 5 room modern house in good district, 1 block from car. Good plumbing. Dullt in rearures, wasn trays J. C. CORBIN CO., LEWS BLDG IT will pay you to let figure with you on tnat newynor our own archlteaftura We maintain rplan. financial and conatructlam artments. The Oregan Horns' B 1330 N. W. ankTjfdg. M ROdM "lideXr;e, on East 34th St., 150 cash, (1000 in 2 cuit. Best offer takes bor 1034. 0 ( fs) ylll buy 4 room, un- plaste hojfse on 60x100. use of 78Kh and Halsey. Jensen. 50x10 L0qont78Kh and Halsey. djafay 198. aNGimy eVilty of $1300 to o '!1 gfw me $400. 6 roorr Broad GIV. & ti vimi . rnnm strlnt. home. Rose City Park. Own- 5222. ! ONLY $T00 buys my 6 room house, good location, easy terms. Owner, Tabor 1818. I DESIGN, erect, finance and remodel buildings. Jack Hundley. 607 Pit- trrbVt block. A BARGAIN Small house and lot for sale, 8725 cash. 700 Liberty st. 8 ROOM house, $J5, to be wrecked. 182 2d st. FOR SALE LOTS 10 BUY "anDMAKE MONeV. ' 100x100. corner Prescott and Grano ve. all improvements paid; price $3000. UOUUARU & WlhJDKICri. 243 Stark St. 200 BEAUTIFUL lots in Milwaukee. 6c car fare; light, gas and water; $20 cash and $10 per month. H, G. Stark - weather. Risley station. Phone Oak TOVe l-A. 60x100 lot in Irvington, on 21st bet. Tillamook and lhompson sts.. sur- rounded by most beautiful homes -n ffli. "pno'nTasV 4,65bo,wnecVrery- WESTMORELAND lot. SUxlOO, near Reed collese. on 21st. Paved street.: sewer, all improvements paid. Sold to wood 681 &e" - - - m . i , Tjm-ry wavtu ,.n ?W oH; $500 snap, lot On Patton ave.. corner Portland blvd. ' BOGGESS & CO.. 208 Gerllnger Bldg. CORNER lot, 60x100, cost $1050, sell - aioc i.-,.- infrimot. ocie A1.AMEDA PARK 100x100 $92. Owner, 879 East Davis. LOT for sale, 1 block from Alameda Park: et-sy terms. $390. Wdln. 26-. - ACREAGE. rT - - - . five acres, near Oregon Liectnc; level in'iv.tinn- T.o, a-ht Vt . ?5Trir.- a L" CvU.ltilt ftoL.til weeks ago, but am going away and will sell at still greater sacrifice r 928 Commercial st. Woodlawn 436 NEW 6 room bungalow, $265i. half acre or more. 60 bearing trees; also suitable for factory site; good icrms Take Dekum ave. car to 17tii st.. J blocks north. 669 Buffalo st., Wood lawn CHICKEN, FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland. 2. 6. 10 acre tracts, ' nest eon. gooa roaas, near eiectnc, to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar la n d. 309 Yenn bldg.. Portland. DO you want acrea at Garden Home, 3 blocka from station; has sidewalk and . water and seeded to clover, for $1500 cash? Main 488. J. CASH, $5 month, acreage home. 30 minutes out, 4 oiocks to car. ZZZ't Washington, room 20. ACRE tracts on carllne, near city; naved road: $5 cash, $S per month. Fred H. Strong. 617 Chamber of Com. I b 87 Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line easy terms: will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1S8S or Sell wood 47. John H. Gibson, owner. AT FELLERS STATION. 10 acres, all fenced in and in clover; fronts on three roads; very best loam , soil; extra fine for potatoes or logan berries. For quick sale at flSO per acre. Only 23 miles from Portland. QODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. STJBURBAII HOMES 70 1-3 ACRE, good house. 4 blocks from car? 6c fare: fine for chicken ranch; a big snap; $1650. terms. Umbdenstoclc A. Larson. 306 Oak st. Bdwy. 1858. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7l SUBURBAN HOMES. Acre or half acre tracts, fine soil, gas and electric connections, Oregon City line, near Portland; small amount rfnain na tllr. rnt. Fait 731 or W- i 1R1 Journal. SOJ. SALE FARMS 17 COLUMBIA HIGHWAY -BARGAIN. 135 ACRES. PRICE $2250. 70 acres good tillable land about one third under cultivation. Balance pas ture and timber. Farm house. Small orchard. Splendid diversified farm, well located up Columbia river near school, posioffice, etc. Genuine bar gain. Real opportunity for any good farmer. S1250 cash reauired. Posi tively no trades considered. E-919, i Journal. RIVER bottom and bench land in Wil lamina valley, near good railroad town; running water, no rock; employ ment Let us show you 6 acres best soil with good, 4 room house, $25 down, $10 month. Or, 6 acres bench land, $25 down, $8 month. Or. nearly 6 acres with 637 bearing apple trees; $300 down, balance terms. Or, any amount of land, reduced prices, easy terms to settlers. J. R. Sharp, 667 Pherlock bide;. 40 ACRES Tlgard, $125 per acre. 22 acres in cultivation, balance all till able, shack buildings, good orchard, 3 V4 miles from Tlgard. 13 miles from Portland. $2600 cash, or trade for un incumbered city property on cash val ue, balance 4ft year a The biggest snap in Oregon. Do not submit any Junk on the trade baais. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of torn. 100 Acres $6500 Stock Crop, everything goea, 60 acrea in crop; room house 2 bams, 1 team, 10 cows. 4 heifers, 10 calves, all farm tools, ffne water, good orchard. Every thing goes, $6500, M cash, balance easy, 6. BUNDY. 411 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE Tualatin valley fruit ranch, 16 acres commercial apple -r.. msM- ,n,ir uitivntinn and pasture and timber; 14 miles from Portland and on Macadam road. Price a bargain: some cash, balance on i time. Phone E. 2540. . YAMHILL COUNTY. 200 ACRES, $4000. Six miles northwest, from. Carlton: j Panther creek, with big fall, runa through. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark FOR SAlo or trade for email busi ness, improved 8 acre ranch Just out side city limits of Newberg, Or. Ad dress 724 Lincoln St., Walla Walla, Wash. SACRIFICE, 40 acres, improved and equipped; small town close; not far from Portland; owner forced to selL Price cut to $2400. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. CREEK BOTTOM DAIRY FARM. 160. acres. 1 mile from station in Wil lamette valley; good buildings; price $S000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. PRUNES pay big. 1 have 20 acres. Must sell. Adjoins city. High school, fine soil and Improvements. Full par ticulars Owner Box 157. Riddle. Or. 40 ACRES 18 miles from Portland. V mile to electric car $1200. F. M. Chance. 616 Dekum bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 14 45 ACRES, house, barn and stock, 2 miles from Newberg. B14 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 6141. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 3d I HAVE a buyer for a 40 acre farmi must be close to city and well im proved; will not pay more than $5000: $3000 down. bal. on time. Inquire 65 N. 6th st- Portland. WANTED To rent farm suitable for a dairy not too far from oity; gooa soil, pasture for 30 cows. Sell. 747. or 1316 E. 20th st. WANTED 40 to 80 acrea Improved within 26 miles of Portland; $2500 cash first payment. U-716, Journal. HOMESTEADS 1 60 Acre Homestead Lies fine, good location; trout atream running through place, $150. 12.1-a.ere relinaulshment. meadow ana timhpr. trout creek: lies fine, close to : nls?hbors. 4 miles from town; live on i the aajOininK noniemeau. tv 411 HENRY BLDQ. tiOJlKS'i'lSAU relinquishment in Si leU, 14 months residence gets you deed, mile to town, county road, neigh bors, running water, adjoining farm, $400 cash. One cliam has 8,000.000 best timber in Oregon, house and clearing. $500. 405 Merchants Trust bldg. TIMBER 2J$ TIMBER FOR SALE. 940 nnrea ornorl fir tlmhor located On ' . 1 - ...... . wj.4 Vv.nraAn Tlllamnnlr City and Cloverdale; good location for mill; 5 room house. 10 acres pasture; good dairy farm when timber is off. G. H. FOLAND. TillamooK. or. SMALL logging or milling proposition near Portland; river and railroad; eajgy terms. Parker. 502 Coroett Ding. . ... , , rtT n-,. ... i uv-uimut, - 1 .an .rRrcj'.n nrr. in u-ht na. 1 r, :ri ..ZTj Tu"-1 ' " I Wml, t;iinn in Uw a a first payment, balance crop payment. i tin ncr 9rr, I M'KKNZIE & CO.. 615 Gerllnger bldg. 68 ACRES, IV. miles Molalla. SO acres trari' nuitv 'for stoclc nf CiVO ' 1 J UirdlCU, fOVOO, J1UI LB33.C . ; it,. . , v A j. Farmer. 4o7 Stock Ex. ',,,1 i.- ,i, imr.r-i rnnm ACREAGE Contlaaed). iiuubv, near vi i y intiiis, Auc mre, lul 71 IIUCIWI 111 fC, crvvi aUi.UUIVU.lt3 i lJrice $2500. Will take part trade in, business, fully secured. Can make i tleilr cjtv ,property. 605 Stock Ex- .$100 per month. Owner. Z-367. Journal. hld Main B765 nal. t,7 ACRES, 60 in cult., 4 R. iwjuse, good barn, vounsr orchard; water piped to i ' j , ., .1.' , iGAAn . nuune anu uo.i m , nci -i.uK.., fouUv. i Trade for acreage near Portland. a. IFIVE acre ranch. Vi mile south of i.ents. to exchange for ouriKalow in city. See owner, J. li. Nash, 7iJ Cham- , ber--of t'ommerce. Main al29. cicjin W .4 1 ITV m i rnnm fiio.l.-n ! house: street improvements paid, 1 hlnrlr r fur Sell chfan or IrkiU fur lieht auto r-7in Journal. I ACRLS. good buildings, orchard ! .end spring; want 8 room house about $50.)0, long time on balance. 961 E. 28th St.. N. wooniawn 2aS3. GoOD income trom commercial green house. Including modern 7 room res idence, might consider some exchange. ?, Hi'oi" Marshall 410 HAVE 3 improved farms to exchange. all or part, for -Hy property; 15. 5 . an T, O , n V 11, i " ,i??o tlaJ,a iiu leon ol1'- Marshall 243.. i szo Ainca nmuer wen iwaieo ior city property. oi. onance. tl Dekum bldg. 20 ACRES 15 cultivated, for city property or larger farm. 514 Brook lyn. Phone Sellwood 2086. PORTLAND improved or unimproved for any kind cf business. 312 Pana- ma bldg. TEN acres on Salem Electric: accept some trade. Wolfsteln. 712 Ch. Com. 2 OR 3 small bouses for 8 room mod arn. 312 Panama bid. CHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 ' toosmaaadt a tr&w uuuu mtuiAnura: FOR EXCHANGE 3 60 acres, stock farm, located 16 miles southwest Eu gene, Or., 15A acres in cultivation; 300 acres tillable when cleared; 80 acres in timber; 10 room modern farm house, 3 large barns, family orchard, 40 acres In clover; good soil; price 16 per acre. Mortgage $6S00, k years' time. Also 210 acre farm, two miles from the above v it acres in cultivation, uaiance uuiuer and pasture; four room bouse, fair barn; price $55 per acre; mortgage 33700. Will Include equipment and stock partially. Trade for farm in Montana, Nebraska, eastern Washing ton, and will assume. FOR EXCHANGB Stock of hard ware and furniture and notions, to gether with store building, on lot 90x120 feet Located In main buaineaa district; stock invoice about (7500; nice clean stock and good stuff; price of otock and property $10,000. Trade for farm of equal value -or might assume some. FOR EXCHANGE $25,000 income property, in New Westminster, B. C. Lot 130x130; income at present about $125 per month. Incumbrance $5500. Irade for land in Willamette valley or eastern Oregon. This is a good property. Submit offer. NORTHWESTERN EXCHANGE. EUGENE. OR. ROOM 9. BECKWITH BLDQ. WILL ASSUME MORTGAGE. 66 acres unimproved Ian. 1 mile from station, practically all tillable, Tine soil; price 84500; clear of incum brance; will trade for residence, close in acreage or farm and assume. LUEDDEMAN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. WE WANT GOOD CITY PROPERTY IN ANY OF THE WESTERN riTttTH WW n A VP THE BEST OF farms all over the west to exchange for same. the larg er the proposition you have to offer the better we3 will BE PLEASED. a VRirq jtr SMTTH. 501 NORTHWEST BULG.. PORT LAND. OR. PHON3 MAIN 7266. Trades of hvery Kind Grocery stores, apt. houses, rooming houses, restaurants, nouses, lots, iaxms. acreaee. Anything you want 602 Couch bldg. 40 ACRES. 16 acres in orchard. 4 aores in hay. 11 miles from Hood River, trade for city property; will assume, A. J. Farmer, 407 Stark t WANTED REAL ESTATE SI WE will sell or loan you money on your lot. J. C. CORBIN CO., LEWIS BLDG ROOMING HOUSES 63 You Cannot Lose , 32 room rooming house on Washing ton at., close in. rent witn lease iiu; take in $2 to $3 a night transient; lots of steady roomers; all on one floor: well rurnisnea; nas never soia for less than $1500; am leaving city. wu . k.v. . . v "- 1 ' " . - Ht,'Kt;'S a cosy home, 7 modern rooms, reception hall, one tenant for 2 yrs., pays practically entire rent; I am go ing to HOOd ttiver ana win give you a. real bareain. 8275 Includes fine oil paintings, expensive carpets, good fur niture, $75 cash, $10 month. 206 Han. cock. Williams or Broadway "arg. Rooming Houses All Sizes Prices range from $150 to $5000, Terms arranged to suit buyer or real estate acceptable. Goddard. 502 Couch bldg. Don't Look Any Farther Have several real bargains In room ing houses from $160 up; choice loca tions. SEE HALL, 612-13 PANAMA BLDG. on TWVfQ ,iAmln, IiAiib. fin, Laq tion. good furniture, bargain if sold this week. D-668, Journal, or phone A-2178. $600. part cash, balance easy terms, 20 rooms housekeeping; all rented; ex cellent condition, fin location. Phone Marshall 397. FURNITURE of 20 room housekeep ing, making money. Sell very cheap for cash. Marshall 897. 11 ROOM, first class furniture, 6 min utes' walk to postoffice. X-352, Journal. BEST bareain for cash; 14 rooms, all H. K.; furnace heat; good location. Main 4885, 10 ROOM boarding house, 6c fare from Portland; income over bo per wee it. Price $350, $50 down. Main B887. 1550 17 ROOMS, 2 blocks postoffice, all filled, clearing $90 month. Owner, 235 Fifth. BY owner, 12 housekeeping rooms, fine lawn, cheap rent, close in. Marshall 2594. 18 ROOMS, H. K., for sale by the own- er. Main 3628. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2i Store Owners, Take Noticel Lady has cash and clear lots or acreage, wants small grocery or con fectionery. Qoddard. 602 Couch bldg. BLACKSMITH shop for sale, good lo cation, shop, stock and tools, lease, good place for all" round man; selling on account of health. 1746 E. 17th st., Portland. PARTNER wanted for a small cash store business; want you to tend tbe store; also a little outside work: must be satisfied to make $100 month. Call room 329, Morgan bldg. Stores of All Sizes We can please the most crittCal. Easy terms. Goddard, 502 Couch bldg. FOR sale or trade, a modern up-to-date Creetons auto popcorn waicon For price, terms, etc. Address H. 20th and A St.. Corvalils, Or. PARTNER wanted to help in a solid automobile business; good pay and very little money required. Call room 3'-'9. Morgan bldg. BUTTER, eggs, light groceries, etc.; a strictly cash store for sale cheap and you can clear $100 month. Call room 329. Morgan bldg. LUNCH room, & living rooms in rear, rent only $12.60. See owner J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6129. . FOR SALE, eood west aide nrsen and : r.nii, ahn. nvor u ara n mmm-m. clears $150 to $200 per month; owner ' has other interests. Z-366, Journal. 0 BU1S a building and established : uusmesu. esrrcseni ovrner operaiea Imtiia 6 vpap RntemrisA CI ma n,r, xi , ------ ' ' aim imiruw mm. room hotel, rent $20 per month. Will sell for cash or trade for acreage. : Phone Columbia 276. REAL snap, swell grocery, delicates- ness: take $2600, $1500 cash, ba easy. (410 Montgomery. GROCERY and fruit business on Yam hill fat., will sell cheap. Apply 191 4tn s LADY- wants gentleman partner in business, small amount of cash re- q ulred. Call 404 Park. DON'T WORRY. We can trade or sell it; anything. MILLERSHIP. 724 Oham. of Com. RESTAURANT and ice cream. A-l lo cation, good., buslnes. chean rent. I""- nt j saLE or traa, at a bargain, mil I 1 . .. . f A I Tl..,... . llnery store, fin location, best in city. p-77, journal. FOR SALE: Restaurant, doing good business in payroll town, cheap rent. $4oo. Box zlz. vader. wash. FINE stamps, hinges, albums, etc.. 8 a. i.-6 D. m. Columbia Stamp Co.. 94 North 16th st. Main 75S0. BUSINESS CARDS. Rose City Print In Co Third st.. cor Taylor. MEAT MARKET for sale, cheap for auick Bale. East 48L iiOO BUSCNKS8 OPPOKTUXITlES 2J .; j f Ooatln ad) - DEMONSTRATION OK THE ECON OMY STUMP AND CORD WOOD SPUTTER I Come and see the demon stration of thia powerful and Quick working hydraulic machine In splitting toga into cord -wood and splitting ana pulling out any size of stumps, with all 1U roots, in shortest time, reducing the cost of land clearing to more than one half.. This our last demonstration for some time in Oregon, takes place frorrj the 2d to 8th of May, continuously, on Lom bard street, on tbe Miosissippi-Kenion car line, opposite the Peninsular school no use, between Patton and Demy sta. FRANK K. KENNEj. Addrefcs, 122 E. 30th st. N. Transient House 25 room rooming house In very heart of west aide business district. rent ao: all on one floor; price tejuay for all. $246: well worth $500. Peters. of course, 15 N. 5th st, Grocery and Delicatessen Nice, clean stock and fixtures: 3 liv ing rooms; apartment house district Worth $650: will take ISEO. terms. SEE HALL. S1J-18 PANAMA BLDG. SNAPPY confeotlonery and Ice cream parlor; doing fine bustness; 2 nicely furnished rooms, also nice garden and is cnicKena. Rent for all bio. win sacrifice for $360. MILLERSHIP, 7E4 Cham, or Com. MUST sell my grocery and delicates sen: going to leave the city, win take half of invoice value. Make me an offer. Room 1. Railway Exchange Dinar Main 898. BUSiNfcsS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 08 EXCHANGE equity in house and lot ana auto roaaster ior grocery stocto U-718, Journal. contract tonnage or by hour. Call Main 2463. MONEY TO LOAX REAL ESTATE 27 OUR Installment plan la the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.28 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $16.17 for 8 months pays a $1000 loan ana interest. Other amounts In nronortlnn we ioaa on improved city property Or for building purposes. EQUITABLE Eva's & LOAN A8SN 242 Btirk St., Portland, Oregon. MONTHLY INSTALLMENT LOANS on Portland homes, 6, no commis sion. One cent per day for a safe depos it box insures the safety of valuable pa pers. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO. 284 OAK. WB have money to loan at 7 in sums ranging from $1000 to $3000 on im proved city property. R. E. MENEFEE & CO., 418-417 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 4036. LET Us MAKE YOUR LOANS. $ 700 E $2000 8 $1400 8 $3000 7fc NEILAN & PARKHILL. 203 Stock Exchange bide.. 8d and Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAM. On Improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very flexible contracts; do commissions. COLUMBIA L.IFE A TRUST CO. 202 Stevens bldR. FROM $1000 to oo,uoo to loan at Vo on city and farm property. GEO. E. WAGGONER CO.. 805 Yeon- Bldg. 820-$350-J 800-$ 1000-1 4000 on hand for immediate loans on Im proved property. HU1U KEALTI CO., L.EWIS BLDQ. ooii.liiU loans ou city and suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. Q, Beck. SIS Falling older Main 3407. iuo.uuo ON mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKensie aV Co., Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder uOiNi io iajan in amounts oi tioo to ouuu on city property. A. H. Bell' 801 Oerlinger bldg $500. $800, $1000, $1500. $2000 and $2500. J. Lt WEIXH & CO., 824 Chamber of Commerce. WE have money to loan on improved real estate, ine Oregon Horn Build ers, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. Cash paiu rcr moriKag-es. notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. ri. L.ewis, 4 Lewis bldg. uuN b. V to loan on improved city, farm property. ij. King. 314 Spnldinc $1000 LP to uoo to loan on city or rarm property laoor Znzo. Iou. io. $ooo, soo, jizou. jisoo Fred W, German Co.. 732 Cham. Com. 840.000 OK LfcJbS. FAKHlNG 1'1N. 80 4th St. Board of Trade Hid. bbt. us Small loans, nislaiiiiieal tuaua. .:ellarw-Murton t o.. 825 Veon bids;. $3500, WANT first mtg.. prefer farm. i T-7&0, journal. alun'iGAUK LOANS, ti and Louis Salomon o.. 300 Oak Mt.nearBth. iiu.Sbi to loan, a to W. li. bens Co. 310 Spalding bid DUKiijAUb loans. 6Vi to Vc. Oregon inv. - aiortKaKe to.. I V i 3d St. HAVE $3000 to loan privately; farm or city; will divide. x-it38. Journal. NOTICE, building loans made without delay. Hundley, 607 Pittock blk. MONEY" TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried Deonle 'and others on furniture, pianos. . motor. cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. Licensed by atate. -OU1LAXSD lOAJS CU4IPa.Ni. 1 SO., an oeKum OMy. LOANS WANTED SO WE WANT $1600 ot 8; $1800 at 8; $11,000 at 7; $20,000 at 7, $40,000 at ; and other amounts. The Ore gon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. WANT $1000 for 3 years, 7 per cent on 6 room house, 100x100. Addreaa' J. H. Rogers, 276 85th st. WANTED From private party, $;u0 on 5 room bungalow. -2 Wks. from Firland sta. U-709, Journal FINANCIAL 31 1st and 2d mortgages purchased: also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wash. H. E. Noble Lumbermens bids; CHATTEL MORTGAGES PUR CHASED. INQUIRE 311 DEKUM BLDG. HELP WAMED MALE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14th and Johnson sts. U. 8. Government Employment Office Cooperating. WANTED. TODAY. First class welder. Farm hands and milkers. Railroad construction laborers. Section men. Quarry men. Coal miners. 4 raft men. Spotters. Yard men. Loggers. Blacksmiths. Berry pickers to register. NO FEE CHARGED. Main 3555. A-6624. AN experienced tea and coffee saies- man for city route, must furnish bond and good references, opportunity to advance for man that qualifies. Also solicitors, orand i nion l ea Co WANTED. A Koool combination ma chinist and blacksmith tor mill and camp work, steady work. Luedlnghaua Bros., Dryad, wasn. WANTED Good cabinetmakers. Kauls Mfg. Co., 26th and Nlcolal, WANTED- Man to clear land In lex- change ior r-ortiana or suburban property. 'l-tzz. Journal. WANTED Party to take contract cut- tlHsT 30 cords wood. Sell. 167?. EirlAibKNT department 1 9mr if.. 'mm. ... rr hmrm PAINTER by the day, one who has extenMon ladder. Phone East 56?l. . ij ,11.' ,111.1 BOY to feed platen preaa at Hi Lit Itum Mag. ERRAND: boy at Hi Dekum bld HELP WANTED MALE 'OraivtBaeal) WANTED 1 or 2 carriage wood work ers at Eureka Carriage Works, 327 Couch st. HELP ANTED 3ILSC Alt T. M. C A. AUTOMOBILE UCHOOL. Day and night eiasaes: ti ting in repairing, driing and machine work. including forge, latne. anapor. arm cress, etc.: tuna unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y. M. C A. mag, to inspect our anops and main odn. COMPETENT CHAUFFEUR AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN I. M. C, A. and Its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 80-fu swimming ppol. shower baths, gymnasium, ete. $76 MONTH. Government Jots. Men, women wanted. List of positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. S4-0, Rochester. N. Y. OFFICE assistant; salary and commis sion. Must have a few dollars. Con tlnental Photo Players, 887 Upshur at. WANTED Names men, wishing to become Portland mall carrier. Com mence $67 month. OX-932, Journal. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.60 up. Taylor the Tailor. 28H Burnside. HELP WANTED- FE5LALE at DEMONSTRATOR wanted; middle aged lady, good ability to demon strate kitchen article, obliged to leave city; travel by auto. M-768. Journal. PHOTOPLAYS, how to write them, 2(5 large pages, just out, representatives wanted. Editor, Continental Photo players Co., 897 Upshur st- WANTED Lady hair dresser, mani curist, out- of town, with little capl tal. Room 602-3 Columbia bldg. LADIES wanting work, $1 to $2 per day is made. Room S02-3 -Columbia bldg. WANTED, girl for housework for board and room, some wages; two in family. S-746, Journal. M' 4 TTCI l I J . . . . 1. nml.. tf K JourCn,Lilldren lne '" 8- Z'37-- i WANTKD lu experienced chocolate dippers. True-Blue Biscuit Co., East 6th and Davis sts. WANTED, girl to do housework and helD In store. 294 Russell St. OTitL of some experience wante for general housework. $20. Main 921. HELP WANTED MALE AND JFEALAIiE LlLLinLlu20 WANTED A teacher to teach eleventh and twelfth erades: able to teach musio and play piano; cottage on school grounds; rent and wood free. Want school tQ begin the 1st of September; nine months' terms; one with children preferred; wages $75 per month. Mrs. Mary Pringle, clerk. Disk No. 24, Mist. Ore'son. OHLKR BARBER SCHOOL wants men and women lo learn the barber trade free of charge in 8 weeks; posi tions secured; pay while learning, ti nd 38 N. 2d st. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade; paid while learning; too,ls free; positions secured; summer rats; write for catalogue. 48, N. 2d St. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men n n .1 n.n. . . t r. Inarn tViA V,o ruii ra. In 8 weeks; positions guaranteed. Ml Madison. V; ANTED AGENTS SALESMAN with pep and Ford can make $60 a week. Reference but no ouey required. Phone Sellwood 1182. 711 Clinton et. tITL'ATIOXS MALE .1 Cl'X i OK PORTLAND PUBLIC KJdfLOYMENT BUREAU. 14in and Johnson sta. EFFICIENT MEN FOR ALL POSITIONS. Salesmen, office men, clerks, me chanics, farm hands, house men, cooks, mill men. loggers, laborers etc. No fee charged employer or employ. Out of town orders given prompt attontlon. Main 3556. A-S624. STATIONARY engineer, 15 years' ex perience, operating and Installing engine in mills, wishes position In or out of the city; best of references. A. D. Herr, 265 E. 70th at. N. Phone Tab-r 694. WANTED By young man, private auto repair Jobs or position in garage. Experienced bor :'351. Reierences, ti- CHAUFFEUR would like position with private family or delivery trucK, well acquainted with city, best of ref- erences. Main 3662. BUTCHER wants poaltion to take charge or rent or run on chares, small meat market. W-586, Journal. PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting, per room up. G, A. Barnea, Marshall 2828. Main 6549. toMfi.NT shop mecbanica and chaulteura furnished by Y. M. C. A. Auto pfhool. Main 7066, A-6681. PAINTING and papering, kalsomlning $1.50 a room and up; work guaran teed. 397 E. 34th st PnntroMnr Building, plumbing. L-OniraClOl puttering, brick and rement work. S. S. Klngery Mar. 1688 STEADY place wanted by elderly roan. A-l, all round farm hand, best of references. W-995!, Journal. WINDOW cleaner, houseman wants work, hour or day. Main Z302. CALL Broadway, 1634 for painting and kalsomlne and save money. PAPERING and tinting, work guaran teed Tabor 6258. . PAINTING, kalsorfclning. rooms $2 up. Papering, tinting, mast na. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women s Department, City llaii. No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any line. promptly supplied. Office, clerks. nouaeKcepers, aomesuc, aay woraers. seamstresses. Marshall 4100. A-4128. LADY. 40. clean, respectable; will as aist in small family adults; good seamstress; respected as one of tbe family; small salary- N-369, Journal. LACE curtains, draperies, linens; hand laundered, 20c up: experts; refer ences, sen wooa ioo. MIDDLE aged lady wants housekeep ing or chamber work. Room 20, 374 Yamhill st. EXPERIENCED woman wants work. Housecieaning, etc. cei. wooaiawn 3772. ' LACE curtains laundered; 12 years' ex perience. Mrs, pcott. xaoor oata. CURTAINS, hand laundered; first class work. Sellwood Hi. EXPERIENCED woman wants house- cleaning. 20c nour. rapor 3ao WOMAN wants day work. Call Main 8928. DAY work of any kind. Tabor 6727. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ) AND FEMALE 23 YOUNG German man and wife want work on farm. M-475. Journal. DRESSLYKJNG 410 EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires a limited number of customers at her home; claasy wora, orders prompti executed; skirts, dresses, suits. Woodlawn -1883. FASHIONABLE dressmaker, also al terations; latest ideas; home or by day. Woodlawn 3522. DRESSMAKING by tbe day. able. Sell. 2417. reason- la NURSES OU TRAINED nurse, own home, nice room with sleeping porch, electric and massage treatments, home comforts for invalids. Tabor 2213. EXPECTANT mothers, out of town patients, convalescents or aged, pro fessional services reasonable. Wood lawn . jiAiEK.siTY nurae, trained out not practical, very reasonable. Tabor 4841 r CKNISHED ROOMS I DACIlf,W O VS4. I Everything new and np to date. I For men only. Tenth and' Washington. , Mala 3J FURNISHED ROOMS " " rcoattaned) v "-i BBJllMaaaaaaBVajs FURNISHED rooms for yoting wen all parts of the city, also In T. M. A. bldg., especially desirable during t summer: ftre-proof, telephone In e room, shower baths. $1.76 to $4.76 week, including full association me borsbip privileges, gymnasium, awi mlng pool, hand-lHtll court, and ma other club privileges. Full informatl at Y. M C. A. business office or te phone Main 7366 A-6541. MTEL;v 20TH AND WASHINGTON STB. Strictly modern, light, cool room in 4 per weea; private Datns. $2 Tiir i i m a ain II i Week I nC UnnLnltU ; w. MODERN BRICK; outside room; respectable; hot water, 26 Trinity a cor. Washington, bet, lith and 20th. Tent- Oak. Mo errvflrroroor rMDcta hi. 18 week $1.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, mode fur, rms.. central. T..e King, 809 Je FURNISHED ROOMS , rmiTATB yAKlXT. NICELY furnished rooms, modern ooi enlences. very reasonable, oantrs 404 Clay, near 10th. CLEAN, modern front room, reaao' able, give dinner. 80 N. 18th,, ne Wash. LA RG K, pleasant" front room ' wt, privilege of living room. Marsha near 22d. Ma!n 2126. NEATLY furnUhed rooms, $8 and' t Phone, light, bath. he at savier s near 20th. FURNISHED tent for rent, clea. nnanny piaoe. t( avearney at. .tarn, 1992. ROOMS AND BOARD pyxryATB fAicrxT. - j-1 WALNUT PA KK Modern, nuiet horn. pleasant surroundings, -airy room ! av'e16 IT M fu w liKK, outside rooms, bth. home cooked meals dally. 284 Maln HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . ONE room with kitchenette, comple ly furnished, steam heat, runnln hot and cold water, phone In ever room: 7 blocks from Bth and Morriso sta., $12 up. 291 Columbia at. oor. 6t COMPLETELY furnished J rooi apartment, $10, Including light bath, phone. Janitor service, waikin distance. 187 17th. near Yamhill. r. . r i r. ii ... i . . " . . i iii , nuii, central, lurnisnea nousckeei lng rooms: very chean. 22$ H Pint corner 1st. $1 TO $2.60 week; furnished H. K rooms, free heat, laundry, bathh phone, R, fln3, 203 Stanton. W-A c ir.m.r.ur,o, ivin ana Morrison-! in 2 room suites, hot-cold water, fur nace heat, $1.60 to $3 week. J NICE clean H. K. rooms, single or I sultes, walking distance. Call Mai 408 JEFFERSON st., 2 rooms con nected, 2d floor, $io per month, . mom. $8. ' . CI. KAN, pleasant 1 and 2 housekeei inar rooms: free nhnna a rvH . . V. i .... . , 4 . . ' .mm West Park st. 2 ROOM front furnished apartment heat and light; cheap rent 41' wjiunuintry. TWO nicely furnished housekeeplDi rooms, cheap rent. 376 Yamhill at j Ante ' week up. 401 First si milS.Kree bath, hot, cold wat". ROYCREST, 175 12 th. housekeeping rooms. Comfort til. HOUSEKEEPING llOO.Ui - 7i ,yACTrAimT. v' $11.00 Nice clean, 3 room Julti"iom U plete; sleeping porches; phone i'gnts, yard, overlooking river. 66 1 r. 6tn. Sellwood 110. Call after Sun day. v o lurnisnea it. K. rooms g rouni. floor, front, back entrance;' walking distance; water, light, bath. 844 Easi 2d St. N. East 1326. I 1 1 . ... . . . . . i in 1 1 ri, K. room's clOSO (l ijcfrlc light, gas. bath, phone East 1 6 8. - . . TWO nicely furnished rooms, lowei floor $2.25 week. Electric lights, water free. 507 Mississippi ava TEN days free, light sunny baaameiu. furnished, 11. K. room. Nice from attic room, $6 mo. 123 N 2Jd I .'X. and c'en housekeeplna rooms 81.50 and up; all outside rooms, fre llght phone and heat. Corner of Morrison. 15S icth st I HOUSEKEEPING rooms and sleeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished. WJ H. Starr, 328H N. 17th St. FURNISHED First floor, 4 rooms, piano, sewing machine, lots of fruit, una ;ara go. rnone Wdlwn, 209 TWO front, well furnished housekeep ing rooms, yard, sleeping porch, pri vate family. 433 Market ' 9 HOUSEKEEPING suite. 2 fine frorVi! rooms, free cooking gas. modern, rea aonable. 402 Park st. - HOUSEKEEPING Suites or single "at f.1, .rat"L children admitted. w water sno c ouimblt TWO basement rooms, $2.60 per week. Rooms with gas. $2 per week, 241 1 stn st. , '. WELL furnished li. K. rooms, with' or without sleeping porch. SOS College St. Main 8610 FUR N I SH ED H K rooms nn rrnn.i . floor. 2S4 Eugene at. Phone Eaat COlO. LARGE room, completely furnished ; good location; all conveniences; no children. 266 12th st. TY Joueeeplng rooms. $8 per mo, 666 Btn St - TV hPkeeping rooms, it par mo. 656 6th st - T'.9 e.J, 're rront K. rooms. main at, NEWLY painted H. K. rooms, batn gas. 810 a month. 686 Pettyrrove. If OK RENTHOUSES , 12 MODERN S room house, furnace flre place; rent $17.60. Union Realty Co.. 1046 Union, N. Woodlawn 834. . 6 ROOM houae, acre ground, barn, chicken bouse, fruit. $12. 204 Was- co. Tabor 6423. $16 6 room modern house. $35 E. 1st st., N., cor. Weldler. Oscar T Olaen. Main 7862. MODERN 6 room house, good location, best car service; reasonable rent, 1072 E. Main or call A-302S. UOUSE, berries, fruit garden. Carpen ter work to ba done, can be applied op rent. $7 mo. Main 7927. WILL lease nine room residence, Nob Hill, walking distance, block from wasn. Zt-374. journal. FOR RENT $10, 6 room modern houae, full lot. 1402 E. Gliaan st. k. Anaeny car. SIX room house, aprleota. cherries. pears, plumi is, close in, on car line. $12. East 46S. NEW 7 room bungalow with all mod ern Improvements. Apply 962 E, Ith 6 ROOM cottage, large grounds, aJkt Kinaa iruiu fii . bisl fnnn ti. bor 3524. r room pungaiow, garaga ana cmcae house. Tabor 1836. - NEW 6 room bungalow, $16. 2.E. FOR RENT 6 room house. 714 Water m mtmrnm n . 1. 111.. KI ( ROOM strictly modern bouse, newly renovated. $16. Phone Wdln. 197. ATTRACTIVE 6 room bouse, 71. E. Morrison. References. East 2911, . ft U(UlU mruitrn hAnu ind varsva.. 631 East Anxeny. Phone Esst 4736. MODERN 6-room house, yard, lii 14th st.. near Montgomery. I ROOM cottage. Broadway a 1 Van- EVHTfr, mi wt'H nm iv iniuir 11 : 1 1 "a" J. 1 " ' II ' e room oungaiow. z tu.-rm at.; oaio, gas. electric llht. lie month. vn a t - i yvin r atwa yara MD MiiUfu; in. ,NEW, tinted, modern 6 room bunga low. 7sg-K. 7tn at. is. MODERN S room bouse, 11 . Couou. East 7441 . f Coat i tug oa Seat Vage)