3H water: now DELAYS WORK UPON STATE BRIDGE , ; '-j - ix Feet of Water Necessary ' Before Placing Columbia Span, It Is Said, W:' rOUR SPANS REMAINING ?aa 3To.,t mt la position by Captain Xackatt Testerday, Three Bteam ": era Assisting- In the Work. The first ill effect of the high water are la being felt on the new interstate ridge. i Because of the continued high stage J the water this spring the comple- ott Of the piers for the single span fcrosa Columbia slough has been made wposeible, and from present prospects (4111 not be possible before September. Stags Of six feet of water Is nceaea for the work can he completed. Because of this delay the interstate dge may not be opened as early as as expected. The bridge proper will ready by October 1 at least, ana Tobably before that date. j Spin No. 9 was placed by Captain larl' Hackett, with the steamers Pa bma. Hustler and Htlmeon. at 1:30 Uclock vesterdav afternoon. '" l"our Spans Jtsmaln. LP"Our spans remain to be placed. Con- ruciion or tnese tspans win ue fin anced at the forms on the Washlng- n shore at once. Work will also be arted at once on the towers for the aw man. 1 These towers are to rise 188 feet In Phe air. The wheels, -two on each end. nth tm t Ib-chi which the cables' lifting the draw be operated are to weigh 15 tons The shaft on each is 24 Inches diameter. 4 It Is expected that the draw towers Cin be completed about July 1. at fhlch time the four spans are also to to ready for placing. The spans will pt be Dlaced until the draw span Is eady and operating. ' a' Much Interest Is also being taken In lie approach across Columbia and iregop slough and Hayden island VJth extremely high water almost a srtainty this summer the fill will be .lven its hardest test when it Is still 'nSettled. ! Extreme care is being taken with the h.ll. Willow trees have been planted 'II along the base ef the fill. Con fute rip-rapping has been built from tie base midway to the top of the fill f he channel ends of the fill have been 'rotected with huge concrete wings. ILL ALONG THE WATERFRONT Carrying Captain and Mrs. Silvia, ewlyweds, the steamer Yosemite Is 3 leave St. Helens for Ran Diego, jmber-laden. during the night. 2 The schooner Carrier Dove came up ,9 the Multnomah Box & Lumber com ;any to complete her cargo for Aus- Talla, ', Rumors are afloat that Hind, Rolph .-. Co. have several schooners under harter which they will load with 'jmber at Columbia river mills dur i the next six months. I The tug Arago, of the United States nglneers' fleet., Is to be given stern tearing repairs here. She arrived up uring the day. A request was received for Hugh Brady's service to grapple for the tody of Owen, Whallon. University of I'regOn student, drowned at Eugene vunday. Owing to the futility of grappling in the mill race there Brady ild not make the trip. nj North Fork on 1000th Trip. " gan Francisco, lay 2. The steamer "forth Fork of the Charles Nelson S Children Cry for Fletcher's (The Kind Ton Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his Krsonal supervision for over SO Tears. Allow no one deceive yon In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and . Just-as-good" are but experiments, and endanger tho liealtli of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare 8orlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither plum. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de - Btroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Trou ; lea and Diarrhoea. It regnlates the Stomach and Bowels . assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ratio 7 - ew i company went out on Saturday on ner thousandth voyage. With her went Captain John Nelson, who' has bad command of the vessel for 579 of the 1000 trips. When this century was young- the North Pork was comman deered by the government as a mine layer. During the Japanese-Russian war Nelson steered the steamer all over this harbor while mine seatlngs were dropped overboard. Converted Collier Sails. San Francisco, May 2. On Its first trip as a commercial carrier the form er navy collier Justin steamed yester day for Shanghai with 3000 tons of freight made up of bulk tobacco and steel. Since the Justin was sold by the government to the Garland Bteamohip company of New York more than 1100,000 has been spent in refitting the steamer at the Union Iron works. The Justin will stop at Honolulu en route. Mar Convert Thetis. San Francisco. May 2. Bottoms of any kind are still IB demand. l lie coast guard cutter Thetis, recently ar rived from Honolulu to go under the hammer. Is an object for many pros pective purchasers. The old ship Is well built and nearly as good as ever. The. would be purchasers figure on ousting the engines and the 'tween deck,, rigging her schooner rig with Bollnder engines and putting her Into the Pacific trade. Changes and Charters. San Francisco, May 2. John Dahl com- has succeeded R. J. tawsan fn mand of the steamer Fair Oaks. The barkentine E. R. Sterling has been chartered to carry lumber from Puget sound to Australia, P. T., by Hind. Rolph & Co.. (May-June.) Schooner Honoipu has been char tered to carry lumber from Columbia river to Australia, P. T., by Hind, Rolph & Co., (May-June). NEWS OF THE P0RT5 Departure May 2. Ynemlte. American ateanipr, rnntaln SUtIo, paeiiger and lumber tor San Diego. McCor tulrk Lumber rompunj-. Marine Alruam.-. Weather at River'a Mouth. Nnrth Head. May 2. Osiditkw of the mouth of the river at noon, nmootu; wind south, 6 miles; weather cloudy. 8un and Tides May 3. Sun rises 4:54 a. m. Sun nets 7:21 p. n. Tide at Astoria. High Water: Ixjw Water: O .VI a. in.. S.9 feet N:05 a. m.. O.rt feet 10 p. til.. 7 feet 7:.'5 p. m.. 3.2 feet The time hall on the I. S. Iiydrocrapbic office waa dropped at eiactly noon today. 21'tu meridian time. Dally River Headings. 8 A. M.. 120th MTldln Time. C 5 i STATIONS 1- h e EC es a as" Wenatchee I.ewl.ton . . . I' nautili. ... The Dalles.. Eugene Alhtiiiy Salem Oregon City. Portland ... 40 20.2 0.00 24 10.3 0.3 O.OO 25 13.0 0.2 0.O0 40 10 5.8 0.1 0.00 1 5.6 0.4 0.00' 20 5.4 0.3 0.00 12 5.5 0.3 O.OO 15 13.4 0.4 0.00 t ) falling. River Forecast. The Willamette river at Portland will fall auywiy tor me next two or three days. Steamers Due to Arrive. fAbSKNUKKS AND CKKiaHT. name. From Date Beater S. K., 0. B. & E. Mar 3 Great Northern 8. F. May Bear 8. F. 4 I- A May 10 now viu .u. a. ce o. r ifaaec. Steamers Due to Depart. Nam For Date ureat Northern 8. r May Bearer L. A. & 8. F May Bear S. F. L. A May 13 Suae City L. A. Ac 8. P ladaf. 8t earners leaving Portland for San Franc'are only connect witn the steamers Yale and Har ard. lea Tins 8an Francisco Monday. Wednes day, Friday and Uatarday. for Vum Angeles sua Bin viesjo. Vessels In Port. Name. Hertk. Carrier Pore, Am. seh Multnomah Box Echo. Am. sen Oregon dry dock inTergarry, Br. og etrea Inyerlogle. Br. bk Irrlnf 3 t k i Kind You Have Always Bought 'Bears the Signature of 9n Use For Over 30 Years tmc etirravej eonavjrr. nrw tows crrr. Proves that various disease germs have their breeding-place in the waste ; products of the body. Don't, then, let your bowels clog and throw , these harmful germs back on the blood. Take no chances with serious - Illness. Keep your bowels free, and the bile regulated with OTH'S PILL which promptly and surely relieve constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sick headache. They are compounded from drugs of vegetable origin harmless and not habit-forming. The experience of three generations show that Beecham'a Pills prevent disease and are A Great Aid to Health Direction f special value to wwm with vry box ",',-, SoU by ahrvftisU tiurotjgkotit tito world. In boxes, 10c 25c Motor Ship Plant, Backed by Outside Capital, May Come Hr Possibility of a second wood- en shipbuilding plant locating ft here was voiced by M. A. Reed, attorney for the Motor Ship 4t Construction Co., a California - 4t corporation. Reed refused to discuss who 4 his principals were or the site on which the plant was to be 4 located. ifr "It is composed of moneyed r men, it will be prepared to if, build a number of wooden ships if, at once, and will be located Or either near or In Portland," he said. Hi Rumors of the probable loca- if, tlon of the plant here came if, from the east several days ago if: but no mention of the Identity if, of the people back of the con- if, cern was made. if, J. B. Stetson, Am. sa. .St. RelenW Nebalein. Am. i Uoae City. Am. . . ncMiiiet Alaska Astoria Skssta, Am. ss At Neighboring Ports. Atorla. May 1. Left up at 1 p. m.. schoon er Carrier Dore. from Westport. Sailed at 1:30 p. m.. Oleum, for Ban Franclseo. San redro. May 1. Arrired Santa Barbara. from Columbia rler rla way ports; J. B. Stetnon. from Portland, rla way ports. Coos Bay, May 1. Arrived at 2 p. m.. F. A. Kllhurn. from San Diego and way ports, for Portland. San Francisco. May 1. Arrlred A. M. Simpson. I .os Angeles. 4:.ri0 p. m.; Aurella, I ok Angeles. 70 p. in.; Del Norte, crescent CK.t. 9 p. m. oanea t'rentisa, unn Angeies. ii a. m. : PaKadena. Alhlon. 1 :.TO p. ni.: WtHaniette. Loa Angelen. 2:10 p. m.; barge Fullerton, In tow of tug Fearless, Port San lals, 2:20 p. m.; Arctic. Fort Bragg. 2:50 p. m.: Yale. Ixw Angeles. 4 AO p. in.: Governor. Lou Angeles, 4:2 p. m.: Centralia. Balina Crux. 4:30 p. m. : Helen P. Drew. (Jreeowood, 4:o p. m.: Bea rer, Portland. 5:20 p. m.: Raymond. Willapa Hartior, ."i:30 p. m.; Whlttier, Port Ban Luis, t:.10 p. m. Cristobal. April 30. Arrived Steamer J. L. Lrucknbact. from New York, for Taku Bar. Bulboa. May 1. Arrived Swedish motor- ship. San Francisco, from San Frsnelsco. SHlled Norwegian steamer Baja California, for San Francisco, yesteedsy. Seattle. Mav 2. Arrived President. San Francisco. 1:20 a. m .; Morning Star, British Columbia portH. 8:20 a. m. Sailed congress. San r ranclsco, 11 a. m . : Mentis Morn. Tacoma. 4 a. m. Seattle. May 1. Arrived Frank H. Bnck, San Kranclco. 6 p- m. Sailed Tamiya Marti. Vladivostok, midnight; Victoria. S. V. Alaska, 5 p. m.: Prince Ku- prt. Prince Rupert, B C. midnight. Seward. May 1 Sailed Admiral Watson, westbound. 6:110 p. m. Valdez. May 1. Sailed Alaska, southbound. 2 u. ui. Cordova. May 1. Sailed Admiral Farragnt, southbound, 7 a. m. Skagway. May 1. Arrived Spokane, from Seattle, 4 a. m., and proceeded southbound C a. in. Snlled Alameda, westbound, 11:30 p. m. yesterday. Petersburg. May 1. Sailed Humboldt, northbound, 3 a. m. Ketchikan, April 30. Sailed Jefferson, southbound, 10 p. m. Honolulu. May 1. Sailed Ide Mara, from Seattle, for Vlsdlvostok. after patting In here In distress; schooner Mary E. Foster, Puget sound. Vancouver. May 1. Arrived Kuml Slim, from Shanghai. 5 p. m. Bellingham. May 2. Arrived Washtenaw, San Francisco. Everett, May 1. -Sailed Tiverton. San Pedro. San Francisco, May 2. Arrived Multnomnh, lot Angeles, 1 a. m. ; Kl Segundo. towing barge 91. Seattle, a a. m.; Wilmington. Hilo. a. m.: tug Bahada. San Diego, 7 a. m.; Westerm-r, Grays Harbor. S:M0 a. m.: Manoa, Honolulu, 8:30 a. m.; Davenport, San Diego, 11 a. m.; Whltesboro, Greenwood. 11 a. qj. Sailed Jim Butler. Port Gamble, 5 a. m. ; U. S. S. Bear. Alaska cruise, via Seattle, It a m.; Multuomah, Grays Harbor, I0:.'t0 a. m. Klamath Votes to Improve Highway Klamath Falls. Or.. May 2. Klamath taxpayers took a step forward yester day, when they adopted a measure for municipally paving the highway from Klamath Falls to the sawmill centers, paying for the same in three year.s witli city warrants. As a result of this work the city will be directly con nected with a monthly payroll of $70,000. Seattle Ahead of Tacoma. Washington, May 2. A preliminary survey of manufactures in the cities of Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., Just is sued by the census bureau, covering the year 1914, shows that approxi mately twice as many persons are em ployed and twice as much capital in vested In Seattle as In Tacoma. In Seattle the number of establish ments is 1014, and in Tacoma 339; the number of persons engaged in Seattle 15.761, and in Tacoma 8084; primary horsepower used in Seattle 44,001, and in Tacoma 24,086; capital invested In Seattle $64,374,000, and in Tacoma $28,287,000; payroll in Seattle $13,624, 000, and in Tacoma $6,310,000; value of products in Seattle $64,390,000, and in Tacoma $27,708,000. Sixteen-Hour Law Penalty. Washington. May 2. The house committee on interstate and foreign commerce has favorably reported the bill to provide a $100 minimum fine for violation of the lb-hour law for rail way employes. In the absence of a minimum penalty provision, there has been a vast variation in the fines im posed by the courts. In a compilation of 271 cases, cov ering 4265 counts, it was found that in all except nine, the penalty was less than $250, and the average for all was only $37.58. The Interstate Com merce com-mission indorsed the change proposed. Aviators to Retain Bonuses. Washington, May 2. JU. P.) War Secretary Baker today ruled that the government cannot withdraw increased Dying pay given to Captains 1-oullois Paterson and Cowan of the San Diego aviation establishment. An investi gation showed that Uindley M. Garri son, while secretary of war, certified that the men were qualified to araw additional pay. Garbage JMan Is Fined at Lesson For Cleanup Week "I'm going to fine you $10 and I want you to tell all your friends and all the garbage wagon drivers whom you know about It. I don't care how you tell It. Just so you pass the good word around." t Municipal Judge Langguth tb.ua helped the clean-up week campaign along by punishing Henry Krieger. garbage man, for dumping tin cans and rub- bish at Tenth and Main streets on the Hawthorne estate prop- erty. , A loud speaking telephone has been adapted to the use of store window demonstrators, enabling them to talk to the crowds that assemble to waicn them. LOCAL COMPANY TO BUILD A STRUCTURE FOR PAPER FACTORY Grace & Rasmussen Obtain Contract From Big Mill Lo cated at Oregon City. SITE WILLAMETTE FALLS Paper Machine Costing- $128,000 to Bs Installed; Excavation Prac tically Complete. - Oregon City, Or., May 2. The eon tract for the erection of one of the five buildings of the Hawley Pulp & Paper company's $750,000 addition has been awarded to Grace & Rasmussen company of Portland. A The plans call for a palp mill and generating plant to be located on the brink of the falls, near Station A, of concrete construction. A paper machine to cost $128,000 will be installed in this building. It will be electrically driven, and will be the only machine of its kind on the Pacific coast with this attachment. The excavation for the basement and foundations of the new buildings Is practically completed. A number of carloads of equipment have arrived. This first construction work will be the erection of "two retaining walls, one along Third street, west from the Southern Pacific tracks, and the other along the right of way of the Southern Pacific company, south from Third street to the first warehouse. Two concrete mixers will be used In this work at once. REALTY SALE SIGNIFICANT Amount Has Bearing on Assess ment Valuations. The sale of the Wickersham apart ments, a 14 room residence and a quarter block at the northeast corner of Eighteenth and 1'landers streets, and the quarter block at the north west corner of Fourteenth and Flan ders, which includes three residences, to E. L. and J. W. Cook on Saturday, by J. L. and Lloyd B. Wickersham, gives interest to the basis of the val uation on which they were assessed. The Wickersham apartments were assessed on a valuation basis of $d8, 000, and the residence at $3400. The land Is assessed on a valuation basis of $19,060, making a total basis of valuation JS0.460. The northwest corner of Fourteenth and Irving streets is valued for as sessment on a basis of $20,150 tor the land and $1900 for the dwelling, a total valuation of $22,050. The Wlckershams succeed to the ownership of the well known Clover Hill dairy farm In Columbia county, which was owned Jointly by Mr. Thompson and Mr. Cook. Tualatin Quadrangle Issued. Copies 06 the Tualatin quadrangle, as issued by the United States Geolog ical survey, have been received in Portland and are for sale by the local office. It complements the Oregon City quadrangle and takes in the ter ritory from Beaverton on the northeast to Newberg on the southwest, covering 200 square miles. The map is on a scale of one-inch to the square mile. Is printed in four colors, shows all the monuments, landmarks and houses standing today, as well as all trails. oads and other topographical details. City Property Traded for Ranch. G. C. Ruff has disposed of his Portland property for a ranch at Hood River and has taken up his residence on the farm. The exchange Included a five flat building on Hall street between Thirteenth and Four teenth streets. 10,000 square feet of property on Council Crest, some va cant lots in Laurelhurst and one and one-tenth acres near the river at Riverview station. In exchange he A Real Flesh Builder For Thin People Thin men and women that big. hearty, filling dinner you ate last night. What became of all the fat-pro ducing nourishment it contained? You haven't (rained in welsrht on a nnnro That food passed from your bodv like unburned coal throueh an oimn eratn The material was there, but your food doesn't work and stick, and the plain truth is you hardly get enough nour ishment irom your meals to pay lor the cost of cookine. This is trus at thin folks the world over. Your nutri tive organs, your functions of assimi lation, are probably sadly out of gear and need reconstruction. Cut out the foolish foods and funny sawdust diets. Cut out everything but the meals you are eatina and eat witn every one of those a single fciargol tab- ieu in two weens note tne aiirerence. Let the scales be the judge. Five to eigni gooa Bona pounds or healthy, stay-there" fat may be the net result. Sargol aims to charge weak, stagnant blood with millions of fresh new fred blood corpuscles to give the blood the carrying power to deliver every ounce of fat-making material in your food to every part of your body. Sargol, too, mixes with your food, to prepare it for the blood in an easilv assimilated form. Thin people tell how thev haw gained all the way tiKm 10 to 25 pounds a month while taking Sareol and say that the new flesh stays put. onrgoi lauieis are a carerui comoina tion of six of the best assimilative ele ments known to chemistry. They come 4u taoiets to a pacKage, are pleasant, harmless and inexpensive, and all good druggists In this vicinity sell them subject to an absolute guarantee of weight increase or money back as f,ound In every large package. (Adv.) The Real Secret of Rejuvenating the Face She holds the true secret of facial rejuvenation who has learned how to remove the dead skin particles ,as fast as they appear. Ifs a secret anyone, may possess. The aged, faded, or dis colored surface skin may be gradually absorbed, in an entirely safe and ra tional manner, by the nightly applica tion of ordinary mercollzed wax. With in a week or two the underlying sRm, youthful and beautiful to behold, has taken the place of the discarded cuti cle. So little of the old skin is ab sorbed each day there's no Inconven ience at all. and no one suspects you are putting anything on your face. The mercollxed wax. procurable at any drugstore (an ounce is sufficient), is applied like cold cream. In th morn ing it is erased with soap and water. It's the best thing known for freckles, blackheads, pimples, moth patches, liver spots and fine surface wrinkles. For the deeper wrinkles, an excellent recipe Is: Powdered saxolite. 1 oz.. dissolved in .pt. witcn naseL Batn quick and wonderful results. Adv. received a commercial orchard of 40 acres,' and 40 acres of unimproved land. The basis of the exchange is reported as 115,000. Exchange to Meet. Members of the Builders' Exchange will hold . their annual meeting Wednesday evening at their headquar ters in the Worcester building, be . ginning at 8 o'clock. Election of a new I board of directors and the reading of 1 the annual reports of the officers will be the principal business transacted. Residence Is Transferred. The Friede Investment company, Leo Friede secretary, has taken title from Lloyd B. Wickers ham to an Irvington residence and two lots at Nineteenth and Thompson streets. The consideration was $7500. Mr. Friede said the property was secured for investment. The house was built three years ago as a residence for Mr. Wickersham, but he has not occu pied it for some time. Real Estate Transfers. H. G. Hnntlngton and wf. to John Rat tey, L. 6, 7. B. 3, Lee Bow Park...$ Asa Wyman and wf. to Kstha E. Palm er, L. 11, B. 118, Laurelhurst Em II Fitze snd wf. to Omer O. Karney et al. 112x.'0 ft., beginning S. W. cor. L. 13. Newburst Park James L. Wtcktrshain et al to John W. Cook. L. 1. 4. B. 123 Coucbs Add . Same to E. L. Thompson, L. 2, 3. B. 164. Coucbs Add L. B. Wickersham and wf. to Fried Inv. Co.. L. l, 10. B. 37. Irvinglou... Bannab Neuman to Kachel Neuman. land beginning on E. line First St., 6S(x25 ft. S. of cor. Hall st J. F. Gaskill to R. E. Parsons. W. rtfl ft. L. 8. ST. 15 ft. E. 35 ft. L. 8. B. 5, Central Albina Overlook Land Co. to Olive Gruver, L. 2, II. "E," Overlook Robert Berger to Olive Gruver, L. 8. B. "E," Overlook.. B. A. McCarl and wf. to Jeanie oYung, L. 7. B. 4, Williams Add. No. 2 James Brown and wf. to George F. Scholl, L. 4. B. 13, East St. Johns. . Ellen Jane Adams and hus. to H. E. Adams et al, land beginning at point in E. boundary line William Hall D. L C Beall & Co. to Johu B. Beall. I.. . B. 6, Menefee Add JJ. K. Anderson and wf. to R. A. Pur- rlsh. et al. L. 10, J1. B. 17. Saginaw Heights Lillian Kurtz Jo R. J. Kinder, L. 4. B. 15. W-ilmit Park Minnie E. Osborne. E. '-a L. 21. 22. 2:1, 24. B. 6. Willamette Add.. L. 7. B. 17. Klberta John E. Parsons snd wf. n Ray C. Wntkius, L. 14, 15, B. 1. Str.iwberry Add J. M. Crowley and wf. to Blanche Todd. N. 40 ft. L. 8. B. 242. iast Portlfind Louis Smith and wf. to Michael C. Mc- Govran. L. 4. 5. B. 2. Brock -Add.. . . W. C- Sanderson to Gertrude Nefzger. L. 3, B. US. Irvington J. L. Burgess and wf. to Jobn Alran Rock wood. L. 2, B. 13, Sell wood 10 I 4.500 i 10 I 10 10 7500 1 10 ! 10 10 10 10 10 3,450 10 10 T. S. McDantel and wf. to Ellenora C. Armitage, L. 2, B. 1. Rogers Clark Add . Miguel Ovalle to Frances Ovalle. 30x11) ft. beginning at point in W. line I.. 7, B. 4. Wilsons Add.. 10 ft. south erly from N. W. cor. said L 10 How Nuxated Iron Helped Me To Whip Frank Moran Jess Willard Tells Secret of His Easy Victory. Also reveals hitherto untold secret of his great triumph over Jack Johnson; Says IRON IS GREATEST OF ALL STRENGTH BUILDERS Ordinary Nuxated Iron will often increase the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 200 per cent in two weeks' time. 0 'I I t Z consider that plenty of Iron In my blood la the secret of my great strength, power and endurance. SPECIAL, NOTE. Dr. E. Ssuer. a welt known physician wbo baa studied widelj in both thie country and Europe, baa been 'pe el illy employed to make a thoiroujh lnveatlga tlon into ibe real aecret of tbe great strength. nower and endurance of Jew Willard. and toe marrelous value of nuxated Iron aa a strength builder. NEW YORK Upon being inter viewed at .his apartment in the Co lonial hotel. Mr Willard said: "Tes 1 have a chemist with me to study the value of different foods and prod ucts aa to their power to produce great strength and endurance, both of which are so necessary in the prize ring. On his recommendation I have often taken nuxated iron and I have particularly advocated the free use of iron by all those who wish to obtain great phy sical and mental power. Without it I am sure that I shoulu never have been able to whin Jack Johnson so while training for my bout with Frank H. 8. Coos to Cdelie Wolcn, L. 15. B. 10, Portsmouth rain E. BJnebart to James M. Dwyer et aL L- 2. 4. B. 5. Highland Park . . William NT Northro? et al to lam B." Bntt t al. L. 10. Tract "O." Nortn- rnp Acres Mvron F. Tiler and f. to A. eater. 11.04 acres, -beginning S. E. cor. Sec. 32. T. 1 S.. R. 1 F. Clara Hudson to J. N. McKlnney et al. L. 8. B. 5, Proctor Alice M. Ardr?y and bun. to Frank It. Tatman. L. 2. B. 3. City View park . Umbdenstock & Larson Homebullders Inv. Co. to Mrs. Anna Otto, L. 3, 4. B 40, Joneamore Milton B. Jennings et al to Edward M. Jennmgs, beginning 20 chains X. of 8. E. cor. Sec. 16. T. 1 N-. U. 1 E. . . J. S. Spereeon to Gust Boakas, L. 10, 11. B. 1, Kenton Ralph McLeod and wf. to George Street, L. 29. 30. B. 2. Bruces Add.. 10 1.200 l.tOO 10 125 1 650 3.000 200 1.383 Building Permits. J. W. Green, erjftrt one storv frame dtrell- lng. 601 Mulberry t.. between Palm and Maple sts.; builder. F. B Turner: $.h;i)0. Frlti Shower, repair one utory frame dwell ing. 7S4H E. I3tti st. N ., between Falling and Beech sts.; builder. John K. Selberg: $18o. J. C. Potter, repair two story frame dwell ing, 1039 Vernon ave.. between Wygant and Alberta sts.; builder, D. W. Middleton; $50. Dr. P. E. Jones, repair one story frame dwelling, 472 E. 48th St. N., between Sandy blvd and Braaee St.: builder, E. Ohien; Sx. A. B. Willltson, erect one story frame gar age. 3d0 E. 57th St., between E. Lincoln and E. Harrison sts.; builder, G. A. Thompson; $200. F. W. Mnlkey, repair four story ordinary warehouse. 270 1st st., between Jefferson and Madison sts.; builder. Charles H. Lucas Co.; I50O. George Bluhm. repair one and one half story frsme dwelling. 5410 37th ate. S. E., between Mth and 56th sts.; builder. A. J. Purcell; $100. Ford M. Converse, erect one story frame dwelling, 655 E. Ootb st. N.. between Stanton and Siskiyou st. ; builder, same: $2000. F. W. Rells, erect one story frame garage. 937 Haigbt ave.. between Skidmore and Pres cott sts.; builier, same: $80. W. P. Hardest-, repair one and one half story frame dwelling. 2.".2 E. 73d st. N.. be- tween Hussalo and Multnomah sts.; builder, A. L. Campbell: $75. Captain Nelson, wreck two story frame stores and hall. 387 Weldler st.. between L'n- Ion ave. and Grand ave.: bnllder, Roee City Sl O. K. Wrecking Co.: J200. I George Anderson, repair two story frame dwelling. 234 Condor ave.. between 1st snd Ohio sts.: builder. Purcell & Kirk: $tr.. Mr. Riggs. repair one story frnme dwelling.' UW Ivy St.. between In Ion and Rodney aves.; bul.der, Moudy & Aulstn: --.. 1 I Mrs. Lewis, repair one story frame dwelling, 205 Morris St., corner Commercial St.; builder. D. W. Ward; $.'(O0. I fharles Ammann, erect one story frsme garage. 1361 E. Salmon st.. between 4(th and 49th sis.; builder, S. MHtlilsen: $75. VV. H. Wood, repair one utory frame dwell ing. 1210 S. Gresham between Alma and N rth Bank cut: builder. W. J. Nolan; fltm. F. Hcnshaw. repair one storv frsme dwell ing. 20 E. 24th St. N.. between Burnslde and 10 Conch sts.: builder, day work; $30. F. Henshaw, repair one story frame dwell ing. 22 E. 24th st. N.. between Buruside and 10 Couch sts.: builder, day work: $30. F. Henshaw. repair one story frame flwsll 800 ' tng. 24 E. 24th st. N.. between Burnslde and i Couch sts.: builder, day work; $.'iO. 10 A. H. Blrrell. repair two story frnme dwell ing. 335 N. 29th St.. between Quimby and Ra leieh ts.; builder. McHolland Bros.: $1(MI. ,1. V. It. Monrhead. erect one story frame parage. S15 Marcuertto sve.. between Clinton end IMvlsion sis.; builder, same: (1.V). Ix-wis estate, repair two story ordinary stores. Alder st.. between 2d and 3d sts.; builder, I. Guerlen Mfg l. ; $7r. Paul H. Powers, erect one and one half Moran, I regularly took nuxated Iron, and I am certain that it was a most important factor in my winning so easily." Continuing. Dr. Sauer said. "Mr. Willard's case Is only one of hundreds which I could cite from my own personal experience which proves conclusively the astonishing Power of nuxated iron to restore strength and vitality even in most complicated chronic conditions." Not long ago a man came to me who was nearly half a century old, and asked me to give him a preliminary examination for life insurance. 1 was astonished to find him with the blood pressure of a boy of 20 and as full of vigor, vim and vitality as a young man; in fact a young man he really was. notwithstanding bis age. Tne secret he said was taking iron nux ated iron had filled him with renewed life. At 30 ne was in bad health; at 4t careworn and nearly all In. Now at 60 a miracle of vitality and his fae beaming with the buoyancy of youth. As I have said a hundred times over, iron is the greatest of all strength builders. If people would only throw away patent medicines and nauseous concoctions and take simple nuxated iron, I am convinced that the lives of thousands of persons might be saved, who now die every year from pneu monia, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver and heart trouble, etc. The rel ami true cause which started their diseases was nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on hy lack of Iron in the blood. Iron is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food into living tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, your food merely passes through you without doing you any good. You don't get the strength out of it and as a consequence you become weak, pale and sickly jooklng Just like a plant trying to grow In a soil de ficient in iron. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five grain tablets of ordinary nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous run down people who were ailing all the while, double their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles In from 10 to 14 days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the old fbems of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and as similated like nuxated Iron if you want it to do you any good, otherwise It mav prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prize fighter has won the day simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endur ance and filled his blood with iron be- fore he went into the affray, while many another has gone to inglorious defeat simply for the lack of iron. E. Sauer. M.. l. NOTE Nuxated Iron recommended abort br Dr. Saner la not a patent medicine nor aecret remedy, bat ooe which Is weU known to druggist, and wfaoaa Iron constituent are widely prescribed by eminent pbraiclana everywhere. Unlike the older lnorsanle Iran prodocti. It Is easily aaslmUated. does not la- jure iaw iu, uui um oiaca, nor npset potent remedy, la nearly all forma of Indica tion, aa well aa (or nervous, run-down condt- ' VcDm. The Manfcfaetarers bare such great j confidence In N mated Iron that they offer to ' forfeit $100.00 to any charitable Institution If ' tber cannot take any man or woman under KO wbo lacks Iron and increase their strength 2U0 per cent or otct in four week' time, provided they bars no aerlona organic trouble. Tbey also offer to refund your money If It does not st leaat double your strength and endurance In ten days' time, it is oupenasa tn this city hy the owl Crag Co. and all other drogguts. tory tram dwelling. 61S E. 46th at. N.. be twee Braaee and Tbompaoa sta. : builder, Oeorge Bauman; $2300, M. J. Welser, repair one story frame wood, shed. 330 Oregon st., between 1st snd 2d its.; builder, same: $100. Martin & Dugan Put In Lowest of 11 Bids Seattle, nrm Agrm to Xrset Steel Towers for Havy Department at Xeyport, Wash., for $38,055. Washington. May 2. (WASHING TON BL'RKAU OF THE JOURNAL) Martin Dugan of Seattle were the lowest bidders oucf 11 competitors for the steel towers of the Keyport, Wash., navy department work. Their bid" was $38,055. The Northwest Steel company was the only Portland bid der and was over $8000 higher than the lowest bidder. On the foundations Washing Won't Rid Head of Dandruff The only stirs way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you de stroy It entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it In gently with the finger tips. Do this tonight, and by morning, most if not all of your dandruff will be gone and three or four more appli cations will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It, no matter how much dan druff you may have. You will find, too. that all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus trous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel 10U times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It Is inexpensive and never falls to do the work. (Adv.) SCALP ITCHED 1 Big Flakes of Dandruff Would Peel Off. Hair Dry and Lifeless. In Six Weeks Completely HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "Dandruff first started by xay scalp being too dry. I washed my hair often but fat two or three days big (lakes of dandruff would peel off. My scalp itched all of the time and the itch ing was so Intense during the day that I had to irritate my scalp by scratch ing. My hair fell out and became dry and lifeless. "The trouble lasted about four months before I started using CuUcura Soap and Ointment. I nibbed the Ointment on my scalp at night and washed It out In the morning with the Cuticura i Soap. In six weeks I wee completely well." (Signed) Miss Ruby Beck. Lehl. Utah, July 15, 1915. Sample Each Free by Mall With 32-p. Skin Book on recpiest. Ad dress post-card "Cotieura. Dept. T, B ton." Bold throughout the world. Hi FELL (III teitJorveantl Blood Tonie E...I.S.T. Ho. 2 kil. I. O.I. IU. Rheumatism. Inflammation of tho Bladder or Enlarged Prostrate Glands. Blood Poison. uiaoetes, stricture, cancer It Is no stimulant. Reports from patients prove tk&t Its effects are permanent and lasting. In addition to tbe above M.I.S.T. No. 2 has cured many eases of diseases pronouncea dv pnysiciani ana specialists to be paralysis, Locomotor : Ataxia, Spinal trouble and apparently incurable diseases of the nerves. I u I T aiA - h. )uun a thm c mrtA v,n.,.any4. Saar w mrw mm uw wu v V vvl w J m v sufferers have written os they have been cored by its use. It is prescribed by many physicians. It is pleasant to take and absolutely safe. It never increases or diminishes the action of the heart. If you are suffering from any Chronlo Disease) yon are nrged to write to us no matter how many doctors or medicines yon have tried without relief. IC 19 17 17 T" 7 may judg tbe value of M.I.S.T. No. 2 for u UmLssiuL yum" we send voa sample FREE. Writt cuitiiucuvtBiijr, giving yuijvuHB. MmliSmTm No. 2Ono Dottski aor box. op Six Boxos Address: THE M.I.S.T. M. L S. T. NO. 2 For sale in Portland by EBEN PERRY, 608 TOURNEY BLDGH 2D AND TAYLOR the TTashlnftou Construction company of Seattle was lowest with, a bid of $4700. i If Too Fat Get More Fresh Air Be Moderate In Tour Diet and Beduce -Tear Weight Take Oil ' of Xoreln. Lack of fresh air it is said weakens the oxygen carrying power of the blood, the liver becomes slunRish fat accumu lates and the action of .inariy of the vital organs are hindered thereby. The heart action becomes wink, work la an effort and the beauty of the ligure is destroyed. Fat put on by Indoor life Is unhealthy and if nature is not assisted in throw ing it off a berious case of obesity may result. When you fee that you are getting too stout, take the matter in hand at once. Don't wait until your figure has beconve a Joke, and your health ruined through carrying around a burden of unsightly and unhealthy fat. Spend aa much time' as you possibly can In the open air; breathe deeply, and get rrom Iaue-Davis Drug Co., or any druggist a box of oil of lcoreln cap sules; take one after each meal and one before retiring at niht. Weigh yourself every few days and . keep up the treatment until you are down to normal; Oil of koreln la at solutely harmless. Is r'pasant to take, helpR the digestion and even a few (lays' treatment has been reported to show a noticeable reduction In weight. (Adv.) Thousands PraV the Stomach Enormous A rmy of Stomach Sufferers Led to Health Bj) Single Dose. Etomach Trouble causes a multitude of ailments, and often results in Gall . Stones, Yellow Jaundice, Acute and Chronic Indigestion, Appendicitis, Con stipation. Auto-Intoxlcnilon, Gas Pres sure, Fear of Heart Disease, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, etc., etc. One dose of Mayr's Wonder ful llemedy haB proven successful In thousands of cases of Stomach Trouble. This explains its enormous sale, lias been tuken and is recommended by Physicians, Justice of tho Supreme Court, Congressmen. Lawyers, Nurses, Ministers, farmers, Educators, Mechan ics probably your own neighbor. Many owe their lives to Mayr's wonder ful Remedy. Thousands say It has saved them from the knife. Contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.' FREE booklet on Stomach Ailments. Address Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, Chicago. Better yet obtain a bottts of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy from Tho Owl Drug Company or any reliable druggist, who will reiund your money If it fails. ISUPATFfi MAGNEsia A New York medical practitioner savs: "I prescribe Blsuratea Mag nesia in preference to anything else for all forms of stomach trouble that are aue la ny peraciuny. r num, acid, stomach, belching. Indigestion, etc.. take a teaspoonful In "a .uarter glaes of water after eating: INSTANT RELIEF. Sold by nil druggists In either powder or tablet form at 60 cents a bottle I IfiMO uuncv for Flvo Dollars CO., Toledo. Ohto m fl 14.1. JKV0