THE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY. MAY 2, 1916. . BEAVERS AFTER SCALP OF ANGELS IN SERIES THAT OPENS TODAY Little Ray Sunshine All That$ras Needed to Bring ; MacRmeh Out in Shape, KELLY WILL GET CHANCE BRINGING UP FATHER fopyrffrb tt4 fey terattoast Ifewf Serrtr By George McMar. Reentered te-fe Pateat fllffca- LOOK AT THAT STEAK- 50 TOOAH-I CANT EAT IT-TAKE I CAN'T VOO BEIHT err ;oll - HE VASTER: CONE HERE AN' LOOK. AT THK THAT': mov i'm ;oih 1 TO OREAKIT! IT BACK steak: "H'm 0 alas Been Snowing Pretty Wall In ' Workout a Johnny Xinah's Arm le Getting Into Shape. i: C DO ) WHY? mm m m ""7 r inN - Lr -Wish 1 i'lSS--- & 11 lfXxi w K -CV I V 1 I By It. A, Cronin. Frank Chance and hla Los Angelea aggregation will be In our midst tbls afternoon .-for a slx-gsme ser iek with the Beavers, anil the league players figure on making a cleanup on the tallender. bat Walter Hennery Mc Credle and hla leds are out to pull the Seraph out of first place. The last two games agalnnt Vernon, which were played )n sunnhlnn for the first time tula season in the home park, bowed In a way that all i ii u locals need la stood weather to work them selves Into the ben of shape. The Beavtra are golnf to win a lot of ball games and there Is no necessity of the tana becoming- fainthearted. McCredle figures, on using Herb Kelly, the new left bander. In one of the games this week, provided, of course, on how lie shows in the warm up. Kelly hadn't hud a ball In hla tignda for a week or so before reach ing Portland, but has been showing pretty wall In the workouts. Dr. Leslie Clough. the club trainer, aaya that Johnny Lush's arm la com ing around In fin chape, and the vet Should bs able to pitch one of the game thla week. That will give Mc Credie two southpaws to work agulnst the left handed hitters on Chance's club. Tha return to form of Byrqn Ilouck has been one of the sensations of the past two weeks. Houck won - two of the; three ball games the Beavers have taken out of the eight played on the borne grounds, and the atuff ha showed In the gam Indicates that he will be a valuable gunner lfthe old trouble doesn't come back. Tha game today will start at S 'clock, provided the Shasta- Limited geta In on time, which Is 1:50 p. m. 7 I I 1 Y I 2 ! . - . : , I - i . i - i i , .is - e -ay - P .l-.i i"i a - SAVAGE RETUENS FROM TRIP WITH HOOKEY PLAYERS Manager Says Rochon Prob ably Will Play' Defense for Portland Team, STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS Pacific t'ojujt league. Won. Lost. Pet. Win. Xoaa. Zk8 Aag...lS 11 .577 .593 .556 Veraon ... 13 13 .630 .539 . .500 Oakland ...14 13 .519 .536 .500 aUta ran.. 14 14 .500 17 .483 alt take. .10 la .455 47o .435 VortU&d ..9 13 .409 4435 .391 American League. 4 Won. Hrfint. I'ft. Wiablngtoa n n .100 ClereUud 7 :tc; Irft(m ii 7 betrolt ii .7 .res New York 7 H .:,.:m (lilcaao 'a i .rM) t. IahiIs 5 0 .l:A7 Fblladelpbla 4 id . .istl Vatienal League. Brooklyn n I'litUdelphia V Iioaton U Cblcago , ; 7 Cincinnati 8 l. Louis , 7 Pittsburg 7 Hew 1'urfc I American Association Won. 11 H It. .1 4 4 ! H Toiil.lll ... Minneapmia OoltiralMi . . IadiDipolla Kansas (JUj Toledo Milwaukee . Wllta .... I.lncolo . . .. Omftba Topcka . Danvar .... glous dtr . Pes. Moines lit. Joseph 2 Northwestern League Orat Valla 3 Hpokane 3 Botte ,M Seattle 2 Tacome 1 Vancourer 2 Imt. 1 4 e 4 : 4 Western League. i a rt ft 6 4 , 4 n in 2 I) 3 4 ft tl II 8 1 8 2 4 8 3 r.-t .Ui7 .;; tvt) .:.: . r 1 10 ; coo .4117 .100 ret. .!17 .H7 .5K1 .R4o .304 .;ti7 .f2.1 .r.iw; .444 .444 .3.1:1 .200 .7V) .oo .00 4j0 .250 .400 IT W'm a Wise Judge. Chicago. May 2. (U. P.) Mrs. Norlne Pench was granted a divorce when ehe told the court that her hus band wanted to take the money ahe earned playing baseball for the Chi cago Bloomer baseball club. bit anxious about the location of the cup, and ent a tneaaage of Inquiry here the other day, wanting to know If it had been sent. Manager Savage brought the shipping lnetructlona home with him, and will consign the trophy to Manager George Kennedy of tha Canadlens at Montreal at once. f Boxing Bout Is Postponed. New York, May 2. Tha 10 round boxing contest between Gunboat Smith and Charlie Welnert, scheduled for "Wedneaday evening at tha Manhattan opera, house, has been postponed for one week owing to an injury to Smith's hand. E. II. Savage, manager of the Port land hockey champions, returned yea terday from the Montreal-New York Cleveland tour of tha Rosebuds, with a report that he had one or two new men in sight for next season's club and that the veteran Rochon would try to fill the lamented Del Irvine's shoea at defense. Savage law Rochon hi Canada and the player aaya that the injured knee, which has prevented him from playing the paat two years, is now in good shape. Savage had a very trying trip east to settle the world's championship at Montreal. Besides losing the Stanley cup, he was carried into litigation over the Hen of Sam Lichtenheim against Krnle Johnson's shara of the receipts, and the death of his star defense man, Irvine, in Chicago- Teammates Were Fall Bearers. "Irvine caught cold at a ball game in Brooklyn one afternoon," said Sav age. "The next day we started from New York to Cleveland to play three exhibition games, and Pel couldn t get out of his oerth on the train. I took him to a physician in Cleveland whe.i we landed there and his case was pronounced lumbago. However, upon further examination the next day, the physician diagnosed it as pleurisy, and taid he could be moved to his home in Winnipeg in safety. I fur ther broke up our team in sending Charley Tobln from Cleveland via Chi cago to Winnipeg. Del becani so bad in Chicago that Tobin had to take him ' from the train and rush him to the j hospital. He had the best of care but didn't have the strength to fight 1 off the pneumonia that had settled in his system. He was buried at his home in Winnipeg, the hockey team acting as pall bearers. Bnalness round Booming. "We lost. two of the three games at Cleveland, broke even in New York and lost the championship, 3 to 2. The Tho Canadiena made 15 goals to our 13 in the three games. "No lacrosse Is being played in Can ada this year except what is staged for tha patriotic fund for the Red Cross. "Business in eastern Canada has been on :he boom on account of the war, while business is picking up rapidly in British Columbia and western Canada. They say In New York that more money is being spent for amusement now than at any time in the history of tne metropolis. m "Enlistments ire heavy In Canada and one hears nothing but war talk oa all sides." Manager Savage will arrange at once to send the Stanley cup. emolem- atlc of the world s championship, to Montreal. When Portland won the hockey title the goblet was turned over to the Rosebuds by the Vancouver club, which won it in 1915. Owing to the terms established by the Stanley trus tees, a club muaf giva a bond for $750 for the trophy while in Its possession. The Portland club, as soon as It was found that there would be a world's series, didn't take the cup from the ex press office, and it hae been there ever since. The Montreal people were getting a Labor Press Bumped By Journal Tossers PRINTERS' BASEBALL LEAGUrJ. Won. Let. P. C. Journal 1 0 1.000 Oregonian 1 0 1.000 Telegram 0 1 .000 Labor Presa 0 1 .000 Frank Livingston's effective twirl ing enabled The Journal printers' base ball team to defeat the Labor Press yesterday afternoon at East Twelfth and Davis by the score of 10 to 5. Livingston allowed the losers but four hits. Cook's' playing at shortstop for The Journal waa one of the features of the game. Several sensational plays were made during the game, which was played in fast time. For the Labor Press, Maul was par ticularly effective in the box and Han son at ilrst played a fine game. Next Sunday morning, the Oregonian team will play the Labor Press and Monday The Journal will play the Telegram. Yesterday's score R. H. E. Journal 10 7 4 Labor Press 5 4 4 Batteries Livingston and Gardner; Maul, Jacksorl and Brady. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Senators Now at Top. Washington, May 2. (I. N. 8.) Bab Ruth, Boston's clever southpaw, suffered his .first defeat this season by the locals yesterday, 6 to 8. Al though only allowing six hits: he went wild in the eighth Inning, pass ing three men in a row and was re lieved by Leonard, Henry winning the game with a double to left which cleaned the bases. By their victory the Senators took first place. Score: BOSTON. I WASHINGTON AB. H.O. A. AB. H O. A. Matty Will Try Arm Out Against Boston New York. May 2 (I. N. S.) Christy Mathewson, wh$ for many seasons was the Giants' mainstay in the box, has been so much encouraged during the last few days with hla work in practice that he has decided to try out his arm against the Boston Braves at the polo grounds on Thurs day. Mathewson was unable to pitch much last season because of neuritis in the back of hla left shoulder. He has been undergoing a course of treat ments for some time and believes that disorder has been eliminated. H'nrlck'n.lf ft Scott, bs... 8 Hooper, rf. 4 Jauvrin.2b. B Iew! . . . 4 Gardrwr,3b. 4 Barry.2b.a 4 Agnew.c,... 2 Thomas, e.. 1 Ruth. p.... 3 Leonard, p. 0 ("arrtsan. 0 Shorten. 0 fiHhankt,rf 21 Softer. 3b. 1 0 2 4 2 Randeau.lf . 2 . . 2 Williams. lb 0 B MINOR BASEBALL Portland Railway. Light &. baseball team defeated the Salmon, Wrash., club Sunday, 6 Morgan. 2b. . 8 2!Henry.e 3 4 OiUarper,p. . . 4 0 0 Totals ...28 27 12 Totals ..83 10 24 14 Batted for Leonard in ninth. Kan for Carnlgan in ninth. Boston 0 0030000 0 8 Washington 0 2000O03 5 Runs Lewis, Gardner, Barry. Bandeau 2. William, Morgan 2. Error Agnew. Ttvo base hits Henry, JanTrin. Sacrifice bit Judge. Double playa Morgan to McBrlde to Judge. McBrlde to Morgan -to Judge, Barry to JanTrin to Barry to Agnew to Gardner to Apnew, Barry to Gardner. Basea on balls Off Ruth 9, off Harper 2. Hit by pitcher Morgan by Ruth. Scott and Agnr by Har per. Struck out By Buth 3, by Leonard 2, by Harper 4. Umpires Counolly and Omni. SPRING AND SUMMER -. 1 su: For the Man and Young Man WHY PAY MORE AND GET LESS? .7 QC H vm aa I : JJJ lift 1 M OUR PRICE RE-AINS THE SAME WHEN IN DOUBT PLAY YOUR TRUMP CARD An "iland" suit al ways WINS IN ANY GAME -THERE IS NO , CHANGE TO LOSE. OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DIS TRICT ungjimnwiisw y hi - Jm BASEBALL BREVITIES Athletics 4, Yankees 2. Philadelphia, May 2. (I. N. S.) The Athletics got a three-run jump on the Yanks yesterday on singles by Witt, Pick, Oldring and Mclnnis, an er ror and a double steal, and were never headed, winning 4 to 2. Bush out- pitched Russell, a recruit. The score: NEW YORK. I PHILADELPHIA. AB. H.O. A. AB, H.O. A. 8 2 1 0 Wlft.M 4 1 o 2 1 OFlck.Sb 4 3 ClStrunV.rf . . . 4 0 tOldriug.lf . . 4 4 4 U Jole.2b. . 2 9 2 Mclnnla.Jb. 3 2 G' 3 4 1 -Meyer .c 3 0 ijBusu.p 8 Q 0 tillhoolT.rf Magee.lf.. Baker.2b.. Gedeon 2b. . . . Pk'p' Nu'mnker,c Rugai-ll.p. . Caldwell. Totals. .83 7 24 i: 1 -z 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 10 O 2 0 7 1 0 The Power White 8 to 1. The pitching of Louttlt and the batting of BUI Goertz featured the game. Louttlt allowed four hits and struck out 14 men. Goertz made a home run, a double and a single in four times up. The Lents Grays met their first de feat of the season Sunday at the hands of the Peninsula Grays. 16 to 7. Score R. II. E. Lents 7 5 9 Peninsula 16 12 3 Batteries Lindsay, Huslng and Edwin, Young, Weller and Weller. The Log Cabin baseball team won its fifth straight game Sunday, defeating the Gilbert White Sox, 11 to 2. Rube Maxmeyer waa pounded for 14 hits by the winners. Fitzgerald of the win ners, allowed two hits, both being in field taps. Molin and McDonald starred at bat for the winners and Cadigan in tha field. Score: R. II. E. Log Cabin 11 14 4 Gilbert 2 2 4 Batteries Fitzgerald and Oldham; Maxmeyer and Hedman. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES BraTess Beat the Champions. Boston. May 2. (I. N. B.) Rudolph held the Phillies to four safe onea yes terday, enabling the Braves to defeat the champions for the first time thla season, 5 to .2. The score: PHILADELPHIA. I BOSTON. AB. H.O. A AB. H.O. A. 1 l 4 13 3 2 2 alF.Trs.2b 8 2 2 1 0 0 O rolllna.lf. .. 8 10 0 0 1 OlWllaolt.rf.. 8 10 0 0 10 4 2 11 3 1 0 OIHmltt.Sb... 3 0 0 1 0 2 . 3 0 S 0 O 2 0 0 3 0 0 6 'SGowdT.C... 8 18 0 0 1 4 1 Rudolph. p.. 3 0 11 0 0 0 Fiupatricfc 10 0 0 0 0 0 Stock. 8b... 4 Bancroft. aa. 4 3 Uood.rf.... 4 3 Whltted.lf. 4 Nlehoff.Zb. 8 Burns.c 0 Adams. c... 3 Mayer,?... 2 Rliey.p. . . . O Cooper 1 Totals ..31 4 24 14 Total ...SO 8 27 12 Batted for Mayer in serentb. Batted for Compton in clgbtb. Philadelphia 1 OOOOO I 0 0 2 Boston 1 1003000 B Runs Bancroft. Wbitted. Maranrlllt 2, Brers, Collins, Wtlholt, Krrors Ludenx, ETers. Two base bits Whltted, Maranrille, Konetchy. Stolen base Good. SaerfTice fly Luderua. l'ouble plais Adams to Nlehoff, 8tork to Luderua. First base on errors Philadelphia 1. Boston 1. Baaes on balls Off Mayer 8. off Rlxey 1 off Rudolph 1. Ktruex out By Mayer 8, by Rlxey 1. by Ru dolph 8. Umpires Rlgler and Fa son. totals .30 6 27 11 Ike Wolfcr, the local boy who Is playing left field (or the Bpokane Northwestern league team, is hitting the ball on the nose. In the last four games he has been at the plate 14 times and he has made 7 hits, includ ing a double of two base swats. Tiny Leonard knocked a homer for the Indians yesterday. Outfielder Kenneth Williams hao been released to the Bpokane North western league team by the Cincinnati Nationals. Williams was taken on an optional agreement last year. Los Angeles. May 2. (P. N. S.) Next year's players on the Salt Lake ball club will be trained at La3 Ytgas, N. M., according to WTilllam O'Connbr business manager of the club. Unfavorable weather conditions en countered In the central part of Cali fornia Is the reason given fcr the change. Cliff Blankenshlp, manager of the club, gays that he will have the men training just as long as he wants next year. He says the short training period came near ruining the club this year. San Francisco, May 2. (U. P.) Joe Corbett, Seal pitcher, was uncondi tionally released yesterday by Man ager Wolverton of the San Francisco club. ' "I would have liked to retain Cor bett," aaid Wolverton, "but baseball is not a sentimental game, and Corbett, well liked by everybody, in all fairness to my other players, bad to feel the axe." Wolverton a club Is now down to the playing limit and below tha sal ary limit. Wolverton expects to re tain Ad Machold and 'Toll" PerritL Lob Angeles, May 2. (P. N. S.) Johnny Williams, former Los Angelet. pitcher, has signed a contract to pitch for the St. Joseph club In the Western league. He will leave Monday to join his club. "Lefty" Thompson and Howard Ehmke left yesterday for the east Ehmke Is joining tho Syracuse club, while Thompson will report to To ronto. Los Angeles, May 2. (P. N. S.) Ed Schorr, the big right hander released yesterday by the Los Angeles dub, will worlc out with Salt Lake this week. If he looks good enough Cliff Blankenshlp will sign him. Schorr says that he has trouble with his control each snrrns: and be lieves that he will hit his stride soon; Los Angeles, May i. iU. P.) Cliff Blankenshlp, shortly after his arrival yesterday with his hive of 18 ajtingr ers, let It be known that he is dicker ing for Carroll Brown, pitcher, of the New York Yankees. Blankenshlp. stated he believed ha would aucceed In getting 9rown. "Control is Brown's big problem," said the manager of the Bees. "Bat ters cannot hit him but they get baaes by the walk route.'' Batted for Rugae 11 In ninth. New York 0 2 O O 0 0 ,O 0 0 2 Philadelphia 8 0 0 0 1 O 0 0 4 Kuns Uedeon, Plpp. Witt. Strunk, La Jole, Oldring. Error I'lpp. Peckinpaugh, Witt. Pick. La Jole. Two base hit Pipp. Home run Strnnk. Stolen bases La Joie, Mel mils. IiouMe plavn Uedeon to I'rpp. Gedeon to Pipp to Pecklupaugb, Busb to Meyer to Mclnnis. l'lrt bases on errors New York S, Philadel phia 1. Baws on balls Off Russell 1. off Hush 2. Strurk out By Russell B, by Buab empires Nallin aud Dineen. Covelejkie Wing for Indians. Detroit, May 2. (I. N. S.) The In dians won yesterday in the first inning when they scored two runs. Graney singled, Turner was passed and Smith drove them home with a timely two-bagger. Coveleskle held the Tigers to two scattered hits dur ing the five innings that were played before rain Intervened. The score: CLEVELAND. 1 DETROIT Centralla, May 2. The Tono base ball team will open its season at home Sunday with 'the fast Doty team. On May 14 a Portland team will be played at Tono, and on May 21 Elma will go to Tono for a return game. Owing to the expense of bringing the teams to Tono, the Tono Athletic club haB found it necessary this year to charge adrnis sion for ladles, for the first time in five years. A ladies' day wril be set, however, at any time the club sees its way clear to do so. Clatskanie, Or.. May 2. Clatskanie opened the Lower Columbia River league here Sunday by walloping the Ilwaco aggregation by a score of 10 to 5. The game was featured by the pitching of Larson and the battbng of Hop Eilertson of the locals. Clats kanie made 10 hits off Williams, and xiwaco garnered six on jarson. By winning this game, Clatskanie is tied with Hammond Lumber company for irst place. , Batteries Clatskanie, Lar son and P6ff; Ilwaco, Williams and Garietson. Umpire West. The Fargo Athletic baseball club opened the season Sunday at Canby, Or., where they were defeated by the score of 10 to 8. The heavy batting of Hassenbrink and Geisey and the pitch ing of Bob Colvin featured the game. Batteries for Fargo, B. Colvin and Col vin; batteries for Canby, Coons and Rush. The Fargo Athletic club is open for games at home or out of town. Address George Stangle, Wilsonville, Or., or Peter Hester, Aurora, Or. La Center, Wash., May 2. The Pio neer baseball team defeated La Center team yesterday by a score of 7 to 3. It was a fast and interesting game. The batteries: Pioneer, Keothe, Bar cus and Hardt; La Center, Brezee, Spencer and Beckman. Dodgers in First Plate. New York, May 1. (I. N. S.) The Brooklyn club yesterday climbed to the top of the National league by beating the Giants, 8 to 6. The Dodgers had two big Innings, the third and fifth. scoring four ram In each. The Giants outhit the Brpoklyns. forcing Rucker to retire. Coombs, who received him, was effective. The score: BROOKLYN I NEW YORK AB. H.O. A. I Mi.n et.. 3 2 1 0 Bums. If. tuweri 11. rc o AB. H. O. A. r.raner If. . 2 1 1 OiVItt.s. AB. H O. A. Turner. 31. Speaker, cf. 1 Smith. rf... 2 2 Howard. 2b. 2 ('Huibjrns,sa 2 O'Neill. e. . . 2 C'T leskic.p 2 2 V Sialyl. Sb... 2 O' 1 olVeach.lf... 2 OlCrswford.rf 2 3Heilman.2b. 2 0 Burns. lb... 2 C'3tanage,c. . . 2 2iDauss,p 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 o o 0 0 1 0 1 11 f 1 0 0 Totals ..16 8 18 01 Totals ...IT 2 35 12 CltTelaod .2 0 0 0 0 t Detroit ..O'OOOO 0 Kuus Graney, Turner. Errors Turner. Hcllnsan. Two " base bit Smith. Sacrifice bUs Graney, Speaker. Double plays Gandil I'nasaieted, Cobb to Malsel. Firtt base on enors CleTeland 1. Detroit 1. Baes on bolls Off OoTeleskie I. off Dausa 1. Struck out By Orelet-kle 1, by Dausa I. Umpires Ktsqb and Chill. At St. Louis: Chicago-St game postponed, rain. Louis Joe Bonds) to Meet Grajit. Seattle, Wrash., May 2. (P. N. S.) Joe Bonds, prise heavyweight from Tacoma, will bo seen In action by Seat tle boxing bugs next Tuesday night. His opponent has not been selected, but Jack Grant, a Kansas City boxer, Is being considered. Leo Houck of Seattle, and Frankle Bulllvan of Lps Angles will appear on the tame card. Bisaillon In Cne Meet. Seattle. Wash., May 2. (P. N. S.) Otto Neidofer of Spokane, Mao BisaJl Ion of Portland and Arthur Seymour, formerly of Los Angeles, three of the best balkline billiard players on the Paciflo coast, will meet In a thtee game, round robin tournament, begin ning hers tomorrow night Strike Harts Pittsburg Baseball. Pittsburg, May 2. (I. N. S.) Un less the big streetcar strike Is settled today it will result in some of the Na tional league games scheduled for Forbes field being called off. Leonard's Stock tldrances. Philadelphia. May 2. (U. P.) Ben ny Leonard's stock sun on a fight fans rose again today as the result of his win over Charley Thomas in a six round bout last night. Thomas never I, had a look-in. BASEBALL TODAY ARS AXX. THld WEXX BICsEAnOR PAJftX Corner Vaogha aad Twenty-fourth Sta. Los Angeles VS 8 PORTLAND Qames Begin Weekdays at 3 W. st.i Sundays ttldor'H. Reserved Box Seats for Sale at Ed wards' Cigar Stand, Sixth, and Wash ington Sta. XVadlsa Days Wsdassday aat rrlday. Nelson and Benjamin Give? Only Exhibition Ziight Attendance at Salem Causes Can cellation of Champions hip Battle; Bight Konnd Bout Za Subatltutad. Salem, Or., May 2. Owing 'to light attendance Billy Nelson and Joe Ben jamin, coast featherweight champion, put on only a fast exhibition eight round bout, instead of a championship battle, at Moose ball last night. Both declared they were out much money on the deal. Benjamin placed it at $100. At first It was proposed to declare the bout off. The crowd made such a roar that It was staged. Benjamin had a shade the better of It. Cohen and Campbell and Boatwrlght and Williams featured in no decision bouts. Daubert. lb S Stsusel. rf. 5 Johnston, If 3 Mowrey. 8b 4 Cntshaw2b 4 Oleoo.l... 4 Miller, c. Kucker, p. . 1 Coomba, p. 3 O'DoTle. 8b. lKsuff. cf.. 0 Fletcher, ss, 4 Merkle, lb.. 8! Hunter, 3b. 1; Rsrlden.c. 0) Dooln. c Kelly 1 Palmer o, p. 1 Sohauer. p.. 2 Bousch... 1 AB. H O. A 5 2 2 0 8 0 1 4 S 8 2 1 1 11 1 2 1 O o 0 0 0 A triple by Neale and Chase's sacrifice fly acored one in the first. Smith's fumble. Chase's twobagger, Smith's wild throw and Griffith's single counted the two tallies in the sixth. Mitdhell pitched good ball for tho Reds. The score riTTBBUUU. AB. H.O. A Johnston, lb 4 Carey, lf-of. 4 Barney, cf.. i Coopjr.U. . 0 H'nchm'n.rf 4 W'aeuc.. 4 Schmidt. c. Knabe.Zb. 8mitb,3b., Adama.p.. Jacob. p. . ScbUltS. . Bairn, . . 1 2 0 0 1 1 4 1 4 1 3 1 1 0 ( o 1 o 1 0 CINCINNATI. AB. H.O. A. . 4 1 3 0 4 0 1 8 1 10 . 4 2 3 a i i .301 h o n 3 1 B 8 10 1 1 Kllllfer.lf. 0('bas.tb.. Ojfjrlfflib.rf. OjCroh.Sb. . . 4 0;Ixuden,2b. 4u'larkr.e. . , 2Mltcbrll,p. o 0 Total ...80 6 27 11 WAVEELEY GOLF I TEAM TO CLASH WITH SPOKAN Inland Empire Golfers to Local Players on Waver? ley Links Saturday, Totals ..82 8 U 131 Batted for aaam in sieni. Batted for Barney In clgbtb. Plttaburg 000 0 0 0 0 (1 0 O Cincinnati 10000200 3 Run Neale. Killlfer, Cbaae. Errors Carey, Smith 2. Two base hit H Inch man. Uritli, Cliss. Tbre base hit Neale. Stolen base Carey. Double plsys Hersog to Louden to Cbaa. Carey to Schmidt. Mltcnal to Hersog to Chsse. Bes on ball Off Mitchell 2. Struck out By Mitchell 8. Passed ball Schmidt. Umpires Klem sod Kuislle. At Chicago St. postponed; rain. Louis-Chicago came Total . 84 11 27 12 Totals... 8 13 27 17 Batted tor Dooln In ninth. Butted for Hchauer In ninth. Brooklyn 0 0 4 0 4 000 O 8 New York 1 020O002 6 6 Rim Daubert S, Btengxl 8. Johnston, Mow rey. Miller, Rocker, burns. Robertson 2, Doyle, Kauff. Error Doyle, Fletcher. Two base bit Myera, Kauff. Home run Htengel. Stolen bases Miller. Johnson 2. Sacrifice bit Daubert. Sacrifice files Meyer. Fletcher. Double play Kauff to Doyle, Johnston to OIkob to Mbwrey, Cutsbaw to Daubert to 01on. Base on balls By Palmero 2. by Rchauer 1, hr Coomb 1. Struck out By Palmero 2, by SChauer 2. by Rucker 1. by Coomb 2. Um pires Byron ana Qulgley. Cincinnati 8, Pittsburg 0. Cincinnati, May 2.-MI. N. S.) Cin cinnati drove Babe Adams from the mound In the sixth Inning when they scored two runs, defeating Pittsburg for the second straight game, 8 to 0. m Kirby Drennan Will Be Intercity Umpire A meeting of the schedule commit tee of the Intercity Baseball league will be held this week. The remainder of tha season's schedule will be drawn up. The committee Is composed of Red Rupert, George Grayson, Krny Taylor and Ray Baker. Kirby Drennen has been appointed to succeed Umpire Aleo Chepne, who resigned. Ed Kennedy, the former Beaver, who Is playing with the Brad fords, thought he would like to um pire, but has changod his mind. The schedule for next Sunday Is: Bradforda vs. Montavilla at Monta villa. Klrkpatricka vs. Woodburn at Wood bu rn. Baby Beavers vs. Woodland at Woodland. St. Helens vs. Salem at Salem. Manager Grayson of the Bradfords. plans on sending Swartz or Dillard against the Montavilla team, while ZwifeJ will probably get another chance to chalk up a victory. Marvel Will Remove Mask. New York, May 2. (I. N. 8.) The masked marvel, who gained notoriety in the wrestling tournament at Man hattan Opera house some time ago, will wrestle Btrangler Lewis to a fin lsti in Madison Square Garden tonight. Tho masked one, who lias been pretty thoroughly Identified as Mort Hender son, will dissipate any remaining doubt by removing his mask at the close of his bout with Lewis. There will also b several other wrestling contests. Spokane, Wash, May 2. Spoke Country club men, 20 in number. golf with the Waverley Country cl playera of Portland Saturday aftenjo over the Waverley Country club uoyr' In the first of the annual intcTCi matchea. Iaat year the Waverley go era won from the visitors by a tnsrf of several points. This season's laat will be played under tho Naasaty S) temof scoring. , j The team winning tha greatest nu ber of polnta will be awarded a apec trophy cup offered by J. p. Ferrall t Portland. The complete Spokane team htf r been selected, but among the playe who have already Mgnlfled their lnt( Hon of playing are: CLyds M. Qrav John loran, Fred Boldrlck. V. 3. rin cane, Frank McCullough. Alex Winstc Charles Jones, Thaddeua Lane. Colon Abercromble, Judge Klewelling, l Gravea and J. B. Ingersoll. "Tad" Jones Gets i Yale Men to Wori New Haven, Conn., May 2. U. f "Tad" Jones, new head coach Of ti Yale football squad, declared tod. I that he hoped by his early start I training ins squaa lo navs an sieve that will rob Harvard of Its grldln glory when the autumn comes arour Jones hud his players, mors than In number, out today for their seooi spring practice.' . .' All the old football stars of an liar day who were- appointed to ti graduate advlaory committee ware 0' in uniform to lend their aid to tt head coach. Whitman Meets Idaho. Walla Walla, Wash., May 1,Tl Whitman baaeball team will open it Intercollegiate season this aftarnovi when It meets the University of Idsl nine on Ankeny field. The sseoti game of the series will be Wednead afternoon. Coach Vincent Borlaake, I hopeful of the outcome of the Idal ramps, nwlnsr to the howtnr made b the Whitman playera on their recer trip into Idaho, on which the wo three games out of five against Idal. college and the Boise High school SH! Hairline Decision Is Wanted by Middles The winner of the Valley Tram-bltas-Al Sommers bout, one of the headllnera of the Initial card of the Beaver Athletio club to be staged Fri day night in the Rose City club gym nasi urn, will bo In direct line for a bout with Billy Weeks, the middle weight champion of the Northwest. Both Sommers and Trambltas have agreed that tho referee of their bout is to render a hair-line decision if necessary. Sommers haeXboxed a draw with Weeks and If Trimbitas wins Friday night it is a cinch that he will demand a bout with the title holder. The referee for the main events has not been selected. The principals will get together with tho club officials tonight and settle the referee ques tion. It is expected that Jack Grant will be the third man In the ring. r m Motorcycle Run Planned. Roseburg. Or., May 2. O. P. T. Daenits and Herbert DuGas of Port land were In Roseburg on Monday mak ing arrangements for the motorcycle endurance contest that will be put on between Portland and Roseburg dur ing the Strawberry carnival. May 25, 26 and 27. It is expected that at least 30 motorcycles will enter the contest. WARM ONE UP AND 'SEE.! OLD JIM SPlNKSi SAYS YOlt6NV;ALWAYSv PICKTHE1 'WINNER, WWATCHlNGaA 'TRY OUT MAYBEYOU "CAN V; .PICK'XHE JPONI ESrTHAT WAY-' MBVJLT BOW ABOUT American Association. Minneapolis, 1; Columbus, 14. Milwaukee, g; Louisville, 4. Others postponed, rain. .saa OF QUALITY f xS. vr z riry-zu x.(s,& r aaOs4eyy 1 -1 VSTS' X 11 rJVS-Viexx4X. aV yf m rra w-rv . mm mm wm m m m m jt i v-i wi 1. ii i rv ir s n l 2 rw l 11m i . tea . i i i - aaMZ. a s as - a . - M m r a waa'va v J a vuiu a v a-- w a I 1 lal tilV.VY'V 1 "X. " I IK i a vw f! 'a r jm aim .e... 1 Ol Vai IUUI K fsVv I M TV.:,' i ass!. Msm ,v . " - m jm "saaw -t, m r m w m - ' ii - Jr- vx ,- it -a i is iwii(.mii i ' a a l a a v a i 'f