The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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: Come -From Mineral Region
Von South Fork of the Wal
Iowa: River Near Joseph.
But Mountain 0m Company Xs After
'- Ooppiv Md the Oold If to Be
J ' . ' . ae "Velvet." '
Thomas P. Adam, an officer of the
Mountain Dent Mining & Development
' company of 'Joseph, Wallowa county,
' placed three fine specimens of copper
In the Oregon state exhibit, ground
floor of the Oregon building8atur
1 day night. Mr. Adams has been In
Portland and Hlllsboro making finan-
clal arrangements for renewed activity
la the mineral region 25 miles from
. Joseph, on the south fork of the Wal
lowa river. j.
The ore la of two kinds, one taken
from the "white ledge," which Is rich
In sliver, with good traces of gold as
fc well as copper, and one from the "red
ledge." which consists of from 87 to
69 per cent native copper. The third
1 specimen la a sample of white ore
'.'roasted'-In a blacksmith's forge.
. With this crude treatment, the rlch
'i' ness of the ore Is shown by the pure
... copper melted out and appearing in
bright flakes throughout the mass of
" . Mr. Adams said the south fork re-
glon" in the early days was curbed by
f the wildcatter and Salter probably a
. 'much as any mining region In the
. world. The lasting effects of this
sort of "mining" are only now being
overcome. WeTe it not for the heavy
- demand for copper, he said, he doubted
if renewed development could even now
be successfully undertaken.
"Although we find plenty of gold In
the ore, we have quit running any gold
' mines," said Adams. "The gold we get
out of it is considered pure velvet.
What we are after is the copper.
"We are now working on a wagon
road from the mine to Joseph and as
soon as that is finished we expect to
begin hauling out the mineral. We
have water power and will install a
small dynamo and get out our own cop
per by electrolysis. t That beats the
Adams said some tunneling has been
done,' 105 -feet in the white ledge, and
20 feet in the red ledge." A porphyry
dyke Intersects the two ledges and ap
parently is the mother lode. This dyke
has been traced for four miles, Adams
said. t
The specimens are to be Included In
the bureau of mines and geology exhib
it In connection with the general state
. f
idaho Junes are active
country as now,' Vith metal prices '
soaring ; and lively demand for' every
kind of . mineral the 'earth's Inwards
yield up; - ; '';'' ;- ' ..- j
'. F.C BoutlnL secretary of the Inter-1
state-Callahan I mine ' located seven
miles from . Wallace, Idaho, made this
declaration Saturday during a . brief
visit to Portland: He said the mining
camps look like they must have looked
In the romantic days of the- big rush.
The Interstate-Callahan Is now; the
third largest I sine producer tn the
world. It paid $2,225,000 in dividends
last year and Indications are that this
year will break that record. .Prices i
have risen from $4.80 ! to J2 per ton
ior opener ana are now novering
strong around1 118. Thai fact has
caused considerable of a boom In
stocks, and the mlnera themselves,
from muckers up to the bosses, are
Time was when the miners Invested
in liquid refreshments on Saturday
nights. Now they invest In stocks.
The result is that several tidy young
fortunes have been made from increase
lu values of paper.
Most picturesque of U the char
acters of the Coeur d'Alenes, Boutin
said, la old J. F. Callahan who pros
pected for 30 years before he un
earthed the big pay. His dividends
last year were $500,000. Until lately,
he lived in the same tumble-down
shack that was his home during his
days of fruitless quest. But though
well along In years, he made' a big
splurge after he got his dividend, went
to Honolulu and picked up a young
bride in California on the way home.
Some of the biggest pay mines In
the world are located in the Coeur
d'Alenes, Boutin said7, with lead cop
per, silver, sine and some gold.
V- . SI
9 $ v J
are now betag distributed la all ac 6tthi city.; .? " ,r
--Bodies of Germans Found.
London; May I. The bodies of two
German officers' were found among the
dead in the streets of Dublin, accord
ing to a dispatch' from the Irish capi
tal today, which quoted a, British offi
cer as authority. The dispatch con
firmed reports that a submarine had
been engaged In filibustering on the
Irish coast.
Hood P.-T. Elects.
Hood River, Or., May 1. At the an
nual meeting of the Parent-Teacher as
sociation held at Library hail Saturday
evening the following officers were
elected to serve for the ensuing year:
President. Mrs. William F. Rand; vice
president, Mrs. Frank A. Cram; secre
tary, Mrs. Frank Davenport Jr.; treas
urer, Mrs. H. A, MacDonald. The re
ports of the officers of the association
indicate that the organization has had
one of the most prosperous years in its
Milton Sets Strawberry Date.
Milton, Or., May 1. At a. recent
meeting of the city council it was de
cided to have the annual strawberry
festival and horse show May 31. Th
same committee that made the festival
such a success last year was appointed.
When writing or calling on adrertlDers,
please mention The Journal. (Adv.)
Only 307 Pledged, All to Fa
vorite Sons; Three Leaders
Have None,
New York, -May N. S.) TJn-
1ns true ted delegates to the Republican
national convention will have suffi
cient strength to nominate the candi
date for president. This situation is
revealed by the compilation of figures
in states where the delegates have al
ready been chosen and from telegrams
from state leaders.
The figures show that at least 579
of the - 985 delegates will go unin
structed. The number of votes required to
nominate is 493. Only 307 or less than
a third of the delegates, are pledged
and most of these are to favorite sons.
From this it can "be aeen that it will
be anybody's fight when" the convention
opens. None - of the three men- moat
prominently Mentioned Tt or .-the presi
dency Charlea E. , HagheaC Theodoi
Roosevelt and Klhu Rootha had del
egates Instructed for him. Instructions
have been given as follows;
Cummin 74, Burton 67. Fairbanks
51, La Follette 35, Sherman 64, Ford
30, Dii Pont 6; total SOT.
Chicago, May I. (I. N. 8.) After
touring and addressing audiences tn 41
states of the union within the" past 10
months. Senator Theodore E. Burton of
Ohio declares that the entire country Is
at last awakened to the great need of
national military preparedness.
"That preparedness has become a na
tional iasue and Is the popular desire
of the people of the United States Is
apparent on all aides," said Senator
Burton today. "The enthusiasm differs
lh different sections of the country.
The eastern seaboard states are par
ticularly alive to the needs of the ' na-
tlon in' this respect, while .the central
states feel more or less eecure. In the
commonwealths along the Mexican bor
der I found the citlsens living in con
stant fear of some great impending
danger. It is to be regretted hat con
gress 'hag been so slow to take action
on this .issue.. However, 1 have no
doubt but that both the army and navy
bins will be passed eventually.
Senator .Burton - predicts a . great
turning to the old republicanism in the
11 election. Me Says that the Repub
lican spirit haa hot been mors aroused
since 1904, and he haa-. no doubt but
that the' Republican and Progressive
parties will be able to unite on a har
monious platform. - ,
Portland People
File Upon Land
Albany, Or., May 1. The following
Portland -people came here Saturday
afternoon and filed on land in town
ships 14. 3 and 4 east, about 4000 acres
in all, being 160 each. Some of them
had flled before. ft There were five
women In the crowd The land In ques
tion Is timber land and la in the Cas
cadia section. Theflist, together with
the fees each paid. Is as follows:
Frank E. Alley. $1: John H. Mac
Donald, 116; Omer B. Young, $16; Ed
wkrd F. Bowers, $16 ; Harack TC. Brooks.
$16; Thomas U. Stlmpson. $16: Courte
nay Bryan, $16; Kmil B. MoOlasson,
$16; Huldah 1. Conrad. $16: Lloyd W.
Wells,29.46; Ethel A. French, $16; Jo
seph Amann, $$9.4; Vaslle Xuda. $16;
William 0. Helber. $29.24; Dwlght H.
Robinson, $28.54; David Fontana, $16;
Edward J. Wallace. $!f.J$i Melfon
Oeorge, $16; Harmon U Alley,
Charlea Brown. $14 r Charles H. 11
$14: Kate K. Parker, $29.7S; Rufut
Phllo. 429.62; Joseph. '. R. She.
$41.28; Josopli McCieUand. $16.
Aviator Flies Over;
Seattle at Nigi
. ' 1 ' I
Seattle. Wash.. May 1 (P. N. S.
In thW first all-dark flight In the aei
history of Seattle, lieutenant Terah
Maropey, of the aviation corps of 1
Second regiment. National Ouard
Washington, last night flew over
attle at an altitude of 2000 feet, t
rOney was aloft for more than 10 m
utes and circled several times over
business section and the Queen At
hill residence district o ! ;V)
Maroney is endeavoring to recruit
aviation corps, to be a regular adju
of the state militia forces. a ;,-Jri"
, ij
Miss l)e Graff Lectures. ,
Hood River. Or., May 1. Miss !
Oraff, Portland delesate to the F
peace conference at The Hague, de
ered two lectures In Hood River Sat
day afternoon and evening. The af
noon lecture was given in the. T
Grove Orange hall, and the even
,lecture at the Library hall in the oj
under the . aum'lcea of the .Pare
Teacher association. . .;
(Continued From Page One)
Liberty hall. Pearse was wounded In
the leg. Many rebels discarded their
uniforma and escaped capture by min
gling with crowds of civilians. -
Cofcmr d'Alene District Finds
' T .i n
aciuauu lur f uijjui,
V j Never was there such a rush and
1 'hustle in the whole Coeur d'Alene
London. May 1. (U. P.) All Dub
lin rebel commanders have surren
dered, it was officially announced to
day. Large forces of rebels at Ennea
corthy, 80 miles south of Dublin, sur
rendered after a truce ; lasting a day
ana a nair, according to. dispatches re
ceived in London today. Several Iso
lated detachments are .still holding
out, but the back of the Irish rebel
lion has been broken.
Skirmishes continued in Dublin on
Sunday, Jnit there was little fighting
in the heart of the city. More than
1200 rebels have Been made prisoners.
It is estimated that 200 have been
killed and wounded and $10,000,000
damage done property during the sev
en days of disorder.
Proclamations were posted In Dub
lin, yesterday (announcing that Pearse,
the rebel leader, .had asked his follow
ers to surrender. Irish snipers
wounded the men posting these
placards. Soon, however, groups of
rebels Surrounded in the business sec
tion of the city signalled for a truce.
Presently several bands surrendered.
Sniping in the outskirts of Dublin
may continue) for days while troops
Vietor J. Garvin.
The election of Victor J. Garvin of
Oregon Agricultural college as mana
ger of the Gilliam -county fair; has
been announced by the Oilliam County
Fair association. He will assume his
duties at the close of the college year
and spend most of the summer in the
field, rousing enthusiasm and assist
ing in. collecting and arranging farm
ers' exhibits.
Mr. Garvin was born in Denver and
is, a graduate of Denver high school.
He attended the Colorado Agricultural
college, two years and while a student
there assisted in the promotion and
supervision of several agricultural
fairs and exhibits.
He came to Oregon Agricultural
ollege aa a student two years ago.
He was supervisor of agriculture In
the . public schools of Corvallia - last
year and this year has assisted in the
organization of boys' and girls' indus
trial clubs throughout the state.
round up the scattered rebels block
by block.
There is not Intimation of what
punishment may be given rebel prison
oners, Including the Countess Markle-
cicz. I
Look at Porto Rico
on the Map and say
Fine Cigars should!
ot be made there
Tobacco in its perfection is as
native to the soil of one island of the
West indies as to the other. .
Porto Rican tobacco is known to have
every good quality of Cuban leaf, but aa
now cultivated "in the field," of her up
land plantations it has a delicate mildness
'which distinguishes it from the Cuban leaf
in this one noteworthy respect.
The RIC0R0 Cigar
(Cabinet Size) 3-for-25 cents
or by the box of SO, $4.
is a typical product of Porto Rican cijrac
makingr and Porto Rican tobacco-growing.
Imported FREE OF DUTY and priced
- ftccordingly.
. -- All the virtue of the wonderful tobacco
in the cigar and all the skill in the workman
. ship which belongs to the inherited art of
.the Spanish natives who make it.
The RICORO Cigar is a representative
: product of the West Indies in which satis-
faction is not sacrificed to the unequalled
mildness that the RICORO will always bo
s found to possess.
$10,000,000 IS CLAIM
Dublin, May 1. (Wireless to Lon
don) (I. N. S.) Slowly but surely
the blaze of rebellion Is dying out.
With fatal precision, the military or
ganization is asserting its mastery
over the rebels.
Already' the authorities are sum
ming up the extent of the damage
Only rough estimates can be attempt
ed at present. It is admitted, how
ever, that the damage will exceed
Pearce Issues TProolamatioa.
Peter Pearce, self-styled president
of the republic of Ireland, who sur
rendered yesterday, issued the follow
ing proclamation Sunday.
"In order to prevent further slaugh
ter of unarmed persons and In the hope
of saving the lives of our followers
who are surrounded and hopelessly
outnumbered, the members of the pro
visional government at headquarters
have agreed to unconditional surrender
and the commanders of all the units
of republican forces will order their
followers to lay down their arms."
Fortofflce Piled by Bebels.
The postoffice, the main stronghold
of the Sinn Feiners, was fired by the
rebels themselves and is In ruins. The
Metropole hotel, near by, also was
destroyed by fire. Both sides of Sack
ville street are practically burnt over.
Most of the public buildings in Tal
bot street were destroyed, as was the
Kden quay.
No estimates of the total casualties
of the week's fighting have been made.
However, a supplemental list Issued
j by the commander-in-chief of the Brit
ish forces here gives 27 names of
officers fit- killed, 21 wounded and
one missing. OtFriday two officers
were reported killed and five wounded.
Ztoss of Officers arge.
The formidable total of 34 casual
ties among officers alons is thus pre
sented. These losses are surprisingly
large for a civilian revolt and indi
cate that the losses among troops
must have been large. It Is but natu
Tal to Infer that the losses among the
Sinn Feiners "and civHians also have
been heavy.
James Connolly, commander of the
Dublin district rebels, was In the post
office when wounded. A bullet , shat
tered his thigh bone. Many of the- lead
ers of the rebellion have surrendered
unconditionally. L
Sniping HnI Seen Stopped.
The sniping f-om houses has been
practically stopped, owing to the sys
tematic digging out of the insurgents
by .troops.
In the neighborhood of Northwalk,
the small houses were infested by the
rebels. A party of bomb throwers
from 4he Royal Munster fusiliers,
undercover of darkness, attacked the
houses, and the rebels were expelled
by the use of hand bombs.
Three areas of the city are still held
by the Sinn Feiners, but each is sur
rounded by a cordon of troops. Noth
ing remains for tke rebels but to lay
down their arms or to steal away
among the non-combatant population.
Hundreds have surrendered.
race of Prisoners Uncertain.
The Question of what fate shall be
fall the . prisoners is exciting much
speculation. The military authorities
are fully empowered to deal with
rebela taken. In arms against the gov
ernment. It la believed In some quar
ters, however, that the English will
consider it advisable under the cir
cumstances not to make martyrs of
the Sinn Feiners.
None of the Dublin newspapers is
being published. Visiting correspond
ents are afforded ever.- facility by
the military authorities to learn what
is going on, but the size of the city
and the scattered nature of the fight
lng make their taak difficult.
Correspondents Are Targets.
Most of the correspondents are
quartered at the London Northwest
ern hotel. During Saturday snipers
got the range of the hotel perfectly
and for 10 or 16 minutes made the
tlives of m correspondents miserable,
Bullets whistled all around nntU the
' gunners on the hotel roof began pick
ing off the snipers. Eventually the
firing ceased."'
Owing to. the paralysis of communN
.cation, a large part of the civilian
- population was threatened with fam
ine .untlL, the army leader devised a
plan for - supplying them with food.
Rations Jtf bread, meat,- fish and flour
R .
r ? " - sTi 1 1 1
ft 111
EVERY Music Lover in Portland knew of the Clevenger Music Company for-
merly located in the Morgan Building on Broadway. High rents and over-;
ambitiousness forced the Clevenger Music Company into Bankruptcy early in the year.
Their stock of Music, comprising more than 50,000 pieces, was the newest, the Jatest and the best,
selected in the state of Oregon. All trie popular editions, all the standard publishers, were represent
ed and the Clevenger stock was, without doubt, the finest assortment ever brought west.
Clevenger failed! The wonderful Clevenger stock passed into possession of the courts. It was
offered to the highest bidder for spot cash. We had the outlet for this, enormous collection of music and on Saturday the stock
was sold by order of court and Eilers' cash bought it in. ,The Clevenger stock is now in tK Eilers store. It goes out to the
public at the greatest saving ever known. Not a single piece is reserved, everything is included at startling, smashing and unpre
cedented sacrifices.
Come and see. You know good Music. Share in 'this stupendous carnival of music bargains
because Clevenger Failed!
World's Best Muflsic Goes:
at Sensational, Bankrupt Prices
iftr'tGht TRW
Inventory of Big
Clevenger Stock
Shows These Many
Class ifications :
Popular Sheet Music
Classical Sheet Music.
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Oentnry 10c Edition
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Violin and iPano Sheet
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Cello and Piano Sheet
Mnsio and Polios,
Piano Cycles,
Bong Cycles,
Bacred Solos and Duets,
Pamous Song Collections,
Oratorio Bong Collections.
Italian Song Collections,
Preach Song Collections.
Oerman Song Collections.
Child's Vocal Collections.
Child's Instrumental Collections,
Standard Stndies,
Methods for all Instruments,
Thousands of Bundles of Popular Music! ySSe.
Without question the greatest valuegiving event ever conceived and carried
out. Think of it! 17,000 pieces of new, standard, Popular Sheet Music rolled
into bundles and literally thrown to you," because Clevenger failed. Every
bundle contains more than $1.25 of new, popular Music. There are bundles of
Vocal Selections and bundles of Piano Selections. Some are worth up to
$2.50 and every bundle is worth at least $1.25. There is a window full
Take your pick at only X.
Not More Than 4 Bundle to the Customer!
Every Piece of Clevenger's Music
No ExceptionsEverything Sacrificed!
..- matt war " JfjA
"Afosr Popular Music Folios
Everyone knows the '"Most Popular"
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the Worlds Best Music published in
many classified books. Hymns. Home
Songs .National Songs. College Songs,
Instrumental Polios, etc.. etc., etc.
75c Folios Going at 39c
50c Folios Going at 27c
Schmidt's Educational Series
Recognised by many aa. the Premie
series of Musical Folios. Music that
has lived throughout the years for
Vocal. Piano. Violin and Piano etc.
Staggering Reductions because Cleven
ger Failed.
30c Folios now 12c
v 40c Folios now 15c
50c Folios now 20c
60c Folios now 23c
75c Folios now 30c
$1.00 Folios now 38c
White-Smith Universal Series
Thousands of ' Musicians know and
love the famous White-Smith Universal
Series. They . comprise Sons: Collec
tions. Piano Collections and Piano
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price was ..'60c- each. While 1Q
they last, your choice.. X9C
Bundles of New
Classical Music
8400 Pieces!
Never before have you witnessed
such values in Classical Sheet Music.
Clevenger has such a big stock, we
bought it so cheaply, that we have de
cided to roll it all up in bundlas
every bundle worth more than $1.25
label it for Vocal, Piano or Violin and
Piano and give you your unrestricted
choice the bundle
Boston Music Co.'s Edition
Instrumental Music Folios 4
You know the reputation of the Bos-w
ton Music Co.'s Edition. Clevenger had
hundreds and .hundreds of folios.
and Piano, Cello and
They :
must go and go quickly For Vocal,.'
Piano, Violin
30c Folios for 12c
40c Folios for 15c
50c Folios for 20c -60c
Folios for 23c
75c Folios for 30c .
$1.00 Folios for 38c
Piano and Song Cycles ,
More than 1,100 Cycles for Piano and'
Snnr from the Clevenger Bankrupt
. Stock. New. frrsh. well selected stock.
Hold at these prices because we bought-
it for lBcson the Dollar!
$1.00 Cycles Sacrificed for 42c
$1.25 Cycles Sacrificed for 48c
$1.50 Cycles Sacrificed for 54c . .
"Mother Gapse" Songs 39c V'
Regular 75n Kill ion of Mothr Ooose
(Bongs for Ohlldln. handsomely bound ;
in heavy board, jBlustrated In four col-,
ors on heavy sutmtanfiaj paper. Qn. i
While they last, each - r. &VC
Sale Starts at 10:30 Tuesday Morning!
Be Here! Share in theJHf&ndrgds of Bargains!
Eilers Building
JBrqadwdat -Alder
Piano Solos
Famous "Century
Edition" Sellrfof
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-your choice
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