THE : OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, MONDAY. MAY 1, 1916. 11 FREDDY VELSH MAY BE DISPOSED OF AS KING : OF THE LIGHTWEIGHTS His (Retirement Will Be In ' duced by- a Left or Right Hook. ' ' J NEXT BOUT WITH C. WHITE Xgoiitlonm Ar Padin tot 3 out B- tWHa Champloa aad Caleaffo Boy la i May ollo1t to B Lookd After. Bjr Ringside. tfeif Tork, May 1. Her is a pre diction! Freddy Welsh, the well Jcnown disciple of Terpntchor, will not - ttrttwcitht champion of the world aftr this year. As a matter of fact. it iu a moot question whether ha will ias oui lira year a the king-pin 183 pounasr. II remains for Charley Whit and Bnny Leonard to deter minajust how ion j Frederick shall re main as champion. Walsh has reached the tether of his "i prowess; and no one know it ,t better, or realises It more, than Fred dy himself. He. Is oon to drop into - purUUtlo oblivion, and his retirement wiu not be voluntary. It will be In oucea oy either a left hoole by iTOnwwmn, or fty a right hook from uenny Leonard. Leon art evidently commands more t respect from Welsh than does th Chl cao knockout king. Thin Is made ap parent by the schedule 'Welsh has out. lined for his remaining days in the rlnfcv Freddy Is not averse to taking V hit on for JO rounds any time the .Windy City lad murmurs the word. ; But, as for tackling Leonard that's another matter. Benjamin will have to bide his time, says Freddy. The new lightweight champion prob ably will ke crow d In New Orleans, lther on Independence day or Labor - day. In any evenMlt win be the oc . caslon of on of ou$ holidays, so that the passing- of Freddy Welsh may eas ily be recalled. White will get theNflrst chance at - Welsh over a route. That Is assured', for Freddy and his manager, the pul chitrudinous "Arry Polock, consider White easier game. Jist why this ; should bf so, Inasmuch a White is an Infinitely harder hitter t)(ian Leonard, Is hard to understand. It may be that ( Welsh can handle White with less qualms, as he has fought .him three times, and has not fven been floored by the dangerous hitter.y Welsh to Try Benny. , Welsh is Quits satisfied to give Leonard a chance, providing the cham 1 ' plon .disposes of White without any ': harm to his coveted title. Already ne- rotations are under way for a Welsh Whit tilt la New Orleans the end of next month. Should this match ma te rial ixe, Leonard may get his oppor . tunity aosner than anticipated, for he , and Welsh would make an Ideal July r Fourth card at any club conducting Derby, bouts. However, should -Welsh and White m aeen toi 'i unm juiv 4. men Ltontra will: have to wait until Labor day. I 'i ONE OF THE LEADING -CLUBS OF COMMERCIAL BAESBALL LEAGUE' 1 11 - -?- -r- L ; 1 f W "z -rsray X-t r'' IJ ' t -y umorouan as erious in brts Wken Join L. Met Wales mummwxtwwmm aMiaMKasBMBkMattssswaiMesuBiM Crane company aggregation which is making a good showing In local diamond circles. The players from . - left to right aye: Top row Bedman, catcher; Brandt, pitcher; Dye, outfielder; De Long, manager ' and outfielder; Nielsen, shortstop; Garner, first base. Lower ro w McClure, outfielder; Smith, out fielder; Gaynor, third base; Heffron, second base. loss incurred by Welsh's dethroning would be more than compensated should Leonard be the fortunate indi vidual to unseat Velsh. Pollock will see that he's not fo otten by Leonard and his manager in future matches bf youthful Benny as a champion. Oth erwise follock would never consent to a Welsh-Leonard muss. Dundee Is tef Out. Johnny Dundee must be left out of the calculations when figuring on a 20 round fight with WelBh. In reality, Dundee would prove tougher than eith er White or Leonard over the route; and for that reason Welsh has deemed It proper to ienore the Scotch-Wop. Dundee has fought quite a number of 20 round battles, and knows how to cond.ct himself across the distance Leonard, on the other hand, has never gone more than 12 rounds, if that many, and may find it hard to regu late his speed so as to endure the dis tance. Pofuliar as it may seem. Welsh thinks he can make a better showing against Leonard over 2 rounds than he can in 10. He could hardly do any worse than when he first confronted Leonard at the Garden several weeks ago. Welsh was given the whipping of his career in the 10 rounds. He does not think Benny can repeat over a stretclxi That prediction of the first para graph holds, for Welsh is sure to face White and Leonard during the course Of the year. With a decision attached, Freddy will have a bard time retaining his title. , Wlllard Starts oa Tour. attitude. He has enough of the world ly goods to retire right now. But, as champion, he must remain in the pub lic eye; and Jess certainly does detest the glare of 'prominence. Certain it li- that Wlllard will mak a neat little speech at the end of each performance to the effect that he will continue fighting In the ring until he is relieved of his championship. But it Is a question whether he will return to the ring for more than one battle. He will - be content to' rest on his laurels after that. Hood River Is Winner. Hood River, Or April 29. The Hood River high school baseball team de feated the Stevenson team .-. Hood River Friday afternoon by a score of 8 to 7. This is the first game for the high school teams this. year. Regu lar games will be played each week during the month of May. Jess Wlllard, our heavyweight cham Then Freddy will be ready to kiss alpion. today starts on a circus tour, fond farewell .to his title. Freddy is which should net him $160,000 .more ; tired -of training for bouts; and, with f-hi'j remuneration for the bouts with .White and Leonard, he would have r quite a tidy fortune to keep the wolves rrom V1 fireside. 3 Any -way things eventuate, Harry bollock will be well provided for. The during the 30 weeks his contract calls for. Big Jos does not Object to ex hibiting himself befor the small town populace, but he shows a marked aver sion to appearing In the ring- with a man in the other corner. Wlllard cannot be blamed for this h Usirig f ordinary tires is like . clamping a rule to your rims. They aro all right until tKey blow and go. Then regrets, i There isn't a single regret in a i TederaT Double-Cable1-Base TIRES Their very looks bespeak strength, safety and service. That's why they win your1 confi dencefirst, lasts and all the time. . For Sale by Motor Car Supply Co. 31-33 Broadway Portland, OrJ The Federal Rubber Mfg. Co. . Cudahy, Wisconsin Mfira. el rUnl Ala hOm Thee. Tsfces si SndrUa, MotanycU. Bicycle mmi Carriage Thm, RUr Hes. Hone Ske Psat. RbW Matuag jUMecWcalJtulCeods Attention, Angler! Here's Mac's Story Ross Mclntyre, who avows the following- Is not a "hot stove" fish story, says that he saw a funny happening at Jennings Lodge yesterday, while a whole flock of anglers in boats were fishing for salmon. Four boats away from Mclntyre, was a fisherman who saw some tackle trickling merrily down stream within reach of his boat. He grabbed it and, behold, a salmon was on the hook. It was pulled out of the water after a 20 minute strug gle and weighed 22 pounds, being orig inally hooked by some patient, though unlucky, fisherman farther up stream. Mclntyre aya if you don't believe him, ask Harry Jones, whose boat was next the lucky fisherman, or a moving pic ture man who filmed the whole thing-. May 16 Is Suitable For Wrestling Bout It has been finally arranged to have the Mlller-0Connell return wrestling match here May 16, and the St. Paul star will arrive from Billings, Mont, a few days before the battle to put on the finishing touches. Miller is willing to concede consid erable weight to O'Connell, offering to do 146 pounds at noon. This would make . him weigh about 152 or 253 at ringside, as a fellow of Miller's build would be bound to put on considerable poundage. It will probably be the last match of the season here, as O'Connell will leave Portland soon era his animmer Bj Frank G. Menke. , . Te Coaat Mack. . His thoughts are with his vanished stars He lives in long gone years He thinks f days those by-gone days And to bis eyes come tears. Billy 8unday recently umpired a gams between college nines. And yet there are soma persona who question his bravery. Budwelser, Ilk win and Honus Wagner, probably improves with age. He ran a race he other day and won It despite his It years. . When John X. Mat moysAty. western writer recently revived the story concerning John L. Sulli van's meeting many years ago with the prince of Wales, who later became King Edward. John, then In the heyday of his career, waa Introduced, to the future king . of England. "I am pleased to meet you; I have heard quit a bit about you," said the prince. "I am glad to know you, prince, shot back John. "I have, heard ault , a bit about you. too." I When John was saying goodbye to I the prince, he. shot over his shoulder an invitation to visit Boston. "Let me know when you're coming," Instructed John, "and I'll see to It that the boys show you a good time." "Frank Gotch is a dead one." as serts "Doc" Roller. Nothing- would suit me better than to try conclu sions with him right now. He al ways waa an overrated wrestler." "Boy I Tag Bombardier Wells!" Stanley McDonald, boxing Instructor In Portland, Or., claims he can make a good fighter of anyone. " , ' What fama Sid. Sometimes It isn't wise to achieve fame. The case of Theodore Turner is a sample. He pitched a on hit game for the Evansvllle, Ind., team and right away becam the town hero. His triumph waa chronicled far and wide. Among those who read about It was Ben Free k man, deputy sheriff of Lex ington, Ky. - "Ha! Ha!"- exclaims Ftecaman, Theodor Tunwr. hey? - Well, this Is luck." , Whereupon. Freckman wired "the Evansvllle authorities to hold Turner until his arrival, asserting- that Turner was wanted In Lexington on a charge of theft. Jo Stecher. the western, grappler, recently was quoted as saying he has been offered a vaudeville contract by New Tork theatrical . folks calling for 120,000 a week. Was-Joe kidding or did the linotype add aa extra "0" to th fijruresT t - Old Paoer Coming Back. Jo PatchenII. 2:03)4, a famous pacer of five or six years ago, is be ing groomed for a "comeback" this season. He will be entered in the 2.0C Chamber of Commerce $5000 stake In Detroit. And .despite his advanced years, his owners feel that the grand old sldewneeler will make a fine show ing against bis whirlwind rivals. , e Thomas R. Marshall seems to have discovered that it's really worthy while being vice president of the United States. He has received season passes to the American and National league ball parks. Sport Shirtlsfs Style on Firing Line XoMlaa Troat oa ot A,bsenc Bay Soldiers at Ono Seise Shipment of 800 jBarmmts. San Francisco. May 1. (U. P.) Cheer up. Archibald, th sport shirt is vindicated. It has mad its appearance on th European firing line, according to Daniel Isaacson, a Russian, who. after several months In various campaigns, cam to San Francisco on th Seattle Maru on a leay of absence. "Some months ago a shipment of clothing, books and other things came from, kind hearted Americans to the soldiers," he explained. "Among the articles were about 200 snort shirts: which the soldiers seised upon Imme diately, and began wearing." Device Will Imitate Noises of Insects SL Helena. CaU May 1. (U. P.) The festive cry of the mosquito anJ the mating song of the flea, or what ever Insect trout like to devour, can be imitated by a new device Just In vented for the use of fishermen, ac cording to Albert Carpy, capitalist, who declares he has perfected such a device. Carpy asserts his invention can be attached to any trout fishing rod and wnen a rubber bulb Is squeezed a sounder near th brook says: "Peep-peep-cuckoo," and the trout come swarming to the slaughter. , vacation. Beavers Are Down to 18 Men Limit GOTOH WOULD DO "JIM JEFFRIES" IF HE WRESTLED Purse of $25,000 Is Nothing to Heavyweight Cham-, pion of World. Portland has no worries over the 18 player limit which went Into effect to day, as the Beavers, even with th acquisition of Herbert Kelly, are down to the limit. Judge McCredie says the Portland club is also under the 14500 salary limit. Ham Patterson has 24 men under contract, and will figure out who to lop off while en route to Vernon. It is believed that Roy Hitt, who was. re cently operated on for appendicitis, will be either released or suspended to make room for another man. Regatta Attracts Attention. The Schuylkill river course, Phila delphia, famous for many hard fought rowing races, will be the center of. the world's interest this year for including dual college and local club events 11 regattas will be held there, th most notable being the annual American Henley regatta May 13 and the July 4 races, tfc latter being open to the world. W. H. S. to Play Jefferson. Play in the Interacholastlo Baseball league will be resumed tomorrow after noon, when the Washington and Jef ferson teams clash on Multnomah field at 8:15. o'clock. Ed Rankin will handle the indicator. Big Race Season Expected. With the Importation of over 204 rac horses from England and Franc th .American turf has been greatly en rlched and turfmen are enthusiastic over th prospects for a brllli&nt sea son of racing on eastern tracks. Roosevelt to Make Tour of the West Will 8 Short and Sharp, With All th Sash He Can rat Into It, According to Chicago Report. Chicago. May 1. (I. N. S.) a' pre-conventlon tour of the middle west by Theodore Roosevelt, short and sharp, aad with all the dash he can put Into it, is now almost a certainty. Mr. Roosevelt today announced that he had definitely decided to accept th Invitation to deliver th Memorial day address In Kansas City. Tenta tive plans are under discussion for him to Bwlng into the middle west, beginning probably at Des Moines about May 15, and devoting the en suing 16 days to a series of addresses as far west as Denver, winding up in Kansas City on Memorial Day. Colonel Roosevelt left here at 6:80 o'clock Sunday afternoon for New York. Bohemians Protest In Woman's Behalf A mass meeting of th Bohemian residents of Portland was held Friday night at Bohemia hall, Fourteenth and Duke streets. Sell wood, to protest against the execution of Miss Alice Masaryk, formerly of Chicago, for Sympathising with th cause of th In dependence of Bohemia. Miss Masaryk was the daughter of E. Q. Masaryk. the great Bohemian philosopher and savant, until recently professor In th University of Prague. He was condemned to death, hi fel low countrymen say, for working for the independence of Bohemia and Its liberation from the cruel oppression of Austriav He escaped to England, bow- ever, and is now a professor In on of th English universities. His prop erty was all confiscated and his wife. an American woman, is now penniless and ill and perhaps lso imprisoned. Th Bohemians declare that th Aus trian government, falling to get hold -or tn ratner, condemned and hanged his daughter, who was a highly edu- . cated woman, well known la th htgh -st elrcla of. caacago .and, Nw York. Bradford Team Is Winner. St Helens, Or. May 1. Securing 13 hits off "Red" Lund and Alec Donald son, th Bradfords defeated the locals yesterday by Che score of 12 to 3. Jude Moreland pitched shutout ball for the visitors until thenlnth inning. George Grayson, th new manager of the Bradfords, directed the playing and the team played great ball. Score: R. H. E. Bradfords 12 13 3 Bt. Helens 3 6 3 Batteries Moreland and Bleesr: Lund.. Donaldson and Arnsprlger, Hayes. Salem, Or., April 1. In its Initial game Salem defeated the Baby Beav ers yesterday by the score of 5 to 3. Wayne Barham's pitching puzzled the visitors. The score: R. H. E. Beavers 2 7 4 Salem 6 11 4 Batteries Blake. Goddard and Feichtinger; Barham and Hauser. Harvard to Have New System. Harvard university has Instituted a new system of having a captain for each track aad field event, who will be in charge of all candidates report ing for th event. Relief Corps Gives Big Birthday Party Ail Members of Sumner Belief 'Corps, Bo, gi Who Observed Birthdays la Past Via Month Guests. Bumner Relief Corps, No. 11, of which Mrs. Mildred Newlll Is presi dent, was hostess Saturday night at a mammotn oirtnaay party given xor all members of the Port and dorps who have celebrated their birthdays during the past nine months. Two hundred and twenty-fiv vet erans and their slayer haired mates sa.t down to the bountifully served tables, each one being decorated with quantities of carnations, peonies, lilacs and . other spring flowers. A delightful musical and literary program was given as follows: Piano solo, Mrs. Rann; violin solo. Miss? Pearl Staples: reading, Mrs. Millie Whitten Berwick; vocal solo, Mr. Staples; vocal trio, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Burnette and Mrs. Hibbard. Short ad dresses and anecdotes ware given by trie veterana Much interest centered in the quar tet of members whose birthdays fall on the same day. They are; Mrs. E. M. Sargent, H. S. Fargo, Mrs. Jennie Burnetts and Mrs. Anna Currier. Young's Bay Survey To Be Provide For Item Xlkely to Be Included la Bivers and Harbor Bill Ttj Project for Deeper Channel Involved. , Washington, May 1. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) Provision for a survey of Young's bay, Oregon, from th ship channel of th Columbia river to about on mil above the county bridge over th bay, with a view to a project for a deeper channel, will likely be provided la th river and harbors bill In th senate, upon request of Senator Chamberlain. The Port of Astoria recently wrote to Representative Hawley asking for th Inclusion of this survey. As the bill baa gone through th house, the request has been referred to Senator i ChamberlalB, K-. New York, May 1. It would seem that "ie wisest course for Frank Gotch to i . erne is to remain in retirement as far as a wresting match with Joe Steelier Is concerned. Gotch Is 86 years old. far beyond his wrestling prime, and "rusty" be cause of years of mat idleness. Stech er is 22, in the full bloom of his young manhood, and practically at the crest of his meteoric career. It is doubtful If Gotch, in the days of his greatest prowess, was as wonderful a wrestler as Stecher is today. By remaining in retirement, Gotch retains during all the rest of his days th glory that belongs to an un defeated champion; to an athlete who met and beat the strongest foes pitted against him before age came on. By coming out and trying conclusions he probably will do a Jim Jeffries. No one justly would accuse Gotch of displaying a white feather by re fusing to meet Stecher now. His alibi Is good. He's beyond his prime and out of wrestling condition. Yes, Gotch would gain $25,000 or so by grappling with Stecher. But Gotch isn't money mad, $25,000 doesn't mean much to him now. He's worth up wards Of $250,000. What is $26,000 to him compared with the probable loss of his priceless treasure the cham pionship, i If the Gotch of today were the Gotch of five or eight years ago, then a mat bout with Stecher -would be worth go ing a thousand miles to see. It would be the grapple of the century. But. alas, Gotch Is 36 and Stecher Is 23. Stecher la coming and Gotch went long ago. What's th answer? , Sk-Year-Old Girl Is Fatally Injured Both Parent Also Seriously Kurt When SCotoroyel Cause Hors of of K. X. Xokhart to Bun Away. Dallas, Or May 1. The -year-old daughter of H. R, Eckert, a farmer living on th Salt Creek road about six miles north of Dallas, was fatally Injured in a runaway accident Sunday morning, and Mr. and Mrs. Ecknert were both seriously injured. The horse they were driving to church became frightened at a motorcycle which oame up from behind, and ran away, or Hid ing a few rods down the road with a number of posts supporting mall boxes. All the occupant of th rig wr thrown out. The little girl's skull was crushed behind. Hr. Eckhert sustained a slight concussion of th brain and Mrs. EcU hert was terribly bruised about the face, several teeth being knocked out The child is at the hospital In this city and no hop la entertained for her recovery. AGGIES TO MEET U.-0. IN ANNUAL BASEBALL SERIES Contest Will Open at Eugene With Games Today and Tuesday, Alaskan Faces Two : Charges of Murdc Edward riaus Coarlotd Already Impersonating Pederal Offlor aaa . Kidnapping Arrested stonthg Ag Juneau. Alaska. May L -(p. N. 6 Indictments ' charging him wtth .tl murder of Captain James 0.' piunkc and Kunkamiro Yamamoto ar fact today by Edward Krause, jwbol b been in Jail here sine hi arrest i Seattle several month ago. Th ii dlotments, which were returned by tr federal grand Jury several day jag were made public Sunday, I; Krause has already been tried ar convicted of impersonating a feder. officer, and has been found guilty kidnapping William Christie. The indictment charge that Krau: killed both Plunkett and Yamamoto 1 an attempt to secure possession their property. Oytgron's Boatswain a Suicide 6 Frajsco, May l.-(U. P,) Mystsrytoday surrounded the caui of the suicide of Edward- Beneoi boatswain of the battleship Orego While the old war vessel wis stean ing southward for maneuvers Uib Banta Crus, Benson left th blidg went to his cabin and fired a bull into hi brain. He had been in tr navy for H year. - ! By systematic reforestation Jav la constantly increasing its teak for eats, which cover more than ,410,00 acres, despite the great amount t timber cut every year. Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis. May 1. Arrangements have finally been completed for the annual baseball, series between the University of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural college, and call for two games to be played at Eugene this afternoon and Tuesday and two return games at Gor vallis next Friday and Saturday as features of junior week-end festivities By winning three out of the four-game series with the University of Wash ington, the Aggies forged ahead in the race for the conference championship. The coming series with Oregon will be hotly contested, as Coach Bezdek has been drilling baseball into his uien day and night ever since their first two defeats at the hands of the University of Washington. The Beaver ball tossers are going at top form and appear to have a nexcel lent chance of copping the series and incidentally the right to play the Uni versity of California at Berkeley for fh Pacific coast Intercollegiate cham pionship. Sieberts and Doollttl will be called upon to do the pitching for O. A. C. Th former let Washington down In the last series with four hits and reg istered seven strikeouts. Doollttle al lowed three safe blogles and whlfted five batsmen. Harry Grayson ot Port land will be the umpire. Judge McFadden of Corvallis Is Called Oa of Bert Xnown lawyers of WU lamrtt Valley Victim of Pneumonia following nines of Only Two Say. CorVallis, Or, May 1. Judge W. S. McFadden, one of the best known law yers of the Willamette valley and a pioneer of Corvallis, died her at 6 o'clock last night of pneumonia, follow ing illness of two day. He is survived by a widow, three sons and two daugh ters. He was county judge of Benton In th 70's, but since -had devoted him self to his private practice as a lawyer. Judge McFadden came to Corvallis from Pennsylvania about 40 years ago. He was ti years of age. Uncle Sam Orders 100 Armored Autos XiOoomobU Company to Parniah Carsi peed SO vile an Hourj will Carry Two BTaohln Onus Bach. Bridgeport, Conn., May 1. (L N. S.) The Locomobile Company of America ha received an order for 100 double-mounted armored automobiles for th United States army, according to a statement made here. today. The cars will carry two machine guns, one aft and on forward. Th car will, have a speed of $0 miles an hour. HPHAR'S some things we have to A learn to like such as oUves an hard work, Thar's others we take to naturally such as Baseball Games an' VELVET. 11 IOC 3C EASY RUNNING 1 it?" ,' CLEAN CUTTING FINE WORKMANSHIP AND QUALITY MATERIALS MAKES THE GREAT AMERICAN THE STANDARD THAT OTHERS IMITATE. ff THE GREAT AMERICAN 18 FOUND l ON PRIVATE ESTATES. PUBLIC PARKS. CEMETERIES AND. IN FACT, EVERY PLACE WHERE THE) HIGHEST GRADE MACHINE IS APPRECIATED. ITS FIVE CUTTING BLADES ARB OF CRUCIBLE STEEL. OIL HARDENED. AND WATER TEMPERED. WHICH INSURES A COLD CHISEL TEMPER. THE KNIVES ARE AUTOMATICALLY SELF-SHARPENING. WHEN KEPT IN CONTACT WITH THE LOWER PLATE. j FTNB LAWN'S ARB MADE MORE BEAUTIFUL BY THE. USE OF THE GREAT AMERICAN BECAUSE IT 8 HEARS THE GRASS LIKE A RAZOR. WB HAVE HANDLED THE GREAT AMERICAN FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS AND IT STANDS TODAY THE MOST UNIVERSALLY USED MOWER ON THE MARKET. WE ALSO CARRY A LARGE LINE OF MEDIUM AND LOW PRICED MOWERS AT VALUES TO FIT I TOOLS FOR THE GARDEN AND LAWN GARDEN HOSE AND HOSE MENDERS POULTRY NETTING WINDOW SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS FLY SCREEN IN BLACK, GALVANIZED AND BRONZE ALL WIDTHS ANY LENGTH HONEYMAN HARDWARE COMPANY PORTLAND'S EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE & SPORTING GOODS STOKE Northern Pacific Ry. Get the Benefit The Yellowstone Park Line THROUGH TRAINS EAST -NONE BETTER COURTEOUS TREATMENT SUPERIOR DINING SERVICE Eastbound Summer Excursions Daily From June 1 Westbound Round Trip Surnrner Excursions now in effect. v Tell your Eastern friends. Or, let us give them full information. C Round Trip Homeseekers' Rates TO MONTANA and return. Low, attractive. Let us explain them.y ; TO CALIFORNIA, have your ticket read via the 1 1 -"Great Northern Pacific jkSr-o." from Portland on the fast palatial steamships, making train ' time (but 26 hours at sea). Low fares, with berth and meals included on boats. Tickets and full information : 255 Morrison St. Phones Main 244A-1244 A. D. Charlton; A. G. P. A Portland, Oregojn t-r