The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 29, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Members of the Congregation
; Will Be In Attendance at
'"'Northern Baptist Meeting.
Oattlng Preachers for Each Sunday
. Orows Harder, Congregation Mm-
ber Seflre Permanent Pastor.
From the ministers who attend the
riorthern Baptist convention In Minne
apolis beginning May 17 members of
the White Temple cong regation will
probably select their pastor. Portland
Baptists who plan to attend the con
vention are: H. W. Stone. Dr. A. C.
Wooddy, Rev. O. C. Wright. Dr. Alonzo
M. Petty and Mrs. James Falling.
y Informally these people will "size
tip" the men eligible for White Temple
pastorate and probably recommenda
tions to the congregation here will be
made by the pulpit committee in line
with their suggestions.
It was upon H. W. Stone's recom
mendation, largely, that the recent
LU to Rev. William Russell Owen of
ifianson Place Baptist church, Brook
lyn, to White Temple Baptist church,
was extended.
The work of securing temporary
supplies for White Temple pulpit Is a
Severe tax upon the men of the pulpit
committee and the selection of a per
manent pastor noon is desired.
,i II. W. Stone will also attend! the
convention of the International Y. M.
C. A. in Cleveland May 12-16.
Praise Services to
Be Week's Feature
Following the extraordinary Easter
services of the First Presbyterian
church on Sunday, when 187 new mem
bers were received into the church, and
over a thousand communicants shared
In the observance of the lord's sup
'per, the services next week will par
take of the nature of praise and
.thanksgiving. II
At the morning service at J0:30
o'clock tomorrow. Dr. John II. Boyd
will be In his pulpit and the quartet
will sing .''The Ood of Abraham,
Praise." Mrs. Jane Burns Albert, as
sisted by the choir, will sing the beau
tiful soprano solo. "Rye Hath Not
Keen, Neither Hath it Entered Into the
Jleart of Man to Conceive, the Things
Which God Hath Prepared for Them
At 7:30 p. m. Dr. Boyd will begin
ft series of sermons for his evening
congregations, based upon studies in
books and pictures. The book chosen
Xor discussion this week is "The Fear
ol Living." by Henry Bordeaux, from
the French. Oh May 7 Dr. Boyd will
review the work of Gerald Stanley
Iee On "Inspired Millionaires," which.
Js a delightful study of the problem
which absorbs the minds of many con
cerning the riches of the few May
14, which is Mothers' Day, another
popular picture sermon will be given.
Season's Tent Work
To Open Next Week
The Christian Workers' Bible school
'opens Its season's tent work at Anabel
Park, near Creston station, on the
Mount Scott line. Friday evening. May
C, Is expected to be the dedication
service anda big gathering of young
people is expected. Walter Duff, Har
Jey Hallgren, Harold Proppie will be
no me of the speakers. There will
be a two weeks' evangelistic cam
paign opened with students taking
part in singing and speaking. This
will be the beginning of a series of
tent meetings they will hold during
the summer months. A warm welcome
will be given evangelistic workers and
the general public from all over the
eity. The Bible Training school con
tinues Its Monday lectures in Central
library at 7:30., Dr. Hutcheson on He
brews. Dr. Milllken on Romans and
Dr. Nelson on Adventism is next
Peek's program.
On Wednesday evening about 20
leaguers assembled in the First church
Sunday school temple and listened to
an excellent lecture by Dr. Pratt on
' the valuation of young people's gospel
teams to the church in other cities.
After D. Pratt's talk a temporary or
ganization was formed and captains
for the different teams were appointed.
A motion was passed to meet once a
month and to enlist Dr. Pratt as ad
visor and organizer, a team from the
:6t. John's church already organized
was assigned to visit Irvington church
the first three Sunday nights in May
and assist in organizing a chapter
there. F. J. Schnell Is in charge of
the work.
Mt, Tabor chapter will hold its an
nual election of officers and regular
monthly business meeting next Wed
nesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Sunnyside will hold its annual busi
ness meeting at the church on Monday
night. Following the meeting the
new cabinet will take over the manage
ment of the league.
, Lasf Sunday Sunnyside chapter vis
Red Patton home and conducted ah
Easter meeting. The smiling faces of
the aged people of the home showed
that they appreciated the efforts of
the visitors.
Last evening Epworth chapter as
sisted the Sunday school in giving an
- entertainment. The program included a
monologue, readings by two elocution
Vats, an Irish-Jew comedian, songs by
two soloists, a clog dancer, an exhibi
tion of rope dancing to the time of
music, and selections by the male
The committee appointed by the
presidents' association to organize a
league at Irvington and Rose City
Park churches met on Tuesday eve
ning and decided to arrange for a
ervlce in the Irvington church on
Sunday evening May 7. The actual
prganlzation will take place then if
. efficient enthusiasm is shown.
Churcr Is Dedicated.
. Hood River. Or.. April 29. The
lorner stone of the First Christian
Science church of Hood River was laid
Wednesday. A list of the members
md officers of the church, together
Irith, L. copy of the church's articles,
rer-deposited, In the niche in the
Iton. Th new church is located on
f ark Street and it is expected that It
rill be occupied about June 1, v
By Rabbi Jonah B. Wise
The scriptnrsl reference ! Leviticus,
Jewish tradition for this week's lesson.
, tmnal mnrnlitv-
Era - : 'f
, puoto by Groe. Isaiah, Jesus, were men of whose loyalty
we are beneficiaries. Their loyalty to state, and through it to
humanity, was too deep for wounds to alter or advance. It
was of the heart and not of the stomach, and it stays with us
while the brazen cry of Amalek, Assur and Rome must be read
from the crumbling marble of tombs.
The just man fears no enemy. So, too, the just nation
does not tremble and turn pale at every crisis. Charity is es
sential to character in man and nation. We should seek to put
opportunity within the reach of every man. Nations, as well
as individuals, must deal with each other in the larger spirit.
If religion has a function as companion of democracy, it is
to jireach peace by inculcating love of loyalty, justice and
c rarity.
Calvary Welcomes
Its New Members
Calvary Presbyterian church is
growing rapidly under the pastorate
of Rev. Oliver S. Baum, and a recep
tion welcoming the 44 members w-ho
have recently been added was held in
the church parlors Wednesday eve
ning last. The little Misses Anna
Westbrook and Martha Rhynsburger
pleased greatly with songs and recita
tions; Miss Rosanna Wommelsdorf, a
well known violinist, gave several se
lections; Mrs. K. P. Sibley, Miss Mary
Bums and William Grier sang most
acceptably.' The mirth provoking fea
ture of the evening was the reading
in negro dialect, by Mrs. Georgft JI.
Thomas, a former Kentucklan. A so
cial hour and refreshments 'followed.
The monthly social and business
meeting of the Christian Endeavor so
ciety of the church will be held at 8
p m. next Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Thomas, 601 Mill street.
All members and friends of the so
ciety are Invited to attend. The con
tinuance of the fellowship meeting
held by the endeavorers every Sunday
evening after the church service will
be discussed by the members. A pro
gram of recitations and musical num
bers has been provided for by the so
cial committee.
"Work in Japan" to
Be Vespers Theme
The theme for the T. W. C. A. ves
per service tomorrow will be, "Our
Work In Japan,"
Mrs. Wallace McCamant, chairman
of the missionary department of the
committee, will preside. Miss Elllnore
Ewing of Reed college will read ex
tracts from personal letters received
from Miss Ruth Emerson, T. W. C. A.
secretary in Japan.
Miss Jessie R. Burton. Bible secre
tary, will tell of the condition of girls
in Japan, as given in a course of lec
tures by Miss Michl Kawal at the
northwest Y. W. C. A. conference last
Mrs. Harold Gilbert will explain the
Portland Y. W. C. A-'s part of the
work. Japanese songs will be sung by
a group of Japanese children. Ail girls
are invited.
Universalist Church
Celebrates Easter
Special features made the Easter
services at the First Universalist
church, Broadway and East Twenty
fourth streets, very impressive to the
large congregation present. Dr. J. D.
Corby, pastor, christened a number of
children and received a large class into
the membership of the church. Mrs.
Theresa Hornet Patterson, a Univer
salist from Pennsylvania, was a guest
of Dr. and Mrs. Corby over Easter.
She is a member of the National Wom
en's Missionary board and recently re
turned from Japan where she made a
long study of the Universalist work in
the orient. Mrs. Patterson talked to
the Sunday school and In the evening
was honor guest at an informal recep
tion in the pastor's home. She spoke
of the success of Universalist mis
sions, at home and abroad.
Young People Will
Give Sacred Drama
The Young People's society of the
East Side Christian church wiil pre
sent the three act sacred drama "In
His Steps" (Dr. Charles M. Sheldon),
in the Washington high school Wednes
day, May 3. beginning at 8 o'clock.
This play is a dramatization of rr.
Charles M. Sheldon's; book "In His
Steps," or fWhat Would Jesus Io?"
The play portrays some of the Inci
dent and temptations of every day
life. Just as the business man, the club
man and the woman in society meet
Twenty characters are in the cast,
which is under the direction of Miss
Pearl Jones Lotspiech.
McMinnville Club
To Give Program
The temple quartet will sing as
usual at the morning service in White
Temple. In the evening the Glee club
from McMinnville college will take
charge of the music and will sing the
following numbers:
College song (Elchberg. Glee Club;
"Unto the Hills" (Bartlett), Mr. Oster
holm; Meditation, from Thais (Masse
net). Mr. McKnight; "O Saving Host."
Messrs. Adams and Cox; "Where Shall
I Be" (Zollner), Glee club; "Open the
Gates" (Knapp), Mr. Adams: "Remem
ber Me" (Kinkel), Glee Club.
The Glee club consists of 16 well
trained male voices who have been
singing with marked success in many
, Called to Monument.
Clatskanie, Or., April 29. Rev. B. T.
Smith, pastor of th First Presbyter
ian church for three : years, has re
ceived a call from Monument, Or., and
will leave soon. A reception was
rendered. Tuesday evening in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Smith by. the members
of th conrrerution,
of Temple Beth Israel.
c hapter XIX, the same be Id set apart by
The verse, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself," is fundamental to the religious
ethics of Judaism. It is not merely a conven-
nut the statement rf a snriai
- - - j i -
necessity. The Jew finds in the phrase de
mands for loyalty, justice and charity.
Loyalty is essential to that finer compan
ionship we call democracy. It impels men to
die for a cause they consider holy. Moses,
Reception Tendered
St. Johns Minister
Quite an elaborate program was
given at the reception tendered Rev.
A. P. Layton of the St. Johns United
Evangelical church Wednesday night
by the Rev. Layton's congregation and
the St. Johns Ministerial association. (
nev. w . n,nwin lngaiis, in wnaii
of the St. Johns Ministerial associa
tion, welcomed Rev. Mr. Layton back
for another year, Rev. E. B. Borden
of the St. Johns Baptist church. Rev.
J A. Hopper of the Free Methodist
church, and Rev. J. J. Roper spoke.
Mrs. George Hall, Miss Cornelia Crow.
Miss Gallaway and others, gave read
ings. Mrs. Rose Hardman of the
Women's Missionary society, and Mrs.
Thomas J. Monahan, representing the
Indies' Aid society, spoke briefly for
these organizations!
Miss Alma Raffi, violinist, and Car
lyle Cunningham, vocalist, took part
in the program.
The women of the congregation
served lunch after the conclusion of
the program.
Forum Discusser Live Question.
"Is the Church Answering the Need
of Twentieth Century Red-blooded
Men?-' is the subject to be discussed
by ten members of the Young Men's
forum of the First Methodist church
at 12:15 tomorrow. The discussion
will be in the form of a debate, five
men arguing on the affirmative of the
question and five on the negative.
First Sunday After Easter
Stnday School Lesson Tomorrow.
Peter Delivered From Prion Acta If:
(Acta 12:1-11 ia printed.)
Golden Text The angel Jehovah encamp th
round about them that fear him.
And deliereth them. Psa. 34:7.
Home Reading's M. Peter Delivered from
Prison, Acts 12:1-10. T. Prayer and deliver
ance. Acta 12:11-19. W. God our refuge. Psa.
46. Th. The eafety of the godly, Paa. 121. F.
God delivers tala own, Psa. 97. S. Ellaha de
livered. 2 Kings, 6:8-18. S. Diving care, 1
Kings lT:l-7.
Young People's Topics.
J mi tor Christian Endeavor "The Church In
India." Rev. 8:9.
Epworth league "What Are My Prayer
Habtta?" Dan. 6:10; Psa. 6:8; Acta 8:1; 6:4,
B. Y. P. TT. "Literature and Loyalty m
Denominational Life," 2 Tim., 2:1-3-15-23-25.
Flrat White Temple 12th and Alder Mra.
A. W. DeLong. acting pastor. Rev. G. P. Holt
of Palero will preach. 11, "The Touch of" 7:30, "A Lonely Young Man, and
Hot He Was Helped."
Swedl'h-Flnnish Mlnalon, White Temple, B.
East Side E. 20th ard Ankenv eta. Rev.
W. O. Shank, pastor. 11, "Partakers of the
Divine Nature."
Highland. E. 6th and Alberta Rev. Cbaa. F.
Mleir. It. "Whv and How to Be Happy."
7::'0. "The Essentials to Sueceie."
Arleta Rev. W. T. S. Sprlgga. 11. 7:30.
University Park
L. Heakett. 11.
7 '30
Swedish 15fh and Hoyt. JO;45. 7:30.
Grace Montavllla. Rev. M. T. Cash
Sellwood Rev. F. H. Hayes. 11. 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor. 7:30.
Calvary E. 8th and Grant Rev. Thomas
Stephenson, acting pastor. 11, 7:30.
Mt. Calvary E. Pine and Grand Rev.
A. M. Macback, 11. 8.
Third Knott and Vancouver ave. Rev. W.
J. Beaven. 11. "The Will of God." 7:30.
"Four Step of Worship."
St. Johns (German) Rev. F. Bruerman. 11,
Chinese J. C. Malone. 7.
I.ents Rev. J. M. Nelson. 11, 7:80.
Second German Morris and Rodney ave.
11. 7:30.
Glencoe E. 45th and Main Rev. A. B.
Waltz. 11. "Discipline." 7:30. "What a
King Did With a Threatening Letter."
Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Magrett, 11, .
Italian Mission Rev. Franceaco Sanndlla,
11. 8.
First German tth and Mill Rev. J. Kratt,
11. 7:30.
Goodwill Mission 1Mb. and Boise Miss A.
M. Nelaon. superintendent.
North Portland Mission 880 Nlcolal st..
Friday. 8.
Russellvllle Mission Rev. Albert La ugh -bridge.
3, 3:45.
Tabernacle E. 42d and Holgate Bev. Wal
ter Duff, acting pastor. 11. 7:30.
St. Peters Lents Rev. P. Bentgen. 8.
10:30. 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E. V.
O'Hara. 6. 7:15, 8:30. 9:45. 11, 7:46.
St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. C
Hughes 0. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Patricks 19tb and Savler Rev. E. P.
Murphv. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Francla E. 11th and Oak Rev. J. H.
Black. C, 8, 9, 10:30, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave.
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8, S, 10:30,
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamaa Rev. E.
g. Olson. 6. 7. 8, 9. 11, 7:30.
St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. J.
O'Farrell. 8, 10. 7:30.
St. Andrews E. ftth and Alberta Bev. T.
Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
The Madeleine E. 24th and Slsklyoo Rev.
George F. Thompson. 7:30. 9. 10:30.
Ascension E. Yaniblll and E. 76th Francis
can Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou
ver ave. Rev. F. H. Miller. 6, 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blan
dena Bev. B. V. Kelly. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Hcly Cross 774 Bowdoln Bev. C. Raymond.
8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Ignatius 3220 43d St. S. E. -Jesalt Xatb
ers. b:30, S, 10:a0, 4.
St. Stephens 42d and E. Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Waitt. 0. 8:30, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Phillip Nerl E. 16th and Mickey Bev.
W. J. cart wrigtt. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Sacred Hear: E. tltb and Center Bev. 6.
KotoL 8, ltt:30. 7:30.
St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Bev. J.
Cnmmlsky. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Joaepb (German) 15th and Couch Bev.
B. Dnrrer. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ave. and
Falling Rev. F. Mathew. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Michael (Italian) 4th and MU1 Rev. M.
Baleatra. h. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clements Smith and Newton Bev. C.
Smith. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clares Capitol Hill Rev. Father An
thony, f. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Charles 34tb and KUIlngsworth Bev.
G. SuMerborn. 8. 10:3O. 7:80.
ChrUtlaa. .
First Park and Columbia Rav. Geo. fl.
Dai sic, 7:3o.
Montavllla E. 70LQ and Hoyt Rv. J. ' C.
Gbormley. 11. S. - . - .
Gladstone-Kev. Boy L. Dunn. 11. aV v.:. i
About 550 New Members
Were Added to Churches of
the City Last Sunday.
Last Sunday about 550 people joined
the different Presbyterian churches of
this city. This is the result of nearly
two months of hard personal work on
the part of both the laity and the
clergy. Each church sent out letters
and then followed these letters up
with personal visits and tried through
systematic effort to show the people
of theii-distrlct the advantages of
church life.
The Presbyterians are Jubilant be
cause so many were united on confes
sion of faith and not by transfer of
letter from the east.
This movement has had the same ef
fect on the church aa a great revival
with the enormous expense eliminated.
1 Several of the pastors think that this
form of church work is the kind that
counts and they are already planning
to keep this up the year round. People
united in a quiet way while they have
time to think and are not excited by
the large crowd at a revival, are more
apt, according to the pastors, to re
main faithful to the church.
The Pentecostal Assembly. 227 Ms
Ankeny street, will hold its regular
ordinance and communion meeting
next Friday evening in the mission
hall. Before the meeting a short busi
ness session will be held. Friends of
the church are invited to be present.
Semi-Annual Meet
To Be Held Soon
The semi-annual meeting of the
south Pacific district of the United
Norwegian Lutheran church of Amer
ica will be held with Nidaros congre
gation near Mount Angel, Or., next
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
The south Pacific district embraces
California. Oregon and southern Wash
ington. There are 17 congregations
and 10 pastors within the district. The
district officers are: Rev. II. O. Hen
drlckson, Portland; S. T. Sorenson, Los
Angeles; K. Raudsteln. La Center,
Wash.; and H. Rogen, Eugene.
The Introduction ceremony is as
signed to Rev. Otto Lock of Canby,
Or. Holy communion service will be
in charge of Rev. J. C. Roseland of Ni
daros congregation.
Woodlawn 7th and Liberty Rev. W. J.
Milllnger. 11. 7:30.
Sellwood 13th and Tenlno Rev. J. B. John
son. 11. 8.
Rodney Avenue, at Knott at. Rev. 3. F.
East Side Chrietian E. 12th and B. Taylor
Rev. A. L. Crim. .11, 7:30.
Kern Park Rev. G. K. Berry. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. Herbert F. Jonea. 11, 8.
Vernon Church of Chrlat E. 15th and Wy
gant J. A. Melton. 11. 7:30.
Bethel E. 82d and Thompson Rev. Aubrey
W. Wilson.
Christian Science.
Lesson sermon. "Everlasting Punishment."
First church Everett, between 18tb and 19th
sta. 11. 8.
Second East 6th and Holladay. 11. 8.
Third East 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11.
Filth Myrtle Park hall. 11.
Christian Science society Holbrook block. St.
Johns. 11.
" Congregational.
First Park and Madison Rev. Lnther R.
Dyott. 11, "Christ's Joy Beyond His Cross."
7:45. "Why Be a Christian?"
First German E. 7th -nd Stanton Rev. E.
0. Wlllman.
Atkinson Community church E. 29th and Ev
erett Thomas S. Anderson, minister. 11, 5.
University Park Haven St.. near Lombard
Rev. F. J. Meyer. 11. "Salvation a Gift:
Faith, the Instrument of Its Reception." 7:30,
"The Son of Man."
Highland E. 6th and Preseott Rev. Geo.
Elw. Lewis. 11. "Above Every Name,
Jeeus.' " 7:30, "Holy Matrimony."
Llndernorst Rev. D. B. Gray, 11, 7:45.
Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver st. Rev.
W. 0. Kantner. 11. "Regaining the Lost
Christ." 7:30. "A New Testament Flash
Li cht Picture."
Waverly Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Moses. 11. "Christ With i;s."
7:30, Rev. R. E. Martin, on "The Rural North
west From a Home Missionary Standpoint."
Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staub. Sermon at 11. "The Nature of Christ
After the Resurrection." 7:30. "The Face
Dial of Character."
Zion (German) E. 9th and Tremont Rev.
J. H. Hopp. 10:30, "Chriafa Resurrection."
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. E.
H. Simpson, rector; Rev. J. G. Hatton. as
sistant rector. 6:30, 7:30. 8:30. 10:15. 11. 8.
Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8. 11, 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen, the Martyr
Very Bev. H M. Ramsey. 7:45. 11, 3. 7:45.
St. Davld'a E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, 8:30. 9:30, 11, "The Lord's
Day." 7:30, "The Doubt of an Apostle."
St. Mattnew'a Corbett and Bancroft Bev.
W. A. M. Breck. 11.
St. Jobna Mllwaukle Rev. John D. Rice.
3. 4.
St. Andrews Hereford St.. Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
Grace Memorial Weidler aDd E. 17th N.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Bev. John Dawson. 11, 6:30.
St. Michael' and All Angels' E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Boweu, 11, 7:30.
Church of Our Savlomr 60th ave. and 41 at
at. S. E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
St. John's Sellwood Rev. John D. Klca. 11.
St. Paul' Wotxlmere Bev. Oswald W.
Taylor. 4.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa
maritan boapltal Rev. Frederick K. Howard.
7. 7:1C
All Saints' chnrch 25th and Savler Rev.
Frederick K. Howatd. 11. 6:30.
Evangelical Association.
Carson Heights G. F. Llenlng Jr. 11:30, 7.
First English E. 6th and Market Bev. E.
D. Hornschuch. 11, 8.
First German Evangelical 10th and Clay
Rev. U- F. Llenlng. 10:45. 8.
Evangelical Synod.
German Evangelical Friends' church Ta
coma ave. and K. 15th. Uev. Ellas N. Her.
gtrt. 10:45. 7:30.
St. Paul Evangelical church 147 Falling
Bev. 1. Hergert. 11. 7:30.
Free Methodist.
Central 65th and E. Flanders Bev L. R
Blackman. 11. 7:45.
First B. 9th and Mill Rev. L Harrington,
Friends' Chore.
Sunnyside E. 35th and Main Bev. Homer
Co. 11. 7:30.
Lenta South Main St. Rev. John BUer.
11, 7 :30.
West Piedmont Bev. Mrs. Ethel M. At
Bold. 11, 7:30.
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Babbl Jonah B. Wise. Friday, 8 p. m. Satur
day. 10:30 a. m.
latter Say ttainta.
' Church of Jesus Christ of Letter Day Saints
(Mormon) E. 26th and Madison. 11:45. 7.
Montavllla (not Mormon) 11. 7UW.
finmanuel 19th and Irving Bev. J. Richard
Oleon. 11, 8.
Trinity German (Missouri by nod) Wllllama
ave. and Graham Bev. J. A. Blmbacb. 10:15
7:30. e .
Weat Side Norwegian Lutheran is N. 14
Bev. Wilhelm Petterson, 11. 8.
Bethany Danisii Uniu-i ave. N. and Mor
ris Bev. M. C. Jenseu-Engnolin. 11, a.
- Our Savior's E. lOtb and B. Grant sts. .
Bev. George Henrlksen. English service. It). 15.
Norwegian service. 11:15.
; lmmanuel German Sellwood Rev. H. . C.
Ebellng. 10.30. r r
Reports From All Over Coun
try Encouraging; Oregon
Diocese First on the Coast.
The national campaign of "the Epis
copal church to raise $5,000,000 for a
.superannuated clergy pension fund is
meeting with success all over the
country. To the offices at 14 Wall
street. New York, of Bishop Lawrence
of Massachusetts, who is in active
charge of the campaign, daily come let
ters and telegrams telling of effected
organizations and assurances of sup
port. The following localities have already
answered the call of the main cam
paign office by .setting goals and start
ing the work towards them: New
York city; New York state; Albany,
N. Y. ; Pennsylvania state; Pittsburg;
Ohio; Kentucky; Atlanta; Massachu
setts; Connecticut; Newark; Maryland
and Oregon.
In the Church Pension Progress for
April 22 is the following Item of the
receipt of Oregon's assurance of sup
port: '
" 'Count on our loyal support' is tho
message in a telegram received from
Bishop Sumner of Oregon. It is in
dicative of the spirit prevailing in that
western diocese.
"In his message Bishop Sumner an
nounced the formation of an executive
committee at an enthusiastic meeting
of the general committee held in Port
land, Or.. April 6. The following are
the members: .Walter J. Burns, chair
man; J. C. Alnsworth, treasurer; Wils
iam Whitfield, secretary, and J. C Rob
inson, assistant secretary.
"The committee will take care of all
local expenses, including part time of
a salaried secretary. All donations will
now go direct to the fund.
"Bishop Sumner's diocese is the first
coast diocese to organize completely."
The full pension committee for the
Oregon Episcopal diocese is as follows:
J. C. Alnsworth, J. W. Bennet. Marsh
field; R, W. Blackwood, David M. Bots
ford, Thomas L. Emory, J. W. Ganong,
R. L. Glisan, Graham Glass, .1. Ray
mond Holman, Captain Hamilton
Hutchins, James B. Kerr, W. J. Hen
derson, F. C. Malpas, John C. Mann,
Medford; E. "W. Matthews, O. R. Men
efee, Attilla Norman, Eugene; F. N.
Parker, A. L. Mills, Walter J. Burns,
Lucius A. Lewis, Frank Spittle, As
toria; Joseph N. Teal, George Webber,
William D. Wheelwright. Wrilliam
Whitfield and William MacMasters.
Grace English (Missouri Synod) Albtna ave.
and Mason Rev. C. Luecke. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Paul'a German E. 12th and Clinton
Rev. A. S. Erause German service, 10:30.
English, 7:30.
German Evangelical Lutherlon Zlon (Missouri
8 j nod) Salmon and Chapman Bev. H. H.
Koppelmann. 10:15, 7:45.
St. John's Peninsular nd Klrkpatrick Bev.
K. O. Salzman. 10:45. 7:30.
Swedish Auguatana Rev. H. E. Sanstedt.
10:45. 7:45.
United Norwegian Portsmouth Rev. H. O.
Hendrlckson. 11.
German Evangelical Reformed Lenta Rav.
W. G. Lienkaemper. 11.
St. James. English West Park and Jeffer
son J. Allen Las. 11,
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church
Wfgant and Rodney avenues Rev. J. A. Stav.
ney. 11. S.
First 12th and Taylor Rev. Frank L. Air.
heart, acting pastor. 10:30, "The Human Cry
and the Divine Response." 7:45, "An Argu
ment for Christian Faith."
Centenary E yth and E. Pine Rev. T. W.
Lane. 11, 7:30, "A New Place and a New
layior streeters Sidewalk Third and Tay
lor. Morning service only.
Trinity E. 10th and Sherman Bev. A. B.
Calder. 11, 7:30.
SwedUb Bortbwlck and Beech Bev. John
A. Wellman, 11. 7:45.
Epworth 26th and Savler Rev. C. O. Mc
Cullocu. 11. 7:30, "Till I Come.." 7:30. by
Professor Charles A. Rice.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Bev. O. T. Field, 11, 8.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev.
Louis Thomas. 11. "The Resurrected Body."
6:45, "Common Sense Applied to Life."
Sellwood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11,
Sunnyside E. 35th and Yamhill Bev. B.
Elmer Smith, 11, 7:45.
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Bev. C.
C. Rarick. 11.
St. Johns Hayes and LeaTitt Rev. W. E.
Montavtlle Rev. W. H. Hampton. 11.
Laurelwood 63d at. S. E. and Foster road
Rev. C. K. Carlos. 11, 7:30.
Clinton Kelly Memorial E. 40th and t'ow
eil Wiley Rev. J. West Thompson. 11; 7:30,
Japanese Mission Bev. Euaen Rlbara. 9. 30.
Rose City Park Sandy blvd. and E. 58tb
Rev. William W. Youngs on. 11. Dr. Carl G.
Docey of Willamette University will preach
morning and afternoon.
German Rodney ave. and Stanton Bev. F.
A. Schumann, 10 8.
African Zlon 288 Wllllama ave. Rev. W.
W. Howard. Rev. B. D. L. Thompson, 11, 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norweglan-Uauisn Corner
Skid more Rev. Abraham Verelde. 10:45, "A
Pilgrim of the Infinite." 8, "The Four Pillars
of the Christian Religion."
University Park Lombard and Flike Bev.
C. L. Hamilton. 11, 7:30.
Lenta Rev. W. Boyd Moore. 11, 8.
Bethel Larrabee ana McMillan Bev. J. L.
Craw. 11. 8:15.
Westmoreland Mllwaukle ave. bet. "aroona
and South avea. Bev. C. B. Harrison. 11,
"The Lord's Prayer." 7:30, "Some ot God's
Liocvio E. 52d and Lincoln Rev. G. G.
Haley. 10:30 8.
Patton Michigan and Alberta Rev. George
H Feese. 11, 7:45.
Woodstock E. 44th and 60th eve. S. E.
Rev. Frank James. 11, 7:30.
First German Rev. A. . Cramer. 11, 8.
Brentwood Rev. W. L. Wilson. 11.
Berkeley Heights clubbouse Rev. A. B.
Calder. 3.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7-30.
Carson Heights Bev. L. C. Douglass, Ken
dti fetation.
Clark scboolhouee Rev. A. B. Wilson. 7:30.
Mt. Tabor East Sixty-first and Stark sts.
Lev. E. Olln Eldridge. 11, 7:3t.
Irvington East 10th and Weidler Rev. S.
A. Danford.
at. E. Church, South.
Union ave. and Multnomah Bev. W. J.
Fen ton, 11, 7:30.
Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Tnoren. 11, 8.
Ellm Cbapel Kev. B. J. Tnoren. 10.
Bethel Free church Ivy and Williams Rev.
J. A. Stavney. 11. 8.
First Pentecostal E. 7th and E. Couch
Rev. C. Howard Davis. 11. 7:30.
Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Bev. H. C.
Baker. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood E. 67th st. and E. 63U ave.
g E. Bev. Stella Crooks. 11. 8.
Scandinavian 948 Garfield Bev. J. O.
Bringedabl. pastor. U. 7:30.
Highland Park 3, 7:40.
First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd.
10:30. 7:30.
Fourth First and Glbbs Bev. Henry O.
Hanson. 10:30, 7:30, "Feed My Lambs." 7:30,
"81og On."
Calvary 11th and Clay Bev. O. 8. Baum.
1C:30, "The Mantle of Kuglish." 7:30. "Some
Advice From a Good Man."
Arbor Lodge Livr. George B. Cromley. II,
Kenllworth E. 34th end Gladstone Rev.
Leslie Kirk Blchardson. 11, "Isaiah's Pattern
of a Man." "The Big Brother," by Chester
Mnpan E. 19th and Division Bev. Harry
Leeds. U. 7:30.
Forbes Bev. Harry t Pratt. 11. a.
Hopa Montavllla, 78th aed K. Everett sts.
Bev. 8, W. Seemaa. ; 11, 7:30. . . .
Central B. 13th and Plije--Bev. Wallace H.
-. i
lieft to right Hubert J. Scott, Miss Ida Matson, Oliver ill.
Ziaeter Program Was Oood. The
Eastern program of the Rose City Park
Methodist Sunday school last Sunday
was one of the best programs they
have ever presented. The program por
trayed the events of Easter week in
the life of Christ and consisted of tab
leaux, recitations and songs with stere
optlcon pictures. A special collection
for missions was taken and $99.46 re
ceived. Song Service Planned. The San
Grael C. E. society of the First Pres
byterian church will hold a song serv
ice at the open air sanitarium tomor
row afternoon. Young people are in
vited to make the trip. Car leaves
F"irst and Alrior at 5 Tho Sun f. rI
society will give a social, "A Night in
Jappyland," in the First Presbyterian
church house Monday evening.
Honor St. Mark's Say. St. Mark's
Episcopal parish will honor St. Mark's
day, Tuesday, with a parochial festi
val. Holy Eucharist will be served at
7:30 and 9 a. m. A special service
will bo held in the evening at 8 with
sermon by ' Rev. Edmund T. Simpson
of Newport. A parish reception in
the rectory and parish house will fol
low the evening service.
- Tua Choir of the University Park
Congregational church at the morn
ing service will sing "Is It Well With
My Soul (Leslie). and "The Still
Small Voice" (Sweeney). A duet, so
prano and alto by Mrs. E. V. Meyer
and Miss Hilda Toering with chorus
will be sung at 7:30.
Will Organize Sunday School. Dr.
S. A. Danford w-ill organize a Sunday
school in the New Methodist church
at East Tenth and Weidler, Irvington,
tomorrow morning "at 10.
Children in Easter Exercises. Forty
primary children, each tot carrying a
lily, took part in the Easter exercises
of the East Side Baptist church Sun-
Iee, acting pastor. lO:30. "The Four Square
Christian." 7:30. "Rounds In the Ladder of
Millard Avenue "241 5.-th ave. S. E. Bev.
W. 11. Amos, 11, 7:30.
Mt. Tsbor E. 65th and B-lrnont Bev. Wil
liam Graham Moore. 11 7:45.
Unity Rev. W. Lee Gra. 11. 8.
Vernon 19th and Wygant Rev. H. N.
Mount. 11, 7:30.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sta. Rev.
A. L. Hutchison. 10:80, 7:30.
Westminster E. 17th and Schuyler Bev.
Henry Marcotte. 10:30. "An Efficient
Church." 7:30, "Woman Who Dared."
Uose Cltv Park E. 45th and Hancock Bev.
J. M. Skinner. 11, 7:30.
' Spokane Avenue E. Itith and Spokane Bev.
W. S. MeCullagb. 11. 7:30.
Marshal Street 17th and Marshall Bev.
A. J. Banna. 11. 7:30.
Trinity Corner Virginia and Nebraska sta.
Kev. E. Benson. 11, 7:30.
Chinese 1454 First at. 7:48.
Anabel 66th st. and 37th ave. 8. D.
Bev. Alfred Levis Taxis. 4.
Reformed Presbyterian.
First chnrch Minnesota ana Alnsworth He
F. D. Frazer. 11. 7:30.
First German 12th and Clay Bev. O. Haf
ner. 10:45. 8.
Second Columbia blvd. and 33d at. Bev, E
A. Wysa. 11.
Thlnd Fifth ave.. Lenta Bev. W. G. Lien
kaemper. 11.
Salvation Army.
Corps No. 1243 Ash. 8. Adjutant Joaepb
Swedisn fjcrps 430 Burncide.
Scandinavian 243 Ash Bev. Joha Oval.
Seventh Day Adventlsta.
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett Elder P. C.
Hayward, pastor. 11.
Tabernacle West Side, K. of P. hall. 11th
and Alder Elder E. W. Catlln. 11.
Montavllla E. 80th aid E. Everett Elder
i. b Beatty, 11 and 7.
Alblna (German) Skidmore and Mallorv
Elder A. C. Scbweitser.
Lents 94th and 58th eve. Elder D. J.
Chit wood. 11.
St. Johns Central avenue and Charleston
Elder E. D. Hurlburt. 11.
Mount Tabor E. 60 and Belmont Rev. C.
J. Cummings. 11.
Scandinavian church 62nd and 39th ave S
E. Elder O. E. Sandnes. .11.
Services for the Deaf.
United Presbyterian Wasco and Grand ave
Rev. a. Earl DuBola. 0:30. o.
Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam
hill Rev. T. L. Eliot, D.D. 11, "Tyrannlea."
5, "Gnoats of the Frontier."
United Brethren.
Alberta 27th aud Alberta Kev. C. C. B1L
11 7:30.
First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. 3. D.
Nlsewonder. 11, 8. Congregational metlnc
8, "Davld'a Double Crime."
Fourth 69th st. and 62d i:r S. E. Bev. L
E. Conner. 11. 7:45.
Third 67th st. and 32a ave. S. E Bev
Herbert F. White. 11, 8.
United Evangelical.
Fourth Bev. J. E. Conner. 11. 7:80.
Radical Jeasup at. Bev. A. S. Henderson.
11. 7:30.
Manor, Circuit Services Cherry Grove. 8 n
m Brush Prairie, 7:30.
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Bev. G. L. Lovell. 11, 8.
First E. 16th and Poplar Bev. J. A. Goods
11, 8.
St. Johns Rev. A. P. Layton. 11. 8.
Wichita Bev. H. H. Farnbam. 11. 8.
United Presbyterian.
First E. 37th and Hawthorne Bev. Frank
DeWitt Flndley. It, 7:30.
Church of the Strangers Waaco afreet and
Grand ave. Bev. 8. Earl DuBola. 10:30
8, '-The Glory of God's Children." 7-80
"How to Be Happy."
Kenton J. S. Cole. 10:15, 8.
Church of the Good Tidings Broadway and
E. 24th Rev. J. D. Corby. 10:45. "Our Faith:
The Power of God Unto Salvation From Sin,
Disease, Ignorance and All That Harms.' '
T. M. C. A Y. W. U. A.
Y. M. C. A. 6th and Taylor H. w. Stone,
gtaeral secretary.
Y. W. C. A. Broadway and Ttylor Mtss
Linda D. James, general secretary. 4:30. "Our
Work In Japan." Speakers will be Mrs. Elle
nore Ewing, Miss Jessie B. Burton and Mrs
Harold Gilbert.
Associated Bible Students (I. B. S. A.)
Arcanum ball, 18th St. near Washing too 1 :45,
symposium, George T. Faocett and C. W. Feld.
8. discourse by A. A. Yerex. 4:80. 7:30, pub
lic lecture by J. A. Bailey on "Two Salvations
but no Second chacee."
New Thought Teauple of Truth Ellers Bldg.
Mrs. Anne Yoong-Huntresa. 8 p. m., "What
Is a Christian?"
First Spiritual Science Sixth and Mont
gomery. 11. symposium, 8. Wallace Stable,
New Chnrch Society Ellers ball Bev. 8am
nel Worcester. 11, "Meeting- the Lord in Gal
ilee." ..;,-
Thursday Noon la Limit.
2? otiose - for the Saturday eh arch eelatnae
snaet fce.ia the editerial rooms of The JearaaJ
by noon Thursday. - -
day achool last Sunday. Mrs. G. Leon
ard trained the children. Dr. J. W.
McMlchael led the music.
' St. Davld'a Annual MeetUf. The
annual parish meeting; of St. David's
Kpiscopal church will he held Monday
evening; beginning- at 8 o'clock.
Study dab to Meet The Indian
Study club of the Methodist Church
South will meet Tuesday, May 2, with
Mrs. W. T. Lee, 380 Ross street.
Assistant Pastor
To Conduct Services
The morning; and evening; sermons
will b presented in the First Method
ist Episcopal church tomorrow by the
assistant pastor. Rev. Waiter IA Air
heart, in the absence from the city of
the pastor. Dr. Frank I,. Iyiveland.
This will be the initial appearance of
Mr. Airheart In a local pulpit since he
came to First church. March 1. In
the morning- his topic will be "The
Human Cry and the Divine Response."
The vested chorus will sing "Fear Not.
O Israel," and the quartet, Dudley
Buck's famotls "Te Deum." . .
The Sunday school will meet at
12:15 in the temple. The Oxford Bible
class. K. S. Miller, president and teach
er, will meet for the first time In the
Oxford parlors.
The young people's council will meet
in the temple at 6:30 and at 7:45
o'clock. Mr. Airheart will preach on
"An Argument for Christian Faith."
At this service the chorus will sine;
two selections, "Awake I'n My Glory"
by Chadwlck. and "King; All Glorious"
by Barnby. The quartet will sing;,
"Savior, When Night Involves the
Sky" by Shelley and Miss Alice Juston
will sing: the contralto solo, "There Is
a Green Hill Far Away.-' (Gounod).
Pastor to Preach
Farewell Sermon
Tomorrow will be Rev. .George Dar
sie's last Sunday with the First Chris
tian church of this city. He g-oe.i di
rectly to his new field at Lawrence,
Kansas, where they have made great
preparations for his coming.
The subject of his sermon at 1 1
o'clock is, "Kncouragement." At 7:30
he will speak on "The Number and
Joys of the Saved."
The quartet has been requested to
repeat several numbers from their
Easter cantata, "The Iord of Light
and Love." This they will do at both
the morning- and evening services.
Demon of Despair Is
Blamed for Suicide
"Despair has entered like a demon in
the dark," wrote Charles L. Nogley. a
forestry bureau surveyor, yesterdav
morning. Just before he shot himself
with a .32 caliber revolver in his
room at 385 Mill street. He had been
dead seven hours when he was found
shortly before 4 o'4Qck yesterday' aft
ernoon. His note, written at some length,
gives his continued and increasing Ill
health as the reason for his act. He
was 25 years old, and worked for the
local branch of the forest service three
years. He named relatives In the east
in his note, said that-re was a gradu
ate of Cornell, and asked that his body
be cremated.
of Loaves Have
Been Sold in Portland
Its Flavor Made
Its Purity Makes It the Best!
Its Universal Use and Its Age
are the greatest evidences -of toe purity, and whole
tomeness of Lea & Perrins' Sauce. It has been on 0
the market for generations ;
and it is in demand in all
countries of the
civilized world. -
csrv Haft ruf
i ; ru if
Story of Methodism From Its
Inception to Present Time
Will Be Enacted.
The Tortland district of th Kp
worth league is preparing a pageant
of Methodism which it Intends 'to pre-
May 26 and 27 at the Eleventh Street
play house. The production of. lhl
play is the greatest undertaking in
Portland Kpworth league has ever at
temted. It will give to Methodism
of the city In one evening the entire
ning to the present day.
The pageant Is a new production
having just recently been Issued by
the central office of the church. It
was composed and written by Nella
F. Ford, Rmma. A. Robinson and J.
iioward Armingion, three leaders or
The pageant is directly In charge of
the Portland Epworth League Presi
dents' association, of which Fred J.
Schnell is president. This association
has appointed Hubert J. Scott. Mlas
Ida Matson and Oliver GUI a commit-
tee to manage and direct the play.
Excellent Pxodnotlon Promised.
The - young men on the committee
are arranging the financial end of the
production and Miss Matson is in
charge of the cast. Miss Matson haa
spent considerable time In studying,
the pageant and her -efforts along th
coaching line seem from all. reports
. i t-t . .I..
iu ua iikcciiiui. i icneiii conattionn
indicate an excellent production. All
work, both by those in charge and
those In the cast, is given gratis, and
the entire production will include lo
cal talent only.
The pageant Is divided into four
episodes and 18 movements. One hun
dred and twenty persons are now. in
cluded in the cast and have been
chosen from the different sncletlea of
the city. Each society has been as
signed a certain movement.
Will Tell Church' Progress.
The purpose of the pageant as out
lined is to present in pictorial form,
a glimpse of the progress of the Meth
odist Kpiscopal church such as will
create a taste for the study of its his
tory, waken a pride in Methodism and
a loyalty to the church and its lnsti
tutlons. The young peoples' choirs and or-
chestras of the different churches Wilt
furnish the necessary music.
It has been decided to turn all the
proceeds over to the district treasury
and to use the same In social service
and missionary work in thialty.
Ministers of City
Will Meet Monday;
Dr. Pratt Speaker
The regular monthly meeting H
of the Portland Ministers' assr- it :
elation will be held at th Y.
M. i.. A. auauonum monaay
morning at 10:30 a. m.
At 11:15 a. m. Dr. George B. m
Mt- Pratt, who for years has been'
tfr prominent in Christian En-
it- deavor circles, and who recent- -a
ly conducted an expert class on
4 "Personal Evangelism" af th
First Christian church under
, the auspices of the Christian'
Mf- Endeavor union, will address sf
the ministers on th them, 4ft
"Training the People for Per-
i : am
ffc "T j vV V Jf
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