THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY. APRIL 28, 1916. 17 OFFERS FOR REALTY PIECES ARE TENDERED BY SCHOOL BOARD Prices Submitted on Basis of : Those Recommended by r: Realty Board Committee, FIGURES ARE PRESENTED School Clark Thomas Is Authorized to ;:jake Offers for the Purchase of Ground for School Purposes. Accepting the values placed upon the property by the appraisal commit tee of the Portland Realty bord as the fair cash valuation, the board of education has authorized School Clerk H. H. Thomas to make offer to tut owners for the purchase of additional grounds tor the use of the Hulman and Woodstock schools. In moist in stances there is a wide difference be tween the prices submitted by the owners and the value airowed. To, provide additional playground for the iloitnan school the board has authorized the purcnase of 200 teet on Bancroft avenue by 170 feet on Keily street, whlcn is directly east ot tne present Bite of the .holraan school. Irom Rachel L. Ray for $au00. Is Asked. She submitted a price of $16,o0o. 'The realty board has named a val uation of $9000. the assessor's office fixed the basis of valuation at jsaoo, and the actual assessment of the land is 94700 and tii improvements $3oo. There are six owners Interested in the offers made for additional ground tor the Woodstock school, the property in question being contiguous, and all parcels of lota i and 4 in block 1, Woodcock. Cora M. Kirkley is offered $1500 for 8a feet. The basis of the assessed valuation is $UO0 and the actual as sessment $650. Myrtle Evans is offered $1600 for one piece, which is the price she asked. The realty board committee fixed a valuation of $1650. The basis of val uation for assessment is $if6o, and Hie assessment $650. Other Offers Made. For a second piece she is offered $2300, for which she asked $2800, the MBCbsuieni oasis or which is $16oO. This piece has a house on it valued at 11100 by the assessor. For a third piece she is offered $525, for which she asked $550, which is valued by the assessor on a oasis of $250, and is assessed at $186. . M. A. Gove is offered $1800 for 103 feet for which he has asked $1900. The realty board put a valuation of $1850 and the assessor $12(50. It is improved and assessed $115 for the land and $550 for the improvement. H. Taylor Hill is offered $750 for one piece for which he lias asked $1600. The assessor's basis of valuation is $500, and the assessment $300. Cook & Gill are offered $300 for 92 feet, for which they have asked $500. It is unimproved and is assessed at $100 on a basis of actual valuation of $160. Mrs. M. K. Austin is offered $1280 for 80 feet; for whichjshe asked $1900. It is assessed at $190 for the lot and $400 for the Improvement, giving It a basis of valuation for assessment pur ' poses of $1055. EAST SIDE PARCKIi BOUGHT Herman Knke Becomes Owner of Property on Kast Ash. Herman Enke, of the Knke City Dye Works, by a recent purchase, becomes the owner of the entire frontage and half block of ground between East Third and Union avenue on East Ash sireei. xesieraay ne securer! frnm Mrs. John B. Harrington, for a named consideration of $24,000, the norm west comer of Union avenue and Ash street, 100 feet square, including a two story brick building which occu pies 65 by 100 feot at th corner, and has been used for store purposes and a creamery. Mr. Enke will at once remodel the buildings on his new purchase and extend his present facilities to that extent. He expects to occupy the entire half block with his plant eventually. The sale is considered an advan tageous one to the purchaser, as the consideration approximates closely to the basis of the assessed valuation The Jfcorner property Is described an land. Lot 5, the northwest corner of union avenue and East Ash street Is assessed $6800 on the land and' $S000 for the improvements, which gives the corner a valuation basis of $9,100. The Inside lot is assessed at- $5100, on which there is no im provement. This gives the entire corner a valuation for the basis of assessment of $21,900. The northeast corner of East Ash J"13, Third streets, lots 3 and 4, block 78, East Portland, was already rrn.'ily Mr- and la assessed at 14600 for the corner lot, trie im provements at $4800, and $3600 for the Inside lot. with improvements at the nominal value of $400. This Slves the entire 100 by 100 feet a basis of value for assessment pur poses of $23,330. These values fix the basis of value for the entire block frontage between East Third street and Union avenue on East Ash street, at $45,250 Building Permits. Gottlieb Schwab, erect one story frame dwelling. S51 E. 56th St.. N.. between Broad Way; add Halsey st.; builder, Guy T. Levlsee; Western. Cooperage Co.. repair one storr frame mlU. Willamette bird, and S P B. R twtdge; builder. L- B, Ballev Co.: (l6o P. A. Conolly, excavate. 34 Broadway, be- r J Alkali Makes Soap Bad For Washing Ha Most Boaps and prepared ehampoos contain too much alkali, which Is very Injurious, as It dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thins to' use Is Just plain mulsified cocoarrat oiVfor this is pure and entirely greaaeless. It's very cheap and beats the. most expensive soaps or anything els all to pieces. Yon caa get this at any drug1 store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for - months. Simply moisten the hair with water ,and rub It in, about a teaspoonful Is all that Is requilred. it make an abtui dance J3f rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is oft, "fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle. Besides, it looeens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. - (AdrJ t een Bnnigirto end Coach sts.; builder, Lock & Dangerfield; Wof. i Mrs. Hanna Woods, repair one atorjr frame bektry and restaurant. 0608 Foster Road, be tween E. tB and B. 67th ta.; builder. B. E Olson: $200. Mra. N. Ijro, repair one story frame dwell In?, 349 Marguerite are., between E. 87th and SMh a Tea. . E. ; builder, O. Shipley; $loO. M. L. Collins, repair two story frame dw elling. HOI Clackamas st., " between Wil liam and K. lt at.; boilder, caine; 100. P. Lonis, repair one atorjr frame dwelling, 119 E. Sbth st. N. between Emerson and Sum ner ats.; boilder. Steve Lewack; $280. Fred Burrows, erect one atory frame chick en house, 7 Hherrett ave., between B. J 7th and E. loth its.; builder. William Dahlke; $50. Hchool district No. 1, repair two story frame school. Hancock at., between E. 33d and E. 34th sta.; balkier, same; $200. Hudson 4 Gram, repair three atory frame wholesale grocery. 208 Oak at., between Front and 1st ats.; builder. T. R. Coocoff $150. Oregon News Co., repair two atorjr ordinary shop, 440 Ulisan at., between 11 to and 12th sts. ; ,bolldr. 1. Ft. Concoff; 105O. Julius LUppett. erect two story frame dwell ing, 191 Cactus Drive, between Cedar are. and Oi.cttia Drive; bulliIiT, James L. Uulnn; $15,000." Matt Lorvaak, erect one story frame dwell ing, 1475 Kerby St.. betuera Bryant and Mor gan st.; builder, same: $1500. V. M. C. Sllva, repair lo atory fireproof steel frame offices and stores, 2s7 Stark St., between 3d and 4th ats. ; builder, ir Holland llros.; $75, Mrs. Bosltter, repair two story frame dwell ing, 124 N. ISth st., between lilinan and Uoyt sts.; builder, I). V. Campbell; $250. II. E. l'lutnmer. repair one and one half story dwelling. 4!6 K. 33d St., between Clin ton und Division tn.; bulkier, same; $200. M1k Sherlock, reialr two story frame dwell ing. 571 Tburuian t . between 17tli and 18th ats.; builder, L. L. Dillon; $50. H. Campiou, erect l story ordinary garage, S3 W. Park si., bet. Oak and Stark st.; bt'llder. W. H. Canutvbael; $:. O. A. Rlten. repair 4 story ordinary office and warehouse, 8. W. cor. 5tb and Davis eta. ; builder H. Hirsehberger Co.; $400. Ir. Noble W. Jones, orect 2 story ordinary hospital. 618 Marshall at., bet. 19th and 20th sts.; builder, N. C. Hnshr & Tollesen; $201O. H. I. and W. T. Ma key. repair 1 story frame dwelling. 63 E, 50th Bt. N.. bet. Htan ton and Slki.vou t.; bulld"r. same; a.VK). August OlHon. erct 1 story frame Karajre, P6fc Mississippi ave.. bet. Prescott and Blan dins sis.; builder, same; $35 Mrs. Ella Tunk. repair 2 story planing mill. Ml Macadam St.. bet. Curry and I'ennoyer ats.; builder. A me Planing Mill ".; $40. R. T. Perkins, repair 1 tory frame cWell ing. 548 High St., bet. 17th and 1Mb sta.; builder. D. S. Manny; $850. Ileal Estate Transfers. Title & Trust Co. to Wellesley Land Co., L. 1, 2, 3, 4, B. 21, Montclair. .JT D. D. Jackson to T. L.. Waasam, L. 19. B. 14. Altamead f rhllllp H. Endner and wf. to W. J. . Hawkins. L. 12. U. 4, St. Johns Park Add.a, G. B. Hayes and wf. to Katie Baker, part L. 5, B. 1, WUUaina Add. No. 2 10 10 400 10 R. P. Effinger and wf. to Frank Phillipi, laud beginning at point on W. line llrh st.. 75.4 ft. southerly from X with S. line Hurnside st 155,000 Clara P. Sheridan and bus. to Title Truxt Co., L. 3, 4, 5. B. 8, Beau mont, also L. 3, 4, B. 14, Gregory Heights J. N. Stewart and wf. to G. R. Wahl gren et al, eimterly 1-3 L. 8, B. 24. Mc.Vlillens Add 10 10 ! Jennie Leconta to Dotiiintck Leconta, uud. Int. in 40x132 tt. beginning at. point in V. Hue I.. H. Marys Tille, 523.22 ft. S. of X. W. corner L. 10 Frank I'liilltrmi asid wf. to H. I. F.f- 800 fiut,-er. I.. !, X. Va L. 5. B. 42, Conchs Add 11O.0O0 C. Courtney to Title & Trust" Co., L. 13, B. 3, Southmorelfisd 10 Leander Lewis to O. P. West, L. 7. R. 11, Kiure! Park (assigned to It M. Tuttle) 1,40 Jolm Koller and wf. to John 8. Heady, L. 6. B. 11, Portsmouth 250 Gregory lnr. (Jo. to ?. (J. uregor; Dart B. A. Gregory Heights J. F. Hoge and wf. to David F. I)u boia et al, L. 8. 0. B. 15, Capit Add. 8O0 Victor Land Co. to E. L. En 23, 24. B. 11, Goodmornug AJM 4s- signed to J. T. Buckner) E. N. Foster and wf. to Bfbel L" Smith, L. 4. 5. 6, B. 2, L. 1,BJ li." Strawberry Dale 4-1 1. E. Fen ton to George T. Settle- myer, L. 13. B. 41, Ijiurelhurst . . V . S. J, Silverman and wife to Jennie M. liramhaii. L. a, B. In. Hosamere.... Charles Locke Paddon and wf. to H riet Clark et al, L. 4, B. D. dera Add, Sub. of II. lO. 11. 12, Monta villa S Acre Tract I. B. blautfman to A. E. Babbitt, L. 1. B. 1. Kauffmana Add A. W. Johnsou aud wife to L. J. Brick ell L. 15, B. 1, Ivauboe Add L. J. Brlckell to A. W. Johnson et al, L. 13, B. 1, Ivanhoe Add 10 MJ j 500 500 i Mrs. Chenault Dies At Her Old Home Was Born in 3ardstown, Ky., 1844; Came to Oregon With Husband In i 1880; Six Children Survive. j Cove, Or., April 28. After a long ill ness, Mrs. Belinda Chenault died at j the family residence in Cove, Or , Fri- i day, April 21. ! Miss Belinda Scisers was born at j Bardstown, Ky., January 15, 1844. No- vember 4, 1863, she was married to; Washington Chenault. In September j of 1862 she united with the Baptist 1 church. Mr. and Mrs. Chenault came to Ore- j gon in 1880, coming to Grande Honde i valley, settling first at La Grande and ! afterward removing to a farm in the I valley. They came to Cove in 1898, ! where they had since made their home. Six children were born to them. The husband, two sons and three daughters survive: Emmett, near La Grande; Junius of Freewater; Mrs. Ruth Tabler of Portland. Miss Ollie Chenault of Salem and Mrs. Bertha Owens of Cove, Or. Funeral service. were held at the Baptist church in Cove, Rev. Mr. Walt of Portland, an old friend of the family, officiating. Interment was in the Masonic ceme tery at La Grande. Candidate Out for Office Not Vacant Judge Hamilton of Boseburg Decrees W. C. Hi&man Hay Bnn for Justice; Incumbent Claims Time Is Hot TJp. Marshfleld, Or., April 28. Much In terest was manifested in the decision of Judge Hamilton of Roseburg, who Is presiding in the Coos county cir cuit court, in allowing the name of W. C. Ilinman, Marshfield attorney, to go on the ballot as candidate for justice of the peace. Justice Pennock now holds the of fice and claims his term is six years. District Attorney Liljeqvist takes the same stand, ilinman started a man damus proceeding and Judge Hamil ton issued a writ of immediate man damus commanding the county clerk to put HJnman's name on the ballot as a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for justice at the primaries. In speaking of the case. Judge Ham ilton said that he did not regard that the six year tenure applied to justices or ytne peace and he therefore ordered thffe name on the ballot, and that it could be tried out later. The de cision affects the six counties of this judicial district. Coos, Curry, Doug- "acQin and Benton. E. Church at Yoncalla Is Burned Drain, Or April 28.- Fire of uncer tain origin destroyed the Methodist church at Toncalla Wednesday night at It o'clock, entailing a loss of about $1200 with $701 insurance. Since the loss of the school bulldine ivn mimtho ago some classes have been taught In tne cnurcn ana inese iosi ineir OOOKS. This is the sixth fire that has occurred there In less than two years and 1 in cendiarism is suspected in some in stances. . ianh.,i a AJ ELKUS TO BE NAMED FOR POST IN TURKEY ft i ' ' "t W v; I 'SV Macdonau A. Li. Elkus. "Washington, April 28. tU. P.) President Wilson has decided to nomi nate Abraham L. Elkus, prominent I New York attorney, to succeed Ambas sador Morgenthau in Constantinople. President Wilson has accepted the resignation of Morgenthau, according to announcement at the White House. To Unveil .Statue of Thomas Jefferson Program Will Be Held at Jeffereon High School Monday XT the Weather Shall Permit. Weather permitting, siatua of Thomas Jefferson, recently aeuuired by the Jefferson high school, will De unveiled Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. A tentative program calls for ad dresses by Mayor Albee, J:idge M. V. Munly. chairman of the schojl board, Superintendent of Schools Alderman, School Architect Naramore and School Clerk Thomas. The school orchestra will play and the student body will sing patriotic songs. Thfl stAfujh la rrliriA nf th rele- ; krated work of Carl Bitter at the Uni lOersity of Virginia and will stand in of the main entrance to the lool. For the present it will rest n a temporary base. Two years ago Wilbur Carl, a Jef ferson student, put out a fire m the ldlng that might have resu'.te-l in destruction. In appreciation of this service the school board offered to duplicate any amount that might be raised by the student body tor the statue. The students raised $1100 and with the appropriation of the board the total amount of $2200 was available. The public is invited to the un- veiling. Catch Men Who Picked Way Out Three Xia Grande Prisoners Taken In Wallowa County After Being' at Liberty Since Last Sunday. La Grande, Or., April 28. Three men who broke the county Jail here Sun day afternoon by picking Qut the bricks have just been captured in Wallowa county. They had been given a little liberty in the hallway and were play ing ball there when it was- discovered that some bricks were loos eon the that some bricks were loose on the out and making their get-away. They stayed all afternoon in hiding and then at night proceeded toward Wallowa county, where they were cap tured by the sheriff's force here, aided by the marshal at the Wallowa town. Salaries Are Cot. La Grande, Or., April 28. The city commission has cut the wages of the city manager from $200 to $175 per month and raised the pollee chief's wages from $95 to $110 and also cut the caretaker's wages from $85 to $75. Pabst Is Insulted By Senator's Advice Was 'Told to "Take His Worries About War With Germany to German Am bassador" by Hastings, Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wis., April 27. (I. N. S.) Replying to United States Sen ator Husting's i vice to "take his worries about war with Germany to the German ambassador," Frederick Pabst has sent this telegram to the senator: "our telegram of April 21, whl;n you caused to be published in 'the press, is an insult to me. I resent it. especially because you refer mc, a citizen of the United States, to a diplomatic representative of a for eign power. Your answer is unworthy of the big office you hold. No reply to this telegram is expected or de sired." A letter which Pabst wr.te onaj of a series about which Senator Hust ings complained in congress yesterday. Man Mobbed in Prison. Lansing, Kan.. April 28. (U. P.) f- Convicts of the state prison here to day, enraged at reports of the presence of Fred' Bissell, suspected of having assaulted and murdered Edna Dlns more, 9, attempted' to mob him. The guards regained control. FUNERALS Beautiful adult plush or broadclota casket, em balming, outside bos, hearse, two autoe and services for. Funerals if desired for $20. $40, $60. Higher " priced funer als u proportloa. We manufacture caskets. Lady assistant. Beautiful funeral chapel. '. MILLER & TRACE Y - Independent Funeral Directors. i Washington at Ella St. (bet. 20th and 21st) West Side. " Main 2001, A-7.8S3. r trojt NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO. SSTABUSESO 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AS3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT THIRD A2TD SAXaMOSf 8TBSSTS, Hani 507. A-1B1X. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment tt Mortgage Co. '- Offices aoa-4. 170 ad st. FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Boom 32. Alnsworth Bldg. Phone Main 6841. Portland. Or. On City end Farm Fr part ice ia Any Amouat et Quits at Kates. Hartmae It Taampaoa, Baafcart. Corner of a'ourtk an Stark Sta. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 806 Deknzn Bldg.. Portland. Ox. MEETING NOTICES 41 OREGON LODGE NO. 101. A. F. & A. M. Special communication tomor row (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work in F. C. de- Visiting brethren cordially in By order of the W M. - . LESLIE S. PARKER. See. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charm. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 Sth. ZJitel Statistic J72 a rtiagcs.Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Fred G. Broetje, 35 B. 61st at., legal, and Hattle K. Crucnig, same address, legal. Ivan Swift, Sellwood, legal, and llasel The bergp, 9oO How doin St., legal. John Benvlck, Warremlale. Or., legal, and Anna P. Ericsson, 475 Falling at., legal. Cljurles Johnson, 035 Wavier at., legal, and, Pauline Endreseo, 779 Marshall at., legal. Ilniuricb Langinan. 1021 Willamette boule rard, legal, aud Leua aeer, 7U9 B. lOtn st. N., lesal. Kalaigb Bayard Runyon, 279 B. 24th St., legal, aad ijiUly MaOelina Groh, 270 li. 1st st. N. W. G, Smith & CoSftWS and s. Tnirri floor aiorgan tiiog. DRESS suits sold or rented, low prices, latest styles, all sizes; we buy dress suits. Barell's Misfit Cloth. Store, ol 3d. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st. - BIRTHS LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewia, 295 14th st. S.. April 25, a daughter. LINKLATHK To Mr. and Mrs. William J. Linklater. 1040 Alblna eve.. AdiII 25. a son. CHEEK To Mr. and Mra. Clifford T. Cheek, roweii alley road, April Yi, a aangnter. SCOTT To Mr. aiid Mrs. Charles P, Scott. 105 10th st.. April 25. a daughter. ZETTEKBEUU To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zet- terberg. 583 Tnlno ave.. April 19, a son. SMITH To Mr. and Mra. Glenn B. Smith. 73S E. 39th St., April 21, a daughter. MASSE Y To Mr. and Mrs. Chester P. Master, 625 E. Tyler St., April 18, a daughter. DOODUIDGE To Mr. and Mra Claude Dod dridge, 18 K. Buffalo at.. April 21, a daughter. CHKISTOLOS To Mr. and Mra. John M. nhrlsrnlm. Rfil Third at.. Anril 18. a win. PWOl'E To Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Swope, 659 E. Slat st. W., April 15. a son. BTjKKS To Mr. and Mrs. George Edward Burks, &S3 L'mauua are., April 20, a daugh ter. DEATHS AND FUNERALS T5 KRIS AMEN AprU 27. at her late residence, Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. Freilerlcka Kreamen. aceri 7ft years 8 months and 29 days, beloved wife of Thomas Kreamen. Deceased is also survived by the following children: Mrs. Thomas Germain, 6D6 Ketby St.; Mrs I.. Konad, also of this city; Mrs. Dick ,Hohde of Tygh Valley, Or.; Ernest Kreamen of Ray mond, Wash., and Mrs. D. A. Arnold of North Yakima, Wash. Funeral service will be con ducted Monday, May 1, at 2 p. in., from Pearaon'a Undertaking parlors, Bussell st. at Union ave. N. Friends invited. Interment In family plot Rose City farg cemetery. GILSON At 10228 5th ave. S. E., April 26. Sarah Gllaon, aged 40 years. Funeral service will be conducted Saturday, April 20, at S p. m. la the mortuary chapel of A. D. Ken vorthy & Co.. Qir2-04 92d at. S. E.. In Tnts. Friends invited to attend. Interment Multno mah cemetery. FULLERTON At the residence, 837 Minne sota ave., April 27, Charles P. Fullerton, aire 85 years 7 months 26 days. Frlnd in vited to attend funeral services which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10 a. m. tomorrow (Saturday). Interment Salem, Or. CLARK In this city, April 27. at his late residence, 351 Cnlon ave.. Arthur Clark, aged 86 years. Remains at Pearson's Dnder- tr.king parlors, Kusseu st. at union ave ANDERSON Mary J. Anderson, 455 Sumuer St.. April 21, 48 years, tuberculosis. M INTOSH William Mclntoah, 6221 47th at. S E., April 24, 86 yeare, tuberculosis. FREHN Fredrick W. Prehn. Ml Sixth at., April 24, 58 yeara, pernlcioui anemia. ACKROYD Norrls M. Ackroyd, 255 Cherry st., April 24, oa yeara. rupercuiosis oi nip joinr. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, 347 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 2S7 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. TONSETli FLORAL CO., 2S5 Wash., t. J . V. r, ri KtV, fa1n riV7 A-11A9 OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAL CO.. 76S . . . a . . . t . A ts A tj 1 1 san si- toi. v-xio-. MAIN 6116; wreaths, pillows, $3 up. Sprays $1 up. Chappells,347 Morrison MAX M. SMITH, fiorist. 141 6th st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS P, L ILEUM Undertaker. East 11th and Haw thorne. E. 781. B-1888. Lady assistant. Dunning& McEnteeoTelfTn every detail. Broadway and Pine, sts. Broadway 430. A-4558 Lady assistant. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder st. Phone East 52. B-2525. A. D. KEN WORTHY CO. Two csiaauanuieoia. Tabor 5267; 6802 82d st, Lents. Tabor K895: 66th at. and Foster road.. Arleta. Waiter C. Kenworthy tf,-,2-l534 E. rsth. Sellwood 71. B-1122. MILLER & TRACE Y, independent fu neral directors- Prices low as $20. $40 $H0 Wash, at Ella. At. 2691, A-7885. Ai Ri Zellar uo.East ms. c-i'oss. Lady attendant. Day and night servlca Chambers Co. SrrVSK lawn 3306, C-1133. Lady embalmer. D T Dwrnop Williams and Knott. n. I DVHICO East 1116. C-1943 if -i. East 80th and Glisan. Fu-. namlllOn rreral services. Tabor 4311. CIClArTQ Undertaking Co. Main 4152 OiN t VV L O A-2321. Cor. 8d and Clay. trDIPQnMHS1i-CNCJS UND, PRLS. LillVOUilM. 6133, A-2335. 445 Morr. gree. vited. FUJfEUAlV DIRECTORS f Continued) Tears of Experience Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with- its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway. In sures absolute privacy, caus ing in no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant- ji P. Finley & Son The Progiessive FUNERAL. 1J1RECTORS, Montgomery at Fifth. Main t. A-1599. bKEKZK & SNOOK. B-1252. T. 1258. 102o Belmont, at 34th. Lady attendant. MONUMENTS POR'i'LAND MAKBLB WKS.. 264-266 4tn et.. opp. city naiL Main 8564. Fhjjin Nen Sons, for memorial bLAELSING GRANITE. CCi 2fc)7- JFTO ST CO O. MA DI5QN FOR SALE HOUSES 6t 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. $1475." Modern 5 room home on 71st St., near Glisan st. car line; fireplace, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, east front, large porch. Cost $250. Will sel) for $1475. MODERN HOME. Owner must raise some cash at once. Will sell :iS(nl homo far 12350. This is $1200 less than cost; 2 years old; 6 rooms, fine lawn, restricted dis trict; near beautiful Peninsula park. 4 room houae (unplastered) on 78th nd Halsey bt.; lot 50x100. Price 690. $10 per Uionth. (With use of 100x100). UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON. Ground Floor. 806 Oak st. Why Not Build And get a home according to your ideals. I design, build and finance any building; artistic sketches free. See me before you build. N. O. Kklund. 313 Henry bldg. Main 6818. BUILDERS and buyers of homes, we . will send you a book on homes which will explain some things which will mean a large savincr for vou. Write. J telephone or call the Oregon Homo huilders. 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. CHEAP FOR CASH. By owner. 6 large rooms, new mod ern house, cement basement, electric light, gas, 6 large fruit trees, fine lawn, plenty roses, 1 block to car. $1500. 226 Alder st., room 9. Main 1081. $100 CASH BALANCE YOUR TERMS 5 room bungalow, 60x100 ft., near car, good district, lawn, flowers, fruit, chicken house. Price only $2200. A snap. owner, woodlawn 848. ON account of bad health, must sell at once house and lot near Ockley Green school; cash $1000, terms $1200. See owner. 1299 Concord st. SAVE money and trouble by seeing and getting my terms; buildings de signed and financed. Jack Hundley, 6U7 Pittock block. $1100 $600 cash, buys neat, modern 5 room bungalow, full basement, im proved lot, no incumbrance. Investi pate. Tabor 3652. NEW, classy double constructed room bungalow $1600. cor. Lombard and Williams; terms. Call Sunday. 263 Lombard. 6 ROOM house, garage, all street lm provements in; $1700, $250 cash. Gatewood. 165H 4th. MODERN 10 room house, large lot, 1 block to car. all clear. $1400; $470 cash, balance $10 per month. 163 72d N. MY 5 room house at a bargain, only $1500. easy terms. good location. Owner. Tabor 1618. IOR SALE Good 4 room house, lot 50x100. 4 blocks to car. $S50. terms. Woodlawn 1060. lOK SALE 5 room bungalow, just finished; come out and look it over. 494 E. 38th St., N.. Rose City. FOR SALE 3 room house, $10 down, $10 month; fruit, berries, all Im provement sSellwood 2298, TWO 6 room bungalows and one 7 room house, cheap, in Irvington. S74 Clackamas. . BARGAIN 3 room house and lot, $550. or terms, on Mt. Scott car line. Y 561, Journal. FIVE room house and lot. E. 16th st. for $650. Main 1068. MODERN 6 room house, paved street, carline. cheap. 1068 E. 30th N. FOR SALE LOTS JO 200 BEAUTIFUL lots In Milwaukie; 5c ear fare; light, gas and water; $20 cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather. Rlsley station. Phon Oak Grove 1-X. TWO choice lots for sale by owner. one in North Irvington. All improve ments in. Y-662, Journal. CORNER lot, 50x100, cost $1050; sell for $525. For information, all Main 9518 1K iNGTON lots for sale at sacrifice by owner; large area to select from. Grauel. 628 ChambeT of Commerce. ACKEAQB 232 ACRES, 130 cultivated, balance pasture, timber, water, near Yamhill, $65 acre, terms. 20 acres. 13 cultivated, house, barn, $1500. 20 acres, 18 cultivated, 6 room house, barn. 6 miles Portland; $6300. $S00, bal ance 9 yeaxs, 6. 6 acres cultivated, near car, $1200. IVz acres, house, barn, fruit; $850, terms. Gatewood. 165 4th. HALF acre at bargain price of $600, in young orchard, only 3 blocks from Wichita station, or one acre at $1100; easy terms. Come out Sunday p. m. Take any car on Estacada line, get off at Stanley. Ask for Mr. Miller. 6c fare by book Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to auit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland, 2, 6, 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, $65 to $200 per acre, easy terms. Mc Far land 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. 1 20 ACRES $400. $1 fare from Portland, close school, station; several tracts with running water: $20 cash, balance easy. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg. SMALL FARMS. Just the thing you want. HARTMAN & THOMPSON (2B9 Stark, near 4th.) AT ROSEBURG, Or.. 10 acres, im proved, opposite Soldiers' home, on Umpqua river; terms or cash. w. A. Kimmell, 844 Clinton t Portland. ACRE tracts on carline, 'near city; paved road; $5 cash, $5 per month. Fred H. Strong. 617 Chamber of Com. SUBURBAN HOMES 7U 4tt ACRES WITH HOUSE. On new hard surfaced Rase Line road. About 7 miles from cit.v. 6 room bungalow, large porch, gooa well, 3 acres In berries, young orchard, l block to electric station. Will sell cheap and give terms. FINE FOR CHICKEN RANCH 1 acre. 5 blocks from 6c carline. A real snap. Will put up and finance build aga. - -. ... A COMPLETE CHICKEN T.ANCH In Gresham. 1 or 2 acres. Modern house, 2 years old. A big sacrifice and Ubaral terms to reliable purchaser, UMBDESSTOCK & LARSON. Ground floor. 3v6 Oak ft I L"' aaP-SBaa-sssBfa-ls-a-tavsyKaaassBVBarvVBaaBvs SUBURBAN ACREAGE SUBURBAN HOMES. Acre or half acre tracts, fine soil, gas and electric connections, Oregon City line, near Portland; small amount down, pay like rent. East 734, or W 181, journal. O-l SALE FARMS 17 SMALL, farm of 10 acres, 3 miles from Sheridan. V mile to school, ail wire fenced, 7 acres improved, S room house, barn and outbuildings, all & years old; 3 cows, 1 heifer, 2 calves, 1 horse, 3d chickens, 2 hogs, plenty of oak wood, hay, crop and garden planted; separa tor and good well and pump; 1 light buggy. and a 1-horse wagon, harness and Implements, and email tools too numerous to mention; place must be een to be appreciated; stands me $3500. I must sell. Make me an offer. No reasonable offer will be turned down. L. Agren, box 342. Sheridan. Or. 63 ACRES of good land in Clackamas county, i of a mile from Yoder sta tion, is for sale cheap if deal can be made at once. 18 acres clear, 6 room 1 story living house, good barn and other buildings. Might take part ex change in Portland improved property. Will give any terms of payment to good party. If interested, address at once, C. P. Christensen, Imperial hotel, Portland. CALIFORNIA 20 acre Improved, al falfa ranch in Merced county, $210 per acre. Good terms of payment. For further information write or call on C. P. Christensen. Imperial hotel. Port land. Or, before May 1. if you want a good tarui. go to headquarters. HARTMAN & THOMPSON 269 Stark, near 4th.) PRUNES pay big. I have 20- acres. Must selL Adjoins city. High school, fine soil and improvements. Full par ticulars. Owner Box 167. Riddle. Or. BX)R SALE 58 acres Kood hill land, shot soil, 20 miles 9. W. of Portland, some improvements, $30 per acre. Q. B. Hays, laurel. Or. 24 ACRES 3 miles west of Forest Grove, 6- acres cleared, house, or chard, creek, very good soil. Price $2400. 84 E. 83d st. -N, FOR REXT FARMS FOR RENT 15 acres, 300 Henry bldg. Claude Cole, FARMS WANTED 38 REXT OR BUY WANTED A large etock ranch in Oregon with plenty of outrange, suit able for sheep or cattle, with quanti ties of winter feed available. Give detailed Information. V-178, Journal. ROOM with kitchenet, $1.25 per wk.. leepinir rooms, x.o per w. anu uy. 530 Davis st. IlOMESTEADft 7 Homestead, $300 121 acres with 4 room house and outhouses and fine water. It is on a road and within a mile of mail. a miles to school, in a good settlement, 6 acres is broke up and about 30 acres of th nlflpp is rnod rvlow land. bal. IS burnt over land, rolling fine for stock; 1 cow. 1 horse, chleKens and aucKs, some tools and other small stuff goe. some fenced. This la in the Siletz near Otis and Salmon river. This is not far from Willamlna. You couldn't put the improvements on the place for that. This is a snap. E. P. ELLIOTT & SONS. Oregon City, or WE charge 25c per acre lor locating you on a 320 acre homestead In Cat low valley, Harney county, Oregon. This includes your meals and automo bile trip both ways from the railroad at Riverside. Our locator la a bona fide homesteader in Catlow valler and well qualified for this work. See Mr. Milne, 436 Pittock. block, Portland, re garding the trip. AM going out on my homestead Mon . day with auto; can locate two or three more. Deedon, 189 W. Park st. Main 3297. . $2500 RELINQUISHMENT, good im provements. $1200 cash. rooming house up to $500, balance any good property. OX-973. Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 160 ACRES of timber, close to Port land. In Cowlitz county, Washington; 1.000,000 of cedar and 3.000.000 of fir guaranteed, to trade for Portland or Seattle property. BELL REAL ES TATE CO.. 318 Ky. ii-X A'OII WANT FARM? 40 acres, Clackamas county, atock, crop, farm tools; bungalow, as pay ment. Owner, 492 Columbia st. Main 6885, 20 ACRES, cultivated, good land, 16 miles Portland, $4000. Want house or vacant lots, $2000; balance mort fucre. Gatewood, 1154 4th. For satisfactory exchanges, see the leaders. -HARTMAN & THOMPSON (269 fftark. rear 4th.) FIVE room modern bungalow; take good lot as first payment or small cash payment. Phone owner. Tabor 1902. CLEAR, unimproved, under ditch: also improved dairy ranch for income or vacant. Address RX-764. Journal. EQUITY 7 room house in Laurelhurst. fine location, to trade for lots. Call 1J13 7 Chamber of Commerce. WANT some clear lots from $500 to $1000 each for good mortgages. T 751, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 "VB will sell or loan you money On your lot J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDG. ROOMING HOUSES I WILL sacrifice my good, clean rooming house of 12 rooms this week for $220 cash. 268 12th sL A-2595. WILL pay cash -for small rooming house centrally located; must bo bargain. Owners only. Q-941. JournaL 52 ROOM hotel, hot and cold water, phone each room, little cash, balance trade. Masters. 6 07 ritrocit piqck. FURNITURE of 17 room lodging and rooming house; $100 cafch. D-566, Journal. NINE ROOMS. $175 SNAP. White Temple district, 502 Couch bldg. BUSINESS OFPOHT UNITIES IM i. u-i. BARGAIN. Dandy confectionery and waiting room, will sell cheap as I cannot give it my attention. Inquire at 202 N. 23d st. ENTERPRISE cleaners, 23d and North rup St.. after successful six yeara want to quit. Will sell building and business, $500. No agents. ATTENTION. BUYERS! Grocery stores with living rooms, from $200 up. Masters. 607 Pittock bloc. FOR SALE West End billiard par Jor, four tables. Owner has other business. Inquire 227 Taylor sL. As- loria, yjr. CHEAP for quick sale, most popular bathing and boating beach in Oregon, fully equipped. Call or write II. Sea man, Oswego. Or. GARAGE with Ford and Dodge Bros. agency in a good county. Owner haa other interests. Investigate this be fore It's too late. DX-561. Journal. MAN for 2 straction and- 1 runabout wood saws and vacuum cleaner; con tracts with WQOdyards. . Mlllerehlp, 724 Chamber of Commerce. PARTNER'for traction woodsaw, $150 will give you half interest. , iilller shlp, 724 Chamber of Commence We can trade or sell anything. MI LLERSHIP. 724 CHAM. OF COM. ' urncra a dttvi-tj UU,U AA, A-f J A- A-l X M. ' Cash and clear acreage for store or rooming house. 502 couch bldg. WANTED, a man mechanically in dined with $200; outside work. Can earn $20 a week and up. 15 N. 3d at. OLD established casn grocery. $400 cash, balance trade. a63 William's BUSINESS CARDS. , xtose v.iiv itidi ids: 1.0. ' Third st., cor. Taylor. BUSINESS OPPOR1U20T11S 20 ; f Con tinned) ONLY store, rich farming country, 20 miles Portland; on electric line, near depot; cash sales neariy $20 day: clean stock; $800 buys stock and fixtures; nearby mill employs 35: best reasons for selling; eheap rent; place for living quarters. Phone Sirs. White, .Main 6581. iOR SALE Established manufactur ing business equipment, suppllec stationery, etc. will be sacrificed for $100 for all; owner has stock in an other business which requires his time and attention. Oregon Waatine Co., 73 Front st. WANTED AT ONCE. Physician In town of 600, near Port land. Doctor leaving location to spe cialize. Place paid $3500 la3t year. OX-980. Journal. HAVING to go east will- sell good grocery stock and fixtures at a bargain; apartment' house district; mostly cash trade, act quick. Owner, V-185. Journal. MUST sell my grocery and delicates sen: going to leave the city. Will take half of invoice value. Make me an offer. Room 1, Railway Exchange bldg. Main 898. - PATENT for sale Manufactured ready for market, including dies. etc. M- journal. FOR SALE Blacksmith tools and good location. Apply ,401 S. Ivanho St., Pt. Johns. MONEY TO LOAN 2? REAL ESTATE OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. EQVJJ?L? v8 4 LOAN ASSN., w oi., rurtiana, wregon LET UB MAKE YOlrw T.OAMS $700 8 $2000 8 $H00 8 $3000 7, NEILAN & PARKHILL. 203 Stock Exchange bids.. Bfi ana ramhUI. t ROM $lwOo to $60,000 to loan at 1VU on city and farm property. GEO. E. WAGGONER CO.. 805 Yeon Bldg. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property; money advanced as work KrOKrcBe.s- B- 16 bailing ftldy. Main 3407. ilou.uuu UN mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenzle " ""'inser o g zq ana Alder. viMjk lu LOAN in amounts of $lo V? !??0?. ,n lty property. A. H. "rn ff'ji wrrnnggr nmsf $600 to 000 for mortgage loans on Portland property; lowest rates. .rryn wimams. ViVi 1st St. ij.k.o on improved properties. The Oregon Horn Builders, 1330 N. W $500. $SOO. $1000. $1600, $2000 and $2600. J. L. WELLS & CO.. 324 Chamber of Commerce CAH paiu icr mortgages, uolea. con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. P. H. Lewis. 4 Lewis bldg, $200 to $10,000 on hand for immediate loans on improved city property BOID REALTY CO.. LEWIS BLDG. Aj i-. to ion! on improved city rami property. F C. King. 314 Rpaldin looo jf to i&uoo to loan on city or J00 aaoo, 600. $900, $100, $1800. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Com. S40.0U0 OR H A H H I KIil-l". Kl BO 4th st. Board of Trad Bids SEE us bmaii loans, installment loans. vtiinrn-wunon i-p,. aza Yeon hide $4000 OR any part at 7 on improved property. M-179, Journal. $500, $700, $1000, $1500 no com.; no delay. Ward, 407 Spalding bldg. wo" o.oE luaab. o anu i. Louis .-ainmon v p.. jini uak xt. near 5th. MuincV to loan, b to . W. ti. delta & Co. 310 Snaldinsr bldg. Myitiuuu ioatia. 6 V to Oregon Inv MortftMK- Co.. 170 3d it. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 SALARIES CHATTELS. " Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor, cycles, automobiles, diamonds, eto. at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC.. Licensed. 311 Dekum bldr- LOANS WANTED $500 WANTED on $1200 mortgage; r?d farm security; no commUsion. C-392, Journal. WANTED $500 from private party for three years at 7 per cent intereat: good security. U-696. Journal WANT $1500 on improved ilt,' Tabor property. H-179, Journal. FINANCIAL 51 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellers' Interest in contracts Or and Wawrt H. K. Noble Lumbermena bldg HE LI WANTED MALE WE want 10 house to house solicitors If you are a live one, we have a proposition that will Interest you; pro motion to tho.e who make good. 21 Grand ave. WANTED Man to learn feeding and milking registered stock; must be a rustler. A. Thlassen & Son. Milwaukie. Oregon. BIDS wanted for excavating basement 20x32; wagon Job. Woodlawn 8078. RAILROAD machinists weiiteu. mduiv 401 Stock Exchange WANTED Party to take contract out ting 800 cords wood. Sftll. 1672. AGENTS wanted to sell tube extracts. 602 E. 8th st. S. EMPLOYMENT department Y. II. C A. Service free to members HJiLi VV A ATiill -ailasc. AW Y. M. C. A, AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; training la repairing, driving and machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y. M. C. A, bldg.. to Inspect our shops and meth od. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C. A. and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft- swtmmlng jm. -ni wci uaniB. gymnasium, etc $75 MONTH. Government Jobs. Men women wanted. List of positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 849-0. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Names men, wishing to become Portland mail carrier. Com mencc $67 month. OX-932. Journal. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.60 up. Taylor the Tallof. 289 H Burnslde. HELP WANTED- FEB 1ALE Z WANTED 5 young ladies; must be of neat appearance. Apply office Ileillg theatre, Saturday between 11 and 1. WANTED Toung woman to do house work for 2 persons In country; give phone number. Y-933, Journal WANTED 10 experienced ' chocolate dippers. True-Blue Biscuit Co., East tn ana uavig sts. tAiti jq.w,p m io. child and second work. 789 IveJoy. GIRL to assist with housework. Phone Milwaukie 46Y. - ) HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE SU WANTED A teacher to teach eleventh and twelfth grades; able to teach music and play piano; cottage on school grounds; rent and wood free. Want school to begin the 1st of September: nine months terms; one with children preferred: wages $76 per month. Mrs. Mary Prlngle, clerk. Dlat. No-24, Mist. 0-evn. . . '. aCoHLER BARBER : SCHOOL, wants men and women to learn the barber trade free of charge In I weeks; posi tions secured; pay while learning. , 8 and 38 N.-2d C .., . ' llEU WANTED MALE AND K - FEMALE ' 29 (Coatlnned) ' ' ' - MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men arm women to itirn ma i trd;. paid while learning; tools free: ! positions secured: summer ret; writ Tor cTaioaru. 4 N. id st- Uitr-UcnN Barber College wants men and women to learn barber trade ta weeks: positions guaranteed: tools free paid while learning; modern method trjichlnar; tuition redi!cfl tK Madlaon. W NTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to handle new house-; hold article needed in every home. Great ReDeater. Housewives dellchted. ! The Charles Scott Co., box $5$, Port- iland. Or. r CANVASSERS for very good DroDOsi- tion. Mr. Tyle, Menlo hotel, 10th and Stark. SITUATIONS MALE CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14 th and Johnson sta. EFFICIENT MEN ' , FOR ALL POBITION8. Salesmen, office man. clerks, me chanics, farm hands, house men, oooks, mill men, loggers, laborers eto. No - l - . . t a ' icv inaiKSU auiytuyer or employe, out of town orders given prompt attontlon. Main 3656. A-1024. compei ent shop mechanics and chauffeurs furnished by Y. M. O. A. Auto school. Main 70. A-66$l. Pnntroffnr Building, plumbing. L-OniraCIOr plastering, brick and! ement work. S. S. Klngery. Mar. 1t8 EXPERIENCED auto .truck driver wants steady position; good refer encea. 68ft loth et. YOUNG man of good habits wants steady work of any kind. N-866, JournaL PAIN TING, paperhanginf . tinting, $2 per room up. c. a. htrnoi, Mar shall 2828. lain 6B49; WANTED Position driving ear tor private family; can furnish best of references. Call Pacific hotel, room . PAINTER needs work: has own lad ders, tools; reasonable charge'. Ben Salisbury. Main 670$. PAPERING and tinting, work guaran teed. Tabor 6288. ' -t- SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BURRAV. Women's Department. City Uau. No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any line, promptly supplied. Office, clerks, housekeepers, domestic, day workers. seamstresses. Marsnau 4100. A-41IB. YOUNG woman wishes position in: home where she can have full cliarg. country preferred, as housekeeper. JT aaj, journal. WANTED- A position as governess ur traveling couipanlon by a lady of education and refinement. Z-961 Jour nal. aaii. journal. A COMPETENT helper for the house; will do any kind of work or cook. Call East 5896, care Mrs. E. F. Bchnei uer for particulars. MIDDLE aged lady wishes position ae nousetceeper ror elderly lady; 'also piaya piano, u-tii, journal. ISN'T there something in this city that a woman can do to keen herself andi son from want7 Z-862, Journal. WANTEDA position as housekeeper in private family or care of chll- vi ru, iuaufay A V I V. GIRL wants to play piano for movie show, experience more than wages oDjeci. i an Atarsnau iv. WANTED Any kTiItl ol housework. zs an nour. i-none Main hubs. YOUNG girl wants general housework. rnone woouiawn 43. WANTED Work of any fcthd by the hour. Sellwood 668. EXPERIENCED maid wants hotel work, in or out. Main 2660. CASHIER, or ticket seller; references. Phone A-4058. - XtELlABLE woman wants work by day or hour. Main 6624. - - WOMAN wants day work. Call Main 8928. TWO girls want work by day. .Phone Woodlawn 1131. DAY work of any kind. Marshal) , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE S3 EXPERIE"NCEb " Lman andwoman want houne cleaning) etc.. . ref. Woodlawn 3772. - DRESSMAKING 40 REMODELING and dressmaking; prices reasonable. n Williams ivs,' LRESSMAK1NG Alterations. $.; day. ... - V. . . 1 .Of, NURSES CO TRAINED nurse, own home, nice room with sleeping porch, electrlo and massage treatments, home comfort for invalids. Tabor 2213. MATERNITY nurse, trained but not practical; very reasonable.- phone Tabor 4341, NURSE with training. Invalids, men tal preferred. Main 4226. FURNISHED ROOMS ROOM register listlog several hundred in all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A.; also those In the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms, at $1.50 to $2.76 per week double, with individual bedr, or. $2.60 to $4.60 per week stogl. READ HOTEL" T Corner of 4th and Salmon sts. Re spectable, newly furnished and strictly modern rooms. Rates 76o and $1.00 per day, $2.60 and up per week. Main 4893. BACI IKLORS HOTEL Everything new and up to oat4V For men only. Tenth and Washington. Main 6319 ern. fireproof, resectable. 18 week up. V If W B1WJ V V MM MM. .1, B, V JHW, fl.lO WEEK up. clean, warm, modern fur, rms.. central, ine King, box jer- FURNISHED ROOMS rKIVATII MKXLT. 70 WOMAN alone, wants a good Christian 1ar4v h rrwiiM' hAUlA mfldlfll! MM cook in kitheen if desired; rent small. Call 77 8 Harroid ave. PLEASANT front room for 1 ' or i young men, walking distance. Ph-ne Main z. r!LEAhi. modern front room, reason. able, give dinner. 30 N, 16th, near Wash. FURNISHED room in private nous. 101 Knott st. Phone Wdlri. 1131. . ROOMS AND BOARD 7 a F1ZTATB TAKZX.T, ROOM, board, t elderly men, employed, very reasonable. . walking . distance. 2 oaritnes.' Sellwood 2162. - ROOM and board by day. . week- or fmonth, in widow's home; gentlemen preferred. Esst 7427. $4.50 WEEK Outside rooms, bath, 3 nome cooked tneais oaiiy, wain. T WO rooms, modern home, rates to two or three men. Marshall t37. WANT, young man to ooara ana room In private family. ' Woodlawn 40L HOLSEKEEPINO ROOMS H LARGE unfurnished housekeeping rooms fo rent, $2.60 per month at 375 N. 19th L. cor. Tfeurinan at. Main 4755. . .. . ' .7 THREE conveniently located H". K. rooiD.i (or rent, $12, including water. TXVO' housekeeping rooms. $10 per month. (46 Washington U sear Jth. MERCEDES. 20th and Morrison I and 3 room suite, hot-cold water, fur nac heat. $1.50 to i weK. NEWLY tinted and cleaned bousekeeu- ing rooms, rent very cheap. , l$3Vs Grand ave., near Taylor, ; -fom An. $1 week up. 401 First t. APTS.FTee hath, hot, fold water CHEAP housekeeping rooms, 22 lith street. - - '- iCoattnaed 39em -Pace! ,