10 r THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND SUNDAY, MORNING. -APRIL 16. 191b. - FREIGHT PROBLEMS -TO SOUTHLAND TO BE Big -Three .and Hill. Lines to ; - Place Two Craft on Run to Day ouy . ROSE CITY IS ALMOST NEW Big : Craft : Completely TUbnUt; SUl ' X4aexs Ar Also to Undergo ..v r -.. t Spring Overhauling. With, the" advent of the sonny days of - June' freight conditions between Portland and San,-Francisco promts to be greatly relieved, .v s "Both the San Francisco Portland Fteamship company and the Great Northern Pacific' Steamship company will have an additional steamer on the run by that time. ? The steamer Rose City' will be in shape o resume , the -run between Portland, San Francisco and Los An geles by. May The , popular craft to as been equipped with new boilers and . completely., overhauled. It is ex pected that she will be able to devel op at least one knot faster speed than tinder the ld conditions. With lh Rose City on the run the freight handling capacity of the Big Thru ' lfnr will b tnrrpn,l bv 3nno tons every fortnight. The Great-Northern Pacific Steam ship company expeetn by . June 1 to have both the big turbiners. Northern Pacific and Great Northern, on the run. The Great Northern Is car ing, for-'the ' run temporarily while the Northern Pacific is given a thor ough" overhauling at San Francisco. She will return to the run in two .weeks and then the " Great Northern will undergo a like treatment. "The steamer Bear, leaving yesterday for San Francisco, carried 145 passen gers and 2600 tons of freight. Mrs. Charles J. Green, wife of First Officer Green of the steamer Roanoke, was one of the passengers. The Roanoke Is due in San Francisco from the West Coast about April 24 where Mrs. Green will meet her husband. Harry Degrandpre, of the Big Three city ticket office force, was also a pas senger on the craft, bound for a holi day in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Delayed a trifle by the unloading and loading up of large freight con signments the steamship Great North ern got away from Flavel yesterday r 1:30 for San Francisco with 114 pas sengers, and 1521 tons of freight. The major portion of her southbound cargo consisted of flour wheat, canned salmon-and paper. EAMEN'S INSTITUTE BUSY Hexr Quarters Are Enlivened by 1 - Numerous Entertainments. . . During a period of six weeks, since the -reopening of the seamen's insti tute on the first of March, the quar ters at the northwest corner of Sec ond and Alder streets have been a "busy place. Concerts and sociables have been provided for the sailors' en- .tertalnment each Tuesday and Friday evenings by the Clan Macleay, the Choir Guild of All Saint's church, St. -Mark's parish and by Miss Katherlne Sealy and her friends. - A special French evening was given for the crew of the French bark Bon champ by Mrs. George Reed and her fellow countrymen which was a pleas ant addition to the English speaking . form of entertainment provided for? the British and Norwegian sailors. The rooms .of the institute were used other evenings in the week by the seamen for reading, writing let ters .home, playing games and visit ing with , friends. MORE POWER . SCHOONERS Andrew Mahony Lands Contract to Build Two Such Craft. San Francisco, April 15. Almost 15.00.000 was added to the amount In vested in ship building about San Francisco bay today, when James Robinson- of Befnecla signed a contract with Andrew F. Mahony, local ship ping man, for the building of two four masted schooners with auxiliary power, - with -an option of a third They will "ost 1150,000 each and are to be relieved in six, eight and ten months, respectively. ! They each will be equipped with two Bollender gas engines driving; twin screw propellers. The lnmhr carrying capacity of each will be 1, . 600,000 feet. . Mahony figures that the three semi sailers will carry as much lumber as a steamer'costingr three times as much, that they will malfe two trips to the average windjammer's one, and will IMPROVED UPON Df Mwm Tiiraufirli the I J. 1 W$L WHAT THEY, SAY .suffered with -a ter rible case of neuralgia for over, two years. Your . pare treatment cured , it, completely. T It also cured me of catarrh."-' ? l-v PORTLAN D AGAIN SHlRPI NG For . (he first time in many years Portland is again shipping news paper to the antipodes.; Until the far-reaching tentacles of German exporters and the regular service of the great Kosmos ancL Hamburg-American lines entered Australia, Portland and the North Pacific had shipped many tons of paper annually In that direction. be safer. The vessels will be used in the . off-shore lumber trade. SHIP SHORTAGE IS SHOWN American-Hawaiian Forced to Transfer Shipments Twice. Illustrating better than any preced ing event tne shortage of coastwise steamers is the announcement, of the American - Hawaiian Steamship com pany that they have- been forced to make two transfers of the cargo of the steamer Floridlan in order to get the freight to Portland. No craft was available to transport the cargo to Portland for two weeks. Consequently a contract; was entered into with the operators of the steam schooner Santa Barbara by which the freight will be brought to Astoria only from San Francisco. At Astoria the freight will be picked up by a steamer of the Harkins Trans portation company and - brought to Portland. The Floridian came from New Tork to San Francisco and has been char tered for a round trip to Vladivostok. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT Captain ('"Hurry Up") Johnson; roas ter of the tug Oneonta, lived up to his cognomen last week In handling tows on the river. Starting at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon he towed the Brit ish ship Inverlogie to Portland, arriv ing at 2:30 a. m.. Friday. Then he towed the Levi G. Burgess to Astoria, arrivng down last night, hurried back to Portland and started down with the Norwegian bark Olivebank yesterday morning at daylight and arrived at As toria at 4:30 p. m. With the same personnel as last sea son with the exception of the placing of "Captain" Frank Smith as purser, the steamer Georgiana is to commence her daily schedule to Astoria and re turn Tuesday morning. The fleet steamer is to leave here daily except Monday at 7 o'clock in the morning. Loaded to theguarcs -with freight, the steamer Twin Cities left for .Lewis ton at midnight last night, her first trip since she struck a log and sank at the mouth of Oregon slough three weeks ago. Word that the tug Anne W. had reached Cook Inlet safely was received yefterday by Captain Hosford, her for mer owner. It was feared the vessel bad been lost in a heavy storm off the Alaska coast last week. V, The dredger Col. P. S. Michie is' to leave for Coos Bay Tuesday If plans do not go awry to commence her sea son's digging on the Coos bay bar. She has been completely overhauled here by the Vulcan Iron works. Joseph Supple Is making excellent progress on the fast steamer Kitsap II at bis Belmont street yards and ex pects to launch the new Puget sound craft on schedule. Her engines have arrived and are now being installed. Salmon Ships Depart. Astoria, Or., April 15. (P. N. S.) Carrying a full caro of cannery sup plies, the Columbia River Packers as sociation ship St. Nicholas sailed this morning for Nushagak rier, Bristol Bay, Alaska. The Alaska-Portland Packers' asso ciation bark Levig Burgas arrived from. Portland during the night and will sail Sunday morning for Nushagak river, Alaska, with a cargo of cannery supplies. A wireless message was received this morning by-the Columbia Hi ve Packers association, from the ship Reuce, it stated that at 8 o'clock last evening the ship was 480 miles off shore. .A form of parachute has been in vented to enable persons to escape from high buildings in case of fire Pores N?5X PORE TREATMENT A BOON TO ALL WHO SUFFER WITH RHEU MATISM. IT PENE TRATES AND HEALS THE UN DERLYING NERVES AND TIS SUES. Rubbed Over Chest and Throat, It Relieves Cold on the Lungs and Bad Coughs. HE sharp,' piercing pains of neu- ralgia or the more chronic aches of rheumatism are now successfully treated through the pores. Sediment ary poisons and bodily impurities are eliminated through these natural exits. The New Pore Treatment relieves the worst cases in a few minutes. Just rub it around the. joints', and over the af fected parts. If the, trouble is long standing, rub -it over the nerve centers along the spine, and on the botttoms - of, the feet. Most wonderful results follow these spine and foot treatments. They bring an allover feeling of ease, and relief from the first application. - - Tt? New Pore Treatment is also of ines , tunable value in all cases of sore throat, sore Jungs, nasal catarrh or the more serious .bronchial troubles. Ifs splendid for croup and the many little ills affecting children. It helps them all,, whether the attack be slight or long-standing ; and chronic, i Try ' it for pimply skins and sallow complexions. It clears up the worsfcases. Ask for Know. ; Doc Treatment at any drug store. They oow have it in. both; small and large sizes. I- mmmmmmmmmmmmmm British steamship Waikawa, which will carry cargo to Australia. - Then came this German competi- J Each vessel carried In the nelghbor tlon and the business went away. I hood of 1500 tons of paper. The war, with. Its attendant end of t German service.: opened ithe way again and through the services of the Union Steamship, company the paper Is again moving: from this port. " " - The British steamer Waikawa is the third steamer to come,' for such a car go. The British steamers Queen Maud and Walmarino have preceded her. Doe Line May Be Withdrawn From North Pacific Run m Marshfield, Or.. April 15 It . is reported here that the North 4t Pacific Steamship company will take the steamers F. A. 4 ' Kilburn and Breakwater off the run from Portland south and Including Coos Bay as a stop, jjt The story comes from L. H. - ? Branstetter of Eureka who is $ visiting in the county and tells of a letter from C. P. Doe, head of the concern, strongly inti-"" mating such possibility. Pas- senger business - on boats in and out of Coos Bay has great- ly fallen pff, since the railroad m started. Sound Lines Amicable. Tacoma, Wash.. April 15. U, P.) Local and coastwise steamship repre sentatives declared today there is littl danger of a strike among employes in tne various departments of the vessels engaged in sound trading' t They ex pressed themselves as willing to meet with, union repsesentatives of the men and consider wages and working sched ules. President H. F. -Alexander of the Pacific Alaska Navigation com pany declared here today that steam ship representatives of the coast would meet with union heads whenever de sired, such meetings to be held at both Tacoma and Seattle. NEWS OF THE PORT Arrivals April 15. Willamette. American steamer. Captain Reiner, passengers, trom San Francisco, Mc cormick Lumber company. Departures April IS. Doris, American steamer. Captain Nelson, lumber, for San Pedro,. Dint ic RusselL OliTebank, Norwegian bark. Captain Oster bans. flour for Nantes, Portland Flouring; Mills. T Great Northern. . in. ss.. Capt. Ahman. pass and freight for 8. F. G. S. P. S. S. Co. Bear, Am. as.. Capt. Kupander, puss, and freight, tor S. F. a L. A.. S. F. P. S. 8. Co. Marine Almanac. Weather at Xivar's Mouth. North Heart, April 15. Condition of tha month of tha rlTer at 5 p. m.. smooth; wind sooth, miles; weather partly clond?. Sun and Tides April 17. Son rises, 6:21 a. m. ;.m seta, T o. bj Tides at Astoria. High water Low water 12:80 a. m 7.5 feetfl:42 a. m 0.1 foot 03 P. m....2.1 feet Dally River Readings. 8:00 A. M.. 120th Meridian Time. e s s; 8TATIONS Sm Cj5 1- as Lewiston Umatilla Eugene , Albany , Balem . . . 24 i 0.8 0.4 O.tM) I 23 11.6 0 0.00 10 5.3 .2 O.02 20 5.4 O.tt 0.03 M 5.8 0.2 0.00 1- : 6.4 0.2 0.11 13 11.1 0 O.IT Oregon City.. rortiand ( Falling. River Forecast. r The Willamette rter at Portland win remain-nearly stationary foe , the next two or three days. ' ) Steamers Due tu Arrive, . PASSENGERS . AND FREIGHT. Name. , From Date ijreat - Northers .... BY F. .; April 19 Bearer.. ....a. F, C. B. E.Apri! 16 Bear. 8. K. & L. A April 29 Rma ITltV 1 A ' a. a K .... A. ft 8. r liidef. t. : Steamers Due to Depart. Name For Date Great Northern C. F. April 20 I- A. 8. F. ....April 22 cear.. ............ ..8. F. L. A... .....April 29 Roae aty.. ...U A. A S. F. . , ... Tinier. Bteamers learing rortlcnd for San Franc'sco only connect with the steamera Vale and Har Vrd J!T,D 8,a ranclsco Monday. Wednea "y. rr,JT and Saturday, tor Lb Angeles anff San Diego. Vessels in Port, Name. Kertb. A1W A. Leirt." Br. Sh. ..Stream Bowdoln. Am. fi ........St, Helens Co. P. a. Mlckhe. Am. ss...i dry dock Chinook. O. dredgeT.. ...... Colo robta No. 7 SHIP HELD V' lVV - r - ; s V- ' v ' t , " , f "T S V -' ' -SW The 'American ship Dlrlgo 'has ben seized and taken into the Falk land islands by a British battleship. The Dirigo is owned by Geo. - V. McNear of San Franeisco,T and is laden with a cargo of grain " loaded on Puget Sound. -The owners have appealed to the state -:- department to protest iainst the - seizure and reported confisca- -tion ot the craft. , ' T' ' ' . " NEWS PAPER TO ANTI PODES The Walkawa and the . Waimarino were Interesting sights . to peruana people who gazed on their huge bulks at municipal dock No. 2 where the vessels moored to - load their paper cargoes. ... . '.. The Waikawa held special attraction for she was the first British war prize to come this way. She was formerly InTurarry, . Br. bk . . Inverlogie, Br. bk... OliTebank. Nor; bk,.. Repeat, Am. sch.... bose City. Am. as.. Shasta, Am. ss .- WUIamette, Am. ss. . .N. P. Mill ......stream .....Astoria ... .. .Ant&ila ..Pier No. 1 ..N. P. mill ..St. Helens I At Xeighboring .Ports. . Astoria. Or., April 13. Sailed St 8:50 v m. Ship St. Nicholas, for Nushagak. Arrived at 12:30 and left up at 2:45 p. m. F. A. Kil burn. from San Diego, via way port. Sailed t 4:15 p. m. Great Northern, for San Fran cisco. Arrived at 4 p. m. Alcatraz. from San Francisco. Los Angeles Harbor, April 15. (I. N. S.) Arrived rSteamera Multnomah, from Graya Harbor, at 6 a. m.; Argylle, from San Diego, at 6 a. m.; J. B. Stetson, from Grays Harbor, at 8 a. m.; Wapama. from Portland, at 8:30 a. m.; Celllo, from Graya Harbor, at S a. m.; Yale, from San Francisco, at 0:nO a. m. ; George Loom is. from El Segundo, at 2:30 p. m.; Queen, from Seattle, at 7:30 p. m. Sailed Steamers Aurelia, for San Francisco, at 0 a. m.; Argyll, for San Francisco, at noon; Edgar H. Vance,. for Astoria, at 1 p. m.; Yale, for San Diego, at 3:30 p. m.; Beaver, for Portland, at 3 p. m. : Hornet, for Paget sound, at 5 p. m.; Prentiss, for Eureka, at 5 p. m. ; Klamath, for Portland, it 6 p. m. Point Wells. April 15. Sailed Frank H. Buck, for San Francisco. Navy Yard. Puget Sonnd, April 15. Sailed U. S. 8. Colorado, for San Diego. Seattle, Wash., April 14. Arrived Con gress, from San Francisco, at 10:30 p. m.; Despatch, from aoutbeaftern Alaska, at 11 p. m.; Matsui, from British Columbia ports, 6 p. m.; Kingfisher, from Vancouver, B. C. at noon. Sailed Spokane, for southeastern Alas ka, at 10:55 P. m. , Valdes, Alaska. April 15. Sailed Admiral Watson, southbound, st 8:30 a. m. Skagway. Alaska, April 15. Sailed Barge Palmyra, in tow of tug Type, soutbbound. AprU 14 Arrived: City of Seattle, from Se attle, and proceeded, southbound, at 9:45 a. m. Juneau, Alaska. April 13. Sailed Admiral Evans, westbound, at 11 p. m. Wraogell. Alaska. April 14 Sslled Prince John, northbound, at 9 a. m. .... Ketchiksn. Alaska, April 14. 8ailed Ala areda. southbound, at 7 p. m.; Al-ki and North western, northbound, at 6:45 p. m. Queenstown, April 14. Arrived Fr. ship Jules Gommes. from Seattle. Manila April 15. Sailed Klrkn Mara, for Seattle, via porta. AprU 13 Sailed: lesan Meru. for Seattle. . . Toeopilla, AprU 14. Arrived Tampico, from Portland. ... Mejlllonea, April 13. Sailed Bark Phyllla (Ex. Australia), for Pnget sound. Victoria, B. C. April 14. Sailed Canada Maru, for Hongkong, at 6:25 p. m. ' . . Vancouver. B. O., April 15. Arrived tTnkal Maru, from the Orient. . . . Port Angeles. Wash., AprU 15. Departed at 11 a. m. Asuncion,' for Richmond. Fort Bragg, Cal.. AprU 15. Sailed at 3:30 p. m. Arctic, for San Francisco. San Francisco. CaL. April 15. Arrived William H. Murphy, from Grays Harbor, at 11:45 p. m.; Tamalpaia, from Grays Harbor, at 1:20 a. m. ; Svea. from Grays Harbor, at 12:40 a. m.; City of Topeka, from Eureka, at 4:05 a. m. ; Atlas, from Port Angeles, at 5 a. m.; Marshfield, from Albion, at 5:10 a. m.; Na tional City, from Fort Eragg, at 5:10 .; Br. str. Waikawa, from Portland, at 7:10 a. m; U. S. atr. Sequoa. from cruise, at 11:40 a. m.; Quinalt. from WiUapa Harbor, at 9:56 a. m.; Wbitesboro, from Greenwood, at 8:15 a. na." V. 8. 8. Madrono, from- cruise, at 5:45 a. m.; tog Pioneer, from Port Lndlow, st 5:35 p. m.; Columbia, from Port Angeles, at 6:30 p. ra. Sailed U. 8. S Madrono, for cruise, at 7:20 a.' m.: bark Star of England, for Bristol Bay, at 9:15 a. m.v bk. Star of Finland, for Alitak at 9:30 a..m.; bk. Oriental, for Bristol Bay. at 9:45 a, m. ; Chilkat, for Bellingham, at 11 :20 a. m. ; tug Sea Rover, for Astoria, at 11:20 a. m.; Svea. for i.os Angeles, at 1:25 p m.; G. C. Llndauer. for Los Angeles, st 12:15 p m.; President, for Victoria, at 12:30 p. m.; Lyman Stewart, for Seattle, at 1K)5 p. Bk'; tog Dauntleas. for Vancouver, at 1:55 p. ni ftr hir. Klmla for Vancouver, at 1:55 p. da Enterprise, for Hilo. at 2:45 p. m.; North Fork., for Eureka, at 8:40 p. at.; Harvard, for Los Angeles, at 4:10 p. m.: Admiral Schley, .. Rtlj and Tacoma at 6:15 D. m. : Wash ington, for Eureka, at 6:10 p. m.; Daisy Gsds br. for Grays Harbor, at 5:45 p. m. ; San Ra mon, for Masatlan, at 7:25 p. m. - Overdue Ships In. San Francisco. Calt. April 15. -(TJ, P.) There will be rejoicing among the families and friends of the crews of the wind 1 am m era Greorge Ena and wii Ham Olson, when they .learn that the shins have reached tneir aesunation after being given up for lost. The George Ena's commander today advised the Eshen Sc. Minor company that ne had arrived at Apia arter a stormy voy age of 80 days. The Olson Steamship company was . notified. -also that 'its ship, the William Olson, naa arrivea at Valparaiso, Chile, after being out 145 days from Seattle..' . m May Buy Two Canneries. Puvallun. Wash.. April 15.-(P. N. S.) Negotiations for the purchase of the two big- canneries of the Fuyaiiup and Sumner.- Fruitgrowers' association are being promulgated by Llbby, Mc Nelll and Llbby of Chicago. Phillip Larmon representing the eastern con cern in making an offer.. The sale of the canneries , will be placed before the stock holders. BY BRITISH A i Si ' I i ' ' ' ' - - V the German steamer Schlecislen and was captured August 7, 1914. as she put into Plymouth, her master being unaware of the breaking out of . the war.' She' was sold at admiralty sale to the Union Steamship company and by them named the Waikawa and placed in this service. - - The Walmarino was well known also as the JBritish steamer Matoppo before being purchased for this service. French Bark Given Quick Dispatch in Portland Harbor Speed records fairly flew with the dispatch of the French bark Bossuct from this port last week. . The vessel was 117 days en " route from Ellesmereport, Eng. She arrived March 21. and, although her ballast was of a clay cement type was speedily - unloaded. . Brown & McCabe. stevedores, loaded the vessel in 24 hours' actuaf working time. ' She was towed to Astoria two days later by the Port of- jforuand tug Oneonta and is now at sea en route to the m united kingdom. 0. A. 0. Tossers Beat . . . Willamette, 16 to 0 Willamette University, Salem, Or., April 15. Pitiful Indeed was the 16 to Q slaughter of the Willamette "Bear cats this afternoon at the hands of Coach Stewart's agricultural prodigies. in addition to the O. A. C. swatfest of 17 hits to Willamette's lone single. tne game was both monotonous and re plete with a multiplicity of errors. Rexford was knocked out of the "box in the second inning and although Adams, who succeeded him. pitched good ball he was given miserable sup port. Sieberts of O. A. C. had the Methodist nine practically at his mercy throughout the game. - State Treasurer Kay officiated as umpire. Baseball Bookings for Today. f Multnomah vs. Oswego at Oswego, z:30. Kenton B. C. vs. Rainier at Rainier, z:oo. Transportation club vs. Kendall t Kendall. 2:00. West Ends vs. Log1 Cabin Bakery at isast xweirth and Davis. 3:00. Oakhurst Grays vs. Golden Rods at xnirtieth and Ainsworth, 2:00. Portland Heights Vs. Royal at East rweirth ana Davis, 2:00. . Mount ucott vs. Ventura Park at Ventura, 8:00. Beals vs. Capitol Hill, at Capitol win, z:30. St. Johns vs. Woodstock Firemen at vvooastocK. 1.80. TJ. of O. Medical vs. Peninsula Grays at reiunsuia scnooi.-2:00. Waverly Cubs vs. Bricklayers at Seil- wood, z:oo. Woodstock vs. North Pacific college at wooastocJt school grounds, 3:00. St. Andrews vs. Piedmont Maroons at peninsula Park, 8:00. Antonlan vs. Fulton Grays at Ful ton, iz:zv. Salem Defeats O. A. C. Salem, Or., April 15. The Salem hi school baseball team won over the o. A. C. team, 7 to 6, here this afternoon. , Weather Conditions. A moderate high . pressure area overlies the northwestern-states and California and another overlies most of the states east of the Mis sissippi river. , Low premure obtains over the central portion or tne country. Precipitation has occurred in Washington, western Oregon. British Columbia, the Missouri and upper Mis sissippi valleys, southern Texss and Msssa chusett. The weather is cooler In Interior portions of the northwest and eastward to Min nesota and lows, also in Nevada, interior nortnem California, southern Texss, north eastern Florida and 'Interior western Canada; in general. It la warmer in other sections. The conditions are favorable for gensrally fair weather- in this district Sunday, with heavy frost in early morning. . Winds will be mostly westerly. : Forecast. Portland and vicinity Sunday, fair; west erly winds. Oregon, Washington and Idaho Sunday fair; heavy frost in early morning; winds luusuy . westerly. T. FRANCIS 1MAKE, Assistant Forecaster. TJ. S. Weather Observations. 8 Wind Statloa. Baker Bos too .. Chicago . Denver . . 52 54 52 64 54 O WiPt. Cloudy. NW Clear. 8E Clear. NE ft. Cloudy. . E Cloudy. 8 'Cloudy. NjCtoudy. NRtPt. Cloudy. KElclear. 8W Pt. Cloudy. SW Clear. . NW ('lear. " . W Cloudy. s'Kain. WClcar. SW Pt. Cloudy. KlClear. slcioudy. v- NW Clear. 8W Cloudy. ' W Pt. cCrady.'" " NPt. Cloudy.. SEiCloudy. NWClear - NW Clear. 8W .Pt. Cloudy. SW C lear. , , W Cloudy. . SCtoudy." W (Clear. XWIClear. - ' SjOosdyf .02 O 0 Des - Moioes... .16 Duluth . . Eureka . . 62 0 O 62 74 78 66 68 58 CO 58 54 82 M 50 12 56 eo 62 66 no 60 54 f2 XM AH 59 64 52 Galveston .... Jacksonville Kansas City. . . Los Angeles.., Marshfield ... Med ford Mtnneapolia .. Montreal ..... New Orleans.. New York.... North Head... North Yakima. Pendleton . ... Portland ..... . Roseburg a. . i. .1 1H 10 10 O .101 0 O 0 10 18 20 10 14 .62 0 o o .04 .02 .08 0 s0 o 0 '. o o 1 salt Lake. San Francisco J 14 .12 JO '12' sesme . : .. Spokanl " . Tacoma, .06 Tatoosh inland WaUa. Walla.. V ashington Winnipeg o 20 ; . Ixcal Record. , . , , 'Portland, Or.. April IS. Maxlmnm temper ature, 60 degrees. Mlnimam temperature, 42 degrees. . -. - River reading. S a. m., ,11.1 feet. Change l- last 24 hours, none. - Total rainfaU (5. p. m. to 5 p. m.). .OS Inch, Total rainfall since September I. 1915. 47.45 irches. Normal rainfaU since September 1, S. 35 Indies. Deflrteoey or nctim of rainfall since . September -1, 1915. -fS.lO tnrhes. : Total cunablne, T hoars, 15 minutes. Pos sible sunshine. 13 bours. 22 tnlnutes. Barometer (reduced sea level), 6 p. m., 30. 13 ttches. ! . . a . ..,..,,.... Helatlve. humidity at boob, 52 per cent. - REGULAR LINES TO FEEL tFFECT PROPOSED INCREASE Blair, -Big Three Head, Says Higher: Wage Injustice to i Regulated Steamer Lires. The coastwise established steam ship lines, such as the San Francisco & Portland Steamship company, will be the sufferers from -. higher wage scales on steamers flying the Ameri can flag, according to O. L. Blair, general manager of the. Big Three line, who is a Portland visitor. , "Lines of the character of ours are running now on rates, far below what we could get were we not controllel by the Interstate Commerce commis sion, said Mr. Blair-yesterday. "Ma terials for ' repairs and all operating expenses have advanced by leaps and bounds. With this extra expense added, there will not be much profit In the steamship business. "Our sailors, through the wages we are paying now, earn in the neighbor hood of 880 a month, besides getting a good home and free board. They are the best-paid,, men, comparatively, in the sea .service. "The. present agitation for more money is the result of the newspaper talk of the huge profits in offshore vessels. It is only natural that the men, reading these reports, have be come dissatisfied and thought they should have more money. "The Impression has been conveyed to me that there .will be no trouble over this matter. I believe that ne gotiations between the two factions will be successful In bringing about at least a compromise without any trouble." Columbia Considered Site for Naval Base Secretary "Daniels Wires Hilton A. Mil ler That Advantages of Kiver Are rally Appreciated. The Columbia river, as a site for the proposed naval base, will receive the fullest consideration from the navy department. Josephus Daniels, secretary of the navy, so wired Milton A.. Miller, United States collector of internal revenue, yesterday. Miller on Thursday wired Secretary Daniels at some length setting forth the. various claims and asking the con sideration as a personal favor as well as a favor to the people of the Co lumbia river basin. His acknowledgement was as fol lows: "Milton A.. Miller, TJ. S. Collector of Internal Revenue, Portland, Or.--Re-celpt your telegram of April 13 ac knowledged. The advantages of a Co lumbia river site are fully appreci ated and it will be given full consld sideration when'the question of the es tablishment of art- additional first class naval base on the Pacific coast is con sidered. With kindest personal, re gards, JOSKPHTJS DANIELS." Allen McNeill to Box Joe Benjamin Apr. 28 FROM be r-I el; 1. I ti Seeking the Pacific coast feather wl9ht ihamninnhln A 1 1 on HTn'VAill - w.l.ii, u t former local, bantamweight champion, will uui due ociijaiiiiii, vieseui uuiuer of the title, at the Rose City Athletic club April 28. McNeill was a great favorite here several years ago and the boxing followers will undoubtedly give him a hearty welcome. With a party of moving picture men. Including Willie Collier, a leading film actor, McNeill will leave Los Angeles next Thursday. He will arrive in Portland Tuesday, April 25. Ted Meredith, the lightweight .cam pion of the navy, will box Roscoe Tay lor, and arrangements have practically been completed for a return go between Able Gordon and Jimmy Ilowa for the Pacific coast title. Meredith has boxed draws with Billy Wright, Solly Salvador, Chet Neff, Leo Johnson and Eddie Shannon. He has beaten several of the best four-round lightweights In California. Multnomah Will Send 3 Boxers to Tryouts Manager Frank Harmer of the box ing and wrestling ' committee of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club yes terday announced that three "Winged M" boxers, Albert Beyers. Ralph Un- derwood and- Tommy Louttlt, would j be entered in the Far-Western boxing i championship to be staged at Seattle April 28 and 29. The boys will be under the care of Eddie O'Connell. who is filling Tommy Tracey's shoes very nicely. The Seattle Athletic club has prac tically completed all arrangements for the Far-Western meet and It promises to be one of the best staged in the northwest. ; Chehalis Trims Central la High. Central la. Wash., April 1 5. After holding Chehalis to a 3 to 2 score for five innings this afternoon, the Cen tralfa high school team blew up. The final score was 12 to 4. Both teams registered twice in the first inning, after which it was nip and tuck. Che halis scored one In the fifth on three errors and from then to the end of the game they ran wild on the bases. Was son pitched fairly good ball for Centralia but was accorded poor sup port ' - ' Two home runs, both by Chehalis. were features of the game. The 'sec ond four base hit came with the bases loaded. ' .-'-: Score: . i- B II K Chehalis .12 10 4 Centralia ....... ........ 4 68 Batteries LaKollett : and Dellsle; Wasson and VanGllder, Brownie Groce. captain of the Baby Beavers., secured three hits In four times up -, against Tom Baker In last Sunday's game. : Pretty good work for a lefthanded hitter against a southpaw. Mil leasts trssi sansshi frss satssle el Br. ftoufs rssMSr. fgs u inamsttonif J I m m rut sur 2 KTiMIViSal Is tfti wrtmesW .' ftiw an ss Ml swncsttr. IV. f. HAAVII aOCF C0.0sbs.sO , Ju.K.wTat ' -c Taught Parrot ' German. New York, April 15. (I; n. S.) Mrs. Margaret Eleopeouloa' of Queens Bor ough, sued Mrs. May McCann for ser vices fn teaching a parrot the (ler&ian JESS WILLARD SAYS 'TAKE NUXA TED IRON i - '.....-.. t . - . " . . . . i--- : t . '-. . If you want plenty of 'stay there'. Strength and Endurance and Health ; and Muscles like mine" I A hitherto untold Secret Over Jack Johnson Ordinary Nuxated Iron will often increase the' strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 200 per cent in two weeks' time. a J X consider taat plenty of Iron In mr blood Is the secret of my great strength, power and endurance. SPECIAL NOTE. Dr. E. Bauer, a well known physician who has studied widely la both this country and Europe, baa been spe- slly emnloved to make a thorouch Investiga tion into ihe real secret of the crest atrenstb. ' power and endurance of Jess Wlllard, and the Marvelous value of norated Iron aa a .trength builder. VnRW TTnnn luln Int.r. Viewed at his apartment in the Co lonial notei, Mr wuiard saia: ym, I have a chemist with me to study the value of different foods and prod- ucts as to their power to produce great strength and endurance, both of which are so necessarv In the prize rintr. On his recommendation I have often taken nuxated iron- and I -have particularly advocated the free use of iron by all those who wish to obtain great phy sical and mental power, without it 1 am sure- that I should never have been able to whip -Jack Johnson so completely i nd easily as i did. and "--- - r " . - j -... - while' training for my. bout with Frank V ; .y, . 1 I JH0' I $10,000,000 A Year - m iWasted On Trusses How 60 Days' Trial Protects You Against Throwing Money " Away Away With Worthless Makeshifts Ninety-nine out of eVery oundred dollars spent for elastte and spring trusses,, might about as well be throws sway. Close to ten million dollars a year la this country alone la praeUea Uy wasted on such eoutraptloita. & -. 0? f And all simcly becaose sins sufferers oat of ten trust to a mere try-on r amr visiuiaa- iont instead of Xlrst making a orongh tost, A Mere Try -on la a Snaro Too can't possibly tell anything abont s troas or anything la for rupture merely by trying linen.... . - .. '. - . A truss or so-called sppliance" may seem alrlaht at first and afterward prove utterly WM-Uiieas, -r .... The only way in the world you ,eaa make sore of exactly what you're getting Is by making a thorough, sisty-day test without hav ing to risk any money... . . .. ' J- ' The Only Tkinf Good Enouf k To Stand a 60-Dsy Test There 1 only on thing f any -kind for t .i. ,mn ct in slxty-dsvs' trial mJd ? JSLVh to stani a. .'Jff. w!l stand such tborougu test , ruptura iui. . uniy on a. long sua That I mir aruaraatesd ravtar bold sr. . - ... Wn moke on enuerUlly far your rase m.k. it No you, mare-and 11 yo. try it " I UiWjfV roa th.t t.tgJSJTA SSS!" If it doesa't keep yonr rupture trots coming oat or 'bothering. yo& in any way, no matter bow bard you work or. strain If it doesn't urcve every" ciatur-w maae toea you cn ena .. v, cent.,, ,'i.a:.l,i:vi,:,'j1 A Made on Nw Principlo . ' Till guaranteed rnpfhr nMer the famou -Clutbe i so utterly aifferept train everything else for x suture -that -it has received - sigbtMa separate patenw. It is tsr mors tban tat s truss. lde on s sbnolutely sew prWlpls. L'alik . everything else1, . it Is self-rsgB-latlng, self adjusting Instantly and sutouat. tongue. Justice Cragen has just award, ed the plaintiff 810 as Just recompense.. When -writing or railing oa advertisers p tests sneutlon Journal. (Adv.) of' his . Great Victories and Frank Moran Moran. I regularly took nuxated Iron, and 1 am certain that it was a most -important factor in my winning -so easily." Continuing, . Dr. Sauer . said. "Mr. WiUaids va Is only one or hundreds which I could cite from my own personal experience which ' proves conclusively . the astonishing power of nuxated iron to restors -strength, and vitality ,even In most complicated chronic conditions," Not lone ago a man cam to me who was nearly half a century old, and asked me. to erlve him a preliminary -examination lor life insurance. I was - , astonished to find him with the blood, pressure of a boy of 20 and as full of vigor, vim and vitality tui a young man; in fact a young man he really was, notwithstanding his age. The secret he said was takirnr- lin mix. ated Iron had filled lain with renewed ' lire. At 30 .ie was in bad health: at 6 careworn and nearly all in. Now at .. 10 a miracle of vitality and hia fai-s beaming with the buoyancy of youth, Aa I have said a hundred time over, . iron la the greatest ol all strangtn builders. - If people would only throw away patent medicines and nauseous concoctions and take simple nuxated iron, l am convinced that the lives of thousands of persons might be saved, who now die every year from pneu monta, grippe, consumption, kidney, . liver and heart trouble, etc.- The real and true cause which started their diseases was nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on -by lack of iron In the blood. Iron Is absolutely necessary, to enable - your blood to change food 'in to Itvlnsr tissue.' Without It. no matter how much or what you eat, your food merely passes through you without doing you any. good.You don't Ret tlfe strength out ot it and as a consequence you become weak, pale and sickly jooktng Just Ilk a plant trying to grow in a soil de ficient in Iron. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to. make the following teel:..Se how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five grain tablets of ordinary nuxated Iron three times per day after- meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself .'now muQh you have gained. 1 have seen dozens -of nervous run down people who war : ailing all the while, double their strength and endurance nni entirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from 10 to 14 dayB' time simply by Jtaklnir Iron in the proper form. And this after they had In some canes been doctoring ' tor months without obtaining . any. benefit. But do i t take , the old forms of reduced Iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. Tou must take iron in a, form -that can be easily absorbed and . as- . , Pimilated like nuxated Iron If you want i It to do you any good, otherwise it -mav prove worse than useless. i Many an athlete or prize fighter has ': won the day simply because he knew the secret of fereat strength and endur ance and filled his blood with iron be -fore he went Into the affray, -while many another has gone to Inglorious defeat simnly for the lack of Irpn. E, Sauer. M. D. - r; -- v - -, NOTE. Nuxated Iron, recommended above fcjr Dr. Sauer Is not s patent tnedlrln nor . wrrpt reuiedy. but ins wblrh'ls well known to rtruKirits snd whose- Iron constituents are -widely rerlbed by eminent physician every where. Unlike tlis older laorgnnle Iron prod, urts. It Is easily sssltnllated. dues not Injurs the teeth, make them black, nor. unset th on contrary. It Is a most pots well as fur nervous, run-down conditions. Tbe manufacturers have such creat ranfidena In Nuiated Iron tliat tbey offer to forfeit $100.00 -to any charltahU Institution If they cannot take any man or woman under OO. who larks trn. and lui-rease tlieir strenstb SO0 wt- rent, or ovir in four week' time, provided they Itate uo serious organic trouble., They also uffVr to n-fiiml your money If It does sot at least double your strength "and endurance In ill i " - Moir. L l. iiimiriipru m ium .11 Tlic owl tirns fn. and sll other druggists ri, dy time. It is dlntensed In this city by Icatly protects yos1 ag alait evsry hrsis ' as your rupture can't possibly be forced out. -And in addition lo this constant holding, it nrovldea tue only way. sr disosvsrsd fs averocming tha weakness which is the rati sauss of, rupture. . . .,. : Just how It does that entirely satomstt cslly is all trsplained in the free book which the coupon belusr will bring you., - -, . - No Belt No Leg-StrapsN Spring's Does away entirely with the ears f belts, leg-straps, and springs. People whs bse tried It mj It U as comfortable sa their kthlng. Is water-proof will hold In the bath. -Also pprepustios--oof and easily kwt class. ' : -Will Sara You From Operation This guaranteed ruptore bolder-? ha so thoroughly proved its merits In nearly Mj0,00O rests that surgeons In th U. S. Army and 1 hsvy and pbysieisna in all parte sf the world imiw , tevouiuisud It instead of advisinc pars tioa. -....-j . . , It has completely cured hondreds snd hos- popl wbos esse sems4 almost ' - , . , ia tnusgs ws iu u unr dook Tcr are so many mistaken fdsss about -ruplnr that w bay taken tb time to aunt up in a - book . alt wa bav learned during -torty year of . aperinc. -, This remarkable nook elotb-boand. AS pages. 90 chapters, and 24 pbotogrspbl lllostri tloas la full of facts never befor pot -la print. It deals with rupture in all, Its forms and -stage.- . , - , -:. , ; ; v ,. - It show th dancers of operation, . It exposes the buinbug t .'ppllaaeM," r 'methods.'' 'plasters." etc. ' It sluiws wby wear Ins elastto or Soring trusses is almost sure t abortea your life. T n" t "us auout me camous cwtljs sln-pl U ' bow It ends constant expen, bvw" fo9 e. try It sixty dsya without bV torbkt penny, and bow 1HU it cost If If And it tells about the famous Clutbs bow . bating kem it. ou - Alu gives over 60O0 volonts nfary' todorssmsixs peoukr. . . . !M "EL'S , Simply os tb cnopoo or Just sgr la . letter "aVsd m 7vur bvok. ..,; ... . , THIS BRINGS rr- SOX 610 OJtXJm COKT1WT 12s Sstt 23rd St IE W TOsI OITlf tend m your Tr Book and Trial Offer. Tarn. A4drt.