The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Services in Memory of the
Savior's( Sufferings Will Be
. Held Each Day.
Elaborate Musical, Programs Are Be
ing Prepared for Easter
Day Serrlc
In sack cloth and -tushes the Christian
churches approach the coming pre-
faster days. In nearly all of Port
land's churches tomorrow begins a
period of meditation upon the sorrows
of the condemned and calumniated
Christ. Each evening next week serv
ices will be held In memory' of tho
savior's sufferings. Good Friday the
church - remembers the death of the
Jesus, " Then follows a time of watch
ing at the tomb of the buried savior
and on Eastern morn in alielulahs the
ministers and choirs will rejoice in, the
resurrection of the triumphant man.
Holy week begins tomorrow with
Palm Sunday. The original custom
of distributing bits ot blessed palm
artlll holds In the Roman Catholic and
the Episcopal churches and tomorrow
eaeh attendant at a service will carry
away a piece of Oregon fir which rep
resents the paint of the early Chris
tians. In all tly-r churches tomorrow
the sermons will have something to
do with the palm service and that
of which It is emblematic.
Augmented choirs have been prepar
ing Kastern music for the past two
months. Notices of presentation of
appropriate cantatas hav,j been an
nounced for numerous churches. Some
of the entire services Good Friday and
Easter Sunday will be given over en
tirely to musical programs.
Double Anniversary
Service Is Planned
A rally and double anniversary ser
vice will be held Sunday morning at
the First Universalist church, Broad
way and East Twenty-fourth street.
Seven years ago a company of wor
shippers gathered under the firs which
then covered the site of the present
church, broke ground for the new
building. Rev,. Dr. W. M. McjClauflin.
general superintendent of Unlversalist
churches, gave the address.
Rev. Mr. McClauflin was a visitor to
the Church of Good Tidings last week.
He expressed himself as gratified at
the fine results shown, and counselled
with the board regarding the extension
work contemplated by the denomina
tion along our coast.
Last Sunday G. C. Spokesfield talked
'on the "Value and Importance of
Church Membership."
Bishop Sumner to
Preach at St. Marks
Bishop .Walter Taylor Sumner will
preside at the confirmation services at
St. Mark's Episcopal church, Twenty
: first and Marshall streets, at the 11
a. m. service tomorrow. The bishop's
blessing and the distribution of palms
will also be Included In the Palm
Sunday ceremony. The- bishop will
preach. , ,
Through Holy Week,, holy commun
ion will be served daily at 7:30 a. m.,
except on Good Friday. The rector will
conduct the three-hour, services at 12
noon. Service Good - Friday evening
will be at 8.
The regular monthly district cabi
net meeting will be held In the Y. M.
C. A. at 8 o'clock on Monday evening.
Plans will be made for the coming
convention, and for the pageant.
The Portland Epworth League Presi
dents 'association will hold its month
ly meeting at the home of Miss Bessie
Havely, 715 East Eleventh street, on
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
. Hubert Scott has called . a meeting
of -the pageant committees of each of
the churches of the city for this eve
ning In the Centenary M. E. church.
East Ninth and Pine streets.- Each
committee member Is expected to give
a definite report and then the general
committee will map out a definite line
of work for each society of the dis
trict. The retiring and incoming cabinets
of the Sunnyside chapter held a Joint
cabinet meeting on Wednesday evening
to lay plans for the coming convention
of the Epworth league In May. Harold
Fearing was appointed to arrange for
the entertainment on the first day of
the convention. Miss Mary Reynolds
for the second day, and Miss Abbey
Coryell for the third day. These three
members of the local chapter will co
operate with Miss Ida Matson and
Miss Mildred Taylor of the fourth de
partment of the district.
-The recital given by Luclen E.
Becker at the Mfc Tabor church under
the auspices of the league is reported
as being a very gratifying success.
Sunnyside chapter intends entering-
a oaseDau team in the Hawthorne Twi
light leigue again this year. Last
'year ;it,; won ". the .championship.
They all go out Into the quiet streets of Jerusalem; over the brook Kldron,
, partlyup the -slope of the Mount or Olives, into the Garden of Gethsemane,
,as it lay flooded with the light of the Paschal moon. - We are entering now
within the very . holy of holies of the passion; we are moving in the midst
of innumerable mysteries. As soon as they enter the garden our blessed Lord
takes with him .'three, whom he had - singled out more than once before S
. Peter,' S. James and S. 'John.- He is withdrawn from them about a stone's
cast, and the mystery of the passion begins. ---
'There, then, in that most awful hour knelt the savior of the world, put
ting off the defenses of his divinity, dismissing his attendant angels who in
myriads were ready at- his call, and opening his arms, bared his breast, sinless
as he was, to the assault of his foe of a foe whose breath was. a pestilence
and whose embrace was an agony. . .:..-. ; -- It is the long history of
a world and God alone can bear the load of it Hopes blighted, vows broken,
lights, quenched, warnings, scorned, opportunities lost; 'the innoocent be
trayed the lust overcome, "the aged falling;: the sophistry of misbelief, the
. wilfulness of passion, th tyranny, the canker of remorse, the wasting of care,
, . the anguish of -shame, the pining of disappointment, the sickness of despair;
-such cruel, such pitiable spectacles, such heart-rending, revolting, detestable,
maddening scenes; nay, the1 haggard - face, the convulsed, lips, the flushed
cheek, the dark brow of the willing victims of rebellion, they are all before
him now; they are all upon him and in him. ; Thejr are with him instead of
that ineffable peace which has Inhabited his soul since .the moment of his
conception. They are upon him. They are all but his own! He cries to
his -father as if - he were a criminal, not the victim, s . . ; For he is
the one. victim for us all, the sole satisfaction, the real penitent, all but the
real sinner. He rises languidly from the earth and turns around to-meet the
traitor and his band, now quickly, nearing the deep shade. . He turns, and lof
There-is blood upon- his garment' and in his footprints, Whence came these
f first fruits AC the passion of the lamb? , - No soldier's scourge has touched -his
y shoulders, nor the hangman's nails his hands and feet.- My hrethren.ihe has
bled before his time: he has shed blood, and it Is his-agonising soul -which
has broken up his bodily frame and sent it forth.-. His passion has begun from
By Rev. Father Lamarre, O.
Redeemer poor and suffering; at Easter, the choirs burst in a
triumphant and victorious "Alleluia" ; the event' commemo
rated is not one of humiliation, of the incarnate God lowering
himself, but of God manifesting to the. earth, to the heavens,
to the past and future centuries, to eternity, his omnipotence
and his divinity. Christmas is a splendid dawn, Easter is the
mid-day sun flooding the world with its ardent rays, spreading
everywhere light and life, joy and peace.
Dr. Youngson Going East. Rev. W.
W. Youngson, pastor of Rose City
Park M. E. church, will leave Monday.
April 24, on a five weeks' eastern
trip. IMfferent ministers will fiU the
Rose City Park pulpit during his ab
sence. Rev. Mr. Youngson will visit
relatives In Pittsburg and preach the
sermon at the celebration of the eigh
teenth anniversary of the Vandergrift,
Pa., church, built during Rev. Young
son's pastorate. Mr. Youngson will
also attend the general Methodist con
ference In Saratoga.
Bishop to Give Meditations. Bishop
Walter Taylor, Sumner will give the
meditations at the three-hour service
at St. Stephen's pro-cathedral on Good
Friday, April 21, beginning at 12
o'clock noon.
Endeavorers to Banquet. Friday
evening, April 28. has been set as the
date of a banquet of the young people's
society of First Congregational church.
WiU dive Concert Tonight. The
Swedish-Finnish Baptist Mission so
ciety will give a concert in the White
temple. Twelfth and Taylor streets,
this evening at 8. Refresnments will
be served. at Mt. Tabor. A banquet
followed by an excellent program will
be given by the Deaconess Aid society
of Mt. Tabor M. E. church in the
chuirch dining room . on Wednesday
evening at 6:30. This entertainment
is for the benefit of the Portland Dea
coness Home. The price of admission
for fhe entertainment will be 35 cents.
Diocesan , Convention Called. The
call for the twenty-eighth annual con
vention of the diocese of Oregoti has
been issued for Wednesday and Thurs
day, May 24 and 26, at the pro-cathedral
of St. Stephens the Martyr. Sev
eral events in connection with the
meeting of the convention are under
consideration, among them a Sunday
school rally and a missionary mass
meeting or dinner.
Will Preach to Knights Templar.
Rev. W. W. Youngson will preach the
sermon at the combined meeting of
Oregon, Washington and Vancouver,
Wash, commanderies. Knights Templar,
in White temple tomorrow afternoon.
The uniformed knights will march to
the church.
Xiec tares at Canby. Rev. Abraham
Vereide gave a lecture on "Christ, the
Church and the World" at a union mis
sionary rally at Canby. Or., last night.
Class to Be Confirmed. Tomorrow
morning a class of sixteen young peo
ple will be confirmed at St. James'
Lutheran church. West Park and Jef
ferson streets.
Will Speak at Waverly Heights.
E. A. Baker, state" president of the
Antl -Saloon league; and Mrs. Helen
Ayer Davenport, publicity director of
Thank Offering to
Be Held Wednesday
Rev. A. J. Sullens. home missionary
superintendent for Oregon and Idaho,
will deliver the address at the annual
thank-offering meeting, of the Wom
an's Home Missionary society In the
First Congregational cliurch, Wednes
day at 2 p. m. The quartet of the
First Congregational church will give
the following program:
Duet. "My Faith Looks Up to Thee"
(Bassford), Mr. Montgomery and Mr.
Ewiri; solo, "He Was Despised" (Han
del), Mrs. Marx; quartet. "God So
Loved the World" (Stainer's Crucifix
ion), Mrs. . Politx, Mrs. Marx, Mr. Er
win and Mr. Montgomery; duet, "Cru
cifix" (Faure),. Mr. Montgomery and
Mr. Montgomery; solo, "Lift Thine
Eyes" (Sullivan), Mrs. Polltz; quartet,
"Consider, and Hear Me," Mrs. Politas,
Mrs. Marx, Mr. Erwln and Mr. Mont
gomery. The public is Invited.
rirat Word.
Father, forgive them; for they know
not what they do.
Second Word.
Verily I say unto thee. To day shalt
thou be with me in paradise.
Third Word.
Woman, behold thy son!
Fourth Word.
My God. my God, why hast thou
forsaken me?
ruth Word.
I thirst! ,
Sixth Word,
It is finished!
Seventh Word.
Father, into thy hands I commend
my spirit.
P., of Holy Rosary Church.
Of all the feasts returning' every year to
rejoice our hearts; none is more solemn,'
more joyful than the feast celebrated today
in the Christian world. ;
Certainly the hymns sung over the cra
dle of Jesus Christ on Christmas have their
rhythm borrowed from the Gloria of the
Seraphs, they sound like an echo of the
mountains of Judea, and bring"" cheer to our
souls; yet at Bethlehem, on Christmas, in
the'mangrer is contemplated a God-child, a
the Oregon W. C. T. TJ will be the
speakers at tomorrow evening's ser
vice at Waverly Heights Congrega
tional church. East Thirty-third and
Woodward avenue, "The Opportunities
of Today for Young People" will be
Mrs. Davenport's subject. ,
Sunday School Convention. The
thirty-first annual state convention of
the Oregon State Sunday School asso
ciation will convene in the First M.
E. church, The Dalles, April 27-29.
To Preach at White Temple. Rev.
Henry F. Waring of the Fifth avenue
Baptist church of Vancouver, B. C,
will fill White Temple pulpit tomor
row. Professor Norman F. Coleman
of Reed college will be the Easter
morning speaker at White Temple.
Passion Week Services. Passion
Week services at the Pilgrim Congre
gational church. Shaver street and
Missouri avenue, are as follows: Sun
day, Palm Sunday, 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m., ."My Best Easter Offering";
Monday, "The Disappointed Christ",
Tuesday, "The Ignored Christ"; Wed
nesday, "The Loved Christ; Thursday,
"The Betrayed Christ"; Friday, "The
Crucified Christ"; Sunday, Easter
Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., can
tata, "The Easter King."
Passion Week to he Observed. Pas.
sion week will be observed by Pied
mont Presbyterian church with a series
of special services every night with
some organization of the church in
special charge.
Sunday School Lesson Tomorrow.
The Gospel for the Gentiles Aets 10
(Act 10. 24-83, 44-48 is printed)
Golden Tet There l no distinction between
Jew and Greek; for the same I-rd I Lord
of all, and In rich unto all that call upwn
him. Bom. 10. 12.
Home Heading- M. Visions ot Peter and
Cornelius; Acts 10. 1-18. T. Peter summoned.
Acts 10. 1T-28. W. Clean and unclean meata.
Lev. 11. 1-12. Th. Vision of the Kingdom,
Dan 7. 9-14. TP. All-incluaHe kingdom, Mlc.
4. 1-8. S. Salratton for aU, Bom. 10. 11-21.
8. Tbe new heaven and the new earth, Eev.
21. 1-7.
Young People's Topics.
Christian EndeaTor "Good Prayer Meeting
an How to Have Them Always." Acts 1:
1-17. . .
Junior Christian Endeavor "The Church, a
School for Our Sonls." 2 Tim. 3:14-17.
Epworth league ' Getting Along With Plj
BgTeeable Folks." Gen. 13:8-9; Luke 5:25-32;
10:40-42; ProT. 15:1.
B V P. V. "Good Prayer Meeting and
How to Hare Them Alway." Acts 12:1-17.
First White Temple 12th and Alder Mrs.
A W. DeLong, acting pastor. Rev. Henry V.
Waring of Vancourer. B. C, 11. J:30-
SwedUh-Finntsh Mission, White Temple, 8.
East Side E. 20th and Anken ta. Bev.
W O Shank, pastor. 11, "The Doctrine of
Justification What la Itr 7:30, preaching by
Rct. J. M. Nelson of Lents.
Highland. K. eth and Alberta Ber. Cnas. T.
MAMeta rJt' W. T. S. Spriggs. 11 7:30.
University Park Ke. C. I- Heskett. 11.
T "30
"Swedish 15th and Iloyt. 10:45. 7:30.
Grace MontaTllla. Ber. M. T. Cah, 11,
Se'llwood Bev. F. H. Hare. 11. 7:30.
St Johns Bt. E. r Borden, pastor. 7:30.
Calvary E. 8th.- aBd Grant Rev. Thomas
Stephenson, acting Pfstor. ."T;30.
Mt. Calvary E. Pine and Grand are. Kev.
A M. Machack. 11. 8.
Third Knott and. Vancouver are. Bev W.
t Beaven. 11. "Love s Lost Prayer." 7:30,
Rev. A. B. Waits will preaeh.
St.' Johns Grman) Uev. F. Bruerman. 11,
7 "30
'Chinese J. C. Malone. 7
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. 11, ,7:30.
Second German Morris and Rodney ave.
nGlencoe-E. 45th and Main Bev. 1. R.
WslS 1L "Paul and the Pagan." 7:30,
m-eaching by Rev. W. J. Beaven.
Mount Olivet Rev. W. AMagrett, U. S.
Italian Mission Rev, Francesco Saunella.
UFlrst German tth and Mill Rev. 3. Kratt.
Goodwill Miion 15th and Boise MUs A..
M Nelson, superintendent.
North Portland Mission 8S0 Nicolal St..
riRaussel?viHe Mission Rev Albert Langh-
brTaberna'cllE. 42d and Holgate Bev. Wal
ter Duff, acting pastor. 11. 7:30.
St. Peters Lents Bev. P. Bentgen. 8,
10proCa'tnedral 15th and Davis Bev. E. V.
O'Hara. 6. 7:15, 8:30, 9:45. lL 7:45.
St. Lawrence 8d and Sherman Rev. J. C.
Hughes 0. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St Patrick 19th and Bavler Ber. E. P.
Murphy. 8, 10:30. 7:30. .
St. Francl E. 11th and Oak Bev. J. H.
Black. 6. 8. 9, 10:30. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave.
and Stanton Bev. W. A. Daly. 6, 8. 9, 10:30.
Holy Bosary E. Sd sod Clackamas Ber. E.
S. Olion. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:30. -
gt Rose E. 53d and Alameda Bar. J.
O-Farrell. 8, 10. 7:30,
St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Bev. T.
Klernan. 8, 10:30, 7:30. ' ; .
The Madeleine E. 24th and Sitklyou Ber.
George TP. Thompson. 7:30. 9, 10:30.
Ascension E. Xamblll and E. 76th Francis
can Father. 8, 10:30, 7 XO.
Holr Redeemer Portland Blvd. and Vancoo
rer ave. Rev. F. H. Miller. . 8. 10:30. 7:30.
- Blessed 8acrament Maryland ave. and Blan
aen.Rev. B. V. Kelly. 8, 10.30. 7:80.
, Holy Cross 774 Bowdoln Rev. C. Raymond.
8. 1030 730.
St. Ignatius 3220 4Sd St. 8. E. Jesuit Fath
er.. 6:aO. S. 10:30, 4. .
St. Stephens 42d and E. Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Waltt. . 8:30, 1030, 7:30.
St.- PhtlUp Keri E. ltb and Hickey Bev.
W. J. Cartwrlght. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Sacred Hear; E. lltb and Center Rev. e.
RoW. S. l:S0.73O. -
St. Agatha E. I Oth and Miller Rev. 3.
Cummisky. 8. 10:30. 7:30. : -
St. Joseph .(German) 15th and Couch Bev.
B. Durrer. 8. 10:30. 7:30. '
Sts Staulslsss (Polish) Maryland ave. an-1
Failing Bev. K. Wathew. 8. 10:30. 7:3a
St. Michael (Italian) tth and Mill Rev. M.
Balestrs. K, 40:30. 7:30. .
St. Clement Smith and Newton Rev. C.
Snttth. 8, 10:30, 7:80.
St. Clares Capitol Hill Ber. Anthony. 8.
10:30, 7:30. ?
St. Charles S4th and - Klllingworth Bev.
G. SnlderUora. 8. 1030. 7:30. p ,
. v Chrlstiaa.
First Park and Colombia Rev. Geo. F.
Darsic. 11. "A Text for Palm Sunday." 7:30,
"The Beginning Point.7 r
MooUvllia li. 7Stn and Boyt Rev. J. C.
Gbormlj'y. 11. 8. . . .
Gladstone Rev Roy L. Dana. 11. 8. jv ;
Woodlawa 7h an$ Liberty Bev. W. ; 3.
MUMnger. 11. 7:30. . - ,
' SeilwooeW-13th and Tenlno Rev. J. "B. Jobs
son.: 11. )Jj
Jf r
. r
S. A. Danford.
Dr. S. A. Danford, minister to the
newly formed congregation of the Ir
vington Methodist Episcopal church,
arrived In the city today from Ta
coma. t x
Dr. Danford will preach his first
sermon in the inaugural service in the
church building. East Tenth and Weid
led streets, tomorrow. Dr. Danford
comes to Portland directly from re
vival work In Tacoma. He has had
considerable experience in church work.
Famous Cantata to
Be Sung Thursday
Dubois' cantata, "The Seven Last
Words," will be rendered by the choir
of the Central Presbyterian church.
East Thirteenth and Pine streets, on
Thursday evening, April 20.
The chorus has been augmented for
the occasion and will be supported by
the organ and orchestra of 14 pieces.
The solo parts will be taken by Miss
Marian Bennet, soprano; Joseph P.
Mulder, tenor; Earl R. Abbott and E.
Maldwyn Evans, baritones. At the
organ Miss Evelyn twari win preside;
E. Maldwyn Evans will direct. A
silver offering will be taken.
Bodney Avenue, at Knott at. Bev. J. F.
East Side Christian E. 12th and E. Taylor
Bev. A. L. CHm. 11, "History in Parable."
7:30. "Lord. Is It 1?"
Kern Park Rev. G. K. Berry. 11, 7:30.
ft. Johns Rev. Herbert F. Jonea. 11. 8.
Vernon Church of Christ E. 15th and Wy
gant J. A. Melton. 11, 7:30. t
Bethel E. 82d and Thompson Rev. Aubrey
W. Wilson.
Christian Science.
Lesson sermon, "Doctrine of Atonement."
First church Everett, between 18th and 19th
sts. 11. 8.
Second Eaat 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third East 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11.
Fifth Myrtle Park ball. 11.
Christian Science society Holbrook block, St.
Johns. 11.
Conirre rational. -
First Park and Madison Rev. Luther R.
Dyott. 11. 7:45. Palm Sunday servlcea morn
ing and evening.
First German E. 7th t.nd btanton Rev. E.
O. Willnian.
Atkinson Community chnrch E. 29th and Ev
erett Thomas S. Anderson, minister. 11.
"The Triumphant Entry." 7:45, "Opening
Tt:ine Eyes."
University Park Haven st near Lombard
Rev. F. J. Meyer.
Highland E. eth and Preacott Rev. Geo.
Edw. Lewis. 11, "Words of Life." 7:30, "Ore
gon Kings."
Lindernurst Bev. D. B. Gray, 11, 7:45.
' Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver at. Rev,
W. C. Kantner. 11, "Seeing the King in Hla
Beauty." 7:30, "My Best Easter Offering."
St. Joans lie jr. Daniel i. U. nomas, ii.
Wsveriy Heights E. 83d and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Moses. 11, "Christ as Kihg." 7:30,
good citizenship meeting.
Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staob. Serin oo at 11, "Palm Branches for
the King." 7:45, "A Wreck of Self -Confidence.
Zion tGerman) E. 9th aid Tremont Bev.
3. H. Hopp. lO:30, 7:30.
St. Mark 21st and Manbalt Rev. J. E.
H. Simpson, rector; Rev. J. U Hatton, as
sistant rector. 7:30, 10:15, 11. 7:30. BlsLop
Sumner at 11.
Trinity 19th and Everett Bev. A. A. Mor
rison. S. 11. 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen, the Martyr
Very Bev. H. M. Bamsey. 7:45. 11. 3, 7:45.
St. David's E. 12th snd Belmont Kev.
Thomas Jenkins. 8:30, 0:30, 11. 7:30. "The
Great Trial," a modern mystery -jlay with
tk in the cast, will be given.
St. Matthew's Corbett and Bancroft Bev.
W. A. M. Breck. 11.
St. Johns MUwaukle Bev. John D. Bice.
3. 4.
St. Andrews Hereford St.. Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers In charge. i.
Grace Memorial Weldler and E. 17th N.
Ke. Oswald W. Tsylor. 8, 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham-
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 0:30.
St. Michael's snd All Angels' E. 43d and
Broadwsy Rev. T. F. Bowen, 11, 7:30.
Church of Our Saviour 00th ave. and 41st
st. . E. Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
St. John's Sell wood Rev. John D. Rice. 11.
St. Psul's Wood me re Bev. Oswald W.
Taylor. , 4.
UisUop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa
maritan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard.
7. 7:l!i.
All Saint' church 25th and Sarler Rev.
Frederick K. Huwaid. 11. :30.
Evangelical Association.
Carson Heights U. F. Lieulng Jr. 11:80, 7.
First English E. 6th snd Market Rev. S.
D. Uornscbucb. 11, 8.
First German Evangelical 10th and Clay
Rev. U. K. Liening. 10:46, 8.
Evangelioal Synod.
German . Evangelical Friends church Ta
coma ave. snd . lota. Uv. Ellas ti. Hr
gbit. W:45. 7:30. -
St. Paul Evangelical church 447 Falling
Kev. J. Uergert. 11, 7:30.
Fme Methodist.
Central 65th and E. Flanders Bev, L. B,
Blackman. 11, 7:45.
First E. 9tu aud Mill Bev. J, Harrington,
P"iOC' Friends' Churoj,
Sunnyside E. 35th and Mala Rev. Homer
Cox. 11, 7:30.
lrnt South Main -St. Bev. Jobs BUey.
11, 1'JM. -i
West Piedmont Ber. Mrs. Ethel M. Ar
nold, lit 730.
Congregation Beth lsrae-12th and Ms In
Rabbi Jonah B, Wise, triday, tt p. m. Ctatur
say, 10-ao a. n.
Latter Day taints.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
(Mor won) E. 2aib aud Madison. 11:45. 7.
Montavllla (nwt Mormon) 11. 7:30.
. Xnthsrss. , '
Immannel 19tb and Irving Ber. J. Richard
Oiaon. 11, 8. !
Trinity German (Missouri bynod) Williams
sve. and Graham Rev, J. A. Blmbacb. 10:15.
liiO. ' :' j
West Side Norwegian LatheiCit 45 N. 14
Bev. Wilhelm Petterson, 11. 8.
Bethany Danish tinU.- ave. N. and Ilor
ra Rev. M. O. Jsnseu-Engholm,- 11, 8.
- Our Savior's K. 10th and E. Grant sts.
Bev. George Hanriksesu EttgUsh service, 10.15,
Norwegian service. 11:15.
lmmsnoel German Sellwtud Bev. H. O.
Et-eliug. ' 1O.30. ''Z
Grace EuglUh (afJssoori Synod) Alblna ave.
and Ussou Uev. U? Luecke. 10:30. 7:30.
- St. 1 Paul's Uermaa E. 12th -aud Cltutoa
Rev. A. S. krauae Germas service, iOU(0.
tngHsh.i-7:;-0. - -
brmiti Evangelical Lutfaerloa Elon (Mtssoarl
Synod)Salmon and Cbapagan Kev. , 11. H.
Uoppelmann. 10:15. 7:45.
St. John's Penlnsolsr nd Kirk pa trick Bev.
K. O. Salaman. 10:45, 7:3U.
Quadrennial Meetingto Be Un
usually Important Oregon
May Get New Bishop, .
Delegates from the Oregon Methodist
conference to the quadrennial general
Methodist conference at Saratoga
Springs, N. Y., May 1 to May 41. are
leaving for the eastern meeting. Some,
wishing to visit en route, have already
gone. .
Of particular interest to Oregon
Methodists will be the possible elec
tion at the general conference of a
new bishop for the Oregon diocese.
Bishop R. J. Cooke has announced sev
eral times that he did not expect to be
reassigned to Oregon, and the prece
dents of Methodism favors the chang
ing of ministers and bishops fre
quent! y.
The "unfinished business" of most
moment to all Methodism is the pro
posed unification of the Methodist,
church that is, the consolidation of
the Methodist Episcopal church soutn
with the Methodist Episcopal church.
It is probable that a committee on uni
fication will be appointed and Instruct
ed to report to the general conference
In 1920.
The delegates from the Oregon con
ference are: Dr. Clarence True Wilson,
general secretary of the temperance so
ciety of the Methodist church; Rev. C.
C. Rarick. pastor of Central church.
Portland; Robert H. Hughes, editor of
the Pacific Christion Advocate, Port
land; Rev. E. E. Hertzler, Portland;
Dr. J. T. Abbott, superintendent of the
Eugene district; Rev. Hiram Gould,
Newberg; Dr. B. L. Steeves, Salem:
Mrs. A. C. Marsters, Roseburg, and A.
M. Hammer of Albany.
Revival Services at Waverly.
Special evangelistic meetings will be
held at Waverly 'Heights Congrega
tional church every evening, April 17
to 21, Inclusive, at 7:30. The pastor.
Rev. A. C. Moses, will preach at each
service. At the Friday evening meet
ing the choir, under the direction of
W. F. Downing, will sing Stainer's
4 .
Thursday Noon Is Limit.
Notice for the Saturday church eolumaa
must bs in the editorial rooms of The Journal
Toy noon Thursday.
Swedish Augustana Bev. H. E. Sanstedt.
10:45. 7:45.
United Norwegian Portsmouth Bev. H. O.
Hendrickaon. 11.
German Evangelical Reformed Lents Rev.
W. U. Lienkaemper. 11.
St. James. English West Park and Jeffer
son J. Allen Leas. 11. 7:30, Du Bols' "Seven
Last Words." by tbe choir.
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church
Wygant and Bodney aveooes Bev. J. A. Stav
ney. 11. 8.
First 12th and Taylor Dr. Frank L. Love
land, 10:30. "Crown's for Those Who FaiL"
7:45, Stainer's "Crucifixion," by quartet and
Centenary B. 9th and E. Pine Rev. T. W,
Lane. 11, "Absence From Prayer Meeting
Attended With Loss." 7:45, "Jesus' Greatest
Taylor atreeters Sidewalk Third and Tay
lor. Morning service only.
Trinity E. 10th and Sherman Rev. A. B.
Calder. 11, "The Missionary Situation." 7:30,
"Reaping ths Thing We Sow."
SwedUn Bortbwick aud JSeecn Rev. John
A. Wellman. 11. 7:45.
Epworth 26th and Savier Rev, C O. Mc
culloch. 11, 7:30.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Bev. O. I. Field, 11, 8.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Bev.
Louis Thomae. 11, "Three Triumphal Proces
sicos." Evening, "The Spirit and Its Habita
tion." Sell wood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11,
7 :30.
Sunnyside E. 85th and Xamblll Bev. B.
Elmer Smith, 11, 7:45.
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Bev. C.
C. Rarick. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns Hayes and Leavltt Bev. W. E.
Montavllla Rev W. H. Hampton. 11. Misa
Nettie Whitney, treasurer of Columbia branch,
Weman's Foreign MUsiouary society.
Latirelwood 03d st- S. E. and fcuter road
Kev. C. R. Carlos. 11, "The Triumphal Entry."
7:30. 'The Kingdom of Jesus."
Clinton Kelly Memorial E. 40th and ow
ed Valley Rev. J. West Thompson. 11; 7:30,
Japanese Mission Rev. Eiisen ttibara. 9-30.
Rose City Park Sandy blvd. and E. 58th
Rev. William W. Youngson. 11. "The Sov
ereignty of the Cross." 4:30, "A Crown or a
German Bodney ave. and Stanton Bev. F.
A. Schumann, 10, 8.
African Zion ?S8 Williams ave. Bev. W.
W. Howard. Re. E. D. L. Thompson. 11, 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norweglan-ltautab Corner
Skid more Rev. Abraham Vereide. 10:45,
"Jesus, King." 8, "A Look In the Field."
University Park Lombard and Fitk Bev.
C. L. Hamilton. 11, "The Triumphal Entry."
7:30. '
Lents Rev. W. Boyd Moore. 11, 8.
Bethel Larrabee ana McMillan Rev. J. L.
Craw. 11. 8:15.
Westmoreland MUwaukle ave. bet. Samona
and South aves. Rev. C. B. Harrison. 11.
"Who Is a Christian?" 7:30. "The Resurrec
tion Proves Cbrist'a Messiasblp."
Lincoln E. 52d snd Lincoln Rev. G. G.
Haley. 10:30 8.
Patten Michigan and Alberta Rev. George
H. Feese. 11, 7:45.
Woodstock E. 44th and 60th ave. 8. E.
Rev. Frank James. 11, "The Glorious Gospel."
7:30. "Sin Againat the Holy Spirit."
First German Rev. A. V. Cramer. 11. 8.
Brentwood Rev. W, L. Wilson. 11.
Berkeley Heights clubhouse Bev. A. B.
Cslder. 3.
Chinese Mission 11 and
Carson Heights Bev. L. C. Douglass. Ken
dal station.
Clark srboolbouse Bev. A. B. Wilson, 7:30.
Mt. Tabor East Sixty-first and Stark sts.
Rev. E. Olln Eldridge, 11, "Denying One's
Self: The Secret of Achievement." 7:30, "A
Purposeful Life."
Irvington East 10th and Weldler Rev. S.
A. Danford.
K. E. Chorea, South.
Union ave. and 'Multnomah Rev. W. J.
Ft d ton, 11. 7:Su.
' Missions.
Swedish Mission Bev. B. J. Tboren. 11. 8.
Kllm Chapel Rev. B. J. Tboren. 10.
Bethel Free church Ivy and Williams Rev.
J. A stavney. 11, a.
First Pentecostal E. 7th snd E. Coach
Be v. C. Howard Davis. 11. 7:30.
Sell wood E. 9th snd SpukaiM Bev. H. C.
Baker. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood K. 67th st. snd E. 65th ave.
8. E. Rev. Stella Crooks. 11, 8.
Scandinavian 948 Garfield Ber. 3. Q.
Bringedabl. pastor. U, 7:30,
Highland Park 3, 7:40,
First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd.
10:30. - "Old Thirsts and New Satisfactions."
7:30. "Ought a Religious Man to Join the
Church?" "
Fourth First and Gibbs Rev. Henry O.
Bsncon, 10:3o, 7:30.
Calvary lltb and Clay Bev. O. 8. Bsom.
1030. 'The Startling Christ." 7;30, "What
Shall the Harvest Be ?"
Arbor Lodge Rev. George B. Cromley. 11,
T:45.- - ,
Kenllwortb E. 24 th end Gladstone Rev.
Leslie Kirk Bk-bardsoo. 11. 7:45.
Mispan E. 19th and Division Ber. Harry
Leeds. 11. 7:30.
Forbes Bev. Hsrry Pratt. 11, 8.
' Hope Montavllla, 78th and K. Everett sta.
Bev. S. W, Seeman. II, 7:30.
Central E. 13th and Pine 10;30, 7 30.
Millard iveene 7241 ft. tt are. S. E Bev.
W. H. Amos, 11, 7:30.
Mt. Tabor E. 55th and B'lznont Be v. Wil
liam Graham Moore. 11, 7:30. , "
Unity Rev. W. Lee ra. 11, 8. , 1
Vernon lth and Wygant Bev. H. K.
Monnt. It.- "The Triumphal Entry to Date."
7 .30. -A Dosen Doers antnWbr They Do ItT'
. -. , . . . - . .
-, :,x f, . l-r v-v$ 1 3
Fred R. Bertz.
Easter morning the1 young people
of Portland will hold sunrise prayer
services in various parts of the city.
In this, movement th "Big Three"
societies of young people have joined
Em 11 "Swanson Is chairman for the
t Christian Endeavor, F. J. Schnell "for
the Epworth league and Fred R. Berts
for the-Baptist union.
The city has been divided Into dis
tricts and meetings are being planned
for the following churches; Waver
leigh district at Waverleigh Heights
Congregational, Woodstock at Wood
stock Methodist, Mount Scott at Arleta
To Build Norwegian
Lutheran Church
Just as soon as tKe committee of
the West Side Norwegian Lutheran
church can decide between several
locations now under consideration the
plans for a $25,000 Gothic type church
will be drawn and the construction so
timed that the new church will be
ready for occupancy before the 191
winter season. The locations under
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Bev.
A. L. Hutchinson. 1:30, 7:30.
Westminster E. 17th snd Senuyler Bev.
Henry Marcotte. 10:30, The Triumphal En
try." 7:30, "Men Who Dared."
Rose Citv Park E. 45th and Hancock Bev.
3. M. Skinner. 11, "Tbe Triumphal Entry."
Spokane Avenue E. 16th and Spokane Rev.
W. S. McCullagh. 11. 7:30.
Marsbsl Street 17th and Marshall Rev,
A. J- Henna. 11. 7:30.
Trinity Corner Virginia and Nebraska sts.
Uev. IS. Bunsoo. II, 7:30.
Chinese 145 First at. 7:46.
Anabel 66th at. and 37th ave. S. .
Bev. Alfred Levis Taxis. 4. i
Reformed Prsshytarlan.
First chnrch .Minnesota ana Ains Worth-Rev.
F. D. Fraser. 11, 7:30. ,
First German 12th and Clay Rev. G. Haf -ner.
10:45. 8.
Second Columbia blvd. and 83d st Bev. E.
A. Wyas. 11.
Third Fifth av., Lents Bev. W. G. Llen
kaemper.r 11.
Salvation Army.
Corps No. 1243 Ash. 8. Adjutant Joseph
d, . rison.
Swedlsn Ocrps 430 Burnvlde.
Scandinavian 243 Aah Rev. John OvaL
Seventh Say Advantlsta.
Note Begular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central B. 11th and Everett Elder P. C.
Hayward, pastor. 11.
Tabernacle West Side. K. of P. hall. 11th
ana Alder Elder E. W. Catlln. 11.
Montavllla E. 80th aid E. Everett Elder
J. F. Beatty. 11 and 7. j
Alblna- German) Skldmore and Mallory
Elder A. C. Scbweltser.
Lents 94th and MVh ave. Elder D. J.
Cbitwood. -C1.
St. John Central arenne and Charleston
Elder E. D. Hurlburt. 11.
Mount Tabor E. 60 and Belmont Bev. C.
J. Cummings. 11.
Scandinavian church 62ad and 89th ave. 8.
K. Elder O. E. Sandne. 11.
Bervios for tha Deaf.
- Cnltsd Presbyterian Wasco and Grand ave.
Rev. S. Earl DuBols. ,0:'Jp. 8.
Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam
hill Rev. T. Im Eliot, D. D. 11, "Can a
Thinking Man Accept the Ideals of a Free
Catholic Church?" t, "Slackers and Enllsters
in the Holy War."
United Brethren.
Alberta 27th and Alberta Rev. C. C. Bell.
11. 7:30.
First E. 15th and Morrison Rv. J. , D.
Nibe wonder. 11, "The Message of the Cross."
8, "The Homage of Christ."
Fourth 69th st. and ttd a? 8. K. Rev. L
E. Conner. 11. 7:45.
Third 67th St. and 32u ave. S. E Rtv.
Herbert F. White. 11,. "Helping Jesus." 8.
United Evangelical.
Fourth Bev. J. E. Conner. 11. 7:30.
Rid leal Jessup St. Rev. A. a. Henderson.
11. 7:3U.,
Manor. Circuit Services Cherry Grove, 8 p.
m Brush Prairie, 7:30.
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Rev. G. L. Lovell. 11. 8.
First B. lttth and Poplar Bev. C. C
Poling. 11, 8.
Bt. Johns Bev. A." P. Lay ton. 11, 8.
Wichita Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11. 8.
United Presbyterian.
First E. 37th snd Hawthorne Bev. Frank
DeWltt Findley. 11. "Christ's Triumphal En
try." 7:30, symposium on model Sabbsth
School. '
Church of tbe Strangers Wasco street and
Grand ave. Bev. S.. Earl DuBeis, 10:30,
7 30.
'Kenton J. 8. Cole. 10:15, 8.
Chnrch of the Good Tidings Broadway end
E. 24tb Kev. 3. D. Corby. 10:45, "Why
Christ Grows In Popularity?"
Y. M. C. A. Y. W. C. A.
Y M. C. A. 6th and Taylor H. W. Stfttae,
general secretary. ,
X. W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor Mtas
Linda D. James, general secretary. 4:80,
Charles N. Wonacott will give a stereoptlcoa
. lecture on "The Passion Play" of Oberaumer.
gan. J. W. Palmer will alng, 5:30.
Associated Bible Stadents (L B. 8. A.)
Arcanum hall. 13th st. near Washington 1 :48.
symposium. 3. discourse, A. A. Ye rex, "His
Memorial." 4:30, 7:30, memorial services in
charge W. A. Baker.
Advent Christian I sot Seventh Diy ,.
st. ber HaU and Lincoln Rev. J. sTlumsI
Church of the Brethren J Dunkards) Borth.
wick and Bralnard Kev. George A. Cartfii,
-" East Stark st. Gospel Hall,, between 28th
-v FenteoosUI . Assembly 227 Ankeoy Will
C. Tiwtter, 11,-7:30. "r "m
The- Church of God (German) 754 E. eth
Rev. D. K. komm. U. 7:30. ,
Fisgsh Mission Lents.
ina church John Riler. if. t- '
Scandinavian Evangelical Mission chnrch
737 Alberta. 1. 7:46. - .
Commons , Mission a if. Front st Mm
Smith and Miss Esther Ellis, supts.
Armeniae allssioDi Woodioere Buffalo St.
New Thought Temple of Truth Ellers Ridg
Mrs. Anne Young-Huntress. 8 p. m 'li'
Can. Wha 'lnlnks He Csn." .
' Tbeoaopby 726 Morgan bnlTding. 8.
: Spiritualists Sixth and Mostgomsry, r 10,
symposinm. 2:30, 7:45. A.'allaee Strubie. -
Swedish Free Mission Missouri Avenue and
Snmner. H. U. Kodine. pastor. - jl, -f:3o.
New -Charch tiociety EUere ball Rev, Ksm
uei Worcester, -II, "The. Laat Week of Out
Savior's Church Ufe." . -
Latter lay Saints East 25 th and Mad loon
11:45, 730.
r . F. J. Schnell.
Baptist, Rose City at Rose City Pres
byterian, Sunnyside at Sunnyside Con
gregational. Piedmont at Piedmont
Presbyterian. Overlook at Patton
Methodist, Woodlawn at Highland
Baptist, Alblna at Central Methodist,
Mount Tabor at Mount Tabor Presby
terian, Irvington at Westminster Pres
byterian, central east side at Cen
tenary M. E.. Ladd addition at First
United Evangelical, UniveYsity Park at
University Park Methodist, Montavllla
at Montavllla Baptist and the west
side at the First Methodist Sunday
school temple. The Lents district" will
be in charge of the Lents federation.
consideration are In the central east
side, which has been eelected because
of this district being more central
for the members of the congregation,
drawn from all parts of the cty.
This was the announcement made
today by Rev. "Wilhelra Petterson.
pastor. The church is now located
upon Its own property at 45 Four
teenth street north. The present
property will be sold, but not at a
sacrifice, says the minister.
The new church will occupy 100 by
100 feet. None of the social service
features which now play so large a
part in the new church buildings will
be Installed.
Series of Lenten
Sermons Will End
The last of the series of Lenten ser
mons by Rev. William G. Eliot, Jr.,
will be preached tomorrow at the
Church of Our Father Unitarian at 11
ajn. and at 5 p. m., upon the themes:
"Can a Thinking Man Accept the Ideals
of a Free Catholic Church?" and
"Slackers and Enllsters in the Holy
War." On Thursday evening. AptII 20,
at 8 -o'clock, a lecture on the "History
of the First Unitarian Church In Port
land" will be given in the chapel, en
trance on Broadway. On Good Friday,
service will be held In the chapel at
8 o'clock . ,
New Pastor Holds
Special Services
Under dlretclon of the new minister.
Rev. George Edw. Lewis, special ser
vices are being held In Highland
Congregational church and will con
tinue to Easter. Rev, Mr. Lewis' ser
mon toplo tomorrow night Is "Some
Oregon Kings."
Dr. Dyott to To Talk
To Methodist Forum
In addition to' his regular services
on Palm Sunday. Dr. Dyott will ad
dress the Young Men's forum of the
First Methodist church at 11:20, on
"Christianitv Durlnar 'and Following
the Reformation."
Mystery Play at St. DavfcTa.
The young people of, Bt.' David
Episcopal parish are going to give the
mystery play, called "The Great Trail,"
tomorrow night. In the choir of the
church. 'Th play is a great sermon.
About; 60 men, women and children
are in the cast.
Grand Prize, Panama - Pacific Exposition
Grand Prize, Panama California Exposition
SAN DIEGO, 1915 -
: mm. o.", rr. "orr.
EtUbiished 17C0 . :- .- DORCHESTER, MASS.
Austere Side of -Worsh:
, Gives Way to ;Brightne:
Brought by Resurrection,
With Easter Sunday ends the ecc'
slastical penitential season 4 of Le
As the church Celebrates the resurrc
tlon - of the conquering Galilean t!
six weeks period of meditation up
the life and death of the Savior gl v.
place to contemplation of the glorl
of the . risen Jesua. J v .;-; -. " ;.
The austere vestments , of officio I
In 9 priests and solemn themes Of V
ministers are displaced by the bril
liantly colored habiliments of the orr
elating ecclesiastics 'and the sermt.'
topics tell of victory. ';:'
Instead; of the shrouded altars ati
the undecorated auditoriums, flower
bedeck the churches.
Instead of solemn chants and V.
lamentations of Jeremiah the mui
1s of hallelujahs.
Weddings, discouraged during tt
Lenten season, because they represer:
the Jor of life, are encouraged attt:
Society, following the lead of t)
church, has devoted Itself during Let
in Its social affairs to charitable pu
poses In the main. Now the soci.
devotees are unrestricted.
Easter fashion parades and tbe trit
"Easter b?nnet" and VEaster suit, r.
avenues of society's escape from t!
Lenten thralldom.
Church services, which have bee
held two or three afternoons and ever:
Ings each week and even every after
noon and evening will not be held
often during the coming few-weeks.
Coming Week Will
Be Important One
Holy week .opens at the Fti'
Presbyterian church. Twelfth - sn!
Alder streets, with special Palm Sun
day services at 10:80 tomorrow. -Vr.
John II. Boyd will be In his pulpi
and will preach on "Old Thirsts. an
New Satisfactions." The choir will
sing the anthem, "The Entrance In i
Jerusalem." Dom J. Zan, barlton.
will lng "The Palms." ;-:
At the 7:30 p. m. service, the paste
will preach on the question, "Ought '
Religious Man to Join the' Church."
A large chorus will lead the congrega
tion In the singing of many of the Oi l
hymns. - -'
Every evening during the week spe
cial services of memory will be held
In the chapel at 7:45, in preparation
for Easter Day. A series of Intimate
talks will be given by the pastor con
cerning the "Last Hours of , Jesus."
Good Friday evening, the 'cantata.
"The Triumph of the Cross." will be
given by the chorus, under the, direc
tion of E. Maldwyn Evans.
The entire program of tho x week
points toward the Easter Day, with
Its regular Easter Sunday service In
the morning and a eervlce of song at
7:30 p. m. The culmination of the
Easter season will come in the after
noon meeting, at 4, when a class of
over 150 persons will be received into
church membership. :. Parents' . will
bring their children to be baptized at
this service, and the sacrament, of the
Lord's supper will be observed. Thin
afternoon service of consecreation and
memory Is an annual day of rejoicing
in the First Presbyterian church, and
marks the climax of the- year's
activities. - -"'-
Bishop Sumner to
Lecture, St. Helens
Bishop 'Sumner will give a rour
in Christian Sociology at St. Helen
hall next 'year. There will be- six
lectures, covering civic and ' social
problems. The subjects will be defi
nitely, announced later, bat they will
include history and development of
municipalities, social functions of the
community, poverty and outdoor and
indoor relief. Immigration, the depend
ent delinquent and defective children
and their care. The lectures will be
open to the parents as well : as the
Students of the hall. Bishop -Sumner's
wide experience in Chicago ; give him
the right to speak on these subjects
which are parts of 21 lectures that he
gave for years to the students of the
Western Theological Seminary Jn Chi
cago '
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