THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1918. AC J L ' Papers Eegarding Plots inU.S. Taken x 8JooUand Yard sSetoctlvs Send Xncrim tnr Brldssoo to TJV 8. Officials Taken rrom - AUeged German Spy. '. Washington. April 4. (I. K. S.) "Incriminating papers taken from Hort von der Goltz, alleged German'spy, by Scotland lard detectives, are In the f possession of the department of Jus - tie. They are said to involve his as sociates in various activities under in- vestlgation. Including the Wetland " canal dynamite plot and the passport fraud case. A Brace Blelaski, chief Qf the bu-' ' reau of investigation, said today that " the British government had turned ' over to the department virtually all the papers taken from Von der Goltz that might prove valuable In criminal proceedings In the country. Officials said today that Von der ' Ooltz has made a full statement cov ering the manner In which he obtained , an American passport In Baltimore under the name of "Bridgman Taylor." Bush Memorial Started. Salem, Or.. April 4. As a memorial 1 ' to the late Asahel Bush, pioneer of the Willamette valley, A N. Bush last night offered a tract of 60 acres, known as Bush's pasture, to the city of Salem for a park, the title to remain In Miss . Sally Bush's name until her death. She '''Is a daughter of the late Asahel. Bush. After her death title will pass In full - to the city. The city attorney waa au thorised to arrange for a transfer. By the terms of the gift, the park, which Is admirably situated for the purpose, will be known as Bush's Pasture Park. - i , - . A British inventor has patented hair-pins the points of which interlock to fL hold them firmly. NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN Cf Ji EST&BUSRSO 1877. 4 RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AJTD FUNERAL' DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT TSZBB ASS BALUOH STREETS. MAIW 607. A-1511. nisii ' 1 -"MaiBSB BBS-BnJas On City and Farm FropartiM ia Any Amount at Currant Kate. Hartmaa A Tbompaon, Bankara, Corner of k'ounh anil Stark fix: A THE J. L. FEAREY CO. BUYS VOTES. MOaTOAQE AND COXTTBAGTS. 008 Xkcm -lag.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment Mortgage Co, Officae a02- 170 3d St. U "''iiAzZrZ "V? IOMQRBOW AT 2 p. m. at Ford Auction Co 211 1st et. Furniture, carpets, etc. AT Wilson Auction House, ltftf-8 1st st. Sale at in a. m. MEETINtiNOTICES 4 CAMP meets every Wednesday evening In W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th st. All mem- Kara an 1 107 rVKTLAn kB r. ain I r CAMP W ) W- tend. Visitors welcome e . UAiaV VV i c. a Herman Schade. Cleric. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Fir Camp No. 6085. M. W. A meets every Wednesday evening at 109 2d St., 8 p. m. Visiting neighbors el way a welcome. - Oldest camp west of Rocky mountains. H. F. M'QRATH, Clerk Woodlawn 17TB or C-252. J. R. HENDERSON. Consul. PALESTINE LODGE. No. 141. A F. and A. M. O a. . Jt - i. 1 . A. J fmT JUIlIlIi U111UH.L1UI1 IU- morrow (Wednesday even- tnflr At 73ft ahflrn Kiminnas " of 1 mnortanf a. A full at. : tendance requested. visitors always . 'Welcome. By order W. M. ' W. H. TOWN SEND. Sec. PORTLAND LODGE 291. regular meeting. Moose hall. Broadway and Mor rison St., at 8 o'clock p. in., every Wednesday eve ning;. Refreshments aft erwards. - P. L. Proctor, Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. L O. O. F. Regular meeting Wednesday evening n 8 rclnolr at T r t f Temple, 226 Alder St. Initiation, vis itors welcome. WM. LINKLATER, N. G. R. OSVOLD. Sec'y. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 46, A F. & A M. Stated communication tomorrow (Wednesday) evening. 7:30, E. Jith and Burnside. M. M. J H. RICHMOND Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. lii, A. j and A M. rnV7 ouiioa uommunicauon inie kUfiyTir (Tuesdav eveninr st 7 -an Visiting brethren welcome. j. tsi. jxiii-isK. sec EMBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Brow.. 131-3 6th. ZJitet Statistics jnarriagesBirtbs. Deat&x MARRIAGE LICENSES Walter SS. Bocera. Tndor Arm. an.rtm.Rf. 9 lefjd, and Uaade IUff, same address, legal. - Peter. Ness, Tacome, Waab., legal, aad ' Christina Moroken, 9U0 Bolae avenoe legal. . Walter Conrad McCrea, 00 60th it., legal, 'end Dorothy Isabel Barnboltaer, Cheater burr apartments,-legal. '- Herman ScbUp, 1107 front at., legal, and Lenta Grier, lof Iowa St., legal Lewis Joeepb Francis, Tualatin, Or., legaL and Mary Knapp, 800 Bset 46th at., legal. Daniel H. Macfarlan. 1540 Van Houten at., legal,, and Maria Turner, same address, legal. Oonatant O. Stmea, 714 GUaaa at., legal. , and Velma R. Ball, same address, legal. . P. P. Ball. 4803 Eat 74th at. S. ., legal, u and Addle B. OeUina. BD03 67th sU S. ., legal. 1 . -. Uarknr K. SeAtsmier, 7S4 limgrlvw ave., legal, .and Eunae L. Maracb. 835 Eaat Stark s .legal. -William Martin, 114 East T4tb t. legal. Six. Oertrude Raines, name address, legal. - H Wolfe 804 Columbia stv legal, and Boats . Bpftaor. 808 U1U - at., legaL Boy B. Shreve, M Broadway St.; legal, and i. RjrlTeetnre; Beckmaa. 1T Almiira apta., legal. - ma rwmw tviosia, eae wranam ave.. legal. W.O.Smith &Co.& ri 1 mrq noor Morgaa Diaff. DRES3 suits sold or rented, low prices. latest, styles.- all sizes: we buy dress suits Barell'B Misfit Cloth. Store. 61 8& : bllEsS suits for rent, all aises. Unique Tailoring Col, S0 Stark at. BIRTHS FLJNN To Mr. and Mrs. Ma erica fllu, 637 My era at March 29, a daughter. KLEIN To Mr. and Mrs. Boy A. Kleia. box 860 dty, March 27, a dangbter. SULLIVAN To Mr. and Mrs, Gerald X. Rul- llTan. Lnta, Or., March 20, a son. MABBr To Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Mabry, city, March 21. s daughter. PEARSON To Mr. and Mrs. Alra B. Pear son, Valle ! Vista. Or., March 80, s dangbter. OLA MO ROAN To Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Glamorgan, 204 . Porter at.. March 28. a daughter. CA LA VAN To Mr. and Mrs. Boy L. CalaTaa. 168 K. 83d St.. March 80. a eon. WF.BBEB To Mr. and Mrs. Lccaa Webber, 811 Fremont at., March 80, a son. DCCGHE&TY To Mr. and Mrs. Bummers O. , Donghert7. 62 E. Buffalo t., March 19. s HAVmos-To Mr. and Mrs. Cor en tin Hard-' ion, 7715 6Cu are. 8. E.. March 21, a daughter. O-CON NELL -To Mr. and Mrs. Morris O' Con ns 1 1. C617 88th are. S. March 15, s daughter. STRONACH To Mr. and Mrs. John B. Stro narh. 6130 87th ae. B. B.. March 16. s son. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 MeCABTY In this cltr, April 8. William Mc Carty. aged 34, beloved brother of Mrs. Frank Mallon and Mar McCarty of tbls city and Daniel McCarty of San Francisco. Re mains at the realdence of Mra. Frank Mallon, 1213 Moore st. - Deceased was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomt(Te Engineers and Flrtmea. Fnneral will leave the abore resi dence at 8:30 tomorrow i Wei'nesday). April 5, thence to Holy Redeemer mch, corner Van cucrer avenue and Portland blvd., where serv ices will be held at 9 a. m. Interment Mount Calrary cemetery. In charge of Miller Sc Tracer McCARTBY In thla city. April 8, William McCarthy, aged 84 years, beloved brother of Mrs. Frank Mallon and Mary McCarthy of this city, and Daniel McCarthy of San Francisco. Bemalns at the residence of Mra. Frank Mal lon, 1212 Moore st. The deceased was a mem ber of the Brotherhood of Looomootlre Engi neers and Firemen. In charge of Millar A Tracer. Notice of fnneral later BURNS At his late residence, near Falrrtew An th. Riwtksiuit Mud. Aortl 2. Michael Bnrna, aged 82 years, father of John C. and Mary C. Borne. The fnneral services will be tela from the St. . Joseph's church on the Powell Valkr road, Wednerday. April 8, at 1 a. m Friends invited. Interment in St. Joaeph'a cemetery. JOHNSON funerul aerTia of Edna, only daughter of Mr. and Mra. A. T. Johnson of 00 West Sumner at., will be held at the chapel of the Chambera Undertaking company, corner of Killlngaworth ave. and Kerby at-. Wednee day. at 2 p. m. Friends Invited. Interment WflMUl ty cemetery SMITH Laura Evans-Smith, wife of Archi bald Erakine Smith of Vancouver. B. C, daughter of William and Sarah A. Evans of P..ptln.1 At rnT- T ai-rtoa Mi TnnullT. April 4, at 2 p. m.. at the Holinan undertaking rariorn. interment at ttiverTiew ceiutier;. HASTIAOS In this city, April 3. Churl W. Haatinga, aged CO years. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Uolman'a funeral parlors at 10 an. to morrow Wedney), April 6. Interment Blv- erview cemetery. WESTO' I CK A t WaUace. Idaho. March 31. George Weatwlck, aged 58 yeare. Remain will arrive In Portland tomorrow (Wedneaday) morning, care of tbe Holman Undertaking com pany. Annonncemcnt or innarai later IlOrFMAN At the family residence. 1221 Cora are. April 3. Adelaide Pearl Hoffman, aged 7 yeara, beloved daughter of Br. and Mra. Walter C.- Hoffman. Remains are at Holmun'a funeral pariDra. KREGELO The remains of John Kregelo will be taken to Indianapolis, Ind., on the 7 p. m. Great Noorthern train by the A. K. Zeller company. KERTSON April 4, at 1135 Glenn ave.. tola E. Kertnon, agea yeara, oeiovea ungiiux of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keruon. Remains at A. B. Zeller company parlors. 692 Williams ave. FLICK1NGER Ida Flickinger. 6803 Whitman ave.. March 80. 43 years; tuberculosis. GROUND John Ground, St, Vincent's, March 80, 22 years; acute tuberculosis and pneu monia. EUBANS Anna Eueans, 1371 Hood St., April 1, 75 years years; heart disease. MORGAN Nancy Ann Morgan, 205 Blandena t., March 29, 61 years; valvular diaease ef heart. , . FLRBO Paul Furbo, Whit wood Court, Llnn- ton. t March 2S. auto accident. - MARTIN & r'OKBES CO.. florists, 347 Wash. Main 268. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MAIN 6116, wreaths, pillows, S3 up. Sprays 1 up. Chappells. 347 Mor rison. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Wash., bet. 4th and 6th. Main 6102, A-1102. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141V 6th St. FUNERAIi DIRECTORS Years of Experience Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with Its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway. In sures absolute privacy, caus ing In no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant. J. P. Finley & Son The Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Montgomery at Fifth. Main 3. A-1599. f. L U Undertaker, East 11th and Haw thorne. E. 781, B-1888. Lady assistant. A U. KEN WORTHY & CO. Two Establishments. Tabor 6267; 6802 92d st Lenta Tabor 6895; 66th st and Foster road. Arleta. Dunning &McEntee &n2edr ndertakers. m r n in every detail. Broadway and Pine sta. Broadway 430, A-4558. Lady assistant. F. S. Dunning, Inc. t East Side Funeral Directors. 414 a Alder st,.' Phone Eaat 62. B-2525. Walter C. Ken-worthy 1532-1534 E. 18th. Sellwood 71. B-1122. A D "7llor On 692 VVMiams ava A. K. R lar LU.irja mux cms Lady atienuant. Day and night service. MILLER i He TIACEV. independent fu neral directors. Prices low as S20, Chambers Co, tl7i: lawn 330b, C-1U3. Laay em Palmer. BREEZE & SNOOK. B-1262. T. 1258. 1026 Belmont, at 34th. Lady attendants Hamilton East bOth and Olisan. Fu neral services. Tabor 4313. QlCXMCQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162 OltLWt.O A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. RT RtrriQC Williama and t 1 1 pyrneseast ms. c-194 Knott. CD IPOHM RESIDENCE UNO. PRLS. rmiUOUIMM. 6183. A-2235. 446 Morr. vauits THE NATIONAL VAULT COMPANY. Ft, Montgomery st. Main 8978. Steel reinforced concrete burial vaults. Air tight, waterproof, everlasting. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WK8.. 264-266 4th sU of city hall. Main 8564. Philip Neu & Sons, for memorials. RfbLA&SING 6ftANlTrlC0 I U T-SD ST COR. WADISON. I BEACH PROPERTY 48 FOUR aero lots. Nehalem bay Park. Tillamook Co., extending from tbe bay to the ocean. Fine location for summer home. Price reasonable. Phone owners Woodlawv 1504. " FOB SALE BOUSES - Ol SIX room modern house, newly reno- vated. llkenew, l6Q0.Wdln. 187. 6 ROOM! cottage, close in: terms to suit: It200. SiyPanama bldg. -JRVINGTON home, -''bargain. See SwankJ 601 Northwest Bldg. 4190. MY Irvington modern 9 room house must bo old at a sacrifice. Ea. 4167. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 jPomttnod LEAVINO FOB DETROIT. ; MUST 6 ELL. 1 . ROSE CITY PARK 7-ROOM BUN GALOW. 260; full basement, fur nace, etc; hard surfaced street, s I am going- to sell and sell quick. A little cash la worth mora to me now than twice) as much a year from now. It yon have 500 cash you owe It to your self to seo thio property. - My number is 702 EX 64th North the prettiest street on top of Wit One short block from oar. - ' . ROSE CITY PARK, S ROOMS, 2 SLEEPING PORCHES. rTew 6 room bungalow, with all mod ern conveniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cool ing cabinet, 2 bedrooms on the first floor and 2 finished off sleeping porch es on the 2d floor; plenty or closet room, attic and full cement basement. E. 89TH. NEAR TILLAMOOK. $2860 TERMS. J. L. Karnopp, Ry. Exch. Bldg., Owner. I AM forced to sell my 4 room modern bungalow. Rose City district; beau tiful E. front borne; fruit and roses. A beautiful place to live, in restricted district. No reasonable offer refused if you have $260. Consider clear lot or automobile on payment. See this, you bargain hunter, if you are look ing for a cosy little place. Owner. 88 10th Bt.. near Stark. $750 Small house, extra large corner lot, 66x100 feet. Small payment down, balance on easy terms. Take Rose City Park car to 72d st See Austin, Gregory Investment Company. , Why Not Build And get a home according to' your Ideals. I design, build and finance Any building; artistio sketches fkae. See me before you build. N. O. Eklund, 813 rtenry Pldg. Main 681Z. 1 AM compelled to dispose of my new o rm. bungalow; all conveniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-in effects; large attic; near carline. If you have a little money I wll sur prise you in price. Call Main 7889 or Tabor 4563. I MUST raise caah; my $3500 home for $2360. This is $1200 leap than cost; house two years old: 7 rooms, modern, large attic, sleeping porch; fireplace, cement floor; furnace, fine lawn, east front. T. F. Keeley, 253 E. 70th No. Phone Broadway 1668. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms and sleep ing porch new; everything com pletefurnace, fixtures and all; hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet; price $2760, $500 cash and balance to suit. No assessments to assume. Call Fred A. Jacobs Co.. 104 Bth st. IRVINGToN. on 23d t.. 7 rooms modern, lot 50x100; owner must leave city; biggest sacrifice this year; $4376; $1000 casu. ' UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. . Ground floor . 808 Oak st. CLOSE TO FACTORY DISTRICT. 4 room house 1410 Greeley street. neaK Portland blvd.. 60x100 lot, paved streets, fruit trees, lawn; this place is a good investment at $1100, term. 304 Lewis bldg. . BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will tmild and finance your home on easy terms. Large- variety of plans to select from. UMBDEN8TOCK & LARSON CO.. Ground floor. 306 Oak t. 8 RM. house (attic) and chicken house on 2- lots, 1 block from Jonebmore school, 8 2d st. Sacrifice for $590; easy terms. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. Ground floor 306 Oak st. THE lowest yet. Am forceo to act quick. My 6 room bungalow; flre- flace, Dutch kitchen, full basement, aundry trays, in Jonesmore, 2 blocks from Glisan st, carline. Cost $3000, my price $1900. Mr. Purse. Bdev. 165. QUARTER acre, 3 room house for $600; large living room. $50 down. $10 a month, 6 interest; this is only 15 minutes' ride, west side. Bst value in the city. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bid. $1350 6 ROOMS, newly painted and renovated; 100x100; chicken houses and runs, lots of fruit.' . berries and flowers. 278 S5th st, near Clay. Mu Tabor car to Altamead. Tabor 6596. $3250 MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace, built In effects, hardwood floors, screens, shades, shrubbery, cor ner lot, paved streets. 873 E. 51st at. N cor. Broadway. Tabor 6205. $50.00 CASH. Balance $19 monthly, including in terest, buys 5 room bungalow, 1 block from Woodmer station. J. C. CORBIN CO. LEWIS BLDG. AM forced 'to sell my 4 rm. modern bungalow; Dutch kitchen, fireplace, cement basement; restricted district; 73d near Halsey; $1690; terms. Mr. Furlong, t Broadway 1658 or Ta. 2296. HALF- PRICE. Nifty 5 room bungalow, shade tree3, fruit and roses, cost $2760, price $1360. O. W. Bryan, Main 1863. 609 Cham of Com, IT will pay you NOT to buy or build a home Until you talk it over witn The Oregon Home Builders and see tneir nouses. ia3u r. w. ttank bldg. FOR SALE By owner, a dandv cor. ner 6 room house, full basement and furnace. Phone Sellwood 2762, 672 Clin ton st. - , $1750 Artistic new modern bungalow, 6 rms., cor. lot. See specimen at 29 th and Wygant, Tertas. G, C. Golden berg, owner, Sellwood 75. HOUSE and 6 lots, 1068 E. 82d et, and 63d ava Take W-W car to 63d ave.. walk west to 83d tt.. to blocks north of Reed college; 63750; terms. FOR SALE by owner, good 6 r. house, full lot, fine fruit trees, plenty roses; also small barn; fine location. Price $1800. 870 E. llth North. WILL make big sacrifice on ray-modern bungalow if taken at once. 1024 E. 28th st. N.; easy terms. Alberta car. NEW 6 room modern bungalow; take shall 3513. - A SACRIFICE. -' 6 room house, 6 lots, 2 blocks Haw thorne car. Price $3500. S-578, Journal. 8 ROOM house and lot for sale cheap. S. Undrilll. box 804. R. 2, MllwauKie, ur, HAWTHORNE sacrifices, 2 modern 6 and 7 room bungalows. Terms. Own er. Tabor 4688. ' FOR SALE LOTS 16 22 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY. MAPLE WOOD, PORTLAND'S BEAU TIFUL SUBURB. Lots $200, 4 lots for $700, easy terms. Address C. R. Greisen, Maplewood or 816 Broadway blg. Phone Main 5606. APARTMENT site for what It Is as sessed at $1700 cash and assume some street indebtedness and taxes, 50x 100. E. Salmon, bet. 13th and 14th. Owner. 676 E. Salmon. GARDEN tracts west side. 15 minutes ride, 6 cent fare, for $360; $10 down, $5 a month. M. E. Lee, 60S Corbett bldg. . $10.00 CASH. Balance $5. JO monthly buys lot in Mt Tabor district. J, C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDG. IF you desire a choice view Tot in Alameda Park at - reasonable price, part cash and part terms, write owner. 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE Cheap, 80 lots in Boise addition. Marsbfield. Coos Bay. Or. TX-6Z4. Journal. 60x100 LOT In Ridgemont cheap. Will take 6 pass. Ford as part payment, balance on easy terma Mar. 8995. 40x100 with alley; terms to suit, 312 Panama bldg. FOR SALE 2 fine lots, fruit and ber ries, with large new barn. Main 6160. ACREAGE CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland, ' 2, 6, 10 aere tracts,' best soil, good roads, nea- electric. $65 to $200 per acre, easy terma. McFar land 300 Yeon bldg.. Portland. - 20 ACRES, $400. $1 faro from Portland, close school, station.- several tracts with-- running water $20 cash, bal. easy. Claud Cole. sov nenry oiag. BEAUTIFUL . summer home site on . Columbia itigbway . at Crown point view. Shade,' water. 30 acres. - Main 1SSL 607 McKay bldg. ; y 57 SNAP for chicken ranch or garden. 1 aero (or less). In city limits, four blocks from carline, 5c fare. 6. room bouse. ' 44 acres, all Improved, on hard sur faced Base JUne road; good 6 room bungalow; a .real bargain. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. Ground floor. 806 Oak St. COUNTRV HOME. 10 acres, fine soil.- 1 acre orchard, well, & room house, barn, 2 chicken bouses, 2 acres fenced, chicken wire, all farming tools, cow, chickens, house hold goods. Immediate possession, 17 miles out, close to graded school, a bargain. 210 Stock Exchange bldg. Gibson Hair Acres Good soli, cltv water, close to line, easy terms; will build to suit pur- wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. j A SNAP, 10 acres, close in, on good ! road, new barn, orchard, 34 acres clear, running water, price $1500, some cash, bal. mtg. See me today between S and 12, St. Charles-hotel, room 818, or write Y-539, Journal. ORCHARD, 10 acres, 7 acres good bearing trees, small house, tool house, water, 2V4 .miles from The Dalles; $2000. Cbas. Barnett. 723 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALEFARMS ii HAL BARCA8N 105 -acres, 40 acres in high state of cultivation and balance easy cleared, glenty of good living water, house and arn, eta On Pacifio Highway X and joining a good lively Incorporated town. mile to boat landing and about 22 miles from Portland. Don't fail to see this place before you buy elsewhere If you are looklnsr for an A-l farm: Price $9000, $3000 cash; plenty of time on balance. By owner. 294 Ivy St., Portland. Z-927, Journal. ORCHARD, bearing 15 years. 7 room house, tool house, city water, good local market, large saw mills and log gins' camps near, good school, good train service, Falls City, Or., $1400, small cash payment, balance to suit purchaser. B. F. BEEZLETY. 521 Beck Bldg.. Phone Broadway 906. Wheat Ranch for Sale 640 acres, also 640 school land ad Joining. $14 per year rental; Yakima county, 400 acres now in; good build ings and water, $21.00. J. R. Sbepard. 210 Stock Exchange bldg. Stock RancJi for Sale On Columbia river, Klickitat "county, I860 acres, fine winter range, good residence, springs, a bargain. J7 1 1. Shepard, 210 Stock Exchange bldg. FORTY ACRE BARGAIN. Improved and stocked, close to rail road, not far from Portland, good soil; owner forced to make immediate sale on account of ill-health; price reduced to $2400 for quick sale, term to suit. A. "K. H1U. 419 Henry bldg. FARM BARGAINS 40 acres Improved and stocked. $2430. 40 acres close in; $5000. 62 acres improved and stocked. Clarke co.. Wash. Terms to suit. a. jv. rtiLiU nenry mag. 49 acre ranch, good soil, 20 acres cul tivated, near good town in Willam ette valley; price $3800, only $1000 cash; improvements are worth half; this is your bargain, act quickly. Y-540. Journal. . i HONEST BARGAIN 206 acres, splen did rarm ana dairy combined. Good buildings, rich soil, walnuts, etc. Wil lamette valley. Easy terma Write to owner. PX-800, Journal. FOR SALE 16 or 40 acres good land. i good buildings, un macadam r.aa, ( mall route, close to school and church. Terms. Owner. Z-333, Journal. j 1 60 Acre Wheat Farm, $900 Close to school, sta. Umatilla Co. A gift. Claude Cole, 300 Henry Bldg. 40 acres, nearly cleared, near Camas, Wash., prune orchards, ask $400 acre; this 40 acres as good, only $35 per acre, terms. N-345. Journal. BEST dairy ' in town for sale; 10 cows, dairy complete and modern. SX-674. Journal. FOR RENT FARMS 11 TO man with team and outfit, situated on Columbia river and on railroad, station on place; best of soil, water piped to house and plenty for irrigat ing garden, etc. Phone Main 6352, or Tabor 6804 evenings. FOR RENT Ten acres, just outside of Oregon City, best of soil, all plowed, about 1 acre in fine bearing prunes, housey barn and outbuildings; rent $76 cash In advance: a snap. McKenzie & Co., 515 Gerlinger bldg. 2V4 ACRES, all in fruit and berries. Just outside city limits, Portland. 7 room plastered house and barn, close to car and macadam road, cheap rent. Main 3617. Leonard. 202 Wilcox bid - 10 ACRE farm for rent cheap; 2 acres of fruit; also farm Implements for sale; 1 Jersey cow and household fur niture. Mrs. Elpha Anderson. Mt. Pleasant. Wash. FAMILY to live on small farm near Oswego lake; services on place re ceived as rent; free wood, house, barn, chicken-house. Call Carter. B-6161-354. FARM 90 acres, 20 acres clear, run ning water; good barn and house. Inquire 715 Clinton et, or phone Sel lwood 150. FARM for rent, 60 acres, 25 clear, or chard. Jh Columbia highway. Good buildings. 1U miles from Troutdale. Owner, 325 Worcester bldg. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 WANTED 40 toe0 acres, improved. Oscar Alderton, 164 E. 80th st. HOMESTEADS 47 160 ACRES fine timber can be taken as homestead; quite bandy; $76. M- 8 60, journal. GOOD 40 acre homestead near Porl- iano. Close in; jn-aaa, journal. TIMBER 28 WANT to rent 20 or 30 room fur nished hotel in town or 4000; prefer lobby and dining room, state accom modations and rent reasonable. P-370, Journal. SMALL logging or milling propo sition near railway and river. cheap. Parker. 503 Corbett oiag. TIMBER for sale; 260 acres timber In Nehalem cheap; terms if desired. Ad- dress W. Pringle, Mist, Or. 1 MUST sell at your price well located timber worth $2500. Y-534. Journal. EXCBNOEREAL ESTATE 24 FINE 100x100 business corner, good store and flat building. Corner lot and building, $50J0. Entire property $7000. No mortgaae. Want modern $3000 residence. F-565. Journal. 40 acres of good land in Yamhill Co., xor a nouse ana 101 in roruana. z i y Madison st. j HOUSES. - autos. lots, small (tracts, farms, timber, to trade and sell. Mar. 6945. . GIVE ma cheap lot and $2130 for 5 room modern bungalow, mortgage $1500 for 3 years. Woodlawn 2688. IF YOU have any good property to trade we will match you. Ayres gmitn. eoi rnortnwest otog. wau 7Z. 84000 eauitv in fine large modern house, on large corner for good tim ber claim. - "-se6, journal. $2500, 7 room 'house, large lot. near car, for near acreage. H. R. Tyler, $220 66th 8. E. ---- - MY EQUITY in modern 6 room home for lot or small bouse and lot. Will asoum. - Fhone Owner.. Tabor 63Z2, I WANT 10 acres near Portland for two ciear itose uitv iota eeii. zvoi. FOR Trades of all kinds see H. W. "GARLAND. 191 4th St. 10 acres, of good land to trade for Portland hot. - Box P-371, Journal. WILL exchange & room house and 3 - lots for acreage-. 88 West Prescott st. ACREAGE f Costumed) EXCHANGK KEAI ESI ATE 24 FOrml1 or trade :'S My equity of $10, 000 in a well Improved Tillamook dairy of 160 acres, 22 cows, 1 reg. Hoi st ine bull. S heifers; all necessary ma chinery, large barn, 11 room house, water piped to all buildings. Hot and cold water, bath and patent toilet. Pre fer from 60 to 80 acre valley farm; full particular In first letter. FX 395. Journal. - ; SMALLER FARM WANTED. S6o Acres, 6 miles from Cresweil. 100 In crop now. balance all good land, part open pasture and soma timber, fine soil, good buildings, all stock and equipped; price $17,000. Wants smaller improved place near Portland to $1S 000, balance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 91$ Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To exchange for Portland suburban property, 10 acres with good 5 room bouse, barn, 2 poultry houses; located near Oakland. Doug las county; all kinds of berries and 1 . miles from railway station; all cultivated; no incumbrance; will sell cheap for cash. N-714, Journal. WIDOW has 120 acres In Washington Co., with 2.000,000 ft. timber and 6 acres cleared, located 1 miles from town and sawmill, on R. R.; house and barn burned down. Owner too old to make improvements and run the place. Would exchange lor smaller place with house and barn on it. Fred S. Williams. 9214 1st. Main 125. COMFORTABLE 6 room bungHcSv! lot 60x100. l block to car, good district, lawn, roses, other flowers, small fruit; value $2500. equity $1300; balance 3 years at 8. Will trad for good lot or small piece of acreage. Owner, Wdln. 848. or O-580, Journal. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. $1000 mortgage; $500 to $8000 divi dend producing- stock in corporation of merit: acreage and property in a country town to exchange for farm land or a paying business. Address NX-954. Journal. 2700 ACRES wheat and stock ranch, choice. 2-3 cultivated,, balance pas ture, abundant water, creek, full equip ment; 3 miles railroad. Price $30 per acre. Rent, sell or trade for smaller property. Tbomassen. Owner. Mala 4 ROOM cottage 82000 6 room cottage $2600 Store building and bouse $2500 3 Vacant lots $1200 All or part for Improved farm. Will assume. EWE N, 312 Panama bldg. 107 ACRES near Barlow, fine Improve ments and stock: 90 acres in cultiva tion. Will consider trade for Port land or unimproved land. Also several farms for exchange Call 1037 Chamber of Commerce. S. DESERT claim, 3 mites north of Bend, Or., water rights paid, also 3 lots in city to trade for stock of merchandise or house and lot. Rose City Park pre ferred. Phone Main 826 WANTED, HOUSE. Have 1 acre on Oregon City car, In cultivation; also 110 cords of wood, worth $460. and clear lot. House must be clear or nearly so. Phone East 7401. CHOICE Income property equity. $50. 000, to trade for ranch or smaller property. Thomasgen, 402 3d. Main 7771. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED Real estate. Vacant lot for 5 room bouse and one acre at Ti gard. Only good district considered. Z 42 Journal. WANTED, the best lot $500 will buy. -igar store, otn ana Anneny. ROOMING x HOUSES Tuesday's Bargains 82 rooms on Washington St.. lease, rent only $40; 2 suites pays rent. You can not lose with this rent. Price for all, $866; terms. Peters. 16 N. 6th st. House for Trade 3$ rooms, good furniture. What have yon to trade? This is guaranteed to be money maker. 502 Couch bldg. Bargain Hunters 17 rooms, clean as a pin, steam heat; rent only $15: 1 room pays rent. Price today for all, $360. Terma Peters, of course, 16 N. 6th st. BO a RDING and rooming house, 14 rooms. Have 7 steady boarders. For sale or rent or will trade for auto. In quire 449. 3d. APARTMENT HOUSE FOR TRADE. 85 rooms, strictly modern, beauti fully fu.-nlshed. money maker. God dard, 502 Couch bldg. HOUSEKEEPING furniture of 8 rooms (4 2 -room apartments) for sale cheap; house for rent. 188 14th st. Phone E. R. Reed. Woodlawn 1017. 25 ROOM rooming house, all on one floor; rent only $50; always full; very heart of West Side: price for all $245: $100 down. Peters. 16 N. 6th st. 4 ROOM, modern bungalow in restrict ed district; beautiful home, can nave chicken and cow; trade for small room ing house. 88 10th. Mar. 1298. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 10 rooms, West Side, $150. Bee Masters, 607 Pittock blk. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 MILLINERY STORE SACRIFICED. Completely furnished and stocked store. Can be bought at about 60o on the dollar. Big snap; good location. Splendid opportunity for the right woman. W. H. Webb, 665 Yeon bldg. Main 4918. ENORMOUS prices and demand for copper, sine, and tungsten ores; Membership in prospectors league se cures interest. Start in April: rich country. See mo Immediately. M-745. j ournai. JEWELRY STORE. With good repair business; fine lo cation, in on of the best towns in the west; invoice $2800: on account of other business will sell for $2260 if taken at oneej Address 824 E. 9th at. BRICK AND TILE FACTORY for sale or rent; good machinery; 160 h. p. engine and boiler: 7U acres of land. AHdress F. Van Stralen, North Plains or. WANTED Good, steady, reliable man to take part interest in growing manufacturing business, small amount of money required. 273 Hawthorne. CANDY and cigar store for sale, price $76; good location, good business. Call at once. Goodnough bAdg., 5th and Yamhill sts. YAMHILL ST. Splendid business lo cation, easy rent. Suit butcher or delicatessen. Be quick. X-7S6, Jour nal. WILL exchange a fine San Diego fair proposition, a money maker, for clear lot and some cash. W. A Hansen. 208 Abington biag.. r-ortiana, tr. GENERAL store in eastern Oregon, weu estabiisnea; aoing gooa busi ness; will invoice about $3500. QX- 931, Journal. PROSPECTOR wants silent partner witn $ioou; win spilt piacer loca tions . and deed other property, as m curlty. P-368. Journal. XTTin hvn 1 iUi ml fmni U' limits, near 2 railroads: price 8160(1 Will trade for grocery or oonfection- ery store. p-ses, journal. A GENERAL merchandise store for sale or trad for & good mortgage; stock run about $12,000. Owner in city. C-376. Journal. ri Rv BUSINESS CARDS. Rose City Printing Co., Third et.. Cor. Taylor. c FOR SALE, VALLEY HOT 42 rooms. inqi airs manager, 223 2d t. FOR SALE or rent. S chair barber shop; cheap rent; good location. Look this up; bargain. 26 N. 3d st. FINE LITTLE GROCERY. With living rooms, make mo an of fer. Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. OPPORTUNITY for man. Established business. Can try beforo buying. 615 Swetland bldg.- " :- - CLEANING and pressing parlor; price reasonable; . west .side. F-899, .'Jour nal, v - $250 for ' grocery, soda fountain and living rooms. Cor.- Graham -''and Delay. Mississippi car. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 fConttsaed) - - ;. WANTED Painter or good outside man to take half i interest in well established auto and wagon painting business. $i&o dollars will handle stock and work on hand to the extent of $600. UX-682. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 FOR sale of trade tor small srocery atock, 6 room bungalow, in good con dition. 1139 E. 24th st. N Alberta district; cheap for cash or make your own terma can carter, tt-iei. o. I CAN use any kind of merchandise, weather damaged, shelf -worn or out-of-date. Consolidated Sale Co., 233 Clay st. TO TRADE 6 lots and 2 houses for stock of goods. U-665. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE OUR INSTALLMENT PLAN la the surest and best method of paying a loan. $21.24 per month for 60 months ?ays a $1000 loan and interest. 16.17 per month for 06 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. (.Other durations and amounts in -proportion.) We loan on improved property or for Building purposes. EQUITABLE SAV'GS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark st, Portland. Ore. XTrirtlfcv TG LOAN." On Improved real estato or for build ing purposes; very flexible contracts; no commlssiona v COLUMBIA lIFE & TRUST CO 202 Stevens bldg. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Bock, 816 Failing Mdg. Main 8407. MORTGAGE loans on improved city or .acreage property. Easy re-payment ftrlvlleges. Mortgages purchased. Cow ls haw, 607 Commercial block. $100,000 ON mortgages, city or farm property.' fire insurance. McKenzie co uernnger oiag.. za ana aiaer. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. a. Ben. 801 tierunger Diag. LOANS on improved properties. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg, $500 TO $6000 IZr mtg. loans on fortiana property; lowest rates. Fred S. Williams. 92 H 1st st. .. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates, f. h. Lewis co.. 3 lewis Diag, ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE LOANS. $200-$300-$500-$2500. BOID REALTY CO.. LEWIS BLDG. $o00 TO $2000 to loan on improved .Portland real estate, roau way 401. - WE WILL SELL OR LOAN Money on Your Lot. J. C. CORBIN. LEWIS BLDG. MONEY to loan from private party. Woodlawn 3370. MONEY to loan on improved city, farm property. F. C. King, 814 Spalding. $1000 UP to $6u00 to loan on city or farm property. Tabor 2520. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. 80 4th st Board of Trade Bldg. SEE us Small loans, installment loans. Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 1. Louis Salomon A Co., 300 Oak st., near 6th. MONEY to loan, to 8. W, H. Belts & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE loans. 6ft to 7. Oregon Inv. & Mortgage Co., 170 3d st. CHATTEL mortgages, bought and real estate loans secrea. jyjain 5898 $00. $350. $600, $900, $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. $100,000 TO LOAN at current rates. Goddard & Wledrlck, 243 Stark bU- $2000 or less to loan. 321 Eugene st city. MONEY TO LOAN 67 CHATTELS, SALARIES SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others- on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC., Licensed. , 311 Dekum bldg. LOANS WANTED 80 FIRST mortgage loans for sale. $1000 , $1400 8, $2000 7. Holders of bonds and mortgages find our safe do- Fioslt vaults a convenient and econom cal repository for their safe keep ing. Call and see our vaults and learn about our special offer 'Union Safe Deposit et Trust Co.. s4 uan street $1000 CONTRACT, 8. fine security: excellent moral risk- land free and clear; i5 paid, 30 discount. P-573, journal 2700 WANTED on aood realtv secur- lty, all clear. Will ' pay bonus and 9. W-979. Journal. LOAN wanted on 4 five room bunga- lows. by owner, seuwood Z478. WANT to borrow from private part party n. 265, $1800, first class security. Wdl $600 1st mortgage for sale, 20 Us- count for cash. P-864, Journal. FINANCIAL 51 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellers' interest contracts. Or. and Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Experienced young man, not under 17 years, wanting home and $12 per month on a farm. Mrs. G. W. Louden, Vancouver, Wash., phone 31F4. v WANTED Small stumps and brush cleared from five or ten acres of land near Can by, Oregon. John S. Beall, Woodlawn 317L WANTED, party to take contract cat ting 300 or 400 cords wood. 1668 E. 17th st. Sell. 1672. Bell. 257. WANTED, janitor young married man or good appearance, not axraid of work. Columbia theatre. RAILROAD machinists wanted, apply 401 Stock Exchange. BOY with wheel to deliver groceries. 420 Morrison. EMPLOYMENT department Y. M. C - A. Service free to members. Salesmen; finance selves. T-712, Journal HELP WANTED MISC. . 49 Y. M. C A AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, Day and night classes; training in repairing, driving and. machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at -Educational office Y. M. C. A bldg.. to inspect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND j MECHANICS 8UPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C, A and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swimming pool, snower pains, gymnaaium. etc. WANTED Young men as railway mall clerks. $76 month, sample examina tion questions free. Franklin Inatl- tute. Dept. 849 N. Rochester, N. I. WANTED Names of men or women wishing u. S. government positions, fEA5 montn. answer, ia-so, journal. UUUAKTEK8 for 1st class chefs. cooks. Calif. -W" Depot, 291 ' Yam hill. M. 6500. Soft drinks, mer. lunch. STENOGRAPHY course in 8 mo.; $10 HELP WANTED Gus Swan son write Pagfe- Bond, Beaverton. .Or. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.60 : up. Taylor the tailor. 2894 Burnside. : II ELF WANTED FEMALE WANTED, experienced girl for gen - era! housework; good references re- fulred. Apply 676 Buena Vista Drive. ortland Heights. , - WANT -girl for general housework, family of $; references ' required. 4ft m.y 27tn bi., nortn. WANTED Experienced body lroner. Apply In person Crystal Laundry Co.. zist and sandy roaa. WANTED Experienced feeder on tne mangle. - Apply in person Crystal laundry co., zist ana eanoy WOMAN, general housework; 3 chil dren; $10; room- and board. .355 Yamhill st. grocery.' - HELP WANTED FEMALE S jqoatlnnod), - "i " :.. LADY to do small amount of work In rooming house for rooms. Main 4991, HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 MOLER BARBER COLLEGE : wants men 'and women to learntho trade: rii whlla la.rnina?: tools free; ?ositions secured: summer rates; write j or catalogue. 4 N. 2d at. - .1 OREGON Barber College wants men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free. paid wniie learning; modern memou teaching; tuition reduced. 283 Madison. SOLICITORS, salary Or commission. ii-. ii oooii J ss T9rrtm l VO-J II Uati J . fcO r VS S3 awr- - WANTED-2-AGENTS 2 RELIABLE agents wanted at Bush nell studio. Men or woman. Good proposition. - - SITUATIONS MALE CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson st. V EFFICIENT MEN , , FOR ALL POSITIONS. Salesmen, office men. clerks, - me chanics, farm hands, house men, oooks, mill men. loggers, laborers etc. No fee charged employer or employe. Out of town orders given prompt attention. Main 3B9&. A-2, EXPERT gs or oil tractor and sta uuuarx sugmnr unirn ainur mu- ployment; best of references. Address Box 623, Rainier. Or. - SPRAYING trees, bushes, basements whitewashes, etc.. whitewashing. East 6620. PAINTING, kalsomlnlng rooms, $1.60 up, Paperhanging. . whitewashing. KaSt G6Z9 COMPETENT shop mechanics "an"3 chauffeurs furnished by Y. M. C. A Auto scnooi. Main 70bb, a-sbbi. fVnf roMnr Building, plumbing, UOmraCIOr plastering, brick and cement work, a 8. Klngery. Mar. 1588 3. - . . ,'. 1. " . . ' . . ' MAN wants tending, grading yards. clearing lawns; any aina wort Marshall 1590. Room 4. EXPERT lawn mower grinding, latest improved method; all work guaran teed. 600 Alberta st. Woodlawn 4182. BEFORE contracting your painting or kalsomlnlng. call Broadway 1634 and nave muiigy. YOUNG man, - good appearance and capable, desires position with chance of advancement. Z-928. Journal. MIDDLEAGED, married man wants position night watchman or elerk in notei in or out or city, x-m, iiournat PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting, $2 per room up. C. Ai Barnes. Mar- Shall 2828, Main 5649. YOUNG man will open store mornings or work evenings; also keeps books; references, P-383. journal BAKER, eaperienced'man. wants posi tion. G-695, Journal. POSITION, grocery clerk, good refer ences. S. V. Wright. Phone B. 46T. WE TINT rooms. $2.60; guarantee good house painting work. East 608. BOY, Iff, must have work. Phone Mar shal 842. ' ' . . EXPERIENCED arocery clerk and so licitor. Call Tabor 6384. - - SITUATIONS FEMALE CITY OF PORTLAND . PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, i Women's Department, City Hal No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any line, promptly supplied. Office, clerks, housekeepers, domestic, day workers, seamstresses. Marshall 4100. A-4125. PENNILESS young - woman wishes place in suburbs or country where she may assist with light housework and be treated as one of the family; country oniy. iam ' GERMAN lady, past 60. wants to d6 housekeeping; good home; -small wages; widower's family preferred. H-93. journal YOUNG lady, neat, refined, seldom out evenings, will assist at housework, treated kindly, good references. Wood iairii . , HOUSEKEEPING or chamber work wanted by a middle aged. lady. Main lawn 444 iioi. room RELIABLE woman wants day work. washing or sewing, jrnon . nam 6524 GOOD, experienced cook country, pre- rerrea. u-ioy juurnnt. RELIABLE woman wants day work. wain a,ji. wan ntxjm , EXPERIENCED woman wants work cleaning, etc. Ref. Wdln. 8772. NEED work, 20e per hour; reliable. Phone Tabor 4757. WORK by day or hour, anything. Main 6639. room 27. - SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE S3 MAN and wife want work on farm: man good milker and all around farm hand; wife good housekeeper. P-3 6 7. Journal. " - f DRESSMAKINO 40 FASHIONABLE dressmaker, also al terations) latest ideas; homo or by EXPERIENCED dressmaker, former ly of 690 East jviorrison St., z.v per day. Phone Marshall 668. - FURNISHED ROOMS ROOM register listing several hundred in all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A: also those in the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms, at $1.60 to 82.76 per week double, with individual bads, or $2.60 to 64.QQ per week single Hotel Madrasrfocyl: $2 50 week up; transients solicited. 443H Washington. Mrs. C. H.Jerimiah. BACHELORS' HOTEL. . Everything n and up to data, For men only. Tenth and Washington. Main 6810. CLAYTON hotel under- owner's man agement; ctean, respectable, steam heat, hot water, phones every-room; ...... .. . . . . tt mjk a $3.60 UP. ivoit inn. war, tiny, Tenth at Oak. Mod. ern. fireproof, reepectable. 38 week up, ci ii, -rv ........ v.. ROOMS and apartments In modern hotel. $2.50 week and up. 466 Alder. H6TEL Gordon, W. Park and Yamhill $1.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern rur.. rmB., central, i ne ivinir, yex. fl , A rx4 O 1 OP ' ..First St. 4p a, w mm wv. wja.waasss ssm Free bath, not, cold water V3CIII r(J - r r FURND3HED ROOMS 70 LARGE well furnished room, second floor front; large clothes closet, light, bath and phono; .walking dis tance; also smaller room, -same con veniences; prices very reasonaDie. sz Flanders. Main 781t caai4?i j. w .. CHEERFUL comfortable rooms, xnod ern conveniences; walking -distance: breakfast If desired. Phono Marshall 1U. 2776. $6, LARGE side room. 18, large front room, nicely furnished; use of bath and phone. IX E. llth. near Ankeny. test 1002. FOR RENT Privato homo, . S f or nished modern rooms; on suits or single. S blks from Broadway bridge. tr ikjiio dVLmi. i y vi . FURNISHED room In private family; walking distance, reasonable. 49 ft. E. 10th s East 8910. . UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 WHY pay mors when you can rent 3 unfurnished : housekeeolnar rooms. light and airy, gas plats furnished, for fl per week, eginfr ntimoin st.' - ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ONE Iarre. pleasant, front room en 1st floor suitable for X or mora Also Smaller rooms. Excellent homo cook ing. Shower and tub baths. Reasonable rates. ai jerrerson. near Broadway. 1HE HAZEL. 8h5 3d sU. nicelv fur- nished rooms' steam-: heat, -hot and cold water; also table board; strictly nome cooking; reasonaoia. ROOMS AND' BOARD niVATs rAHILT. WALNUT PARK Modern, quiet home. - pleasant surroundings, airy room, good table board. Reasonable. 1098 Gar field ava, Woodlawn 2025, WILL room and board respectable ladv? nrlvata hom- rnaA maala. 14 Wk.: only t In famllv P-B76. Journal. GENTLEMEN tn private family, best iiume iwKinK. veKeianan lr pre ferred. $18 month. Marshall 8292. OUTSIDE room for. 2 people, home cooaea meals, 4 . week each. . Zs4 mam si. WANTED The car of a child. Good nome. tiast 4789. WANTED Two children, room sua board, reasonable. Marshall 5383. HOUSEKEEPlNq "OMS, , M ONE room with kitchenette, complete. ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room: 7 blocks from tin and Morrion Sta, $13 up, 291 Columbia sc. cor. tin. FURNISHED housekeeping $3 week up. sleeping S6o day up; clean, light, hot and cold water each room: free bath. Hotel Clarno. 243 V Holladay ave. :;::.; OUTSIDE room.' steam heat, electrio light, bed linen, cooking gas, $3 week; free bath and phone; room with. kitcnen, sa.fto; 4 coiumnia. 408 Jefferson st urge front room, main floor: 2 connected rooms, sec ond floor, well furnished. ; $1 TO $2.60 week; furnished II. 1C rooms, free heat, laundry, baths, phone. E. 6088, 206 Stanton. W-A car, MERCEDES. 20th and Morrison 1 and 8 room suites, hot-cold, water, fur pto hat. 31.60 to 68 week. BACHING h. k. and sleaptng rooms. Hotel Ilenose. td and Hsvfr sts. 468 YAMHILL 1 furnished, 2 or 8 un. furnished rooms. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, suitable for bachelor, $2 per week. 216 10th et. , NICELY furnished housekeeping rooiu,' 876 Yamhill, cheap rent, 2 rooms. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 i: JPRIVATB 3T AMUiT. ; $10, $12; NICE clean. 2 and 8 room cuites; sleeping porches; private entrance; electrio lights, phone, yard, walking distance. 664 E. 6th. Sell wood 1109. 170 18TH ST. Suite two large first floor front rooms; - complete; reas- onaoie. TWO-ROOM H.,K. suites, nicely fur- nnuen, ciean, nioaern, ceuirai, sis EXTRA furnished, bright front suite,' 92.IB weex; sunnysiae, oeimont. isDor e2. TWO room suite with kitchenette, gas. phone and water., 1 large front room. very pleasant. 170 cnapman st. SPLENDID front suite and single rooms, $2, $3, $4, week rates by montn. -feu bin, opp. court nouse. FOUR Ii k. rooms, strictly modern: private bath, Dutch kl'.jhen. 727 Miiwaukie et. bell wood 6. HOUSEKEPING rooms, 2 for $8; 2 for iu; two tor $14 per month, lui leth St., H. CONVENIENT, close la H. K. room. 18 r"ark st. TWO large rooms, range, sink, gas. bath, 17 mo. 8g loth, near stark. 12.50. fine 2 room front suite, 2 beU. ' 272 Montgomery, walking diet. NICE rooms with kitchenette; ail conveniences. Main 8047. TWO' housekeeping rooms, $6 per . I. . , . c. . murivn. ppp pin pi. LARGE front housekeeping room. 47 ni. sin st. m. $14 FOR RENT, 1 large front H. K. room, kitchenette, close in. 47S Clay. LARGE room., kitchenette, nice roonu $6 month; in town. 129 18th. FOR L RENT HOUSES 13 BUNGALOW on ML Tabor. 4 rooms. $9. Chicken house, vegetable garden, lawn, fruit, excellent view. Mt. Tabor car to 68th. 2 blocks north, 1 west. 69 E. 67th. Inquire next door, WANTED Tenant to paint and paper 9 room house in exchange for rent. Present occupant, I rooms, remains if desired. 695 Front. Marshall 6168. CONVENIENT 6 room modern house. -choice neighborhood, close in. reas onable rent, 893 llth. Call from 3 to- 6. - -"' - ' CLOSE in, rent $16. 6 room house, - very convenient and newly reno vated; gas and electricity. 141 Grand ave. N. owner next, poor. FOR RENT 6 room bouse With aas, barn, chicken houses, fruit, berries, early garden,, potatoes In, $6 month. -jaoor iio. $ ROOM house, central, west side: con tains 4 housekeeping apts. ; all or part . of " furniture for sale cheap. C- B journal. TWO .HOUSES, partly furnished, gar den and fruit,.! 4 a mo,; free water. mam ' i. $8.606 ROOM bungalow, modern, gas, lrtrlrltv. Till 54th a VS.. 8. E. - 1 block Mt. Scott car. Phone Tabor 24t MODERN room house, sleeping porcn. Excellent conamon. tu. 1 1 ri end weiaier.- Appiy szv k. in st. n. FIVE room cottage with gas and eleu - tricity. MODiaoa avo., iu, but 6S16. . MODERN 6 room bungalow, bath, gas, electric lights, large attic. 176 LV 76th N.. 2 blocks from M. v, cariinn FOR RENT. $12, new 6 room bunga low. Woodlawn district, near corner. r A. WaV.i, kM. U W f iJX 1.11. um,. $8; 6 nOOM house, 4 lots; fruit, chkk- en nouses, near iB.vivvii 1 . environment, r none neuwooa rmv. NICE 6 room cottage on Corbett st., on S carllnaV Key at $61 Corbett,. Prtco 814. - '- GOOD 6 room house. West Slae. close in. gas, hot water, bath. 664 Water St.. near Annur. n: 6 room house, 24$ Tillamook sT, electriciiy, gas, cam, ciose o xruu- way bridge, can r.ast tua. FIVE room bungalow, 1 acre, chicken hauaa and barn. 812.60 month, iltitt 73d avo. ty. . -raper i. BIX room bungalow, 728 E. r Oa-ic, ground for garden; key at store, int end Stark. Main 6724. CLEAN 6 room house, 3 lots near Ar- oour juooge station; IU rm. c. im. MODERN 6 room . bungalow. 2 sleep Ing porches, cioss in. wi $6; 4 ROOM house and' 4 lots. Call 1990 Mawtnorna. avin u. NEW 6 room bungalow, $17. 862 L. franklin, near mn. TWO modern houses, 667 and 669 Gii- san st. mono woooiawn law. FOR RENT, 8 room modern , house. 70a Vancouver ave. $12 Cottage. 6 rooms and bath, newly psinteo. close in. in iw. 4 ROOM bungatow, - like new, $14. Phone wain. i7. $12 MODERN 4 room cottage. East ltn ana fanqy rtivo. cn tavi. i ROOM modern, house, newly reno- vated, $16. Phone Wdln. 197. FURNITURE FOR SALE C3 HOUSES FOR RENT ADS. of furniture for sale are pub lished in-the Household Goods class- iflcation when rouse is not for rem. $76 FURNITURE room house; rent 316. - 18 N. Othf St. 1 ' - - ' FURNISHED HOUSE 8(1 $13 3 ROOM- cottage, modern, gss, electricity, garden, fruit and flow ers. 406 E. 44th St, Phone Tabor 495. Hawtnorne car. ATTRACTIVELY furnished born. Portland MeigM. i roonw. aiwpii"? re unobstructed view. block rom car, wain t. FURNISHED house.' 7 rooms, City park district. - Phone Tsl I70ff. wain bz i. FOR Ki-Iv'T, 5 room .- bungalow, pletely furnished. ' 34 9 i-ati Hawthorne dist. 1'hone Marsbe:!